Pe 12 Week 2 Las 1

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Name:_____________________________________Grade&Sec: ____________________Score:__________

School:___________________________Teacher:___________________Subject:PE & Health 12

LAS Writer: Jether P. Llorito Content Editors: Margielin A. Paulo,Maylene S. Ortigas

Alex F. Floro
Lesson Topic:Physiological Indicators Quarter 3 Wk. 2 LAS #1
Learning Targets: Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate of perceived exertion and pacing
associated with Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities (MVPAs) to monitor and / or adjust
participation or effort. PEH12FH-IIk-t-9
Solve for the maximum heart rate and target heart rate.
References: Department of Education. Physical Education Teacher’s Guide.Philippines.2016
Urbiztondo.Mangubat, et al. HOPE 1.Health Optimizing Physical Education.Finess.Vibal Group
Inc. Philippines.2
Arthur Fernandez Turpio – Physical Education (HOPE I) Romeo P. GonzalvoJr – Physical
Education and Health (For Senior High School) Darilag, Vergara, et al - Enjoy Life with P.E.

Physiological indicator is used to measure Heart rate after physical activities. Pulse rate is the number
of heart beats per minute. The resting pulse rate for an average adult is between 60 and 80 beats per minute and for
children 11-17 is between 60-100. Your pulse is measured by counting the number of times your heart beats in
one minute. Maximum heart rate is the maximum number of beats made by your heart in 1 minute of
effort.Target heart rate (THR / training heart rate) is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic
exercise which enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout.

Two ways to measure heart rate/pulse rate

1. Measure your heart rate by placing two fingers gently against your wrist (don't use your thumb). If it is hard to
feel the pulse in your wrist, find the artery in your neck that is just to either side of the windpipe. ...
2. Count the beats per minute.

RESTING HEART 11-17 yrs. Old 60-100 bpm

Formula: 220 - age = Hrmxbpm Ex. 220 - 12 = 208 bpm


Formula: 220 – Your age = ______ Ex. 220 – 18 = 202 bpm

____x .70 = Target Heart Rate Ex. 202 x .70 = 141.4 bpm

Activity 1: Count your Resting Heart Rate. 5 points.

Beat per minute= ___________________

Activity 2: Show your solution to get your Maximum Heart Rate (Hrmax). 5 points

Activity 3: Show your solution to get your Target Heart Rate (THR)

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