3 Ijarem-B084
3 Ijarem-B084
3 Ijarem-B084
Of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management (IJAREM)
ISSN: 2456-2033 || PP. 10-22
Prof. J.R.Mahajan
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
L.G.N.S.C.O.E, Nashik, Maharashtra,India
Abstract: Sugarcane crushing is an important activity and maximum insistence nowadays is on speed,
maximum extraction without losses, and easy collection of residual material which can be used as organic
compost. Sugarcane crushing is carried out in sugar mills with large capacity rollers mounted on shafts and
this complete assembly called as Headstock. Knuckle joint is a joint between two parts allowing movement
in one plane only. However the entire assemble is manufactured using casting, and typically these brittle
materials have a high chance of failure if there is a stress concentration as certain locations. Knuckle joint
is a major component of Headstock of sugar mill which is used to two rods between each other. It
experiences maximum shear and tensile stresses due to heavy weight of Headstock. Hence in order to find
stresses in headstock, one must find out stresses in knuckle joint. The FEA Analysis of Knuckle joint is
done and various shear and tensile stresses results are plotted. The Analytical solution of knuckle joint is
found out using standard calculations. Now, these results are validated by theoretical calculations available
for knuckle joint. The force applied knuckle joint is 50 KN .The diameter of pin is proposed to be around
30 mm. The stress results by theoretical calculations and FEA software are validated. This proves that the
FEA software results are correct. Secondly it also shows that certain high stresses are generated near
knuckle joints and this result are helpful for further analysis of Headstock for reducing the stresses,
increasing life and reliability of headstock.
Keywords: FEA, Knuckle joint analysis, eye, pin, fork, knuckle joint stress analysis by FEA.
I. Introduction
Knuckle joint is a joint which is situated between two elements allowing movement in only one plane.
It is a kind of hinged joint between two rods, just like a ball and socket joint. There are many situations where
two parts of machines are required to be restricted, for example two rods may be joined coaxially and when
these rods are pulled apart they should not separate i.e. should not have relative motion and continue to transmit
At one end of the rod the single eye is formed and double eye is formed at the other end of the rod.
There is a small pin which is inserted through eyes and both, single and double eyes are connected by it. The pin
has a head at one end and at other end there is a taper pin. Now, when the two eyes are pulled apart, the pin
holds them together. The solid rod portion of the joint in this case is much stronger than the portion through
which the pin passes [11].
Mechanical Properties-
Yield strength (Syt) - 405 Mpa
Carbon- 0.25 to 0.35 %
Manganese- 0.30 to 0.60%
Silicone: 0.10 – 0.35%
Phosphorus: 0.030, S: 0.035
Used as per IS: 1871 (PART II) Reaffirmed 1993
= 33 Or 35 mm.
Step 3-Dimentions of a & b
a =0.75D (6)
=22.5 or 25 mm
b =1.25 D (7)
= 1.25(30)
= 37.50 or 40 mm
Step 4- Diameter of Pin (d)
d=√ (8)
√2(50𝑋1000 )
𝜋 (4)
= 28.21 or 30mm
d=3√(32/𝜋σb)(P/2)[b/4 + a/3] (9)
d= 3√32(50x103)/𝜋(80)2[(40/4 + 25/3)]
= 38.79 or 40 mm
d= 40mm
Step 5- Dimensions of d0 & di
do=2d=2(40.5) =81mm (10)
di=1.5d=1.5(40.5) =61mm (11)
Step 6-Check for stresses in eye
𝑃 (50𝑥103)
σt= = (12)
𝑏(𝑑𝑜−𝑑) [40(80−40)]
= 31.25 N/mm
σt < 81 N/ mm2
𝑃 50𝑥1000
σ c= = (13)
𝑏𝑑 (40𝑥40)
= 31.25 N/mm
𝑃 50𝑥10000
τ= = (14)
b(do −d) [40(81−40)]
τ <40N/mm2
Step 7-Check for stresses in Fork
σt= (15)
σt < 80 N/ mm2
σ c= (16)
= (50𝑥103)
τ= (17)
𝑏(𝑑𝑜 −𝑑 )
= 25N/mm2
τ =25N/mm2
IV. Methodology
In the flowchart shown in figure 1, complete methodology is stated. The FEA analysis of Knuckle joint
is done and various shear and tensile stresses results are plotted. The Analytical solution of knuckle joint is
found out using standard calculations. Now, these results are validated by theoretical calculations available for
knuckle joint.The force applied knuckle joint is 50 KN .The diameter of pin is proposed to be around 30 mm.
The stress results by theoretical calculations and FEA software are validated.This shows that certain high
stresses are generated near knuckle joints and these results are helpful for further analysis of Headstock for
reducing the stresses, increasing life and reliability of headstock.
Table 1 shows the results of shear stress and tensile stress for fork, pin and eye by theoretical
calculations with their maximum permissible limits.
Figure 4 shows the 3D model of knuckle joint with actual dimensions and figure 5 shows meshing of
knuckle joint assembly with following details.
Mesh Details:
Method used- Hex dominant method
Force applied- 50 KN
No of nodes- 70337
No of elements- 18289
Element size- 4.5 mm for all bodies i.e. eye, pin and fork.
In figure 10,the normal stress for eye is 79.23 MPa which is less similar to theoretical normal stress
31.25 MPa, but is below maximum permissible limit. i.e. 80 MPa. Hence eye is safe for tensile stress.Figure 11
explains the shear stress for eye by FEA is 31.898 MPa which is exactly similar to theoretical calculations i.e.
31.25 MPa. Hence eye is safe for shear stress. Figure 12 shows the maximum shear stress for eye with 50 KN
force, i.e. 48.465 MPa as maximum shear stress which is near to 40 MPa by theoretical calculations. The normal
stress for fork by FEA is 78.786 MPa which is less similar to theoretical stress i.e. 25 MPa but it is less than
maximum permissible limit i.e. 80 MPa as seen in figure 13 . Hence fork is safe for shear stresses. Figure 14
explains, the shear stress by FEA is 34.97 MPa, which is nearly similar to theoretical stress value i.e. 25 MPa,
but less than maximum permissible limits i.e. 40 MPa. Hence fork is safe for shear stress. Maximum shear stress
for fork with 53.494 MPa,as seen in figure 15.
Figure 16 shows strain energy distribution which is maximum at the ends i.e. 1.3596 m J. Figure 17
depicts Total deformation of knuckle joint assembly. Figure 18 shows Maximum shear elastic strain for knuckle
joint assembly
e)Total deformation
Figure 18. Maximum shear elastic strain for knuckle joint assembly
Table 2 shows the comparison of shear and tensile/normal stress values for fork, eye and pin by both theoretical
and FEA method.
X. Conclusions
The knuckle joint proposed to develop in the present study is for an applied force of 50 KN. The
diameter of the pin is proposed to be around 30 mm. The material of the knuckle joint is considered as mild steel
grade 30C8. A 3-D CAD model of knuckle joint based on calculated dimensions is designed. In order to carry
out the stress analysis, mesh is developed for the knuckle joint. The mesh consists of 70337 nodes and 18289
elements. ANSYS software was run and the stress contour, tensile stress, displacement contour, strain energy,
maximum shear elastic strain, total deformation contour for eye pin and fork are obtained.
Based on the ANSYS analysis, it shows that a pin of 30mm diameter can withstand a load of 50 kN, if
a factor of safety of 5 is used. Thus it can be seen that the theoretical stress values of shear, tensile and
maximum allowable stresses nearly matches with the FEA Stress results. Hence as the theoretical and FEA
results are nearby same and below the maximum allowable stress for all components, we can say that all three
components are safe. Further due to this validation we can state that the FEA software results are correct as they
are similar to theoretically calculated results. Thus we can also conclude that as the regions of eye where force
of 50 KN was applied, has maximum tensile stresses as in figure 10, and total deformation on the same area is
also maximum i.e.0.052024mm as shown in figure 17.It shows that these highly stressed areas can be main
reasons of cracks or fatigue in Sugarmill headstock.
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