Duraplate 8200
Duraplate 8200
Duraplate 8200
Do not tint.
Aਯਯਫਨਢਠਲ਼ਨਮਭ Cਮਭਣਨਲ਼ਨਮਭਲ
Temperature: 50°F (10°C) minimum, 140°F (60°C)
(air, surface, and material)
At least 5°F (2.8°C) above dew point
Relative humidity: 85% maximum
Oਣਤਨਭਦ Iਭਥਮਬਠਲ਼ਨਮਭ
Part A: 3 gallons (13.36L) in a 5 gallon pail
Part B: 1 gallon (3.79L) in a 1 gallon can
Sਠਥਤਲ਼ਸ Pਤਢਠਲ਼ਨਮਭਲ
Refer to the SDS sheet before use.
Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and
The systems listed above are representative of the product's use, instructions.
other systems may be appropriate.
Dਨਲਢਫਠਨਬਤ The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufactur-
ing defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the defec-
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. tive product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product as
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MER-
Protective DURA-PLATE® 8200
Coatings Pඉකග A
Pඉකග B
Brush..............................Medium natural bristle
Reduction .......................As needed, up to 5% by volume with
Reducer #54 (K54)
Cover .............................3/8" woven with solvent resistant core
Surface Preparation Standards
Condition of ISO 8501-1 Reduction .......................As needed, up to 5% by volume with
Surface BS7079:A1 SSPC NACE Reducer #54 (K54)
White Metal Sa 3 SP 5 1
Near White Metal Sa 2.5 SP 10 2
Commercial Blast Sa 2 SP 6 3
Brush-Off Blast Sa 1 SP 7 4
Hand Tool Cleaning Rusted C St 2 SP 2 - If specific application equipment is not listed above, equivalent
Pitted & Rusted D St 2 SP 2 -
equipment may be substituted.
Power Tool Cleaning Rusted
Pitted & Rusted
C St 3
D St 3
SP 3
SP 3
Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
Cਫਤਠਭ Uਯ Iਭਲਲ਼ਢਲ਼ਨਮਭਲ Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and
Clean spills and spatters immediately with MEK or Acetone. Clean
tools immediately after use with MEK or Acetone. Follow manufac-
turer's safety recommendations when using any solvent.
The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufacturing
defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
Dਨਲਢਫਠਨਬਤ Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the de-
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are fective product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. as determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MER-
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Application Bulletin.