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Design and Analysis of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly for Automotive


Article  in  Journal of Engineering Sciences · August 2018

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(2).d3


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4 authors:

Natrayan L Aravindaraj Ezhumalai

Saveetha University 4 PUBLICATIONS   12 CITATIONS   

Santhosh Mozhuguan Sekar Senthil Kumar Marikkannan

UCSI University VIT University


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DOI: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(2).d3 Volume 5, Issue 2 (2018)

UDC 629.33

Design and Analysis of Connecting Tie Rod Assembly for Automotive Application
Aravindaraj E.1, Natrayan L.2*, Santhosh M. S.3, Kumar M. S.2
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mannadipet, 605 107 Pudicherry, India;
VIT University, Chennai, 600 127 Tamil Nadu, India;
Selvam College of Technology, Salem Road (NH 7), Pappinaickenpatti, Namakkal, 637 003 Tamil Nadu, India

Article info: Corresponding Author’s Address:
Paper received: April 7, 2018
The final version of the paper received: June 29, 2018
Paper accepted online: July 3, 2018

Abstract. The tie rod end is one of the most elementary parts of a steering mechanism, which has direct and cru-
cial importance in terms of driving safety. The tie rod end is used to ensure that the wheels are aligned. It provides the
adjustment for the wheel to align and keeps the tires free from wearing out on the inner as well as outer edges. Hence
the functioning of the tie rod is crucial for steering as well as suspension performance of the vehicle. Today’s world is
competitive. Market demands the advanced technology at a lower price. This reflects in making the technology
cheaper. Hence every industry determined for the cost-effective product at a lower price and within minimum period
for ‘time to market. This puts a lot of pressure on engineers to consistently strive to design the more effective prod-
ucts at the lower price. The work is focused on the functioning of the tie rod. Generally, tractor connecting tie rod
gets failed due to the overload applications. This paper focuses on modifying the old tie rod design and material. Fi-
nally, analysis the load causes of existing and modified design using ANSYS software. This modelling approach, the
stress variations and deformation characteristics of each component are investigated for high operational loading

Keywords: thru-hole, clamp structure, front axle, ANSYS, deformation.

1 Introduction tion wheels where a three wheel tractor is fretful [5]. A

four wheel rumpus crop tractor requires that both front
Tie rod ends support (Figure 1) thru the steering of a and rear wheels be adjustable squarely, in directive to
vehicle and variety it possible to capture a tire. These travel between the plants in the rows [6]. The peak com-
devices occur in pairs on each tire. This sanctions for mon scheme of varying the width of the wheel tread on
cornering and angling of the tire minus affecting too ruckus crop tractors currently is to dispose the wheels
much torque on the trundlenopestaple how deep the sei- hubs and tire rims in such routine that by reversing the
zure [1]. Tie-rod is certain as driving adherent for slant- wheels in relative to the hubs the stamp may be amplified
ing the panel (along with panel mounting frame) from or narrowed [7]. While the development above described
horizontal to vertical position and vice versa. In principal, may perform to be artlessearnings of amending the stride
tie-rod will have essential coupler with nail rods on sides, of the wheels of the tractor, however such amending
one through left hand thread and another through right mechanism fills a long desired want of stingily and easily
hand thread [2]. The coupler has identical threads to put altering the width of the tread of façade wheels of row
up these eased tie rods [3]. On spinning the coupler is crop tractors [8].
turned, together the rods will spread or withdraw based
on the trend of rotation of coupler. The ends of the rods
are moreover eye or fork expiration type [3, 4].
Further research will be aimed at research the adjusta-
ble front axle with adjustable tie rod (Figure 1).
This origination relays to a tractor and more specifical-
ly to unregulating front axle for a row crop farm tractor.
In farm tractors of the row produce type it is crucial to
afford for widening and narrowing the stamp of the ambi- Figure 1 – Adjustable tie rod

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2018), pp. D 15–D 20 D 15

2 Research Methodology
2.1 EN8 carbon steel material
EN8 is typically abounding organic but can be sup-
plied to edict in the stabilized or finally heat salted (ap- Figure 2 – Socket
peased and tempered to “Q” or “R” properties for off-
putting ruling subdivisions up to 63 mm), which is ample
for a widespread range of applications. EN8 is suitable
for the assembly of quantities such as general-tenacity
axles and shafts, gears, bolts and studs [6, 9]. It can be
auxiliary hardboiled typically to 50–55 HRC by initiation
processes, producing modules with enriched wear re-
sistance. For such tenders the use of EN8D (080A42) is
Figure 3 – Radial ball joint
prudent. EN8 in its heat frozen rehearses possesses virtu-
ous homogenous metallurgical structures, philanthropic
unfailing machining properties [9]. Virtuous heat treat-
ment grades on segments grander than 63 mm may still
be attainable, but it should be illustrious that a fall-off in
mechanical properties would be superficialpotential the
epicentre of the bar [10, 11]. Table 1 gives mechanical
properties of material.
Figure 4 – Tube
Table 1 – Material Properties
Material Yield strength, N/mm2
EN8 465
EN8D 443
EN5D 451
EN5C 438
When compared to mechanical property and cost EN8 Figure 5 – Axle ball joint
is the best one for design the product and economical one
2.2 Existing thru-hole design parts
The previous research papers are useful for deciding
the analysis strategy. There were numerous conference
papers, reference manuals, book by Robert cook Con-
cepts and applications of FEA will be helpful for the
project. From some of the research work it is being ob-
served that the existing thru hole design model.
The existing geometrical model is created as a solid Figure 6 – Existing tie rod design
works 2016 software and analysis in ANSYS Work-
bench, The geometrical model constitutes of the socket 2.4 Designs of tie rods
(Figure 2), radial ball joint (Figure 3), tube (Figure 4) and 2.4.1 Proposed new design
axle ball joint (Figure 5). The tie rod is continuously under random loading there
While neglecting the parts that are thought as negligi- can be more chances of developing the cracks at the criti-
ble in the analysis. Figure 6 shows that existing tie rod cal areas and chances of failure. Also the manufacturing
design using solid works software. process of this existing design is critical and time con-
suming. Hence it is necessary to make the design simple
2.3 Problem identification
and cost effective such that it gives overall effectiveness
In the existing design nut and bolt joints are used to in terms of weight, cost, load carrying capacity and easy
connect the socket and tube, so it can’t withstand more of manufacturing process. The main task in this study is
compressive load and tensile load. It leads to bend which to find the critical buckling load for the existing design.
causes breakage in the tie rod. Also, the thru-hole design Observe the deformation and stresses induced in the Tie
is applicable to load only below 2 000 kg and when the rod. Set up the benchmark for the proposed design.
load increases the tie rod bends. So it cannot withstand Figure 7 shows proposed new connecting tie rod de-
more than 2 500 kg tensile load and compressive load. sign, thru-hole clamped design used to connect the tube
and socket. Because of groove and clamp withstands
more compressive and tensile load compare to exiting

D 16 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Dynamics and Strength of Machines

Figure 7 – Proposed new design Figure 11 – During compressive load

2.4.2 Existing model tie rod analysis 2.4.2 Sample groove design with hollow construction
The existing tie rod model has carried out static analy- (Existing Design)
sis using EN8 carbon steel material,while applied the load When compared to thru hole this groove design with-
upto 2 000 kg in exiting model, it’s can’t shows any de- stands more load during compression load. From the
formation. Figures 8–9 show that thru-hole design appli- Figure 12, groove design with hollow construction cannot
cable only below 2 000 kg load. withstand more than 2 500 kg of compressive load. So,
this designs also not suitable for the tie rod.

Figure 8 – Compressive load Figure 12 – Compressive load test for hollow groove design

2.5 Proposed new design analysis

2.5.1 Sample solid groove design
The solid groove design has analysis using EN8 car-
bon steel in Figures 13–14. Hence, Solid groove design
withstands more loads when compared to both hollow
groove and thru-hole design. It cannot withstand up to
3 500 kg of compressive load and tensile load. So this the
suitable design for the adjustable tie rod.

Figure 9 – Tensile load

Increasing the tensile compression loads up to

2 500 kg, existing model tie rod getting failure and its
goes to deformation. Figures 10–11 show failure action
of tie rod during 2 500 kg load.

Figure 13 – Compressive load test on solid groove design

Figure 10 – During tensile load

Figure 14 – Tensile load test solid groove design

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2018), pp. D 15–D 20 D 17

2.5.2 Tensile and compression load analyses bounces much sophisticated morals than shown from
of adjustable tie rod tryouts [13]. So it is habitual to find the precarious buck-
Below Figures 15–16 show the thru hole design failed ling load for countless erections which are cylindrical in
to withstand the 3000kg tensile load, but grooved design silhouette from pre-existing design cambers where peri-
can withstands more load when compared to thru hole lous buckling load FCR is intrigued along side the ratio
design in tie rod. R/t, where R is the radius and t is the thickness of the
cylinder for innumerable values of L/R, where L is the
length of the cylinder. If cut-outs are modern in the cylin-
der, life-threatening buckling loads as well as pre-
buckling slants will be exaggerated [14–15].

Figure 15 – Thru hole design

Figure 17 – Buckling load test on adjustable connecting tie rod

Examination of this formula reveals the following in-

teresting facts with regard to the load-bearing ability of
Figure 16 – Clamped design
slender columns.
Bending load in both ends hinged is given by the fol-
lowing Euler’s formula:
2.6 Comparison of analysis result
Tables 2–3 show static analysis results for existing and  2 EI
proposed new design using EN8 Carbon steel. BL  , (1)
Table 2 – Socket with through hole where E – Young’s modulus; L – length of the tie rod;
I – moment of inertia:
Load, kgf Max stress, N/mm2 FOS
2 500 365 0.77  D 4  d 4 
3 000 438 0.64 I . (2)
4 000 583 0.48
E. g., for inner diameter d = 22.5 mm and outer diame-
Table 3 – Socket with groove ter D = 30 mm, moment of inertia I = 2.72·104 mm4.
Figure 18 shows that bending load calculation for pro-
Load, kgf Max stress, N/mm2 FOS
posed design, it is enough for the rod to withstand com-
2 500 151.7 1.85 pressive and tensile load. When compared to previous
3 000 182.4 1.54 design clamped design having more bending loads capac-
4 000 243.2 1.15 ity. Previous design bending load is 25.9 kN. This design
From the results, maximum stress has acted on the bending load is 31.6 kN. So, this design is good when
through hole design, and proposed design has less defor- compared to existing design.
mation is obtained compare to exiting tie road model. Tie
rods are merely subjected with more compressive forces.
From the above analysis shows that proposed design has
more damping capacity and can withstand more compres-
sive forces. This is due to because of carbon flake distri-
bution in the material. Carbon flake distribution is better
in EN8 carbon steel.
2.7 Buckling of thin cylindrical shells subject
to axial loads
Clarifications of Donnell’s eight order differential
equation provides the innumerable buckling approaches
of a thin cylinder underneath compression. But this anal-
ysis, which is in harmony with the slight refraction theory Figure 18 – Failure of struts or columns

D 18 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Dynamics and Strength of Machines

3 Results and Discussion el.since, the thru hole design results shows stress has act
583.3 N/mm2, Factor of safety is 0.48, and Groove design
Tie rod plays an important role in the steering system model results show that stress has act 243.2 N/mm2 and
and should be carefully selected. EN8 Carbon Steel mate- Factor of safety is 1.15. Thru-hole design bending load is
rial selected for this design. Existing and proposed model 25.9 kN and clamp design bending load is 31.6 kN.
has done in solid works software in the form of a multi-
body system, after that solid structure was produced 4 Conclusions
where all interconnected essentials supposed to be per-
fectly inflexible, and in absolute stage of taxing finite In this study, existing thru-hole design model has mod-
element analysis was executed consuming ANSYS soft- ified toclamp groove design with EN8 carbon steel mate-
ware package. From the accessible results we can arrange rial. From the static analysis results shows deformation of
that the dissemination of deformation and stress do not the proposed tie rod model is lower than existing tie rod,
overdo the yield strength value and that there are neither the critical buckling load of proposed tie rod is more than
indemnities nor failure of Tie rod. The load 2 000 kg has existing tie rod in buckling analysis. From the presented
applied in exiting model, it’s can’t shows any defor- results we can conclude that deformation and stress do
mation. While increasing the load up to 2 500 kg, thru- not exceed the yield strength value that there are neither
hole design getting bend because it cannot withstand the damages nor failure to new proposed groove design tie
over load, so that thru hole design model has applicable rod. So the proposed tie rod is suitable for tractor.
only below 2 000 kg load. The maximum load of 4 000
kgf has acting on thru hole and groove design mod-

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D 20 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Dynamics and Strength of Machines

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