3 Breakdown Maintenance Bid docDTC 31 - 07 - 19
3 Breakdown Maintenance Bid docDTC 31 - 07 - 19
3 Breakdown Maintenance Bid docDTC 31 - 07 - 19
Empanelment of Agencies for Breakdown Maintenance of Distribution
Transformer in Mahal Division of Nagpur Urban Circle
EE/MHLDN/Tech/DTC /Breakdown/19-20/T-03
1. Introduction
b. The Bidders shall submit the bids in two parts by following e-tendering
process as described in Bid document. First part comprises of the technical
bid and the second part comprises of the Financial/ price bid in accordance
with this Tender Document.
c. Bidder shall not upload Financial/price bid with technical bid documents
together. Such bid may be rejected and bidder shall be disqualified from the
bidding process.
e. MSEDCL will open the technical bids of all bidders and price bids of only
technically qualified bidders would be opened.
f. The Bidder’s Names, Bid prices and the presence or absence of the requisite
documents and such other details as MSEDCL, at its discretion, may consider
appropriate willl be announced at the time of opening.
EE/MHLDN/Tech/DTC /Breakdown/19-
1 Tender Reference No.
Sale of Tender Form on
2 11.12.2019 to 19.12.2019
Last date & Time for
2 19.12.2019, 23:55 Hrs
submission of Bids
3 Date of Pre-Bid Meeting 16/12/2019, 15:00 Hrs
Date & Time of opening
4 20.12.2019, 15:00 Hrs (if possible)
of Technical Bid
eemahaldivision@gmail.com Nodal
Address for officer i.e Addl. Ex. Engr (Maint.)
5 communication and Venue Add: Office of the Executive Engineer,Old
for Tender opening Shukrawari road Tulshibag Nagpur-
Rs. 1000/- + 18% GST as applicable
6 Tender processing fee
(Non-refundable & Non Transferable)
Rs. 10,000/- only(can be paid by either
DD in favour of MSEDCL or through RTGS
Earnest Money Deposit in bank account number
(EMD) 0648102000008853 of IDBI bank or in
the form of Bank Guarantee as per
The successful bidder shall furnish
the performance Bank guarantee
within 14 calendar days from the date
of issue of the empanelment offer
letter in the form of an unconditional
and irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Performance Bank
an amount of 2.5% of Contract
8 Guarantee in lieu of
Value (Contract value means total
Security Deposit
estimated cost per annum divided
among the empanelled
contractors) denominated solely in
INR payable and claimed at Nagpur
issued either by a Nationalized or
Scheduled Bank located in
The Executive Engineer Mahal Division, on behalf of MSEDCL invites bids from
eligible bidders for empanelment along with rates for 3 years(further extendable
up to five years)i.e. FY 2019-2020, 2020-21 & 2021-22. . No. of empanelled
agencies will vary from minimum 3 to maximum 5 subject to their availability.
1. Scope of Contract:
b) In case any major material is not available with MSEDCL the same shall be
supplied by the contractor at the prevailing cost data of MESDCL together with
price indexing, if applicable.
d) The selected bidder shall have his Office within the jurisdiction of the works for
attending the emergency services.
f) Bids shall be complete and cover all Works described in the price schedule. Any
item of works required for complete usable system shall be deemed to be
included in bidder’s scope irrespective of whether it is specifically mentioned
or not in the price schedules, the same can be brought to notice of Tendering
authority during Pre-Bid meeting.
g) Bidder should note that obtaining permissions from statutory bodies wherever
required for execution of works, shall be entirely in bidder’s scope. However,
MSEDCL will extend its support for obtaining these permissions on best effort
h) Partial bids, or bids which do not cover the entire scope of the works will be
treated as incomplete and “not responsive” to the terms and conditions of
bidding and are liable to be rejected.
The Bidder shall meet following minimum eligibility criteria for participation in
the bid.
(a) Technical Qualification:
(iii) Work experiences of the bidder as per above in (ii) shall be considered
only if the works have been executed under Govt./semi-
Govt./autonomous body of Central/State Govt./Electricity Power
Utility/ Public works, Distribution franchisee appointed by MSEDCL and
under Dedicated Distribution Facility (DDF) scheme work approved by
MSEDCL. The work experience under DDF scheme will be considered
only if approved by Competent Authority in MSEDCL i.e. concerned
Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer.
(iv) The Bidder should deploy sufficient man power for carrying out the
maintenance work, however the contractor should provide the
manpower at least as mentioned in Annexure-A
(v) The Bidder should have required Tool & Plants for these works,
minimum requirement for which is as per Annexure-B.
(vi) The Bidder should have valid GST/PAN Registration Certificate.
(vii) The Bidder should have valid PF Registration
(viii) The Bidder should have taken Group Insurance Cover for his Employees.
(i) The Bidder should have executed similar works in any sector during the
last 5 financial years with minimum
One work order / contract for equivalent to amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs
Two work orders / contracts equivalent to amount of Rs. 3 Lakhs each
Three work orders / contracts equivalent to an amount of Rs. 1 Lakhs
(ii) The bidder should have an average annual financial turnover of Rs. 10
Lakhs during last consecutive 3 financial years.
(iii) The bidder shall have a positive net worth.
3. Instructions to bidders:
(i) (a) All bids must be accompanied by EMD as specified in the Tender
Notification (Section–I) and uploaded on or before the prescribed
date and time given in Section–I of this document. Bids submitted
without EMD will be summarily rejected. Bidder shall upload the
required documents through electronic mode only as part of their
(ii) The Bid uploaded by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents in
relation to the bid shall be in English Language. For more details refer
Clause 7 of this section.
(iii) Bidders are not allowed to participate in the bid on consortium basis.
(iv) Bidder should upload only those documents which are asked to be
uploaded in the Tender document.
(v) Technical proposal which are submitted by non qualified bidder or which
are evaluated to be “non responsive” will be rejected and shall not be
considered for detailed technical evaluation.
(vii) The bidder shall quote their rates considering market and site condition
and variation in price index etc. The quoted rates by the bidder shall
remain the same.
(viii) MSEDCL will not entertain any claim at any stage from successful bidder
on the plea of not having sufficient acquainted himself as to site condition
before submitting price bid etc.
Matching exercise first will be carried out for bidders who gave consent
to match the L-1 offered rate in the price bid as optional documents. The
bidder who has not given consent letter in the price bid will not be
considered in first round. But if enough bidders are not available then
MSEDCL, at its discretion, can ask other bidders to match the price of L-1
4. The Letter of empanelment shall be issued to the L-1 bidder and bidders who
match the L1 Bid. If minimum number of desired agencies is not available at L1
price, MSEDCL may at its discretion empanel agencies who have quoted L2 and
L3 to empanel minimum required agencies in that area.
5. The empanelment order and/or work order are not transferable. Subletting is
not allowed.
7. Language of Bid:
The Bid prepared by the Bidder shall be uploaded in ‘Two parts viz. Technical
Bid and Financial Bid. Bids shall be electronically submitted online in the E-
tender plat form and the documents shall be scanned and uploaded along with
(i) The bidder shall submit the price schedule as furnished in the tender
document. Each entry in the price bid form should be filled.
(ii) The bidder shall quote the rates for each financial year. Taxes as
applicable will be paid extra.
(iv) For Technical specifications and Cost Data, Please refer MSEDCL website i.e.
https://www.mahadiscom.in/supplier/# .
(v) Any Financial Bid uploaded with conditions different from the
tender specification will be rejected.
a) The Bidder shall furnish along with the Technical Proposal, an E.M.D. of
Rs. 10,000.00(Rs. Ten Thousand only). Payable either by DD in favour of
MSEDCL or in the form of account transfer through RTGS/NEFT into IDBI
Bank Sadar Branch 0648102000008853 Account No IBKL0000648 IFSC
Code or in the form of Bank Guarantee as per Appendix-IV.
c) The E.M.D. of the successful bidder will be returned when the bidder has
signed the Contract Agreement and furnished the required Performance
Bank Guarantee.
(i) If a Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity
Specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form its E.M.D. will be forfeited.
a) Bids shall remain valid for 60 days after the date of opening of Technical
Bid. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by MSEDCL as
a) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, MSEDCL may,
for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a
clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the Bid
documents by issuing addenda.
b) Any addendum thus issued shall be treated as part of the Bid documents
pursuant to Sub-Clause (a) above and shall be communicated through
the website: - http://works.mahadiscom.in/eTender/etender
(i) The bid shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign
on behalf of the bidder. The bidder shall submit declaration to confirm
that he has read and accepted all the contents and conditions contained
in entire bid document including financial bid containing price proposal.
(ii) Bidder must give clear page numbers to each page of his offer and a
detail index should be provided indicating the page numbers for each
relevant document comprising his offer. Checklists for documents and
data to be furnished by the Bidders have been given in the Bid document
separately for Technical Proposal and Price Proposal. Bidders must fill
in these checklists clearly indicating whether corresponding document
is submitted or not and if submitted, the relevant page number. If a
document is not found at the corresponding page number given in the
index, it will be concluded that the said document is not submitted by
the Bidder.
(i) The Bids shall be submitted electronically through the e-tender portal
(ii) Bids sent by any other mode like in person, post, e-mail will not be
considered & rejected.
(iii)MSEDCL may at its discretion require any Bidder to submit the hard
copy of any of the document submitted on e-tender platform.
The bidder shall scan all the documents forming part of the bidder’s
Technical Proposal and price proposal, and convert the same into PDF
format. The size of the Technical Proposal/Price Proposal in PDF format
shall not exceed 5 MB. In case the size of the PDF document exceeds 5 MB,
the PDF document shall be split up into suitable number of files of size of 5
MB or less each. There after each file shall be numbered as “Tech_(Number
& Name of Document).pdf”. Then these files shall be digitally signed using
the software provided by MSEDCL during registration of the bidder. The
digitally signed document files shall be uploaded by the bidder on the “e-
tendering” web site of MSEDCL.
(i) Bids must be uploaded by the bidder through e-tender process not later
than the time and date specified in the invitation for Bids.
(ii) The MSEDCL may, at the discretion, extend this deadline for submission of
bids by issuing an addendum.
(i) MSEDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or all the bids and to
annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of
contract, without thereby incurring any liability or any obligation to inform
the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the said action.
(i) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is
obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall
prevail and the total price shall be corrected.
(ii) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the lower of the two
will prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, his bid
will be rejected.
(i) MSEDCL will open the Technical Proposals on the date and time
designated in the E-Tender Notice/ Bid Document.
(ii) The time and date of the opening of the Price Bids will be informed
through an email to technically qualified bidders.
d) Financial Evaluation:
The "Price bids" of only those bidders shall be opened, who qualifies the
“Prequalification cum Technical Bid". The price bids of the eligible
bidders will then be evaluated in the manner provided below.
(i) The evaluation for lowest offer will be done based on the percentage
rates quoted by the Bidders for three years taken together against
the price schedule, by calculating NPV @ 10% discount factor, and
accordingly L-1 Bidder shall be determined. MSEDCL at sole
discretion, if found necessary, may negotiate the offer with “ L-1
(ii) In case of rate quoted in words and figure are different, the lowest
of the two which is beneficial to MSEDCL shall be considered.
(iv) After empanelment, the work orders will be issued separately to the
empanelled agencies as and when required for carrying out Substation
Preventive maintenance work through IT system.
(a) Along with notification of empanelment, MSEDCL will send the bidder
the Form of Contract, incorporating agreement between the parties.
b) The defect liability period of the works including the material shall be 1
year from the month of commissioning which includes free replacement
of defective/ non-working/ faulty/ malfunctioning allied materials
within Contractual period till completion of guarantee period of 1year
from the date of its commissioning.
(i) The contractor fails to initiate the works after issuing of work order
(ii) The progress of works lagging behind the desired progress of works
as mentioned in work order or
(iv) The quality of material is not as per standard or if the works is not
carried out as per standard method of construction, or not
observing the rules and regulations.
b) MSEDCL will reject a proposal for award if it finds out that the bidder
recommended for award is engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract in question;
If, after the date seven (07) days prior to the date of Bid Opening, any law,
regulation, ordinance, order or by-law having the force of law is enacted,
promulgated, abrogated or changed in India (which shall be deemed to
include any change in interpretation or application by the competent
authorities) that subsequently affects the costs and expenses of the
Contractor and/or the Time for Completion, the Contract Price shall be
correspondingly increased or decreased, and/or the Time for Completion
shall be reasonably adjusted to the extent that the Contractor has thereby
been affected in the performance of any of its obligations under the
17 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
25. Process for empanelment of agencies sub division wise at division level:
(i) The empanelment of agencies for the breakdown maintenance of DTCs shall
be done by Executive Engineers after floating of tenders of empanelment.
(ii) The Executive Engineer will empanel 3 to 5 Nos. of agencies for each
(iii) The Executive Engineer will give division wise allotment of agencies.
(iv) The detail work order for carrying out the work shall be given by the
respective division through ERP only.
(v) After completion of work, the contractor should submit the bill through ERP
and upload the checklist and photographs in the system.
(vi) The allotted sub-division to the empanelled contractor may be changed at
discretion of MSEDCL. The services of the empanelled contractor may be
utilized by MSEDCL in nearby O&M division within the same circle where
needed and in nearby circles during emergencies like major breakdown,
flood ,natural calamities with the consent of Agency .
(vii) The Additional Executive Engineer (Maintenance) will be the Nodal officer
and single point communication person for this contract. For all
communications please refer e-mail ID given in section-I.
(viii) If the empanelled agencies do not get minimum assured quantity (i.e. 1/5th
of the total annual estimated quantity), MSEDCL will, at discretion, may give
work in neighbouring Sub Division / Division.
(ix) If MSEDCL is not able to give the minimum work including works in
neighbouring Division/Circle, MSEDCL will pay for minimum assured
quantities minus quantity which has been already ordered. This payment for
minimum assured work will happen only if Contractor is able to perform
given task in the stipulated time.
1. Definitions
In the Contract (as defined below) the words and expressions defined
below shall have the meanings assigned to them, except where the
context requires otherwise:
xxiii. "Site" means the places provided by MSEDCL where the Works
are to be executed at the locations identified and to which
Plant/substation and Materials are to be delivered and any
other places as may be designated in the Contract as forming
part of the Site.
2. Contract Agreement
3. Priority of Documents
(v) If the Contractor does not get any response from the concern officers,
he should send his correspondence to the Chief Engineer (Dist.),
Mumbai on his mail id cedist.msedcl@gmail.com.
The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract,
comply with, give all notices under, and pay all fees required by the
provisions of any national or state statute, ordinance or other law, or any
regulation of any legally constituted public authority having jurisdiction over
the Works. The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses or approvals
required for implementing, testing and commissioning any part of the Works
in reasonable time taking account of the times for completion of the Works,
and the costs of any such permits, licenses or approvals shall be included in
the Contract Price for the relevant Activity. MSEDCL and the Contractor shall
comply with the laws of India and the State of Maharashtra.
6. Labour laws
The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour laws applying to his
employees, and shall duly pay and afford to them all their legal rights. The
Contractor shall require all such employees to obey all applicable laws and
regulations concerning safety at work. Contractor shall deposit the labour
cess as per Building and Other Constructions workers, Welfare Cess Act 1996
to State Government (if applicable) otherwise same shall be deducted from
RA (Running Account) bill and shall be deposited to Government Authority.
7. Manner of Execution
(i) The Contractor should successfully complete the works within time
frame set out by MSEDCL. MSEDCL shall not be responsible for any
loss or damage of any material when carrying Breakdown
Maintenance of Distribution Transformer Centre as per work
(ii) Undertake necessary activities during the guarantee period as set out
in this Contract.
8. Standards
The materials / spares supplied under this contract shall confirm to the
Standards mentioned in the Technical specification as per the MSEDCL
requirements. The material supplied by the Contractor under the contract
shall be fully insured by the Contractor in Indian Rupees against any loss or
damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage till
24 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
handing over the complete system to the beneficiary and the contract price
shall include the same.
9. Transportation on material
The insurance will be paid extra at a rate 1 % on the material cost as per
cost data, if material is procured by the Agency.
11. Payment:
Payment will be made to the Contractor as per Section III, clause no. 20.
12. Sub-contracts:
If the contractor fails to carry out any of the obligations, or if the Contractor
is not executing the works in accordance with the Contract, the MSEDCL
may give notice to the contractor requiring him to make good such failure
and remedy the same within a specified reasonable time.
For purposes of this Clause "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the
control of the Contractor and not involving the Contractor/ Agencies fault or
negligence and not forcible. Such event may include, but are not limited to,
acts of MSEDCL either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or
revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight
26 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
(i) All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in
connection with the contract, whether during the progress of the work
or after its completion and whether before or after the determination of
the contract, shall be referred by the contractor to the Executive
(iii) The Committee shall, within l20 days after receipt of the contractor’s
representation, make and notify decisions of all matters referred to by
the contractor in writing. The decision of Committee will be binding on
both parties.
(i) The Contractor is obliged to work closely with MSEDCL staff, act
within its own authority and abide by directives issued by MSEDCL
and implementation activities.
(ii) The Contractor will abide by the job safety measures given on
MSEDCL web site(https://www.mahadiscom.in/consumer/wp-
content/uploads/2018/03/SurakshaDeepSurakshaPustika.pdf ) as
amended time to time and also statutory directions in this regard and
will free MSEDCL from all demands or responsibilities arising from
accidents or loss of life the cause of which is the Contractor
negligence. The Contractor will pay all indemnities arising from such
incidents and will not hold MSEDCL responsible or obligated.
(iv) The Contractor will treat all data and information about MSEDCL,
obtained in the execution of his responsibilities, as confidential in
strict confidence and will not reveal such information to any other
party without the prior written approval of MSEDCL.
(v) MSEDCL, in no case will be responsible for any accident fatal or non-
fatal, caused to any workman or outsider in course of transport or
execution of work. All the expenditure including treatment or
compensation will be entirely borne by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for any claims of the workers
including PF, Gratuity, ESI & other legal obligations.
(vi) The Contractor should provide its employees photo identity cards to
be properly displayed during duty hours. No extra payments shall be
claimed by the contractor or its deployed staff for such item.
(i) The work as per schedule given in work order under the empanelment
order of Breakdown Maintenance of Distribution Transformer Centre
in Mahal Division of Nagpur Urban Circle shall be carried out by
Agency and will enter on MSEDCL web portal with photographs of
works attended. The Contractor shall carry out the Preventive
maintenance immediately from the intimation / by message / mail. The
Contractor shall complete the work as per the schedule of works given
in the work order and within the outage period .
(ii) MSEDCL will approve the works attended by agency after due
verification & same will be intimated through system for further
(iii) If Contractor fails to perform the activities within time period from
intimation, the Notice to Correct Work shall be issued along with
extended time to complete the work and penalty will be levied as per
Tender condition.
(v) Inspite of notice to correct work, work does not get attended in
extended time period; MSEDCL will get the work done by some other
empanelled agency or any other contractor.
(vi) The Contractor should take photographs of works carried out along with
the contractor representative & MSEDCL local representative and same
is to be uploaded in the system.
b) The concerned Section Engineer should carry out the JM and point out
defects if any, to the Contractor preferably within 3 days from the date of
request of JM by contractor.
c) After rectifying defects if any, the contractor will submit Invoice document
to the concerned Executive Engineer under intimation to Section Engineer
for JMC of rectified work and will upload the same on web portal.
d) The Sub Divisional officer (O&M) after due scrutiny will clear the JMC and
forward to the Executive Engineer within 2 days from the receipt of the
(a) 100% of the order value for labour component against material
supplied by MSEDCL for carrying out Breakdown Maintenance of
Distribution Transformer Centre in Mahal Division of Nagpur
Urban Circle as per the rates applicable in the yearly rate contract,
along with taxes, within 30 days of submission of necessary
documents as per check list in duplicate.
(c) In case of repairing of Breaker, the cost of major spares as per the
O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturer) rate list will be
reimbursed. Payment for the same will be made as per
Manufacturer’s spares price list.
30 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
(d) The charges will be paid at a rate of 1.25 times the rates offered for
the works performed during breakdown maintenance at Night
Hours from 20.00 Hrs to 08.00 Hrs.
(e) The details of all the maintenance works carried out should be fed
through mobile-app/ IT system developed by MSEDCL.
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
Represented by the:
Executive Engineer,
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.,
_________ Division, Dist. ______, Pin ________
We have understood and checked these documents and have not found any
errors in them. We accordingly offer to attend Breakdown Maintenance of
Distribution Transformer Centre in Mahal Division of Nagpur Urban Circle
with guarantee period of 1 Year, (hereinafter referred to as the contract of works)
and as described in the Bid document “Partial Turnkey Contracts” as well as
remedy any defects and guarantee the entire completed facilities against any
defects in materials, workmanship and equipment for period specified in Bid
Documents, after completion, fit for its purpose in conformity with these
documents and the enclosed Proposal.
We have submitted price bids for Tender No. ___. We have submitted
complete details of our technical and financial capabilities for establishing our
eligibility to undertake works on all these tenders. However we hereby confirm
that we accept that the MSEDCL decision on our eligibility to undertake the works
in accordance with the requirements set out in the Invitation for Bids will be final
and binding on us, and that we will not raise any objection should MSEDCL decide
to reject our Bid for this tender on the grounds that we do not satisfactorily meet
the minimum qualifying criteria.
This Bid and your written acceptance shall be the basis for Contract
Agreement. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid
you receive or assign any reason thereof for the rejection.
We agree to keep this bid open for acceptance for a period of 60 days from
the date of opening thereof and also agree not to make any modification in the
terms and conditions on our own accord. We further agree to sign an Agreement to
abide by the Conditions of Contract and carry out all works according to specific
clauses and work order.
Yours faithfully,
Sr. (Tick Yes if enclosed
Name of Documents Attached
No. or Tick No if not
Bidder’s Signature:
We have understood and checked these documents and have not found any
errors in them. We accordingly offer to execute and complete and guarantee the
said Works and remedy any defects, fit for its purpose in conformity with these
documents and work order to be issued when we get empanelled and the enclosed
proposal, for the rate as per Price Schedule exclusive of all the GST in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The above amounts are in
accordance with the Price Schedules herewith enclosed which form a part of this
We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of 60 days after the date of
opening of the Technical Proposal, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix to Price
Proposal and Appendix to Technical Proposal form part of our Bid.
If our Bid is accepted, we will provide the specified Security Deposit / PBG.
We will commence the Works as soon as possible after receiving the Work Order
after our empanelment, and complete the Works in accordance with the above
document and Work Order within time.
Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed, this Bid,
together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract
between us.
Yours faithfully
Seal in the capacity duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of
35 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
Contractor's Name
(To be completed by the Bidder before the Bid is submitted)
and Address
Name and Address
The Addl. Executive Engineer (Maintenance) of Concerned
of the MSEDCL
Name of Documents Attached Remark
1. Form of Price Proposal & Appendix to Price Proposal Yes No
Signature of Bidder:
Particulars Details
1 Name & Mailing Address of firm
Contact Person Name, Designation &
Contact No.
3 E-mail Address for correspondence
4 Firm Website Address
5 Firm Status (Private/ Proprietor)
6 PAN/ TAN No.
Bidder’s UIN No. (Unique
Identification Number)
8 Firm Registration No
Bidder’s registration certificates for
Bidder’s registration certificates under
the applicable PF and labour laws.
Attached are copies of the necessary original documents.
It is certified that the information provided above is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. If any information found to be concealed, suppressed or
found incorrect at later date, our tender shall be liable to be rejected and our
company may be debarred from executing any business with MSEDCL as per
MSEDCL debar policy.
Signature of Bidder
Each Bidder must fill in this form including private/ public limited company.
Sr. Financial Data for Previous 3
Particulars Years [Rs. in Lacs]
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Total Assets
2 Current Assets
3 Total Liabilities
4 Long Term Loans
5 Current Liabilities
6 Profits Before Taxes
7 Profits After Taxes
8 Net Worth
Available Working Capital
10 Annual Turnover
Attached are copies of the audited balance sheets, including all
related notes, and income statements for the any three years of FY
2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19.
Applicant’s Auditor
Signature of Bidder
(Optional paper –Bidder may not submit if do not want to match with L1)
Signature of Bidder
Date Designation
1) If the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified in the
Form of Bid; or
4) If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by MSEDCL
during the period of Bid validity:
We undertake to pay to MSEDCL the above amount upon receipt of its first written
41 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
demand, without MSEDCL having to substantiate his demand, provided that in its
demand MSEDCL will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to
the occurrence of one or all of the above conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to 60 days after the date of opening
of Technical Bid as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to Bidders or as it
may be extended by MSEDCL, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby
waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later
than the above date.
3 Multi-meter (digital) 01
12 Hacksaw 02
13 spanner set 02
14 Ratchet Set 01
15 Chain Pulleys 01
18 Air Blower 01
19 Vacuum Cleaner 01
25 Safety Zoola 02
26 Safety Helmet 05
Sr No Description of Material
1 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 KV, 63 kVA
2 Dist.Transformer 11/0.433 kV,100 kVA
3 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 KV OD 200 KVA
4 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 KV OD 315 KVA
5 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 kV ID 315 KVA
6 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 kV ID 630 KVA
7 Dist.Transformer 11/0.43 KV OD 630 KVA
8 Dist.Transformer 22/0.43 KV 63 KVA
9 Dist.Transformer 22/0.43 KV 100 KVA
10 Dist.Transformer 22/0.4 kV OD 200 KVA
Dist.Transformer 22/0.4 kV OD 315 KVA
12 Dist.Transformer 22/0.4 kV ID 630 KVA
13 Dist.Transformer 22/0.4 kV OD 630 KVA
14 Dist.Transformer Single Phase 16 KVA
15 L.T.Dist.Boxes 25/63 KVA with MCCB
16 L.T.Dist.Boxes 25/63 KVA with KITKAT
17 L.T.Dist.Boxes 100 KVA with MCCB
18 L.T.Dist.Boxes 100 KVA with KITKAT
19 L.T.Dist.Boxes 200 KVA with MCCB
L.T.Dist.Boxes 200 KVA with KitKat
21 Single Core armoured XLPE Cable 300 sq.mm
22 Single Core armoured XLPE Cable 240 sq.mm
23 Any other material requirement
Name of Activities
(i) Replacement of failed Distribution Transformer including loading &
unloading with Transportation of job from filter unit of Division to Site and
crediting Dist. T/F from site to filter unit (Transportation charges i.e. 1% of
Cost of Transformer will be paid extra)
Pole mounted upto 200 kVA
Plinth mounted 315 kVA and above
Indoor DTC upto 200 kVA
Indoor DTC 315 kVA
Indoor DTC 500 / 630 kVA
Indoor DTC 950 kVA and above
(ii) Replacement of faulty end termination
HV Side Overhead
HV side Outdoor / Indoor termination (for UG cable)
(iii) Replacement of damaged distribution Box
(iv) Supply & Fixing of HT stud with standard washers with O ring set
complete and nut bolts complete for all capacities of Distribution
(v) Supply & Fixing of LT damaged stud with rubber washers and nut bolts
made up of brass metal (including draining of transformer oil upto bushing
level and refilling the same)
12 mm dia
20 mm dia
30 mm dia
(vi) Supply & Fixing of LT bushing (including draining of transformer oil
upto bushing level and refilling the same)
Upto 100 KVA
Above 100 KVA to 315 KVA
Above 315 KVA to 630 KVA
(vii) Supply & Fixing of HT bushing with Rod, Cone washer and Gasket
HT Bushing 11 kV
HT Bushing 22 kV
50 Breakdown Maintenance of DTCs
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
(viii) Supply & Fixing of damaged top cock with new standard cock complete
of cock size
1" size
1 & 1.4 size"
1 & 1.2 size"
(xi) Supply & fixing of copper extension strip on LT bushing with proper hole
nut bolts and washers etc duly machined
(xii) Supply and fixing cock Gasket
5 mm thickness
Note: The anticipated estimated quantity is based on the past records, but the said
activity wise quantity may vary during the execution of Contract.
Executive Engineer,
Dear Sir,
I/We agree for the rates tendered by me/us subject to the condition of the
tender and for which I/We have carefully read and which I/We have thoroughly
understood and to which I/We hereby agree.
I/We hereby agree to keep this offer open for 60 days after the returnable date
of the Tenders and shall be bound by communication of acceptance dispatched within
the prescribed time.
Yours faithfully,
Price Bid
1. While quoting the rates the bidder should refer Annexure E for minimum & total
estimated quantity.
2. The work can go up beyond estimated quantity. The estimated quantities are
taken from previous year base data of interruptions.
3. The rates quoted should be inclusive of consumable items as per Annexure-D.
4. The major material will be provided by MSEDCL such as Bushing, Insulators,
Distribution Transformer, conductor etc if available. However, in case these
materials are not available with MSEDCL, the same will be supplied by the
contractor @ rate of prevailing cost data of MSEDCL together with price
indexing if applicable. These material are listed at Annexure-C.
5. If the Cost of any material /equipment is not available in the Cost Data, the same
shall be taken from the work executed in the adjoining Sub Division/ Division.
6. The cost of transportation of material will be reimbursed by MSEDCL on the cost
of major material, as per Annexure-C, as per prevailing cost data, at a rate of 4%
on material supplied by contractor and at a rate of 1% for material supplied by
MSEDCL and towards crediting of old material to store.
7. Old / Damaged cables / materials removed from site shall be credited to
Divisional Stores by the Agency.
8. Applicable rate of G.S.T. _______________%(as per notification published).
9. The charges will be paid at a rate of 1.25 times the rates offered for the works
performed during breakdown maintenance at Night Hours from 20.00 Hrs to
08.00 Hrs.