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Sunny 34/16 " Tomorrow: Not as cold 40/26 C10 Democracy Dies in Darkness sunday, january 21 , 2024
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Haley9s A D.C. teen lost friends to gun violence.

U.N. tenure ûght has
marked by He9s battling to make sure he isn9t next.
no end
in sight
Clashes with Trump
and Cabinet members U.s. strikes haven9t
preceded her abrupt exit halted attacks
Open-ended campaign
BY M ICHAEL K RANISH risks quagmire in Yemen
As President Donald Trump
listened inside the oval office, BY M ISSY R YAN,
nikki Haley pitched a dramatic J OHN H UDSON
gambit to jump-start Middle east AND A BIGAIL H AUSLOHNER
peace talks: cutting off U.s. fund-
ing to a U.n. program providing The Biden administration is
critical aid to Palestinian refu- crafting plans for a sustained mili-
gees. tary campaign targeting the
it was a startling idea, especial- Houthis in Yemen after 10 days of
ly coming from the ambassador to strikes failed to halt the group9s
the United nations, who months attacks on maritime commerce,
earlier had toured a West Bank stoking concern among some offi-
refugee camp. Trump9s chief of cials that an open-ended opera-
staff, John F. Kelly 4 the only tion could derail the war-ravaged
other person in the oval office at country9s fragile peace and pull
that moment, according to Haley Washington into another unpre-
4 rushed out to find secretary of dictable Middle eastern conflict.
state Rex Tillerson, who had The White House convened
made clear he would oppose cut- senior officials on Wednesday to
ting the funds. discuss options for the way ahead
That left Haley with a much- in the administration9s evolving
sought opportunity: direct access response to the iranian-backed
to Trump. in the moments that MArVIN JosEpH/tHE WAsHINgtoN post movement, which has vowed to
followed, she successfully pushed continue attacking ships off the
the president toward a decision BY E MILY D AVIES in oRLAnDo Arabian peninsula despite near-
that could deplete resources for daily operations to destroy Houthi
food, education and other ser- The lazy river curved through the theme park until the water was too deep for 14-year-old Rashad Bates to radars, missiles and drones. on
vices for millions of refugees, stand. He clung to the wall, looked into a cave he was about to enter and yanked off his goggles. ¶ <I don9t saturday, U.s. Central Command
including the girls and young announced its latest strike, on an
women she had recently met, and want to go there,= he said. ¶ Rashad, unable to swim, had practiced staying away from danger. At home in anti-ship missile that was pre-
alienate the Palestinian leaders the nation9s capital, he9d grown up surrounded by gun violence. But in this theme park in Orlando, he was pared for launch.
whom she once hoped to win over. The deepening cycle of violence
The tense meeting in early surrounded by green pool noodles. Two floated toward him. Rashad tucked them under his arms. is a setback to President Biden9s
2018, as described in Haley9s goal of stemming spillover hostili-
memoir and confirmed by former slowly, he pulled himself clos- southeast Washington sand- ties triggered by israel9s war
administration officials, high- er to the wall, and then all at wiched between a church and a against Hamas in the Gaza strip.
lights the extraordinary conflicts once, he pushed himself off. parkway. The teens, who used to Underscoring the threat, iran on
see HALey on A10 Toward the cavern with pillars live floors beneath Rashad, were saturday blamed israel for a strike
shaped like icicles. Toward his at least the seventh and eighth on the syrian capital, Damascus,
friend, who knew how to swim. people in his life to die suddenly that killed five iranian military
Toward the beams of sunlight and unexpectedly. First, his dad advisers. The israeli military de-
that shone through cracks in the died when he was in third grade; clined to comment. in iraq, an
rock and splashed the turquoise Rashad and his mother said they attack on Ain al-Asad air base,
water. do not know the cause and de- which hosts iraqi and U.s. troops,
<i9m doing it,= he whispered. clined to discuss the circum- left one iraqi soldier seriously in-
where they stand: We surveyed That was more than Rashad stances. Then, one bullet at a jured, according to a Defense De-
top Democratic, independent and could have imagined for himself a time, he lost friends. partment official. An iran-linked
third-party candidates on abortion, week earlier, when he sat in the Rashad missed a few funerals faction there said it was responsi-
the economy and more. a8-9 back row of a funeral for two of because he could not find rides or ble.
his friends, trying not to think did not feel like going. still, in his The Houthis, one powerful fac-
Sunday Take: Haley9s campaign EMILy DAVIEs/tHE WAsHINgtoN post
that he could be next. first 14 years, Rashad had sat tion in Yemen9s long-running civil
lacks energy ahead of primary. a2 Demarcos Pinckney, 15, and Rashad Bates visited a water park in orlando just through five services. war, have framed their campaign,
Kevin Mason, 17, were shot to weeks after attending a funeral for two friends who The trip to orlando, organized which has included more than 30
Independents9 day? Unaffiliated death last summer in front of were killed by gunfire. The trip was meant to give the by one of Rashad9s mentors, missile and drone attacks on com-
voters play a big role in N.H. a6 Rashad9s apartment building off teen a break from his d.C. neighborhood, where it Jawanna Hardy, was meant to mercial and naval vessels since
Langston Place, a street in can feel like violence defines his days. see fuTuRe on A14 november, as a means of pressur-
Trump flub: Haley questions former ing israel, bolstering their stand-
president9s mental fitness. a7 see yemen on A19

Animosity of 8out group9 fuels Football can9t heal Detroit. But winning won9t hurt.
U.S. polarization, experts say Across a divided city in a diverse state, the Lions9 meteoric rise is a unifying force
instructed to turn around and BY K ENT B ABB
express their sentiments directly
Researchers note that to the news media, they dutifully hAMTRAMcK, MIch. 4 After two
feelings are increasingly booed and raised middle fingers. years of war, the Rev. Daniel
The antagonism that Trump schaicoski has his sunday routine
affecting political divide supporters feel toward the media down. He looks out into the con-
is a small piece of a broader gregation, seeing familiar dread
political and cultural phenom- on the new faces dotting the pews
BY J OEL A CHENBACH enon. This country, though polit- of immaculate Conception Ukrai-
ically fractious since its found- nian Catholic Church. He sees
ATKINSON, N.h. 4 They stood in ing, is more polarized than ever, parishioners, many of them new-
line for hours, in steady snow the rhetoric more inflammatory, ly arrived from Ukraine, with hus-
that became steady sleet, to hear the rage more likely to curdle bands, fathers and brothers stav-
the leader of their tribe. into hate. it9s ugly out there. ing off the Russians back home.
Fresh from a major victory in As the 2024 primary season And he works into his homily a
iowa, former president Donald revs up, and with the political reason for hope.
Trump was scheduled to speak at stakes this year extraordinarily <sometimes you have to die to
5 p.m. The parking lot at the high, voters are both polarized rise again,= he says. <i keep repeat-
country club opened at 10 a.m. and hardly budging. Pundits ex- ing that: After the ashes, my dear,
The doors opened at 2 p.m., and pect another close election that9s a great country will be born.=
hundreds of people were already a repeat of 2020. There9s not a lot Fifty-five years old. Born in
in line. When everyone finally of wobble on either left or right. Brazil. educated in Rome. The
got inside, most had to stand social scientists have taken Vatican assigned him in 1999 to
tightly packed for hours more note of these hardening political this church, built with brick and
until the snowstorm-delayed divisions, pumping out academic gold, in one of Detroit9s many
candidate finally arrived just be- articles and books that add data insular enclaves.
fore 7 p.m. to what appears to be a steady see deTRoiT on A12
it9s not always logistically easy rise in tribalism.
EMILy ELcoNIN for tHE WAsHINgtoN post Inside: the slippery truth about
being in the Trump tribe, but one theme emerges in much
people stuck it out 4 and when see poLARizATion on A7 The Lions defeated the Rams last weekend in their first home playoff game since the 1993 season. staying warm on frigid NfL fields. D1


ø tween taste is ø A guide to Auckland9s
A volunteer working with OpINION pagES...............................................a24
at-risk youths was fatally expensive these days. center of queer nightlife wOrLD NEwS..................................................a20

shot on a D.c. street. Blame social media. on Karangahape road.

CONTENT © 2024
The Washington Post / Year 147, No. 53737
SpOrTS arTS & STyLE bOOk wOrLD
california lawmakers the Met risked messing <the fetishist= is a novel
pushed a football ban. up its great European ahead of its time, and a
families pushed back. galleries. It paid off. mother9s dying gift.
A2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Haley needs a N.H. jolt to stop Trump, but where is the energy?
for home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at MANCHESTER,
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or N.H. 4
send us an email at Something is
homedelivery@washpost.com or call missing in New
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 Hampshire. If
TO SUBScRIBE there is real
Dan Balz competition here,
TO ADVERTISE The Sunday few can sense it.
washingtonpost.com/mediakit Take On this final
classified: 202-334-6200 weekend before
Display: 202-334-7642 Tuesday9s first-in-
the-nation primary election, a
202-334-6000 time when presidential
candidates should be in a
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM frenzied push to persuade voters,
Metro: 202-334-7300; the state is unusually quiet.
After taking it slowly for days,
national: 202-334-7410; Nikki Haley, fighting to deny
former president Donald Trump
business: 202-334-7320; a second overwhelming victory
business@washpost.com after the Iowa caucuses, was on
sports: 202-334-7350; the move, finally, with a series of
sports@washpost.com Saturday stops. Trump9s day
investigative: 202-334-6179; called for a single rally in
investigations@washpost.com Manchester. Meanwhile, Florida
style: 202-334-7535; Gov. Ron DeSantis skipped out to
style@washpost.com spend the day in South Carolina,
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAGES where polls show him faring
Letters to the editor: moderately better but whose
letters@washpost.com or call primary isn9t until late February.
202-334-6215 Veterans of past New
opinion: Hampshire primaries are
oped@washpost.com puzzled by what they have seen
this past week. They are
especially curious about Haley9s
cO R R E c TIO NS overall strategy here and her
decision not to participate in two
scheduled debates, including one
the Washington Post is committed to on WMUR-TV, the dominant MAtt MccLAin/the WAshington Post
correcting errors that appear in the channel in the state. That choice Nikki Haley campaigns at Keene Country Club in New Hampshire on Saturday. The former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina
newspaper. those interested in alone upended the traditional governor is struggling to avoid another drubbing Tuesday after finishing more than 30 percentage points behind Donald Trump in Iowa.
contacting the paper for that purpose rhythm of the final week of
Email: corrections@washpost.com.
campaigning and potentially Obama on primary day with a here lament that something elevating South Carolina9s Jim Merrill, who has been
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be robbed Haley of the opportunity victory. more intangible has been lost. primary to first on the schedule involved in multiple Republican
connected to the desk involved 4 to reach the unaffiliated voters <She worked her butt off,= New Hampshire9s primary, they and trying to force New presidential campaigns here,
national, foreign, Metro, style, sports, she needs to win. Sullivan said of Clinton. <She say, has fallen, victim to the lack Hampshire to hold its primary said something is lost. <It9s more
business or any of the weekly sections. Strategists also question didn9t stop. Town halls all over of real competition in the on the same day as Nevada9s. difficult for the campaigns to
comments can be directed to the whether Haley has found a the state. Doing the debates. Republican nomination battle, Yet New Hampshire9s state law connect [with voters], harder for
Post9s reader advocate, who can be message to energize those voters. That9s how she came back and the absence of President Biden requires its primary to be ahead them to set deeper roots,= he
reached at 202-334-7582 or At a Friday night rally, she won.= Sullivan said in a Friday on the Democratic ballot, of all other similar events, and so said. <You lose a sense of control
readers@washpost.com. delivered her standard stump interview that she felt that Haley changes in campaign styles and Tuesday will see both a and with that a loss of touch and
speech with little embellishment, had been <dialing it in.= practices, the dominance of Republican and a Democratic feel. The PACs become the tail
rather than a full-throated Haley9s pace picked up super PACs and the contest. Deferring to the DNC wagging the dog.=
closing message aimed at Trump starting Friday, but whether she nationalization of presidential rules, Biden did not file for the Trump, who won the primary
and one that describes the real can narrow what has been a politics. primary ballot, but his allies here in 2016 after losing Iowa,
stakes if the party nominates double-digit gap with Trump is <I9m not nostalgic about the have organized a write-in effort has his committed supporters
him again. On Saturday, after questionable, especially without past,= Cullen said. <[But] it9s a to prevent him from being but has never run a typical New
Trump on Friday confused her having done the WMUR-ABC fact. There9s been fewer embarrassed by Rep. Dean Hampshire campaign. <Donald
with former House speaker News debate. Those debates candidates, fewer events, less Phillips (Minn.) or Marianne Trump in 2016 won without
Nancy Pelosi, she raised a often have been defining substance, less opportunity for Williamson, long-shot doing town halls, taking
question about his mental acuity, moments in primaries here. engagement between average challengers who registered to questions from voters, without
but her attacks remain limited. Ronald Reagan, after losing Iowa citizens and candidates. This appear on the ballot. even shaking hands with more
<She says in her stump speech, in 1980, used two debates to campaign has really taken place For all the criticism of the than 100 people,= Merrill said.
8I9m going to give you hard mount a successful comeback. on cable TV. & New Hampshire state by outsiders, New <People say maybe all that retail
truths,9 and then she gives you Clinton gained in 2008 when is the backdrop and voters are Hampshire9s citizens have been stuff is overrated. & It9s hard to
easy truths,= said Fergus Cullen, Obama offered a tepid <you9re extras on a set.= among the most politically argue otherwise. Haley to her
a past chairman of the state likable enough= comment after <It9s radically different,= said engaged in the country over the credit has made herself
Republican Party. one of the moderators had asked Mike Vlacich, who was Clinton9s long history of the primary. available.=
It was left to New Hampshire her why voters did not seem to state director here in 2016. <I Secretary of State David Scanlan Haley has the help of Sununu,
Gov. Chris Sununu, Haley9s most like her. hate to oversimplify, but we have predicted Friday that Tuesday9s part of a dynastic Republican
prominent supporter, to provide After Iowa, Haley and two presumptive nominees election will see record turnout family in the state, and therefore
the spark and energy when he DeSantis appeared in televised already. Most people have in the Republican primary, connections that DeSantis, who
Download The introduced the former U.N. town halls here hosted by CNN, already assumed this is kind of a saying he expects 322,000 people is barely competing here, does
ambassador and former South but those are not the same as race for second. Everything falls to cast ballots. In 2016, the last not have. How much Sununu can
Washington Post app Carolina governor at a rally participating in a debate on the from there.= contested Republican primary, do for her in these last hours is
stay informed with award-winning Friday night. At this point, Haley channel that more New New Hampshire, like Iowa, 287,000 people turned out to the question.
national and international news, is struggling to avoid another Hampshire voters watch than long has had its detractors, who vote. New Hampshire has seen
PLUs complete local news coverage significant drubbing after any other. see the mostly White Granite Still, this final weekend lacks candidates surge in the final 72
of the D.c. metro area. create finishing third and more than 30 <WMUR is like apple pie,= said State as unrepresentative of an the intensity of cycles past. Mike hours. Clinton did that in 2008.
customized news alerts, save percentage points behind Trump Neil Levesque, director of the increasingly diverse America and Dennehy, a veteran Republican Gary Hart did it in 1984 when he
articles for offline reading in My in Iowa. New Hampshire Institute of who believe that political leaders strategist, said he sees the shocked Walter F. Mondale in the
Post, browse the daily print edition Kathy Sullivan, a former New Politics. <It9s not just a news and ordinary citizens alike have emergence of super PACs as one primary. In 2000, John McCain
and scroll through our the Discover Hampshire Democratic Party station. The people on it are like an undeserved sense of privilege cause of the sense of diminished used a laserlike focus on New
tab to find stories that interest you.
chair, contrasted Haley9s our neighbors. & I9m sure it was about its status as host of the activity. <Super PACs are running Hampshire and its independent-
campaign efforts ahead of this annoying [for Haley] to have to first presidential primary. campaigns now, not people,= he minded voters to upset heavily
free to download on the App store
weekend with those of Hillary debate DeSantis again. For the In this campaign cycle, said. favored George W. Bush.
and Play store, subscribers enjoy Clinton in 2008. Clinton had run rest of us, it9s 90 minutes of time Democrats moved against the All the candidates depend on Haley will need to replicate
unlimited access. third to Barack Obama in Iowa, where she was going to be in our state. Biden, who finished fifth these super PACs, which can take some of that magic by Tuesday if
and the then-senator from living rooms.= here four years ago, pushed the in millions of dollars in ways a she hopes to show momentum
Illinois appeared headed toward Beyond questions about Democratic National Committee candidate9s official campaign heading to her home state of
a second win in New Hampshire. Haley9s campaign, both to redraw the nominating cannot, due to federal election South Carolina. At the start of
Clinton threw herself into the Republicans and Democrats who calendar, eliminating Iowa as laws. That gives them undue the weekend, that had yet to
campaign here and shocked have been involved in campaigns one of the early contests, influence, but at a cost. happen.

Map with second majority-Black district approved by La. legislature

being ordered to do so by a expected to give Democrats an the U.S. Supreme Court upheld
federal court that found that the edge in upcoming elections. Section 2 in a case concerning
Redrawing had been on existing map illegally dimin- The map was approved by the Alabama9s map. The U.S. Court of
hold until Supreme Court ished Black voting power. state9s Senate on Wednesday and Appeals for the 5th Circuit set a
Approval by the legislature passed in the Louisiana House by Jan. 30 deadline for a new map to
ruled on Alabama case comes after a years-long court a landslide 86-16 vote. The map be approved.
battle to give Black voters in the soon heads to the desk of Gov. <We have finally taken the pen
state adequate voting represen- Jeff Landry (R), who was sworn out of the hand of a federal judge
BY M AEGAN V AZQUEZ tation. Previously, Black voters in into office two weeks ago, for and placed it back to the people
Louisiana had a majority in just approval. Landry has said he of the state to draw our congres-
The Louisiana state legisla- one of the state9s six congres- supports the map. sional maps. And so we all
ture on Friday approved a new sional districts, despite making The new map increases the should be excited,= Landry said
congressional map that includes up nearly a third of the statewide Black makeup of Louisiana9s 6th in a video posted after the legis-
two majority-Black districts after population. The new map is Congressional District from 23 lature9s decision.
percent to 54 percent. Last week, Johnson expressed
The seat is held by Rep. Garret concerns about the new map
Graves, a Republican who was a presented by the state legisla-
once the top lieutenant of former ture.

6-MONTH CD congressman Kevin McCarthy

(R-Calif.) before McCarthy was
ousted from the speakership last
year. Graves had also endorsed JAbin botsforD/the WAshington Post
<It remains my position that
the existing map is constitution-
al and that the legal challenge to
it should be tried on merits so the

7.00% * one of Landry9s rivals in the Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.) represents the state9s 6th Congressional State has adequate opportunity
gubernatorial race. District. The new map puts Graves9s hold on the seat in jeopardy. to defend its merits,= Johnson
While the new plan jeopardiz- wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on
es Graves9s hold on the seat, the majority Black, praised the pas- decisions in several other states, Tuesday. <Should the state not
APY map protects the seats of the two sage of the new map. largely across the South, where prevail at trial, there are multiple
most powerful Louisiana Repub- <Louisiana did the right thing. Black voters have been suing for other map options that are legal-
First Financial Guarantee licans in the House: Speaker
Mike Johnson and Majority
Math prevailed,= he said in a
statement. <It has been a tough
representation, citing the Voting
Rights Act in court to reverse
ly compliant and do not require
the unnecessary surrender of a
the OriGinal cD lOcatOr anD Financial service cO.# Leader Steve Scalise. fight to get a congressional map policies that they say dilute their Republican seat in Congress.=
Before news of the new maps that fairly represents every Loui- voting power. The state9s newly inaugurated
advanced in the state House, sianian, specifically creating two In June 2022, a federal court legislature approved the map
MD Locations Northern VA Graves told E&E News he would districts that give African Ameri- struck down the state9s congres- during an eight-day special ses-
run for reelection in his current cans equal representation.= The sional map drawn with 2020 sion.
410-980-9711 571-867-8144 district and that he expected <to new map lowers the Black vot- census data, saying it violated Along with the new map ap-
run in a district that looks a lot ing-age population in Carter9s Section 2 of the Voting Rights proval, the lawmakers also
40 Locations Nationwide like the one that we have today.= district to 51 percent. Act. The court ordered the state agreed to tighten some aspects of
Rep. Troy A. Carter (D-La.), The addition of the majority- legislature to create a second the state9s <jungle primary= sys-
who represents Louisiana9s 2nd Black seat in Louisiana also adds majority-Black district, but the tem beginning in 2026, following
Annual percentage yield. Yield and deposit amount, subject to availability. Penalty for early withdrawal. Congressional District, which is to the list of recent remapping decision had been paused until a broader push by Landry.
*Promotional incentives included to obtain yield. Certain restrictions apply. Rates may vary depending
on deposit amount.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

New York9s use of
red-ûag laws to take
guns has rocketed
The storage issue is a minor
growing pain, said a senior state
After Buffalo shooting, official who spoke on the condi-
state required officers tion of anonymity to discuss pol-
icy deliberations. <It9s a good
to pursue such orders problem to have,= he said. <It
means our strategy is working.=
A spokeswoman for the state
BY J OANNA S LATER police, which has removed more
guns under the red-flag law than
The unusual phone calls began any other law enforcement agen-
last year. cy in New York, said it is currently
So many guns were being managing the increase in stored
seized by the New York State Po- firearms <with existing space.=
lice, several evidence custodians New York is one of 21 states that
told a union official, that they have passed red-flag laws, the ma-
were running out of space to store jority of them within in the last six
them. years. The measures typically al-
The guns were tagged and ar- low law enforcement and family
ranged neatly, lined up on shelves members to petition a court to
or in cabinets. <People were say- temporarily take guns away from
ing, 8Where the heck are we going someone at risk of harming them-
to put all this?9= recalled Timothy selves or others. During the time
Dymond, the president of the New the order is in effect 4 usually a
York State Police Investigators As- year 4 the person is also barred lAuren PeTrACCA fOr The WAShingTOn POST

sociation. from buying weapons. ABOVE: In May 2022, an 18-year-old gunman opened fire in a racist rampage at this Tops supermarket on Buffalo9s East Side, killing 10.
The packed evidence rooms <It9s a very tailored interven- BELOW: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) speaks during the State of the State address in Albany on Jan. 9.
were a direct result of one of the tion,= said April Zeoli, a professor
most ambitious experiments ever at the University of Michigan Starting in mid-2022, just tutionality. The state is appealing
attempted with red-flag laws, a School of Public Health who stud- weeks after the executive order, a ruling last year by a judge in
relatively new tool that states are ies red-flag laws. the number of ERPO applications Orange County who held that the
deploying to combat gun violence. The measures are also known in the state began to surge. In the red-flag was unconstitutional.
Such laws are used to prevent as <extreme risk protection or- second half of that year, the num- Anderman, the senior counsel
people at risk of harming them- ders,= or ERPOs, a term propo- ber of final orders granted by at Giffords, said that red-flag laws
selves or others from possessing nents prefer over the more collo- judges more than quintupled (in have so far survived constitution-
or buying firearms. quial <red flag.= New York, a judge can approve a al challenges across the country.
In New York, the results of the Researchers say the impact of temporary ERPO immediately, <Every single one builds in due
experiment have been dramatic. the laws has been weakened by but a final order is granted only process requirements,= she said.
Last year, the state9s civil court inconsistent application. Some ju- after a hearing). Still, some law enforcement
judges approved more than 4,300 risdictions, such as the city of San One early issue: State troopers personnel have expressed unease
final orders under the law, up Diego, have embraced the law as a were appearing at court hearings about the blanket application of
from 222 in 2021. At least 1,800 tool, using it often. Meanwhile, in on the petitions without legal rep- the law. Sometimes an officer <will
guns were removed by the state states such as Nevada and New resentation. say to me, 8Tim, I9m really glad we
police and local law enforcement Mexico, fewer than 30 percent of To rectify the situation, Hochul did this because this guy was los-
agencies in 2023. counties have issued such orders, and New York Attorney General ing it and very dangerous,= re-
New York9s unique approach according to the research arm of Letitia James (D) created a new called Dymond, the head of the
was driven by the nation9s rising Everytown for Gun Safety. unit of prosecutors dedicated to state police investigators associa-
gun deaths. After the massacre at After New York9s ERPO law ERPO cases involving state police. SeTh Wenig/AP tion. Other times, they tell him
a Buffalo supermarket in 2022, went into effect in 2019, its roll- Last year, they handled about they filed an ERPO application
New York strengthened its red- out, too, was uneven, with law 1,400 such cases, according to a practical effect,= said Daniel Strol- ment that police officers file such only because they were obligated
flag law in a manner unlike any enforcement officials in many spokeswoman for the attorney lo, a lawyer in Rochester, N.Y., who orders is <insulting= to their ex- to do so.
other state, making it a require- parts of the state using it sparing- general9s office, winning more has represented dozens of people pertise and experience. That9s when officers ask if they
ment rather than an option for ly. than 90 percent of them. facing ERPO petitions. The law Lower courts in New York have really need to take a person9s guns
law enforcement authorities to Then, in May 2022, 18-year-old Long Island9s Suffolk County lacks sufficient procedural safe- issued decisions that alternately away. <Yeah, we do,= is Dymond9s
pursue such orders. Payton Gendron opened fire in a files more ERPO applications guards, he said, and its require- uphold and reject the law9s consti- reply. <That9s the law.=
Last year, the law was used to racist rampage at a Tops super- than any other in New York, a
respond to an array of possible market on Buffalo9s East Side. Ten trend that local officials attribut-
dangers, from suicide to mass vio- people were killed, all of them ed to early efforts to train police
lence: a student who brought a Black. The prior year, someone officers on how to use the law and
gun to school and allegedly talked had called the state police to re- improve coordination with pros-
about shooting a teacher; a teen- port that Gendron had made ecutors.
ager who police said brandished a alarming comments about a pos- Suffolk County Sheriff Errol
gun on a school bus; a man who sible shooting. The police took Toulon Jr. said he believes the
threatened to shoot up a super- him to a hospital for a mental enforcement of the law has saved
market with his father9s gun; a health evaluation, and he was lat- lives. He described the case of a
woman experiencing delusions er released. No petition was filed person who made suicidal com-
who brought a shotgun to a gas to prevent Gendron from buying ments last July and a judge grant-
station. or possessing a gun. ed an ERPO. The sheriff9s office
Research has shown that such Shortly after the Buffalo shoot- found the person possessed 11
laws are associated with a de- ing, Hochul convened a call with shotguns, 10 rifles and 13 pistols.
crease in the rate of firearm sui- her leadership team, the senior The following month, police
cides, which account for more state official said. She gave them were called after another person
than half of the nation9s gun 24 hours to come up with policy put a fake gun to their head, say-
deaths. In Connecticut 4 the first changes that might have prevent- ing <wait until I get a real one.= A
state to pass a red-flag law 4 ed the shooting or could avert few weeks later, the same person
researchers estimated that one future violence. attempted to purchase a firearm,
suicide was averted for every 10 or Four days after the shooting, Toulon said, but was prevented
11 gun removals. The laws have Hochul issued an executive order from doing so because a judge had
also been used hundreds of times requiring law enforcement per- approved an ERPO.
in cases of people threatening sonnel to file an ERPO application Whether it involves a threat of
mass shootings, a recent study when there was credible informa- suicide or to harm others, <we
found. tion that a person was likely to want to make sure someone mak-
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul cause serious harm to themselves ing those claims is not going to be
(D) has hailed the red-flag push as or others. That meant an ERPO able to access firearms,= Toulon
a way to prevent deadly tragedies. would no longer be an optional said.
In her annual address to lawmak- choice, but an obligation. A review of court records for FREE *
ers on Jan. 9, she said the gun-con- <Quite frankly, we didn9t look at recent and upcoming ERPO hear- REMOTE*
trol legislation enacted by the other states,= the official said. <We ings in Suffolk County showed
state is <a model for the rest of the thought this would be the right that many cases involved people Call or Schedule A FREE In-Home Estimate Online
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Last year, judges in the county issued 1,600 red-flag orders. lose access to your guns, that9s the
A4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

White House9s made-up math on Republican 8cuts9 of 2,000 Border Patrol agents
<House ceiling increase. Fact Checker, defended citing the
Republicans took Then, in late September, the statistic.
numerous votes House by a vote of 220-208 <Far from retracting their
that would have passed an appropriations bill for support for the 8Limit, Save,
damaged the Homeland Security Grow Act,9 House Republicans
economic growth Department that would bring the still tout that vote as
The Fact and harmed our number of Border Patrol agents representative of their agenda
Checker national security, to 22,000, up from around and principles,= he said. <The
Glenn like attempting to 20,000 now. The House House GOP have also introduced
Kessler eliminate over Appropriations Committee, in an even more legislation that would
2,000 Border accompanying report, said that eliminate Border Patrol agents,
Patrol agents.= there was an urgent need to including in September. House
4 deputy White House press bolster the number of agents and Republicans continue to block
secretary Andrew Bates, in a expressed frustration the agency the additional border security
statement, Jan. 10 had struggled to hire agents. funding that President Biden has
House Republicans continue to <The Committee provides stressed the urgency of since
<do political stunts. They get in additional flexibility to use August 4 the same month that a
the way. They voted in May to funding which cannot be readily number of their colleagues
eliminate 2,000 Border Patrol executed in fiscal year 2024 to proposed defunding the entire
agents. That9s what they9re hire agents for targeted Border Department of Homeland
doing.= Patrol Agent retention and Security. If they would like to
4 White House press recruitment efforts, to support now disown the 8Limit, Save,
secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, increasing situational awareness, Grow Act9 today, we9ll be the first
at a media briefing, Jan. 10 operational readiness, improve to congratulate them on their
<After voting in 2023 to employment analytics, and reversal.=
eliminate over 2,000 Border return agents to their primary
Patrol agents and erode our law enforcement functions The Pinocchio Test
capacity to seize fentanyl earlier including replacing the It9s a classic Washington game
in 2023, House Republicans left capabilities currently provided to misleadingly cite a lawmaker9s
go nakamura for the Washington Post
Washington in mid-December.= by the Department of Defense,= past votes. The Republican
4 Bates, in a statement, Border Patrol Deputy Chief Raul Ortiz speaks with his agents in La Joya, Tex., in 2021. The House in the committee said. primary debates have been a
Jan. 3 September passed an appropriations bill that funded an additional 1,795 Border Patrol agents. The Senate Appropriations good example of that. But the
<You know, last May, the Committee in July passed an White House is going too far
Speaker and & the Republicans budget proposal. as much in government services required a 22 percent reduction appropriations bill that would here.
in the House, they voted to get rid As we noted last year when we as it did in 2022. in spending across all other add just 145 Border Patrol agents. By harking back to last May9s
of 2,000 Border Patrol agents. I examined similar White House Administration officials saw agencies, such as Homeland So, the House and Senate vote that promised spending cuts
mean, that9s their focus. So, of claims that House Republicans the House bill9s vagueness as an Security. As a result, the versions still need to reconciled. with no specifics, the White
course, that9s not helpful.= cut spending for veterans, the opportunity to go on the attack. administration calculated, the Still, as we noted, Biden9s 2024 House is ignoring a deal cut by
4 Jean-Pierre, at a media specific numbers used by the After Biden suggested size of the Border Patrol would budget proposal had called for the president and then a vote for
briefing, Jan. 3 White House give an illusion of Republicans would target Social need to be slashed by 2,000 adding 350 Border Patrol agents, an actual spending bill. White
When House Speaker Mike accuracy to made-up math. Security and Medicare, GOP through layoffs, attrition and so the House far exceeded his House officials suggest the
Johnson (R-La.) led lawmakers lawmakers insisted the old-age furloughs to meet the 22 percent request. Yet the administration original bill still represents
on a trip to the southern border The Facts programs were off the table 4 target. If Republicans wanted to continues to refer to its own House Republican aspirations.
earlier this month, the White The Limit, Save, Grow Act of even though they are a spare Border Patrol as they did estimate from last May as an But the fact remains that the only
House responded with blistering 2023, the original House bill to substantial part of the the military, then the cuts would affirmative vote to cut 2,000 vote that would direct how much
statements about how House raise the debt limit, was an government budget. Numerous increase elsewhere in the agents 4 even though the bill money would be spent on border
Republicans had sought to amalgam of specific cuts and GOP lawmakers also said they government. said no such thing and there is no security was the September
eliminate 2,000 Border Patrol vague aspirations to reduce $1.5 would not touch defense The math was never going to indication this was ever a policy appropriations bill. Moreover,
agents. The figure has been trillion in spending. House GOP spending and might even work, but that did not stop preference for Republicans. the 2,000-cut figure was an
repeated in a relentless leaders crafted the bill that way increase it. Republicans from bragging Michael Linden, a former estimate generated by the White
drumbeat whenever the Biden because specifics on which So administration officials about how deep the spending White House official who was House.
administration is challenged programs would be targeted for simply removed one budget reductions would be. part of the debt limit talks and is Past votes can certainly be fair
about the surge of migrants cuts would have probably function 4 050, which funds the <Given these dire economic now at the Washington Center game and White House officials
seeking to enter the United translated into fewer votes, military activities of the Defense realities, House Republicans just for Equitable Growth, said the generally are careful to note they
States. potentially making it impossible Department, the nuclear passed a bill to both pay our debt limit bill set <extremely low are referring to a vote that took
But there is a big problem with to win approval for the bill. weapons-related activities of the debts and usher in the largest targets= for discretionary place last May. But such nuances
this number. It9s not based on an Ordinarily, a congressional Energy Department and national spending cuts in American spending. He did not think it was may be lost on Americans not
actual vote on the Homeland budget resolution 4 which this security activities in several other history so we can begin to put fair to let Republicans claim conversant with the federal
Security budget. Instead, it9s a was not 4 would indicate the agencies 4 and then calculated our country on a sustainable credit for cutting spending when budget. House Republicans once
White House estimate on the dollar amounts to be spent in 19 what the impact would be on the fiscal path,= declared Johnson, it9s impossible to know how may have backed a tough budget
impact of a bill the House passed spending categories, known as rest of the discretionary budget. then a rank-and-file House lawmakers would have written plan but they never cast a vote
in 2023 as an opening bid in <budget functions.= But the top- Function 050 accounts for about member, in a May opinion article appropriations bills if they had that specified they would cut
budget talks with the Biden line number was a clue that big 44 percent of all discretionary in the Shreveport Times. been forced to abide by those 2,000 Border Patrol agents;
administration. When it came to reductions in spending were budget authority, according to But later that month, Biden targets. He noted that House instead, they have voted to
an actual vote for border security, anticipated. The bill would have the Congressional Budget Office. and then-House Speaker Kevin Republicans also have voted for increase the total by nearly
the House in September passed essentially set fiscal 2024 With defense off the table, McCarthy (R-Calif.) cut a deal or advocated continuing 2,000. That9s spin worthy of
an appropriations bill that spending (which started on Oct. Republicans essentially would that essentially froze spending in resolutions that still might Three Pinocchios.
funded an additional 1,795 1) at the same level as fiscal 2022 have needed to double the cuts in exchange for suspending the trigger sharp reductions in
Border Patrol agents. That was 4 despite rising costs in the past nondefense discretionary debt limit until 2025. In effect, Border Patrol spending,
four times the increase (350 two years because of population spending to achieve the $1.5 House Republicans backed off notwithstanding passage of the
agents) that President Biden had growth and high inflation. One trillion annual spending target. their demand for deep spending House bill.
requested in his own 2024 dollar in 2024 will not buy nearly The White House assumed that reductions in exchange for a debt Bates, in a statement to The

Congress keeps punting on the hard work, then leaving town for recess
Once the House May in a debt-and-budget deal. congressional leaders need to be
@PKCapitol on Thursday By delaying that not-very- in the same room together to
Paul Kane finished kicking hard decision many weeks, make the calls.
the can on leaders wasted much of the With the House out of session
government winter and have extended this till the end of January, and the
funding until early March, annual ritual of funding the Senate leaving Feb. 8 for half of
lawmakers did what almost government possibly into the that month, there won9t be much
comes naturally at this point. spring. time to make these decisions
They left town for a 10-day Some Republicans blame and then decide how to process
break, not returning until the Johnson for living in fear of all the spending bills.
night of Jan. 29. those far-right lawmakers, There is broad agreement that
Exempting half-days that are which draws out the process and lawmakers want to finish their
scheduled for traveling into or increases tensions rather than work 4 just 13 senators, all
out of Washington, the House quickly ending this particular conservative Republicans, voted
has only five full legislative days funding battle. Thursday to simply extend
on its calendar before <If we keep extending the current funding levels until the
lawmakers leave Feb. 16 for what pain, creating more suffering, we end of the fiscal year, against 82
is slated to be an almost two- will pay the price at the ballot pushing for a final budget 4 but
week break from the Capitol. box,= Rep. Patrick T. McHenry they just keep going in circles.
The original schedule had (N.C.), a senior Republican who It9s normal for Congress to
lawmakers returning the night served as acting speaker during blow past the Sept. 30 statutory
of March 5, at which point the the October tumult, told deadline for funding the
House would have already reporters Thursday. <At this government, but lawmakers
missed the first deadline for point, we9re sucking wind usually finish up before
funding 20 percent of the because we can9t get past the Christmas after passing a couple
government. On Friday, House main object in the road. & We of <CRs= to avoid a shutdown.
GOP leaders announced that need to get the hell out of the House Republicans,
they would bring members back way. Cut the best deals we can beginning in McCarthy9s tenure
to the Capitol a few days early, so get and then get on with the as speaker, have vowed to not
JaBin Botsford/the Washington Post
they can approve something by political year.= ball up all 12 appropriation bills
the March 1 deadline. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), left, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in Instead, House Republicans into one massive package and
Senators, for their part, have November. The House and Senate will be in session at the same time just seven days through February. have set themselves up with at approve it, a ritual that insiders
only a slightly busier schedule least seven more weeks of call passing an <omnibus=
despite their very heavy into the spring. them by early December so rank- defenses of Ukraine, Israel and haggling over these agency funding bill. Those packages
workload. They9ll be in <I think that9s where we9re and-file members can plan their Taiwan that also includes a budgets. Now two weeks since often get released with
Washington this coming week, headed, unless something year ahead of time. legislative deal related to the agreeing to stick with the thousands of pages and only a
followed by two shortened dramatic happens,= Sen. Dick Back then, as Collins noted, U.S.-Mexico border. original $1.66 trillion outline, few days for review, and with
workweeks with each having Durbin (D-Ill.), the majority House leadership was just Johnson formally took the congressional leaders and top conservatives complaining
just one full day to consider whip and a senior member of coming out of a three-week speaker9s gavel Oct. 25, midway members of the Appropriations they9re being held hostage ahead
legislation. In addition to trying the Senate Appropriations paralysis after ejecting Kevin through an initial 47-day bridge committees have yet to agree on of the holiday break.
to pass all 12 bills that fund the Committee, said as he left the McCarthy (R-Calif.) as speaker for government funding. He slicing up that pie, which is the Now, through House gridlock
government, Senate leaders also Capitol on Thursday. and Republicans choosing three tried to stick with the very only way for Congress to then and Senate inaction, Congress
want to consider a critical, and Sen. Susan M. Collins (Maine), failed nominees before finally conservative fiscal outline his approve the 12 bills covering all has blown well past the holiday
controversial to some, $110 the top Republican on the landing on the new speaker, far-right flank favored, but he the agencies. season and might need to
billion national security spending panel, voiced some Mike Johnson (R-La.). could pass only three funding <I have no insights as to why approve another CR in March to
package. hope that the committees could <There was a lot of chaos in bills before his ideological wings it9s taking so long,= Collins said. buy more time. That would
Yet their current schedule has finish their work if only top the House as far as leadership at fought and ended that process. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), violate Johnson9s original pledge
senators leaving town the lawmakers would decide how to that point,= she said. So Johnson agreed to another chair of the Senate spending in mid-November to not approve
afternoon of Feb. 8 and not divvy up the agreed-upon figure But just as important, ever <continuing resolution= that panel, suggested that one or two any more of these piecemeal
returning until the evening of of $1.66 trillion in overall since, has been congressional funded the government in two of the dozen allocations were plans.
Feb. 26, a two-and-a-half-week funding for federal agencies. leadership moving in slow chunks, until Friday and then hung up in a partisan squabble Each vote comes with more
break to honor Presidents9 Day. But the whiplash schedule motion, without a sense of Feb. 2, but then Congress left and that has delayed everything pain for House Republicans,
All told, between now and late sure isn9t helping, Collins told urgency. Johnson has been town for a nearly two-week else, because lawmakers need to whose vote tallies keep
February, the House and the reporters Thursday. <It would be learning on the job and trying break over Thanksgiving. Upon settle precisely on how much dropping. In May, almost 150
Senate will be in session at the helpful if there were better not to offend the far-right corner returning, Johnson decided to money each pot gets before they GOP lawmakers voted for the
same time just seven days, coordination on the schedule.= of his caucus, sometimes negotiate with the Senate over a can finish writing the McCarthy-Biden deal, a number
several of those coming on To be sure, the blame should spending days or weeks haggling new top-line funding level so appropriations. that dropped to 107 on Thursday,
shortened fly-in/fly-out travel not fall entirely on the people with those 15 or so that each chamber could pass <We can9t get the 12 bills with 106 Republicans voting
days. who produce the annual archconservatives before their spending bills 4 and then passed until we agree on the 12,= against the stopgap bill.
Veteran lawmakers of both calendars for Congress 4 usually making decisions. no decisions were made till Jan. Murray said. Some just want to move on.
parties see another train wreck the offices of the House and That has left Senate Majority 7. Senior staff will, of course, <To draw out the calendar
coming and the need for Senate whips, in consultation Leader Charles E. Schumer (D- And that wasn9t much of a remain in Washington and doesn9t actually help produce
possibly another short-term bill with the House speaker and N.Y.) to focus on confirming negotiation: Johnson merely continue these negotiations, but political wins, and it9s not
4 three of which have been Senate majority leader. Those presidential nominees and agreed to the numbers that at certain points, when issues actually shown to create policy
approved since Sept. 30 4 to aides get to work on the nudging along negotiators on McCarthy and President Biden get the most contentious, wins,= McHenry said. <I9m here
punt the final decisions deeper calendars in the fall and release the security package to bolster had already settled on back in committee chairs and for policy wins.=
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A5

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PhoToS by MaTT MCClain/The WaShinGTon PoST

Independents could drive New Hampshire primary vote

Bloc with complex and varied political leanings makes up 39 percent of the state9s electorate and might make Tuesday9s election a close one

BY M AEVE R ESTON, Trump, arguing that the vast ma- that New Hampshire Gov. Chris
M ARIANNE L E V INE jority of American voters don9t Sununu, who has endorsed Haley,
AND C OLBY I TKOWITZ want to see a Trump-Biden re- is <allowing Democrats to come in
match, that it is time for a new and vote= in the New Hampshire
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. 4 Dawn generation to lead the Republican primary.
Hartnett, 56, a registered inde- Party and, in contrast to Trump, The state9s laws have long al-
pendent who voted for Joe Biden she would offer a steadier, less lowed independent voters in New
in 2020, crammed into a country chaotic style of leadership. Hampshire to cast a ballot in
store this week to catch a glimpse Independents don9t vote as a either party9s primary. To partici-
of Nikki Haley. She has never monolith and interviews with pate in New Hampshire9s GOP
voted for a Republican in a presi- more than two dozen underscore primary, Democrats had to
dential election, but will do so for the complexity of their views and change their party registration to
the first time if Haley is the GOP how difficult it may be for Haley to Republican or independent by the
nominee. draw out enough of them to win. Secretary of State9s Oct. 6 dead-
Hartnett believes Biden has Some share Trump9s isolationist line last year. Fewer than 4,000
done a good job as president but tendencies, his hard-line views on voters overall ended up changing
has cited concerns about his age immigration and his antipathy their party registration.
and former president Donald toward the GOP establishment. At his rally in Portsmouth, the
Trump9s. In an interview in Hook- Others are repelled by Trump9s former president also took issue
sett this past week, she described harsh tone, his election denialism with laws that allow New Hamp-
Haley as a candidate who can and the chaotic way he ran his shire voters who have not regis-
<bring us in to the next presiden- administration. tered to vote before to register on
cy, someone younger with some Trump9s hard-line position on Election Day at their polling place
great ideas.= border security has appealed to if they show proof of residency.
Caroline Gagan, 60, is an inde- some independents, and the state No one knows exactly how high
pendent voter with a very differ- of the economy during his presi- the turnout of independent voters
ent view. A onetime Democratic dency has also drawn praise, in- will be, but interest in the contest
supporter of Barack Obama, she terviews show. Haley9s calls for a is high.
plans to support Trump. The new generation of leadership and Mike Dennehy, who ran John
Hampton Beach resident who at- moving past the chaos of Trump9s TOP: People leave a Nikki Haley event at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, N.H. ABOVE: A crowd McCain9s 2000 and 2008 cam-
tended a Trump campaign event first presidency have enticed at Haley9s stop in Keene. According to the latest Suffolk University/NBC-10/Boston Globe tracking poll paigns in New Hampshire, noted
Saturday with Rep. Elise Stefanik many others. of likely primary voters, Haley narrowly beats out Donald Trump among unaffiliated voters. that McCain won New Hampshire
(R-N.Y.), lamented that Demo- Trump aides argue that Haley in 2008 in large part because of
crats have <left us behind.= would have to drive record turn- Dorow previously backed ther than other candidates on the the potentially outsize influence his support among independents
Independent voters, who can out among independents to make Trump and has voted for more issue of age for elected officials of independents on the results, 4 after his campaign was written
cast a ballot in either party9s pri- up the gap, and they note that Republicans than Democrats in and drawn attention to the fact the Granite State has loomed as off as dead. He argued that Haley
mary, are seen as key to the out- their analyses show that as many the past. But this time around, he that Haley, 51, is the only woman the least favorable state for Trump needed to focus all of her energy
come in Tuesday9s GOP contest. as 40 percent of the state9s unde- said he wants to move beyond in the GOP race, and that the among the early contests. But in the final days on turning out
Those who don9t identify with a clared voters don9t typically turn Trump9s <baggage= and says he Republican Party needs younger even here, weakness for Trump is independent voters.
party now make up 39 percent of out in primaries, making the path doesn9t <like the drama.= leaders. a relative term. His support has <There9s just 4 nothing left.
the overall electorate in New to a victory even more difficult for Others such as Sally Roberts, a These contrasts have landed hovered in the mid-40s over the She has no other option,= he said,
Hampshire 4 a bloc long viewed Haley. 72-year-old independent from with voters such as Stephanie past year; and some more recent noting that many Republicans
as key to Haley9s chances of And some longtime operatives Whitefield, N.H., was appalled by Martinonis, an independent from polls have shown him breaking 50 have made up their minds about
springing an upset. But their po- here say Haley has not gone far Trump9s caustic tone throughout North Conway who works at a percent, as he draws some of the Trump. <She9s not going to magi-
litical leanings are complex, rang- enough in her criticisms of Trump his presidency, and she believes small grocer, who praised Haley9s voters who were backing tech en- cally get Republicans to vote. You
ing from Democratic-leaning to fire up the number of liberal- Haley can help stop <the hatred in <more respectful= tone when de- trepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, have to run with your strengths,
anti-Trump voters to hard-right leaning independents who could this country.= Roberts, who voted scribing the contrast with Trump. who left the race and endorsed and the only opportunity for
conservatives, and polling shows help her build a winning coali- for Republican John Kasich in the Her biggest fear about another the former president. movement is independent vot-
Haley9s edge among them narrow- tion. 2016 primary but is increasingly Trump presidency, she said, is Meanwhile Haley9s appeal to ers,= he said.
ing in the final stage of the race, <She has to be unequivocal. leaning toward Democrats, wore that <he would be a dictator.= some Democratic-leaning inde- But the common theme among
complicating her path to a com- Clear. Direct,= said the state9s for- a <Make America Kind Again= pin But she believes that Biden is pendents has renewed attacks many independents here flocking
petitive finish. mer attorney general Tom Rath, to an event Haley held this week <really too old, and I don9t want to from GOP rivals who seek to por- to Haley is exhaustion with
According to the latest Suffolk who is a Republican. <You can9t at the Mount Washington Hotel in see Kamala Harris as president.= tray her as a moderate who is not Trump9s bombastic style and his
University/NBC-10/Boston Globe pussyfoot on this one. You have to northern New Hampshire. Martinonis added that Haley conservative enough. legal dramas.
tracking poll of likely primary say 8This guy cannot be our nomi- If the election turns into a likely <doesn9t seem like she9s into bully- On Friday, Haley pushed back: Jim Tollner, a 65-year-old inde-
voters released on Saturday, nee; this guy cannot win.9 If she rematch between President Biden ing people, unlike Trump.= <I passed tort reform. I passed pendent from Nashua who works
Haley was pulling 45 percent sup- says that, if there9s a clear, unam- and former president Donald Outside groups allied with voter ID. I passed the toughest in the health care industry, sat in
port among unaffiliated voters biguous repudiation of Trump 4 Trump, Roberts will vote for Haley9s bid are spending millions illegal immigration law in the the front row of Haley9s Wednes-
with Trump at 44 percent support that opens the door for her.= Biden. to target independent voters and country,= Haley said to supporters day morning event and said he is
4 a change from an earlier poll on <You9re not going to beat him <Biden, I feel, is too old for the smaller groups, such as Indepen- at a Mary Ann9s Diner in Amherst, leaning toward the former United
Jan. 18 where Haley was receiving among hardcore Republicans,= job, and I think Trump is also,= dents Moving the Needle, are tar- N.H. <Show me where I9m moder- Nations ambassador. He is deeply
the support of 53 percent of unaf- added Rath, who has advised the said Roberts, who said she would geting that group of voters in this ate, because I9m not.= opposed to both Trump and
filiated voters, compared with 32 presidential campaigns of Robert love to see a woman in the Oval final week, running ads in New Haley9s balancing act has be- Biden, who he does not believe is
percent for Trump. Trump mean- Dole, Lamar Alexander, Mitt Office. <Biden is a good person, Hampshire with independent come even more difficult in these <up to the job.=
while, in the latest poll, trounced Romney and George W. Bush. but I think he comes across as a voters sharing their support for final days as Trump has mislead- <I just want to find someone
Haley among registered Republi- <He9s locked it in a way a lot of little feeble. I just feel that he Haley. New Hampshire Republi- ingly argued at his rallies that the who can find some middle ground
cans, receiving 59 percent of their Republican presidents haven9t doesn9t send a strong leadership can operatives also note that inde- former South Carolina governor and has the ability to work with
support, compared with Haley9s been able to do.= image that I would like to see, and pendent voters have historically is trying to win by encouraging people and not make a scene
29 percent, propelling him to an For many independents, Haley I think Haley could do that.= participated in higher levels in <Democrats and liberals to infil- every day,= Tollner said. <Everyday
17-point lead overall. is a welcome alternative to Trump Since launching her campaign the party primary that is most trate your Republican primary.= you got to buckle up to see what
Some Haley allies have hoped and Biden. in April, Haley has homed in on exciting. There is very little inter- Laying the groundwork for his he9s going to say,= he said of
to leverage the lack of a competi- Jeff Dorow, an independent the issue of transgender athletes est in the Democratic ballot now supporters to doubt the outcome Trump. <He9s not presidential and
tive Democratic primary by per- who lives in Portsmouth, said in women9s sports and called for a that Biden will not appear on the of a closer-than-expected race I9m looking for someone who can
suading independents who might <there9s not a chance= he can vote national consensus on an abor- ticket after the Democratic Party next Tuesday 4 just as he did in carry themselves as a leader of the
otherwise vote in that race to join for Trump or Biden, and that he is tion ban 4 a compromise position opted to launch its nominating 2020 when he claimed without country and not embarrass us.=
Haley9s cause in the GOP contest. leaning toward Haley because he compared to her rivals, and one season in South Carolina. evidence that Democrats were go-
This week on the trail, Haley has is impressed with her interna- that has drawn praise from her Because of New Hampshire9s ing to <cheat= to help Biden 4 he emily Guskin and Scott Clement
stepped up her criticisms of tional experience. supporters. She has also gone fur- more moderate constituency and inaccurately asserted this week contributed to this report.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A7

Driven by emotion, American politics grows more polarized

POLARizAtiON from A1 doors open for people, they don9t
wave to people, they don9t say hi
of the research: our politics tend to people,= fox said.
be more emotional now. Policy meanwhile, there are voters
preferences are increasingly like- who can9t believe their choice
ly to be entangled with a visceral this fall may come down to
dislike of the opposition. The Trump or Biden.
newly embraced academic term <Trump is terrifying, and
for this is <affective polarization.= Biden I don9t think is cognitively
<It9s feelings based,= said Lilli- there,= Karl Schumacher, 53, said
ana mason, a political scientist at Wednesday as he waited to hear
Johns Hopkins University and Nikki Haley in rochester, N.Y.
author of <Uncivil Agreement:
How Politics Became our Identi- trump9s polarization powers
ty.= <It9s polarization that9s based Though partisan vitriol is in-
on our feelings for each other, tensifying across the spectrum,
not based on extremely diver- Trump looms large among re-
gent policy preferences.= searchers on polarization and
The tendency to form tightly group identity. He has cultivated
knit groups has roots in evolu- an extraordinarily devoted base
tion, according to experts in of supporters who see his long
political psychology. Humans list of felony indictments not as
evolved in a challenging world of evidence of potential wrongdo-
limited resources in which sur- ing, but as proof that the elites
vival required cooperation 4 and are out to get him.
identifying the rivals, the com- meanwhile, his opponents, in-
petitors for those resources. cluding Biden, have described
<The evolution of cooperation him as an aspiring dictator who
required out-group hatred, poses an existential threat to
which is really sad,= said Nicho- democracy.
las Christakis, a Yale sociologist rep. Dean Phillips, a long-shot
and author of <Blueprint: The Democratic candidate on the bal-
Evolutionary origins of a Good lot here in New Hampshire, sug-
Society.= gested Thursday that a reelected
This is just as true on today9s Trump might defy the constitu-
political stage. There are two tional limit on presidential terms
major parties, and their contests and try to remain in power:
are viewed as zero-sum out- <There may not be a 2028 [elec-
comes. Win or lose. The presi- tion] if we allow Donald Trump
John tAGGArt/bloomberG neWs/Getty imAGes
dency is the ultimate example: to return to the White House,=
There are no consolation prizes ABOVE: A supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders shouts at Republican candidate Donald trump in April 2016 in Phillips said Thursday during a
for the loser. Albany. BELOW: A trump supporter stands up and shouts at then-President Barack Obama during a 2016 speech in North Carolina. pitch to New Hampshire voters
No researcher argues that hu- in manchester.
man nature is the sole, or even In an interview, he explained
the primary, cause of today9s that he thinks Trump has taken
polarization. But savvy political cues from dictators abroad and
operatives can exploit, leverage may try to block the transfer of
and encourage it. And those power: <He9s already tried it once
operatives are learning from and now he9s on a revenge mis-
their triumphs in divide-and- sion.=
conquer politics. A recent paper published in
the journal Science argued that
the case of the warring Boy the three core ingredients of
Scouts political sectarianism are <other-
People are instinctively prone ing, aversion, and moralization.=
to group identification. Trump has mastered that recipe.
<We wouldn9t have civiliza- He activates emotional respons-
tions if we didn9t create groups. es in his followers by telling them
We are designed to form groups, that they are threatened.
and the only way to define a <I would give it to Trump: He
group is there has to be someone figured out he could cash in on
who9s not in it,= mason said. polarization,= Iyengar said.
Experiments have revealed Trump, he said, began running
that <children as young as two for president in 2015 when the
will prefer other children ran- country was already divided and
domly assigned to the same T- he leveraged those divisions. He
shirt color,= Christakis writes. used inflammatory and racist
What9s most striking is that in language that violated political
the process of defining who is in norms, called the media the
and who is out of a group, enmity <enemy of the people,= and pro-
and derision can arise indepen- moted a vision of America be-
dently of any rational reason for sieged.
it. A New Hampshire campaign
mason and Christakis point to flier touting Trump shows him
a famous-among-academics ex- pumping his fist and looking
periment from 1954. Social psy- combative, and quotes him:
chologist muzafer Sherif took 22 <They9re not after me, they9re
Boy Scouts and separated them after you. & And I9m just stand-
into two groups camping at rob- ing in the way!=
bers Cave State Park in okla- At the Trump rally Tuesday,
homa. only after a week did they former republican presidential
learn that there was another Jim WAtson/AFP/Getty imAGes rival Vivek ramaswamy told the
group at the far end of the crowd, <We are in the middle of a
campground. political psychologist who races. The two parties have inex- In 1965, Iyengar said, only about attended the talk of Gov. ron war in this country & between
What they did next fascinated coined the term <affective polar- orably moved further apart ideo- 60 percent of married couples DeSantis (r) in Hampton, N.H., the permanent state and the
the research team. Each group ization,= explained in a 2018 logically, and leaders are more had the same party registration. on Wednesday and is leaning everyday citizen.=
developed irrational contempt paper why people typically iden- likely to be punished 4 <prima- Today, the figure is greater than toward supporting independent Trump <is not just saying be
for the other. The boys in the tify with a group. ried= 4 if they reach across the 85 percent, he said. candidate robert f. Kennedy Jr. afraid. He9s saying, 8Be angry,9=
other group were seen not just as <Homo sapiens is a social aisle. And because many more research shows that affective Some voters find the polariza- said Dannagal Young, a professor
rivals, but as fundamentally species; group affiliation is es- districts are now deeply red or polarization is intensifying tion confusing, because they of communication and political
flawed human beings. only sential to our sense of self. Indi- blue, rather than a mix of con- across the political spectrum. don9t see how anyone could pos- science at the University of Dela-
when the two groups were asked viduals instinctively think of stituencies, House members recent survey data revealed that sibly support a candidate on the ware. <Anger is a mobilization
to work together to solve a themselves as representing have fewer reasons to adopt more than half of republicans other side. That9s the sentiment emotion because it makes people
common problem did they warm broad socioeconomic and cultur- moderate positions. and Democrats view the other of Susan and Peter Delano, both do things. When you9re angry,
up to one another. al categories rather than as dis- party as <a threat,= and nearly as 60, who also came to see DeSan- you9re angry at someone.=
The warring Boy Scouts <have tinctive packages of traits,= he How sorting feeds many agree with the description tis. The media do their part to
a lot more in common with wrote. polarization of the other party as <evil,= ma- <If you are voting Democrat keep things inflamed. Conflict
today9s Democrats and republi- Here9s where psychology gives Human nature hasn9t son said. today, you are supporting Biden. grabs attention.
cans than we would like to way to political science. The changed, but technology has. Asked in the summer of 2022 I don9t understand it,= she said. <We9re evolutionarily predis-
believe,= mason writes in her American political system may The fragmentation of the media if they agree or disagree that <We see the polls. We ask: Why posed to pay attention to con-
book. cultivate <out-group= hatred, as has made it easier to gather members of the other party <lack are they still voting Democrat?= flict, because we might be in
<In this political environment, academics put it. one of the information in an echo chamber, the traits to be considered fully he said. danger. We don9t turn our head
a candidate who picks up the scarce resources in this country Iyengar said. He calls this <sort- human 4 they behave like ani- David fox, 60, a limo driver really quickly to look at a beauti-
banner of 8us versus them9 and is political power at the highest ing.= Not only do people cluster mals,= about 30 percent in both who waited in the frigid line to ful flower. We turn our heads
8winning versus losing9 is almost levels of government. The coun- around specific beliefs or ideas, parties agreed, mason9s research cheer for Trump in Atkinson, quickly to look at something that
guaranteed to tap into a current try has no parliamentary system they physically cluster, moving shows. said he thinks President Biden is may be dangerous,= mason said.
of resentment and anger across in which multiple parties form to neighborhoods where resi- Now, even the partisans fret a liar who stole the 2020 elec- That9s a part of human nature
racial, religious, and cultural governing coalitions. dents are likely to look like them about polarization. tion. fox is not fond of Demo- anyone can exploit.
lines, which have recently divid- Add to this fact the redistrict- and think like them. <We9re on the verge of a civil crats generally. <There are politicians who are
ed neatly by party.= ing that ensures there are fewer Partisan clustering has in- war, without a doubt,= said Brad <I think they9re very angry good at this,= mason said.
Shanto Iyengar, a Stanford truly competitive congressional creased even within households. rowe, 40, a republican who people. I think they don9t hold <Trump is the best.=

Haley questions Trump9s mental ûtness, citing ûub at New Hampshire rally
BY D YLAN W ELLS <Do we really want to go into an ough and again when speaking to going into a presidency.= him. I have no problem with him social media that Haley and Pelosi
election with two fellas that are reporters afterward. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Su- being who he is. I dealt with him are <a distinction without a differ-
PETERBOROUGH, N.H. 4 former going to be president in their <You know, my parents are up in nunu (r), a top supporter of Ha- every day, it was always some- ence= 4 a suggestion that Haley is
U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley on 80s?= Haley said at a stop Saturday age, and I love them dearly,= she ley9s, also raised questions Satur- thing.= too liberal for republican voters.
Saturday aggressively questioned in Keene, N.H., referring to Trump said when asked directly if Trump, day about Trump9s mental fitness. She also criticized Trump for During his rally friday night,
former president Donald Trump9s and President Biden. 77, is mentally fit to be president. <Donald Trump can barely keep having had a <bromance= with Trump repeated his claim that he
mental fitness, seizing on a flub at <We see that Biden has changed <But when you see them hit a a cogent thought if he takes his russian President Vladimir Putin. made a <recommendation for
a rally in which Trump repeatedly so much over two years,= Haley certain age, there is a decline. eyes off a teleprompter, very simi- <I had to sit down and have a troops= on Jan. 6, 2021. The House
called Nancy Pelosi by Haley9s said. <But last night Trump is at a That9s a fact, ask any doctor, there lar to Joe Biden,= Sununu told conversation with him because he select committee that investigated
name when attacking the former rally, and he9s going on and on is a decline. And this is a situation reporters. was having too much of a bro- Jan. 6 found <no evidence= to sup-
House speaker. mentioning me multiple times as where our country is very vulner- Since launching her campaign mance with Putin,= Haley said, port his claim. Trump has alleged
Trump9s mix-up friday night to why I didn9t [handle] security able right now.= last year, Haley has made mental referring to her tenure as U.N. that information corroborating
came as he repeated unsubstanti- during the Capitol riot, why I Haley also noted that Trump competence tests a central part of ambassador during Trump9s term. his claim was destroyed but has
ated claims that he made a <rec- didn9t handle January 6th better,= erroneously referred to running her pitch to be a new generational By late afternoon Saturday, presented no evidence of that.
ommendation for troops= to be Haley said. <I wasn9t even in D.C. against former president Barack leader for the party. Saturday Trump had not responded directly <You know Nikki Haley, Nikki
brought in to quell the Jan. 6, 2021, on January 6th. I wasn9t in office obama and implored the audi- marked the first time she had tar- to Haley raising questions about Haley, Nikki Haley, did you know
attack on the Capitol while Pelosi then.= ence not to <put our country at risk geted Trump so directly. Biden, 81, his mental fitness, but in several they destroyed all of the informa-
was derelict in her duties as speak- <The concern I have is, I9m not like this.= is a far more frequent target. social media posts he referred to tion, all of the evidence, every-
er when it came to keeping the saying anything derogatory, but <This is not personal,= Haley Haley stepped up her attacks on her as <birdbrain.= Trump also re- thing?= Trump told his crowd fri-
complex safe. when you9re dealing with the pres- said. <Y9all know I voted for him Trump in other respects Saturday, newed his attacks on Pelosi (D-Ca- day. <Deleted it and destroyed all
Instead of targeting Pelosi by sures of a presidency, we can9t twice. I was proud to serve in his accusing him of lying about her lif.) over security at the Capitol, of it because of lots of things, like
name, as he has in the past, Trump have someone else that we ques- administration. This is the fact record. this time referring to her as <Pelo- Nikki Haley is in charge of secu-
repeatedly referred to <Nikki Ha- tion whether they9re mentally fit that we have a country in disarray <If you have to lie to win, you si= rather than <Haley.= rity. We offered her 10,000 people.=
ley= during his remarks in Con- to do this,= Haley added. and a world on fire. And we need don9t deserve to win,= Haley told Trump campaign manager
cord, N.H., ahead of Tuesday9s Haley echoed those sentiments to know that we are not giving our voters in Keene, referring to Chris LaCivita sought to down- marianne levine contributed to this
New Hampshire primary. during an event here in Peterbor- kids options of two 80-year-olds Trump. <It9s not that I don9t like play Trump9s mix-up, claiming on report.
a8 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


Where Democratic candidates stand on key issues

We asked each of the 2024 presidential contenders the same questions about abortion, climate, crime and guns, the economy, education, elections,
foreign policy and immigration. If candidates didn9t respond, we consulted the public record to determine their positions as clearly as possible.
illustrations by ben Kirchner for the Washington Post

eConomy by azi Paybarah

president biden has said he would protect social security it9s unclear if rep. dean phillips (D-Minn.) supports raising activist and author marianne Williamson would
and Medicare. he has proposed restoring the top tax rate for the retirement age. he wants to work in a bipartisan manner dramatically increase the tax rate for the wealthiest
the wealthiest americans to pre-Donald trump levels. he on entitlement programs. his tax policies are unclear, americans. she has said she would protect social security.
supports canceling some student debt and investing in though he opposed the house republicans9 tax plan in 2017. she supports investing in infrastructure. she would create a
infrastructure. he supports the use of investment funds that he supports targeting student debt aid to help those with the Peace Department, arguing it would save money from u.s.
prioritize social and environmental responsibility. <greatest need= and making college more affordable. his participation in overseas entanglements.
position on defense spending is unclear. he supported
biden9s 2021 infrastructure bill. he supports investment
funds that prioritize social and environmental responsibility.

eleCtIons by Dylan Wells, JM rieger, azi Paybarah, nick Mourtoupalas and stephanie hays

biden recognizes the legitimacy of the 2020 election phillips acknowledges that biden is the legitimate winner of Williamson recognizes biden as the legitimate winner of the
results, and he has committed to accepting the certified the 2020 election. it9s unclear whether he would consider 2020 election. she has committed to accepting the certified
results of the 2024 election. he has said he would not pardoning people convicted in connection with the Jan. 6 results of the 2024 election. she has said she would not
consider pardoning people convicted in connection with the capitol attack. consider pardoning people convicted in connection with the
Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the u.s. capitol. Jan. 6 capitol attack.

ForeIgn polICy by anthony J. rivera

biden has said that russia and china are america9s greatest it9s not clear what country phillips believes presents the Williamson has said that russia is the greatest threat to the
threats. he has continued to support ukraine. he supports greatest geopolitical threat to the united states. he favors united states. she has said she would continue funding for
sending troops to taiwan if china were to invade. continued support of ukraine. his position on taiwan is ukraine for now. she opposes defending taiwan if china
unclear, although he previously opposed an amendment to were to invade.
treat taiwan similarly to nato-protected countries.

abortIon by McKenzie beard

biden supports legal access to abortion, and he has phillips opposes a federal ban on abortion. it9s unclear at Williamson supports legal access to abortion as it existed
encouraged congress to pass a law that would codify what stage of gestation he believes abortion should no under Roe v. Wade. she has also said that mifepristone
abortion rights nationwide. he has also said that longer be allowed, but he co-sponsored legislation that should remain legally available.
mifepristone, one of the pills used in medication abortion, would ban states from restricting abortion rights. he
should remain legally available. supports the use of medication abortion as safe and
effective, and he has spoken out against the <politicization
of medicine.=

ImmIgratIon by Maria sacchetti and anthony J. rivera

biden has proposed a path to u.s. citizenship for phillips supports a pathway to citizenship for existing Williamson has said she wants to replace the Department
undocumented immigrants and issued an executive order undocumented immigrants and their children. he also of homeland security9s u.s. immigration and customs
opposing family separations. he has increased the cap on supports a streamlined process for people looking to enter enforcement with an office of citizenship, refugees and
refugees, though the number actually accepted has fallen the country legally, as well as enhanced border security. he immigration services under the labor Department. she
short and the administration has enacted temporary opposes family separation. his policies on refugees are not supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants
restrictions due to the record number of border crossings. clear. and opposes family separations. she says people have the
right to seek asylum if they set foot on u.s. soil.

ClImate by Vanessa Montalbano

biden has said that he believes human activity is a leading phillips appears to agree that climate change is largely Williamson has said she believes that climate change is
cause of climate change and that climate change is making driven by human activities. he agrees that climate change is caused by human activity and that it is making extreme
extreme weather events worse. biden favors both regulation making extreme weather events worse. it9s unclear whether weather events worse. she favors government action as a
and market forces to combat climate change. he has he favors government intervention or market forces to solution to climate change. she supports clean-energy tax
established clean-energy tax credits and subsidies for address climate change, but he has supported clean-energy credits and subsidies.
electric vehicles, heat pumps and climate-friendly tax credits, such as those for electric vehicles.

CrIme and guns by anthony J. rivera

biden supports the 2018 first step act, a bipartisan criminal it9s unclear whether phillips supports the first step act. he Williamson9s position on the first step act is unclear. she
justice law. he opposes federal legalization of marijuana. he supports the federal legalization and taxation of marijuana. supports federal legalization of marijuana. she supports red-
supports restricting access to guns for people who may harm he supports red-flag laws and mandatory background flag laws and requiring background checks. her position on
themselves or others (known as a red-flag law), and requiring checks for every gun purchase. it9s unclear whether he barring people from carrying guns in schools is unclear. she
background checks. he supports the ability to bar people supports restricting concealed carry of guns in schools. it9s supports allowing gun manufacturers to be sued in court. it9s
from carrying guns in schools. he supports allowing gun unclear whether he supports repealing immunity for gun unclear whether she owns guns.
manufacturers to be sued in court. he owns guns. manufacturers so they can be sued in court. he has said
that he is a gun owner.

eduCatIon by nicole asbury, Moriah balingit, Danielle Douglas-gabriel, Karina elwood, lauren lumpkin, laura Meckler, hannah natanson, Donna st. george and Valerie strauss

biden supports some student loan debt forgiveness. he has phillips has shown support for relieving student loan debt. Williamson supports student loan debt forgiveness. she
said teachers should be allowed to teach about systemic he has said that systemic racism is real and persistent. it9s supports teaching about systemic racism. she supports
racism, as well as sexuality and gender. he supports access unclear at what age he believes students should learn about teaching about sexuality and gender, though it9s unclear at
to bathrooms for transgender students, but he has said sexuality and gender. his positions on access to bathrooms what age. she opposes discrimination based on sexuality or
schools should set their own rules about sports. he supports and sports for transgender students is not clear, but he has gender, though her specific policies on sports, bathrooms
access to gender-affirming care. his children went to private supported legislation that prohibits discrimination based on and gender-affirming care are unclear. it9s unclear whether
schools. gender identity. his position on access to gender-affirming her daughter went to public or private schools.
care is not clear.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a9


Where other
candidates stand
on key issues
illustrations by ben Kirchner for the Washington Post

eConomy by azi Paybarah eleCtions by Dylan Wells, JM rieger, azi Paybarah, nick Mourtoupalas and stephanie hays

robert F. Kennedy Jr. (independent), a lawyer and Jill stein (green party), a physician and an Kennedy recognizes President biden as the it9s unclear whether stein acknowledges that
an environmental activist, has said that Washington is environmental activist, has said she would legitimate winner of the 2020 election. he did not President biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020
corrupt and corporations should <pay their fair share.= strengthen Medicare and social security. her tax commit to accepting the certified results of the 2024 election. her position on pardoning people convicted
he supports canceling student loan debt in policies are unclear, although she has advocated for election and has said: <the fact that your question in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, capitol attack is
bankruptcy and cutting military spending in favor of raising taxes for the richest americans. she has said even needs to be asked points to a serious problem.= also unclear.
infrastructure, health care, education and other she favors canceling student loan debt and cutting he has said he would consider pardoning people
spending. defense spending. it is unclear whether she supports convicted in connection to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on
allowing investment funds to prioritize social and the u.s. capitol, if there had been prosecutorial
environmental responsibility. her support for public malfeasance.
infrastructure is also unclear.

Foreign poliCy by anthony J. rivera abortion by McKenzie beard

Kennedy has said a russian-chinese alliance would it9s not clear what country stein believes presents the Kennedy supports legal access to abortion, including stein opposes a federal ban on abortion. it9s unclear
be the greatest threat to the united states. he greatest geopolitical threat to the united states. she legal access to mifepristone, one of the pills used in at what stage of gestation she believes abortion
opposes continued support for ukraine. his position has criticized u.s. support of ukraine. her position on medication abortion. in 2023, however, he said he should no longer be allowed. her specific position on
on taiwan is unclear. taiwan is unclear. would support a 15-week federal ban, then said he medication abortion is unclear, although she has
misspoke. called for broad access to family planning and
contraception. she has called access to safe abortion
<a non-negotiable human right.=

immigration by Maria sacchetti and anthony J. rivera Climate by Vanessa Montalbano

Kennedy supports more border enforcement and has stein opposes mass deportations. she supports Kennedy has said he believes that climate change is stein agrees that climate change is largely driven by
said that the united states should prevent noncitizen giving undocumented immigrants a pathway to caused by human activity but hasn9t connected it to human activity, and it is making extreme weather
criminals from reaching the country. he appears to citizenship. her positions on family separation and the worsening of extreme weather events. he favors events worse. she favors government action over
oppose family separations and said he would hire refugee policy are not clear. market-based solutions over regulation. his position market forces to address climate change, and she
hundreds of additional immigration judges to speed is unclear on clean-energy tax credits and subsidies. endorsed the green new Deal, including a ban on
up the process for asylum seekers at the border. new fossil fuel infrastructure and a shift to 100
percent renewable energy by 2030. her position on
clean-energy tax credits is unclear.

Crime and guns by anthony J. rivera eduCation by nicole asbury, Moriah balingit, Danielle Douglas-gabriel, Karina elwood, lauren lumpkin,
laura Meckler, hannah natanson, Donna st. george and Valerie strauss
Kennedy9s position on the 2018 first step act, a stein9s support of the first step act is unclear. she
bipartisan criminal justice law, is unclear. he supports supports legalizing marijuana. she supports Kennedy supports student loan debt forgiveness. he stein supports abolishing student loan debt. she
federal legalization of marijuana. his position on background checks for every gun purchase. her supports teaching about systemic racism. he does not support limiting teaching students about
restricting access to guns for people who might harm positions on red-flag laws, whether concealed carry supports teaching about sexuality and gender with systemic racism. it9s unclear at what age she believes
themselves or others (known as a red-flag law) is should be restricted in schools, and repealing parental consent, although it9s unclear at what age. students should learn about sexuality and gender.
unclear. he opposes requiring background checks. immunity for gun manufacturers are unclear. it9s he opposes allowing transgender students to play she supports giving students access to bathrooms
his positions on barring people from carrying guns in unknown whether she is a gun owner. sports on teams that correspond to their gender that align with their gender identity. her position on
schools, or allowing gun manufacturers to be sued in identity, although it9s unclear what he thinks about access to gender-affirming care is not clear.
court, are unclear. it9s unclear whether he owns guns. access to bathrooms or gender-affirming care. his
children attended private school.
A10 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


A year into U.N. role, Haley embraced hard-line stance on aid to Palestinians
HAley from A1 peated again to top aides in
recent weeks. (Two former ad-
of Haley9s nearly two years spent ministration officials said they
working under Trump and, more doubted Tillerson would use the
recently, her campaign against term.)
him for the 2024 republican Haley, who during her tenure
presidential nomination. dismissed reports of a tense rela-
An examination of her time as tionship with the secretary of
U.N. ambassador shows that, state as <so ridiculous,= said in her
even as she clashed with Trump memoir that they were not so
on some key foreign policy views, ridiculous after all and described
she resisted publicly criticizing her feuds with a man she called
him, instead pushing for meet- <arrogant and condescending.=
ings and phone conversations 4 Tillerson did not respond to a
access that alienated her from request for comment.
some other White House officials.
She announced abruptly in octo- Changing course
ber 2018 that she would leave the on the morning of Jan. 11,
job, but unlike many others in 2018, seven months after Haley9s
Trump9s administration, she West Bank camp visit, Kushner
waited years before forcefully emailed her and other top offi-
speaking out against his presi- cials. He argued that it was worth
dential record. it to <strategically risk breaking
Haley initially played down things= 4 including the long-
her disagreements with Trump in standing U.S. funding of Palestin-
her memoir, and only recently ian aid 4 to increase the chance
has gone from praising him as for a peace plan, according a
tough on China to saying he memo first reported by foreign
showed <moral weakness= on the Policy.
issue. Trump, who once effusively Kushner, who was developing
praised Haley, now mocks her as his <Abraham Accords= plan to
a <globalist.= broker deals between Arab na-
from the start, Haley faced an tions and Israel, wrote in his
intractable problem in how to be email that it was <very impor-
effective as Trump9s U.N. ambas- tant= to <disrupt UNrWA,= citing
sador. It was Haley9s first real an opinion article in the Wall
experience with foreign affairs, Street Journal that recommend-
CAllA kessler/tHe wAsHINGtoN Post
and the first exposure to the ed the strategy to put pressure on
kinds of high-stakes geopolitical Nikki Haley sits next to President Donald Trump on Oct. 9, 2018, while announcing she9d resign as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Palestinian leaders.
decisions that presidents make 4 <Curious what Ambassador
a steep learning curve for the safe, we need a president with was expanding its nuclear weap- Haley thinks &= Kushner wrote.
former South Carolina governor moral clarity who knows America on and ballistic missile programs The note hit Haley9s inbox at a
who said she had never met an can never be neutral in the fight and violating U.N. sanctions, critical moment. She9d begun
Israeli leader or traveled to the against good and evil. At the U.N., leading to Trump threatening shifting her approach at the Unit-
region and described herself as a Nikki was Israel9s biggest ally, the Kim Jong Un, the leader he called ed Nations by fighting for divisive
<foreign policy novice.= administration9s most vocal critic <rocket man.= actions backed by Trump, includ-
When she took the job, she of russia, and negotiated the Haley set out to gain interna- ing his decision to move the U.S.
pledged to lean into international strongest-ever set of sanctions tional support for new sanctions, Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
diplomacy 4 an approach Trump against North Korea. That9s ex- which required support from Haley warned that she was <tak-
regularly dismissed. She also actly the kind of leader we need in China, North Korea9s largest trad- ing names= of the 128 countries
promised to effect change the White House.= ing partner. But Trump had re- that voted to condemn that move.
through the United Nations, Trump also declined an inter- peatedly attacked China during Now she had a key decision to
though Trump and adherents of view request, and his campaign the 2016 campaign, saying, <We make: whether to side with Til-
his <America first= agenda did not respond to a list of can9t continue to allow China to lerson, who feared a spiraling
viewed the organization with questions about his relationship rape our country.= crisis in the West Bank and Gaza
scorn. with Haley. There was <a very ominous Strip, or to back Kushner on
In office, Haley clashed often feeling that we were on the verge cutting funding to exert pressure
with some fellow members of Unlikely partners of war between North Korea and 4 a tactic that she9d seemed to
Trump9s Cabinet, particularly Til- There seemed little chance the United States,= said Jeffrey @AmbNIkkIHAley/twItter oppose in her confirmation hear-
lerson, who perceived her politi- during the 2016 campaign that feltman, who was the United As U.N. ambassador, Haley visited the Aida refugee camp in the ings, describing it as the <slash
cal ambition and access to the Haley, then the governor of South Nations9 undersecretary general West Bank in June 2017. Among the women and girls she met was and burn of the U.N.=
president as dangerous and dis- Carolina, would end up in for political affairs at the time. 17-year-old Rayan Abusrour, second from left. Haley not only sided with
paraged her lack of foreign policy Trump9s Cabinet. on the advice of Henry Kushner, whom she later called
experience, according to White After she endorsed Sen. marco Kissinger, the former secretary of White House, where some Trump or supplying them with financial the administration9s <hidden
House aides who spoke on the rubio of florida in the republi- state who died last year, Haley aides were already angry at her support, some were suspicious of genius,= but also became the chief
condition of anonymity to de- can primaries and called on told Beijing officials that they for visiting a Syrian refugee camp Haley9s motives in visiting the advocate for the policy 4 and
scribe private conversations. oth- Trump to release his tax returns, should fear that a collapse of the in Jordan a few weeks earlier. At camps. took the case directly to Trump,
er Trump allies, meanwhile, felt he lashed out on Twitter, writing, Kim regime would lead to a flood that time, the president was <on the refugees, she wanted leading to the meeting with him
that she used her direct line to <The people of South Carolina are of refugees, she wrote. In the end, meeting Saudi leaders in their to cut deals to get along at the and Kelly, the chief of staff.
Trump to undermine his agenda. embarrassed by Nikki Haley!= Haley not only got China to sup- palatial estates 4 creating a jar- U.N. with American taxpayer dol- Kelly, who declined to com-
<She was running a rogue oper- Yet after Trump9s election, he port the sanctions but also gained ring split screen that Trump9s lars, and Trump was just not on ment, had often made it clear that
ation,= said Peter Navarro, considered Haley for secretary of support from russia, which could aides feared diverted attention that page,= Navarro said. his job was to make sure Trump
Trump9s former trade adviser, state 4 an idea she rejected have vetoed the measure. The from his visit and caught the During the meeting at the West heard from all relevant advisers.
who has received help from the because of her lack of experience, August 2017 vote by the Security president off guard, the aides Bank camp, Abusrour said, she In this case, with major foreign
former president paying his legal telling him, <I9m not your person,= Council was unanimous. said. told Haley that <my dreams policy ramifications, he left the
bills after being convicted on she wrote in her memoir. When feltman, who is critical of In a television interview, Haley would never come true unless I office to summon Tillerson. But
contempt-of-Congress charges. he offered her the U.N. job in- some of Haley9s other actions, had also suggested during her live in a free Palestine where before the secretary of state ar-
<She was continually out of sync stead, she told an intermediary: said she <very effectively seized visit to the camp in Jordan that there is equality and where my rived, Haley wrote, she <con-
with the president.= <I don9t even know what the the opportunity= that opened up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad right of return and self-determi- vinced the president= that her
one year into her term as U.N. United Nations does! All I know due to the <fear and the desire of needed to be removed 4 a regime nation is actually obtained.= proposal would force other coun-
ambassador, Haley faced a stark is everyone hates it,= she wrote. other Security Council members change Trump did not support. Haley didn9t directly respond, tries to contribute to the program
choice: whether to keep leverag- But the idea intrigued her if to prevent a war in order to build While Haley had fought against Abusrour said, but later posted instead 4 an argument that ap-
ing the organization9s power to she could be a policymaker, so she a coalition= to impose sanctions. allowing Syrian refugees to move on facebook a smiling picture of pealed to Trump.
help refugees, as she9d pledged to struck a deal: She would take the to South Carolina as governor, herself with her arm around Tillerson was appalled, telling
do when taking the job, or wheth- job if she was given Cabinet rank, Refugee split she also had said she wanted to Abusrour, along with two other Trump that Haley9s proposal
er to ally herself with Trump9s enabling her to bypass the State When Haley visited the middle use her U.N. position to help girls, writing, <This morning we would lead to <riots in the streets=
son-in-law and senior adviser, Department and deal directly East in June 2017, she met with refugees wherever she could, ar- visited an UNrWA refugee camp and the closure of schools, anger
Jared Kushner, in pushing to cut with Trump. The president Israeli leaders and also visited the guing that as the daughter of & had the chance to talk with girls Arab nations, and harm the peace
off U.S. funding. agreed, giving her the power she Aida refugee camp, home to some Indian immigrants she has natu- & women about their lives, their process, according to Haley9s
Her ultimate decision to work wanted 4 and making inevitable 7,000 Palestinians in the West ral empathy for their plight. In- hopes, & their dreams.= memoir and former administra-
with Kushner 4 and, in the proc- the many battles within the ad- Bank near Jerusalem. As she nav- deed, she had stressed at the Six months into her term, Ha- tion officials.
ess, embrace a hard-line stance ministration that followed. igated the camp9s warren of camp for Syrian refugees that the ley9s U.N. refugee work had won Haley has said she pushed
that would anger some allies but Haley talked with an array of densely packed buildings, 17- United States was <the number her plaudits from more liberal Trump to stop funding the pro-
please the president 4 foreshad- experts to prepare for the role, year-old rayan Abusrour waited one donor here through this cri- groups, and her willingness to gram because she had grown
owed her actions as a presidential but she later wrote that one of her to meet her. sis. & We9re not going to stop take on dictators in Syria and concerned about UNrWA cor-
candidate. She has, until recently, most important pieces of advice <I was told that there was funding this.= North Korea had won accolades ruption and believed the cut was
muted much of her criticism of came from her son, Nalin, who someone from the U.S., a very Now, Haley was again meeting from hawks. Gowan, the Interna- necessary to protect Israeli inter-
Trump, mostly praised his pol- was then 15 years old and a important person, who is here to with refugees 4 Palestinians who tional Crisis Group official, said ests. But to Navarro, it was a
icies and even promised to par- foreign policy <buff.= He put to- actually listen to women and girls depended on money from the Haley seemed at the time like a move of political convenience,
don him if he9s convicted in any of gether a chart split between and their needs and their future U.N. relief and Works Agency for <towering pillar of competence putting her in line with Trump9s
the four criminal cases he faces. countries that were and were not and the plans,= said Abusrour, a Palestine refugees in the Near compared to other characters view.
<There were really two Nikki friends of the United States. The second-generation refugee, in an East, known as UNrWA, for basic knocking around the Trump ad- Trump initially was reluctant
Haleys at the United Nations,= thinking behind the chart would interview with The Post. Abus- services. The United States pro- ministration.= to pick sides, and a compromise
said richard Gowan, the U.N. guide her tenure. rour recalled thinking that <may- vided more than $300 million per But behind the scenes, her was announced on Jan. 16, 2018.
director at International Crisis Almost immediately, Haley be there will be an actual hope for year to the agency, making it the clashes with Trump9s Cabinet 4 Tillerson invoked his authority to
Group. <There was the Haley who confronted the competing inter- our voice to reach the interna- world9s top donor. especially Tillerson 4 were grow- supply half of a planned $120
did secure some striking deals ests of her new job and her boss9s tional community.= Inside the White House, where ing intense. million payment due that month
like sanctions on North Korea. belligerent foreign policy. The But the visit put Haley in a Trump often raged against refu- In August 2017, Haley flew to to UNrWA, but his deal was
Then there was the Haley who trigger was North Korea, which precarious position with the gees coming to the United States Trump9s golf resort in New Jersey, short-lived; the annual funding
took the hardest of hard lines= on hoping to persuade him to back of roughly $320 million was elim-
issues such as aid to Palestinians out of the Iran nuclear deal that inated during the last two years
and once vowed she would be had been brokered by President of the Trump administration.
<taking names= of those who Barack obama. Instead, she Israeli Prime minister Benja-
opposed her. found Tillerson was already min Netanyahu hailed the action,
Her rivals from the Trump there. The two squared off in calling it a <very welcome and
administration, some of whom front of the president in a cottage important change.=
are supporting the former presi- near the pool, with Tillerson tell- In her memoir, Haley wrote
dent, say she is an international- ing Haley, <You need to stay out of that the U.N. funding had encour-
ist who shifted her views over this,= according to Haley9s mem- aged multiple generations of Pal-
time out of political expediency oir. Haley, who wrote that Tiller- estinians to be dependent on
and ambition. Her associates say son opposed withdrawing from handouts and hampered peace
her views evolved as she became the deal, flew weeks later to talks. But Haley9s move dashed
more disdainful of the United Vienna for talks at the Interna- hopes among some Palestinians.
Nations and its role in interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency and <You sit with me,= said Abus-
tional diplomacy after working then gave a speech in D.C. laying rour, describing her feelings
there. out the case for withdrawal. when she learned months later
Her move on Palestinian aid, in Trump later told John Bolton, that Haley had pushed to cut
particular, foreshadowed posi- who in 2018 would become na- funding to her camp. <You have
tions that put her in step with the tional security adviser, that he the audacity to listen to my
2024 republican presidential had witnessed an extraordinary dreams. And still you supported
field, as well as many of the scene between Haley and Tiller- the cut of funding and the limita-
party9s key donors, in full-throat- son. After one clash, the secretary tion of funding for the agency
ed support for Israel in its war of state told her, <Don9t ever talk that is helping me.=
against Hamas in Gaza. to me that way again. You9re meanwhile, Haley9s clashes
Haley declined an interview nothing but a c---, and don9t ever with Tillerson over a vital nation-
request, and campaign officials forget it,= according to Bolton9s al security interest were reaching
declined to respond on the record memoir. Bolton wrote that he a climax 4 as was her push to
to a detailed list of questions for couldn9t be certain whether maintain access to Trump.
this story. Instead, spokeswoman Drew ANGerer/Getty ImAGes Trump was accurately quoting
olivia Perez-Cubas said in a state- White House senior adviser Jared Kushner takes a seat next to Haley before the start of a U.N. Security Tillerson in using the gendered Battles come to a head
ment: <As the world becomes less Council meeting on Feb. 20, 2018. Haley referred to Kushner as the administration9s <hidden genius.= slur, an anecdote Trump has re- In march 2018, Trump fired
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A11

Tillerson 4 and speculation for Russian President Vladimir crisis has deepened. The United
erupted over whether Haley Putin. Nations says 12 million Syrians
would replace him, according to That disagreement boiled over have been forcibly displaced,
several former administration of- when Trump said during a July making it the world9s worst such
ficials. Instead, Trump moved his 2018 meeting in Helsinki that he condition.
CIA director, Mike Pompeo, into didn9t <see any reason= to doubt Haley had said the opening of
the top job at State, and replaced Putin9s statement that his coun- the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem
national security adviser H.R. try did not try to interfere in the would boost the peace process.
McMaster with Bolton. 2016 presidential campaign, con- But the embassy move and cutoff
One of Haley9s biggest critics tradicting an assessment by U.S. of aid to Palestinian refugees (the
was now gone 4 but it didn9t turn intelligence agencies. latter of which the Biden admin-
down the temperature in the For months, Haley had been istration has reversed) never re-
Cabinet Room. Bolton and attacking Putin over his support sulted in a deal with Palestinians
Pompeo would later accuse Haley of Assad, among other issues. in a region now aflame in the
of ignoring the normal process And, as for Trump9s assertion in wake of the Hamas attack on
for foreign policy decisions and Helsinki, she later wrote, <The Israel and the retaliation by Israel
dealing directly with Trump. truth was that the Russians did in Gaza.
Those internal battles spilled into meddle in our elections.= Abusrour, the refugee who met
public view the next month, After watching Trump9s news Haley, said that experience led
when Haley said on CBS9s <Face conference, she later wrote in her her to abandon her dream of
the Nation= that the United States memoir that she demanded to working for the U.N. <I lost faith
was about to impose sanctions on meet with the president. She told in the United Nations,= said Abus-
Russia over to its support for Trump that his words <made me rour, who now works for a local
Assad. Two days later, White very uncomfortable. The Rus- aid organization. <If I had a time
House economic adviser Larry sians aren9t our friends. They will machine, I would never agree to
Kudlow told reporters that Haley never be our friends. And you sit with Nikki Haley and talk to
may have had <some momentary made it sound like we were be- her.=
confusion,= saying that additional holden to them.= By Haley9s ac- To some, the aid cutoff dimin-
sanctions <have not been deter- count, Trump <to his credit= re- ished the chances of reaching an
Don emmert/aFP/getty Images
mined.= spected her view and, <saying he accord with Palestinians, accord-
Haley was livid. <With all due had misspoken,= accepted the Trump and Haley confer during a U.N. Security Council briefing on Sept. 26, 2018. Trump has labeled ing to Ghaith Al-Omari, a former
respect, I don9t get confused,= she finding of intelligence agencies Haley a <globalist.= adviser to the Palestinian Author-
said on Fox News, prompting that Russia had tried to manipu- ity negotiating team who is a
Kudlow to apologize. Haley late the election. applauded her work on North claring that she would resign demand that we pay their bills.= senior fellow at the Washington
viewed the episode as a signature While Haley has said that she Korea sanctions and support for after the midterm elections. She9s been far less forthcoming Institute think tank. <She was in
moment and used her comment worked out her differences about Israel, she <didn9t do much else= Pompeo was infuriated, writing about her experiences working many ways a negative force,= Al-
as the title of her memoir, <With Russia with Trump, a former and she <undermined our team- later that she <flat-out threw in under Trump. <I don9t talk about Omari said. <Whether from a
All Due Respect.= administration official familiar work= by putting her self-interest the towel= and that her an- opponents,= she said recently in humanitarian or a regional sta-
But Bolton in his memoir with these interactions said that first. nouncement was the <last thing New Hampshire. <I never have. I bility point of view, defunding
wrote that Trump considered Ha- Haley was unable to change the (In her memoir, Haley makes the national security team need- don9t think you want to hear it.= UNRWA was a disaster.=
ley9s comment to be a misstep president9s mind. To the contrary, only a passing reference to Bol- ed at that time.= Trump, in contrast, has not felt Seven years after Haley told
and asked what he was doing to this official said Trump was <an- ton, and she said she was relieved In a joint press appearance, any restraint about lashing out at Congress that defunding the
fix it. Bolton wrote that he told gry because he didn9t like criti- to work with Pompeo because he Haley and Trump were full of his onetime Cabinet member. United Nations is <not something
the Russians that Haley <had cism of Putin. He really did think didn9t seek to <undermine= praise for each other. Before <She likes the globe,= Trump said I would consider,= she told Fox
made an honest mistake.= He Putin was his friend.= (The offi- Trump the way she said Tillerson departing in December 2018, Ha- recently in Iowa. <I like America News host Sean Hannity recently
concluded Haley was <a free elec- cial, who did not agree with had done.) ley stressed that she wouldn9t first.= that if she is elected president,
tron, which she had obviously Trump9s assessment, spoke on the Haley9s closest White House oppose Trump in his reelection As Haley has moved closer in <we would defund the U.N. as
gotten used to, communicating condition of anonymity to dis- ally, Kushner, continued to be her bid, and she told the Atlantic the polls in recent weeks, she9s much as possible.= She said she
directly with Trump.= cuss a private conversation.) most reliable advocate. One day, that she looked forward to the become less reticent to criticize wanted to pull the United States
Haley got access to Trump by Trump continues today to dis- according to Pompeo in his mem- day when she no longer has to her former boss, accusing him of out of the U.N. Human Rights
reminding officials that <she was miss what he calls the <Russia oir 4 recounting an episode he <pick up my phone with a pit in lying about her record and ampli- Council, the World Health Or-
a Cabinet member and didn9t hoax.= said he heard about but did not my stomach, worried that some- fying attacks on his record on ganization and an international
have to coordinate with the secre- Haley9s ability to go directly to witness 4 Kushner brought Ha- thing bad is gonna happen= and confronting China and Russia. climate deal.
tary of state or the National Trump was now being squeezed ley to the White House, along <I don9t have to be so scared of Haley, who has stressed her sup- The rationale of Haley9s ap-
Security Council, and she was from several directions, most no- with his wife, Ivanka Trump, to my phone.= port for arming Ukraine, said pointment to the job 4 that she
told, yes, you should, it9s just a tably by Bolton and Pompeo. discuss with the president the earlier this month that Trump is could bring long-warring parties
good way to run this business,= Bolton, who had helped Haley possibility of Haley replacing Campaign clashes <getting it wrong wanting to be together by using U.S. influence
said a former administration offi- prepare for her nomination, be- Vice President Mike Pence on the As Haley now seeks the presi- an isolationist= in that conflict. at the United Nations 4 went
cial, who like several others spoke lieved she <had no qualifications 2020 ballot. The discussion went dency, she makes her Cabinet But it9s also clear Haley is wary unmentioned.
on the condition of anonymity to for the job,= he later wrote, sur- nowhere. experience a cornerstone of her to overly advertise her foreign- The only reason for staying at
describe confidential interac- mising that she had taken it to Haley, meanwhile, had an- campaign 4 but has also doubled centered work in the United Na- the United Nations, she said, was
tions. <check the 8foreign policy9 box= in other notable success at the Unit- down on the disillusioned view tions 4 particularly in a moment to ensure that the United States
preparation for a presidential ed Nations, passing a long-stalled she expressed in 2020, when she when many of the issues she could still veto measures it
Putin at the center bid. arms embargo against South Su- said the United Nations is <a devoted her tenure to solving doesn9t like.
Trump and Haley9s most per- Pompeo, in his memoir, <Never dan. But it would be her last. place where dictators, murderers have only worsened.
sistent point of tension was over Give An Inch,= was equally dis- In October 2018, Haley and thieves denounce America, Assad remains in power in alice Crites and steve Hendrix
the president9s deep admiration missive, writing that while he stunned the White House by de- and then put their hands out and Syria, and that country9s refugee contributed to this report.

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A12 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


michigan9s largest city, at once

a symbol of vitality and failure, is
vast and highly diverse; residents
speak more than 120 languages
and practice at least five major
<A little America,= Schaicoski
says. He was determined to fit in
when he arrived, so he shrouded
himself in the city9s customs, in
particular its loyalty to its hapless
NfL team, the Lions. He watched
his team lose so often, so reliably,
that parishioners gave him a
T-shirt: <The Lions make me
Nevertheless, Schaicoski is a
man of deep faith and this frigid
Sunday will see the franchise9s
first home playoff game since the
1993 season and the first played
within the Detroit city limits
since 1957.
In this church some five miles
from ford field, the Lions9 home
stadium since 2002, the pews are
filled with so many refugees that
Schaicoski delivers his mass in
Ukrainian. He wants to distract
them, offer a momentary break
from their fear. So he tells the
biblical story of Zacchaeus, a sin-
ner who goes to see Jesus in the
present-day West Bank.
In scripture, Zacchaeus climbs
a tree for a better view. Jesus
notices, orders him down, ends
up at the man9s home. Zacchaeus
begs for forgiveness. No matter
the past, Jesus assures him, God9s
blessings lay upon his house.
<Nashi Levy s9ohodni hrayut,=
the priest says then, and this
draws laughter.
Our Lions are playing today.
Schaicoski asks God to bestow
His grace upon them.
PhoTos by emiLy eLconin for The WashingTon PosT
8So much agony9
Twenty-nine miles from ford
field, on the same swath of Earth
where the Lions last won a playoff
game, there9s a massive Amazon
fulfillment center where most of
Across Detroit, solidarity through Lions football
the workforce is robots. An army
of delivery trucks awaits dispatch. and so did the terrible football.
The Silverdome 4 where quarter- The Lions had 19 losing seasons in <This place has been
back Erik Kramer stunned the that span, 16 with double-digit
Dallas Cowboys in January 1992, losses, 12 in which they finished kicked. It9s been
wide receiver Herman moore last in the division. Wilson9s doc-
torched Pittsburgh on Thanksgiv- tor told him he should stop watch- battered. It9s been
ing 1998, Barry Sanders sur- ing the Lions on account of his
passed 2,000 rushing yards in blood pressure, but that wasn9t bruised. . . . I can give
1997 4 is just another memory. happening. most of Wilson9s
Decades have come and gone, a friends adopted a backup team, you, 8Hey, we9re going
new year has begun, and is any the Cowboys or Steelers or Patri-
city more America-in-2024 than ots, but he couldn9t do that, either. to win this many
Detroit? Each of those franchises won the
In a presidential election year, Super Bowl. most other NfL games.9 None of that
michigan is a swing state that teams at least got to one.
went red in 2016, flipped blue in The Lions9 primary claim to matters, and you guys
2020, could go either way in fame was becoming the first team
10 months. President Biden is to go 0-16. That was in 2008, the don9t want to hear it
scheduled to visit this month, an same year the U.S. economy fell
attempt at shoring up support apart. In the years since, the Lions anyway.=
amid the Israel-Gaza war. Along kept losing, rebuilding, blowing it
Dan Campbell, Lions coach
with Detroit9s 50,000 Ukrainians, up (including the Silverdome it-
the metropolitan area is home to self in 2017) and starting over.
the nation9s largest concentration In 2021, they did it again. Their
of Arab Americans. Not far away ninth full-time head coach since october, shortly after Israel de-
live the city9s 70,000 Jewish resi- 1991 is an ex-Lions player who clared war, a Chicago woman and
dents, and though the war is be- looks and sounds like a guy who her son were attacked in an al-
ing fought thousands of miles used to build carburetors, not leged hate crime. The 6-year-old
away, the ripples of tension have somebody who could alter the TOP: Ford Field, the Lions9 home stadium since 2002, had not hosted a postseason game until boy died after being stabbed
reached michigan. direction of a locker room, fran- this season. ABOVE: A group of men listen during a call to prayer at the Islamic Center of 26 times.
This is the birthplace of Ameri- chise and city. America in Dearborn, Mich., home to a large Arab American population and long a target of The instinct here, Kadouh says,
can industrialism, which helps Not when they9re this busted. xenophobia. BELOW: Ellen Trudell, a lifelong Lions fan who oversees the franchise9s is to draw inward. Neighbors
explain such cultural diversity. <This place has been kicked. It9s corporate communications, cheers as players are introduced before the team9s playoff game watch out for neighbors. But ven-
ford, General motors and been battered. It9s been bruised,= against the Rams. She takes a picture with her parents in Section 317 before every home game. turing outside the Dearborn bub-
Chrysler built their cars here. But Dan Campbell said when the ble? <Putting your life in the
then U.S. manufacturing cratered team hired him. <. . . I can give hands of God,= she says.
and a million residents departed, you, 8Hey, we9re going to win this recalls saying, <is a little much.= ported from Detroit= commercial here. A casual Lions fan, she made <Whenever anything happens,
leaving churches, factories and many games.9 None of that mat- <We9re all worried,= Phyllis two years after the brand filed for it to one game this season. But she it9s like, 8oh, my God, we9re scared;
the old train station to decay. ters, and you guys don9t want to says. bankruptcy, signed with miami in generally tries to avoid crowds, we9re not safe anywhere,9 = she
The rest hunkered down, es- hear it anyway. You9ve had <The hatred that was beneath 2015. Johnson retired at 30. De- feeling anxious and trapped amid says over a lunch of tabbouleh
tablishing metaphorical walls enough of that s---.= the surface,= Gary says, <you can troit traded Stafford to the rams the stares. And that was long and stuffed grape leaves at Coun-
around many neighborhoods to feel it pouring out.= in 2021, the same year Gary and before oct. 7. try Chicken, a family-owned Leb-
protect residents and their cus- 8A wonderful distraction9 <And becoming normalized,= Stacey9s daughter married martin In the time since, Kadouh has anese restaurant in Dearborn. <It
toms. There9s a literal wall that Twenty-six miles from ford martin says. and Phyllis9s son. Gary paid extra helped with the mosque9s public doesn9t matter. Anywhere.=
still stands in the Eight mile-Wyo- field, Phyllis Jackson and martin A quiet moment, and Gary for his wedding tux to be lined relations apparatus, answering Immediately after the Hamas
ming neighborhood, decades af- murray just arrived after driving changes the subject. Sixteen years with Lions logos. an avalanche of calls that often attacks, the Islamic Center went
ter redlining wasn9t enough to from Cincinnati. They9re more ago, he never watched the Lions. Last week, three friends called demand condemnation of middle into lockdown and hired two full-
physically separate White resi- than Gary and Stacey Shuman9s His son liked football and wanted Gary to ask for one of his two Eastern violence. There are Pales- time security guards. There was
dents from Blacks. Detroit is one friends, though not exactly family. to hold his bar mitzvah at ford playoff tickets. That9s Stacey9s, he tinians in greater Detroit, but an interfaith program scheduled
of the most segregated cities in <machatunim,= Gary says, the field. The facility didn9t host such reminded them. martin and Phyl- most of Dearborn9s Arab Ameri- with Detroit-area Jewish and
the country, with a vast wage Yiddish word for the people events, but coming off that 0-16 lis bought their own. cans trace their heritage to Leba- Christian schools, and at first
disparity maintaining the divide. whose kid is married to yours. season, the Lions were offering <Can9t you tell your wife not to non. That didn9t stop a Pennsylva- Kadouh wanted to cancel it.
Sports are supposed to help They try to meet up every few partial season tickets for less than go?= Gary says the freeloaders nia woman from calling Kadouh But that could have led to more
with that, but the football team months, and the Bengals didn9t $300 each. Gary jumped at them. asked. to demand a meeting with division, speculation, fear.
hasn9t exactly done its part. With make the playoffs this year and They soon drafted matt <Can9t you just get divorced?= Hamas, Kadouh says, before <We need to portray the right
so many households experiencing the Lions did, so . . . here they are. Stafford with the No. 1 pick and Stacey says as everyone laughs. scolding her for saying <God way,= she says.
struggle, whether global or more <A wonderful distraction,= Gary paired him with star wideout Cal- bless= at the end of her voice mail So volunteers made falafel
personal, the Lions haven9t been a says. And a respite from the domi- vin Johnson and fierce defender 8Jumping on that wagon9 greeting. sandwiches and hired a calligra-
reason for hope. They9re one more nant topic in West Bloomfield, Ndamukong Suh. It seemed dawn A dozen miles from ford field, This is two decades after this pher to demonstrate Arabic sym-
source of torment, a cruel birth- Detroit9s largest predominantly had finally made its way to De- locals gather at the Islamic Center community, in the aftermath of bols. They discussed the five pil-
right passed through the genera- Jewish suburb, since oct. 7. That9s troit. of America, North America9s larg- 9/11, became the nerve center of lars of Islam and taught kids
tions. the day Hamas, a Palestinian mili- But the Lions lost 14 games in est mosque, for dhuhr, the second American xenophobia. Activists about the hijab. Students seemed
rodney Wilson was born and tant group, initiated a surprise 2009 and 10 a season later. Suh, of Islam9s five daily prayers. came here to burn the Quran, genuinely curious, she says, and
raised here, not long after race attack on Israel. Twelve hundred who starred in Chrysler9s <Im- Volunteer mirvat Kadouh is shout slurs, intimidate locals. In open-minded.
riots of the 1960s 4 residents dead, at least 240 more taken She9s glad she faced this fear,
against police, neighbor against hostages. Less than half have though others remain. She would
neighbor. His father, a Black De- been released, and unease has love to go downtown in a few
troiter who lived on the south- spread far beyond the middle hours, watch the Lions, celebrate
west side, used to take his sons to East. a team that, Kadouh says, is
watch the Lions on Sundays. Back <What bothers me more . . .= soothing Detroit9s soul.
then, the Silverdome felt like the Phyllis starts to say. But . . .
one place everyone could gather, <That people just don9t care,= <With all that? No. No, I
wear the silver and blue, feel unit- Gary continues. wouldn9t,= she says, imagining it.
ed as they cheered on Eddie mur- < 8It9s just not our problem,9 = <There are too many people. That
ray, Billy Sims and Sanders. Phyllis says. stadium is huge. Nobody is safe; I
Then, like everything else, the Two weeks after the initial at- don9t care how much security you
bottom dropped out. <Eddie mon- tack, a 40-year-old Detroit wom- have. How safe could it possibly
ey= shanked a field goal in the an was found stabbed to death be?=
playoffs in January 1984, Sims outside her home. She had been She will be watching, though.
shredded his knee a few months president of a local synagogue. <We9re jumping on that wag-
later, Sanders retired in 1999 at Early media reports suggested on,= she says. <If the Lions can get
31. <So much agony,= says Wilson, the killing may have been a hate to the Super Bowl, maybe even the
who also followed his dad into a crime; police have since ruled middle East has a chance.=
career at ford and union leader- that out. Still, it sent alarm
ship. He works at the f-150 plant through the community. 8Right up under your skin9
and is the elected representative Some tucked in their Star of The Silverdome was almost
for United Auto Workers. David necklaces in crowds or left 40 miles from Allen Park, and
Since that last home playoff their kippot at home. Gary, the after a loss, the drive home
game in January 1994, Wilson has incoming president of his own seemed to take hours. Ellen
married and divorced twice and synagogue, called his rabbi at Trudell9s dad, Norman, took her
buried his dad. His 30th, 40th and Temple Shir Shalom. to their first Lions game when she
50th birthdays came and went, <Getting killed over this,= he was a baby, and attending the
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

team9s Thanksgiving Day game changed a year ago, he did some-

became a family tradition. Nor- thing that told his daughter he
man drove there and back in the would be okay. He asked about the
family9s GMC Jimmy, built just a Lions. They started 1-6 last season
few miles away by the company before players bought into Camp-
that hired him in 1972. bell9s gruff-but-emotional mes-
<Why?= he asked the men on sage, winning eight of their final
the radio, their analysis of the 10 games and narrowly missing
latest humiliation and the sound- the playoffs. This season they
track of so many drives. went 12-5, won their division and
Norman could be a hard man, earned this home playoff game.
callused by years of hoisting Ellen removes her phone. The
80-pound bumpers at the Cadil- family smiles as she snaps a photo
lac plant. Football was his weekly of a scene they had long imagined.
reward 4 an escape from the <Love you!= Norman says.
assembly line and, later, eco- <Love you, too,= Ellen says,
nomic anxiety. He got laid off a starting her walk back to the press
few times, and some friends lost box.
their homes. GM went bankrupt <Go Lions!= Norman says.
in 2009, the second of the so- Five minutes to kickoff, a
called <Big Three= plants to do so. marching band performs as the
Regardless of what was going lights dim. A moment such as this
on at work, he could always watch is a promise every fan base makes,
the Lions. But if they were losing, though it9s an impossible one to
he would change the channel, keep. The roster, message and
leave the room, grieve in silence. time must be right, and if it hap-
Now it was Ellen who asked: pens once, it may not happen
Why? Why couldn9t they watch again.
the fourth quarter? Why did he So a man from Detroit9s east
care so much? Why wasn9t the side lifts his phone, his cousin9s
team better? face on the screen, so they can
Because they9re not blitzing! he watch together. A dad holds his
would finally say. The defense is daughter, a toddler, and points to
crap! So is the blocking! Too many the field from Section 122 for the
turnovers! first of a zillion memories, for
Ellen wouldn9t realize this until better or worse. A 44-year-old
later, but these were therapy ses- from Barton records a video from
sions in disguise. She was show- a standing-room-only platform,
ing empathy, asking her dad to saying if the Lions wait as long
vent his thoughts and be vulner- between home playoff games as
able, and a rotten team became they did last time, he will be
the backbone of their father- almost 80 for the next one.
daughter connection. Detroit gets the ball first, and
Years passed. Losses accumu- running back David Montgomery
emily elconin for the Washington Post
lated, including nine straight on proceeds to slice through the
Thanksgiving. They shared it, Fans cheered as the Lions scored the first touchdown of the game vs. the Rams. The home team came away with the victory. Rams9 defense. Goff finds Josh
talked about it, shrugged their Reynolds on a pass near the end
shoulders season after season. zone, and a wave of high-fives
Then they talked about other One day she called to say the into heart failure. She visited, and Wilson has wings and pizza and <We come from all different sweeps across the stadium, jump-
things. Ellen9s competitive cheer- Lions had offered her an intern- on Sundays she turned on the pop for his work buddies at Ford. parts of the city,= Gary says, wear- ing across rows and sections, race
leading. Her college aspirations. ship. Then a job in their commu- game. He changed the channel. Daniel Schaicoski, the priest at ing the jersey of the player traded and class.
Her future. nications department. She didn9t When she tried talking about the Immaculate Conception, is visit- for Stafford, quarterback Jared Montgomery charges toward
<A front-row seat to the emo- wait to share these accomplish- team, always their icebreaker, he ing parishioners at home in Shel- Goff. <And no one cares.= the goal line, drawing cheers as
tion,= she says now. <I was able to ments, because when a parent is changed the subject. by Township, ready to follow the Twenty minutes before kickoff, loud as a military jet engine, but
understand what this means to aging or ill, it tends to fast-track That had never happened. score on his phone. In the shadow a woman in a bright blue dress the Rams stop him. Fans remain
people: The Lions get right up their kids9 ambitions 4 the ex- That9s how Ellen knew it was bad. of the Ford plant on the Rouge leaves the press box and enters an on their feet. They can feel it
under your skin.= periences they want to share be- River, Mirvat Kadouh is blanket- elevator. It may be the busiest coming: an early touchdown, a
She was 7 when her father was fore the hourglass empties. 8A big night9 ed in safety, surrounded by family night ever at Ford Field, but tradi- home playoff win, a chance 4 an
diagnosed with congestive heart <When you9re an only child,= At Ford Field, with kickoff and food. tion is tradition. So Ellen Trudell, actual chance! 4 at a playoff win,
failure. He was in his early 50s, she says, <it9s hard not to think against the Rams less than an The Shumans and their macha- who now oversees the franchise9s a path to the NFC championship
but his cardiologist said he had about the things you haven9t hour away, fans push in from the tunim are hurrying toward the corporate communications, takes game, maybe more. <God has
the had the heart of an 88-year- done.= cold. Some are here to boo stadium, maybe having ordered an escalator to the stadium9s heard our prayer,= Schaicoski will
old. Ellen was a teenager when it She kept waiting for the Lions Stafford, traded three years ago one too many martinis on Cam- northeast side. There they are, send in a text message that night.
stopped, causing him to fall at to do their part, but in case they before winning a Super Bowl with pus Martius Park. They9re on foot Norman and Karin, sitting in the For now, all eyes are on Mont-
work and hit his head. She visited never did, Ellen established a new the Rams. Others plan to cheer with a few hundred others. Some same aisle seats they have occu- gomery as he takes the ball and
him at the hospital, they watched tradition: walking to Section 317 him because he spent 12 seasons walk down Griswold or Clifford pied since 2002. lunges toward the goal line,
the Lions, and afterward they before home games to greet her with the Lions and the poor guy streets, past Isaac Agree Down- <This is a big night,= Norman 66,000 people here and through-
could talk about how he was real- parents and snap a picture. did all he could. town Synagogue, where Saman- says. He spent most of 2022 in the out the city waiting just a little
ly feeling. In 2022, Norman again went Thirty miles from here, Rodney tha Woll worked. hospital, but after his medication longer, together, to explode.

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A14 eZ re the washington post .

With help,
teen works
to avoid a
deadly fate
FutuRE from A1

extricate him from his neighbor-

hood and offer a reprieve from
the poverty and violence that
often felt like it defined his days.
Hardy was trying to keep him
from joining older teens in his
neighborhood in risky, some-
times criminal behavior, and to
show him what life could look
like if he avoided such tempta-
tions. that effort was made even
more complicated last year,
when a close family member of
rashad9s was charged with
armed carjacking.
research shows that the people
who commit violent crime are
more likely to fall victim to it.
Hardy, who runs an anti-violence
nonprofit called guns down fri-
day, knew that because of his age
and the people around him, ra-
shad was on the precipice of both
4 teetering between finishing
school and abandoning it, be-
tween resignation and rage, be-
tween survival and an early, vio-
lent death.
rashad and his mother agreed
to the Washington post9s spend-
ing time with him and identifying
him by his full name. His mother
eric lee for the Washington Post
declined to be interviewed, say-
ing she is a private person and
trusts her son to speak for him-
self, and requested that details rashad knew what Hardy was ABOVE: Rashad Bates walks in who got caught.
about her other children not be trying to do. He agreed to be in his neighborhood in Southeast She started formally working
included. her program, he said, because he Washington with Jawanna with rashad in may, one month
Like most teens, rashad is wanted to stay alive. Hardy, his mentor from the before Kevin and demarcos were
impulsive and cares about im- <We need people who really nonprofit Guns Down Friday. killed. She had been asking
pressing the people around him. care,= he said after he was asked RIGHt: Hardy took Rashad to rashad to stay out of neighbor-
He likes to wear cool clothes and what would help children like Orlando in the summer. While hood music videos, to stop post-
crack jokes that make his friends him survive. <i don9t think any- there, he shopped at a Nike ing pictures on instagram in
laugh. His mentors recognize body really cares.= store with the goal of buying a which he pretended to hold a
that behavior as normal for a that Saturday in orlando, back-to-school outfit for less gun, to save the money he earned
14-year-old. But they also under- rashad emerged from the lazy than $150. through working as an ambassa-
stand that it would take only one river and made his way to a dor for her organization instead
bad decision to ruin rashad9s life shallower pool, grabbing a warm of spending it all on gummy
4 or worse, end it. chocolate chip cookie on the way. worms and mcdonald9s french
already, rashad had flunked partly submerged in water, he ate fries.
out of eighth grade and gone to it in three bites. chocolate every day in rashad9s neigh-
summer school to catch up. He smeared across his face and borhood tested his commitment
appeared in the background of a pooled on his fingertips. then he to those lessons, and the day of
neighborhood rap video where a and his friend started to argue Kevin9s and demarcos9s funeral
young person pointed what looks with each other, something about was no exception.
like a gun at the camera. and who won in a recent race. as he stood at the graveyard
sometimes, he became so angry <i swear to god,= his friend that afternoon, a group of older
that he would shout or punch a said. <i did.= teens gathered nearby for a pic-
friend. <on my father,= rashad re- ture. He knew some of them were
in his city, children and teens plied, <no you didn9t.= on the front lines of street con-
are increasingly affected by gun one family nearby looked over flict in Washington. Hardy had
violence. Last year, more people at the boys, who were gesticulat- told him public association with
in the nation9s capital were killed ing with such force that water the group could be deadly.
than in any year since 1997. nine- splashed around them. rashad fashioned his hand into
teen were kids, 16 felled by gun- Hardy cut them off. an L 4 for Long Live 4 just like
fire. more than 100 children were <Stop,= she said. <if any of us everyone else.
shot. the juvenile justice system dies tomorrow, we9ll be the ones then the woman with the cam-
has been inundated by young crying at the funeral.= era began to count down.
people accused of committing in moments like this, Hardy <Long live Kevo,= the teens
crimes with guns 4 including reminded the boys that they were said. <Long live demarcos.=
robberies, carjackings and shoot- all on the same team. the shutter snapped as
ings, which have escalated since <i love you, rashad,= she con- emily Davies/the Washington Post rashad quietly retreated to the
the pandemic shuttered schools tinued, drawing out the L to make back of the crowd until all 5 feet, 4
and disrupted kids9 lives. her point clear. inches of him were hidden from
everyone, from the mayor to He mumbled in return. BELOW: Rashad also went to a boys on that trip, Hardy said, and save. She also understood view.
the police chief to mentors like <You9re supposed to say it water park while he was in were on house arrest or in juve- how urgently they needed help.
Hardy, is vowing to reverse the back,= Hardy said. Orlando. He says he now wants nile confinement for car theft or Last year, a 13-year-old boy 4 8Guilt by association9
violence consuming the district. rashad was quiet. to go anywhere that has one. illegal gun or drug possession. already charged in nine separate rashad lives in a city where
they have watched the age of He looked down. and Kevin 4 whom Hardy de- carjackings, robberies and as- many elected officials believe
kids both injured and arrested <i love you, too.= scribed as a sweet teen in the saults 4 was fatally shot by a man teens need opportunity more
grow younger 4 14, 13, 12 4 and wrong crowd 4 was dead at 17. whom police said he tried to than punishment.
say their top priority is protecting 8the pain, at that age, was <i learned the pain, at that age, carjack. a 12-year-old boy admit- there are apprenticeship pro-
at-risk children and making their already too deep9 was already too deep,= Hardy ted to robbing an uber eats grams and fitness coaching at a
neighborhoods safer. no matter how hard rashad said. driver of his moped. multiple center open to all kids in the
rashad is better off than many tried, he said he could not re- So she opted this year to work 14-year-olds faced gun charges. district. there are thousands of
of these kids. He has never been member much about the last with 13-to-15-year-olds, hoping and Hardy knew those cases spots each summer for camps
charged with a crime. He is trying time he saw his friends Kevin and they were young enough to shape represented only the children and job programs.
to stay out of trouble. and he demarcos alive. He could only
wants to graduate from high recall that June evening, when he
school and make enough money heard popping noises and ran
to travel <anywhere there9s a wa- outside his apartment. their bod-
ter park.= ies were sprawled on the pave-
Still, these past few months of ment.
rashad9s life show just how much at first, rashad thought it was
time and how many resources are fake. His friends could survive
needed to give one child a differ- anything. But then he heard Kev-
ent future. in9s mom wail, her high-pitched
Hardy handpicked rashad as scream searing through his body,
one of 10 teenage boys, ages 13 to and rashad, too, began to weep.
15, that she would help in a now rashad was inside a
summer program funded mostly church in northeast Washington,
by private grants. She would shoving his head through rows of
meet up with them at least twice people until he could see Kevin
a week and pay them to speak and demarcos in caskets. He
across d.c. about the importance could bear to only glance at his
of gun violence prevention. friends before darting to the back
rashad was scheduled to start of the room and burying his face
ninth grade in august, a milestone in his t-shirt.
that would put him and other <Let9s honor these young men,=
freshmen in high school hallways the pastor said.
with much older students. Some adults at school and in his
of the older teens have been in and neighborhood had told rashad it
out of juvenile detention centers. was important to talk about his
Some carry guns. Some have al- grief. So he invoked the names of
ready been shot. his lost friends in daily conversa-
for the first half of the sum- tion and made his iphone lock
mer, Hardy had almost daily in- screen an old picture of his dad.
teraction with rashad. She or- Still, rashad had never seen a
dered ubers to get him to sum- therapist. He was still learning
mer school, sent him cash to buy that losing so many people at
food and gave him a playStation 4 such a young age can lead to
so he would stay inside. then she depression, post-traumatic stress
scheduled the trip to florida, disorder and greater tendencies
which, while only 38 hours, was a toward violence.
centerpiece of Hardy9s plan for many teens in rashad9s neigh-
rashad 4 just as it had been for borhood had suffered similar
other teens over the past three losses. Hardy had taken a group
years of Hardy9s mentorship pro- of them, including Kevin mason,
gram. She hoped the change of to florida a year earlier, on a trip
scenery would let rashad be a kid like the one with rashad. She had
for once, and show him how tried to show them a world out-
much fun life could be if he stayed side their neighborhood. But by
out of trouble. the end of the year, at least six emily Davies/the Washington Post
sunday, january 21, 2024 eZ re A15

Photos by eric lee for the Washington Post

But those initiatives are not

effective if kids don9t enroll in
them. and d.c.9s deputy mayor of
public safety and justice conced-
ed that the city has struggled with
connecting its host of programs
to the teens. many of their fami-
lies have lost faith in government
<oftentimes, kids don9t know
what9s best for them,= said the
deputy mayor, Lindsey appiah.
<they may not want to partici-
pate in what we know will be
therapeutically beneficial for
them in stopping criminal activi-
rashad said he didn9t particu-
larly want to go to any city
programs or know how to find
rides to them. that meant the
14-year-old was signing up to
spend much of the summer on his CLOCKWISE FROM tOP: Rashad Bates takes a rest during a busy summer
block, off Langston place, in an in his neighborhood near Langston Place in Southeast Washington. Football
area where, according to 2022 was one activity that kept him occupied while he was out of school. He also
census data, households make a went to a Wingstop in Hillcrest Heights, Md., with Jawanna Hardy, and he
median of $33,417 per year and played a racing game in Hardy9s car while it was parked outside his building.
about 12 percent of adults have
bachelor9s degrees.
earlier in the summer, rashad of that crew,= Hardy said. <they orange shoe boxes. then he got to rashad looked back at her. management Workbook for Kids=
spent much of his time on the call it 8guilt by association,9 and work. <He didn9t get spanked,= he and a playStation remote, which
front steps of his apartment the association is your address.= rashad quickly chose a pair of said. <He only got three years.= Hardy told rashad would act as a
building. Sometimes, he was ap- rashad already had his own air force 1s. Size 9, $110. then he microphone, designating whose
proached by neighbors out on problems with younger teens wandered through the kids sec- 8You have to get help9 turn it was to speak.
parole for various crimes, who across the city. at one point in the tion, gingerly picking up and rashad walked into the Hardy pulled out her phone
reeked of alcohol. He tried to summer, he was too scared to putting down graphic tees until WeWork and plopped down in a and dialed her uncle.
ignore them. other times, he was cross an intersection because he settled on one with a light-blue black chair, refusing to make eye <i want you to talk about the
embraced by self-appointed boys from another middle school nike Swoosh. Kids XL, $12.99. in contact with his mentor. day you got shot,= she told him,
neighborhood mentors, who lived around there and might the men9s section, he opted for a Hardy sat across from him, and placed her phone on speaker.
made him laugh and invited him want to hurt him. pair of black joggers. Large, staring at her computer so she for the next 12 minutes, Har-
to play video games in a make- rashad knew that Hardy was $19.97. could avoid looking at rashad. dy9s uncle talked about a teen he
shift community center across worried about him following in <Look,= he said, showing Hardy <This is something you it had been one week since used to mentor, who was also
the street. and every tuesday and the older boys9 footsteps, and he the haul. a back-to-school outfit they returned from florida and from the Langston place area.
friday, after summer school, he knew she had planned the trip to for $143. struggle with that you days since Hardy blocked they spent years together. then
spent the afternoon with Hardy orlando to get him away from his or so Hardy thought before rashad9s number and vowed to one day, when the teen was high
4 either giving out food to fami- block. But like most teenagers, she opened his shoe box and saw don9t even know about. stop working with him. after she and angry, he shot Hardy9s uncle
lies or taking lessons on financial the desire to impress his friends socks stuffed inside. accused him of trying to steal at in the eye.
management or conflict resolu- followed him everywhere, even in the middle of the store, she PTSD. Post-traumatic the nike store, she laid rashad off rashad put his forehead on the
tion at a WeWork in navy Yard. on vacation. pulled out the socks and looked at from his ambassadorship for table.
Some of the time, though, ra- So when Hardy asked whether rashad. anger contorted her stress disorder. When guns down friday. in texts and <Because he was angry, he shot
shad was around older teenagers, rashad would rather spend the face. She accused him of trying to facetime calls, he told her to him in the face,= Hardy said, now
many of whom had found a sense afternoon in orlando on a heli- steal. He said the socks were somebody gets killed, never come back to his neighbor- looking at rashad. <So when you
of belonging and purpose in copter tour or at the nike store 4 already in the box, and he decid- hood, cursed her out, and said sent me that text, it made me feel
neighborhood crews. police said where Hardy told him he could ed to leave them there. when you lose someone, <some vulgar things= that left like you were going to do the
that these groups often feud with spend $150 on back-to-school <You9re going to be like no Hardy shaken and afraid. same thing to me that he did to
young people in other parts of the items, as a budgeting exercise 4 Savage in another city and get that9s traumatic.= <Let9s go upstairs,= Hardy final- my uncle. and that boy loved my
city, and the disputes can turn his answer was emphatic. caught,= Hardy said, referring to a ly said. uncle so much.=
Jawanna Hardy, during a
deadly. He burst open the store9s dou- d.c. rapper who was sentenced to inside the beige conference rashad raised his head but did
conversation with rashad
<growing up in that neighbor- ble doors and paused for a min- three years in prison after firing a room, the round table was empty not look at Hardy. He instead
hood, you9re automatically part ute to behold the walls of bright- gun inside a Virginia mall. except for a book titled <anger continued on neXt page
A16 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

After losing friends, teen

stands for a better future LEFT: Rashad Bates speaks
Nov. 17 at a banquet for the
nonprofit Guns Down Friday.
His mentor, Jawanna Hardy,
helped him list all seven of his
from previous page had been shot. <They was friends friends who were fatally shot.
from around the neighborhood. BELOW: Rashad steps onto a
focused on the blank wall. We used to hang out.= railing outside a building in his
<out of the ones he worked it was November, five months neighborhood. The 14-year-old
with, that kid was the roughest since rashad saw Kevin and De- says he agreed to get involved
and the toughest,= Hardy said of marcos dead on the sidewalk and with Guns Down Friday
her uncle9s mentees. of the kids more than two months since he because he wants to walk into a
she mentored now, she asked started ninth grade. future in which he stays alive.
rashad, <who9s the roughest and He had joined a football team.
the toughest?= He had been suspended multiple
silence. times from school, including
<You,= Hardy said. she stared at once in the first week for cursing
rashad. at a teacher. He and Hardy had
rashad toyed with the play- started going together to church.
station remote. Then he spoke, He was still posting pictures
still not looking at Hardy. on instagram with his hands in
<i apologize for sending you the shape of a gun, but rashad
them messages and making you had not appeared in any neigh-
feel how you9re feeling right now,= borhood music videos.
he said. <i wish i had made better Hardy, sitting a few seats away
eric Lee for the Washington post
decisions.= from him, spoke up.
Hardy sighed. more silence. <He9s being modest. & Those
Then, <i accept your apology.= were just the recent ones,= she
she walked over to the empty said of Kevin and Demarcos.
whiteboard, picked up a red <seven people from his neighbor-
marker and wrote <pTsD= in big hood,= and then she listed ra-
block letters. shad9s friends felled by guns be-
<This is something you strug- fore they turned 17.
gle with that you don9t even know gerald Watson, 15. Karon
about. pTsD. post-traumatic Brown, 11. Jakhi snider, 16.
stress disorder,= Hardy said. <Deandre,= rashad whispered,
<When somebody gets killed, referring to Deandre Coleman, 16.
when you lose someone, that9s <stephon,= he added, remem-
traumatic. You have to get help.= bering stephon shreeves, 14.
Hardy told the room how hard
Rashad9s future it had been to keep rashad on
Dressed in a white button- course. <several times, i9m like,
down shirt and silver tie, rashad 8Look, rashad, i9m done with
sat in the front of a private room you,9 = she said. <Because it9s just
at a waterfront restaurant in so much.=
southwest Washington. He Near them, a slide show cycled
twirled his hair, looking any- through pictures. rashad smiling
where but toward the tables of against a brick wall. The guns
people there to listen to the panel Down friday logo. Then, Hardy9s
of children affected by gun vio- uncle in a hospital bed, gauze
lence. over his left eye.
The moderator stood up, <i took him to florida,= Hardy
looked at rashad and began to said.
introduce him: Before she could finish the
<We talked, and i remember sentence, rashad spoke up.
the one thing i asked you was, 8Do <i acted out,= he said, hands
you know anyone who has been now on his hips. He flashed a
shot?9 = The moderator paused. <i wide smile. The people at the
knew the answer, but i was sur- tables laughed.
prised by the answer.= <Don9t give up. You are such a
The room was quiet. glasses of leader,= Hardy said to rashad.
red wine sat untouched on white <Thank you, rashad, for being
tablecloths. rashad rose and here and fighting through.=
stuffed his hands into the pockets rashad looked at the rows of
of his slacks. people applauding for him and
<Hi everybody, my name is beamed, as though he could see
rashad,= he said, before turning what Hardy was trying to give
his words to those he knew who him: a future. Marvin Joseph/the Washington post

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sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re k A17

Ruby the dog helps o>cer rescue her

owner after he fell into Michigan lake
BY A DELA S ULIMAN Unable to traverse the thin ice cy call about 11:45 a.m. after
himself, he enlists the help of the bystanders on the shore wit-
It was pet dog Ruby to the canine. nessed the man fall through the
rescue this past week, after she <Send your pup here. Will she ice, and said the man was in the
saved her owner when he fell into come to me?= Bennetts shouts to water for approximately 16 min-
an icy lake in Michigan. the man, who replies that the utes. He was later transported by
The brown-and-white-patched dog9s name is Ruby. ambulance to the Munson Medi-
dog helped save her owner from a <Ruby, come here! Come here, cal Center for treatment and then
potentially life-threatening situa- Ruby!= Bennetts bellows before released.
tion, enabling a police officer to the dog rushes toward the officer. The video of the successful
<perform a successful ice rescue= He then attaches a bright orange rescue attracted lots of praise for
when the officer could not reach rescue disc to her collar along Ruby and Bennetts online, with a
him because of the ice conditions, with a piece of rope and urges her neighboring police district tweet-
Michigan State Police said in a owner to call her back over. ing: <What a good girl & creative
statement. The fallen man grabs the disc thinking helped save a life!!=
Video of the dramatic rescue and is instructed to <kick your Cold, stormy weather has been
was widely shared online after feet= by Bennetts. <Keep pulling raging across much of the contig-
being captured by Motor Carrier the disc,= he shouts: <Pull, pull, uous United States, with winter
Officer Kammeron Bennetts9s pull!= storm warnings in effect down-
body cam. Eventually, he emerges from wind of Lake Michigan. Record-
The video shows Bennetts ar- the icy water and is dragged cold air and back-to-back storms
riving at the blizzard scene Thurs- across the snow on his belly, along have made the mid-January snow
MiChigAn sTATe PoliCe/AssoCiATed Press
day to find that the 65-year-old with Ruby, to safety, helped by a cover the most extensive in two
Traverse City man had fallen into firefighter. decades of modern data, al- In this video still, Ruby the dog grasps a rescue disc tethered to a rope. A Michigan State Police officer
a freezing Arbutus Lake, in East Michigan State Police said the though a major thaw is forecast had Ruby take it to the dog9s owner, who had fallen into an icy lake in East Bay Township on Thursday.
Bay Township. agency responded to an emergen- for the coming week. The officer was unable to get close to the man because of the lake9s thin ice.

MATT MCClAin/The WAshingTon PosT

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) before speaking at a campaign event

on Thursday in Hanover, N.H.

OpenAI suspends maker

of bot for presidential
hopeful Dean Phillips
BY E LIZABETH D WOSKIN through a website, was an early
use of an emerging technology
The artificial intelligence com- that researchers have said could
pany OpenAI suspended the de- cause significant harm to elec-
veloper of a bot mimicking long- tions.
shot Democratic presidential The bot included a disclaimer
hopeful Rep. Dean Phillips 4 the explaining that it was an AI tool
first action that the maker of and not the real Dean Phillips,
ChatGPT has taken in response to and required that voters consent
what it sees as a misuse of its AI to its use. But researchers told
tools in a political campaign. The Post that such technologies
Dean.Bot was the brainchild of could lull people into accepting a
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Matt dangerous tool, even when dis-
Krisiloff and Jed Somers, who had claimers are in place.
started a super PAC supporting Proponents, including We De-
Phillips (Minn.) ahead of the New serve Better, argue that the bots,
Hampshire primary on Tuesday. when used appropriately, can ed-
The PAC had received $1 million ucate voters by giving them an
from hedge fund manager Bill entertaining way to learn more
Ackman, the billionaire activist about a candidate.
who led the charge to oust Har- Without disclaimers, experts
vard University President Clau- have said, the technologies could
dine Gay. enable mass robocalls to voters
The bot was powered by Open- who think they9re talking to actu-
AI9s ChatGPT conversational soft- al candidates or supporters. AI
ware, which the company has systems can also produce disin-
made available to outside devel- formation in ads or content, such
opers. as fake websites, at scale.
The super PAC, called We De- After The Post asked We De-
serve Better, had contracted with serve Better about OpenAI9s pro-
AI start-up Delphi to build the hibitions on Thursday, Krisiloff
bot. OpenAI suspended Delphi9s said he had asked Delphi to re-
account late Friday in response to move ChatGPT from the bot and
a Washington Post story on the instead rely on open source tech-
SuperPAC, noting that OpenAI9s nologies that also offer conversa-
rules ban the use of its technology
in political campaigns. Delphi
took down Dean.Bot after the
account suspension.
<Anyone who builds with our
tional capabilities that had gone
into the bot9s design.
The bot remained available to
the public without ChatGPT until
late Friday, when Delphi took the
tools must follow our usage pol- bot down in response to the sus-

icies,= OpenAI spokeswoman pension, Krisiloff said. The CaseStudy®
Lindsey Held said in a statement. Krisiloff did not have further
<We recently removed a develop- comment. Delphi did not im- Since our first renovation over 60 years ago,
er account that was knowingly mediately respond to a request we9ve been a team of visionaries. Our unique
violating our API usage policies for comment.
which disallow political cam- Krisiloff is a former chief of approach to the remodeling process begins
paigning, or impersonating an
individual without consent.=
Dean.Bot, which could con-
verse with voters in real-time
staff to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.
Altman has met with Phillips but
has no involvement in the super
PAC, Krisiloff said.
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A18 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Harvard stands behind

plagiarism review
of former president
Amid the criticism over their
The school tells a House testimony, multiple allegations of
panel that it rigorously plagiarism surfaced against Gay,
and the House committee de-
investigated allegations manded more answers.
Those allegations would be a
concern at any university, Rep.
BY S USAN S VRLUGA Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), who chairs
the committee, said in a state-
Harvard University defended ment last month, <but Harvard is
its reviews of plagiarism allega- not just any university. It styles
tions involving its former presi- itself as one of the top educational
dent Friday, as a House panel institutions in the country.=
continues to investigate how the On Friday, Foxx wrote in an
university handled those claims. opinion piece in the Daily Caller
Claudine Gay resigned earlier that Gay faced more than 50 alle-
this month amid allegations of gations of plagiarism and decried
plagiarism and questions about her for <attempting to reaffirm
antisemitism on campus, includ- the sanctity of her academic work
ing her testimony at a December despite mountains of evidence to
congressional hearing. The the contrary. Doubling down on
House Committee on Education one last lie seems fitting 4 ironic
and the Workforce later an- even, as she portrays her resigna-
nounced inquiries into the uni- tion as the ultimate act of martyr-
versities. dom for truth.=
<We are committed to aca- The university had previously
Will olivEr/EPA-EFE/sHuttErstock
demic integrity, rigorous scholar- offered some information about
ship, free expression, respectful its review into the allegations in- Harvard President Claudine Gay testifies before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce in December. Gay resigned amid
dialogue, and the safety of our volving Gay. But the memo re- allegations of plagiarism, which had been investigated by an independent committee.
students and community,= the leased Friday provided a more
university said in a memo to the detailed timeline of how it had While the article in question and two are former presidents of thors, and internal honor codes on Dec. 12.
committee. <We take any allega- responded. typically must have been pub- the American Political Science As- and policies. It focused on the two In the meantime, Harvard
tion or concern regarding our After Harvard received ques- lished or cited by the author with- sociation.= more recent papers, according to learned via social media of allega-
standards and policies very seri- tions from the New York Post on in the past six years, the panel The independent panel re- Harvard. tions about Gay9s dissertation,
ously. We also recognize our re- Oct. 24 regarding articles pub- decided to review the older works viewed information including the The panel concluded that there and the subcommittee looked
sponsibility to investigate and as- lished in 1993, 2012 and 2017, one since the allegations involved New York Post9s allegations, the was no doubt that the articles into it and found <examples of
sess the validity of any such alle- of Harvard9s governing boards, scholarship by the university9s three published works by Gay in were both sophisticated and orig- duplicative language without ap-
gation, and to do so in a manner the Harvard Corporation, voted president. question, 11 articles alleged to be inal, and that there was <virtually propriate attribution.= Gay sub-
that is fair and impartial for all, unanimously to initiate a review, The subcommittee of the board plagiarized and a list of their au- no evidence of intentional claim- mitted requests for corrections to
including those accused of viola- according to the timeline provid- was made up of three academics ing of findings= that were not her dissertation.
tions.= ed to the committee. Gay, who was and a lawyer, including a former Gay9s. It found other allegations The submission of the docu-
The eight-page memo was part not at that meeting, separately justice of the Supreme Court of <We are committed trivial, but it registered concern ments comes as Harvard is also
of a broader set of information called for an independent review California and former presidents about nine of the 25 allegations. It working to address concerns that
Harvard gave the House panel. that day. of Amherst College and Princeton to academic integrity, found that Gay <paraphrased or sparked the December inquiry.
The university did not immedi- For Gay, as a professor in the University. reproduced the language of oth- Harvard announced two task
ately release the other docu- university9s Faculty of Arts and That subcommittee appointed rigorous scholarship, ers without quotation marks and forces Friday, one committed to
ments, which a spokesperson said Sciences, a finding of research whom Harvard described as without sufficient and clear cred- combating antisemitism and one
<are responsive to the Commit- misconduct would require cer- <three of the country9s most free expression, iting of sources,= failing at times to combating Islamophobia and
tee9s request.= tain elements: <a significant de- prominent political scientists= to to provide appropriate citations. anti-Arab bias.
A spokeswoman for the House parture from accepted practices conduct an independent review. respectful dialogue, The independent panel recom- <Reports of antisemitic and Is-
committee said Friday it was re- of the relevant research commu- Those three remain unnamed, mended a broader review of Gay9s lamophobic acts on our campus
viewing the documents. nity=; <intentional, knowing, or which Harvard said is consistent and the safety of work, which the subcommittee have grown, and the sense of be-
Gay appeared at the December reckless conduct=; and a prepon- with the norms of a confidential undertook, according to Harvard. longing among these groups has
congressional hearing alongside derance of evidence proving the peer review process. But Harvard our students and That panel found that many of the been undermined,= interim presi-
two other university presidents. allegation. Harvard9s response described them as <tenured facul- allegations were meritless. But it dent Alan M. Garber wrote to the
Another Ivy League president at said the policy also distinguishes ty members at prominent re- community.= concluded that two articles re- campus community Friday. <We
that hearing, Liz Magill of the research misconduct from <hon- search institutions across the quired corrections. The findings need to understand why and how
Harvard University,
University of Pennsylvania, re- est error or differences of opin- country, fellows of the American were submitted to the Corpora- that is happening 4 and what
in a memo to the House committee
signed under pressure last ion.= Academy of Arts and Sciences, tion, which issued the statement more we might do to prevent it.=




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sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A19

that want to hear their grandchildren.

OsAmAh AbdulrAhmAn/AP

Houthi supporters at a rally in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and against the U.S.
government designating Houthis as a terror group in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, on Friday.

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Yemen from A1 tack,= a second American official ing clear that they condemned the
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likewise risks pulling Biden into from Iran, the first official said. He ler said.
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Administration officials, speak-
and affiliations of the vessels they
target; in other instances they do
Yemen or exacerbate the already
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Some officials at the State De- ARE HERE, SO YOU CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE!
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Some firms have chosen to re-
route ships around the Cape of
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ministration designated this past
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<So we9re not sure that they9re The officials said Biden be- a payment mechanism to former Valid on MEMINI Solution 1 only. Expires 02/02/2024. Must be 55 or older. Must not have been tested or made a purchase in the
going to stop immediately, but we lieved the United States had to act Houthi fighters that are now act- last 6 months. While supplies last. Expires 02/02/2024.

are certainly trying to degrade as what they described as the ing in local administrator roles.
and destroy their capabilities.= world9s <indispensable nation,= measures like that become more
Biden last week acknowledged
that the strikes had so far failed to
discourage Houthi leaders, who
with a powerful military and an
ability to organize diverse nations
behind a single cause. Nations
difficult to establish amid active
hostilities between U.S. and
Houthi forces.
have promised to exact revenge including Canada, Bahrain, Ger- U.S. officials also are concerned
against the United States and Brit-
ain, whose military has contribut-
many and Japan jointly issued a
statement on Jan. 3 decrying the
that attacking the Houthis has
thrust the United States into a
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Houthis? No,= the president told sion to confront the Houthis to his lies. Notably, America9s most pow-
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stance in support of Ukraine,
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erful Gulf partners have withheld
their backing for the American
" FREE In-Ofûce Repairs
officials say they don9t expect
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help Kyiv push back against rus-
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for years like previous U.S. wars in sia9s breach of its sovereignty, a has warned that Western strikes
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same time they acknowledge they In this case, officials said, the could fuel regional instability.
can identify no end date or pro- administration is willing to safely <We need to address the central
vide an estimate for when the transit key waterways and, more issue, which is Gaza, in order to
Yemenis9 military capability will generally, defend the principle of get everything else defused & If
be adequately diminished. As part
of the effort, U.S. naval forces also
are working to intercept weapons
freedom of navigation. They hope
the signal sent by preemptive
American strikes will persuade
we are just focusing on the symp-
toms and not treating the real
issues, [solutions] will be tempo-
shipments from Iran. shipping firms to return to busi- rary,= he said, according to reu- See stores for details.
The Houthis, who made an un- ness as usual. ters. Palestinian authorities say
likely rise from an obscure rebel <It9s impossible to forecast ex- that Israel9s campaign in Gaza,
movement in Yemen9s northern actly what9s going to happen, and which the country launched fol- FINANCING OPTIONS AVAILABLE THROUGH FEBRUARY 2ND
mountains in the 1990s to ruling certainly not [to predict] future lowing Hamas9 deadly oct. 7 at-
large swaths of the country by
2015, previously withstood years
operations,= the first U.S. official
said. <But the principle that it
tacks into Israel, has killed more
than 24,000 people.
of bombing by a military coalition simply can9t be tolerated for a While U.S. lawmakers have APPROVAL INTEREST FREE FINANCING
led by Saudi Arabia. terrorist organization & with been broadly supportive of the
<We9re not trying to defeat the these advanced capabilities to es- strikes in Yemen, they said the
Houthis. There9s no appetite for
invading Yemen,= a diplomat close
to the issues said. <The appetite is
to degrade their ability to launch
sentially shut down or control
shipping through a key interna-
tional choke point is one that we
feel very strongly about.=
administration has yet to outline a
clear strategy or endgame, and
suggested the strikes have not
eliminated concerns about an es-
these kind of attacks going for- mohammed al-Basha, a Yemen calating middle East conflict. Sen. NORTH BETHESDA BOWIE OXON HILL
ward, and that involves hitting the expert with the Navanti Group, Ben Cardin (D-md.), chairman of 11621 Nebel Street Fairwood Shopping Center 6196 Oxon HIll Rd.
infrastructure that enables these said the Houthis have strong in- the Senate foreign relations 1-888-387-3068 12420F Fairwood Parkway Suite 385
kind of attacks, and targeting centive to press on. Committee, told reporters follow- 1-888-387-3068 1-888-387-3068
their higher-level capabilities.= <When the Houthis attacked ing a meeting with Secretary of 12301 Old Columbia Pike OWINGS MILLS ROCKVILLE
The first U.S. official said the the Abu Dhabi airport, they gar- State Antony Blinken in recent Suite 202 9351 Lakeside Blvd. 15200 Shady Grove Rd.
initial U.S. and British strikes had nered a lot of attention. When days that the administration9s 301-384-4245 Suite 103 Suite 304
succeeded <in significantly de- they attacked Aramco they gar- plan for addressing the threat ap- 410-443-0918 1-888-387-3068
grading= the military assets tar- nered even more attention,= he peared to be <evolving.= BETHESDA
6931 Arlington Road TOWSON WOODBRIDGE
geted thus far, but also acknowl- said, referring to attacks in the Legislators also voiced fears the Radio Park 1455 Old Bridge Rd.
edged they retain a consequential United Arab Emirates and on oil operation could become costly 1-888-387-3068
1220A East Joppa St. Suite 202
arsenal. <That9s not to say that the facilities in Saudi Arabia. <But the and prolonged. Sen. Jack reed FOREST HILL Suite 110 1-888-387-3068
Houthis don9t still have capability, attention they9re getting today (D-r.I.), chairman of the Senate 1521D Rock Springs Rd. 410-443-0918
but there9s a lot that they had that from the red Sea attacks is un- Armed Services Committee, noted 410-443-0918
VILLAGE GREENS 8837 Belair Rd.
they don9t have now,= he said. heard of, so they are loving this.= that some of the missiles em- SPRINGFIELD 410-443-0918
Western officials believe the The administration has tried to ployed to date could cost $2 mil- OF ANNAPOLIS
6506 Loisdale Rd. 509 S. Cherry Grove Ave. FAIRFAX
most advanced equipment is pro- avoid being seen as fueling region- lion apiece. <So you9ve got this Suite 106
vided by Iran, which they say has al violence by working to build issue that will be emerging of how Suite A 10560 Main Street
1-888-387-3068 410-443-0918 Suite 606
conducted a years-long smug- international support, including long can we continue to fire ex-
gling operation that has allowed by finding partners to sign on for pensive missiles,= he said. GAINESVILLE FALLS CHURCH 1-888-387-3068
them to strike far beyond Yemen9s declarations condemning the Sen. richard Blumenthal (D- 7430 Heritage Village Plaza 6565 Arlington Blvd. STERLING
borders. The United States is hop- Houthi violence and by securing Conn.) noted that the United Suite 102 Suite 240 2 Pidgeon Hill Dr.
ing that the strikes, in conjunction passage of a U.N. Security Council States had attempted to weaken 1-888-387-3068 1-888-387-3068 1-888-387-3068
with its interdiction campaign resolution denouncing their ac- other groups in the past, such as
that this month yielded a ship- tions a day before the initial U.S. the Taliban or al-Qaeda, even as
ment of missile warheads, will strikes. This past week, the ad- they rearmed. <The Houthis were
slowly starve the Houthis of their ministration imposed a terrorism rebuilding even as the Saudis
most potent weapons. designation on the group. bombed them [for years]. So it9s
They point out that more so- State Department spokesman sobering,= Blumenthal said.
phisticated attacks, like a large- matt miller said the nations who <There9s no question,= he add- *Hearing tests are always free. Hearing test is an audiometric test to determine proper ampliûcation needs only, not a medical
scale one that occurred Jan. 9, have joined the United States in ed, <that we should be very clear- exam. **If you are not completely satisûed, the aids may be returned for a full refund within 30 days from the completion of ûtting,
have not been repeated since the seeking to counter the Houthi vio- eyed about the difficulties here.= in satisfactory condition. Fitting fee may apply. Valid at participating locations only. See store for details. All in-ofûce hearing aid
U.S.-led strikes began. <recall be- lence were all playing <different repairs will be free. Factory repairs, regardless of make or model, will be 50% off. Financing options may not be combined.
See stores for details. Available through 02/02/2024.
fore the strike we had U.S. ships roles.= Ellen Francis in beirut, mustafa salim
attacked with 20-plus UAVs and
multiple missiles in a single at-
<There are more than 40 coun-
tries that issued a statement mak-
in baghdad and louisa loveluck in
Jerusalem contributed to this report.
CODE: TQ434560
A20 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

The World

BRUSSELS 4 On a dark Friday

evening in November, three peo-
ple scaled a fence in the sprawl-
ing North Sea port of Antwerp,
pulled knives on customs work-
ers and forced them to open a
confiscated container. Security
officials say the assailants knew
exactly what they9d find. Inside,
tucked among animal skins, were
bricks of cocaine.
Antwerp, known historically as
a hub for diamond trading, has
developed a reputation as Eu-
rope9s cocaine-import capital.
Last year, Belgian customs offi-
cers intercepted a record 256,000
pounds of cocaine there, accord-
ing to figures shared last week by
the Belgian Finance Ministry.
That9s more than three times
the amount U.S. customs and
border officials seized in all of the
United States. But officials esti-
mate it9s only a fraction of the
drugs being smuggled among the
12 million containers that pass
through Antwerp each year.
The head of Belgium9s customs
service said in an interview that
especially big seizures in the fall
appeared to have prompted a
violent backlash, along with a
new issue: Authorities haven9t
always been able to destroy what
they9ve confiscated before drug
gangs try to steal it back.
Photos By VirginiA MAyo/AP
<Attacking the police, attacking
the customs, this is not some- Shipping containers are offloaded at the port of Antwerp, Belgium, in March 2020. It is Europe9s second-busiest port behind Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
thing you see in Europe,= said
Kristian Vanderwaeren, director
general of Belgium9s customs
agency. <I was really afraid that
my people would be killed if this
would continue.=
A Belgian port seized tons of cocaine. business.
<If Rotterdam and Antwerp
step up their game, they will seek
alternative routes,= Hoorens said
The port of Antwerp is mas-
sive, covering an area nearly the
size of Pittsburgh. Twenty-thou-
sand ships docked there last year,
Criminals tried to take it back. of drug smugglers.
This month, Belgium took over
the rotating presidency of the
Council of the European Union, a
making it Europe9s second-busi- position that lets the country set
est port behind Rotterdam in the Last year, Antwerp confiscated three times as much cocaine as U.S. border officials did in all of the U.S. the high-level agenda for part of
Netherlands. After Dutch author- the European Union9s govern-
ities stepped up their drug en- ment. Increasing cooperation on
forcement, smugglers shifted And in December, an arson among legal shipments. Smug- But scanning more than a small drug enforcement between Euro-
more of their operations to attack torched a customs ware- glers favor containers filled with <Attacking the police, percentage of the tens of thou- pean ports is one of Belgium9s key
Antwerp, said Stijn Hoorens, a house storing confiscated cars perishable goods, such as fruit sands of containers that go priorities for its six-month term.
drug trade and policy researcher and weapons in the south of the and fish, which puts more pres- attacking the customs, through the port of Antwerp each Drug violence has flared in
at Rand Europe. country, in what officials suspect sure on port and customs work- day isn9t an option. recent years in both Belgium and
Shipments increase as the holi- was an act of retaliation for ers to move the containers along this is not something <There9s absolutely no way that the Netherlands. In 2021, a well-
day party season approaches, customs seizures. quickly, Hoorens said. Sometimes that9s possible,= Hoorens said. known Dutch crime reporter was
Vanderwaeren said, creating After the recent attacks, the the drugs are stuffed into a duffel you see in Europe. <Any container that is subject to murdered after helping advise a
what he called a <white Christ- Belgian military was deployed to bag thrown into a random con- scanning will cause delays, and former gangster who was testify-
mas= at the port. On Nov. 3, the guard customs trucks and facili- tainer. Sometimes the methods I was really afraid delays cost money.= ing against a drug kingpin. Bel-
same day as the customs facility ties. Vanderwaeren said he re- are more complex. Huge amounts of drugs make it gium9s justice minister had to go
break-in, authorities seized ceived more resources to destroy Belgian authorities have found that my people through in containers that are into hiding in 2022 after threats
16,500 pounds of cocaine hidden the drugs, too, so that he can now cocaine packed into hollowed-out never searched. on his life from organized crime.
in boxes of bananas from Ecua- incinerate most seizures within logs and pineapples. The drug would be killed if Across Europe, ports are in Last January, an 11-year-old girl
dor. one or two days. Destroying a can also be washed into fabric, competition with one another to was killed when she was caught
Confiscated cocaine shipments major cache like the ones inter- left to dry and then processed this would continue.= attract commercial shipments. in the crossfire of a gang shoot-
were piling up in customs facili- cepted in the fall could still pre- back into powder once it has Antwerp is just 40 miles from ing, police said at the time.
Kristian Vanderwaeren, director
ties. Dutch authorities quickly sent a challenge. reached its destination. Rotterdam. Smaller ports such as Not everyone agrees stricter
general of Belgium9s customs agency
incinerate seized drugs. But the This month, Belgium9s federal Customs officials use giant X- Vlissingen in the Netherlands, Le enforcement is the way to go,
Belgian government didn9t have police force announced it had ray machines to look inside con- Havre in France and Hamburg in though. Amsterdam Mayor Fem-
the capacity to do that. And raided 45 properties, arresting 22 tainers without opening them up. Germany are all keen for more ke Halsema wrote in an opinion
because drug gangs tend to track people, including three police of- piece in the Guardian this month
their shipments with digital loca- ficers, connected to the drug that the Netherlands <risks be-
tor devices, they can easily locate trade. coming a narco-state= if the cur-
cocaine that hasn9t been removed The seizures and arrests don9t rent global <war on drugs= ap-
from its container. yet appear to have disrupted the proach is continued rather than
<The criminal organization business model of criminal the adoption of alternatives such
was not afraid to come to a gangs. Street prices for cocaine as decriminalization. Politicians
facility and capture their cocaine, have stayed fairly stable over the in the Swiss capital, Bern, are
even if it meant they would kill a past several years, even as quality considering legalizing recre-
customs officer,= Vanderwaeren increases, said Hoorens, the drug ational cocaine sales.
said. trade expert. Production is in- Regardless, Vanderwaeren has
On that night in November, creasing in Latin America and pledged to keep lobbying for
some of the customs workers drug cartels are becoming more more scanners and staff so he can
were able to barricade them- sophisticated, integrating with build a <wall= in Antwerp that
selves in an office and call the European crime rings and build- will be too onerous for drug
police. The assailants escaped 4 ing their own facilities in Europe traffickers to try to punch
leaving behind the drugs they for processing the drugs, he said. through. His officers already get
presumably came for 4 before According to Europol, the Eu- tips from U.S. law enforcement
they could be caught and before ropean Union9s law enforcement agents about which ships to take
anyone was hurt. agency, Ecuador and its main a closer look at. Officials at Latin
In another recent episode, port of Guayaquil have been the American ports are also increas-
masked Belgian SWAT comman- biggest sources of cocaine des- ingly scanning containers before
dos rammed into a black SUV tined for Europe, reflecting how they are shipped, allowing Bel-
driving near the port and arrest- Mexican and Albanian gangs gian officers to look at the images
ed seven armed men. Police had have infiltrated the country. This and decide which ships to search
acted on intelligence that the month, the president of Ecuador before they even arrive.
men were heading to steal seized declared a <state of war= against <We will upgrade until the
cocaine. Like the Nov. 3 attack, drug gangs, after several assassi- cancer is out of the port,= Vander-
the episode happened on the nations, prison breaks and bomb- waeren said. <That9s the only way
same day as a big seizure 4 when ings there. to really make it clear to the
VirginiA MAyo/AP
officials intercepted <several In export countries, gangs criminals that the harbor of
tons= of cocaine in a shipment of bribe or extort port workers to A customs agent9s drug-sniffing dog inspects cargo at the Antwerp port in August 2022. Tens of Antwerp is not the place anymore
soy meal from Sierra Leone. allow them to hide cocaine thousands of containers go through the port every day, so only a small percentage can be searched. for importing drugs.=


CHiNA The dormitory room housed geRMANY afternoon protest in Frankfurt surgically removed. Ariel, who <I am taking back the baton of
approximately 30 students, drew 35,000 people. was named for <The Little command that you entrusted to
13 students reported according to Xinhua. The Tens of thousands Demonstrations in Stuttgart, Mermaid= character because the me. We want a more united,
killed in dorm ûre remaining 16 students were protest the far right Nuremberg and Hanover, among additional appendage with two stronger and prosperous Congo,=
safely evacuated. other cities, also drew large paws on the end looked a flipper, Tshikedi, 60, said during the
A fire broke out in dorms at a The fire started Friday night Tens of thousands of people crowds. ran through the grass Saturday inauguration ceremony in
boarding school for elementary and was put out just before protested the far right in cities A similar demonstration as she adjusted to life on four Kinshasa attended by several
students in central Henan midnight at Yingcai School in across Germany on Saturday, Friday in Hamburg, Germany9s legs. <She is doing brilliantly,= heads of state. His first
province, and 13 students died in rural Fangcheng district in attending events with slogans second-largest city, drew what said Vicki Black, director of the inauguration in 2019 marked
the blaze, Chinese state media central Henan. The school9s such as <Never Again is Now,= police said was a crowd of 50,000 Langford Vets Small Animal Congo9s first democratic transfer
reported Saturday. owner was detained, CCTV <Against Hate= and <Defend and had to be ended early Referral Hospital, where she was of power since the country9s
All of the dead were third- reported. Democracy.= The large crowds because the mass of people led to operated on Thursday. The dog, independence from Belgium in
grade students, a teacher told State media reported that were the latest in a series of safety concerns. who had multiple birth defects, 1960. Tshisekedi won reelection
Zonglan news, a state-backed public records showed the owner demonstrations that have been Additional protests planned was found in the center of with more than 70 percent of the
media outlet from Hebei of the school is a man named Li gaining momentum in recent for Sunday in other major Pembroke, Wales, in September. vote, according to the election
province. One person rescued Jizhong. The AP could not reach days. German cities, including Berlin, Greenacres Rescue took her in commission. However,
from the scene was being treated Li. The demonstrations came in Munich and Cologne, are also and raised funds for her surgery. opposition candidates and their
in the hospital, CCTV, China9s Local authorities said they the wake of a report that right- expected to draw tens of supporters questioned the
state broadcaster said. were investigating the cause of wing extremists recently met to thousands of people. Congo9s president sworn in: validity of the election, which
Police set up a cordon around the fire. discuss the deportation of 4 Associated Press Congolese President Félix was mired in logistical problems.
the school, a Xinhua news report China9s central Emergency millions of immigrants, Tshisekedi was sworn in Many polling stations were late
showed, and the dorm where the Management Ministry including some with German Six-legged spaniel undergoes Saturday following a disputed in opening or didn9t open at all
fire had happened was charred dispatched a team to the scene to citizenship. surgery in London: A spaniel December election, promising to while some lacked materials.
black even on the outside of the investigate as well. Some members of the far-right born with six legs that was found unite the Central African country Voter turnout was 40%, the
building. The school had metal Fire safety remains a concern Alternative for Germany party, or abandoned in a supermarket during his second five-year term election commission said.
grilles covering the windows, as across the country. AfD, were present at the meeting. parking lot is now like other dogs and to protect lives in the
is common in buildings in China. 4 Associated Press Police said a Saturday after having her extra limbs conflict-hit eastern region. 4 From wire reports
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A21

israel-gaza war

BDS, a movement to boycott Israel, gains a new following on social media

BY F RANCES V INALL The BDS official account shared a What do BDS critics say? ple can do who are otherwise not teams were supplied with Puma real-life intelligence agency Mos-
post on Instagram last year voic- The BDS movement has faced necessarily very powerful,= said equipment to compete in interna- sad, in an upcoming Marvel film
Opponents of Israel9s punish- ing support of recent <grassroots= stiff opposition in the United John Chalcraft, a professor of tional competitions, but that it in the Captain America franchise
ing war in the Gaza Strip have social media campaigns and en- States. The European Union also Middle East history and politics had no association with any other set to premiere in 2025. BDS has
called for boycotts of companies dorsing new boycotting targets rejects the movement, and bloc at the London School of Eco- Israeli soccer team, in settle- called for a boycott of the specific
they claim support Israeli pol- that had emerged organically. countries including Germany nomics. ments or otherwise. It also said it movie, but many on social media
icies, and have drawn millions of <All peaceful popular efforts, have criticized it. Britain this was supporting two local aid or- have called for followers to boy-
views on social media. including boycott and divestment month banned local councils What is happening now? ganizations, one in Gaza and one cott the company altogether.
Customers, particularly in the & are justified and called for,= it from participating in boycotting Calls to boycott Israel have in Israel. In an email, Marvel Studios
Middle East, have refrained from said on Instagram in November, Israel. found support on TikTok during Ahava, a skin care and cosmet- said: <While our characters and
patronizing companies like Star- while simultaneously calling for a Measures against it have the war, which was touched off by ics brand that has a factory and stories are inspired by the comics,
bucks and McDonald9s. The coffee more targeted approach than it passed in more than 30 U.S. states the Oct. 7 Hamas raid on commu- showroom in an Israeli settle- in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic
giant has said in response to had sometimes seen on social 4 often prohibiting public money nities in southern Israel that ment in the West Bank advertised Universe] they are always freshly
criticism that it is against all media since Oct. 7. from going to an entity or individ- killed about 1,200 people. More on its website, is a BDS target. imagined for the screen and to-
violence, while the fast-food Here9s what to know about the ual involved in an anti-Israel boy- than 24,000 people have been Ahava did not respond to emailed day9s audience, and the filmmak-
chain has said it doesn9t support campaigns to boycott Israel: cott 4 although a few of these killed in Gaza. requests for comment. ers are taking a new approach
either side in the conflict. have been successfully chal- Social media creators have up- McDonald9s was targeted 4 in with the character Sabra.=
The calls have dovetailed with What is BDS? lenged on First Amendment loaded videos explaining which a social media campaign that was
an almost two-decade-old move- BDS co-founder Omar Bargh- grounds. Five years ago, the U.S. brands they9ve targeted, rejecting endorsed by BDS in November 4 What is the impact of BDS?
ment 4 called BDS for Boycott, outi said the movement began in House overwhelmingly passed a specific products by certain because a franchise in Israel From the start of BDS9s efforts
Divestment, Sanctions 4 that 2005, inspired by the boycotts measure condemning BDS. brands, or walking through stores promised free meals to Israeli almost two decades ago until
protests Israel9s actions in the that helped end apartheid in Some critics of BDS say it is and rating brands on their ap- soldiers. In an email, McDonald9s right before the war, Israel9s econ-
Palestinian territories by target- South Africa and the nonviolent antisemitic. Marshall Wittmann, proach toward Israel. said that it was not supporting omy grew. Dany Bahar, an econo-
ing businesses and institutions methods of the U.S. civil rights spokesman for the American Isra- Simone Umba, 26, a TikToker any government involved in the mist and associate professor at
accused of aiding violations of movement. el Public Affairs Committee in Atlanta with about 375,000 conflict; that the Israel franchise Brown University9s Watson Insti-
Palestinian rights. Rights groups and some inter- (AIPAC), a lobbying group, wrote followers who posts about pop had acted independently without tute, said in a phone interview
Over 18 years, BDS has pres- national law experts have accused in an email that <it is an ancient culture and current events, pivot- consent or approval from the that <it9s very likely that it has had
sured some companies to end Israel of committing apartheid, a and odious form of bigotry to ed to content about the Israel-Ga- company; and that <we are dis- zero effect= on the country9s econ-
investment in Israel, and others crime against humanity under single out the Jewish state for za war when the conflict began. mayed by the disinformation and omy.
to pull operations out of the occu- international law. Israeli officials discriminatory boycotts.= She had followed the Israeli-Pal- inaccurate reports regarding our In a 2018 Brookings Institution
pied West Bank. But the BDS reject comparisons to South Afri- <The world9s condemnation estinian issue over the years be- position in response to the con- analysis, he and co-author Natan
movement9s overall effect on Isra- ca9s former regime and say Israel9s and wrath should be directed cause of Arab and Muslim friends flict in the Middle East.= McDon- Sachs found that Israel9s economy
el9s economy is hard to conclu- tight controls on the West Bank against Hamas, which perpetrat- and mutual followers, including ald9s in Malaysia, a Muslim-ma- is resistant to boycotts because it
sively measure and could be mini- and Gaza are needed for security. ed the horrific terrorist attack on Palestinians, she said. jority country that has tradition- specializes in exports that are
mal, analysts say. Barghouti, a Palestinian who Israel,= he added. <There are people in my life ally supported Palestinians, sued difficult to source elsewhere, such
BDS is an organization run by a resides in Israel, said in an email A particular sticking point is that are affected by this, so I can9t BDS for damages over the boycott as advanced technologies and the
committee and has specific tar- that the BDS movement has three the BDS movement9s call for a just ignore it,= she said in an there, Reuters reported this intermediate goods used in the
gets and strategies. It includes a goals. right of return for Palestinians 4 interview, adding that she sees month. production of other goods, both
coalition of Palestinian organiza- It is focused on ending Israel9s and their descendants 4 who boycotts as <an effective and Starbucks has been a popular of which are difficult to boycott.
tions, but is decentralized by de- occupation of land it captured were displaced from what is now peaceful way of protesting.= focus of boycott calls on TikTok But the movement has had
sign, endorsing a system in which and annexed in 1967 4 which Israel during the state9s creation because of legal battles over the some notable successes, particu-
activists decide what to target includes the West Bank and Gaza in 1948. What companies and pro-Palestinian actions of its larly in divestment, Chalcraft
and how, if they agree with BDS9s 4 and dismantling barriers that This seeks to <destroy the Jew- products are being boycotted? union. The company sued the said.
principles. separate the territories from Isra- ish state= because it would <create Among other companies, BDS union for trademark infringe- He pointed to the French ser-
It has found an influx of new el; gaining <full equality= for Pal- a Palestinian majority= outnum- has called for boycotts of Puma, ment over a since-deleted social vices and utilities company Veo-
adherents. By two months after estinian citizens of Israel; and bering Jews, AIPAC has said. An the sportswear brand, because it media post made on Oct. 9 read- lia, which pulled out of Israel in
the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel establishing a right of return for estimated 700,000 Palestinians had a sponsorship deal with the ing <Solidarity with Palestine!= It 2015 after a years-long BDS cam-
and the beginning of the war, the Palestinian refugees, he said. fled or were expelled 75 years ago, Israel Football Association. Hu- appeared above someone else9s paign that Chalcraft said caused
hashtag #boycottisrael had about The movement calls for boy- into the West Bank, Gaza and man Rights Watch has criticized post of a photo purporting to it to lose <billions.= Veolia denied
340 million views on TikTok, and cotts of corporations and institu- elsewhere, and their descendants the IFA for operating in Israeli show a bulldozer breaking that BDS was a factor.
#BDS at least 3 billion, although tions seen as supporting Israel9s number in the millions. settlements in the occupied West through the barrier separating Maia Hallward, a professor of
the latter captures some posts on stance toward the Palestinians, Barghouti said the movement Bank, and the IFA website contin- Israel and Gaza. The company Middle East politics at Kennesaw
other topics. By January, there including through the contribu- is not antisemitic and opposes ues to list teams from the West said that the post was <reckless State University in Georgia, wrote
were almost half a million posts tion of financing, goods and ser- <all forms of racism and discrimi- Bank for the 2023-2024 season. and reprehensible= and that its in an email that BDS9s impact had
hashtagged #boycottisrael and vices, or cultural backing. BDS nation.= On Dec. 12, Puma said its spon- own position was to condemn been in bringing <issues not tradi-
887,000 hashtagged #BDS on Ins- also calls for a withdrawal of BDS supporters have argued sorship contract with Israel and violence in the region. The union tionally in the U.S. discourse into
tagram. investment in <complicit= proj- that suppressing the movement some other countries would end has since countersued. the public eye.=
Some users, but not all, name- ects, an end to specific company shuts down a leading path for in 2024 as part of a new market- Disney has also been criticized. She added that the number of
check BDS and direct followers to activities in Israel, and sanctions nonviolent protest. ing strategy. BDS called this a It plans to feature the controver- U.S. states passing legislation
its website, despite largely not against the country, according to <A boycott has a very long tradi- <win.= Puma had previously said sial Israeli superhero Sabra, a against the movement shows that
coordinating with its leadership. Barghouti. tion of being something that peo- that the Israeli national soccer fictional member of the country9s <BDS is seen as a threat.=

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sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post ez re A23

israel-gaza war

The high-stakes diplomatic scramble to avert Israel-Lebanon war

to increase its presence along the negotiations with Israel on border fully activated and flush with re-
border. demarcation before a ceasefire is servists who have honed their
Border agreement sought The details of Hochstein9s pro- put in place in Gaza, according to fighting skills in Gaza. The pres-
amid increasing violence posal were confirmed to The Post the official with knowledge of the ence of an American carrier group
by two Lebanese officials and the talks, since that condition was set in the Red Sea could help deter
with Hezbollah fighters Western diplomat, all of whom by Hezbollah, not the govern- Iran from directly joining the
spoke on the condition of ano- ment. But an acceptable deal has fight.
nymity to discuss sensitive nego- to come <in a package,= not piece- <If you believe that war with
BY S ARAH D ADOUCH tiations. The White House de- meal, the official added, and Hezbollah is inevitable, as many
clined to comment for this story. would need to be approved by in Israel do, then now is as good a
BEIRUT 4 As Israeli forces begin Two U.S. officials, speaking on Hezbollah. time as any to do it,= said Freilich.
to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, the condition of anonymity to Any agreement would also The Biden administration has
the United States is scrambling to discuss the ongoing talks, said need to be signed by the Lebanese privately and repeatedly warned
head off a second full-scale war in they believe Hezbollah9s leaders president, a further complication Israel against a significant escala-
Lebanon, with Israel warning that do not want a full-blown war with in a country that has been without tion in Lebanon, The Post report-
time for a diplomatic solution Israel, but may be opposed to a head of state since October 2022 ed recently, and has assured Leba-
with Hezbollah is fast running striking a land demarcation deal due to political gridlock. nese officials it is working to con-
out. while hundreds of Palestinians Officials from the Lebanese tain the conflict.
Israel9s <undeclared ultima- are still being killed each day in government and Hezbollah have When the Pentagon announced
tum,= as one Western diplomat Gaza. made clear to The Post that they the USS Gerald R. Ford 4 de-
described it to The Washington The talks led by Hochstein at believe Israel9s grinding war in ployed to the eastern Mediterra-
WAel hAmzeh/ePA-eFe/ShuTTerSTock
Post, was given to the Americans least provide the possibility of a Gaza, combined with growing nean to support Israel after Oct. 7
in late December. Israeli officials detente, the officials said, and a White House envoy Amos Hochstein, right, arrives in Beirut this pressure from families of Israeli 4 would return home in early
made clear they expect a long- roadmap for the two sides to fol- month to meet with Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri. hostages still held by Hamas, will January, authorities in Beirut saw
term border agreement 4 one low once the fighting subsides in force the government to make it as a sincere signal of U.S. dees-
that can hold for a decade or so 4 Gaza. Publicly, Hezbollah has seemed non9s economic crisis, which pres- concessions in the north. But they calation.
to be reached within a few weeks, Yet Israel has given no indica- to reject the Israeli proposal. In a sured the government to allow may be misreading the the politi- <They do not want to drag Leb-
towards the end of January. Oth- tion that a ceasefire is imminent. speech Sunday, the group9s leader companies to exploit gas fields in cal winds in Jerusalem. anon into a war and don9t want
erwise, the diplomat said, Israel And the clock on negotiations Hassan Nasrallah repeated his the eastern Mediterranean. Israel recently killed Hamas the Israelis to move their escala-
threatened an escalation in Leba- with Lebanon appears to be tick- position that a ceasefire in Gaza is Hochstein and other Western leader Saleh Arouri in a drone tion from Gaza to Lebanon,= said
non, a scenario the Biden admin- ing down. a precursor to any diplomatic officials have been pushing Leba- strike in a Hezbollah stronghold one Lebanese official familiar
istration and European countries Secretary of State Antony talks or a cessation of fighting on non and Israel to implement a in Beirut. On Tuesday, Israel with the ongoing discussions with
have worked strenuously to avoid. Blinken traveled to Israel last the border. 2006 United Nations resolution, struck southern Lebanon with the Washington.
In response to Post queries week, where he urged officials Washington, Nasrallah said, known as 1701, which dictates largest single barrage since the <They9re putting pressure on
about Israel9s demands, Lior Ha- against ramping up hostilities has been "pressuring Lebanon for that armed personnel, assets and start of the latest hostilities. the Israelis, but the Israelis are
iat, a spokesman for the Israeli with Hezbollah. <It9s clearly not in Israel9s sake, to stop and disable weapons not belonging to the There is reportedly significant not really being responsive,= he
Foreign Minstry said: <The Israeli the interest of anyone 4 Israel, this front,= he said. <Let the ag- Lebanese government or UNIFIL, support within Israel9s defense added. The only solution that
position is that we prefer a diplo- Lebanon, Hezbollah for that mat- gression on Gaza stop, and after the UN peacekeeping mission in establishment for a bigger fight would be accepted in Lebanon, he
matic solution, and if a diplomatic ter 4 to see this escalate,= Blinken that, we can discuss issues that southern Lebanon, withdraw with Hezbollah, which senior offi- continued, would be the full im-
solution will not be possible, we said. concern Lebanon.= from the area extending from the cials have said may be critical to plementation of 1701.
will have to act on our own.= A border deal would, in theory, Hezbollah is Lebanon9s most border to the Litani River, some containing Iranian ambitions in A full-blown war between Isra-
Israel has fought two previous allow some 70,000 displaced Is- powerful political party 4 along- 25 miles north. the region. el and Hezbollah would bring
wars with Hezbollah 4 the Iran- raelis to return to their homes in side allies, it controls the largest Many Hezbollah fighters hail <We are fighting an axis, not a about <mutually assured destruc-
aligned militant group and politi- the north4 a priority for Prime number of seats in parliament 4 from the south and the group has single enemy,= Defense Minister tion," said the official, estimating
cal party that is closely allied with Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and its military prowess is long held sway there. Under the Yoav Gallant said in an interview that Hezbollah has around five
Hamas 4 and Israeli forces have who is widely blamed in Israel for thought to rival that of the official terms of the resolution, its sol- Sunday with the Wall Street Jour- times more rockets than Hamas.
traded daily fire with its fighters failing to prevent the Hamas-led Lebanese army, which has been diers would retreat north of the nal. "All resistance organizations in
for months. Northern Israel and attack on Oct. 7 and not doing weakened by years of government river and <weapons would be put <I don9t know when the war in the region are going to join this
southern Lebanon have become more to support those whose lives corruption and economic mis- away again,= an official close to the north will happen, but the war,= he predicted, referring to
military zones, effectively emp- have been upended by the con- management. Hezbollah told The Post, speaking likelihood that it will happen in Iran and its armed proxies in
tied of civilians, and the death toll, flict. Tens of thousands have been In a previous speech on Jan. 5, on the condition of anonymity in the upcoming months is higher Yemen, who have already
mainly among combatants, has displaced in Lebanon, too, and Nasrallah publicly broached, for line with rules set by the group. than before," Israel9s army chief launched attacks on commercial
quietly mounted on both sides. authorities in Beirut will need a the first time, the possibility of If implemented, 1701 would re- Herzl Halevi told soldiers during ships in the Red Sea, and in Iraq
White House envoy Amos deal they can sell to a weary demarcating its land borders with sult in territorial gains for Leba- a visit to the north Wednesday. and Syria, where militants have
Hochstein arrived in Beirut last public. Israel, which Hochstein had been non: the resolution dictates Israel "When we have to, we will go targeted U.S. forces.
week to pass on Israel9s proposal <I don9t think [the Lebanese pushing for prior to Oct. 7. withdraw from occupied areas, forward with all our strength.= <These groups are often trained
for a preliminary solution to the government] would accept half Lebanon and Israel only re- such as the northern part of the Such a gambit would be costly by Hezbollah,= he said. <They will
conflict. An official with knowl- solutions,= said the official famil- cently demarcated their maritime village of Ghajar. 1701 would also for Israel, but also makes strategic stand up to defend them.=
edge of the talks told The Post the iar with the talks. The issue of borders, in 2022, in a deal bro- compel Israel to stop using Leba- sense, according to Chuck Freil-
proposal called for Hezbollah to returning Israelis is <their prob- kered by Hochstein after 11 years nese airspace to launch attacks in ich, a former Israeli deputy na- John hudson in Washington, Steve
withdraw its troops a few miles lem,= the official added. <Where is of scattered negotiations. The Syria. tional security adviser. hendrix in Jerusalem and lior Soroka
north and for the Lebanese army the win-win for [Lebanon]?= agreement was hastened by Leba- Lebanese officials can carry out The Israeli military is already in Tel Aviv contributed to this report.

In Gaza, an amputation at home without anesthetic is one of many

trip to Gaza on Wednesday. <If outside.
you have a drop going into Gaza, <But thank God it did not come
Health-care system you have a fraction of that getting to this,= he said, with the troops
exhausted amid need for to the north,= he said. eventually withdrawing and the
UNICEF estimated that at least family making it to al-Shifa hospi-
aid and medical supplies 1,000 children have had one or tal.
two of their legs amputated Incidents such as Ahed9s are
through the end of November, the <worst case scenarios,= said
BY H EBA F AROUK M AHFOUZ with an unknown number doing James Smith, an emergency med-
AND L OVEDAY M ORRIS so without sedation or pain medi- ical specialist with the Interna-
cation. <We9ve heard of more cas- tional Rescue Committee who
CAIRO 4 Despite his experience es in the north of the Strip,= said spent two weeks in central Gaza9s
as an orthopedic surgeon, Hany Chaiban. al-Aqsa hospital before leaving
Bsaiso froze when he saw his More than 24,000 people have earlier this month. But he said
teenage niece9s injuries. Her right been killed in Gaza during Israel9s supplies of morphine dwindled
leg, he said, had been blown off war on Hamas, according to the even at al-Aqsa, at the time the
below the knee by an Israeli tank Gaza Health Ministry, but it does last functioning hospital in cen-
shell. The other was severely in- not track numbers of amputa- tral Gaza.
jured. tions. Smith said one woman was
<Where do I start?= he recalls During his visit, Chaiban said brought in whose lower limb had
thinking to himself. <I had no he met a boy, Ibrahim, 13, who been almost completely <trau-
anesthesia. I had nothing.= had been injured by shrapnel in matically amputated.=
The area of the family home 4 November. One piece had lodged <I don9t think she received se-
just a five-minute drive from near his heart, another in his dation or analgesia,= he said. <The
Gaza City9s main al-Shifa hospital hand. At the time the family had remainder of the limb was at-
4 was thick with Israeli forces. It been north of Gaza City and could tached by skin and tissue. They
was not safe to move. not find antibiotics. <He ended up just sort of cut it off.=
Another family member pulled having to get his arm amputated A Gaza anesthesiologist who
out a phone to film as Bsaiso set above the elbow without anesthe- worked at al-Shifa until it was
about doing what he could. He sia,= Chaiban said. <He said it was stormed by Israeli troops in No-
washed down the mangled flesh just excruciating.= vember said that the hospital at
of what was left of 18-year-old Bsaiso said operating on his times dealt with 20 amputations
Ahed9s leg with a dishcloth as she niece, Ahed Bsaiso, on his kitchen a day. However, operating room
lay on his kitchen table, the suds table was hard to do. space generally was reserved for
falling into a bucket full of soapy She had climbed to the fifth even more serious cases, such as
water. She whimpered in pain. story of the family9s building in internal bleeding.
<Can you imagine I9m amputat- Gaza City when the tank shell hit, <Of course we had to operate in
ing her leg at home?= he told the he recounted. She9d been trying to the corridors and recovery
camera last month in a now wide- call her father, who was outside rooms,= said the anesthesiologist,
ly shared video, his voice cracking Gaza when the war began. Her who spoke on the condition of
from emotion. Machine gunfire uncle had raised her for the past anonymity due to security con-
rings out in the background. seven years, referring to her as his cerns. Most cases were given
<Where is the mercy? Where is daughter in the video. <light sedation= with ketamine,
the humanity?= His own family, who have dual he said.
The gruesome scene of the citizenship because his wife is But in some hospitals, even
kitchen amputation without an- from the Maldives, managed to that has not been available. At
esthetic 4 which Bsaiso told The leave earlier in the war. But he al-Aqsa hospital, there was no
Washington Post he carried out stayed with Ahed and his extend- ketamine supply, said Smith. He
with a normal cooking knife, scis- ed family. <I tied my fate to the said morphine was available only
sors and a needle and sewing fate of this girl,= Bsaiso said. He about half the time.
thread 4 highlights the daily said, <I9m thankful I didn9t [leave] Seema Jilani, an American
horrors facing Gazans amid the for the sake of this girl.= doctor with the same team, re-
collapse in the health-care system The Israeli tanks were still out- called a 23-year old worker for the
in the enclave. side as he operated. Ahed was United Nations Relief and Works
Doctors say they have been conscious, but suffering from se- Agency who died in the hospital
forced to carry out amputations vere shock, he said. They tried to after having his lower leg blown
and small surgeries without anes- calm her. He used regular sewing off.
thesia or pain relief even for those thread to tie off the severed vein <He died without any mor-
who can reach a hospital because hAIThAm ImAd/ePA-eFe/ShuTTerSTock in her leg. phine, he was actually wearing
of the shortages of essential A wounded Palestinian boy named Ibrahim and his mother at al-Nasser Hospital in Gaza on Jan. 10. After he performed the sur- his UNRWA vest,= she said.
drugs. The screams of patients fill Doctors say they have had to do amputations and small surgeries without anesthesia or pain relief. gery, Ahed asked him if he9d leave <Doctors sometimes can9t do a
the hallways as dressings are her if Israeli soldiers stormed the lot, but one thing we usually can
changed and shrapnel removed. tors Without Borders. <Notably hospitals 4 particularly those in was just in an eight-day commu- house. <Darling, your fate and my do is treat pain. To not be able to
While new supplies of medi- pain killers,= he said. They are the north and central areas of nications blackout. fate are one,= he told her. <What do that feels inept and cruel and
cine made it into Gaza this past sorely needed. <We saw dressing Gaza 4 remains <a real chal- Only seven out of 29 planned happens to you, happens to me.= inhumane,= she said.
week through a deal brokered by done without pain killers with lenge,= he said. Deliveries must be aid deliveries to the north have For the following five days, she
France and Qatar, some specific young children screaming,= he coordinated with the Israeli mili- made it through, said Ted Chai- seemed to her family like she was morris reported from Berlin. claire
drugs are still missing, said said. tary and navigate fighting zones ban, deputy executive director of slipping away. In desperation, Parker in cairo and hazem Balousha
Michel-Olivier Lacharité, head of And even once medicines ar- and checkpoints, often amid the United Nations Children9s Bsaiso said he thought about car- in Amman, Jordan, contributed to this
emergency operations for Doc- rive in Gaza, moving supplies to patchy communications. Gaza Fund, UNICEF, who completed a rying her out to the Israeli tanks report.
a24 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

SUNDAY Opinion
anne laMott

Age makes the miracles easier to see

very so often, even in heartbreak-

E ing times, the soul hears some-

thing so true out of the corner of
its ear that it perks up, looking
around like a meerkat for the source.
Mine did this when, decades ago, I read a
quote of Albert Einstein9s: <There are
only two ways to live your life. One is as if
nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle.=
There are the obvious miracles all
around us 4 love, nature, music, art. We
drunks who somehow got sober call this
the central miracle of our lives. Some of
you have children you were told you
couldn9t have. Some of you were sent
home to die 4 years ago. And have you
ever seen a grain of sand under a high-
powered microscope? It looks like a jew-
elry store.
But what do we do with the seemingly
unmiraculous? For instance, former
president Donald Trump is a bit of a
stretch for me. How do we see the miracle
in the madness of the months since
Jan. 6, 2021? Well, we saw that democracy
held. It might have gone either way. We
here in the colonies rejoiced, in our quiet
and fretful ways.
My spirits are regularly flattened by
the hardships of the world, of our country
and of the people I love, so I find myself
turning to the saints: Molly Ivins, for
example. Decades ago, she said, <Free-
dom fighters don9t always win, but they
are always right.= When I heard her say
this at a benefit for the ACLU, my soul
leaped up off its chair.
I spend a lot of time looking out the
window. Age has given me this time and
intention. I didn9t have so much of either
when I was younger. My brain went much
faster. There was so much to do, so much
need and striving, and I had my trusty
clipboard. Now I study the coral-colored
abutilon buds right outside our window,
andRea Levy foR the Washington Post
little cups that hold the rainwater. Hum-
mingbirds swing by all day to drink, and
so it is a treat both for the eyes and for the That we are no one else but our very patted me gently. Poor darling Nana. ber what I was trying to remember.
spirit, for the bird and for the flower. own selves is a miracle. About one hun- Age has helped most of us care less I like to think that they have organized
One of the blessings of age is that most I spend a lot of time dred million sperm were released each about our outsides. Of course, I wish we a nice book club for the kerchiefs and the
of us get along with ourselves better than time your parents made love, and one had known about sunscreen in the 960s other bottles of brain pills.
when we were young. It is stunning to looking out the window. dogged little guy made you into exactly out here underneath the California sun. I can still walk the flatter trails of our
accept yourself: I am always going to have you, the exact being who woke up again My inside person is of no particular age mountain, where the streams have begun
a womanly butt, and now I appreciate it. Age has given me this time today. Our eyes open, our ears open and, and finds the person in the mirror con- to fill with rainwater, though not enough
It9s a nice seat cushion. When my son was if they don9t work that well, we have fusing, a computerized version of what to actually flow yet. The peace of nature
young, I hired a teenage girl to help and intention. I didn9t have devices to help them hear better. Our young adorable me will look like as an wears down the fear and hatred that arise
around the house, and one day she was hearts are beating. Our lungs are bellow- older person. in me on bad days, until I remember at
folding laundry. She held up a pair of the so much of either when ing in and out, our diaphragms rising. So twice a year I go to Sephora and some point that all we can do is the next
nice roomy underwear I prefer and said, The muscles release and contract and get announce that I9d like to buy a miracle, right thing. I often remind myself of
with wonder, <Do they even make bigger I was younger. us up again. Sometimes we need others to and wonderfully, they always have the something the Rev. Martin Luther King
underwear?= That was 25 years and 10 help us. Both are amazing, the strength to exact right thing. I use it for a month, and Jr. said that helps me focus: <Don9t let
pounds ago 4 and yes, honey, they do. I9ll rise and the loving help. then I put it in the bottom drawer with them get you to hate them.= When they
show you where to buy them someday. the base that appeared lighter than the One of the hardest aspects of getting the other miracles. do, I lose me, I lose my center and my
It9s a miracle that Earth exists at all, let main portion, below the fog. They looked old is that time races by like a slot car. I The miracle brain pills are in a different goodness, which will be needed for the
alone is populated by humans who came as though an artist chiseled them out of guess everything speeds up when it9s drawer, with the kerchiefs. Friends swear hard work ahead of being older and
up with antibiotics and Oreos, let alone the rock, like doors. They said, <Come on going downhill but still, it9s unnerving. they work, but nope, a month later my saving democracy. There9s an incredible
Scandinavian detective shows. I love this over. We will let you in.= That is how I got On my grandson9s ninth birthday, I said mind is still perforated like a pie crust reflective herringbone design in the
joint a lot of the time. Even our modest sober in 1986: People said, <Come on over. jovially, <I thought you were 6 or some- poked with a fork and memory slowly stream of rock and shadow and rock and
local mountain looks majestic to me. Just We will let you in.= Today the moist sky thing.= He said, <I live here! How can you leaks out. So into the drawer they go while shadow. I breathe in the cool air. My soul
today I saw beautiful slants of ground near looked like the inside of an abalone shell. think I9m 6?= Then he rolled his eyes and I walk around the house trying to remem- settles.

Dana Milbank

A GOP senator smeared a Biden nominee 4 and Democrats cowered

his country has no more devoted leaves too many dangerous people on the circumstances that existed at the time.=

T a public servant than Judge Todd

Edelman of the D.C. Superior
Court. While other law graduates
joined white-shoe firms, Edelman, a
friend of mine since college, spent years
streets, frustrating police and prosecu-
tors. But Blackburn wasn9t making such
a fair argument; she was engaging in a
vile distortion.
Court records show that in the
Democratic senators were aware of all
this, and they could have pushed back
against the smear. They could have point-
ed out that, of the hundreds of criminal
trials and thousands of criminal hearings
as a public defender, as a labor union gun-possession case for which Edelman Edelman presided over, he had been
lawyer and, for the past 14 years, on the released the defendant, Christian reversed on appeal only twice. Instead,
D.C. bench, where he is now presiding Wingfield, to home detention, he had not they shrank from the fight.
judge of the civil division. been charged with a violent offense. On the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Jon
Yet few have been so abused by the Though he had been caught with a Ossoff (D-Ga.) was at first concerned
Senate9s broken judicial confirmation gun before, he had no violent offenses on about Blackburn9s allegations, but he
process as Edelman. his record. He had never been charged backed Edelman in the committee vote
President Barack Obama nominated with firing a gun <in the street at 1 p.m.= as after learning the facts. Other senators
him in 2016 to fill a vacancy on the Blackburn alleged, or at any other time in were likewise reassured. Manchin and
U.S. District Court for the District of any other place. The court9s Pretrial Ser- Sinema were their usual noncommittal
Columbia. But this was during then- vices Agency, which has had only 1 per- selves, though they seldom tank a nomi-
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon- cent of those under its supervision arrest- nation when the rest of the Democratic
nell9s blockade of Supreme Court nomi- ed for violent crimes, had approved caucus is on board. But Rosen held out,
nee Merrick Garland, and Edelman, Wingfield for electronic monitoring. apparently out of fear that she9d be the
caught up like other nominees in the Also omitted from Blackburn9s smear: victim of an attack ad in her tight reelec-
RiCky CaRioti/the Washington Post
Republicans9 refusal to move Obama9s The pretrial hearing before Edelman was tion race this year. Unions and civil rights
judicial picks, never got a vote, or even a Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) on Capitol Hill on Nov. 30. in May 2020, as the pandemic was ex- organizations pleaded with her, to no
hearing. ploding and jurisdictions nationwide avail. She declined to meet with Edelman,
President Biden nominated Edelman the new session of Congress. Democrats are so cowardly that they were struggling with covid-19 in their instead having a staffer do it.
to the same court in 2022. Republicans Edelman was an important pick for won9t fight back and won9t answer the lies prison populations. Wingfield was at a Rosen9s spokesman, Renzo Olivari,
struck again, this time with an ugly, progressives. Only 6 percent of federal with truth, then the battle to preserve our heightened risk because of asthma and told me that <Senator Rosen was continu-
Willie Horton-style smear campaign. judges have been labor union lawyers or democracy is already lost, no matter who other conditions. And finally, the other ing to review this nomination= and shift-
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) fabri- otherwise came from the <economic jus- wins at the polls. judge who had declined to release the ed responsibility to the White House,
cated an outrageous lie, telling the tice= sphere, the progressive Alliance for Blackburn rolled out her misrepresen- man a week earlier had apparently con- which, Olivari said, <is ultimately respon-
Senate Judiciary Committee that a man Justice has found. The number of judges tation at Edelman9s confirmation hearing fused the case with another, because he sible for making decisions about whether
Edelman released in a pretrial hearing who were public defenders is not much in November 2022. She claimed that a few based the ruling on <the government9s to renominate individuals for these posi-
<went on to murder 4 to murder 4 an higher. Edelman, in addition to his years weeks after Edelman released the defen- opposition,= when in fact the government tions.= Schumer could have forced a vote
11-year-old.= In reality, the man in ques- defending those who couldn9t afford law- dant, he participated <in the murder of an had filed no such opposition. and put Rosen on the spot. But rather
tion hadn9t murdered anyone, but Black- yers, served the Service Employees Inter- 11-year-old child.= She claimed that the As for the <murder,= three months after than risk defeat, he held off on invoking
burn badly distorted the facts of a case to national Union, the United Food and defendant had previously shot <a gun in Wingfield9s release, he was with a group cloture on the nomination.
suggest that Edelman was to blame for a Commercial Workers, the United Mine the street at 1 p.m. in broad daylight.= She of men who fired guns near an Maybe it would have been different if
child9s death. Workers, the United Steelworkers, the claimed that a week before Edelman anti-violence cookout on July 4, 2020, Edelman had had a home-state senator
This time, Democrats controlled the International Association of Firefighters released him, <another judge had written and a stray bullet killed 11-year-old Davon championing him. D.C. residents are de-
Senate. They could have, and should and the AFL-CIO. an opinion denying his motion for release McNeal as he ran from a vehicle to an nied such representation. Very likely it
have, called out Blackburn9s nonsense <Judges with experience in both eco- because he was a danger to the communi- apartment. Though all four in the group would have been different if the roles had
and confirmed Edelman. Instead, they nomic justice and public defense are ty.= She claimed that Edelman <knew that were initially charged with murder, pros- been reversed: Republican senators reli-
cowered. They shied from defending essentially nonexistent,= said Jake releasing him with a GPS ankle bracelet ecutors later determined that Wingfield, ably rallied to confirm President Donald
Edelman, or even pointing out the facts; Faleschini, a legal director at the Alliance wouldn9t protect the community.= though armed, did not fire a gun at all Trump9s nominees, even those with dubi-
during the 15-month ordeal, not one for Justice. <Judge Edelman was a uni- Fox News dutifully amplified Black- that night, much less the fatal shot. He ous credentials and wacky ideologies 4
Democratic senator said one public word corn nominee, and we would all be better burn9s claims with additional calumny pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaugh- such as Matthew Kacsmaryk, who tried to
in support. A few in the 51-member off with him on the federal bench.= The from her in the headline: <A child is dead ter because, by running down the street ban the abortion pill, and Aileen Cannon,
Democratic caucus 4 the always-cagey group is <extremely disappointed that he because Judge Edelman didn9t do his job, with the group involved in the shooting, who has made bizarre rulings in the
Joe Manchin III (W.Va.) and Kyrsten didn9t receive a vote.= The right-wing and now he wants a promotion.= It was at he <knowingly associated= himself with Trump documents case.
Sinema (I-Ariz.), along with Jacky Rosen Blackburn had ideological reasons to sab- the Judiciary Committee9s meeting to the crime. As it is, a man who devoted his life to
(Nev.) 4 refused to commit their votes. otage a judge who intimately under- vote on the nomination last February that Retired federal appeals court judge public service, fighting for workers and
The months dragged on, and Majority stands the legal struggles of workers and she upgraded her accusation to the bla- Beverly Martin, now with New York the poor, has been defeated by a Republi-
Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) refused the poor 4 and Democrats had every tantly false claim that the released defen- University, wrote to senators to say can lie and Democratic spinelessness.
to schedule a vote before the Senate reason to champion him. dant murdered a child. this: <I don9t know any judge 4 whether Judge Edelman, still serving on the
recessed for Christmas break. Two weeks We live in a world where MAGA types There9s a fair argument to be made nominated by a Democratic or Republi- D.C. Superior Court, will be fine. But we9re
ago, the White House pulled the plug such as Blackburn use disinformation as that D.C. law, which requires a uniquely can president 4 who would have de- all in trouble if Democrats can no longer
rather than resubmit the nomination for a matter of course. That9s a given. But if high standard be met for detention, tained [the defendant] under the law and summon the courage to defend the truth.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re a25


The empty case against the administrative state

O HEAR some describe the stakes, a pair of Mitch McConnell9s application of some hardball executive branch and the judiciary should be

T cases argued before the Supreme Court on

Wednesday could create a watershed mo-
ment in American government. Business
lobbies and conservative activists see an opportu-
nity to restrain an out-of-control <administrative
politics, Republicans can count on a conservative
supermajority on the Supreme Court. Meanwhile,
Democrats are winning more presidential elections,
and their appointees have used executive powers to
issue ambitious rules 4 on power plants, car
shifted. Long-term, who wins and who loses will
depend on who controls these organs of govern-
With the major-questions doctrine in place,
courts already have more latitude to prevent liberal
state.= Progressives fear the court will render the emissions, financial markets, credit cards, airlines presidents from regulating ambitiously. By also
federal government incapable of responding to and so forth. pushing for Chevron9s destruction, conservatives
modern challenges from climate change to artificial These political developments, as much as high- run the risk that, when Republican administrations
intelligence. minded constitutional principle, explain conserva- try to write weak regulations that arguably fall short
At issue is a deceptively arcane matter: who gets tives9 objections to the doctrine and their broader of what Congress desired, future courts might not
to interpret the law when Congress effort to invigorate judicial supervision of the execu- defer to them.
EdiTOriaL leaves it ambiguous as it often does, tive. Chevron or no Chevron, the court majority has This risk rises as time goes on and the judiciary
sometimes inexcusably, but some- already started doing just that, expounding princi- continues to evolve, at some point drifting back
times unavoidably. The current rule, called <Chev- ples such as the <major questions= doctrine to strike leftward. Progressives will ask judges to force
ron deference= 4 after the 1984 case in which the down agency actions. In West Virginia v. Environ- federal agencies to, say, more aggressively enforce
court developed it 4 instructs judges to uphold mental Protection Agency, the court rejected a green- clean-air laws, substituting their own expansive
challenged regulations as long as they reflect an house emissions program on the grounds that Con- view of the law for that of agencies that might be
agency9s <reasonable= reading of a genuinely ambig- gress could not have wanted the EPA to wield the more cautious.
uous law. WaShingTon PoST STaff/PhoToS By iSTock/geTTy imageS hefty regulatory powers the agency claimed without The moment calls for restraint from a court
Agencies, the logic goes, have more expertise and saying so more clearly in the law. decreasingly interested in this virtue. Not because
on-the-ground experience than judges and are more on Chevron, to be sure. Initially praised by Justice During Wednesday9s oral arguments, Chief Jus- overturning Chevron would permanently hobble
democratically accountable 4 albeit indirectly, Antonin Scalia, Chevron was a unanimous ruling to tice John G. Roberts Jr. pointed out that the court progressive governance but because doing so would
through the elected president. Absent a Chevron- uphold a Reagan administration air pollution regu- has not relied on Chevron in years to defer to a be disruptive and unnecessary. Chevron9s underly-
like doctrine enforcing a degree of judicial modesty, lation that environmentalists considered too lax. federal agency9s interpretation of an ambiguous ing logic is sound: On balance, federal experts are
judges could fill gaps in the law according to policy During a long run of presidencies that, apart from statute. Ditching Chevron deference would be just better suited to filling gaps in the law than courts.
considerations they are poorly equipped to evaluate. Jimmy Carter9s four years, spanned the late 1960s to another move this court has taken to encourage Overturning Chevron, meanwhile, would spur advo-
Conservatives see this as an abdication of the the early 1990s, Republicans controlled the White judicial intervention in executive branch actions. cates of all ideological stripes to bring countless new
judiciary9s power to <say what the law is,= its House and the agencies to which judges were In time, however, conservatives might come to lawsuits before judges they believe will be sympa-
exclusive purview since Marbury v. Madison. They deferring. regret all of this. At their core, the cases the court thetic to their cause; they will have some 800 federal
also see it as backdoor encouragement for sloppy The distribution of power has shifted since then. heard Wednesday are about power 4 and, more district court judges across the country from whom
statute writing. This is an updated conservative take With a mix of good luck and Senate GOP leader specifically, whether a 40-year balance between the to choose.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr ann TELnaEs terrorist entity Hamas that proudly states its sole
purpose is the annihilation of Israel. Hamas has long
A Black cemetery on an auction block Mr. Trump warns of 8chaos and bedlam9 terrorized Israelis by firing thousands upon
thousands of rockets at Israeli cities and forcing tens
The Jan. 9 Metro article <Md. Supreme Court of thousands of Israelis to hide in bomb shelters. It
hears dispute over cemetery= reported on a has diverted millions of dollars and tons of material
Maryland Supreme Court case that could resources to construct 300 miles of tunnels in which
determine the fate of a historic African American to hide under hospitals, schools, mosques,
cemetery that lies under the parking lot of an apartment buildings, etc., to deter the Israel Defense
apartment tower in Bethesda. I live within walking Forces and which has led to the impoverishment of
distance of the site, so the issue feels personal. hundreds of thousands of Gaza residents.
The Moses Macedonia African Cemetery was the During World War II, the United States and its
sacred resting place of Black residents and their allies completely destroyed Nazi Germany and
ancestors, some formerly enslaved. In the 1960s, Imperial Japan. In doing so, hundreds of thousands
developers paved it over for a parking lot. Bodies of innocent people lost their lives and homes.
remain under the asphalt 4 an ongoing Nevertheless, it was deemed justified even at such a
desecration. The Montgomery County Housing high cost because of the unimaginable evil of these
Opportunities Commission (HOC) owns the land two regimes. The evil of Hamas is no different, and
and is trying to sell it to a developer without court its complete destruction must be allowed to proceed.
approval or input from the descendant community, Barry N. Taylor, Potomac
contrary to established case law. To protest this
sale, the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition I appreciated Max Boot9s Jan. 16 op-ed, <South
successfully took the case all the way to the state9s Africa9s false charges of Israeli 8genocide9 carry a
highest court. As a coalition supporter, I was in the heavy price.= It was a relief to see an opinion that
packed courtroom to hear the arguments. didn9t condemn Israel9s defense of its people.
The HOC disingenuously argued that this is As the daughter of two concentration camp
merely a matter of property rights and says it has survivors, I have always been aware of and feared
<no plans to disturb= the land. For the descendant antisemitism. When I was a child, I made sure to
community, the sale of this land puts Black bodies maintain a close friendship with a non-Jewish
on the auction block once again 4 with dire classmate and her family so that they would hide me
implications for Black cemeteries everywhere. and my family in their house if the Nazis ever came
Descendants want to restore the cemetery and back.
create a place of remembrance. The county could It seems to me that behind the South African
make this happen and set a shining example of charge and many of the Gazan war protests, there is
racial justice and healing. That9s a place I9d be a strong whiff of antisemitism, and that is chilling to
proud to call home. me. I wonder how many countries would react
Lisa Moore, Bethesda <proportionately= after suffering an attack like that
of Oct. 7?
Edie Alexander, McLean
Run as a woman 4 in flat shoes
The principal <heavy price= of the war in Gaza is
Regarding Monica Hesse9s Jan. 15 Style column, not the one Max Boot discerned in his Jan. 16 op-ed.
<For as much as she talks about high heels, Nikki It is rather the fact that the furor over use of the
Haley is tiptoeing around her womanhood=: fraught term <genocide= to condemn Israeli actions
Like aristocratic Chinese women of yore with in Gaza distracts attention from another equally
painfully bound feet, women wearing high heels are grievous concept successfully introduced into
exhibiting their submission to the domination of international law through the efforts of Hersch
the male gaze. High heels are not conducive to Lauterpacht at the end of World War II: crimes
walking, running, farming, housework, child care, against humanity.
teaching, factory work, construction or even retail If the rantings of Israeli National Security
sales. High heels supposedly make one9s legs Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel
attractive and posture alluring. Why does former Smotrich and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley use high heels as a are ignored, the killing of about 24,000 people in
symbol of female power? They are, rather, a symbol 100 days, including many noncombatant women
of female subservience. and children, might not be genocide. But if it is
Running in heels is a joke! Haven9t we seen the morally and legally unacceptable, being defended as
movies where the female protagonist starts <not genocide= is beside the point.
running, then kicks off her heels to run more Mr. Trump cannot change election results, nor resolution would have been a gift to more than Victor M. Glasberg, Alexandria
efficiently? What about Cinderella? Her glass should he be allowed to delay the inevitable trials 2 million Palestinian people who are being
slipper is usually depicted as a high-heeled shoe. in D.C. and Georgia. Let the truth be told to the displaced, starved and slaughtered. In reality, the The Jan. 10 editorial <Gaza is shattered. Here9s
Did it help her get to her pumpkin coach more American people before the election, not afterward. resolution would have been a gift to many how to offer some hope.= should be commended for
quickly? Trying to kick a man while wearing high The rule of law has a sacred place in our nation9s Americans who do not want to be complicit in what describing the calamity inflicted on the civilian
heels is most likely to throw the kicker off balance history. And that history should not be subjugated are believed to be war crimes. population of Gaza by the Israeli military onslaught.
and on her backside. to the chicanery and manipulation by Mr. Trump9s Israel has the right to defend itself against attacks Missing, though, was a recommendation for a
I would be more impressed if Ms. Haley wore real handlers. All American voters have a right to know such as the horrific one perpetrated by Hamas on cease-fire. The editorial mentioned that Secretary of
running shoes on the campaign trail and quit the truth before this presidential election. These Oct. 7. However, the actions by the Israeli State Antony Blinken and President Biden have
talking about shoes over real topics, such as social trials must take place sooner than later. government are not going to take out Hamas. They recommended that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
policy. Every leading Republican candidate says the During the trials, I hope Mr. Trump reflects on are likely going to cause more Palestinians to join Netanyahu minimize the military attacks against
same things about pardoning former president the ninth of the Ten Commandments: <You shall Hamas in their hatred of Israel. civilians in Gaza, but that would be hypocritical
Donald Trump, closing the borders, defunding the not bear false witness against your neighbor.= I As Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a floor given that the U.S. continues to provide massive
IRS, banning abortion, allowing unfettered gun hope prosecutors and the judges reflect on the speech: <We will be voting on a very simple question: financial and military assistance to Israel.
sales, etc., ad nauseam. Ms. Haley is just another eighth of the Beatitudes: <Blessed are you when Do you support asking the State Department Thomas T. Rubio, Palm Beach, Fla.
pea in the pod, regardless of her footwear. And yes, people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all whether human rights violations may have occurred
I am a woman, but I never wear high heels. They kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and using U.S. equipment or assistance in this war?=
are extremely uncomfortable, which is most likely be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.= I am grateful that Maryland9s other U.S. senator, Guest opinion submissions
why men stopped wearing them in the 18th century. This means have courage in your pursuit to uphold Chris Van Hollen (D), had the courage to take a The Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
Christel Stevens, University Park the rule of law. principled stand and answer yes. It is disappointing topic. We welcome submissions on local, national and
Brian Jordan, Silver Spring that he was one of only 11 senators with such international issues. We publish work that varies in length
courage. and format, including multimedia. Submit a guest opinion
Not even Mr. Trump is above the law John Holden, Silver Spring at oped@washpost.com or read our guide to writing an
The war in Gaza opinion article at wapo.st/guestopinion.
James B. Comey9s Jan. 11 op-ed, <Trump isn9t Fareed Zakaria9s Jan. 14 op-ed, <Israel9s war isn9t
coming for us. The rule of law is coming for him.,= The Jan. 17 news article <Senate rejects push to genocide, but is it proportionate?,= questioned Letter submissions
was an exemplary defense of the rule of law in our investigate Israel actions in Gaza,= about the Senate whether Israel9s response has <been proportional to Letters can be sent to letters@washpost.com.
nation. The United States is still the standard- voting down a resolution that would have required the damage that Hamas inflicted on Israel,= Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
bearer among nations for upholding the law the Biden administration to look into potential presumably meaning that caused by the Oct. 7 include the writer9s address and day and evening
despite the views of pessimistic pundits. Former human rights abuses perpetrated by Israel using massacre. However, this question ignores much telephone numbers. Letters are subject to editing and
president Donald Trump is not above the law. U.S. equipment, quoted Senate Foreign Relations history. abridgment. Please do not send letters as attachments.
Mr. Trump lost the 2020 election by more than Committee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-Md.) as calling The proper question to ask is whether Israel9s Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
7 million popular votes and more than 70 electoral the vote <a gift to Hamas, a gift to Iran . . . an response has been proportionate to the behavior unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
votes. The presidential race was not even close. indictment against Israel.= In reality, passing the over the past 17 years of the Iranian-sponsored are under consideration for publication will be contacted.

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a26 ez re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

george F. Will

Both parties unite

around a
manufacturing crisis
that doesn9t exist
f your constant objective is to expand

I government9s permeation of society 4 to

enlarge its role in the allocation of capital
and opportunity 4 you have a permanent
incentive to invent or misdescribe social prob-
lems. So, if you are a progressive, you will
embrace the myth of a U.S. <manufacturing
This is a perennial excuse for protectionism
and other manifestations of <economic planning=
by a supposedly clairvoyant government. Which
is socialism, under the anodyne title of <industrial
You also might favor government going beyond
mere control of imports. You might want it to
deport the Cato Institute9s Colin Grabow. His
report <The Reality of American 8Deindustrializa-
tion9 = overflows with inconvenient (for progres-
sives) truths, such as: The United States has the
world9s second-largest manufacturing economy,
which produces a larger share of global manufac-
turing output than Germany, South Korea, India
JABin BoTSford/The WAShinGTon PoST and Japan combined. (Remember the 1980s
Attendees react as former president Donald Trump arrives for a rally in Dubuque, Iowa, on Sept. 20. panic, loudly encouraged by a publicity-mad New
York real estate blowhard, about Japan eclipsing
alexandra Petri U.S. manufacturing?) The manufacturing sector
of the U.S. economy, which supposedly has

Who could forget the golden age in 2017? withered as the service sector has grown, would,
standing alone, be the world9s eighth-largest
Granted, in America, as in most other devel-
oped nations, manufacturing employment has
could have sworn I was around for the Trump following the wrong Donald Trump all those the results of a presidential election. fallen: Since 1980, the percentage of U.S. workers

I years, but maybe I was wrong. Everywhere I

went in Iowa 4 even to the rallies of people
who were actively trying to stop Donald
Trump from being the next president 4 and
everywhere I look on TV now, I keep hearing how
years and experiencing an incorrect reality. That,
or the Trump campaign is banking on the
assumption that the entire electorate suffered a
massive head trauma at some point between
2020 and the present, causing them to forget
I understand that rewriting history is a big
element of the current Republican platform. The
Civil War was a fun dispute with a lot of beautiful
people on both sides, about everything but
slavery. But it9s especially uncanny when the
employed in manufacturing has been more than
halved, as has manufacturing9s share of gross
domestic product. The job losses are, however,
largely 4 according to one study, 88 percent 4 the
result of improved worker productivity (robots,
wonderful the Trump years were. relatively recent events, and . . . it9s working. history getting rewritten is so recent. It9s barely computers, process improvements), which is an
<The best president of the 21st century,= said In the Trump presidency I kept getting told history. I was alive for this! This is barely two unalloyed good. For example, the steel industry9s
Vivek Ramaswamy. about, everything was completely different than I Taylor Swift albums ago! output increased between 1980 and 2017 while its
<I think President Trump was the right presi- remembered. The sky was bluer then. The grass And it9s not just the campaign. I keep turning workforce shrank from 399,000 to 83,000.
dent at the right time,= Nikki Haley said. was greener, of course. People were really patri- on the TV and there is <Republican front-runner
The first few times, I thought it was a mistake. ots. Men were stronger, right out of central Donald Trump= getting talked about like he
Then I thought maybe they were talking about a casting, and their teeth were whiter, and they all didn9t just say something that was an uncredited
different Donald Trump. Then I thought maybe I wept and said, <Sir, sir, we will give you every- paraphrase of <Mein Kampf.= What year is this? Promises (threats?)
was the last refugee from another timeline in thing you want 4 not just at the border, where we What9s happening? Help!
which things went completely differently. have finished construction on a beautiful wall, If anything, the Trump campaign is better to 8do something9 about the
<And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on His but with the economy, too, and abroad.= Flags organized than before. And people are striding
planned paradise and said, 8I need a caretaker,9 so flew everywhere. You could go down to the corner up enthusiastically to endorse him. Vivek Ramas- 8crisis9 will come from both
God gave us Trump,= proclaimed a video played at store and get a cherry phosphate for a nickel, and wamy, Doug Burgum, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio,
a Trump rally in Indianola. Riffing on <So God God loved the country more than He has ever Tim Scott! Don9t they know that this is Donald candidates if, heaven forfend,
Made a Farmer,= the video insisted that <God said, loved it before or since. Trump? Donald Trump, twice impeached, who
8I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, I9m sorry, what year was this, again? encouraged a mob to descend upon the Capitol they are Joe Biden
fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, <2017.= <peacefully and patriotically= to intimidate Con-
eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay Who did you say this wonderful president gress into overturning the election results? Am I and Donald Trump.
past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.9 was? the only one who remembers?
So God made Trump. 8I need somebody with arms Donald Trump? I saw a baby at the caucuses. The baby was
strong enough to rassle the deep state and yet Hmm, that name rings a bell. Didn9t I live well-behaved and then at the end of the evening The United States, Grabow notes, <ranks
gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. through that? I could have sworn that I was there, was gently bundled into its carrier by a parent in number one in real manufacturing value-added
Somebody to ruffle the feathers, tame the cantan- and it was nothing like that. Every so often, you a Trump hat. Now, I can see why a baby would per worker by a large margin.= The 2019 value
kerous World Economic Forum, come home have an intrusive thought of this kind, and then caucus for Donald Trump. The baby would hear added per U.S. worker of $141,000 topped
hungry, have to wait until the first lady is done you hear another Trump endorser 4 or even a Donald Trump say things like, <Under me, second-ranked South Korea9s by more than
with lunch with friends then tell the ladies to be Trump opponent 4 insist that things were everything was good, nothing was bad. We were $44,000 and China9s by more than $120,000 per
sure and come back real soon, and mean it,9 so wonderful, better than ever, and you start to respected abroad and secure at home. I am very worker. This is one reason foreign direct invest-
God gave us Trump.= The video also insisted that think that maybe it is you who are wrong. Maybe good at governing and I am excited to do more of ment in the manufacturing sector stood at over
he could <finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday you have been living in the wrong reality all this it= and be like, <Maybe! I wasn9t alive for that. It $2.1 trillion in 2021. That same year, manufactur-
noon, but then put in another 72 hours,= and time, the one where it was a dumpster fire every could very well be the case! Also, I don9t ing attracted an infusion of $121.3 billion in
described him as <the most diligent worker to day. Where, after he propounded unconstitution- understand language yet and I have no sense of foreign investment, more than any other U.S. eco-
follow the path and remain strong in faith and al travel bans, suggested bleach would be a good object permanence. Every time I see Donald nomic sector.
know the belief of God and country,= who would medical response to covid-19, tried to make Trump it is a miracle, and I don9t know where he Manufacturing9s <decline= relative to other
<finish a hard week9s work by attending church foreign aid contingent on producing dirt on a goes when he disappears. I hope he isn9t gone sectors also is, Grabow notes, a result of <shifting
on Sunday.= political opponent, separated families at the forever!= consumer preferences,= which influence the mis-
This bears no resemblance to anyone by that southern border, and generally lurched from I understand this from a baby. But what9s perception that the United States <doesn9t make
name that I can think of, but maybe I was crisis to crisis, he concluded by trying to overturn everyone else9s excuse? anything anymore.= As in other affluent societies,
consumers have shifted somewhat from stuff to
Furthermore, Grabow writes, <factories pro-
ducing consumer staples such as textiles and
kathleen Parker furniture have made way for facilities that
produce products less often found in retail stores,

Calling a legend out of retirement for a lurid murder case such as chemicals and machinery.=
U.S. retail purchasers often see and buy
manufactured imports (e.g., T-shirts, running
shoes, appliances); they less often encounter
COLUMBIA, S.C. This was enough to prompt the three jurors to advanced U.S. manufactured goods (e.g., medical
n the ever-twisting saga of Alex Murdaugh, lawyer up and speak out. They said Hill told jurors instruments, gas turbines, aircraft parts).

I convicted almost a year ago of the brutal slaying

of his wife and son, a new character has been
added to the cast. A Hollywood director could
have done no better than retired chief justice of the
state Supreme Court Jean Toal 4 a brilliant jurist and
not to <be fooled= by Murdaugh and coached them to
watch his body movements, warning them that he
could cry on cue. She allegedly denied them cigarette
breaks until they reached a verdict. (Deliberations
lasted less than three hours.) She also handed out
The decline of factory work in some U.S. states
often results, Grabow says, from the relocation of
jobs not to other countries but to other, more
hospitable states. And, says Grabow, <if reasons
exist for U.S. policymakers to actively promote
slayer of the pompous and the profane. There9s no journalists9 business cards to jurors throughout the domestic manufacturing, jobs aren9t one of
one tougher on or off the bench. She9s also one of the trial and met privately with the forewoman in the them.= The idea that manufacturing wages are
finest people you9ll ever meet. You just wouldn9t want women9s restroom, according to the defense. generally superior to those in the service sector is
to be on the other side of a case with her. The 12 jurors and Hill have been ordered to testify mistaken: <Nonsupervisory workers in manufac-
Already, Toal has pricked the pride of Murdaugh9s on Jan. 29 directly to Toal. The former justice made turing earned an average hourly wage of $21.29 in
lawyers, who appeared before her last week in a clear in Tuesday9s hearing that she alone would 2017, compared with $26.73 for nonsupervisory
prehearing to lay out the rules for the upcoming conduct the questioning. She said the hearing would construction workers and $36.21 for nonsupervi-
TrAcy GlAnTz/The STATe/AP
hearing to decide whether Murdaugh will be granted not be a trial of Hill and that she wasn9t interested in sory workers in the electric utility industry.=
a new trial in the double murders. Toal alone will Jean Toal, retired chief justice of the state the egg juror 4 only the 12 who actually handed This helps explain manufacturers9 difficulties
make the decision. Supreme Court, at a hearing Tuesday on a motion down the guilty verdict. In a no-nonsense voice with labor shortages. <Through most of 2021 and
Toal was appointed to the Murdaugh case after the for Alex Murdaugh9s retrial, in Columbia, S.C. familiar to practically every member of the South 2022, for example,= Grabow reports, <the number
previous judge, Clifton Newman, recused himself Carolina Bar, she witheringly dismissed the defense of unfilled U.S. manufacturing jobs never
before retiring late last year. Newman9s recusal at the Griffin, according to Harpootlian. Each one allegedly attorneys9 arguments and said their witnesses would dropped below 800,000, and it remains histori-
behest of Murdaugh9s defense team was based on the said Hill had told them to ignore Murdaugh9s testi- not be called. cally elevated in 2023.=
judge9s unfiltered contempt for the defendant as he mony. Most seriously, perhaps, she allegedly played a Toal also noted that, thus far, there9s no evidence to This would not have surprised Dartmouth
sentenced Murdaugh to two consecutive life terms. significant role in the dismissal of one juror, known support any of the allegations. And, she said, economics professor Douglas A. Irwin, who
In the months since Murdaugh9s six-week trial as the <egg juror,= just hours before deliberations Murdaugh9s lawyers have to prove not only that there knows everything about trade (see the 693 pages
ended, several other proceedings have brought him began. (The nickname was born during a brief was improper contact between Hill and the jury but of his 2017 book <Clashing Over Commerce: A
into various courthouses. In November, he pleaded moment of levity when Newman asked whether the also that these interactions influenced the guilty History of U.S. Trade Policy=). In the fourth
guilty to 22 of more than 100 financial crimes, female juror had left anything in the jury room. She verdict. <Prejudice must be proved, not presumed,= edition of his book <Free Trade Under Fire,=
including fraud and money laundering, by which he answered that she had left a dozen eggs there, and Toal said. published in 2015, he wrote:
bilked clients, law partners and family members of she wanted to take them with her.) This seems an awfully high bar for the defense <The perception that imports destroy good,
millions of dollars. For these crimes, he was sen- Allegedly, the egg lady didn9t think Murdaugh was team to clear. Meanwhile, some members of the state high-wage jobs in manufacturing is almost
tenced to 27 years. Under the plea agreement, he has guilty and spoke to at least three people outside the bar disagree with Toal9s interpretation of the applica- completely erroneous. It is closer to the truth to
to serve at least 85 percent of that time, or 22 years 4 courtroom about the trial. This ostensibly mattered a ble standard from the U.S. Supreme Court case say that imports destroy bad, low-wage jobs in
a <practical life sentence= for the 55-year-old, said great deal to Hill, who was penning a self-published Remmer v. United States and the South Carolina case manufacturing. This is because wages in indus-
state prosecutor Creighton Waters. book at the time with co-author Neil Gordon. One State v. Green. They say those cases point to the tries that compete against imports are well below
In October, an almost-miracle had seemed to land not-guilty vote would have hung more than the jury. opposite approach, that the onus falls on the state to average, whereas wages in exporting industries
in Murdaugh9s lap when the South Carolina Court of Things really went downhill when it was discov- prove the communications harmless. are well above average.=
Appeals agreed to send the murder case back to ered that Hill had plagiarized most of her book9s That9s a horse of a quite different hue. Grabow9s data confirms this: <Approximately
circuit court to consider allegations of jury tamper- preface by lifting whole passages from the work of a The poor jurors, who were always protected from 20 percent of all U.S. manufactured goods exports
ing, implicating Colleton County Clerk of Court BBC journalist. She admitted the plagiarism, ex- the public glare during the trial, now must appear in in 2021 4 totaling more than $169 billion 4 were
Rebecca Hill. I think it9s fair to say that most trial plaining that she was in a hurry to meet a deadline. court in a context that might make them feel as 8high technology9 products,= e.g., computers,
observers and most of the gaggle of reporters who Gordon then pulled the book and promised to donate though they themselves are defendants. First, they pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments, electri-
camped out in Walterboro for those six weeks were his proceeds to charity. have to answer whether Hill spoke to them about the cal machinery.
flabbergasted. Hill had been like a den mother, Ironically, it was Hill9s book that apparently got case and then say whether they were influenced by As another subtraction from national under-
helping everyone navigate local rules and find park- jurors upset enough to talk about her to the defense. her communications. The second question is a tough standing 4 a presidential campaign 4 begins, we
ing spaces, doling out passes to the absent-minded She wrote that she knew Murdaugh was guilty after one once you9ve convicted a man of two murders. soon will hear promises (threats?) to <do some-
among us (ahem), and joining after-hours gatherings she and jurors visited the family home where the Even if Toal rules against a new trial, Murdaugh thing= about the U.S. manufacturing <crisis.=
around pizza, birthday cakes and adult beverages. murders took place. She also said she was nervous as still has a solid case for appeal, especially given what These will come from both candidates if, heaven
Surprise eventually gave way to skepticism and she was about to read the verdicts aloud. <I was is known, if not publicly, about the egg juror9s forfend, they are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
fact-checking. Three jurors told similar stories to mostly concerned about Alex being found innocent experience. Suffice it to say, the full story of the Manufacturing probably is, however, robust
defense attorneys Richard Harpootlian and Jim when I knew in my heart he was guilty,= she wrote. Murdaugh trial has yet to be told. enough to survive their help.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE a27


CatheRine Rampell
Yan wu

House Republicans
try to blow up
the border deal
The case for the AI artist
they claim to want ens of billions of images made by artiû-

ai-GeneRateD imaGeS
cial intelligence have been posted online
in the past two years. AI creates pictures
from users9 word prompts. The two
risis! Invasion! A national security and

C humanitarian catastrophe!
GOP politicians have been shrieking
about the U.S.-Mexico border since Presi-
dent Biden took office. Yet when offered the
chance to beef up security there, House Republi-
images to the right resulted from prompts using
the name <Greg Rutkowski.=
Rutkowski is a 35-year-old Polish artist
known for drawing fantastic worlds. His name
has become a common prompt because many
users want to mimic his style. Here9s one of his
cans refuse. original artworks.
It9s an election year, after all. And when it comes The many knockofs of his work have
to immigration, the problem is much more Rutkowski worrying about his career. <Some of
valuable than its cure. the clients that I was working with are using AI
Southwestern border encounters have been in the designing-early production phase,= he
rising in recent months, and cities across the wrote in an email.
country have struggled to manage an influx of Artists such as Rutkowski often feel threat-
desperate migrants not legally allowed to work ened by AI. And many people in the creative
and support themselves. Over in the Senate, community are at odds with AI. Some are suing
lawmakers have been hashing out a bipartisan top AI companies for feeding their work to
deal to address the issue. computer models without permission, compen-
From what we know about the deal so far, sation or even notiûcation. Others criticize the
there9s much to find objectionable, including quality of the material it produces and worry
attempts to hamstring the asylum and humanitar- that it could be used to create knockofs, threat-
ian parole systems. Which is unsurprising, given ening millions of jobs. These are serious GReG RutKOwSKi'S ORiGinal aRtwORK
that it9s being pushed by Republican hard-liners concerns that need to be addressed. AI compa-
such as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), nies should give artists the option to opt out of
James Lankford (Okla.) and Lindsey Graham
AI training, and artists whose work is used to
feed computer models should get appropriate
But whatever ends up in this evolving deal, GOP
House lawmakers have already preemptively re-
But artiûcial intelligence also has an upside:
jected it.
The technology is opening new pathways for
Speaker Mike Johnson (La.) and other GOP
creativity. Consider visual arts. Just as photogra-
House leaders have said that anything less than
phy changed the course of art in the 19th centu-
H.R. 2 4 a draconian messaging bill that could
ry, AI image generators now stand to revolution-
never pass the Democratic-controlled Senate 4
ize how humans create.
would be <dead= in their chamber.
The key to this creation is the interaction
Yet during a news conference Wednesday,
between human and machine 4 the <prompts=
Johnson suggested the Senate deal might also be
users enter to generate images. Here9s how
too broad. <I don9t think now is the time for
prompting works, using Dall-E, a popular AI
comprehensive immigration reform,= he said.
image generator developed by OpenAI:
Got that? The Senate deal will do too little and
too much. prompt 1
If that critique sounds incoherent, that9s be- <Artist holding brush drawing an oil painting=
cause it is. The real aim of House leadership might
be not to push negotiations in any particular image
direction but to blow them up entirely. generated

The real aim of House leadership

might be not to push negotiations
Mixing word and image prompts allows users
in any particular direction but to reshape a picture9s style, subject or emotion to
ai-GeneRateD imaGeS BY phillip tOleDanO
achieve a more original result with personal
to blow them up entirely. touches.
With prompts, language itself becomes the
creative medium. Here9s another analogy with
In a conference call last week, Johnson told his Most models are able to generate images with a few photography: Though anyone can snap a photo,
colleagues that Congress cannot solve the border keywords, but these images can be biased or not every photo qualiûes as meaningful art.
crisis until Donald Trump or another Republican unappealing. For example, unless other details are Similarly, not all prompts yield compelling
is president again, Punchbowl News reported. provided, the word <artist= is likely to generate images visuals.
Which seems to give the game away: Rather than of White men, as above. AI enthusiasts have noticed this. Researchers
resolve a telegenic crisis, Republicans apparently from Georgia Tech and IBM recently analyzed 14
plan to keep it going to mobilize their base ahead prompt 2 million pairs of image prompts and found that
of the election. <Digital illustration of an Asian artist holding a brush, mentioning artistic styles, artist names, genres,
<After congressional Republicans spent years drawing an oil painting in an art studio, wide-angle, media or speciûc painting techniques signiû-
elevating the border crisis, calling it an invasion cinematic lighting= cantly inûuences the result.
and rightfully pushing for immediate action, the Developing efective prompts requires trial
House Republican position is now basically 8Let9s and error, and it can often feel random and
wait for Trump9 4 even though he may not get unprincipled. Researchers found that the words
elected and definitely couldn9t pass a border bill,= <photo= and <photography= are among the most
an unnamed Senate Republican aide told Punch- widely used terms. But words such as <cinematic
bowl. lighting,= <volumetric shadows= and <deep (PHILLIP TOLEDANO)
Other GOP officials have said as much on the focus= are less common. This gives people with
record, too. more knowledge of photography and art an
<There are some that are saying, 8Hey, we don9t edge.
want Biden to actually get credit for doing Other specialized artistic terms, such as
anything on the border, because obviously, he9s <chiaroscuro lighting= and <occlusion shadow,=
made a huge mess,9= said Lankford, the lead usually help achieve a more predictable style.
Republican negotiator in the Senate. Phillip Toledano, a photographer with about
Trump is similarly urging his congressional 20 years of experience and an early AI adopter,
acolytes to hold the line. As he wrote on his A reûned prompt would generate a more customized shared his perspective on AI9s creative potential.
platform Truth Social, <I do not think we should do picture. But the new image might introduce diferent When making an image, Toledano thinks about
a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING biases 4 an <Asian artist= represented as a petite light, shadow, details of the scene, emotions,
needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & man, for instance. Users can keep ûne-tuning. |ey narrative and how to convey these ideas to AI.
Millions of people, many from parts unknown, can evoke speciûc styles, objects or camera angles. <If you haven9t spent so much time being a
into our once great, but soon to be great again, Below, <Blade Runner= adds to a futuristic scene: photographer, you may not think about that,= he
Country!= said.
If you think Trump and others could genuinely prompt 3 Two examples of Toledano9s concepts can be
push through <tougher= policy with control of the <Digital illustration of an Asian artist holding a seen on the right. The photographer uses
White House, think again. brush, drawing an oil painting in an art studio, wide Midjourney, a popular AI image generator, to
Many voters might not realize this, but any angle, cinematic lighting, cyberpunk, futuristic, create his pieces. <AI is often not about the
seasoned politician knows that an immigration 8Blade Runner9= initial product, but it9s about ûnessing that
bill like this would need 60 votes to advance in the image over and over again,= he said.
Senate, which means it would require at least a image The artist politely declined The Post9s request (PHILLIP TOLEDANO)
few votes from Democrats. This would be a high generated to list some of his prompts, saying that they are
hurdle for any hard-line border bill, but Republi- part of his <magic spells.= His reservation is
cans have unusually strong leverage right now further proof that AI is a creative tool. Prompts
<unSupeRViSeD= BY ReFiK anaDOl
because Biden and other Democrats are eager to have become products that can be traded at
neutralize the border as a campaign issue. They online marketplaces such as PromptBase.
are also anxious to pass more Ukraine aid (which Even New York9s Museum of Modern Art has
would be bundled in this bill). started to embrace AI-generated artwork.
If Congress instead were to wait for a Republi- The image to the right is part of the show
can to return to the White House to craft a bill, <Unsupervised,= by Reûk Anadol, displayed at
Democrats would probably withhold their votes to the museum last year. Anadol used AI to
extract significant concessions on progressive interpret and transform more than 200 years of
priorities (such as a pathway to citizenship for art in MoMA9s collection. He wrote in an email to
<dreamers,= undocumented immigrants largely Advanced image generators also enable users to
The Post that creating the artwork is <a process
brought here as children). requiring meticulous adjustments and a deep
upload images to help control the outcome. Below, a
This will probably be the dynamic even if understanding of how technology can expand
cat photo was added to the prompt:
Republicans end up controlling the presidency the boundaries of our interactions with art.=
and both chambers of Congress, since Republi- As these examples show, creative profession-
prompt 4
cans probably can9t win 60 Senate seats. als might still have an advantage in the world of
Don9t take my word for it. McConnell and his <Cat artist drawing a landscape oil painting in a AI art. Aesthetic taste, culture and skills honed
frustrated GOP Senate colleagues have laid out cyberpunk, futuristic art studio, 8Blade Runner9 over years can substantially inûuence the quali-
this political logic themselves. As Graham said style. |e cat stands upright on two legs.= ty of AI-generated images. <If AI is not for you,
Wednesday in a news conference, <To those who + that9s ûne. But shouting about it is like shouting
at the sea,= Toledano said. <It9s here. Be curious.=
think that if President Trump wins, which I hope
he does, that we can get a better deal: You won9t. When photography came along, it inspired
You gotta get 60 votes in the United States Senate.= artists to dive into new styles such as abstract
If House Republicans actually cared about expressionism and surrealism. Now, AI is doing
alleviating strain at the border, there is plenty they something similar. We might still be in the
could throw their support behind. They could, for AI-equivalent of the daguerreotype, the ûrst
instance, create more legal pathways to come to image
photographic camera developed for commercial
the United States so that people don9t show up at generated manufacturing. As this new way of creating
the border unannounced and unvetted. Or law- matures, more unique, groundbreaking forms of
makers could devote more resources to border art will certainly evolve.
operations and the asylum system so that cases
can be adjudicated more swiftly. Yan Wu is a graphics reporter and developer for
But when there9s no will, there9s no way. Post Opinions. (ROBERT GERHARDT/MOMA)
A28 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

book world Sunday, january 21 , 2024 . Section B EZ EE

A reluctant writer,

an unûnished novel

and a mother9s dying gift

anna WaTTs for ThE WashingTon PosT

BY S OPHIA N GUYEN Katherine Min abandoned writing against the clock: <Truth suddenly seemed
the imperative. Unhoused, unadorned 4 without
hen the writer Katherine Min re- 8The Fetishist9 in 2014. folderol, or fanfare.=

W ceived a diagnosis of breast cancer

in 2014, she shocked those around
her by declaring that she was done
with fiction. she put aside the novel
she9d been working on for nearly a decade and
never looked back.
Min, who could be ferociously decisive, ex-
Finishing it, her daughter
felt her presence.
In 2019, Min died at 60, leaving no instructions
about her work. <The greatest mystery to me is, she
didn9t tell anybody what she wanted done,= her
partner, Greg Hershey, said. <That is just so baf-
fling. I still don9t have an answer for that.=
Her daughter, Kayla Min Andrews, went look-
ing for her mother9s abandoned novel almost as an
plained to friends and family that fiction just afterthought, a couple of years later. she powered
didn9t feel real enough anymore 4 all that artifice on the laptop she9d inherited, panicked at what
and suggesting and talking around things. so she Kayla Min Andrews was at first looked like a million files, all with the same title,
turned to nonfiction. To construct scenes, charac- daunted by the prospect of then clicked on the one that had been opened most
ters and plot around her ideas felt <like building completing her late mother9s novel. recently. Min wasn9t secretive about this project 4
Versailles to accommodate an oyster,= she re- Katherine Min had stopped working it was going to be plot-heavy, comic, with long,
marked in one of her essays from the time. she was on it after a breast cancer diagnosis. see Min on B7

When Dad buys a white-water rafting business. b2 | he pinpointed the political roots of mental distress. b3 | algorithms are the new tastemakers. b4
Looking deeply at language with oxford philosophers. b5 | naomi osaka had tennis stardom, but not happiness. b8
B2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024



With the country locked in ice,

<True North,= Andrew J.
Graff 9s warmhearted story
about a summer of white-
You know how it9ll end, Instead, Sam turns for advice to Uncle
Chip, who drove off his own wife years ago.
<You need a grand gesture,= Chip advises.
<That9s what they do in all those Hallmark

water rafting, sounds like the
vacation we all need. Graff 9s
second novel offers just
enough drama to be exciting
but it9s fun to go on the ride movies.= Sam scoffs, but his uncle seems to
have a preternatural grasp of the feel-good
plot they9re all moving through. By the end,
even the Native Americans who haunt the
and just enough reassurance edges of this story are happy.
that everybody will get home safe. In these bleak times, who can argue with
But the stakes couldn9t be higher for Sam play along. She never thought he was serious, mining corporation is sniffing around the that? Still shaken by Paul Lynch9s Booker-
Brecht, the optimistic young man who puts but she9d humor him. The summer after his property despite the discovery of Indian winning <Prophet Song,= about a nation
this adventure in motion. Desperate to save first year of student teaching in college, Sam burial mounds. And a slick, well-financed slipping into fascism, I was happy to run off
his failing marriage, he9s already run through mused over a bottle of beer that he wanted to rafting company has just opened up nearby for a spell in the Northwoods with Sam and
a series of bold visions, including a pick-your- move to West Virginia near the New River with plans to siphon off all of Woodchuck9s his family. Given the paucity of hope and
own blueberry farm that, somehow, never got and sell pottery from a van.= customers. Sam9s dream looks sunk before it happiness in contemporary literary fiction,
off the ground. Now, with two kids and a new College students: If you find yourself even launches onto the water. those feelings must be a lot harder to
baby, Sam suspects he9s about to lose his job dating this man, take his best pot as a Graff, who served in Afghanistan after produce than irony and despair. If you9re
as a high school art teacher, so he needs a memento and run. 9/11, has developed a kind of cuddly looking for a story that lets grace finally wash
sure thing. By the time <True North= begins, Swami9s machismo. His first novel, <Raft of Stars,= is over its characters, come on down. The
I9m no financial adviser, but when your sexy smile has sagged into an exasperated about a pair of 10-year-old boys who strike water9s great.
tRue NoRtH
best side hustle starts with buying a brand- frown. And that9s before she finds out Sam out on their own in northern Wisconsin. Which is where <True North= really
By andrew
new 23-foot-long Winnebago, you9re on the plans to extend their summer adventure With <True North,= he9s shifted to a hero who sparkles. Having grown up in Wisconsin9s
J. Graff
scenic rote to bankruptcy. And yet that through October. sometimes feels only slightly older. Northwoods, Graff has a visceral feel for the
monster vehicle is only the smallest part of Even before this conflicted family reaches I9d like to read this novel in a couples book flow of the river. This is a story muscled with
294 pp. $30
Sam9s last-ditch scheme. With money from the Woodchuck Rafting Co., Sam hits a deer club. I suspect Sam will remind every woman rushing water. <As Sam9s life savings and
his retirement savings 4 surely vast, given that puts their Winnebago out of service. of her first husband. But leaving the 9-to-5 marriage were dwindling away, the river
his degree in ceramics 4 he9s also bought a When strangers finally tow them to the site of grind, heading into the woods and saving the rose,= Graff writes. <It was getting harder and
run-down rafting company in Wisconsin. their new life, they discover a dilapidated Woodchuck Rafting Co. is a fantasy lots of harder to guide boatloads of inexperienced
Back in the day, he and his wife, Swami, had barn, some old rafts and a collection of moldy men will respond to. That9s no accident. paddlers.= But Sam loves it too much to give
fallen in love near a river. <Maybe,= he thinks, life jackets. Sam surveys his wasted empire <True North= is structured as a masculine up. <In the middle of a wave or a drop, in all
<another river could make everything right and thinks: <He and Swami would make this romance: Sam gets to be the well-meaning, that swoop and boom and spray, it was
again.= place thrive again. & They9d be rolling in adorable dad who keeps screwing up, gosh impossible to think about anything else.=
This would be a brilliant plan if the river cash.= darn it, while Swami is cast as the irritable Indeed, the most terrific passages of <True
fundamental problem with Sam9s marriage Well, they9ll be rolling in something. shrew who needs to realize the error of her North= send us shooting through rapids in
was dehydration. But what really alarms Graff keeps piling on the troubles. Sam9s ways. prose that feels both precise and chaotic.
Swami is her husband9s impracticality and Uncle Chip, who sold him the business, is a <Sam had let her down more than she9d Don9t be surprised if waves crash over the
self-delusion, chronic conditions that have Falstaff-like character with a ready spliff and ever imagined possible,= Graff concedes. <But margins of these pages. But you9re safe. Very
started to present as incompetence and a creative understanding of business. The she had let him fall.= safe.
deceit. <Swami9s annoyance with Sam9s Woodchuck staff are good-hearted but Oh, dear. You two should sell that
dreaming had grown exponentially,= Graff undisciplined folks who include a crystal Winnebago and buy a decade9s worth of Ron Charles reviews books and writes the Book
writes. <When they first met, Swami liked to healer named Moon. A multibillion-dollar couples therapy. Club newsletter for The Washington Post.

A mother had only the best intentions in ways that emerge late in the novel.
The most puzzling of the characters is the
one most central to the story, Cecily. Before she
encounters the charismatic General Fujiwara,
BY LEIGH HABER The novel toggles between the pre-World Cecily is an unhappy wife and mother who
War II years, when relations are polite albeit fantasizes about <cracking the boiling eggs on
t9s 1945 in Japanese-occupied Kuala Lum- mutually suspicious between the locals and the her husband9s head and throwing hot coffee in

I pur, and <teenage boys had begun to

disappear.= Cecily Alcantara 4 one of four
protagonists in Vanessa Chan9s searing debut,
British, and the period after the Japanese
takeover, when order collapses into chaos and
fear. It also shifts perspectives 4 from Cecily to
the children9s faces,= urges that leave her <sick
with shame.= After their initial meeting at a
party, Fujiwara begins showing up at the
<The Storm We Made= 4 is concerned about each of her three children, Abel, Jujube and Alcantara home, ostensibly to share whiskey
those incidents but has reason to believe that Jasmin 4 using a close third-person narration and gossip with Gordon. But soon, Fujiwara is
her son, Abel, will be spared. For years, she9s that grants the reader access to the characters9 persuading Cecily to spy for him. Their com-
helped the invaders gain a foothold in Malaya thoughts. Chan9s <we are there= approach plex relationship at first empowers and liber-
by passing state secrets in her husband, keeps the tension crackling. ates Cecily; she desires Fujiwara and believes
Gordon9s, possession to a Japanese general Unlike Cecily9s sections, the chapters devot- tHe StoRM she is changing history9s course. She feels no
posing as a Chinese businessman. Cecily has ed to the children take place only after the We Made guilt over her decade-long deceptions until her
convinced herself that their cause is noble: Japanese invasion, when all are suffering By Vanessa goal of ushering in Japanese rule is realized,
After centuries of colonization by a series of under the new disorder. Abel9s sections find Chan and she learns that in every way, she9s backed
European nations, when the Japanese take him in a labor camp after a Jesuit teacher sells S&S/Marysue the wrong horse.
over, Malaya will finally be a country of <Asia him to the Japanese. There, the 15-year-old and Rucci Books. In a letter to readers, Chan invokes her
for Asians.= other young prisoners lay train tracks for a 352 pp. $27 Malaysian grandparents, who endured Japa-
But then Abel disappears, and with him transport route to run from Rangoon to nese occupation but rarely spoke of it. Chan
Cecily9s illusions about her actions and the Bangkok. Abel is a favorite target of a guard writes, <As I grew older, excavating truths from
motives behind them: <Cecily found she could who regularly beats and rapes him, then leaves my grandmother & was like playing an oral
not hide the distinct fear & that all the things him to sleep in a chicken coop alongside a scavenger hunt.= The author and her relatives
she had done would come for her, that long-dead rooster. Abel9s sole consolation is carry <the legacy of colonization= in their
MaRy InhEa KanG
retribution was always a day away.= Freddie, a fellow inmate who uses toilet paper bodies, Chan writes, and it was this intergener-
Conquest and colonization have long been and his own blood to draw pictures of loved ational trauma 4 and resilience 4 she wanted
fertile subjects in fiction, from Joseph Conrad ones; he looks after Abel with the tenderness of Jujube9s superpower threatens to give way to to evoke through the Alcantaras9 saga.
to present-day writers such as Zadie Smith and a brother. In Vanessa rage. With authenticity and passion, Chan suc-
Imbolo Mbue. Like them, Chan uses colonial- Jujube, the eldest, struggles to hold the Chan9s debut, Jasmin is the baby of the family and the only ceeds in imparting their pain and will to
ism as a lens through which to examine such family together after her brother9s disappear- an unhappy one who initially seems unscathed. She and survive, through singular characters whose
themes as racism, colorism, status, poverty and ance. She develops a friendship with an older wife in Malaya Yuki 4 an apparent orphan with a severely flaws and contradictions are as fascinating as
violence. But <The Storm We Made= is less Japanese man who frequents the teahouse is a spy for the disfigured face 4 become inseparable. At night their strengths.
interested in probing the geopolitical and where she works, and at first, he is a source of Japanese, who they sneak off to a blue wheelbarrow Yuki
moral questions arising from colonialism than both ration coupons and conversation. But the aim to take claims as her <castle.= <It9s where we can be Leigh Haber is an independent editor, writer and
in humanizing the effects of oppression on a strain of each of their situations frays that over the safe,= Yuki whispers. <Grown-ups can9t see it publishing strategist who for the last 10 years ran
few individuals. bond, and the quiet composure that has been country. because it9s magic.= Their fates are intertwined Oprah9s Book Club.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE b3


The doctor The forms that mental illness takes

within a certain society are good guides
to its neuroses, and Fanon knew well
that the racist phobias and fantasies of

who saw his European patients functioned as

windows onto the world that colonialism
had wrought. The tensions between
Muslims and Europeans outside the

colonialism clinic, where signs on the beaches

warned <No dogs or Arabs,= could not
help but make their way inside.
This finding had further implications.

as a sickness Fanon was among the first to adopt what

Shatz describes as <a collective approach
to care that fused the insights of Freud
and Marx, breaking down the hierarchies
that separated patients and medical staff,
A biography of the giving the mentally ill a new sense of
psychiatrist, philosopher power over their lives.= But even the
and revolutionary Frantz most innovative clinical techniques did
Fanon is, inevitably, a not go far enough for Fanon, who knew
biography of the world he that political solutions are the only long-
fought to change. Fanon term remedy for political diseases.
Becca would no doubt have Colonialism is <a system of pathological
Rothfeld approved: As a pioneer of relations masquerading as normality,=
<social therapy,= an Shatz eloquently writes, and Fanon
approach that classified personal believed that the only cure for the
pathologies as political symptoms, he Algerian ailment was revolution. He was
understood better than anyone that a proponent of violence, not just in
individuals are unintelligible in practice but in theory. In his view, anti-
isolation. The maladies he treated as the colonial violence was <a kind of
director of a mental hospital in colonial medicine, rekindling a sense of power
Algeria, where he worked on the eve of and self-mastery= that allowed the
the country9s fight for independence in colonized to recover their dignity by way
the 1950s, were to him inextricable from of self-assertion.
the deadliest illness of all: the epidemic When war broke out in 1954, then,
of French imperialism. Fanon naturally sided with the FLN, or
A biography of Fanon is also of National Liberation Front. Initially, he
necessity a biography of his legend, clandestinely treated rebels at his
which sometimes deviates considerably hospital, but before long, members were
from his person. His support for the holding meetings in the facilities with
Algerian struggle was unwavering, and csU ArchivEs/EvErEtt collEction some regularity. Fanon was able to join
he is often remembered as a militant the organization openly only after he fled
who once lauded anti-colonial violence to Tunisia in 1956. For the next few years,
as <a cleansing force.= But as the critic a barrack separate from the tirailleurs America, where he sought treatment for he served first as a kind of press officer
and essayist Adam Shatz demonstrates in sénégalais and were given different food. the leukemia that killed him at 36. He and spokesperson, editing the rebel
his nimble and engrossing new book, The African infantrymen wore fezzes and did not live to see Algeria liberated just newspaper El Moudjahid, and then as
<The Rebel9s Clinic,= Fanon was never as red flannel belts, while the West Indians eight months later. the provisional Algerian government9s
one-dimensionally bellicose as he is wore European uniforms because they At times as I read <The Rebel9s Clinic,= ambassador to Ghana.
often taken to be, not only by his were judged to be more évolué 4 I yearned for a little more insight not But Fanon9s consuming commitment
enemies but by his allies and 8evolved,9 or assimilated to western into Fanon the brilliant doctor or Fanon to the Algerian cause did not mean that
hagiographers. values.= the rousing revolutionary but Fanon the his interest in psychiatry had waned. The
On the contrary, Shatz argues, the Still, Fanon was not as évolué as a person. What of his marriage to the abolition of imperialism was the best
foremost theorist of anti-colonial White European in the eyes of the locals. Frenchwoman Marie-Josèphe <Josie= medicine, both for Algerians and for
resistance was a remarkably subtle During the festivities that broke out after The RebeL9s Dublé, and their son, Olivier, about everyone else who lived under
thinker who rejected the reductions that France was liberated, no White women cLinic whom we hear comparatively little? colonialism, but in the interim, its
tempted so many of his contemporaries. deigned to dance with him. He grew The What of his aversions, his cravings, the indignities smarted 4 and even after it
Unlike the Senegalese poet, essayist and more disillusioned still when he started Revolutionary rhythm of his days? Of these we only get was dismantled, its traumas would
eventual statesman Léopold Sédar medical school in Lyon, only to discover Lives of tantalizing glimpses, handily linger. While Fanon was working with
Senghor, Fanon never resorted to that his classmates thought he <wasn9t Frantz Fanon outnumbered by background primers on the FLN, he was also working at the
sentimental evocations of a primal, really black & because he spoke French By Adam shatz French imperialism. Then again, Fanon Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis. As a
earthy Africa; unlike the existentialist so well.= Farrar, straus & would surely have preferred Shatz9s revolutionary and a physician, he sought
philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, who <Fanon had a very strong need to Giroux. political focus. He saw firsthand that to heal the same insuperable wounds.
insisted that the liberation of the belong,= one of his colleagues once 451 pp. $32 colonialism exiles us from ourselves: No
colonies was merely one step on the path recalled, but he was condemned to wonder he was such a curiously ut Fanon, too, had blind spots. He
toward a universal revolt against the
ruling classes, he grasped that racism
was an abyss in its own right. His two
perennial estrangement. In Martinique,
he was not quite French, and in France,
he was even less so. When he fled the
impersonal person.

anon9s sense of alienation no doubt

B was prone to the same sort of self-
serving romanticism he criticized
in others, especially when it came to
classic books, <Black Skin, White Masks=
(1952) and <The Wretched of the Earth=
(1961), are clear-eyed and lyrical analyses
métropole to direct a clinic in Algeria 4
and when he eventually became an
ardent participant in the Algerian
F informed his psychiatric practice,
which in turn informed his
understanding of imperial barbarity. In
questions of gender. At a conference in
1956, he warned against the <exoticism=
that occupiers often adopt toward native
of the psychic distortions that liberation movement 4 he still did not the words of one of his mentors, populations, but, in Shatz9s words, he
imperialism inflicts on colonists and enjoy complete acceptance. <He could <Madness was never a personal affair.= At stubbornly <refused to see= that many of
colonized alike. never really become an Algerian,= Shatz the core of Fanon9s increasingly radical his peers in the FLN opposed women9s
But the forces that Fanon investigated writes. <He did not even speak Arabic or approach to mental health care was his empowerment. His work as a doctor led
so dispassionately in his clinical papers Berber (Amazigh), the languages of conviction that, as Shatz puts it, <some him to agitate for decolonization, a
and so powerfully in his philosophy did Algeria9s indigenous peoples.= forms of psychological suffering have process he believed was necessary for the
not leave him unscathed. As Shatz shows He died not in any of the cities where their roots not in an individual9s psychic health of both the colonized and the
in this exemplary work of public he had lived without ever feeling quite at constitution but in oppressive social colonialists, but, as Shatz notes, he never
intellectualism, in which he does not home but in an entirely foreign country: relations.= quite eased the glaring tension <between
sugarcoat or simplify, the ingenious his commitment to healing and his belief
doctor and impassioned activist was in violence.=
every bit as much a victim of empire as On the one hand, he had no patience
the patients he worked to heal. with traitors to the cause: He cut ties
with a friend who fled Algeria when war
efore he was a revolutionary,= broke out, and he turned a blind eye to a

8B Shatz writes, <Fanon was a

psychiatrist.= And before he was a
psychiatrist, he was a Frenchman 4 or so
number of morally questionable
decisions by the FLN in his capacity as
spokesperson. Not only did he remain
he was raised to believe. He was born in silent when an internecine dispute
Fort-de-France, Martinique, in 1925, to a culminated in the murder of one of his
decidedly bourgeois family. Twenty-one friends in the organization, but he
years later, the French National helped cover up the FLN leader9s
Assembly would vote to elevate the involvement in a massacre of Algerians
island to an <Overseas Department of who supported a rival revolutionary
France= 4 but during Fanon9s childhood, faction.
it was still a colony, and in school he was But Fanon treated colonialists, even
taught that he descended not from torturers, in his practice. He <did not
enslaved Africans but from the Gauls. discriminate between Algerians and
The very first words that he learned to Europeans: all, in his view, deserved
write were <Je suis Français= 4 <I am compassion and care,= Shatz writes. All
French.= His respectable, middle-class of them were victims of what Fanon
parents <fiercely identified with the called the <mental disorders of colonial
Republic that had ended slavery and warfare,= which plagued him in equal
allowed their family to prosper.= measure. In a world so sick, no one could
But if many Martinicans were <more be cured, not even the doctors.
French than the French,= it was perhaps
because they sensed that they were never becca Rothfeld is the nonfiction book critic
quite assimilated in the eyes of their for the Washington Post.
supposed compatriots. Fanon was
painfully disabused of the notion that he
was a fully French subject when he went ABOVE: Frantz Fanon served as director of
to Europe to fight the Axis powers in a mental hospital in colonial Algeria in the
1943. To be sure, he was close to the top 1950s and worked to support its liberation
of the colonial hierarchy that prevailed movement. LEFT: When Charles de Gaulle
in the Free French army, where visited Algeria in 1960, Algerians poured
<Martinicans and Guadeloupeans slept in AP into the streets to demand independence.

Frantz Fanon knew well that the racist phobias and fantasies of his European patients
functioned as windows onto the world that colonialism had wrought.
B4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Book World

ilterworld 4 the addictive and stulti-

Why do all cobee shops we want more of isn9t always necessarily the

F fying algorithm-driven apocalypse

that we are all, according to New
Yorker writer Kyle Chayka, living
through 4 began not with a big bang
but with a chess match. In 1770, in a bid to
impress the Austrian empress (and mother of
the recently married Marie Antoinette), a civil
look the same now?
best for us. To survive in Filterworld, creators
optimize their work to meet algorithmic ex-
pectations that only incidentally overlap with
human inclinations, and their reward for com-
pliance is more attention. This mutually para-
sitic relationship leads to more money for the
platform and the creator, but mostly the plat-
servant built a device known as the <Mechani-
cal Turk= that was able to win a game of chess
against a human opponent. Famous adversar-
ies included Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon
Blame the bots. form. The lowest (and most addictive) com-
mon denominator wins.
Chayka9s logic is seductive. The internet of
today, where Filterworld9s impact is most
Bonaparte, who both lost to the machine in keenly felt, is both less weird and more corpo-
1783 and 1809, respectively. As Chayka writes BY R ACHELLE H AMPTON rate than anyone who lived through the GeoCi-
in <Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened ties era could have possibly imagined. There9s a
Culture,= <what the Mechanical Turk could not palpable sense of grief in <Filterworld= when
actually do, however, was play chess.= Chayka describes the walls of the internet
Constructed as a large wooden cabinet closing in as it consolidated onto privately
crowned by a child-size automaton <dressed in owned platforms: <Digital life became increas-
a robe and turban and sporting a dramatic ingly templated, a set of boxes to fill in rather
mustache,= the machine held a secret compart- than a canvas to cover in your own image.=
ment where the real magic happened. A dimin- What9s less convincing is the underlying
utive chess master piloted the automaton via assumption powering Chayka9s argument:
levers, strings and magnets. There was even a that mass culture is inherently more varied
sliding chair that allowed the petite virtuoso to when it is mediated primarily through human
hide if the cabinet doors were opened by tastemakers. (In many respects, <Filterworld=
suspicious audience members. It was ingen- mourns the death of taste more than anything
ious, really 4 as if the Wizard of Oz had access else. Has there ever been a tackier moment
to Reddit forums on how to build a gaming PC. than ours, when the phrase <Let people enjoy
But the Mechanical Turk9s genius lies not things= can be deployed to rebuff any criticism,
just in defeating statesmen through deceit. In no matter the quality of said thing?) While he
the time that has passed since the ruse was makes obligatory references to the Whiteness
fully revealed in 1860, the machine has enjoyed and the maleness of the elite that used to have
a second life as what Chayka calls a <prevalent the strongest hand in determining artistic
metaphor for technological manipulation.= merit, he still venerates many of its representa-
And it is the Mechanical Turk that Chayka tives, even as he handwaves away their blind
thought of as he set out to document the spots.
cultural impacts of today9s man in the cabinet: He points, for example, to Wendell Berry,
algorithms. Richard Ford, Michael Chabon and Tama
At this point, it9s (almost) unnecessary to say Janowitz as <some of the successes of the
that algorithms are everywhere. They9re decid- MFA-program model= and suggests that <the
ing what music I might like for my <acoustic handpicked nature of such programs, and the
chill songwriter Sunday evening= 4 a lot of insular, handshake nature of the publishing
Brandi Carlile with a sprinkling of Sara Ba- industry, maintain the ability to promote a
reilles and Patty Griffin, apparently. They9re singular or challenging artist.= That all of his
emailing me to propose nearby restaurants, in named successes of the MFA-program model
a neat little ranking broken up by cuisine, that I are White and only one of them not a man
might order from as I write this review. They9re seems to escape his notice. And though he
predicting what I might like to watch to acknowledges the elitist quality of the pro-
unwind after I finish it. They9re anticipating grams that generated such writers, he still
and suggesting the words at the end of this presents them as preferable to what young
sentence. It9s easy to spend a whole day gently writers must do now to find readers online. But
buffeted along by the helpful recommenda- for all of its (many) issues, the rise of self-pub-
tions of one algorithm or another. And the lishing has allowed more women than ever to
danger, according to Chayka, lies in that ease. establish audiences on platforms like Wattpad
Much has been written about the many and Archive of Our Own, forcing traditional
alarming political impacts of recommenda- publishing houses to take notice. (Whether the
tion algorithms. But less focus has been given fanfiction-to-published-novel route should be
to the dulling effect that algorithms have had as well-trod is another book entirely.)
on culture, perhaps because there are no There9s a persistent ahistoricity in <Filter-
elections at stake when Netflix keeps recom- world,= a deification of the past that ultimately
mending cozy British murder mysteries. But as weakens an otherwise persuasive argument.
Chayka writes in <Filterworld,= the days or Chayka vividly evokes the jarring sensation of
months or years caught in the undertow of that trying to maintain cultural archives on plat-
gentle stream of algorithmic recommenda- forms whose incentives are constantly shift-
tions are <not limited to digital experiences on ing, at one point evocatively describing a
our screens.= The colorless efficiency that used Spotify layout change as <a form of aphasia, as
to exclusively identify Silicon Valley artifacts if someone had moved around all the furniture
has seeped into everything we consume, in my living room overnight.= And yet he often
whether music or television or fashion, in an fails to ground his argument in a past that feels
effort to make that consumption as continuous authentic. The monotony of commercial radio
as possible. Trained on data sets whose size is that existed long before music streaming ser-
nearly unquantifiable and whose provenance vices gets little mention when he waxes poetic
is often dubious, algorithms offer us more of about the curatorial spirit of local radio DJs 4
what we 4 and thousands of others just like us instead, Spotify algorithms are framed as the
4 have already expressed some interest in. For true (and only) evil in the music industry. In his
the sleepwalkers of Filterword, past is present salvo against Instagram tourist traps, he
and future, too. writes, <The tourists9 experiences are flattened
Digital algorithmic experiences are often not because they have no other option but
the easiest to identify, shaping the kind of news because the digital platform has made it in-
we read, what we learn about our friends and credibly convenient to simply follow in the
even our emerging vocabularies. But, as Chay- steps of everyone else.= While he acknowledges
ka notes, it9s also the case that <algorithmic that this is just <a turbocharged, more coercive
systems influence the kinds of culture we Kyle Chayka says algorithms are what remains is the homogeneity of places version of the old-school tourist guidebook,=
consume as individuals, molding our personal supplanting human tastemakers. whose discovery is most likely to be mediated convenient and thus parochial travel experi-
tastes.= Stretching beyond the virtual, they through an algorithm. ences for Westerners (the population that
reach into physical space, too, influencing to name one example, the almost startling Cafes were Chayka9s canary in the coal mine. <Filterworld= seems mostly concerned with)
<what kinds of places and spaces we gravitate sameness of certain trendy coffee shops the But in <Filterworld= he lays out a case that have existed for centuries, a fact that goes
toward,= whether we9re trying to decide which world over, all characterized by <plentiful day- most cultural discoveries 4 and hence most largely unmentioned.
store to patronize or where to vacation. And light through large storefront windows; indus- cultural products 4 are now algorithmically Chayka9s inability to fully contend with the
the blessing and curse of going viral has trial-size wood tables for accessible seating; a mediated. What happens to culture when past blinkers his assessment of our shared
befallen not just restaurants and books but bright interior with walls painted white or <what we see at a given moment is determined online present and thus, ultimately, our future.
entire cities. covered in subway tiles; and Wi-Fi available for more directly by equations than & tastemak- It is true, certainly, that algorithms now mostly
Chayka is at his sharpest when he is describ- writing or procrastinating.= Add a monstera FIlTERwORlD ers=? Human tastemakers are fallible, yes, but control the levers of our cultural Mechanical
ing the impact of algorithms on one of his areas plant, and the Instagram caption writes itself. How they also have the capacity, perhaps even the Turks, but Chayka never convincingly shows
of expertise: architecture and design. He revis- And that is the ultimate purpose of spaces Algorithms intention, to surprise or delight or anger when that the humans who once hid beneath the
its a concept he coined for the Verge back in like these, <spaces where time was temporarily Flattened selecting a piece of art to champion. An algo- machines were necessarily better.
2016 called AirSpace, which names the spent and aesthetic was flaunted, where physi- Culture rithm9s only imperative is more. More time on
<strangely frictionless geography created by cal space was turned into a product.= As the By Kyle Chayka the app, more products sold, more ads clicked, Rachelle Hampton is a culture writer for Slate and
digital platforms.= Also known by some as the mid-2010s fell away, certain visual elements Doubleday. more views. And as anyone who9s attempted to host of the internet culture podcast <In Case You
aesthetic of gentrification, AirSpace describes, changed 4 Edison bulbs out, fiber art in 4 but 284 pp. $28 eat a single spoonful of ice cream knows, what Missed It.=

by Charlie Jane Anders

What makes a reader want to follow a which Cole handles her main characters, who
protagonist into hell 4 or at least into some navigate impossible situations with nimble
particularly unpleasant situations? It9s not cleverness. Faron, in particular, is equal parts
always sweetness or wisdom: Often the best- frustrating and captivating: She appears selfish
loved characters are jerks who make awful and childish, until you glimpse the burden she
decisions. But competence goes a long way; we carries. Add a complex world, a rich backstory
adore a capable protagonist who manages and plenty of neat twists, and you9ve got a thrill
tough situations with ease. Four recent science ride with heart.
fiction and fantasy books prove it.
8The Tusks of Extinction,9 by Ray Nayler
8Emily Wilde9s Map of the Otherlands,9 Ray Nayler9s <The Mountain in the Sea=
by Heather Fawcett delved into octopus consciousness with terrific
Last year, Fawcett earned justified praise 8A Quantum Love Story,9 by Mike Chen because of unresolved personal baggage. Good results, but <The Tusks of Extinction,= a novella,
for <Emily Wilde9s Encyclopaedia of Faeries,= a The movie <Groundhog Day= helped launch thing they9ve got plenty of time on their hands is even better, with fewer unruly subplots. In
dark academia tale about a Cambridge a new genre of time-on-repeat stories, but the 4 at least until the final stretch, when the book <Tusks,= scientists have brought back long-
University professor doing fieldwork on the 2020 film <Palm Springs= heralded a change in veers in a wildly different direction. extinct mammoths, which need guidance 4 so
fair folk, in the company of Bambleby, a this trope: These days, instead of one person they put the mind of a long-dead elephant
colleague with a huge secret. Wilde is a trapped in a loop, it9s almost always two, 8So Let Them Burn,9 by Kamilah Cole expert, Damira, into a mammoth9s body, so she
fantastic character: frosty and reserved, but transforming what was once a power fantasy What happens after the chosen savior has can become their matriarch. But Damira soon
also generous and kind 4 and endlessly into a relationship story. Chen seizes this device already saved everyone? Plenty of other writers finds herself in a familiar situation, caught in a
resourceful, deploying her deep in <A Quantum Love Story,= in which handyman have explored this theme lately, notably Veronica clash with ruthless poachers.
understanding of faerie lore to get out of sticky Carter Cho and neuroscientist Mariana Pineda Roth in <Chosen Ones= 4 a story of what Nayler excels at writing about ecosystems,
situations. relive the same four days before a particle happens to the heroes after evil is defeated 4 but nonhuman communities and the dilemmas of
The second Emily Wilde book follows accelerator accident. The underachieving in Cole9s hands, this theme becomes a whole lot conservation. <Tusks= also includes a sharp
much the same trajectory as Leigh Bardugo9s Carter and the too-driven Mariana might as of fun. Faron Vincent is the Childe Empyrean, focus on toxic masculinity and the sort of
sequel to <Ninth House=: less academia, well be marooned on an island together. who used her gods-given powers to save her power trip that would drive a person into an
more personal romance. This time, But despite its title 4 and the romantic nation from destruction 4 and now, five years extreme environment to slaughter a beautiful,
Bambleby is in trouble, and Emily risks potential of the revived timeloop genre 4 the later, she9s using her abilities to cheat at sports. irreplaceable creature. The result is both
everything to save him, even as she worries heart of <A Quantum Love Story= is Her sister, Elara, wants to be special too, until breathtaking and heartbreaking.
that her academic impartiality is going out troubleshooting. Mariana and Carter invent she gets her wish when an enemy dragon bonds
the window. In many ways, the second Emily brilliant plans to escape their ourobourous, with her as its rider. Charlie Jane Anders is the author of several books,
Wilde book is even more compelling than the and each failure gives them more information. <So Let Them Burn= is the best young-adult including <Promises Stronger Than Darkness,= the
first, as Emily confronts the potentially dire Chen subtly hints that these characters aren9t novel I9ve read in ages, and one of the best final book in a young-adult trilogy. She9s won the
consequences of growing too close to her just confined to a never-ending half-week: fantasy novels, full stop. The book9s triumphs Hugo, Nebula, Sturgeon, Lambda Literary, Crawford
research subject. They9ve been stuck in their lives for years come down, in large part, to the sensitivity with and Locus awards.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee b5

Book World

To these Oxford
thinkers, words
meant the world
<One may as well begin with
Socrates.= So opens Nikhil
Krishnan9s <A Terribly Serious
Adventure: Philosophy and War
at Oxford, 1900-1960.= Observe
how that sentence conveys a
Michael certain offhand jauntiness, yet
Dirda subtly reveals a distinctly learned
author: Krishnan, who teaches
philosophy at Cambridge, implies he could have
chosen any number of other philosophers
A terribly
instead of Socrates. At the same time, his decision
to create this particular sentence indicates a
writer confident enough, and well read enough,
Philosophy and
to echo one the most famous first lines in 20th-
War at Oxford,
century British fiction: <One may as well begin
with Helen9s letters to her sister,= the opening of
By Nikhil
E.M. Forster9s <Howards End.=
That novel is even more famous for its
Random House.
epigraph: <Only connect.= And this is just what
400 pp. $28.99
Krishnan does as he traces the affiliations,
rivalries and intellectual spats among the
eminences of mid-20th-century philosophy at
Oxford: Gilbert Ryle, A.J. Ayer, J.L. Austin, R.M.
Hare, Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter Strawson. All
these thinkers focused their considerable
intellectual powers on doing something similar
to what I9ve done above: analyzing the words
people use to probe the character and limits of
how we perceive and understand the world.
Such <linguistic philosophy= aimed, in
Krishnan9s formulation, <to scrape away at
sentences until the content of the thoughts
underlying them was revealed, their form
unobstructed by the distorting structures of
language and idiom.=
For many of these Oxfordians, Ludwig
Wittgenstein was either a guru or a bête noire.
Iris Murdoch, a student of philosophy before she
became a philosophical novelist, once visited the
Austrian émigré in Cambridge and, as Krishnan
writes, never fully recovered from the experience:
<Everything about him was unnerving: the
8trampish9 appearance, the empty, bookless room
with no furniture but a camp-bed and two deck
chairs, the confrontational, conventionless way
in which he approached people and required
them to relate to him. 8What9s the good of having
one philosophical discussion,9 he told her once.
8It9s like having one piano lesson.9=
In later years, Murdoch always remembered BettMANN ARCHIVe/getty IMAgeS

Wittgenstein <with awe and alarm.=

The author of the <Tractatus Logico-
Philosophicus= and the <Philosophical would turn to him with a deadly glare and ask, bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. When without quite stating, that rich people aren9t
Investigations= 4 the latter translated by ever so politely, 8Would you mind saying that Oxford announced plans to award Truman an usually kind.=
Anscombe 4 is nonetheless an outlier to this again?9= honorary degree, Anscombe objected. She All these philosophers, as well as a half-dozen
British portrait gallery. Krishnan, born in As Austin regularly emphasized, <The point of wasn9t protesting against nuclear weapons per others I haven9t been able to mention, come
Bangalore, India, recognizes that he might be looking at words is to let them help us to see the se (as was Bertrand Russell) but simply standing across as both daunting and charismatic. For
thought an outlier too, but he deeply admires world.= Consequently, Oxford discussion groups up for what she regarded as an inviolable example, A.J. Ayer wrote his most famous book,
these men and women as intellectual heroes and and tutorials tried to avoid those <cheap principle: <Choosing to kill the innocent as a <Language, Truth, and Logic,= at 24. In it, he
exemplars. Reading their books, he tells us, can rhetorical ploys= that aim <at victory and means to your ends is always murder.= End of maintained that we have no direct perception of
be as exciting as reading a great novel or poem. humiliation rather than truth.= Instead their argument. Anscombe9s was a lonely voice, material objects but rather construct the world
In particular, Krishnan emphasizes the virtues unofficial motto stressed intellectual fraternity: however, except for the support of her we experience through <sense data.= Ayer9s most
they embodied in themselves and their work. <Let no one join this conversation who is philosopher friend, Philippa Foot, whose cogent support for this position, adds Krishnan,
<Some of these virtues were, by any reckoning, unwilling to be vulnerable.= Still their meetings imposing manner Krishnan brilliantly captures: came from optical illusions: <When one sees, say,
moral ones: humility, self-awareness, collegiality, continually resounded with <short, punchy <She looked like the sort of young woman who a mirage in the desert, it is of course false to say
restraint. Others are better thought aesthetic: interrogations= that aimed <to clarify positions, knew how to get a boisterous dog to sit.= that one sees an oasis. After all, there is no oasis
elegance, concision, directness.= pose objections and expose inconsistencies.= Anscombe9s sometime adversary, R.M. Hare, there to see. But one evidently sees something.
One quality 4 wit 4 is clearly missing from In general, Austin <wanted to be, all he also served in the war but would never talk about What could that something be if not sense data?=
this list. wanted other people to be, was rational.= His the horrors he survived as a prisoner of the Over the years, the worldly Ayer, who oozed
Consider Gilbert Ryle. As the Waynflete highest praise was to call someone <sensible.= Yet Japanese. Once back at Oxford, Hare probed the charm and loved many women, went on to
professor of metaphysics, he was asked if he ever he was more than just that. During World War II, slightest distinctions in linguistic meaning. achieve celebrity through frequent appearances
read novels, to which he replied, <All six of them, he joined an elite branch of the British secret <8Open the door,9 I say, thereby bringing it about on radio and television. In 1987, two years before
once a year.= Jane Austen9s, of course. Another service and soon mastered the logistics of the that you, obediently, open the door. What I9ve his death, the elderly philosopher attended a
time, an American visitor wondered if it was true German army better than its generals. As one done by saying those words is to bring it about chic party where the young supermodel Naomi
that Ryle, as editor of the journal Mind, would colleague later said, Austin was <more than that the door is opened.= But <what I9ve done in Campbell was fending off unwanted attentions
<accept or reject an article on the basis of reading anybody & responsible for the lifesaving saying them is to give you an order,= which you from boxer Mike Tyson. Ayer intervened. <Tyson
just the first paragraph.= <That used to be true at The University accuracy of the D-Day intelligence.= Col. Austin may or may not obey, and in the latter case, the informed Ayer, in rather strong words, that he
one time,= Ryle supposedly answered. <I had a lot of Oxford, returned to Oxford laden with honors from door remains shut. was the world heavyweight champion. Ayer
more time in those days.= 1936. Nikhil Britain, France and the United States. Despite the sheer entertainment available in replied: 8And I am the former Wykeham
As one proceeds through this exhilarating Krishnan9s And was soon again proposing conundrums <A Terribly Serious Adventure,= readers will want Professor of Logic.9= He then added, <We are both
book, J.L. Austin gradually emerges as the new book like this one: to slow down for its denser pages outlining preeminent in our field; I suggest that we talk
central figure. <He listened, he understood, and spotlights the <Jones is preparing for a long march through erudite theories or explaining category mistakes about this like rational men.= And, apparently,
when he started to speak, with the piercing mid-20th- the desert. One of his enemies poisons his water and other specialized terms. For instance, the they did. Those were the days.
clarity he brought to all things, philosophical or century flask. Another, knowing nothing of the exquisitely elegant Peter Strawson, who always
not, it 8made one9s thoughts race.9= thinkers at poisoning, drains its contents. Jones dies of spoke <in complete paragraphs, every comma, Michael dirda is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for
In public discussion, though, Austin could be Oxford who thirst on the walk. Who killed Jones?= every semicolon perfectly articulated,= might Book World and the author of the memoir <An Open
ferocious, even with a close friend like the practiced In 1956, killing was on the mind of Elizabeth point out that an argument contained an Book= and of four collections of essays: <Readings,=
historian of ideas Isaiah Berlin. Berlin, we learn, <linguistic Anscombe, and particularly Harry Truman9s unspoken <presupposition failure.= In short, <Bound to Please,= <Book by Book= and <Classics for
would come <to dread the moment when Austin philosophy.= still-controversial decision to drop the atomic saying <8he is rich, but kind9 presupposes, Pleasure.=

A writer9s brother dies. And then she assumes his identity.

BY STEPHEN KEARSE taken literally, but Blackburn9s nonlinear and <In the Clinic for Excavating Repressed Memo-
experimental storytelling, a signature of her ries in Search of Solutions of Current Crises, we
rief might be the most elusive human many short stories, evokes time travel. The arch are holiday-movie moms,= goes a typical pas-

G feeling. We tend to gauge it rather than

grasp it, measuring it with metaphors
that often just cower before its awful size and
period-hopping of Kurt Vonnegut9s <Slaughter-
house-Five= and the fragmented chronologies of
David Mitchell9s <Cloud Atlas= and Olga Ravn9s
sage. <We inspire Christmas-loving lesbians
around the world with our archetypal feminine
authority and achievable beauty.=
force. Our stock attempts to describe it reveal <The Employees= come to mind as the story slips This flippancy loses appeal as the jokes,
our indelible befuddlement: <the stages of through years and milieus. Blackburn isn9t digressions and flashbacks begin to eclipse
grief,= <the grief process,= <the weight of grief.= interested in the systematicity, adventure or Coral. It9s hard to imagine her standing out in
Unlike other emotions, grief doesn9t have a alienation of sci-fi, though. Her muse is dissocia- the librarians9 <registrar of all life with any
ready-made set of verbs that demystify its tion, and the book9s latticework of flashbacks, evidence of record.= Blackburn packs in so
attributes. Anger rises, mounts. Depression deAd in lOng news articles, text messages, fictional book much backstory that she crowds out the
engulfs, buries, smothers. Love conquers, beACh, chapters from Coral9s own work and fan fiction present; the stakes of Coral impersonating Jay
blinds, clarifies, arouses. Grief simply is. We CAlifOrniA about said book allow her to map Coral9s grow hazy as the story totters along. She is
bear it and hopefully survive it, mice in its By Venita fractured psyche. clearly clinging to his memory, and implicitly
merciless paws. Blackburn The guides to this Coral-verse are a collective risks alienating friends and family if she is
<Dead in Long Beach, California,= the debut MCD. of possibly nonhuman librarians who have found out, but the conflict is one-sided.
novel by Venita Blackburn, channels grief9s 226 pp. $27 somehow ascended from Coral9s apocalyptic Coral often feels peripheral to the book9s
staggering capacity. It centers on Coral, an book-within-a-book to a ponderous omni- formal pyrotechnics. Her passivity faintly con-
anxious comic book author who finds her science. <We are responsible for telling this trasts with the agency of the gun-toting,
brother Jay dead by suicide in his apartment. story, mostly because Coral cannot,= the narra- unnamed hero of her own book, but Blackburn
After fainting from shock, she awakes and calls tors say. That9s not an especially compelling does not build on this polarity. The character is
911, attempting to begin the many public and motive for such a forceful storytelling device, less a foil and more a shadow, visible only at
private rituals of death. But hours after Jay has but Blackburn commits. fleeting angles.
died, Coral grows possessive of her brother9s At its best, the authoritative and bizarre Grief tends toward incoherence, but our
death, commandeering his phone and imper- voice of the guides gives the book a playful stories about it still need some shape if they are
sonating him to his friends and relatives, quality that keeps it buoyant. They describe to be affecting and compelling. <Dead in Long
including his daughter. In a twisted way, Coral Coral9s actions, and human activity as a whole, Beach, California= works as a moodboard, but
keeps him alive, but the ruse is fragile. She VIRgINIA BARNeS
with a bemused distance that allows Blackburn beneath its stylish sentences and unorthodox
spends the story stuck in this frazzled and to place humor and whimsy alongside the structure, there9s more void than vision.
intrusive state, free falling through time as she sorrow. Many paragraphs begin with descrip- Venita Blackburn brings her
reckons with loss, loneliness and guilt. tions whose winkingly clinical language belies experimental, nonlinear style to stephen Kearse is a critic and author based in
<Free falling through time= shouldn9t be the freewheeling and funny words that follow. her first novel. Washington. His latest novel is <Liquid Snakes.=
B6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Book World

Washington Post
Hardcover Bestsellers
couRteSy of the AmeRIcAn


1 THe HeaVeN aNd earTH GrOCery

STOre (Riverhead, $28). By James
mcBride. In a ramshackle Pennsylvania
neighborhood during the 1920s and
930s, Jewish and African American
residents come together to hide an
orphan from state officials.
2 IrON flaMe (Red tower Books,
$29.99). By Rebecca yarros. the
empyrean series continues as second-
year students face new challenges at
Basgiath War college.
3 fOUrTH WING (Red tower Books,
$29.99). By Rebecca yarros. A young
woman competes to secure a spot at
an elite war college for dragon riders.
4 NOrTH WOOdS (Random house, $28).
By daniel mason. over the centuries, a
new england farmhouse is a home that
interconnects people, plants and
5 TOM laKe (harper, $30). By Ann
Patchett. over the course of a summer,
a woman tells her three daughters the
story of her affair, at 19, with an actor
on the cusp of stardom.
6 deMON COPPerHead (harper,
$32.50). By Barbara Kingsolver. In this
Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, a boy born
in a trailer in Appalachia faces the
challenges of childhood poverty with
BoyeR/RoGeR VIoLLet/Getty ImAGeS
7 reMarKaBly BrIGHT CreaTUreS
(ecco, $29.99). By Shelby Van Pelt. A
woman develops a friendship with an

A lyrical epic of a people 4 and people octopus living in an aquarium.

8 leSSONS IN CHeMISTry (doubleday,
$29). By Bonnie Garmus. A mid-century
scientist becomes a sensation while
hosting a feminist cooking show.
This novel by a Sámi writer traces sweeping changes to Indigenous life by focusing on individuals
9 TOMOrrOW, aNd TOMOrrOW, aNd
TOMOrrOW (Knopf, $28). By
Gabrielle Zevin. two friends run a
BY K ANISHK T HAROOR Aslat, a striving boy who seems to have a novels in verse, such as Derek Walcott9s self- successful video game design
promising future, suffers a fatal fall while consciously epic poem <Omeros= (1990), which company while testing the boundaries
he Sámi are the Indigenous people of helping his father, Ber-Joná, drive reindeer to conjures the 20th century in the Caribbean.

of their relationship.
northern Scandinavia, having inhab- their calving grounds. <He slipped/ and fell/ Axelsson9s verse is far sparser than Walcott9s,
ited the fjords, fenlands, valleys and from the rock,= Ber-Joná recounts. <The ocean but it achieves a taut and at times uncanny 10 THe Bee STING (farrar, Straus and
tundra of this region straddling the rises/ the ocean gathers & His legs/ black out/ lyricism in Saskia Vogel9s exquisite translation. Giroux, $30). By Paul murray. A once-
Arctic Circle for thousands of years. they drown/ fading.= A description of a new dam, which looms over prosperous Irish family struggles with a
Their population is small, numbering by offi- The boy9s death echoes through the book as a the latter half of the book, taps the alliterative financial crisis.
cial estimates roughly 100,000, spread over rupture, a break in the lineage, and all the power of Old English poetry: <Shrouded the
several countries. A patina of the exotic clings characters in the century that follows seem to currents slid/ down among the turbine halls/
to them, as they appear even in modern depic- be searching for something missing. Admiring deep below the fells/ and flowed up/ in places NONfICTION
tions as colorfully dressed reindeer herders, Aslat in life, his father sees the Sámi universe unforeseen.= In this way, the book steps out of
sledding over the icy wastes. Outsiders have unfolding: <Ski stroke by ski stroke/ song after aedNaN time even as its characters cannot. 1 THe WaGer (doubleday, $30). By
long seen them as otherworldly. Medieval song/ we spread out the/ landscape of our kin/ an epic But what is extraordinary about <Aednan= is david Grann. After enduring storms,
Norse legal codes, for instance, forbid Chris- in his body/ Singing forth/ the world around By Linnea not so much its beauty as its restraint. Lesser sickness and a shipwreck, the
tians from visiting Sámi villages to procure us.= After Aslat9s death, that world constricts. Axelsson, writers might have indulged more in the dra- surviving crew members of the hmS
prophecies. But like many other Indigenous He is buried in the western edge of their translated from matic sweep of this story, but Axelsson is Wager turn against one another.
peoples in recent centuries, the Sámi suffered roaming, in what is Norway, but soon after- the Swedish by content to let its particulars speak for them-
from another perception, that of being primi- ward officials arrive to corral the Sámi within Saskia Vogel selves 4 the sudden strangeness of sedentary 2 OaTH aNd HONOr (Little, Brown,
tive and wild 4 and in need of the transforma- the borders of nation-states, miring his family Knopf. apartment living after ages on the move, the $32.50). By Liz cheney. the former
tive discipline of the nation-state. in Sweden. <We were to be driven/ from the 426 pp. $30 shock of the harsh Swedish residential schools, member of congress and chair of the
<Aednan,= a remarkable novel in verse writ- forests fells/ and lakes,= recounts Ristin, Aslat9s the grimness of a life alienated from one9s house Republican conference
ten in Swedish by the Sámi writer Linnea mother. <The memory of the herd/ the calves9 origins and the awakening of later generations describes her experiences during and
Axelsson, follows the changes in Sámi life over legs/ that had always/ guided us home/ Now to a new, assertive Sámi political identity. She after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the
the course of the 20th century and into the 21st. they would be born/ on other land./ Now each offers neither maudlin angst nor any easy u.S. capitol.
In that time, the borders between countries step/ homeward in autumn/ was a departure redemption of the past. Instead, she looks for
hardened, confining the often migratory Sámi from/ our lives.= the gaps in any predictable narrative of fall and 3 THe CreaTIVe aCT (Penguin, $32). By
within narrower territories; missionaries and The form of <Aednan= recalls other modern revival. Lise, a figure who straddles the many Rick Rubin. A Grammy-winning music
agents of the state pressed Sámi children into eras of the novel, regrets her own struggle to producer shares how artists work and
residential schools that sought to strip them of speak a Sámi language but is not fully con- suggests ways to foster creativity in
their language and cultural identity (a fate vinced by the fervor of her daughter, a Sámi everyday life.
notably shared by Indigenous youth in Aus- activist who <sounds like a book/ no dialect at 4 HOW TO KNOW a PerSON (Random
tralia and North America in the past, and by all.= She acknowledges that her culture was house, $30). By david Brooks. A new
young Tibetans in China today); and the build- never hers to bequeath to her children. <How york times columnist draws on various
ing of dams and other vast developmental am I to/ explain to them,= she mourns, <that the sources to consider how people can
projects remade the landscape that the Sámi ruin/ is in my voice.= make more meaningful connections
once imagined as their own. The wheel has No identity is immune to time, insensible to with each other.
turned, however slowly, in Scandinavia as it has change. In one incredible scene set in 2015, an
in many other places, and in recent decades elderly Lise joins a Swedish conversation group 5 aTOMIC HaBITS (Avery, $27). By
activists have secured striking gains for Sámi for refugees, presumably recently arrived from James clear. how to make small
land rights and the revival of Sámi culture. In Syria. Nobody seems to be speaking Swedish; changes that have a big impact.
2020, the Swedish Supreme Court momen- she tries English with a man sitting across from
tously ruled that a Sámi village in the north of her and listens to his Arabic, while a friend 6 THe COMfOrT Of CrOWS (Spiegel &
the country had unique hunting and fishing babbles away nearby in a Sámi dialect. The Grau, $32). By margaret Renkl. In 52
rights by dint of its people having lived there currents of history might surge and clash in chapters, the author of <Late
since <time immemorial.= that encounter, but Axelsson keeps the lid on. migrations= chronicles the evolution of
Traversing these enormous historical Quietly, Lise wonders about how her interlocu- her backyard over the course of a year.
events, <Aednan= bills itself as <an epic.= That is tor9s world might change:
7 deMOCraCy aWaKeNING (Viking,
an ambitious subtitle, but Axelsson earns it. Which language will
$30). By heather cox Richardson. the
Generations unfold across the book9s often his grandchildren
author of the popular newsletter
incantatory, alternating first-person sections, get to speak &
<Letters from an American= warns that
forming a chorus that unites Sámi herders and which songs
America is trending toward autocracy.
living in tents in 1913 with their latter-day will they sing
counterparts pulling into truck stops, making About sun and wind 8 PreQUel (crown, $32). By Rachel
sandwiches on kitchen counters and petition- war and men maddow. A narrative history of the
ing at courthouses. Like the best epics, <Aed- rich and poor wide-reaching plot to promote
nan= is a story not just of a people but also of authoritarianism in early 20th-century
people, full of sonorous power yet shot through Kanishk Tharoor is the author of the short-story America, and the effort to prevent it.
with an undeniable intimacy. collection <Swimmer Among the Stars,= the host of
The book begins with loss, unsurprising the BBc radio series <museum of Lost objects= and 9 1000 WOrdS (Simon element,
perhaps for a people marched over by history. dAnIeL PedeRSen a senior editor at foreign Affairs magazine. $24.99). By Jami Attenberg. A
motivational guide for writers
encourages focus and productivity by
TOP: Indigenous Sámi fishermen and their boat in Norway, 1930. ABOVE: Linnea Axelsson9s novel in verse covers a century of Sámi life. writing 1,000 words per day.
10 OUTlIVe (harmony, $32). By Peter
Attia and Bill Gifford. A physician offers
alternate ways of looking at aging and
lITera ry Ca leNd a r
Jan. 21 - 27 Rankings reflect sales for the week that ended Jan. 14. the
charts may not be reproduced without permission from the
American Booksellers Association, the trade association for
independent bookstores in the united States, and
21 SUNday | 2 P.M. Burt Solomon discusses <the murder Sonny9s Pizza, 3120 Georgia Ave. nW. 202-601-7701. the fenwick Library Reading Room, George mason indiebound.org. copyright 2024 American Booksellers
Association. (the bestseller lists alternate between hardcover
of Andrew Johnson= at the mary Riley Styles Public Library, university, 4400 university dr. fairfax. 703-993-2240.
24 WedNeSday | 7 P.M. Marcy Norton discusses <the and paperback each week.)
120 n. Virginia Ave., falls church. 703-248-5030.
tame and the Wild: People and Animals After 1492= at 26 frIday | 7 P.M. Uche Blackstock discusses <Legacy:
5 P.M. Dennis Romano discusses <Venice: the Politics and Prose at the Wharf, 610 Water St. SW. 202- A Black Physician Reckons With Racism in medicine=
Remarkable history of the Lagoon city= with David 488-3867. with Eugene Scott at Politics and Prose.
Ignatius at Politics and Prose, 5015 connecticut Ave. 7 P.M. Benjamin Herold discusses <disillusioned: five 27 SaTUrday | 3 P.M. Jenni Walsh and Virginia Pye
nW. 202-364-1919. families and the unraveling of America9s Suburbs= with discuss their works of historical fiction with Mary Kay
22 MONday | 10:30 a.M. Veera Hiranandani presents Michael Eric Dyson at Politics and Prose. Zuravleff at Politics and Prose at the Wharf.
<Amil and the After= at Politics and Prose. 25 THUrSday | 3 P.M. David Nicholson discusses <the 3 P.M. Kate Manne discusses <unshrinking: how to face
23 TUeSday | 7 P.M. Sen. Jeff Merkley and Mike Garretts of columbia= with E. Ethelbert Miller at Patrick fatphobia= at Politics and Prose.
Zamore discuss <filibustered!: how to fix the Broken henry Library, Vienna. 703-938-0405.
5 P.M. Kristin Carlucci Weed discusses <Get me
Senate and Save America= at Politics and Prose. 7 P.M. Kaveh Akbar discusses <martyr!= with Clint Smith carlucci: A daughter Recounts her father9s Legacy of
7 P.M. E.A. Aymar presents <When She Left= with nine at Politics and Prose. Service= with Shonna Waters at Politics and Prose.
other local fiction, nonfiction and poetry writers at 7:30 P.M. Sandra Lim presents <the curious thing= at for more literary events, go to wapo.st/literarycal.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee B7

Book World

Her mother9s novel was ahead

of its time, and incomplete

PhoTos by anna WaTTs for The WashingTon PosT

MIn fRom B1 dinner table conversations and showcased work by Asian American writers. Today she even radiant core, as she kept writing.
min9s love of puns. <Even the way the characters could fill a house with such books. <I think back <When mom was dying, obviously there was
flowing sentences 4 but she9d shared it only in swear was so familiar,= Clay said, with a laugh. to when she was starting out, how almost so much pain and sadness, but there was a
fragments. When Kayla was a teenager min <Like, 8oh, when mom would drop a pan in the lonely she must have been,= Kim said. The source of solace that made it just a little bit less
would read aloud a scene she was working on, kitchen, that9s exactly what she says.9= editor found herself wondering how the liter- scary,= Kayla said. <I also felt it 4 the solace of
asking her daughter how some line struck her. The manuscript eventually attracted the at- ary scene would have reacted to <The fetishist= knowing she lived the way she wanted to live.
other times, away at an artists9 residency, min tention of Sally Kim, an editor at Penguin had it arrived earlier: Would it have gotten She lived bravely, and now she was dying
would mail postcards to Hershey with the best Random House, who told its agent, PJ mark, through editorial boards? Would min have bravely.=
sentence she9d written that day. No one had that she had to be the one to publish <The been implored to change the title? This also made her starkly realize, she said:
ever read the work in its entirety. Now here it fetishist.= <As a person who9s been in publish- The draft, nearly complete when its author <I don9t have that yet. I9m not really proud of
was, the whole thing, untouched since febru- ing for 30 years 4 having watched the industry set it aside, had a few obvious gaps, which Kayla how I9ve been living. I haven9t been living
ary 2014: <The fetishist.= stay static for the first two decades 4 I stuck helped to fill in. <It9s not so easy to step into a bravely. I9m afraid of failing at this thing, the
True to min9s description, the novel is stuffed around for so long so that I could have a seat at novel midstream,= Kim said. <But she did so only thing that really matters to me.= After
with incident: an assassination foiled by a the table,= Kim said. <I could publish a book like beautifully, and there are a couple of key mo- min9s death, it became clear to Kayla that
cheap umbrella, a successful kidnapping, a this and make sure it9s published right.= ments in the book where she really landed that writing was the only way out of misery. first,
cross-country road trip, an engagement ring Kim remembered buying a copy of min9s plane.= for example, in one scene, when Alma she wrote nonfiction, which poured out of her
flung off a bridge in florence. The narrative debut, <Secondhand World,= back in 2006 and and Daniel reunite after decades of estrange- during the first wave of grief. She has since
switches between the perspectives of Daniel, a adding it to a single shelf she9d devoted to new ment 4 arguably the book9s emotional climax ventured into fiction, enrolling in a master9s of
White violinist whose romantic history gives 4 min had simply noted: <finish this later.= fine arts program and publishing her own work
the novel its title; his ex Alma, a Korean Ameri- Here, Kim thought there needed to be a reckon- while stewarding <The fetishist= into the
can cellist suffering from advanced multiple ing between the ex-lovers 4 a moment when world.
sclerosis; and Kyoko, a punk rocker out to Daniel is called out. Yet the scene also needed to Helping to realize her mother9s vision may
avenge her mother Emi9s mistreatment by Dan- remain rooted in the book9s overarching inter- seem like an act of filial piety. But when Kayla
iel, as the characters grapple with racial and ests: fetishism, yes, but also forgiveness. was immersed in the novel, she felt the care
sexual politics, bitterness, and grief. Kayla would jump off of phone calls with flowing the other way. Through prose, she said,
<The fetishist= is frank about the indignities Kim and force herself to plunge in before she her mother was <almost, in a way, still encour-
of desire 4 mid-seduction, a character9s <de- lost her nerve. After all, she could always aging me, and comforting me.= When someone
pleted brain rested like a cabbage upon the change things back. <But once I got into it, I dies, min observes in the novel, <our impulse is
pillow, devoid of will or thought= 4 and of actually, weirdly, felt almost no doubt 4 be- to flatten her out, to press her between wax
dying. Add that to the sheer amount of story, cause I was drawing on all the time [my mother paper like a leaf, or to fix her in amber like a bug.
and the resulting novel could be unworkably and I] had spent reading together. It felt like a But death is a false terminus, one moment
antic 4 but it9s held together, at its center, by a continuation of that,= she said. <Sometimes I only.=
warm and frank humanity, by tenderness and was picturing her looking over my shoulder. I9d It occurred to Kayla while working on the
an unabashedly broad sense of humor. (Some- read a line, and then I imagined mom being draft that the novel9s two central female charac-
times those things are the same, as when Alma like: 8Yeah, that9s good, but is that adjective ters never really interact. So she took the liberty
jokes, uneasily, <once Asian, never again Cau- correct? It9s a little lackluster.9= of writing them a scene, in which Alma watches
casian,= the first time she and Daniel get togeth- Growing up, Kayla tended to be as cautious a video of Kyoko9s band. To Kayla, the women
er.) And it9s not afraid to get a little gross: Early as her mother was bold. min often cajoled her represent two sides of her mother 4 the glam-
readers are already divided in their reactions to daughter to put herself out there, to find her orous classicist and the angry rebel 4 and it felt
its closing scene, which involves orthodontia. voice. By the time Kayla graduated from col- right for them to coexist, if only briefly, on the
The draft in min9s laptop felt like a time lege, she had convinced herself, and insisted page. But it9s impossible not to also read it as a
capsule: Characters camped in spots that min aloud, that she was definitely not a writer. She moment when the generations meet and enjoy
and Hershey had visited, or gave voice to her taught English, waited tables, worked as an a flash of recognition 4 the older artist observ-
long-simmering frustrations with being one of office assistant; she avoided confronting what ing the younger, moved beyond speech.
the few Asian American women in the New she wanted. But she observed how her mother,
Hampshire town where Kayla and her brother, in the midst of all her suffering, had a sense of Sophia Nguyen is the news and features writer for
Clay, grew up. The dialogue had echoes of Joanna Morrissey purpose 4 that her daily life had a steady and book World.

TOP, CLOCKWISE FROM RIGHT: Kayla Min Andrews signs copies of <The Fetishist= after a reading in Manhattan this month. The book9s afterword, in which Andrews writes about
her mother, Katherine Min. Photos of mother and daughter on Andrews9s phone. ABOVE: Min, who died in 2019, left no instructions about her work, including her unfinished novel.

To Florida politicians, even dictionaries look suspicious

BY R ON C HARLES maybe putting <black= before <white= vio- board for violating the first Amendment. brittle good cheer. <It9s a pretty big day for
lates florida9s ban on critical race theory. You may remember that florida Attorney me personally.= She goes on to expose the
ow they9re investigating dictionaries. Any day now, moms for Liberty will demand General Ashley moody had filed an amicus utter inanity of banning her first novel, <The

N Every time I9m convinced that Re-

publicans have reached peak absurdi-
ty with this anti-book hysteria, their glitter
that parents 4 not some globalist alphabet
4 should determine the order of words.
Among the 1,600 books targeted in Es-
brief in this case arguing that <public-school
libraries are a forum for government, not
private, speech.= By her logic, state officials
Patron Saint of Liars,= about a home for
unwed mothers.
<We don9t get to see the girls having sex,=
ball of moral panic just keeps swelling. In cambia County were five dictionaries, sev- could ban whatever viewpoints they don9t Patchett says. <They just show up pregnant
this month9s orwellian update, we learn that eral encyclopedias and <The Guinness Book like. fortunately, Judge Wetherell took a at a home for unwed mothers because they
schools in Escambia County, fla., temporari- of World Records,= which might actually be a very dim view of moody9s tyrannical claim. choose not to have an abortion. They have
ly pulled Webster9s Dictionary. record. Ann Patchett has had enough. The best- the baby and give the baby up for adoption,
9Bout time! God knows what marxist maybe the young patriots of Escambia selling writer and Nashville bookstore own- just like they tell us to in the state of
devilry an unsupervised child might fall into County should just stick with the Bible. er recently learned that two of her novels florida.=
if left alone with an alphabetical list of Oops, two children9s Bibles got pulled, too. have been banned from the orange County, <Be careful,= she says happily at the end.
English words. Not to mention, somewhere on a more hopeful note, U.S. District Judge fla., school system. <Don9t read these books.= An oscar-worthy
near the back, the dictionary contains that Kent Wetherell ruled recently that a land- In response, she posted a video on performance.
subversive pronoun <they,= which makes mark federal lawsuit against the ban-happy Instagram that9s so sarcastic it could strip
kids turn trans. Escambia County School Board can move the shellac off Ron DeSantis9s humanlike This article was excerpted from our free book
Apparently, Webster9s wasn9t the only forward. PEN America, Penguin Random smile. Club newsletter. To subscribe, visit wapo.st/
dictionary investigated for signs of & what? House and several authors are suing the <Hi, everybody,= Patchett begins with booknewsletter.
B8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Book World

also fancied himself an independent film-

maker and cast Mari and Naomi in one of
his productions, which required them to

Naomi Osaka
witness violent scenes. According to Tama-
ki9s 2022 autobiography, <Through the
Tunnel,= a major source for Rothenberg,
the girls found themselves involved in a
drama worthy of one of their father9s films

hit tennis9s in November 2006: Without consulting

Tamaki, Leonard pulled Mari and Naomi
out of school, packed their belongings into
the family9s van and moved to Florida,

heights, but where the weather was better for tennis.

During telephone calls with Leonard,
Tamaki, who likened her husband9s actions
to kidnapping, heard her daughters plead-

at what cost?
ing for her in the background. Tamaki
joined the family three weeks later, <under
pressure, and unable to bear the separation
from her daughters,= after Leonard <grew
impatient and began accusing her of
infidelity and disloyalty.= Naomi drew a
BY A SHLEY B ROWN hard lesson from the experience. Leonard9s
<really big gamble & shaped my mentality,
made it the way it is, which is not to
question things too much.=
Florida was hardly the sunshine state for
the family, who sometimes failed to pay
coaches and were once evicted from their
home. Naomi and Mari did not belong to
any of Florida9s many tennis academies.
Like the Williams sisters, they did not play
the junior tennis circuit either, further
limiting them socially. <I grew up very 4 I
don9t want to say 8sheltered,9 but I knew five
people in my whole life,= Naomi later said.
Mari showed promise as an artist, but
Naomi was not encouraged to express
herself beyond playing tennis. The girls did
online home schooling 4 <the internet has
raised me,= Osaka told Rothenberg. That is,
when she and her sister were not practic-
ing and playing their sport.
All of this helps explain the shyness and
awkwardness in news conferences as Nao-
mi9s career began to take off in 2015. At first
many people found Osaka9s unusual de-
meanor endearing and refreshing, but as
the years passed, her halting and offbeat
responses to questions and curious social
media posts read as unfortunate conse-
quences of her singular focus on tennis.
At its best, this biography is a meticulous
interrogation of the price tennis players
pay to pursue their dreams. Rothenberg,
senior editor for Racquet magazine and a
former New York Times reporter, weaves in
stories of others who, overwhelmed by a
variety of external pressures, have seen
their careers sidetracked or even sabo-
taged. Some of the best passages are
devoted to Mardy Fish, who took an
extended leave from the game to seek
treatment for severe anxiety disorder exac-
erbated by the multi-headed hydra that is
tennis, with its constant, regimented de-
mands of tournaments, daily workouts and
practice sessions, global travel, media and
business obligations, and extended periods
away from family and friends. Osaka
grinds through this 4 and is ground down
photos By JulIan FInney/getty Images by it 4 season after season. <Getting off the
tennis tour, a carousel on which powerful
centripetal forces of money, ranking

hat happens when an athlete interviews, Osaka spoke of battling depres- ject9s much-anticipated return. He devotes points, and hope keep players hanging on,
achieves her dream (or that of sion and self-doubt. Her behavior and choic- nearly half of this assiduously researched isn9t easy, even if the break is only meant to
her parents) 4 a No. 1 ranking es confounded the staid tennis establishment biography to explaining how Osaka9s unor- be temporary,= Rothenberg writes.
in her sport, titles in the most and some of her fellow players. thodox childhood and adolescence set her Other authors have made similar observa-
prestigious events, financial Osaka led the sport to suspend tourna- up paradoxically for fame and floundering tions, perhaps no one more adeptly than
security for her family 4 only to find that ment play for a day in response to the in professional tennis. Rothenberg inter- Michael Mewshaw, in <Ladies of the Court,=
none of it has brought her happiness? shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by viewed dozens of people, including Osaka, his underappreciated behind-the-scenes ac-
Between 2018 and 2021, Naomi Osaka police in Kenosha, Wis., in August 2020. her family and coaches, to tell this story. count of the 1990-91 women9s tennis season.
won four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, Days later, during her second successful The result is a book that is bolder than He astutely described the professional tennis
and in January 2019, she reached the No. 1 U.S. Open title campaign, she wore masks previous accounts of the star9s sometimes tour as <a condition rather than a destina-
ranking. She was the world9s highest-paid emblazoned with the names of seven Black turbulent life 4 most notably Netflix9s tion= and a <claustrophobic existence,= espe-
female athlete between 2020 and 2022, people killed during dubious surveillance highly stylized 2021 docuseries. cially for young players, who are under
Her Journey
earning as much as $50 million a year for and security encounters. At the 2021 Inspired by the success of Venus and intense pressure to achieve as much as
to Finding Her
product endorsements. As Serena Wil- French Open, Osaka further shocked ten- Serena Williams, Osaka9s parents, Tamaki possible as quickly as possible, yet often have
Power and
liams9s career began winding down, com- nis9s power brokers by announcing that she and Leonard, decided in 1999 that their few diversions and outlets for support and
Her Voice
mentators and fans thought they had found would not <do any press= during the daughters, 2-year-old Mari and 17-month- not much education. Rothenberg, in shed-
By Ben
in Osaka 4 the younger daughter of a tournament, citing her belief that some old Naomi, would grow up to be tennis ding further light on why Osaka frequently
Haitian-born Black father and a Japanese journalists were guilty of <kicking a person champions. Money was not Tamaki9s priori- pushed herself to continue even as she
mother 4 the cheerful new global face and while they9re down= during post-match ty. <The way [the Williams sisters] flew suffered, suggests that, 30 years later, little
496 pp. $35
dominant force of women9s tennis for years interviews. Her decision threatened to hurt around the world and influenced society has changed.
to come. the profits of news outlets, tournaments blew my mind,= she later explained, an <A journey which I didn9t enjoy ultimately=
That9s not how things turned out. and corporate sponsors. inspiration that perhaps informs Osaka9s is how Mari Osaka, who retired from tennis
As Ben Rothenberg notes in his new Osaka soon withdrew from the tourna- TOP: Naomi social advocacy efforts, including inciting at age 24, describes her unsuccessful pursuit
biography, Osaka became <a generational ment, one of several withdrawals long before Osaka, left, Japan to grapple constructively with its of what Rothenberg calls the <high-risk,
touchstone for reasons that had increasingly announcing her pregnancy in January 2023 after beating treatment of its mixed-race population. high-reward dream of tennis glory.= Time
little to do with her tennis results.= She and taking an extended leave from the tennis Serena By 2001, the family had left Japan for the will tell whether it9s a sentiment that Naomi
became a springboard for conversations tour. She gave birth to a daughter, Shai, in Williams, United States, settling first in Elmont, N.Y. will apply to her own career.
about <race, gender, mental health, activism, July. Now ranked well below 800, Osaka, 26, right, to win Years of isolation and hardships followed.
multiculturalism, politics, business, and gen- is embarking on a comeback that has so far the 2018 U.S. Both Mari and Naomi admit that their Ashley Brown is the allan h. selig chair in the
erational shifts.= yielded losses in the early rounds of two Open. ABOVE: parents forced them to play tennis. While history of sport and society and an assistant
Both on and off the court, Osaka9s face was tournaments, most recently the Australian Osaka plays in Tamaki commuted to Manhattan to work professor of history at the university of Wisconsin
often streaked with tears 4 that is, when it Open, which she won in 2019 and 2021. the Australian grueling hours in an office, Leonard was a at madison. she is the author of <serving herself:
was visible at all. Via social media posts and Rothenberg9s book is timed for its sub- Open in 2019. stay-at-home dad who coached the girls. He the life and times of althea gibson.=

by Katherine a. powers

8Chasing Bright Medusas: upon to determine the cause of death,

A Life of Willa Cather,9 midwife Martha Ballard declares that the
by Benjamin Taylor man was dead before being thrown in the
Taylor narrates his short biography and river and that he had been beaten and
critical assessment of Cather, illustrating the hanged. So begins a historical thriller
relationship between her life and her fiction abounding in surefire ingredients: murder,
with a masterly deployment of quotations conspiracy, forgery, false witness, romance
from her writing. He shows her strength of and illegitimacy. Martha, a strong-minded,
will and independence of mind in her courageous woman, faces off against first-
rejection of a woman9s role as wife and rate villains, among them an arrogant,
mother; in her breaking away from her bungling Harvard-trained doctor, a
family; in her relationships with the great 8Prophet Song,9 by Paul Lynch as the situation deteriorates in horribly conniving judge, a sprinkling of
love of her life, Isabelle McClung, and her Lynch9s Booker Prize-winning novel is believable ways. This is a hard book but one scandalmongers and snobs, and a belligerent
companion of four decades, Edith Lewis; in decidedly not for the depressive. Set in that profits enormously from Gerry O9Brien9s dog 4 all of whom get their own fitting
her veneration of art and her rejection of her Dublin two years after a despotic political superb narration. Where the print version comeuppance. If there is nothing
own early writing; and, throughout, in her party has taken power, it shows a society comes in brutal, unbroken blocks of text, particularly subtle about the story, it is well
fierce determination to become a writer of pervaded by fear and desperation. Special O9Brien, a gifted Irish actor, contributes a plotted and rich in period detail, and
substance. <She was,= Taylor says, <her own <security= legislation has established a secret profounder sense of the emotions, the terror, includes a final, informative note read by the
raw material and transformation was her police force, set up checkpoints, allowed for the fortitude and the resilience of its author herself. Told chiefly in the voice of the
game.= In taking on the narration of his book, detention without charge and has otherwise characters. (Bolinda Audio, Unabridged, 81/2 midwife, the novel is beautifully narrated by
Taylor sounds at first somewhat hesitant and extinguished civil rights. At the story9s center hours) Jane Oppenheimer at an easy pace and with
donnish, but as he develops his theme, his is the Stack family: Larry, a high-placed convincing vocal characterization, except
admiration for Cather becomes palpable, his official in the teachers union; his wife, Eilish, 8The Frozen River,9 by Ariel Lawhon when she confers a weird gulping accent on
tone warms, and by the last hour, he has a scientist; and their three children. The Inspired by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich9s a blameless Scotsman. (Random House,
become positively lyrical. This is a moving, family9s worsening ordeal begins when Larry Pulitzer Prize-winning <A Midwife9s Tale,= Unabridged, 15 hours)
galvanizing book, a work that will send you is seized by police, with no information given Lawhon9s novel begins in 1789 in Maine on
back to Cather9s fiction. (Penguin, as to why or where he9s been taken. We follow the Kennebec River with the discovery of the Katherine A. Powers reviews audiobooks every
Unabridged, 4 hours) the individual fates of his wife and children dead body of a man accused of rape. Called month for the Washington post.

METRO sunday, january 21 , 2024 eZ re C

high today at Virginia Virginia Obituaries
approx. 3 p.m.
Lawmakers criticize the a 30-pound tabby showed critic Joan acocella, 78,
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
34° state Department for not up at a richmond shelter became an indispensable
precip: 0% repaying a nonprofit that and was quickly adopted guide to modern dance
22 29 32 27 ° ° ° Wind: nW
10-20 mph aided afghan evacuees. C2 4 and put on a diet. C4 and literature. C5

son slain
in D.C.
Volunteer fatally
shot in robbery
City crime rates remain
at center of public focus


Ryan Realbuto came to D.C.

from Upstate New York to spend a
year with the Capuchin Francis-
can Volunteer Corps, helping
high school students in a work-
study program.
He was halfway through his
service with the Catholic volun-
teer group. The program9s direc-
tor, Margaret McIntyre-stacy, de-
scribed the 23-year-old as genu-
ine and pleasant, always willing
to share and lead group prayers.
<He had a real innocence about
him,= she said.
D.C. police said Realbuto was
fatally shot in the abdomen dur-
ing a possible robbery shortly
BiLL o'Leary/the Washington post after 10 p.m. Thursday on south
Dakota Avenue, a main thorough-
fare in the Michigan Park neigh-
borhood of Northeast. His moth-

Moore9s second-year challenge er said Realbuto had been head-

ing home with two other volun-
teers after attending a church
social in the shaw area.
<It9s like a nightmare you can9t
Md.9s charismatic governor expands aspirations but faces ûnancial headwinds even imagine,= Janet Realbuto,
62, said by telephone from the
family home in Pittsford, N.Y.,
near Rochester. <I am so praying

he Wes Moore-for-president BY E RIN C OX At times the national buzz has they find whoever did this. He
talk started before his inaugu- rubbed fellow Democrats the wrong was the most gentle, kindest, car-
ration a year ago. Barely a way. some missteps 4 such as an- ing person. For someone to just
month into his term, a top nouncing a yet-to-be-finished deal walk up and pull a gun on him for
House leader had to tell Democratic with the orioles via Jumbotron as the no reason is beyond my world.=
members of Congress at a Baltimore team clinched the division title 4 Rising violent crime in the city
retreat that the <Wes Moore selfie drew widespread media scrutiny and has been a prime focus of public
line= needed to sit down so that elicited private concerns among law- anxiety over the past 13 months,
President Biden could speak. makers about whether he could pull it and the D.C. Council is considering
All year, attention followed the lone all off. A few once-fervent supporters broad legislation to address homi-
Black governor of a U.s. state, a are frustrated that he has not gone cides, carjackings and robberies.
new-to-politics politician, whose cha- further on the promises for systemic Those categories of offenses
risma overshadowed obvious minor change that put him in office. And a sEE ShOOtiNGS oN c2
defeats. Rapper LL Cool J played at his few allies privately grumble that his
birthday party; famed portrait pho- policy goals are unrealistic.
tographer Annie Leibowitz captured But much of Maryland9s power
him for Vogue.
Moore is not close to accomplishing
his moonshot goals 4 among them,
structure remains charmed by Moore,
his relentless enthusiasm and his
invocation of the word <partnership=
Staff told
eliminating child poverty and reduc-
ing the overincarceration of young
Black men 4 but has faced little
like an incantation.
<You just see his smile. He says,
8Hello, y9all.9 And you know, he9s got
of threats
criticism for it. He heads into a second
year with less-favorable financial
headwinds and even more aspira-
you right there,= said Rep. steny H.
Hoyer (D), whose 56-year career has
spanned 10 governors and who views
to student,
report says
MarVin Joseph/the Washington post
tions. Among them: growing the Moore as an outlier who <brings a
state9s economy, helping women who tOP: Gov. Wes Moore greets participants in October at the launch personality and an energy and a
want to rejoin the workforce and in college Park of his service program for high school graduates. positivity that welds people together.=
fixing a yawning affordable housing AbOVE: the governor speaks to fellow democrats this month. Hoyer spent 14 years strategizing
crisis 4 complex problems that take Much of Maryland9s power structure remains charmed by his how to bring the FBI headquarters to
time and deep resources to address. relentless enthusiasm and invocation of the word <partnership.= sEE MOOrE oN c4
Richmond 18-year-old
faced violence before
fatal graduation shooting


Creator behind pay videos Vietnamese Americans celebrate AND S ABBY R OBINSON

An investigation into a deadly

gets a bonus of her own Lunar New Year early in Chantilly shooting at a Richmond high
school graduation in June found
that school staff were told that a
victim9s home had been shot at by
Maybe you have social media platforms, under BY J OE H EIM other students in recent years, but
seen Hannah the name salary Transparent failed to alert others about threats
Williams standing street, all follow the same Ben Tonhat did not grow up toward his safety.
on the street. general format. They show the wanting to be a lion, but on The report also said shawn
Maybe you 27-year-old asking strangers to saturday, he got to be one anyway. Jackson, 18, who was killed, was
have stopped to share what they do for a living The cybersecurity and engi- allowed to attend the Huguenot
theresa talk with her, and and how much they earn, neering major at George Mason High school graduation without
Vargas she has convinced followed by those strangers University donned a fuzzy proper authorization. At the time,
you to step in divulging what their cubicle canary-yellow costume lion head Jackson was home-schooled and
front of her microphone. neighbors might not even know. with a pink cardboard tongue would have needed permission
Maybe you have found <I9m a recruiting consultant at sticking out of its mouth and from the principal or a designee to
yourself sharing with her 4 and a media company in the D.C. pranced and prowled around the attend, according to the report.
her millions of online followers area,= a man tells Williams in one Dulles Expo Center, accompanied The graduation also lacked ad-
4 what you don9t normally share video. <I make upward of by an enthusiastic contingent of equate safety measures, according
with strangers. $120,000-plus.= drum thumpers and cymbal to the external investigation.
For the past year and a half, <I9m a travel nurse,= a woman clashers. The cacophonous dance A judge made public the report
Williams has been getting people in Arlington says in another in the 100,000-square-foot venue by a law firm hired by the Rich-
in the Washington region and video. <Last year, I made helped announce the beginning mond City school Board to exam-
across the country to talk $150,000 and this year, I should of the La Vang Lunar New Year ine its handling of the shooting.
publicly about what people hit $240,000.= Festival, one of the largest annual Jackson9s stepfather, Renzo smith,
traditionally keep private: their <Roofer,= a man in Richmond gatherings in the Mid-Atlantic for also was slain. Five other people
pay. says. His earnings? <About Vietnamese immigrants and were shot in the incident and oth-
The videos that the Northern $70,000 a year.= VaLerie pLesch for the Washington post their families. ers were injured, including Jack-
Virginia resident posts on In the last year, Williams has Performers practice a traditional dance during the La Vang Lunar Lunar New Year doesn9t actually son9s younger sister.
Instagram, TikTok and other sEE VArGAS oN c3 New Year Festival at the dulles Expo center on Saturday. sEE cELEbrAtiON oN c3 sEE richMONd oN c5
C2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

23-year-old shot in D.C. as city struggles to curb crime rates

sHooTiNgs from C1 the four volunteers in the pro- education, social services and
gram in D.C., said some of them health care.
soared last year as the District had been at social function at a The group9s motto is <living
ended 2023 with more killings church in Shaw and were walking simply,= and the volunteers each
than in any year since 1997. In the from a metro station to their get a $125 monthly stipend and
first three weeks of this year, five shared residence in the Brook- live in a communal residence,
people, including realbuto, have land neighborhood when they <sharing the highs and lows of
been slain. were attacked. their day, learning of the cycle of
Earlier on Thursday, police Based on what she was told by poverty and from each other9s
said another man was fatally shot police and two people who were experiences, and how to break it,=
shortly after 6 p.m. in the 4000 with her son, Janet realbuto said mcIntyre-Stacy said.
block of Pennsylvania Avenue SE. someone got out of a vehicle and realbuto volunteered at Don
Police said Sherman Bunch, 66, of demanded money. Janet realbu- Bosco Cristo rey High School in
Northeast was found dead inside to said they had no money, and Takoma Park, md., a Catholic
a vehicle. No other details were that the person took out a gun college-preparatory school just
immediately available. and shot her son. She said his outside D.C. that helps at-risk
Police said realbuto was shot roommate pressed on his wound students in a work-study
D.c. police
along a block lined with and called 911. program.
single-family homes, a grocery Janet realbuto said her son, Cantwell said realbuto was Ryan Realbuto, 23, shown in a flier from police. Realbuto was killed on Thursday in Northeast
store and a fast-food restaurant. A who had two older brothers, <growing and coming into his Washington. His mother said he was walking home from a church social when he was robbed and shot.
D.C. police spokesman said detec- joined the volunteer program own= during his time in the Dis-
tives, based on preliminary infor- after he graduated from St. Bo- trict and had talked about re- Janet realbuto said that when said <melted my heart.= He had man was apparently trying to rob
mation, are investigating robbery naventure University in Upstate maining in the city when the her son chose to volunteer in D.C., been at a dance at Catholic Uni- people <who didn9t have any mon-
as a possible motive. Police said New York. The Capuchin francis- program ended in July, possibly she inquired about crime and versity. He texted: <I had a really ey.= She added: <They didn9t take
realbuto died at a hospital. can Volunteer Corps works in to teach or go back to school. determined that the area he was great time. one of the best nights anything from them, other than
Janet realbuto and Brother cities, including the District, and Cantwell said realbuto had a in was <a relatively safe location.= of my life.= this man9s life. They didn9t take
Stephen Cantwell, a Capuchin places volunteers in underserved <great laugh,= and in turn brought She said she had recently re- mcIntyre-Stacy, the volunteer anything of value, except the
franciscan friar who supervises neighborhoods, concentrating on laughter from his friends. ceived a text from him that she program director, said the gun- most valuable thing.=


State Dept. rebuked for

not repaying nonproût
BY A NTONIO O LIVO The system set up by the Biden
administration to help those indi-
members of Virginia9s congres- viduals in the early days of the
sional delegation on friday chas- evacuation was filled with holes
tised the U.S. State Department for that were causing additional trau-
not reimbursing a nonprofit ma, said Kristin Nickerson, execu-
group that played a vital role in tive director of the nonprofit,
helping Afghan evacuees entering which was created in the wake of
the state in droves in 2021, includ- the 9/11 attacks.
ing transferring patients to over- At one point, federal officials
whelmed hospitals. lost track of a 1-month-old baby
The Northern Virginia Emer- who had a potentially life-threat-
gency response System (NVErS), ening illness, Nickerson said.
which coordinates the region9s A federal contractor tasked
services during mass-casualty with retrieving Afghan patients in
events, stepped in with aid for Northern Virginia who had re-
thousands of Afghans during what ceived hospital treatment and de-
was a lapse in federal support in livering them back to temporary
the weeks after the Taliban took refugee holding facilities often let
control of Kabul, Democratic law- them languish in the hospitals
makers said in a letter to Secretary overnight, she said.
of State Antony Blinken. Nickerson said her organiza-
After repeated attempts to re- tion was pushing the Biden ad-
coup nearly $700,000 in costs in- ministration to fix the lapses in
curred during that period, the services. When it became clear
State Department has still not that no solutions were forthcom-
paid the nonprofit, states the letter ing and that the local system of
signed by U.S. Sens. Tim Kaine and care was being overtaxed, area
mark r. Warner, and reps. Jenni- hospitals and local governments
fer Wexton, Don Beyer, Abigail asked NVErS to step in, she said.
Spanberger and Gerry Connolly. <All of those gaps compounded
<The failure of the State Depart- to a point where the health-care
ment and the other federal agen- delivery system in Northern Vir-
cies to make any serious effort to ginia nearly collapsed,= said
reimburse NVErS for these ser- Nickerson, who also directs the
vices is outrageous, and risks dis- Northern Virginia Hospital Alli-
incentivizing community entities ance nonprofit.
nationwide from offering support Her group coordinated ambu-
in future scenarios,= the letter said. lance transports to area hospitals
According to the federal from Dulles Airport and federal
lawmakers, the State Department transfer points in the region
suggested in private conversa- where Afghans were being
tions that NVErS acted on its own housed. It also set up services for
and, therefore, was not entitled to translation and established a pa-
reimbursement. tient tracking system that, among
on friday, a State Department other cases, helped track down the
spokesperson said officials are lost 1-month-old, who was still in a
investigating the matter. hospital.
<We appreciate all partners of State Department officials
the U.S. government who have eventually began relying on those
provided critical support to Af- services, reaching out to NVErS
ghans relocated to the United learn the whereabouts of Afghan
States,= the spokesperson said in a evacuees who had received
statement. <We will respond when medical care, according to the
we have fully investigated the nonprofit.
issue.= Assertions that the Virginia
The massive influx of Afghans lawmakers said State officials qui-
to the region in August 2021 over- etly made about not owing NVErS
whelmed local and federal agen- because the group had stepped up
cies and wreaked havoc on area voluntarily fail <to offer any mean-
hospitals that were already strug- ingful suggestions to remedy the

Balance. gling to absorb patients during

what was the height of the
many Afghans arrived to Dulles
International Airport with gun-
situation= and <completely over-
looks the Department9s own short-
comings in creating this unfunded
mandate,= the letter states.
The dispute over funding,
shot wounds or trauma from the which began in 2021, has not

The CaseStudy® chaos that surrounded the evacua- stopped the State Department
tion effort at the Kabul airport, from calling on NVErS for help,
Since our first renovation over 60 years ago, where a terrorist bombing killed the letter said.
we9ve been a team of visionaries. Our unique 13 U.S. service members and 170 In february 2023, the depart-
Afghans crowding to get on to ment asked the nonprofit to assist
approach to the remodeling process begins planes. with 222 Nicaraguan political

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others suffered from heart
disease, broken limbs, malaria,
shigella infections and other ail-
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their country.
prisoners who arrived to Dulles
Airport after being suddenly ex-
pelled from their country.
Nickerson said before agreeing
to help with that emergency, her
maintain strict attention to time and to budget. most arrived with no documen- organization laid out the terms of

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Afghan refugees arrive at Dulles international Airport in 2021. A

Virginia nonprofit incurred nearly $700,000 helping evacuees.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3

TheresA VArgAs

For Va. creator, viral videos on salaries

have paid ob 4 for others and herself
VArgAS FRom c1 make that clear. They also made seen, monetarily and in other
about $30,000 through ad ways, shows that she has tapped
spoken to a dog groomer in revenue. into a conversation that people
Atlanta who makes $90,000 a <The reason that we decided are eager to have and that we as
year; a tattoo artist in miami to share how much we made is a country need to have if we are
who makes $250,000 a year; and because we can9t just talk the serious about eliminating pay
a software engineer in Portland, talk, we have to walk the walk,= disparities. Women still on
ore., who makes between Williams told me on a recent average earn less than men, and
$400,000 and $500,000 a year. morning. <one of the most those gaps look even more stark
But one of her most recent common questions we get from when those women are Black,
videos to go viral doesn9t show our community in the comments Hispanic or Native American.
her interviewing anyone. It section is, 8How much do you Wide pay gaps also exist for
shows her turning the lens make?9 And I think that9s a fair people who identify as LGBTQ+
toward her own job. In that question.= and people with disabilities.
video, Williams shares how Williams said she also wanted Not long after I wrote that
much Salary Transparent Street to let people who are considering column about Williams, she quit
earned last year and, in doing so, becoming content creators know her job to focus full time on
offers a revealing glimpse at how what to expect. Salary Transparent Street. Then
content creators make money. <Having a viral video doesn9t Daniels quit his.
coUrTeSy of hAnnAh WilliAMS
In the video, Williams shares make you a millionaire,= she <He was supposed to quit with
that Salary Transparent Street said. <We learned that very me, but we were a little hesitant,= Hannah Williams, creator of Salary transparent Street, asks strangers about what they do for a living
brought in more than $1 million quickly. But having the passion Williams confessed. <It really and how much they make. the brand brought in $1 million in gross revenue last year, she said.
in 2023. and the idea of building a was such a drastic change, so we
She notes that the amount is business behind a social media were like, 8Let9s wait a little <We have to look at this like as one example she gave: After a wrote in her testimony, <and I
gross revenue. She also explains page will generate a lot of longer.9 Then a few weeks after a business but also consider government contractor in can9t stress enough how much of
that she and her 31-year-old revenue from brand deals.= that, it was a no-brainer. We impact,= Williams said. <It9s Arlington talked about making an impact these pay bumps have
husband, James Daniels, a When I first told you about loved what we were doing. We really not just about viral videos. $125,000 in a video, his colleague on the lives of everyday workers
videographer, received salaries Williams in a column that ran in wanted to do more of it.= It9s what can we do with this realized he was underpaid. That in America.=
of $125,000 and $65,000 April 2022, she was working as a Since then, the two have information to make sure it9s not colleague found another job that If Williams were to offer
respectively. (Williams said they data analyst for a government posted hundreds of videos that just lost in the interwebs? How paid him $25,000 more. testimony on the issue now, she
intentionally decided to take contractor, earning $115,000 a have received nearly a billion do we have impact?= Another example she offered: could add another person to the
salaries, so they could invest in year. She had just started Salary views, and the social media This month, D.C. mayor A woman in D.C. wanted to list of local people who have
their work with the remaining Transparent Street. At the time, pages that feature those videos muriel E. Bowser (D) signed encourage conversations about benefited from pay
funds after expenses.) she had posted six videos have drawn about 2.7 million wage transparency legislation pay transparency at her work, so transparency: herself.
In a follow-up video, which featuring workers in the followers. that requires employers to she brought up the videos in a After posting the video about
the couple made in response to Washington region and she The couple also hired a disclose pay ranges in job team meeting. After a colleague her earnings, Williams heard
the many questions people sent, hoped to travel to other places to website development team, and postings. As lawmakers realized she was underpaid, the from other content creators. She
the two break down the numbers talk to people. the result is a website that considered the issue, Williams team worked together to help learned that people with smaller
even further. They explain that What has happened since then features a database of what spoke at a hearing and her ask for a raise. management followings were charging twice
the bulk of the money they offers a lesson on taking career people in different fields earn submitted written testimony then implemented a as much as her for brand
earned was through brand risks and saying aloud what and offers resources for job that contained real examples of companywide transparent salary partnerships. She was being
partnerships, which is content employers would prefer to keep seekers. Those resources include how pay transparency has structure. underpaid and didn9t realize it 4
that brands compensate them to quiet. a free market research guide and helped people in the Washington <We hear similar stories like until she talked openly about her
make and which they label to The success that Williams has a free salary negotiation guide. region. this on a daily basis,= Williams pay.

In Chantilly, a head start on celebrating Lunar New Year

cELEBrAtiON FRom c1 Xinqian Allison Qiu, a doctoral
candidate in American Studies at
arrive until Feb. 10, but for Viet- the University of maryland. Her
namese Americans in Virginia, research includes a focus on
there was no time like the present Lunar New Year celebrations.
to start celebrating Tet, their most <We want to celebrate with a
important holiday. large surrounding of people who
<It9s a huge deal in our commu- cherish the same heritage, to
nity and it9s pretty fun to be a part celebrate the same culture,= said
of it,= said Tonhat, who has per- Qiu, who came to the United
formed with the lion troupe for States 15 years ago and now lives
the past two years. <It all connects in Washington with her family.
me more with my culture and I <It9s a very important way of
like that.= As he and another lion showing the heritage of resilience
made their way through the hall, and then it9s also their way to tell
young children deposited dollar America that this is my country as
bills in their mouths for good well.=
luck. Hung Cao, who is running in
more than 20,000 people were the Republican primary to chal-
expected to attend this weekend9s lenge Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.),
festival to listen to Vietnamese campaigned for votes but attend-
folk and new music, purchase ed the event mostly to celebrate
traditional clothing and New with other Vietnamese Ameri-
Year9s gifts and eat everything cans. <We are all proud to be
from shrimp and crab soup, pho American, but we want to hold on
and banh mi to bubble tea, spring to our heritage as well,= he said.
rolls and a Lunar New Year spe- The new year, he said, brings a
cialty: sticky rice with pork and fresh start. <Tet is something that
mung beans wrapped in banana brings us all together.=
leaves. Peter and Bella Ta drove up
Reaching young Vietnamese from Spotsylvania County with
Americans such as Tonhat is one their three young children, Lil-
of the main goals of the event, lian, Natalie and Gabriel. The Tas
said organizer Thinh Dinh, 60, a are transplanted Californians
Nuclear Regulatory Commission who have lived in Virginia for
engineer who spends many eve- four years. In California, they
nings and weekends teaching said, huge celebrations in the
Vietnamese to teens and preteens Vietnamese community were reg-
at our Lady of La Vang mission in PhoToS by VAlerie PleSch for The WAShingTon PoST ular events, but they are less
Chantilly. The congregation, common on the East Coast.
which has put on the event since <It really reminds us of Califor-
2016 and is raising funds to build nia and it9s really nice for our kids
its own church, is a popular social to experience this cultural aspect
and spiritual center for many the same way we did when we
Catholic Vietnamese Americans were younger,= Peter Ta said. <It9s
in Northern Virginia. good for them to have an experi-
<We want to present an event ence of Vietnamese traditions.=
for the whole Vietnamese com- Phuong Dinh, 36, a physician
munity,= Dinh said. <It9s a time to from Warrenton, arrived at the
remember our ancestors and get <It9s a very important Dulles Expo Center a little after
together with family. Here it can noon Saturday with her husband,
be isolating for Vietnamese so it9s way of showing the michael Egan and their young
a chance for them to come out children in tow. <I want to make
and meet other Vietnamese and heritage of resilience sure my kids know a little bit
anyone else who wants to experi- about their culture and their
ence our culture.= and then it9s also their background,= she said. Dinh add-
At the opening ceremony, a ed that she and her mother,
dozen men and women stood side way to tell America that Phuong Nguyen, are teaching the
by side wearing traditional tunics children Vietnamese. Laughing,
called ao dai 4 the men in mid- this is my country as Dinh pointed to her husband and
night blue, the women in bright said, <We9re trying to teach him
fuchsia. They walked to the stage well.= too.=
accompanied by solemn drum- For Nguyen, it9s essential to
Xinqian Allison Qiu,
ming and the slow beat of a gong. make sure that the next genera-
a doctoral candidate in American
There, they paid respects and tion of Vietnamese Americans,
Studies at the University of Maryland
gave thanks to their ancestors, an including her grandchildren,
integral moment of Lunar New know more about their history
Year festivities. and where their immigrant
Celebrations of Lunar New grandparents came from.
Year in the United States take on <I think our culture is so
extra meaning for Asian Ameri- beautiful and our language is
can communities and their fami- beautiful,= Nguyen said. <If we
lies because it is a way of main- tOP: A lion dances and prowls the festival floor as a child waits to deposit a dollar bill in the lion9s can introduce it to the young
taining traditions and passing mouth for good luck. ABOVE: Festivalgoers feasted on everything from pho and banh mi to a Lunar children, hopefully they can carry
them to the next generation, said New Year specialty: sticky rice with pork and mung beans wrapped in banana leaves. it on.=

Tuesday, Jan. 23 on Washington Post Live: Oksana Markarova on Ukraine9s

counteroffensive against Russia, U.S. aid and her country9s future
The United States has committed $44 billion to help Ukraine defend itself against russia, but concerns are growing in Kyiv as
disagreements in congress have held up further U.S. assistance. on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 11:30 a.m. eT, Ukraine9s ambassador to
The Guide to Offers the United States oksana Markarova joins The Post9s David ignatius to discuss the uncertainty around U.S. aid, the counteroffensive
against russia and the future of her country. Washington Post Live is the newsroom9s live journalism platform.
Tune in at washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/.
C4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


This tubby tabby couldn9t ût in a cage, but he9s just right for his new human
<We put him on a strict low- and two young sons when she home, she said.
calorie diet, and he wasn9t too came across the facebook post <We put him in the back of the
He left for his forever happy about that,= she said, esti- about frosty. car, and he didn9t protest at all,=
home in Stafford 4 with mating that the cat is about 2 <I thought, 8oh, I want that she said. <He was a good rider and
years old. <Because he was cranky, cat,9= said Thompson, 38, who was pretty quiet the whole trip.=
strict orders to diet we just kept telling him he9ll feel a runs a pet-sitting business. once they arrived at home, she
lot better when he loses weight.= She convinced her husband, put her family9s new addition in a
When nobody came forward to mike Thompson, to take the rich- spare bedroom for a few days
BY C ATHY F REE claim the plump tabby, staffers mond exit so they could inquire while she gradually introduced
put frosty up for adoption on Jan. about adopting frosty. him to their other two cats.
Workers at the richmond Ani- 8 and posted about him on once she met the cat, she knew She also gave the cat a new
mal Care and Control shelter all facebook. He was featured on she couldn9t go home without name that wouldn9t conjure im-
had the same thought when a ABC 8 News. him, she said. ages of fattening frozen desserts.
stray gray cat landed on their <You KNoW we love a cat with <He got on my lap and started <We9ve decided to call him
doorstep weighing almost 30 a belly, and lord almighty this one purring,= she said. <With animals, Gus,= Thompson said. <That9s
pounds. has the best belly in town,= the they pick you. You just know what he looks like to me. I now
<It reminded everyone of shelter9s post read. <He9s 28.5 lbs. when it9s right, and they do, too.= call him Gussie, and he responds
Patches,= said shelter director of pudge with a side of crankiness. Her boys, mickey, 5, and Andy, well to that.=
Christie Peters, referring to a As long as you let him do what he 3, were thrilled they9d be taking Gus now enjoys lounging on
40-pound domestic short-haired wants, when he wants, everything home a fat cat to join the family9s the bottom level of a cat tree in the
cat whose story was told in The is fine.= other two felines, rosie and spare room, and Thompson
Washington Post after he was sur- <other than that 4 he9s per- Wolfie, both about age 1, she said. hopes that in time, he9ll work his
rendered by his owner last year. fect!= the adoption post conclud- <They weigh under seven way up.
Although the new fat cat wasn9t ed, with information on how to pounds each 4 less than 14 She said she plans to start a
as chunky as Patches, <he was still adopt the shelter9s supersize pounds together,= Thompson weight-loss journey facebook
plenty big,= Peters said. feline. said. <But I had a feeling they9d all page for the cat formerly known
So ample, in fact, that he didn9t facebook followers immedi- get along fine and become as one frosty Too many, in the
fit in any of the cages. ately pounced with comments. friends.= same spirit as a page that was
<We put him in our kitten room <Sounds like you9re describing After she9d filled out an adop- started for Patches by Kay ford,
since we don9t have any kittens my teenagers,= one woman tion form, Thompson was told the woman who adopted him.
right now,= she said. commented. that her new family member According to Patches9 page, he
Staff named him one frosty <He sounds like my spirit ani- would need to follow a strict diet has lost 14 pounds since April and
Too many, having fun with his size mal,= wrote another. of low-calorie dry cat food twice a now weighs 28 pounds 4 about
and imagining that he9d gulped <I think you should change his day until he9d dropped half his the same weight that Gus is now.
down plenty of the frozen treats name to Pudge. He9s adorable,= body weight, she said. An average <Gus weighs so much that his
from Wendy9s. His nickname another person posted. adult cat usually weighs between stripes disappeared 4 except on
became frosty. Lots of people were interested 8 and 12 pounds, sometimes his face, tail and chest 4 when his
The person who brought in in adopting the rotund tabby, but more, depending on the breed. skin stretched out,= Thompson
frosty on Jan. 2 said he9d found one woman beat everyone to it. The shelter didn9t have a cat said. <We9ll be putting him on the
riChmONd aNimal Care aNd CONTrOl
the tabby wandering the streets of maggie Thompson was on her carrier large enough to hold scale every week, but we love him
richmond, Peters said. Staff way home to Stafford, Va., from richmond animal control officer Taylor Skeens with the cat frosty, so the staff gave Thomp- no matter what he looks like.=
addressed his size right away. Williamsburg with her husband formerly known as one Frosty Too many. Now he goes by Gus. son a dog crate to use for the trip <He9s a sweet boy,= she said.

moore from C1

maryland, but he credits moore

with executing the vision and
A navigational test for Md.9s governor can governor in this country, it9s a
complicated dance, right?= he
moore said he9s not strategi-
delivering the enthusiasm that cally building political capital so
closed the deal. much as operating an inclusive
<Watch out for being near Wes leadership style. As maryland
moore,= Hoyer said. <You9re going launched his signature initiative
to catch hope.= 4 the nation9s first state-level
moore may need it. service program, moore threw a
In addition to the goals he set red-carpet pep rally with a college
for himself, the state needs bil- band and cheerleaders, and invit-
lions annually to pay for promises ed people from all over the state
Democrats already made. who made it possible. one
He wants to spark new high- high-ranking lawmaker privately
growth industries such as making joked, <Are you sure this isn9t the
maryland the <offshore wind cap- launch to mars?=
ital of the U.S.= and a hub for <The best conclusions always
cyber jobs, and to rehabilitate come from inclusive processes,=
juvenile offenders, among other moore said. The party <was a real
things. And he has redoubled his way of highlighting the impor-
commitment to the grand ambi- tance of the process that, I think,
tions he laid out in his inaugura- is the thing that9s going to keep on
tion speech to tackle systemic driving results for the state.=
problems created over centuries. Last week, on the day moore
<We9re an ambitious bunch, unveiled a spending plan <rebas-
right?= he said during a recent ing= a host of maryland programs
interview in his State House to close a roughly $700 million
office. budget gap, he was also texting
At the same time, allies are with Jack Coburn, the republi-
increasingly willing to speak up can mayor of the Western mary-
when they disagree, testing land town of Lonaconing, popu-
moore9s governing philosophy, lation 800.
which he describes with the prov- <We text around once a week,
erb <If you want to go fast, go twice a week. He9s very easy to get
alone. If you want to go far, go ahold of,= said Coburn, a longtime
together.= mayor who first met moore a year
During his first year, moore ago when the town9s water filtra-
traveled maryland and the coun- tion system failed. A friendship
try raising cash for Democrats blossomed after moore eventual-
and unabashedly trying to ly came to town, brushing off
persuade companies and power JONaThaN NeWTON/The WashiNgTON POsT aides trying to move him along
brokers that maryland, a small Gov. Wes moore (D) shoots baskets with his family in march 2023 after the first round of the NCAA women9s tournament in College Park. and instead personally thanking
and reliably blue mid-Atlantic and then shaking the hand of
state with a stagnant economy, sense.9= champs and outperformed. The the failures of our government. over,= said Sen. William C. Smith every firefighter who had handed
was actually a place on the brink Even when moore unquestion- [Baltimore] ravens are now the We are subjecting children to the Jr. (D-montgomery), chair of the out water in town.
of greatness. ably failed, he cast it as a learning AfC champs and outperformed. trauma of poverty, and it impacts Judicial Proceedings Committee. <That took a lot of time. But he
<We have a distinct advantage experience or used it as a chance I9m just saying there is a direct them in every aspect of life.= <A lot of the problems that exist- did that, and he has won the
on everybody in this country,= he to demonstrate that he listens to correlation about what9s happen- moore, who ran the anti- ed, you get to a point where hearts of so many people in our
said in his office, listing histori- others. ing in maryland right now,= he poverty nonprofit robin Hood they9re now your problems. area because of his kindness to
cally Black colleges, federal in- He promised to rebuild the said in an interview. foundation before he got into They9re not the last administra- the people,= Coburn said. <I al-
stallations, the state9s port and state9s workforce by hiring rough- Still, some supporters see the politics, keeps his message sharp, tion9s problems.= ways say, he9s not a republican
airport, and even its geographic ly 5,000 people but brought on governor declaring unearned calling the state9s generational Smith said that, as expected, governor. He9s not a Democratic
features. <I think that we have only 1,300. And while he noted victories when the stakes are too poverty <disgusting= and point- moore is <still learning the ropes governor. He is the people9s
greater assets than everybody. I that it was a tremendous turn- high. ing out that policies the legisla- a little bit= about how to govern. governor.=
think we have a very powerful around from his predecessor, re- <Wes moore won my vote be- ture passed in his first three moore brought in a diverse Coburn said he helped film a
story to tell.= publican Larry Hogan, he called cause he talked a lot about child months are not his mark on the cabinet, most with experience National Governors Association
He9s particularly bullish on it a <lesson learned= about <set- poverty,= said Nate Golden, a issue. <I9m obsessed with us get- outside of state government in promotion with moore, telling
beating Virginia 4 whose leaders ting the wrong metric.= He said he ninth-grade math teacher in Bal- ting this right,= he said. Annapolis. the camera just that.
covet the fBI headquarters 4 should have focused on making timore who also helps run the This year he has proposed us- <You want ambitious gover- At times, though, moore9s star
both economically and other- an effective government. maryland Child Alliance, an anti- ing state cash and new incentives nors. You want ambitious lead- power left some lawmakers ques-
wise. moore challenged republi- <I don9t think that trying to poverty group. <He talked about to build more affordable housing ers,= Smith said. <That ambition tioning his motives. moore raised
can Gov. Glenn Youngkin to a build someone else9s government not just reducing child poverty, 4 the lack of which is a key driver has to be coupled with detailed, $4 million for himself and
one-on-one basketball game, is a mark of success for my but ending child poverty in the of poverty 4 and trying to help sophisticated plans and an ability maryland Democrats in 2023, his
which Youngkin only agreed to administration,= he said. state of maryland.= parents return to the workforce to execute upon those plans. And campaign said, and took on the
on X, back when it was Twitter. When he fell short of other When Golden hears moore call by pouring $270 million into a that remains to be seen.= role of fundraising chair for the
<You got his number?= moore goals, he declared victory and his record a <full-out assault= on child-care subsidy program. moore does not run out of Democratic Governors Associa-
jokingly asked. <He doesn9t call complimented his opponents for concentrated poverty, Golden The maryland Legislative examples of how he feels he9s tion, traveling to Idaho9s Sun
me back anymore.= what they accomplished together. finds it <really frustrating.= Black Caucus, the largest in the moved the needle, even if there9s Valley Conference 4 a gathering
moore has leveraged his per- He pushed maryland lawmak- <We really want to believe the nation, criticized how moore further to go. He9s used his post to of investors known as <billionaire
sonality and power as a storytell- ers to automatically hike the governor when he talks about planned to make the program ramp up how many minority- summer camp= 4 and hosting
er in improbable ways. minimum wage with inflation, these things. But at a certain sustainable as it ramps up: by owned firms win state contracts, events for Biden. In 2024, he9s
When he warned fellow mary- describing it as a critical anti- point, our policy has to match charging a co-pay of up to 7 with those businesses receiving among the surrogates the Biden
land government officials that poverty tool. The General Assem- that rhetoric,= Golden said. percent of a family9s income for a $102.7 million more in 2023 than reelection campaign will
the economy was puttering along bly roundly rejected the idea, In addition to boosting the program that is currently free to in 2022, even though the state dispatch.
and that budget cuts were ahead, although 4 as moore notes 4 it minimum wage a year earlier everyone who qualifies. The spent $5.9 billion less overall. <It9s challenging to work with
his speech received a one-minute did, at his request, accelerate a than scheduled, key pieces of move would raise about $24 mil- moore suggests that some- an administration that already
standing ovation. minimum-wage increase. He has moore9s anti-poverty record lion, which Del. Stephanie Smith times publicly reframing long- has their sights set on the next
After he cut $3.3 billion worth dropped, for now, his vow to seek include a $200 million program (D-Baltimore City) said in a Black standing problems as urgent ones rung on the ladder,= said Sen.
of transportation projects, some automatic hikes again. that made permanent a pandem- Caucus news conference Thurs- is, in itself, some success. Clarence K. Lam (D-Howard),
leaders found nice things to say Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher (D- ic-era earned income tax credit day <could make the value of the on closing the racial wealth who is currently running for Con-
about moore stimulating impor- montgomery) said lawmakers no- that, on average, gives program less potent.= gap, for example, he said, <This is gress. <It doesn9t seem like he9s
tant policy discussions. <It9s like: ticed how moore handled that low-income working families In an interview, she later called the first state where we talk about that interested in the mechanics
How do we fundamentally create defeat. about $65 month. Another pro- it <an odd place to raise revenue, this openly, right?= of governing. . . . Some people are
something that works?= mont- <He had every opportunity, if gram expanded a narrowly draft- from working families who need He similarly explains the beginning to feel like he9s the
gomery County Executive marc he had wanted to, to blame the ed child tax credit. help.= relentless overincarceration of Democratic version of Larry Ho-
Elrich (D) said. legislature because it wasn9t ex- Golden points out that the (moore glossed over the young Black men, a nationwide gan that, you know, you9re just
A lot of powerful Democrats actly what he wanted,= Waldstre- earned income tax credit goes co-pays when he discussed the problem in which maryland es- kind of in it for the next job . . . if
who admire moore keep their icher said. <Instead, he praised us only to families with jobs and at program, instead focusing on it tablished the worst record. <The your goal is to run for president.=
criticism to themselves. for what we were able to accom- least a $16,500 income, leaving being <the largest single-year solution to our society9s questions Asked whether he hoped to
House Speaker Adrienne A. plish, and we praised him for the out some of the poorest students investment in child care in our is not to remove as many Black position himself to run for presi-
Jones (D-Baltimore County), for leadership he showed in making he sees who, for example, are state9s history.=) boys from the equation as possi- dent in 2028, moore responded
example, explains, <I knew the it happen.= being raised by grandparents The mild fissure with the Black ble,= he said. At the same time, with the shortest answer of a
governor before he was the gover- moore9s joyful willingness to who do not work. Caucus on a lone issue represents he9s trying to boost public safety 30-minute interview:
nor.= When he does something share credit can stretch the <A starting point would be for a turning point for moore, as the by encouraging more people to <No.=
she thinks is off base, she texts bounds of credulity: <Since we9ve maryland to just catch up to some state9s financial pressures com- fill the depleted ranks of law
him directly. <I have no qualms come on board, the [Baltimore] of the other states,= he said. <You plicate his to-do list. enforcement. Ovetta Wiggins contributed to this
saying, 8okay, that doesn9t make orioles have become the elite go to work every day, and you see <The honeymoon period is <Being the only African Ameri- report.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re k c5

Report: Safety issues at

fatal Richmond ceremony
riChMoNd from C1 theater. However, the report said,
none of these safety staff at the
officials have charged amari theater knew Jackson had poten-
ty-Jon pollard, 20, with first- tially faced threats to his safety.
degree murder in connection with tameeka Jackson-Smith, the
Jackson9s killing. His trial is sched- teen9s mother, previously told the
uled to occur in february, court post that her son attended rich-
records show. no one is charged in mond Virtual academy, which al-
Smith9s slaying, or for wounding lows students to attend classes
five others at graduation. virtually. at the time, Jackson-
the incident thrust the city9s Smith said her son enrolled in the
violence into national news, virtual program because renzo
sparking cries for officials to bet- Smith was immunocompromised.
ter protect students. along with But according to the report, a
the external investigation, rich- counselor said Jackson enrolled in
mond public Schools conducted the virtual program because of
an internal investigation into the <ongoing mental health issues as
shooting, which the Washington well as the threat of neighborhood
post obtained an unredacted copy violence stemming from his asso-
of in november. But the rich- ciation with another student
mond school board initially de- [who] was involved in a crime.=
clined to release the external re- the report said Jackson-Smith
port after it was completed in the told monique Harris, a school
fall citing, in part, concerns that it guidance counselor, in november
included legal guidance exempt 2021 that the family was in hiding
from release and a desire not to after an incident between Jackson
jeopardize the criminal proceed- and a friend. Harris referred her
ings. and Jackson to an assistant
a judge last week ordered a principal.
release of the report with <mini- the following June, Jackson-
Parker mIchels-BoYce for the WashINGtoN Post
mal= redactions following a Smith said the family was home-
lawsuit initially filed by the less from their <home being shot destini Jackson, center, Shawn Jackson9s sister, at the scene where her brother was fatally shot outside Altria Theater in richmond on
richmond times-dispatch. it was up= by Huguenot students in an June 6. Shawn Jackson9s stepfather, renzo Smith, was also killed in the shooting. Five other people were shot and others were injured.
released on Wednesday. email to Harris, Huguenot High
<transparency is critical for a School principal robert gilstrap Jason anthony, pollard9s attor- not have to attend graduation in an interview with the post, of education in august.
public entity like rpS and we look and Kamras. after the email, Har- ney, said his client was not <Stu- practice and could come solely to gilstrap said that Harris had the gilstrap declined to be inter-
forward to sharing the informa- ris offered support and said Jack- dent x.= pollard was not enrolled the ceremony. <i will just squeeze authority to decide. <We had three viewed for the external investiga-
tion included in this report,= son could become a homebound 4 at Huguenot High School at the him in if you feel [the graduation counselors for seniors,= he said. tion, according to the report. But
School Board chair Stephanie or home-schooled 4 student, ac- time the incident occurred. practice] is too dangerous,= Harris <each counselor had the authority he rebuffed the claim to a post
rizzi, Vice chair elizabeth doerr cording to the report. However, <the case has taken an entirely wrote. to tell me that a kid was ready for reporter.
and Superintendent Jason Kam- the report said no safety personnel new turn,= anthony said of the law the report said she lacked the graduation.= <right up until the moment
ras wrote in a joint statement were told of the shooting incident. firm9s report. <now we under- authority to make these decisions. <i think it9s highly inappropri- that the gunshot went off, i was
Wednesday. the report said Jackson- stand that mr. Jackson felt ill- investigators said that at the time ate to characterize ms. Harris in a passionate and super involved,= he
the external report examined Smith9s worries persisted. in feb- treated and that someone was of the shooting, only a principal or villainous way in any of this,= gil- said.
whether school staff adequately ruary, after her son went to Hu- threatening his life who is not mr. a person designated by the princi- strap said. <She works with so on the day of graduation, the
followed protocols to help protect guenot High School to take a test, pollard.= pal could allow a virtual student to many kids and families in difficult report said Jackson arrived at the
from threats of violence at school Jackson-Smith wrote to Harris: <i in an interview with the post attend school events. the report situations. She had probably 20 theater late, and briefly spoke to
and the graduation. more than thought when [Jackson] came last week, Jackson-Smith said she said nothing suggested that gil- kids who were deeply struggling gilstrap before filing into the line
300 graduates and 3,600 guests there to test he would be isolated. remembered writing to Harris strap authorized Harris to make . . . with mental health struggles, of graduates. pollard9s attorney
were anticipated at the June 6 He was in the class with people along with gilstrap and Kamras. the decision. Harris told investiga- with violence in their neighbor- said his client had gone to the
ceremony, the report said. But at- who literally tried to kill him,= She said she wanted it to be known tors she didn9t consult gilstrap in hood. it is sad that a report would theater to see his cousin graduate.
tendees reported that metal detec- according to the report. that her son was not safe at school. her decision. in early november, make her culpable in this horrible after the ceremony, Jackson9s
tors were seen not working prop- investigators at the law firm <i really was open with them,= the richmond school board event.= mother has said Jackson hugged
erly at altria theater, where the examining the shooting asked she said. <i really fight for my changed its policy to say only a the report also raised ques- his family and cheered before
ceremony occurred. few staff Harris if she reported the threat- children 4 that9s the type of moth- principal, superintendent or a tions about gilstrap9s leadership, walking away. Shots were fired
manned the entrances and exits, ening behavior, which she is man- er i am. i was communicative with representative of the superinten- saying another top administrator soon after. Jackson-Smith was not
the report said. the only security dated to do, according to a threat her, and she was communicative dent can decide whether a home- had described him as <checked interviewed for the external re-
presence outside the venue as at- assessment handbook. the report back. i just thought everyone else bound student can participate in out,= and <a principal who didn9t port. She says she replied to the
tendees exited were five off-duty said that Harris told them no, knew, and that she was telling school activities. provide leadership and direction law firm about the investigation
police officers and three off-duty saying that Jackson and the others.= the district9s internal report to building staff, took a laissez- but did not hear back.
first responders, which investiga- unidentified student 4 called Harris declined to comment on said the counselor had been a faire approach to managing the <i am so tired. i am so, so tired,=
tors found inadequate given the <Student x= in the report 4 were the report. designee, but the superintendent building= and who <was not fully Jackson-Smith said last week. <He
expected crowd size. separated for the remainder of Before the graduation cer- wrote in a november memo to the present in the role and was look- worked hard. He did what he had
there were also roughly 22 their time in school up until emony, the report said Harris told law firm that officials were unable ing for another job.= gilstrap took to do. He walked across the stage. i
unarmed safety personnel at the graduation. Jackson-Smith that her son did to confirm she had that discretion. a job in the Virginia department just want this to be over with.=

JoAn AcocellA, 78

Critic who became guide to modern dance, literature

BY H ARRISON S MITH worked in the gift shop during dance critic from 1998 to 2019, wrote of Baryshnikov9s self- wrote about writer9s block and ty,= she observed in 2009: <Some-
intermission. and the new York review of imposed exile. <then dance, the profanity; the comedy of richard times they are like black people
Joan acocella, a cultural critic <Sometimes you hear people Books, where she freelanced for substitute home, turned him pryor and the nuance that James (lynch mobs pursue them), some-
whose essays for the new Yorker say that Balanchine changed more than four decades, ms. aco- outward, gave him to us.= gandolfini brought to gangster times like homosexuals (red-
and the new York review of their lives, and it sounds like cella wrote about dancers and ms. acocella (pronounced ack- character tony Soprano; the necks beat them up). meanwhile,
Books 4 by turns stylish, erudite, hyperbole, but such a thing can choreographers including Bob ah-cHeLL-uh) turned outward influence of <Little Women= and they are trying to go main-
droll and self-effacing 4 estab- happen,= she told Ballet review fosse, Suzanne farrell, Vaslav ni- in her own way, moving from the enduring appeal of vampires. stream.=
lished her as an indispensable magazine in 2016. <Balanchine jinsky and mikhail Baryshnikov, dance to other forms of art and the latter characters are often covering dance helped her
guide to modern dance and litera- did change my life. Within a few who endured years of surveil- culture, both high and low. She treated as <a persecuted minori- continUed on next page
ture, died Jan. 7 at her home in years my husband and i had lance and repression in the Soviet
manhattan. She was 78. separated, and i had become a Union before defecting to the
the cause was cancer, said her dance critic.= West in 1974.
son, Bart acocella. at publications including the <Homelessness turned him HIC#410516000653
10516000653 | 506
50637 | 69678 | WV0

raised in a prim upper- new Yorker, where she served as inward, gave him to himself,= she
middle-class home in the Bay
area, ms. acocella initially
planned to become an academic
and spent more than a decade
working toward a phd in com-
parative literature. But soon after <Joan9s voice was just wildly alive with BECAUSE
moving to manhattan with her
husband, in 1968, she fell under erudition and humor and generosity.=
the spell of choreographer David Remnick,
george Balanchine, discovering editor of the New Yorker
that she could attend new York

city Ballet performances free if
she joined the ballet guild and




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GarY Gershoff/GettY ImaGes

Joan Acocella, left, and puppeteer Basil Twist attend the 2009 New Yorker Festival. Ms. Acocella was
the publication9s dance critic from 1998 to 2019 and freelanced for the New York review of Books.
C6 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


from previous page and grew up in nearby oakland. PHILLIPS BOUCHARD FRENCH KOZIKOWSKI
Her father was a cement compa- BONNIE VEE FRENCH <Booka=
write about literature, she told ny executive, her mother a home- Bonnie Vee French of Kensington, MD
passed away surrounded by family on
the New York review last year, maker who signed her up for Wednesday January 17, 2024. Beloved
teaching her <to stay close to style dance lessons and occasionally mother of Daniel (Jennifer) French and
Cheryl (Patrick) Nugent; devoted grand-
and tone, and not always to be so took her to the san francisco mother of Brianna (Jamen Verrillo) Morris,
intent on the story.= at the same Ballet. Ethan French, Amber Nugent and Bernard
Wolley; sister of Barbara (Daniel) Reeks;
time, <literature taught me to be after graduating from the aunt of David (Renata) Reeks, Emily (Clint)
concerned about the moral life, in anna Head school for girls in Weiss and the late Michael Reeks. She is
preceded in death by her parents Earl and
dance, too 4 how people behave Berkeley, ms. acocella studied Jean Stitt.
toward one another, and what english at the city9s university of Relatives and friends are invited to a visi-
tation at Collins Funeral Home, 500 Univer-
they take from and give to one California campus. she spent her sity Blvd., W., Silver Spring, MD on Tuesday,
another.= junior year abroad in italy, where January 23, 2024 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Relatives and friends are also invited to
Writing about <gilgamesh,= the she said she happily abandoned attend funeral services on Wednesday,
world9s oldest long poem, ms. the cloistered world of her child- January 24, 2024 at the Lutheran Church of
St. Andrew, 15300 New Hampshire Avenue,
acocella suggested that the book hood after meeting <the wrong HAROLD PHILLIPS MARY ELLEN BOUCHARD Silver Spring, MD; 9 to 10 a.m. for visitation DOROTHY MARGARET KOZIKOWSKI
was not <a finished, polished kind of people= 4 intellectuals, or Beloved husband. Cherished father. 1/7/1953 - 1/12/2024 and refreshments, 10 to 11 a.m. for funeral Dorothy was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva-
Adored brother, nephew, grandfather, un- On Friday, January 12, Mary Ellen Bouch- service. nia but resided for over 50 years in Rock-
composition . . . but, rather, as she put it, <people without cle, cousin, and friend. Precious child of ard, a long-time resident of Arlington, VA, Interment immediately following in the ville, Maryland until she passed away on
something more like life, untidy, tans, people who went to flute God. We all love you so much! It has been passed away. She was seventy years old. family plot at Rockville Cemetery, 1350 January 16, 2024. She spent 15 years work-
ten years since you left us, January 20, Raised in Windsor Locks, CT, Mary Ellen Baltimore Road, Rockville, MD. ing for the IRS and over 30 years working
ambiguous.= profiling susan son- concerts.= 2024. We will never ever forget you! Rest earned her BSN from Northeastern Uni- Expressions of sympathy are welcome in for St. Mary9s Church in Rockville, MD; be-
tag in the New Yorker, she likened Weeks after she graduated in in eternal peace. versity. When a colleague mentioned that the form of ûowers or if preferred, memo- loved wife of the late Walter Kozikowski
she would be a good midwife, Mary Ellen rial contributions to any of the following: and mother of Darlene George (Richard),
the critic first to philosopher 1966, she married Nick acocella, pursued a master9s degree in nurse mid- Childrens National Medical Center, the Lu- Nancy Garlitz (Rick), and John Kozikowski
Jean-Jacques rousseau and then a graduate student who later wifery at Georgetown University. She was theran Church of St. Andrew, or the Ameri- (Andrea).
passionate about pregnancy and women9s can Cancer Society.
to silent-film star Buster Keaton: became an author and political health care. She dedicated the next thir- www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com Visitation will be held on Thursday, January
<There they both go, eyes straight journalist. They moved east, ty-plus years to the career that she loved. 25, 2024 from 4 to 7 p.m. in PUMPHREY9S
Visitation January 21 from 3 to 5 p.m. at COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME, 300 W. Mont-
ahead, utterly intent on what where ms. acocella said she ini- Leete Stevens Enûeld Chapels; Funeral gomery Avenue (Rt 28), Rockville, MD. A
they9re trying to do 4 get the girl, tially tried <to become a good Mass January 22 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated
Church. For full obituary, please visit www. on Friday, January 26, 2024 at 10 a.m. in
understand Communism 4 and wife,= reading cookbooks and leetestevens.com. St. Mary9s Catholic Church, 520 Veirs Mill
oblivious of the felled houses, the
outraged constables that they
focusing on raising their son,
before getting an editing job at
GERARD Road, Rockville, MD. Interment in St. Mary

leave in their wake.= prentice Hall and then at ran- Donations may be made in her name to
ms. acocella dissected the dom House. DAVID SOME (So Others Might Eat). Please sign
the family online guestbook at
work of actress frances mcDor- for years, she paid the bills www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com
mand, sculptor Louise Bourgeois with money from a popular psy- Of Rockville, MD died peacefully surround-
and puppeteer Basil Twist, as well chology textbook that she was ed by his family on January 12, 2024 at
Suburban Hospital. Robert is survived
as authors including agatha assigned to co-write, and then by his wife, Marlene, of 61 years; and his
Christie, primo Levi and Hilary rewrite for multiple editions, three daughters: Karen (Jeffery) Quandt, DEATH NOTICES
Susan David, and Kimberly (Robert) Royce. MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
mantel (<she always goes for with experts in the field. <i re- Four grandchildren Anna, Erin, and Emma SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
color, richness, music=). Whatev- vised that book until David rem- Quandt, and Alison Royce.
To place a notice, call:
er medium she was exploring, she nick, at the New Yorker, kindly Robert graduated from Johnstown High 202-334-4122
School in 1956. Robert worked at the Gov- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
often noted the hardships that paid me to stop,= she said. EMAIL:
ernment Printing Ofûce in Washington, DC
artists faced while doing their ms. acocella received her doc- IN MEMORIAM for 30 years as a Proof Reader. deathnotices@washpost.com
work and studied how some art- torate in comparative literature Email and faxes MUST include
Robert was a member of the Columbia Ty-
ists falter while others find last-
ing fame.
in 1984 from rutgers university.
By then she had started her
WASHINGTON pographical Union and active in the com-
munity and church. He enjoyed spending MIREILLE MARIE GERARD
name, home address & home phone #
of the responsible billing party.
Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
time with his friends and family, entertain- 9/12/1939 - 1/6/2024 Phone-In deadline
<What allows genius to flower career as a dance critic 4 she was ing his grandchildren with magic tricks, Mireille passed away on January 6, 2024 4 p.m. M-F
is not neurosis, but its opposite,= able to persuade the school to let and traveling. at Noreen McKeen nursing home in West 3 p.m. Sa-Su
Palm Beach, FL. She was born in France
she wrote in the introduction to her write her dissertation about A funeral mass will be held at St. Mary9s in 1939 at the start of WWII and moved CURRENT 2023 RATES:
her essay collection <Twenty- the influence of the Ballets russ- Catholic Church in Rockville, MD, 520 Veirs to the US after graduate studies in busi- (PER DAY)
Mill Road, Rockville, MD 20852, on January ness, economics and law in Paris. She
eight artists and Two saints= es 4 and was working as a 26, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. Memorial donations became a US citizen over 30 years ago. MONDAY-SATURDAY
(2007), praising <ordinary, reviews editor at Dance maga- may be made to the Little Sisters of the A celebration of life will be held on March Black & White
Poor, Washington, DC. 16, 2024 at 1 p.m. at The Church of Bethes- 1" - $160 (text only)
sunday-school virtues such as zine. she was later the book da-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach, FL. 2" - $370 (text only)
tenacity and above all the ability reviews editor for Dance re- littlesistersofthepoorwashingtondc.org. In lieu of ûowers, a donation can be made 3" - $525
to the AIAA in Mireille9s name. 4" - $575
to survive disappointment.= search Journal, the lead dance Please sign the family online guestbook at 5" - $725
www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com ------
David remnick, the editor of critic for the magazine seven SUNDAY
the New Yorker, described ms. Days and a dance critic for the Black & White
1"- $191 (text only)
acocella in a phone interview as New York Daily News, financial 2" - $405 (text only)
3" - $580
among the most passionate of Times and Wall street Journal.
american critics. <You9d give her in 1993, she published her first GRILL 4" - $610
5" - $790
a subject, and then she9d go read book as an author, <mark morris,= EUGENE S. WASHINGTON RONALD J. GRILL 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
January 30, 1933 3 January 21, 2009 $160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
30 books on it and go see every a study of the idiosyncratic, Forever in our hearts. It is with great sadness and much love
that we announce the peaceful passing of $191 each additional inch Sunday
movie that had anything to do shaggy-haired dancer and chor- Ruby, Erich, Angela, Craig, and Grands --------------------
Ronald J. Grill (Ron) of Silver Spring, MD on
January 15, 2024, at the age of 86. For the MONDAY-SATURDAY
with it.= He added, <every great eographer. <He was my idea of the Color
full obituary, please visit www.hinesrinaldi-
writer has a voice as distinctive as perfect young artist,= she said, <in funeralhome.com 3" - $670
4" - $725
their fingerprints, and Joan9s the sense that he was crazy.= (<my DEATH NOTICE 5" - $885
voice was just wildly alive with philosophy of dance?= she quoted ------

erudition and humor and him as saying. <i make it up, and DILLARD SUNDAY
reflecting on sontag9s land-
you watch it. end of philosophy.=)
ms. acocella9s later books
3" - $710
4" - $810
5" - $985
July 19, 1937 3 January 17, 2024
mark essay collection <against
interpretation,= ms. acocella
included <Creating Hysteria:
Women and multiple personality
need arises, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina - On
Thursday, January 17, 2024, Patricia <Pat-
ti= Roach Dillard, beloved wife of Richard J ELEANORA ANN HILL 1961 - 2024
6"+ for ALL color notices
$268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$299 each additional inch Sunday
wrote that the author performed
<what should be an essential
Disorder= (1999), which accused
mental health professionals of let families Dillard, passed away. She was 86 years old.
Born to John Kenneth Roach and Beulah
Roach, in Brooklyn, NY, Patti graduated
from Longwood College with a teaching
Eleanora Ann Hill (née Brown), known as
Ellie to all who knew and loved her, died
peacefully at home in Centreville, Virginia
Notices with photos begin at 3"
(All photos add 2" to your notice.)
function of criticism, that of in- betraying their patients with on January 14, 2024, surrounded by family
troducing readers to new work,
weird work, things they wouldn9t
sensationalist claims of hidden
memories and multiple personal-
ond you in the degree.
Patti and Dick raised their family in Vienna,
VA where Patti was involved with the Ju-
and loved ones.
Born on December 30, 1961, in Fairfax,


ordinarily encounter.= What9s

more, she added, sontag <did so
ities, and <Willa Cather and the
politics of Criticism= (2000), an
Funeral Services nior League of Northern Virginia and volun-
teered for many years with The Prevention
of Blindness Society.
Virginia, Ellie leaves to cherish her mem-
ory her precious son, James Snowden Hill
of Centreville, Virgnia; husband, Micheal
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque

Additional plaques start at $26 each

After retirement, Patti and Dick moved
in a notably un-weird manner,=
exploring the 1960s countercul-
expansion of a New Yorker essay.
Her latest collection, <The Blood- Directory. to Hilton Head Island, SC where she en-
joyed playing tennis and water aerobics in
their community at Long Cove Club. She
E. Hill of Centreville, Virginia; adopted cat,
Greyson; mother-in-law Annie Oneal Hill
(née Bradley) of Baltimore, Maryland, sis-
ter-in-law Deneice Valentine (née Hill) of
and may be ordered.
All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
ture without alienating main- ied Nightgown,= will be published enjoyed making ûower arrangements at Baltimore, Maryland; sister-in-law Karen www.legacy.com
stream readers. next month. Branches and volunteering her time at Har- (William David) Madlock (née Hill) of Mem-
bor Cove Memory Facility as well as having LEGACY.COM
ms. acocella could have been Her marriage ended in divorce. To be seen in the her children and grandchildren visit.
phis, Tennessee; and numerous cousins,
friends, and former co-workers. Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams
describing herself, author Kath- in addition to her son, survivors She is survived by her children Michael
ryn Harrison noted in a review include her partner, philosopher Funeral Services (Malinda) Dillard and Tracy Brooks; her
grandchildren Lindsay Dillard, Jacob
Ellie grew up in Vienna Virginia, attended
Oakton High School there, and earned a PLEASE NOTE:
for the New York Times. Noël Carroll; a sister; a brother; Directory, please call Brooks, Morgan Brooks and Hailey (Bran-
don) Walker.
Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from the
University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Vir- Notices must be placed via phone or
<Like sontag, like every great and two grandchildren. The family will have a graveside service at
critic, acocella is subjective, un- ms. acocella published her fi- paid Death Notices Oak Hill Cemetery in Fredericksburg, VA on
ginia. A lover of history and the arts, Ellie
was employed for 17 years at the City of
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos
Thursday, January 25 at 2 p.m., followed Manassas Museum, from which she re- and make payment in person.
compromising,= Harrison wrote. nal New York review articles last at 202-334-4122. by a reception at Fredericksburg Country tired in November of 2023. Payment must be made via phone with
<she has a distinct point of view, a spring, returning to the figure Club. debit/credit card.
In lieu of ûowers, please make a donation A funeral service will be held on Friday,
refreshingly not-fashionable one who had inspired her to become a to Alzheimer9s Association (act.alz.org) or January 26, 2024, at 1 p.m. in the Chapel of
. . . and writes from her convic- dance critic. reviewing Jennifer Cure Alzheimer9s Fund (curealz.org) in Pat- the Adams-Green Funeral Home in Hern-
ti9s honor. don, Viginia. Interment at Pleasant Valley
tion that beneath its hectic, Homans9s monumental new biog- www.Keithfuneral.com Memorial Park in Annandale, Virginia.
irresponsible, even intoxicated raphy of Balanchine, she likened
surface, art makes singularly the choreographer to mozart,
unglamorous demands: integrity, writing that he <often gladdens
sacrifice, discipline. Hers is a
vision that allows art its mystery
your heart in order, then, to break
it, whereupon, in the next move- When the need arises, POST YOUR
but not its pretensions, to which
she is acutely sensitive. What
ment, he tells us that we have to
go on living anyway.= let families ond you in the CONDOLENCES
better instincts could a critic
Balanchine9s work <made me
think about life differently,= she Funeral Services Directory. Now death notices on
said in the Ballet review inter- washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow you
Drawn to 8the wrong kind of view. <about how you should live, To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, to express your sympathy with greater ease.
people9 what you should care about. . . . please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. Visit today.
The second of three children, Looking at art can be a whole
Joan Barbara ross was born in life,= she continued, <where you
san francisco on april 13, 1945, don9t need anything more.= GHI




Stewart 11800 New Hampshire Ave (includes Just a Simple
Cremation. Funeral 3401 Bladensburg Road
Funeral Home Inc. Silver Spring, MD 20904 home chapels add9l.)

Brentwood, MD 20722
Phone: (301) 864-5090
4001 Benning Road NE Phone: (301)622-2290 Fax: (301) 864-3277
5130 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20019 Washington, DC 20016 Fax: (301)622-1254 Prices starting at
(casket included)
$4495 $4295
Phone: (202)966-6400 www.hinesrinaldifuneralhome.com INFO@GOINGHOMECARES.COM
202-399-3600 Fax: (202)966-6186 301.296.6864 410.442.3662
1091 Rockville Pike 519 Mabe Drive
Rockville, MD 20852* Woodbine, MD 21797
www.stewartfuneralhome.com www.josephgawlers.com *Restricted-operating out of Going Home Cremation & Funeral Care
by Value Choice, P.A. Woodbine, Md. (Rockville location only)
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



Meredith Le Grand (Thomas), and Andrew Edawaparambil <Ed= Narayanan, 86, of Ar- Ofûcers and members of
Burchûeld (Stacy). He was predeceased by lington, VA, passed away on Friday, January American Legion Post 19
his daughter Robin and granddaughter Emily 12, 2024 after a long illness. A memorial mourn the loss of our mem-
Montague. He was the very proud grandfa- service will be held on Saturday, February ber Timothy Robinson on De-
ther of six grandchildren: Lindsey, Sterling III, 3, 2024 at Murphy Funeral Home in Arling- cember 17, 2023. Our deepest
and Thomas (TC) Montague; Julia Wood (fa- ton, VA. sympathy is extended to his
ther William); Thomas and Sophia Burchûeld; family. Wake Friday January 26, 2024 from
and nine great-grandchildren: Wren Camp- Ed was a beloved husband, father, grandfa- 10 a.m. until time of Mass at Holy Comfort-
bell; Jonah, Lacey, Samuel, April, Benjamin, ther, brother, father-in-law, and friend. He er- St. Cyprian Catholic Church 1357 East
Sterling IV, Wendy, and Owen Montague. is survived by his loving wife of 50 years Capitol St. S.E., Washington, DC. Interment
(Martina); his two devoted daughters (Fio- at a later date. Service by Reese Funeral
Roger enjoyed life with a unique sense of na and Maya); two granddaughters (Malina Professionals.
humor and had a long career that focused and Asha); sisters (Debbie and Chandra); Murphy L. Hackett, Cmdr.
on sales. His post-retirement job was his sons-in-law (Shane and Sean), and many Joseph P. Venable, Sr., Chaplain.
favorite, driving cars for Ford Motor Compa- many friends. He was preceded in death
ny, as he was happiest on the road. He was by his parents and sister.
an avid crossword puzzler and newspaper
reader, dabbled in writing poetry, enjoyed RUTHERFORD
singing barbershop music for many years
with the Fairfax Jubil-Aires, and loved a good PIERRE-MONROE TIMOTHY ROBINSON <Tim= RITCHIE TUCKER THOMAS
piano bar. He especially enjoyed following Entered into eternal rest on 8/12/1936 - 1/13/2024
ROGER DONALD BURCHFIELD the Washington Redskins/Commanders and SHARON PIERRE-MONROE Sunday, December 17, 2023 in Memorial service January 26 at 3 p.m. at
June 5, 1932 - January 13, 2024 the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. In Entered into eternal rest on Saturday, Jan- Clinton, MD. Trinity Episcopal Church in Upperville, VA.
(Age 91) his later years, his greatest joy was hearing uary 6, 2024. She is survived by her hus- He peacefully passed away. Ritchie Tucker Thomas, 87, died peacefully
Roger, son of Benjamin and Ada (nee Wil- about all the endeavors of his grandchildren band, Ronald C Monroe; mother, Loveth He leaves to cherish his loving at home on January 13, 2024. A graduate
lis) Burchûeld, died of complications from and visiting with his great-grandchildren. Pierre; son, Malcolm M. Martin and a memories, his parents, of Western Reserve Academy and Cornell
congestive heart failure. Roger grew up host of other relatives and friends. Mrs. Rudolph R. Robinson and Jessie M. Rob- University, he served in the U.S. Navy and
in Arkansas, and was in the US Air Force A private ceremony will be held at a later Pierre-Monroe will lie in state at Ascension inson; three brothers Roland A. Robinson, the Navy Reserves. He graduated from
from 1950-1954. In 1955, he moved to the date when his ashes will be inurned at Ar- Catholic Church, 12700 Lanhman Severn Andre A. Robinson and Daniel Hall; two Case Western Reserve law school in 1964,
Washington, DC area with his then wife, Jac- lington National Cemetery. Visit Money & Rd., Bowie, MD on Friday, January 26 from sisters Avis J. Thomas and Mathia N. Rob- practiced law with Squire Patton Boggs
quie, where they raised four children, Leslie King online guestbook at: 10 a.m. until service at 11 a.m. Interment inson and a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, for over 55 years, and acted as counsel
Montague (Sterling Jr.), Robin Burchûeld, www.moneyandking.com is private. nephews, cousins and friends. for the Belgian Embassy in Washington
www.stewartfuneralhome.com On January 26, 2024 family will receive for over 25 years. Ritchie is survived by
friends from 10 a.m. until time of mass 11 his beloved wife Elizabeth; sons Christo-
a.m. at Holy Comforter St. Cyprian Catholic pher (Julie) Thomas and Andrew (Lauren)
EASLEY Church, 1357 East Capitol Street SE Wash-
ington, DC 20002. Interment at a later date.
Bowman-Thomas; step-daughters Anna
Main (Peter Shanley) and Kate (Jeremy)
Carman; and eight grandchildren: Jose-
the country, settling in 1963 in Arlington, Va. phine and Samuel Thomas, Mason and
Roy served a combined 20 years as an Army Eva Brodsky, Theo Shanley, Vincent and
ofûcer, achieving the rank of Lt. Colonel be- CHARLES SHEPARD RUTHERFORD Clive Carman, and Juniper Bowman-Thom-
fore retiring in 1968, <so he could put his six Charles Shepard Rutherford, retired Uni- as. He was preceded in death by his par-
kids through college.= versity of Maryland professor and adminis- ents, Myron and Marjorie Thomas; and his
Roy9s military career highlights included, trator of 45 years, passed away peacefully sister and brother-in-law, Trish and Tom
from 1957-60, teaching Military Psychology on December 13, 2023 surrounded by his Hohman. A memorial service is planned
and Leadership at USMA and volunteering beloved wife Deborah Brown and daugh- on January 26, 2024, at 3 p.m. at Trini-
as Head Freshman Lacrosse Coach. From ters, Molly Carioti and Kate Primm. He was ty Episcopal Church, Upperville, Virgin-
1963-68, he worked days for the Army in û- DEATH NOTICE surrounded by the love of his family and ia. Full obituary at www.roystonfh.com.
nancial management and taught statistics in friends in the end.
the evenings at Georgetown and other uni-
versities. He served in the Pentagon9s Ofûce
of the Comptroller for the Army, spent a year
CLEMANS Family and friends are invited to a cele-
bration of Charley9s life on Thursday, April
in Korea as the Budget Director for the 8th 25, 2024 at 5 p.m. at Muligan9s Grill over-
Army and concluded his career working with
the Assistant Secretary of the Army who
his Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) method,
producing defect-free gallium arsenide in-
looking the Golf Course at the University of
Maryland. We will come together to honor
honored Roy with the Legion of Merit award. gots. This breakthrough powered pivotal his life as he lived it, with joy, laughter and
As a civilian, from 1968-83, Roy worked as an 20th-century technological advancements, stories. It is a party he9d want to come to: GEORGE ROBERT WALGROVE JR.
executive for Maximum Service Telecasters, including improving the speed and reliability he will be greatly missed. On Friday, January 12, 2024, George
Inc., a technical organization representing of AT&T9s trans-Atlantic ûber optic cable and Robert Walgrove Jr. died at his home in Ell-
ROY WOODSON EASLEY JR. (Age 97) broadcast television stations. He produced heralding a new era in scientiûc innovation The full obituary can be found here www. icott City, Maryland. Born on December 4,
Roy Woodson Easley Jr., died at home on engineering and economic studies and re- of electronic component manufacturing. A goinghomecares.com/obituaries/obitu- 1932, he married Norma Collister Walgrove
December 18, 2023, of an apparent heart at- ports to advise Congress and the FCC on proud feminist and Unitarian Universalist, he ary-listings on December 18, 1954. George retired
tack. Born in Louisville, Ky., on June 6, 1926, broadcast spectrum management and fed- was married to Holly, loved his two daugh- from MD and VA Milk Producers Associa-
to Roy Sr., and Kathleen Roberts Easley, he eral communications policy. He also worked ters, and doted on his grandchildren, instill- tion of Herndon, VA as General Manager.
was their <lucky number seven,= only son of for Holland Engineering and Warren Commu- ing in them all a love for math, science, and He is survived by his wife Norma; and his
eight children. He graduated from Louisville
Male High School, the United States Military
nications before retiring again in 2002.
Roy and Betty moved to Vinson Hall, a re-
nature. Jim was a legendary baby-soother
with his never-fail football carry, with the
SEATON three children, George Robert Walgrove III
(Kathy Durfee), Deborah Ann Bassett (Ross
Academy at West Point, the US Army Com- tirement community in McLean, Va., in 2009. baby9s arms and legs draped over his large Knox Bassett) and Jane Marie Walgrove
mand and General Staff College and the Uni- Over the last several years, Roy wrote a forearm. Jim played with his children and KATHERINE MONTROSS SEATON Martin. George also leaves behind eight
versity of Alabama, with a Master of Science series of 17 interesting and entertaining grandchildren with tireless enthusiasm, On December 23, 2023 of cancer in Har- grandchildren and four great grandchil-
in Commerce. Roy9s long and productive life autobiographical stories for the community crafting swings, go-carts, Victorian dollhous- risonburg, VA having moved from Vienna , dren. He is predeceased by his brother
modeled well the USMA ideals of <Duty, Hon- newsletter. He also mailed copies of the sto- es, and wood sculptures, and doing puzzles, VA 3 years ago. Intelligent, articulate, cu- Richard E. Walgrove. A Memorial Service
or, Country.= He was an exemplary leader ries to over 100 other avid readers around mathematical brain-teasers, and games of rious, and well-read, she was consistently will be held Sunday, January 28, 1:30 p.m.
and teacher, highly ethical, and always took the country. Roy outlived his beloved wife, all kinds. Jim was a lifelong activist for so- ahead of her time, and unfailingly grounded at Columbia Presbyterian Church. For fur-
his responsibilities 4 but never himself 4 Betty, and leaves behind six children; Kath- JIM E. CLEMANS cial justice and science. Jim is survived by in <being real= in a manner both wise and ther information and to leave online con-
seriously. Roy was outgoing, engaging, intel- leen Easley Donofrio (Pat) of Los Gatos, Calif.; 8/17/1945 - 1/11/2024 his beloved wife of 55 years, Holly Clemans; beautiful. A talented sewer, she enjoyed dolences, please visit harrywitzkefuneral-
ligent, quick-witted, mentally astute and in Roy W. <Brig= III (Shelly) of Arlington, Va.;Ste- Jim E Clemans, an innovative scientist and his daughters Valerie Jean Clemans Castilla her quilting group and her writing classes. home.com
good health until the day he died. His was phen (Becky) of Austin, Texas; Michael (Wen- devoted husband, father, and grandfather, and Lisa Hilari Clemans-Cope; and grand- Pre-deceased by her beloved husband,
an <awesome= life, lived fully and well and, dy) of Mountain View, Calif.; Kevin (Kathy) of passed away at 78 in Bethesda, Maryland children Malena, Pablo, Eleanor (Nora), and John Seaton. Survivors include daughters
mostly, on his own terms. Arlington, Va.; and Mary Easley, of Arlington, on January 11, 2024. Born in North Dakota, Rosie; and sons-in-law Lucio Castilla and Ke- Laurie Seaton and Jan Szklennik. Service
Roy enlisted on D-Day, his 18th birthday, and Va. He is survived by ten grandchildren and Jim grew up immersed in the outdoors, hik- ary Cope. The family requests that you hon- in Harrisonburg, VA to be announced. Full
served in Europe during WWII. In 1946, he six great-grandchildren. Donations may be ing, collecting rocks, and carving wood. He or Jim9s memory in your own special way, obituary at www.kygers.com.
resigned his 2nd Lieutenant9s commission
to enter the Class of 1950 at West Point,
made in Roy9s memory to the Vinson Hall
Foundation9s Resident Assistance Fund, c/o
led his two younger brothers, Bob and Sid,
to summit the nation9s highest peaks, in-
perhaps by brushing up your multiplication
tables, attending a social justice or climate
where he played lacrosse, (beating Navy!)
and served as H2 Company Commander.
As a soldier, Roy was most proud of earning
NMCGRF, 6251 Old Dominion Drive, McLean,
VA, 22101. Funeral services and burial with
full military honors will be held at Arlington
cluding Whitney, Elbert and Massive several
times. Jim got a BA in math and an MA and
PhD in physics at the University of Illinois. At
protest, identifying a few rocks and miner-
als, or attending a classical music concert.
In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made
Rupert Welch, a longtime Washington re-
the Combat Infantry and Senior Parachutist National Cemetery later this year, subject to Bell Labs/ERC in New Jersey, Jim revolution- to EarthJustice. No service at this time. porter, writer, editor and lifelong lover of
badges ûghting as a <Rakkasan= with the scheduling availability. ized semiconductor crystal growing with newspapers, died peacefully on January
187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, 3, 2024. Elizabeth Donnelly, his wife of 45
674th Field Artillery Battalion, during the Ko- years, was by his side. Diagnosed with
rean War. In 1951, Roy married Betty Boone, Lewy Body Dementia in 2020, Rupert spent
a hometown beauty with whom he was in-
stantly smitten and whom he loved dearly
MAZA the last six months of his life at Brightview
Senior Living in Falls Church. He was born
for the rest of her life. Together they raised a on May 31, 1935 in Buffalo, New York to
PENELOPE LEE MAZA Rupert Welch and Mary Kierstead Welch. In
family of six children in military posts around
Penelope <Penny= Lee Maza was born Jan- Her contributions were signiûcant, she was addition to his wife, he is survived by his
uary 4, 1946, a true baby boomer in every instrumental in the development and imple- niece, Diana Denman Aldrich of Atlanta,
sense of the word. She was born at Saint mentation of the Adoption and Foster Care Georgia; and nephews, Daniel Stanton of
Palm Beach, Florida, and James Lindsay
FISH Vincent9s Hospital in Toledo, Ohio as the
third child and second daughter of Harry
and Gertrude Maza. She grew up surround-
Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
a national data collection system for infor-
mation on all children in foster care and
Denman, also of Atlanta, Georgia. His pass-
ing leaves a great space in the hearts of
ed by her extended family in a private children who have been adopted with state countless friends who loved him and will
to being, perhaps reluctantly, in the public miss him greatly.
sphere. She joined the International Neigh- neighborhood called Birckhead Place and agency involvement. In the early 2000s she
bors Club to assist in acclimating the fam- attended Fulton Elementary School and Je- was also active in the development and im-
sup Wakeman Scott High School in Toledo. plementation of the data component of the After high school at St. Joseph9s Collegiate
ilies of diplomats to the United States. Her Institute in Buffalo, and college at George-
priorities were always to include, share, and Being a White minority in her African Amer- Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR)
ican majority high school, she was elected which monitors state child welfare services town University in Washington, DC, his
above all educate each other. professional life began as a reporter on
She would serve two presidents as Deputy student body president. She went on to to help States and tribes achieve positive BENJAMIN LEE SWINSON (Age 89)
undergraduate studies at The Ohio State outcomes for children and families. Addi- the late, lamented Washington Star, and
Secretary of the US Department of Com-
University (OSU) in Columbus, Ohio where tionally, she was responsible for the data LTC (US ARMY-RETIRED) continued for 40 years through several
merce where she traveled the country to Of Washington, DC peacefully passed at newspaper, magazines and organizations.
bring Governors and Mayors the trade, her scholastic achievements included be- methodology that supports the adoption
ing inducted into the Mortar Board National incentives (which began in 1998 and was Walter Reed National Military Center on Gifted with an endless curiosity, Rupert
weather, water and census information they Tuesday, December 26, 2023. He is sur- was incredibly well read, an attribute that
needed. She retired as a Senior Policy Ana- Honor Society. She obtained a bachelor9s established in the Adoption and Safe Fam-
degree and went on to graduate school at ilies Act of 1997) designed to increase the vived by a brother, two children, one step- made him a marvelous companion conver-
lyst in the New York State Ofûce of Federal daughter, three grandchildren and a host sant with almost any subject. More active
Affairs in Washington, DC under Governor OSU obtaining a doctorate (PhD) in sociol- number of children in foster care who ûnd
ogy. She stayed there to teach until she re- permanent homes through adoption or legal of other relatives and friends. Family will interests included rowing, kayaking, Tai Chi
George Pataki. receive guests at 10 a.m. with a service Chuan, Qin Na and ûnally, dog walking with
She served on the boards of Friends of the ceived an opportunity at the new University guardianship).
of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, Florida. She While her time with the Department includ- to follow at 11 a.m. on January 29, 2024 his beloved German Shepherds.
Palisades, Pine Manor College, the Lutheran at McGuire Funeral Home, 7400 Georgia
Seminary in Gettysburg and Bard College. moved there and became a professor of so- ed management and policy duties her heart
ciology. At USF she enhanced her feminist was in research and data. Dr. Maza9s contri- Avenue N.W., Washington D.C. 20012. In- A Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Trini-
Additionally, she was a lifelong member terment, Arlington National Cemetery at a ty Catholic Chapel in Georgetown, 3513 N
of The Columbia County Historical Society, credentials when she became aware of butions to the ûeld of child welfare were fo-
being paid less then male professors with cused on supporting and improving positive later date. Street, NW, on January 24, 2024 at 11:30
Friends of Clermont State Park, Jennings www.mcguire-services.com a.m. A reception will follow immediately.
MARY ANN TINKLEPAUGH FISH Willets American Legion Post 346, and Hen- the same or lesser qualiûcations. Using legal outcomes related to safety, well-being, and
Mary Ann Tinklepaugh Fish left us on De- drick Hudson Chapter of the DAR. means, she successfully received pay equal permanency for the hundreds of thousands
cember 27, 2023, at her home in Washing- In 2007, she received a Distinguished Public to that of her male peers. Eventually, she of children in our nation9s public child wel-
felt she was not meant to stay in academia fare system. Dr. Maza9s contribution to the
ton, DC at 93.
Mrs. Fish devoted her life to public service
Service Award from the Rockefeller College
of Public Affairs and Policy of the State Uni- and took a postdoc position with the fed-
eral government. There she found her true
ûeld of Child Welfare includes more than 50
publications and other work which have not
with the vision that guiding young people to-
ward leadership roles supports an enduring
versity of New York at Albany. In 2010 she
received the Martha Washington Hudson calling by providing data-driven solutions,
processes, and support to States, tribes, and
only inûuenced the operation of State child
welfare and other programs but has also
future for democracy. Valley Woman of History award given by the
Born in 1930, she was the daughter of the George Washington State Historic Site in communities in their quest to improve the had an impact on and been incorporated
late John R. and Myrtie Tinklepaugh of Liv- Newburgh, NY for her work in environmen- delivery of services and outcomes for chil- into federal legislation. After retirement in
ingston, NY and attended Red Hook Cen- tal history. dren in our nation9s foster care system and 2008 Penny found time for reading but re-
tral School. After graduating from Barnard A Rockefeller Republican to the very end, their families. mained interested in her chosen ûeld. She
College, she returned to the family farm in she voted for a Democrat for the ûrst time in Dr. Maza worked in the ûeld of child welfare was awarded a 2012 Centennial Adoption
Columbia County and plunged into efforts 2016. She is survived by her daughter Mary for over 30 years. The majority of this time Excellence Award. She was recently quoted
that bind a community together. Managing Susan Knauss (Sarah Price), her son John C. was with the Federal government with the in a USA TODAY article, <Broken adoptions,
Oakdale Beach in the City of Hudson and Knauss and granddaughters Sethann and exception of her time as the Research Direc- buried records: How states are failing adop-
teaching Red Cross swimming set the pat- Abby Knauss and her stepchildren Ham Fish tor of the Child Welfare League of America. tees= by Aleszu Bajak and Marisa Kwiatkow-
tern for her to ûnd or create programs that (Sandra), Alexa Ward (Tom) and Peter Fish Dr. Maza9s federal service was with the U.S. ski May 19, 2022.
add value to a community. (Susan) and stepdaughter-in-law Patricia Department of Health and Human Services9 She died peacefully December 30, 2023,
Early in her career, she created the New York Fish (Nicholas). She was predeceased by (the Department) Administration on Chil- surrounded by family. She performed her
State Teenage Republican School of Politics her husband Congressman Hamilton Fish in dren and Families Children9s Bureau. The aunting duties with joy and love for her
which educated generations of high school 1996 and a son, Seth, in 1981. Children9s Bureau is responsible for provid- three nieces, two nephews, three nephews-
students in the tools and skills of practical A celebration of life is being planned for ing leadership to and administering federal in-law, one niece-in-law, six great-nieces,
politics. Later, as the wife of Congressman Saturday, May 4 at the Congressional Club, programs that support state child welfare and two great-nephews. She also leaves
Hamilton Fish, Jr., she created a program 2001 New Hampshire Ave. The family will services. During her time with the Children9s behind her brother, sister-in-law, many
for new Congressional spouses about the reach out to friends and loved ones with Bureau Dr. Maza provided management and cousins, and many dear friends, colleagues,
challenges and the practical approaches details oversight to discretionary grants that sup- and neighbors from all facets of her life from
ported innovative programs, solutions and childhood through her senior years. Penny WAYNE JERROLD TANNAHILL
partnerships for states, tribes and commu- was most devoted to the cats she shared
nities seeking to improve services to chil- her home with over the 43 years she lived
(Age 89)
Jerry passed away on April 7, 2022. Burial ELEANOR SCOTT HOLMES WILLIAMS
HORNING dren in care; input on child welfare policies
and regulations designed to improve child
welfare service delivery; and supported the
in the Nation9s Capital. She showered each
with love and attention and went to her rest
with them. Per her request, there is no for-
services will be held at Arlington National
Cemetery on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at
Eleanor Scott Holmes Williams of Arlington,
Virginia died on January 10, 2024 at the age
1 p.m. Commencement will begin at 12:15 of 76. She is survived by her spouse, Ste-
development of the Department9s monitor- mal funeral. phen Edward Williams; three siblings Steve
ing of State public child welfare agencies. p.m., Ofûce of Columbarium.
Born in the Brightwood neighborhood of Holmes, Jan Alexander and Betsy McGreer,
Washington, DC, Joe attended the Nativity Jerry served his country in the US Navy, and numerous nieces, nephews and cous-
School on 13th Street NW, St. Charles Sem- US Department of Transporation and his ins. She was born in Staten Island, NY and
inary, and Mount Saint Mary9s College in
Emmitsburg, Maryland. He and his younger MORGAN community throughout his life. In his later
years he volunteered for Meals on Wheels,
grew up in Seattle. She had a career on the
Seattle City Council, and in DC working for
brother, Larry, established their real estate Hospice in Arlington, Rebuilding Together the Senate, Department of Energy, White
development partnership, Horning Broth- Within one week of graduating, in connec- and the Church of the Covenant Arlington. House and British Petroleum.
ers, in 1958. Over his sixty-year career, Joe tion with his NROTC Scholarship duties, Don He is survived by his loving wife Joyce; chil- A memorial service is scheduled for 11
would grow the business to over 4,000 was ordered to report for ûight training in dren Vicki, Edwin, Nancy, and DeDe; grand- a.m. Friday, February 2 at St. Mary9s Epis-
housing units and 350,000 square feet of Pensacola, Florida, and was commissioned children Jenna, Bryan, Matthew, Madison, copal Church, 2609 N Glebe Road, Arling-
retail. He built a wide range of housing, both as an ofûcer in the Navy on June 14, 1956. Daniel, Cameron Rose, and Sean and great ton, Virginia. A reception will follow at their
market-rate and affordable, serving diverse Don then served full-time in the Navy for granddaughter Maggie Joy. home.
communities across nearly every Ward of three years as an aviator, ûying Naval air-
Washington, DC. craft while stationed on the West Coast of
He is survived by his wife, Lynne, and a
the US and various bases in Japan before IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM
retiring from full-time duty with a rank of
large family, including his children and their Lieutenant in August of 1959.
spouses: Joseph Horning III and Fiona Lovell
Horning, Missy and Mike Young, Andrew and
Don matriculated at Harvard Law School
one month later, in September of 1959, ulti-
Genny Horning, John Horning and Terry Fla- mately graduating with high honors in 1962,
JOSEPH F. HORNING JR. nagan, and nine grandchildren. having served multiple years as an Articles
December 25, 1931 3 January 8, 2024 Editor of the Harvard Law Review, before
A service of remembrance is planned for starting work as a junior lawyer with Cleary
Joseph F. Horning, Jr., a builder of homes, re- Friday, February 9, 2024, at 1 p.m. at the Gottlieb in the fall of 1962.
lationships, and community, died peacefully Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle, 725 Don rose quickly through the ranks at Cleary
surrounded by his family on Monday, Janu- Rhode Island Ave, N.W. In lieu of ûowers, Joe Gottlieb and later served as Managing Part-
ary 8, 2024, at his home in Washington, DC. would want us all to show up, get involved ner of the ûrm9s DC ofûce, including two
He was 92. in our communities, and be generous. DONALD LEE MORGAN (Age 89) terms on the ûrm9s Executive Committee.
Donald Lee Morgan, a Harvard-trained law- His diverse practice included representation
yer who was a decades-long partner of the of chemical industry trade associations and
Washington, DC ofûce of the international other clients in administrative proceedings
LASLEY law ûrm, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
LLP, died peacefully in his sleep on Novem-
and judicial review litigation. Many of these
assignments--before EPA, OSHA, and var-
ber 12, 2023, at his home in Palo Alto, CA. He ious U.S. federal courts of appeal-- related
she gained experience in the business world. was 89 years old. to standards for assessing the regulation
In 1957, she married Jonathan H. (<Jack=) A child of the Great Depression and World of chronic hazards. In addition, Don was a
Lasley. They began their married life in Lon- War II, and the ûrst in his family to graduate lead draftsman of the successful arguments
don before moving to the Washington area from high school, Mr. Morgan (or <Don= as before the U.S. Supreme Court and low-
in 1960. Jonathan, their only child, arrived he was called) rose from poverty to become er courts to defend oil shale patent rights
in 1963. a prominent lawyer and mentor to countless against Interior Department rulings that
young attorneys, leaving a mark on both the would have disqualiûed them. Instrumen-
Annette participated actively in Washing- courtroom and the halls of Cleary Gottlieb. tal in establishing Cleary Gottlieb9s ofûce in FRANCINE GEDDIE SIMMS
ton-area community life. Among a number Born on January 21, 1934, in Houston, Tex- Frankfurt, Germany, Don also helped estab- Francine Geddie Simms, age 77, died on June 23, 2023, at Washington Hospital Center in
of charitable and civic endeavors, she found- as, to Charles Leslie and Daisy Lee Morgan, lish the ûrm9s Tokyo ofûce, and worked in Washington, DC. She was born on September 21, 1945, in Washington, District of Columbia,
ed <Caroling for Children9s= in support of Don, his mother, brother Mickey and sisters Tokyo between 1992 and 1996 and, while to Sinester, Sr., and Frances McCloud Geddie. Stewart Funeral Home provided cremation
Children9s Hospital, served on the board of Marilyn and Onie moved to St. Louis, then there, also served on the American Cham- services, and no funeral or memorial services were held.
trustees of Landon School, and co-chaired to south Florida and ûnally to Philadelphia ber of Commerce of Japan. The 1950 Census shows her at the age of four, living at 9 1/2 Street NW, with her mother
the Washington Antiques Show. A lifelong where Don spent the majority of his child- A voracious reader and intellect, Don served Frances as Head of Household and seven siblings. The eighth child, Wesley had been sent to
learner, Annette studied botany, geology, and hood. It was there that Don met Herbert as an active member of the Rotary Club of North Carolina to help his uncle Vann on the farm.
natural history, and found outlets for her love Pennypacker, his 12th grade English teach- Palo Alto and participated in numerous book As a child, Francine attended nearby Grimke Elementary School on Vermont Ave. NW and
of the natural world through work with the er at Central High School and a man who clubs after retiring from the ûrm. Equally at later graduated from Cardozo High School at 13th and Clifton Street NW. She was always a
Nature Conservancy and other environmen- would change Don9s life. home watching an NFL game, attending warm, caring person with an unrepressed smile and joy to share with everyone she knew.
tal organizations 3 both in Maryland and near Mr. Pennypacker introduced Don to the con- a production at the San Francisco Opera, She will be greatly missed.
her beloved second home in Maine. cept of <Plato9s Academy= and described traveling the world with his beloved wife of She took on a husband, Leon E. Simms Jr., (1944-2014) in a common-law marriage as recog-
how Plato9s Academy existed in the United more than 30 years, Rene Morgan, hitting nized by the District of Columbia.
ANNETTE GARDNER LASLEY A celebration of Annette9s life will be held at States in the form of Harvard University. He the slopes for an early morning ski session, Her family had an entrepreneurial spirit, concentrated around the U Street Corridor which
Annette Lasley died peacefully at home in 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 27, 2024 at West- encouraged Don to apply to Harvard, despite playing tennis with friends (including Su- was anchored by Howard University and served as the economic, cultural, and spiritual
Chevy Chase, Maryland on December 27, moreland Congregational United Church of Don9s mother9s protestations that he should preme Court Justice Sandra Day O9Connor), center for African Americans during the mid-19009s, with over 200 black-owned businesses,
2023 with her son, Jonathan, and grand- Christ, 1 Westmoreland Circle NW, Bethesda, instead attend the Eastern Bible Institute. taking long walks or hikes, or simply reading patronized solely by African Americans. Her brother, Sinester <Bow-Tie= Jr., was the manag-
daughter, Cece, by her side. She lived her 93 Maryland 20816. A reception will follow. In Don chose Harvard and was admitted in the a thick biography while sipping a glass of co- er of the Standard Drugstore on Columbia Road.
years to the fullest, and ûlled her world with lieu of ûowers, please make contributions to fall of 1952. He was able to afford tuition gnac, Don enjoyed a rich and impactful life. Francine was preceded in death by her parents and older brothers and sisters: James Hu-
infectious interest, optimism, and love. the Maine Coast Heritage Trust, Lynn House only through a scholarship with the Naval He will be tremendously missed by family, bert (1930-1989); Wesley Lee (193431995); Clarence L (193531986); Robert Lee (193831995);
of Potomac Valley, or the Maine or Maryland Reserve Ofûcers Training Corps (<NROTC=), friends, and colleagues alike. Don is survived Sinester D. Jr. (193932002): Frederick (194331991); and Thelma Delores (194832010).
Born in 1930 to Prince Albert Gardner, Jr. and chapter of the Nature Conservancy. Services which required him to serve on Naval ships by his wife Rene, his younger sister Onie, She is survived by her brother Carl; sons, Jerrold Everett Simms and Kenneth Lee Ged-
Leah Ledbetter Gardner, Annette spent her entrusted to Going Home Cremation and Fu- during the summers between his years as four children from a previous marriage to die; nieces, Charlene Gaddie Graham, Karen Gaddie Joyner, Stephanie Gaddie Lovett, Linda
formative years in St. Louis. She received her neral Care. an undergraduate student at Harvard. Don Julia Anne Harmon, three of Rene9s children Geddie, Simone Geddie, Robin Geddie, and Adrienne Robinson; nephews, Carl Geddie Jr.,
B.A. in Business from Washington University www.goinghomecares.com graduated magna cum laude with a BA in and nine grandchildren. Service private. Michael Geddie, and Malcolm Robinson; sisters-in-law, Mary T. Royal Gaddie and Martha
in St. Louis, and moved to New York, where History and Literature in 1956. Thompson Geddie; and a brother-in-law, James McCoy Robinson.
C8 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

than think. of all personnel involved in mine counter
Applying analytic thinking to his own med- measures warfare.
ical issues, Randy used SATs to enable a Mary Kay was a graduate of William & Mary, Steve returned to Annapolis for duty as the
last-minute cardiac procedure that saved a teacher in her younger years, and an ac- 71st Commandant of Midshipmen where he
his life in 2014 and chronicled the story in complished artist in her later ones. Her wa- was selected for Flag Rank. There he was
How to Get the Right Diagnosis: 16 Tips for tercolors, pastel drawings, and oil, acrylic responsible for the professional and ethical
Navigating the Medical System. Despite this and sumi paintings decorate the house she development of the 4500-member Brigade
success, he soon began experiencing a con- loved that overlooks the water in Branford. of Midshipmen. After a year as the Head De-
fusing array of symptoms that would not be tailer at the Bureau of Naval Personnel, he
diagnosed as VEXAS until 8 years later. She loved to cook, garden, read, and go to assumed command of Navy Region Hawaii
movies, a love ingrained by going to the and all surface ships assigned to the Mid-Pa-
Randy Pherson was born on March 4, 1949, local movie theater in DeRidder as a child, ciûc Group.
in Washington, DC to John R. Pherson and where they9d show a cartoon, western, When he transferred to the retired list in
Annabel S. Pherson. He received an A.B. and main feature every Saturday. Her later 1990, he began his civilian career as Chief
from Dartmouth College and an M.A. in In- tastes ran to Indie movies. Operating Ofûcer of Prodesco Inc., a Penn-
ternational Relations from Yale University. Somehow, she also knew the baseball stats sylvania technology company that designs
A recipient of the Intelligence Community9s of any Major Leaguer who played after 1935. and manufactures textile-based compo-
Distinguished Intelligence Medal and CIA9s Through her son Ted9s inûuence, she was nents for the chemical and aerospace in-
Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal, he quite proud to be conversant in classic rock. dustries. Under his leadership, Prodesco
was serving as the National Intelligence Of- established a wholly owned subsidiary, Se-
ûcer (NIO) for Latin America when he took To those of us left to mourn her passing, her cant Medical LLC, to provide textile-based
RANDOLPH HOWARD PHERSON early retirement in 2000. He guided devel- MARY KAY DEVITA stock advice would be <One day at a time. It STEPHEN KENT CHADWICK components for human implantation in the
March 4, 1949 3 January 11, 2024 opment of Pherson Associates9 government Mary Kay DeVita of Branford passed peace- sounds silly, but it9s true.= Stephen Kent Chadwick was born Novem- medical device industry. In 2008, he guided
Randolph Howard Pherson, 74, passed away work as President from 2003-2021 and fully at home Sunday, January 14, 2024. ber 1, 1938, in Birmingham, AL. He gradu- the sale of Prodesco and Secant Medical to
on January 11, 2024 at his home in Great served as CEO of Globalytica, a subsidiary of Mary Kay was born July 9, 1935 in DeRidder, She was the beloved wife of Dr. Vincent T. ated from Phillips High School and enlisted Fenner PLC. At the request of the new own-
Falls, Virginia, after a courageous battle Pherson specializing in classes and publica- LA, the daughter of the late Foster Bush and DeVita, Jr. Besides her husband, she is sur- (with parental permission because he was ers, he remained as CEO of both companies
with VEXAS, a rare inûammatory syndrome tions for international and private industry Aurelia Lyles. She was the granddaughter of vived by her daughter Elizabeth (Paul Rae- 17) in the Marine Corps the following day. until his second retirement in February of
identiûed in 2020. Randy was the co-found- clients. the late Anne Lyles Marshall (Mamma Anne) burn) DeVita-Raeburn of New York, NY and After a summer spent at bootcamp at Parris 2013. During that period, he received an
er of Pherson Associates, which he started and Roy Marshall, who raised her. her grandsons, Henry and Luke Raeburn. Island, SC, he attended Birmingham South- honorary Doctor of Letters from Delaware
with his wife, Katherine Hibbs Pherson, to He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Kath- She was predeceased by her son Vincent T. ern College. Steve received an appointment Valley University.
develop and share best practices in analyt- erine Hibbs Pherson; son Richard; daughter Though Mary Kay lived in the north for more <Ted= DeVita, III. to the Naval Academy and was commis- He continued his mission of service on the
ic thinking based on what they had learned Amanda (Michael Pedersen); dear friend Dr. years than her native Louisiana, her Steel sioned into the Navy with the Class of 1962. board of many not-for-proût organizations
and practiced during their careers at the Janet Baker; and many loving family mem- Magnolia genes ran deep. Mary Kay loved children, dogs and any Steve met his future wife, Maureen Burke, including: the Naval Academy Athletic &
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). bers, those he mentored and with whom he needy cause. In lieu of ûowers or other re- on a blind date in October of 1961 and they Scholarship Foundation, Doylestown Hospi-
collaborated, and his fellow runners in the Those who knew her were familiar with membrances, she9d be pleased if you donat- were married in Upper Nyack, NY on May tal Foundation, Heritage Conservancy, Pearl
Randy was best known in the international Great Falls Hash House Harriers. A celebra- the remnants of her southern accent and ed to your favorite organization. 2, 1964. They were blessed with three chil- S. Buck International, 1st LT Travis Manion
intelligence community for his thought lead- tion of Randy9s life will be held on February penchant for southern expressions (friends dren: Elizabeth Chadwick Kasemsri and Dr. Foundation, All Saints Episcopal School
ership and development of Structured Ana- 2, 2024, at 1 p.m. at Meadowlark Botanical have been y9alled and reminded that pots A visitation will be held on Tuesday evening, Tiva, Robert B. Chadwick II RDML (Ret.) and Board of Trustees and as a court appointed
lytic Techniques (SATs), a term coined by his Gardens9 Atrium in Vienna, Virginia. At the should not call kettles black), as well as her January 23, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the W. S. Clan- wife Sandra and Dr. Jonathan L. Chadwick special advocate for children at C.A.S.A. of
wife to describe a set of qualitative methods time of his death, he was working with intelligence, stoicism, wit, kindness, and un- cy Memorial Funeral Home, 244 North Main CDR USN (Ret.) and wife Kristina. And nine the South Plains. For ûve years he was Pres-
to help analysts mitigate bias while framing his closest medical advisers to establish a fathomable inner strength. Street, Branford, CT. Burial will be in Mary- grandchildren: Caroline K. Webb and hus- ident of the Naval Academy Class of 1962.
complex issues and diagnosing possible non-proût to support and educate medical land. A celebration of life ceremony will be band Tyler, Jacqueline and Camille Kasemsri; He and Maureen moved to Lubbock, TX in
outcomes. He was the author of 13 books providers, patients, and the public about She loved her family and friends, any dog planned for the spring. For directions and Allison and Carolyn Chadwick; Connor, Ca- 2016 to be near family. He passed away
on analytic thinking and presentation and VEXAS and other rare autoinûammatory dis- she met (it was mutual), and art as a whole, online memorial see: den, Cullen and Sadie Grace Chadwick. on January 18, 2024, after a valiant three-
sought multiple ways to share his insights eases. In lieu of ûowers, the family requests but especially Monet and Manet, because www.wsclancy.com From Ensign to Commander, Steve ûlled year battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
through classes, presentations, and dozens donations to the VEXAS Global Foundation she preferred art that made you feel rather a variety of assignments at sea in propul- The family is so grateful to the staff at Joe
of articles, particularly enjoying teaching (www.vexasglobal.org). sion and combat systems. During that time Arrington Cancer Center and the Palliative
and mentoring students across the globe. frame, he commanded two Navy warships Care Team.
and a combat advisory group in the Repub- There will be a visitation at Lake Ridge Chap-
lic of Viet Nam. He also earned a Master of el and Memorial Designers on Thursday,

RUSSO MAY Science Degree in Materials Management at

the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
January 25 from 6 until 8 p.m. The funeral
service will be held at the Naval Academy
CA. As a Navy Captain, Steve commanded Chapel at 10:30 a.m. on May 10 followed
1954, grew up in Silver Spring, MD and grad- a Tactical Destroyer Squadron of up to 15 by burial at the Naval Academy Cemetery.
the move towards monetary union in the uated from the Johns Hopkins University in ships in the Atlantic and Sixth Fleet (Medi- Please visit www.memorialdesigners.net
European Union and the transition to market 1976 with a B.S. in Geology and from the terranean) operations. He was also respon- for ûoral purchasing and an area to share
economies in former communist countries. University of Delaware in 1978 with a M.S. in sible for the in-port Navy wide training of stories of Stephen Chadwick with his family.
His leadership of the IMF9s work in Poland Geology. On May 27, 1990, he married Yvette, home-ported ships of the Atlantic Fleet and
provided a model for the whole region. In a librarian, and welcomed his beloved son
between his spells at the IMF, he spent two Stephen on May 3, 1991.
years at the OECD and four years as head of Ira was a devoted father who loved nature,
the Economic and Financial Affairs Director- reading the newspaper, observing outcrop-
ate at the European Commission, where he pings on the side of the road, politics, sports
was involved in early steps towards mon-
etary union. He mentored and befriended
and foreign ûlms. He was passionate about
environmental causes and volunteered his
numerous colleagues as evidenced by the time to clean up ground water contamina-
many former colleagues that visited him tion in Ukraine and the Philippines as well as In 1970, she moved to Washington, DC and
during his last few months of life. to serve proudly on the Board of Directors of studied at the Corcoran School of Art, part
Massimo was a generous man with a good the Society for the Preservation of Nature in of the George Washington University, in the
sense of humor and a knack for entertain- Israel. He was an active and integral member capital.
ing children. He had a passion for sailing and of the Beit Tikvah Congregation in Baltimore. Barbie was a frequent guest on local TV,
passed it on to his children and grandchil- He will be remembered for his kindness and promoting the joys of collecting art and
dren. Together with his family, he sailed on generosity and will be deeply missed by his painting with acrylics. In 1972, the Univer-
the Potomac, Chesapeake Bay, in Holland, friends, family and all those who knew him. sidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica
and Rhode Island. His retirement was de- IRA PHILIP MAY A funeral service is scheduled for 12 p.m. on honored her with a solo exhibit, as did the
MASSIMO RUSSO ûned by travel with Gudrun and spending Ira Philip May, a senior geologist Sunday January 21 at the Garden of Remem- Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia, in
Massimo Russo, 85, passed away peacefully time at the seashore at his second home at the Maryland Department of brance Chapel, 14321 Comus Rd., Clarks- 1975 and 1976.
at his home in Washington, DC on Monday in Newport, RI. Among his favorite activities the Environment and resident of burg, MD 20871. In lieu of ûowers, donations Her work as a Washington, DC artist and de-
morning, December 4, 2023 surrounded by were sitting on the porch with his dog, creat- Towson, MD, passed unexpect- may be sent in Ira9s memory to either Pure signer became widely known in the US and
his wife of 60 years and two sons. Massimo ing elaborate puppet shows for his grandchil- edly on January 16, 2024. Earth (pureearth.org), Dig Deep (digdeep. Latin America with frequent exhibitions of
was born in Eritrea to Vittorio Russo and Elis- dren, and teaching them how to make the Ira is survived by his wife of 33 org), or the Society for the Preservation of her paintings, collages, and lithographs.
abetta Giuseppone and grew up in Italy with perfect pizza. Being fond of art and reading, years, Yvette Cumerma May and his son Ste- Nature in Israel (natureisrael.org). Services During the late 70s she lived in Colombia
his older brother Roberto. Massimo is sur- his gradual loss of vision was utterly frustrat- phen May and daughter-in-law Lina Reyes. entrusted to Sagel Bloomûeld Danzansky and Bolivia with her Foreign Service Execu-
vived by his wife Gudrun, his sons Massimo ing. He cared for the success of young peo- He is predeceased by his brother Kenneth, Goldberg Funeral Care. tive husband, Dale Coleman.
(wife Farla) and Claudio (wife Patricia), and ple and his loved ones, calling frequently to his mother Evelyn and his father Leopold. www.sagelbloomûeld.com During her career, Ms. Coleman had 16
ûve grandchildren Anna (husband Zachary), check in and offer love and support. He will Ira was born in Brooklyn, NY on March 26, solo exhibits and 40 group shows, and
Joshua, Samuel, Christina and Adam. be greatly missed. her paintings and collages can be found
Massimo graduated from Rome University A memorial service will be held at Oak Hill BARBARA ANN COLEMAN in the U.S. Embassy residences in La Paz
with a law degree in 1962 and then attended cemetery at 11 a.m. on January 27 followed Barbie Coleman, AUDIOSPARX & RADIO- and Bogota, the Washington Internation-
Yale University in 1963, where he received a by an informal lunch reception. In lieu of SPARX9s much-loved and most longstanding al Center, numerous Bank of America
master9s degree in economics, his true pas- ûowers, please make a donation to Doctors DJ has died at home in Washington, DC on branches in S. America, and other corpo-
His long career as an economist was mostly
spent at the International Monetary Fund.
Without Borders.
<Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto= - Eat
well, laugh often, love much.
NEVILLE January 13, 2024 after an extended illness.
She was 84 years old.
rations and private collections worldwide.

As an artist, designer, and passionate mu- In 1994, she started an arts and design stu-
In his early years, he worked in African and two Shetland Sheepdogs. In that time, sic lover she lived a colorful life, devoted to dio in her large Columbia Heights, (Wash-
countries and led many missions to study he started working for the US Patent and art, design and music. She had been a ma- ington, DC) Victorian home, assembling a
their economies and negotiate loans from Trademark Ofûce, lost his patience with jor creative force at AUDIOSPARX and then collection of Indo-Chinese and African ar-
the IMF. In his last ten years at the IMF, he the Cubs, and wholeheartedly adopted the RADIOSPARX since 2008. Her roles at both tefacts, art, and home accessories. In 2009
headed the European Department, where he Washington Nationals. companies included Artist Liaison Director, she joined AUDIOSPARX as a Designer and
managed the IMF9s relations with European Social Media Director, Creative Director, and later joined forces with the Executive team
countries during two important transitions: In 2011 Brian and his family moved to Boul- top DJ. to set up RADIOSPARX as one of their top
der, Colorado, where he enjoyed hiking, ski- Her passion and creativity knew no bounds, DJs.
ing, running, sampling the local breweries, as her work as Music Director at AUDIO- Her energy, humor, passion for music, her
and walking his loyal Shepherd mix, Bruno. SPARX and RADIOSPARX, involved coordi- love of all her friends in the music industry
SCHLEEDE Brian was known for his wonderful sense of
humor, kindness, and devotion to his family.
nating the work of a team of DJs and de-
signing hundreds of new playlists for the
and the art-design industries were all pow-
erful forces in her life. She will be remem-
bered for her unwavering passion for AU-
He always had time to talk about baseball, company.
Martin and Hilda Klafehn and was married to the Civil War, or his love of traveling with Her work as a creative writer will also be re- DIOSPARX & RADIOSPARX and her love of all
her beloved Glenn on December 27, 1958. Clare that took them to China, the Yucatan, membered. She conceptualized and wrote the musicians who are part of the platform,
Vietnam, and the Azores, among many oth- thousands of music blogs for AUDIOSPARX as well as her devotion and passion for all
She is survived by three daughters, Kristen er places. Becoming a grandfather to two & RADIOSPARX over the past decade. the arts, including ûlm, fashion, graphic de-
Maddox (Derek) of Huntsville, Alabama, granddaughters was a highlight of his life. Barbie Coleman was born Barbara Ann sign, and ûne art.
Kimberly Terzian (David) of Hanover, Virgin- Hackler in Wellington, Texas. She spent her She is survived by her daughter Mimi, son
ia, Kendall Parrott (Tim) of Locust Grove, Brian is survived by his wife of 43 years, early years on a farm before her family Quinn, her sister Nancy, three nieces in Tex-
Georgia. She is also survived by her broth- Clare Killeen Neville; his sons Jack (Dianne), moved to Plainview in Texas. She attended as, two grandchildren and a nephew.
er William (Jean) of Casa Grande, Arizona JAMES BRIAN NEVILLE Bill (Kathryn), and Scott; and granddaughters Texas Tech University, in Lubbock, in the late Funeral Service on Sunday, February 4,
and sister Mary Ellen DeFilipps of Harri- James Brian Neville, 68, died unexpectedly Joanna and Eliza; his siblings Arthur (Dana), 1950s, and then lived in Houston during the 2024 1:30 p.m., Foundry United Methodist
sonburg, Virginia, four grandchildren, two while vacationing in Mexico City on Decem- Kathleen, Edward, Michael (Betsy), and Tom 1960s. There, she developed a lifelong inter- Church, 1500 16th St. NW, Washington, DC
great-grandchildren, and nieces and neph- ber 24, 2023. (Kerri); his mother-in-law Rosemary Dircks; est in art, and studied acrylic technique with 20006.
ews. Sandra was preceded in death by her and his sister-in-law Elizabeth Harlow (Oli- the late Lamar Briggs.
parents and her husband Glenn. Brian was born in Chicago, IL and grew up a ver) in addition to three aunts and 21 cous-
devout Cubs fan in Lake Forest, Il, the ûrst ins.
Sandra9s ûnal resting place will be with
Glenn at Our Saviors Way Lutheran Church
of six siblings. He graduated from Loyola
Academy in Wilmette, Il, and received a A memorial service to honor Brian9s life will
Columbarium and Memorial Garden in Ash- journalism degree from Loyola University be held at St. Columba9s Episcopal Church,
burn, Virginia. in New Orleans. Brian met his future wife, Washington, DC on January 27, 2024 at 11 and baseball player, graduating in 1970. He
Clare, in Coconut Grove, Fl, where they ran a.m. There will be another opportunity to attended Georgetown University, earning an
In lieu of ûowers, donations may be sent a neighborhood newspaper. Together they celebrate Brian9s life in Boulder in the Spring. A.B.,1974; and an M.Ed. at University of Vir-
SANDRA SCHLEEDE to Our Saviors Way, 43115 Waxpool Road, returned to Chicago for Brian to receive his ginia in 1976.
Sandra Schleede, 87, formerly of Ashburn, Broadlands, VA 20148, Trinity Hospice, 812 J.D. from John Marshall Law School, and in In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made to
Virginia, died in Richmond, Virginia on De- Mooreûeld Park Drive, #110, Richmond, VA 1987 moved to Bethesda, Maryland where the National Adrenal Diseases Foundation, He taught English for several years at Bullis
cember 22, 2023 from complications of de- 23236 or St. Jude9s Hospital for Sick Chil- they lived for 25 years, raising three sons PO Box 95149, Newton MA 02495. School prior to attending Law School at
mentia. She was born December 17, 1936 to dren. Catholic University where he obtained his
J.D. in 1983. Admission 1983, Virginia; 1984,
Maryland; 1984, District of Columbia; 1984,
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virgin-
ia, U.S. Court of Appeals, Forth Circuit and
US Supreme Court; a member of DC, MD and
SMITH TROY VA Bar. In 1984, John joined his brother as a
senior partner and general practice attorney
at Brinceûeld Hartnett, P.C. in Alexandria,
mom and grandma to Debi and her husband in the federal ofûces of Congressman Matt Virginia.
Mike Dorey, Dana and his children Graham McHugh of the NY 28th District in 1978 -
and Rachel Smith, and Guinn and her chil- 1983. John, a brilliant and accomplished man, dog
dren Theo and Eliot Baker. Bill was a life-long collector of many various lover and noted raconteur, was loved by his
In the 60s and 70s, Lois called Arlington, VA things, starting with coins and comics as a many friends and relatives who will miss his
home and was posted in Hamburg, Antwerp, youngster, but in the 1980s he moved on to JOHN RAYMOND HARTNETT kindness, sharp sense of humor, quick wit,
and Tehran. After her kids were grown, she Art Deco lamps, disco dance records, an- 2/27/1952 - 1/5/2024 storytelling and lively debates on most any
moved to Charlottesville. Forever curious, tique furnishings, Arts & Crafts pottery, and It is with deep sadness and much love that subject. He profoundly enriched the peo-
she called herself a lifelong learner. She a multitude of similar objects. Bill followed we say goodbye to John Raymond (Hondo) ple who were in his life. His presence will
continued traveling the world, kept refer- his passion of seeking antiques and used Hartnett, 71, of Bethesda, MD, who passed be deeply missed but he will remain forev-
ence books handy to answer any questions furnishings in Washington where he met away on January 5, 2024, at home after a er in the hearts and memories of those he
that popped up, and read the paper every many like-interested people and formed brief illness. touched.
day (highlighter and scissors in hand). friendships with collectors and dealers that
Lois9s family and friends were her greatest he maintained right up to now. In this capac- Born on February 27, 1952 in Washington, A gathering of friends and family to honor
joy. She fondly remembered her brother, ity Bill really made his mark in Washington, DC. John was predeceased in death by his John9s life and memory will be announced
Keith Ramsden, and her parents, Marjorie DC. He shared his passion and could talk parents, Rita (Spiess), and John (Gabby) at a later date.
Gowe and J. Gordon Ramsden. She loved with anyone! He had a heart of gold, quick Hartnett; and his brother, James C. (Beau)
her sister Dawn Hughes and enjoyed their humor and will be missed by family and Brinceûeld, Jr. He is survived by his sister- Online condolences can be made on his trib-
weekly phone calls. She carefully kept up dear friends. in-law, Cathy Seay Brinceûeld; and cousin, ute wall at
with her nephews and their growing fami- Bill lived with his friend and partner Kirk Pal- Mark (Buck) Gross; extended family mem- https://www.everlywheatley.com/tributes/
lies, and she cherished all her many friends. matier in Washington until December 2022 bers; former spouse, Martha Kinsey; lifelong John-Hartnett
LOIS RAMSDEN SMITH WILLIAM JOSEPH TROY <Bill= when he moved to Newark, NY, Kirk9s home- friend, John Carr; and many close and be-
December 20, 1932 - December 30, 2023 We will celebrate Lois9s life when the ûow- 4/15/1955 - 1/13/2024 town. He also wanted to enjoy his Ithaca loved friends. In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
Our mother passed peacefully in her home ers are blooming and the air is warm. We William Joseph <Bill= Troy passed away family more by living nearer everyone. may be made to Montgomery County Ani-
with family by her side. She was a loving love you, Mom. You will be missed. peacefully on Saturday evening, January 13, Bill is survived by ûve loving sisters and John attended Blessed Sacrament School mal Services and Adoption Center, (MCA-
2024 at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca, two loving brothers and several nieces and and Georgetown Preparatory High School SAC) 7315 Muncaster Mill Rd., Derwood, MD
NY with his family at his bedside. He passed nephews. His death was preceded by that in Washington, DC, where he was an excep- 20855.
from recent medical issues after living an of his parents, William and Shirley Troy. Bill tional student and very talented basketball
active and robust life. is also survived by his friend and partner
Bill was born April 15, 1955 in Elmira NY Kirk Palmatier of Newark, NY and a number
STUART to William and Shirley Troy. He attended
school in Ithaca and left to attend college
of DC area friends and business associates
from over the past years. Arrangements to JOHNSON
at the University of Rochester. He worked memorialize Bill will be with his family at a
Marine Corps Veteran, and accomplished at the university at various positions to help later date. In lieu of ûowers, the family asks
businessman (President/CEO of Global pay his way through, and he graduated in for donations to your favorite cancer or hos- State Police at the age of 63 and never one
Professional Solutions, Inc.) inspired and 1978 with a BA degree in History. He con- picare organization. Arrangements are en- to sit idle, he soon found a new sense of
touched many. Born on February 14, 1961, tinued working at the university and living trusted to Bangs Funeral Home, Ithaca, NY duty as a security ofûcer at Buckingham9s
to the late Frank Stuart Senior and Willie B. in Rochester until he accepted an internship online at www.bangsfuneralhome.com Choice Retirement Community in Frederick
Stuart, Frank shared a special bond with his where he served 18 years until his ûnal re-
siblings, the late Robert (Skip), the late Leroy, tirement in 2018.
Lillie, and Renee. Frank9s memory lives on Ed remained active in his community and
through his children, Cedric, Franklin-Dan- delighted in his friendships with other State
iel, Austin, and Harmony; his grandchildren, Trooper alum, his wonderful neighbors, and
Cedric Jr., and Corey; as well as family mem-
bers, countless friends, business colleagues, WILKINS their children who affectionately called him
<Mr Ed.= He loved his many dogs, being out-
and fellow Cleveland Brown and Washing- doors in nature to feed the birds and squir-
ton Commander fans who held a special ing career in Missouri before moving back rels, and looked forward to keeping up on
place in his heart. Funeral services will be to New Jersey to be near her family con- current events every day with The Washing-
held at Reality Church, 5937 Franconia Rd, tinuing to teach third grade, where she was ton Post. He will be remembered for always
Alexandria, VA 22310, on Thursday, January reacquainted with high school classmate generously being there for his family and
25, 2024, at 12:30 p.m. Interment to be held John Grant Wilkins. Ann and John married in friends, and serving his community.
privately at Quantico National Cemetery. 1963, and in 1968 moved to Lake Barcroft in Edward is survived by his beloved step-chil-
Please view and sign the family guestbook Falls Church, Virginia, to a home they stayed dren, Brenda Loe and J.R. (Carol) Cash;
at www.jeffersonfuneralchapel.com. in for over 50 years, cherishing 56 years of granddaughters Laura (Richard), Jody, and
FRANK J. STUART (Age 62) marriage until his death in 2020. Kathleen; brother Strephon and sister Lau-
Our hearts are heavy as we say goodbye to EDWARD SMITH JOHNSON ra Bennett; nieces Dana and Christina, and
a cherished soul, Frank J. Stuart AKA <Jack=. Ann was an accomplished tennis player, Edward Smith Johnson of Ijamsville, MD, nephew Marcus; and his many great-grand-
Frank departed from this life at his home playing well into her seventies. She and John passed away peacefully at home surround- children and cousins. He is preceded in
in Alexandria, Virginia on January 12, 2024. enjoyed traveling the world and especially ed in love in the late evening of January death by his parents, son-in-law Mike Loe,
Frank9s journey through life as a family man, FUNERAL CHAPEL
loved spending time each year in Palm Des- 11, 2024. He was born October 23, 1936 wife Mary Helen, and brother Bertram.
ert, California. Ann delighted in keeping up in Cumberland, MD to Francis and Kathryn The visitation will be held from 11 a.m. un-
with friends from all facets of her life and (Smith) Johnson. He was 87 years old. til 12 noon on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at
she was the center of several social circles Edward moved from his home in Cumber- Resthaven Funeral Home, 9501 Catoctin
including potluck, bridge, tennis, Bible study land shortly after graduation from LeSalle Mountain Highway, Frederick, Maryland
and Lake Barcroft women9s and newcomers High School to ûnd work at the Baltimore 21701, with the funeral service at 12 noon.
clubs. Harbor Tunnel. He was activated to the US A celebration of life will be held at Dutch9s
Army for a short time during the Cuban Mis- Daughter, 581 Himes Ave., Frederick, MD
from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. following services at
When the need arises, ANN WILKINS
5/27/1939 - 1/1/2024
Ann was a loyal friend, wonderful big sister,
loving mother, fun grandmother (affection-
ately known as GG), and devoted wife to
sile Crisis, then returned home and joined
the Maryland State Police. While with the
State Police he met his beloved wife, Mary
The family wishes to extend their deepest

let families ond you in the Ann Starr Basinger was born on May 27,
1939 in Kansas City, Missouri, the daugh-
ter of Mildred Mills Basinger and Colonel
John. Ann was predeceased by her parents
and husband. She is survived by her daugh-
ter Amy (Adam) Kress of Arlington, Virginia;
Helen, during a trafûc stop. They were soon
married and enjoyed 43 years together until
Helen9s passing in 2008. Retiring from the
gratitude to his friends, neighbors, and care-
givers, Maria and Keri Ann, for their phe-
nomenal support during his lengthy illness.

Funeral Services Directory. Charles Spurgeon Basinger. Her early years

were spent with her mother, while her fa-
ther was deployed during WWII. She grew
son James (Kim) of Falls Church, Virginia;
ûve grandsons, Matthew, Peter, and John
Kress, Berkeley and Quincy Wilkins; and one
up in St. Louis, MO, then moved during her granddaughter, Paisley Wilkins; her brothers,
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, junior year of high school to Short Hills, New
Jersey. Ann maintained her midwestern val-
James (Donna) Basinger and John Basinger
and several nieces and nephews.
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. ues of strong community, friendliness, and
concern for others. After graduating from The family will hold a celebration of Ann9s Now death notices on washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow
Millburn High School, she attended the Uni- life on January 28 at 2:30 p.m. at the Chapel you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
versity of Missouri where she studied ele- at Goodwin House Bailey9s Crossroads. In
mentary education and was a proud sister
of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She began her teach-
lieu of ûowers, please consider a donation
to the Alzheimer9s Association: www.alz.org GHI
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C9

ENOCH J. WILLIAMS (Age 87) joyed playing bid whist, go-go and funk mu-
Entered into eternal rest on Thursday, De- sic, dressing up, dancing and solving large,
cember 22, 2023. Beloved by many, he is complex crossword puzzles.
survived by a host of other relatives and Pam was a connoisseur of seafood, espe-
friends. He worked at and retired from the cially shrimp and crabs. When they were in
Walter E. Washington Convention Center season, Pam sought the very biggest and
(D.C. Convention Center). Visitation at 1 best quality Blue Crabs to steam and pick
p.m., until time of memorial service, 2 p.m., apart for every tender morsel. When no Blue
on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at Stewart Crabs meeting her high standards could be
Funeral Home, Inc., 4001 Benning Road NE, found in (or near) DC, she would insist her
Washington, DC 20019. Interment private. signiûcant other, Nick drive her to Southern
Online condolences may be offered at: Maryland to pick them out -- several dozen
www.StewartFuneralHome.com at a time! She also enjoyed travel with Nick
to the Appalachian Mountains, New York
City and, most of all, Atlantic City where
she loved the beach and the ûne seafood
restaurants. Pam and Nick would often cel-
ebrate various holidays together; dressing
up in red and white to go to their favorite
restaurants on Valentines Day, wearing lots
MARY CONN FISHER LEWIS C. LIPSON M.D. MARY KELLY TOOMEY of green and eating Irish foods on St. Pat-
Mary C Fisher passed away on December Dr. Lewis C. Lipson, 75, passed away on On January 2, 2024, Mary Kelly Toomey PAMELA DENISE HUDGENS rick9s Day, and on Halloween they would
13, 2023 at Brightview Living in Great Falls. December 26, 2023, in Charlottesville, passed away peacefully in her home at the Pamela Hudgens was called to the Lord and join thousands of other revelers on M Street
She was born November 18,1942 in Louis- Virginia, where he was an Associate Pro- age of 96. She shared 68 years of happy passed away peacefully on December 18, in the Georgetown neighborhood of Wash-
burg, NC, the daughter of E. Perry Conn fessor of Medicine at the University of Vir- marriage with her husband, John, who 2023 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, ington, DC in creative costumes (such as
and Ruby Mae Smith Conn. ginia Health System. Born in New York and passed in 2015. VA. Pam was born to the late Freddie L. Hud- Queen Cleopatra and Marc Anthony).
Mary graduated from Gold Sand High a graduate of Harvard Medical School, he gens and his late wife, Ethel M. Hudgens on Pam9s strong work ethic as well as her
School and received a B.S. in Education at practiced cardiology at the National Insti- Mary, a devout Catholic, enjoyed playing July 16, 1964 in Laurens County, South Car- bright and joyous spirit and zest for life was
East Carolina University. She soon moved tutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and tennis, bridge, golf and was a great needle olina. She was the seventh of eight children. recognized by all who knew her and she is
to Virginia and began teaching early ele- in private practice in Chevy Chase, Mary- pointer. Golden Retrievers were her favor- Pam moved to Washington, DC in 1971 terribly missed.
mentary education in the Fairfax County land, before joining the medical faculty and ite but loved all dogs. where she attended Naval Thomas Elemen- Pamela was preceded in death by her par-
School system, ûnishing her career at staff at the University of Virginia in 2003. tary School and then other public schools ents (as mentioned above) two sisters,
SpringHill Elementary in Mclean, VA. She A talented and compassionate clinician, Mary is survived by her three children, and ûnally Strayer College. Pam would JoAnn Hudgens and Kathyleen Hudgens and
was predeceased by her parents and her he was also a steadfast brother to Diane Kathy T. Squadra, Patricia T. Barnwell and spend the rest of her life in the DC region, her son Mark A. Hudgens. Pam leaves to
spouse Lou Fisher. She leaves behind her L. Stone, who preceded him in death; the James P Toomey; and her seven grandchil- ûnally settling in Alexandria, VA. During her mourn: her sisters, Sarah H. Fuller and Kath-
many friends and former students who dear husband of Marcia Lipson, his wife of dren, Brittany, Brian, Matthew, Emily, John, long and successful career, Pam held a va- erine Hudgens: her brothers, Remus L. Hud-
remember her vivacious energy, southern ûfty years; a devoted father to his daughter Madeleine and William. riety of clerical and administrative positions, gens-Bey, Fred A. Hudgens, and Michael E.
spunky charm, love of the arts, teaching Joanne Freed and her husband James, and such as ofûce manager, security manager Hudgens; her grandsons, Mark A. Hudgens,
the next generation, beach time and Bas- to his son David Lipson and his wife Kirs- A funeral mass will take place at the Basil- and executive assistant. She was a civil ser- Jr., and Mason W. Hudgens; as well as six
sett hounds. She was active in the Mclean tyn; and an adoring grandfather of three. ica of St. Mary, in Alexandria, Virginia, on vant (and then later) a contractor employee aunts, one uncle, one niece, two great-niec-
Project for the Arts and Susan G Koman for A memorial gathering will follow at a lat- February 1 at 10:30 a.m. Reception to fol- in various US government agencies. These es, two nephews, two great nephews and
the Cure. er date. Expressions of sympathy may be low the ceremony at the Lyceum. She will included Housing and Urban Development many, many cousins and friends. She also
A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m., made as gifts in his memory to Doctors be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, (HUD), Department of Transportation (DOT), leaves to mourn her signiûcant other of
January 23, 2024 at Immanuel Presbyterian Without Borders. next to her husband, at a later date. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), many years, Nick Demidovich.
Church, 1125 Savile Lane, Mclean, VA. and Air Staff at the Pentagon, among others. Please join Pam9s family and friends to re-
w w w. e v e r l y w h e a t l e y. c o m / t r i b u t e s / Aside from attention to detail and a com- member her at her memorial service. It will
Mary-Toomey mitment to executing her job responsibil- occur at Murphy Funeral Home located at
DEATH NOTICE ities with pride and professionalism, Pam
had several other passions in life. Although
4510 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA on Sunday,
January 28. Visitation will take place from 9
she always lived in or near Washington DC, to 11 a.m. and 12 to 2 p.m. followed by a
ALLISON she absolutely loved the Dallas Cowboys;
one could say she was their Number 1 fan!
service beginning at 2 p.m. In lieu of ûow-
ers, donations may be sent to the American

during her travels that she met her future

BRANT She had Cowboys jerseys, pillows, footballs,
ûags, pictures, posters and even a helmet
Cancer Society in Pam9s name.
To leave condolences for Pam9s family,
husband, William F. Allison, Jr., in Vicenza, It- signed by various team members. She had please visit:
aly. Their love story began on a blind double went overseas to Korea as a Captain in the several sets of the fuzziest, ugliest bedroom www.murphyfuneralhomes.com
date and blossomed into a beautiful part- US Army of Occupation where he ran a ûeld slippers that could be imagined. Pam en-
nership that lasted 56 years. hospital, while Catherine returned to Boston
Sharon embraced every role with unwav- and resumed her previous job. After service
ering dedication and commitment: devoted Catherine and her husband lived in Ohio and
Army wife, loving mother, 20-year career New York and had two daughters, one born
with the CIA, member of Army Arlington in each state.
Ladies at Arlington National Cemetery, Alex-
andria Kiwanis Club, and Altar Guild, Alexan-
After settling in Larchmont, New York,
Catherine became interested in teaching PARVIS
dria Emmanuel Episcopal Church. She was high schoolers who had reading problems
a woman of strength and class and, having and after study, and hands-on experience, reimagined, no project was too big or too
overcome breast cancer, taught us all to she worked at Mamaroneck High School in small. He enjoyed spending time hunting
ûght for what we want in life without fear or New York as a reading specialist. She found and ûshing, and all the tales in between;
insecurity. And her resilience shone through it rewarding helping teenagers ûnally learn cruising on his motorcycle; traveling and
her recent battle with Myelodysplasia syn- to read. making memories with those he loved; lis-
drome. She9d want everyone to try and seize In 1992, Catherine and her husband made tening to music, singing and dancing around
life with elegance and smart determination. their last move to Washington, DC as their the room; and just living life to the fullest. As
She leaves behind her husband, William daughter Donna was well settled there and he would reûect on his life, he would often
F. Allison, Jr.; their children, William III and it seemed a fun move. She became a vol- say <Pretty Lucky=.
SHARON NEAL ALLISON Ann-Marie; son-in-law Michael Renk; and unteer at the Heurich House library learn- Bobby is survived by his best friend and
Sharon Neal Allison, a woman of remark- ûve grandchildren, Isabelle and Lila Allison, ing about her new city and re-discovering loving wife of 40 years, Cathy Parvis (Bry-
able determination and grace, embarked on and Damien, Nina, and Maria Renk. Her leg- CATHERINE M. BRANT historical moments in time. She was also ant); his children Robert Parvis and Tracy
her ûnal journey on June 12, 2022. Born to acy of fearless grace will continue to inspire Catherine M. Brant, aged 104, passed away involved with the library committee of the (Kyle) Woodburn; his grandchildren Devon,
Sammie Lee Neal and Margaret Ann Sisk, all who knew her. in her sleep surrounded by family on January National Presbyterian Church, where she Cameron, Alyvia and Aubree; his siblings
Sharon was the eldest daughter among ûve A graveside service to honor Sharon9s life 7, 2024, in Washington, DC. She was born in was a member. She was honored four times Michael Parvis, Lawrence (Ronda) Parvis,
siblings. Her life was a testament to resil- will be held on Monday, January 22, 2024, Boston, Massachusetts in October 1919. by Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Depart- Linda (Larry) Krespan, Jane Goshen, Joseph
ience, inspiring all who knew her with her at 2 p.m. at Arlington National Cemetery, Catherine was a 1936 graduate of the Girls ment of Aging and Community Living for her Parvis, Raymond (Carrie) Parvis, Gail Kerns,
infectious spirit. followed by a reception at 3 p.m. at the Mil- Latin School in Boston. She earned a BA in longevity. Gary Parvis and Karen Jennings; his moth-
Raised in Apison, TN, Sharon9s journey took itary Women9s Memorial. In lieu of ûowers, Psychology at Brown University in 1940. Catherine was preceded in death by her er-in-law, Kathleen Bryant; and aunts, nieces
her across the globe. After attending Univer- contributions may be made to Alexandria At Brown, she met a promising medical parents Anton and Frieda Schatz, her hus- and nephews.
sity of Tennessee- Chattanooga, she joined Kiwanis Foundation student, Earl E. Brant of Youngstown, Ohio. band Earl E. Brant, and daughter Elaine He is preceded in death by his parents,
Eastern Airlines as a ûight attendant. It was https://k00490.site.kiwanis.org What started out as lab partners turned into Brant Tower. She is survived by her daughter ROBERT GELTO PARVIS <Bobby= Manuel Parvis Jr and Jane Parvis; his brother
a marriage that lasted 60 years. After col- Donna Brant of Washington, DC. Robert <Bobby= Gelto Parvis passed away on Manuel Parvis III; his father-in-law, Charlie
lege, Catherine worked as an order clerk at Services will be held on Wednesday, January December 20, 2023, with his wife and chil- Bryant Jr; brother-in-law Charles Bryant; and
a machinery company in Boston supplying 24, 2024, at 11 a.m., at the National Presby- dren by his side. sister-in-law, Billie Ohman.
COSTELLO pumps and motors to Oak Ridge, Tennessee
for the Manhattan Project.
terian Church, Columbarium, 4101 Nebras-
ka Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Bobby was born on April 15, 1962, in Wash-
ington, DC to Manuel Abel Parvis Jr. and Jane
A Celebration of Life will be held on Satur-
day, January 27, 2024, from 12 to 4 p.m. at
In 1943, Catherine married Earl Brant and In lieu of ûowers please consider a donation Marie Parvis (Klimkiewicz). He was raised in the Loyal Order of Moose, 4780 James Mon-
1968, she attended college at William and moved to Philadelphia, where her husband to: The John Carter Brown Library, 94 George Temple Hills, MD where he met several life- roe Highway, Colonial Beach, VA 22443. In
Mary before transferring to the University attended medical school. In 1947, Dr. Brant Street, Providence, Rhode Island, 02906. long friends and the love of his life. Bobby Lieu of ûowers, please donate to the Ameri-
of Virginia in 1970 to study education. Af- was a hard worker, who often worked mul- can Cancer Society or Leukemia & Lympho-
ter graduating from UVA with a Bachelor of tiple jobs to provide for his family. He truly ma Society in Bobby9s name.
Science degree in Education, she taught ele- loved to build - both new construction and
mentary school until her retirement in 1978
to raise their three children, James, Rebec-
ca, and Kathleen. Her greatest pride was
being a mother. Peggy was an active and
devoted member of Kirkwood Presbyterian
Church throughout her life, serving on vari-
ous committees. She volunteered for every
school and church activity and chaperoned
nuclear powered attack submarine of the
U.S Navy. When Dave9s tour of Duty was
many scouting trips. In 1997, Peggy returned over, Dave enlisted the United States Na-
val reserves where he received his rank of November 30, 1939, in Chicago, IL, to Hen-
to work for The Parent Institute, in Fairfax, ry and Bernice Gleixner, Jane attended St.
Virginia, retiring in 2019. She is survived by captain.
During his almost twenty-eight years of ser- Scholastica Academy and earned her Bach-
her two sisters, Nancy Shaw (Michael) and elor of Arts in Education from Saint Mary9s
Kathryn Borghesani (Dean); her husband, vice to the Applied Physics laboratory. Don-
ald Ellis has distinguished himself through College in Notre Dame, IN, in 1961. There
Brian Costello; her son, James Costello (Bet- she met her future husband, Tom, when her
ty); and her daughters Rebecca Costello Viv- many outstanding contributions to the lab-
oratory9s programs. brother, Barrett, set them up on a blind date.
erette (Jason) and Kathleen Perry (Wes); as Upon marrying Tom, she assumed the chal-
MARGARET DOW COSTELLO well as her two grandchildren, Noah Costel- Dave excelled as a specialist in navigation
systems during his ûrst four years at the lenging role of Navy Wife as they responded
Margaret <Peggy= Dow Costello, 73, of lo and Shepherd Perry. to the call of service to the nation. She sup-
Springûeld, Virginia, passed away on the A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. laboratory.He developed methodology that
led to improvements in the efûciency of the ported the Navy for 34 years as she raised
evening of January 3, 2024, after a brief bat- on Friday, January 26, 2024, at Kirkwood her own family and helped the families of
tle with lung cancer. Presbyterian Church, 8336 Carrleigh Park- analysis of positioning systems installed on
SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile) those who served with her husband. Her fa-
Peggy was born on March 11, 1950, to way, Springûeld, Virginia 22152. She will be vorite duty station was Naples, Italy. In sup-
Shirley and James Dow, in Cincinnati, Ohio. laid to rest in a private burial ceremony at submarines. He created a test plan to eval-
uate automatic insertion of time-weighted port of her kids, she volunteered as a Cub
Peggy met her loving husband of 53 years, Fairfax Memorial Park. Donations in her hon- Scout Den Leader and Girl Scout Leader, and
D. Brian Costello, at Fairfax High School, or may be made to Kirkwood Presbyterian heading corrections into internal navigation
systems; the test results led to operational as a religious education teacher at church.
where they were both graduating seniors. Church. She loved playing snow bird at their condo
After Peggy graduated from High School in www.moneyandking.com changes that signiûcantly improved heading
DONALD DAVID ELLIS stability of the SLBM weapons system. in Jensen Beach, FL.
9/15/1934 - 11/2/2023 Dave served as a laboratory representative A Funeral Mass will be held at Saint John the
Donald David Ellis, was a loving husband to on the staff of COMSUBLANT from 1970 to Beloved Catholic Church in Summerville, SC,
JANE ANN RYAN on January 29, 2024, at 11:30 a.m., recep-
GORETSKY Mary Ellis and devoted father to Lisa Brown
and Grandfather to Autumn Hopkins. Born
1980, acting as a liaison between various
departments within the laboratory and the November 30, 1939 - January 7, 2024 tion to follow. Donations in Jane9s honor
may be made to the Basilica of the Nation-
on September 15, 1934 in Logan, West Vir- submarine operating force.
ginia. Donald was 89 when he passed on Dave9s outstanding performance in these Jane Ann Ryan, nee Gleixner, died peacefully al Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in
Her hugs were memorable and she shared at her cottage in Summerville, SC, on Janu- Washington, DC, or ûowers sent to Jennifer
them often. She used to say that she loved November 2, 2023 surrounded by family in assignments led, upon his return to the
Frederick, MD. laboratory, to his appointment as Program ary 7, 2024, at the age of 84. She is survived Long, 306 Shaftesbury Lane in Summerville,
being the center of attention, but she didn9t by her ûve children, 16 grandchildren, great SC, 29485. Her tribute page may be found on
want to be conspicuous. She collected dolls, He is joined in heaven with son David Ellis; Manager for the Ocean Engineering Pro-
sister Kellan Ellis; and parents Hazel and gram in 1983. In this capacity Dave has dis- granddaughter, and was preceded in death the Charleston Cremation Center web site:
was a voracious reader, made clothes, tried by her husband of 54 years, Thomas Ryan, https://www.charlestoncremationcenter.
every craft, taught all of her children to Douglas Ellis. He Went to Milton High School tinguished himself as an able mentor, excel-
then West Virginia University where he was lent communicator, and effective manager Sr., and brother Barrett Gleixner. Born on com/obituary/8814101
play Scrabble and never once let them win.
There was always a book, crossword puz- Mountaineer Mascot. Then he went on to for broad specialized technical support for
zle (which she9d complete using a pen) or serve 27 years in the Navy. He worshipped the Navy sponsor.
knitting nearby, and she inspired each of her with his wife at Northwood Presbyterian Dave Ellis9 career has had an immense im-
children to be creative in their own way. Her Church. pact on several Strategic Systems Depart-
kind and gentle nature was appreciated by Dave worked on the DEW line in Aleutian ment programs.
everyone she came in contact with. Islands of Alaska for 2 years between his
sophomore and junior college years. During
Donald9s hobbies included Bike riding, dog
sledding, reading, journaling, spending time
She is survived by four of her ûve children his 27 year Naval career he assigned a with family/friends, boating skuduo puzzles,
and their families. Her daughter Sharon board the The Shelton (USS DD 790) Which time at his cabin, and telling stories. a builder and land developer. Over ûve de-
Goretsky Elstein and son-in-law Mark, and received 8 battle stars for service in the Memoria Mass on January 27, 2024 at North- cades, he built numerous residential prop-
their two sons, Sam and Eli; her son Charles Korean war and 8 for service in Vietnam. wood Presbyterian Church, 1200 University erties, from single family homes to large
Goretsky and daughter-in -law Barbara; their He also served a board the USS Glenard P. Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20902, at 1 p.m. apartment blocks, as well as hotels, ofûces
daughter Elise Engen and husband Nick, and Lipscomb ( SSN-685) which was a unique and shopping centers, in Virginia and Hilton
Betty9s ûrst great-grandson, Clayton; Her Head. He and his associates built much of
ELIZABETH FRIEDMAN GORETSKY daughter Nancy Goretsky Lenore and son- McLean, where he lived.
in-law Edward, and their daughter Megan A sparkling conversationalist and raconteur,
<Betty= with a mischievous streak, W.B. loved peo-
8/13/31 - 1/10/24 and her ûance9, Ryan Chan, and their son
William; and Betty9s youngest son, David ple. He cherished old friends and made new
It is with great sadness that we share that
Elizabeth Friedman Goretsky, known as Bet-
Goretsky, his partner Christine Allen; his
daughter Xochil Ortega, her husband Ste-
GOFF ones easily. He struck up conversations with
everyone he ran into. He gave generously to
ven, and Betty9s second great-grandson, his church and charities such as Youth For
ty to one and all, passed away on January Washington DC, Barbara often worked un- Tomorrow. He embraced life to the full. Ever
10, 2024 at the age of 92. Isaac, and David9s son Zev. She was pre-de-
ceased by her son William Goretsky. der contract to permit her ûexibility for curious and adventurous, he traveled exten-
summer recreation. Her employers included sively and was active until his later years,
Betty was born in Chicago, IL and raised in McGraw Hill, the Cast Metal Federation, the playing a strong game of golf, and enjoying
Bayonne, NJ. She was the daughter of Leona Betty9s wishes were to donate her body to
further medical research at the University of National Archives, and a French ûrm, CEERIS. ûshing, boating, and riding.
Rapport and Nathan Friedman. She met the She ended her career with the Washington Above all, W.B. was a man of deep faith and
love of her life, her husband Edward, at the Maryland School of Medicine. A small com-
memorative service will be held at some Times where she was a copy editor and ed- love of God, devoted to his family. He was
JCC in Bayonne, and they were happily mar- itor of Readers9 Forum. In the summer, She married for over 70 years to the love of his
ried for 42 years until his passing in 1995. point in the future.
After the birth of their two oldest children,
and Jim enjoyed canoeing in the Boundary WHEELER B. SANTMYER life, Evelyn, who predeceased him in 2020.
The family is grateful to the caring staff at Waters, the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers Wheeler Bell Santmyer, known as <W.B.=, He is survived by his four children, Sharon
they moved to Virginia where their three and hiking the Appalachian Trail. Harroun Peirce (Bob), Kathy Day (David),
younger children were born. Betty was a the Ring House and the Hebrew Home of beloved father, grandfather, great grandfa-
Greater Washington in Rockville, Maryland Her favorite music time was with MacTal- ther, and friend, passed away on January 11, Tina Santmyer and David Santmyer; ûve
homemaker until returning to the work la, a Scots Celtic band, playing the record- grandchildren, Jocelyn, Trey, Erin, Justice
force, eventually working as administrative for their support and genuine kindness. In 2024, just short of his 96th birthday.
lieu of ûowers, please feel free to make a er and cello. She loved traveling with the W.B was born on February 19th, 1928, to Leo and Tim; and six great grandchildren. He will
support at the Pentagon. Her family affec- group. She wrote program notes for the be greatly missed by all.
tionately called her <the Secretary of De- donation in her honor to the charity of your and Della (Bell) Santmyer, and grew up in Ar-
choice. Evening Music Concerts (chamber music) lington, Virginia. Joining the Marine Corps The funeral will be held at the National Fu-
fense= from that point on. at the Corcoran Gallery. Also, she accompa- neral Home, 7482 Lee Hwy, Falls Church, VA
in 1945 at the age of 17, he served in the
Rest in peace, Mom. May your name be a nied her husband who played oboe. Far East in the ûnal stages and aftermath of 22042, Saturday, January 27, 12 noon visita-
Betty loved her family and loved meeting tion, 1 p.m. service, 2 p.m. interment with
new people to share stories with. She had blessing. World War Two. He spoke little about this,
Barbara was both a lifelong learner and an and the loss of comrades-in-arms, until late military honors, and reception to follow. The
an infectious giggle and a beautiful smile. engaged community member. She enrolled service will also memorialize Evelyn Sant-
in life. He was thanked in person for his ser-
BARBARA GOFF in the Peabody Conservatory program of vice by President Truman. myer, who died during Covid-19, and may be
Barbara passed on June 13, 2023 of arrhyth- John Hopkins to study aesthetics and the- Returning to his native Virginia, he went into viewed virtually via livestream through the
HERSHEY mia at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda MD.
She was an avid reader, bridge player, paint-
ory, was Recording Secretary of the FMMC
Board of Governors from 1993 3 1997,
the construction industry. From modest be-
ginnings, he built a substantial business as
funeral home website: www.nationalfh-mp.
er and a passionate musician, playing the and FMMC President from 1997-2001. Her
collecting currencies and baseball cards. In recorder, piano and cello (which she learned neighborhood activity included teaching art
his later years he especially enjoyed travel- at the age of 60!). Barbara was born in Min- and recorder at John Eaton School, arrang-
ling and spending time with his dear com- nesota and settled in Indiana. She graduated ing several Cleveland Park Garden Tours,
panion, Anne Fretz of Chevy Chase, MD. from Hanover College in 1956 with a BA in and Social Chairman and treasurer of the
For business or pleasure, he visited every
state as well as six continents. He was more
English. While there she edited the school
newspaper. After graduating, she moved to
Cleveland Park Club. She wrote and pub-
lished a 150-page book on her husband9s SWIFT
than halfway toward a goal of visiting every New York City with three sorority sisters. family titled <Louisville Letters 1895-1901=.
county in the United States. Mr. Hershey Here, she conducted research for Fortune lines along Amtrak rights of way.
was a long-time member of St. Paul9s Lu- Magazine. Barbara is survived by her sister Marge
theran Church, where he often volunteered Humphreys of Novato, CA and her daugh- Bill loved classic rock, especially The Beat-
his time by ushering, tellering, cutting the Barbara returned to Indiana in 1959 to work ter, Sidra Michon (husband Brian Michon) les. He enjoyed word games, board games,
church lawn and assisting with the food as the night editor for the Journal and Couri- of Littleton, MA. She has two granddaugh- reading, streaming, collecting coins, and
pantry. er in West Lafayette. It was here where she ters, Corey Michon of Seattle, WA and Casey watching almost all sports. He was an avid
In semi-retirement, he contributed to The met her husband, Jim, who was pursuing Michon O9Keefe (husband Christopher) and fan of the hometown DC football team, as
Times as a freelancer writing advance obitu- his Ph.D in Physics at Purdue University. great grandson Christopher O9Keefe Jr of well as the Boston Red Sox and New En-
aries and articles on travel and on personal They married June 20, 1959 and relocated Scottsdale, AZ. gland Patriots.
ûnance and investments. Mr. Hershey9s long to Washington DC, raising their family (Sidra
Times connection resulted in his byline ap- and Alex - deceased) in Cleveland Park. In No service has been planned at this time. Bill loved life, and you knew it within a few
pearing in the paper during seven decades, moments of meeting him. He was a gregar-
the 1960s into the 2020s. ious, kind, and grateful person of AA fellow-
He and his late wife of 34 years, the former ship who loved his family, friends, and fel-
Joyce Nelson, are survived by four grown low seekers, beyond measure. The world is
ROBERT D. HERSHEY JR. children: Kendra Hershey of Los Gatos, CA, dimmer for those of us without our bright
6/03/1939 - 1/15/2024
Robert D. Hershey, Jr. died of complications
related to myelodysplasia at his home in
Robert N. Hershey (m. Donna Pedersen) of
Washington, DC, Alex Meyers (m. Jeremy
Meyers) of Austin, TX and Jane Hershey (m.
POST YOUR star, Billy.
Bill was the son of William and Virginia Swift.
Chevy Chase, MD on January 15, 2024. He
was 84.
Mr. Hershey retired in mid-2001 from The
Adi Amrany) of Arlington, VA; and ûve grand-
children: Sagan Meyers, Ethan and Owen
Hershey, and Benjamin and Naomi Amrany.
His sister Sheila Swift Patrick preceded him
in death, as did his son-in-law, Christopher
New York Times, where he worked for near- He is also survived by his sister, Gina León William Wilson Swift III, 73, died peacefully
ly 39 years, mainly reporting and editing ar-
ticles involving the economy, business and
of State College, PA. He encouraged his chil- Now death notices on on January 5, 2024. Closest family members are daughter, Ange-
dren to be life-long learners and to seek out la Rose Grindle; grandchildren, Amelia Grin-
investments. adventure and opportunity while also advis- washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow you Born in The George Washington University dle, Miah Grindle, and Shea Grindle; sister,
A minister9s son, he spent his early years in
Philadelphia, PA and New Jersey and grad-
ing <keep your wits about you.=
A private burial service took place in New
to express your sympathy with greater ease. Hospital in Washington, DC, Bill graduated
from Bishop Ireton High School in the char-
Nancy; her husband, Frank; and brother-in-
law, Bob Patrick.
uated from Teaneck High School in 1957.
He earned a bachelor of arts degree in phi-
Oxford Cemetery in Pennsylvania. A memo-
rial service will be held at St. Paul9s Lutheran
Visit today. ter class of 1968. He served proudly in the
US Coast Guard during the Vietnam War and Celebration of Life will be held via Zoom for
losophy from Gettysburg College in 1961 Church in NW Washington, DC on March 16, earned the National Defense Service Medal. details plese visit:
and later received a distinguished alumnus
His avocations included tennis, reading and
2024 at 2 p.m. In lieu of ûowers, those who
wish may donate in his honor to St. Paul9s or
Doctors Without Borders.
GHI He continued to serve in the USCG Reserves.
Bill enjoyed his career as a surveyor and
network engineer working the ûber optic

The Weather

Clear skies and cold temps Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Sunny Not as cold Cloudy Cloudy, a little Milder with Mild with rain
Partly to mostly sunny skies finish rain rain Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

off the weekend. It’s still the kind of

day that looks nicer than it feels, but
it feels a bit better than Saturday.
Highs end up in the upper 20s to
around freezing. Winds gust up to 25 or 30 mph.
As night falls, snowpack and clear skies do their
thing again. With winds going light we should see
temperatures ranging across the teens. It may be
34° 16 ° 40° 26 ° 45° 36 ° 46° 43 ° 58° 51 ° 60° 45 °

FEELS*: 23° FEELS: 37° FEELS: 41° FEELS: 41° FEELS: 55° FEELS: 55°
a touch colder in some spots than Saturday night, CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 0% P: 10% P: 70% P: 90% P: 60%
as lows settle to about 10 to 19. WIND: NW 10–20 mph W: S 6–12 mph W: SSE 6–12 mph W: SSW 4–8 mph W: SSW 4–8 mph W: SSW 8–16 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: High H: High H: High
Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 29° 12:21 a.m. 26° 2:21 a.m. 27° 12:32 a.m.
Low 22° 7:44 a.m. 12° 6:36 a.m. 17° 7:47 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
32/18 Normal 45°/30° 42°/25° 43°/25°
36/12 Record high 70° 1951 63° 2006 71° 1951
Hagerstown Record low –2° 1985 –7° 1985 –3° 1985
34/10 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +0.1° yr. to date: +0.1°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
17/2 34/16 31/23
34/15 OCEAN: 39°

Charlottesville Ocean City

38/18 33/21
OCEAN: 43°
38/19 Virginia Beach
36/27 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 43°
35/24 Past 24 hours Trace 0.05" 0.03"
Total this month 4.26" 4.31" 5.19"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.86" 1.89" 1.99"
OCEAN: 48° Total this year 4.26" 4.31" 5.19"
Normal 1.86" 1.89" 1.99"
Pollen: Low Air Quality: Moderate Snow, past 24 hours 0.4" 0.6" 0.1"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone Snow, season total 7.9" 10.0" 9.1"
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Moderate Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 3 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 7:23 a.m. 5:16 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, sunny; cold in central parts. High 23 Moon 1:25 p.m. 4:11 a.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Jan 25 Feb 2 Feb 9 Feb 16
to 27. Winds northwest 7–14 mph. Tonight, mainly clear. Yesterday's National World
Full Last New First
Venus 5:11 a.m. 2:43 p.m.
Low 19 to 23. Winds west–southwest 6–12 mph. Monday, High: Pompano Beach, FL 75° High: Paraburdoo, Australia 118° Mars 6:21 a.m. 3:43 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Celina, MN –27° Low: Ikki–Ambar, Russia –66° Jupiter 11:38 a.m. 1:07 a.m.
mostly sunny. High 36 to 42. Winds southwest 8–16 mph. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 9:09 a.m. 8:03 p.m.
Tuesday, cloudy.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 26/23/pc 37/30/c Oklahoma City 32/26/c 36/34/i WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 66/39/pc 66/41/c Rio de Janeiro 84/75/c 84/74/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, plenty of sun. Windy; cold. High Detroit 25/15/pc 32/30/c Omaha 28/25/c 37/31/c Addis Ababa 74/51/c 74/52/pc Istanbul 45/40/sn 45/37/c Riyadh 78/53/s 82/55/pc
31 to 35. Winds northwest 10–20 mph. Tonight, clear. Low Albany, NY 23/14/s 34/28/c El Paso 57/44/c 62/47/c Orlando 61/50/pc 72/61/pc Amsterdam 47/45/sh 53/43/r Jerusalem 68/50/pc 66/48/s Rome 55/32/s 55/42/s
20 to 25. Winds west–northwest 7–14 mph. Monday, mostly Albuquerque 48/36/r 49/32/sh Fairbanks, AK –22/–42/s –29/–37/s Philadelphia 32/18/s 38/28/pc Athens 52/46/c 52/38/pc Johannesburg 81/58/s 83/58/s San Salvador 90/66/pc 90/66/s
sunny. High 40 to 47. Winds west–southwest 6–12 mph. Anchorage 9/–3/s 10/–3/s Fargo, ND 21/16/pc 22/10/c Phoenix 60/51/c 63/53/sh Auckland 83/70/sh 82/68/s Kabul 54/32/s 53/29/pc Santiago 95/56/s 94/58/s
Tuesday, partly sunny. Atlanta 41/27/s 51/40/s Hartford, CT 25/11/s 37/26/pc Pittsburgh 27/12/pc 37/30/pc Baghdad 72/53/s 75/60/pc Kingston, Jam. 86/76/s 86/76/r Sarajevo 29/10/s 42/22/s
Austin 42/38/c 59/54/r Honolulu 82/69/sh 82/68/pc Portland, ME 26/7/s 35/27/pc Bangkok 93/77/s 93/77/s Kolkata 70/53/c 72/51/pc Seoul 41/17/pc 22/5/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, sunny. Wind northwest Baltimore 34/10/s 41/23/pc Houston 43/40/c 63/58/r Portland, OR 47/42/r 51/43/r Beijing 26/10/s 28/10/s Kyiv 32/23/c 31/27/c Shanghai 44/29/c 33/20/c
8–16 knots. Waves 2–4 feet. Visibility generally unrestricted. • Lower Billings, MT 44/26/c 39/26/c Indianapolis 25/18/pc 35/30/c Providence, RI 28/14/s 38/29/pc Berlin 39/35/c 49/37/sh Lagos 92/77/s 92/79/s Singapore 86/76/sh 88/77/r
Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, mostly sunny. Wind northwest Birmingham 42/26/s 52/44/s Jackson, MS 45/30/pc 56/51/pc Raleigh, NC 42/21/s 50/32/s Bogota 70/46/pc 73/42/pc Lima 80/72/pc 81/72/c Stockholm 34/30/c 41/37/sn
10–20 knots. Waves 1–3 feet on the Lower Potomac; 3–6 feet on Bismarck, ND 22/12/c 23/17/c Jacksonville, FL 45/34/pc 65/52/c Reno, NV 51/38/c 49/32/r Brussels 44/41/c 51/40/r Lisbon 58/45/s 61/50/c Sydney 95/71/s 77/67/pc
Boise 43/35/r 42/34/r Kansas City, MO 32/30/pc 38/32/i Richmond 38/19/s 47/29/s Buenos Aires 79/69/s 82/68/s London 55/47/c 51/41/s Taipei City 60/52/c 55/42/r
the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls will be
Boston 27/18/s 38/32/pc Las Vegas 57/47/r 57/49/r Sacramento 61/55/r 60/51/r Cairo 80/57/pc 70/58/pc Madrid 54/36/pc 54/39/c Tehran 59/45/s 58/45/pc
around 4.30 feet today, rising to 4.40 Monday. Flood stage at Little Buffalo 26/18/c 33/32/c Little Rock 37/28/pc 37/36/i St. Louis 30/26/pc 34/33/i Manila 89/76/pc 90/76/r Tokyo 54/45/r 53/44/pc
Caracas 79/64/s 79/64/s
Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 17/11/pc 32/28/c Los Angeles 59/55/r 60/49/r St. Thomas, VI 86/75/s 85/75/s Copenhagen 39/36/c 47/38/pc Mexico City 70/47/c 73/46/pc Toronto 28/18/pc 32/29/sn
Charleston, SC 44/26/s 58/45/pc Louisville 29/21/pc 43/36/c Salt Lake City 44/36/r 47/35/pc Dakar 81/72/pc 86/73/pc Montreal 13/9/s 30/27/sf Vienna 37/20/s 36/33/c
Charleston, WV 25/5/s 46/25/s Memphis 35/30/pc 42/40/c San Diego 64/58/r 62/57/r Dublin 54/41/r 46/41/s Moscow 13/8/c 18/15/s Warsaw 34/29/c 40/37/r
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 40/20/s 49/34/s Miami 69/64/pc 73/68/c San Francisco 61/55/sh 60/51/r Edinburgh 52/41/r 46/39/pc Mumbai 88/70/pc 85/71/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 4:19 a.m. 10:57 a.m. 4:39 p.m. none Cheyenne, WY 49/28/c 43/22/s Milwaukee 22/19/pc 36/32/sn San Juan, PR 89/75/s 86/74/s Frankfurt 38/34/c 46/39/sh Nairobi 77/60/t 77/58/r sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 21/19/pc 34/30/sn Minneapolis 21/18/pc 31/24/c Seattle 48/43/r 48/44/r New Delhi 64/45/pc 65/46/c sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 12:55 a.m. 7:19 a.m. 2:35 p.m. 8:50 p.m. Geneva 41/29/pc 47/39/sh
Cincinnati 28/17/pc 39/33/c Nashville 33/21/pc 49/40/pc Spokane, WA 39/33/r 39/32/sh Oslo 37/35/sn 46/35/sh Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 3:58 a.m. 10:36 a.m. 4:10 p.m. 10:14 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 60/54/pc 62/57/c Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 24/16/pc 35/31/c New Orleans 47/45/pc 67/60/c Syracuse 22/14/sf 36/31/c Helsinki 32/30/sn 35/33/sn Ottawa 13/6/s 30/24/sn quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 6:10 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:21 p.m. none Dallas 34/30/i 47/45/r New York City 31/23/s 39/34/pc Tampa 60/48/pc 72/59/c Ho Chi Minh City 92/72/pc 93/73/s Paris 48/46/c 54/43/r * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 3:17 a.m. 10:18 a.m. 5:13 p.m. 9:55 p.m. Denver 52/30/c 49/26/pc Norfolk 35/24/s 47/31/s Wichita 35/28/pc 34/28/i Hong Kong 70/57/s 60/44/c Prague 31/26/c 43/37/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”




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SPORTS sunday, january 21 , 2024 M2 d

pro football hockey pro basketball
In a city troubled by divisions, fans find hope 4 for their The Capitals can9t take both games against the Blues; The opening of WNBA free agency leaves the Mystics
Detroit Lions, for their communities and well beyond. a1 their offense dries up during a 3-0 loss in St. Louis. d5 and Elena Delle Donne in a complicated position. d7

In the cold,
NFL players
turn to . . .
Creative strategies
for proper skin care
can fend off the elements


As an 11-year nFL veteran with

16 career postseason appearanc-
es, all but two of which took place
in outdoor stadiums, san Francis-
co 49ers safety Logan Ryan had
seen teammates try plenty of
inventive methods to stay warm
in wintertime games.
For instance, Ryan, who won
two super Bowl rings with the
new england Patriots, recalled
seeing Tom Brady don a <tight
surfer9s suit that was waterproof
and kept all the sweat in= under-
neath his no. 12 jersey. Ryan also
encountered numerous players
who swear by wearing latex
gloves under their football gloves
so their hands stay extra toasty.
<You9ve got to find ways to block
heat from coming out while also
staying lightweight,= Ryan added.
But even proper clothing alone
often fails to cut it under the
chilliest, most blustery elements NICk WASS/ASSoCIATED prESS
Mother nature can muster. RAVENS 34, TEXANS 10: Quarterback Lamar Jackson accounted for four touchdowns 4 two rushing, two passing 4 to help Baltimore pull away from Houston.
<That9s when the Vaseline comes
in,= Ryan noted. <It9s really big for
closing the pores and blocking

Surge to the verge

the wind from cutting through
It is a common, not to mention
comical, sight in locker rooms
around the league: dozens of
bear-armed 4 and often bare-
armed 4 players, lining up to
lube up every swath of exposed
skin before hitting a frigid field.
<[Team trainers] will have
regular-sized Vaselines, and
Jackson9s virtuoso performance Ravens dominate second half,
they9ll grab a big tongue depres-
sor stick or whatever, lather that
shows that this may be his time are one win from Super Bowl
on with latex gloves, take a group
of guys and rub their arms down,= BALTIMORE 4 It near midfield late in the third BY M ARK M ASKE a divisional-round game on a
Ryan said. <or guys will just do it was one play in a quarter. His top-seeded team was blustery saturday at M&T Bank
themselves.= Regardless, depend- game9s worth of teetering in this divisional-round BALTIMORE 4 Lamar Jackson stadium.
ing on the severity of the weather, them, and it matchup. Baltimore led by just and the Baltimore Ravens did not The top-seeded Ravens will
Ryan added, <You9ve definitely wasn9t the snap on seven points. exactly pick up right where they host the AFC title game Jan. 28;
got to reapply [at halftime].= Barry which the <He9s one of a kind, man,= said left off during the regular season. they9ll face the winner of sunday9s
Though virtually synonymous Baltimore Ravens Morgan Moses, the veteran not right away, at least. But their game in orchard Park, n.Y., be-
with petroleum jelly as a brand, svrluga built their 34-10 offensive lineman. <You don9t see uneven performance was more tween the second-seeded Buffalo
Vaseline doesn9t have a monopoly victory over the anybody like him in the nFL. than enough for them to avoid Bills and the third-seeded Kansas
see Cold on d4 Houston Texans on saturday at The opportunity he has with the another playoff disappointment City Chiefs. The Ravens9 victory
bone-chilling M&T Bank ball in his hand every play 4 you and secure a spot in the AFC means they will break the Chiefs9
Nfl playoffs: divisional round stadium. But here was Lamar just never know.= championship game. string of hosting five straight AFC
Jackson, the most dangerous and With that knowledge shared The Ravens got moving in the championship games at Arrow-
determined player in this game, not only by the Ravens and the second half and pulled away to head stadium.
ravens 34, Texans 10
taking a snap on fourth and one see SvRluga on d3 beat the Houston Texans, 34-10, in see RavenS on d3
49ers 24, packers 21
Buccaneers at Lions, 3 p.m., NBC
Chiefs at Bills, 6:30 p.m., CBS

Leaders pushed to ban tackle football. Californians pushed back. For Coulibaly,
State lawmakers9 attempt to put age restrictions on the sport led families to protest and the governor to promise a veto reunion with
BY A LBERT S AMAHA late tailpipe emissions 4 is a safe
enough bet. so the sport9s sup-
an old friend
SACRAMENTO 4 Heavy rain
drenched their paper signs. Cold
porters over the years have
evolved into a battle-hardened
ends in defeat
gusts billowed their hoodies. Pass- network of grass-roots advocates
ing cars splashed grimy puddles with political connections, lobby-
onto their sneakers. But the group ing experience and a track record spurs 131,
of protesters continued to grow of legislative victories in sacra- wizards 127
through the wet, gray morning mento. And this month brought
until nearly 100 of them stretched perhaps their biggest scare to
across the strip mall sidewalk, date. BY A VA W ALLACE
children standing beside parents on this blustery saturday
who had driven as long as an hour morning, they gathered outside There9s a chance Bilal Coulibaly
to voice their outrage. the campaign headquarters of the was a bit distracted when he had
<It9s football weather,= said Jay bill9s sponsor, Assembly member his picture taken with the French
earhart, the sacramento Youth Kevin McCarty, as he hosted an ambassador shortly before tip-off
Football league commissioner event to launch his campaign for saturday night at Capital one
who had organized this gathering. sacramento mayor. (Through a Arena. The thrill of the challenge
<It don9t bother football people.= spokesperson, McCarty declined ahead had been on his mind for
Two days earlier, a bill to ban to comment on the record for this days, if not weeks, so much so that
tackle football for kids under 12 story.) As his volunteers streamed the 19-year-old rookie broke into a
had passed out of the state legisla- through the parking lot and into grin when asked whether he was
ture9s Arts, entertainment, sports the barren office to pick up pam- able to shut out the thought of the
and Tourism Committee, bringing phlets and lawn signs, they passed impending matchup with his
California one step closer to be- the protesters waving American childhood buddy and focus on
coming the first state in the coun- flags and signs that read: anything remotely related to bas-
try to prohibit any form of Ameri- <I love to play, don9t take it ketball.
ca9s most popular sport. Assembly away.= <I can9t wait. Fifty minutes
Bill 7349s sudden momentum <I9m Pro Choice! no on 734.= now?= Coulibaly said while glanc-
sparked an urgent response from <Kevin Didn9t Get Play Time.= ing at a clock in the Washington
California9s youth football sup- Youth coach Jason Hartman and his 5-year-old son, Hudson, joined a rally for tackle football last week. <McCarty More Like McFarty.= Wizards9 locker room. <I9m excit-
porters. The kids on the sidewalk ed. I cannot not think about it.
<It strikes fear in our eyes,= said version of the sport is losing its The tackle football participation players and is home to some of the cheered each honk from cars ex- everyone9s been talking to me
Josh Bloat, whose 10-year-old grip. A host of factors 4 geogra- rate among high-schoolers best high school programs in the pressing solidarity as their par- about it. We9ve been talking about
daughter has played tackle foot- phy, politics and money among dropped by 13 percent from 2013 country. ents looked on, huddling beneath it like: 8That was our dream. now
ball for four years. them 4 affects where its existence to 2022, higher than the national still, if any state is going to be umbrellas. see WizaRdS on d7
no sport has a firmer grasp on is threatened most. And in a state average, according to a recent the first to ban tackle football, <Who can tell me if I can or can9t
American culture than football. as big and diverse as California, Washington Post analysis. But the California 4 the first state to ban let my kids do something?= said Nuggets at Wizards
But across the country, the youth the shift is playing out unevenly. state still pumps out top-flight smoking in restaurants and regu- see CalifoRnia on d8 6 p.m., Monumental
d2 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


hOCKEy people with direct knowledge of
the negotiations told the
Islanders fire Lambert, Associated Press. The people
make Roy their coach spoke on the condition of
anonymity because details were
Patrick Roy is the new coach still being worked out and
of the New York Islanders, hired university approval was needed.
Saturday in a stunning Niumatalolo is the winningest
midseason change behind the coach in Navy history, going
bench that came with the firing 109-83 in 15 seasons before being
of Lane Lambert. fired after the 2022 game against
President of hockey operations Army.
and general manager Lou
Lamoriello announced the move GOLf
to dismiss Lambert and bring in
Roy, who hasn9t coached in the Amateur is in position
NHL in nearly a decade. Roy has to win PGA Tour event
been mentioned in consideration
for several vacancies since and University of Alabama
now gets a second chance. sophomore Nick Dunlap fired a
<Watching our team play, I felt 12-under-par 60 to take a three-
that the inconsistency that has shot lead over Sam Burns at the
been going on for some period of American Express, matching the
time was not going to end,= lowest round by an amateur in
Lamoriello said on a video call PGA Tour history and surging
with reporters. into position for the first victory
The Islanders have lost four by a nonprofessional in 33 years.
games in a row and six of seven Justin Thomas shot a 61 and
to fall out of a playoff spot. was four shots back of the
Lamoriello, 81, said he made the 20-year-old Dunlap, who tore up
move because he still believes his La Quinta Country Club (Calif.)
team can contend. and moved to 27-under 189 on the
Lambert was midway through Coachella Valley tournament9s
his second season on the job. Roy three generous courses. . . .
coached the Colorado Avalanche Lydia Ko moved closer to her
for three seasons from 2013 to first victory in 14 months,
2016 before abruptly resigning a shooting a 4-under 68 in Orlando
month before training camp. to take a two-shot lead into the
Roy, 58, said that in his time final round of the LPGA Tour9s
away from the NHL he has season-opening Tournament of
learned a lot about the value of GReG FIUme/GeTTy ImAGeS Champions.
coaching staffs working to help The 26-year-old from New
players improve. Mosh in Morgantown Zealand is seeking her
The four-time Stanley Cup 20th career victory and first
Patrick Suemnick scored a career-high 20 points and then savored West Virginia9s 91-85 upset win over No. 3 Kansas.
champion is third on the career since 2022. A win would also
NHL wins list among goalies. leave Ko one short of the World
<His presence is extremely Golf Hall of Fame. . . .
aggressive,= Lamoriello said, Steven Alker won the season-
citing Roy9s success as a player opening Mitsubishi Electric
and a coach. Championship at Hualalai in
Lambert, former Islanders Ka9upulehu-Kona, Hawaii, for his
coach Barry Trotz9s longtime SpOTLIGhT: A U ST RAL I A N OpEN second straight PGA Tour
right-hand man, got his first Champions victory and eighth in
NHL head job when he was 54 career starts.
promoted from assistant in May
2022. He was on Trotz9s staff
when it won the Stanley Cup
Top-ranked Swiatek bounced in third round SOCCER
Goalkeeper exits field
with Washington in 2018. . . .
Nathan MacKinnon had two BY J OHN P YE Coco Gauff became the first woman after fans9 racist taunts
goals and three assists, Logan Czech teen Noskova pulls off through to the quarterfinals Sunday as
O9Connor recorded a hat trick, MElBOurNE, australia 4 Already she beat Magdalena Frech, 6-1, 6-2. AC Milan goalkeeper Mike
and the Colorado Avalanche held down a set and facing a break point massive upset to shake up The fourth-ranked Gauff, who won her Maignan walked off the field after
on to defeat the host against Iga Swiatek, 50th-ranked Linda women9s bracket even further first major at the U.S. Open in September, being subjected to racist chants by
Philadelphia Flyers, 7-4. . . . Noskova decided she had nothing to lose. needed just 63 minutes to win a match Udinese fans during a top-tier
Conor Garland and Nils She won 11 of the next 12 points to take played at Rod Laver Arena in front of the Italian league game 4 prompting
Hoglander each scored twice, the second set and swing momentum in tally and physically,= Noskova said in her man himself. the match to be suspended briefly
and the NHL-leading Vancouver their third-round match Saturday, ulti- post-match news conference. <I just be- <Luckily when I saw him come in I was during the first half.
Canucks beat the visiting Toronto mately becoming the first teenager to lieved my game tonight.= already well up,= Gauff said. <I heard Shortly after Milan had scored
Maple Leafs, 6-4. . . . beat a top-ranked woman at the Austral- Swiatek is a four-time major winner clapping and knew it wasn9t for us, it was to take a 1-0 lead and Milan was
Nicholas Paul and Tyler ian Open since 1999. but has never been past the semifinals at only the first set. But thank you for com- about to take a goal kick,
Motte scored 52 seconds apart in With a big serve and equally big Melbourne Park. Even so, she was on an ing, it9s an honor.= Maignan signaled to his
the first period, and Tampa Bay groundstrokes, she unsettled Swiatek and 18-match winning streak and expected to Meanwhile, the men9s draw remains teammates to stop, walked to the
beat host Buffalo, 3-1, for its fifth held her cool, even under pressure in the account for the 19-year-old Noskova, who stacked, with No. 2 Carlos Alcaraz, No. 3 referee and then to the sideline.
consecutive victory. last game to serve it out, for a 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 is making her main draw debut. Daniil Medvedev and No. 6 Alexander Teammates attempted to
victory that means there are no top-10 <I felt like I had everything under con- Zverev earning straight-set wins Saturday console Maignan on the sideline,
pRO BASKETBALL players in the top half of the draw. trol until she broke me in the second set,= to reach the fourth round. but the France international
<I9m just really kind of exhausted men- the 22-year-old Polish player said. 4 Associated Press took off his gloves and walked
Thunder claims battle down the tunnel leading off the
of top teams in West field.
Maignan, who is Black, also
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander T E L E V I SI O N A N d R Ad I O had told the referee about
scored 11 of his 33 points in the monkey chants earlier during the
fourth quarter, and the match, prompting an
Oklahoma City Thunder rallied NfL pLAyOffS 4 dIVISIONAL ROUNd announcement in the stadium
5 p.m. Arkansas at LSU » eSPN
to beat the Minnesota 3 p.m. Tampa Bay at detroit » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11), WJFK (106.7 Fm)
5 p.m. South Carolina at Texas A&m » SeC Network asking fans to stop.
Timberwolves, 102-97, in 6:30 p.m. Kansas City at Buffalo » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13), WJFK (106.7 Fm) The Serie A game resumed
6 p.m. Toledo at Ball State » CBS Sports Network
Minneapolis in a matchup of the NBA about five minutes after the
top teams in the Western GOLf suspension when Maignan and
6 p.m. denver at washington » monumental Sports Network,
Conference standings. . . . 11 a.m. Latin America Amateur Championship, final round » eSPNews teammates came back out. Milan
WTem (980 Am)
1 p.m. LpGA Tour: Tournament of Champions, final round » WRC (Ch. 4),
Joel Embiid had 33 points to won 3-2. . . .
NhL WBAL (Ch. 11)
extend his franchise-record run 4 p.m. pGA Tour: American Express, final round » Golf Channel
Ivan Toney scored just
of 30 or more points to 20 games, 1 p.m. Ottawa at philadelphia » NHL Network 19 minutes into his return from
and the Philadelphia 76ers beat mEN9S COLLEGE BASKETBALL SOCCER an eight-month ban as host
the host Charlotte Hornets, Noon michigan State at maryland » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13),
9 a.m. English premier League: west ham at Sheffield United » Brentford ended a five-match
97-89, for their fifth straight WTem (980 Am)
USA Network losing run in the English Premier
victory. 1 p.m. memphis at Tulane » eSPN2
11:30 a.m. french Cup, round of 32: Strasbourg at Clermont » Fox Sports 2 League by beating Nottingham
11:30 a.m. English premier League: Liverpool at Bournemouth » USA Network Forest, 3-2. Wearing the captain9s
1 p.m. Rutgers at Illinois » Big Ten Network
2:45 p.m. Olympic men9s qualifier: peru vs. Chile » Fox Sports 2
COLLEGES 3 p.m. Oregon at Utah » eSPN armband in his first game since
6 p.m. Olympic men9s qualifier: Argentina vs. paraguay » Fox Sports 1
3 p.m. Chattanooga at East Tennessee State » eSPN2 he was banned for breaching
West Virginia notches 5 p.m. Indiana State at murray State » eSPN2
9 p.m. mexican Liga mX: monterrey at Santos Laguna » Fox Sports 1
betting rules, the England striker
upset of No. 3 Kansas wOmEN9S COLLEGE BASKETBALL TENNIS took a free kick just outside the
Noon Iowa at Ohio State » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
7 p.m. Australian Open, round of 16 » eSPN area and beat U.S. international
RaeQuan Battle scored Noon Clemson at Virginia Tech » WDCW (Ch. 50), WNUV (Ch. 54)
9:30 p.m. Australian Open, round of 16 » eSPN2 Matt Turner by bending a low
23 points and grabbed nine 3 a.m. (mon.) Australian Open, round of 16 » eSPN2 shot around the wall and just
Noon St. Joseph9s at Rhode Island » eSPNU
rebounds, Pat Suemnick added a Noon Creighton at Villanova » CBS Sports Network NBA G LEAGUE inside the near post to make it 1-1
career-high 20 points, and West Noon providence at Butler » Fox Sports 1
1 p.m. Sioux falls at maine » NBA TV
in the 19th.
Virginia beat No. 3 Kansas, 91-85. Noon duke at North Carolina State » ACC Network
Fans stormed the court after 1 p.m. mississippi at Georgia » SeC Network wOmEN9S COLLEGE GymNASTICS mISC.
the Mountaineers (7-11, 2-3 Big 2 p.m. duquesne at davidson » CBS Sports Network 4 p.m. pittsburgh at Clemson » ACC Network
12) won in Morgantown to break 2 p.m. william & mary at Towson » monumental Sports Network Racing in Virginia,
2 p.m. Louisville at North Carolina » ACC Network COLLEGE wRESTLING
a six-game losing streak in the 3 p.m. Vanderbilt at Tennessee » SeC Network 3 p.m. Ohio State at wisconsin » Big Ten Network
Kelati wins U.S. title
series. . . . 4 p.m. George mason at massachusetts » CBS Sports Network
In Austin, Tyrese Hunter9s Weini Kelati (Heritage High)
frantic, driving layup at the won the U.S. cross-country
buzzer sent Texas to a 75-73 win championship in Mechanicsville,
over No. 9 Baylor, handing the Va., finishing the 10-kilometer
Bears their second straight loss race in 32 minutes 58.6 seconds.
in Big 12 play. its first SEC loss this season. . . . second half. It was the last of including seven in overtime, as Tyana Walker scored a career- Kelati, 27, who moved from
Hunter9s basket came after Blake Hinson scored 24 points 15 lead changes and came near Richmond knocked off host high 26 points to push Howard Eritrea to Virginia at age 17,
Baylor9s Jalen Bridges tied it on on 7-for -7 shooting from three- the middle of a stretch in which Davidson (N.C.), 69-64. . . . past Norfolk State, 76-60, at Burr followed up a big performance
a long three-pointer with five point range as Pittsburgh won in the Hokies made eight shots in a Terrence Edwards had Gymnasium. . . . last weekend, when she set a U.S.
seconds left, the Bears9 first Cameron Indoor Stadium for the row, the last two being a pair of 20 points and five assists as Navy shot just 30.6 percent record at the Houston Half
basket in nearly nine minutes. first time since 1979, beating threes by Cattoor that gave the James Madison beat Marshall, from the field in a 66-51 loss Marathon, her first race of that
Texas quickly inbounded the ball No. 7 Duke, 80-76, in Durham, Hokies a 70-58 lead. . . . 67-52, in Harrisonburg, Va. against Army in Annapolis. . . . length. . . .
and got it to Hunter near N.C. . . . Keyshawn Hall and Amari Tyler Whitney-Sidney scored Maggie Doogan had 21 points, In a race overshadowed by a
midcourt, and he wove his way Issac McKneely hit six three- Kelly had 13 points apiece in 27 points and Lehigh held off five assists and five rebounds as nasty crash from home crowd
around three defenders for the pointers and finished with George Mason9s 69-60 victory American, 70-68, in Bethlehem, Richmond defeated visiting favorite Petra Vlhova, Olympic
basket. . . . 20 points and Reece Beekman against St. Bonaventure at Pa. . . . Davidson, 72-39. . . . champion Sara Hector
Alex Karaban hit the decisive added 19 points and 11 assists to EagleBank Arena. . . . Ivy Bales hit a jump shot with Sophomore guard Timaya dominated an eventful women9s
three-pointer for No. 1 help Virginia beat Georgia Tech, Rahsool Diggins9s 25 points nine seconds remaining, and the Lewis-Eutsey had 22 points and World Cup giant slalom in Jasna,
Connecticut with 2:43 left in the 75-66, in Atlanta. helped Massachusetts defeat American women9s team got a 11 rebounds as VCU beat La Salle, Slovakia, for her first win in
game that settled a fantastic Big Jordan Minor scored 11 points George Washington, 81-67, in late stop and two free throws to 66-50, in Richmond for its nearly two years. Hector posted
East matchup, Tristen Newton and Ryan Dunn finished with Amherst, Mass. . . . seal a 59-55 win over Lehigh at 13th win in the past 14 games. . . . the fastest time in both runs as
scored 25 points, and the Huskies nine points, 10 rebounds and Jamarii Thomas and Allen Bender Arena. . . . Senior guard Hevynne she led American star Mikaela
held off persistent Villanova, three blocks for Virginia. . . . Betrand both scored 14 points to Star guard Nya Robertson Bristow scored a career-best Shiffrin by 1.52 seconds. . . .
66-65, at a packed Wells Fargo Hunter Cattoor scored help Norfolk State defeat was held to four points on 1-for-6 20 points off the bench as James In Kitzbuehel, Austria, French
Center in Philadelphia. . . . 19 points, Sean Pedulla had Howard, 65-61, at Burr shooting as George Washington Madison prevailed in skier Cyprien Sarrazin mastered
Zach Edey had 30 points and 13 points and eight assists, and Gymnasium. . . . fell to Saint Louis, 66-55, at Harrisonburg over Old the demanding Streif course for a
18 rebounds to lead No. 2 Purdue Virginia Tech defeated North Backup forward Mike Woods Smith Center. . . . Dominion, 72-64. . . . second time in 24 hours, beating
past Iowa, 84-70, in Iowa City. . . . Carolina State, 84-78, in Raleigh, (Douglass High) scored 17 points Graceann Bennett had San Jose State is working to world champion Marco
Dalton Knecht scored N.C. and added eight rebounds as 18 points and eight rebounds as finalize a deal with former Navy Odermatt to repeat his World
25 points to help No. 6 Tennessee A three-pointer by Pedulla Navy beat Army, 57-53, in Georgetown eased past Xavier, coach Ken Niumatalolo to Cup downhill triumph from the
beat Alabama, 91-71, in Knoxville, gave Virginia Tech a 56-54 lead Annapolis. . . . 77-49, at McDonough Arena. . . . replace Brent Brennan as the previous day.
Tenn., to hand the Crimson Tide with seven minutes left in the Jordan King scored 24 points, Redshirt freshman guard Spartans football coach, two 4 From news services
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ M2 D3

nfl playoffs

McCaffrey, Greenlaw help San Francisco avoid upset loss

So, on Saturday night, top-seed- With San francisco just across
49ers 24, ed San francisco beat No. 7 seed midfield, Shanahan effectively al-
packers 21 Green Bay, 24-21, in an NfC divi- lowed a minute to drain off the
sional-round game and moved clock as he played for a long field
one step closer to the Super Bowl goal. It was a bold strategy consid-
BY S AM F ORTIER with its chief rivals for most of the ering the night9s heavy rain and
season 4 the Philadelphia Eagles rookie Jake moody9s shakiness be-
SaNTa ClaRa, Calif. 4 for most and Dallas Cowboys 4 already yond 40 yards during the regular
of the second half, when it ap- eliminated. season (6 for 9).
peared the San francisco 49ers The 49ers will host the Tampa The approach backfired.
were going to blow it, the more Bay Buccaneers or Detroit Lions, moody9s 48-yard attempt was
than 71,000 fans in rain-soaked who clash Sunday afternoon in blocked, leaving the 49ers9 lead at
red at Levi9s Stadium were sullen. michigan. 7-6, and San francisco went three-
They were dampened on third Green Bay tried to bully San and-out on the first possession of
down and after big plays. francisco from the start but failed the second half.
But when Green Bay Packers to finish in the red zone on its first Then came the fireworks.
quarterback Jordan Love rolled to three possessions. The 49ers9 of- Green Bay9s offense finally surged
his left and heaved a pass over the fense looked sluggish, and star for a 19-yard touchdown to wide
middle, when it landed in the wide receiver Deebo Samuel left receiver Bo melton and a 13-7 lead.
hands of linebacker Dre Greenlaw, with a shoulder injury. But the San francisco counterpunched
the stadium erupted with a roar NfL9s most explosive offense with a 39-yard scoring run by
and waving towels. Just moments needed only an opening or two 4 mcCaffrey. Green Bay broke
earlier, Christian mcCaffrey had and quarterback Brock Purdy hit through in the red zone on tight
capped a 69-yard drive with a tight end George Kittle for a 32- end Tucker Kraft9s two-yard score
go-ahead six-yard touchdown yard touchdown. 4 and a two-point conversion
with 1:07 left. After Greenlaw9s Late in the second quarter, gave the Packers a 21-14 lead.
pick, at last, 49ers fans realized 49ers Coach Kyle Shanahan tried In the fourth quarter, moody
this star-studded roster wouldn9t to <lap= the Packers, meaning shaved the deficit with a 52-yard
collapse, that a Super Bowl favor- score just before halftime and field goal, and the Packers
ite with five all-pros wouldn9t be then get the ball back to start the couldn9t extend their lead because
done in by a first-year starting second half. Shanahan loves the kicker Anders Carlson hooked one
quarterback leading a team that strategy, but it sometimes makes left from 41.
ashLey LaNdis/associated press
didn9t qualify for the playoffs until him conservative 4 as it did Satur- That proved to be a fatal mis-
the season9s final day. day night. take. Christian McCaffrey capped a 69-yard drive with a go-ahead six-yard touchdown with 1:07 remaining.

barry svrluga

Baltimore has it all, but take-charge Jackson makes it clear this is truly his team
SvrLugA from D1 back national championships at
Georgia 4 who embraces the
Texans but by every bundled-up idea that Jackson is both
member of a crowd of 71,018, brilliant enough and
Jackson faked an inside handoff experienced enough to be
to the right. He then turned to handed the controls of the
his left. He first ran behind left offense.
tackle ronnie Stanley. But then But reputations 4 particularly
downfield, there was moses, of the when-the-moment-is-big-
6-foot-6 and 320 pounds, coming he-comes-up-small variety 4 are
from his spot at right tackle, tough to shake. In that sense,
blocking for his man. Jackson9s mastery of the regular
<You want to get out there,= season and the ravens9
moses said, <and do that for ascension to AfC favorites were
him.= burdens, and only that. The
When the frost settled, opportunity against the Texans
Jackson had 14 yards when he was an expectation. Win, and the
needed one. And when he march continues, as it9s
headed back to the huddle, he supposed to. Lose, and what
stopped to thank moses for misery the 2024 regular season
lugging his body into territory he would be. Gaining the No. 1 seed
might not be best suited for. again, even being the mVP
<That9s the kind of teammate again, would be followed by:
he is,= moses said. <Yeah, but . . .=
What9s clear like never before: That feeling hung there when
The AfC favorites are Jackson9s Jackson ended an unsteady first
team. half by taking back-to-back
Here is what Jackson sacks. Angst cut through the
accounted for on a frigid chill at m&T Bank Stadium.
Saturday evening: all of the Given a wind that made if feel as
ravens9 touchdowns (two though it was at 15 degrees at
passing, two running); 100 kickoff, that9s saying something.
rushing yards on just 11 carries, a Inside, Jackson burned. The
performance that shows why ravens had just 118 yards. So he
defensive coordinators view his spoke. <Inappropriate= is how he
game tapes as slice-and-dice described his words, but that9s
horror films; and 16 completions for public consumption. In the
on 22 attempts, good for a locker room, he was perfect. It
relatively paltry 152 yards but was the latest development in
without an interception. his growth, part of being <locked
<Lamar just played out of his in from Day 1,= as he has said,
mind,= ravens Coach John even if it9s Day 200-something.
Harbaugh said. <You can see it in his eyes,=
Thus the ravens9 status as linebacker Patrick Queen said.
favorites to reach 4 if not win 4 Not to mention his legs. Not to
the Super Bowl remains intact. mention his arm. The ravens9
Jackson isn9t the only reason. A go-ahead touchdown came on
disciplined and dynamic defense the first possession of the third
held Houston, led by rookie quarter and covered 55 yards.
quarterback C.J. Stroud, to 68 Nick Wass/associated press
Jackson had a hand in all of
yards in the second half. Jackson Lamar Jackson had a touchdown pass to Nelson Agholor in the second quarter before accounting for three more scores in the second half. them, the last 15 on a scamper
led a rushing game that churned up the middle of a defense
out 229 yards. This team has it and undeniably true. The weeks in the making, what with don9t really care what people say. games, three scores and five spread wide to cover his
all. ravens9 pregame radio show the ravens clinching the AfC9s I9m trying to win.= picks. His passer rating in the weapons. The touchdown that
But when the ravens opened with that idea a good top seed on New Year9s Eve, for a sport that considers regular season is 98.0; in the essentially put the game away
sputtered into halftime tied at 21/2 hours before kickoff. He has when Jackson threw five itself the ultimate team game, playoffs, 68.3. came at the end of a 93-yard
10, still searching for themselves, been the mVP once and probably touchdown passes against the the idea that wins and losses can He is a different player now drive, a 15-yard floater with a
their most important player will be for the 2023 season as miami Dolphins 4 wasn9t that be assigned to one person 4 the than he was when he had last maestro9s touch to tight end
didn9t roll his eyes and hope for well. Yet he had started a game the ravens9 defense tied for the quarterback 4 is borderline started a playoff game, after the Isaiah Likely.
better. He stepped forward. in this very round with the league lead in turnovers forced ludicrous. Still, there were other 2020 season. He is a better, more In the AfC championship
Who spoke in a locker room ravens as the top seed, and that and yards per play allowed. It numbers that haunted Jackson. accurate, pure passer, a game next Sunday, Jackson will
Harbaugh described as <edgy=? foray 4 a loss to Tennessee in wasn9t that Baltimore rushed for for his career, he completes development that has not host Josh Allen9s Buffalo Bills or
<I did,= Jackson said, January 2020 4 dogged him all the most yards in the NfL. 64.5 percent of his passes in the compromised either his Patrick mahomes9s Kansas City
thumping his chest. <A lot of these years, and all those It was that Lamar Jackson was regular season but hit just 55.9 unmatched speed or his Chiefs. Each is a star who defines
cursing.= accomplishments, later. 1-3 in playoff starts. in those first four playoff starts. elusiveness as a runner. He is his team. To be clear, Jackson is
It9s his team. That this game So the stat that dominated <I seen it,= Jackson said. <I He has thrown for 125 regular equipped with an offensive capable of outplaying either of
was a referendum in this city on discourse in the run-up to this don9t even got to hear it. I see it, season touchdowns against 45 coordinator 4 Todd monken, them. The ravens are his team.
Jackson was both slightly unfair game 4 a run-up basically three you know? But it is what it is. I interceptions; in those playoff who most recently won back-to- It may just be his time.

Ravens surge past Texans, pull closer to Super Bowl Demeco ryans, their first-year
coach, and rookie quarterback
C.J. Stroud, the second player cho-
halftime Saturday.
The Texans were sloppy but got
a touchdown on a 67-yard punt
sen in the draft. The Texans won return by Sims. Jackson had
rAveNS from D1 dealt with the cold and windy season, when Jackson was the from two injury-marred seasons the AfC South and overwhelmed 50 first-half rushing yards and
conditions and outscored the Tex- league mVP and they were the to reestablish himself as one of the Cleveland Browns in the threw a three-yard touchdown
<It9s meaningful,= ravens ans 24-0 in the second half, when AfC9s top seed but suffered a the NfL9s biggest stars. He had to opening round of the playoffs. pass to wide receiver Nelson Ag-
Coach John Harbaugh said. <Now they scored on each possession. divisional-round home loss to the deal Saturday with nearly three ryans is a rising star. Stroud holor. But the Texans dialed up
we9ve got to get to work and go <We just had to dial in at half- Tennessee Titans. weeks of relative inactivity. Jack- showed he is a franchise quarter- the pressure in the second quar-
win it.= time,= Jackson said. The ravens are thriving this son sat out the ravens9 loss to the back. And the Texans put behind ter, and the ravens struggled.
Jackson threw for two touch- The ravens are one win from season after Jackson, amid a con- Pittsburgh Steelers in the regular them the controversy involving They steadied themselves with
downs and ran for two more. He reaching the Super Bowl for the tract impasse, declared publicly season finale, when the No. 1 seed quarterback Deshaun Watson, Jackson9s 15-yard rushing touch-
finished with 100 rushing yards. first time since the 2012 season, in march that he had requested a was already secured. That was whom they traded to the Browns down early in the third quarter,
The Baltimore defense took it when they defeated the San fran- trade. After using their nonexclu- followed by the ravens9 opening- in march 2022 amid allegations of his 15-yard touchdown pass to
from there, holding the Texans cisco 49ers in Harbaugh9s fifth sive franchise player tag to limit round bye. sexual misconduct, and estab- tight end Isaiah Likely in the
without an offensive touchdown. season. This will be the ravens9 Jackson9s mobility on the free <I thought Lamar was going to lished themselves as a team with a opening minute of the fourth
The Texans9 lone touchdown first appearance in the AfC cham- agent market, the ravens kept play great,= Harbaugh said. <But promising future. quarter and his eight-yard touch-
came on a first-half punt return by pionship game since that season, him and completed a five-year, he9s played great all year.= The ravens spent much of the down run with 6:20 remaining.
Steven Sims. The ravens weren9t when Joe flacco was their quar- $260 million contract extension The fourth-seeded Texans9 sea- season not just beating good <What we want is in reach,=
at their best throughout, but they terback. They did not repeat their in April. son ended, but they could cel- teams but dominating them. They ravens linebacker Patrick Queen
knocked the rust off their game, painful playoff exit of the 2019 Jackson has bounced back ebrate a successful year led by could manage only a 10-10 tie at said.

Stories of the past, rediscovered.

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pro football

Mayfield proves worthy successor to Brady at Tampa Bay

growing as a person,= mayfield impress Coach Sean mcVay by them out, and we9re getting things
told ESPN in october. <I think passing for 850 yards and four done.=
Former No. 1 draft pick normally I would hold a lot of touchdowns (with two intercep- Jake Delhomme, the former
finds a fit after six years grudges, but no, we9re good. We tions) in five games. Panthers quarterback, sees simi-
squashed that.= <He9s done a great job, and if larities between mayfield and an-
of career starts and stops Compounding the problems in this hasn9t elevated people9s opin- other quarterback who made a
Cleveland was a shoulder injury ions and thoughts of him, I9m not brief playoff appearance last
mayfield said sapped him of his sure what he could9ve done to weekend. <[mayfield] is playing
BY C INDY B OREN self-confidence and petty media change whatever the perception with confidence now,= he told the
boycotts over the team9s reluc- is,= mcVay said in January 2023. <I Charlotte observer. <He truly has
It wasn9t that long ago that tance to designate him the starter, just know I think very highly of the Joe flacco mentality now,
Baker mayfield9s NfL career had leading to the arrival of Deshaun him, and I9ve loved working with which is like: 8I don9t care. I9m just
spiraled to the point at which the Watson. him.= going out there to play. I9m going
quarterback 4 the No. 1 draft pick In Carolina, he won the starting But there was no place for may- to throw the football and let it
only six years ago 4 was lining up job over Sam Darnold in 2022, but field with the rams, and he be- fly.9 =
as a defensive lineman on the gone was the swagger that de- came a free agent, signing a With wide receivers mike
scout team for the Carolina Pan- fined his performance in an epic bargain-basement deal for a start- Evans and Chris Godwin (who
thers. 66-59 college duel with Patrick ing quarterback 4 $4 million for succeeded with Brady), mayfield
It was the low point for the mahomes (<I told some of the guys the 2023 season 4 with Tampa may have found his sweet spot
Heisman Trophy winner but not at halftime, 8If you9re scared and Bay. Although the Bucs finished with his fourth NfL team and his
much of a surprise. mayfield you don9t want to score every just a tick above .500, they won eighth head coach in his six sea-
struggled in four seasons with the drive, then stay in here,9 = he said their third straight NfC South sons. He will be a free agent when
douG murrAy/ASSocIAted PreSS
Browns, who traded him to the after that 2016 game). five title and are in the playoffs, where this playoff run ends, but the
Panthers. He was waived by Caro- Baker Mayfield, who has played for four teams and eight head months after he was traded to the anything can happen. In their 28-year-old9s performance this
lina and claimed by the Los Ange- coaches, leads the Buccaneers into a divisional-round playoff game. Panthers, that guy was missing in first-round game, mayfield season makes a reunion with the
les rams before he signed as a free action, demoted to third string passed for 337 yards and three Buccaneers much more likely.
agent with the Tampa Bay Bucca- Brady will lead the Buccaneers 4 first playoff victory in 26 years in and soon after released at his touchdowns in a 32-9 rout of the for now, he will focus on the
neers. one of the final eight teams left in the 2020 season, but his time in request. Philadelphia Eagles. Lions.
only this season has mayfield the NfL playoffs 4 into a game Cleveland was rocky despite that mayfield was quickly picked up Tasked with being the Guy Af- <It9s always fun to be counted
begun to live up to expectations Sunday at the Detroit Lions. success. There were differences by the rams in a December 2022 ter Brady, mayfield <did what he out,= mayfield said Wednesday,
from when the Cleveland Browns His road to rebirth in Tampa with the front office and a beef move born of necessity after inju- always does 4 he was himself,= referring to the Bucs9 underdog
drafted him in 2018 and managed began July 6, 2022, when he was with wide receiver odell Beckham ries. He played two days after he Buccaneers Coach Todd Bowles status and his own up-and-down
to change his reputation from pet- traded to the Panthers for a condi- Jr., who felt mayfield wasn9t tar- arrived and led the rams on a said in December. <It9s not as pret- journey. <obviously I9m pretty
ulance back to performance. Now tional fifth-round draft pick in geting him with passes. <We9re game-winning drive but was only ty as when Tom was here, but comfortable in it, but our team
the unlikely successor to Tom 2024. He led the Browns to their good now, and that9s part of me 1-3 as a starter. He did, however, we9re scrappy, and we9re pulling has completely embraced that.=

nFL notes

Falcons interview Rams9 Morris, Bills9 Brady as coaching search continues

F ROM NEWS SERVICES and are expected to meet with date after Arthur Smith was fired Belichick leaving the Patriots less Toney, 24, had been listed as er Andy Isabella off the practice
Lions offensive coordinator Ben following his third consecutive than two weeks ago. questionable as late as friday squad, a day before it hosts the
The Atlanta falcons inter- Johnson this weekend. 7-10 season. The falcons also have inter- with hip and ankle injuries. Chiefs in a divisional round play-
viewed Los Angeles rams defen- Before his three seasons with Brady, the Bills9 quarterbacks viewed michigan Coach Jim Har- New additions to the Kansas off game.
sive coordinator raheem morris the rams, morris served in a coach since 2022, was promoted baugh, Baltimore ravens defen- City injury report include defen- The Bills also released punter
and Buffalo Bills quarterbacks variety of roles with Atlanta from to interim offensive coordinator sive coordinator mike macdon- sive lineman Charles omenihu, matt Haack from their practice
coach and interim offensive coor- 2015 to 2020, including the final during the 2023 season. He was ald, Cincinnati Bengals offensive who is questionable with an ill- squad in a move that indicates
dinator Joe Brady on Saturday for 11 games of the 2020 season as Carolina9s offensive coordinator coordinator Brian Callahan, San ness, and linebacker Willie Gay, Sam martin was cleared to play.
their coaching vacancy. interim coach. He posted a 4-7 from 2020 to 2021 following francisco 49ers defensive coordi- who is questionable with a neck Buffalo signed Haack as insur-
morris, a former Atlanta assis- record. stints as an offensive assistant at nator Steve Wilks, Carolina Pan- injury. ance after martin hurt his left
tant, is a familiar addition to the morris was 17-31 as Tampa LSU in 2019 and with the New thers defensive coordinator Ejiro The Chiefs already had ruled hamstring attempting to run
team9s list of candidates. Bay9s coach from 2009 to 2011. orleans Saints in 2017-18. Evero, ravens assistant head out nose tackle Derrick Nnadi down a blocked field goal in a
The virtual interviews with During his time in Atlanta, Atlanta has interviewed 11 can- coach and defensive line coach (triceps) and offensive lineman 31-17 first-round playoff win over
morris and Brady came one day morris held assistant positions didates. Anthony Weaver and Philadel- Wanya morris (concussion). Skyy Pittsburgh on monday.
after former longtime New Eng- on offense and defense. He served Belichick9s second interview phia Eagles offensive coordinator moore (knee) won9t be activated Klein9s elevation comes with
land coach Bill Belichick com- as assistant head coach while supported reports that he was Brian Johnson. from Ir in time for the game, starting linebacker Terrel Ber-
pleted his second interview with coaching wide receivers and the Atlanta9s top choice. His six Super l CHIEFS: Kansas City ruled while fellow wide receiver Justyn nard9s status uncertain because of
the falcons. secondary. He was the defensive Bowl titles are more than any out wide receiver Kadarius Toney ross (hamstring) remains ques- a right ankle injury suffered
The falcons also met virtually coordinator in 2020. other coach, but he is coming off a from Sunday9s AfC divisional- tionable. against the Steelers. Klein
with Detroit Lions defensive co- The long history with Atlanta 4-13 season 4 the worst of his round playoff game against the l BIllS: Buffalo elevated line- stepped in for Bernard and led
ordinator Aaron Glenn on friday made morris an obvious candi- career. The poor season led to Buffalo Bills at orchard Park, N.Y. backer A.J. Klein and wide receiv- Buffalo with 11 tackles.

The slippery truth about staying warm on a frigid field: It9s all about skin care
ColD from D1 entire body.= By comparison, said. Understandably, then,
Ayanbadejo continued, Balti- Shazier wasn9t the type to snitch,
on preferred skin care methods in more ravens legend Terrell Suggs even if an oiled-up opponent
professional football. Among its stuck to <heavy amounts of Vase- made it onto the field undetect-
biggest competition is Warm line= that Suggs had taken upon ed: <I9m not going to be like, 8Hey,
Skin, a minneapolis-based outfit himself to nickname: LBG, or ref, he has too much Vaseline on.9
with two full-time employees that linebacker grease. <Everyone It9s like, hey, you got to let him
this season alone has shipped wanted some LBG before the rock with it and look shiny.=
boxes of three-ounce tubes of its games,= Ayanbadejo wrote, <even A South florida native, Shazier
skin barrier creams 4 at a whole- to the point where the refs would didn9t learn about the wide-
sale discount of $156.25 per box, make us wipe some of it off spread use of such substances
or $6.25 per tube 4 to more than because it was seen as a slippery until he arrived for his freshman
10 NfL teams, vice president of substance.= year at ohio State and saw team-
sales Aaron Dworsky said. Indeed, while players might mates picking out their desired
Contrary to what its name fancy themselves metaphorically methods from a veritable skin
suggests, Warm Skin doesn9t smooth for their concoctions, care buffet. Shazier applied just
work in the same way as pain there is a line at which their Vaseline as an added layer of
relief balms such as Bengay or Icy literal slickness can run afoul of protection beneath his long
Hot. rather, the cream is compa- football law. Three Denver Bron- sleeves before every cold game in
rable to a less greasy petroleum cos offensive linemen learned as college. He discovered a new level
jelly, forming what Dworsky much in January 1998 when the of appreciation for the practice
called an <invisible blanket= that league fined them $5,000 apiece when he reached the NfL and
limits passive water loss through for slathering on too much petro- learned the Steelers9 vaunted de-
the skin to help prevent irrita- leum jelly 4 or, in the case of fense, led by stalwarts James
tion, wind burn or, worse, frost- guard mark Schlereth, petroleum Harrison and Troy Polamalu, re-
bite. <We tell all customers to jelly mixed with analgesic oint- fused to allow any member to
apply generously to the feet, neck, ment flexall 4 during a playoff wear sleeves.
hands, face 4 anything that9s game against the Chiefs. The <It definitely looks tough when
exposed,= Dworsky said. Associated Press called the inci- you go sleeveless,= Shazier said.
first created as a cream for dent the <great Vaseline caper.= of course, those unwritten rules
moisturizing cow udders, ac- <[The use of Vaseline] is quite declared nothing about skin bar-
cording to Dworsky, Warm Skin common in the NfL,= Shanahan rier topicals. <I can9t really think
pivoted to humans in the 1980s Steven Senne/ASSocIAted PreSS protested to reporters later, add- of a guy that didn9t use that type
and soon after began milking When the weather turns cold, players use Vaseline and other products on their skin to stay warm. ing: <The question is whether it of stuff when it came to going
NfL teams for steady commerce. was excessive use of the Vaseline. sleeveless,= Shazier said. <Unless
<The Vikings have been using it geddon wild-card weekend.9 = . . . The term 8excessive9 is the key. you9re from, like, Antarctica.= And
since the mid-990s,= said Dwor- Everybody has a different inter- yet when Shazier began a tradi-
sky, who along with his cousin Smoothing it down pretation.= tion during the Steelers9 run to
purchased Warm Skin in 2021 It9s a slithery task, pinning In reality, enforcement rests the 2016 AfC championship
from its founders. <The Packers down how and when NfL players not on the definition of <exces- game of shedding not only sleeves
and the Lions are repetitive cus- started smearing their bodies sive= but on that of another three- but his whole shirt for pregame
tomers, too, buying multiple cas- with semiliquid substances to syllable adjective: slippery. warmups, he did so fully bare-
es every single year. I don9t get defend against the wind and cold. <There9s no slippery substance chested: <I didn9t put Vaseline on
much business from [dome sta- But the practice dates back at permitted on a player9s body re- my arms until we was getting
dium] teams, but they9ll call least four decades, given one local gardless of brand or product,= ready to play,= he said.
when they go to Green Bay, New newspaper report of the Bengals9 NfL spokesperson Brian mcCar- As for ryan, whose top-seeded
England, Buffalo.= 27-7 home win over the Chargers thy wrote in an email to The 49ers hosted the Packers in the
In other instances, severe win- in the AfC championship game Washington Post. <If a player has NfC divisional round Saturday 4
try weather might force a team to in 1982 4 otherwise known as the Vaseline or any substance on his fortunately, temperatures in the
place an emergency order to re- <freezer Bowl= 4 that quoted skin that is deemed slippery then mid-50s were expected 4 greas-
stock its supply. Such was the trainer marv Pollins on the he would be required to clean the ing up under the right (or, rather,
case earlier this month when amount of Vaseline he had substance off his body so it was no the wrong) conditions is a given.
Dworsky rushed to pack and ship amassed to help Cincinnati play- longer judged to be a violation.= <Part of being a professional ath-
a box of 25 Warm Skin tubes to ers endure the minus-59 wind lete in football is playing in any
Kansas City, care of Chiefs athlet- chill: <I had a five-pound can, and A 8good shine9 weather, so you have to know how
ic trainer David Glover, just in it9s all gone.= Throughout his four NfL sea- to dress and perform,= ryan said.
time for the team9s home playoff over the years since, accounts JuStIn K. Aller/Getty ImAGeS sons, former Pittsburgh Steelers <This is definitely part of the
win over the miami Dolphins in abound of players going to un- In 2016, then-Steelers linebacker Ryan Shazier would warm up linebacker ryan Shazier always game.=
the NfL9s fourth-coldest game usual lengths in search of the fully bare, then put Vaseline on his arms as he got ready to play. paid close attention to this nebu- Besides, it sure beats other
ever, when the temperature optimal skin care regimen. Gear- lous concept of relative slipperi- alternatives that teammates have
dropped to minus-4 degrees ing up for a playoff game amid a equipment manager had a trick that same month, former line- ness whenever he was suiting up tried. <[former Patriots corner-
fahrenheit (with a minus-27 polar vortex in Green Bay in where, if you rubbed cayenne backer Brendon Ayanbadejo de- for subfreezing football. <The back] malcolm Butler hated the
wind chill) at kickoff. January 2014, then-49ers rookie pepper on your skin and then put scribed how his teammates refs understand that guys are cold, so he9d put hand warmers in
As Dworsky recalled, <I got an long snapper Kevin mcDermott Warm Skin over it, the cayenne muhsin muhammad and Brian putting all that stuff on, too, so his pants, in his socks, pretty
email from [Glover] after that told the Tennessean about turn- pepper keeps your skin warm.= Urlacher had introduced him to a most will check as you9re coming much anywhere that fit, which
said: 8I can9t say thank you ing to one especially hot method As with most aspects of pre- topical <cocktail= of Warm Skin, out of the locker room and be was nuts,= ryan said.
enough. Got the box this morn- for cold-weather relief during game preparation, specific rou- Tiger Balm and Vaseline that they like, 8Nah, you got to go switch Plus, he added, <A good shine is
ing, and we are all set for Arma- his college days at UCLA: <our tines vary. Writing for fox Sports applied <pretty much over our because it9s too greasy,9 = Shazier always good.=
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ M2 D5

Caps can9t repeat their performance as offense dries up

needed him. He faced 11 more C ApitA l S 9 n e x t t hree
Blues 3, shots in the period and stopped
Capitals 0 them all, smothering multiple at Minnesota Wild
dangerous chances for the Blues9
Pavel Buchnevich. Tuesday 8 Monumental
BY B AILEY J OHNSON Washington9s passing and puck
possession were sloppy and in- at Colorado Avalanche
ST. LOUIS 4 Twice in the past consistent, and that kept the Cap- Wednesday 9:30 Monumental 2
eight days, the Washington Capi- itals from putting significant
tals faced the same team two pressure on the Blues. Nearly at Dallas Stars
games in a row. Last weekend, every clean breakout or promis-
they beat the New York Rangers ing scoring chance was interrupt- saturday 2 Monumental 2
at home Saturday but went to ed or flubbed, and against a team
Madison Square Garden and lost that has as much speed as St. Lou- Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
Sunday. is does, an inability to control the
After defeating the St. Louis puck spelled trouble. When the
Blues at home Thursday, the Cap- Blues intercepted a pass or only slightly ahead with 18, the
itals headed to Enterprise Center blocked a shot, it often turned gap in offensive effectiveness was
on Saturday knowing 4 just as into a rush opportunity the other evident. Early in the third period,
they knew in the second game way, keeping Washington on its captain Alex Ovechkin tried to hit
against the Rangers 4 they heels. a streaking Max Pacioretty on a
wouldn9t be gift-wrapped another Brayden Schenn doubled the breakaway, but his pass sailed
win. Blues9 lead at 7:44 of the second well out of Pacioretty9s reach.
<We need to know a couple of period with a one-timer from the St. Louis salted away the final
things,= Capitals Coach Spencer right faceoff circle. The goal came period and added an insurance
Carbery said before the game. amid a delayed penalty call on goal by Jake Neighbours on the
<We played really well, but you center Nic Dowd, and Schenn power play with 4:09 left. The
know today, in St. Louis9s build- found a shooting lane as Wash- Capitals recorded just four shots
ing, you9re going to get the best ington collapsed toward on goal in the third, coming up
Jeff RobeRsoN/AssociATed PRess
version of the St. Louis Blues. Lindgren. well short of staging any kind of
That9s number one. I felt like we Capitals goalie Charlie Lindgren made 26 saves after allowing an early shorthanded goal by the Blues. The first time the Capitals built comeback as its two-game win-
did a pretty good job handling any sort of offensive momentum ning streak ended.
that in New York, but it just 3-0 win. Capitals goaltender ty to the Blues9 Adam Gaudette ted down Oshie9s centering pass, was on a power play late in the Note: Defenseman Joel Ed-
becomes a more difficult game to Charlie Lindgren, making his for high-sticking just 2:15 into corralled the puck and raced out second, but several highlight-reel mundson, who missed Thurs-
win, knowing that you9ve caught fourth start in five games, Saturday9s game provided an op- of the defensive zone on a two-on- saves by Binnington kept Wash- day9s game with an upper-body
their attention, knowing that stopped 26 shots. Jordan Bin- portunity to build on that mo- one with Robert Thomas. Parayko ington off the scoreboard 4 and injury, and winger Beck Malen-
they9re going to be uncomfortable nington made 18 saves for the mentum. Instead, St. Louis looked toward Thomas as if he the man advantage ended with styn, who didn9t play while await-
with the way the game went in Blues (22-20-2), who handed the grabbed control. was going to pass, then fired a St. Louis threatening to extend its ing the birth of his first child,
your building.= Capitals (22-16-6) their fifth goal- T.J. Oshie and Dylan Strome wrist shot over Lindgren9s glove lead. returned to the lineup Saturday.
The Blues jumped into the lead less outing of the season. appeared to have won a puck at 2:37. Washington mustered just Defenseman Trevor van Riems-
on their first shot on goal and Washington scored two power- battle along the wall, but Blues Lindgren settled in after 14 shots on goal through two dyk and forward Hendrix Lapi-
didn9t look back on their way to a play goals Thursday, and a penal- defenseman Colton Parayko bat- Parayko9s goal 4 and the Capitals periods. While the Blues were erre were scratched.

McDaniel starts hot, Brown-Turner finishes strong to carry Terps past Illini
Maryland9s win:
Maryland 90,
Sellers finds her range
illinois 82
Sellers finds herself in a diffi-
cult yet desirable position as the
BY K AREEM C OPELAND primary ballhandler who needs to
score and facilitate for her team-
Bri McDaniel was sprawled on mates. The junior was 0 for 5 and
the court and writhing in pain as held without a point in the first
the horn sounded, and Xfinity half but had five assists. Her final
Center fell silent. The Maryland line: 14 points on 6-for-14 shooting
sophomore had attacked the bas- with nine assists and five re-
ket and hit a layup to close the first bounds.
quarter with her 11th and <My intention wasn9t to not be
12th points of the afternoon, but looking for my shot in the first
after taking a hard fall, she needed half,= she said. <Unfortunately, the
the trainers9 help to leave the rim just didn9t like me in the first
court. half. Third quarter, I just came out
That was just about the only trying to get at least a little closer,
thing that slowed McDaniel on felt like there was a couple bun-
Saturday; she limped to the locker nies that I could9ve made in the
room but returned not long after. first half that I didn9t. So just
As the Terrapins posted a 90-82 staying aggressive. . . . Don9t be
victory over Illinois, McDaniel fin- discouraged if I miss.=
ished with 22 points for her fourth
straight game in double figures 4 Maryland honors Heiss
a first in her college career. At their annual alumni game,
Maryland (12-6, 4-3 Big Ten) the Terps honored the 2014 Final
improved to 15-0 all-time against Four team as well as Tara Heiss,
the Illini (8-9, 2-5) and moved whose No. 44 hangs from the raf-
back over .500 in conference play ters. Heiss, the first woman to
following Wednesday9s loss to score 1,000 career points for
No. 18 Ohio State. Maryland, died in July at 66.
<You9ve just seen the game slow She played in College Park from
down a lot for Bri, obviously just 1975 to 1978 and was named to the
being a little more comfortable 1980 Olympic team. (The Ameri-
this year,= teammate Shyanne Sell- cans boycotted that year9s Mos-
ers said. <It sucks last year [that] cow Summer Games.) The Terps
scoTT TAeTsch foR The WAshiNgToN PosT
didn9t get to be on the floor as wore patches featuring <44= on
much, but I think it was just good Bri McDaniel had 12 of Maryland9s 20 points in the first quarter and finished with 22, her fourth straight game scoring in double figures. their all-gold jerseys, and Frese
for [her] growth. . . . She was ready sported an all-gold sequined jack-
when her number9s called and is half was all about McDaniel, who That9s when Jakia Bro- said. <Just making the right play is chance points. et. Several former players were in
always aggressive. [She] just sets scored on all three levels and has wn-Turner took over: She put Illi- all I want to do.= Genesis Bryant led the Illini attendance, as was former coach
the tone for us.= averaged 20.8 points over her past nois away with a one-woman 12-2 Added Coach Brenda Frese: with 19 points. Camille Hobby Chris Weller.
Added McDaniel, who returned four games. run that opened up an 11-point <That9s what you expect from a added 18 points and seven re- <Really a special day all around
less than three minutes into the But beyond McDaniel and Allie Maryland lead. She hit two three- fifth-year [player].= bounds. when you talk about the history
second quarter: <I have to do bet- Kubek, who scored 10 of her pointers, crashed the boards and While stops weren9t easy to get <They were really sharp to- and the legacy of this program and
ter with learning how to fall or just 17 points in the first half, Mary- found layups to finish with a sea- down the stretch, the Terps got night,= Illinois Coach Shauna the amazing women that have
not falling at all 4 just staying on land didn9t have much going in the son-high 20 points along with enough of them to squash the Green said of the Terps. <That9s the come before us,= Frese said. <A lot
my feet.= opening 20 minutes. While both 10 rebounds. Illini9s hopes of a comeback. Illi- best I9ve seen them play offensive- of programs talk about family, but
After using a 6-0 run in the first cooled in the third quarter, Sellers <My coaches and teammates nois shot 49.2 percent for the ly. . . . But we were right there. . . . for us it9s real.=
quarter to grab a 17-12 lead, the got moving after being held score- have confidence in me to just keep game, but Maryland cleaned up its We just couldn9t get stops tonight
Terps never trailed again, but they less in the first half. Still, the Terps shooting when I9m open,= the rebounding issues from the Ohio when we needed to.= Maryland at Michigan
struggled to pull away. The first led just 68-67 early in the fourth. North Carolina State transfer State loss, allowing just 10 second- Here9s what else to know about Wednesday, 7 p.m., bTN Plus

UCLA quarterback comes to D.C., tells Congress it is missing the point on NIL
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY holding up Griffin as the gold volleyball player at Radford) and ately hurting female athletes and innovate before moving for- with a coach being able to fire
standard of NIL, of what it should Keke Tholl (a softball player at who, like him, almost solely profit ward with any legislation.= him if he were an employee. She
Chase Griffin heard the ques- and could be with federal over- Michigan). Griffin was the first off brand deals. So when Trahan had her five assumed his stance and chal-
tion over and over Thursday: sight. They praised him for land- active college football player to If everyone sipped a beer at minutes to question the witness- lenged him with a hypothetical
What policies should Congress ing more than 40 brand deals. testify in a congressional hearing each mention of <inducements= es, she turned right to Griffin (but consequence.
consider to regulate college They used him as an example of a on NIL. From the beginning, he or <pay for play= Thursday, no one not before saying <Congress as a Later, Griffin told another leg-
sports9 name, image and likeness <good actor= thriving despite the picked Bilirakis9s draft apart, would have been able to drive whole has lost its credibility on islator he feels as if he9s treated
(NIL) market? And no matter many <bad actors= in the shad- breaking from Baker, Jeff Jack- home. this issue=). like an employee at UCLA,
where he was on Capitol Hill 4 in ows. son, Page and Tholl. Then he <Viewership is up. The amount <Mr. Griffin, you recently though he would otherwise defer
a representative9s office, in a hall- This, though, is where Griffin didn9t let up. of money that players are making helped lead a survey of college to what the National Labor Rela-
way, in the middle of testifying in felt they all missed the point. The bill, titled the <FAIR Col- is up. It sounds like every single athletes, which among other tions Board decides in the coming
the 11th congressional hearing on <I always appreciate people lege Sports Act,= would grant the piece of the business model is things asked what stakeholders months.
NIL 4 Griffin9s answer didn9t who recognize that I do work NCAA two of its major asks by working when it comes to NIL,= they trust,= Trahan said. <Who Once the hearing wrapped,
change. hard in the space,= Griffin told giving it an antitrust exemption Griffin said. <The only place were the people athletes trust the Baker approached Griffin with an
None. The Washington Post after the (to shield it from pending and where I think it can get better is least?= outstretched hand. They then
Griffin, a 23-year-old quarter- hearing. <But at the same time, I future litigation) and codifying by establishing pay for play and <Congress,= he said, prompting took a picture together, snapped
back at UCLA, wasn9t in Washing- hope that when they recognize that athletes cannot be consid- revenue share [between schools a few laughs in the gallery. by Griffin9s beaming father. Grif-
ton long. He landed around 2 a.m. me, they realize they are recog- ered employees. But it would also and athletes].= <That should concern each one fin, a quarterback with just 67 col-
Thursday, only eight hours before nizing the majority of college bar schools from paying athletes Rep. Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), a of us here today,= Trahan contin- lege passing attempts to his
he walked into the Rayburn athletes who are partaking in NIL directly through NIL deals, con- former Georgetown volleyball ued. <That the very people this name, stood next to the NCAA
Building and strongly opposed an right now. . . . When you say that tradicting a key part of Baker9s player, nodded and smiled committee is seeking to 8protect9 president after they went head-
NIL bill introduced by Rep. Gus I9m the poster child of what col- agenda. throughout Griffin9s opening don9t have any trust that we have to-head on a number of issues
Bilirakis (R-Fla.). By early eve- lege athletes should be doing, no, Beyond that, the bill looks to statement. She was, after all, the their best interests at heart.= across 31/2 hours.
ning, Griffin was on a flight home. I9m just another example of what eliminate the use of NIL money as biggest reason he was tapped to Of course, that varied among That, Griffin might point out,
But in that time, he was an college athletes are already do- a recruiting inducement by testify. After the hearing, Trahan the athletes in the room, let alone was only possible because of this
unwavering counterweight to ing. And when you look at what donor-funded collectives and and Griffin would sit in her office college athletes across the coun- version of the NIL world. That
those pushing for federal regula- I9m doing and say, 8This is what9s boosters, something the NCAA and film a debrief for social me- try. At one point, Rep. Marian- was his whole point.
tion of NIL, including NCAA Pres- right with NIL,9 no, you9re saying, technically forbids but is obvious- dia. In his written testimony, Grif- nette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) <The fact that we9re hung up on
ident Charlie Baker, two other 8NIL is what9s right with NIL.9 = ly happening in revenue sports. fin urged Congress to take one of asked Page and Tholl whether NIL shows how far ahead the
college athletes and many of the Aside from Griffin, the wit- And the bill calls for disclosure two paths: Consider the College they wanted to be employees of courts, college athletes and pub-
legislators who questioned him. nesses were Baker, Jeff Jackson, and registration requirements Athlete and Economic Freedom their schools. Both said no. But lic opinion are compared to Con-
Still, Baker, the politicians and Victoria Jackson (a sports histo- that Griffin argued would dis- Act sponsored by Trahan and Sen. Miller-Meeks skipped the initial gress,= Griffin said. <And that9s
Jeff Jackson, commissioner of the rian and professor at Arizona suade companies from striking Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) or give question with Griffin, instead where a large source of the dis-
Missouri Valley Conference, kept State), Meredith Page (a women9s NIL agreements, disproportion- the NIL free market <time to grow asking whether he would be okay trust in Congress comes from.=
D6 EZ M2 the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


Pr o F o o TBAL L P ro BA s K e T B A LL hoCKey C o L LeG e B AsKeTBALL

nFL playoffs nBA nhL Canucks 6, Maple Leafs 4 nCAA men nCAA women
SATURDAY, JAN. 13 Boston ........................ 45 28 8 9 65 158 120 VANcOUVER ........................... 3 1 2 4 6 EAST EAST
ATLANTIc W L Pct Gb Florida......................... 45 27 14 4 58 142 120 Colgate 75, Boston 59 Albany (N.Y.) 64, Bryant 62
at Houston 45, Cleveland 14 fIRST PERIOD
Boston ........................................ 32 10 .762 4 Tampa Bay.................. 46 24 17 5 53 156 153 Cornell 84, Brown 83 American 59, Lehigh 55
at Kansas City 26, Miami 7
Philadelphia................................ 28 13 .683 31/2 Toronto ....................... 44 22 14 8 52 158 147 Scoring: 1, Vancouver, Hoglander 13 (Hughes, Lafferty), Connecticut 66, Villanova 65 Army 66, Navy 51
SUNDAY, JAN. 14 New York .................................... 26 17 .605 61/2 Detroit ........................ 45 23 17 5 51 160 150 3:06. 2, Vancouver, Hoglander 14 (Aman, Garland), 6:00. Creighton 97, Seton Hall 94 (3OT) Binghamton 70, Massachusetts Lowell 65
Green Bay 48, at Dallas 32 Brooklyn ..................................... 17 24 .415 141/2 Montreal..................... 46 19 20 7 45 129 165 3, Vancouver, Garland 7 (Blueger, Joshua), 12:58. Delaware State 67, Maryland Eastern Shore 63 (OT) Boston 73, Colgate 66
at Detroit 24, L.A. Rams 23 Toronto....................................... 16 27 .372 161/2 Buffalo........................ 46 20 22 4 44 134 146 Drexel 86, Delaware 67 Brown 64, Cornell 53
Ottawa........................ 41 16 24 1 33 138 151
mONDAY9S RESULTS Harvard 70, Penn 61 Bucknell 65, Lafayette 58
at Buffalo 31, Pittsburgh 17 SOUTHEAST W L Pct Gb Scoring: 4, Toronto, Nylander 22 (Brodie, Rielly), 4:53. 5, Holy Cross 86, Loyola (Md.) 78 Connecticut 88, DePaul 51
at Tampa Bay 32, Philadelphia 9 Miami ......................................... 24 18 .571 4 mETROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts Gf GA Toronto, McCabe 3 (Matthews, Marner), 7:25. 6, Toron- Marquette 73, St. John9s 72 Fort Wayne 64, Robert Morris 36
Orlando....................................... 22 20 .524 2 x-N.Y. Rangers............ 44 28 14 2 58 144 128 to, Nylander 23 (Rielly), 8:19. 7, Vancouver, Garland 8 Massachusetts 81, George Washington 67 Georgetown 77, Xavier 49
DIVISIONAL ROUND Atlanta ....................................... 18 24 .429 6 Philadelphia................ 46 25 15 6 56 139 128 (Blueger), 19:00. Monmouth (N.J.) 85, Hampton 77 Harvard 69, Penn 56
SATURDAY9S RESULTS Charlotte ...................................... 9 31 .225 14 Carolina....................... 44 25 14 5 55 152 134 Navy 57, Army 53 Holy Cross 71, Loyola (Md.) 51
at Baltimore 34, Houston 10 Washington.................................. 7 34 .171 161/2 THIRD PERIOD New Hampshire 64, UMBC 58 Maine 81, NJIT 39
Washington ................ 44 22 16 6 50 106 130
at San Francisco 24, Green Bay 21 New Jersey ................. 44 23 18 3 49 150 154 Scoring: 8, Toronto, Marner 20, 3:13 (sh). 9, Vancouver, Norfolk State 65, Howard 61 Manhattan 58, Canisius 55
cENTRAL W L Pct Gb N.Y. Islanders ............. 45 19 15 11 49 133 154 Miller 21 (Pettersson, Hughes), 7:11 (pp). 10, Vancou- North Carolina 76, Boston College 66 Marshall 97, Coastal Carolina 85
SUNDAY9S GAmES Princeton 70, Columbia 62 Maryland 90, Illinois 82
Milwaukee.................................. 29 13 .690 4 x-Pittsburgh ............... 42 21 15 6 48 129 113 ver, Pettersson 25 (Miller, Hughes), 10:42 (pp).
Tampa Bay at Detroit (-61/2), 3 (NBC) Rice 69, Temple 66 Maryland Eastern Shore 76, Delaware State 45
Kansas City at Buffalo (-21/2), 6:30 (CBS) Cleveland.................................... 25 15 .625 3 Columbus.................... 45 14 22 9 37 135 169
SHOTS ON GOAL St. Joseph9s 71, Duquesne 69 Mount St. Mary9s 60, Rider 53
Indiana........................................ 24 18 .571 5
cONfERENcE cHAmPIONSHIPS Chicago ....................................... 21 23 .477 9 TORONTO ................................ 9 18 20 4 47 Syracuse 72, Miami 69 New Hampshire 56, UMBC 37
cENTRAL GP W L OT Pts Gf GA Towson 77, Campbell 43 Princeton 80, Columbia 65
SUNDAY, JAN. 28 Detroit .......................................... 4 38 .095 25 VANcOUVER ........................... 9 6 6 4 21
Winnipeg .................... 44 30 10 4 64 145 100 West Virginia 91, Kansas 85 Saint Louis 66, George Washington 56
Afc Colorado...................... 47 30 14 3 63 179 150 Power-play opportunities: Toronto 0 of 5; Vancouver 2 of
WESTERN cONfERENcE 3. Goalies: Toronto, Jones 9-6-1 (21 shots-15 saves). Yale 76, Dartmouth 51 Siena 77, Iona 56
Kansas City/Buffalo at Baltimore, 3 (CBS) Dallas.......................... 45 27 13 5 59 167 137 Western Michigan 66, Buffalo 63
Nashville..................... 46 25 20 1 51 143 142 Vancouver, Demko 24-8-1 (47-43). A: 18,865 (18,910). T: SOUTH
Nfc SOUTHWEST W L Pct Gb 2:33. Yale 48, Dartmouth 46
New Orleans............................... 25 18 .581 4 Arizona ....................... 44 22 19 3 47 132 130 Alabama Birmingham 69, East Carolina 61
Tampa Bay/Detroit at San Francisco, 6:30 (Fox) 1/ St. Louis...................... 44 22 20 2 46 125 140 Appalachian State 88, Coastal Carolina 59 SOUTH
Dallas.......................................... 24 18 .571 2

Houston...................................... 20 21 .488 4 Minnesota .................. 45 19 21 5 43 135 155 Auburn 82, Mississippi 59 Alcorn State 69, Texas Southern 51
Memphis..................................... 15 27 .357 9 1/ Chicago ....................... 46 14 30 2 30 103 165 Bruins 9, Canadiens 4 Charlotte 56, North Texas 44 Appalachian State 82, Georgia Southern 74
SUNDAY, fEb. 11 2
Clemson 78, Florida State 67 Coppin State 67, Morgan State 47
IN LAS VEGAS San Antonio.................................. 8 34 .190 16 1/
mONTREAL .............................. 2 2 0 4 4
PAcIfIc GP W L OT Pts Gf GA Florida Gulf Coast 80, Stetson 56 Eastern Kentucky 67, North Alabama 58
Teams TBD, 6:30 (CBS) bOSTON ................................... 3 2 4 4 9 George Mason 69, St. Bonaventure 60 East Carolina 68, SMU 61
NORTHWEST W L Pct Gb Vancouver................... 46 31 11 4 66 176 119
x-Vegas....................... 45 26 14 5 57 145 121 fIRST PERIOD Georgia Southern 86, Georgia State 70 Florida Gulf Coast 93, Kennesaw State 65
Minnesota .................................. 30 12 .714 4 Grambling State 79, Southern 62 Georgia State 73, South Alabama 47
Oklahoma City............................ 29 13 .690 1 x-Edmonton ................ 41 25 15 1 51 146 121 Scoring: 1, Montreal, Caufield 16 (Monahan, Slafk- Kentucky 105, Georgia 96 Grambling State 69, Southern 45
ravens 34, Texans 10 Denver ........................................ 29
Utah............................................ 22
x-Los Angeles............. 42
x-Calgary .................... 45
8 50 136 111
5 47 142 143
ovsky), 9:18 (pp). 2, Boston, Carlo 3 (Frederic, Lauko),
12:47. 3, Montreal, Armia 8 (Monahan, Roy), 15:00. 4,
Liberty 82, Sam Houston State 66 High Point 74, Charleston Southern 57
Seattle ........................ 45 19 17 9 47 126 134 Louisiana Tech 74, Jacksonville State 57 Howard 73, Norfolk State 60
HOUSTON ................................ 3 7 0 0 410 Portland...................................... 12 29 .293 171/2 Boston, DeBrusk 11 (van Riemsdyk), 18:10. 5, Boston, Mississippi State 68, Vanderbilt 55 Jackson State 91, Prairie View 54
x-Anaheim .................. 44 15 28 1 31 111 150 Heinen 6 (Grzelcyk, McAvoy), 19:05.
bALTImORE ............................. 3 7 7 17 434 North Carolina A&T 76, William & Mary 69 James Madison 72, Old Dominion 64
x-San Jose .................. 45 10 31 4 24 89 183
PAcIfIc W L Pct Gb Pittsburgh 80, Duke 76 Louisiana Tech 67, Jacksonville State 53
fIRST QUARTER L.A. Clippers ............................... 26 14 .650 4 x-Late game
SEcOND PERIOD Radford 64, South Carolina Upstate 61 Louisiana Monroe 70, Southern Mississippi 58
baltimore: FG Tucker 53, 8:36. Sacramento ................................ 23 18 .561 31/2 Scoring: 6, Montreal, Matheson 7 (Suzuki, Monahan), Richmond 69, Davidson 64 (OT) Memphis 76, Florida Atlantic 56
Houston: FG Fairbairn 50, :28. Phoenix....................................... 23 18 .561 31/2 fRIDAY9S RESULTS 6:16 (pp). 7, Boston, Heinen 7 (Boqvist, Lindholm), Southern Mississippi 64, Troy 63 Middle Tennessee 85, New Mexico State 48
L.A. Lakers.................................. 21 22 .488 61/2 New Jersey 4, at Columbus 1 10:46. 8, Boston, Coyle 16 (Marchand, Pastrnak), 11:35. Tennessee 91, Alabama 71 Presbyterian 69, Longwood 66
SEcOND QUARTER Texas A&M 73, LSU 69 Rice 61, Tulane 44
Golden State .............................. 18 22 .450 8 at Carolina 4, Detroit 2 9, Montreal, Gallagher 8 (Harvey-Pinard), 13:19.
baltimore: Agholor 3 pass from L.Jackson (Tucker kick), VMI 70, The Citadel 63 South Carolina Upstate 65, Radford 60
9:14. fRIDAY9S RESULTS Minnesota 6, at Florida 4 THIRD PERIOD
at Chicago 4, N.Y. Islanders 3 (OT) Virginia 75, Georgia Tech 66 Troy 65, Louisiana Lafayette 57
Houston: Sims 67 punt return (Fairbairn kick), 4:17. at Charlotte 124, San Antonio 120 Virginia Tech 84, North Carolina State 78 VCU 66, La Salle 50
Scoring: 10, Boston, Pastrnak 30, 1:26. 11, Boston,
THIRD QUARTER Philadelphia 124, at Orlando 109 SATURDAY9S RESULTS Marchand 20 (Coyle), 4:32. 12, Boston, Zacha 10 Wake Forest 90, Louisville 65 Western Kentucky 66, Texas El Paso 65
baltimore: L.Jackson 15 run (Tucker kick), 12:04. Denver 102, at Boston 100 at St. Louis 3, Washington 0 (DeBrusk, van Riemsdyk), 9:13. 13, Boston, Heinen 8 mIDWEST mIDWEST
Phoenix 123, at New Orleans 109 Tampa Bay 3, at Buffalo 1 (Shattenkirk, Geekie), 10:40 (pp). Bowling Green 84, Western Michigan 79 Iowa State 2, TCU 0 (forfeit)
fOURTH QUARTER Atlanta 109, at Miami 108 Colorado 7, at Philadelphia 4 Butler 74, DePaul 60 Kansas State 69, Kansas 58
baltimore: Likely 15 pass from L.Jackson (Tucker kick), SHOTS ON GOAL
at Portland 118, Indiana 115 Winnipeg 2, at Ottawa 1 (OT) Dayton 96, Rhode Island 62 Kent State 69, Akron 60
14:23. mONTREAL .............................. 8 6 7 4 21 Florida 79, Missouri 67 Miami (Ohio) 56, Bowling Green 47
Brooklyn 130, at L.A. Lakers 112 at Arizona 3, Nashville 2
baltimore: L.Jackson 8 run (Tucker kick), 6:20. bOSTON ................................. 12 14 10 4 36 Kansas State 70, Oklahoma State 66 Minnesota 69, Michigan State 50
Dallas at Golden State, ppd. Dallas 6, at New Jersey 2
baltimore: FG Tucker 43, 1:56. Power-play opportunities: Montreal 2 of 3; Boston 1 of 3. Miami (Ohio) 87, Ball State 80 (OT) Northern Illinois 70, Central Michigan 57
Attendance: 71,018. SATURDAY9S RESULTS at Boston 9, Montreal 4 Goalies: Montreal, Primeau 4-5-1 (6 shots-5 saves), Nebraska 75, Northwestern 69 Ohio 72, Eastern Michigan 62
at Vancouver 6, Toronto 4 Montreal, Montembeault 10-7-4 (30-22). Boston, Ull- Ohio 85, Eastern Michigan 67 West Virginia 72, Cincinnati 43
HOU bAL San Antonio 131, at Washington 127
Anaheim at San Jose, late mark 14-5-2 (21-17). A: 17,850 (17,565). T: 2:33. Ohio State 79, Penn State 67
First Downs .......................................... 10 22 Milwaukee 141, at Detroit 135 SOUTHWEST
Edmonton at Calgary, late Oklahoma 69, Cincinnati 65
Total Net Yards ................................... 213 352 Philadelphia 97, at Charlotte 89 Arkansas State 57, Texas State 53
Pittsburgh at Vegas, late Purdue 84, Iowa 70
Rushes-Yards ................................. 14-38 42-229 Cleveland 116, at Atlanta 95 Baylor 77, Central Florida 74
Passing ................................................ 175 123 N.Y. Rangers at Los Angeles, late stars 6, Devils 2 SOUTHWEST Liberty 84, Sam Houston State 77
at New York 126, Toronto 100
Punt Returns ..................................... 1-67 1-11 SUNDAY9S GAmES Arkansas State 79, Texas State 72 Oklahoma 71, Houston 65
Oklahoma City 102, at Minnesota 97 DALLAS .................................... 1 3 2 4 6
Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-69 2-53 Houston 57, Central Florida 42 Texas 76, Oklahoma State 66
at Chicago 125, Memphis 96 Ottawa at Philadelphia, 1 NEW JERSEY ........................... 0 0 2 4 2
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 0-0 Iowa State 73, TCU 72 Tulsa 93, Wichita State 70
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 19-33-0 16-22-0 at Houston 127, Utah 126 (OT) Minnesota at Carolina, 5 SMU 103, Tulsa 70
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 0-0 3-29 SUNDAY9S GAmES Tampa Bay at Detroit, 7 South Carolina 77, Arkansas 64
Scoring: 1, Dallas, Pavelski 19 (Robertson, Benn), 5:42 Boise State 76, Utah State 41
Punts .............................................. 5-43.4 4-42.25 Dallas at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 Texas 75, Baylor 73
Denver at Washington, 6 (pp). BYU 60, Texas Tech 46
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-0 0-0 N.Y. Rangers at Anaheim, 8:30 Texas Tech 85, BYU 78
Brooklyn at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 Gonzaga 89, Saint Mary9s (Calif.) 60
Penalties-Yards .............................. 11-70 3-15 Toronto at Seattle, 9 SEcOND PERIOD WEST
Miami at Orlando, 6 Loyola Marymount 67, San Diego 60
Time Of Possession ......................... 22:25 37:35
Scoring: 2, Dallas, Hintz 19 (Suter), 7:58 (sh). 3, Dallas, Arizona 77, UCLA 71 Montana State 64, Montana 55
Boston at Houston, 7 mONDAY9S GAmES Arizona State 82, Southern California 67 Nevada 63, Fresno State 62
PASSING Duchene 15 (Seguin, Harley), 16:31. 4, Dallas, Hintz 20
Indiana at Phoenix, 8 Vegas at New Jersey, 7 Boise State 67, San Diego State 66 New Mexico 69, UNLV 66
Houston: Stroud 19-33-0-175. (Johnston, Suter), 19:42.
Portland at L.A. Lakers, 10 Winnipeg at Boston, 7 California 81, Washington State 75 (OT) North Dakota 78, Denver 68
baltimore: Jackson 16-22-0-152.
mONDAY9S GAmES Florida at Nashville, 8 THIRD PERIOD Colorado 90, Oregon State 57 Santa Clara 72, San Francisco 59
RUSHING Pittsburgh at Arizona, 9 Scoring: 5, Dallas, Smith 5 (Dellandrea, Harley), 2:10. 6,
New Mexico 85, Air Force 66 UC Irvine 79, UC Davis 61
Houston: Singletary 9-22, Stroud 3-9, Ogunbowale 2-7. Cleveland at Orlando, 7 Stanford 90, Washington 80 UC Riverside 57, CS Northridge 46
Chicago at Vancouver, 10 Dallas, Johnston 13 (Lindell, Robertson), 7:18. 7, New
baltimore: Jackson 11-100, Hill 13-66, Edwards 10-40, Milwaukee at Detroit, 7 UC San Diego 67, Hawaii 61 Utah Valley State 55, Utah Tech 52
San Jose at Los Angeles, 10:30 Jersey, Bratt 17 (Hischier, Meier), 13:15. 8, New Jersey,
Cook 8-23. San Antonio at Philadelphia, 7 Utah State 83, Fresno State 62 Wyoming 67, Colorado State 63
Toffoli 17, 19:00.
Memphis at Toronto, 7:30 TUESDAY9S GAmES Wyoming 98, Nevada 93
REcEIVING Charlotte at Minnesota, 8 SHOTS ON GOAL
Washington at Minnesota, 8
Houston: N.Collins 5-68, Singletary 5-48, Schultz 5-43, Boston at Dallas, 8:30 Maryland 90, Illinois 82
Hutchinson 2-(minus 3), Ogunbowale 1-13, Woods 1-6. Dallas at Detroit, 7 DALLAS .................................. 14 16 6 4 36
Chicago at Phoenix, 9 Ottawa at Montreal, 7 NEW JERSEY ......................... 14 8 9 4 31
baltimore: Flowers 4-41, Bateman 3-39, Likely 2-34,
Atlanta at Sacramento, 10 Power-play opportunities: Dallas 1 of 6; New Jersey 0 of
Virginia 75, Georgia Tech 66 ILLINOIS ............................. 18 18 21 25 4 82
Agholor 2-12, Hill 2-11, Beckham 1-12, Kolar 1-4, Ed- Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, 7 mARYLAND ........................ 20 18 22 30 4 90
wards 1-(minus 1). Vegas at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 3. Goalies: Dallas, Wedgewood 13-4-3 (31 shots-29 Virginia (13-5)
saves). New Jersey, Daws 3-4-0 (36-30). A: 16,514 Minor 4-5 3-6 11, Beekman 7-16 3-3 19, Dunn 4-4 0-2 9, Illinois (8-9)
Columbus at Edmonton, 9
mISSED fIELD GOALS (16,514). T: 2:33. McKneely 7-13 0-0 20, Rohde 2-6 0-0 5, Groves 2-5 0-0 5, Bostic 5-9 2-2 13, Hobby 8-11 2-2 18, Bryant 4-14 8-8 19,
St. Louis at Calgary, 9 Cook 4-12 4-4 13, McKenzie 6-11 0-0 12, Shoup-Hill 0-0
Houston: Fairbairn 47. spurs 131, Wizards 127 Buffalo at Anaheim, 10
Harris 2-6 0-0 4, Bond 0-1 0-0 0, Buchanan 0-1 0-0 0,
0-0 0, Dolan 3-4 0-0 7, Rhodes 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 30-61
Murray 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 29-58 6-11 75.
San Antonio ........................ 37 35 28 31 4 131 N.Y. Rangers at San Jose, 10:30 Georgia Tech (9-9) 16-16 82
Washington ........................ 36 30 34 27 4 127 Dowuona 0-0 0-0 0, Ndongo 6-7 3-4 15, George 4-8 6-6 15, maryland (12-6)
49ers 24, Packers 21 SAN ANTONIO mIN fG fT O-T A Pf PTS
TennIs Kelly 3-11 0-0 8, Reeves 2-7 0-0 6, Sturdivant 3-9 0-0 8, Alexander 1-5 2-2 5, Kubek 6-9 5-5 17, Brown-Turner
GREEN bAY .............................. 3 3 15 0 421 Champagnie 22:53 4-7 0-0 2-7 0 2 11
Blues 3, Capitals 0 Claude 2-2 2-3 6, Coleman 2-5 0-2 5, Gapare 1-2 0-0 3, 9-16 0-0 20, McDaniel 8-12 3-4 22, Sellers 6-14 2-2 14,
Sacko 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 23-51 11-15 66. Masonius 1-2 0-0 2, Briggs 3-7 0-0 8, Fisher 1-1 0-0 2,
SAN fRANcIScO ..................... 0 7 7 10 424 Sochan 28:13 8-11 6-6 2-4 3 4 23 WASHINGTON ......................... 0 0 0 4 0 Australian open Halftime: Virginia 33-29. Three-point goals: Virginia Totals 35-66 12-13 90
Wembanyama 27:45 10-21 2-4 1-8 4 3 24 ST. LOUIS ................................. 1 1 1 4 3 11-23 (McKneely 6-9, Beekman 2-6, Dunn 1-1, Groves Three-point goals: Illinois 6-17 (Bostic 1-3, Bryant 3-9,
fIRST QUARTER Tr.Jones 32:13 4-9 3-3 3-8 12 0 11 At Melbourne Park
fIRST PERIOD Purse: $26,029,890 1-2, Rohde 1-3, Harris 0-2), Georgia Tech 9-27 (Reeves Cook 1-3, Dolan 1-2), Maryland 8-13 (Alexander 1-4,
Green bay: FG Carlson 29, 7:22. Vassell 33:37 8-14 1-3 0-5 5 1 21 2-6, Sturdivant 2-6, Kelly 2-7, Coleman 1-2, Gapare 1-2, Kubek 0-1, Brown-Turner 2-2, McDaniel 3-3, Sellers 0-1,
Johnson 28:14 7-15 5-7 4-9 2 2 19 Scoring: 1, St. Louis, Parayko 8 (Thomas), 2:37 (sh). Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
SEcOND QUARTER George 1-4). Rebounds: Virginia 26 (Dunn 10), Georgia Briggs 2-2). Assists: Illinois 16 (Bryant 5), Maryland 23
Collins 20:15 4-9 0-0 1-3 3 2 8 mEN9S SINGLES 4 THIRD ROUND Tech 26 (Ndongo, Kelly 5). Assists: Virginia 19 (Beekman (Sellers 9). fouled out: None. Rebounds: Illinois 27
San francisco: Kittle 32 pass from Purdy (Moody kick), Osman 17:21 1-3 0-0 0-3 4 1 3 SEcOND PERIOD (Bostic 8), Maryland 34 (Brown-Turner 10). Total fouls:
8:42. Miomir Kecmanovic, Serbia, def. Tommy Paul (14), 11), Georgia Tech 12 (George 9). Total fouls: Virginia 14,
Wesley 15:08 3-4 0-0 1-1 3 1 6 Scoring: 2, St. Louis, Schenn 10 (Buchnevich, Faulk), Georgia Tech 13. Illinois 15, Maryland 15. Technical Fouls_None. A: 6,409.
Green bay: FG Carlson 29, 4:09. McDermott 9:56 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 United States, 6-4, 3-6, 2-6, 7-6 (9-7), 6-0; Carlos Alcaraz
7:44. (2), Spain, def. Juncheng Shang, China, 6-1, 6-1, 1-0, ret;
Branham 4:25 1-1 0-0 0-1 1 1 2
THIRD QUARTER THIRD PERIOD Hubert Hurkacz (9), Poland, def. Ugo Humbert (21),
Green bay: Melton 19 pass from Love (Carlson kick), TOTALS 240 51-96 17-23 14-49 38 19 131 France, 3-6, 6-1, 7-6 (4), 6-3; Arthur Cazaux, France, def.
9:27. Percentages: FG .531, FT .739. 3-Point Goals: 12-31, .387
Scoring: 3, St. Louis, Neighbours 14 (Kyrou, Thomas), Tallon Griekspoor (28), Netherlands, 6-3, 6-3, 6-1; Virginia Tech 84, no. 7 Kansas state 69,
San francisco: McCaffrey 39 run (Moody kick), 7:39. 15:51 (pp). Cameron Norrie (19), Britain, def. Casper Ruud (11),
Green bay: Kraft 2 pass from Love (A.Jones pass from
(Vassell 4-6, Champagnie 3-6, Wembanyama 2-5, Mc-
Norway, 6-4, 6-7 (9-7), 6-4, 6-3; Nuno Borges, Portugal,
north Carolina 78 Kansas 58
Dermott 1-2, Sochan 1-2, Osman 1-3, Collins 0-1, SHOTS ON GOAL Virginia Tech (11-7)
Love), 5:23. Johnson 0-3, Tr.Jones 0-3). Team Rebounds: 4. Team def. Grigor Dimitrov (13), Bulgaria, 6-7 (7-3), 6-4, 6-2, kANSAS ............................... 8 18 17 15 4 58
WASHINGTON ......................... 5 9 4 4 18 7-6 (6); Daniil Medvedev (3), Russia, def. Felix Auger- Beran 3-4 4-4 11, Kidd 6-8 2-2 14, Cattoor 4-8 8-10 19,
Turnovers: None. blocked Shots: 10 (Wembanyama 6, kANSAS STATE ................. 18 14 18 19 4 69
fOURTH QUARTER ST. LOUIS ............................... 12 6 11 4 29 Aliassime (27), Canada, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3; Alexander Zverev Collins 3-9 0-0 7, Pedulla 5-10 2-3 13, Nickel 4-6 1-1 12,
Champagnie 2, Sochan 2). Turnovers: 17 (Wembanyama Poteat 1-2 6-8 8, Long 0-2 0-0 0, Rechsteiner 0-0 0-0 0. kansas (9-9)
San francisco: FG Moody 52, 14:56. Power-play opportunities: Washington 0 of 3; St. Louis 1 (6), Germany, def. Alex Michelsen, United States, 6-2,
6, Vassell 4, Champagnie 2, Branham, Collins, Johnson, Totals 26-49 23-28 84. Jackson 1-1 0-0 2, Franklin 6-13 5-9 18, Kersgieter 5-15
San francisco: McCaffrey 6 run (Moody kick), 1:07. of 2. Goalies: Washington, Lindgren 9-5-3 (29 shots-26 7-6 (7-4), 6-2.
Tr.Jones, Wesley). Steals: 6 (Tr.Jones 3, Sochan, Vas- North carolina (13-5) 1-2 12, Mayberry 0-3 0-0 0, Nichols 3-10 6-9 12, Telegdy
Attendance: 71,824 saves). St. Louis, Binnington 15-12-2 (18-18). A: 18,096
sell, Wesley). Technical fouls: None. WOmEN9S SINGLES 4 THIRD ROUND Burns 3-8 2-2 8, Horne 6-13 1-2 16, Morsell 4-7 9-10 19, 2-3 0-0 4, Papadopoulou 0-0 0-0 0, Cobbins 4-5 0-0 8,
(18,096). T: 2:25. Conesa 1-3 0-0 2, Totals 22-53 12-20 58
Gb Sf WASHINGTON mIN fG fT O-T A Pf PTS Coco Gauff (4), United States, def. Magdalena Frech, Parker 1-3 1-2 3, Taylor 4-12 7-8 15, O9Connell 3-5 0-0 6,
First Downs .......................................... 20 19 Poland, 6-1, 6-2; Aryna Sabalenka (2), Belarus, def. Diarra 3-6 0-0 6, Middlebrooks 1-5 0-0 2, Woods 0-0 0-0 kansas State (18-1)
Total Net Yards ................................... 330 356 Avdija 32:29 7-11 1-1 0-7 4 2 16 0, Pass 1-1 0-0 3. Totals 26-60 20-24 78. Sanchez 2-9 0-0 4, Brylee Glenn 4-11 3-3 13, Jaelyn Glenn
Amanda Anisimova, United States, 6-3, 6-2; Marta
Rushes-Yards ............................... 28-136 24-111 Kuzma 29:03 5-14 1-1 3-12 6 0 11 Lightning 3, sabres 1 Halftime: Virginia Tech 33-32. Three-point goals: Vir- 3-4 2-2 9, Gregory 0-8 4-4 4, Sundell 6-9 1-2 15, Lester
Kostyuk, Ukraine, def. Maria Timofeeva, Russia, 6-2,
Passing ................................................ 194 245 Bagley III 35:38 8-19 4-4 7-12 2 5 21 ginia Tech 9-19 (Nickel 3-5, Cattoor 3-6, Beran 1-1, 0-3 0-0 0, Maupin 3-3 2-4 8, Sides 0-0 1-2 1, Walker 4-8
TAmPA bAY ............................ 2 0 1 4 3 6-1.
Punt Returns ..................................... 2-16 0-0 Ty.Jones 27:34 5-12 2-2 0-2 6 2 13 Collins 1-3, Pedulla 1-3, Long 0-1), North Carolina 6-19 5-6 15, Totals 22-55 18-23 69
Poole 28:43 7-15 2-2 0-0 2 4 16 bUffALO ................................. 0 1 0 4 1 WOmEN9S SINGLES 4 THIRD ROUND Three-point goals: Kansas 2-15 (Franklin 1-3, Kersgieter
Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-97 2-44 (Horne 3-7, Morsell 2-3, Pass 1-1, Diarra 0-1, Parker 0-1,
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 2-25 Kispert 24:38 4-10 7-7 0-2 2 1 16 Dayana Yastremska, Ukraine, def. Emma Navarro (27), O9Connell 0-2, Taylor 0-4). fouled out: Taylor, Diarra. 1-7, Mayberry 0-1, Nichols 0-1, Telegdy 0-1, Conesa 0-2),
Coulibaly 22:59 6-9 0-2 2-4 1 1 14
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 21-34-2 23-39-0 United States, 6-2, 2-6, 6-1; Anna Kalinskaya, Russia, Rebounds: Virginia Tech 24 (Kidd 6), North Carolina 28 Kansas State 7-22 (Sanchez 0-3, B.Glenn 2-6, J.Glenn
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 0-0 1-7 Wright 20:12 2-5 2-2 1-4 4 0 6 Scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Paul 12 (Hagel, Cirelli), 6:14. 2, def. Sloane Stephens, United States, 6-7 (10-8), 6-1, (Diarra 8). Assists: Virginia Tech 14 (Pedulla 8), North 1-2, Gregory 0-5, Sundell 2-3, Walker 2-3). Assists:
Punts .............................................. 1-42.0 4-44.75 Baldwin Jr. 12:22 2-3 1-2 0-2 0 4 7 Tampa Bay, Motte 4, 7:06 (sh). 6-4; Oceane Dodin, France, def. Clara Burel, France, 6-2, Carolina 15 (O9Connell 5). Total fouls: Virginia Tech 16, Kansas 10 (Franklin 3, Telegdy 3), Kansas State 14
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 2-0 0-0 Shamet 6:18 3-5 0-0 1-1 1 2 7 6-4; Zheng Qinwen (12), China, def. Wang Yafan, China, North Carolina 22. A: 15,850 (19,772). (Sundell 7). fouled out: Kansas Mayberry. Rebounds:
SEcOND PERIOD Kansas 34 (Kersgieter 10), Kansas State 34 (J.Glenn 6,
Penalties-Yards .................................. 1-5 6-83 TOTALS 240 49-103 20-23 14-46 28 21 127 6-4, 2-6, 7-6 (10-8); Jasmine Paolini (26), Italy, def.
Time Of Possession ......................... 30:19 29:41 Scoring: 3, Buffalo, Cozens 8 (Dahlin, Peterka), 13:52. Anna Blinkova, Russia, 7-6 (7-1), 6-4; Victoria Azaren- Sundell 6). Total fouls: Kansas 18, Kansas State 18.
Percentages: FG .476, FT .870. 3-Point Goals: 9-29, .310 ka (18), Belarus, def. Jelena Ostapenko (11), Latvia, Technical Fouls_None. A: 9,602.
PASSING (Coulibaly 2-2, Baldwin Jr. 2-3, Shamet 1-2, Ty.Jones THIRD PERIOD 6-1, 7-5; Linda Noskova, Czech Republic, def. Iga
navy 57, Army 53
Green bay: Love 21-34-2-194. 1-2, Avdija 1-3, Bagley III 1-3, Kispert 1-6, Wright 0-1, Scoring: 4, Tampa Bay, de Haan 3 (Paul, Hagel), 18:44 Swiatek (1), Poland, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; Elina Svitolina (19), Army (5-14)
San francisco: Purdy 23-39-0-252. Poole 0-3, Kuzma 0-4). Team Rebounds: 9. Team (en). Ukraine, def. Viktorija Golubic, Switzerland, 6-2, 6-3. A.Johnson 0-2 0-1 0, Scovens 5-12 3-5 16, Cross 1-2 0-0
Turnovers: 1. blocked Shots: 4 (Baldwin Jr., Coulibaly, 3, Curry 6-15 1-2 16, Small 3-11 2-2 9, Peterson 4-5 1-4 9, no. 9 Connecticut 88,
RUSHING Poole, Wright). Turnovers: 11 (Bagley III 2, Kispert 2, SHOTS ON GOAL mEN9S DOUbLES 4 THIRD ROUND Barker 0-3 0-0 0, Caldwell 0-0 0-0 0, Allenspach 0-0 0-0 0,
Green bay: A.Jones 18-108, Em.Wilson 4-16, Reed 1-9, Kuzma 2, Avdija, Baldwin Jr., Coulibaly, Poole,
DePaul 51
TAmPA bAY ............................ 5 8 2 4 15 Maximo Gonzalez and Andres Molteni (6), Argentina, Blair 0-0 0-0 0, Hailey 0-0 0-0 0, Dove 0-0 0-0 0. Totals
Love 5-3. Ty.Jones). Steals: 10 (Wright 3, Poole 2, Avdija, Bagley bUffALO ................................. 7 6 15 4 28 def. Jack Withrow and Nathaniel Lammons (12), 19-50 7-14 53. DEPAUL .............................. 14 7 17 13 4 51
San francisco: McCaffrey 17-98, Purdy 6-14, Jennings III, Kispert, Kuzma, Ty.Jones). Technical fouls: Poole, United States, 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 7-6 (7-5); Kevin Krawietz Navy (8-9) cONNEcTIcUT .................... 30 19 21 18 4 88
Power-play opportunities: Tampa Bay 0 of 3; Buffalo 0 of
1-(minus 1). 6:59 fourth. A: 17,922 (20,356). and Tim Puetz (8), Germany, def. Mate Pavic, Croatia, Draper 3-7 4-5 10, Fischer 1-2 0-1 2, Benigni 5-17 2-6 12,
2. Goalies: Tampa Bay, Johansson 9-6-5 (28 shots-27 DePaul (10-10)
saves). Buffalo, Luukkonen 11-9-2 (14-13). A: 0 and Marcelo Arevalo-Gonzalez (10), El Salvador, 6-3, Inge 2-6 1-2 7, MacDonald 1-7 3-7 6, Woods 6-8 5-8 17, Allen 1-6 0-0 2, Gilbert 3-7 0-0 8, McErlane 5-9 0-0 15,
REcEIVING 6-3; Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori, Italy, def.
(19,070). T: 2:18. Howard 1-2 0-0 3, Pennick 0-0 0-0 0, Summers 0-0 0-0 0. Peoples 2-10 4-5 8, Sidor 3-12 0-0 7, Carstensen 0-1 0-0
Green bay: Doubs 4-83, Reed 4-35, Musgrave 3-14, Denys Molchanov, Ukraine, and Nikola Cacic, Serbia, Totals 19-49 15-29 57.
Kraft 3-9, A.Jones 3-8, Melton 1-19, Watson 1-11, 0, Clarke 2-7 1-4 6, Edwards 0-1 0-0 0, McCline 1-4 0-0 2,
Bucks 141, Pistons 135 6-2, 6-2. Halftime: Navy 26-24. Three-point goals: Army 8-26 Ohiaeri 1-1 0-0 3, Walker 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 18-59 5-9 51
Em.Wilson 1-11, Sims 1-4. (Scovens 3-6, Curry 3-9, Cross 1-2, Small 1-6, Barker
San francisco: McCaffrey 7-30, Jennings 5-61, Kittle mEN9S DOUbLES 4 SEcOND ROUND connecticut (16-3)
mILWAUkEE ...................... 34 36 33 38 4 141 Avalanche 7, Flyers 4 0-3), Navy 4-13 (Inge 2-4, Howard 1-2, MacDonald 1-4, Edwards 4-7 10-10 18, Arnold 0-2 2-2 2, Bueckers 7-10
4-81, Aiyuk 3-32, Samuel 2-24, Conley 1-17, McCloud Mate Pavic, Croatia, and Marcelo Arevalo-Gonzalez Draper 0-1, Benigni 0-2). fouled out: A.Johnson. Re-
DETROIT ............................. 38 29 31 37 4 135 cOLORADO .............................. 2 3 2 4 7 5-5 20, Muhl 3-5 0-0 6, Shade 8-19 3-3 21, Brady 3-5 0-0
1-7. (10), El Salvador, def. N. Sriram Balaji, India, and Victor bounds: Army 31 (Small 8), Navy 31 (Draper 9). Assists:
PHILADELPHIA ........................ 0 2 2 4 4 6, DeBerry 3-5 2-2 8, Bettencourt 1-4 0-0 2, Samuels 2-5
mILWAUkEE: G.Antetokounmpo 10-16 11-22 31, Mid- Vlad Cornea, Romania, 6-3, 6-3; Yannick Hanfmann and Army 12 (Curry 5), Navy 12 (Benigni 4). Total fouls:
mISSED fIELD GOALS Dominik Koepfer, Germany, def. Jason Kubler and 1-2 5, Totals 31-62 23-24 88
dleton 5-12 4-6 17, B.Lopez 7-13 4-5 19, Beasley 5-9 0-0 fIRST PERIOD Army 22, Navy 16. A: 5,255 (5,710). Three-point goals: DePaul 10-35 (Allen 0-2, Gilbert 2-5,
Green bay: Carlson 41. 11, Lillard 12-22 16-16 45, Crowder 1-3 0-0 2, Portis 2-4 Rinky Hijikata (16), Australia, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3; Jean-Julien
San francisco: Moody 48. Scoring: 1, Colorado, O9Connor 9 (Malinski, Colton), 9:58. Rojer, Netherlands, and Lloyd Glasspool (11), Britain, McErlane 5-9, Peoples 0-2, Sidor 1-6, Carstensen 0-1,
0-0 4, Connaughton 4-5 0-0 10, Jackson Jr. 1-1 0-0 2. Clarke 1-6, McCline 0-2, Ohiaeri 1-1, Walker 0-1),
2, Colorado, Rantanen 25 (Colton, MacKinnon), 18:36. def. Albano Olivetti, France, and Andre Goransson,
Totals 47-85 35-49 141. Connecticut 3-14 (Bueckers 1-4, Muhl 0-1, Shade 2-6,
DETROIT: Bogdanovic 5-15 6-8 19, Knox II 1-5 0-0 3, SEcOND PERIOD Sweden, 7-6 (7-3), 4-6, 6-2; Kevin Krawietz and Tim Massachusetts 81, Samuels 0-3). Assists: DePaul 14 (Allen 4), Connecticut
Puetz (8), Germany, def. Sebastian Ofner, Austria, and
GoLF Duren 4-8 0-0 8, Hayes 1-3 0-0 2, Ivey 6-16 4-7 18, Scoring: 3, Colorado, MacKinnon 25 (Manson, Wood), Alexandre Muller, France, 6-2, 6-2; Zhang Zhizhen, George Washington 67 23 (Muhl 7). fouled out: DePaul Peoples, Connecticut
Gallinari 1-1 5-5 8, Muscala 4-4 1-2 13, Thompson 10-15 0:43. 4, Philadelphia, Farabee 16 (Atkinson, Frost), 1:49. China, and Tomas Machac, Czech Republic, def. Marton Brady. Rebounds: DePaul 34 (Peoples 9), Connecticut 42
0-0 22, Wiseman 0-1 0-0 0, Burks 9-20 8-8 33, Sasser 3-6 George Washington (14-4) (Shade 7). Total fouls: DePaul 24, Connecticut 14.
5, Colorado, O9Connor 10 (Colton, Wood), 8:14. 6, Fucsovics and Fabian Marozsan, Hungary, 7-6 (7-2),
2-2 9. Totals 44-94 26-32 135. Buchanan 6-10 3-7 15, Akingbola 1-2 0-0 2, Bishop 2-14 Technical Fouls_None. A: 10,299.
PGA Tour Philadelphia, Konecny 22 (Poehling, Tippett), 12:23. 7, 6-3; Jack Withrow and Nathaniel Lammons (12), 2-2 8, Edwards 4-10 4-4 13, Johnson 5-10 2-2 16,
Three-point Goals: Milwaukee 12-32 (Lillard 5-11, Mid- Colorado, MacKinnon 26 (Kiviranta, Manson), 17:05. United States, def. Adrian Mannarino and Quentin
AmERIcAN EXPRESS Hutchinson 1-6 0-0 3, Autry 1-2 0-0 3, Schroder 0-1 4-4 4,
dleton 3-7, Connaughton 2-3, B.Lopez 1-4, Beasley 1-4, THIRD PERIOD Halys, France, walkover; Hugo Nys, Monaco, and Jan Weluche-Ume 0-1 0-0 0, Smith 0-1 0-0 0, Harvey 1-1 1-1
in La Quinta, Calif. G.Antetokounmpo 0-1, Crowder 0-2), Detroit 21-37 Zielinski (7), Poland, def. Jordan Thompson and Max no. 11 Texas 76,
a-La Quinta Country Club (Host Course); 7,060 yards 3. Totals 21-58 16-20 67.
(Burks 7-14, Muscala 4-4, Bogdanovic 3-7, Thompson 2-2, Scoring: 8, Philadelphia, Foerster 7 (Atkinson, Frost), Purcell, Australia, 6-3, 6-7 (7-5), 6-1; Ariel Behar, massachusetts (12-6)
b-PGA West Nicklaus Tournament Course; 7,147 yards Ivey 2-5, Gallinari 1-1, Knox II 1-2, Sasser 1-2). fouled 5:26. 9, Philadelphia, Atkinson 12 (Cates, Ristolainen), Uruguay, and Adam Pavlasek, Czech Republic, def. Cohen 6-11 2-3 15, Hankins-Sanford 4-8 2-4 10, Diggins oklahoma state 66
c-Pete Dye Stadium Course; 7,187 yards 8:11. 10, Colorado, Rantanen 26 (Makar, Drouin), 12:23 Nicolas Barrientos, Colombia, and Rafael Matos, Brazil,
Purse: $8.4 million Out: None. Rebounds: Milwaukee 49 (B.Lopez, G.Ante- 9-19 2-2 25, Ndjigue 0-2 1-2 1, Thompson 6-12 0-0 13,
tokounmpo 10), Detroit 40 (Duren, Thompson 9). Assists: (pp). 11, Colorado, O9Connor 11 (MacKinnon, Toews), 6-3, 7-6 (11-9); Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio TEXAS ................................ 20 19 18 19 4 76
Curry 8-12 0-0 17, Davis 0-1 0-0 0, Mason 0-0 0-0 0, OkLAHOmA STATE ........... 14 16 23 13 4 66
THIRD ROUND Milwaukee 30 (Lillard 11), Detroit 30 (Burks, Ivey 6). 19:39 (en). Zeballos (4), Argentina, def. John-Patrick Smith, Majok 0-0 0-0 0, Castineyra 0-0 0-0 0, Marcus 0-0 0-0 0.
Nick Dunlap .............................. 64b 65c 60a 4 189 -27 Total fouls: Milwaukee 18, Detroit 30. A: 19,996 (20,491) Australia, and Andreas Mies, Germany, 6-4, 6-4. Totals 33-65 7-11 81. Texas (18-2)
SHOTS ON GOAL Booker 7-16 5-5 19, Jones 5-7 8-11 18, Moore 7-14 3-4 17,
Sam Burns ............................... 66a 61b 65c 4 192 -24 WOmEN9S DOUbLES 4 SEcOND ROUND Halftime: 31-31. Three-point goals: George Washington
Justin Thomas ......................... 65a 67b 61c 4 193 -23 cOLORADO .............................. 5 10 9 4 24 9-26 (Johnson 4-8, Bishop 2-9, Autry 1-2, Edwards 1-3, Gonzales 7-12 0-0 15, Holle 3-4 1-1 7, Muhammad 0-1 0-0
Christiaan Bezuidenhout ......... 63a 67b 65c 4 195 -21 PHILADELPHIA ...................... 12 11 16 4 39 Gabriela Dabrowski, Canada, and Erin Routliffe (4), Hutchinson 1-3, Smith 0-1), Massachusetts 8-27 (Dig- 0, Faye 0-0 0-0 0, Mwenentanda 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 29-55
Eric Cole ................................... 66c 64a 66b 4 196 -20 76ers 97, hornets 89 Power-play opportunities: Colorado 1 of 2; Philadelphia 0 New Zealand, def. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and gins 5-11, Cohen 1-3, Curry 1-3, Thompson 1-6, Davis 17-21 76
Adam Hadwin .......................... 65b 65c 66a 4 196 -20 of 3. Goalies: Colorado, Georgiev 25-11-2 (39 shots-35 Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, walkover; Kristina 0-1, Hankins-Sanford 0-1, Ndjigue 0-2). Rebounds: Oklahoma State (11-7)
PHILADELPHIA .................. 24 22 23 28 4 97 saves). Philadelphia, Hart 12-9-3 (15-10). A: 19,078 Mladenovic and Caroline Garcia, France, def. Timea Garzon 4-9 1-2 11, Gusters 7-11 0-1 14, Asi 8-10 3-4 22,
Si Woo Kim .............................. 64a 66b 66c 4 196 -20 George Washington 32 (Edwards 11), Massachusetts 35
cHARLOTTE ....................... 24 21 28 16 4 89 (19,543). T: 2:30. Babos and Anna Bondar, Hungary, 6-4, 6-2; Xinyu Jiang Heard 3-13 2-4 9, Noble 2-10 3-4 8, Egharevba 1-2 0-0 2,
J.T. Poston ............................... 67c 65a 64b 4 196 -20 (Cohen 12). Assists: George Washington 14 (Buchanan,
Xander Schauffele ................... 64a 69b 63c 4 196 -20 and Hanyu Guo, China, def. Makoto Ninomiya and Eri Bishop, Hutchinson 3), Massachusetts 22 (Diggins 5). Ebert 0-0 0-0 0, Langerman 0-3 0-0 0, Totals 25-58 9-15
PHILADELPHIA: Batum 4-6 0-0 9, Harris 7-15 6-7 21, Hozumi (16), Japan, 6-3, 6-2; Elixane Lechemia, France, 66
Patrick Cantlay ........................ 64a 66b 67c 4 197 -19 Embiid 11-23 11-12 33, Maxey 7-22 1-2 16, Oubre Jr. 2-7 Total fouls: George Washington 14, Massachusetts 17.
and Tamara Korpatsch, Germany, def. Katarzyna Kawa, Three-point goals: Texas 1-6 (Gonzales 1-5, Holle 0-1),
Jimmy Stanger ........................ 65b 66c 66a 4 197 -19 0-0 5, Morris Sr. 0-4 0-0 0, Reed 1-2 0-0 2, Korkmaz 1-2 Coyotes 3, Predators 2 Poland, and Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, walkover; Alexan-
A: 3,586 (9,493).
Oklahoma State 7-20 (Garzon 2-6, Asi 3-4, Heard 1-4,
Alexander Bjork ....................... 64a 67b 67c 4 198 -18 0-0 2, House Jr. 3-4 2-3 9, Council IV 0-0 0-0 0, T.Smith
Ben Griffin ............................... 66a 68b 64c 4 198 -18 NASHVILLE .............................. 0 1 1 4 2 dra Panova, Russia, and Cristina Bucsa, Spain, def. Noble 1-5, Langerman 0-1). Assists: Texas 8 (Booker 5),
0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-85 20-24 97. ARIzONA ................................. 1 2 0 4 3 Iryna Shymanovich, Belarus, and Elina Avanesyan, Oklahoma State 9 (Asi 5). fouled out: Oklahoma State
Sungjae Im ............................... 66b 67c 65a 4 198 -18 norfolk state 65, howard 61
Michael Kim ............................. 65a 63b 70c 4 198 -18 cHARLOTTE: Bridges 9-22 2-2 25, C.Martin 2-7 0-0 4, Russia, 6-1, 6-2; Laura Siegemund, Germany, and Gusters. Rebounds: Texas 39 (Jones 14), Oklahoma
Washington 3-8 2-2 9, Miller 8-17 5-5 23, Rozier 9-18 1-5 fIRST PERIOD Barbora Krejcikova (5), Czech Republic, def. Yuan Yue State 24 (Garzon 5, Heard 5). Total fouls: Texas 18,
Kevin Yu ................................... 66b 66c 66a 4 198 -18 Norfolk State (12-8)
Bronson Burgoon ..................... 66c 69a 64b 4 199 -17 19, Thor 3-5 0-0 7, Mensah 0-0 0-0 0, I.Smith 1-4 0-0 2, Scoring: 1, Arizona, Keller 18 (Guenther, Durzi), 9:52. and Wang Yafan, China, 6-2, 6-4; Sara Errani and Chambers 0-0 0-0 0, Mading 1-3 0-0 2, Beale 0-1 1-2 1, Oklahoma State 19. Technical Fouls_None. A: 3,405.
Zach Johnson ........................... 62a 69b 68c 4 199 -17 McGowens 0-0 0-0 0, Smith Jr. 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 35-85 Jasmine Paolini, Italy, def. Aleksandra Krunic, Serbia, Ings 3-7 4-6 11, Anderson 1-4 0-0 3, Bladen 3-5 0-2 6,
10-14 89. SEcOND PERIOD and Shuko Aoyama, Japan, 6-1, 7-5; Taylor Townsend, Thomas 5-11 2-4 14, Betrand 5-11 2-3 14, Darden 3-4 1-2
Chan Kim .................................. 64b 67c 68a 4 199 -17
Chris Kirk ................................. 68a 64b 67c 4 199 -17 Scoring: 2, Arizona, Keller 19 (Maccelli), 1:20. 3, Nash- United States, and Beatriz Haddad Maia (8), Brazil, def. 8, Fields 2-6 1-2 6, Doumbia 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 23-55 11-21
Three-point Goals: Philadelphia 5-25 (House Jr. 1-1, Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, and Anna Blinkova,
Ben Martin ............................... 68c 64a 67b 4 199 -17 Batum 1-3, Harris 1-3, Oubre Jr. 1-5, Maxey 1-9, Embiid ville, Josi 9 (Nyquist, Sissons), 3:42 (pp). 4, Arizona, 65. hIGh sCho o L s
Alex Noren ............................... 62a 68b 69c 4 199 -17 Carcone 15 (Durzi, McBain), 9:50. Russia, 7-6 (7-2), 6-4; Storm Hunter, Australia, and Howard (8-12)
0-1, Morris Sr. 0-3), Charlotte 9-37 (Bridges 5-10, Miller Katerina Siniakova (3), Czech Republic, def. Maddison
2-10, Thor 1-3, Washington 1-4, Smith Jr. 0-2, C.Martin Towns 2-9 2-2 6, Dockery 4-9 0-1 11, Harris 6-13 6-6 21,
THIRD PERIOD Inglis and Destanee Aiava, Australia, 2-6, 7-5, 6-1. Okojie 2-3 4-4 8, Strong 3-4 0-0 8, Campbell 1-3 0-0 2, SATURDAY9S RESULTS
0-3, Rozier 0-5). fouled Out: Philadelphia None, Char-
lotte 2 (Mensah, Washington). Rebounds: Philadelphia Scoring: 5, Nashville, Novak 8 (Josi, Forsberg), 18:44. mIXED DOUbLES 4 SEcOND ROUND Warfield 1-4 2-3 5. Totals 19-45 14-16 61. bOYS9 bASkETbALL
LPGA Tour 46 (Embiid 10), Charlotte 47 (Bridges 11). Assists: Halftime: Howard 34-26. Three-point goals: Norfolk mARYLAND
SHOTS ON GOAL Neal Skupski, Britain, and Desirae Krawczyk (2), United
TOURNAmENT Of cHAmPIONS Philadelphia 21 (Maxey 8), Charlotte 23 (Rozier 6). Total State 8-19 (Thomas 2-4, Betrand 2-5, Darden 1-1, Fields St. Charles 59, North Point 29
States, def. Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, and
At Lake Nona Golf & Country Club; in Orlando fouls: Philadelphia 12, Charlotte 20. A: 18,261 (19,077) NASHVILLE ............................ 12 13 8 4 33 1-2, Ings 1-2, Anderson 1-3, Doumbia 0-1, Mading 0-1),
Giuliana Olmos, Mexico, 6-2, 6-2; Jamie Murray, VIRGINIA
Purse: $1.5 million ARIzONA ................................. 6 11 8 4 25 Howard 9-20 (Dockery 3-5, Harris 3-5, Strong 2-3,
Britain, and Yana Sizikova, Russia, def. Maximo Catholic 56, Forest Park 51
Yardage: 6,608; Par: 72 Power-play opportunities: Nashville 1 of 6; Arizona 0 of Warfield 1-2, Okojie 0-1, Towns 0-4). fouled out:
Gonzalez, Argentina, and Nadiia Kichenok, Ukraine, Fairfax Home School 73, Fredericksburg Victory 45
2. Goalies: Nashville, Saros 18-17-1 (25 shots-22 saves). Campbell. Rebounds: Norfolk State 28 (Fields 5), How-
6-2, 6-2; Marc Polmans and Olivia Gadecki, Australia,
THIRD ROUND Thunder 102, Timberwolves 97 Arizona, Ingram 16-9-1 (33-31). A: 4,600 (5,000). T: 2:32. def. Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and Hao-Ching Chan
ard 30 (Harris 11). Assists: Norfolk State 10 (Thomas 3), Fairfax Home School 45, Spirit Home School 41
Lydia Ko ......................................... 69 67 68 4 204 -12 Howard 11 (Okojie, Strong 3). Total fouls: Norfolk State PRIVATE
OkLAHOmA cITY ............... 30 27 17 28 4 102 (4), Taiwan, 6-4, 6-7 (7-5), 12-10; Andrea Vavassori,
Alexa Pano .................................... 69 70 67 4 206 -10 14, Howard 19. A: 1,943 (2,700). Bullis 74, 1 of 1 Academy 70
mINNESOTA ...................... 24 30 29 14 4 97 Italy, and Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, def. Luke
Ally Ewing ..................................... 68 72 68 4 208 -8 Saville and Daria Saville, Australia, 6-3, 6-3; Hsieh Clinton Grace 70, Highland School 59
Gemma Dryburgh .......................... 70 68 71 4 209 -7 OkLAHOmA cITY: Dort 5-12 1-2 14, Jal.Williams 6-18 Su-wei, Taiwan, and Jan Zielinski (3), Poland, def. John Gonzaga 80, St. Mary9s Ryken 47
Ayaka Furue .................................. 65 71 73 4 209 -7 Jets 2, senators 1 (oT) Peers and Kimberly Birrell, Australia, 6-2, 6-2; Jean-Ju- Landon 63, Episcopal 52
8-10 20, Holmgren 4-8 6-6 15, Giddey 2-8 1-2 5,
Gaby Lopez .................................... 67 71 71 4 209 -7 Gilgeous-Alexander 10-22 12-13 33, Jay.Williams 2-3 WINNIPEG ......................... 0 1 0 1 4 2 lien Rojer, Netherlands, and Ellen Perez (8), Australia, Lehigh 70, American 68 Maret 69, Flint Hill 64
Brooke Henderson ........................ 69 70 71 4 210 -6 0-0 5, K.Williams 0-2 0-0 0, Joe 1-3 2-2 5, Micic 0-2 0-0 0, OTTAWA ............................ 0 0 1 0 4 1 def. Harri Heliovaara, Finland, and Ulrikke Eikeri, Salesianum (Del.), 75, Bishop McNamara 66
Charley Hull ................................... 74 66 70 4 210 -6 Norway, 6-7 (8-6), 7-6 (7-4), 12-10. American (10-9) St. Andrew9s 71, St. James 48
Wallace 0-1 0-0 0, Wiggins 2-2 0-0 5. Totals 32-81 30-35 SEcOND PERIOD
Rose Zhang ................................... 69 71 70 4 210 -6 Mayock 4-5 0-0 10, Rogers 9-16 1-2 21, Ball 0-3 1-2 1, St. Anselm9s Abbey 62, Phelps 48
Marina Alex ................................... 71 70 70 4 211 -5 Scoring: 1, Winnipeg, Appleton 8 (Niederreiter, Sam- Donadio 5-9 2-2 13, Stephens 5-12 2-2 16, Smalls 0-4 0-0 Top Notch West (Canada) 74, New Hope 61
Megan Khang ................................ 70 72 69 4 211 -5 mINNESOTA: McDaniels 6-11 0-1 15, Towns 4-10 10-10 berg), 14:35. 0, Sprouse 1-4 0-0 3, Ballisager Webb 2-7 0-1 4, G.Jones
Cheyenne Knight ........................... 70 70 71 4 211 -5 19, Gobert 1-6 5-8 7, Conley 1-11 0-0 3, Edwards 6-10 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 26-62 6-9 68. GIRLS9 bASkETbALL
Nanna Koerstz Madsen ................ 74 70 68 4 212 -4 6-10 19, Anderson 2-4 0-0 5, Reid 7-13 0-0 18, Alexander- THIRD PERIOD TrA n s AC T Ion s Lehigh (5-12) mARYLAND
Nelly Korda .................................... 71 69 72 4 212 -4 Walker 1-3 0-0 3, McLaughlin 3-7 0-0 8. Totals 31-75 Chebuhar 2-5 2-2 7, Momah 4-9 6-8 14, Gillus 1-3 0-0 2, Chesapeake 54, Glen Burnie 41
21-29 97. Scoring: 2, Ottawa, Kelly 6 (Norris, Tarasenko), 4:43. Ingram 2-5 0-0 6, Whitney-Sidney 8-13 10-10 27, Saigal
Ashleigh Buhai .............................. 69 73 71 4 213 -3 VIRGINIA
Nasa Hataoka ................................ 70 70 73 4 213 -3 OVERTImE NfL 1-3 0-0 3, Knostman 2-3 0-0 4, Parolin 3-4 0-0 7. Totals
Three-point Goals: Oklahoma City 8-24 (Dort 3-7, Fairfax Home School 46, Fredericksburg Victory 29
Andrea Lee .................................... 69 75 69 4 213 -3 23-45 18-20 70.
Wiggins 1-1, Gilgeous-Alexander 1-2, Holmgren 1-2, Scoring: 3, Winnipeg, Ehlers 16 (Pionk, Namestnikov), buffalo bills: Released P Matt Haack from the practice Fairfax Home School 58, Spirit Home School 32
Maja Stark .................................... 67 75 71 4 213 -3 Halftime: Lehigh 36-30. Three-point goals: American
Jay.Williams 1-2, Joe 1-2, Jal.Williams 0-2, K.Williams 4:14. squad. Promoted LB A.J. Klein and WR Andy Isabella to
Ruoning Yin ................................... 75 70 68 4 213 -3 10-25 (Stephens 4-6, Mayock 2-3, Rogers 2-4, Sprouse PRIVATE
0-2, Giddey 0-4), Minnesota 14-37 (Reid 4-8, McDaniels the active roster from the practice squad. Signed DT Eli
Hae-Ran Ryu ................................. 71 72 71 4 214 -2 SHOTS ON GOAL 1-3, Donadio 1-4, Ball 0-1, G.Jones 0-1, Smalls 0-3), Clinton Grace 40, Christian Heritage 4
3-5, McLaughlin 2-3, Alexander-Walker 1-2, Anderson Ankou to the practice squad.
Amy Yang ...................................... 73 71 70 4 214 -2 Lehigh 6-17 (Ingram 2-4, Parolin 1-2, Chebuhar 1-3, Clinton Grace 48, Regents 31
1-3, Edwards 1-3, Towns 1-4, Conley 1-9). fouled Out: WINNIPEG ......................... 4 9 13 4 4 30 Detroit Lions: Re-signed LB Julian Okwara to the
Linn Grant ..................................... 73 68 74 4 215 -1 Saigal 1-3, Whitney-Sidney 1-3, Gillus 0-1, Momah 0-1). Shining Star Sports 103, Riverdale Baptist 53
Oklahoma City None, Minnesota 1 (Towns). Rebounds: OTTAWA ............................ 7 16 11 1 4 35 practice squad. Promoted DL Tyson Alualu and FB Jason
Mone Inami ................................... 75 75 66 4 216 E Rebounds: American 33 (Rogers 10), Lehigh 26 (Chebu-
Oklahoma City 37 (Giddey 8), Minnesota 50 (Gobert 18). Power-play opportunities: Winnipeg 0 of 4; Ottawa 0 of Cabinda to the active roster from the practice squad. bOYS9 IcE HOckEY
Leona Maguire .............................. 72 72 72 4 216 E har, Momah, Ingram 5). Assists: American 14 (Ball 6),
Assists: Oklahoma City 21 (Gilgeous-Alexander 6), Tampa bay buccaneers: Promoted OL Silas Dzansi and
Paula Reto ..................................... 75 71 70 4 216 E 4. Goalies: Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 23-7-3 (35 shots-34 Lehigh 15 (Chebuhar, Knostman 3). Total fouls: Ameri- VIRGINIA
Minnesota 22 (Edwards 5). Total fouls: Oklahoma City saves). Ottawa, Korpisalo 9-15-1 (30-27). A: 19,388 RB Patrick Laird to the active roster from the practice
Lilia Vu .......................................... 71 71 74 4 216 E can 18, Lehigh 17. A: 688 (6,000). Riverside 1, Dominion/Potomac Falls 0
20, Minnesota 26. (18,572). T: 2:28. squad.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ M2 d7

As free agency starts, Mystics brace for transition period

After another quick playoff exit and she made her seventh all- 31-year-old has been named to after she earned her second mVP a ruptured Achilles9 tendon.
in 2023, Delle Donne, Cloud, star team in 2023, but injuries the WNBA9s all-defensive team award last season, and fellow ogwumike has played all 12 of
Delle Donne is among Hawkins and Kristi Toliver 4 have become more common- twice. free agent and 2021 mVP Jonquel her seasons with the Los Angeles
big names whose status who was hired as the Phoenix place for the 34-year-old. She The salary cap for the 2024 Jones is also expected to re-sign. Sparks, and the Dallas Wings
mercury9s associate head coach was limited to 11 points in each season is $1,463,200, and Wash- Stefanie Dolson is an unrestrict- extended a restricted qualifying
remains uncertain last month 4 are unrestricted playoff loss while shooting just ington has the fifth-most salary ed free agent, and Jocelyn Wil- offer to Sabally.
free agents. 32.1 percent. cap space in the league loughby is a restricted free agent.
Thibault acknowledged this Delle Donne had previously ($639,809), according to sparks, Mercury rebuilding
BY K AREEM C OPELAND could be a transitional offseason, said she intends to finish her HerHoopStats.com. The team ex- diggins-smith on the move The Sparks and mercury are
and that process begins in ear- career in Washington, but she tended a reserved qualifying of- The best free agents not al- two of six active franchises that
The time for change is arriving nest Sunday. did not have that same energy at fer to sharpshooting guard Li ready mentioned are eight-time have won multiple WNBA titles,
for the Washington mystics. The <I think we have to make a the end of the 2023 season. meng. all-star and 2016 mVP Nneka but both have fallen on hard
window for WNBA teams to decision about what this is going <I think you always need to Here9s what else to watch ogwumike, eight-time all-star times. They will pick second and
negotiate with free agents opens to look like going forward,= Thi- take a little bit of time to just around the WNBA when free Brittney Griner, six-time all-star third, respectively, in what is
Sunday before players can offi- bault said after the season con- kind of reflect and see what your agency begins: Skylar Diggins-Smith, five-time expected to be a strong top of the
cially sign beginning feb. 1. And cluded. <And it9s not an easy one.= next steps are going to be,= Delle all-star DeWanna Bonner, two- draft.
for the first time since before The first step was taken last Donne said in September. <I just Will the super teams reload? time all-star Brionna Jones and Both teams also will have the
they advanced to their first week, when the team extended a want to win. That9s truly what I The Las Vegas Aces and New two-time all-star Satou Sabally. opportunity to make noise in free
finals in 2018, the mystics could core qualifying offer to Delle care about most. . . . I feel like I York Liberty were the big win- Diggins-Smith may be the agency. The Sparks have the
be in line for a significant over- Donne. The designation means have a lot more basketball to ners last offseason and rode their most intriguing because she will second-most salary cap space
haul, even after they took a step the two-time mVP can sign only play, and I want to win.= newly constructed super teams be on the move after a conten- ($759,799) and just six players
to keep their biggest star in the with the mystics. If they can9t The core designation limits all the way to the finals, which tious end to her time with the under contract. New general
fold. reach a larger agreement, the her options, though she could the Aces won in four games. Both mercury. She didn9t play in 2023 manager raegan Pebley has a
General manager mike core designation guarantees choose to sit out. A trade also teams benefited from some after giving birth, but she was fairly clean slate to build with
Thibault has talked about trying Delle Donne a one-year deal remains a possibility. Thibault team-friendly contracts, and first-team all-WNBA for the sec- Coach Curt miller heading into
to capitalize on a championship worth the league9s supermax declined to comment this past now there9s some work to do. ond straight year in 2022 after his second season with the fran-
window with the core of Elena ($241,984). week, and Delle Donne9s repre- Two-time mVP Candace Park- averaging 19.7 points and 5.5 as- chise.
Delle Donne, Natasha Cloud, Ari- Delle Donne9s future role with sentative did not respond to er signed a one-year deal with sists. The mercury missed the play-
el Atkins, myisha Hines-Allen, Washington seemed to be in messages seeking comment. the Aces last year but played just Griner has intimated she will offs last year for the first time
Tianna Hawkins and Shatori question after a pair of back Elsewhere, Cloud is arguably 18 games because of injury. The stay with the mercury. Jones was since 2012 and is trying to make
Walker-Kimbrough. The mystics surgeries and other injuries lim- the top point guard on the mar- 37-year-old is an unrestricted given the core designation by the the most of its dwindling time
reached the finals in 2018 and ited her availability the past four ket. She is coming off a season in free agent, and her future is Connecticut Sun. Bonner and with 41-year-old Diana Taurasi,
won the championship in 2019, seasons. She didn9t play at all in which she averaged career highs unknown. Kiah Stokes, who her fiancée, Alyssa Thomas, who the league9s all-time leading scor-
but they have been bounced in 2020 and appeared in just three in points (12.7), rebounds (3.7) started in place of Parker, is also is under contract with the Sun er. Phoenix has a new coach in
the first round of the playoffs games in 2021. There are long and minutes (32.4), one season an unrestricted free agent. for 2024, led Connecticut to the former NBA assistant Nate
three times since and missed the stretches when Delle Donne is after she led the league with The Liberty placed the core WNBA semifinals last season, Tibbetts and the sixth-most
postseason altogether in 2021. still the best player on the court, 7.0 assists per game in 2022. The designation on Breanna Stewart and that was with Jones out with salary cap space ($633,042).

A reunion with a decidedly French flair goes to Wembanyama and San Antonio
Wizards from d1 matchup Jan. 29 in Texas. Wiz ards9 Nex T Three
<I can9t wait to win that next
we9re here.9 = game,= he said. vs. denver Nuggets
He had to wait until the fourth Too often, the Wizards9 shoddy
quarter of a 131-127 loss to the San transition defense made things Sunday 6 Monumental
Antonio Spurs, but Coulibaly got easy for Wembanyama, who
his not-so-secret wish and helped San Antonio to a 74-66 vs. Minnesota Timberwolves
matched up with Victor Wemban- advantage in points in the paint. Wednesday 7 Monumental
yama 4 his friend since he was The 20-year-old led the Spurs
11 years old who grew up to be the with 24 points; he added eight vs. Utah Jazz
most hyped NBA sensation in a rebounds and four creative, well-
generation. timed assists. Thursday 7 Monumental
It was just for a moment, but San Antonio (8-34) overcame a
the frenchman in the Wizards 12-point deficit in the fourth quar- Radio: WTEM (980 AM)
jersey handled himself well on ter to prevail. After monday9s loss
defense 4 despite that, at to the Detroit Pistons (4-38), the With less than 10 seconds to go,
6-foot-8, Coulibaly just about Wizards (7-34) have suffered loss- Kuzma missed a three-pointer
reached the 7-4 Wembanyama9s es to two of the worst teams in the that would have tied it.
shoulder blades while guarding NBA in less than a week. <I thought that second group
him. Coulibaly is the rare basket- <We9ve been through so many into the third to the middle of the
ball nut not gobsmacked by his games this year 4 haven9t fourth [quarter] really played
friend9s ability or his quick adjust- changed much,= Kyle Kuzma said well,= Wizards Coach Wes Unseld
ment to superstardom. Coulibaly when asked what the Wizards Jr. said. <A lot of energy and pop,
has known Wembanyama since need to do to improve. <You know, trying to bleed some of our start-
they played youth basketball to- the answer9s not always play hard- ing guys back in. Give the Spurs
gether, and he leaned on him er. I think lately we9ve been play- credit. They made plays on both
when he was called up to the ing pretty hard.= sides of the ball just enough to
senior level at their french club, The Spurs9 Jeremy Sochan, re- come away with it.=
metropolitans 92, just last season. lieved of the point guard duties he Newly acquired marvin Bagley
on draft night in June, they cel- handled earlier in the season as III led the Wizards with 21 points
ebrated together with their fami- part of a Gregg Popovich-concoct- while starting for the second
lies. ed experiment and back in a more straight game in place of center
<He9s been doing his thing. He9s natural frontcourt position, had Daniel Gafford, who is out with a
really humble, smart, so he knows 23 points, four rebounds, three concussion. Gafford was on the
how to manage all of that, and he9s assists and two blocks. His finger- bench in street clothes Saturday
got good people around him,= said prints were all over the game9s but has progressed enough that
Coulibaly, who had 14 points and decisive moments. he has played some one-on-one
four rebounds Saturday. <It9s easy Sochan hit a three-pointer with and is working to ramp up his
for him.= 53.1 seconds remaining to put the activity in advance of a return,
That was Coulibaly9s overarch- Spurs ahead by one. The Wizards Unseld said before the game.
Mark Schiefelbein/aSSociaTeD preSS
ing assessment of Wembanyama had chances to go ahead, but Bagley has filled in aptly. While
as a basketball player 4 that peo- The spurs9 Victor Wembanyama finished with a game-high 24 points and six blocks saturday night. Wembanyama blocked Tyus Jones leading all five starters in double
ple underestimate his talent be- on his way to the bucket on the figures in scoring Saturday, he
cause of how easy he makes things banyama just happened to find way, too 4 almost nonchalant. on crowd each time. ensuing possession, and Kuzma, added 12 rebounds. Deni Avdija
look. He had a putback in the first himself at the basket, so he ex- those, though, the sight of his long Coulibaly had to give his friend driving past three defenders, had 16 points, seven rebounds
quarter that looked downright tended his arms and that was that. arm slapping the ball like a fly kudos for his play, even as he couldn9t get his floater to fall with and four assists. Corey Kispert
casual 4 as if, mid-stroll, Wem- All of his six blocks were that swatter drew gasps from the looked forward to their next less than 30 seconds remaining. added 16 points off the bench.

With busy year ahead, young U.S. players gain valuable experience in defeat
tacker Bernard Kamungo, who keeper Patrick Schulte.
slovenia 1, was raised in a Tanzanian refugee four minutes later, Kamungo
United states 0 camp before his family resettled almost compensated for his mis-
in Abilene, Tex., eight years ago. take, but Igor Vekic made a ster-
Six other U-23s entered as subs. ling leg save on a 12-yard one-tim-
BY S TEVEN G OFF <It was very special for me,= er. The buildup featured a terrific
Kamungo said. <You stay in the series of passes by first-timers
SAN ANTONIO 4 Each winter, as moment. You live in the moment Luna, Timmy Tillman and Brian
his most trusted players are and just cherish the moment. I9m White.
locked into European club sea- just so happy that I9ve made it this The last 15 minutes of the
sons, Gregg Berhalter assembles a far and just tried to enjoy it as match buzzed with opportunity
largely inexperienced group for much as I could.= for the Americans, but substitute
the first U.S. men9s national soccer Eleven players, including sev- left back John Tolkin missed the
team training camp of the year. en starters, made their national target from 12 yards twice in a
The primary purpose is to eval- team debuts 4 the most since 12 one-minute span, and several oth-
uate players who might figure debuted in a 1988 match against er threats went unfulfilled.
into consequential adventures Guatemala. Berhalter praised <The reaction in the second
ahead. It9s certainly not the <A= or starting forward Diego Luna, 20, half was a lot better,= Zawadzki
<B= team; rather, it9s an experi- and substitute forward Esmir Ba- said. <We did create some good
mental crew brought together jraktarevic, who, at 18, was the chances. I wish we would have
during the mLS preseason. youngest player on the roster. scored, but I think the response
This year9s camp, which culmi- Experience was provided by and the willingness to fight was
nated with a 1-0 defeat to Slovenia center back miles robinson, a there. from the day we arrived at
on Saturday, served a second 4 senior national team regular, and camp, the coaches laid out what
and more pressing 4 purpose: the right back Shaq moore, the only they wanted to see, and that
olympics, which this summer will 2022 World Cup player on this showed in the second half.=
include the U.S. men for the first squad. Berhalter now turns his atten-
time since 2008. robinson9s partner in central tion back to his primary players;
olympic men9s soccer is re- defense was Sean Zawadzki, a he will travel to Europe in the
stricted to players 23 and under, former Georgetown standout coming weeks to attend matches
with three overage exceptions. making his senior debut. He typi- and meet with them. The next
And while he is not the U.S. olym- cally is a midfielder for the mLS camp, featuring Christian Pulisic
pic coach 4 marko mitrovic is 4 champion Columbus Crew. and Co., is in late march in Arling-
Berhalter oversees the program at Slovenia, which last appeared ton, Tex., where they will attempt
large. So for this camp, about half at the World Cup in 2010 but has to win the Concacaf Nations
aDaM DaviS/epa-efe/ShuTTerSTock
the roster was age-eligible for the qualified for this summer9s Euro- League for the third consecutive
Paris Games. Midfielder Timmy Tillman was one of 11 players who made their U.s. national team debuts saturday. pean Championship, also turned time. Preparations will then be-
<Looking at some individual to an inexperienced 4 and mostly gin for Copa América and, for the
performances, specifically with full senior level is valuable, and plicated situation. won9t be available for both com- domestic-based 4 roster. The vis- younger players, the olympics.
the olympic guys, we knew it9s going to help them as they Several age-eligible players petitions. As the stiffest test for itors took the lead in the Berhalter said he was <really
they9re playing [a] senior interna- move forward.= employed overseas, such as Gio Berhalter9s charges until the 2026 26th minute. Kamungo lost the happy with the opportunity to do
tional [match], and we wanted to mitrovic joined the senior staff reyna and Yunus musah, are reg- World Cup is staged in the United ball to Danijel Sturm, who sup- this camp, and I think we definite-
give them that experience and for this camp and, in the coming ulars on the senior squad, which States, mexico and Canada, Copa plied 21-year-old forward Nejc ly got something out of it. Looking
also see how they do,= Berhalter months, will collaborate with Ber- this summer will compete in Copa América is the priority. Gradisar on the left flank for an forward, it9s competition time. It9s
said. <All in all, for them to experi- halter in determining the 18-man América, the historic South five under-23 players started angled finish with the outside of an exciting six months of soccer
ence what it is like to play at the travel party to france. It9s a com- American tournament. Players Saturday, including fC Dallas at- his right foot past debuting goal- coming up.=
D8 ez su the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Midseason awards: Holmgren has slight edge in a sizzling rookie of the year race
With the Timberwolves thought they were better and San Antonio would be winning team.
On inaugural in- acquiring when they sent all worse. Even so, reality should The 24-year-old big man, who
the NBA season those draft picks to the Jazz. take precedence over went undrafted out of LSU in
Ben tournament Better one year late than never, hypotheticals as long as both 2019, re-signed with minnesota
Golliver dominating especially when Gobert is players deliver similar box score last summer despite a crowded
December and earning $41 million this season. numbers. frontcourt rotation that
trade deadline season off to a fast Kudos also to Anthony Davis, Voters should keep an open includes Gobert and Towns.
start thanks to the Toronto who is producing his best all- mind until April, especially if making the most of his narrow
raptors, it would be easy to around season since joining the Wembanyama can shake free opportunity, reid has married
forget that this week marks the Los Angeles Lakers, and orlando from his minutes limit and go on his signature hustle plays and
midpoint of the NBA9s regular magic guard Jalen Suggs, who is a tear down the stretch. miami physicality with an increasingly
season. simply tenacious. Heat forward Jaime Jaquez Jr. efficient scoring game. If reid
The 2024 title chase9s front- Rookie of the year: and Dallas mavericks center can fight through this season9s
runners include bankable Chet Holmgren, Thunder Dereck Lively II deserve deep pack of backcourt bucket-
contenders such as the Boston Holmgren, the No. 2 pick in honorable mention in this two- getters, he would join montrezl
Celtics, milwaukee Bucks and the 2022 draft who missed all of horse race. Harrell in 2020 as the only big
Denver Nuggets, as well as party- last season with a foot injury, and Most improved player: men to win this award in the past
crashers such as the minnesota San Antonio Spurs big man Tyrese Maxey, 76ers decade.
Timberwolves and oklahoma Victor Wembanyama, the No. 1 A lot would have to go wrong Coach of the year:
City Thunder. Similarly, the pick in 2023, are neck-and-neck for maxey to lose his Mark Daigneault, Thunder
leading award candidates are in the fiercest rookie of the year stranglehold on this award, With all due to respect to
composed of perennial favorites race in recent memory. While which he had seemingly Boston9s Joe mazzulla, who has
and some very tall and very Scottie Barnes narrowly beat wrapped up by Thanksgiving. done well with the NBA9s most
impressive newcomers. Evan mobley two years ago in the Philadelphia has long been in loaded roster, the early coach of
Here9s a look at which players closest race of the past 20 years, desperate need of a feel-good the year favorites come from the
are most deserving of the Holmgren and Wembanyama story, and maxey (26.2 ppg, top teams in the Western
halfway hardware. The following Peter K. afriyie/associated Press have already established 3.7 rpg, 6.6 apg) has played so Conference: minnesota9s Chris
selections reflect games played Playing on a playoff contender gives the Thunder9s Chet Holmgren themselves as all-star candidates well during his breakout finch and oklahoma City9s
through Thursday night and the upper hand over the Spurs9 Victor Wembanyama in a tight race. and project as higher-ceiling campaign that memories of the Daigneault.
aren9t intended as projections of players than anyone from the ill-fated Ben Simmons and finch entered the season with
year-end winners. (Note: All shooting just three in a blowout post numbers that rival Embiid9s 2022 class. With nearly three Harden eras have faded away. a warm seat following an
stats, records and rankings are of the Detroit Pistons this while carrying the new-look months to go, this is shaping up maxey brings a lot to the table: underwhelming 2022-23
through friday.) month. Availability looms as a Bucks through some early- to be the most compelling and speed, scoring instincts, a campaign and quickly set about
MVP: Nikola Jokic, Nuggets clear differentiator between season choppiness. weightiest rookie debate since reliable jumper and overflowing providing strong answers to
The fourth consecutive year of Jokic and Embiid, who has Defensive player of the year: LeBron James held off Carmelo amounts of positive energy. minnesota9s major lineup fit
mVP debates involving Jokic and already missed 10 games this Rudy Gobert, Timberwolves Anthony in 2003-04. Philadelphia Coach Nick Nurse questions. There9s plenty to like
Philadelphia9s Joel Embiid season and may not be eligible Though charismatic scoring The 7-4 Wembanyama has milked every last drop from about his work: Edwards has
received a jolt Tuesday, when the for mVP selection given the guard Anthony Edwards has (19.8 ppg, 10.1 rpg, 3.1 bpg) boasts maxey9s contract-year push, thrived as an alpha scorer, a
76ers center drew first blood by league9s new requirement that emerged as the face of the slightly gaudier individual playing the fourth-year guard a healthy Towns has accepted a
scoring 41 points in a 126-121 candidates play in at least 65 Timberwolves, stingy defense numbers, but the 7-1 Holmgren league-high 37.5 minutes as he complementary role, and
home win over Jokic9s Nuggets. games. has minnesota (30-11) sitting (17.4 ppg, 7.2 rpg, 2.5 bpg) closes in on a maximum rookie veterans such as Gobert and
Embiid is leading the NBA in At the moment, Jokic9s top atop the Western Conference and deserves the nod because he has contract extension. The 23-year- mike Conley have exceeded
scoring for the third straight mVP competition is Thunder on track for the best season in played 23 percent more minutes old guard has kicked up expectations. Given minnesota9s
season, and his 76ers remain guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander franchise history. Gobert and 4 most importantly 4 all of Philadelphia9s pace from last stable defense and strong home
near the top of the standings (31.0 ppg, 5.7 rpg, 6.3 apg), who (13.4 ppg, 12.4 rpg, 2.2 blocks), a his games have had playoff season and formed a more record, finch should enjoy real
despite their bitter divorce from has raised his game again after three-time defensive player of stakes. Holmgren isn9t just along natural partnership with Embiid staying power in this race as the
James Harden in october. finishing fifth last season. The the year, has reemerged as the for the ride in oklahoma City: to power a top-five offense, Timberwolves eye their first
Nevertheless, Jokic (25.7 25-year-old Canadian not only backbone of the Timberwolves9 The long-armed shot-blocker has which should lead to his first all- playoff series victory since 2004.
points, 11.9 rebounds and 9.1 captains a top-five offense with top-ranked defense after his anchored a sixth-ranked defense star appearance next month. for now, though, Daigneault
assists per game) earned top his pretty isolation scoring and impact slipped noticeably last and stepped in as an Houston rockets center has positioned the Thunder as
billing on this ballot: The two- drive-and-kick passing, but he season. ultraefficient secondary scoring Alperen Sengun (21.5 ppg, the league9s biggest overachiever.
time mVP is again flirting with leads the NBA in steals on a Gobert, who arrived in option for a well-oiled attack. 9.0 rpg, 4.9 apg) is running a Just two years ago, oklahoma
averaging a triple-double while pesky defense that punches well minnesota via a polarizing 2022 <[Holmgren9s] rim protection distant second, with Atlanta City won 24 games and seemed
leading the NBA in a host of above its weight. oddsmakers trade with the Utah Jazz, has distracts people from his Hawks forward Jalen Johnson destined for an excruciating
advanced metrics, such as win pegged the rising Thunder plenty of assistance on a roster switchability and mobility on also in the trail pack. Sengun, a rebuilding process. Now,
shares, real plus-minus and value (28-13) for 441/2 wins 4 a healthy that blends savvy veterans with defense,= Thunder Coach mark dynamic scoring and passing big Gilgeous-Alexander, Holmgren
over replacement. There has bump from last season9s 40-42 excellent young athletes such as Daigneault said this past week. man, would have a stronger case and 2023 rookie of the year
been no hangover following his record 4 yet Gilgeous-Alexander Edwards and Jaden mcDaniels. <He can go step for step with if the upstart rockets could work runner-up Jalen Williams have
2023 championship and finals somehow has his team on pace Even so, the 7-foot-1 frenchman people. It makes him a very their way into the playoff mix. Thunder fans salivating over the
mVP award; on the contrary, for 56, which would be ranks first in the league in rangy defender because he can Sixth man of the year: possibility of a deep postseason
Jokic9s scoring workload has oklahoma City9s best showing defensive rating and defensive guard out on the water on the Naz Reid, Timberwolves run, a la Durant9s push to the
increased because of the nearly since Kevin Durant9s 2013-14 win shares and is tied for fifth in perimeter and is a great rim As high-volume scoring 2011 Western Conference finals
month-long injury absence of mVP season. defensive real plus-minus. His player as well. It gives us a lot of guards with starter-level talent, at 22.
Denver guard Jamal murray. milwaukee forward Giannis resurgence as a shot-blocker is options.= Dallas9s Tim Hardaway Jr., Daigneault9s culture of hard
Jokic9s deliberate style Antetokounmpo, Boston forward notable given that he is 31 and It9s no fun to penalize Sacramento9s malik monk, work, internal development and
sometimes makes it feel as if he Jayson Tatum and Embiid fill out had seemed headed for age- Wembanyama for his poor Indiana9s Bennedict mathurin unselfish play has produced a
is pacing himself, but he has the top five. Tatum is back with related decline. minnesota9s supporting cast, nor is it fair to and Atlanta9s Bogdan young team that is a joy to watch
missed just one game and has another ho-hum year of approach of playing Gobert with reward Holmgren solely for his Bogdanovic are conventionally on both ends: oklahoma City
proved capable of orchestrating excellence for the Celtics, who fellow big man Karl-Anthony team9s success. If Holmgren and strong candidates. Nevertheless, makes the extra pass, shoots the
wins whether he is putting up rank first in winning percentage Towns will be tested in the Wembanyama switched places, reid (12.8 ppg, 4.8 rpg) embodies three well, scraps after offensive
29 shots to take apart the San and net rating, while playoffs, but Gobert has played there9s a strong argument that what this award should be about: rebounds and forces turnovers
Antonio Spurs in November or Antetokounmpo continues to like the game-changing force the oklahoma City would be even sacrifice for the betterment of a with a pestering defensive style.

Parents and children help block attempt to ban youth tackle football in California
CALifoRNiA from D1 sure it9s not taken away from these
Jeannett Diez, president of a local Growing up in Inglewood in the
youth football team and mother to 1990s, Courtney Brown envi-
three sons who have played the sioned football as <a chance to get
sport from a young age, including out of the neighborhood,= he said.
an 11-year-old currently in the pro- It was the sport that offered the
gram. <The thought of [my young- most college scholarships. Brown
est son] not being able to have that got a full ride, graduated from
opportunity, it makes me cry.= Sacramento State and now oper-
To the parents who sign up ates a real estate contracting firm
their young children for youth as well as several other entrepre-
football, the violent components neurial endeavors.
that have spurred calls for its ban <It9s not just about football,= he
are the same elements at the root said. <It9s about the aftereffect of
of their belief that the game9s re- football.=
wards outweigh its dangers. It9s His 15-year-old son, Ceyean,
the repetitive collisions that, as an started playing at 5 and now con-
expanding body of research has siders football his <whole life.= He
shown, increase the risk of long- said he dreamed of getting a col-
term brain damage. But those col- lege scholarship to play Division I
lisions also instill a spirit of resil- football.
ience, camaraderie and self-confi- <When I9m not playing football,
dence unmatched in any other life can be depressing. It brings
available extracurricular activity, me peace,= Ceyean said. <If I didn9t
these parents say. play football, I don9t know if I9d
<You really have to trust the guy care about my grades as much.=
next to you,= Diez said. <It goes The chance to send their kids to
beyond just the field.= college for free hovered in the
for all the disagreements, the front of parents9 minds. Jeannett
sport9s proponents and oppo- Diez, the youth football team pres-
nents align on a single idea central ident, and her husband, martin, a
Hector amezcua/associated Press
to the debate: football is excep- high school football coach, ex-
tional 4 special enough to single Assemblyman Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) spoke last week against a bill that would ban Californians under 12 from playing tackle football. pressed concern that a ban on the
out for prohibition or to protect at sport for younger kids would set
all costs. from across northern California. But this year, mike Gipson, a ano had heard about the bill9s Democrats. the state back in the nationwide
<The discipline you learn and Even as more scientific evi- Democrat from Gardena, took resurrection and <re-energized= <Their intentions are noble. competition for college recruit-
the sacrifice and the circum- dence revealed the harm tackle over as committee chair. At the their coalition. more than 50 They9re trying to prevent tragedy, ment.
stances that surround tackle foot- football caused, there wasn9t committee9s first meeting two youth football supporters, around but it9s an unrealistic approach,= After two hours, the protesters
ball emphasize certain traits that much appetite among lawmakers weeks ago, Gipson held a hearing half of them young kids wearing he said. <right now it9s starting began to make their way to their
can9t be replicated in the same to ban youth football. The com- and a vote. their football jerseys, attended the with under-12, and I think that9s cars, with enough time to get
way that other sports teach,= said mittee chair at the time, Kansen At the hearing, a doctor re- hearing, lining up at the micro- the first step, and then there9ll be home to catch the opening game
Tom Lackey, an Assembly mem- Chu, pulled the bill without taking counted studies that showed play- phone to express their opposition. the next step and the next step, of the NfL playoffs. <Thank you
ber who represents Kern County it to a vote. ing tackle football at a young age The committee voted along and before we know it, tackle foot- for letting me protest with you,=
in central California. Working with Assembly mem- increases the probability of cogni- partisan lines, 5-2 in favor. ball will not be a part of our cul- one boy said to Earhart as they
Since the dawn of the sport9s ber Jim Cooper, a Democrat from tive impairment and depression. <This bill deserves to be dis- ture.= shook hands.
brain-injury crisis more than a southern Sacramento County, A mother told the story of how the cussed and debated by the full But even in deep blue Califor- The protesters planned to meet
decade ago, every proposal Save Youth football coalition consequences of football9s vio- body on the floor of the state nia, football9s hold remains again in four days for a rally on the
around the country to ban tackle members helped craft an alterna- lence had derailed and prema- assembly,= Gipson said. strong. At the Saturday morning steps of the state capitol. more
football for younger children has tive to a ban. They proposed limit- turely ended the life of her son. If it passed in the Assembly and protest, families described the than 100 people were expected to
fallen flat; efforts to address the ing full-contact practices, having mcCarty listed the retired profes- then passed in the Senate, the bill sport in reverent terms. show up.
game9s dangers have instead fo- mandatory concussion-aware- sional football players who have would then reach Newsom9s desk <It9s more than just tackle foot- State legislators, doctors and
cused on implementing rules to ness training and requiring medi- publicly declared that they for final approval. ball; it9s a family,= said Janessa academics who support youth
make it safer. cal professionals at every game. wouldn9t let their kids play tackle one of the two votes in the fields, whose 10-year-old son, An- football would speak at a lectern
mcCarty first introduced a bill The California Youth football Act football before high school. He committee against the bill came dre, plays for a team in Placer in front of rows of children and
seeking to ban youth tackle foot- passed in 2019, and Gov. Gavin likened his proposal to regula- from Lackey, the republican as- County, a 45-minute drive from parents holding signs. A cluster of
ball in 2018. That proposal in- Newsom (D) signed it, putting the tions on seat belts, guns and to- sembly member from Kern Coun- Sacramento. news cameras would broadcast
spired Earhart and fellow youth state at the forefront of the sport9s bacco. ty. In his office hangs a towel Daniel robinson, who coaches the message around the state and
football supporter Steve famiano shifting safety regulations. <There9s irreversible damage to promoting his district9s local high a team in Vacaville, said his own the country.
to organize a political campaign to famiano said he thought that kids9 brains that is totally unnec- school football team, the Boron experience playing youth tackle But hours before the capitol
defend the sport. They founded was the end of the fight. essary,= said mcCarty, a Democrat Bobcats. football <changed my life so rally even kicked off Wednesday,
the Save Youth football coalition, Then, last year, mcCarty intro- who represents Sacramento and Lackey said he worried the bill much,= introducing him to life- the bill was already dead. Newsom
rallying coaches and parents duced another proposal to ban its northern and eastern suburbs. would become a partisan issue long friends, getting him in better announced that he would veto
across the state, contacting local youth tackle football. It immedi- <There9s no real safe way to play with the potential to catch a wave physical condition and building A.B. 734 if the legislature passed it,
lawmakers and holding protests ately failed, too, not even reaching tackle football.= of support in a state legislature his confidence through the rigors scoring another victory for tackle
that drew families to Sacramento a committee vote. meanwhile, Earhart and fami- where 78 percent of members are of its violence. <I just want to make football9s supporters.

sunday, january 21, 2024 Arts&Style The Met

ez ee e

risked messing up
its great
European galleries.

riChard lee/metroPolitaN museum oF art

It paid off.

visited the Metropolitan Museum of art for straight up the majestic central staircase into galleries. That gave curators the chance to

I the first time 40 years ago, during my

freshman year in college. i went with two
friends, and before arriving we strategized
the european galleries, where i was arrested
by the giant paintings by Giovanni Battista
Tiepolo, which hang there still. it never
rethink and refresh these rooms, including
the works on view, how they are organized and
the larger intellectual context in which they
how to make the best of the few hours we had occurred to me how strange it is that the Met are framed. now dubbed <Look again: euro-
there. begins its european galleries with these comi- pean Paintings 1300-1800,= these 45 rooms
someone made an unorthodox proposal, cally overblown, devoted to art from the early renaissance to
which we unanimously accepted: We would crItIc9s notebook fanciful and hyper- the 19th century include not just paintings but
each follow our random path through the bolic images until i also maps, sculpture, ceramics and musical
galleries, soaking up as much of the art as we revisited the Met late last year, shortly after instruments. and the definition of <europe= is
could, and then report back for a mutual the museum reopened these rooms following left intentionally open-ended, to include work
debriefing at a cafe, after the guards evicted a major renovation and reinstallation. made in the spanish colonies of the new
us. The european rooms were closed for eight World and beyond.
i was a newbie to the monumental museum months in March 2023 as the Met finished a some of the oldest works that aren9t strictly
on Fifth avenue, and i let the architecture $150 million renovation that replaced some european, or paintings, are discovered in the
determine my first move in this game. i raced 30,000 square feet of skylights above the see kENNicoTT on E9

Visitors to the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York in November are greeted first by a giant painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

crItIc9s notebook

The miraculous year when

Picasso became Picasso

Last year marked 50 years since Picasso9s things crystallize 4 when the artist becomes, in
death, and more than 50 major exhibitions effect, the one we all come to recognize. Very few
around the world have observed the occasion. But artists can say that the crystallization process
the spaniard9s life was long, and it9s worth re- involved the invention of a new relationship InsIde
membering that it9s 116 years since he painted between art and reality.
<Les Demoiselles d9avignon,= which (along with
<Guernica=) is usually cited as his masterpiece.
Pablo Picasso did this for the first time in 1906.
From then on, of course, he never stopped Concert series at
That might make the revelations in a new
exhibition in Madrid seem like ancient history.
inventing. But for all the pyrotechnic fascinations
of his later metamorphoses, Picasso9s work was National Gallery
But <Picasso 1906: The Turning Point,= at the
reina sofia Museum (through March 4) is one of
never quite as intimate, fragile and trembling
with potential as it was in 1906. everything he did explores the link
the most engrossing Picasso exhibits i9ve ever
that year seems to shiver and shake with a sense
of its own freshness, its foreignness 4 like a between Mozart
Yes, the focus is almost perversely narrow.
(Just one year in the life of this most monstrously
mutant hatchling no one quite recognizes.
at first, the transformation is subtle. nothing
and Rothko e8
fecund of artists?!) and no, in 1906, Picasso from 1906 looks as radical as <Les Demoiselles
Newly translated novelizations
hadn9t yet invented (with Georges Braque) the d9avignon,= his painting of five hostile women in a
from the 1950s shed light on the
revolutionary pictorial language known as cub- brothel. But when you see the full scope of what
king of the monsters, Godzilla. e2
ism. But in 1906, Picasso was right on the cusp of Picasso achieved in 1906, it is like watching a
the discoveries that made him singular. dozen live wires being lashed together. sparks Chay in Falls Church serves up
almost every celebrated artist has a period pinwheel outward. art is changed forever. delicious vegetarian versions of
lasting perhaps a year or two when you can see see picasso on E10 Private ColleCtioN/kate rothko Prizel aNd ChristoPher rothko familiar vietnamese dishes. e14
E2 ez ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


frAnk Wiese/AP

A fuller picture I
t9s been nearly 70 years since the colossal creature known as
Godzilla first appeared in Japan. His initial form was
downright frightening: a 2 million-year-old dinosaur, awak-
ened by atomic testing, who didn9t much like our modern
world and promptly destroyed Tokyo in protest. As Godzilla
has changed over the years, he has also profoundly altered the

of how Godzilla, lives of people who have encountered him.

That was the case for me. After my dad showed me <Godzilla=
(the 1956 version with Raymond Burr) one day at our home in
Carter-era Cold War America, I swore my everlasting allegiance to
the king of the monsters. Sure, he was a nightmarish kaiju (the
Japanese term for <strange beast=) from an old black-and-white

king of monsters, movie, but there was just something about him that children grew
to love, leading kids like me into a lifelong fascination with
Japanese culture.
Yet for all the movie tickets and branded merchandise the king
of the monsters has sold, there has always been a missing piece of

earned his crown

the puzzle for overseas fans: Godzilla9s literary legacy. Noveliza-
tions of Godzilla films, published in Japan, have never been
commercially available in English, until now. <Godzilla= and its
sequel <Godzilla Raids Again,= loose adaptations of the first two
films by their original screenwriter, are finally available in a single
volume translated by Jeffrey Angles, published by University of
Minnesota Press.
Like Godzilla himself, these novella-length stories are products
For overseas fans of the nightmarish kaiju from Japan, of another place and time, in this case the year 1955, when
monsters and nuclear paranoia were rife. Read in the 21st century,
translated novels fill in a missing part of the puzzle they offer a fascinating glimpse at Godzilla9s origins and reveal
how much the franchise and the audience have changed over the
BY P ATRICK M ACIAS Both <Godzilla= and <Godzilla Raids Again= were written by
Shigeru Kayama (1904-1975), a poet who became a popular author
of pulpy stories that combined mystery, thrills and science fiction.
When Toho Studios film producer Tomoyuki Tanaka needed help
developing ideas for a new giant-monster movie (inspired by the
recent success of the 1953 American film <The Beast From 20,000
Fathoms=), he contacted Kayama to write the first story.
Kayama used this opportunity to tell a cautionary tale that
explicitly addressed the dangers of nuclear weapons. In all
versions of Godzilla 4 the initial treatment, film and book 4 the
story begins with a fishing boat that is attacked by an unseen force
in the form of a blinding flash of light. This was a direct allusion to
the fate of a real-life Japanese ship, the Lucky Dragon No. 5 (Daigo
Fukuryu Maru), which was contaminated by nuclear fallout from
the 1954 atomic test at Bikini Atoll.
By grounding his story in real-world trauma and the shadows of
war, Kayama ensured that Godzilla9s debut would be more than
just a routine <monster on the loose= outing. Instead, it would
mark the first time that atomic anxieties, which had been a taboo
subject up until the end of the U.S. occupation of Japan in 1952,
would be explored in Japanese pop culture.
Kayama9s scenario, known as <G-Project,= was further devel-
oped into the final shooting screenplay for <Godzilla= by director
Ishiro Honda and writer Takeo Murata. Some changes were made,
but Kayama9s original story beats and much of his atomic-powered
subtext made it to the final film intact. Godzilla was a financial
success, and much of the credit has since gone to director Honda,
producer Tanaka and the impressive special effects overseen by
Eiji Tsuburaya. Kayama9s name has sadly been lost in the shuffle,
despite his major contributions to the kaiju film genre.
When the first wave of Godzilla mania hit, Toho quickly asked
Kayama to craft a follow-up. While the resulting 1955 film,
<Godzilla Raids Again,= was a rush job that pales in comparison
with the original, Kayama did give it one major innovation that
would take Godzilla a step further away from his allegorical
leanings: a second monster to battle with, which set the stage for
WikizillA.org University of MinnesotA Press
fisticuffs with the likes of King Kong, the Smog Monster and
Mecha Godzilla.
TOP: A packed audience watches a Godzilla movie in 1996 at the Japanese American Also in 1955, Kayama published his novelizations of both
Cultural and Community Center in Los Angeles. ABOVE: Shigeru Kayama wrote <Godzilla= and <Godzilla Raids Again.= Instead of just retelling the
<Godzilla= and <Godzilla Raids Again,= novels published in Japan that were adaptations of stories direct from the screen, he used this chance to explore
the first two Godzilla films. Kayama also came up with the scenario in the original movie. themes and ideas from his original scenarios before they were
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E3


crafted into hit films by other hands.

Today9s readers should not go into the book versions of
<Godzilla= and <Godzilla Raids Again= expecting lost Japanese
literary masterpieces on par with those by Yukio Mishima or Kobo
Abe. It helps to remember that they were written by a pulp author
and firmly aimed at young readers. But, like Christopher Nolan9s
<Oppenheimer,= they connect the past to the present and ask us to
consider how much the world changed when the atom was split.
The novelization of <Godzilla= opens with a stern note from the
As you readers already know, the main character of this tale,
Godzilla, is an enormous, imaginary kaiju 4 a creature that
doesn9t actually exist anywhere here on the planet. However,
atomic and hydrogen bombs, which have taken on the form of
Godzilla in this story, do exist. & People all over the world are
pouring their energy into a new movement opposing the use of
atomic and hydrogen bombs. As one small member of that
movement, I have tried to do my part by writing a novel 4 the tale
you now hold in your hands.
Devoid of big-screen spectacle, the novel is a much starker
experience than the film. Kayama9s book even omits the movie9s
central love triangle between the gloomy scientist Dr. Serizawa,
the handsome sailor Ogata and a young woman named Emiko.
Instead, the focus moves to Shinkichi, a minor character in the
film whose family is killed by Godzilla early on. Now seeking
revenge on the creature as it continues to rampage across Japan,
Shinkichi finds himself at the side of Dr. Yamane, a paleontologist
who wants to study Godzilla to discover the secret of the creature9s
longevity, as reparations for all the damage Japan caused in World
War II. Science-driven ethical debate replaces some of the human
interest and tragedy that helped make the film such a classic.
If Kayama was determined to further explore the cautionary
aspects of Godzilla, he seemed less interested in the creature itself.
Godzilla is rarely described in the text 4 maybe because readers
already knew what he looked like from the film 4 although his
body now emits an eerie radioactive glow not seen on screen.
Godzilla is also hungrier than he was in the movies, and it9s
implied that his attacks are motivated by the need to eat livestock
and (gulp) human beings. Even if Godzilla winds up as something
of a supporting player in his own story, his very existence keeps
the plot driving forward, much like Bram Stoker9s original
Dracula, another bloodthirsty monster audiences have come to
Angles9s excellent postscript provides more background on the
postwar climate that gave birth to Godzilla, as well as a bio of
Kayama in which we find out that the writer quickly became
ambivalent about the monster he helped to create. He was
surprised to see audiences, including children, feeling sympathet-
ic toward a creature meant to symbolize the horrors of the nuclear
age. To invoke Stanley Kubrick9s <Dr. Strangelove,= Godzilla might
have been teaching us to stop worrying and love the bomb, which
was not quite the original author9s intention.
DAmiAn DovArgAnes/AP
Decades later, Godzilla is now a multinational entertainment
franchise, set to return soon in a handful of movies and TV shows In celebration of the monster9s 50th anniversary, Godzilla gets a star on the Hollywood
in both the United States and Japan, including in March with his Walk of Fame in 2004. Even now, the beast is lighting up the big screen and television.
latest rematch with King Kong. And a series on Apple TV Plus is
streaming. Meanwhile, the world that spawned him remains a
dangerous place, full of nuclear proliferation and provocation.
The return of Kayama9s original giant monster, and his By grounding his story in real-world trauma and the shadows of
message, could not be better timed.
war, [author Shigeru Kayama] ensured that Godzilla9s debut would
Patrick Macias is the co-author of <The essential Anime guide.= He also
writes about Japanese pop culture at www.tokyoscope.blog. be more than just a routine <monster on the loose= outing.
Harald Hoûmann

Alvin Ailey American AN ELECTRIFYING

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Wed., Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. 4 Gala

Works by Amy Hall Garner,
Elizabeth Roxas-Dobrish, and Ailey9s
masterpiece Revelations

Thu., Feb. 8 & Sat., Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Works by Amy Hall Garner, Jamar Roberts,
and Ailey9s masterpiece Revelations
Musical Roots: Noseda & Friends
Sat., Feb. 10 & Sun., Feb. 11 at 1:30 p.m.

NOSEDA & CHO Works including excerpts from

Ailey Classics and Ailey9s
masterpiece Revelations
JAN. 25327 | Concert Hall
Gianandrea Noseda, conductor
Seong-Jin Cho, piano
Carlos Simon: Wake Up! Concerto for Orchestra**
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4
Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5


FEB. 739 | Concert Hall
Gianandrea Noseda, conductor
Hilary Hahn, violin
Visit tkc.co/
Alban Berg: 3 Pieces for String Orchestra from the Lyric Suite AlvinAiley
Dario Calmese

Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Violin Concerto or scan QR code for

full repertory details
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, <Eroica=

Kennedy-Center.org Groups 20+ call (202) 416-8400 FEB. 13318

The ONLY OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the Kennedy Center For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, OPERA HOUSE
(202) 467-4600 call the Advance Sales Box Oûce at (202) 416-8540
e4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

The 8forced togetherness9 of boyfriend9s family is exhausting 4 how to opt out?

Dear Carolyn: You likewise deserve to know regularly, because I9d like it to be initiating,= then say you9d like to
We did whether he9s ungrudging and sincere and don9t want to have initiate, ask whether that9s okay,
Thanksgiving liberal with his blessings for you her act in ways she doesn9t find then try it on those terms. See
with my to opt out of his cherished comfortable. I9m also not real how you both feel.
boyfriend9s family rituals. If he9s constantly assertive physically. So how do I If assertiveness feels too
extended family, hoping you9ll join him or approach this with her? wrong, then please ask yourself
Carolyn who are intensely wishing you9d change 4 or, 4 Anonymous why you picked the exact
Hax close. They were tougher, if he foresees caring partner to guarantee your
very nice to me, more about this over time 4 Anonymous: A partner who privation.
but I found all the then he9s not right for you, does not make sincere shows of If your priority instead is the
forced togetherness exhausting. either. affection will not give you sincerity 4 she has to want
My own family doesn9t gather Forget just <blessings=; you sincere shows of affection. affection or you9re not interested
for Thanksgiving (my parents want him to want you to do your Wanting that combination of 4 then you keep living as you
aren9t American, siblings live too own thing, to see it as the best traits in your current partner are or you break up.
far away), so I didn9t mind doing possible partnership luck. It9s will only disappoint you. It9s a hard emotional situation
it, but I think I would like to opt not a crazy idea. He will never You can have affection, but very simple math. Your 1 + 1
out in future years. have to sacrifice his perhaps 4 or sincerity. with her will never get you to 3.
When is the right time to Thanksgivings (and maybe other So it9s up to you to pick your The question to ask yourself now
broach this with my boyfriend, holidays?) for your family9s to priority. If you want hugs, then is, how do you feel about 2?
who seemed to really enjoy the appease you. You9re a perfect talk to your partner. Find out
visit? Do I wait until next year mismatch, in a way. whether she9s undemonstrative Write to carolyn hax at
and then suggest that he go But I digress. The point is, you because she doesn9t want to be tellme@washpost.com. get her
without me? I wouldn9t mind if both deserve to be loved fully for touched, period, or doesn9t want column delivered to your inbox each
maybe we alternated and spent who you are, and to be with to initiate touch. They9re very morning at wapo.st/gethax.
every other year separately; I someone who feels so lucky to different things.
just don9t want it to be expected have you. If you hold back how If her answer is <no touch,= õ Join the discussion live at noon
that I burn a whole week9s you really feel, then neither of then your options are to agree to fridays at washingtonpost.com/live
vacation on it in perpetuity. you will get to see the truth nick gaLifianakis for the Washington Post that or break up. If it9s <no -chats.
4 Do I Have To? about the person you9re dating
4 at least, not until you9re so
Do I Have To?: Don9t hold on to invested that it will feel easier to
this until next November, keep being disappointed in each Mike Du Jour By Mike Lester
because it isn9t really about other than to do the awful work
Thanksgiving. Which is a good of a breakup.
thing for me, because I flagged Don9t do that to yourself or to
your question weeks ago to him. Say how you feel. Hold out
answer in a column, then forgot for the person who likes you
about it and am now publishing more after you tell the truth
it in January. than he did before. That9s how
It9s important to talk about you find the right person for
feelings like this as they come up you.
because they9re about
compatibility. Someone with an Dear Carolyn: My partner and I
<intensely close= family who have been together 12 years and
clears an entire week for a one- resided together for 10. She likes
day holiday and <seemed to to sleep on the edge of the bed
really enjoy the visit= deserves to and have half of it for her
know if his partner is not as territory, which I have no
thrilled about these things as he trouble respecting.
is. However, she is not
He especially needs to know demonstrative physically, not
that the scene he loved through even to hold hands other than
his eyes looked like <forced very occasionally, hug (except
togetherness= through yours. with her two grown kids), or
You can respect his family initiate cuddling, like when
affections while also busting any we9re on the sofa watching TV.
illusions he has about you. If he I9d like to have some sincerely
wants to be with someone who felt physical closeness, even just
values the same things he does, hugs, regularly. However, it
then you9re not the right person doesn9t seem right to ask her or
for him. even to initiate hugging




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Vinny DePonto in Mindplay at Geûen Playhouse. Photo by Jeû Lorch.

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sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post PG EE E5

Retired Catholic priest struggles

with friends9 critique of the church Great meals
Ask Amy
Dear Amy: I am a retired
Catholic priest. For the most
part, I have enjoyed these late-
life years, especially as the pace
of life has eased up. However,
one difficulty I9ve encountered
stems from my years in active ministry.
learning the victim9s name through local press
coverage, I engaged in a brief email exchange
with the organizer of an online fundraiser for
the person9s survivors. I9ve never met the
deceased, but I9ve been seeking a deeper sense
of closure and feel that paying my respects at
their resting place would be meaningful.
out start here!
Get The Washington Post Dining Guide
During one of my assignments, I got to Unfortunately, I haven9t been able to locate
know a number of families associated with my this information.
ministry. I have remained in contact with Considering the sensitivity of the matter
several of these families and have been invited and my limited connection to the victim, I
to celebrate baptisms, marriages and funerals. wonder if it would be appropriate for me, a
In recent years, two couples have invited me stranger, to ask the friend of the deceased who
on a regular basis to have dinner with them. organized the fundraiser about the burial
While I initially enjoyed these, a problem has location. I am committed to approaching this
emerged that involves one couple in with utmost respect for the feelings and
particular. privacy of those close to the victim. What is
This couple decided to stop attending your advice?
church services. I felt this was their decision to 4 Mourning a Stranger
make and have never criticized or judged
them for it. However, invariably during our Mourning: I can imagine the deep sadness
evenings together they steer the conversation and lingering confusion you might feel after
to their gripes about the Catholic Church. I9ve witnessing this crime. I also appreciate your
gone so far as to meet privately with them, concern and your stated desire to be sensitive
letting them know how uncomfortable I am toward the survivors. As someone who has
with their behavior during something I experienced the sudden, violent and traumatic
consider an informal gathering of friends. All loss of a family member, I would vote <no= on
to no avail. I usually end up leaving these any stranger seeking out the gravesite, even
dinners feeling angry and depressed. someone with your compassionate and
These folks have been great friends for respectful intent.
many years, but I9m at my wits9 end trying to However, there is no universal response to
figure out how best to deal with the situation. loss, and this victim9s family might feel and
Should I just give up and decline future respond differently. Reach out to the person
invitations? who organized the fundraiser, and prepare
4 Father Confused yourself to accept whatever answer comes
your way. I strongly urge you to see a
Father Confused: I can only imagine the counselor specializing in trauma to continue
pressure you might feel to always respond to to process the longer-term effect of witnessing Food critic Tom Sietsema offers 40 suggestions
uncomfortable situations in a way that this terrible event.
basically protects others. Because you have
retired from the formal part of ministry, it Dear Amy: <Looking= was frustrated by
for any occasion in the fall edition of
might not be necessary for you to be so
discreet about your concerns. My point is that
dating apps. I found it interesting that you
didn9t suggest seeking the help of a
The Washington Post Dining Guide.
although you will always be a priest, you
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matchmaker. I am in the process of getting
certified; professional human matchmakers
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publicly to topics, behavior or comments that
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If this happens again at a social occasion, for almost 31 years. We met in a karaoke bar.
you can say a version of, <Naturally, this is a
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presence seems to trigger a discussion about
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shipping included!
life to. I9ve mentioned this privately but I Broadway musical.
understand now that bringing it up is just too
tempting to avoid, so I9ll take this as my cue to Amy's column appears seven days a week at
say good night.= This is also an issue you might washingtonpost.com/advice. Write to
raise with your own pastoral counselor. askamy@amydickinson.com or Amy Dickinson, P.O.
Box 194, Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also follow
Dear Amy: Last year, I witnessed a tragic hit- her @askingamy.
and-run incident involving a car and a
pedestrian. The pedestrian did not survive, © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content
and the incident deeply affected me. After

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e6 eZ ee k the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

Walter Plotnick

in The Galleries A native of Maryland9s Eastern

Shore, Arrietta also draws from
local geography. Desiccated
vines, branches, mushrooms and

His photo collages snakeskins are incorporated into

the mixed-media sculptures of
<The Doubling Woods,= the D.C.
artist9s Rhizome show. But these

display thinking are intermingled with such man-

made items as cloth, ceramics
and small feet cast in plaster.
The last protrude from bits of

outside the box carpet to suggest that full

human bodies somehow lurk
within these fragile assemblages.
The fabric pieces are often
worn or decayed, and wisps of
hair or hairlike plant fibers
BY M ARK J ENKINS immediately obvious. The suggest the remains of a missing
Multiple Exposures Gallery person. A pitcher full of charred
Among photo collagist Walter group show depicts a whited-out wood pieces is attached to a
Plotnick9s most useful tools is the world, where most details are weathered wooden panel in
Chinese carryout food container. buried under snow: Four <Reliquary/Relinquish,= a title
In <Surprise Inside,= one of two clustered plastic flamingos offer that could be applied to any of
series on exhibit at Photoworks, just a hint of pink in Tom Sliter's these constructions. Arrietta9s
the Philadelphia-area artist lawn scene, and a remote yellow work is tactile and palpable, and
superimposes vintage shed provides the only color in yet conjures absence. It uses
photographs on images of Maureen Minehan's landscape. found objects to evoke people
unfolded boxes. Some of the The gallery is known for and things that have been lost.
cartons provide just shapes, devising story-less narratives,
textures and shadows, but others arranging photos purely by eleanor Mahin Thorp: Metopic
are decorated with patterns visual affinities. <Winter= takes a ridge through Feb. 4 at tephra ica
meant to evoke traditional similar approach, shifting from at Signature, 11850 Freedom Dr.,
Chinese culture. One of these mountain to mountain and tree reston. tephra.org. 703-471-9242.
delicately hued boxes provides to tree. One striking pair
the framework for a collage, juxtaposes views of jagged dark lexi arrietta: The Doubling
made especially for this show, gashes through whiteness: a Woods through Feb. 4 at rhizome,
that features a 1959 picture of a fence in Alan Sislen's picture and 6950 Maple St. nW. rhizome.org.
D.C. Transit trolley parked at the a stream in Fred Zafran's.
entrance to Glen Echo Park. A winter storm can transform
Plotnick uses public-domain an everyday object, such as the Unfolding Dreams
black-and-white photos to make snow-blasted door Eric Johnson A Watergate Gallery group
his collages, which his statement eleanor MaHin tHorP
found just a few blocks from the show, <Unfolding Dreams,= offers
calls metaphors for anticipation: gallery. It can also nearly a more enchanted idea of the
<The implied act of opening the obliterate a vista, like the one natural world than Thorp or
boxes releases the occupants, Soomin Ham renders in white TOP: <Suspension= Arrietta9s. With 32 artists
allowing them to take flight.= He and light gray with just a few by Walter Plotnick represented, the reveries are
illustrates this idea by adding to black shapes, apparently birds, in his exhibit diverse, but four forest paintings
the Glen Echo picture an image in the middle distance. In both <Circus= at dovetail neatly. Jasmin Smith9s
of a child in a miniature pictures a coating of white Photoworks. Also Rousseau-like scene centers on
airplane, seemingly flying above occasions new ways of seeing. on display is the bright fronds set off by a dark
the park's gates. artist9s show backdrop. Seemingly even more
While the <Surprise Inside= Winter through Jan. 28 at Multiple <Surprise Inside.= humid is Sabrina Pedreira9s
photos were made with silver exposures gallery, torpedo Factory, array of hot-pink flowers, while
halide printing, a venerable 105 n. union St., alexandria. Cheryl Bearss9 picture of bare
photographic process, the other multipleexposuresgallery.com. 703- ABOVE: <Remnants trees swathed in moss is mostly,
series employs a mix of 683-2205. of a Blue Ridge= by and moistly, green. Fran Beard
darkroom and computer Eleanor Mahin employs a similar color scheme
techniques. Plotnick begins his Thorp in her exhibit but a less realistic style in
<Circus= collages by scanning old Thorp and Arrietta <Metopic Ridge= at <Garden Dreamscape,= which
photos of acrobats and printing One emphasizes rock and the Tephra ICA at fractures the imagery in a way
them on clear plastic. Then he other vegetation, but there9s Signature. that suggests stained glass.
combines the plastic sheets with more than just a single Doug Dupin constructs a
various objects and makes substance in the work of Eleanor three-dimensional ode to the
contact prints by exposing the Mahin Thorp and Lexi Arrietta. LEFT: <Tomorrow woods, placing green eggs inside
overlapping materials to Both women fuse nature with We Will Dream= by a hollowed section of tree trunk.
photosensitive paper with elements of religion, psychology Helen Zughaib, This piece9s near-opposite is
miniature flashlights. and traditional arts. included in the Craig Kraft9s homage to
The results convey a sense of Thorp9s semiabstract nature multi-artist exhibit Constantin Brancusi9s <Endless
light and motion that9s lacking studies are simpler, at least in <Unfolding Column,= which edges in white
in the <Surprise Inside= pictures, terms of materials. The Dreams.= neon the hard-edge geometric
which are less dynamic but just Richmond artist9s <Metopic outline of the original.
as intriguingly layered. What the Ridge,= on display at Tephra ICA Dreaming turns a bit more
two series share are a powerful at Signature, features gray-heavy ominous in Aurie Hall9s collage,
illusion of depth and the oil paintings on panels and a few whose three panels observe a
sensation of the past gentler-hued watercolors. Each woman9s face as it9s overgrown
reanimated. Plotnick9s photo kind of picture has a geological by yellow flowers. The darkest
collages are constructed, but quality, with plants and what piece, both literally and
they feel excavated. appear to be fossils nestled in symbolically, is a Helen Zughaib
rocky strata. The compositions painting in which four people in
Walter Plotnick: surprise inside/ are tightly framed, so they colorful robes, probably a family,
Circus through Feb. 4 at resemble core samples as much face away from the observer and
Photoworks, glen echo Park, 7300 as landscapes. toward solid blackness. The
Macarthur blvd., glen echo. The immediate inspiration is picture9s title, <Tomorrow We
glenechophotoworks.org. 301-634- Virginia's Blue Ridge, but Thorp Will Dream,= can be read as
2274. also takes cues from Persian either hopeful or despairing, but
miniature paintings and titles that dark void is not auspicious.
one picture after Mount Meru,
Winter the mythic peak sacred to three Unfolding Dreams through Feb. 10
About a third of the India-rooted religions. As Thorp at Watergate gallery, 2552 Virginia
photographs in <Winter= are in burrows into local mountains, ave. nW. watergategalleryframe
Helen ZugHaib
color, but that's not always her mind travels widely. design.com. 202-338-4488.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE E7

Inua Ellams:
Search Party
In Partnership with 301.405.ARTS

Jessica L. Hagan: Turned away from a nightclub for being

<too Black,= four women take to the stage
Queens of Sheba with their own explosive true stories: the THECLARICE.UMD.EDU
In Partnership with music and the misogyny, the dancing and $20
UNDER THE RADAR the drinking, the women and, of course,
Festival the (white) men.

LAS HERMANAS Family bonds are tested as Cuban GALA Theatre

February 1 - 25 siblings navigate a landscape of crime
In Spanish
Thurs - Sat at 8 pm 3333 14th Street NW $25 - $48 with English
PALACIOS Sun at 2 pm and violence in Miami. Will pressures of 202-234-7174 surtitles
by Cristina Garcia survival pull them together or apart. www.galatheatre.org
Find The U.S.
Rachel M. Schlesinger Air Force Band
Jazz Heritage this year9s Jazz Heritage Series featuring Concert Hall and Arts
Thursday, February 1 at saxophonist Walter Smith! Mr. Smith is an on FB/IG @
Series featuring 7:30 P.M. accomplished performer, composer and Alexandria, VA
and YouTube
Walter Smith educator and has performed in famed Register at USAIRFORCE @ TheUSAF-
venues and festivals all over the world. BAND.COM Band
Pan American Symphony Orchestra with Martin Luther King Memori- Buy tickets at
México Lindo Friday, January 26, 2024 the talented New York City-based jazz al Library Auditorium
A concert of lively Mexi- general
at 7:30 PM and classical saxophonist, Chris Hem- 901 G Street NW admission link/u/n5FZ-
can music ingway. panamsymphony.org VoQt
Bryce-Davis & Program to include selections by Richard Kennedy Center Terrace VADC: Pre-
Jeanne-Minette Wednesday, January 24 Wagner, Amy Beach, Melissa Dunphy, Theater $50 senting the
at 7:30 pm Maria Thompson Corley and Peter Ash- 1-800-444-1324
Cilliers bourne. www.kennedy-center.org
beauty of song
in recital with Vocal Arts
Lt. Col. Ryan J. Nowlin makes his public
debut as 29th Director of the Marine Rachel M. Schlesinger
United States Concert Hall & Arts Center FREE Request
Sunday, Jan. 21 to famous 17th Director John Philip Sou- 4915 E Campus Dr. tickets online.
Marine Band at 2 p.m. sa. The concert is constructed in Sousa9s Tickets Free garage
Alexandria, VA 22311 Required
Sousa Season Opener style, complete with marches, featured www.marineband.marines. parking.
soloists & band transcriptons of orches- mil
tral music. Full program online.
A mix of small ensembles will perform
everything from contemporary to classical Please allow
John Philip Sousa Band time for ID
United States works in the Chamber Music Series. Join Hall, Marine Barracks
Sunday, Jan. 28 in person or online. On Jan. 28, expect FREE, no check at gate.
Annex, 1053 7th St SE, tickets Free parking
Marine Band at 2 p.m. to be delighted with a variety of works Washington, DC 20003 required in lot under
Chamber Music Series for piano and violin 3 Bach, Strauss and www.marineband.marines.
Respighi are all on the program. Program bridge on 7th
mil St SE.
& notes online.
Celebrate Mozart9s 268th birthday with
the City Choir of Washington! Be swept National Presbyterian
Mozart, Great away by the beauty, joy, and solemnity of Church Free parking
Mass in C minor Sunday, January 28, W.A. Mozart9s Mass in C Minor featur- 4101 Nebraska Ave. NW Visit www.
2024 at 5 p.m. $15-59
Erin Freeman, Artistic ing full orchestra and soloists from Wolf Washington, DC 20016 citychoir.org
Director Trap Opera9s Studio Artist program. Free for tickets.
post-concert reception. www.citychoir.org

The Music Center at
Back to the Sat, Jan 27 at 7:30 PM 5301 Tuckerman Lane
Future In Concert North Bethesda, MD 20852

Celebrate one of the Old Testament9s The Kennedy Center9s

From Saint-Cyr to favorite heroines, Queen Esther, in this Terrace Theater <An evening
Thursday, February 8, of exceptional
7:30pm orchestral concert featuring a slate of in- 2700 F Street, NW
Cannons: ternational vocalists performing works by (202) 546-9332 $60 - $85 music mak-
Moreau and Handel9s Pre-Concert Lecture at ing.=
6:30pm 17th Century French composers Moreau
Esther and Handel. With Margot Rood, Jesse - C. Downey
Darden, Jonathan Woody and more. www.operalafayette.org

Beethoven9s Symphony No. 6 anchors

this program which explores moods & Rachel M. Schlesinger
Marine Chamber styles of music surrounding nature. In Concert Hall & Arts Center
4195 E Campus Dr. FREE, no
Orchestra Sunday, Feb. 4 Rain Tree a percussion Free garage
at 2 p.m. trio creates a minimalist, dreamy sound- Alexandria, VA 22311
Beethoven9s Symphony required
No. 6 scape. Augusta Read Thomas9 Abso-
lute Ocean is set to the poetry of E.E. www.marineband.marines.
Cummings. mil

Highlights from Tchaikovsky9s Eugene St. Dunstan9s Episcopal $40, group Tickets online
A Tribute to Friday, January 26 at Onegin, Iolanta, Pique Dame, choruses Church, 5450 Massachu- prices and at the
Russian Opera! 7:30 p.m. setts Ave., Bethesda avail door
<Meet the Band=: Kids will get a front
row seat to meet the instruments of the Rachel M. Schlesinger
United States concert band, their families, and how Concert Hall & Arts Center
4195 E Campus Dr. Free,
Marine Band Sunday, Feb. 11 their sounds move from silly to sonorous tickets not Free garage
at 3 p.m. in a fun and engaging introduction to the Alexandria, VA 22311 parking.
Kid9s Concert required
<Meet the Band= concert band. Following the program,
children are invited to a <petting zoo= to www.marineband.marines.
try the instruments for themselves! mil


JAN 24 3 FEB 25
e8 ez ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


kate rothko prizel and ChriStopher rothko

critic9s notebook

8Mozart and Mark9

series ûnds harmony
in classical melodies
and Rothko9s colors
kate rothko prizel and ChriStopher rothko

ilence is so accurate.= For Danielle Hahn, who heads the Two <Untitled= perhaps most evident in his own work 4 to come by 4 and these paintings begin to
It9s one of those little National Gallery9s music program, the paintings by Mark was Mozart9s ability to combine emotion- sing. Arrangements of colors suddenly
quotes that seem to follow exhibition9s emphasis on the painter9s Rothko, from 1959, al colors into complex experiences, to seem more like duos and trios, gently
the paintings of Mark Rothko practice in the studio offered an opportu- above left, and 1969, <smile through tears.= decorating each other through complex
wherever they go. Curators nity to hear Rothko differently. above right. The The connections between Rothko and counterpoint. Variations in scale, from
love to hang it on the wall like a skeleton <In the past when we9ve programmed artist loved Mozart9s Mozart may run deeper still. Exhibition miniature to massive, give the paintings
key 4 promising entrance to the paint- Rothko, we9ve focused a lot on Morton music, whose curator Adam Greenhalgh suggests that an exciting dynamic range. And in their
ings beyond their opaque surfaces, hint- Feldman and other of Rothko9s contem- <stylistic and formal Rothko9s reading of Friedrich Nietzsche wordless balance of joy and grief, hope
ing at an answer. poraries, composers who wrote things principles= 4 specifically his 1872 work, <The Birth and despair, the paintings quietly echo
The painter9s aphorism makes another inspired by his art, composers who he influenced Rothko9s of Tragedy: Out of the Spirit of Music= 4 Mozart9s ease and economy of expression.
appearance as one of several bits of wall knew,= says Hahn. <But Mozart, and to a <artistic language,= provided a philosophical foundation for But even if these connective threads
text at the National Gallery9s splendid lesser degree Schubert and the other his son wrote. Below, the painter9s work, as well as a source for seem like a stretch, there exists an affini-
current exhibition, <Mark Rothko: Paint- classical composers, were to the forefront the Vega String its dramatic depth. ty between Rothko9s paintings and the
ings on Paper.= Rothko made the remark of what Rothko really adored.= Quartet will perform <I think for Rothko, aesthetic harmony music he painted them to that remains
in the late 1940s, near the outset of his With this in mind, Hahn has pro- as part of the was sort of empty without that tragic apparent.
most pronounced and profound stylistic grammed <Mozart and Mark,= a series of National Gallery of element,= Greenhalgh says by phone. <Like music,= the younger Rothko
shift, when the form we now instantly short afternoon concerts at the National Art9s <Mozart and <Rothko hoped his paintings conveyed writes, <[his] paintings offer a gateway to
recognize as <a Rothko= first came into Gallery that seeks to make more audible Mark= series on basic human emotions 4 tragedy, ec- our inner selves.= The right music may be
full (if blurry) focus. the connection between these two seem- Sunday. stasy, doom 4 and that comes from the key to unlocking it.
In the early 1950s, the painter9s very ingly disparate visionaries. tragedy, which in turn comes out of
busy Multiform pieces began to resolve On Sunday, the Vega String Quartet music.= <Mark rothko: paintings on paper= is on view
into a calmer consistency: diffusely de- will be joined by pianist William Ransom Take these considerations with you at the national gallery through March 31.
fined panels of abutting colors 4 their for a program including Mozart9s String into the galleries 4 where silence is hard Check performance times at nga.gov.
most subdued hues ignited into a strange Quartet in B-flat Major (<The Hunt=) and
glow, their uncanny depth achieved the Piano Quartet in G Minor. And on
through layers of paint and pigment, Jan. 28, members of Maryland Opera
their silence overtaking every room they Studio will perform scenes from three
occupied. (Imagine a speaker that can Mozart operas: <Così fan tutte,= <Le nozze
blast only feelings.) di Figaro= and <Die Zauberflöte.=
On paper (pun very much intended), In assembling the series, Hahn drew
Rothko9s trajectory as told by the Nation- guidance from an essay by Christopher
al Gallery9s narrative arrangement might Rothko, the artist9s son, whose 2018 book,
come across as a shift toward simplifica- <Mark Rothko: From the Inside Out,=
tion. But contradictions flourish in Roth- puts into words many of the unspoken
ko9s most comfortable register: Though qualities of his father9s work, including
washed of conventional <meaning,= the the influence of Mozart 4 i.e. the <alpha
paintings seem steeped in raw emotion. and omega for Rothko.=
A buoyant 1959 <Untitled= strikes a far With their emphasis on <harmony and
different chord than the advancing hori- balance= and reverence for classical
zon of an <Untitled= completed 10 years forms, Rothko9s paintings are, to many
later. Though static and still, their surfac- who encounter them in the silence of an
es seem to churn with action 4 an art museum, <fundamentally musical.= In
<Untitled= painting from 1968 seems to the music of Mozart, Christopher writes
endlessly close in on itself. that his father found <the stylistic and
And though they9re heavy with silence, formal principles, and more especially
it9s undeniable that his paintings also the means of articulating ideas, that
contain music. would influence the development of his
Rothko9s works have influenced doz- own artistic language.=
ens of 20th-century and contemporary <Rothko9s colors are remarkably like
composers, including Morton Feldman, Mozart9s melodies,= he writes, <put forth
Philip Glass, Bruce Adolphe, Kamala without decoration, at liberty to resonate
Sankaram and Tyshawn Sorey. within the sonata structure of the rectan-
But there9s been less exploration into gular forms.=
the influence of music on Rothko 4 a The younger Rothko also points to the
significant shaping force on his aesthetic painter sharing <the transparency that is
if we9re to believe what might be his the hallmark of Mozart9s compositional
second-most-quoted line: <I became a language & thinning his oils and temper-
painter because I wanted to raise paint- as to allow the 8inner voices9 of his
ing to the level of poignancy of music and paintings to radiate through.=
poetry.= But most profound to the artist 4 and Vega String Quartet
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E9

Met reopens

first gallery, helping to bring down to earth

Tiepolo9s operatic <Triumph of marius,= <The
Capture of Carthage= and <The Battle of
Vercellae.= These include a Bodhisattva bust
from what is now Pakistan, made in the 4th or
5th century; a carved limestone lion from
Egypt, made a bit earlier; and a lacquered
bowl depicting Aeneas, mythical founder of
ancient rome, made in mexico in the 18th
century. Tiepolo9s paintings celebrated the
military power of ancient rome as its republic
both expanded and frayed internally. The bust
and the lion both reference North Africa,
provinces that became essential to roman
wealth and power, while the mexican bowl
suggests the enduring allure of roman my-
thology well beyond geographical and chrono-
logical limits of control or sovereignty.
And so, the stage for the new presentation
of European art is laid. Europe is defined not
just by geography but also by military force
and ideology. maps of Europe on view nearby
suggest not so much a physical entity as
varying ideas, over time, of what Europe
should be or could be, including one designed
in the 12th century by an Arab cartographer in
which mecca is a central focus point. Euro-
pean painting is part of an ongoing project to
define Europe, which includes trade and
colonialism, military expansion, intellectual
foment, and a great deal of cultural porosity.

his might get tiresome 4 a heavy-

T handed dose of reflexive self-loathing 4

except the curators don9t follow through
on the idea. It is, rather, a sensible provocation
at the beginning of what is a relatively benign
nod to contemporary curatorial fashions, in-
termittently on display through the next 44
And if you9re going to begin the story of
European art with Tiepolo, you can9t just let
him hold forth, prolix and pompous, without a
bit of pushback. It doesn9t really make any
sense to let an 18th-century artist sound the
opening trumpet call of this five-century
odyssey, and it9s always been a bit jarring to
turn immediately from his swirls of fabric and
glinting armor straight into the gold-ground
paintings made at the dawn of the renais-
sance. Given the met9s astonishing collection
of work by rembrandt, Vermeer, Durer, Tin-
toretto, Titian and El Greco, why begin with
paintings that few honest critics would num-
ber among the greatest in the collection?
Because they fit the dimensions of the
room, because they are beloved, because
they9ve been there a long time and because
they stop you in your tracks, just as they
stopped me 40 years ago. Europe is a show,
staged for itself and for the world at large, and
this show begins with a grand display of
artifice, like Leo the Lion roaring before the
start of every mGm film. (<Ars gratia artis,=
After this initial gallery, things become
more conventional. A few 20th-century and
contemporary works are interspersed here
and there, to underscore continuities between
past and present, and sometimes to call
attention to moments of confusion, rupture
and discontinuity in the timeline. A max
Beckmann triptych finished in 1949, <The
Beginning,= sits near the magnificent 16th-
century Cellier Altarpiece by Jean Bellegam-
be, perhaps to suggest the myriad ways later
artists refreshed their own vision through
forays into the past, or simply to highlight the
formal similarities, including the density of
vertical figures in a tightly confined space.
A francis Bacon has also been interpolated
into these early galleries, but after that, the
juxtaposition of new and old is mostly forgot-
metroPoLitAn museum of Art
ten until a gallery of El Grecos, where Picasso
and Cézanne are included. This seems to be a
pattern: a brief feint toward newish curatorial
strategies 4 including thematic rooms and cal hiccup. Are we turning back to a vision that
mixing of media 4 followed by a long, predates the renaissance or forward to a
reflexive return to the chronological and moment like the one roger fry celebrated in
geographical categories that have governed 1920 in a wall text in the El Greco gallery:
the study of Western art. <Here is an old master who is not merely
And that9s okay. No one expects the met to modern, but actually appears a good many
lead on these sorts of things, and given the steps ahead of us, turning back to show us the
serious work the met has to do 4 as this way.=
country9s preeminent art museum, as a schol- If you proceed according to the official
arly and educational institution, as a civic route, beginning with gallery 600 and ending
edifice with a loyal and even fanatical audi- with gallery 644, the later rooms become
ence and as a tourist hot spot 4 a nod to increasingly contrived but not necessarily less
current museum fads is more than sufficient. interesting. A room devoted to <The Artist9s
Studio= includes a circa 1665 self-portrait of
y the end of a two-hour visit 4 which is Gerrit Dou, seen in a darkened alcove with his

B not nearly enough time 4 I was struck

by how these galleries are not just a
repository of art but also increasingly a
palette and brushes, vines and flowers, leafing
his way through a book as if just nailing down
some anatomical or ornithological fact in an
repository of museum strategies, never fully encyclopedia. Nearby is an engaging 2014
deployed but on view just so you know the met work by Kerry James marshall that shows a
knows they exist. studio full of Black artists, models and per-
Visitors who are interested in when and haps visitors, a vibrant social and creative
how the curators have broken with the old and space taking up new subjects and themes
expected forms of presentation can look for a unimaginable to Dou in his scholarly isola-
few clues. Among them are the accession dates tion.
listed on the wall. If a work was acquired There9s no one way to walk through these
sometime in the past decade or so, or if it9s a galleries, as I discovered almost four decades
PAuL LAchenAuer/metroPoLitAn museum of Art
loan, then there9s a good chance that it ago. I remember only a few works from that
represents some effort to rethink the met9s first visit. The big Tiepolos, of course, and
collection and agenda, including acquiring other cinematically scaled paintings includ-
works by women. Don9t miss Sofonisba An- ground, fishing from a bridge, is a Black man, A room devoted to work made in the TOP: El Greco9s ing Jacques-Louis David9s <The Death of Soc-
guissola9s compelling portrait of a noblewom- and a Black woman can be seen doing domes- Americas from 1550 to 1820 is the most portrait of rates= and the Titian (and workshop) <Venus
an, made in the mid-16th century, in a gallery tic work. Even before the European coloniza- surprising innovation. The sudden appear- Cardinal and the Lute Player,= which remains a favorite.
devoted to portraiture that foregrounds pow- tion of the Americas, the slave trade through ance of images stylistically far removed from Fernando Niño I do remember feeling that I had not nearly
er (which also includes great works by Hol- Portugal was changing the patterns of Euro- what you9ve just seen nearby 4 polished de Guevara enough time to make sense of it all, and I feel
bein, Lucas Cranach the Elder and Bronzino). pean wealth and domesticity. In the same theatrical visions by murillo and Zurbarán from circa exactly the same way today, though it9s not the
rooms devoted to thematic rather than room, wall text cites a 16th-century treatise for and deeply intimate portraits by Velázquez 4 1600. ABOVE: guards chasing me out that I worry about. A
national or period groupings are also good brides, suggesting that people then, as now, is jarring and delightful. And after the juxta- Kerry James lifetime is insufficient, no matter how often
indicators that the curators are trying to often defined themselves through the things position of El Greco with Picasso and Cézanne Marshall9s you visit.
finesse deeper problems of display. filippino they owned and put on display: <Guide them a few rooms back, the brilliantly colorful, <Untitled
Lippi9s exquisite <madonna and Child= from around the house and in particular show them playful, naive and enormously appealing work (Studio),= seen Look Again: European Paintings 1300-1800 is
the 1480s is included in a room called <The some of your possessions & something that of artists from Cuzco, Peru; Quito, Ecuador; at the Met in on permanent display at the metropolitan museum
Home in renaissance Italy.= In the back- you will do as if showing them your heart.= and mexico City feels like just another histori- November. of Art in new York. metmuseum.org.
E10 Ez EE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


The juncture that

set Pablo Picasso
on an endless
path of invention
PICaSSO from E1

1906 was the year that Picasso painted his new

friend and supporter, Gertrude stein. Happily, the
metropolitan museum of Art in new York, which
owns that masterful portrait, has lent it to the madrid
exhibition. Unfortunately, that meant it couldn9t be
included in <Gertrude stein and Pablo Picasso: The
Invention of Language,= an exhibition at the musée
du Luxembourg in Paris (through Jan. 28). The Paris
show traces not just stein9s influence on Picasso, and
vice versa, but also stein9s longer-term impact on
avant-garde art.
stein had settled in Paris in 1903. Her studies in
language and psychology under William James at
Harvard had made her receptive to experimental art.
she and her brother Leo, as well as Leo9s sister sarah
and sarah9s husband, michael, were early champions
of Henri matisse. In 1906, matisse was unquestion-
ably ahead of Picasso when it came to radical trans-
formations to the art of painting. (If you want to see
what was firing Picasso9s competitive impulses that
year, it9s worth visiting the metropolitan museum of
Art9s sun-drenched winter exhibition, <Vertigo of
Color: matisse, Derain and the origins of fauvism,=
through Jan. 21.)
Gertrude and Leo ran a salon on the rue de fleurus,
which some have described as the first museum of
modern art. When stein met Picasso, she thought the
24-year-old spaniard beautiful. He was physically
compact and full of energy, and his gaze was piercing.
In Paris, they were both outsiders: she, a Jewish
American lesbian heiress living in the 6th Ar-
rondissement; he, a spaniard living in bohemian
montmartre, a friend of poets and anarchists.
The company Picasso kept made him suspicious in
the eyes of the french authorities. Yet another Picasso
exhibition, at Gagosian in new York, hinges on
Picasso9s precarious status as an expat in france. The
show emerges from <A foreigner Called Picasso,= a
recent revisionist biography by Annie Cohen-solal,
who points out that Picasso was denied french
citizenship on the one occasion he applied for it
(1940) and claims that he lived most of his life under
constant threat of deportation.
After stein sat for her new friend (the portrait
famously required several months and dozens of
sittings), she began to write about him. she laced her
lines with repetitions (<exact resemblance to exact
resemblance the exact resemblance as exact as a
resemblance, exactly as resembling,= etc.) and sur-
prising inversions of logic. In the Paris show, it9s
JoNAThAN muzikAR/ThE muSEum oF modERN ART/2024 ESTATE oF PABlo PicASSo/ARTiSTS RiGhTS SociETY, NEw YoRk
fascinating to see how profoundly stein9s writing
influenced such artists as Bruce nauman, Jasper
Johns, sol LeWitt, Joseph Kosuth, Andy Warhol and
Glenn Ligon.
still, the <Picasso 1906= show in madrid is the
superior exhibition.
one thing it reveals is that Picasso9s portrait of
stein is an outlier. stein is clothed, whereas most of
the figures Picasso depicted in 1906 were nude. He
had been drawing and painting nudes since the turn
of the century, using them to express melancholy and
desolation (in his popular, if maudlin, Blue Period) or
to trigger erotic responses.
But in 1906, things changed. Picasso9s bodies took
on a new fullness and vitality. His girlfriend, fer-
nande olivier, had changed her name (from Amélie
Lang) after escaping an abusive relationship with
another man. she and Picasso were intensely in love.
In the summer, before he finished his portrait of
stein, the two lovers went to Gósol, a small village in
the Pyrenees inhabited by smugglers.
The mountain air and the escape from the compet-
itive claustrophobia of Paris seemed to liberate Picas-
so. He worked incredibly hard, constantly driving
toward a new simplicity of outline and pumping
volume into the emaciated figures of his Blue Period.
There is a palpable sensuality in the work Picasso
made in Gósol. But it doesn9t feel lascivious. rather, it
is tender and curious. Picasso9s every line carves out
muSEo NAcioNAl ThYSSEN-BoRNEmiSzA, mAdRid/ SucESióN PABlo PicASSo/
new kinds of softness, as he seeks a new, probing VEGAP/mAdRid, 2023
relationship with reality.
At the same time, it harks back to something
simpler, nobler, less constrained by convention. oth-
er avant-garde artists, recoiling from industrializa- COUNTERCLOCKWISE,
tion and a sense of civilizational corruption, had been FROM TOP: Pablo Picasso9s
thinking along similar lines for a while. Various <Nude With Joined Hands=
Arcadian visions emerged: Van Gogh went to Arles, (1906) was made during a
Gauguin to Tahiti. seurat tried to harmonize science time when much of his work
and nature. matisse painted <The Joy of Life.= was raw and incomplete. In
But Picasso9s pictures from 1906 can make those the same year, Picasso
others look fussy and calculated. His pictures are raw, completed <Woman Plaiting
delicate, incomplete. They evoke the quiet uncoiling Her Hair= (1906), an
of a hidden force rather than anything triumphant or example of when the bodies
finished. in his images took on a new
one of Picasso9s key works from 1906 is <nude With fullness and vitality. His
Joined Hands,= a large painting stein came to own later work, <Nude With
and from which she never parted. Picasso started it in Drapery= (1907), led
Gósol and finished it back in Paris. It shows a young directly into cubism,
woman with tan-colored skin against a rich pink offering new perspectives
background. Although the contours are clear, there on the representations of
muSEum oF modERN ART, NEw YoRk/FloRENE mAY SchoENBoRN/SucESióN PABlo PicASSo/VEGAP/mAdRid, 2023/momA/
see PICaSSO on E11 ScAlA, FloRENciA reality.
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE E11

Picasso was beginning to value transformation as an end in itself. The stylistic

characteristics of one source were interchangeable with another.

SuCESión PAblo PiCASSo/VEgAP/mADRiD, 2023/DAllAS muSEum of ARt/EugEnE AnD mARgAREt

mCDERmott ARt

PICASSO from E10

are few firm outlines. The brushstrokes are soft and

pillowy. The model9s shoulders are sloping, her
breasts small and devoid of nipples. The weight of the
woman9s body falls on one leg as she seems to step
forward, clasping her hands in front of her sex.
Her face, with its pinhole eyes and rudimentary
modeling, reveals the recent influence on Picasso of
ancient Iberian sculptures and romanesque carv-
ings. Picasso, like matisse, had also become fascinat-
ed by wooden statuettes and masks from Africa.
Examples of all these are included in the madrid
Seeing them all side by side, it becomes clear that
Picasso was not just trying to digest miscellaneous
inspirations. He was beginning to value transforma-
tion as an end in itself. The stylistic characteristics of
one source were interchangeable with another. olivi-
er9s face could be made to look like Picasso9s, the
innkeeper Josep fondevila9s like an African mask,
and so on.
The implications were profound. What if visual SuCESión PAblo PiCASSo/VEgAP/mADRiD, 2023/muSéE nAtionAl PiCASSo-PARiS

styles and symbols were as arbitrary as language?

What if you suddenly exchanged one kind of descrip-
tion for another? Would meaning simply collapse? or
would new kinds of meaning emerge?
In 1906, Picasso began to explore these questions,
which also interested Stein, with unprecedented
creative ferocity. When he returned to Paris, he
quickly reworked his portrait of Stein, painting in a
masklike face with simplified, sculptural faceting
and asymmetrical eyes, then promptly declared the
portrait done.
Then, as he worked on <Les Demoiselles d9Avi-
gnon,= he replaced two of the nude figures9 faces with
African-style masks, hoping to transform the picture,
he later said, into a tool for <exorcism.= He stylized the
bodies with a new kind of jagged outline that is hard
to distinguish from the faceted background. Knitting
together figure and ground in this way created
shallow, ambiguous space, heightening effects he had
seen in Cezanne and, before him, El Greco. His
approach led directly into cubism.
Cubism changed everything 4 and not just in art.
Dovetailing with new developments in science, it
unleashed new perspectives on the relationship be-
tween reality and representation and on the effect
observers might have on what they observed. It also
fired Picasso with the Promethean conviction 4 not
unfounded, it turns out 4 that he could do almost

Picasso 1906: The Turning Point through march 4 at the

museo nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in madrid.

Gertrude Stein and Pablo Picasso: The Invention of

Language through Jan. 28 at the musée du luxembourg
in Paris. museeduluxembourg.fr

A Foreigner Called Picasso through feb. 10 at gagosian,

W. 21st St., in new York. gagosian.com


Many of the figures Picasso
depicted in 1906 were nude,
including his <Nude With
Folded Hands= (1906). His
work that year also took on
a palpable sensuality 4 like
in <The Two Brothers=
(1906) 4 a liberated style
possibly influenced by his
escape with his girlfriend,
Fernande Olivier, to Gósol,
Spain. A stark exception to
this is his portrait of his
friend Gertude Stein, a
writer whose work
influenced a wide range of
avant-garde artists.
muSEo nACionAl CEntRo DE ARtE REinA SofíA

Answers to last week’s puzzle. CR O S S W O R D


6 7 ( 3 3 ( $ / 2 + $ 1 $ 7 $ 6 + $
& + 2 . ( 5 6 / $ ; ( 5 % 5 ( : 3 8 % ACROSS 70 2004 Erin Hunter                 
' $ 5 ( 1 2 7 3 5 ( ( 1 $ & 5 ( $ * ( 1 Dish’s flavoring novel celebrating
& + , 3 6 $ + 2 < / ( ) $ 5 * ( 7 5 Rose who starred in Seattle’s ascendant
% $ + ' 2 6 ( ' $ 1 , 6 + “The Crows Have WNBA team?    

0 $ 5 / 2 5 1 $ ' 2 2 1 ( / ( ) 7 Eyes 3: The Crowening” 73 Taxi alternative    

6 $ 5 , 3 7 $ 6 / , / 2 & 8 7 , ( 10 Pull along, as a car 74 Insertion symbol
13 Taxi alternatives 76 Brief appearance in      
, 7 0 ( , & ( ' 2 9 ( 5 $ 2 5 7 $ 6
1 8 ) ) $ 0 2 8 6 $ 0 2 6 + 3 , 7 6 18 Seriously bothered Hollywood   
& 5 8 6 $ ' ( $ 1 7 6 $ 1 7 2 6 20 Of the long before times 77 Sub detection devices
21 Dwight, in ’50s slogans 79 Like some pears or       
( ( / & 2 2 . , ( & 8 7 7 ( 5 6 7 , 3
22 “C’est La Vie” singer elephants
0 $ 1 8 ( / $ 0 < 6 $ 7 6 8 0 $         
Robbie 80 ___ name
9 ( / 2 & , 7 < + 8 3 0 , / $ 1 2 1    
23 2015 Ken Liu (pseudonym)
$ 7 $ 5 , 6 ' 5 ( 6 6 7 , ( + , 9 (
novel celebrating 81 “Spot on!”       
6 $ 0 2 $ ( < 5 ( 5 $ 6 $ $ & , ' 85 2022 Eva Ashwood
Sacramento’s NBA
( 6 3 1 8 7 7 ( 5 % 8 7 7 ( 5 6 ( players for their finesse novel celebrating New       
3 , $ 1 2 6 & 2 & $ 7 ( $ and elegant play? Jersey’s dazzling,     
0 2 2 7 , 6 6 3 8 1 . 0 ( < ( 5 $ 26 Right triangle, e.g. exquisite NHL players?
8 3 6 + 2 7 6 & $ 5 1 ( $ 0 2 1 * 8 6 27 “To boldly go where no 92 Where to see stars      

0 $ 7 , 1 ( ( 2 / ' ( 5 6 3 5 ( $ ' 6 one ___ gone before” 93 “Our Gang” dog        

8 / 6 7 ( 5 6 7 ( 6 7 6 6 7 ( $ ' < (“Star Trek: The Next 94 Tightens, as text
Generation” phrase) 96 Brings into play
& 5 8 0 % 6 97 Mobile entertainment
28 Exclamation in Aachen,       
The squares below the grid have the numbers 25, 36, 53, 75, 90, in two different senses 101 Cylindrical tower
and 100. Take the letters from the same numbered squares in the       
29 Coco ___ (rhyming 102 Center of a stone fruit
grid to spell out CRUMBS.
cocktail) 104 2007 Khaled Hosseini    
30 Adorned, as some novel celebrating
moccasins many, many great
31 2017 Margaret Phoenix NBA players    

Rogerson novel throughout the years?    

celebrating the way 111 Second word of
Answers to last week’s L.A. Times Sunday puzzle.
ANSWER TO TODAY9S PUZZLE Baltimore’s NFL team 61 Down
captivates its fans? 112 Swimming clapper 4 Shopping holder 32 Post office, e.g.? 65 Heroic Age of Antarctic 98 Parts of a lunar cycle
37 With 42 Down, barely 113 Before, in odes 5 Drink often prepared 33 Near, poetically Exploration figure 99 Having a strong kick
make 114 Paste tasted in Hawaii with cocoa powder 34 Nature walk sight Shackleton 100 Inn group
38 Colorful eye ring 115 Gets the message, 6 When repeated, cry in 35 Baby bottle filler 67 Sign of healing 101 Walk through a puddle
39 Leg coverings that with “up” response to a goal 36 Ball or point preceder 68 “Sounds like 103 Op-ed offerings
sound like big reptiles 116 2008 Naomi Novik 7 When repeated, cry in 40 “Quiet!” somebody’s got a ___ 104 Egyptian city near its
40 Pack up for a trip? novel celebrating response to “Who 41 Overly of the Mondays!” namesake dam
43 “Shrinking” actor Jason Philadelphia’s winning wants ice cream?” 42 See 37 Across 69 Verdi’s “Pace, pace, 105 Sets in a casino
45 Lickety-___ (on the NFL team? 8 Penalty enforcer 44 ___ and Racial Studies mio Dio,” e.g. 106 MIT applicant’s exam,
double) 121 “Tweets ___ loading 9 What many socks cover (social science journal) 71 Constantly in want of perhaps
47 “Drinks are on the right now” (Twitter 10 Hint of color 45 Has trouble on ice attention 107 Yield, as a decision, to
___!” error message) 11 Voice command that 46 Folds at a fashion show 72 Tops, for short someone else
49 1974 Michael Shaara 122 Genre activates a search 48 Plugged organ, perhaps 75 Detonation initials 108 Brightened from
novel celebrating one 123 Perform magnificently engine 50 “Home run!” 78 Battering ___ below
of Los Angeles’s totally 124 Enjoys the Atlantic, say 12 Horror maven Craven 51 Doze for an hour, say 82 Many have HD 109 December numbers
awesome MLB teams? 125 Owlets’ homes 13 Remove, as a 52 Recipients of Gold, resolution 110 “Coal Miner’s
56 What one may draw to 126 Nativity scene equine representative Silver, and Bronze 83 Perjurious claim Daughter” Oscar
relax 127 Code of conduct 14 “Stop acting like a brat!” Awards 84 “Spot on!” winner Spacek
58 Knotted accessory 128 “The ___ Bitsy Spider” 15 Tax ___ (one dodging 53 “Lost” award 86 “Not betting now” 116 Routing word
59 “Sex Education” their tax liability) 54 Part of a raked pile 87 Disaster response org. 117 Letter before sigma
actress ___ Lou Wood DOWN 16 Matures in a grove, say 55 Transmitted, as email 88 Chopsticks, e.g. 118 Counterpart of yang
60 Heavenly octet member 1 ___ yoga 17 Tobogganing vehicles 57 Liquid derived from coal 89 Wedding day covering 119 For whom Lennon
63 Where to see stars 2 “Wildcat” director 19 Album recording 61 Megan Rapinoe’s World 90 Not doing much sang “I Want You
1/14/24 66 Co. worker concerned Hawke 24 Suffers from soreness Cup team 91 Pride Rock animal (She’s So Heavy)”
with one’s appearance? 3 “Wild” actress 25 Charged atom 62 Not hard 95 Steeple section 120 Chicken, on American
67 Sign of healing Witherspoon 30 Water filter brand 64 Emulate a pigeon 97 What you wear Chinese menus

RELEASE DATE4Sunday, January 21, 2024

Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Patti Varol
Happy Birthday | Jan. 21: You are charming, easygoing and always fair. Freedom of expression matters to you. <DOUBLE BILL= BY Red Sox fan? 132 Lock 18 With a single rides 95 Himalayan
TAYLOR JOHNSON 97 1981 cable 133 Word on a voice 56 Attracts recluse
Many of you are trendsetters. This is a lovely year for you! Let your hair down, relax and have fun! Enjoy socializing & CHANDI DEITMER debut triangular sign 24 Takes 58 Charles River 96 Citation abbr.
with others. Nurture the happiness and beauty that you have within yourself. 98 Teeny bit 134 Exemptions for advantage of sch. 101 Degrade oneself
ACROSS 99 Skating legend top seeds 25 Gander 63 Andante and by
1 Some small Sonja 135 __ buco 30 <Eww!= adagio 103 Word with year
dogs 100 Hill worker? 33 Short <And yet 65 Hotmail provider or rear
Moon Alert: There are no world right now. You’re curious. because perfection is impossible. 5 Musubi wrap 101 Permeate DOWN ... = 66 La Scala 105 South American
restrictions to shopping or It’s only a matter of time before 9 Intel research 102 <If the __ fits ... = 1 Former Eurasian 34 Woodworking performance palm
important decisions today. The CANCER (June 21-July 22) there are dirty dishes in the sink. 14 African capital 104 Wild guess leader connector 70 Flask filler 106 Drink list?
where Akan is 107 Sneaky coward 2 Rather 35 Utah city near 71 Got up 108 Asian noodle
Moon is in Gemini. You will enjoy a quiet Sunday being spoken 109 *Eerie 3 Rock the baby, two national 72 Harness strap 109 Get used (to)
low-key. You might hang out in the LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 19 <Scram!= Midwestern around the parks 73 Homey lodgings 110 Instrument in
20 Germ carrier? downtown area? world, etc. 36 Soft summons 74 <Big Little Lies= Hindi cinema
ARIES (March 21-April 19) kitchen puttering around. Do something different today to 21 Russian crepes 115 <Grease= actress 4 Comforts 37 Lanikai Beach9s actress Kravitz 111 Pet in a tank
You’ll enjoy interacting with a Conversations with partners and satisfy your desire for adventure or 22 Frasier9s brother Conn 5 <Night Court= TV island 75 Throws in 112 Zhou who
group, because people are inclined close friends will be lively; something stimulating. Go for 23 *<This should 116 Sand hill network 38 Like some 76 Time in the tub hosted Nixon
be just right, my 117 <__ you for 6 British pop grilling planks 77 <Nearly finished!= 113 Stop
to listen to you now. When you nevertheless, you want to enjoy coffee. Change your routine. Spend furry friends=? real?= singer Rita 39 Got up 81 Orchard fruit 114 Walt Disney
speak, you have authority. Ten- your own company today. Next time with children. You need to see 26 Liquid-Plumr rival 118 Hasbro game 7 Made the grade 44 Confidentiality originally from Concert Hall
27 Origins that requires 8 Bee or butterfly doc Ohio architect Frank
shun! week, you can go out and fly your people today. 28 Fair-hiring initials quick reflexes 9 Sac fly result 46 Typist9s meas. 82 <Come on in!= 119 Alpo rival
colors! 29 Indian flatbread 121 Make up (for) 10 Antlered 47 Curaçao 83 Answered an 120 Tit for tat, e.g.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 31 Color that is 123 Embedded ruminant neighbor invite 122 Some city trains
equal parts blue narrative, and a 11 Olds of old 48 Hard on the ears 85 Puts in a Hall of 124 Luxury bag
Travel plans will appeal to you, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This is the perfect day to relax at and green description of the 12 Shallot kin 50 Goad Fame, say monogram
along with an opportunity to study You’ll be happy to socialize today. home and take it easy. You might 32 *Peculiar pair at answer to each 13 __ Gritty Dirt 51 Canadian gas 87 Kylo of the <Star 125 Tied the knot
and learn something new. You’ll enjoy activities with children be more involved than usual with a the office? starred clue Band brand Wars= sequels 126 Broomball
38 Has motivation 128 Switchboard 14 <Your point is?= 53 <Intelligence for 89 Jamaican genre surface
Meanwhile, romantic relationships and casual social outings. Sports parent — or not. You might do some for section 15 Big top Your Life= host 90 Sport with 127 Denials
are affectionate. Money is on your events might appeal to you. You will shopping online. Discussions with 40 Bout enders, 129 Out performance John bamboo swords
briefly 130 Not pizzicato 16 Skeet target 54 Hilton competitor 93 <Hold it, horses!=
mind today, which means you might also enjoy talking to someone someone about shared property, 41 <Whitney 131 No. in a forecast 17 Kidney-related 55 Some airport 94 Share hot goss
be shopping. about your hopes and dreams for taxes, debt or inheritances might Houston: I
the future. take place. It is what it is. Wanna Dance
With Somebody=
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) director
The Moon is still in your sign, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Lemmons
bringing you a bit of good fortune. Do what you can to get better Although a lot of people are 42 Dwarf planet
named for a
(This happens for 2½ days every organized. You always want to be relaxing today, you will be busier. goddess of
month.) Do something different, more organized than you seem to Short trips will appeal to you. You discord
43 MYOB part
because you want to expand your be able to pull off, but that’s also might spend time with 45 Dam on the Nile
siblings, relatives and neighbors 49 Escher museum
sharing ideas or discussing world site, with <The=
52 Sleepy pal
events. 53 *Things that

Engagements | Weddings CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 57

make you go
hmm ... ?
Tour guide9s

Anniversaries Because Mercury is in your sign,

you have a strong desire to
enlighten others. You want to talk
badge words
Baby sheep
ABC News
anchor David
To place an announcement: and share your ideas. You have 61 Duds
email: weddings@washpost.com much to think about. Many of you 62 Push back, in a
phone: 202-334-5736 will change jobs or residences this 64 Reef-dwelling
fax: 202-334 - 7188 year. Pixar character
67 <Be prepared=
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 68 New prefix
Declare Your Love! You feel empowered with the Sun 69 *Salon pro
who9s a genius
in your sign. And today the Moon is with AquaNet?
Announce your Engagement, Wedding or Anniversary in The Washington Post’s in a playful part of your chart, 75 Butterfield of
Sunday Arts & Style Section. (Birthdays, Graduations & other Special Events which means you’re up for some <Sex Education=
have moved to Thursdays.) You may provide text and photos. Color is available. 78 Work on a lawn
fun! Accept invitations to socialize 79 Old-timey
Many packages include keepsake plaques of your announcement. with others. Enjoy activities with dagger
80 Breathe Right
To place an order and for more information, including rates: children as well as sports events. user, maybe
Contact The Weddings DropBox at: weddings@washpost.com 84 Mete (out)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) 86 Substandard
Or call 202.334.5736, toll free 877.POST.WED, fax 202.334.7188 88 Wager
You’re still feeling a bit reclusive, 91 Many Vegas
All materials must be received by Monday at 1 p.m. which is why this is the perfect day lights
92 *Lament from a
to relax with some tasty snacks
and drink. A good book or some 1/21/24 ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
daytime TV might be a wonderful
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Sunday, January 21, 2024

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket www.washingtonpost.com/movies
AMC Academy 8 AMC Magic Johnson The Hunger Games: The Ballad Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé Poor Things (R) CC: 12:00-1:00- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Regal Kingstowne & RPX
DISTRICT 6198 Greenbelt Road Capital Center 12 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- 1:00-3:10-4:40-6:50-8:10 Theatrical Engagement (PG) CC: 2:00 4:15-5:45-10:00 1:50-5:25-9:00 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
AMC Georgetown 14 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 800 Shoppers Way 13) 3:10 Migration (PG) 12:30-3:00-5:30 11:45AM Founders Day (R) 4:45-7:30 Anyone But You (R) CC: 2:00- Migration (PG) 12:30-3:00- Aquaman and The Lost King-
3111 K Street N.W. (PG-13) CC: 10:20-1:10-4:10-7:10 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Night Swim (PG-13) 4:00 Dunki 8:05 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The The Beekeeper: The IMAX 4:30-7:00-9:45 5:30-8:00 dom (PG-13) 7:25
Wonka (PG) CC: 4:10-7:00-9:50 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:00-8:00-8:45 Poor Things (R) 3:35 The Hunger Games: The Ballad Movie (R) 7:30 Experience (R) CC: 11:15AM The Beekeeper (R) CC: 4:15- Night Swim (PG-13) 10:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) 1:10-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: The Book of Clarence (PG-13) of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Regal Westview & IMAX Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 6:45-9:15 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 4:40-8:00
CC: 10:00 Migration (PG) CC: 10:40-1:30- 2:00-5:15-8:30 3:40 13) 11:30-2:30-6:20 5243 Buckeystown Pike Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 The Iron Claw (R) CC: 12:30- 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10 Wonka (PG) 12:55-3:50-6:55
Poor Things (R) CC: 4:05-7:20-10:30 4:10 Wonka (PG) CC: 2:10-5:00-7:45 Anyone But You (R) 4:35 Night Swim (PG-13) 5:40-8:20 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 3:30-6:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Migration (PG) 12:05-2:35-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 7:20 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Beekeeper (R) XD: 2:05-4:50- Poor Things (R) 12:20-4:00-7:20 der-Verse (PG) 4:10 Theatrical Engagement (PG) I.S.S. (R) CC: 1:15-4:30-6:45- 10:25-11:35-6:30 5:05-7:40
CC: 1:00-4:15-7:30-10:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) der-Verse - The IMAX Experience 7:35-10:20 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi) Wonka (PG) 12:30-3:30-6:10-9:00 CC: 3:30 10:00 Anyone But You (R) 10:50-1:30- The Hunger Games: The Ballad
Anyone But You (R) CC: 4:15- CC: 10:30-1:15-4:40-7:30 (PG) CC: 2:45 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 11:40AM Migration (PG) 11:50-1:00-4:00- The Color Purple (PG-13) 3:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:45- 4:15-6:55-9:55 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
7:00-10:20 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 10:10- Migration (PG) CC: 1:15-3:50- Movie (R) 7:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 7:00-9:30 6:45-10:00 3:30-6:15-9:00 The Beekeeper (R) 11:00-1:45- 13) 3:55
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-7:30 6:30 American Fiction (R) 4:40 1:10 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:10-2:50- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 4:30-7:20-10:05 Night Swim (PG-13) 7:05
2:00-4:40-7:15-9:55 Origin (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:00- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 1:10- The Iron Claw (R) 4:05 Anyone But You (R) 4:20-7:30 5:20-8:00 OC: 1:45 One Loudoun American Fiction (R) 10:00- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:30-5:10- 4:00-7:10 3:40-6:15-8:50 I.S.S. (R) 5:15 The Beekeeper (R) 12:00-2:40- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 3:15- 20575 East Hampton Plaza 12:55-4:05-7:05-10:00 1:05-4:05-7:30
7:40-10:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:50- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:30 5:20-8:00 Experience (R) 2:00 6:15-9:15 Wonka (PG) 12:00-3:15-6:15 The Iron Claw (R) 12:55 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
American Fiction (R) CC: 1:30- 1:40-4:20-6:40 CC: 2:45-5:45-8:45 Cinépolis Gaithersburg I.S.S. (R) 11:50-2:20-5:10-7:40 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 11:00AM Galaxy Quest (PG) 7:00 I.S.S. (R) 9:45-12:20-2:55-5:30- 12:40-7:45
4:50-7:15-10:15 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:10-3:45- 629 Center Point Way Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:10 1:10-4:20-7:40 Mean Girls (PG-13) OC: 12:15 The Lord of the Rings: The 8:05-10:40 Anyone But You (R) 12:30-
AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 1020 Annapolis Mall Road 6:20-9:00 Giselle: Ballet in Cinema Anyone But You (R) 12:00-2:40- AMC Potomac Mills 18 Return of the King (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:05-3:55- 3:15-6:00
Movie (R) 2:30-7:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 6:45-9:35 Poor Things (R) 12:10-3:30-6:50
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (PG-13) 1:30-3:00-7:15 3:00-7:00 5:30-8:10 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 12:00-5:30
All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: 3:40-6:15-9:00 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 1:20- The Beekeeper (R) 1:20-7:30- The Beekeeper (R) 12:15-3:15- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) The Beekeeper (R) 12:15-3:00-
12:00-4:20-7:05-9:40 (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:20-10:15 Wonka (PG) 12:30-3:45-6:30 Aquaman and The Lost 2:45-9:40
I.S.S. (R) CC: 2:45-5:10-7:45 5:00-8:35 10:10 Kingdom (PG-13) CC: 1:10-4:10- 7:15 5:45-8:30
I.S.S. (R) CC: 2:15-5:10-7:45-10:10 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Freud's Last Session (PG-13) The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
Founders Day (R) 11:35-3:20-6:10 I.S.S. (R) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:10- 7:10-10:10 Migration (PG) 12:00-12:45- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-1:30-
Origin (PG-13) CC: 12:40-4:00- 12:20-3:30-6:40-9:50 CC: 3:00-5:40-8:20 12:00-3:30-6:00
9:40 4:45-6:45 XD: 3:25-9:45 4:35-6:20-8:10
Wonka (PG) CC: 1:05-3:50- Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
6:45-9:30 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
12:15-2:45-6:45 Theatrical Engagement (PG) Giselle: Ballet in Cinema der-Verse (PG) CC: 3:15-6:30 Poor Things (R) 1:00-3:45-6:30 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The I.S.S. (R) 2:10-4:45-7:35
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 3:00-7:10 American Fiction (R) 4:30-7:30 Movie (R) 7:15 Freud's Last Session (PG-13)
Migration (PG) CC: 11:45-2:10- Anyone But You (R) 12:15- 11:55-2:50 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC:
3:30-6:45-9:40 AMC Montgomery 16 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:40-6:50- 12:15-7:10 I.S.S. (R) 4:00-7:45 The Beekeeper (R) XD: 9:55- 1:20-4:15
Wonka (PG) OC: 1:15 4:30-6:50 4:30-6:15 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 12:40-7:00
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 7101 Democracy Boulevard Movie (R) 7:30 9:50 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:45-4:20- American Fiction (R) 1:00 Founders Day (R) 1:45-4:30-
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 2:00-5:00-8:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) XD: 1:55- 7:15
5:40-8:10-10:40 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom I.S.S. (R) 1:45-4:45-7:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:30 Founders Day (R) 7:50-10:05 7:20-10:20 I.S.S. (R) 12:30
OC: 4:20 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 4:45-7:35-10:25 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special
Poor Things (R) OC: 12:45 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) CC: 12:30-7:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-3:15- Regal Hyattsville Royale Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-2:45-
2:40-9:10 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Theatrical Engagement (PG) 4:00 3:30-6:00 Medal of Honor Theater - Theatrical Engagement (PG)
Anyone But You (R) OC: 1:40 4:15-7:00-7:30 6505 America Blvd. 1:15-4:10
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 4:00-10:15 11:40-2:20-5:00 Migration (PG) CC: 12:00-2:40- NMMC
The Beekeeper (R) OC: 12:00 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Angelika Film Center Mosaic The Beekeeper (R) 1:25-4:20-
CC: 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00- atrical Engagement (PG) 12:00 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 5:10-7:30-9:50 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:45- (PG-13) 12:45-7:40 2911 District Ave 7:10
Anyone But You (R) CC: 11:45- 10:00 Experience 6:30-9:20 The Hunger Games: The Ballad We, the Marines (NR) 10:00-
4:30-7:20-10:10 Greenbelt Cinema The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:15- The Beekeeper (R) 12:20-3:00- of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Poor Things (R) 10:30-1:00- 11:00-12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00- Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
2:20-5:00-7:40-10:15 Migration (PG) CC: 12:15-2:45- 129 Centerway 4:00-7:05 7:20; 3:10
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:50- 5:15-7:45-10:15 3:40-7:15 6:40-9:25 13) CC: 10:20 4:00
The Teachers' Lounge 11:40-
DC Bryant Street 4:40-7:30-10:20 The Hunger Games: The Ballad The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:30-6:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:40 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 9:45 Regal Ballston Quarter Regal Manassas & IMAX
630 Rhode Island Ave NE The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:10- of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- 5:00 Migration (PG) 12:30-3:10-
Xscape Theatres Experience (R) CC: 2:45 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 671 North Glebe Road 11380 Bulloch Drive
American Fiction (R) 1:00- 2:45-5:20-8:00-10:35 13) CC: 3:30 Ferrari (R) 5:15 5:50-8:30 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 1:20- Aquaman and The Lost King-
Brandywine 14 11:35-2:05-4:35-7:10-9:35 Wonka (PG) 12:20-3:20-6:30
4:30-8:00 I.S.S. (R) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:25- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 1:15 The Iron Claw (R) 2:15 The Hunger Games: The Ballad 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 4:10-6:40-9:15 dom (PG-13) 5:40
Anatomy of a Fall (R) 4:20 Migration (PG) 11:55-12:50-
Galaxy Quest (PG) 6:30 7:50-10:25 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
Interstellar (PG-13) 1:00-7:00 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 3:30-6:10 Wonka (PG) 11:40-2:40
The Lord of the Rings: The 2:00 13) 4:10 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu)
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30
Wish (PG) 12:05 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 1:10-7:20-10:10 1:20-6:45 Night Swim (PG-13) 8:40
Return of the King (PG-13) 3D (PG-13) 7:20 Ferrari (R) CC: 6:45-10:00 Landmark (PG-13) 12:15-4:05-7:05-9:55 Poor Things (R) CC: 3:50-10:20 Poor Things (R) 1:20 3:40-7:20
12:00-5:30 Bethesda Row Cinema Night Swim (PG-13) 2:45-5:30- American Fiction (R) 12:25-3:00-
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:50- Poor Things (R) CC: 3:25-7:35 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 5:35-8:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Hunger Games: The Ballad
The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:15- 3:40-6:30-9:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 7235 Woodmont Avenue 8:10 CC: 1:00-3:40-7:00-10:00 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
Theatrical Engagement (PG) All Of Us Strangers (R) 4:45 3:50
2:45-6:15 CC: 4:45-7:45 Wonka (PG) 1:05-3:30-6:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 12:45 Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:00- 13) 12:10-3:55
AMC Center Park 8 1:10-4:20 Giselle: Ballet in Cinema Anyone But You (R) 2:20-5:10-
Poor Things (R) 11:45-3:30-7:15 4001 Powder Mill Rd. Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:30- Driving Madeleine 1:40-3:50-6:00 The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:00- 2:20-5:00-7:40-10:15 8:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 7:30
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Poor Things (R) 1:20-4:40-8:00 2:00-7:10
4:15-7:05-10:45 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 12:40-3:00-3:40-6:00-9:00 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:15-4:00- The Beekeeper (R) 1:40-4:30- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D
11:00-2:30-6:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Anyone But You (R) 12:50- Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:45 Experience (R) 12:50
(PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:30-7:30 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:45-4:30- 1:00-3:45-6:30 Trolls Band Together (PG) 4:05- 6:45-9:30 Ferrari (R) 1:25-7:25 7:20
All Of Us Strangers (R) 10:45- 7:15-9:50 Poor Things (R) 1:50-4:50-7:45 3:35-5:45 6:35-8:55 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) The Iron Claw (R) 11:50AM Main Atal Hoon 11:50-3:20-6:50
1:45-4:45-6:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: The Beekeeper (R) 11:55-2:30- The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Poor Things (R) 12:45-4:15-7:35
Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 1:25-4:15-6:55-9:35 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:50 I.S.S. (R) 12:10-2:50-5:30-8:10
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:45-2:45-6:45 1:10-4:00-6:40 4:10-10:50 1:45-4:45-7:30 5:10-8:15 Migration (PG) 12:05-2:25-4:45- AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The
Giselle: Ballet in Cinema Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi)
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Wonka (PG) CC: 1:30-4:10-7:20 I.S.S. (R) 12:10-2:40-5:20-7:50 Origin (PG-13) 10:15-1:15-4:15-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) American Fiction (R) CC: 1:15- American Fiction (R) 1:30- 7:15-9:35 Movie (R) 2:30-7:30 7:15-9:30 3:00-7:00 12:00
11:30-3:00-7:30 3:00-6:00-9:00 4:00-6:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-6:10- Night Swim (PG-13) 1:15-3:45- American Fiction (R) CC: 12:20- Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00- The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
Origin (PG-13) 11:15-7:45; 4:00 CC: 1:40-4:40-6:50 Origin (PG-13) 4:15-7:15 8:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:10-4:25- 12:30-3:40-6:50
Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:40- The Iron Claw (R) CC: 9:30 7:25-9:45 3:20-6:15-9:20 7:00-9:35 7:00
Angelika All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:30-7:00 Founders Day (R) 12:20-3:00- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Iron Claw (R) CC: 12:40- Founders Day (R) 5:20-8:20 The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-3:10-
4:20-7:00 5:40-8:25 CMX Village 14 6:00
Pop-Up at Union Market The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:20- 12:15-2:50-5:30-8:30-11:00 Origin (PG-13) 1:15 12:20-3:10-6:20-9:40 3:45-6:50-10:00 The Soul Reaper (Ke An Hon)
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Mean Girls (PG-13) 2:00 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:50- I.S.S. (R) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30- 1600 Village Market Boulevard 12:30-6:40-9:30 Anyone But You (R) 3:30-6:20
4:10-7:10 Theatrical Engagement (PG) Enter the Dragon (1973) (R)
Poor Things (R) 6:30 1:30-3:00-4:30-6:00-7:30-9:00- Landmark at 6:40-7:20-9:10-9:50 8:00-10:30 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The The Iron Claw (R) 12:50-4:20
I.S.S. (R) CC: 2:00-4:30-7:00 1:00-4:00-6:40 3:30
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 4:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:10- 10:30 Annapolis Harbour Center I.S.S. (R) 12:10-2:30-3:50-4:50- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Movie (R) 7:30 I.S.S. (R) 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:30
Poor Things (R) 12:30-3:30 I.S.S. (R) CC: 12:45-5:45-8:15- 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 6:10-7:10-8:30-9:30 CC: 2:10-5:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:25 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:40-3:45-
4:00-7:20 Movie (R) 7:30 (PG-13) 12:25-3:40-6:35
The Iron Claw (R) 1:00-6:45 10:45 Wonka (PG) 10:30-1:00-4:20-7:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:50-3:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:30- 6:45
AMC Columbia 14 Mean Girls (PG-13) 2:50 Wonka (PG) 1:00-4:05-6:50 Regal Dulles Town Center
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:15-4:00-7:00 Origin (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:15- Migration (PG) 11:00-1:20- 6:30-9:20 9:45 Founders Day (R) 7:40
10300 Little Patuxent Parkway Migration (PG) 1:15-3:35-6:00 21100 Dulles Town Circle
7:30-9:45 3:45-6:45 Regal Laurel Towne Centre iPic Pike & Rose Founders Day (R) 7:45-10:30 Queen Rock Montreal: The
Avalon Theatre Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Night Swim (PG-13) 8:20 Aquaman and The Lost IMAX Experience 5:05-7:40
Freud's Last Session (PG-13) The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 14716 Baltimore Avenue 11830 Grand Park Avenue The Beekeeper: The IMAX
5612 Connecticut Avenue (PG-13) CC: 12:25-3:20-6:15-9:10 CC: 2:00-11:00 Experience (R) CC: 12:10 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Kingdom (PG-13) 1:15-4:25- Soul (2020) - Pixar Special
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 10:35-1:15-4:25-7:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7:30-9:25
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Time Still Turns the Pages 7:00 Poor Things (R) 12:55-3:50-6:50 (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-7:40-10:45 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX 1:20-4:15-7:10 Theatrical Engagement (PG)
1:30-4:30-7:30 der-Verse (PG) CC: 1:00 (PG-13) 11:45-7:15-10:30 Ferrari (R) 11:40-6:10 Wonka (PG) 12:20-3:10-6:00- 12:40
Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:20- Experience CC: 6:30-9:00
American Fiction (R) 1:00- Wonka (PG) CC: 1:00-3:45- The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:45- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 8:50
Theatrical Engagement (PG) 3:30-7:05 2:40-6:00-9:30 2:15-6:00-9:45 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Regal Springûeld Town Center
4:00-7:00 6:30-9:15 CC: 12:45 Theatrical Engagement (PG) 2:15-5:15-8:15 Migration (PG) 1:40-4:15-6:45-
Anyone But You (R) 10:50-2:00- Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:50-6:50-9:50 Wonka (PG) 11:15-2:30-6:15- 6859 Springûeld Mall
Landmark Migration (PG) CC: 12:15-3:20- I.S.S. (R) 3:15 4:30-6:55 CC: 4:50 Poor Things (R) 12:15-3:30-6:45 9:10 Aquaman and The Lost King-
Migration (PG) 1:00-3:40-6:15- 9:30
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 6:10
AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 American Fiction (R) 10:40- 8:50 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:15- Anyone But You (R) 11:50-2:30- The Hunger Games: The Ballad dom (PG-13) 12:40-4:00-7:25
807 V Street Northwest Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) (!) 4:15-7:15-10:15 5:05-6:30 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
11115 Mall Circle 12:40-1:40-4:40-7:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 11:50-2:30- The Color Purple (PG-13)
The Beekeeper (R) 12:35-3:15- 13) 9:35
9:00 12:15-3:45-7:30-10:45
Anyone But You (R) 1:45-4:30-7:30 11:10-9:30
American Fiction (R) 2:00-4:00- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) 10:45-1:30- 5:30-8:20-11:00 The Beekeeper (R) (!) 12:00-4:00- AMC Shirlington 7
5:45-8:30 Night Swim (PG-13) 1:30-4:10-
(PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:30-5:30-8:30 4:30-7:10 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 7:00-11:00 2772 South Randolph St. Wonka (PG) 11:00-2:00-5:00-
5:00-7:00-8:00 Experience (R) CC: 2:10 All Of Us Strangers (R) 1:50- Migration (PG) CC: 1:00-3:20- The Iron Claw (R) 12:00-3:05- 6:55 8:00
The Iron Claw (R) 1:30-4:15-7:15 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: 12:50-4:00-7:20-10:30 I.S.S. (R) (!) 11:30-4:30-7:45- 6:20 The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
10:30-1:45-5:00-8:15 4:15-7:25 Anyone But You (R) 11:30-2:15- 11:00 8:00 12:30-3:45-7:10 Migration (PG) 10:50-1:30-4:20-
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:15-2:15- 8:55-9:40 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 7:00-9:40
Poor Things (R) CC: 6:30 Wonka (PG) 11:30-2:20-5:15-8:00 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 5:00-8:00-10:40 Origin (PG-13) (!) 11:00-2:45- Poor Things (R) CC: 12:50- Anyone But You (R) 12:45-3:30-
3:40-4:45-6:30-7:45 6:30-10:15 4:00-7:20 Movie (R) 7:40 The Hunger Games: The Ballad
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Migration (PG) CC: 11:45-2:10- 3899 Branch Avenue The Beekeeper (R) 1:35-4:20- 6:15-9:00
American Fiction (R) 1:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) (!) 12:30-3:30- Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:05- I.S.S. (R) 11:30-2:10-5:10-7:50 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
CC: 1:00-4:00-6:25-9:25 4:30-7:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7:00-10:10 The Beekeeper (R) 1:50-4:35-
Landmark E Street Cinema 6:45-10:00 2:40-5:15-7:50 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special 7:20-10:05 13) 2:20-9:00
Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:05- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:35 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Theatrical Engagement (PG)
555 11th Street Northwest 5:15-7:45 The Color Purple (PG-13) 1:30- 12:30-3:30-6:35 The Shining (1980) (R) (!) 3:00 American Fiction (R) CC: 11:50- Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Night Swim (PG-13) 11:05-3:00-
3:50-6:30-9:15 11:30AM 6:05-9:20
Poor Things (R) 12:30-3:35-7:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:10-3:45- The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 4:30-7:30 I.S.S. (R) 12:15-3:00-5:40-8:30 2:35-5:30-8:20 12:00-3:00-6:00
The Beekeeper (R) 11:20-12:35-
The Teachers' Lounge 3:15 7:10-9:45 CC: 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:05-2:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:00-12:20- VIRGINIA Migration 3D (PG) CC: 5:40 1:50-3:15-4:30-5:45-7:20-8:30 The Iron Claw (R) 12:10-3:20- The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) American Fiction (R) CC: 1:20- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 10:45- 5:00-7:45 1:55-3:20-4:50-6:25-7:50-9:20- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8
All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: 6:30-9:45
Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:15-12:45- Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
12:45-1:45-3:25-7:25-8:30 1:20-4:00-6:45 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 10:50 12:00-2:30-5:05-7:40 Anyone But You (R) 10:55-1:40-
4:15-7:00-9:45 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 2:00-3:45-4:45-7:30 4:30-7:30
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) CC: 11:25-1:50-4:15- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:30- 12:00-2:50-5:45-8:40 Founders Day (R) 9:40 Origin (PG-13) CC: 1:10-4:20- 7:00; 10:00
5:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:20-4:10-7:00 7:30 Cinema Arts Theatre The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-3:20-
6:45-9:15 11:45-1:30-2:30-4:30-7:30 The Beekeeper (R) 11:30-2:00- Regal Rockville Center Regal Fairfax Towne Center
American Fiction (R) 1:15- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 6:40 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 11:40- 9650 Unit 14 Main St. 6:20-9:10
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 4:10- I.S.S. (R) 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15 4:30-7:00 199 East Montgomery Avenue The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: 2:30-5:20-8:10 4110 West Ox Road
4:00-7:45 Driving Madeleine 9:55-12:10- American Fiction (R) 1:50-
7:00-9:50 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:00-2:45- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 1:10-4:15-7:10 2:05-4:00-6:00-8:00
Wonka (PG) 4:10-7:10 4:50-7:50
All Of Us Strangers (R) 1:30- Origin (PG-13) CC: 11:45-2:50- 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 5:30-8:30 AMC Tysons Corner 16 Migration (PG) 12:50-3:20-6:10
4:15-8:00 (PG-13) 10:10 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) The Holdovers (R) 1:00-7:10 The Iron Claw (R) 11:30AM
6:10-9:20 The Beekeeper (R) 11:30-2:15- Regal Cinemas Majestic Wonka (PG) 11:50-2:50-5:50-9:00 CC: 1:40-4:40-7:40 7850e Tysons Corner Center The Hunger Games: The Ballad
Origin (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-4:30- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 1:10-4:10-7:10-9:45
Freud's Last Session (PG-13) 7:45-10:30; 5:00 Stadium 20 & IMAX Migration (PG) 2:00-4:50-7:20 Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:05- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 5:00; 9:40-12:00-2:30-7:30
of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Giselle: Ballet in Cinema
7:00-8:15 CC: 1:10-3:50 (PG-13) CC: 4:15-10:10 13) 12:00-3:50-7:40
Mean Girls (PG-13) XD: 2:00- 900 Ellsworth Drive The Hunger Games: The Ballad 2:40-5:20-8:00 3:00-7:00
Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:45-7:35; 1:00 Poor Things (R) 10:05-1:05-7:00
Poor Things (R) 12:40-4:20-7:50
Giselle: Ballet in Cinema 4:50-7:40; 12:25 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:30- Wonka (PG) CC: 12:40-3:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:20-
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 3:00-6:00 6:20-9:25 American Fiction (R) 9:45-12:05-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
12:15 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (PG-13) 12:20-3:25-9:50 13) 11:40AM 2:15-4:50-7:30 2:25-7:20 12:20-3:30-6:00-6:30-10:00
The Beekeeper: The IMAX (PG-13) 10:30-1:30-7:30-10:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:40- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) 12:30-3:10-6:20
Regal Gallery Place Experience (R) CC: 11:35AM 9:20 All Of Us Strangers (R) 9:50-
Anyone But You (R) 1:40-4:30- Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 3:00-6:30-10:00 3:20-6:30-9:30 1:00-2:50-3:50-5:40-8:30 7:15
701 Seventh Street Northwest Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Migration (PG) CC: 2:15-5:15- 7:30 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
der-Verse (PG) XD: 10:45AM Wonka (PG) 12:10-3:10-6:20-9:30 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) CC: 11:50-3:10-5:40- Freud's Last Session (PG-13)
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:00- Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) 8:10 7:25 The Beekeeper (R) 12:20-3:40- Aquaman and The Lost King-
12:20-3:40-6:40-10:00 10:00-12:10-2:35 dom (PG-13) 12:10
der-Verse (PG) 12:30-3:40 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:10- 6:40-10:00 2:45-6:15-10:00 Poor Things (R) 4:00-7:40 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 6:50
The Color Purple (PG-13) 12:00- 3:10-6:00-8:50
AMC Hoffman Center 22
Experience (R) CC: 1:55 The Holdovers (R) 4:00 I.S.S. (R) 2:00-4:40-7:20 Wonka (PG) 10:50-1:50-4:50-
Wonka (PG) 10:35-1:30-7:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Anyone But You (R) 12:00-2:40- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Poor Things (R) 4:10
6:30-10:20 10:15 der-Verse - The IMAX Experience The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:10-1:50- 7:50
AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 5:30-8:20 Aquaman and The Lost King- 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:40 American Fiction (R) 4:45
Wonka (PG) 12:50-3:50-6:40-9:35 9811 Washingtonian Center Ayalaan (Tamil) 10:25 (PG) 11:00AM 5:00-8:00 Migration (PG) 12:50-3:20-
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) dom (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:00- 6:00-8:30
The Hunger Games: The Ballad Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Migration (PG) 12:35-3:05- 1:10-4:40-10:10 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Cinemark Centreville 12 Giselle: Ballet in Cinema
of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- 6:00-9:30 CC: 11:15-2:20-6:10 6201 Multiplex Drive 3:30-7:00 The Hunger Games: The Ballad
(PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:20-7:15-10:15 3:15-6:50 5:45-8:30 The Beekeeper (R) 1:40-4:20- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
13) 3:30 Trolls Band Together (PG) The Hunger Games: The Ballad Anyone But You (R) CC: 1:50- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Wonka (PG) 1:10 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG-
Night Swim (PG-13) 12:10-2:50- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 7:10-9:50 der-Verse (PG) CC: 12:30 13) 3:10
der-Verse (PG) CC: 1:30 10:35AM of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- 4:30-7:10-9:55 (PG-13) 7:30 Regal Fox & IMAX
5:50-8:30-11:10 American Fiction (R) 1:30-4:30- The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Night Swim (PG-13) 1:15-4:00-
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Migration (PG) 11:35-2:05- 13) 6:45-10:20 7:30-10:20 12:15
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Ayalaan (Tamil) 1:20-8:20 22875 Brambleton Plaza
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 12:30-3:35-6:35-9:30 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 6:40-9:20
12:15-3:30-6:45-10:00 7:05-9:35 I.S.S. (R) 12:30-3:00-5:40-8:10 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 11:45-
12:20-3:20-6:20-9:20 10:25-1:40-4:55-8:10 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13)
Wonka (PG) CC: 2:00-4:45-7:30- The Hunger Games: The Ballad Experience (R) 2:10 Giselle: Ballet in Cinema 10:00 (PG-13) 11:10AM 11:50-2:50-6:10-9:10
Poor Things (R) 11:20-6:10-9:30 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Night Swim (PG-13) 2:40-5:30- 2:25-5:05-7:50-10:30 The Hunger Games: The Ballad Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
10:15 3:00-7:00 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Poor Things (R) 10:55-2:20-
Anyone But You (R) 4:20-7:40- 13) 11:35-6:45-10:20 8:20-11:00 of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- der-Verse (PG) 12:10-3:30
10:40 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-10:15 9:15 5:30-9:00
5:50-9:10 Wish (PG) 10:45-1:20 Poor Things (R) 2:35-6:10-9:45 12:20-3:20-6:25-9:25 13) 10:20-1:35-4:25-8:00 Wonka (PG) 11:00-12:30-3:20-
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Founders Day (R) 3:10-6:00-8:40 Migration (PG) CC: 11:30-2:00- American Fiction (R) CC: 11:20- Captain Miller (Tamil) 10:00- The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
Migration (PG) CC: 11:30-1:45- Main Atal Hoon 4:15 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 4:30-7:00-9:30 6:15
10:50 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The- 3:20-6:15-9:15 5:00 11:40-3:00-6:20-9:40
4:15-6:45-9:15 Night Swim (PG-13) 10:50-1:25- 12:05-3:40-6:50-10:10 atrical Engagement (PG) 12:10 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Anyone But You (R) 2:10-5:20-
The Beekeeper (R) 6:50-9:40 6:55-9:30-10:35 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Hindi) The Iron Claw (R) CC: 10:15 Night Swim (PG-13) 11:10-5:15- 11:00-12:00-2:40-3:40-4:50-6:20-
American Fiction (R) 1:30-4:30- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 11:30- Johnny Keep Walking! 1:20-4:10- Experience (R) CC: 2:00 8:10
12:00-10:20 Poor Things (R) 12:15-6:55-10:15 11:05AM AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 7:50-10:25 7:20-8:30-10:00
7:30-10:30 6:50-9:40 Cult Killer (R) 9:45 Anyone But You (R) 4:45-10:30 Migration (PG) 12:00-2:25 The Beekeeper (R) 11:10-2:00-
Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Anyone But You (R) 12:40-3:20- Movie (R) 2:30-7:30
The Iron Claw (R) 11:40AM AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The Night Swim (PG-13) CC: The Beekeeper (R) 11:05-4:35- The Hunger Games: The Ballad 5:00-8:00
Experience (R) CC: 2:10 12:30-6:50-10:00 6:05-9:00 12:15-8:50 Migration 3D (PG) CC: 11:30-
I.S.S. (R) 11:30-2:10-4:40-9:50 Movie (R) 7:30 9:45 7:20-10:05 I.S.S. (R) 1:30-4:10-7:00-9:50
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: Anyone But You (R) 11:15-1:55- The End We Start From (R) 2:20- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: of Songbirds and Snakes (PG- Giselle: Ballet in Cinema
Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00-4:00- 4:25-10:30 7:15-9:55 4:55-7:50-10:45 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX I.S.S. (R) CC: 12:05-2:40-7:50- Anyone But You (R) 10:35-7:40 13) 2:35-9:10
6:00-9:00-10:00 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 3:00-7:00
Poor Things (R) CC: 1:15-7:15 The End We Start From (R) 11:00- The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 1419 South Main Chapel Way
Ferrari (R) CC: 11:15AM 10:20 The Iron Claw (R) 10:55-4:30- Captain Miller (Tamil) 2:00
Giselle: Ballet in Cinema 3:00-7:00 11:45-5:55 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 7:00-9:10 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40 Poor Things (R) CC: 1:30-6:15 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 7:30
Founders Day (R) 7:10-10:00 CC: 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:50 American Fiction (R) 10:50-1:45- Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) (PG-13) 12:10-3:20 3:00-6:05-9:10 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 10:15- Experience (R) 11:00-2:50
Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The- 2:50-9:10 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) CC: 12:35-4:00- 1:55-5:10-8:30 Founders Day (R) 12:00-10:00
Anyone But You (R) CC: 12:00- 7:35-10:30 The Color Purple (PG-13) 11:50- CC: 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Saindhav (Telugu) 1:40-8:20
atrical Engagement (PG) 12:40 I.S.S. (R) 11:35-2:10-4:45-7:20-9:55 3:10-6:40-10:00 7:20-10:35 Wonka (PG) 10:10-4:05-6:50- AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The
2:30-5:10-7:45-10:20 The Iron Claw (R) 12:55-10:25 Anyone But You (R) CC: 11:00- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Poor Things (R) 11:30-2:50- Movie (R) 7:30
The Color Purple (PG-13) 3:10 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) I.S.S. (R) 12:05-2:40-7:50-10:25 Origin (PG-13) 11:50-3:30-7:00- Wonka (PG) 12:30-3:40-6:50- 10:20 6:15-9:35
Poor Things (R) 2:40 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:30-3:30-
11:30-4:50-10:00 Origin (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-7:10- 10:30 9:50 CC: 11:10-4:35 Migration (PG) 10:30-4:10-6:40- The Book of Clarence (PG-13)
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) The End We Start From (R) CC: 10:10 6:30-9:30
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:50- 10:30 Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 11:00-9:45 The Beekeeper: The IMAX 11:25AM
1:20 3:30-6:15-9:00 Naa Saami Ranga 1:05-4:30-7:55 11:05-1:50-4:30-7:40-10:40 der-Verse - The IMAX Experience Experience (R) CC: 11:00AM Night Swim (PG-13) 1:15 Anyone But You (R) 9:00 Smithsonian -
Anyone But You (R) 1:10 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Airbus IMAX Theater
Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) 10:30-1:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:30-2:00- (PG) 11:35AM 12:30-6:15-9:15 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom The Beekeeper (R) 1:50 The Beekeeper (R) 6:50-9:25
The Beekeeper (R) 11:50-2:30- 5:00-7:10-8:10-10:15-11:00 Migration (PG) 1:00-3:30-6:20- 3D (PG-13) CC: 1:05-7:15 The Iron Claw (R) 1:00 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 4:30-7:30-10:30 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- I.S.S. (R) 11:50-2:30-5:00-6:30
5:10-8:00-11:00 American Fiction (R) CC: 1:15- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) Founders Day (R) 11:00-1:45- 9:00 6:30-9:15 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:05-1:20- Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 4:00-6:50-9:45 4:00-7:35 4:40-6:40-10:20 Night Swim (PG-13) 12:00-2:40- Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 (PG-13) 10:50-3:50-9:45 5:40-7:00-8:30-9:50 3:00-5:05
Movie (R) 6:50 Godzilla Minus One (PG-13) Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The Soccer Soul (Elijo creer) 11:30- Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 5:20-8:00 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Wonka (PG) 2:05 Founders Day (R) 10:20
I.S.S. (R) 7:20 Movie (R) 2:30-7:30 2:10-4:50-7:30-10:10 11:20-2:55 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Theatrical Engagement (PG) CC: Migration (PG) 2:00 Migration (PG) 11:00-6:05 the Seas 12:40
AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 11:05AM To Fly! (1976) (NR) 4:30
I.S.S. (R) CC: 12:00-2:30-5:00- Soul (2020) - Pixar Special Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Experience (R) 3:00 Movie (R) 2:30-7:30 Anyone But You (R) 1:45 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 11:30-
MARYLAND 7:30-10:00 Theatrical Engagement (PG) Experience 6:00-8:45 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) American Fiction (R) CC: 12:00- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:45- Mean Girls (PG-13) 10:40-4:20- 3:00-6:30-9:40 Deep Sky: The IMAX 2D Experi-
AFI Silver Theatre Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 4:45- 10:40-1:25 Soul (2020) - Pixar Special The- 12:40-4:10-7:20 3:00-6:00-9:00 4:40-7:30-10:25 7:10-10:00 Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX ence 10:55-1:20-3:40
Cultural Center 7:40-10:30 Johnny Keep Walking! 7:40 atrical Engagement (PG) 1:00 Anyone But You (R) 11:30-2:10- The Iron Claw (R) CC: 3:00-6:00 I.S.S. (R) OC: 5:20 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Experience 6:40-9:20 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
8633 Colesville Road Freud's Last Session (PG-13) Godzilla Minus One Minus Color The Beekeeper (R) 11:30-2:30- 5:00-7:40 AMC Worldgate 9 (PG-13) 1:05 Ayalaan (Tamil) 2:20-6:00-9:30 (NR) 11:45AM
5:05-8:00-10:55 I.S.S. (R) CC: 11:30-2:00-4:30- The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:10
All Of Us Strangers (R) OC: 12:15 CC: 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 (PG-13) 10:35-1:35-4:35-7:35- The Beekeeper (R) 11:20-2:00- 7:00-9:30 13025 Worldgate Drive Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:30 Captain Miller (Tamil) 4:40
American Fiction (R) 11:30-2:00- Time Still Turns the Pages 7:35 10:35 AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The 5:10-7:50 Origin (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:15- Aquaman and The Lost Cinemark Night Swim (PG-13) 10:40 University Mall Theatres
4:25-6:55-9:20 The Beekeeper: The IMAX Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Movie (R) 7:30 The Iron Claw (R) 2:30-6:00-9:20 6:30-9:45 Kingdom (PG-13) CC: 1:30-3:45- Fairfax Corner and XD Anyone But You (R) 11:20-2:00- 10659-A Braddock Road
All Of Us Strangers (R) 2:25- Experience (R) CC: 11:35AM (PG-13) 4:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:00 I.S.S. (R) 11:40-2:20-4:50-7:30- Freud's Last Session (PG-13) 7:00-9:15 11900 Palace Way 4:15-7:30 Wonka (PG) 12:00-7:55-10:10
7:00-9:15 Guntur Kaaram (Telugu) 2:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) 3:20 Regal Germantown 10:00 CC: 11:00-4:15-7:00 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:30-4:15- Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The Migration (PG) 2:15-6:00; 4:05
AXCN: Cowboy Bebop: The Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Wonka (PG) 4:25 20000 Century Boulevard Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:50-3:50- Giselle: Ballet in Cinema 7:00-9:45 (PG-13) 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:20- Movie (R) 7:30 The Beekeeper (R) 12:30-2:50-
Movie (R) 4:45 Experience CC: 6:00-8:30 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7:00-10:10 3:00-6:00 Migration (PG) CC: 3:15-7:30- 10:20 I.S.S. (R) 11:00 7:30-9:35; 5:05
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:10- XD: 10:25-10:30 (PG-13) 11:45AM Queen Rock Montreal: The IMAX Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 4:00- 9:00 Wonka (PG) 10:05-1:00-3:55- The Beekeeper (R) 12:40-3:25- Mean Girls (PG-13) 5:00; 12:20-
12:00-2:15-4:30-6:45-9:05 4:00-7:00-9:50 Migration (PG) 4:35 Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:40-6:40 Experience 7:10-9:50 7:00-10:00 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 9:30 6:50-9:50 4:45-8:20 2:40-7:15-9:30

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E14 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024


PhoTos by deb Lindsey for The WashingTon PosT

Chay owner Lan Tran came to the United States in 2015, where she met her husband and co-owner Thi Le and married him 21/2 years ago.

Chay showcases Vietnamese favorites, without meat

never go to Rice Paper in They say you can judge peo- one centered with thin purple
Even dedicated Falls Church without ple by their associates. You noodles, made from brown
carnivores can9t asking for No. 9. One of should know the <clam= dip rice, and surrounded by
many prizes on the Viet- keeps good company. Other squares of fried tofu, two-
resist Lan Tran9s namese menu is a smoky, stars among the starters are toned faux ham and a vivid
delectable flavors stir-fried jumble of chopped steamed tapioca dumplings lettuce and herbs for bun-
baby clams, onions and Viet- filled with earthy mushrooms, dling. The combination is list-
in Falls Church namese coriander ringed by tofu, carrots and onions 4 ed under <Chef9s Specialty,=
sturdy rice crackers for scoop- translucent and haunting 4 and rightly so. The element
ing. and swaddled in banana that keeps my chopsticks mov-
Needless to say, I was tick- leaves. Meanwhile, the <Roy- ing fastest is a nubby mush-
led to find a similar dish at the al= papaya salad lives up to the room patty, formed from the
BY T OM S IETSEMA new Chay, just four miles away menu9s fanfare. Shaved green expected fungi along with
and, coincidentally, listed as papaya coaxed into a little grated sweet potato, mung
the ninth appetizer on the list. mountain with julienne car- bean vermicelli and tofu.
As at Rice Paper, the warm rot, green beans, fresh mint Like the regal papaya salad,
salad was framed with rice and peanuts, and splashed the <Heavenly= fried rice sur-
crackers. As at Rice Paper, I with lime juice, vegetarian passes expectations. The
scarfed the peanut-topped fish sauce and Thai chiles, is grease-free mound is so light it
mound: chopped soy protein, about as princely as that practically levitates, and the
enlivened in part with lime southeast Asian staple gets. I fluffy white grains are scat-
and vegetarian fish sauce, do- all but bow when it9s set on the tered with pungent cilantro
ing a convincing job of playing table. and what look like wood shav-
baby clams. Tran, 53, grew up in a farm ings (dry tofu floss) for de-
Going in, I didn9t know family in central Vietnam, lightful contrast. Tran is a
what Chay (say <chai=) meant home to Hue, the country9s good fryer in general; her love-
in Vietnamese. Going out 4 ancient imperial capital and ly spring rolls crackle like old
hard as it was to leave my first therefore a source of dishes parchment.
time without ordering one of that played up sophistication. Flagging diners with green
everything 4 I knew it trans- When she was 15, her mother neon signage outside, the res-
lated to <vegetarian.= died. As the eldest daughter of taurant looks as inviting as it
I also knew I couldn9t wait six children, it fell to her to tastes. With just 50 seats, the
to return to the restaurant raise them. In the 10th grade, lemongrass-colored interior
owned by wife and husband she left school to cook in a packs in considerable style.
Lan Tran and Thi Le. She9s the local pho restaurant, even- Lan Tran9s daughter and Chay general manager There9s a small burbling foun-
self-taught chef, he helps out tually leaving to open a place Thao Phan holds vegetarian <clam= dip. tain near the ever-opening
in the dining room when he of her own. According to door and walls alternately
gets off his shift at the printing Young, Tran grew uncomfort- decorated with wicker baskets
plant for The Washington Post able with the suffering at- inscribed with cheerful words
in Springfield, and together tached to cows and pigs and stroke of luck for all involved, dened broth tingling with 4 <peace,= <love,= <happiness=
they9ve created a delightful became a vegetarian before she found temporary shelter lemongrass. A plate of pho- 4 and outsize lotus flowers
celebration of Vietnamese fla- moving to the United States in in a Buddhist temple, where friendly garnishes 4 lime, ja- painted by a Vietnamese
vors, hold the meat. (Le and I 2015. After meeting and mar- she helped with the cooking. lapeño and Thai basil 4 lets friend of the owners. Three
both work for Jeff Bezos, but I rying Le 21/2 years ago, she I haven9t always been a fan diners customize their soup painted ladies representing
wasn9t aware of our connec- revived the idea of opening a of chefs who try to replicate and add to the excitement. south, central and north Viet-
tion until his sister, Thanny restaurant, this time sans the flavor of steak or chicken The chef9s daughter, Thao nam grace a niche column.
Young, who helps him with meat. A trip back to her moth- with vegetables. Why not just Phan, serves as general man- The small disappointments
online communications, in- er country delayed the plan coax the best performance ager, but the owner is every- are more about policy than
formed me after several vis- when Tran got stuck there possible from the ingredients where when he9s in residence. anything from the kitchen. I9d
its.) during the pandemic. In a instead (in the vein of chef Rob One moment, he9s suggesting enjoy a beer with this exciting
Rubba at Washington stan- you try the <Heavenly= rice. food, but no go. <We want to
dard-bearer Oyster Oyster)? Another, Le volunteers that keep Chay wholesome,= says
Tran has me rethinking my the hot sauce in the glass jar Le. Anyone coming from a dis-
stance. Shaky <beef,= for in- on the table is his, made with tance might appreciate reser-
stance, is a dynamite stir-fry of chiles from his home garden vations; seating is first come,
what eats like marinated meat in Burke. (Go easy. The liquid first served, however. Early
but is in fact nuggets of soy fire is built with ghost pepper on, says the owner, a few bad
protein flavored with pineap- and Carolina Reaper, two of apples booked but never
ple soy sauce and sesame oil. the hottest peppers on the showed.
The dedicated carnivore I planet. To taste even a droplet The word is out. The restau-
brought with me one visit in- is to get an idea of eating lava. rant is a nonstop whirl of ac-
sisted the leftovers go home Dare ya!) One lunch I looked tivity. But arrivals tend to be
with him. Just as convincing up to find Le escorting his wife seated in short order, and the
are tender bites of <chicken= to a table of diners, eager to food comes out speedily. Chay
with a light wash of sauce meet the talent behind such is fast, friendly, fair 4 and oh
tweaked with lemongrass and eye-catching platters as the so fine.
Thai chile peppers. Another
clay pot, another pleasure.
The only reason I know I9m
not eating slices of braised
fish, sharpened with ginger, is
because the fish comes in
quotes on the menu. Chay
Given that Tran ran a pho
restaurant in Vietnam, noodle 6351 Columbia Pike, falls Church. 571-378-1771.
soup is nonnegotiable at Chay. chayrestaurant.com. open for indoor dining and takeout 10 a.m. to
Make my bowl <spicy Hue,= a 9 p.m. daily. Prices: appetizers $6 to $17, main courses $15 to
gathering of soft carrots, sup- $48 (for shareable hot pot). Sound check: 74 decibels/Must
ple tofu and slippery mush- speak with raised voice. Accessibility: no barriers to entry, but
The <spicy Hue= noodle soup contains fried tofu, soy protein, carrots and mushrooms. rooms in an annatto-red- the dining room is snug; ada-compliant restrooms.

Travel Sunday, january 21 , 2024 . Section F


Auckland9s main drag

8It9s total escapism9: Karangahape Road in New Zealand is the place to be,
with Indigenous art, a pasta happy hour, drag shows and more | F3

BECkI Moss foR THE WasHIngTon PosT

Trinity Ice performs at the Caluzzi Drag Cabaret on Karangahape Road in Auckland, New Zealand.

By tHe Way concierge Hotel mytHs cHicago cruising

Is it rude to ditch your partner We asked industry insiders about You9ve heard of the Bean, but have you Meet the <cast= of the nine-month
at security if you have PreCheck? F2 10 common urban legends. F4 heard of the newly popular Rat Hole? F5 cruise going viral on TikTok. F6
F2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

illuStration by María alconada brookS/the WaShington PoSt

You asked: Can I ditch my PreCheck-less partner at security?

Q: Is it okay to go buy her a beer when she joins me.) passengers get through the If you yell, <Smell ya later, Farley said a workaround to <I think that9s a question for
By The Way through TSA I9ve asked her whether she minds, security line in 10 minutes or less. loser!= and bail, that9s a different your dilemma would be to make a Miss Manners,= she said. <But it9s
Concierge PreCheck if my and she hasn9t complained, but I My fiancé submitted his TSA story. TSA checkpoint timed reservation probably better for both of them if
natalie b. girlfriend can9t feel a little like a jerk sometimes. PreCheck application months ago Thomas Farley, a New York City if the service is available at the they9re enrolled in TSA PreCheck.=
compton come with me? I9ve What do you think? but hasn9t gone for his interview; etiquette expert known as Mister airport you9re visiting. That way Farbstein did suggest you
urged her to sign 4 Anonymous. with a smartphone and Manners, had a similar take. you both stay in the same line but transform the PreCheck
up, and she says she9s working on audiobook, he really doesn9t hate Unless your travel companion is a neither of you has to languish very application process into a
it, but not with a lot of urgency. So A: Let the record show: I do this waiting in lines. So I9m like you: minor in your care or someone long. You could do something romantic gesture. You could sit
when we travel together, she has all the time. Are we jerks? In my Most of the time, we split and who needs assistance getting similar with other line-cutting down with her for the 10 minutes
to go through the long security opinion, it depends on your reconnect at the gate. through the process, you don9t services, such as Perq Soleil, it takes to pre-enroll online, pay
line, which 4 let9s face it 4 is partner. <There are ways to be the good need to stay with them through which, for a couple hundred for the fee, escort her to the
sometimes so full of amateur If you don9t know, PreCheck is a guy in that situation,= Dallas- TSA purgatory. bucks, gets you through the interview appointment, then take
travelers that it can be pre-clearance program from the based etiquette columnist <I would not feel terribly airport with the same speed and her out afterward.
excruciating. If her line isn9t that Transportation Security Heather Wiese told me. <I don9t guilty about going through concierge luxuries as a celebrity. <It9s kind of a fun thing to do, in
much slower, I wait for her just on Administration. Enrolling gets see that you9re a jerk unless you security on my own,= Farley said, (Of course, getting PreCheck all seriousness,= Farbstein said. <I
the other end of security. But you access to a separate, faster- handle it like a jerk.= particularly if your partner keeps would be the cheapest, easiest even went with my wife when she
sometimes it takes her a lot moving line where passengers If you9re asking your girlfriend shirking the opportunity to get option.) had her PreCheck appointment.=
longer, so I end up texting her don9t have to remove their shoes whether she minds, and you offer PreCheck, and you9ve offered The last person I gut-checked
where she can find me. (Probably or take electronics out of their to buy her a beer, it sounds as if to sweeten the deal with a beer with was TSA spokesperson Lisa Want to see your question answered?
getting a beer near our gate; I9ll bags. TSA says 99 percent of you9re passing Wiese9s jerk test. or coffee. Farbstein. Submit it online at wapo.st/btwc.

The best tips for scoring low airfare, according to experts

BY N ATALIE B . C OMPTON routes, transatlantic flights
AND A MANDA F INNEGAN may cost less than domes-
tic flights, he says. And un-
While airfare prices are so like over Christmas or in the
confounding they can turn a summer, in November you9ll
rational person into a conspiracy have a fraction of the tourist
theorist, there is still hope for the crowds.
average traveler. Because, like
any sport or hobby, shopping for Skip the skiplagging
flights is a skill you can hone. Skiplagging, or <hidden-city
Unlike previous years, in ticketing,= involves booking a
which prices seemed to be sky- trip where you plan on getting off
rocketing, <you can see it very at a layover city and throwing
clearly in the data in fact, it9s away the last leg (or legs) of a
gone the opposite direction,= said flight. It might seem counterin-
Scott Keyes, founder of the flight tuitive: You9re ultimately flying
booking site Going. The travel fewer miles in the sky, so why
booking app Hopper9s 2024 out- should it cost more money? Well,
look shows the same, with do- airlines typically price flights
mestic airfare remaining below with a connection at a lower rate
2023 (and pre-pandemic) prices than directs because the latter
for at least the next six months. are often in higher demand.
That doesn9t mean every flight But airlines hate it, and in
you find will be cheap. <Averages fact, most contracts of carriage
don9t always translate to individ- from major airlines expressly
ual fares,= Keyes said. <But at the forbid it. If an airline catches
same time, with the way airfare you trying to skiplag, it could
works, today9s expensive flight cancel your whole itinerary. So
might be tomorrow9s cheap flight even if it saves you a few bucks,
and vice versa.= don9t risk it.
For that reason, Keyes added,
<it9s all the more critical to make
sure that you9re getting the tim-
ing of your booking to get the Tra v e l
best price.=
So how do you get the timing
right? Here are our best tips. ð get our newsletter every
WaShington PoSt illuStration; iStock thursday: washingtonpost.com/
Set price alerts newsletters/by-the-way
Tracking airfare can mess with based on things such as your Keep an eye out you9ve struggled to actually get a a cheaper price. As long as you ý read us online:
your head. Are the airlines track- home airport or region. You may for mistake fares fare that low, you9re not alone. aren9t on a Basic Economy ticket washingtonpost.com/travel
ing my computer? Am I being end up with a deal in your inbox Sometimes airline mistakes Although advertised airfare sales and your airline doesn9t have ð Follow us on instagram:
punished for booking on a that fits your travel needs. are a good thing, such as when it sound enticing, it can feel impos- change fees, you can cancel your @bytheway
Wednesday instead of a Tuesday? comes to fares. Even though sible to take advantage of them. flight, get a credit, rebook To respond to one of our
The truth is that airfare prices Shop in advance 4 but not much of the online booking proc- Sales are usually for specific and bank the savings for a fu-
too far in advance articles: email
are dynamic, and pricing algo- ess for flights is automated, there routes, so be flexible in your ture trip. travel@washpost.com, call 202-334-
rithms are influenced by a long Keyes calls this the <goldilocks are still some humans required booking. Also, make sure to Google even has a tool for this: 7750 or write: Washington Post
list of factors. The best way to window=: the just-right booking on the service side 4 and with check competitors9 prices, be- If a flight with its price guarantee
travel section, 1301 k St. nW
track them is setting up alerts. period when cheap flights are them comes human error, ac- cause experts say they will drop drops, it9ll pay the difference.
Washington, d.c. 20071.
Google Flights, Skyscanner and most likely to pop up. For domes- cording to industry experts. Mis- theirs when competitors have a Prices are tracked from the
Hopper are among experts9 fa- tic travel, he says that9s one to take fares are rare, but you can sale. time you book until your depar-
vorite price-tracking tools. three months out, and for inter- spot them by setting price alerts ture. It has some technicalities editor: amanda Finnegan
national flights, it9s more like two or subscribing to deal newslet- Stalk prices after you book to it, but you can read more Deputy editor: gabe hiatt
Sign up for deal newsletters to eight months. For peak season, ters (see earlier). Once you find The savings don9t have to end about the tool at wapo.st/ art directors: katty huertas,
Price alerts are helpful when add a few months to those rec- one, book fast. Even if you don9t after you book. By The Way google-flights. elena lacey
you have specific trips or dates ommendations. know whether you9ll use it, you editor Amanda Finnegan will Photo editor: lauren bulbin
and destinations in mind. But if Data from Google Flights can cancel and get a refund track and rebook her flights mul- Don9t forget the secret best Staff writers: natalie b. compton,
you9re flexible or want some shows prices for domestic flights within 24 hours. tiple times if prices go down. week for international flights heidi Pérez-Moreno, andrea Sachs,
vacation inspiration, flight deal are lowest between 21 and 60 (This works on rental cars and Holidays are typically some of hannah Sampson
newsletters 4 free or for a paid days out. Those prices tend to Learn how to work hotels, too.) the most expensive times to fly, Copy editor: rachael bolek
subscription 4 are wonderful bottom out around 44 days be- the airline sales Many airlines dropped change but there9s a caveat: Thanksgiv- editorial aide: olivia Mccormack
tools. You can sign up for news- fore takeoff. For Europe, it9s be- We9ve all seen them in our and cancellation fees during the ing week is the secret cheapest Travel advertising: ron ulrich,
letters from Going, Thrifty Trav- tween 50 to 179 days, and for inboxes: Southwest fares for $49! pandemic, so it9s easier to adjust week of the entire year for flights 202-334-5289,
eler, Airfare Spot and Mexico and the Caribbean, it9s JetBlue9s $44 flights! London on your trip 4 even if that means abroad. This has been a longtime ronald.ulrich@washpost.com
Airfarewatchdog to get deals from 37 to 87. United for 22,000 points! But if just rebooking the same flights at tip from Keyes. For many
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee F3

A guide to Karangahape Road,

Auckland9s center of queer nightlife

PHoTos by MiCHelle HysloP for THe WAsHingTon PosT

BY P ETRINA D ARRAH dazzle guests with megawatt

IN aUCKlaNd, NEW ZEalaNd smiles. The queens are both serv-
ers and entertainers during
arangahape Road might Caluzzi9s theater, an interactive,

K be the most infamous

street in this country.
Over the past century,
<K Road= has been a de facto red-
light district, one of auckland9s
ebullient experience for dinner
and a show.
The club started as a humble
cafe, said Nick Kennedy-Hall, who
holds dual roles as co-owner of
busiest shopping streets and the Caluzzi and drag queen anita
center of queer nightlife. Its check- Wigl9it. The cafe had two extraor-
ered history makes it one of the dinary staff members, chef <Feli-
most interesting places to visit in cia Porget= and server <Courtney
auckland. Cartier.= <after a long shift, they
Photographer Fiona Clark lived would disappear upstairs and
close to Karangahape Road from come down dressed to the nines
1972 to 1975, when she was study- and ready for a night on the town,=
ing at the Elam School of Fine arts Kennedy-Hall said.
at the University of auckland. Cafe regulars asked the girls to
Clark remembers the liveliness of do a show for them, and <on one
Karangahape Road at that time, fabulous night in 1996,= they final-
with its bakeries, greengrocers ly capitulated. The cabaret has
and car boot sales 4 where people helped forge connections between
would hawk goods from the backs drag performers and largely
of their cars 4 every Saturday. straight audiences. Things have
Today you can see a small bronze come a long way since 1976, when
sculpture on the road depicting a an exhibition of Fiona Clark9s pho-
boy and a piglet tussling over a tographs of Karangahape Road
turnip, an homage to a time drag queens at the auckland City
when fruit and vegetable stores Gallery caused public protests.
lined the street. Nowadays, Caluzzi unabashed-
By the 1970s, the outward ly celebrates Karangahape Road9s
sprawl of the growing city meant individuality. <I love that Karanga-
people started shopping in subur- hape Road is a place where people
ban malls instead of central auck- can have a fun night out and just
land streets. Many Karangahape enjoy life,= Kennedy-Hall said. <It9s
Road businesses shuttered or total escapism.=
moved. The road developed a sala- Address: 461 Karangahape Rd.;
cious reputation for its sex shops TOP: Natrasha performs at the Caluzzi Drag Cabaret, a fixture on Karangahape Road in Auckland, New Zealand. The cabaret has helped caluzzi.co.nz
and strip clubs. New Zealand de- forge connections between drag performers and largely straight audiences. ABOVE: People enjoy a show at Club Burlesque.
criminalized prostitution in 2003, Club Burlesque at
but sex workers were already the Las Vegas Club
around. making the trek to support their ment with signature red-and- Verity Johnson, co-founder and
Over the years, the area has women9s soccer team, stepping white-checked tablecloths since producer of Club Burlesque, said
become better recognized for the
safety and freedom of expression
into owner-operated boutiques
and businesses was a fun way
<I love that Karangahape Road 2009. The cheerfully mismatched
decor and warm staff make going
the idea for a burlesque show was
born out of a frustration that she
it has offered to marginalized
communities and independent
to get familiar with the eclectic
is a place where people can have for dinner at Coco9s feel like drop-
ping by a friend9s place.
couldn9t find the kind of sexy en-
tertainment she wanted to see. So
thinkers. Clark was a common
presence at parties around the Crushes
a fun night out and just enjoy life.= The no-fuss, rustic cuisine is
made from seasonal and locally
she started her own show in 2020.
Johnson says people frequently
time the road started to evolve Vintage and thrift shopping is a Nick Kennedy-Hall, the drag queen Anita Wigl9it and a co-owner of Caluzzi sourced produce. The restaurant leave the show saying it9s the best
into a home for the queer commu- primary pastime on Karangahape further builds on its neighbor- thing they9ve been to in auckland.
nity. In New Zealand, sex between Road, and Crushes is where social- hood vibe by offering affordable She believes the night taps into a
men was illegal until 1986. ly and environmentally conscious where you find all creatives, stu- ing Pacific artists, and showcases comfort food in the form of happy- collective need for catharsis, free-
<It started in the first clubs, the thrifters scout statement pieces. dents, people looking for some- work from the prolific Pacific arts hour pasta, which includes simple dom and sensual rebellion.
Windmill Follies and then las Ve- an ethical concept store, Crush- thing different.= She9s proud that community in auckland. and hearty pasta pomodoro with The show takes place in the
gas Club, with the first drag per- es is stocked with racks of hand- this attracts <people who like The gallery9s location is close to parmesan and pangrattato, from 4 former las Vegas strip club. It9s a
former,= she said. <They were a picked vintage items and shelves small business and big ideas.= some of the Pacific community9s to 6 p.m. daily. fitting venue. Every aucklander
safe place to perform and for the replete with goods and gifts from Address: 225 Karangahape architecture; Samoa House, the Coco9s Cantina was founded by recognizes the painted <Vegas
community and 8like minds9 to around New Zealand. <It9s a posi- Rd.; crushes.co.nz first maota or formal Samoan sisters Renee and damaris Girl,= Johnson says. <Plus, we
gather.= tive and safe space for our commu- building to be constructed outside Coulter. Renee still leads the long- knew the spiritual home of spark-
decades later, the legacy of the nity to shop,= said co-founder Rose Tautai Gallery of Samoa, now houses the artist- serving Coco9s team; damaris now ly emancipation had to be on
las Vegas Club still stands. One of Hope. Offerings in the store are In the 1960s, Karangahape run Samoa House library. The focuses on operating the Realness, Karangahape Road. Every [neigh-
the surest signs you9ve landed on categorized by values; shoppers Road was a lively place to shop and mid-century modernist building an online directory of independ- borhood], and often every street,
Karangahape Road is the <Vegas can browse sections for female- congregate for migrants from Pa- that was once the community hall ent, owner-operated and unique in auckland has a subtly different
Girl,= a painting of a showgirl clad owned, Indigenous-owned, hand- cific islands such as Samoa and to the Samoan church is now the businesses around the world. personality, and Karangahape
only in thigh-high stockings. She9s made, socially conscious or recy- Tonga. Gentrification eventually trendy bar and pizza restaurant Address: 374 Karangahape Rd.; Road had the right combination of
lounging above the entry of the cled materials. pushed Pacific people out of auck- East St. Hall. cocoscantina.co.nz magic, grit, seduction and subver-
club, which now serves as an event Crushes has been in businesses land9s central neighborhoods, but Address: 300 Karangahape siveness that we needed.=
space rather than a strip club. since 2011 4 or, as Hope notes, Karangahape Road still holds a lot Rd.; tautai.org/exhibitions Caluzzi Drag Cabaret Club Burlesque is a Friday-
That9s a common theme along <before 8conscious consumerism9 of historical significance to the Caluzzi drag Cabaret has been a night show with summer and win-
the road, where gay bars sit shoul- was a part of the zeitgeist.= The community. Coco9s Cantina fixture on Karangahape Road ter seasons. Keep an eye on its
der-to-shoulder with trendy wine store9s enduring success has been This connection made Karan- aucklanders looking for unpre- since 1996. Walk past Caluzzi 4 it9s website for dates.
and cocktail bars. built on the loyalty of a communi- gahape Road the ideal location for tentious dining know they can hard to miss, announced by a fuch- Address: 339 Karangahape
For the flood of visitors who ty supporting the concept of mind- Tautai Gallery, which opened in find it on Karangahape Road. sia neon sign and a giant pink Rd.; theclubburlesque.com
were drawn to auckland by the ful shopping. <Karangahape Road 2020. The gallery is part of the One such stalwart is Coco9s Can- stiletto on the roof 4 and you
FIFa Women9s World Cup, partic- is the alternative go-to for auck- Tautai Pacific arts Trust, a charita- tina. The Italian restaurant has might see fabulous drag queens Petrina Darrah is a travel writer based
ularly the lGBTQ-friendly crowd land city,= Hope said. <This is ble trust dedicated to champion- been brightening up the pave- trailing glitter and feathers as they in new Zealand.
F4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

illusTraTion by Daniele CasTellano for The WashingTon PosT

Are bedspreads actually ûlthy?

We fact-checked 10 hotel urban legends.

otels are in the business minibars with weighted sensors Is coffee maker-seared chicken

H of make-believe. The
show starts the minute a
guest walks into the lob-
by. We see smiling staff members
in uniform standing ready at
Myth: You can
sweet-talk your way
to an upgrade
Reality: True
Do hotels really never clean the
bedspreads? And is there a magic
that alert staff when an item has
been removed past a certain time
limit. Those still persist today, as
well as minibars with items
tagged with tracking technology
the new norm? While all of our
experts have seen these viral
videos, none have had issues with
such behavior at their properties.
<Thankfully,= Pundole adds.
front desks. What we don9t see is Well, sort of. Hotel upgrade word you can drop (or a palm to notify staff when something
the hidden world behind closed systems can be as complicated as leaves the fridge. Those sensors Myth: Hotels are
doors that keeps the act afloat:
housekeeping, kitchens, deliver-
the ones for airlines, says Judson
Corrie, the assistant director of
you can grease) to get an upgrade? can lead to rogue charges 4
maybe you moved the soda to a bedbug9s favorite
ies, storage, laundry, security, guest experience and concierge stash your leftovers 4 so Reality: False
back hallways and staircases. service at the Waldorf Astoria comb your itemized receipt at Michelle Zwirek, director of
<Good service is invisible serv- Chicago. Hotels can have multiple star <Unless it9s a huge blackout checkout. sales and marketing at Omni La
ice,= says Curtis Crimmins, a for- <We9ve got a lot of parameters ratings, too. As an American Ho- moment, like Fashion Week in Costa in Carlsbad, Calif., says a
mer concierge at five-star hotels
and now the founder of the hotel
to honor upgrades,= says Corrie,
who has worked at the luxury
tel & Lodging Association
spokesperson said in an email:
September in New York or what
have you, there9s often a better
Myth: Bedspreads common myth is that hotels are
the most susceptible place for
start-up Roomza. property for 15 years. <Hotel rating calculations vary deal you can get,= he says. and glassware bedbugs. But although bedbugs
But that doesn9t mean we9re not
curious. Specifically about the old
Hotels, particularly big name
brands, must factor in loyalty
depending on the source of the
rating, and some are based on
At the very least, they should
match whatever price you saw on
are never cleaned love to travel, they9re not partial to
hotels over other destinations.
wives9 tales that swirl around ho- program membership (Hilton guest testimonials.= another website or throw in a Reality: It depends They9re prevalent in any densely
tels. Like, do hotels really never Honors, Marriott Bonvoy, etc.) or You may find one alongside a perk like a room upgrade, com- Fortunately, many hotels have populated area where there is
clean the bedspreads? And is whether you booked with a cor- hotel listing in a search engine, plimentary cocktail or late check- done away with the old-school quick turnover, such as apartment
there a magic word you can drop porate partner such as American another one given by a brand out. heavy, patterned comforters that buildings, hospitals, libraries,
(or a palm you can grease) to get Express Fine Hotels and Resorts. such as Forbes or AAA (which didn9t get cleaned after every prisons and offices, as well as
an upgrade?
We interviewed industry insid-
But <at the end of the day,= Corrie
says, <we also are very human in
each have their own rating cri-
teria) and another on third-party
Myth: All hotels guest, opting instead for duvets
with washable covers.
hostels and hotels.
Just to be on the safe side, the
ers 4 some with a lifetime of the fact that we pay attention to booking websites such as Price- in a brand9s chain But when it comes to how well tips at wapo.st/bedbug-tips can
experience working in hotels 4
to get the truth behind lingering
the honeymoons and the anni-
line or Expedia (which also
have their own secret sauce for
are the same a room gets reset between guests,
<it depends on the hotel brand,=
help you learn how to look for
bedbugs when you get to your
myths. You might not go from a basic ratings). Reality: False Pundole says. <I know for a fact room.
room to a presidential suite, but To get a realistic gist of a hotel9s You might assume that a hotel that some hotels are more thor-
Myth: Housekeepers you can often finagle some perks
4 such as a bottle of wine in your
quality, Crimmins and Walisze-
wski recommend looking up
is owned and operated by the
brand name on the front of the
ough than others.=
<Always avoid the fluffy bed
Myth: Rock stars trash
skip cleaning daily room 4 if you ask nicely. What guest-submitted photos on re- building. But according to some throw or cushions,= he adds. <You their hotel rooms
because it9s less work won9t work: being a jerk or trying
to name-drop your way to an
view sites such as Tripadvisor or
tagged photos of the property on
estimates, more than 80 percent
of the hotels in the United States
never know 4 that9s all I9m say-
Reality: It depends
When Crimmins was working
Reality: False upgrade, Corrie says. social media. are franchised. So although you However, Goeta says the trend as a concierge, he says he saw the
Housekeeping may skip daily may think you9re staying at a in hotels is to have fewer items stereotype play out many times.
cleaning for environmental rea-
sons, staffing shortages or linger-
Myth: Hotel star Myth: It9s always Hilton run by Hilton, you9re prob-
ably staying at a Hilton run by a
like that in the first place. There
was a time hotel rooms had <a
<You see a tour bus roll up, you
just get out the Lysol,= he says.
ing pandemic protocols. But this ratings are based cheaper to book franchisee. That9s true of lots of whole bunch of magazines, acryl- In his experience, the more
myth is wrong for a few reasons,
says Giancarlo Goeta, the com-
on quality through a the biggest names in hotels, in-
cluding Marriott and InterConti-
ic cards, & all kinds of stuff,= he
said. <That9s not the case any-
famous the musician, the better
they would leave the room. Like
mercial director at two Hilton Reality: False third-party site nental. <At its heart, they9re just a more, particularly when you9re the time a hotel where Crimmins
properties in Tulum, Mexico, who Crimmins says he has stayed at Reality: False logo rental business,= Crimmins talking about a luxury property worked had to have its carpets
has worked in hotels for nearly three-star independent bou- You can find deals everywhere, says. like Conrad.= professionally cleaned after a
40 years. tiques that were better than five- including third-party vendors Brands may have recommend- As a result, there are fewer band past its prime kept emptying
First, Goeta says many house- star luxury hotels. How is that and hotels9 websites. But more ed standards, but day-to-day op- items to be worried about. Goeta chewing tobacco spit cups onto
keepers have quotas for how possible? Star ratings are based importantly, experts say that ho- erations ultimately fall to the added that his properties have the floor during their stay. On the
many rooms they clean in a day. on a <confusing and inconsistent tel rates may be more flexible discretion of individual franchi- strict cleaning procedures to fol- other hand, Crimmins says he9s
So skipping your room doesn9t checklist that varies around the than you think. sees, so your experience may vary low, and supervisors conduct had Grammy-winning, A-list
mean they get a longer lunch world,= Konrad Waliszewski, CEO Because hotels pay a commis- from property to property. spot-checks in rooms. guests without any problems 4
break. Second, skipping daily of the hotel booking platform sion when you book through a Crimmins says a rule of thumb some going so far as to make their
cleanings can double or triple the
work for housekeepers; rooms get
@hotel, said in an email.
For example, Waliszewski says,
third party, they9d rather have
you book with them directly. So
Myth: Hotel minibars is the more you pay, the cleaner
the room should be.
own beds.
Pundole says that there used to
dirtier over time (think overflow- in the United States, a hotel can cut out the intermediary and are booby-trapped be <a lot of partying and a lot of
ing trash cans, mountains of tow-
els) and require more work 4 and
only reach four-star status if
there9s a phone installed in the
<When you call us directly, we
with sensors Myth: Everyone9s trashing of hotel rooms= and that
<rock stars and rappers were the
cleaning products 4 to get tidy. bathroom. Theoretically, a hotel can try to make something work,= Reality: It depends doing weird stuff with biggest culprits.=
Either way, don9t forget to tip
can achieve a certain star rating
for having specific amenities on
said Mohini Merchant, vice presi-
dent of brand and creative at Ace
When you do find the dying
relic that is the minibar, there are
the coffee maker But now, the lifestyle of the rich
and the famous appears to have
Crimmins adds that it9s also in its property 4 such as a fitness Hotel, who has worked in the a few ways a hotel may track its Reality: False changed. <The majority of [musi-
a hotel9s best interest to keep your center or concierge 4 regardless industry since 2005. usage. Some properties have According to the internet, cians] 4 especially the big ones 4
room in shape with regular care. of the quality. Ben Pundole, the executive housekeeping do in-person some travelers go to great lengths are super healthy,= Pundole says.
<From the hotel9s perspective, <It9s like rating a restaurant vice president of brand culture checks on what you9ve used so to cook food in their hotel rooms. <It9s more about green juice,
we don9t look at it as cleaning merely for having tables with and experience for Public Hotel they can replenish it (and charge (The worst offender has to be the a good sleeping environment
your room. We see it as protecting tablecloths, but not for the taste and founder of A Hotel Life, you). Others follow the <very old guy who regularly uses hotel and and a workout routine they can
our asset,= he says. of its food,= Waliszewski says. agrees. standard,= Corrie says, of having motel bathrooms as his kitchen.) stick to.=
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post ez ee F5

Tourists are scurrying to see the Chicago Rat Hole

wInslow DumaIne courtesy of wInslow DumaIne

A decades-old, rodent-shaped indent in the sidewalk, left, has become a tourist attraction known as the Chicago Rat Hole. Winslow Dumaine, right, posted a photo of it to social media, where it went viral.

BY J ONATHAN E DWARDS hundreds of people a day to ooh <It9s just this perfect example the neighborhood in 1997, and Years ago, there was a <huge, gritty, a quality shared by the
and aah, giggle and take photos of visual storytelling. You see it, that a neighbor who has lived old, beautiful= oak tree above the rodent memorialized decades
Chicago is teeming with tour- at a decades-old splat mark. and you can tell exactly what there since the early 990s told her imprint, Nelson said, adding that later on a random sidewalk.
ist attractions: the Bean at Mil- <It9s like a very viscerally silly happened. It9s this thing that that it was there then, too. Resi- she believes it was actually a <That rat fell in that cement,
lennium Park, Navy Pier, the thing to see,= Winslow Dumaine, extends across language barri- dents who live on the block are squirrel that fell out of the tree brushed himself off and went to
Riverwalk, Wrigley Field and the who posted the photo, told The ers,= he said, adding: <You could tightknit, communicate often and plunged into fresh concrete, work,= he added.
list could go on and on. But now a Washington Post. show this to someone 500 years through group chat and are cel- making what would become Dumaine said he posted a
new spectacle has been drawing Dumaine, who moved to Chi- ago, [and] they would know ebrating, if a little surprised at, known as a rat hole. That tree photo of the rat hole so others
sightseers to a tree-lined side- cago in 2017, first heard of the rat exactly what happened.= the sudden popularity of their eventually got sick and was cut could share the joy it gave him.
walk in a residential neighbor- hole this year. Earlier this Dumaine took a photo and neighborhood marvel. down, so passersby looking up at Although his art is admittedly
hood miles from the Loop. month, he was heading to the posted it on X. Within an hour, it <We9re fond of the little crit- nothing but sky in recent years <really grim, dark and morbid,=
They come to see the Chicago Roscoe Village neighborhood to was well on its way to going viral, ter,= Nelson said. <We never grew visibly confused about how Dumaine said he9s an optimistic
Rat Hole. visit a shop that sells his artwork. which wasn9t exactly a surprise thought people would think it9s the imprint was made. person who savors moments of
An imprint in the concrete of His friend Hayley Hudson told to Dumaine. He suspected that it this exciting.= Nelson and Dumaine said the joy whenever possible. When he
what appears to be a rodent has him that, because he was in the may be a hit. It was funny, As Nelson and her husband Chicago Rat Hole embodies the saw the now-famous Chicago Rat
been a curiosity on West Roscoe area, he should keep an eye out physical and animal-related. raised three kids across the city it9s named after. For Nelson, Hole, he saw an opportunity for
Street for decades, but it became for the Chicago Rat Hole. <Everybody just thinks it9s fun. street from the splat mark, they the cheeky, decades-old imper- others to join in.
a destination attraction after a <I didn9t know what she was It9s incredibly hard to find things noticed a pattern. Someone fection captures the way Chica- <It is a very, very small thing 4
Chicago artist posted a photo of talking about,= he said. like that: pure, funny, silly would be walking by the imprint, goans can laugh at themselves. it9s just a picture of a splat mark
it on social media. The post on X, Dumaine made the trek, nev- things.= notice it, look more closely at Dumaine said that Chicago can 4 but it9s also part of a greater
formerly known as Twitter, has ertheless, and upon seeing what Cindy Nelson said that the it and laugh. Then they would have a harsh climate, citing that philosophy of just like, let9s
since been viewed more than 5 his friend had been talking imprint has been there ever since look up to figure out what had in 2019, it was colder than the make as many people smile as
million times and has drawn about, he burst into laughter. she and her husband moved to caused it. South Pole. But Chicagoans are we can.=

Sex crimes on cruise ships are rising, numbers show

unruly behavior would not be
tolerated and that the company9s
ships had increased security.
Chiames also noted that <when
guests check in for their safety
drill, we also give all parents of
teenagers a safety card remind-
ing teens to be aware of their
surroundings, not go into a
stranger9s stateroom, and use
good judgment both on board
and offshore.=
The 2023 statistics mark the
first time those reports distin-
guished between sex assault and
rape. The Transportation De-
partment began publishing the
numbers after Congress passed
the Cruise Vessel Security and
Safety Act of 2010. That law
requires that passengers have
access to a written guide to
where to report crimes that oc-
cur on a ship, the ability to
receive a sexual forensic exam
onboard and confidentiality
while requesting or receiving
The law mandates that eligible
cruise lines report missing per-
sons and criminal allegations
made onboard to the FBI. Inci-
dents listed on the 2023 reports
also include assault with serious
bodily injury, setting fire to or
tampering with a vessel, thefts in
excess of $10,000 and one <suspi-
cious= death.
In a statement sent to The
Post, the Cruise Lines Interna-
eva marIe uzcateGuI/Getty ImaGes tional Association industry
The Carnival Sunrise is docked in December. A case reported to the FBI in March, according to court documents, accuses a male crew member on the ship of raping a 17-year- group said its members face
old after approaching her in the fitness center and insisting that she needed his help to stretch. <Even one assault is too many,= said Chris Chiames of Carnival Cruise Line. <more robust civil liability= in
court under maritime law than
BY G ABE H IATT such factors as the location of the A case reported to the FBI in cruises reflects a failure by com- In cases that Courtney has do businesses on land, where
ship at the time of the offense March, according to court docu- panies to do more to prevent handled, he said he has seen a <the victim must prove the em-
Sex crimes on cruise ships and the nationalities of perpetra- ments, accuses a male crew them. pattern of male crew members ployer negligently hired or re-
sailing to and from the United tors and victims. member on the Carnival Sunrise <Where are we as a society if preying on girls and women tained a known predator.= The
States increased last year, ac- The numbers were part of of raping a 17-year-old girl after almost 100 people a year are between ages 13 and 24. In many association also said that <the
cording to numbers released by quarterly cruise line incident approaching her in the fitness alleging that they are sexually of the cases, crew members take transparent public reporting of
the Transportation Department. reports the Transportation De- center and insisting that she assaulted or raped on a cruise guests to an area of the ship criminal statistics for cruise
In 2023, the FBI received 52 partment published in early Jan- needed his help to stretch. ship?= Courtney asked. where they know they will not be ships is unprecedented in other
reports of sexual assault and 79 uary and updated recently. Over Among the reports submitted <Even one assault is too many,= monitored by security cameras. sectors of travel and tourism.=
reports of rape from passengers. the same time, the reports listed by cruise lines for 2023, 98 of the Chris Chiames, chief communi- Courtney said cruise compa- According to CLIA9s 2023
The 131 incidents represent less 22 assaults involving serious alleged sex crimes were commit- cations officer for Carnival nies could help prevent sexual state-of-the-industry report, an
than 1 percent of the tens of bodily injury and 20 thefts of ted by passengers, 27 by crew Cruise Line, wrote in an email assaults by increasing surveil- estimated 31.5 million passen-
millions of passengers who take more than $10,000. members and six by <unknown= responding to questions from lance, both by installing more gers took cruises last year. That
cruises each year. However, sex- Sexual assault on cruises has or <other= parties. The Washington Post. cameras and hiring more secu- represents a 54 percent increase
ual assaults continue to be the led to lawsuits in the past. A On Carnival Cruise Line, Chiames went on to de- rity officers. He also takes issue from the previous year9s estimate
most commonly reported crimes bartender on a Margaritaville at which says it transports more scribe the scale of the cruise with promotional materials that and is almost 2 million people
on cruise ships. According to the Sea cruise in May was charged guests than its peers, passengers line9s operations: 5.5 million describe cruises as <safe= for more than passenger numbers
Rape, Abuse & Incest National with entering a passenger9s room reported 45 incidents of sex- guests sailed last year across a teenagers. in 2019.
Network, more than 2 out of 3 and having sex with her when ual assault or rape in 2023. fleet of 26 ships that are Chiames said Carnival contin- The industry group commis-
sexual assaults are not reported. she was not capable of consent. Royal Caribbean reported 26 in- based mostly out of U.S. ports. ues <to invest millions of dollars sioned a report from criminolo-
In 2022, there were 87 report- He is awaiting sentencing after cidents, the next-highest num- Because the Transportation De- each year in enhanced surveil- gist James Alan Fox that presents
ed incidents of sexual assault on agreeing to plead guilty to a ber, and Disney Cruise Line re- partment data considers only lance cameras in public areas,= commercial cruise ships as <ex-
cruise ships. There were 101 in lesser charge of abusive sexual ported 19. ships with U.S. home ports, <we but these crimes often occur in ceptionally safe in terms of
2019, the year before the pan- contact. In a civil suit, a second Daniel Courtney, a South Flor- are reporting on the operations guests9 rooms. the risks associated with violent
demic shuttered the industry for woman in the room at that time ida trial lawyer who has focused of a much bigger fleet, more In a YouTube video posted criminal activity.= The re-
more than a year. Federal author- accused the man of raping her, on cases against cruise compa- guests and more U.S. operations ahead of spring break season last port shows rates of violent
ities have jurisdiction over cer- leading to a pregnancy she <was nies in recent years, said the than any of our competitors,= he year, Carnival Cruise Line Presi- crimes at sea are much lower
tain cruise cases, depending on forced to terminate.= number of sexual assaults on wrote. dent Christine Duffy warned that than on land.
F6 ez ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

WAshIngtOn POst ILLustRAtIOn; cOuRtesy Of AMIke OOsthuIzen @AMIke_OOsthuIzen, LIttLe RAt bRAIn @LIttLe_RAt_bRAIn And AnthOny McWILLIAMs @AnthOnyAntOIne1021

TikTok creators share scenes from their travels on the Ultimate World Cruise. From left, influencer Amike Oosthuizen, the person known as <Little Rat Brain= and solo traveler Anthony McWilliams.

A nine-month Royal Caribbean cruise is

taking over TikTok. Here9s a look at the 8cast.9
BY N ATALIE B . C OMPTON <Everybody likes to think there <She will be inspiring lots of Now McWilliams is one of the ence. They share vlogs of unglam-
is conflict,= Fletcher said. <My first people who receive cancer diagno- most beloved passengers on the orous sea days, featuring bad
oe Martucci was beginning couple of posts, I was like, 8Oh my ses, and cancer survivors, to go out ship 4 both to fellow cruisers and weather and laundry duties, as

J the trip of a lifetime, and he

intended to tell his kids all
about it.
On Dec. 10, after two years
of planning, the recently retired
gosh, if I was traveling in a small
cabin with anyone in my family,
after a week or so I would want to
throw them overboard.9=
Such twists have yet to actually
and just live your life as if every day
could be a last,= Fletcher said.

The swingers (or, not?)

online fans. After a mix-up with
Brazilian cruise regulations, he had
to fend for himself on land for a
week until he was allowed to
return. <Everybody was cheering
well as the highlights, such as what
it9s really like to visit a World
One of their most popular
posts was an extensive tour of
67-year-old and his wife, Audrey, emerge. To understand the appeal Adita: @aditaml2759 for me to come back on,= he said. the ship Madison took in the wee
finally embarked on Royal Caribbe- of TikTok9s favorite cruise, you9ve Adita (last name unknown) has He mostly posts joyous port hours of the night, giving us an
an9s Ultimate World Cruise. The got to meet the <cast.= been drumming up fan interest recaps and musings, such as when eerie and fascinating look at the
itinerary on the nine-month expedi- with her sassy, slightly wacky vid- he said he9d gained 10 pounds in massive ship almost completely
tion includes 65 countries across
every continent. They9d see the
The 8mom and dad9 eos that wink at the potential of her
and her husband being swingers.
five days on the ship. He gets
messages constantly that his trav-
<They know how to create a post
snowy shores of Antarctica, climb Joe Martucci: The main culprit for the rumor: her els as a solo Black traveler is that9s engaging,= Fletcher said.
the ruins of Machu Picchu and feast @spendingourkidsmoney obsession with pineapples. When inspiring. <They9re good at highlighting
across Southeast Asia. Between Martucci9s family asked him to shown upside down, the fruit is <That9s my number one travel things that people want to see.=
their ports of call, they9d play mini post his recaps online for their known to be a signal in the swing- rule: to not wait on the others. If
golf, attend lectures and relax at the
spa on the 965-foot Serenade of the
friends to see. He started a TikTok
called <spendingourkidsmoney,=
er community that you9re game.
Many of her posts wink at the
you9re waiting on the others, you9ll
end up going nowhere.=
The wild card
Seas. because he often jokes that the theory, although Adita has (per- Little Rat Brain:
To share it all with the folks at
home, Martucci started recording
cost of the cruise could have been
their inheritance. On Dec. 18, he
haps unconvincingly) denied the
The Lake sisters @little_rat_brain
For a dose of Gen Z bizarro
updates for his four adult children, published his first check-in, <She says that they aren9t and Shannon Marie Lake: comedy, there9s <Little Rat Brain,=
who encouraged him to post the which has more than 1 million that she just likes pineapple,= @swankalamode; whose real name has been kept
videos online. Almost overnight, a views. Fletcher said. <But that9s a heck of a Brandee Lake: private. Even the other <cast mem-
star was born. <People tell me, 8Joe, you have lot of pineapple.= @iambrandeelake bers= call her that in videos and
Unbeknownst to Martucci, an 76,000 followers in three weeks, Adita also loves to clean and Could you spend nine months interviews.
insatiable interest in his cruise had that9s amazing!9= Martucci said. share tidbits of ship life, such as sharing a room with your sister? <We love Little Rat Brain,= Mar-
been growing since his ship left port <And I sit there and go, 8Well, how how she stays organized on board. That9s the social experiment Shan- tucci said.
in Miami. How could anyone stand many am I supposed to have?9= non Marie and Brandee Lake are Little Rat Brain, who9s traveling
to be on a cruise for nine months?
How could anyone afford to with
With the most wholesome ac-
count on the ship, the Martuccis
The crew member carrying out in real time for fans.
So far <it9s working well,= Shannon
with her mother, shares expertly
edited, highly silly updates of life
rates starting at $61,000? Across are a fantastic antidote to the Daniele Salvatore Arbisi: Marie told The Post. on board, such as experiencing the
the internet, people were clamoring increasingly chaotic nature of @singing.sailor <We travel together a lot, so we <Drake Shake= (the sort of turbu-
for as much information as they many viral videos. No real editing, For a behind-the-scenes look at know each other9s hotel style, like, lence that comes with crossing the
could find. no second takes, just your <cruise working life on the cruise, there9s 8Okay, you take long showers,9= Drake Passage) and itinerary
Dozens of TikTok accounts have mum and dad= checking in. the @singing.sailor Daniele Salva- Shannon Marie said. changes.
popped up to document all things <If I mess up, we just let it run,= tore Arbisi. Originally from Essex When she9s not spending time
Serenade of the Seas. Some are run
by a few of the 600-something
Martucci said. <I have a little
speech dyslexia, especially when
in the United Kingdom, Arbisi
comes to the ship as a performer
with her parents, who are also on
board, Brandee keeps in touch with
The influencer
travelers staying on board for the it comes to pronouncing words, & and has amassed a following for her audience through <sea day Amike Oosthuizen:
entire 274-night itinerary. Others and Audrey9s always correcting his crew cabin tours, thorough chats.= She made headlines in the @amike_oosthuizen
are spectators on land. The culmi- me, but we just leave that in.= travelogues from port days and first weeks of the cruise after A seasoned social media user,
nation of their content 4 with To feel like you have parents on helpful Q&As, such as when he sharing a post about her experience Amike Oosthuizen posts highly sat-
hashtags such as #ultimateworld- the Ultimate World Cruise, this is tapped the ship9s captain to find being regularly confused for a staff isfying day-in-the-life videos
cruise, #worldcruise and your follow. out the best side of the ship for member, as she and her sister are that bring you into her world. Since
#9monthcruise 4 has racked up whale watching. among the few guests of color on the South African boarded the
hundreds of millions of views. The
effect is comparable to a reality TV
The bucket-lister <He9s very, very talented,= Fletch-
er said. <His content is fantastic. &
board. <She was like, 8Oh my God. Is
this going to be the case for the next
cruise with her parents and her
husband, she has taken us along for
show, complete with <cast mem- Angie Linderman: He9s got a real good likability, and nine months?9= Fletcher said. <That sea-day gym sessions, what it9s like
bers,= drama and intrigue. @angielinderman he9s very funny.= seems to have settled down now, to dine on board and how she
Unlike a traditional reality show, Passenger Angie Linderman be- but obviously that leaves a bit of a learned to do gel manicures ahead
with meddling producers and
forced cliffhangers, content from
came a breakout star thanks to an
early Q&A sharing how she ended
The solo traveler bad taste in your mouth.=
Shannon Marie is more inclined
of the cruise so she could save
the nine-month cruise comes from up on the ship. Anthony McWilliams: to share street art from their on- Her mother, Renske Lammerd-
average Joe Martuccis. That9s what After both her parents died of @anthonyantoine1021 land excursions. Both sisters an- ing, has actual reality-TV experi-
makes #CruiseTok so captivating. cancer, Linderman discovered Anthony McWilliams was work- swer tons of the public9s questions ence as a cast member on <The Real
<Those of us who haven9t been on that she also had an elevated risk ing in public health at Emory and dance their way around the Housewives of Pretoria= But Oost-
a cruise before or don9t even like the for breast and ovarian cancer. She University at a job he loved when ship. If you can9t get enough of huizen told The Post that people
idea of it are probably thinking, had a preventive double mastec- tragedy struck. <I lost my husband their videos, you can also listen to gravitate most to her everyday
8These people must be crazy,9= said tomy and plans to have both of her to cancer in 2018,= McWilliams, their podcast, <Brannon Files.= experiences.
Beth Fletcher, 39, who started a ovaries removed. <To me there is who goes by Anthony Antoine on She knows people are waiting for
series recapping Ultimate World
Cruise news called <Ship Happens=
no thought of retirement,= she
shared in a TikTok, adding: <Do-
social media, told The Washington
Post. <From diagnosis to his pass-
The other sisters drama to erupt, but unfortunately
(for them, not for her), <all of the
on her TikTok account a few days ing all of the things I can do now is ing was literally eight months and Brooklyn: @brooklynschwetje; people I9ve met on the ship are just
after it departed. <Like, we want to kind of the motto.= one day.= Madison: @madisonschwetje so nice, and they9re all here with
know more.= Linderman spent her inheri- His late husband left him with a Traveling with their parents, their loved ones for a vacation or to
While the internet loves the tance to book the Ultimate World request: to travel the world. <He Brooklyn and Madison Schwetje travel the world,= she said. <I just
folksy content Martucci and others Cruise with her brother9s family, said traveling would be my salva- take their roles as the eyes and ears don9t think that expectation
share, it9s also thirsty for reality- and is continuing to work remote- tion,= McWilliams said. So he re- on the ship seriously, posting tons will become a reality, to be honest
show infighting. ly along the way. tired and hit the road that year. of content for their growing audi- with you.=
Sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the waShinGton poSt EZ EE G1

BusineSS Sunday, january 21 , 2024 . Section G



Tween taste is
expensive these days.
Blame social media.
Buttressed by influencer marketing and the 8bandwagon effect,9
Gen Alpha and younger members of Gen Z have
a more prolific catalogue for what9s 8in9 than ever before


itting cross-legged on a carpeted floor, the generations might have taken their cues from class-

won9t allow 12-year-old presented her Christmas haul

from various relatives on TikTok: Four pairs
of shoes (including custom Converse and
mates or magazines, tweens and teens now see their
peers on platforms like TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram
and YouTube.
Ozempic bet
campaigns to Mini Uggs), Kendra scott earrings, a pink
Apple Watch, a 40-ounce stanley tumbler in sage
green, and a cache of beauty products from Fenty,
<It9s sort of teen life on steroids,= she said.
And it9s spawning viral moments in retail, as
evidenced by this month9s release of limited-edition
went badly
use its tech ouai and summer Fridays, among others.
estimated retail? Roughly $2,200 to check off the
most sought-after prizes of an increasingly influen-
stanley tumblers at Target. Fans lined up outside
stores before sunrise to nab the cup made in collabo-
ration with starbucks, and arguments broke out at a
for one ûrm
tial consumer: 10- to 13-year-olds. handful of locations. The same thing happened weeks
The wants of tweens and teens typically come with earlier when Target dropped its exclusive Valentine9s
Company lays out policies a certain urgency, as generations of parents can attest. Day edition cup. Shortage of weight-loss
Buttressed by social media, influencer marketing and stanley is the brand of the moment in the fast-
because of growing fears the <bandwagon effect,= experts say Generation Al- growing category: sales of insulated stainless steel
drugs opened door for sales
about voting disinformation pha and younger members of Gen Z have a more tumblers, mugs and cups swelled to $1.8 billion in the by compounding pharmacies
prolific and boundless catalogue at their fingertips first 11 months of 2023, a 33 percent jump year over
for what9s <in= than ever before. And their likes are year, according to Circana. And its Quencher leads the
decidedly more upscale: prestige makeup and skin pack in the 40-ounce class, the most popular size.
BY G ERRIT D E V YNCK care (and mini fridges to store them), $50 stanley This age group also is snapping up pricey makeup BY D ANIEL G ILBERT
tumblers, $600 Dyson Airwraps and any number of and skin care, even products usually reserved for
Artificial intelligence company Apple products. <mature= skin. That9s given rise to viral TikToks from The orders for custom weight-loss
openAI laid out its plans and policies Though the hyperfocus on trends is typical of the exasperated adults. In one post with more than 18 drugs flooded into ACA Pharmacy in
to try to stop people from using its age, it9s more amplified, according to Jenna Drenten, million views, influencer and college student Gianna nashville, where white bins holding
technology to spread disinformation a marketing professor specializing in digital consum- Caldera recounts how a 10-year-old tried bartering prescriptions were stacked as tall as
and lies about elections, as billions of er culture at Loyola University Chicago. While earlier see tweens on G5 the staffers filling them.
people in some of the world9s biggest over several months in 2023, ACA
democracies head to the polls this produced tens of thousands of its own
year. variety of prescription weight-loss
The company, which makes the medications. A Fedex truck arrived
popular ChatGPT chatbot, DALL-e regularly to ship the chilled boxes
image generator and provides AI across the nation. Wall-mounted TV
technology to many companies, in- monitors inside the specialized phar-
cluding Microsoft, said in a Monday macy displayed its rising monthly
blog post that it wouldn9t allow peo- revenue. Then, in late July, it all came
ple to use its tech to build applica- crashing down.
tions for political campaigns and lob- ACA9s rapid rise and sudden clo-
bying, to discourage people from vot- sure last year, as described by former
ing or spread misinformation about employees and in internal docu-
the voting process. openAI said it ments, highlight the profitable but
would also begin putting embedded risky business spawned by the popu-
watermarks 4 a tool to detect AI-cre- larity of ozempic and Mounjaro. The
ated photographs 4 into images medications, which are coveted for
made with its DALL-e image-genera-
tor <early this year.= One day, he was safe their weight-loss effects, brought in
more than $9 billion and nearly
<We work to anticipate and prevent
relevant abuse 4 such as misleading in a nursing home. $3 billion, respectively, for their man-
ufacturers in the first three quarters
8deepfakes,9 scaled influence opera-
tions, or chatbots impersonating can- The next, he was homeless. of 2023. Patients9 desire for these
drugs has made them hard to get,
didates,= openAI said in the blog post. leading the Food and Drug Adminis-
Political parties, state actors and tration to declare a shortage. The
opportunistic internet entrepreneurs FDA9s designation 4 which could
have used social media for years to change at any time 4 has opened the
spread false information and influ- door for pharmacies like ACA to make
ence voters. But activists, politicians and sell custom versions of the medi-
and AI researchers have expressed cations in sterile labs.
concern that chatbots and image gen- Compounding pharmacies typical-
erators could increase the sophistica- ly craft small-batch drugs for custom-
tion and volume of political misinfor- ers with special medication needs,
mation. but many have jumped at the oppor-
openAI9s measures come after oth- tunity to cash in by making weight-
er tech companies have also updated loss drugs. ACA9s pivot into weight
their election policies to grapple with loss was particularly forceful, with
the AI boom. In December, Google such products accounting for the vast
said it would restrict the kind of majority of its orders, according to
answers its AI tools give to election- seven former employees. The phar-
related questions. It also said it would macy made millions in the first seven
require political campaigns that months of last year as it ramped up to
bought ad spots from it to disclose BIANCA BAGNArELLI FOr THE WASHINGTON POST fill more than 1,000 prescriptions per
when they used AI. Facebook parent day, according to three former em-
Meta also requires political advertis- The failure of the safety net for Steven Block, 70, came suddenly. One day he was living in a nursing home in ployees and internal records, al-
ers to disclose if they used AI. though its exact haul couldn9t be
But the companies have struggled Taos, N.M. The next day, he was homeless, surfacing in the lobby of a motel 75 miles away in Santa Fe. He determined. The Washington Post in-
to administer their own election mis- couldn9t remember how he got there. He had the clothes he was wearing, but nothing else. With detailed terviewed a total of eight former
information polices. Though openAI employees, most of whom spoke on
bars using its products to create tar- reporting, The Post turned Steven9s experience into a nonfiction comic. The lesson in his story: A few bad life the condition of anonymity to discuss
geted campaign materials, an August turns can send Americans 4 even vulnerable elderly people with dementia 4 into the streets. Pages G4, G5 sensitive internal matters, and some
see elections on G5 see aca on G3
G2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

technology & innovation

tech friend

4 easy upgrades to your digital life

illuSTraTion by The WaShingTon PoST; iSToCk)


quick win is so satisfying, right? Here9s some of our best advice for relatively small
tech changes you can make to upgrade your digital security, give you back time or
bring joy 4 all without breaking a sweat.

Pick three passwords to change Update your WiFi router9s software Pick slower shipping Try visual searches on Google or Amazon
Take a look at the passwords on three of your A reminder that the router is the box that beams If you9re given a choice at online checkout, Love the table lamp in your Airbnb rental?
online accounts: your main email, bank account WiFi through your home. getting an order delivered in a few days or a week is You can open the Amazon app, tap the icon that
and social media profile. It can be a gateway to hacking attacks on your better for the climate than speedier delivery. looks like a square to the right of the search bar and
If you use a simple password on one of those, home devices, so it9s worth keeping the software up With a longer lead time, delivery companies can point your camera at the lamp.
change it to something with at least 12 to 16 charac- to date with the latest security protections. bunch their orders together, fly or drive fewer miles Pick <search= and you9ll see Amazon product
ters. Unfortunately I can9t give you blanket instruc- and send vans stuffed with packages on more listings for similar-looking lamps. (Amazon found-
Change the password, too, if you9re using the tions to update your router software because every efficient routes. er Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)
same one or a variation on another online account. router is different. Rushing to your door requires more fuel-guzzling There9s also a visual search feature in the Google
Hackers commonly steal passwords from, say, a Start in the website or app for your WiFi router, planes and less-efficient driving routes. app for your smartphone or in the Google bar at the
dating website and then blast a bank website with and poke around in the settings for something like Even better, have you considered buying used? bottom of Android phones.
those same passwords to see if they can gain entry. <firmware update= or <maintenance.= And in many cases, the <greenest= product you can Pick the icon to the right of the search bar that
It9s worth focusing on your email, banking and You will have to hunt; routers are not the most buy is nothing. looks like a square camera and point it at any object.
social media because hackers can take over them user-friendly devices. I9m a fan of this feature for translating text.
and worm their way into all your other online If your router allows automatic updates, turn Recently I had a package of noodles with cooking
accounts. those on. Or Chester Wisniewski, a digital security instructions in Korean.
If you9re already doing what I suggested, great! specialist with the firm Sophos, suggested setting a Using Google9s visual search, I pointed my phone
Gold star. digital reminder to check for software updates at the package and the words morphed into English
You can progress to intermediate and advanced every six months when the clocks change. on my screen. (Cook for three minutes and
upgrades, including a second layer of security or a 30 seconds, it said.)
password manager.

From Davos to Wall Street, AI fears are creeping into business and ûnance
BY G ERRIT D E V YNCK and boosted by AI chatbots is the solicited information about AI produce biased loan decisions Before 2008, few people on Wall say concerns about the tech are
AND D AVID J . L YNCH biggest short-term risk to the usage from several investment that deny minorities access to Street foresaw the end of the overblown and risk pushing regu-
global economy. Around half of advisers, according to Karen credit or even cause a global housing bubble. One reason was lators to block innovations that
Silicon Valley figures have long the world9s population is partici- Barr, head of the Investment Ad- market meltdown, if dozens of that because housing prices had could help people and boost tech
warned about the dangers of arti- pating in elections this year in viser Association, an industry institutions relying on the same never declined nationwide be- company profits.
ficial intelligence. Now their anxi- countries including the United group. The request for informa- AI system sell at the same time. fore, Wall Street9s models as- Last year, politicians and poli-
ety has migrated to other halls of States, Mexico, Indonesia and tion, known as a <sweep,= came <This is a different thing than sumed such a uniform decline cymakers around the world also
power: the legal system, global Pakistan, and disinformation re- five months after the commission the stuff we9ve seen before. AI has would never occur. Even the best grappled to make sense of how AI
gatherings of business leaders searchers are concerned AI will proposed new rules to prevent the ability to do things without AI systems are only as good as the will fit into society. Congress held
and top Wall Street regulators. make it easier for people to conflicts of interest between ad- human hands,= said attorney Jer- data they are based on, Allen said. multiple hearings. President
In recent days, the Financial spread false information and in- visers who use a type of AI known emiah Williams, a former SEC As AI grows more complex and Biden issued an executive order
Industry Regulatory Authority crease societal conflict. as predictive data analytics and official now with Ropes & Gray in capable, some experts worry saying AI was the <most conse-
(Finra), the securities industry Chinese propagandists are al- their clients. Washington. about <black box= automation quential technology of our time.=
self-regulator, labeled AI an ready using generative AI to try to <Any resulting conflicts of in- Even the Supreme Court sees that is unable to explain how it The United Kingdom convened a
<emerging risk= and the World influence politics in Taiwan, The arrived at a decision, leaving hu- global AI forum where Prime
Economic Forum in Davos, Swit- Washington Post reported this mans uncertain about its sound- Minister Rishi Sunak warned
zerland, released a survey that month. AI-generated content is ness. Poorly designed or managed that <humanity could lose control
concluded AI-fueled misinforma- showing up in fake news videos in <This is a different thing than the stuff systems could undermine the of AI completely.= The concerns
tion poses the biggest near-term Taiwan, government officials trust between buyer and seller include the risk that <generative=
threat to the global economy. have said. we9ve seen before. AI has the ability that is required for any financial AI 4 which can create text, video,
Those reports came just weeks The forum9s report came a day transaction, said Richard Berner, images and audio 4 can be used
after the Financial Stability Over- after Finra in its annual report to do things without human hands.= clinical professor of finance at to create misinformation, dis-
sight Council (FSOC) in Washing- said that AI has sparked <con- Jeremiah Williams, former SeC official New York University9s Stern place jobs or even help people
ton said AI could result in <direct cerns about accuracy, privacy, School of Business. create dangerous bioweapons.
consumer harm= and Gary Gen- bias and intellectual property= <Nobody9s done a stress sce- Tech critics have pointed out
sler, the chairman of the Securi- even as it offers potential cost and terest could cause harm to inves- reasons for concern. nario with the machines running that some of the leaders sounding
ties and Exchange Commission, efficiency gains. tors in a more pronounced fash- <AI obviously has great poten- amok,= added Berner, the first the alarm, such as OpenAI CEO
warned publicly of the threat to And in December, the Treasury ion and on a broader scale than tial to dramatically increase ac- director of Treasury9s Office of Sam Altman, are nonetheless
financial stability from numerous Department9s FSOC, which moni- previously possible,= the SEC said cess to key information for law- Financial Research. pushing the development and
investment firms relying on simi- tors the financial system for risky in its proposed rulemaking. yers and non-lawyers alike. But In Silicon Valley, the debate commercialization of the tech-
lar AI models to make buy and behavior, said undetected AI de- Investment advisers already just as obviously it risks invading over the potential dangers nology. Smaller companies have
sell decisions. sign flaws could produce biased are required under existing regu- privacy interests and dehumaniz- around AI is not new. But it got accused AI heavyweights Ope-
<AI may play a central role in decisions, such as denying loans lations to prioritize their clients9 ing the law,= Chief Justice John G. supercharged in the months fol- nAI, Google and Microsoft of
the after-action reports of a fu- to otherwise qualified applicants. needs and to avoid such conflicts, Roberts Jr. wrote in his year-end lowing the late 2022 launch of hyping AI risks to trigger regula-
ture financial crisis,= he said in a Generative AI, which is trained Barr said. Her group wants the report about the U.S. court sys- OpenAI9s ChatGPT, which tion that would make it harder
December speech. on huge data sets, can also pro- SEC to withdraw the proposed tem. showed the world the capabilities for new entrants to compete.
At the World Economic Fo- duce outright incorrect conclu- rule and base any future actions Like drivers following GPS in- of the next-generation technol- <The thing about hype is
rum9s annual conference for top sions that sound convincing, the on what it learns from its infor- structions that lead them into a ogy. there9s a disconnect between
CEOs, politicians and billionaires council added. FSOC, which is mational sweep. <The SEC9s rule- dead end, humans may defer too Amid an artificial intelligence what9s said and what9s actually
held in a tony Swiss ski town, AI is chaired by Treasury Secretary Ja- making misses the mark,= she much to AI in managing money, boom that fueled a rejuvenation possible,= said Margaret Mitchell,
one of the core themes, and a net L. Yellen, recommended that said. said Hilary Allen, associate dean of the tech industry, some compa- chief ethics scientist at Hugging
topic on many of the panels and regulators and the financial in- Financial services firms see of the American University Wash- ny executives warned that AI9s Face, an open source AI start-up
events. dustry devote more attention to opportunities to improve cus- ington College of Law. <There9s potential for igniting social chaos based in New York. <We had a
In a report released earlier this tracking potential risks that tomer communications, back-of- such a mystique about AI being rivals nuclear weapons and lethal honeymoon period where gener-
month, the forum said that its emerge from AI development. fice operations and portfolio smarter than us,= she said. pandemics. Many researchers say ative AI was super new to the
survey of 1,500 policymakers and The SEC9s Gensler has been management. But AI also entails AI also may be no better than those concerns are distracting public and they could only see the
industry leaders found that fake among the most outspoken AI greater risks. Algorithms that humans at spotting unlikely dan- from AI9s real-world impacts. good, as people start to use it they
news and propaganda written critics. In December, his agency make financial decisions could gers or <tail risks,= said Allen. Other pundits and entrepreneurs could see all the issues with it.=
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee G3

aCa from G1

feared retaliation from their prior

ACA9s rapid rise and fall highlight dy9s restaurant before she started
as a technician at ACA 4 printing
prescriptions, matching them
with medications and verifying
ACA9s leaders have attributed
its closure to the death of a key
employee, but that isn9t the whole
story. As it increased production,
risky business of weight-loss drugs their accuracy. <our first day, they
threw us on prescriptions. No-
body really trained us,= the em-
ployee said.
ACA9s staff swelled to about a It was clear to employees that
dozen pharmacists and 30 techni- ACA was making a lot of money,
cians, including some with little based on the figures displayed on
to no experience working in a the internal TV screens as well as
pharmacy, two former employees monthly bonuses that they said
said. The Post found that clients were tied to financial perform-
complained that patient medica- ance. But not everything was run-
tions were sent to the wrong ning smoothly.
address, the company9s national muhammad Zafar, an internal
accreditation lapsed after just a medicine doctor in Illinois,
few weeks, and an inspection by emailed ACA in April to say that
state regulators went poorly. one patient had received a pre-
Three former employees told scription from ACA that was writ-
The Post that staffers openly used ten for someone else, while an-
ACA9s weight-loss medications on other patient9s medication was
themselves, including two who sent to the wrong person. Such
said they had done so without a mistakes hadn9t occurred with
prescription. other pharmacies the practice
Ned Ashley, chief executive of used, according to Azam Zafar,
ACA9s parent company, rx Part- the doctor9s son who manages his
ners, said in a statement that medical weight-loss business.
closing ACA was a <nuanced and ACA had informed muham-
multifaceted= decision, adding mad Zafar earlier that month that
that the death of its chief operat- it had received accreditation from
ing officer <played a large part.= the National Association of
The death was a suicide, accord- Boards of Pharmacy, emails show,
ing to public records. which gave the Zafars confidence
Ashley said questions submit- in its quality.
ted by The Post about ACA9s fi- But the accreditation only last-
nances, operations and regulato- ed about three weeks, according
ry problems contained <various to Kevin mcGlynn, director of the
inaccuracies= but declined to NABP9s accreditation and inspec-
elaborate. ACA has no record of tion programs. What9s more, the
receiving any reports of serious brief accreditation was specific to
patient harm linked to its com- ACA9s prior location in downtown
pounded weight-loss medica- Nashville. ACA was never accred-
tions, he said, adding that he has ited at its latest location, which
no knowledge of employees using became its official address in feb-
the pharmacy9s drugs without a ruary 2022, according to mcG-
prescription. lynn and public records.
Dean flener, a spokesman for mcGlynn declined to say why
the Tennessee Department of ACA9s accreditation ended, citing
Health, wouldn9t comment on the oBTAINeD By The wAshINGToN posT
confidentiality obligations.
findings of the inspection. Supplies that were used to package weight-loss medications at aCa Pharmacy in Nashville last spring, before it closed late last year. <Wow, that was not how it was
The state health agency issued portrayed to us,= Azam Zafar said
a disciplinary order to ACA in when informed of this by The
August that doesn9t cite specific Post.
deficiencies but indicates areas
where staff would have to be a stressful inspection
retrained before ACA could re- Christy Smith, 52, of Indiana,
sume compounding, including said she was satisfied with ACA9s
keeping equipment free of con- tirzepatide initially. It wasn9t
taminants and ensuring proper quite as effective as taking moun-
employee hygiene and cleaning. jaro, Smith said, but <close
<It9s apparent they were having enough to where I felt it was
issues maintaining sterility,= said something I wanted to keep do-
Dan Troy, a former fDA chief ing.= That changed by about the
counsel who9s now a managing third or fourth month, she said,
director at Berkeley research when her weight started going
Group who reviewed the disci- back up. She began wondering
plinary order. whether the dose was diluted,
<maintaining sterility is hard and said she found other patients
even for the largest, best-funded, with similar questions.
most sophisticated pharmaceuti- Ashley said ACA had <industry-
cal manufacturers,= he said, add- standard protocols in place to
ing that compounding pharma- ensure that each customer re-
cies have struggled with this for ceived the correct prescription,
years. with the required dosage, and
ACA shared office space with without any alleged dilution of
other rx Partners pharmacies in a the active ingredient.=
nearly 27,000 square-foot con- Then, on July 31, ACA told
crete building, separated by a clients by email that it would be
thin, grassy strip from a freeway pausing shipments of sterile med-
in southwest Nashville. ications, saying it was trying to
Initially, ACA specialized in <pick up the pieces operationally=
products as varied as anti-aging after the sudden death of a direc-
and pediatrics, according to a DAvID J. phIllIp/Ap
local media report in march 2022. The drugs are hugely popular, and many compounding pharmacies have jumped at the chance to make and sell custom versions. What few outside ACA knew
That month, the fDA placed was that state health inspectors
semaglutide 4 the active ingredi- had arrived at ACA a week earlier,
ent in appetite-suppressing drugs on July 24. The sterile-com-
ozempic and Wegovy 4 on its pounding director had left the
shortage list, and ACA began ad- previous month, and employees
vertising semaglutide on face- struggled to answer the inspec-
book and Instagram a few tors9 questions, according to one
months later. employee who was there. one
<A generic is NoT available pharmacy technician who didn9t
commercially & but we make it in work in compounding walked
our lab at a low cost to you!= the into the sterile area of the lab,
post states, name-dropping the prompting questions from in-
two blockbuster drugs with spectors about whether she had
hashtags. followed proper protocols, this
By early 2023, tirzepatide 4 the person said.
active ingredient in mounjaro 4 Brantley Wescott, rx Partners9
and semaglutide made up the vast chief operating officer, died by
majority of ACA9s orders, accord- suicide three days later. Ashley
ing to seven former employees. said Wescott also oversaw ACA9s
operations. He told police that
a high-wire act Wescott had struggled with anxi-
It doesn9t take advanced chem- ety but he hadn9t known Wescott
istry to convert raw semaglutide to be depressed. Ashley added
from powder form into a solution that a recent pharmacy audit
that can be injected, pharmacists <was stressing [Wescott] out,= ac-
say, but producing sterile drugs is cording to a police report.
a high-wire act. Wescott <was a long-standing
Unlike a pill, which passes part of our community and his
through the digestive system, in- tragic death was a shock to all,=
jectable drugs present a greater said Ashley, who is also Wescott9s
risk if contaminated. ACA cousin. <We are still in the process
emerged as an attractive option of understanding and grieving
for prescribers looking for a com- this terrible loss.=
pounding pharmacy that could on Aug. 3, the Tennessee Board
ship semaglutide and tirzepatide of Pharmacy met to discuss im-
nationwide, according to several mediately suspending ACA9s op-
former clients. erations. ACA preemptively sur-
fDA has cautioned that it can9t rendered its sterile compounding
vouch for the safety or effective- registration, state records show.
BloomBerG News/GeTTy ImAGes
ness of compounded sema- Employees who expected ACA
glutide. By early 2023, tirzepatide and semaglutide made up the vast majority of aCa9s orders, according to seven former employees. to resume compounding were
<Compounding pharmacies stunned when the company laid
have really saved the day for mil- them off in early october and said
lions of patients= when it comes was comfortable with filling such care providers for $175 for a quests for comment. tation on this I would think at this it would close.
to weight-loss drugs, said Scott a large volume of prescriptions month9s dose, according to inter- They had set out to fill 10,000 point lol.= A few days later, ACA broke the
Brunner, chief executive of the and the dosages ordered by some nal records. That9s just 13 percent prescriptions that day 4 more ACA didn9t appear to reach the news in an email to customers,
trade group Alliance for Pharma- physicians. of Wegovy9s list price, although than 10 times what they had re- 10,000 goal that day. But between saying that <several interruptions
cy Compounding, although he <If you questioned the clinical providers typically would mark it cently been averaging 4 accord- february and early June last year, has prevented us from operating
said he was unfamiliar with de- appropriateness of anything, you up. ing to three former employees an internal system used by ACA at a high level of customer serv-
tails of ACA9s operation. were told, 8Don9t worry about it,9= Ashley, rx Partners9 CEo, said and screenshots of text messages. and one other pharmacy showed ice.=
Seven people who used ACA9s said miranda Lane, a pharmacist ACA9s raw ingredients were <law- <If we do 6700 scripts today they completed more than 80,000 Lee Ann Keeling, a Texas doc-
weight-loss medication told The who worked at ACA from febru- fully purchased from a reputable that is literally the entire month prescription orders. ACA ac- tor with a telehealth weight-loss
Post that it was generally effec- ary until may, when she resigned drug manufacturer.= of JAN 2023 at 1 million dollars,= counted for the vast majority, practice who was one of ACA9s
tive, and they didn9t experience over what she described as a toxic freimuth texted colleagues, ap- according to two former employ- largest clients, was surprised. <As
any harmful reactions. <I think culture. Money rolls in parently referring to the number ees familiar with the figures who far as I knew, they were doing
they had a good product,= said for patients, the allure of com- <rise and grind,= an ACA em- of prescriptions ACA had shipped said the orders were mostly well. my patients loved their
Kara De la Pena, a nurse practitio- pounded semaglutide is that they ployee texted colleagues early on in January and the revenue it weight-loss products. products,= she said.
ner and founder of telehealth can obtain it much more cheaply April 18. earned. <And if we do 10,000 that To keep up with the flow of The disciplinary action, she
service NP2Go, adding that she than fDA-approved weight-loss <Woooo let9s do this,= respond- averages 1.5million in one day. orders, ACA added staffers who said, <was a shock.=
lost 20 pounds on ACA9s sema- drugs like Wegovy. ACA sold its ed Jocelyn freimuth, the pharma- Like what [the] actual heck,= she weren9t always familiar with the
glutide. highest dose of semaglutide, com- cy director at the time. freimuth continued, adding, <we surely job. one former employee said Kate harrison Belz in Chattanooga,
But inside ACA, not everyone bined with vitamin B6, to health- did not respond to repeated re- could do a business class presen- she had been working at a Wen- Tenn., contributed to this report.
G4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, january 21 , 2024

One day, he was safe in a nursing home.

Exploring the stigma of being overqualiûed yet mystifyingly unable to get a job
Stop me if you9ve meager pay is worth the time as a <cruel and circular= trap in candidates over unemployed and doing more to decouple workforce development agencies,
heard this one: and energy it takes from your job which <unemployed workers are ones actively looking for work. health care and other means of educational institutions and
You9re a fairly search. often viewed with & suspicion The longer job seekers stay out of support from employment. He human service organizations to
successful After six months, nine by potential employers, network work, the more <unemployed= points to the generous benefits run workshops, similar to
midcareer months, a year of contacts, coaches, friends, and seems to equate to and income support U.S. workers Sharone9s ICT program, to
professional. You unemployment, you can hear spouses.= <unemployable.= received in the early months of support long-term unemployed
Work lose your job in a recruiters and employers In researching this concept, Naturally, solving the stigma the coronavirus pandemic, when professionals and those
Advice layoff/ thinking (maybe even saying): Sharone interviewed 139 long- trap is trickier than identifying it. <the stigma of unemployment undergoing career transitions.
KarLa L. reorganization/ <Why hasn9t anyone hired you term unemployed workers 4 Sharone9s interviewees discuss was temporarily lifted and those
MiLLer downsizing. You yet? You have all these mostly college-educated, over how the most common and well- without work were seen without For job seekers
freshen up the qualifications and experience. Is age 50 and highly experienced 4 meaning advice they receive 4 distortion as people without l LifePlanningNetwork.org: A
résumé and start something wrong with you?= participating in the Institute for Network! Believe in yourself! 4 work through no fault of their networking and professional
applying. Everyone around you is The worst part is when the voice Career Transitions, a program he often compounds the stigma. own.= development organization for life
sympathetic but encouraging, asking those questions is coming founded to pair long-term job Maintaining a confident facade Sharone9s book is a stomach- planners working with people
confident you will be snapped up from inside your own head. seekers with volunteer for networking leaves them churning read 4 but it9s essential over 50. Use the <Find a
in no time. As you have probably guessed, counselors. feeling like phonies; unalloyed to understanding how much of Consultant= feature to find
At first, job openings seem there9s no punchline coming. It9s Using data from those optimism is not only our identity is tied to counselors for career, health care,
plentiful 4 but you soon realize not a joke, but a tragic tale of our interviews, Sharone lays out in unattainable but unrealistic, employment, and how fragile retirement, legal and other
few are at your level of experience times, one I have heard from detail how job loss becomes because it suggests positive that connection is. Granted, his issues.
or offer anywhere near what you readers, friends and colleagues. I long-term unemployment; how thinking will put the outcome sample demographic is limited 4 l AARP Foundation9s <Back to
were making before. When you had a front-row seat to it in my the resulting stigma entirely in their control. but it hits all the harder for that. Work 50-Plus= program offers
apply to those few, you either get marriage. progressively damages job Sharone told me a better Seeing competent professionals career workshops, coaching and
no responses or interviews that What keeps skilled, educated seekers9 mental health, self- approach is to acknowledge the with networks, connections and resources to workers over 50.
go nowhere. You consult career professionals locked in this worth and relationships; and economic and social challenges impressive credentials struggle l Some educational alumni
experts and follow their advice demoralizing cycle of long-term how that damage further long-term unemployed workers, to regain their footing offices and state employment
on tweaking your résumé and unemployment? Ofer Sharone, a hampers the job search. In especially those over 50, face, undermines what Sharone calls agencies offer specialized
your LinkedIn profile. professor of sociology at the particular, Sharone says, <being <inoculating people to what <the comforting myth of services for experienced workers,
As the months pass and your University of Massachusetts over 50 4 regardless of they9re going to experience.= meritocracy.= such as Massachusetts9s 50-Plus
savings dwindle, so do the leads. Amherst who researches career education and skills 4 is the best Another key is for these workers While we like to believe our Job Seekers network.
You are networking like a game- transitions and trends, sums it predictor of getting trapped in to find a community of fellow job choices will protect us from such karla.miller@washpost.com
show host, but it9s hard to keep up in one word: stigma. long-term unemployment.= seekers who understand a fate, he notes, <the unemployed
your anxiety under wraps. In our bootstrap-happy Sharone cites a 2018 study by firsthand what they9re going workers described in this book
You consider changing tack. capitalist society, success is ProPublica and the Urban through and can show them could be any one of us.= Michelle
Should you get more training? viewed as the direct result of Institute showing that 56 they9re not alone. As Sharone
Start a new business? Change one9s own wit, grit and gumption percent of workers between age notes in his book, even Resources for experienced job Singletary
careers? All of those cost money, 4 which means anyone who fails 50 and retirement will suffer at professional counselors can be seekers
THe CoLor of
and there9s no telling if they will is deemed to be lacking those least one <involuntary job judgmental, while spouses or The following resources were Money
bear fruit soon enough. qualities. In his book <The separation=; of those, only 10 other family members may not be provided by Amy Mazur, a career
She is away. Her column will resume
You broaden your search, Stigma Trap: College-educated, percent will again earn a salary in a position to offer emotional development specialist and when she returns.
trying to persuade employers to Experienced, and Long-Term comparable with what they were support because they themselves collaborator of Sharone9s.
hire you for jobs you are clearly Unemployed,= Sharone identifies making. are struggling with the situation.
overqualified for. You omit hard- and explains the external forces In one baffling example, Sharone also discusses broad For service providers Department of Data
earned credentials from your beyond job seekers9 control: Sharone quotes recruiters policy changes that could help l The Work Intervention
résumé just to get a foot in the fluctuating markets, confirming that, all other things disable the unemployment Network (WIN), affiliated with The Department of Data column is
door. You look for any gig just to competition, age bias and, above being equal, employers prefer stigma trap, such as Boston College, provides free off this week. It will return next
get by, debating whether the all, stigma. He describes stigma currently employed or <passive= strengthening social safety nets training for career professionals, Sunday.

Busine ss editor: Lori Montgomery " Design: Andrew Braford" Photo editor: Haley Hamblin " e-mail: sundaybiz@washpost.com " Telephone: 202-334-9800 " Mail: The Washington Post, Sunday Business, 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C.
20071 " Advertising: Noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610, wainwrightn@washpost.com
sunday, january 21 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE G5


About this story

This comic is based on extensive interviews with Block, Gulden and others, as well as photographs from Block and places in his life.
Scenes and dialogue reflect their memories and our reporting.

Tweens9 favorite products go upscale cents have jobs or parents who are
able or willing to spend $550 on
Apple AirPods max or $275 on a
Generative AI tools don9t
tweens from G1 nana hair clips and J. Crew sweat-
ers. In the 970s it was mood rings,
lotte Tilbury setting spray ($38) as
they complain about school or re-
Tiffany & Co.9s Pink Double Heart
Tag Pendant necklace. <These
products, to some extent, are a
know what9s true or false
after they both reached for the Wrangler and Levi9s jeans, Puma cap a friend9s bat mitzvah. point of privilege and status,= Dr-
same $38 Drunk Elephant bronz- sneakers and frye boots. margeaux richmond and her enten said. elections from G1 as fact.
ing drops (a rare find in stores Social media boosted brands9 friends spend a lot of time talking Some of the spending could be Images made by AI have al-
these days). visibility, in part because they about skin care. The 12-year-old attributed to more young people report by The Washington Post ready shown up all over the web,
The girl, after giving Caldera send products to influencers of all from Des moines said she got a in the workforce: roughly 37 per- showed these policies were not including in Google search, being
<the nastiest up-and-down look ages, encouraging them to use or $62 Drunk Elephant moisturizer cent of 16- to 19-year-olds had a job enforced. presented as real images. They9ve
I9ve ever gotten in my life,= then show off the items in videos. for Christmas. <It9s kind of pricey, or were looking for one last year, There have already been high- also started appearing in U.S.
responded, <Give me your Gucci Ava mcGowan, a 13-year-old but if it9s good for your skin it9s according to the U.S. Bureau of profile instances of election-relat- election campaigns. Last year, an
heart ring and I will.= from Virginia Beach, said she goes worth it,= she said. <It9s kind of Labor Statistics. That9s the highest ed lies being generated by AI ad released by florida Gov. ron
<Is every 10-year-old negotiat- to TikTok and Instagram to find important to me and my friends rate since 2009. tools. In october, The Post report- DeSantis9s campaign used what
ing in Sephora?= Caldera, 18, new products. <I like to see what because we don9t want our skin to richmond said she uses her ed that Amazon9s Alexa home appeared to be AI-generated im-
asked. people use and how it works,= she look bad or anything.= babysitting money to buy Drunk speaker was falsely declaring that ages of Donald Trump hugging
The mania behind these prod- said. Brands are uniquely tapped in Elephant skin care or Kendra the 2020 presidential election former White House coronavirus
ucts is heightened by their collect- more than half of U.S. teenagers to what consumers want. They can Scott jewelry 4 items <my parents was stolen and full of election
ability and the sense of connection (ages 13 to 19) spend at least four interact with customers in the won9t buy me.= She9s saving up for fraud.
they offer, industry experts say. hours a day on social media, ac- comments on TikTok, gain instant her second Stanley tumbler. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-minn.)
<material things have always cording to Gallup, and most of feedback and track what9s trend- mcGowan often uses gift cards has expressed concern that Chat- OpenAI9s measures
been markers of identity,= Drenten that time is spent on YouTube and ing. Briggs pointed to colors as an and cash from holidays or birth- GPT could interfere with the elec-
said. TikTok. The constant push of example. Younger consumers 4 days, though sometimes her par- toral process, telling people to go come after other
It9s also compounded by biolo- products by influencers or their particularly female 4 are attract- ents will pay. But she doesn9t to a fake address when asked
gy 4 puberty and cognitive devel- peers on their screens blurs the ed to bright hues and pastels, she splurge too often because she what to do if lines are too long at a tech companies
opment can feel upending and line between luxury and necessity, said, noting that Stanley looks to knows her favorite brands are polling location.
confusing, said mindy Weinstein, and suddenly that $50 intensive beauty and fashion trends for its spendy: <I usually only buy it if I If a country wanted to influ- have updated their
the founder and chief executive of hydration serum, $300 gaming tumbler palette. really need it.= ence the U.S. political process it
digital marketing company mar- chair or pair of $160 Ultra mini This also fuels a collectability Drenten emphasized that shop- could, for example, build human- election policies.
ket mindShift. So buying into a Platform Uggs is easy to justify. culture. The customer no longer ping or gift hauls on social media sounding chatbots that push divi-
trend or product 4 perhaps popu- And it9s highly effective 4 con- wants one water bottle, one pair of don9t reflect what every teen or sive narratives in American social
larized by older teens 4 can ease sumers are more likely to consider Air Jordans, one Summer fridays tween wants. It varies by socioeco- media spaces, rather than having adviser Anthony S. fauci. It9s un-
those uncomfortable feelings. buying a product and have a favor- lip balm or one Nike sweatshirt 4 nomics, demographics and per- to pay human operatives to do it. clear which image generator was
It9s known as the <bandwagon able opinion about it if it went they want them in every color. sonal preference. <At the end of the Chatbots could also craft person- used to make the images.
effect, and it9s really pronounced viral, said Ellyn Briggs, a brands <We have to think about today9s day, they can still be influenced by alized messages tailored to each other companies, including
in that age group,= said Weinstein, analyst at morning Consult. So, it9s consumers, not as consumers, but who they9re around and not neces- voter, potentially increasing their Google and Photoshop maker
who has a Ph.D in psychology. At no coincidence that some of the as fans; and fandom has always sarily what they9re seeing as the effectiveness at low costs. Adobe, have said they will also use
that age, <they aren9t always sure top items on tweens9 Christmas been intertwined with collecting,= top line products online.= In the blog post, openAI said it watermarks in images generated
where they fit into the world. But lists included viral favorites like Drenten said. <In today9s culture, A side note to this phenom- was <working to understand how by their AI tools. But the technol-
now by buying that [item] they Lululemon, Stanley and Sol de Ja- particularly among young people, enon: The same willingness to try effective our tools might be for ogy isn9t a magic cure for the
feel like they fit in.= neiro fragrances. we9ve kind of shifted away from new products and brands because personalized persuasion.= The spread of fake AI images. Visible
Every generation of tween has <TikTok influencers already obsession with celebrities to ob- of what they see on social media company recently opened its watermarks can be easily cropped
had products, accessories, brands have their trust & teens and session with brands.= also means Gen Z and Gen Alpha <GPT Store,= which allows anyone or edited out. Embedded, crypto-
and styles they covet. A decade tweens see them and they want to Having and displaying a collec- are more fickle when it comes to to easily train a chatbot using graphic ones, which are not visi-
ago, it was Justice clothing, color- also be into that trend and feel like tion on shelves and on social me- brand loyalty, Briggs said. It9s in- data of their own. ble to the human eye, can be
ful iPod minis, Sidekick cell- they9re belonging to that social dia is seen as a status symbol. evitable that Stanley will be re- Generative AI tools do not distorted simply by flipping the
phones and EoS lip balm. In the group,= Weinstein said. Superfans also collect accessories placed by another water bottle in have an understanding of what is image or changing its color.
early 2000s, Juicy sweatsuits, It used to be that our hair, make- for some of these products, Briggs the near future (after all, it true or false. Instead, they pre- Tech companies say they9re
North face fleece jackets, Nike up and skin care products were said, spawning a whole side indus- usurped Hydro flask, which over- dict what a good answer might working to improve this problem
Shox, Abercrombie & fitch and only visible to those who entered try for some products. People are took S9well, which bumped Yeti, be to a question based on crunch- and make them tamper-proof,
razr flip phones reigned. In the our bedrooms, scanning vanities buying sweaters, straw-toppers which displaced CamelBak, which ing through billions of sentences but for now none seem to have
990s it was buying from the Delia9s and opening drawers. Now, teens and decorations for their Stanleys ousted Nalgene). ripped from the open internet. figured out how to do that effec-
catalogue magazine, Lip Smacker and tweens are filming <get ready and matching accessories for pop- Plus, once tweens jump on a often, they provide humanlike tively yet.
balms, United Colors of Benetton with me= videos, showing off their ular athleisure wear. trend, the <older kids, teenagers, text full of helpful information.
and Tommy Hilfiger polos. The rare Beauty liquid blush ($23), Who9s doing the actual buying young 20s adults, kind of sepa- They also regularly make up un- Cat Zakrzewski contributed to this
980s had Guess jeans, Keds, ba- Laneige lip balm ($18) and Char- is harder to track. Not all adoles- rate.= true information and pass it off report.

S U N DAY, JA N UA RY 2 1 , 2 0 2 4 " WA S H I N G T O N P O S T.C O M / J O B S

Covering career advice, recruitment trends and delivering the area9s newest jobs. We are D.C.9s #1 source for employment news.

Identify ways your workplace can improve in 2024

By Bob Helbig
What are your plans for 2024? Think about how your company values. Never underestimate the power of a
workplace is going to improve throughout the year. sincere <thank you.=
We9re not talking about hitting sales goals or revenue Boost your employer brand: What are you do-
marks. Consider the investments in people, and how ing to project a strong employer brand? Companies that
their performance can take your organization to a higher have deûned, recognizable employer brands are in a
level of success. better position to attract top talent. This could be some-
Here is a checklist of things to focus on in the new year. thing as simple as making sure your website careers
Are you having fun yet? Check your calendar for page is up to date and serving its intended purpose.
the year. Are there plans for seasonal employee celebra- Or making sure word is getting out about awards your
company receives. Put your company in a position of
tions? Consider company-wide team-building events
strength by communicating a commitment to excellence
and cross-functional activities. They could be in-person
that resonates with current and potential employees.
or virtual. If getting out of the ofûce is a challenge, how
It is not enough to just be awesome; make sure the
about a catered lunch? Create an atmosphere where
world knows.
employees feel welcome and valued.
Ensure employees are ûnancially stable:
Amplify employee appreciation: Is your work-
Companies create loyalty when they invest in the
place doing all it can to show employees they are appre-
economic security of their employees. That starts
ciated? Find purposeful ways to express appreciation
with competitive pay upon entry, and it continues with Take a look at health and wellness: Great companies lives while maintaining high levels of work perfor-
that are personal and consistent. Recognition should
raises that account for a rising cost of living as well as go beyond making sure employees have access to solid mance. This will create a more rewarding culture and
come from senior leadership and direct managers.
rewards for performance. Of course, employees depend health care, and practices that support strong mental a better employee experience.
Think of ûnancial incentives, opportunities for training
on quality health care and health beneûts. But there health. How about remote yoga and ûtness classes? Take an inventory of diversity, equity and
and growth, and celebrations of personal milestones. is more: top-level companies offer 401k matches, Wellness programs keep employees energized and inclusion: Research shows diverse teams perform
These signs of appreciation should reûect and reinforce tuition reimbursement, stock options, paid parking focused. Perks such as gym memberships, standing better (including producing higher revenue) than
and public transit, and ûnancial services that include desks, wellness retreats, meditation programs and their non-diverse counterparts. Ensure everyone is
PRINT: accounting, risk advisory, real estate counseling, massages keep your workforce healthy. Plus, wellness contributing to success. Review your company9s efforts
Advice, events, and Jobs every Sunday. and valuation services. programs reduce absenteeism, illnesses and burnout. to create active programs and policies to promote
ONLINE: Visit What is your community impact? Employers Invest in work-life ûexibility: When employees representation, acknowledgment and participation
jobs.washingtonpost.com, are not remote islands. They are part of the fabric of are working for an organization with a healthy work-life of people of different backgrounds, races, gender,
a leader in local jobs.
the community, whether it is where the company is balance, they have more energy and higher morale. sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, ability and religion.
Twitter: @washpostjobs based or where the workers are located. Consider a Are employees taking all of the vacation they have Also make sure you are tracking key metrics to
social responsibility program or a charity drive. It is not earned? Does everyone have a backup in the event measure success.
Facebook: facebook.com/WashingtonPostJobs/
just about giving but about the rewards of doing. Ask of an illness or injury? Are schedules ûexible enough
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/washington-post-jobs./ respected leaders in the community about unmet needs so employees can meet the needs of the children or Bob Helbig is media partnerships director at Energage, an
Instagram: @WashPostJobs and ûnd ways to rally employees to address those adults in their lives? What is the policy for paid leave? employee survey ûrm that is The Washington Post9s survey
needs. Make an impact on people9s lives and a long- Make sure policies and practices are creating a culture partner for Top Workplaces. The production of this section did
jobshelp@washpost.com term impact to improve the community. where employees meet the demands of their personal not involve the news or editorial staff of The Washington Post.

A JOBS A JOBS B JOBS D JOBS Domestic E JOBS Education Healthcare - General I JOBS M JOBS
Staff Accountant: Req Bach Auditor, Assurance BUSINESS ANALYST Dietitian: Sodexo, Inc.: Regis- Maids & Housekeeping Clean- EdiSquare Inc- Multiple open- Early Childhood Hebrew Lan- Home Attendants sought by Intellizant LLC seeking Cloud Meal Kit Supervisor: Super-
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opportunities and solutions qualification & validation implications for economic & coordinate the migration of
Spanish required. Job in Lau- Lehman Smith & McLeish, home. HS diploma or equiv. policy forecasts. Requires: calls.
rel MD. Send resume to Kens- for a business in retail sales docs. Validate/qualify mfg. the systems, and /or coor-
PLLC seeks a Director in req. 24 mths exp. as nanny PLC based systems in GXP Master9s degree or Bachelor9s
ington Finance, Inc. Attn: of Italian products and Italian or childcare worker req. Email dinate efforts with other IT
Auto Glass Helpers- FT, help wine. REQS: Must have a Washington, DC to develop environ. Req. demons. exper. degree (U.S. or foreign equiv- Naturopathic Doctor 3 projects; Review code, imple-
Meredith Jackson at project programming, test fit amyj.cucinella@gmail.com alent) in Finance, Accounting, Potomac MD. Seeking candi-
jacksonm@kensfin.com install & repair auto glass, Bachelor9s degree in Business w/ validation process in ment and provide meaningful Operations Manager in Lor-
Administration or Manage- analysis, schematic/design pharm. industry incl.: funda- Business Administration, date with a Doctor of Natur- feedback that helps other ton, VA. Direct & coord daily
for interview. able lift up to 50 pounds. Auto development/scaled con-
Glass Express, Inc. Reply to ment, and 2 yrs of exp. in mentals of Validation Lifecy- Political Science, Mathemat- opathic Medicine degree to engineers to build better soft- business operations involving
the job or in sr. managerial struction document draw- cle (Change Control Mgmt., ics, Physics, Engineering, diagnose, treat and help pre- ware applications; Prototype closet & cabinet manufactur-
14053 Willard Rd, Chantilly, ings. 10% domestic travel
VA 20151 positions dealing with finan- NANNY, Reston, VA: Care Risk Assess. & IQ/OQ/PQ); Chemistry or related field. vent diseases using a system and develop new user expe- ing; review financial state-
cial, marketing, logistics, required and supervise 3-4 for children in pvt household. managing equip. validation, One (1) year of experience of practice that is based on riences for applications with ments & activity reports; plan
B JOBS staffing and administrative subordinate junior designers. Prvd spprt in satisfying chil- incl. Commissioning & Qual- with a Master9s degree or the natural healing capacity web technologies; Articulate sales promotions & set prices;
operations for companies To apply, please send your dren's physical, emotional, ification, Sterility Assurance, three (3) years of experience of individuals. Must be and evangelize software engi- direct financial & budget
engaged in the sale of Italian resume or CV to intellectual, & social needs. Validation Maintenance/Risk with a Bachelor9s degree in licensed in the state of MD. neering principles with engi- activities. Bachelor9s Deg (or
Bagel Maker - bake bagels; careers@lsm.com and list the
no exp req'd; night shift; 40 products or Italian wines and Meal plan/prep, laundry/ Mgmt.; & reviewing validation the job offered or in a related Mail CV to Attn: HR/Job neering teams to ensure that foreign equiv) in Business
AI Data Analyst job title in the subject line. clothing care, org. of play docs. (user rqmts., functional financial analysis role. FINRA [GCCB], Capital Center for Administration or Manage-
Computer Packages Inc. (CPI), hrs/wk; Tysons Bagel Market, the listed trade tools. Mail software components align
Inc. Vienna, VA; resume, Attn. Robert Tra- activities/outings, discipline, & design specs., commission- Series 7, Series 63, and SIE Functional Medicine LLC, with industry best practices. ment + 6 months of exp in job
a global software company, is ing & qualification protocols). licenses required within nine 4701 Sangamore Rd, Suite
seeking an AI Data Analyst hanss8137@gmail.com monte, The Italian Store, Inc., intellectual stimulation, lan- Accept a master9s degree (or offered or as Administrative
3123 Langston Blvd., Arling- Director, Data Analytics guage activities, & transporta- Apply to Cangene bioPharma months of hire. Domestic N270, Bethesda, MD 20816. foreign equivalent) either in Associate or Sales Associate
to join our dynamic team in LLC at https://careers. travel required 5-10% of the
Rockville, MD. You will apply ton, VA 22201. (Poli Sci) tion. Housekeeping/cleaning CS, IS, IT, or in any related field req9d. Mail resumes to: Mill-
The World Justice Project has duties rel. to children's care. emergentbiosolutions.com/ time to primarily visit Gold- and with at least 24 months work Design Center LLC, Attn:
machine learning models and job/Rockville-Sr-Validation- man Sachs9s office located at
an opening in Washington, Care of small dogs. FT, hrs of experience in IT Positions HR, 7345 Lockport Place, Lor-
analytical tools to develop Mult openings at Slalom9s Engineer-MD-20850/ 200 West Street, New York, School Mental Health ton, VA 22079.
automated training materials. D.C.: Director, Data Analytics may vary, & some nights/ Therapist using the technologies/ tools
McLean, VA office for BI BUSINESS wknds req9d. Reqs: HS/GED, 1120271300/ NY 10282 to collaborate with
Excellent problem solving and Developer, Sr. (var types/lvls): (Poli Sci). Lead teams/work Multiple Positions Available such as C.Net Framework,
communication skills required. Produce financial & market
Viavi Solutions, Inc. is accept- indep. in collaboration w/ or frgn equiv. 1 yr exp req9d colleagues and to meet with
(Gaithersburg, MD) . Provide Oracle, LINQ, Tableau, jQuery, P JOBS
ing resumes for Senior researchers to deliver cut- as nanny, child care worker, clients. Role may require HTML, JavaScript. No
Degree and/or experience in intel by querying data repos- infrequent travel within the clinical assessment & treat- Personal Assistant, Lees-
Regional Customer Opera- ting-edge research on topics, housemaid, or rel. Inquiries: Telecommuting, Send burg, VA. Provide support for
Data Science preferred. We itories & generating periodic Submit CV/ Resumes to U.S. to present U.S. econom- ment services to assigned
offer an excellent salary and tions Manager in German- incl. governance & rule of law. Exec. Asst. needed for Asso- clients. Master's degree in Resume to: Job ID#191216 household & personal busi-
reports. Must be avail to work town, MD. Formulate strate- Kathryn Ryan Razzazan, Head ics research at other U.S.
benefits package including at various, unanticipated sites 3 days/wk in office req, may ciation Analytics, Inc. Arling- Mental Health Counseling, Intellizant LLC, 2390 Stone ness needs, answer phone,
gic and operational objectives WFH 2 days. Apply online at of Household, via email at Goldman Sachs offices. No Fence Ln, Herndon, VA 20171
relocation assistance, visa within commuting distance of ton, VA: Prov. support. to hgh- international travel is Psych or related plus licen- respond to emails, manage
for the department and worldjusticeproject.org/ kate.razzazan@gmail.com. levl exec. team, & mainly to (or) tanuj.gundlapalli@ bookkeeping records, run
sponsorship if needed. Slalom, Inc.9s McLean, VA required for this role. Job sure in MD as LCSW-C, LCPC,
Resume only to cpijobs@ ensure company benchmarks about-us/connect/ CEO. Orgz. & schld. apptm. Licensed Psychologist, LMSW, intellizant.com. errands, schedule travel.
office. Some telecommuting are met. Telecommute Per- Code: 7114026 QUALIFIED
computerpackages.com is permitted. TO APPLY: Go employment. w/admin sftwr; Plng. meets. or LGPC. Apply to amy. Maintain information data-
to www.jobpostingtoday.com
mitted. Submit resumes via No Calls. EOE/DEI. & taking mins. CEO email
APPLICANTS: Apply at gs.com
bases. Compose routine cor-
email to: USrecruiting@ Nanny sought by The Rosses and click on "Careers."
enter job ID 53821 & submit mngmnt. Write & distrbt. Sheppard Pratt Health respondence & assist with
viavisolutions.com. Must Domestic in Hyattsville, MD, to care for email, corrspnd. memos, ltrs,
©The Goldman Sachs Group, System, Inc.
Lead Knowledge Analyst
for The Boston Consulting preparation of business-relat-
reference Ref. MA-OLI. 2 young children. Work hrs & forms; Asst. in prep. of regly ed presentations. Req: asso-
Sr. Country Research Analyst Child Care And Domestic Help Inc., 2024. All rights reserved. Group, Inc. in Washington, DC
3 Arlington, VA. Seeking are: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Mon - schdl rep.; Update & maintn. ciate degree in any field.
for US-ASEAN Bus. Council C JOBS
candidate with three months Fri. Min Req HS Dip or GED Offc. policies & procds. Liaise
Goldman Sachs is an equal to collaborate and partner in a
Email resume to Clifford
in Wash. DC Using exp for or Foreign Equiv & 6 mos exp employment/affirmative growing global team, provid-
Biotech Catering Sales Manager of experience as a domestic w/exct. to hndl. req. & qurs action employer Female/ Wellness Services Manager ing industry and/or function- Rounds, ckrounds1@
ASEAN countries, research, w/ children in any occupation. from sr. mngrs & other. staff; Fairfax County (Herndon, VA)
collect & perfrm statistical Lead Formulation Tech: serve Facilitate and organize the worker/child monitor. Excel- Minority/Disability/Veteran/ al expertise and insights, and gmail.com.
as POC for issues & concerns catering needs of events. lent references. Ability to Send resume to Book trvl. Arrang.; Req. BS Manage/coord. the operation
analyses, assist, draft & jrossrecruitment@gmail.com. Sexual Orientation/ providing knowledge assets,
in lab from Formulation Team; Consult with clients, specifies speak English fluently, non- in Mngmt. or Science or rel. Gender Identity. of nutrition/wellness services analysis, and advisory in con-
implmnt agrmnts/regs for Ref#Nanny fld. FT, mail resume to 1560 Analyze biz operations/
trade standards, electric & initiate deviation & non-con- and sets up the catering smoking at worksite; valid dri- sumer tech and media. Req. CLT Group LLC in Gaithers-
formance reports w/ guid- needs, ensure smooth oper- ver9s license. Schedule: M- Wilson Blvd. # 700, Arlington, trends. Dev/maintain clinical Bach. degree or foreign edu-
electronic, healthcare prod9s E JOBS VA 22209 nutrition operational poli- burg, MD, is seeking a Per-
& automotive sectors, co- ance from supervisor; trou- ations, from cooking to serv- F 7:30-12:00pm and 3:30-6:30 cation equiv. in Business, Eco- sonnel Assistant. Duties: veri-
bleshoot automated equip ing, facilitate the clean-up at pm. Mail CV to D. Huetinck, Waiters/ Waitresses (Multiple cies/proc. Prepare reports. nomics, Media, Computer Sci-
organize work groups & task
forces for trade-in-goods, used to produce reagents, inc the conclusion of the event. 6817 31st St N, Arlington, VA Education Openings) (Green T Group II, Gather/analyze data to mea- ences or related field & 3
fy attendance, hours worked,
pay adjustments; maintain
label printers, pipettes & Req, HS, 6 month Exp, 22213 Inc. DBA Sala Thai Minnesota sure success on wellness yrs. of exp. as an Analyst, or
manage capacity building prgms./incentives. Manage/ accurate records; process
progrms & communication automated vialing equip; rev 40hr/wk. Resume to Spring- Economists for American Assistant Professor. Teach Ave) - 40hrs/wk. Var OT. related occupation providing employee paychecks, state-
formulation team records for field Crown LLC, 6401 Bran- Institutes for Research (AIR) $35400/ yr. Serve food or bev- analyze results of projects as: consulting services in rele-
w/other countries & manage deaf and hard of hearing uni- integration of wellness ser- ments of earnings, deduc-
cross-border trade & digital accuracy prior to manuf'g don Ave, Springfield, VA to report to our Rockville, MD versity students courses in erages to patrons and pre- vant consumer tech and tions; compute wages,
prods; participate in invento- Live-in Nanny sought by the vices/participation in the edu
dashboard will dvlp & manage 22150. Goodwins in Great Falls, VA location and may work Physical Education & Recre- pare or serve specialty dishes media. Partial telecommute deductions; enter data into
ry control. Min reqts: Assoc remotely. Identify + imple- at tables as required. Clean of nutritionists/ implementa- benefit available. Must report
Council activities, reports & to care for 3 young children. ation; assist with student tion of protocols to expand payroll systems; manage
studies on Indonesia. Mas- deg in Biotech, Eng'g or rel ment empirical approaches. recruitment, advisement, & tables or counters after to and reside within com- paperwork for new employ-
field. Send res w/ cvr: HR, Work hrs are: 9am - 5pm, clinical nutrition services/
ter9s in Public Admin. or Polit- Mon - Fri. The candidate must Develop conceptual frame- retention; participate in uni- patron have finished dining. mutable distance of the listed ees; review and reconcile
Meso Scale Diagnostics, 1601 AFGHAN CHEF: Plan menu works + experimental designs No Exp., Training or Education establishment of online pres- BCG office. Position requires
ical Sci, proficiency in an be comfortable w/ animals versity faculty activities, ence. Manage/coord. edu payroll info.; track employee
ASEAN lang. req9d. 10% int. Research Blvd, Rockville, MD and cook Afghani dishes, tan- that guide project work. Man- including institutional assess- req9d, Job in Washington DC. up to 20% domestic & inter- leave time; provide payroll-
20850. No emails or tel. calls. since the Goodwins have 2 blog/articles. Dev/ delivery of
trvl. Cover letter & resume to doori kabob and bread on cats & 1 dog. Must be willing age + analyze large-scale data ment reporting & curriculum Submit resumes to: 4020 Min- national travel. Multiple posi- related info; stay updated on
EOE. the Afghan Owen. Knowledge files for research. Apply quan- nesota Ave NE Washington, online video series/edu semi- tions available. Resume to
jobs@usasean.org. to live on-site w/ the family. planning; engage in scholarly nar. Req. Master9s Degree in tax/deduction laws; prepare
of Afghan herbs and spices. Min Req: HS Dip or GED or titative techniques to collect activities, including conduct- DC 20019. GlobalSpecialtyBusiness@ payroll tax returns; compile
2 yrs experience; 40 hrs/wk; + analyze data: setting up the Dietetics or Nutrition from a bcg.com. Reference Position
foreign equiv, & 24 mos exp ing & reporting on research. US University. At least 2 yrs. statistical reports; balance
mail your resume, SS Interna- as a Nanny, Babysitter or Au analysis frameworks, design- Employer: Gallaudet Universi- H JOBS
of operations mgmt. analyst
Number: 32-2023. cash and payroll accounts;
Bridal Sseamstress Supv.: tional LLC, 2045 Wilson Blvd, Pair. Must have had a driver's ing questions, developing the ty. Job in Washington, D.C. maintain client files and post
Assistant Bar Manager: Arlington, VA 22201 Attn: Mr. procedures, reviewing the HVAC Helper- FT, supply/hold exp. for healthcare environ-
Responsible for overall opera- Design, create & alter high- license in the U.S. or any other Requires Ph. D. in Sport Man- work hours. RQMT: HSD or
end wedding gowns, incl. Qadamy junior staff. Organize + doc- materials, help technicians. ment. Certified Nutrition Spe-
tions of Bar. Resumes to Ned country for at least 2 cumu- agement, Physical Education cialist credential or Regis- foreign equiv.; 2 YOE in Per-
supv. & train bridal seam- ument analytic results + or related field and excellent HVAC USA Inc. Reply to Mr. LEGAL-Hughes Hubbard & sonnel, HR, or admin routines;
Devine's Gastro Pub and lative yrs. Send resume to tered Dietitian/Nutritionist Reed LLP seeks a Partner in
stress. Min. Req9d: HS Dipl. akgoodwinrecruitment@ research procedures. Prepare references. Send resume, ref- Miranda at 43793 Churchill FT. Email CV to Charles Eric
Restaurant, 2465 Centreville technical reports + journal Glen Dr, Chantilly, VA 20152 (RD/RDN) required. Washington, DC. Please email
Road, Herndon VA 20171 or equiv., 6 mo. seamstress gmail.com. erences and salary require- da Silva Rodgers,
training, 5 yrs. exp. as custom Cook, Chinese Specialty articles + present findings. Send resume resume to lawjobs@
Ref#LIVEINNANNY ments to: Gallaudet Universi- info@MyDrsRx.com Crodgers@cltinspection.com,
bridal seamstress. 40 hrs/wk. Cook, prepare a variety of Develop + draft research pro- ty, 800 Florida Ave NW, Col- hugheshubbard.com with ref. or call 1 (844) 333-6422.
Mail resume to: Green & Chinese-style dishes; 2 years posals. Mentor research ana- My Dr9s Pharmacy LLC code DV24.
lege Hall, #106, Attn: Human
Blue Studio, 1350 Connecti- exp., full-time, Call Qina lysts + manage projects. Resources, Job No JC00030, Hydroponic Ag Proj Mgr 3 To co-chair the firm9s Latin
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR cut Ave., NW #301, Wash., DC 7039715404 for interview; Live-in Nanny sought by The Serve as client contact for Washington, DC 20002. EOE. Hillsboro, VA. Dev ag proj America Disputes Practice
(Washington, DC): will source 20036. Sampan Café, Inc. Kims in McLean, VA, to care analytical + statistical exper- No calls or e-mails please. on hydroponic sys w/ hydro Group, Advise and represent Product Designer: Use SolidW
and sell new partnership
opportunities aligned with the
(Alexandria, VA) for 3 children. Work hrs are:
6am - 8am & 2pm - 8pm,
tise. Little domestic and inter-
national travel may be
tech, mng pwr W frm solar
sys, costs, negot agrmts, prep
Search 20,000 international clients in their
cross-border litigation mat-
CAD, 3D prnt tech, desgn
plstc prts. R&D to final sht.
organization9s mission and
strategic plan; manage a port- BUSINESS
Mon - Fri. Must be willing to
live on-site w/ the family. Min
involved. May undergo back-
ground checks. Wage:
tech drawings, specs, constr
docs. Req: min 2 yrs exp
job listings ters in the U.S. Up to 30%
international and domestic
metal product manf, dstrbu-
tion, retail. Bach in Ind. Desgn
folio of client work from con-
ceptualization to contract
Applied Materials, Inc. has
openings in Manassas, VA: Post your résumé. Req: HS Dip, GED, or foreign
equiv. Send resumes to
$125,000 to $145,195 annu-
ally. Must have PhD in Eco-
net admin & hydroponic sys,
exp in IoT & ele (solar, wind).
by industry. travel required. Full job
details can be found at
rltd 6 mos exp. Job at: Met-
ropolitan Partitions and Spe-
negotiation, delivery against Bus Intel Anlsts (Req # K6676): kimhisaiah@gmail.com. nomics, Public Policy, or relat- Chemistry Teacher (Hager- CV: prime.hydroponic.llc https://www. cialties Company, 5018 46th
project goals, and financial Prtcipt. in design, dvp & main- Ref#LIVEINNANNY ed social science field and 1 stown, MD) Plan, prep & @gmail.com dcnetworks.org/vosnet/ Ave, Hyattsville, MD 20781.
controls. Role permits fully tain ongoing metrics, rpts, year of relevant experience instruct lessons & lab activ- default.aspx. Tel: 571-488-9730. For details
remote work throughout the analyses, dashbrds. Telecom- The local expert on local jobs in analytical or statistical ities on the subject of chem- visit:
U.S. Mail resume to: muting permitted. research. Also requires skills istry, including regular, Hon- The local expert on local jobs https://metropart.com/
Delivery Associates, Nickolas Salary: $149,594-$179,513/yr. (1 year experience) in: STATA; ors, &AP Chemistry for sec- careers/
Rodriguez, 815 8th Street NE,
Washington, DC 20002.
Email resume to Applied Live-in Nanny sought by the analysis of large-scale data ondary/high school students. Post your résumé.
Materials Inc. at Beemers to care for a young sets; design of experiments Bachelor's in Chemistry
Reference job #AB105604. applied_resumes_Team@ Find a job. child in Silver Spring, MD. and quasi-experiments; quan- degree req & must have Legal Secretary Find a job.
amat.com. Must include Work hrs are: 8am - 5pm, titative research on policy-rel- ACSI(Association of Christian Attend calls; Schedule appts;
REQ# in Subject Line to be Mon - Fri. Must be willing to evant topics using advanced Schools International) Teach- The local expert on local jobs Find Scan & maintain files; Assist
considered. live on-site w/ the family. Min
Req: HS Dip, GED, or foreign
methods such as fixed
effects, regression disconti-
ing Certification. Res to
Broadfording Bible Brethren
the right job client intake; Prepare forms;
Note take; MS word & excel.
Find more jobs. equiv & 6 mos exp as a Nanny,
Babysitter, or Au Pair.
nuity, or instrument variables.
Required skills can be gained
Church dba Global Vision
Christian School Broadfording
for you. experience; 2 yrs experience
+ HS edu; 40 hr/wk; mail
Find a job. Send resume to
concurrent with education.
Apply with completed appli-
(formerly known as Broad-
fording Christian Academy),
Find a job. resume to Wani & Associates,
P.C 8229 Boone Blvd, Suite
Find a job.
The local expert on local jobs gmail.com. cation at www.air.org; Job 13535 Broadfording Church The local expert on local jobs 210, Vienna VA 22182 Attn:
The local expert on local jobs
Ref#LIVEINNANNY #12907. EOE. Rd Hagerstown, MD 21740 Mr. Wani
P JOBS R JOBS S JOBS Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Project Associate (German- Real Estate Analyst 3 Hotel Systems Developers / Ana- Computer/IT: CGI Federal Inc. Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Information Security IT Professionals (Rockville, Senior Associate, Senior Professional Jonas Collections and
town, MD) Design clinical Valuation & Investment lysts / Networks Engineers / seeks Software Developer in gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Assurance Spec.: Use knwldg MD) Software Developers, Corporate & Threat Application Designer Recovery, Inc. has an open-
research project to satisfy Hotel Private Equity Firm Administrators: Perform net- Fairfax, VA to research, Software Engineer in Fairfax, & exp w/ IT/cyber security Computer Programmers, Intelligence (Mult. Pos.), CSC Consulting, Inc. hiring for ing for a Solution Integration
clinical requirements & goals seeks a Real Estate Analyst 3 works systems and software design, devel, &/or modify VA (& various unanticipated risks & mitigation, ISO 27001 Business Analysts. Multiple PricewaterhouseCoopers Senior Professional Applica- 3 Lead Consultant in Fairfax,
based on the research objec- Hotel Valuation & Investment. planning, architect, design, enterprise-wide systs &/or locations throughout US) to and NIST to design & deliver Positions. Various worksites. Advisory Services LLC, tion Designer in Ashburn, VA VA. Duties include: Design
tives. Create clinical study Resp. include assist in the rebuild, installation, enhance, apps s/w. Job req Bach deg design, develop, document, Info Security Management May travel to unanticipated Washington, DC (Ref. #6922840). Prvds more data integration processes
protocol, project timeline & transaction due diligence and monitor data communi- or equiv in Comp Sci, Comp test & debug apps software System programs. WFH from client sites nationally. Mail Idenifying of novel intrusion cmplx dsgn dcmnts & trnslts and develop data transforma-
prepare project reports to process, Develop detailed cation networks (LANS, Engg, IT or a rel field & 18 & systems that contain logical w/in US. F/T. BSI Group Amer- resume to Stellar IT Solutions, techs & tracking threat into cmpnnt-lvl dsgns to tions. Design, develop and
serve and meet the interest pro-forma projections, Con- WANS, and intranets, inter- months in any job title involv- and mathematical solutions. ica Inc., Herndon, VA. CV to Inc., Attn: HRGC, 9210 Corpo- actors, ranging from orga- acclrte dvlpmnt. Asssts in support data integration com-
of pharmaceutical/biotech duct valuation of hotels nets), enterprise-wide web- ing exp working on Java/J2EE, Job req Bach deg in Comp Sci, nora.clinton@bsigroup.com. rate Blvd Suite 390, Rockville, nized crime groups to state dvlpng strtgy, dsgn & dta ponents. Extract and docu-
clients' demands. Produce, including competitive proper- sites and webportals, perform Core Java, Spring Boot, Spring Engg, Info Systems, IT or a rel Ref#6351. No calls/recruiters/ MD 20850 affiliated espionage actors, gthrng apprchs. Prvds hgh lvl ment data integration/
distribute, and report project ties analysis, supply/demand 24x7 support and adminis- Cloud, Spring Batch, Spring field & 5 yrs of exp in any job visa sponsorship. originating from various coun- dsgn exprtis in spprt of dvlpm- exchange reqs., utilizing SQL,
status to ensure quality & fundamentals, economic tration; work with the Quali- REST, Spring IOC, Hibernate, title involving PL/SQL coding. tries. Req Bach9s deg or for- nt team effrts to prvd flxbl Actian and Pervasive. Provide
compliance through analyz- trends and market analysis, ty Assurance Analyst in per- Python, Jython, Liquibase, Must be willing to relocate eign equiv in MIS, Cybersecu- reusbl cmpnnts to increase solution design during data
ing clinical research projects' Conduct asset valuation using forming testing, quality assur- Oracle, HTML5, CSS3, XML, to various unanticipated work IT Professionals: Ent. Lvl to rity, Sec Studies or rel + 3 yrs cst effctvnss. Pstn rqrs a migration and integration.
performance. 40hrs/wk, discounted cash flow, income ance, enhancement and GIT, Jenkins, Udeploy, & CI/CD. locations throughout US. All Information Security Analysts Sen. Lvl (multiple positions) rel work exp; OR a Master9s Bchlr's dgre or a foreign eqvl- Troubleshoot problems. Cre-
Offered wage: $110,635/year, capitalization, leverage IRR implementation, disaster Email resume to recruiting@ offers of emp are contingent Plan, implement, upgrade & Sftr Dvlprs. & Sftwr Engnrs. deg or foreign equiv MIS, nt in Bsnss, Sftwr Engnring, ate SQL, PL/SQL procedures,
Bachelor9s Degree in Clinical and comparable sales, Pre- recovery, system backup, cgifederal.com & ref job code upon successful comp of a monitor security measures are needed for our Chantilly, Cmptr Scinc, or rltd fld, & views and triggers. Design
for the protection of comput- Cybersecurity, Sec Studies or
Epidemiology or related pare hotel reports for owners security and performance 1301. background check, which VA Ofc. Must be willing to rel + 1 yr rel work exp. 80% 6 yrs of work exprnc in jb data integration processes for
required. Resume to KCRN and lenders, Create automat- enhancement of the network may also incl drug screen er systems. Evaluate Operat- travel to set up systems to offrd, or rltd occptn. Will work enterprise software. Respon-
ing Systems, Databases and telecommtng permitted. Mst
Research, Inc. Attn: Hyungjoo ed financial models pertinent systems, hardware and soft- depending on work assign- various clients at unanticipat- be able to commute to desig- at unanticipated client sites sible for developing mappings
LEE, 12311 Middlebrook Road to hotel valuation/return ware; maintain and trou- ment. Email resume to web applications using com- ed locs across the U.S. Pls throughout the U.S. Telecom- for application-related trans-
mercial and open source nated local office. Domestic
#200, Germantown, MD analysis, Research market bleshoots the servers and Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- recruiting@cgifederal.com & send resume, Cvr Ltr., & Sal. &/or int travel req up to 80%. muting is permissible. Annual actions using ETL, SQL SSIS,
20874 area and analyze current ensure that they are up to the ref job code 1239. assessment tools. Working Req. to Varcons Inc at 14120 Salary Offer: $165,173. Full- existing SOP and REST Web
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks knowledge of JAVAScript, Please apply by sending your
transactions. 40 hrs/wk M- latest service packs; Perform Software Developer in Fair- Newbrook Dr., Ste 280, Chan- resume to US_PwC_Career_ time hires are eligible to par- Services. Requires Bachelor9s
F. Bachelor9s Degree in Busi- networks systems manage- AJAX, Perl SOAP-based Web tilly, VA 20151. ticipate in the DXC benefit Degree or foreign equivalent,
fax, VA (& various unanticipat- Services, OUT SCAN, OWASP, Recruitment@pwc.com,
ness Administration, Hospi- ment including ensure sys- ed locations throughout US) specifying Job Code DC3924 program. DXC offers a com- in Computer Science, Infor-
Project Assistant (Lorton, VA) tality Management, Econom- tems/networks connectivity WASC, SQL, Unix and IT Secu- prehensive, flexible, and com- mation Tech., or related field.
Assist projects mgmt. Build to research, design, devel, Computer/IT: Digital Engineer rity Architecture and design. in the subject line.
ics with 2 years of experience and integration with other &/or modify enterprise-wide I (Navy Federal Credit Union- petitive benefits program Must hold 3 years of experi-
customer relations & review reqd. Mail Resume ref. networks, servers, devices Willing to travel for short Managing Consultant, which includes, but is not lim- ence in the job offered, or
for extras & change orders systs &/or apps s/w. Job req Vienna, VA (Part-time assignments.Req Bachelor's,
AV001, Excel Group LLC 1621 and database systems and Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, telecommuting permitted). Guidehouse Inc. ited to, health, dental, and as a Solutions Architect, Lead
needed. Determine neces- North Kent Street, Suite 1115, third-party software; Perform Degree, 40hr/wk. Resume to Arlington, VA vision insurance coverage; Technical Consultant, or relat-
sary docs for billing & verify Comp Apps, IT or a rel field & Work on the re-platforming JPI Technology LLC, 9720 Cap- SENIOR DATA ENGINEER
Arlington, VA 22209. requirements gathering, 5 yrs in any job title involving effort of the company9s Manage clnt prjcts to enhnce employee wellness; life and ed. Must have 3 years of post-
for accuracy. Perform admin- analysis and specifications, ital Ct, #301, Manassas, VA & modrnize sys. Dvlp technicl Exelon Business Services disability insurance; a retire-
exp in development of IBM Online & Mobile Banking Company LLC seeks Senior baccalaureate experience
istrative works incl corre- S JOBS design/Architecture, develop- 20110. req & functionl & process ment savings plan, paid holi- working with SQL and Oracle
spondence, arranging confer- Mainframe apps & systems. Applications. Reqs BS in CS Data Engineer in Washington,
ment, testing/QA, configura- Must be willing to relocate or rel & 5 yrs of exp in any design for sys dvlpmnt. Req days, paid time off; and much databases authoring queries,
ence calls & sched'g meet- Shift Supervisor: Fairfax, VA; tion, installation, deployment, Master9s deg or foreign equiv DC to dsgn & build IT s./w. more. Email resume to
to various unanticipated work ocup involving Software Dev solutions for data integration creating table indexes and
ings. Reqd Assoc deg. 40 O.T. Req9d, night shift; to apply migration & integration, deg in Bus Anlytcs, Data globallmobility@dxc.com performing database opti-
hrs/wk. Forward resume tran- locations throughout US. All or MS in CS or rel & 2 yrs Synchronisys, Inc. has mult. & data transformation testing
email resume to JW Park Inc. implementation, enhance- offers of emp are contingent of exp in any ocup involving perm. F/T openings for Proj Anlytcs, IT or rel + 2 yrs rel wrk resume must include Ref. mization; 3 years of experi-
scripts & diploma w/ cover c/o S.H. Park to ariakejr@ ment, modifications, cus- exp. Up to 20% domestic trvl to support mult. data ware- #6922840, full name, email,
upon successful comp of a Software Dev. Email cvr ltr & Mgrs/Prog/Systems/Quality house sys., gather, anlyz, & ence with ETL solution design
letter to Merrifield Granite proton.me tomization, IT Projects Lead/ req. Telecommtng permitted. address & mailing address. and integration using SQL,
and Marble, LLC, 8536 Ter- background check, which CV to: openpositions@ Assurance/Buss Systems/ document bus. reqs. &
Management, and adminis- may incl drug screen depend- navyfederal.org. Ref Lead/ Info. Tech/ Mrkt To apply, please email resume No phone calls. Must be legal- Informatica, Actian and Per-
minal Rd, Unit V, Lorton, VA tration, support of complex to: gh-jobs@guidehouse.com processes, & translate same ly authorized to work in the
ing on work assignment. <Digital Engineer I 3 3829497=. Research Analysts, Tech. into defined scope for IT vasive to perform data extrac-
22079. and web-based systems - and reference: VA0020. U.S without sponsorship. EOE tion, data extraction, data
Email resume to recruiting@ Leads, SW Developer. Job teams & bus. personnel. Reqs.
Solar & Storage Associate Websites, Webportals, soft- cgifederal.com & ref job code Location: Sterling, VA, & var- migration and data integra-
Sol Systems, LLC seeks Solar ware and databases; assist U.S. or foreign equiv. bach.9s
1209. ious unanticipated loc9ns in deg. in Comp. Sci., Sys. Engr., tion; 3 years of experience
Project Leader/Principal & Storage Associate in Wash- with coordination and man- the U.S. Reloc9n poss. Mail providing ETL data integration
ington, DC (telework 3 agement of IT/SW Projects Database Administrator Production Manager sought Elec. Engr., or rel. discipline, Software Developer
(The Boston Consulting Resumes to: HR, Synchro- + 2 yrs data warehousing IT systems documentation; 3
days/week permitted) to lead and prepare and presentation (2 openings) (Job ID#: DA1114) by Quorum Analytics Inc in CSSI, LLC., Washington, D.C. years of experience with
Group, Inc. - Washington, Dis- sought by Asiacom Americas nisys, Inc. 45240 Business Ct, Washington DC to be Respon- exp. dsgning, building, & test- Support FAA initiatives w/
trict of Columbia): Manage and prioritize collaboration of technical proposals and Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Ste 150, Sterling, VA 20166 or SOAP and REST to access web
around preliminary system documentation and analytical Inc in Sterling, VA: Participate sible for aesthetic directions ing s./w. solutions & gathering software dvlpt, reqs passing
the design and development gies & Solutions Inc. seeks email: hr@synchronisys.com & documenting bus. reqs. & services; 3 years of experi-
design, financial modeling of reports to clients and devel- in d/base dsgn, generation, of the UX/UI of the software, FAA clearance. Dvlp software ence with writing SQL PL/SQL
of long-term business strate- Software Engineer in Fairfax, coding, & production support. including features such as processes. Telecomm. from in Java w/ Eclipse dvlpt enviro,
gies, including managing case potential solar plus storage opment teams and end-users VA (& various unanticipated stored procedures, views and
opportunities and storage using diversified program- Provide admin support for Dashboard, Grassroots w/in normal commuting dis- & Git & Maven config mgmt.
team responsibilities; over- locations throughout US) to tance of Washington, DC is triggers in a high availability
only opportunities. Salary ming languages, technologies production systems & provide IT Engineer (Herndon, VA) Action Center, Facebook Lead Reqs Bach in IT, Comp Sci, environment; 3 years of expe-
see business development, design, develop, document, DBA svcs to applic dvlpmt Ads integration, News Moni- permitted. Reply by e-mail w/ or rel, & 2 yrs exp in the
client relationships, project within the range of $109,970 and tools. Ellicott City, MD test & debug apps s/w & systs Design, plan, & implemnt rience with troubleshooting
to $120,000/yr. Send your with some brief, occasional teams, as well as DBA support netwrk & sys arch to ensure toring & Media Relationship resume to jobposting@ job. Alternatively, must have
planning, and the preparation that contain logical & math- exeloncorp.com. dev. and prod. problems on
resume to hr@ domestic travels to clients/ w/ a high degree of customer stability & security of IT env- using Frontend language such Master9s in IT, Comp Sci, or SQL and Oracle databases.
of outputs. Requires Bache- ematical solutions. Job req service, technical expertise, as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. rel, & coursewrk in comp pro-
lor9s degree in business solsystems.com and include projects sites. Bachelor's Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, iron. Assess & mng info & *Remote working bene-
reference number #201. degree or equivalent in Com- & timeliness. Monitor & opti- netwrk security risks thru Work with designers & devel- gramming covering C pro- fits/telecommuting position.
administration, management Info Systs, IT or rel f9ld & 5 mize performance of the opers to ensure the quali- gramming & Java. New hires
science, or a quantitative field puter Science, Engineering, yrs in any job title involving dvlpmnt & implemntn of Can work from anywhere
MIS, IS/IT, Physics, Math, Sci- d/base, plan for backup & security policies & measures. ty of the product. Req: 24 subj to bkgd check. Telecom within the U.S.
related to a BCG client indus- exp with installation, configu- recovery, & allocate system Months of Exp. Telecommut- SENIOR .NET DEVELOPER anywhere in the U.S. permit-
try and 5 years exp. as a ence or related Technical ration, & mgmt of UNIX systs. Provide tech supprt & traing w/CMCI, Inc. 3 in Fairfax, VA 3
Sr. Financial Analyst: Oversee fields and 2 years progressive storage & plan future storage to IT specialists. Reqs: MS ing is allowed. Resume to Tal- ted. Email resume to Apply at https://talent
management consultant, Must be willing to relocate needs. Work w/ technical, ent & Culture Department at Complete applications devel- HR@cssiinc.com.
business analyst, or quanti- revenue cycle process. Man- experiences in experience in to various unanticipated work IT, eng9g, comp sci, or smlr opment& production support managementsolution.wd3.
age & review processing, computer systems and net- applics & operational staff to field + 1 yr IT netwrk supprt talentandculture@ myworkdayjobs.com/
tative analyst which must locations throughout US. All ensure d/base integrity & quorum.us in multiple platforms. Req: MS
include at least 1 year in man- auditing record, & fin data. works, software, web sys- offers of emp are contingent & maintenance rltd exp. Exp or equiv. in computer science, JonasSoftwareUSA or
Must possess exp. w/ cost tems and database analysis, security. Ensure availability & w/ Microsoft products in an https://www.crsoftware.
agement strategy. Will alter- upon successful comp of reliability of multiple d/bases IT, or related field AND 1 year Software Engineer 2
natively accept a Master9s modeling, analysis & calc; design, architect, develop- background check, which Active Directory & Exchange exp. in offered pos. or as IT Asurion, LLC seeks a Soft- com/company/careers/ or
developing & monitoring econ ment, engineering, IT projects to meet the reqmts of enter- environ. Mandarin fluency. email resumes to HR at
degree (or higher) in business may incl drug screen depend- prise operation; Research, pro, $139589.00/yr. trav- ware Engineer 2 in Sterling,
metrics/reports & long-range lead/management, and/or Res: China Telecom (Ameri- Professional VA. Develop effective, main- Isha.Mahajan@jonassoft-
administration, management ing on work assignment. evaluate, dsgn, test, recom- Business Analyst el/relocation required. Reply
science, or a quantitative field fin plans; auditing & fin analy- administration and support.. Email resume to recruiting@ cas) Corporation, to: cmciinc14@yahoo.com. tainable code in a timely fash- ware.com or mail to Attn. HR,
sis softw (SQL, A/B testing, Employer will accept suitable mend, & plan implmtn of new jobsatcta@ctamericas.com. Computer Sciences Corpora- Jonas Collections and Recov-
related to a BCG client indus- cgifederal.com & ref job code or improved RDBMS, ETL & ion. Telecommuting permit-
Excel & VBA Macros). Must alternative combination of tion hiring for Professional ted. Apply at https://www. ery, Inc., 4035 Ridge Top Road,
try and 3 years exp. as a 1214. d/base tools. Reqmt: Bach Business Analyst in Ashburn,
management consultant, possess strong knwl of fed & education and experiences jobpostingtoday.com/ Suite 600, Fairfax, VA 22030.
state billing policies & regs. such as Master9s degree in deg in IT, Comp Sci, Electrical VA (Ref. #6486845). Asssts in
business analyst, or quanti- & Telecommunications Engg IT: iZeal, Inc. has job openings Ref # 36750.
Must have strong communi- Computer Science/Engineer- plnnng & dsgnng bsnss prc- Senior Professional
tative analyst which must or rltd. Apply, mail CV w/ Job# for: sss; asssts in frmltng rcmm- Application Delivery
include at least 1 year in man- cation, org., & analytic skills. ing, Software Engineering,
Job in DC. Allow telecommut- MIS/IS/IT or related technol- Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- to 21400 Ridgetop Circle, Ste Software Developer: Jobs ndtns to imprve & spprt bsnss CSC Covansys Corporation
agement strategy. Partial gies & Solutions Inc. seeks 180, Sterling, VA 20166 Sr. Data Analyst (multiple
ing frm anywhere w/n greater ogy fields. Send detailed loc in Sterling, VA & var unan- actvts. Asssts in anlyzng & hiring for Senior Professional SOFTWARE ENGINEER II positions) (Rockville, MD): Per-
telecommute benefit avail- Programmer/Analyst in Fair- ticpt locs t/o U.S. Devel & dcmntng clnt's bsnss rqrmnts Application Delivery in Ash-
able. Domestic/international Washington metro. region. resume with references to: Comscore, Inc. seeks a Soft- form analysis by extracting
Apply to MedStar-George- Attn: Amrita Gora or HR, Blos- fax, VA (& various unanticipat- build user intrfce for web- & prcsss; cmmncts thse rqrm- burn, VA (Ref. #7189607). ware Engineer II in Reston, VA
travel required based on com- ed locations throughout US) data using tools such as SQL,
town Medical Center, Inc som Solutions Inc., 3300 sites, prdcts, & mobile nts to tchncl prsnnl by Cordnts mdrtly cmplx to to implement s/w processes SAS, MS Access, Python, and
pany/client need. Submit to build & code apps &/or apps.Rev & anlyz functl reqs & cnstrctng bsc cncptl dta & cmplx actvts of fnctnl areas
resume to BCGPLP@bcg.com. careers web. at https:// North Ridge Rd, Suite 120, Database Warehouse that adhere to business Excel. Perform data analysis
careers.medstarhealth.org/ Ellicott City, MD 21043. modules using languages Specialist: Bachelor in IS, IT or mapping docs. Assst in prblm prcss mdls, incldng dta dict- or of dprtmnt accont leads to process reqs. & improve effi-
Reference Position Number: such as C++, Visual Basic, and provide consultative and
global/en/job/req22212/ rel. + 3 yrs exp or Master + 1 solving & t/shooting. Trav/relo nres & volume estmts. Pstn ensr tht bsnss solutn applctn ciency of operation of product advisory recommendations.
PLWAS-S24. Mult. pos. avail.
Senior-Financial-Analyst, or Tech Jobs ABAP, JAVA, XTML, Objective
C, HTML 5, & .NET. Job req
yr exp. Use MS Azure, Python, to var unanticipt locs t/o U.S. rqrs a Bchlr's dgre or a foreign objctvs are met. Intrprts delivery. 100% Telecom. Bachelor9s degree in Statis-
email to sherman.campbell@ Power BI, R programming, & for l/t & s/t assigns at client eqvlnt in Bsness admnstrtn, dmnd frcsts & plnnng; wrks perm. Apply at jobposting tics, Data Science, or related
medstar.net, indicating req Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, Tableau to dvlp BI tools & sites. Reqs Bachelor9s or frgn infrmtn systms, or rltd fld, & w/ sr. team mmbrs to prvd today.com Ref #81868.
IT or a rel field & 6 yrs in quantitative field plus 2 yrs.
Project Manager #22212. support DB warehouse ops. equivt, in Comp Sci, Engng 3 yrs of wrk exprnc in job hgh qlty spcifctns for cmplte exp. Apply to
Advisor any job title involving apps F/T. Leidos, Inc. Reston, VA. (any), or a rel field. Employer offrd, or rltd occptn. Telecom- end-to-end prjct dlvry.
Galindo Consulting Group, Inc. Application Designer development exp with Careersatmapmg@kp.org.
Manassas, VA. Duties: $133307/yr. Benefits: https:// will also accept 2 yrs exp in muting is permissible. Annual Addrsses issues & rcmmnds Mid-Atlantic Permanente
DXC Technology Services LLC Java/J2EE. Must be willing to careers.leidos.com/ May the job offered in lieu of a Salary Offer: $100,069. Full- adjstmnts. Pstn rqurs a
Responsible for all aspects of hiring for Advisor Application relocate to various unantic- Medical Group, P.C.
a project; Communicates telecommute w/in the US. Bachelor's degree. Job IZI02 time hires are eligible to par- Bchlr's dgre or a foreign eqvl-
Designer in Ashburn, VA (Ref. ipated work locations Email c.v. to trevor.n.allen@ Lead Software Engineer: ticipate in the DXC benefit nt in Busnss Admnstrtn,
with stakeholders through #5963620). Prvds hghly cmplx throughout US. All offers of
briefings, meetings; and sta- leidos.com & ref. #6688. Jobs loc in Sterling, VA & var program. DXC offers a com- Engnrng, Infrmtn Systms, or
dsgn dcmnts & trnslts into emp are contingent upon suc- Principals only. No calls/visa unanticpt locs t/o U.S. Devel prehensive, flexible, and com- rltd fld, & 6 yrs of wrk exprnc
tus presentations; Submit cmpnnt-lvl dsgns to acclrt cessful comp of a background
project deliverables and plans Marketing Administrator sponsorship. & build user intrfce for web- petitive benefits program in job offrd, or rltd occptn. Will Sr. Software Engineer, Ana-
Computer Packages Inc., a dvlpmnt. Dvlps strtgy, dsgn check, which may also incl sites, prdcts, & mobile apps. which includes, but is not lim- work at unanticipated client lyze business processes to
to clients; Provides QA for & dta gthrng apprchs. Lds drug screen depending on
all project activity; Prepares world leader in intellectual Rev & anlyz functl reqs & ited to, health, dental, and sites throughout the U.S. define app. functional
property software, is seeking dvlpmnt team effrts to prvd work assignment. mapping docs. Assst in prblm vision insurance coverage; Telecommuting is permissi- requirements and technical
and submits budget esti- flxbl reusbl cmpnnts to incrse Email resume to recruiting@
mates, progress reports, or a Marketing Administrator to solving & t/shooting. Train employee wellness; life and ble. Annual Salary Range is: specifications. May need to
work at our headquarters in cst effctvnss. Anlyzs, dsgns cgifederal.com & ref job code Data Consultant (multiple staff & users to wrk w/ comp disability insurance; a retire- $118,621 - $120,100. Full- work in other locations as
cost tracking reports; Identi- positions) (Rockville, MD):
fies project needs such as Rockville, MD. Will train a high-
ly motivated individual, how-
& revws dsgn of applctns &
suites of applctns to ensr tht
Provide technical leadership
systs & prgrms. Trav/relo to
var unanticipt locs t/o U.S.
ment savings plan, paid holi-
days, paid time off; and much
time hires are eligible to par-
ticipate in the DXC benefit
Search 20,000 required. Bachelor9s in Comp.
Sci/App, Elect., IT, Eng., or
resources, staff, or finances; to healthcare projects; define,
Plans, schedules, or coordi- ever some marketing admin.
experience and strong com-
cstmr spcfctns are stsfd. Pstn
rqrs a Mstr's dgre, or a foreign frame, engineer and imple-
for l/t & s/t assigns at client
sites. Reqs Bachelor9s or frgn
more. Email resume to
program. DXC offers a com-
prehensive, flexible, and com-
job listings related w/ 5yrs. exp. Mail
resume to HR- Sapphire Soft-
nates project activities to ment creative solutions to
meet deadlines; Assigns puter skills are preferred.
Excellent salary and benefits
eqvlnt, in Bsnss, Sftwr Engn-
rng, Cmptr Scnc, or rltd fld,
Computer/IT: Marriott Inter-
national Inc.: Senior Software complex multi-dimensional
equivt, in Comp Sci, Engng
(any), or a rel field + 5 yrs
resume must include Ref.
#6486845, full name, email,
petitive benefits program
which includes, but is not lim-
by location. ware Solutions, Inc., 20130
Lakeview Center Plaza, Suite
responsibilities to subordi- & 7 yrs of wrk exprnc in job healthcare issues using
nates; Identifies, reviews, or including fully paid health Engineer, Reservations (multi- exp in the job offered or as address & mailing address. ited to, health, dental, and 400, Ashburn, VA 20147
insurance, tuition reimburse- offrd, or rltd occptn. In lieu ple positions) 3 Bethesda, MD: knowledge of advanced ana- a Comp S/ware Prof9l. Will No phone calls. Must be legal- vision insurance coverage;
selects vendors or consul- of a Mstr9s dgre & 7 yrs of lytics, data science and
tants to meet project needs; ment, visa sponsorship and lead workgroups &/or func- also accpt Master9s or frgn ly authorized to work in the employee wellness; life and
strong opportunity for growth. exprnc, emplyr will accpt a tion as a technical expert machine learning. Master9s equivt, in Comp Sci, Engng U.S without sponsorship. EOE disability insurance; a retire-
Requirements: Bachelor9s Bchlr9s dgre, or foreign dgre degree in Statistics, Data Sci-
Degree in Computer Science Resume only to cpijobs@ while performing research, (any), or a rel field + 3 yrs ment savings plan, paid holi- TECHNOLOGY
computerpackges.com eqvlnt, in Bsnss, Sftwr Engn- analysis, design, creation & ence, CS, or related quantita- exp in job offrd or as a Comp days, paid time off; and much PROFESSIONALS
or Foreign Equivalent; 60 rng, Cmptr Scnc, or rltd fld, tive field plus 3 yrs. exp. Apply
months experience as a implementation of apps. S/ware Prof9l. Job IZI01; For more. Email resume to Two openings available in
& 9 yrs of wrk exprnc in job to Careersatmapmg@kp.org. QA ENGINEER
Project Manager; Certified Tech Jobs offrd, or rltd occptn. Will work
Req9s Bachelor9s or frgn equiv
in Comp Sci, Elec Engg or Mid-Atlantic Permanente
both pos, Email res w/ cver
ltter to hr@izealinc.com - indi- Transaction Network Services
resume must include Ref.
Reston, VA. Wal-Mart is seek-
ing candidates for the follow-
Scrum Master; Certified at unanticipated client sites Medical Group, P.C. Inc. in Reston, VA seeks QA
Scrum Product Owner; Application Interface Engi- rltd tech fld fllwd by 8 yrs cate job # EOE. #7189607, full name, email, ing position: Software Engi-
neer at Vivsoft Technologies throughout the U.S. Telecom- progressively responsible exp Engineer. Develop test strate- address & mailing address. neer III. Job duties incl but
Telecommuting Required, muting is permissible. Annual gies for network apps. Reqs
employee must be willing to in Herndon, VA. Job req. mas- in software dvlpmt using mul- No phone calls. Must be legal- not limited to dsgn'g, dvlp'g,
ter9s in CS, CE or a related Salary Range is: $143,458 - tiple programming languages BS in Comp Sci/rltd + 5 yrs ly authorized to work in the implementing, testing & sup-
reside within 50 miles of Man- $159,700. Full-time hires are IT positions (work in Vienna, exp. Salary: $136K-$156K.
assas, VA; This position field; & 1 yr exp. in job offered & methodologies. Eligible for DB2 Database Admin: Req. U.S without sponsorship. EOE porting systs & bus. apps. For
eligible to participate in the f/t remote work from any- BS + 5 yr exp. Use IBM DB2 VA & various locs thruout Mail CV to Transaction Net- job req'mts & to apply, visit
requires limited domestic or as SWE developer, .Net U.S./mult openings) S/W Dev,
Developer, Cloud Engineer, or DXC benefit program. DXC where in the US. Background LUW, DB2 HADR/TSA, DB2 Q work Services: S Carver The local expert on local jobs http://careers.walmart.com,
travel 10% of the time. Email offers a comprehensive, flexi- Replication, DB2 Connect, Sys S/W to research, design, 10740 Parkridge Blvd, Ste
resume to related. You will participate in check, which may include & apply to any of the following
ble, and competitive benefits pre-employment drug test, CLI/ODBC, Java JDBC, & Unix develop & test s/w & use 100, Reston, VA 20191. Must Job ID #'s R-1760091,
jobs@galindoinc.com all phases of SWE dev. lifecyle. Java: (#SD1) Reqs Master+3 Software Developers -
Resume to HR, VivSoft Tech- program which includes, but req9d. Please apply on-line at shell scripting to provide DBM ref title/Req # R313. R-1760098. EOE, AAE.
is not limited to, health, den- https://jobs.marriott.com/ support. May telecommute yrs relev exp or Bach+5 yrs Multiple openings
nologies, 13221 Woodland progressive exp. Reqd exp 3 Ashburn, VA
Park Rd, Suite 310, Herndon, tal, and vision insurance corporate/jobs/ from w/in the US. F/T. Leidos,
Purchasing Manager (Chantil- coverage; employee well- 23217172?lang=en-US Inc. Reston, VA. $132309/yr. must include 3 yrs using Java.
VA 20171 (#SD2) Reqs Masters+12 mos GRP Solution Inc
ly, VA) Purchasing Manager ness; life and disability insur- (Job Number 23217172) Benefit: https://careers. Research Data Analyst III
will be responsible for the ance; a retirement savings leidos.com/. Email c.v. to relev exp. Reqd exp must (multiple positions) (Rockville, needs professionals: Test Automation
procurement of goods from plan, paid holidays, paid time matthew.p.frye@leidos.com include 12 mos using Java. MD): provide technical & data Search 20,000 Engineering Manager
(Accenture LLP; Arlington,
overseas, primarily from off; and much more. Email & ref. #6503. Principals only. DBA to coordinate changes leadership to projects; take Work with Java, JavaScript,
Turkey, by identifying & eval- Computer/IT: CGI Technolo-
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks
resume to
Computer/IT: Mapbox Inc:
No calls/visa sponsorship. & test/imp database & use a lead role in defining and CSS, HTML, Sencha Ext JS, job listings VA): Drive quality testing solu-
tions by planning and con-
uating vendors based on cri- globallmobility@dxc.com Java: (DBA) Reqs Bach+12 building analytic variables for Angular, SOAP, REST, Tomcat,
teria such as price, quality, Software Developer in Fair-
fax, VA (& various unantic-
resume must include Ref. Backend Engineer, Maps
API 3Washington, DC: balance
mos relev exp. Reqd exp must research projects. Master9s Spring boot, SQL. by industry. structing test scripts through
use of quality processes and
selection, reliability, produc- #5963620, full name, email, include 12 mos using Java. degree in Statistics, Data Sci-
tion, distribution, & reputa- ipated locations throughout address & mailing address. rapid dvlpmt of new mapping Will accept foreign educ equiv ence, CS, or related quantita- Req. 3master9s with 1-year/ methodologies for Accenture
tion; negotiating w/ major US) to research, design, No phone calls. Must be legal- tools against reliability of ser- Domain Portfolio Manager; of reqd degree & reqs trav- tive field plus 5 yrs. exp. Apply bachelor9s+5 yrs. Exp. Comp. or its clients. Must have will-
suppliers from overseas; devel, &/or modify enterprise- ly authorized to work in the vices as they scale into new Reston, VA - Assist the overall el/reloc to various unantic to Careersatmapmg@kp.org. salary, Relocation within USA ingness and ability to travel
leading the purchasing dept wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job U.S without sponsorship. EOE request volumes, markets coordination of delivering IT locs thruout US. Send resume: Mid-Atlantic Permanente possible. Please mail resume domestically approximately
& dvlp & implmt procurement req Bach deg in Comp Sci, &/or use cases. Req9s Mas- initiatives/value for the Ser- Blue Lotus Systems, Inc, 1604 Medical Group, P.C. to Ref: President, 20130 Lake- 80% of the time to meet client
strategies, policies, & prac- Engg, IT or a rel field & 5 ter9s or frgn equiv in Comp vice Operations Business Spring Hill Rd, Ste 420, Vien- view Center Plaza, Ste 400, needs. Multiple Positions
tices throughout the co. HS yrs in any job title involving Sci, Comp Engg or closely rltd Unit; lead and participate in na, VA 22182 Ashburn, VA-20147. Available. For complete job
exp with designing & imple- COMPUTER/IT tech fld +3 yrs exp developing efforts to evaluate, select, description, list of require-
deg, 24 mos exp in the job Conduent Business Ser-
menting comp apps using IBM solutions to complex tech and implement new tech- ments, and to apply, go to:
& ability to communicate in
Turkish language is reqd. WebSphere MQ Series
(WMQ). Must be willing to
vices, LLC is looking for an
Applications Development
problems OR Bachelor9s or
frgn equiv in Comp Sci, Comp
nologies to enhance applica-
tion in partnership with the IT Professionals (Rockville,
Find more jobs. www.accenture.com/
Send resume to Suleyman The local expert on local jobs
relocate to various unantic- and Support Engineer in Engg or closely rltd tech fld Development Team Man- MD) IT Project Managers, Pro- Software Engineer 2 (Job# R00190726)
Sami Yildirim, Operations Germantown, MD to ana-
Manager, WIOS GLOBAL ipated work locations fllwd by 5 yrs exp developing agers, Enterprise Architect, grammer Analysts, Software Asurion, LLC seeks Software Equal Opportunity Employer 3
throughout US. All offers of lyze, develop, debug, and sup- solutions to complex tech and Domain Architect; among Developers, Software Engi- The local expert on local jobs Engineer 2 in Sterling, VA. Minorities/Women/
TRADE LLC, 13901 Willard Rd, port a high-volume, large-
Chantilly, VA 20151. emp are contingent upon suc- problems. Must meet back- other duties. BS + 12 yrs expe- neers, System Testers, Tech- Design, code, test, and debug Vets/Disabled.
cessful comp of a background scale, and multi-tiered trans- ground screening. Up to 100% rience; int9l travel up to 25%. nical Business Analysts. Mul- applications that meet sys-
check, which may also incl
drug screen depending on
action processing production
system. To apply, email
telework & may be performed
from anywhere within the US.
Send resume to D. Taube, Sr
Manager Global Mobility, VW
tiple Positions. Various work-
sites. May travel to unantici-
tem standards and functional
requirements in various soft-
Post your résumé.
Find a job. work assignment.
Email resume to recruiting@
resume to cbs.international.
recruiting@gmail.com. Add
Salary: $165,173 - $170,000.
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Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry Westat
Healthcare3We are a faith-based healthcare organization, based Education3George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation3The Washington Metropolitan Engineering3Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional Research3Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near
in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest employer campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Area Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit services firm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profession- Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation
in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! Our com- critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- system and the fifth largest bus network in the United States. als nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors are serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov-
prehensive approach to caring for our community includes dents, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports our people. At Dewberry, we seek out exceptional talent and ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys
three acute-care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical Center, White resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our clients. and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer
Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medical Center 3 as is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro Whether you9re an experienced professional or a new graduate, related services. Our multiproject environment provides career
well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, Outpatient cen- main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- you9ll have the chance to collaborate with the best and bright- opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the
ters, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care Services, Em- ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over est and work on innovative and complex projects at the fore- environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine
ployer Health Programs and Physician Networks. We are& 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by& front of the industry. Our commitment to excellence stems& the relevant research area expertise&
Certified Surgical Technician Patient Care Technician Sponsored Students Manager, Reporting and Transit Service Planner II3 Police Communications Subcontracts Administrator3 Marketing Coordinator3 Health Communications Security Assessment
(CST), PT Day Shift, (CNA), PT Day Shift, Heart Programs Coordinator3 Billing3Fairfax Washington D.C. Specialist I Emergency Fairfax Fairfax Intern3Rockville and FISMA Delivery
Operating Room3Silver Spring & Vascular3Silver Spring Fairfax Department: Office of Re- The Washington Metropolitan Dispatcher3 Dewberry is currently seek- Dewberry is currently seek- Westat's 11-week summer Lead3Rockville
Adventist HealthCare seeks White Oak Medical Center Department: Cross Function- search, Innovation, and Eco- Area Transit Authority's (WMA- The Police Communications ing an experienced Subcon- ing an energetic and moti- internship experiences will Westat is an employee-
to hire an experienced Cer- seeks to hire an experienced al. Classification: Education nomic Impact. Classification: TA's) Office of Bus Transporta- Specialist position plays a tracts Administrator to work vated Marketing Coordinator be hosted virtually, or on-site owned corporation provid-
tified Surgical Tech for our Patient Care Technician for Support Spec 3. Job Catego- Financial Svcs Manager 1. tion is seeking a highly moti- critical role in the success of at our corporate headquar- (Hybrid) to join our Mid-At- at our U.S. office-based loca- ing research services to
Operating Room who will our Heart & Vascular Unit ry: Classified Staff. Job Type: Job Category: Classified Staff. vated, Transit Service Planner the Washington Metropoli- ters located in Fairfax, VA. lantic Marketing Team that tions. Our interns can expect agencies of the U.S. Govern-
embrace our mission to ex- who will embrace our mis- Full-Time. Work Schedule: Job Type: Full-Time. Work II to develop, coordinate, and tan Area Transit Authority's Dewberry is a leading, mar- will be based in our Fairfax, to work 40 hours per week, ment, as well as businesses,
tend God's care through the sion to extend God's care Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/ Schedule: Full-time (1.0 FTE, implement shuttle projects for (WMATA's) Metro Transit Po- ket-facing professional ser- VA, Gainesville, VA, Leesburg Monday through Friday. The foundations, and state and
ministry of physical, mental through the ministry of phys- wk). Location: Fairfax. Tele- 40 hrs/wk). Location: Fairfax, Metrorail shutdowns. We are lice Department. Police Com- vices firm with more than 50 VA, Lanham, MD, Rockville, program will begin on Mon- local governments. Westat's
and spiritual healing. As an ical, mental, and spiritual work Friendly: Yes. Pay Band: VA. Telework Friendly: Yes. seeking a self-motivated and munication Specialists are locations and 2,000 profes- MD, or Baltimore offices. Our day, June 3, 2024, and end research, technical, and ad-
Operating Room Certified& healing. As a Patient Care& 04. Salary: Salary& Pay Band: 05. Salary: Salary& organized professional& responsible for answering& sionals nationwide. What& Mid-Atlantic Marketing& by August 16, 2024. During& ministrative staff of more&

Fairfax County Government Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fairfax Water Alexandria City Public Schools The MIL Corporation (MIL)
Government and Public Services3Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Airport Operations/Management3The Metropolitan Washington Science3Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir- Education3Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di- Government Contractor3Established in 1980, MIL provides inno-
verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- Airports Authority operates a two-airport system that provides ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every five Vir- verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di- vative cyber, engineering, financial, and information technology
tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the domestic and international air service for the mid-Atlantic re- ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5 versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun- services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts
County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median gion. The organization consists of approximately 1,700 employ- million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax, tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow help advance customer operations through proven tools and
household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the ees in a structure that includes central administration, airports Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa- of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse, methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support,
nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- management, and police and fire departments. In addition to ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh- but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a
lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County operating Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success. critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our
also is home to an extensive commercial office market and is Dulles International Airports, the Airports Authority is respon- demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in The children of Alexandria have benefited significantly from the clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili-
a major employment center. Fairfax County Government is a& sible for capital improvements at both airports and& 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a& strong support of City Council and the Alexandria& gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber&
Public Safety Communicator I3 Director, Homeless Services Senior Contracting Officer Toll Road General Meter Technician II/III3 Junior Operator/Plant Director II, HR Compensation Speech Language Help Desk Support I3 Business Analysis, Senior
Fairfax (Housing And Community (Engineering & Construction)-13 Maintenance Worker3 Fairfax Operator3Herndon & Benefits3Alexandria Pathologist3Alexandria Washington D.C. Analyst (CAW Support)3
DPSC, also known as Fairfax Development Assistant Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Under the supervision of the Under close supervision of The Director of Compensa- The Speech-Language Pa- Clearance Required: Public Washington D.C.
County 9-1-1, is a nation- Division Director)3Fairfax Responsible for procurement Compensation Grade: T15. Supervisor, Meter Services, the Supervisor, Plant Pro- tion and Benefits manages thologist provides services Trust. Education Required: Clearance Required: Other.
ally recognized public safety The Director of Homeless activities, primarily related to Salary Range: $24.56-$31.93. installs, repairs, and main- duction or Lead Operator, and administers all com- to students with communi- HS/GED. US Citizenship: Re- Education Required: BA/BS.
communications agency and Services performs an impor- engineering, construction, infra- Opening Date: January 12, tains 5/8" through 6" water performs routine operational pensation and benefits pro- cation disorders in the areas quired. The MIL Corporation US Citizenship: Required.
we are searching for new tant leadership role in the structure, and facilities improve- 2024. Closing Date: January meters and provides assis- and general maintenance grams. The Director aligns of written and oral language, seeks a Tier I Service Desk The MIL Corporation seeks a
team members. DPSC is the Office to Prevent and End ments. This position performs 27, 2024. Please Note: All tance for working on larger tasks involved in the opera- the compensation and ben- articulation, fluency, and/or Analyst to support a Fed- Business Analysis, Senior An-
largest 9-1-1 Center in the Homelessness (OPEH). Under and manages a wide range of job announcements close at sized meters. Examples of tion of water treatment plant efits programs to support voice within the educational eral government client at alyst (CAW Support) to sup-
Commonwealth of Virginia, the supervision of the Depu- contracting functions, from pro- 11:59 p.m. of the day before Duties Installs, repairs, and equipment and facilities on a total compensation and the setting. Qualifications: Edu- one of our Washington, D.C. port a Federal Government
one of the ten largest in the ty Director responsible for curement planning, solicitation, the posted closing date. As a maintains 5/8" through 2" rotating shift basis. Examples Division's five-year strategic cation: Master's degree in Metropolitan area locations. client on site in Washington,
United States, as well as& OPEH, this position directs& and evaluation of bids, and& Toll Road General& water meters and provides& of Duties Performs routine& plan. The Director& Speech-Language& Responsibilities Diagnose& D.C. Responsibilities Track&

The Foundation Schools AARP Capital One City Of Alexandria Virginia Appian Corporation
Education3The Foundation Schools has provided psychoeduca- Associations3AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, social welfare Financial Services and Banking3We Don9t Only Think Big Government and Public Services3The City of Alexandria is an Technology and Software3Appian helps organizations build
tional programs for students since 1975. A variety of talented organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim Things4At Capital One, We Do Big Things. You9re dedicated to award-winning, innovative, and progressive local govern- apps and workflows rapidly, with a low-code automation plat-
staff members is needed to ensure the smooth and successful is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and your career.You deserve professional satisfaction and personal ment that brings together elected leaders, residents, busi- form. Combining people, technologies, and data in a single
operation of the educational and clinical programs at our three dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and fulfillment. You belong at Capital One. Here, every day brings nesses, and staff to foster a thriving community. We are an workflow, Appian can help companies maximize their resourc-
schools located in Largo, Landover Gaithersburg, Maryland. fight for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and another chance to do impactful work that matters: helping independent, full-service city, providing the services typically es and improve business results. Many of the world9s largest
Our Administrative Office is located in Largo, Maryland. We of- their families; such as health care, employment security and millions of customers confidently manage their money, build- operated by both counties and cities in areas such as public organizations use Appian applications to improve customer
fer a supportive working environment, excellent resources and retirement planning. ing stronger communities and delivering truly disruptive tech. safety, transportation, human services, parks and recreation, experience, achieve operational excellence, and simplify global
a competitive salary and benefit package. The mission of The You9ll give your all alongside some of the brightest, most resil- planning, and administration. We offer a wide range of exciting risk management and compliance.
Foundation Schools is to serve the special education needs& ient people in the industry4and in return, you9ll enjoy& career opportunities in a variety of fields, with the resources&
Middle School (Language Dedicated Aide - Special Foundation Litigation Public Policy Intern3 Senior Data Engineer3 Part Time Branch Residential Counselor3 Human Services Program Lead Site Reliability Engineer (LSRE)3McLean
Arts/Social Studies) Education3Gaithersburg Intern (Summer)3 Washington D.C. McLean, VA Ambassador3Walker, LA Alexandria Manager, Foster Care and Support our customers, responding to escalation from our
Teacher - $3,000 Hiring The Foundation Schools is a Washington D.C. AARP is the nation's largest Do you love building and The Reimagined Branch Please apply if you9re a Com- Adoption3Alexandria customer support department, so that our product is con-
Incentive3Gaithersburg special education day school AARP Foundation is the nonprofit, nonpartisan orga- pioneering in the technology Experience: Welcome to a passionate Employee seeking The City of Alexandria is lo- stantly accessible. Serve as key team member, providing
The Foundation Schools is a which delivers innovative charitable affiliate of AARP. nization dedicated to em- space? Do you enjoy solving new idea in banking. Here at a multifaceted position with a cated in Northern Virginia code reviews, feedback on designs, and mentoring junior
special education day school school programs and sup- We work to end senior pov- powering people 50 and old- complex business problems Capital One, we're redefining versatile schedule. Overview: and is bordered by the Dis- developers. Contribute to definition&
which delivers innovative port services for children erty by helping vulnerable er to choose how they live as in a fast-paced, collabora- how people bank. You see, Are you compassionate and trict of Columbia (Potomac
school programs and sup- and adolescents with emo- older adults build economic they age. With a nationwide tive, inclusive, and iterative we believe banking should committed to helping others River), Arlington and Fairfax
port services for children tional disabilities, autism opportunity and social con- presence, AARP strengthens delivery environment? At fit our customers' everyday achieve their dreams? Do you counties. With a population
and adolescents with emo- spectrum disorders and nectedness. We run a public communities and advocates Capital One, you'll be part lives-not& enjoy advocating for those of approximately 150,000
tional disabilities, autism other learning challenges. interest law firm that takes for what matters most to the of a& you support& and a land area of 15.75
spectrum disorders and& For over 40 years, The& on cutting-edge impact& more than 100 million& square miles. Alexandria is&

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FRAZZ By Jef Mallett

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NANCY By Olivia Jaimes NON SEQUITUR By Wiley



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BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall WUMO By Mikael Wulff & Anders Morgenthaler

DUSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Jim Keefe

BIG NATE By Lincoln Peirce

REPLY ALL LITE By Donna A. Lewis LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

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JUDGE PARKER By Francesco Marciuliano & Mike Manley

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The rules of Samurai Sudoku are the same as in the popular

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