Heinle - Perspectives 3 Lesson Planner
Heinle - Perspectives 3 Lesson Planner
Heinle - Perspectives 3 Lesson Planner
Lesson Planner
Hugh Dellar
Andrew Walkley
Printed in China
Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2018
Introduction iv
4 Cultural Transformation 44
6 Adapt to Survive 68
8 Common Ground 92
10 Life-changing 116
There are several things you can do to help students get more Independent learners
from pair and group work. We can’t cover all the language students need in class, so it is
• Make sure you always explain the activity clearly before important that we help them become independent learners.
splitting students up into pairs/groups. An essential part of that is for students to make good use of
dictionaries, both bilingual and monolingual.
• Give models to show the kind of speaking you expect.
• Check understanding by asking the class to tell you what they A bilingual dictionary is good for when they are looking for a word
are going to do before they do it. in English. You could encourage their use, for example, in the
brainstorming activities mentioned earlier. You might give students
• Give a clear time limit.
the topic of the next unit and, for homework, get them to create a
• Monitor the class carefully to check that everyone is doing phrase book that they think may be useful to talk about the topic.
what you want them to do, and to see how students are
doing with the activity. A monolingual dictionary is better when they have the English
word and need to know not just the meaning, but also the
• Have extra activities ready for any students who finish before
grammar, collocations, and other aspects of usage connected
the others. There are Optional and Expansion activities
with it. You can help students become independent by getting
provided in this book.
them to use a monolingual dictionary when doing vocabulary
• Finish with some feedback. This may mean looking at errors, activities instead of pre-teaching the key language beforehand.
exploring new language, and/or asking students to share
their ideas. After Critical Thinking activities, you may also want When you go through answers to activities, you can check the
to comment and expand on students’ ideas. meaning and other aspects of the word by asking students
questions, such as: What other things can you X? Why might you
A clear voice Y? Can you give three examples of Z?
Developing a clear voice in English is about learning language You will see specific examples of such questions in the teaching
and expressing your own views, but it is also about how we notes. As well as asking questions like these, you can also: give
can help students with pronunciation, become independent extra examples, ask students to find examples in a dictionary, and
learners, and achieve the scores they need on exams. get students to create sentences that are related to their lives.
Exam skills
Help with pronunciation
In the Lesson Planner you will find tips that you can share with
There are activities that focus on aspects of pronunciation in students to help them achieve good scores on their exams.
every unit of Perspectives as well as the Authentic Listening Skills Some of these tips are about being an independent learner,
sections in Lesson D. These highlight features of natural speech using a dictionary, and knowing what to review. That’s because
that may be difficult. In these sections, students can attempt to (as you probably know), fundamentally, students do better
copy speakers’ pronunciation. However, we see these sections when they know more language!
more as opportunities for students to experiment with how
they sound in English and find their own voice, so: The exam skills also give advice on specific activity types in the
Student Book that are commonly found on international and local
• don’t expect students to be perfectly accurate.
exams. Some of these tips may be repeated at different levels and
• treat the answer key as a guide. you might want to reinforce the point by checking if students
• judge students’ efforts according to their intelligibility. remember them each time the activity type comes up in class.
Introduction v
Unit Walkthrough
Vocabulary gives students the language they need to respond while
they think about the unit theme in new and interesting ways.
vi Introduction
Listening and Grammar 1
Listening and grammar exercises continue to develop structures and skills
through authentic content. Grammar 1 usually reviews previous knowledge
before building on it.
Engaging content teaches students about the world as well Sustained context provides meaningful and
as contextualizing the target grammar. motivating practice.
lISTEnIng graMMar Modals and meaning 10 Read about National Geographic explorer Cagan 11 Rewrite the underlined parts in Activity 10 using modals.
9 Look at the Grammar box. Then compare the first and Sekercioglu. What similarities can you find with what Use each modal in the Grammar box at least once.
6 Listen to the interview with a conservationist.
second sentence in each item below. Notice the changes you heard in the interview? Think about:
Who mentions these points—the interviewer (I), 12 Write nine sentences about yourself, using a different
the conservationist (C), or both (B)? 27
in the use of modals. What is the difference in meaning? 1 the rate of extinction. modal in each sentence. Your teacher will read the
1 You might stop weak species from going extinct. 2 the importance of conservation. sentences to the class. Guess who the person is.
1 Most animals have died out.
You will stop weak species from going extinct. 3 what happens to animals that adapt and then face a
2 Conservation goes against evolution.
2 Maybe we shouldn’t interfere. sudden change. 13 My PErSPEcTIVE
3 Genetic changes through evolution do not make a
species more perfect. We must not interfere. Growing up in Turkey, Cagan Sekercioglu was once taken
3 “The survival of the fittest” can suggest evolution is a kind Make a list of animals, habitats, jobs, languages, customs,
4 Animals can’t choose to adapt to a new environment. to a child psychologist because he (1) constantly brought activities, or skills that are at risk of dying out. Would you
5 Human activity is increasing the number of extinctions. of competition. small animals and insects back to his house. Fortunately, it
“The survival of the fittest” suggests evolution is a kind try to preserve any of them? Why?
6 We must protect endangered species because we can. didn’t end his interest in wildlife, and now he’s a professor
7 Conservation is expensive. of competition. of biology working to protect birds in countries such as
8 Humans may become extinct sooner rather than later. 4 If that habitat disappeared for whatever reason, they’d Costa Rica, Australia, Ethiopia, the United States, and Turkey.
easily die out. He says (2) losing 25 percent of all bird species this century
7 What reasons for possible human extinction did you hear When the habitat disappears, the animals die out. is a possibility, and that whatever happens to birds (3) is
in the interview? Listen again and check. 27 5 Will you leave it there? certain to happen to other animals and even people. The
Could you leave it there? question is not if (4) it’s better for us to do something about
8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. it, but when (5) are we going to decide to do something
Modals and meaning
1 Do you like television shows about the natural world? and (6) what are we going to decide to do?
A modal (would, will, may, might, could, can, should, shall,
What was the last one you saw? What was it about?
must) adds a general meaning to another verb to show a In Costa Rica, he’s found that species (7) sometimes become
2 Have you studied anything about conservation at school?
speaker’s attitude or intention. endangered because the area of forest they live in shrinks
What other things did you learn?
3 Would you like to be a conservationist? What might be The first thing that will strike people is… as it becomes surrounded by agriculture. The birds are so
good or bad about the job? = I am certain it strikes people. well adapted to a certain part of the forest that they
4 Have you ever taken action to protect something? What (8) refuse to move, even when bigger areas of forest
The first thing that should strike people is… (9) are possibly close by. Cagan says (10) it’s essential that
did you do? = I believe it strikes people, but I'm not certain. conservationists work with local people to improve the
Other meanings are: certainty, uncertainty, obligation, situation by explaining to farmers why (11) they’re better
permission, suggestion, possibility, and frequency (habit). off encouraging bird diversity. For example, if farmers
encourage birds to live on their land, (12) the birds will
eat insects that destroy their crops, which could possibly
Check the Grammar Reference for more information
increase farmers’ profits.
and practice.
Introduction vii
Vocabulary Building, Reading, and Critical Thinking
Reading helps students to become critical consumers of information.
The focus on building vocabulary helps students Reading texts with a global perspective
understand the way words work together. encourage students to think expansively about
the world, and are also recorded for extra
listening practice for classes who need it.
6B Tree life? 5 Work in pairs. Look at the photo on page 73 and discuss
the questions.
Vocabulary buIldIng 1 Where do you think this animal is found?
2 What is unusual about it?
compound nouns 3 How do you think the photographer was able to get 10:31 AM 85%
Tree Octopus
made from, or other aspects of the second noun, such as 7 Which statements are supported by the article?
where it is found.
Underline the parts of the article which helped you make
Bookstores are dying out in our country because people are your decisions.
buying books online. 1 The tree octopus is the most endangered creature in the
Ice ages caused the extinction of many species. United States. frOm exTincTiOn
2 Washington State is one of the wettest places in the US.
3 The tree octopus may provide clues about how early sea ABOUT hElP FaQs SIghTIngS MEdIa acTIVITIES lInkS
1 Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. creatures adapted to live on land.
1 We often go skiing in the Olympic Mountains / Mountain 4 The animals often live in small groups. About
28 About Whyitit’s
Why endangered
is endangered
Olympics, north of here. 5 Many companies that cut down trees in the forests are 1 The
Northwesttree treeoctopus
octopus (Octopus
(Octopus Althoughthe
Although thetree
octopusis isnotnotyetyetononthethe
2 On average, there is 20 centimeters of rainfall / fallrain not doing enough to protect octopuses. Paxarbolis)
found inin the
the forests
forests of 30
30 officiallist
official listofofendangered
endangered animals,
animals, it should
it should
here in March. 6 Octopuses are affected by pollution. WashingtonState,
Washington State,ononthe
eastern side
side ofof the be,
be as numbers
numbersare arenow
seriously low.
low.It It faces
3 Many environmental charities run campaign social 8 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Olympic Mountains,ininthetheUnited
United States.
States. faces
manymany threats:
threats: treestrees in Pacific-Northwest
in the Pacific Northwest
media / social media campaigns. Thesecreatures
5 5These creaturesreach
reachan anaverage
average size
size of forests
down; new
4 Scientists believe there might be many sea creatures / 1 Did you know about the tree octopus before? If not, what between3030and
between and35 35centimetres
centimeters andand live
live for
for roads have cut
new roads off cut
have access
off to water;
access tothe growth
creature seas that still have not been discovered. surprised you most? aroundfour
around fouryears.
Theyare areunusual
unusual in in that
that 35
35 of local towns has introduced
the growth of local towns has house cats into
5 I really like our teacher science / science teacher. She brings 2 Should people care about the tree octopus? Why? theylive
they liveboth
waterandandonon land,
land, aa fact
fact the region,
house catswhich hunt
into the the octopuses;
region, and theyand hunt
the subject to life. madepossible
made possibleby bythe
high amounts
amounts of of pollution is getting
the octopuses andworse. Immediate
pollution is gettingaction
9 Look at the source for the article. Do you think it is 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. needs to be action
taken toneeds
stop the treetaken
6 I avoid all animal products / product animals. I don’t even reliable? What other sources could you check to make 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. Immediate to be to stop
wear shoe leather / leather shoes. from becoming extinct.
sure the information is accurate? Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, the tree octopus from becoming extinct.
Possessing the largest brain of any octopus,
2 Work in groups. Starting with these compound nouns,
the tree octopus explores its surroundings by
the tree octopus explores its surroundings by Become
Becomean anactivist
10 Listen to a news extract about the tree octopus story. touch and sight. Some scientists believe that Here are some things you can do to help
how many other compound nouns can you create touch and sight. Some scientists believe that 40
Here are some things you can do to help
Answer the questions. 29 the way it has adapted to life in the forest 40
protect the last few tree octopuses:
by changing one word each time? Use a dictionary, if the way it has adapted to life in the forest protect the last few tree octopuses.
15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to
necessary. 1 Why is the story mentioned? 15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to
life away from the water. Although they are
• Write to the government to say you are
• worried
Write toand
government to say
treeyou are
2 What do the findings seem to suggest? life
socialfrom the water.
animals Although
like humans, theythey
you feel the octopus
farm animal leather shoes rainfall science teacher worriedbeand
should giventhatspecial
you feel the treeand
protection octopus
not social
show animalsbylike
emotions humans,
changing they
their can
skin color: should be
included ongiven special protection
the Endangered and
Species List.
redshow emotions
indicates angerby andchanging
white, fear. theirNormally,
skin 45
ice age: ice cream; cream cheese; cheesecake crITIcal ThInkIng Assessing information 20colour:
though, redthey
indicates anger and white,
are a green-brown fear.
color that
45 included on the Endangered Species List.
• Write to celebrities, asking them to talk in
20 Normally, though, they are a green-brown • interviews
Write to celebrities
about the asking
dangersthem tothe
facing talk
You will often see information or read something that is matches their surroundings.
colour that matches their surroundings. about
tree the dangers facing the tree octopus
rEadIng unfamiliar. You need to do further reading to check the Every spring, tree octopuses leave their in interviews.
• Let the world know about the tree
information is accurate and from a reliable source. Every
homes spring, tree octopuses
and travel to the coast leave their Males
to breed.
3 Choose one animal from these categories that you 50 • octopus:
Let the world know
tell your about
family andthe tree
homes and travel
soon return toforest,
to the the coast
while to females
breed. Males
are familiar with, and one that you would like to learn 50 octopus:
• Tell tellnot
people your family
to buy and friends.
products made
11 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions lay their
25soon return eggs underwater.
to the The young
forest, while femalesthenlay
more about. spend
25 their eggs their first monthThe
underwater. or so floating
young thennear the
spend • by
people notthattodon’t protect themade
buy products tree
1 Why do you think so many people believe this story? octopus when cutting
by companies down
that don’t trees. the tree
their firstbefore
month moving
or so out of thenear
floating water and
to the
farm animals pets sea creatures wild animals 2 Looking back, is there anything in the story that should beginning
shore beforetheir adultout
moving lives
and octopus
• Start whencampaign!
an online cutting down trees.
have made you more suspicious?
beginning their adult lives. 55 • people
Start antoonline
sign a campaign!
petition. Encourage
4 Work in groups. Compare the animals you chose. Explain Source: http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/
12 My PErSPEcTIVE 55 people to sign a petition.
your choices.
Work in groups. What are the consequences of fake
news stories?
Carefully chosen activity types provide The focus on critical thinking teaches students
practice of common question formats found the skills and strategies they need to evaluate
on international exams. new information.
viii Introduction
Grammar 2
Grammar 2 continues to develop students’ understanding of grammar with
a new topic.
2 Listen to the people again. Complete the sentences. 30 a Listen to each sentence from Activity 4. Notice how
have changes its sound in fast speech. Repeat what
1a I attention when I read about it. you hear. 31
1b All the links about the different kinds of tree octopuses go to the same page. I b Work in pairs. Practice reading the sentences in
really that. Activity 4 slowly and quickly.
1c Even my little brother me that the photos were fake.
2a I mean, you me how cruel it was, and I honestly 6 Complete the summary using the modals and the
. correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Make one
dinogorgon became extinct a quarter of a billion
2b I don’t know, but if it was that, it an impact because I’ve modal negative.
years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
been vegan for quite some time now.
Reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster
3a I touch one or pick one up if the chance had arisen.
3b I certainly about owning one, that’s (1) soon (will / go on)
for a century! In 1933, a man named George Spicer reported Atmospheric Administration. The Bloop was significantly
for sure.
seeing something that looked like a plesiosaur, a kind of different from other previously recorded sounds and many
3c Our favorite is a python called Monty. We him for three
long-necked marine dinosaur. Some people think such a theories emerged to explain the mysterious noise.
years this November.
creature (2) very easily (could / survive)
in the quiet Scottish waters, away from people, while others
8 Read about what really happened. Student A: read about
3 Look at the sentences in Activity 2. Answer the questions.
are convinced that Spicer (3) (must / lie) the Great Dying; Student B: read about the Bloop. See if
1 Which sentence describes a period leading up to a future point? or that he (4) (might / see) a piece of you guessed correctly. Then report back to your partner.
2 Are the other sentences about the past, the present, or the future? wood covered in green water plants. Most scientists question Student a: The great dying
3 Which modal emphasizes that an action was in progress at the same the whole story and claim that a creature like this Many theories to explain the Great Dying have been put
time as another? (5) (can / live) in the loch* for so long forward—everything from asteroids from space hitting
Modals and infinitive forms without any real human contact. If it was real, they say, it Earth to huge volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes did in fact play
(6) (would / capture) by now—or at least a part in the event. At the time, Siberian volcanoes were
Modals can be followed by different kinds of infinitive forms. caught on film. Others, though, suspect that the monster erupting almost constantly, sending out huge quantities of
I can’t see it. (7) (might / develop) special skills that help a gas called methane. This resulted in the oceans and the
We should be doing more to help. it to hide from those hunting it. Even today, true believers can atmosphere being poisoned and so many species dying out.
It wouldn’t have made any difference. be found on the shores of the loch trying to spot a beast that Student b: The bloop
You can’t have been listening properly. (8) (should / die out) 65 million years ago. Theories put forward to explain the Bloop ranged from the
More attention must be paid to this issue. sensible to the strange. Some people thought the noise
The eggs must have been moved from the nest. loch a Scottish word for a lake.
must be from an unknown deep-sea creature while others
thought it could be mermaids or voices from a lost city. In
7 Work in pairs. Read the two paragraphs about mysteries the end, it turned out that the sound was actually made by
Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. of the natural world. Then discuss what you think an icequake. A large mass of ice in Antarctica was slowly
4 Work in groups. Look at the Grammar box. Does each pair of sentences happened. Use modals where necessary. breaking up and was picked up by NOAA.
have the same meaning? Discuss any differences. The great dying 9 chooSE
1a They must not have been serious. Around 250 million years ago, long before dinosaurs
1b They must have been joking. roamed the Earth, about 95 percent of all species were Choose one of the following activities.
2a I should have helped him. suddenly wiped out. This was by far the biggest mass
Mount Merapi erupts in • Work in groups. Prepare a short presentation about a
2b I would have helped him. extinction the world has ever seen. The event—widely
Indonesia. Volcanic gases are mystery you have read about or know. Include at least
3a It must have been really interesting. known as the Great Dying—came close to ending all life
made up of many different four different modals.
gases, including methane.
3b It was really interesting. on the planet. Everything alive today comes from the five
4a I guess that might have been the reason. percent of species that survived back then. • Write a story about something you regret doing—or not
4b I guess that could have been the reason. doing. Include at least four different modals.
The bloop
5a You shouldn’t have texted me. • Work in pairs. Write a conversation between two people
The Bloop was an extremely low and very powerful
5b You shouldn’t have been texting me. about an influential or inspiring person. Include at least
underwater sound first detected at points across the
6a It should have arrived by now. four different modals.
vast Pacific Ocean by NOAA, the National Oceanic and
6b It will have arrived by now.
Students are guided through an analysis of the grammar Examples in a grammar box provide clear
that gives them a deeper understanding of how it works. models for students.
A Choose activity gives students an opportunity
for independent learning.
Introduction ix
Authentic Listening Skills and TED Talk
TED Talks help students understand real-world English at their level, building
their confidence and allowing them to engage with topics that matter.
The focus on skills needed to deal with authentic ocabulary in Context activities focus on
pieces of listening prepares students for level-appropriate, high-frequency words and
real-world interactions. phrases from the TED Talk.
Read about Latif Nasser and get ready to watch his TED Talk. 6.0
auThEnTIc lISTEnIng SkIllS 3 Work in pairs. Write down as many other facts about 6 Watch Part 2 of the talk again. Choose the correct 9 Vocabulary In conTEXT
understanding fast speech camels as you can. Then compare your ideas with another options. 6.2
a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct
pair of students . Do any of the other pair’s facts surprise
In quick speech, it can be difficult to hear individual words 1 Scientists believe that at first, camels were only found in meanings of the words and phrases. 6.4
you? Why?
because words get shortened or sound as one. hot places / cold places. b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Complete the summary with 2 They also believe that 40 million years ago, there were
around 20 / 24 different species of camels. 1 Have you ever experienced hitting a wall? Why? How
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen one to three words in each blank. 6.1 did you overcome it?
to these extracts from the TED Talk where people speak 3 They say that some early camels were as small as dogs /
rabbits. 2 What scientific theories still have no proof?
quickly. Try to write down what you hear. 32 One day in 2006, Natalia Rybczynski was digging at a site
4 They also say that one branch of camels became llamas / 3 What good spots do you know to:
less than (1) south of the North
1 …she thought it was just a splinter of wood, because giraffes. • have a picnic?
Pole when she found a strange object. To begin with, she
at the Fyles Leaf Bed before— 5 Some scientists believe that a camel’s hump helped it to • see wildlife?
thought it was a piece of (2) . She
prehistoric plant parts. survive long walks / winters. • hang out with friends?
collected more fragments over the next four years and
2 How certain were you that you had it right, like… that 6 It is believed that three and a half million years ago, the • watch the world go by?
eventually used a (3) to find out
, like? weather was significantly warmer / cooler than today. 4 What things would you be willing or unwilling to do to
that it was a (4) of a huge mammal.
3 …something like a cow or a sheep. But be successful in life?
When they cut a piece off one fragment, they
. It was just too big. (5) collagen, which is a substance
7 Watch Part 3 of the talk. Which sentence best
4 …you’re going to have different body sizes. summarizes the point Latif is making? 6.3 CHALLENGE
found in bones and which (6)
, so they’re actually functionally in the ice. A couple of years later, she sent the fragments a It’s important to change your mind about things. Think of a time in your life when you have had
like giraffes. to a colleague who had invented a technique called b Scientists should also study history. to rethink what you thought you knew about
5 And, as a historian, you start with an idea . (7) , which can identify an c Much of what we think we know might be wrong. something—or someone.
animal from a bone. They discovered it was a(n) d Camels are well suited to different environments.
(8) million-year-old camel and • What did you use to believe? Why?
WaTch 8 What discoveries or news have you heard about the • What caused you to rethink your beliefs?
that it must have weighed (9) ,
2 Work in groups. Do you think the sentences are true or which is (10) than camels today. natural world recently? Think about: • Did you develop your new ideas quickly or slowly?
false? Why? • How do you feel about the thing or person now?
• archaeology.
5 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Check your answers from • new or lost species. Work in groups. Tell each other your experiences.
1 Camels have been around for about a million years.
Activity 2. Correct the false answers. 6.2 • the sea. Ask and answer questions about the changes.
2 The first camels were only found in North America.
3 Giraffes and llamas are in the same family as camels. Camels have been around longer than a million years. • medical advances. Decide who experienced the biggest change.
4 The hump on a camel’s back contains water. According to Latif, they have been around for 45 million
5 Camels have evolved to walk on sand. years.
x Introduction
Speaking and Writing
Lesson E allows students to put their own voices to the themes they have been
discussing, while developing key strategies for speaking and writing.
Useful language boxes highlight the E ach writing section focuses on a Writing models provide the text for analysis as well
language students need to communicate common text type and provides as being a handy reference. Models are printed
in person and in writing. training in a useful writing skill. in the back of the book with writing skills and
strategies annotated.
Introduction xi
Hugh Dellar
Andrew Walkley
Lewis laNSFOrD
Daniel BarBer
Amanda JeFFrIeS
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Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they
need to find their own voice in English. The carefully-guided language lessons, real-world
stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate effectively.
Every unit explores one idea from different perspectives, giving learners
opportunities for practicing language as they look at the world in new ways.
Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate
new information and develop their own opinions and ideas to share.
Students respond to the unit theme and express their own ideas confidently in English.
4 Cultural Transformation
Pages 44–55
6 Adapt to Survive
Pages 68–79
8 Common Ground
Pages 92–103
10 Life-changing
Pages 116–127
Grammar Reference 128 Irregular Verbs 148 Writing Bank 149 Word Lists 154
1 Travel, Trust, and
1 Travel, Trust,
and Tourism
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about traveling abroad and the
different experiences people have when they travel to new Jemaa el-Fnaa is the main marketplace of Marrakesh, a
places. They’ll learn about the original reasons for student city in central Morocco. Morocco is located in western
exchange programs, hear about the experiences of two students North Africa just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain
who took part in such programs, and consider the best way to in southwestern Europe. Jemaa el-Fnaa is in the heart of
conduct student exchanges in today’s world. the historic part of the city, called the medina, which is a
UNESCO World Heritage site. Much of the medina is still
Students will also learn how traveling abroad for an extended surrounded by walls that were built in the 12th century, as
period of time used to be a regular practice among wealthy was a nearby mosque.
young aristocrats in the past. They’ll consider the practice of
hitchhiking, formerly popular but now in decline—its positive Language note Students will encounter the term culture
aspects and possible reasons for its decline. On the flip side, shock, the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone
they’ll hear from someone who had an idea for a business who is suddenly far from home and subjected to an unfamiliar
for which the concept of mutual trust became central to its culture, way of life, or set of attitudes. Culture shock is generally
success—indeed, was built into the business’s very design. temporary and is said to have four different stages: honeymoon
Finally, students will write a review of a place they’ve visited. (positive feelings of excitement), frustration (annoyance with a
strange language and customs), adjustment (travelers begin to
feel more comfortable), and acceptance (familiarity grows and
Unit Objectives travelers discover helpful resources).
• Experiences abroad
• Vocabulary Building Phrasal verbs Warm Up
• Hold the book up and point to the photo or project it using
Grammar the Classroom Presentation Tool. Invite students to tell
• Grammar 1 Present and past forms what they like or don’t like about it. Ask questions such as
• Grammar 2 Used to and would the following:
1. Where was this photo taken? (Jemaa el-Fnaa, a square and
Reading marketplace in Marrakesh, Morocco)
• Hitchhiking 2. What kind of public space is this? (a market where people
shop and eat) Are there places like this where you live?
TED Talk 3. Why do people come to places like this? (to buy food and
• Joe Gebbia: How Airbnb designs for trust gifts, meet friends, enjoy the atmosphere)
• Ask the class what they think the message of the photo is.
Pronunciation Put them in pairs to think about and discuss it for a minute.
• To in natural speech • Choose students to give their ideas and help them express
them in English.
• Making suggestions
• Reacting to suggestions Resources
• Classroom Presentation Tool
Writing • Tracks 1–6 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• A review
6 Work in pairs. Do you think that the old or new way of doing student
exchanges is better? Why? Answers will vary.
1 Kenji had visited several countries before studying abroad Present and past forms
in Munich. F a I was actually thinking about canceling my trip.
2 He was really excited about studying abroad. F b I’d been wanting to go there for ages.
3 His host family helped him develop a better c We’re talking about study-abroad programs.
understanding of the German language. T d I’d never left Argentina!
4 He’s still in touch with his host family. T e I spent six months in Germany last year.
5 Catalina has family roots* in Italy. T f I miss my host family.
6 She felt at home as soon as she arrived. F
7 After a few weeks, she spoke enough Italian to do what Check the Grammar Reference for more information
she needed to do. T and practice.
8 She’s glad she went to Italy, but has no plans to go back. F
family roots original place where a family is from
Teaching Tip • If students are still unsure of an answer, play the key parts of
the track. Draw attention to any problem words or concepts
You can help students get ready to listen by introducing
(for example, in touch, family roots, felt at home) and explain
a key word, phrase, or concept from the listening. In
them when you confirm the answer.
this case, the words tolerance and maturity are good
candidates for preteaching—one is stated as a key
10 Ask a student to read the directions aloud. Then have
reason for creating study-abroad programs; the other
students call out the benefits and issues around study-
is identified by a student as one of the results of his
abroad programs that they have already heard about, such
experience abroad.
as the ability to improve a language.
• Decide whether students can do this on their own, or put
7 Tell students that they’re going to listen to the first part them in pairs so they can work together to identify other
of a podcast about study-abroad programs. For a little benefits and possible challenges of these programs. Give
background, write the word tolerance on the board. Ask them a few minutes to think and discuss. Then they should
students what it means and record any appropriate responses. tackle the two activity questions. Provide some words as
• Tell the class to first imagine that they’re going to study prompts to support students’ discussions, such as emotions,
abroad to improve their English. Ask What country would transport, money, family, nationality, culture.
you choose to study English in? Call on a few students to tell
where they would like to study and why. GRAMMAR Present and past forms
• Have students read the Activity 7 questions and make sure
• Optional Tell students to close their books. Write
they understand them. Check their understanding of benefits
sentences a–f from the Grammar box on the board or
by asking What are some of the benefits of having your own
project them using the Classroom Presentation Tool. Ask
them where all these sentences come from (the podcast).
• 1 Check that students are ready to take notes. Then
• Put students in pairs. Tell them to identify the verb tense
play the audio track.
in each sentence and discuss why each is used. Go around
Activity 7 the class and listen to students’ explanations to get a clearer
1 High school or college students idea of how well they know these tenses.
2 From a week to a year • When students have discussed all the sentences, read
3 The end of the World War II questions 1–5 in Activity 11 aloud and let students call out
4 Help people understand cultures and boost language the answers, or call on individuals to respond.
11 Tell students to look at Activity 11. Read the directions aloud.
Check that students understand where the sentences in the
8 Ask students to retell what the podcast host said the next
Grammar box come from. (the podcast) You could ask them
part of the podcast will be about (two students who have
who said each. (the host: c; Kenji: a, e, f; Catalina: b, d)
done study-abroad programs). Then read the Activity 8
• Have students answer questions 1–5. Check that the
directions and questions aloud.
directions are clear by eliciting one sentence that is about the
• 2 Play the recording. When students are ready, go
present. Then let them complete the activity on their own.
over the questions and answers as a class.
At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on
Activity 8 p. 129 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also
1 Kenji: Munich, Germany; Catalina: Palermo, Italy assign these activities as homework.
2 Kenji: six months; Catalina: three months
3 Kenji says the trip changed his life. Catalina says her Expansion
Italian improved, and she got over culture shock. Ask different students to rewrite the sentences in the
Grammar box. Tell them to change sentences with a
9 2 Put students in pairs. Have them read the sentences present-form verb to one with a past-form verb and
and decide together whether they’re true or false. When sentences with a past-form verb to one with a present-
they have discussed all eight sentences, play the recording form verb. Point out that they may have to change other
again and have them review their answers. words besides the verb for the sentence to be correct.
• When students agree, write the sentence number and
answer on the board. When there is a dispute, ask students
to justify their different answers, without confirming the
answer yourself. Instead, put a question mark on the board.
Finally, play the track again if necessary.
Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism 10a
12 Explain to students that they must match the six rules listed • Give students a couple of minutes to choose the situation
in Activity 12 to sentences a–f in the Grammar box on p. 10. they’ll write about. Then have them begin by writing one
Do the first as an example. Ask Which sentence in the sentence for their story, using each tense. Also, encourage
Grammar box goes with rule number 1? (f) them to incorporate any useful words and phrases from
• When students have finished, tell them to check their Activity 2.
answers on p. 128. • Give them a few minutes to plan. Go around the class
to offer support and check that they’re using the tenses
13 Tell students to read the whole text quickly before they fill correctly. When most are on track and engaged, tell them
in the blanks. Say Notice what kind of trips the person enjoys, to complete their stories. Remind them to check that they’re
where this person has been, and where she or he is going soon. adding the details asked for in the directions. Circulate again
Give students one minute for this. and provide assistance as needed.
• Make sure students understand that they have to choose
the correct verb form to fill in each blank. Have students 16 Say Now tell your story to a classmate! Put students in pairs
work with a partner if you think this might be a difficult task to take turns telling their stories. Make sure they’re being
for some of them. polite and listening to each other. Make a note of interesting
• Go around and check to see if students are doing the task language and common errors.
correctly and notice sentences they’re getting wrong or • When all students have told their stories, ask for volunteers
asking you about. Focus on these in feedback. to share interesting, unusual, or funny stories they heard.
• When most students have finished, go through the answers Also give feedback about new language that came up and
by asking different students to read out the completed errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).
sentences. Write the numbers and correct verbs on the
board or have the students do it. Teaching Tip Successful speaking
Students may be unused to speaking activities or
Activity 13 embarrassed at making mistakes, challenged by the
1 love 7 were staying linguistic demands of thinking fast—and speaking
2 am (’m) planning/plan 8 visited English in front of a group. There’s a lot you can do to
3 went 9 h ad (’d) been help!
4 spent dreaming / had (’d)
5 had (’d) ever gone dreamed • Give students the preparation time they need. If necessary,
6 loved 10 am (’m) hoping / hope let them make notes, or at least think about the language
they will use. Don’t rush them!
14 Read the directions aloud. Tell students that each pair of • Encourage them to use notes (key words and phrases) when
sentences, a and b, will have one simple tense (present, past, they speak and not write every word they’ll say. It may take
or past perfect) and one progressive tense. Do the first pair time before they’re comfortable doing this.
with the class to make sure everyone understands the task. • Write a suggested first line on the board to get students
• Point out the clues that show a simple tense is required in started. Here, for example, you might suggest I’m going to
the first sentence (usually; the summers). Say This sentence tell you about the time I . . .
describes something that is generally (usually) true. The second • Background music hides embarrassed voices. Some quiet
sentence describes a temporary action that’s in progress. music will make students feel less conscious.
Explain that This summer, though indicates that something is • Consider having students record their stories. This could be
different. Ask How is it different? (The brother is in Cost Rica.) for their ears only or they can let you listen to it afterwards.
Is this situation still in progress? (yes) How do you know? There are lots of ways of recording or videoing themselves,
(He’s with a family there.) such as on their phones. As well as giving them a chance
• Circulate and check that students are doing the task to check for mistakes and pronunciation, it creates another
correctly and notice sentences they’re getting wrong or incentive to perform well.
asking you about. Focus on these in feedback.
• When most students have finished, go through the answers
by asking different students to read the completed sentence
pairs aloud.
Where did all the hitchhikers go? at a cheaper price. What's more, many more people have
driver's licenses than they used to.
3 I was driving along the other day, and I passed
a man sticking his thumb out. He was asking for a ride. 35 (4) e
When we had gone past, my daughter, who is 15, asked In the past, young people simply couldn’t afford to fly
5 me, “What was that man doing?” The question surprised long distances, and traveling by train wasn’t necessarily
me, because hitchhiking used to be so common. I used much quicker than traveling by car. Now, however, we
to do it all the time when I was a student going home have budget airlines, making air travel more accessible.
to visit friends, and I also spent one summer hitchhiking 40 (5) b
around South America. Often when you went to some Along the same lines, people’s standard of living has
10 hitching spots, you’d have to line up behind several increased. Perhaps people opt for higher levels of
others already waiting for a ride—it was so popular. So comfort, privacy, or reliability when they travel.
what happened? Why is it so rare now? The authors of
Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner and Steve Levitt, have also (6) c
asked this question in one of their regular podcasts. They 45 The trouble is that privacy comes at a cost. Levitt and
15 suggest that it probably comes down to five main reasons. Dubner state that in the United States, 80 percent of
passenger space in cars is unused, which makes them
(1) a more costly to operate and creates unnecessary traffic
Several horror movies have shown psychotic drivers who and pollution. The solution could be more hitchhiking!
kidnap and murder the hitchhiker they pick up (or vice 50 They give the example of a city in Virginia, where
versa). This has been reinforced by certain stories in the commuters have organized a spot where they meet
20 media of people getting robbed and being left in the to hitch a ride so drivers with no passengers can use
middle of nowhere. Unsurprisingly, this has caused trust carpool lanes on the highway that are reserved for cars
to break down. Some people believe that the chances of that contain more than one person.
these things happening are small. The website Wand’rly,
for example, suggests that people are far more likely to 55 Fresh Fears
25 die by tripping and falling than by hitchhiking.
But what about general travel? I often argued with my
(2) d parents about the dangers of hitchhiking, and I would
There are more major roads now than there used to be, tell them about all the amazing experiences I’d had
and hitching is either banned or drivers are not allowed and the generous, interesting people I’d met. I think
to pull over on these roads. 60 it genuinely gave me a different perspective on other
30 (3) f travelers and tourists. But now, I look at my daughter
Alan Piskarsi, a transportation expert, points to the fact and think about her going on a trip. Would I want her to
that cars last longer, so there are more of them available go hitchhiking?
3 Change the words in bold in Activity 2 from the simple past to used to or would
+ verb, where possible.
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.
1 Do you think anyone does Grand Tours today? Why?
2 Where would you go on a Grand Tour? Why? Think about:
• the sights you would visit. • the people you would meet.
• the food you would eat.
• Explain that you’re going to read the text in the Grammar will need to be changed. Make sure students understand when
box at a normal rate, which is too fast for them to write they should use used to and would. Tell them to look at the text
down every word. Instead, they will only be able to write key in the Grammar box if they need help. Also point out that, in
words and phrases. Reassure them that they will be allowed some sentences, both used to and would could be correct.
to hear it twice, and they will be able to help each other. • Do the first one together. Read the second sentence of
• Read the text in the Grammar box on p. 14. As soon as you the text aloud, up to “17th century.” Then say didn’t really
begin, look carefully to see whether all the students are busy start—is did not start a simple-past verb form? (yes) If students
writing. It is likely some will give up immediately. Stop and seem puzzled, remind them that negatives in the simple
remind them that they’re not supposed to write down every past (verbs with not) don’t use the simple past form of the
word, just as many as possible. Start again. main verb (started).
• When you have read it twice, put students in pairs or groups • Ask Can we say didn’t used to start or would not start in this
of three. Tell them to use their notes to reconstruct the sentence? Say Read it to yourself with both verb forms. Does either
text. Give them 5–10 minutes. Go around checking their one sound right? (no, neither one means exactly the same
progress, and focus on their choice of past tenses. Don’t thing) Say This is one verb that doesn’t have to be changed.
correct any mistakes at this stage. • Go around the room checking that students are making
• Have students read their texts aloud and listen to each correct changes to the text. Correct any errors you see by
other’s versions. Discuss any differences you notice about asking students, for example, Why did you change this verb?
the tenses used. or Why did you leave this verb? Refer them to the Grammar
• Tell students to open their books to p. 14 and compare their Reference if necessary.
versions with the text in the Grammar box. Tell them to look • When students are finished, read the text aloud, pausing at
especially at the verbs in bold. each bold item. Have students call out their changes or tell
them to say “no change.” Clarify the answers on the board.
1 Read the directions. Make sure students understand the task. • Point out to the class that it’s unusual to find a text with
Tell them they can use the text in the Grammar box to help so many instances of used to and would. Discuss which
them decide which rules (a–c) go with each verb tense (1–3). verbs that were changed might be better left in the simple
• You may want to clarify the difference between states and past. (Items 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10, for example, could stay in the
actions by writing on the board, for example, We moved last simple past.)
week. Now we live in Nairobi, and asking which verb describes Activity 3
a state (live) and which describes an action (moved). 1 No change 7 would go / used to go
• Call on students for the answers. Make sure they provide 2 No change 8 (would / used to) travel
example sentences from the Grammar box to support their 3 used to spend / would 9 w
ould carry on / used
answers but don’t confirm the answers yet. spend to carry on
• When they’re ready, tell them to check their answers on p. 128. 4 would often start / often 10 used to play
At this point, have students complete Activities 3–5 on used to start 11 No change
p. 129 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also 5 would hire / used to hire 12 No change
assign these activities as homework. 6 would do / used to do
2 Draw students’ attention to the text about Grand Tours. 4 Let students read the questions and make notes on their
Tell them to read it quickly to find out the answers to the own before discussing their ideas.
questions in the directions. Give them two minutes for this. • You can put students in groups to compare answers, or have
• When students have finished reading, call on one to tell a class discussion. Encourage a variety of opinions and ideas.
what a Grand Tours was. Then call on another student to tell
why people took these trips. Ask if anyone knows anything Expansion
else about Grand Tours, perhaps from movies, TV shows, or Have students create a modern Grand Tour itinerary to
books. (Many people wrote about their travels.) present to their groups or to the whole class. Tell them
to include language such as First, I’m going to go to . . . to
Activity 2 learn about . . . Then I will visit . . . While I’m there, I’m going
Grand Tours were long tours of Europe that wealthy young to . . . My next stop will be . . . , and so on.
people started doing in the 17th century. They were
intended to educate and help spread culture and ideas.
When unstressed, the word to is usually pronounced “tuh.” Choose one of the following activities. Answers will vary.
I was a student going home to visit friends. • What did your parents or grandparents do on vacation
It can also be reduced and joined with the previous word. when they were growing up? Write any similarities and
Hitchhiking used to be so common. differences to what you do.
You’d have to line up behind several others. • Work in groups. Share what you know about tourism in
your country in the past compared to now. Talk about:
a Listen to the sentences from the Pronunciation box. − resorts.
Notice the differences between unstressed to and the − the kinds of people who visit or visited.
sentences with reductions. 4 − the kinds of vacations.
b Listen and repeat. 4 − the number and length of vacations.
− destinations people from your country visit or visited.
6 Read about Andrew Skurka. Decide if used to, would, and
the simple past are used correctly or incorrectly. Change • Work in pairs. Tell your partner about two of the
the ones which are incorrect. following.
Andrew Skurka is an ultra-hiker. Every year, he (1) used to go − Something you used to believe and why you changed
on hikes that are thousands of miles long, walking between your mind.
25 and 40 miles a day. One of his most amazing tours was − Something you used to like doing and why you don’t
circling the Arctic in 176 days. His boots (2) got very wet like it or do it now.
for 156 of those days and they (3) used to froze overnight. − Something you do now that you never used to do
He (4) would then have to force his feet into the icy boots and why.
each morning. Unsurprisingly, he (5) didn’t use to see many − Someone you used to spend a lot of time with and
people during his tours and once, he (6) would spend 24 days what you would do.
completely on his own. He’d sometimes (7) get depressed and
(8) cried, but one day he came across a herd of caribou and it
(9) used to change his perspective. He (10) realized he was very
similar to them—just one more creature on Earth, like them.
2 The Business
of Technology
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will consider entrepreneurs, the skills good
entrepreneurs need to be successful, and how they go about In the photo, a man stands inside a virtual cave at the
setting up and funding businesses. Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. It’s a cube with
3.4-meter sides. One wall of the installation is movable,
Students will learn some of the pitfalls of computer technology, allowing entry to the inside. The walls (including ceiling
such as online crime and email scams, and ways to avoid and floor) are made of acrylic and act as screens that
becoming a victim of online fraud. They’ll learn the importance display high-quality 3D images.
of knowing how companies use their personal data and of
being responsible users of the Internet and social media. Language note The term virtual reality was popularized
Students will learn techniques and strategies of persuasion, by American scientist Jaron Lanier in 1987. VR applications
including the language of getting people’s attention and the immerse the user in a computer-generated environment that
characteristics of persuasive writing. simulates reality through the use of interactive devices, such
as goggles or headsets. In a typical VR set up, a user wearing a
helmet with a screen views images of a simulated environment.
Unit Objectives
Vocabulary Warm Up
• Setting up a new business • Introduce the unit theme by telling students they’ll be
• Vocabulary Building Adjective and noun collocations learning about entrepreneurs, setting up a new business,
and the benefits and pitfalls of the Internet and social
Grammar media.
• Grammar 1 Present-perfect forms and the simple past • Have students look at the photo. Read the caption aloud
• Grammar 2 Verb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to) and make sure students understand the meaning of virtual.
Call on students to describe virtual experiences they’ve had.
Reading • Ask the following questions:
• Online Crime 1. How do you think the virtual cave works? (Share About
the photo with students.)
TED Talk 2. How can it help people?
• James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to 3. In what other jobs might the virtual cave be useful?
spam email 4. How might a virtual cave help someone explore ideas for
new products or businesses?
• Intonation for persuasion
• Classroom Presentation Tool
• Tracks 7–10 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• Persuading
• A persuasive article
6 P
ut pairs into groups of four. Tell students to come to a
consensus within their group on the three most important
skills. Stop the activity and ask one group for their top skills
and the reasons they chose them.
2 Read the activity questions aloud and do the first one with Activity 5
the whole class. Ask So why do you think someone might 1 Laura – I didn’t hear back, but a month later I got my
delete your posts without your permission? credit card statement and found someone had spent over
• Have pairs discuss the activity questions. Stop the activity 11,000 pounds on flights and luxury hotels!
when a few pairs have finished. Have them share their ideas 2 Janella – They… kept writing, so eventually I sent them
and discuss as a class. 8,000 dollars to pay the legal fees.
• When you’ve finished, have pairs talk about whether any of 3 Bruno – I couldn’t believe how cheap they were. They
had stuff on there for half the normal price!
the things in Activity 1 have happened to them.
4 Laura – They said someone was trying to take money
from my account without my permission, and that they
Activity 2, Suggested answers: needed to confirm my personal details to stop it. … I
1 Maybe the posts broke the rules of the site he or she didn’t really understand what was going on and wanted
was on and the moderators deleted them. to stop anything bad from happening.
2 The settings on the spam filter need to be updated. 5 Janella – Looking back, it was my own fault.
3 He or she is very vain or a celebrity and uses social 6 Bruno – … since it was only €150, I bought it without
checking the details.
media to promote himself or herself.
4 He or she is very aware of the way companies and people 6 Put students in groups to discuss. Remind them to listen
judge the public based on his or her online appearance. politely to one another and make sure every group member
5 It could have contained a virus. gets a chance to give their opinions.
6 Real banks never ask you to confirm bank details, so it • To wrap up, suggest that each group make a list of
can’t have been genuine. guidelines for avoiding online scams. Have students help
7 It’s said to be more secure to store files in the cloud so you write one or two tips on the board; for example, If an
you don’t need to update your computer as often. email seems too good to be true, show it to a reliable adult.
8 He or she had forgotten to back up. He or she had opened
a corrupt file. He or she doesn’t have security software. For notes on Activities 7–9, see page 25a.
West Africa
60 60
Number of victims (thousands)
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Under 20 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60 Auction Non-payment/ Credit card Malware/ Phishing Identity
fraud Non-delivery fraud Scareware theft
Source: U.S. Department of Justice / Federal Bureau of Investigation Statistics shown are for 2015.
Listening Strategy Train your ear 5 2.1 Read the directions and questions aloud. Then play
Paying attention to the nuances of a speaker’s voice and Part 1 of the TED Talk. Read the questions again and tell
delivery will help you to better understand the speaker’s students to compare their ideas in pairs. Check students’
meaning and attitude. A falling tone indicates that a understanding by calling on different students to share
thought or idea is complete. A rising tone indicates their answers with the class.
incompleteness; the speaker hasn’t completed a thought
or wants a response. As you become more skilled at 6 R
ead the directions aloud and say So the first thing you heard
picking up changes in intonation, stress, and pitch, you’ll was . . . what? Have students call out the correct sentence (f).
be able to tell how the speaker is feeling–happy, sad, See if they can identify the next sentence in the sequence
enthusiastic, sarcastic, and so on. (g) before putting them into pairs. Make sure everyone
understands what they’re supposed to do, then say OK.
Now you do the rest.
2 9 Play the audio and ask students how close they
• Circulate and check that pairs are doing the task correctly.
think they were to the intonation James uses. Practice again
When a few pairs have finished, have everyone stop.
as in Activity 1.
Persuading 1 Are there any TV shows about business or selling products in your country? Do
you watch them? Why?
When we are persuading people,
2 Would you be good at selling a product? Why?
we sometimes turn our own
3 Have you ever had to present something in front of people? What did you
experiences and opinions into a
present? Was the presentation successful? Why?
negative question to challenge the
other person’s ideas. 2 Work in pairs. Read about the Kickstarter project. One person should think of
I think it will lose money. reasons to invest and one person should think of reasons not to invest. Then
Don’t you think it’ll lose money? discuss your reasons and try to persuade each other. Answers will vary.
I’d find it really useful. mXers was set up by high school student Bharat Pulgam. He has invented a new
Wouldn’t you find it really useful? kind of earbuds that allow you to easily replace the different parts that can break,
I have sometimes had that problem. so you don’t have to buy a whole new set. They also allow you to customize your
Haven’t you ever had that problem? earbuds for an individual look. mXers needs money to develop the product and
start production.
3 Make negative questions from these sentences. Which negative questions
could you use to support your reasons from Activity 2? Why?
1 It’d be good to have something like that.
2 I think it’s a bad idea to give money to strangers online.
3 There’s something similar to that already.
4 Sometimes I’ve wished that I could do that.
5 I would be happy to pay a little more to help.
4 PRONUNCIATION Intonation for persuasion No answers necessary.
a Listen to the negative questions and notice the intonation. 10
An woman harvests cocoa in b Practice saying the negative questions.
Ghana for Fairafric.
1 Wouldn’t it be good to have something like that?
2 Don’t you think it’s a bad idea to give money to strangers online?
3 Isn’t there something similar to that already?
4 Haven’t you ever wished that you could do that?
5 Wouldn’t you be happy to pay a little more to help?
The Possible Project is an after-school program that teaches teenagers, mainly from
low-income families, the skills to be entrepreneurs. The project has been running
for several years and has trained over 250 students. The team wants to raise money
for a laser cutter so that students can make a variety of products quickly.
Hendrik Reimers is a German chocolate maker. He has set up a chocolate-
making company, Fairafric, in Ghana. By producing the chocolate bars in their
own country, rather than only exporting cocoa beans, people in Ghana can earn
over 25 percent more—even compared to fair-trade chocolate. The money
raised will help fund production, packaging, shipping, and distribution.
10 Work in groups. Share your article. People in your group should ask you
questions or share comments about your article. Answers will vary.
3 Faster, Higher,
Unit Overview Language note The unit title, Faster, Higher, Stronger, is the
motto of the Olympic Games and comes from the Latin phrase
In this unit, students will talk about athletes and athletic
Citius, altius, fortius. The motto is meant to express the ambition
performance and how sports have changed over the years.
of the Olympic athletes to perform to the best of their abilities.
Students will learn about the cost to cities of hosting the
Olympic Games, and about different countries’ approaches to Warm Up
training athletes to compete at the highest levels. They’ll also • Introduce the unit theme by telling students they’ll be
learn some interesting facts about what really contributes to discussing athletes and athletic performance and learning
the ever-improving performance of elite athletes. different ways to talk about sports and athletes’ skills.
Students will consider how small changes can result in big • Have students look at the photo. Read the caption aloud
differences and how they can apply this strategy to their own and explain that range of emotions refers to the variety
lives. or different kinds of emotions shown on the faces of the
people in the photo. Call on students to name some of the
Finally, they’ll create and conduct surveys and learn how to use emotions they see expressed in the photo.
English to describe survey results. • Ask the following questions:
1. Do you feel emotions at sporting events? Which emotions?
Unit Objectives 2. What do you think makes people so excitable at sporting
Vocabulary events?
• Describing athletes 3. Do you feel strong emotions when you watch sports alone?
• Vocabulary Building Synonyms in texts 4. Are you ever bored watching any sports? Why?
• Grammar 1 Determiners Resources
• Grammar 2 Comparatives and superlatives • Classroom Presentation Tool
• Tracks 11–14 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• Olympic Gold
TED Talk
• David Epstein: Are athletes really getting faster, better,
• Linking words together in fast speech
• Introducing main findings
• Introducing other points
• A survey
Read the directions aloud. Call on a student to model the
activity for the class by having him read corrected statement
1 in Activity 12 and then the sample text in blue for that
statement. Call on another student and have her model with
statement 2.
• Put students in groups to take turns reading statements
and then responding to them by either agreeing or saying
a new sentence that is true for them. Have students keep
taking turns until every student has responded with a new
VOCABULARY BUILDING 5 They helped to set up a program that promotes
excellence in sports.
Synonyms in texts
They helped to establish a system that
Writers often use words or phrases with similar promotes excellence in sports.
meanings to make their work more interesting and to 6 Children are chosen as potential stars.
avoid repetition. Children hope to be selected as potential stars.
Countries competing to host the Olympics will often spend 2 Work in pairs. Rewrite the phrases using synonyms.
huge amounts to hold the 16-day event. prove to have talent—prove to have a natural ability
1 achieve their targets
1 Complete the sentences with these synonyms. Use a 2 core principle
dictionary, if necessary. 3 got its highest ranking
establish funding hold 4 linked to success
selected sums top 5 tackle the challenges you face
Teaching Tip
One way to encourage more student talking is to
model speaking tasks for the whole class yourself. Here,
you could ask students to choose two questions from
Activity 5 to ask you; then give detailed answers that
are true for you. This helps students see that you expect
longer answers, allows you to recycle vocabulary, and
lets students get to know you better!
4 Read about what some countries will do to host the CRITICAL THINKING Supporting arguments
Olympics and do well. Complete the text with the
phrases (a–f). Sometimes writers select information to support their point
a the more money you spend, the better the results of view.
b overtaken by the other motto de Coubertin is known for:
“faster, higher, stronger” 6 Work in pairs. Read the facts below. Do they support an
c local clubs and competitions; facilities for people to stay argument for spending money on the Olympics? Why?
healthy and play for fun
1 Six million dollars of the Beijing Olympics’ costs went
d and then to be full-time professional athletes
toward sports. The rest included new subway lines, an
representing their country
airport terminal, a light railway, and roads.
e where they train for up to 15 hours a week
2 The majority of Juguo Tizhi athletes retire from their sport
f So much for the value of just “taking part”
without a formal education.
5 MY PERSPECTIVE 3 According to the Chinese National Audit Office, the
Beijing Olympics made a profit of 146 million dollars.
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 4 Montreal took over 30 years to pay off its debts from
1 Would you like to participate in a system like Juguo holding the Olympics. Answers will vary.
Tizhi? Why? 7 A city in your country wants to host the Olympics. Divide
2 Do you know any schools that specialize in sports?
into two teams—one for and one against. In your teams,
Do you think they are a good idea? Why?
discuss the arguments you would give. Then debate the
3 Do you have to play sports at school? How much
issue as a class. Think about: Answers will vary.
importance is given to winning?
4 Have you seen any great sporting events? How did they • the impact on the local community.
make you feel? Why? • what would happen after the Olympics.
• alternatives to hosting the Olympics.
When one word ends in a consonant sound and the next begins with a vowel
sound, we often link the two words together when speaking.
I don’t do it as much… may sound like: I don’t do it as (tas) much…
If one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word starts with the same
consonant sound, we often leave out the first consonant sound.
…than it did last season may sound like: …than it did last season
Activity 2
1 comparative form with an adjective: a, d, f, g, h, i;
comparative form with an adverb: c; comparative form
with a noun: b, e, i.
2 f
3 d
4 Words which show a small difference: two and a half
inches (taller); only slightly (better) / Words which
show a big difference: far (more aerodynamic); many
(more people); much (more energy); 130 pounds
5 Many is used with countable plural nouns such as
people; much is used with uncountable nouns such as
energy. The opposites are far / much fewer people and
far / much less energy.
6 i: the more money ... the better ...
Read about David Epstein and get ready to watch his talk. 3.0
Slowing down and stressing words 3 Work in pairs. Which of these sports do you do or watch?
Speakers will often slow down and stress words when they What equipment, skills, and physical attributes do you
are contrasting two ideas. The surrounding language can need for each one? Answers will vary.
sound very fast. basketball cycling gymnastics soccer
swimming tennis track and field water polo
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to an
extract from the TED Talk. Underline where David slows
down and stresses words. 14 4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Guess what David is going to
argue. 3.1 b
The winner of the 2012 Olympic marathon ran two hours
and eight minutes. Had he been racing against the winner a The human body has evolved to be better at sports.
of the 1904 Olympic marathon, he would have won by b New records in sports are largely due to technology and
nearly an hour and a half. professionalism.
c Sport is a natural part of human development.
2 Work in pairs. Underline the contrasts in the extracts.
5 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Complete the summary with a
Then practice saying them aloud.
number, year, or measurement in each blank. 3.2
1 Usain Bolt started by propelling himself out of blocks 1936
In (1) , Jesse Owens held the world record
down a specially fabricated carpet designed to allow him
in the (2) 100 meters. If he had run more
to travel as fast as humanly possible. Jesse Owens, on the
recently against Usain Bolt, he would’ve finished
other hand, ran on cinders.
(3) 14 feet behind him. However, Owens
2 Rather than blocks, Jesse Owens had a gardening trowel
was competing in very different times, and modern
that he had to use to dig holes in the cinders to start from.
runners are greatly helped by technological advances.
3 …had he been running on the same surface as Bolt, he
Given the same conditions, Owens would have been within
wouldn’t have been fourteen feet behind—he would
(4) one stride of Bolt!
have been within one stride.
4 Rather than the last beep, Owens would have been the Technology also helped to improve the hour record that
second beep. Listen to it again. cyclist Eddy Merckx set in (5) 1972 by almost
5 Rather than the average body type, you want highly- (6) five miles, but after the rules were
specialized bodies that fit into certain athletic niches. changed in (7) 2000 , cyclists had to use the
same equipment. Subsequently, they were only able to go
(8) 883 feet farther than Merckx.
7 Watch Part 4 of the talk. Are the statements true, false, CHALLENGE
or not stated? 3.4
Choose a sport you are interested in. Find out:
1 When a person gets an electric shock, it activates
• if it has changed in the ways David Epstein describes.
their muscles. T
• if there have been any other changes.
2 We only use a small percentage of our brain power at
• how the records today compare to 50 years ago.
any one time. NS
• why any changes have occurred.
3 We can train our brains to accept more pain. T
4 Primates are more suited to endurance than humans. F
5 Kílian Jornet was the first person to ever run up the
Matterhorn. NS
6 David does not expect Kílian’s record to be broken. F
Golf 86 14
4 Cultural
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about Carnival and other community
festivals as ways of celebrating culture and bringing people The photo shows part of a performance by the Vila Isabel
together. They’ll learn about an innovative program that Samba School in a parade during the Rio Carnival. Samba
molds children into musicians, teaching them not only the schools are associated with different areas in the city, and
joys of music, but the transformative power of discipline and each school raises money during the year to finance their
commitment as well. elaborate carnival routines. Some of the parade floats can cost
up to $250,000 and are made by specialist artists.
Students will read about a city that created an economic revival
through art and hear a talk about a park in the sky and how Language note Carnival refers to an annual festival that
neighborhood activism preserved and transformed a unique typically occurs during the week before Lent in traditionally
cityscape. Finally, students will take a stand and write an essay Roman Catholic countries, involving parades, music, and
for or against a topic related to culture and community. dancing. The derivation of the word is uncertain, though it can
possibly be traced to the Latin carnem levare or carnelevarium,
Unit Objectives which means “to take away or remove meat.” This concurs with
Vocabulary the fact that Roman Catholics in earlier times were required to
• Cultural events refrain from eating meat during Lent.
• Vocabulary Building Adjective and noun collocations 2
Warm Up
Grammar • Display the photo on Student Book pp. 44−45.
• Grammar 1 Future forms 1 • Ask for a show of hands from students who like it. Ask
• Grammar 2 Future forms 2 students why they like it or why they don’t like it.
• You may want to share the information in About the Photo
Reading with the class. Then ask questions, such as the following, to
• A System That’s Leading the Way continue the discussion:
1 What do you think the performer in the photo is standing
TED Talk on? (a float) What are floats made of? How do they move?
• Robert Hammond: Building a Park in the Sky 2 Has anyone ever been on a float or marched in a parade?
What did you do to be part of it? How did the experience
Pronunciation make you feel?
• Contrastive stress 3 Do you think spending so much money on these elaborate
displays is a good idea? Why or why not?
Speaking 4 How would you describe the atmosphere and the crowd at
• Making and rejecting suggestions a carnival—or at any local celebration?
• Suggesting alternatives
Writing Resources
• A for and against essay • Classroom Presentation Tool
• Tracks 15–21 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
1 Which of these cultural attractions do you have near where you live?
2 Do you go to any of them? Why?
3 Would you like to have any of them near where you live? Why?
2 Complete the summary by putting the words in bold in the correct order.
The Rio Carnival, one of the world’s leading festivals, (1) every held is February in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During the festival, organizers (2) huge put on a of parades
number and parties all over the city, which (3) million tourists almost a attract.
The festival (4) on impact has a the city big and on people’s cultural lives. The
carnival involves around 200 Samba schools which compete to have the best
Members of the Vila Isabel costumes, dance routines, and musical bands. It (5) million over income $750 in
Samba School perform in a generates locally in Rio, which comes from tourists who (6) four-day attend event
parade during the Rio Carnival. the and the Samba schools, which can sometimes spend over 3 million dollars on
costumes and preparations. The festival also (7) Brazil’s economy boosts broader.
But it’s not just about money. There’s (8) wide for support festival the because
(9) it together people brings and helps (10) create a of pride sense in the
country. Many of the Samba schools are from the poorest neighborhoods in the
city, and the festival (11) opportunities to offers young people part take in
cultural activities and learn new skills. In many ways, the festival has (12) put map
on the Rio as a world city and cultural hotspot.
4 Complete the sentences with six different cultural attractions you know of.
Then work in pairs and share your ideas. Answers will vary.
1 is held every year.
2 attracts a lot of tourists to our area.
3 has had a big impact on our country.
4 brings people together.
5 has very wide support.
6 I’d like to get involved in .
5 Work as a class. Use the words and phrases in bold from Activity 2 to talk about
the places and events you thought of in Activity 1. Answers will vary.
We have a music venue near where we live. The promoters put on a lot of
small concerts and parties.
Work in pairs. Discuss the question. Answers will vary.
What other benefits can you think of that are related to cultural attractions and
events? Think about the benefits to you, your town, and your country.
Youth Orchestra.
f Yet, 40 years ago, such an idea seemed a long way off. 1 CRITICAL THINKING Understanding and
g Lessons are mainly conducted as a group, with all the evaluating ideas
class working towards performing a piece in front of
an audience. 4 If you want to copy a successful idea or make use of what
you have learned in a new context, you need to understand
4 Read about El Sistema again. Answer the questions.
all the factors that made the idea a success and evaluate
1 How many children went to Abreu’s first rehearsal? how far they can be applied in a new context.
How many participate now? 11 / more than 500,000
2 How old are children when they choose a 7 Work in groups. Discuss the different factors you read
musical instrument? seven about that help make El Sistema a success.
3 How much do they practice? 1–4 hours per day, 6 days a week
4 Why do other countries like El Sistema? 8 Work as a class. Discuss: Answers will vary.
It’s a way to keep children in school and escape poverty.
5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Are all the factors you discussed in Activity 7 possible in
Answers will vary.
1 Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument? your country? Why?
How good were / are you? 2 Are there any factors that you think are not necessary? Why?
2 If you gave up playing a musical instrument, why? 3 Would El Sistema work in your country? Why?
3 If you still play a musical instrument, how much do you 9 MY PERSPECTIVE
practice? Do you ever perform?
4 What kind of music do you listen to? What do you like Would you like to participate in a program like
about it? El Sistema? Why? Answers will vary.
a My son was struggling, and I was worried he was going to drop out of school
and end up hanging out with the wrong kids.
b He went several steps further and promised those 11 students that he would
turn the orchestra into a world leader!
c Abreu had managed to get 50 music stands for the 100 children he thought
were coming to rehearse.
2 Complete the first parts of the sentences using was / were going to and these
verbs. Then match them with the second parts of the sentences.
1 They said the building was going to cost something like $35 million, d
2 The forecast did say it was going to rain a bit, f
3 We were going to get tickets for the concert next month, b
4 They told us the band was going to be on stage around nine, e
5 I thought they were going to play all their hits, a
6 When they announced they were going to hold the World Cup here, c
a but they just played loads of new stuff. They were absolutely terrible.
b but it literally sold out in seconds. I couldn’t believe it.
c loads of people were actually against it.
d but it cost way more than that.
e but we had to wait for hours. It must’ve been midnight before they came on.
f but it just poured all day.
3 PRONUNCIATION Contrastive stress
a Listen to how the quantity words in the second part of the sentences are
stressed to emphasize the contrast with previous plans or predictions. 18
b Practice saying the complete sentences from Activity 2.
For further practice with contrastive stress, instruct
pairs of students to take turns saying the first part of a
sentence from Activity 2 and coming up with a new
second part. One partner reads the first half of the
sentence; the other says a new second part. Then they
switch. Remind them to use contrastive stress.
It was much / way… than I thought it would be. 10 CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities.
Answers will vary.
I wasn’t expecting it to be very…, but it was actually… • Find out about a new development in your town or
It was nowhere near as good as I was expecting. country. Why was it built? Has it been a success?
I was expecting it to be pretty… but it was actually very… • List ten things that will have happened in your life by the
time you are 30. Then work in pairs. Which are the most
or least likely to happen?
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS 2 Do you know of any old buildings or places that used to
be used for one purpose, but are now used for a different
Recognizing words you know purpose? Do you like the change?
Sometimes you may not recognize words in fast speech 3 What’s your favorite public space? Why? How often do
because you expect to hear the full form. For example, in a you go there?
dictionary with is shown as /wIθ/, but in fast speech it may
5 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct options.
sound more like /wI/.
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen 1 In the old days, the freight line trains: c
and complete the extracts from the TED Talk. 20 a used cowboys to protect the goods they were carrying.
1 And by 1980, the last train rode. It was a train b were pulled by horses.
loaded with frozen turkeys . c caused several fatal accidents.
2 I first read about it in the New York Times, in an article 2 As time went by: a
that said it was going to be demolished. a more freight started being transported by road.
3 And at the end of the we were the only two people b the line was mainly used to transport meat.
meeting, we realized
that were sort of interested in the project. c people in the neighborhood wanted it demolished.
4 And that’s really where we started… the idea 3 At the community board meeting, Robert: b
coalesced around… let’s make this a park, and a offered to volunteer to help preserve the High Line.
let’s have it be sort of inspired bythis wildscape. b realized he was in a small minority.
c knew a writer from the New York Times.
Listen to the extracts again. Which of the words were the
most difficult to hear? 20 Answers will vary. 4 The main inspiration for the project came from: c
a the spectacular views of Manhattan.
3 Say each sentence twice, slowly the first time—with a b the industrial architecture of the line.
gap between each word—then faster, linking the words c the way nature had started reclaiming the
in each part of the sentences together. Answers will vary. abandoned space.
6 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Why were the following
WATCH mentioned? 4.2
1 9/11 4 half a billion
4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 2 100 million 5 three
1 Where you live, are there any old buildings, industrial 3 20 years and 250 million
places, or pieces of land that are no longer used? Do you 1 caused economic problems 4 tax revenues expected
2 cost to build High Line 5 sections of the High Line
know when or why they stopped being used?
3 20 years = $250 million in revenue
8 Tell students that there are words and phrases, such as it has Expansion
been claimed that, that writers use to introduce what they Have students write an introductory paragraph for one
believe to be a weak argument. Ask Do you remember why of the titles in option b (or one of the other titles if they
they do this? (to show their knowledge of the issue; so they already did one for their essay), using the pattern for for
can then refute that argument) and against essay introductions laid out in the Writing
• Say You’re going to use these words and phrases in Activity 8. strategy box.
Read the directions. Have students work individually. Do the
first one together if you think it’s necessary.
5 It’s Not Rocket
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about science in their lives—what
they know about it and the scientists who practice it, how The photo shows Taylor Wilson, a young American
students’ lives are better for it, and how they learn it. scientist, and his family. Taylor has always been interested
in nuclear physics. When he was twelve, he decided he
Students will learn about life hacks and the Internet, inventions, wanted to make a star, and that led to his building a nuclear
and the importance of collaboration and teamwork for fusion reactor in his garage. Taylor is currently working on
“pushing the envelope” of scientific innovation. They’ll read a number of science and engineering projects. He’s also a
about how curiosity is necessary for learning and watch a TED TED speaker.
Talk about the similarities between play and experimentation—
and how this makes young people natural scientists! Finally,
Language note “It’s not rocket science” is an expression
students delve into the scientific method and design and write
people use when they think something is not that difficult
about an experiment.
to do or understand. It’s a nod to the fact that the science
involved in the development of modern rockets was very
Unit Objectives difficult. People might use the phrase in a humorous way (to a
Vocabulary young child, trying to tie his shoes), an encouraging way (to a
• Science in action student learning multiplication), or an exasperating way (to an
• Vocabulary Building Adjective endings employee who can’t stay focused enough to learn his job).
• Grammar 1 Passives 1
Warm Up
• Tell students to keep their books closed. Display the photo
• Grammar 2 Passives 2
on pp. 56−57, either pointing to it in the book or projecting
it with the presentation tool.
• Ask the class who they think the family might be. Why do
• Back to the future?
they think the young man on the left is dressed that way?
• Take students’ responses. Explain who the people are by
TED Talk
reading aloud the caption and About the photo to the class.
• Beau Lotto and Amy O’Toole: Science is for everyone, kids
Did anyone come close? Then put students in pairs and ask
them to think of at least five questions they would like to
ask Taylor Wilson.
• Have the class then conduct an “interview” with Taylor,
• Stress in passives
who can be played either by you or a student, or else have
students role-play the interview in pairs.
• Tell students they can use their imaginations in
• Staging
conducting the interview, as long as the questions
• Preparing research questions
and answers make sense.
• Hypothesizing
Writing Resources
• The scientific method • Classroom Presentation Tool
• Tracks 22–26 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
6 Look again at your completed phrases in Activity 4. Who might perform each
action? Why? Answers will vary.
Taylor Wilson is the youngest Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.
person ever to produce a type 1 What science experiments have you done at school that you enjoyed?
of energy called nuclear fusion. 2 Have you ever designed an experiment yourself? If yes, what for? If no, why not?
He did it by building a reactor in
What experiment would you like to design?
his parents’ garage.
It helps to highlight words and verb forms to emphasize exercise can be seen as simply a brief discussion to reflect
aspects of grammar. The book does this, and you on the blog text and as a link to the next activity.
can point to the examples there, but it also helps to • For feedback, you could ask different students to share their
write examples on the board. As you review grammar ideas on other important inventions.
activities, write the answers on the board. Underlining
the target form, writing the names of the tenses, or
17 Say Let’s see how much you know about inventions we take for
granted. Do the first one together. Have a student stand and
creating a chart—all help to make grammar skills clearer.
read the first item aloud. Remind her to use proper stress
when reading the passives. Provide assistance or correct as
14 Tell students they’re going to read about an invention. Read needed. Thank the student and tell her to sit down.
the Activity 14 directions. Have students read the blog to • Say Raise your hand if you know what it is. If several students
find out what the invention is and how it has impacted raise their hands, have them call it out. (a yo-yo) Provide
people’s lives, but stress that they have just one minute to the answer if necessary. Then say Now underline the passives
read it. in the two sentences. How many are there? (four) Call on a
• Read the text up to the first blank aloud and say I have to student to read them aloud.
use the verb place. The correct passive form here is. . . what? • Have students complete the activity individually.
Have students respond. (be placed) • When students are ready, have different volunteers name
• Have students do the activity. When most have finished, tell the other three inventions. After each is correctly identified,
them to compare answers in pairs. have the students who guessed it raise their hands. Say Give
• Review the answers by calling on students to read the text yourselves one point if you knew it.
aloud and fill in the blanks. Write the item numbers and • Finally, go through the passives in each item. Tell students
passive forms on the board. to give themselves one point for each one they underlined
15 PRONUNCIATION Stress in passives • Tell the class the highest possible score for items 2−4 is 11.
• 15a Read the explanation in the box aloud. Say Let’s (3 inventions; 8 passives) Figure out who got the highest
practice stress. Tell students to look at their completed blog score and declare the winners.
entries for Activity 14.
• Model reading the first couple of sentences. Pause after 18 Say Now you get to write your own invention “riddle”! Read
each passive form (include the adverb completely, but don’t the directions aloud and put students in pairs. (Alternatively,
stress it more than transformed) and ask Which word in the you could assign this as homework for students to do
verb did I stress the most? Have students call out the answers. individually.) Make sure everyone understands the task.
(placed, transformed, created) • Have pairs brainstorm different inventions. Provide time for
• Call on different students to model reading the rest of the them to do research. When pairs are ready to compose their
sentences for the class. Remind them to place the most riddles, tell them they have to use passive forms. Say Use the
stress on the main verb. items in Activity 17 as models for using passives.
• Correct any mistakes that come up. • Circulate as students work, providing assistance as
• 15b Put students in pairs to practice reading with proper necessary. You might suggest that students choose a
stress. Tell partners to read the blog entry aloud to each different invention if you see that several pairs are doing the
other. Say Read the Pronunciation box to yourselves first as a same one. (It’s all right if just two pairs do the same one.)
reminder. Then pay attention to how your partner reads the • When pairs are satisfied with their riddles, put them with
passives. another pair to quiz each other. You could then have
• After they finish reading, you might suggest that partners pairs move on and repeat the process with other pairs.
grade each other from 1−10 on their use of proper stress. Alternatively you could have pairs present their riddles to
Partners should justify the grade they give each other, and the whole class.
then read the blog again to improve it, if necessary. Monitor • When everyone has heard all the riddles, have the class vote
pairs as they read. for the best one.
Activity 15a
1 be placed; 2 have been transformed; 3 was created;
4 be said; 5 had been used/were used;
6 were being tested/were tested 7 being connected;
8 be given
Reading Strategy Improve your speed CRITICAL THINKING Asking critical questions
To do well on a reading test, students need to improve
their reading speed. They can do this in different ways: 8 Have students close their books. Write this sentence from the
learning more language, especially collocations and article on the board: Research has shown that curiosity is just as
phrases (flash cards can help); timing themselves when important as intelligence in determining how well students do in
reading a text (write the time on the text); rereading a school. Call on a student to read the statement aloud.
text several times over a term, reading it faster each time; • Say This was surprising to me. And it made me wonder. You can’t
reading longer texts that are slightly below their level make such a statement without being able to back it up with facts,
(use a graded or leveled reader). Of course, the point right? Ask the class What questions would you ask the writer
is not speed for speed’s sake, but finding a speed that about this statement? Take students’ responses and discuss.
allows for basic comprehension—and this speed will • Explain to students that even if a statement sounds
vary with the genre and topic of each text. authoritative, or was written by an “expert,” it’s OK, even
good, to be a little skeptical. Asking the right questions
shows that you’re thinking critically.
6 Read the directions aloud. You could have the students • When the discussion has been exhausted, or if students
read the text quickly to refresh their memories and to time are unsure of how to respond, have them open their books
themselves to see how quickly they can read it. Read the to p. 60. Have different students read parts of the Critical
first statement aloud and do it with students as an example. Thinking box.
• Think aloud. Say That statement doesn’t make sense to me, • Discuss any questions or comments students have. Then put
but I need to check the text. I remember the writer talked about them in pairs to do Activity 8. When most pairs have come up
children at the beginning. I’ll start there. Have students look with two questions about each statement, stop the discussion.
at the text.
• Then call on a student to tell what she thinks. Would the 9 R
ead Activity 9 aloud. Call on pairs to share their questions
writer agree or disagree? Why? Don’t immediately say if for each Activity 8 statement. Write the best ones on
she’s correct, but ask someone else to give their answer and the board and discuss with the class why they’re good
explanation. examples of critical thinking.
• Confirm the answer. If necessary, point out that the writer
says curiosity is important for learning and that asking
questions and, by inference, experimenting, makes learning Put students in small groups. Assign each group one
enjoyable and effective. of the last three questions in the Critical Thinking box
• Put students in pairs to tackle the other statements. When to discuss. Tell students to keep notes as they discuss
they’re finished, review the answers in the same way as and then compile them into a short report. Each report
above, making sure you get students to justify their answers. should begin with the assigned question and the answer
• If short on time, you could also ask students to tell what they the group came up with. Explain that the answer doesn’t
personally think about each statement at this point and skip have to be definitive. It could be something like, We’re
Activity 7. not sure, but here’s what we think. . . .
23 Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “curiosity killed 30 may have developed a basic need to fight uncertainty—the
the cat.” It’s a phrase that’s often used to warn people— more we understand about the world around us, the more
especially children—not to ask too many questions. Yet it’s likely we are to survive its many dangers!
widely agreed that curiosity actually makes learning more However, curiosity is currently under threat like never
5 enjoyable and effective. In fact, research has shown that before—and perhaps the biggest threat comes from
curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining 35 technology. On one level, this is because technology has
how well students do in school. become so sophisticated that many of us are unable to think
Curiosity also allows us to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, too deeply about how exactly things work anymore. While
brings excitement into our lives, and opens up new it may be possible for a curious teenager to take a toaster
10 possibilities. Being curious requires us to be both humble apart and get some sense of how it works, how much do
enough to know we don’t have all the answers, and confident 40 you understand about what happens when you type a
enough to admit it. Asking the questions that help us bridge website address into a browser? Where does your grasp of
the gap between what we already know and what we’d like technology end and the magic begin for you?
to know can lead us to make unexpected discoveries. In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect
15 In science, basic curiosity-driven research—conducted so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones.
without pressure to produce immediate practical results— 45 The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other
can have unexpected and incredibly important benefits. people directly. To make matters worse, all too often we
For example, one day in 1831, Michael Faraday was playing accept the images of people that social media provides us
around with a coil and a magnet when he suddenly saw with, and then feel we know enough about a person not to
20 how he could generate an electrical current. At first, it need to engage further with them.
wasn’t clear what use this would have, but it actually made 50 The final—and perhaps most worrying—way in which
electricity available for use in technology, and so changed technology stops us from asking more has to do with
the world. algorithms, the processes followed by computers. As we
Unsurprisingly, there are chemical and evolutionary theories increasingly get our news via social media, algorithms find
25 to explain why humans are such curious creatures. When out what we like and push more of the same back to us,
we become curious, our brains release a chemical called 55 meaning that we end up inside our own little bubbles, no
dopamine, which makes the process of learning more longer coming across ideas that challenge our pre-existing
pleasurable and improves memory. It is still not known why beliefs. Perhaps the real key to developing curiosity in the
learning gives us such pleasure, but one theory is that we 21st century, then, is to rely less on the tech tools of our age.
a The heart was believed to be the center of intelligence until the Middle Ages.
b It is claimed that computer training programs can limit the effects of aging on
the brain.
c Einstein’s brain was said to be bigger than average, which explains his
d It is estimated that the human brain is about 75 percent water.
e It is well known that most of the time we only use ten percent of our brain
f Exercising is thought to create chemicals that reduce your ability to think.
g The part of the brain called the hippocampus is known to be connected with
our sense of direction.
h It has been generally accepted that creative people have a dominant right
Read about Beau Lotto and Amy O’Toole and get ready to watch their TED Talk. 5.0
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS 4 Put the sentences (a–h) in order. The first and last
Fillers are given.
You can use words and phrases like right, all right, and 1 Perception is grounded in our experience.
you know to ask for agreement, to check that people are a These are the exact same ways of being you need in
understanding, or as a filler while we pause or move on to order to be a good scientist. 8
the next point. b If perception is grounded in our history, it means
we’re only ever responding according to what we’ve
So, this game is very simple. All you have to do is read what done before. 2
you see. Right? c Uncertainty is what makes play fun. It opens
possibility and it’s cooperative. 7
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to the d The question “why?” is one of the most dangerous
extract. Identify where Beau adds right or all right. 25 things you can ask, because it takes you into
uncertainty. 5
What are you reading? There are no words there. I said,
e But actually, it’s a tremendous problem, because
read what you’re seeing.|It literally says, “Wat ar ou rea in?”|
how can we ever see differently? 3
That’s what you should have said.|Why is this? It’s because
f So what is evolution’s answer to the problem of
perception is grounded in our experience.|The brain takes
uncertainty? It’s play. 6
meaningless information and makes meaning out of it, which
g So if you add rules to play, you have a game. That’s
means we never see what’s there, we never see information,
actually what an experiment is. 9
we only ever see what was useful to see in the past.|Which
h Now… all new perceptions begin in the same way.
means, when it comes to perception, we’re all like this frog.|
They begin with a question. 4
It’s getting information. It’s generating behavior that’s useful.
10 So armed with these two ideas—that science is a way
of being and experiments are play—we asked, can
2 Practice reading aloud the extract in Activity 1 in a similar
anyone become a scientist?
style to Beau. Answers will vary.
5 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Check your order of the
sentences in Activity 4. 5.1
6 What does Beau not mention when he talks about
3 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.
uncertainty making play fun? d
1 Are you good at science? Why?
a Play is adaptable to change.
2 In what ways do you think science is similar to play?
b Play is cooperative.
3 Have you ever asked someone a question about science
c Play opens up possibility.
that they could not answer? What was it?
d Play is unrewarding.
1 How did the research finally get published? • give rewards to bees for going to “good flowers.”
2 What was the reaction to the research? • identify which bees are going to which flowers.
3 What were two lessons that Amy learned? • train the bees to learn the pattern of one color
surrounded by another.
9 Amy says that changing the way a person thinks about • check that the bees aren’t just “smelling” the good
something can be easy or hard. Explain why you think flowers.
it would be easy or hard to change the way people • check that the bees aren’t just choosing the good
think about: Answers will vary. flowers by color.
• check that the bees aren’t just choosing the flowers in
• what they eat. the middle.
• what they watch on TV.
• where they shop. Read the paper about Blackawton Bees and see exactly
how the children set up the experiment and what they
10 MY PERSPECTIVE discovered. It’s available on the TED website.
Did the TED Talk change your views about science and
scientists at all? In what way? Answers will vary.
6 Adapt to Survive
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about evolution and how the
process has created billions of species over time—99 percent The flag-footed bug in the photo belongs to a large family of
of which have become extinct. They’ll learn that extinction is insects whose members are called various names, including
a natural part of life on Earth and confront the question, Does coreid bugs, leaf-footed bugs, and squash bugs. These bugs
conservation makes sense? exist in a wide range of environments and vary in size, shape,
and color. Some, like the one in the photo, have enlarged or
Students will learn about an unusual animal whose alleged flattened extensions on their legs, hence the common name,
near-extinction is attributed to human activity, and about leaf-footed bug. They have mouth parts extending more
people’s attachment to unlikely or totally debunked ideas about than half the length of their bodies that allow them to pierce
the natural world. They’ll watch a TED Talk and learn some leaves and fruit to suck the plant’s juices. They are serious
myth-busting facts about the iconic “ship of the desert” and crop pests in some areas of the world.
how some animal adaptations can actually lead to extinction
rather than survival. Language note The word adaptation did not always have
Finally, students will write a problem-solution essay about how the biological meaning we associate with it today. The sense of
to save an animal—or something else that’s been part of a way “modification of a thing to suit new conditions” is from 1790,
of life and may soon disappear. although the word actually dates from the 17th century. Its
current biological sense of “variations in a living thing to suit
changed conditions” was first recorded in 1859, in the writings
Unit Objectives of the British naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin.
• Science in action
• Vocabulary Building Adjective endings Warm Up
• Display the photo on pp. 68−69. Discuss it with the class—
Grammar who likes it, who doesn’t, and why. Have a student read the
• Grammar 1 Modals and meaning caption. Share About the Photo with the class.
• Grammar 2 Modals and infinitive forms • Have students describe other insect or animal adaptations
they can think of that serve as camouflage.
Reading • Remind students that Unit 5 touched upon several aspects
• Help Save the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus of science, including computers and the Internet, how
from Extinction people learn and do science, and inventions, research, and
the scientific method. Tell them that in this unit, they’ll
TED Talk focus more on life forms and the science of biology.
• Latif Nasser: You have no idea where camels really come from • Ask who likes studying biology and why (or why not). Call
on students to share with the class ideas or anecdotes
Pronunciation related to life forms; for example, animals that have
• Weak form of have fascinated or scared them, prehistoric life forms, theories
about life on Earth that intrigue them, and so on.
• Telling and responding to anecdotes Resources
• Classroom Presentation Tool
Writing • Tracks 27–32 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• A problem-solution essay
1 Most animals have died out. B 1 You might stop weak species from going extinct.
2 Conservation goes against evolution. I You will stop weak species from going extinct.
3 Genetic changes through evolution do not make a 2 Maybe we shouldn’t interfere.
species more perfect. C We must not interfere.
4 Animals can’t choose to adapt to a new environment. C 3 “The survival of the fittest” can suggest evolution is a kind
5 Human activity is increasing the number of extinctions. C of competition.
6 We must protect endangered species because we can. C “The survival of the fittest” suggests evolution is a kind
7 Conservation is expensive. B of competition.
8 Humans may become extinct sooner rather than later. B 4 If that habitat disappeared for whatever reason, they’d
easily die out.
7 What reasons for possible human extinction did you hear When the habitat disappears, the animals die out.
in the interview? Listen again and check. 27 5 Will you leave it there?
Loss of biodiversity; killing of plants that could cure diseases Could you leave it there?
8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
Answers will vary. Modals and meaning
1 Do you like television shows about the natural world?
A modal (would, will, may, might, could, can, should, shall,
What was the last one you saw? What was it about?
must) adds a general meaning to another verb to show a
2 Have you studied anything about conservation at school?
speaker’s attitude or intention.
What other things did you learn?
3 Would you like to be a conservationist? What might be The first thing that will strike people is…
good or bad about the job? = I am certain it strikes people.
4 Have you ever taken action to protect something? What The first thing that should strike people is…
did you do? = I believe it strikes people, but I'm not certain.
Other meanings are: certainty, uncertainty, obligation,
permission, suggestion, possibility, and frequency (habit).
ice age: ice cream; cream cheese; cheesecake CRITICAL THINKING Assessing information
You will often see information or read something that is
READING unfamiliar. You need to do further reading to check the
information is accurate and from a reliable source.
3 Choose one animal from these categories that you
are familiar with, and one that you would like to learn 11 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions Answers will vary.
more about. Answers will vary.
1 Why do you think so many people believe this story?
farm animals pets sea creatures wild animals 2 Looking back, is there anything in the story that should
have made you more suspicious?
4 Work in groups. Compare the animals you chose. Explain 12 MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.
your choices. Answers will vary.
Work in groups. What are the consequences of fake
news stories?
Reading Strategy Skimming 10 29 Read the Activity 10 directions aloud and play the
Remind students that the purpose of informational articles audio track. At the end of the audio, have students answer
is to provide facts and details to educate readers about a the questions and share their thoughts on the issue of
topic. Tell them they don’t always need to read every word website reliability. Ask Who should be held responsible, the
of an informational article. Particularly in exam situations, website creators or the consumers of online information?
they can skim a text to find the information they need.
When you skim, you read the title and any headings, look CRITICAL THINKING Assessing information
at illustrations and read captions, and read the first and
(sometimes) last paragraphs of the text in their entirety.
11 Read the information in the Critical Thinking box with the
class. Discuss the meaning of the term healthy skepticism.
For longer articles, they may also need to read the first and
Tell students it’s a good attitude to have about online
last couple of sentences in the other paragraphs.
information that doesn’t appear to be reliable.
• Put students in pairs to discuss the Activity 11 questions.
7 Do the first item as an example. Ask the class if the When students are done, have them share their thoughts.
statement is supported by the article or not. Explain that • Finally, ask Was the activity worth it? Did you learn anything
students will need to make inferences when a statement is about yourself? Will you change your online habits as a result?
not directly stated in the article. 12 Put
students in groups and read the question aloud. If
• Don’t immediately say if students have given the correct possible, share an example of a fake news story you know
answer, but call on a student to explain his or her reasoning of and its real or potential effects. Remind them of the study
(several students if there was disagreement). Give the final they heard about.
answer and explain the reasoning. • Have groups discuss the question. Make sure they include
• Put students in pairs to discuss the other activity items. the Internet and social media. When they’re finished, call on
When they’re done, go through each statement, making groups to share their ideas.
sure you get students to justify their answers by reading the
parts of the article they underlined. Expansion
• If students disagree on things that are not directly stated in Have students compile a list of reliable online sources
the article, you may need to review the process of making of information on various nature-related topics:
inferences with the class. endangered species, rare and unusual creatures, and so
on, to share with the class.
8 Tell students to read the questions and check that they
understand them. Answer any language questions they may
have. Make sure they understand activist and activism.
• Circulate as groups discuss and help as needed. When
groups are finished, ask individuals the questions again and
use the ensuing discussions to teach any new language that
comes up.
28 About Whyitit’s
Why endangered
is endangered
1 TheThePacifi c cNorthwest
Pacifi Northwesttree treeoctopus
octopus (Octopus
(Octopus Althoughthe
Although thetree
octopusis isnot notyetyet
onon thethe
paxarbolis)isisonly onlyfound
found in in the
the forests
forests of 30
30 official
offi ciallist
endangered animals,
animals, it should
it should
Washington State,on onthe
eastern sideside ofof the be,
be as numbers
numbersare arenow
seriously low.low.It It faces
Olympic Mountains,ininthe theUnited
United States.
States. faces
manymany threats:
threats: treestrees in Pacifi
in the Pacific-Northwest
c Northwest
5 5These creaturesreach
reachan anaverage
average size size of forests
being cutcut
down; new
between 30 and 35 centimeters
between 30 and 35 centimetres and live and live for
for roads have cut off access to water;
new roads have cut off access to water; the growth
around four years. They are
around four years. They are unusual in that unusual in that 35
35 of local towns has introduced
the growth of local towns has introducedhouse cats into
they liveboth
waterand andon on land,
land, aa fact
fact the region, which hunt the octopuses;
house cats into the region, and they hunt and
made possible by the very
made possible by the very high amounts of high amounts of pollution
the octopusesis getting
andworse. Immediate
pollution is gettingaction
10 rainfall in this part of the United States. needs to be taken to stop the tree octopus
10 rainfall in this part of the United States. Immediate action needs to be taken to stop
from becoming extinct.
Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, the tree octopus from becoming extinct.
Possessing the largest brain of any octopus,
the tree octopus explores its surroundings by
the tree octopus explores its surroundings by Become
Becomean anactivist
touch and sight. Some scientists believe that Here are some things you can do to help
touch and sight. Some scientists believe that 40
Here are some things you can do to help
the way it has adapted to life in the forest 40
protect the last few tree octopuses:
the way it has adapted to life in the forest protect the last few tree octopuses.
15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to
15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to • Write to the government to say you are
life away from the water. Although they are • worried
Write toand
government to say
life away from the water. Although you feel the treeyou are
not social animals like humans, theythey
canarestill worriedbeand thatspecial
you feel the treeandoctopus
not social animals like humans, they can should given protection
show emotions by changing their skin color: should be given special protection and
still included on the Endangered Species List.
redshow emotions
angerby andchanging theirNormally,
skin 45
indicates white, fear. 45 included on the Endangered Species List.
though, redthey
indicates anger and white,
are a green-brown fear.
color that • Write to celebrities, asking them to talk in
20 Normally, though, they are a green-brown • interviews
Write to celebrities
about the asking
matches their surroundings.
colour that matches their surroundings. about the
tree octopus.dangers facing the tree octopus
Every spring, tree octopuses leave their in interviews.
• Let the world know about the tree
homes spring, tree octopuses
and travel to the coast leave their Males
to breed.
50 • octopus:
Let the world know
tell your about
family andthe tree
homes and travel
soon return to thetoforest,
the coast
while to females
breed. Males
50 octopus: tell your family and
• Tell people not to buy products madefriends.
lay their
25soon return eggs underwater.
to the forest, whileThe young
femalesthen lay
25 their eggs their first monthThe
underwater. or so floating
young then near
spendthe • by
people notthattodon’t protect themade
buy products tree
their firstbefore
month moving
or so out of thenear
floating water and
to the octopus when cutting
by companies down
that don’t trees. the tree
shore beforetheir
and octopus
• Start whencampaign!
an online cutting down trees.
beginning their adult lives. 55 people to sign a petition.
• Start an online campaign! Encourage
Source: http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/
55 people to sign a petition.
Read about Latif Nasser and get ready to watch his TED Talk. 6.0
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS 3 Work in pairs. Write down as many other facts about
Understanding fast speech camels as you can. Then compare your ideas with another
pair of students . Do any of the other pair’s facts surprise
In quick speech, it can be difficult to hear individual words you? Why? Answers will vary.
because words get shortened or sound as one.
4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Complete the summary with
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen one to three words in each blank. 6.1
to these extracts from the TED Talk where people speak
quickly. Try to write down what you hear. 32 One day in 2006, Natalia Rybczynski was digging at a site
less than (1) ten degrees south of the North
1 … she thought it was just a splinter of wood, because Pole when she found a strange object. To begin with, she
at the Fyles Leaf Bed before— thought it was a piece of (2) wood . She
prehistoric plant parts. collected more fragments over the next four years and
2 How certain were you that you had it right, like… that eventually used a (3) 3D (surface) scanner to find out
, like? that it was a (4) leg bone / tibia of a huge mammal.
3 … something like a cow or a sheep. But When they cut a piece off one fragment, they
. It was just too big. (5) smelled collagen, which is a substance
4 … you’re going to have different body sizes. found in bones and which (6) had been preserved
, so they’re actually functionally in the ice. A couple of years later, she sent the fragments
like giraffes. to a colleague who had invented a technique called
5 And, as a historian, you start with an idea . (7) collagen fingerprinting , which can identify an
animal from a bone. They discovered it was a(n)
(8) 3.5 million-year-old camel and
that it must have weighed (9) around a ton ,
2 Work in groups. Do you think the sentences are true or which is (10) 30 percent heavier than camels today.
false? Why? Answers will vary.
5 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Check your answers from
1 Camels have been around for about a million years.
Activity 2. Correct the false answers. 6.2
2 The first camels were only found in North America.
3 Giraffes and llamas are in the same family as camels. Camels have been around longer than a million years.
4 The hump on a camel’s back contains water. According to Latif, they have been around for 45 million
5 Camels have evolved to walk on sand. years. 1 Camels have been around for between 40 and 45 million
years; 2 T; 3 Llamas are related, and some early camels were
functionally like giraffes; 4 The hump on a camel’s back
contains fat; 5 There’s a theory that camels evolved to
76 Unit 6 Adapt to Survive walk on snow, and this adaptation works for sand, too.
6D You have no idea where camels really come from
• Warm up Tell students they’re going to watch a TED WATCH
Talk about an archeological discovery. Read the title of
the section aloud. Ask the class Where do you think camels 2 Read the activity directions. Put students in small groups to
come from? (desert areas, North Africa, parts of Asia) Say discuss the questions or discuss them as a class. Have each
That’s correct—in this day and age—but you’re about to find student decide what she or he thinks and write an answer.
out that it’s only part of the camel’s story. • As students discuss, you might correct any misuse of the
• Read the quote aloud. Call on a student to translate it or say language or help students with the English vocabulary.
what they think it means in English (or both). (If students don’t know what a hump is, point to it in the photo
• Play the first video section. Then have students do the exercises. on p. 77.) You can also just move on to the next activity.
After they finish, you might write key words from the video on
the board and ask students what they remember about them. 3 Put students into pairs to list other facts they know about
camels. Set a time limit of one or two minutes. You could
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS also allow them to use their smartphones and give them
Understanding fast speech five minutes to research and write the two most unusual
facts about camels that they can find.
1 Have students look at the sentences and check if there’s • Get each pair to compare their information with another
anything they don’t understand. You might want to share pair. Say See who came up with the most surprising facts.
these definitions: splinter: a small, sharp piece of wood; • As feedback, simply ask students to share with the class the
functionally like: used in a similar way as something else most unusual fact they came up with or heard from another
• Tell students to read the information in the Authentic student. Ask them to tell what in particular surprised them
Listening Skills box. Then explain that they’re going to hear about the information.
some fast speech. They should follow along in their books
and try to fill in the blanks in the sentences as best they can. 4 Tell students they’re going to watch a video about—guess
• 32 Then play the audio straight through. When it’s what? Camels! Read the Activity 4 directions and have
done, have students compare what they wrote with a students read the summary. Answer any questions they
partner. Walk around and check how they did; decide if may have about it.
they need to hear the audio again. • 6.1 Play Part 1 of the TED Talk. Have students watch
• Replay the audio track and have students check their work. and write. When Part 1 is over, tell them to compare what
• To go through the answers, call on different students, one they wrote with a partner. Circulate and notice how well
at a time, to read what they wrote for the activity items. Play they did in order to decide how quickly to go through the
the extract to check the answers. If students are unsure of answers or whether to replay the video.
what they’re hearing, replay the problematic part one or • When students agree, write the answer on the board. When
two more times. there is a dispute, either write both answers and have
• Write the sentences on the board. Highlight, if you can, students watch the video again, or simply give the correct
how the sounds change in fast speech, as letters or sounds answer, depending on how much time you have.
disappear or words are linked together.
5 6.2 Tell the class they’re going to watch the next part of
• Finally, challenge students to say the sentences as quickly
the talk and see if their answers to Activity 2 were correct.
as they’re said on the recording.
Have them refresh their memories about the Activity 2
statements. Then play Part 2 of the video. Tell students to
Activity 1
rewrite the false statements to make them correct.
1 that’s the sort of thing people had found 2 you had
• Have students check their answers and correct any they
put it together in the right way 3 it couldn’t have been
got wrong. Then they should rewrite the false statements.
either of those 4 You’re going to have some with really
Tell them to use the example in blue as a model. Then go
long necks 5 in your mind of how the story goes
over the answers as a class. Call on different students to
share their rewritten statements.
Exam Tip Guide to guessing: true or false?
In true / false activities, there are usually more true
statements, or even (as opposed to odd) numbers of true
statements, than there are false statements because true
statements are easier for the exam creators to write. If the
last answer was true, there’s also a greater than 50 percent
chance that the next answer will be false and vice versa—
unless this results in more false statements than true ones.
Unit 6 Adapt to Survive 76a
6 6.2 Have students look at the Activity 6 sentences. 9 V
ocabulary in context
Play Part 2 of the video again and tell students to circle • 9a Tell students that they’re going to watch some clips
or underline the correct word or phrase in italics in each from the talk which contain new words and phrases. Explain
sentence. that you’ll pause the video when the options come on
• Have students compare answers with a partner. Get a sense screen and ask everyone to call out the correct meaning
of how well they did in order to decide if you need to play together.
the video again. • 6.4 If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer,
• Check the answers as a class. Call on students to read the provide additional explanations or examples before moving
completed sentences aloud. Write the answers on the on to the next clip. Play the video.
board. • 9b Have students look at the discussion questions. Answer
any questions they may have about the words in italics.
7 6.3 Tell students you’re going to play the last part of Reteach some, if necessary.
the talk. Say Listen carefully to Latif. Then decide which of • Prompt students’ thinking. Tell about a time you felt you’d
the Activity 7 sentences best sums up his main point. Have hit a wall but managed to keep going. Call on students to
students read the sentences. Then play the video. give their own examples. Then tell students to think of true
• When students have made their choice, Ask What did you examples for at least two of the four questions. Give them a
think of the talk? Call on students to share their impressions few minutes to decide what they’re going to say.
of the whole video. Then go through all the statements with • Put students in pairs to share their anecdotes and ideas.
them. Discuss whether each one is valid or not and why it is Circulate and check that they’re doing the task correctly. If
or isn’t the best summary of Latif’s main point. discussions are lagging, have students change partners and
• Get a show of hands for each answer choice. Call on continue.
individuals to explain their decisions. Finally, remind • At the end of the activity, ask Did anyone hear any good
students what a summary is—and isn’t. Then call on advice, learn anything new, or think anything was really funny?
someone to tell why c is the answer. Have students share the best things they heard.
• To wrap up, retell some things you heard and give feedback
8 Read the question and the four topics aloud. If you can, think about new language that came up and errors to correct
of a discovery yourself to model ideas for students or say It (which you may have written on the board).
seems like we’re always hearing about new fossil discoveries—
dinosaur bones, human bones, prehistoric creatures preserved CHALLENGE
in amber. • Have students read the Challenge. Give them a few minutes
• Put students in groups to talk about discoveries they’ve to think or write down ideas. If they need help getting
heard of. Listen and take notes as students talk. started, tell about a time you changed your beliefs about
• At the end of the task, share some surprising things you something or changed your opinion about someone.
heard. Have students tell the most interesting discovery that • Put students into small groups. Say Take turns telling about
came up in their discussions and have the person who told your experiences. Ask and answers questions about the process
it tell how they found out about it. You can also teach new of changing a deeply held belief. Was it difficult? Were you
language that came up or correct errors you heard on the stubborn about it? Or was it easy once you learned some new
board. information?
• Circulate as groups talk. Provide assistance as needed. At the
Teaching / Exam Tip end of the discussions, call on groups to say who they think
When students are in a pair for a speaking exam, part experienced the biggest change or who had the hardest
of the test is to see how they manage and share the time changing.
conversation. When students find themselves paired
with someone who doesn’t speak English as well as they
do, they still need to give the person an opportunity to
speak. Students should always ask timid speakers What
do you think? or What would you do? to get her or his
opinion. If the person struggles to say something, help
them say it!
7 Outside the Box
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about creativity—what it is, who
has it and who doesn’t, how to test for it, how to foster it, and The three sisters are Tair, Liron, and Tagel Haim, and they first
whether it’s declining in the age of the Internet. received attention in 2015 with a video for their song “Habib
Galbi” (Love of My Heart), which is an example of how they
Students will consider the natural creativity of children and take the Arabic-language songs of their heritage and turn
whether it’s being harmed by the emphasis on testing and them into 21st-century dance music. The sisters’ home is in
traditional teaching practices in many schools. They’ll learn about southern Israel near Egypt and Jordan, and their father’s family
tests that measure and predict creativity and form their own are Yemeni Jews, whose distinctive culture and Arabic dialect,
opinions of their validity. They’ll hear that while some discoveries according to one music critic, bridges the Arab world and Israel.
are the unexpected by-products of creative endeavors, many
more are the result of careful adherence to a set of rules. Language note Nobody knows for sure the origin of the phrase
Students will watch a TED Talk and learn about the different outside the box, or of the related expression thinking outside the box,
ways words are created and listen to a message urging them but its meaning has come to be widely understood as “embodying
to break the rules once in a while and invent some new words. creative or unconventional thinking.” Someone who thinks outside
Finally, students will use their creativity to think of solutions to a the box dares to think differently or from a new perspective. Many
problem and write a report giving their recommendations. believe the expression is a reference to a puzzle in the shape of a
square, called the “nine dots puzzle,” the solution to which involves
going beyond the boundary of a nine-dot array. The boundary is
Unit Objectives not there, but most people imagine it is and assume the solution
Vocabulary of the puzzle lies within its confines—so they’re stumped. Only a
• Breaking the mold small percentage realize they have to go outside the boundary to
• Vocabulary Building Noun forms solve the puzzle.
• Grammar 1 First, second, third, and mixed conditionals Warm Up
• Grammar 2 Wish, if only, would rather • Display the photo on pp. 80−81 and read the caption aloud.
Discuss the photo with the class. Ask students what they
Reading think of the three women and their outfits. Call on a few to
• Testing Creative Thinking describe the women’s “look.”
• Share the information in About the Photo. Ask Do you think
TED Talk the women and their band are a good representation of the
• Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words! unit title Outside the Box? Why or why not?
• Discuss students’ ideas about dressing differently and what,
Pronunciation if anything, it conveys, and about experimenting with
• Elision of consonants t and d combinations of different musical styles. If possible, show
the video of the song “Habib Galbi.”
Speaking • Ask students if they like the music. Encourage them to
• Raising concerns share what they know about other musicians who mix
• Suggesting a better approach different styles.
• Giving reasons
Writing • Classroom Presentation Tool
• A report • Tracks 33–36 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
4 Work in pairs. Do you agree with the sentences from Activity 2? Why?
Answers will vary.
5 Complete the phrases with these pairs of words. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
1 someone who does what he is told and obeys the rules or someone
who breaks them
2 someone who writes a test or someone who scores
highly on a test
3 someone who makes up a new word or someone who
writes word definitions
4 someone who comes up with a wide variety of approaches to a problem
or someone who analyzes things and comes up with a simple solution
5 someone who invents something or someone who
follows a set of rules to make something
6 someone who comes up with new ways of doing things or someone who
adapts existing ways of doing things
Work in pairs. Which person in each phrase in Activity 5 do you think is more
creative? Explain your ideas. Answers will vary.
• Warm up You could begin by asking students to discuss the sentences in the Grammar box. (hadn’t forced, (I)’d
their ideas about creativity in terms of something they’re spent) Then ask another student for an example of the
passionate about, such as music, a sport, or a school subject. past continuous (wasn’t sitting).
• Alternatively, as a review, put students in pairs and ask • Have students work individually to find examples of the
one person in each pair to say the verbs and adjectives other forms listed in Activity 2.
from Activity 1 on p. 84. Their partners should identify the • While they’re working, you could write the answers on the
nouns. Each pair should then come up with a collocation board or wait and go through them quickly (get all the
for each noun. answers from one student) when most have finished.
• You might also have students discuss the difference
3 Read the Activity 3 directions. Do the first one together. Say
between wishes and regrets and come up with examples
Let’s look at sentence a. Is it about the present or past? Hands
of each.
up if you think it’s about the present. Then say Hands up if you
1 This first task aims to lead into the subject of wishes
think it’s about the past. Ask students who didn’t put their
and regrets. Tell students to turn to p. 86 in their books hands up what they think. Confirm the answer. (present)
and look at the photo and caption and the sentences in the • If necessary, guide students to see that the sentence is
Grammar box. about a present situation. Then continue with the whole
• Read a few of the statements aloud and tell the class class or have students do the activity in pairs.
whether they’re true for you or not, and tell why. If you • Review and record the answers. Draw attention to the
can, choose a wish and a regret and make sure students fact that the verb forms in the sentences are the same as
understand the difference between the two. in second and third conditionals because the sentences
• Put students in pairs to go through the sentences and describe imaginary, or hypothetical, situations.
decide if any are true for them. Have them discuss. Ask Do
4 Have students look at the sentences in Activity 4. Point out
you wish any of the same things as your partner? Are you alike
that all the exchanges, or dialogues, are about hypothetical
in any other ways?
situations. For example, the speaker of the first sentence is
• After a minute or two, stop the discussions and ask some
imagining a life without sleep.
pairs the ways in which they are similar and different. Tell
• Make sure students understand the task. Say Read both the
the class We’ll come back and talk more about this topic later.
A and B parts of each dialogue before filling in the blank. It will
First, let’s look at the grammar.
help you understand what verb form is required.
At this point, have students complete Activities 4−6 on • Have students do the activity individually. When most have
p. 141 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also finished, review the answers by having the class call out the
assign these activities as homework. verbs all together.
• Finally, have different pairs of students read the dialogues
Teaching Tip aloud. Tell them to use the proper intonation and to speak
Whenever a student speaks aloud in class, it’s helpful with expression. Help with pronunciation as necessary. Don’t
to give some kind of feedback or teach some new focus on any dropped ts or ds. That issue will be addressed
connected language. Sometimes there may be one point in the pronunciation lesson.
worth focusing on, while other times there might be
ten! Even during casual conversation, students may find
they don’t have the English words to express themselves.
When you provide that language, you help not only the
individual students, but you also have the opportunity to
emphasize how speaking more leads to learning.
Expansion 9 Read the activity options aloud. Say Here are opportunities for
Have pairs of students write variations of the Activity you to stretch your imaginations!
4 dialogues. They could add a line or two to each • Make sure students understand that if they choose to write
one, using their own ideas, but keeping the situations the poem, they need to imagine themselves as someone
hypothetical. Tell them to practice reading the dialogues else—someone who regrets something in her or his past.
with expression and then set aside time for them to role- Remind them to use a structure for their poems that is
play them for the class. You could have the class vote on similar to the one used in the Activity 8 poem.
the most entertaining renditions. • Tell students who choose to write wish, if only, and would
rather sentences that they need to come up with eight of
them and that they should describe ideas or situations their
6 Read the first part of the directions aloud—about matching classmates will relate to.
the statements with follow-up comments. Say The first one • Say You can really let your imaginations fly with the third
has been done for you. Call on a student to read statement 1 option! But you can be serious as well. Tell students to discuss
and the first follow-up comment in c. their ideas with a partner first before they write them
• Then have another student repeat the statement, followed down.
up by the second comment in c. Ask the class Do you see the • Allow time for students to share their work with the whole
difference between the two comments? Can anyone explain class.
1 Ask students why they think people’s speech speeds Study Tip
up or slows down when they’re talking. Take students’ The best indicator of exam success is the number of
suggestions and discuss as a class. words you know, but what do you need to know about
• Then read, or have students read, the Authentic Listening a word? Obviously the meaning and how the word is
Skills box aloud and see how many of the reasons they pronounced, but it’s also helpful to know things like part of
thought of are included. speech, stress, collocations, word families, word histories,
• 36 Read the Activity 1 directions. Tell students to
and examples that show how the word is used. Have a
annotate the paragraph by putting a double line below the dictionary handy when you review lessons, do homework,
parts that are speeded up and a single line below the parts or prepare for exams. A good dictionary will give you all of
that are slowed down. Then play the audio track as students the above information and more!
follow along in their books and do the task.
• You don’t have to review students’ work as there are no 4 Read the directions. Tell students they’re going to watch
single correct answers. The purpose of the activity is to get Part 1 of the TED Talk. Explain that they’ll hear the excerpts,
students to focus on this one characteristic of speech. a−e, in the video.
• Before you play it, have students read the excerpts to themselves.
2 Have students compare their annotations in pairs. Tell
You may want to share these words and their definitions: hoodie:
them to discuss why Erin slows down or speeds up in
a sweatshirt with a hood; whippersnapper: an inexperienced
particular places. Then tell partners to take turns reading
but overconfident young person.
the paragraph the way Erin did and see who’s better at
• Have students look at the notes, numbered 1−3. Say You’ll
matching her speech patterns. Tell them to each read it
hear the concepts expressed in these notes in the video, too.
Watch first. Then the activity will make sense.
• Circulate as students read. Notice any words or phrases that
• 7.1 Play Part 1. Then have students do the activity
students have difficulty with. Write them on the board. individually.
• When pairs have finished, correct any mispronunciations.
Point to a word or phrase on the board and ask How do 5 Put students in pairs. Have them compare their answers for
you say this? Then model and have students repeat. When Activity 4. Tell them to look at each excerpt and the note what
applicable, draw special attention to linked or dropped goes with it and discuss the connection between the two.
(elided) sounds. • Go around and see how students did in Activity 4. Pay
• You could ask the students who did the best impressions of attention, too, to how well they understand the points Erin
Erin to perform for the class, or call on someone you heard was making with the excerpts.
and have her or him perform. Keep it light. Applaud the • If they’re struggling, Ask What’s the first excerpt that connects
student’s success! to New words? (“Because Grammar!”) What point do you
think Erin is making here?
• Work through the rest of the activity items. You may need
to help students articulate the points Erin is making.
a explain her job and what is important about it. 2 Why do you think some words disappear from use?
b argue that words are more important 3 If you are learning English, do you think it’s OK to create
than grammar. new words? Why?
c encourage people to create words and contribute to her 4 How might knowing how to make new words help you
online dictionary. to develop your English?
d argue that it is important to break rules to be
more creative. CHALLENGE
e explain different ways new words are formed and Work in groups. How many examples of the six different
disappear from use. ways of forming words can you think of?
8 VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT • borrowing • compounding
a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct • blending • functional shift
meanings of the words. 7.4 • back formation • acronyms
Giving reasons 2 use divergent thinking to make a list of as many different ways of approaching
the situation as you can.
That way you could…
a Your town or city wants to attract more tourists. It is planning to spend a lot of
That allows / enables… money on advertising, but no decisions have yet been made about how best
If we do that,… to sell the town or city—or what kind of advertisements might work best.
b This year, a lot less money is going to be available for your school. The school
will need to continue offering a great education to students while spending
up to 50 percent less. No decisions have yet been made on what changes will
need to be made.
c Your English class has been given some money to make an app or a website
to help current and future students deal with their biggest problems. No
decisions have yet been made about what should go on the app or website.
3 Exchange the list you made in Activity 2 with another group of students. Then
use convergent thinking and the expressions in the Useful language box to:
Answers will vary.
• discuss the difficulties there might be with each of the ideas.
• decide what the best approach would be—and why.
4 Each group should now choose one person to present their approach to the
class. Listen to each group and decide who has the best solution.
Answers will vary.
2 These discussion tasks (Activities 2−4) build on the idea of 4 Read the directions aloud. Give groups a few minutes to
creativity being a process of divergent thinking (brainstorming discuss who will present and what the person should say.
a variety of ideas) followed by convergent thinking (identifying After the different groups have presented their best solution,
the best choice and developing it). You may explain this to give feedback on how well they presented and maybe one
the students, perhaps asking if they remember the difference or two tips on how to improve for next time.
between the two types of thinking from the reading and how • Have students vote for the best solution. You could perhaps
it relates to creativity. award a first, second, and third place finisher. Finally, call on
• Tell the class to read the three situations and the two parts students to share their ideas about the whole experience,
of the activity. When they’re ready, take a vote on which including their thoughts on divergent and convergent
situation the class wants to work on. Make sure students thinking and whether anyone felt that their group’s most
understand that sell in situation a means “to promote.” innovative, most outside-the-box idea was rejected as being
• Optional Divide the class into three groups to do each too unrealistic or unworkable, and how they feel about that.
situation, but note that each group would then need to be • Optional Assign the final step as homework. Tell students
split into an even number of smaller groups, but at least two. to prepare a group presentation for the next class. If
• You may want to discuss the first part of the activity as a class. possible, allow some class time for groups to plan the
Ask for suggestions of things the groups would like to know. For presentation together, making sure everyone has a job to
example, for situation a, they might want to know what kind of do. For example, one student could describe the group’s
tourists the town wants to attract (for example, wealthy or budget- original approaches, another could read the group’s list
conscious tourists). Otherwise, suggest other information yourself. of best ideas, another their biggest stumbling blocks, and
• Tell groups the main part of the task is the second part—coming another could explain their best solution.
up with as many different approaches to the situation as they
can. In other words, try to look at the situation from different
perspectives. For example, for situation b, should the funds be
spent on student materials, teacher salaries, technology that
would allow students to attend class from home, subsidies for
parents with multiple kids in school, air conditioning? Say Think
outside the box!
8 Common Ground
Unit Overview
About the photo
In this unit, students will talk about identity and about how we
define ourselves as we grow and mature. They’ll think about A kunik is a traditional Inuit way of expressing affection,
how the customs of a culture contribute to identity and bind usually between loved ones. It involves pressing the nose and
people together, but sometimes hinder communication with upper lip against the face (commonly, the cheeks or forehead)
people from other places. Students will delve into the world of of the other person and breathing in, causing skin or hair
subcultures and consider the role these groups play in giving to be suctioned against the nose and upper lip. A common
young people an opportunity to explore who they want to misconception is that this custom came about so that Inuit
be and empowering them to express themselves in creative, can kiss without their mouths freezing together. Actually, it’s
sometimes extreme, ways. more likely to be because when Inuit meet outside, they often
have little more than their noses and eyes exposed.
They’ll talk about discrimination, how pervasive it is, and what
some young people are doing to fight it in their communities.
Language note The phrase common ground is defined as “a
Students will watch a TED Talk that connects the Ancient
basis of mutual interest or agreement” or “a foundation for mutual
Greeks, the color of the sky, and institutional racism to shed
understanding.” It’s often used to identify something that people
light on the concept of normal and show how artificial is it.
can agree about, especially when they disagree about other things.
Finally, students will write a complaint about instances of Identifying common ground allows communication between
stereotyping or discrimination they’ve witnessed in society and persons of disparate cultures, backgrounds, or beliefs, or even just
the media and call for action to end it. between classmates with seemingly very different interests. For
example, an avowed sports fanatic and a student with a passion for
Unit Objectives medieval history and art and no interest in sports whatsoever might
Vocabulary find common ground in their mutual love of Japanese animation.
• Identity and communication
• Vocabulary Building Compound adjectives Warm Up
• Have students keep their books closed. Introduce the unit by
Grammar telling them they’ll be talking about how people create their
• Grammar 1 Reported speech own identities and how identities can be shaped by family,
• Grammar 2 Patterns after reporting verbs culture, personality, and interests. Display the photo on pp.
92−93. Call on a few students to describe what they see.
Reading • Read the caption aloud to the class. Ask students what
• A Place to Be they know about the Inuit and where they live. Share the
information in the About the Photo box.
TED Talk
• Ask students what they would think if they saw two people in
• Safwat Saleem: Why I keep speaking up, even when people
the street greet each other this way. Have students share their
mock my accent
thoughts. Tell students they’ll talk more about this in the next
Pronunciation lesson.
• Stress for clarification
Speaking • Classroom Presentation Tool
• Identify yourself • Tracks 37–41 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• Agree or disagree
• Challenge ideas and assumptions
• Give examples
• A complaint
In addition to greetings, are there any rules you think it would be important
for a foreign visitor to your country to know? Do you always follow these rules?
Answers will vary.
3 Complete the sentences with these pairs of words.
5 Complete the collocations with the correct forms, based on the word families.
1 pay me a big compliment / compliment me on my work / be very
complimentary about it
2 discriminate against young people / fight discrimination / discriminatory
3 avoid stereotyping people / a negative stereotype / a stereotypical
4 took offense at what he said / didn’t mean to offend anyone / use
offensive language
5 respond awkwardly to questions / an awkward silence / a sense of
awkwardness in social settings
6 misunderstand the instructions / a silly misunderstanding
6 Choose five of the collocations from Activity 5. Write example sentences that
are true for you. Answers will vary.
China Germany Russia US Check the Grammar Reference for more information and
10 According to the conversation, are the sentences 12 Match the sentences in the grammar box to these points.
true, false, or not stated? Listen again and check your
answers. 37 1 The sentence includes the actual words that were spoken
or thought. b
1 Stacey’s parents are diplomats. NS 2 The sentence includes advice or instruction the speaker
2 The German girl who Stacey spoke to was deliberately was given. d
rude to her. F 3 The sentence includes a question (or plan) about an
3 If a Russian person smiles at another Russian they don’t action in progress at the time. a
know, they may be seen as untrustworthy. T 4 The sentence includes a statement about a previous
4 Stacey’s Korean friend was confused by people in the action and consequence. c
United States asking “How’re you doing?” T 5 The sentence includes a statement about something which
5 In Chinese, a common greeting can be translated as Have is still generally true. e
you eaten? T
6 Intercultural communication courses are effective. NS
5 with different social groups. Deciding to subculture has been developing in Mexico,
join a particular group or subculture offers where a style of music known as Tribal
young people the opportunity to explore Guarachero has evolved, complete with its
who they are and what they stand for. It 40 own remarkable fashions. More commonly
allows them to start defining themselves
known just as Trival, the hugely popular
10 outside of their immediate family circle, sound mixes traditional regional folk music
and can provide both a sense of identity with electronic dance. Young fans often
and of belonging, too. In our increasingly
identify themselves by combining futuristic
interconnected world, membership of 45 elements with a basic farmworker look…
particular groups can mean contact not and wearing extremely long, pointy boots
15 only with other like-minded people locally, when dancing, often competitively against
but also globally. However, while being part groups from other local towns. Believe it or
of a group can be an extremely positive not, some items of footwear have apparently
thing, it can also attract abuse and bullying, 50 reached five feet in length!
especially of those who insist on challenging
Of course, subcultures that develop in a
20 social norms. Here we look at four of the
particular area can spread like wildfire in a
more remarkable youth cultures out there.
matter of moments these days, thanks to
Some claim that the roots of Goth can be the internet. This is what’s happened with
found in such 19th century literary classics 55 the Scraper Biker subculture. Originally the
as Dracula and Frankenstein, but the dyed obsession of a small group of young people
25 black hair and black clothes, dark eyeliner in the San Francisco Bay area, scraper bikes
and fingernails, and intense dramatic post- are simply ordinary bicycles that have
punk music originated in England in the late been modified by their owners, typically
1970s. The style and sound have had a long- 60 with decorated wheels and bright body
lasting appeal; nowadays there are large colors. Much of the decoration is done very
30 communities of goths everywhere from cheaply, using tinfoil, reused cardboard,
Chile to China. Many goths resent being candy wrappers, and paint! The craze went
stereotyped as sad or angry, and instead global after a hip-hop video featuring these
65 creations went viral. Scraper bikes can now
be seen in cities all over the world.
If the internet helps some subcultures grow,
for others it’s their main home. Otherkin—
people who identify to some degree as non-
70 human—have a massive online presence
A man dancing in a nightclub
that’s growing all the time. While some
wears long, pointy boots.
otherkin believe themselves to actually be,
say, dragons or lions or witches or foxes,
others simply feel special connections to
75 certain creatures—and have found a space
within which to explore these feelings.
It seems that, whatever you’re going
through and whatever your own personal
enthusiasms, there’s a worldwide
80 community out there just waiting for
you to find it—and to assure you that
you belong!
Unit 8 Common Ground 97
8C Fight for Your Rights
Iceland was the first
European country to elect GRAMMAR Patterns after reporting verbs
a female president. Vigdis
1 Look at the Grammar box. Match the patterns and sentences (1–6) with the
Finnbogadottir was
elected in 1980. examples (a–f) that have the same pattern.
1 verb + infinitive (with to) a
The government intends to introduce new laws to tackle the problem.
2 verb + someone + infinitive (with to) e
I reminded you all to bring in your permission slips.
3 verb + preposition + -ing f
They apologized for doing what they did.
4 verb + (that) clause c
She argued (that) things really need to change.
5 verb + -ing b
He denied answering the question.
6 verb + someone + (that) clause d
He promised me (that) he’d never do anything like that again.
Patterns after reporting verbs
a Deciding to join a particular group offers young people the opportunity to
explore who they are.
b Many goths resent being stereotyped as sad or angry.
c Some claim that the roots of Goth can be found in 19th century literary classics.
d There’s a worldwide community out there just waiting to assure you that
you belong!
e It allows them to start defining themselves outside of their immediate family circle.
f It can also attract abuse and bullying of those who insist on challenging
social norms.
2 Work in pairs. Decide which patterns in Activity 1 these verbs use. Some verbs
use more than one pattern.
Zulaikha Patel and her classmates are fighting for rights that go
beyond the style of their hair. They are standing up against racism.
Read about Safwat Saleem and get ready to watch his TED Talk. 8.0
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS 4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Are the sentences true or false?
Just has several meanings—only, simply, exactly, 1 People have sometimes joked, “Have you forgotten your
soon, recently—and is also used to emphasize a statement name?” because of Safwat’s stutter. T
or soften a request, to make it sound smaller or more polite. 2 Safwat is interested in video games. T
3 The video Safwat posted only got negative feedback. F
4 The negative comments were mainly about Safwat’s stutter. F
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to these 5 The incident led Safwat to do more voice-overs in order
extracts from the TED Talk and add just in the correct to prove his critics wrong. F
place. 40 6 In the past, Safwat used video and voice-overs to become
1 I had to grunt a lot for that one. just had to more confident in speaking. T
2 I sat there on the computer, hitting “refresh.” just sat there 7 Safwat practiced to improve his voice and accent to
3 This was the first of a two-part video. just the first sound more normal. F
4 I could not do it. just could not 5 Work as a class. Read the conclusion of Safwat’s talk.
5 If I stutter along the way, I go back in and fix it. just go back Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.
6 And the year before, that number was about
eight percent. just the year before The Ancient Greeks didn’t just wake up one day and realize
7 Like the color blue for Ancient Greeks, minorities are not that the sky was blue. It took centuries, even, for humans to
a part of what we consider “normal.” just like realize what we had been ignoring for so long. And so we
must continuously challenge our notion of normal, because
2 Work in pairs. Discuss each meaning of just in Activity 1. doing so is going to allow us as a society to finally see the
Then practice saying the sentences. Answers will vary. sky for what it is.
1 How do you think the Ancient Greeks and the color of the
WATCH sky might be related to what you have talked about and
seen so far?
3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 2 What do you think Safwat means by “the sky,” with
1 In what ways do people make fun of others? regard to society today?
2 In what ways might people react to being made fun of?
3 Why do you think people make fun of others?
Activity 3, question 2
1 for − thinks it will reduce theft; 2 against − believes
the mall is safe and a place for teens to hang out;
3 for − thinks teens are disrespectful, threatening;
4 against − believes not all teens misbehave, kids need
to become independent; 5 against − believes the
media negatively stereotype teens
9 Lend a Helping
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about the devastation caused by
natural disasters and how governments and communities respond The photo is from China, where floods are common during the
in times of crisis. They’ll learn about new technology that anyone wet season, from May to November. The country has suffered
can access and use to help out in times of dire need. some of the worst natural disasters in recorded history, including
several of the deadliest floods and landslides of all time.
Students will read about the founding of UNICEF after World Typhoons are often the cause of flooding, especially in southern
War II to help the millions of children ravaged by the effects of and eastern coastal regions, where large-scale evacuations
that war, and how the United Nations has become a leading are not uncommon. China is in an active seismic zone and has
advocate for young people and a conduit for the development experienced major earthquakes, including one of the deadliest,
of the future leaders of the world. They’ll discuss how young the 7.9-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008, in
people can make a difference in their communities and how which more than 69,000 people lost their lives.
some have done so—even at great personal risk.
They’ll think about the psychological and emotional damage Language note The word disaster has its origins in the Latin word
caused by natural disasters and learn how a photographer and astro, for star. Later on, the Italian word disastro combined the Latin
a group of her colleagues found a unique and deeply personal word with the negative prefix dis- to mean “an unfavorable position
way to help alleviate some of that pain. Finally, students will of a star.” This meaning evolved to refer to the kind of misfortune
consider their specific qualifications to help out after a disaster which such an astral position was thought to cause.
and learn how to write a letter of application.
Warm Up
Unit Objectives • With their books closed, introduce the unit by telling
Vocabulary students they’ll be talking about natural disasters and their
• Dealing with disaster devastating effects on human populations. Ask students if
• Vocabulary Building the + adjective they or anyone they’re close to has ever been affected by a
natural disaster—an earthquake, a flood, typhoon, hurricane
Grammar or tsunami, severe drought, a volcano, an avalanche, etc. Ask
• Grammar 1 Relative clauses if anyone wants to share any details they know about it.
• Grammar 2 Participle clauses • Read the Language note to students and tell them that in
Reading centuries past people blamed natural disasters on the positions
• Shouting Out for the Young of the stars and planets, and in ancient times, some even thought
disasters were the gods’ response to bad human behavior.
TED Talk • Ask Does anyone know what some climate scientists are
• Becci Manson: (Re)touching Lives, through Photos predicting about future natural disasters? Students may know
that some scientists say global warming is causing increased
Pronunciation levels of water vapor in the atmosphere, which will lead to
• -ing forms more frequent and intense storms and droughts.
• Countering possible opposition
• Listing Resources
• Classroom Presentation Tool
Writing • Tracks 42–47 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
• A letter of application
Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand 104a
9A In Times of Crisis
One way to preteach vocabulary efficiently is to give
1 Have students open their books to pp. 104−105. Read the
students a list of the lesson words or collocations and tell
activity directions and questions aloud. Ask the class to look them to give each one a number from 1−3: 1 means “I know
at the photo and put them in pairs to discuss the questions. this word and use it”; 2, “I know the meaning of this word,
• Listen to students as they talk and help them with language but don’t really use it”; and 3, “I don’t know this word.” Go
if they need it. Some of these questions may generate around the class and notice which words are generally being
ideas that will give you the opportunity to preteach the given a 3. Explain these words before beginning the lesson.
vocabulary in Activity 2. Write some of the relevant words
and phrases you hear on the board.
3 Tell students to read the questions and check that they
• As feedback, discuss any words you wrote on the board or
understand them. Re-teach anything they ask about.
other issues you noted as pairs talked. Share the information
• Have a student read the first question aloud. Give one
in About the photo with the class.
possible answer yourself, then ask students for other ideas.
• Finally, call on pairs to tell what they think the three main
Then put students in pairs to discuss the rest of the question.
challenges facing the people in the photo are.
• Circulate and provide assistance as needed. When the first
Expansion pairs finish, have students change partners and start from
the last question this time.
• Divide the class into two groups. One group should
• Check students’ ideas by asking the individuals the questions
imagine that they were the people in the photo
again. Use this as an opportunity to teach some unfamiliar
and write some notes for a first-hand account about
words that came up in the discussions, such as the names
what happened. The other group should write down
of other natural disasters and words related to disaster relief,
questions to ask about the incident. Put together pairs of
and rescue and recovery efforts. Ask the class for a translation
students (one from each group) to conduct an interview.
or an explanation of the word or phrase and then give, or ask
• Have students identify English words for disasters that students for, other examples to show how it’s used.
have been borrowed from other languages.
Activity 3, Suggested answers:
2 Tell students they’re going to learn some (more) words 1 any other natural disaster 2 transportation,
and phrases to talk about what happens in the immediate roads, telecommunications, etc. 3 food, water, medical
aftermath of a natural disaster. supplies, shelter, etc. 4 the number of injuries and
• Have students read the directions and look at the word disease, amount of money from charities, number of
pairs. Have them check the meanings of unfamiliar words. foreign aid workers, etc. 5 food, water, tents, medical
Notice words they look up and focus on these in feedback. supplies, helicopters, etc. 6 by bulldozers or by hand --
• As an alternative, you can preteach the vocabulary, using by large teams of people 7 by helicopters or planes, by
the Teaching Tip that follows. boats, by trucks, etc. 8 trees or buildings fall, flooding,
• You may want to fill in the first blank together. Say, for other dangerous conditions
example, Number one: The… what… struck coastal areas just
after midnight. What kind of word is needed here? (a noun) 4 Think of your own example of a natural disaster before class.
There are several nouns given first in the list of word pairs. Try Ideally it should be one most students will not know about.
them all. If one seems to fit, see if the second word in the pair Explain what happened. As you do so, highlight the new
works. Pause. Then ask OK, which word makes the most sense vocabulary you use and point out when you provide the
here? (earthquake) information asked for in Activity 4. When you finish, have
• Have students complete the activity individually. When most students ask you two or three further questions.
students have finished, tell them to compare answers with a • Tell students to read the directions and look at the bulleted
partner and to help each with anything they haven’t finished. items. Give them two or three minutes to choose a natural
• Review the answers by asking students to read the disaster.
completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and
5 Put students into small groups to give their talks. Encourage
word pairs on the board.
• Ask questions about related collocations. For example, ask them to avoid reading their notes. Tell the other group
Can you think of collocations to describe what might have members to ask questions and make comments using the
happened right as the earthquake struck? (the ground shook lesson vocabulary. As you circulate, provide your own feedback.
or trembled, trees swayed or bent, houses collapsed) • At the end of the activity, retell some interesting things you
heard. You can also give some whole-class feedback on how
well students used the new language.
105a Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand
9A In Times of Crisis
VOCABULARY Dealing with disaster
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary.
1 What do you think has happened?
2 What do you think the three main challenges in this area would be at this time?
3 What would be needed to help people overcome these challenges?
2 Check that you understand these pairs of words. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
Then complete the series of events following an earthquake.
1 The earthquake struck coastal areas just after midnight and caused
widespread devastation .
2 Much of the infrastructure was damaged or destroyed, and thousands of
people started to flee the worst-affected areas.
3 As the number of injuries continued to rise , it became clear that a
humanitarian crisis was starting to unfold.
4 There were food shortages and a limited amount of clean
drinking water.
5 The government appealed to the international community for
aid .
6 The roads were blocked , so they had to use helicopters to drop
supplies to people.
7 They launched a relief effort and started to evacuate people
from the disaster zones.
8 They finally managed to clear the debris and started the huge
task of rebuilding.
3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 In addition to earthquakes, what else can cause widespread devastation?
2 What kind of systems form the infrastructure of a town or city?
3 What else might there be shortages of after a disaster?
4 What else might rise after a natural disaster?
5 What kind of aid can the international community provide in crises?
Rescuers evacuate local 6 How is debris usually cleared?
people from their homes 7 How are people usually evacuated from disaster zones?
in China. 8 What other reasons are there that roads may be blocked?
4 Think about a natural disaster you know about and prepare to discuss it. Write
notes on: Answers will vary.
• what happened, where, and when.
• the immediate impact of the disaster.
• the relief effort involved—and how effective it was.
• the biggest challenges.
5 Work in groups. Discuss your notes from Activity 4. Try to use some of the
language from Activity 2. Answers will vary.
Shouting Out
discuss UN policies from
a youth perspective.
7 an online initiative that brings together politically active 7 What do you think the author’s general opinion is about
people. Voices of Youth the UN and young people? Why?
Very positive. The author
8 a place where young people help to decide how things depicts young people as caring and capable of taking charge.
are done in the world. UN Youth Assembly 8 Identify the words and phrases in the opening paragraph
9 a document that states the rights of children.
Convention on the Rights of the Child which reveal the author’s opinion. How does the structure
6 In your opinion, how influential were these people from of the paragraph reinforce these opinions?
the article? Put them in order from most influential to
least influential. Then work in small groups. Compare 9 Rewrite the first paragraph so that it is neutral. Change
your answers and discuss your choices. Answers will vary. words and the structure of the paragraph. Remove
words or phrases as necessary.
Ahmad Alhendawi Dzitka Samkova
Ludwik Rajchman Maurice Pate 10 Work in groups. Discuss ideas you have to achieve these
Nicol Perez Voices of Youth bloggers UN 2030 goals. Then share your ideas as a class.
Answers will vary.
• End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
CRITICAL THINKING Detecting bias • Ensure inclusivity and equality for all and promote
lifelong learning.
Even though articles give a lot of factual details, the way • Achieve gender equality.
that the arguments are organized and the vocabulary that • Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
is used can show if the writer has an underlying opinion.
3 Read about some research findings and projects available to young people.
Fill in the blanks with the correct participle of each verb.
Research has found that the number of young people (1) involved (involve)
in dangerous behavior has fallen greatly over recent years. In fact, youths are
actually far more likely to be victims of crime rather than criminals. Yet most people
think that the amount of youth crime and antisocial behavior is getting worse. The
suggestion is that this may be because media reports still focus on youngsters
(2) misbehaving (misbehave), (3) ignoring (ignore) the many
community projects (4) reducing (reduce) crime. These community projects
involve such things as cafes (5) set up (set up) for teenagers to meet after
school, community gardens (6) teaching (teach) teens about sustainability,
and a “time bank” (7) designed (design) by young people
(8) allowing (allow) them to earn rewards for doing volunteer work.
1 Ask students either in pairs or as a class to briefly recall 3 Tell students they’re going to read about what some
some of the main points of the article “Shouting Out for the research has found out about young people’s behavior. Have
Young” from the previous lesson. them look at the Activity 3 text and answer any questions
• Then have them look at the sentences from that article in they may have about the language. You might want to ask
the Grammar box. Point out the phrase called UNICEF in students for examples of antisocial behavior in young people
sentence a. Write it on the board. Say We sometimes use an or how they think a time bank might work.
-ed or -ing participle, like this one, instead of a relative clause. • Give the students a minute or two to read the text, ignoring
• Ask What clause could you use to replace called UNICEF the blanks for the moment, to find out what the research
that would say essentially the same thing? Call students’ has found. Ask what the main idea of the text is. (Young
attention to item 1 in Activity 1. Ask Which of the three people’s behavior is improving, although many people
clauses would work? think it’s getting worse.)
• Ask What about a? Students should know that a is not • Then read the activity directions and have students
correct. Ask Why? (because who refers to people, not things) complete the sentences with the correct participle form
Then call on students to say the first part of sentence a (-ed or -ing) of the verbs in parentheses.
(in the Grammar box), substituting clause b and then • When most have finished, tell students to compare answers
clause c for called UNICEF. Guide them to see that either in pairs. Check the answers by calling on different students
would be correct. to read parts of the text aloud. Help them as necessary with
• Have students complete the activity individually. Tell vocabulary and pronunciation. Have students who struggle
them to circle the correct clauses. Then review the answers to read challenging words or phrases say them again. Then
all together. have the whole class repeat them several times.
• Record the item numbers and participles on the board.
At this point, have students complete Activities 3 and 4
on p. 145 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also
assign these activities as homework.
Have students rewrite the sentences in Activity 3 that
2 Have students read the first part of the Grammar Reference contain participles and replace the participles with
on participle clauses on p. 144. Then have them answer the relative clauses. Tell students it’s OK to reword a sentence
grammar checking question in Activity 2 in pairs or ask the as long as they don’t change its meaning.
whole class the question yourself.
• Discuss the difference between past and present participle
clauses, using the relative clauses and participles in Activity
1 as examples.
Activity 2
Present (-ing) participles replace relative clauses that
use an active verb. Past (-ed) participles replace relative
clauses that use a passive verb.
AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS 4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Find an example of where Becci:
Intonation and completing a point
1 makes a joke about her profession.
We often use a rising intonation to show we are going to
2 defends her profession.
add an idea and a falling intonation to show that our point is
3 gives an example of an unpleasant job she did.
complete. This pattern is common in lists and contrasts.
4 had an initial moment of realization.
5 felt a sense of pride.
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen to 6 had a positive reaction from her contacts.
Becci. Practice saying the extract yourself. 46
5 Work in pairs. Tell each other about: Answers will vary.
A photo is a reminder of someone or something, a place,
• things you’ve lost or broken and wish you still had.
a relationship, a loved one . They’re our memory-keepers • things you’re good at repairing.
and our histories, the last thing we would grab and the first
6 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Are these statements true, false,
thing you’d go back to look for. or not stated? 9.2
2 Decide where you might use a rising intonation and 1 The little girl in the first photo didn’t survive the tsunami. NS
where you might use a falling intonation in these extracts 2 Before long, Becci and her team were scanning photos
from the TED Talk. Practice saying them. every other day. F
3 Some of the people who brought photos were unfamiliar
1 We make skinny models skinnier, perfect skin more with the technology Becci was using. T
perfect, and the impossible possible. 4 The kimono in the photo took months to retouch. NS
2 We pulled debris from canals and ditches. We cleaned 5 Photos would only get retouched once their owners had
schools. We de-mudded and gutted homes. come forward. T
6 The lady who brought the family portraits already had
extra copies. T
WATCH 7 Both of the lady’s children were caught in the waves
3 Work in groups. Tell each other about—and show each when the tsunami reached land. F
other, if you can—photos that remind you of special 8 All of the photos Becci and her team retouched were
people, places, or times in your life. Answers will vary. returned to their owners. F
9 Becci and her team needed new printers. F
Activity 2, Suggested answers: 5 Give your own examples as a model before you ask students
to do the activity.
1 We make skinny models skinnier, perfect skin
• Put student in pairs to discuss. Go around the class and help
more perfect, and the impossible possible. with any language students need.
2 We pulled debris from canals and ditches. We 6 Have students read the statements and check that they
understand them. For example, you may need to explain
cleaned schools. We de-mudded and gutted homes.
what photographic scanning is, and the words kimono and
portrait. Make sure students understand the task.
WATCH • 9.2 Play Part 2 and tell students to mark the statements
Spend your winter vacation this year doing something different. We’re looking Introducing subjects that you
for volunteers between the ages of 16 and 21 to rebuild a school in Belize want to discuss
that was destroyed in a hurricane last year. You will learn traditional building In terms of my experience, I have…
methods to provide a great space where learning can take place. For more With regard to my degree, I have…
details, write and tell us who you are and what you would bring to the project. As far as language skills go, I can…
Explaining your suitability
1 What do you think daily life for volunteers on this project would involve?
I feel I would be suitable because…
2 What problems might they face?
3 What kind of skills do you think would be required to do this work? I’m prepared to…
4 How do you think any volunteers who take part might benefit? I feel confident that I’d be able to…
5 Would you be interested in doing something like this? Why?
7 WRITING Structuring an application Answers will vary.
If you were writing in response to an advertisement, decide how you would
order each of these features. Compare your ideas with a partner.
a Refer to the ad that you saw d Outline your plans for the future
b List the skills and abilities you have e Explain why you are writing
c Describe who you are and where you are from
8 Work in pairs. Read the letter of application on page 153. Which order did the
writer choose? Do you think this person would be a suitable volunteer? Why?
1 e 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 b
9 Complete the sentences by adding the correct prepositions from the letter.
1 I’m writing in response to your recent letter.
2 Please send me more information about the post.
3 Please send details of how to apply.
4 I’m currently in my last year of high school.
5 In terms of my experience, I have a part-time job.
6 In addition, I have experience working with animals.
7 I feel that I would be suitable for the post.
8 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
10 Look at the advertisement. List the skills and abilities you have that might
make you a suitable volunteer. Answers will vary.
Spend your summer in Mexico helping to preserve some of the world’s most
endangered species by participating in wildlife volunteer projects. Depending
on where you’re placed, you may care for animals, conduct research, or help
with community programs. You may also be asked to teach basic English to local
guides. You may find yourself working with dolphins or even jaguars. Contact us
for details and to let us know why you’d be a great fit for our team.
10 Life-changing
Unit Overview
About the Photo
In this unit, students will talk about illness and accidents, how
they’re treated, and the resiliency and determination of people The da Vinci surgical system shown in the photo is a
suddenly faced with serious life-changing disabilities. robotic system made by an American company and
designed to conduct complex surgery using a minimally
Students will read about the rise of superbugs and how overuse invasive approach. A surgeon controls the system from a
of antibiotics threatens the ability of the medical profession console. There are many advantages to this way of working,
to meet the crisis. They’ll read about advances in medical including reduced pain and discomfort, faster recovery
technology that have restored sight to the blind. They’ll hear an time, reduced blood loss and risk of infection, and minimal
amazing story of recovery and renewal after a horrific accident. scarring. The system’s name is meant to evoke Leonardo da
Finally, students will write a success story about overcoming Vinci, whose study of human anatomy contributed to the
one of life’s challenges. design of the first known robot in history.
Unit Objectives Language note The word surgery comes, ultimately, from the
Vocabulary Greek word kheirourgos, meaning “working by hand.” Surgery
• Illness and injury in some ancient civilizations was highly developed, particularly
• Vocabulary Building Dependent prepositions in India, China, Egypt, and Greece. Not so in Europe, where
during the Middle Ages, surgical procedures were most often
Grammar performed by untrained barbers.
• Grammar 1 Expressing past ability
• Grammar 2 Emphatic structures Warm Up
• With their books closed, introduce the unit by telling
Reading students they’ll be talking about accidents, illness, and the
• Avoiding the Antibiotic Apocalypse recovery process. Note that students will discuss the photo
in great detail in the following lesson.
TED Talk • Write Life-changing on the board and tell students it’s the
• Janine Shepherd: A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person unit title. Ask them why a unit on illness and injury might
have this title. Take their responses. Make sure to also
Pronunciation discuss positive life-changing events.
• Stress on auxiliaries • Invite students to share any experiences they’ve had with
• Adding emphasis broken bones or other accidents and to tell what their
recovery process was like. Ask them Did the experience
Speaking change your life? In what ways?
• Developing the conversation
Writing Resources
• A success story • Classroom Presentation Tool
• Tracks 48–54 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)
Frida Khalo managed to deal with her pain and turn it into
art that is admired by people all around the world.
1 which of the photos is being discussed. the photo of the Argus II (on this page)
2 if the technology is expensive. yes, over $100,000
3 Work in pairs. Can you explain how the technology works using these
words? Listen again and check your answers. 51
Work in pairs. Think of as many different ways to fund medical
research and treatments as you can. Then discuss these questions
with another pair of students. Answers will vary.
1 What is the best way to fund medical research and treatment?
2 How might a health service decide when a treatment is too expensive?
3 How might a health service decide between two very expensive
you did hear. Think about the context and what you know 1 The accident took place at the time of the Olympics. F
about the subject or situation to guess what might have 2 The vehicle that hit Janine was going fast. T
been said. If you are with someone, compare what you 3 Janine’s bike helmet protected her head from any damage. F
heard; you may have heard different things. 4 Janine had an out-of-body experience as she was
fighting for her life. T
1 Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then work 5 Janine had no movement below her waist after the
in groups. Listen to the extract from the beginning of operation. F
Janine’s talk. 53 6 The doctor said the result of the operation meant that
Janine would eventually be as good as new. F
• Student A: Listen and note the nouns and things
you hear. 5 Work in pairs. Watch Part 2 of the talk. Take notes on
• Student B: Listen and note the verbs and actions what you hear and compare. 10.2 Answers will vary.
you hear.
• Student C: Listen and note whatever you want. 6 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences together. Then
• Student D: Listen carefully without taking notes. watch Part 2 of the talk again and check your answers.
2 Work in your groups. Write a complete text based on your
combined notes. Your text does not have to be exactly 1 Janine did not know what the other people in the spinal
the same as the extract you heard in Activity 1. ward looked like .
2 Janine felt the friendships she made there were unusual
3 Listen to the extract again and compare it with what you because they were judgment-free. / based purely on spirit
wrote in Activity 2. In what ways is your text different 3 The other people in the ward shared their hopes and
from the extract? 53 fears rather than have superficial conversations
4 When Janine left the ward and first saw the sun again, she
(so incredibly) grateful felt for her life.
5 The head nurse had told Janine she would get depressed ,
but she did not believe her.
6 Janine wanted to give up because she was in a wheelchair .
2 When the track is finished, read the Activity 2 directions 5 10.2Put students in pairs. Tell students they’re going to
aloud. Tell groups to put their notes together and try and watch the second part of the talk and that they should take
write a complete text based on what they have. You might notes. Play Part 2 of the talk.
suggest that Student D be the one to write the text. • At the end of the video have partners compare their notes.
• Set a time limit of around ten minutes. Stress that the text Say Save your notes for Activity 6.
doesn’t have to be exactly the same as what they heard, • Ask the whole class for ideas about what they heard.
but it should be written in full sentences and include all the
information they heard. 6 Tell students to look at the Activity 6 sentences to see
if there’s anything they don’t understand. Tell them,
3 53 Read the directions aloud. Then play the extract again. if necessary, that a ward in a hospital is a large room
• Give students time to discuss any differences between the with beds for several patients. Have pairs complete the
text they created and what they heard. After a few minutes, sentences together as best they can.
ask a few groups how similar or different their texts were • 10.2 Replay Part 2 of the talk so pairs can check their
from the recording. If they were very different, ask students answers. Go around and check how they did. Decide
if they know why. whether the class needs to watch Part 2 a third time.
• Tell groups to take a few minutes to brainstorm what they • To go through the answers; call on students to read their
could have done better as they listened. completed sentences. Play the audio again to confirm
or correct them. Write the missing words and phrases
on the board.
Useful language 4 Work in pairs. Take turns saying the sentences below. Your partner should
respond and add a follow-up question or comment. Answers will vary.
Reporting stories / news
1 Apparently, he’ll have to have an operation.
2 Her mom said she was grounded.*
I heard (that)… 3 I saw him yesterday and he said he was feeling a lot better.
Expressing surprise 4 Apparently, it’s a really bad cold. He’s going to be out all week.
You’re kidding! 5 Did I tell you? My older sister’s going to have a baby!
Oh no! grounded not allowed to go out as a punishment for doing something wrong
Responding to good news
5 Practice having conversations based on your ideas in Activity 1. Use the Useful
Wow! That’s great!
language box to help you. Answers will vary.
Showing sympathy
Poor guy WRITING A success story
He must be fed up! 6 Work in groups. Can you think of a time you overcame one of the following?
Passing on a message Tell each other your success stories. Answers will vary.
Say “hi” from me.
a difficulty disgust a fear
Tell him to get well soon. an illness an inability an opponent
Tell her I’m thinking of her.
7 Work in pairs. Student A: read the story on this page. Student B: read
the story on page 153. Then tell each other:
PRESENT AND PAST FORMS I’d been wanting to go there for ages.
Simple present Remember that some “state” verbs that do not express action
are not used in continuous forms.
The simple present describes things that are generally true,
habits, or permanent states.
I miss my host family.
To talk about habits, regular actions, or events in the past, use
The simple present also describes things scheduled to happen
used to and would. The simple past can also be used. Often,
at a particular time in the future.
these habits or events no longer happen.
e arrive at seven in the morning and then leave the following
Would is more common than used to. Used to is often used to
start a topic, and then would or the simple past is used to give
Present continuous extra details.
I used to do it all the time when I was a student going home to
The present continuous describes actions seen as temporary, in
visit friends… Often, when you went to some hitching spots, you’d
progress, or unfinished.
have to line up behind several others already waiting for a ride… I
We’re talking about study-abroad programs. often argued with my parents about the dangers of hitchhiking and
I would tell them about all the amazing experiences I’d had.
The present continuous is also used to talk about things in the
future that one has arranged to do with other people. Used to or the simple past (not would) are used to describe past
I’m meeting some friends on Sunday. states existing over a period of time.
Hitchhiking used to be / was / would be so common when
Simple past I was / used to be / would be a student.
The simple past is used to describe finished actions in the past, Describe individual past events and situations with the simple
especially when there is one finished action after another. past only. Do not use used to or would.
I spent six months in Berlin in 2015. Then I came home. I also spent / used to spend / would spend one summer hitching
around South America.
Past continuous
To form negatives, use didn’t to show the past tense. Notice that
The past continuous is used to emphasize an action in progress use to is used in negatives.
around a time in the past.
People didn’t use to worry about sharing their space.
I was actually thinking about canceling my trip before I left.
It is common to form negatives using never instead of didn’t.
Past perfect Notice that used to is used to indicate the past tense in this case.
People never used to worry about sharing their space.
The past perfect emphasizes that one thing happened before a
particular point in the past. When asking questions, use the auxiliary did to show the question
is in the past tense. Notice that use to is used in questions.
I’d never left Argentina.
Did you use to go there?
Past perfect continuous
There is no present form of used to. The adverb usually or the
The past perfect continuous (had been + -ing) is the preferred verb tend to is used.
form for talking about something in progress over a period of
People don’t used to usually hitchhike now.
time up to or before a particular point in the past. However, the
past perfect can also be used in most of these cases.
Present perfect The -ing form is commonly used with the following verbs.
The present perfect is used: admit avoid can’t stand consider
delay enjoy finish keep
• to introduce or list experiences connected to a present
mind miss practice recommend
situation / discussion.
• to refer to a completed event within a period of time
including now. The infinitive with to is commonly used with the following verbs.
• to talk about the duration of something that is still true now. agree arrange decide expect
Most successful entrepreneurs have failed at least once. fail hope intend need
Entrepreneurs have always needed the confidence to recover offer plan promise refuse
from failure.
Objects before -ing and to
The present perfect continuous is used:
• to talk about duration of activities that are still true now. Some verbs can have an object before an -ing form or an
• to emphasize the process (not the completed action). infinitive with to.
The number of entrepreneurs has been growing over the last catch sb/sth -ing discover sb/sth -ing feel sb/sth -ing
few years. find sb/sth -ing got sb/sth -ing hear sb/sth -ing
imagine sb/sth -ing leave sb/sth -ing mind sb/sth -ing
Kickstarter has been running for several years now.
notice sb/sth -ing remember sb/sth -ing see sb/sth -ing
The continuous form is preferred when talking about duration,
but the simple form can also be used with no difference in advise sb/sth to allow sb/sth to ask sb/sth to
meaning. beg sb/sth to cause sb/sth to challenge sb/sth to
T he number of entrepreneurs has been growing over the last convince sb/sth to dare sb/sth to expect sb/sth to
few years. force sb/sth to get sb/sth to hire sb/sth to
invite sb/sth to order sb/sth to pay sb/sth to
The number of entrepreneurs has grown over the last
permit sb/sth to prepare sb/sth to remind sb/sth to
few years.
The simple form is usually used when talking about a completed Negatives can be made using not.
action, while the continuous form is usually used to emphasize I hate not having a cell phone with me.
the process. This is why the simple form is preferred with
specific amounts. Verbs with two objects
Since it started, Kickstarter has been raising raised two
These verbs are commonly followed by two objects.
billion dollars.
He’s been starting started ten different companies over the ask book bring build
last fifteen years. buy cook find get
give lend make owe
pass save show tell
Simple past
The simple past is used: With most verbs that can be followed by two objects, the order
• to tell a story of completed events. of the objects can be reversed if for or to is put in front of the
• with time phrases that show completed time. person / group of people. The preposition used depends on the
• to talk about the duration of completed events. initial verb.
Can you email me the report sometime today, please?
D’Aloisio’s first investor contacted him via email from Hong Kong.
Can you email the report to me sometime today, please?
She wrote for ten years without success.
The indefinite article is used: Size differences can be shown by modifying the comparative
with a number or measurement, or a modifier.
• before nouns when they are one of several, when it is
not important which one is meant, or when something is On average, shot putters are now two and a half inches taller
mentioned for the first time. and 130 pounds heavier than they were in the past.
• to say what people or things are / were. Over a thousand more people have run sub-four-minute miles
The definite article is used: since Bannister did it.
• before nouns when it is thought to be clear which thing Big difference much / a lot / a great
or things is / are meant. deal / far better
• before superlative adjectives. more efficient
Small difference a little / slightly
• as part of some fixed expressions.
No article is used: We can also add modifiers to “not as” comparatives.
• before uncountable nouns. not nearly as fast not nearly as many
• with plural nouns to talk about things in general. not quite as good not quite as much
• after prepositions in many expressions with places. Remember, many and few go with countable nouns, and much
• before the names of most cities, countries, continents, and little go with uncountable nouns.
street names, airports, or stations.
The pattern the more… , the more… can be used to show how
Quantifiers two or more changes happen together or affect each other.
Quantifiers are determiners that show how much or how many of Comparative Clause Comparative Clause
something. Some can only be used with uncountable nouns or remainder remainder
plural countable nouns. The longer your legs are, the more they are to
and thinner energy- swing.
Both is used to talk about two people and / or things.
Either and neither are followed by singular countable nouns. They
are used before a noun to talk about two choices or possibilities. Look at the box to see how situations now are compared with
Neither is a negative, so it is not used with no or not. the past.
Every and each are used only with singular countable nouns. Athletes are training harder they used to do.
Sometimes it is not important which word is used, but generally: and more intelligently than before.
• each is used to focus on individual things in a group or to in the past.
list two or more things. they did before.
• every is used to talk about a group or to list three or more Elite shot-putters now they were in the past.
things. are two and a half inches taller they used to be.
• all is used to talk about the whole of something. All is than 40 years ago.
followed by uncountable or plural nouns.
• any is used in positive sentences when it is not important
to specify the exact person or thing, because what is
being said applies to everyone or everything.
• when quantifiers are used with pronouns, of is added after
the quantifier.
present continuous / be going to In many ways, Sheffield and Bilbao are similar. By the
The festival (be) great because some of my 1990s, both were post-industrial cities wondering how they
favorite bands (play). were (1) going to cope in the coming years. Like
The festival is going to be great because some of my the Guggenheim, the National Centre for Popular Music
favorite bands are playing. was (2) expected to be a landmark building that
1 simple present / will (3) would boost tourism in the city. Bosses at the
What do you think you will do (do) after you Centre (4) were hoping for 400,000 visitors a year,
leave (leave) school? but numbers were far lower (5) than expected,
2 simple present / future continuous with only around 140,000 showing up in the first 12 months.
Let’s hope that when we have (have) the concert People soon realized that the center on its own
outside, it won’t be raining (not / rain). (6) wasn’t going to be enough to transform the city,
3 present perfect / going to and it closed down before even reaching its second birthday.
They are going to start(start) the project once they
have raised (raise) enough money. 4 Complete the second sentences using the words in
4 present continuous / present perfect parentheses and 1–3 additional words.
We are going (go) on a school trip to Hong Kong after 1 I had high hopes for it, but it was actually sort of
we have finished (finish) all our exams. a letdown.
5 will / future continuous I thought it would
It wasn’t as good as (thought) be.
I won’t be doing (not do) much this weekend, so I 2 I had high expectations, but it totally exceeded them.
will show (show) you around the city, if you want.
It was even better than I was expecting it (expecting) to be.
6 present perfect / be about to / will 3 They ended up with three million visitors—far more than
I’m sorry, the movie is about to start (start). I will call initially expected.
(call) you when it has finished (finish). They were hoping (hoping) to get around a million
2 Complete the second sentences using 3–5 words— visitors, but ended up with three times that!
including the words in bold—so that they have the same 4 I’d planned to go out and meet some friends, but in the
meaning as the first sentences. end I was too tired.
I was going (going) to go out and meet some friends,
I’ll come over to your house after I have finished my but in the end I was too tired.
homework. am 5 I hadn’t planned to return yet, but I ran out of money.
I’ll come over to your house, but I am going to finish my I was going to stay(stay) longer, but I ran out of money.
homework first.
5 Choose the correct option.
1 The tickets are going to sell out immediately. soon
as soon as they’ve
The tickets will sell out almost gone on sale. 1 Hurry up! The movie will start / have started by the time
2 First they’re going to repair the houses, and then they’ll we get there, if we don’t get moving!
paint them. before 2 I’m going / I will have gone to a concert tomorrow night,
before they paint
They’re going to repair the houses them. so can we meet on Friday instead?
3 They need to raise a lot of money so they can complete 3 I’m helping / I’ll have helped a friend with something
the project. to tomorrow, but I’ll have finished / I’m finishing by five, so I’ll
they are going to complete / they want to complete
If the project, they have to raise a lot of money. call you then.
4 I don’t think that the project will be a failure. should 4 I’ll have been living / I’m going to live here for the last five
The project shouldn’t / should . not be a failure years in July.
5 I could meet you when I go shopping in town on 5 I read somewhere that by the time you’re 60, you will
Saturday. be have been sleeping / slept for twenty years!
will be shopping / will be going shopping / am going to be shopping
I in town on Saturday, so I could meet
you then.
Passives 1 A passive sentence can be made in two ways when there are
two objects.
The passive is used to focus on who or what an action affects.
The passive is also used when it is unclear or unimportant who I was recently given this great new smartphone.
performs an action. The passive is formed using be + a past A new smartphone was given to me.
I have just been sent an email by Maxine.
Simple present An email has just been sent to me by Maxine.
The cup is then left far away from your bed.
The machines are exported all over the world. PASSIVEs 2
Present continuous Passive reporting verbs
If your phone is being charged… A passive structure is often used to report general knowledge,
The wrong questions are being asked. beliefs, and assumptions. There are two common patterns after
the passive.
Present perfect The brain is thought to have over 12,000 miles of
I have just been sent an email by Maxine. blood vessels.
was believed to be controlled by four different
It has been designed to track your sleep patterns.
elements or “humors.”
is estimated to weigh six and a half pounds.
Simple past is known to recover from serious damage.
I was recently given this lovely new smartphone. It is thought (that) the brain works like a watch.
We were only told about it at the last minute. is claimed (that) the brain is like a computer.
is assumed (that) people know what they
Past continuous are doing.
is well known (that) smoking causes cancer.
There was a power outage while the experiment was being
carried out. In the second pattern, it is impersonal. It is there because in
They weren’t being produced in Mexico, so I saw an opportunity. English sentences with a verb need a subject.
Modals never change their form. They go with normal verbs and Might is used if something is uncertain but possible.
are followed by the infinitive without to form of those verbs.
You might stop weak species from going extinct.
Modals add meaning to verbs. A phrase or normal verb can
sometimes be used instead of a modal. May is also used if something is uncertain but possible, and
for permission.
These changes may bring benefits.
Will is used to express that something is certain or sure to
happen, and to express promises, offers, habits, and refusals. Must is used if something is necessary and if the speaker is sure
of something based on experience.
The first thing that will strike people…
These changes must bring benefits.
Would is used to express that something is theoretically certain
to happen, to report as the past form of will, and to express a Have can sometimes behave as a modal.
habit in the past. You have to go to school.
If the habitat disappeared, they’d die out.
Can expresses ability and permission. It is also used if something To talk about the past in general, use a modal + have + past
is only possible sometimes and factually possible (or not, in participle (the perfect infinitive without to).
the negative).
You could have (could’ve) told me how cruel it was, and I honestly
They can be difficult to see in the wild. wouldn’t have cared.
Could is used to express past ability / inability, if something To emphasize that an action was in progress when another
happened sometimes, or is theoretically possible. Could is also thing happened, use a modal + have been + -ing (the perfect
used in polite requests. continuous infinitive without to).
I couldn’t swim until I was in my twenties. I can’t have been paying attention when I read about it.
none of whom most of which that where 1 The policeman who dealt with my case was very helpful.
which which is when who whose The policeman dealing with my case was very helpful.
2 The man who was arrested after the incident last night
has not been charged.
1 One of the first major events to utilize crisis mapping was
Police have not charged the man arrested after the
the 2010 Haiti earthquake, which killed and injured
incident last night.
hundreds of thousands of people.
3 The number of young people who are not working or in
2 Technology is particularly relevant in places where
school is rising.
official government is limited or no longer fully functions.
There has been a rise in the number of young people
3 More than 40 percent of the population now receives
not working or in school.
some form of international aid, most of which is food
4 The number of people who have personally experienced
a crime has actually gone down.
4 Many local people, whose lands have been ruined
The number of people experiencing a crime has actually
by illegal mining, are now turning to technology to tackle
gone down.
the problem.
5 I think that children who are exposed to lots of violent
5 The plane crashed in thick fog with 87 people on board,
none of whom is thought to have survived. movies often become violent themselves.
I think that children exposed to lots of violent movies
6 The volunteers, who come from all across the
often become violent themselves.
region, quite literally put roads, buildings, and highways
6 Anyone that the train strike tomorrow will seriously affect
onto the map.
can stay home.
7 The amount of data available via social media increased
Anyone seriously affected by the train strike
dramatically in October, which is when the flooding
tomorrow can stay at home.
reached the capital.
8 Online mapping that relies on volunteers with 4 Reduce the underlined clauses.
varying skills to interpret satellite images obviously has
Police are searching for a man (1) who has been accused of
its limitations.
attempting to rob a bank in Vienna today. A man wearing
2 Rewrite the sentences in a more informal manner with a bright red scarf (2) which was wrapped around his face
the prepositions at the end of the clauses. Leave out the approached a cashier and told her he wanted money.
relative pronouns where appropriate. (3) Because she didn’t realize that the man was actually Not realizing
demanding money, the clerk simply said that she didn’t deal
1 The town in which we were staying narrowly missed with cash transactions, (4) and at the same time directed directing
being hit by the hurricane. him to the next counter. Apparently, (5) because he was
The town we were staying in narrowly missed being put off by the long line at the next counter and the clerk’s
hit by the hurricane. calm reply, the man dropped the box he was carrying and
ran off. (6) After she had seen the man run off, the cashier Having
2 It’s an achievement of which we are all very proud. suddenly realized what had happened. (7) Because they
3 The following day, a second, smaller earthquake hit the were concerned that the box looked suspicious, the bank Concerned
town from which the aid was being distributed. called the police and evacuated the building. The package
4 As we fled the city, we encountered an elderly man with was found to be harmless and the robber pretty useless.
whom my son insisted we share our food. Activity 2
5 The roads out of the west of the city, from where many 2 It’s an achievement (which) we are all very proud of.
thousands fled, were largely blocked by debris. 3 The following day, a second, smaller earthquake hit the town (where) the aid
6 The experience varies wildly, depending on the charity was being distributed from.
with which we’re working. 4 As we fled the city, we encountered an elderly man who / that my son insisted
we share our food with.
7 On her arrival, Ms. Kuti, with whose approach I totally 5 The roads out of the west of the city, where many thousands fled from, were
agreed, took control of the situation. largely blocked.
8 The book to which you’re referring was the very first on 6 The experience varies wildly, depending on the charity (which) we’re working with.
the subject to be published. 7 On her arrival, Ms. Kuti, whose approach I totally agreed with, took control of
the situation.
8 The book (which) you’re referring to was the very first on the subject to be
Unit 9 Grammar Reference 145
Unit 10 Grammar reference and practice
INfinitive Simple Past Past participle INfinitive Simple Past Past participle
arise arose arisen misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
beat beat beaten must had to had to
become became become overcome overcame overcome
bend bent bent rethink rethought rethought
bet bet bet ring rang rung
bite bit bitten rise rose risen
blow blew blown sell sold sold
break broke broken set set set
breed bred bred shake shook shaken
bring brought brought shine shone/shined shone/shined
broadcast broadcast broadcast shoot shot shot
build built built shrink shrank shrunk
burn burned burned shut shut shut
burst burst burst sink sank sunk
cost cost cost slide slid slid
cut cut cut smell smelled smelled
deal dealt dealt spell spelled spelled
dig dug dug spend spent spent
dream dreamed dreamed spill spilled spilled
fall fell fallen split split split
feed fed fed spoil spoiled spoiled
fight fought fought spread spread spread
flee fled fled stand stood stood
forget forgot forgotten steal stole stolen
forgive forgave forgiven stick stuck stuck
freeze froze frozen strike struck struck
grow grew grown swear swore sworn
hang hanged/hung hanged/hung tear tore torn
hide hid hidden throw threw thrown
hit hit hit upset upset upset
hold held held wake woke woken
hurt hurt hurt win won won
keep kept kept
kneel knelt knelt
lay laid laid
lead led led
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit lit
lose lost lost
mean meant meant
Unit 1 A review
When writing reviews, 1 Wu and Ting Ting were incredibly welcoming and did everything that they could to make me feel at
it is common to use home, although during the stay I was often left to my own devices because they were busy working.
relative clauses I had a lovely big room, my own TV, and a desk to study at. I was a little far from my school, though,
beginning with which
which wasn’t ideal.
in order to express
personal comments
or beliefs. 2 I can’t complain about the place as a whole. There were plenty of rides, which kept the kids satisfied,
but given that the price for a family of four for the day was $195, it’s just not worth it. Not when you
realize that Fantasyland is cheaper. What’s more, the lines are longer than at Fantasyland, as it is
packed with locals. If it hadn’t been as full, and we’d actually been able to go on more than three rides
in seven hours—and it was less expensive—it might have been worth it. As it is, though, I’d skip it and
go to Fantasyland instead.
3 After I’d checked in and been given my key, I found that my room wasn’t much bigger than a shoebox!
Feeling that this wouldn’t work for a four-night stay, I went back down to the front desk and asked for
a larger room. They then tried to charge me €40 per night to upgrade to a suitable room, which was
ridiculous. We finally agreed on €9 per night for the upgrade. On top of that, parking was €15 a day!
Terrible place with terrible service. They’re trying to make as much extra money as they can. I’m scared
to ask for another pillow, which is necessary since the bed only has one!
4 If you like to see and be seen, then grab yourself one of the outdoor seats here, order a coffee,
sit back, and enjoy! Looking out over the main square, and close to the museum and the market, this
is a great people-watching spot—and it does great breakfasts, lunches, and snacks as well, which is
perfect if you’re feeling hungry. I can’t recommend it enough.
Unit 3 A survey
Start reporting This bar chart shows the results of a survey carried out on 50 people aged between
findings by referring 13 and 55. The aim of the survey was to find out levels of participation in exercise in
the reader to the
the four weeks before the interview.
source of results and
explaining the aim of During this time, 68 percent of those interviewed walked for health and recreation,
the investigation. about one in six biked, and over half did some kind of sport. As can be seen from
the chart, the most popular sports during this month were swimming and diving,
Explain the most with almost 15 percent of those asked trying it at least once. This was followed Account for the results
important statistics and explain how one
closely by various health and fitness activities.
related to your aim. might make the
Obviously, these results were determined to at least some degree by the weather. statistics more
If the survey were to be repeated in the summer rather than the winter, we might, reliable.
for instance, expect the popularity of soccer and golf to increase.
You may choose to
Among the people who did not take part in any exercise during the month in give a further
question, the main reasons given for not participating were lack of time, cost, description of
and general poor health. interesting findings.
Unit 7 A report
Use the title to show Improving Learning in the Library
what the report is
about. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to find out why so much external noise can be heard in the school library.
The report will also make recommendations on how to reduce noise and create a better atmosphere to
Explain the purpose of study in.
the report in the
introduction. Background
Students frequently complain about the noise in the school library and many choose not to use the space
at all.
Subheadings are Methods of Investigation
added to each In order to better understand the issues, we visited the library twice and read about how sound travels
paragraph. through different materials. We then explored a range of possible solutions before making our own
models, which we used to test our ideas.
The library windows face a public space and, even when closed, let too much noise through. This problem
is made worse by the fact that the curtains in the room are made from a thin material that does not stop
sound in any way.
Unit 8 A complaint
Say what the general Dear Sir or Madam,
problem is in the first
sentence and give I am writing to complain about the recent reporting on the issue of immigration in your paper. In your
details about the reports, you frequently suggest that migrants who come to this country are looking for benefits and
problem—including are involved in crime. While there are obviously unemployed people or criminals among the migrant
examples—in the first
population, official statistics show that there is a larger percentage among people who were born here.
You have also used language such as “swarm” and “flood,” which suggests migrants are not human and
are a dangerous problem.
Explain how the
problem has As the granddaughter of an immigrant, I find use of this language very upsetting and I think that if a paper
affected you.
uses it, it often makes other people feel they can say similar things. My grandfather worked hard to make a
home here. And for me it is my home, but your reporting makes me feel I am not a normal citizen.
Complete a complaint
by asking for some I am not saying you should stop campaigning for immigration controls. Everyone has a right to their point
kind of action. of view. However, I would like you to stop using these stereotypes and generalizations to make your point.
Migrants are all individuals like us—just born in a different place.
Maria Asare
Yours sincerely,
Melanie Gleich
anticipate (v) /ænˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/ role model (n) /ˈroʊl ˌmɒdl/ expression (n) /ɪkˈsprɛʃən/
athletic (adj) /æθˈlɛtɪk/ roughly (adv) /ˈrʌfli/ factor (n) /ˈfæktər/
attitude (n) /ˈætɪˌtud/ schedule (n) /ˈskɛdjul/ fatal (adj) /ˈfeɪtəl/
awareness (n) /əˈwɛərnɪs/ season (n) /ˈsizən/ festival (n) /ˈfɛstɪvəl/
billion (n) /ˈbɪljən/ select (v) /sɪˈlɛkt/ figure out (phr v) /ˈfɪgjər ˈaʊt/
brand (n) /brænd/ set (a new record) (v) /sɛt/ found (v) /faʊnd/
bronze (adj) /brɒnz/ set up (v) /ˈsɛt ˈʌp/ foundation (n) /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/
captain (v) /ˈkæptən/ shrink (v) /ʃrɪŋk/ fulfill (v) /fʊlˈfɪl/
championship (n) /ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp/ slightly (adv) /ˈslaɪtli/ gallery (n) /ˈɡæləri/
change the face of /ˈʧeɪnʤ ðə ˈfeɪs əv/ slow down (phr v) /ˈsloʊ ˈdaʊn/ gang (n) /ɡæŋ/
(idiom) smash (v) /smæʃ/ generate (v) /ˈdʒɛnəˌreɪt/
closely (adv) /ˈkloʊsli/ specialize (v) /ˈspɛʃəˌlaɪz/ hard work (col) /ˈhɑrd ˈwɜrk/
compete (v) /kəmˈpit/ specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ impact (n) /ˈɪmpækt/
conquer (v) /ˈkɒŋkər/ spirit (n) /ˈspɪrɪt/ income (n) /ˈɪnkʌm/
debt (n) /dɛt/ stamina (n) /ˈstæmɪnə/ industrial (adj) /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/
determine (v) /dɪˈtɜrmɪn/ status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/ initially (adv) /ɪˈnɪʃəli/
elite (adj) /ɪˈlit/ subsequently (adv) /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ innovative (adj) /ɪnəˌveɪtɪv/
energetic (adj) /ˌɛnərˈdʒɛtɪk/ subway (n) /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/ inspiration (n) /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/
entire (adj) /ɛnˈtaɪər/ suit (v) /sut/ lead to (phr v) /ˈlid tu/
essentially (adv) /ɪˈsɛnʃəli/ sum (n) /sʌm/ leading orchestra (col) /ˈlidɪŋ ˈɔrkɪstrə/
establish (v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ surface (n) /ˈsɜrfɪs/ literally (adv) /ˈlɪtərəli/
evolution (n) /ˌɛvəˈluʃən/ tackle (v) /ˈtækəl/ low income (adj) /ˈloʊ ˈɪnkʌm/
evolve (v) /ɪˈvɒlv/ target (n) /ˈtɑrɡɪt/ mayor (n) /meɪər/
expense (n) /ɪkˈspɛns/ technique (n) /tɛkˈnik/ minister (n) /ˈmɪnɪstər/
fade away (v) /ˈfeɪd əˈweɪ/ technological (adj) /ˌtɛknəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ minority (n) /mɪˈnɔrɪti/
fame (n) /feɪm/ tend to (phr v) /ˈtɛnd tu/ mixed results (phrase) /ˈmɪkst rɪˈzʌlts/
formal (adj) /ˈfɔrməl/ terminal (n) /ˈtɜrmɪnl/ museum (n) /mjuˈziəm/
forward (n) /ˈfɔrwərd/ throughout (prep) /θruˈaʊt/ official (adj) /əˈfɪʃəl/
funding (n) /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ top (adj) /tɒp/ organizer (n) /ˈɔrɡəˌnaɪzər/
gardening (adj) /ˈɡɑrdnɪŋ/ vast (adj) /væst/ parade (n) /pəˈreɪd/
glory (n) /ˈɡlɔri/ physical (adj) /ˈfɪzɪkəl/
goal (n) /ɡoʊl/ poverty (n) /ˈpɒvərti/
greatly (adv)
hold (a record) (v)
Unit 4 pride (n)
private company (col)
/ˈpraɪvɪt ˈkʌmpəni/
host (v) /hoʊst/ process (n) /ˈprɒsɛs/
injury (n) /ˈɪndʒəri/ actual (adj) /ˈæktʃuəl/
professional (n) /prəˈfɛʃənl/
instantly (adv) /ˈɪnstəntli/ authority (n) / əˈθɔrɪti/
public art (col) /ˈpʌblɪk ˈɑrt/
intensively (adv) /ɪnˈtɛnsɪvli/ behind (prep) /bɪˈhaɪnd/
redevelopment (n) /ˌridɪˈvɛləpmənt/
junk food (n) /ˈdʒʌŋk ˌfud/ boost (v) /bust/
rehearse (v) /rɪˈhɜrs/
largely (adv) /ˈlɑrdʒli/ carnival (n) /ˈkɑrnɪvəl/
reject (v) /rɪˈdʒɛkt/
long-term (adj) /ˈlɔŋˌtɜrm/ choir (n) /kwaɪər/
relic (n) /ˈrɛlɪk/
marathon (n) /ˈmærəˌθɒn/ claim (v) /kleɪm/
remarkable (adj) /rɪˈmɑrkəbəl/
medal (n) /ˈmɛdl/ comedy club (n) /ˈkɒmɪdi ˌklʌb/
rhythm (n) /ˈrɪðəm/
muscle (n) /ˈmʌsəl/ commitment (n) /kəˈmɪtmənt/
run over (phr v) /ˈrʌn ˈoʊvər/
nation (n) /ˈneɪʃən/ confidence (n) /ˈkɒnfɪdəns
sell out (phr v) /ˈsɛl ˈaʊt/
participate (v) /pɑrˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/ construction (n) /kənˈstrʌkʃən/
signal (v) /ˈsɪɡnl/
pay off (phr v) /ˈpeɪ ˈɔf/ costume (n) /ˈkɒstum/
skilled (adj) /skɪld/
percentage (n) /pərˈsɛntɪdʒ/ creation (n) /kriˈeɪʃən/
stand for (phr v) /ˈstænd fɔr/
personality (n) /ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪti/ creativity (n) /ˌkrieɪˈtɪvɪti/
straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔrwərd
popularity (n) /ˌpɒpjəˈlærɪti/ demolish (v) /dɪˈmɒlɪʃ/
process (col) ˈprɒsɛs/
desperate (adj) /ˈdɛspərɪt/
positive role /ˈpɒzɪtɪv ˈroʊl strict set (col) /ˈstrɪkt ˈsɛt/
discipline (n) /ˈdɪsəplɪn/
model (phrase) ˌmɒdl/ struggling (adj) /ˈstrʌɡəlɪŋ/
diverse social /dɪˈvɜrs ˈsoʊʃəl
preferably (adv) /ˈprɛfərəbli/ supposedly (adv) /səˈpoʊzɪdli/
background (col) ˈbækˌgraʊnd/
principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ take charge (phr v) /ˈteɪk ˈʧɑrʤ/
dramatic (adj) /drəˈmætɪk/
psychological (adj) /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ theater (n) /ˈθiətər/
duration (n) /dʊˈreɪʃən/
quote (n) /kwoʊt/ venue (n) /ˈvɛnju/
economist (n) /ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/
ranking (n) /ˈræŋkɪŋ/ violence (n) /ˈvaɪələns/
economy (n) /ɪˈkɒnəmi/
real passion (phrase) /ˈrɪəl ˈpæʃən/ vital (adj) /ˈvaɪtl/
emphasize (v) /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/
recreation (n) /ˌrɛkriˈeɪʃən/ volunteer (n) /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/
engagement (n) /ɛnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/
represent (v) /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/ widely (adv) /ˈwaɪdli/
devastation (n) /ˌdɛvəˈsteɪʃən/ the loud (n) /ðə ˈlaʊd/ expose (v) /ɪkˈspoʊz/
disaster (n) /dɪˈzæstər/ the old (n) /ði ˈoʊld/ express (v) /ɪkˈsprɛs/
donation (n) /doʊˈneɪʃən/ the outgoing (n) /ði ˈaʊtˌgoʊɪŋ/ extract (n) /ɪkˈstrækt/
earthquake (n) /ˈɜrθˌkweɪk/ the poor (n) /ðə ˈpʊər/ fascinated (adj) /ˈfæsəˌneɪtɪd/
edit (n) /ˈɛdɪt/ the rich (n) /ðə ˈrɪʧ/ flash (n) /flæʃ/
evacuate (v) /ɪˈvækjuˌeɪt/ the stupid (n) /ðə ˈstupɪd/ force (v) /fɔrs/
flee (v) /fli/ trap (v) /træp/ get out (phr v) /ˈgɛt ˈaʊt/
frustrate (v) /ˈfrʌstreɪt/ unfamiliar (adj) /ˌʌnfəˈmɪljər/ gripping (adj) /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/
give (sth) a go (phr v) /ˈgɪv ə ˈgoʊ/ unfold (v) /ʌnˈfoʊld/ heath care (n) /ˈhɛlθ ˌkɛər/
global warming (n) /ˈgloʊbəl ˈwɔrmɪŋ/ helmet (n) /ˈhɛlmɪt/
globe (n) /ɡloʊb/ honor (n) /ˈɒnər/
graduate (n)
greed (n)
Unit 10 house (v)
inability (n)
headquarters (n) /ˈhɛdˌkwɔrtərz/ inevitable (adj) /ɪnˈɛvɪtəbəl/
actively (adj) /ˈæktɪvli/
homeless (adj) /ˈhoʊmlɪs/ infection (n) /ɪnˈfɛkʃən/
address (v) /əˈdrɛs/
housing (n) /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ insufficient (adj) /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/
aim (v) /eɪm/
humanity (n) /hjuˈmænɪti/ intensive (adj) /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/
allergic (adj) /əˈlɜrdʒɪk/
imprison (v) /ɪmˈprɪzən/ keep down (phr v) /ˈkip ˈdaʊn/
amazement (n) /əˈmeɪzmənt/
inclusive (adj) /ɪnˈklusɪv/ lead (v) /lid/
antibiotics (n) /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪks/
infrastructure (n) /ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃər/ lung (n) /lʌŋ/
apocalypse (n) /əˈpɒkəˌlɪps/
initiative (n) /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ make the most of /ˈmeɪk ðə ˈmoʊst əv/
award (v) /əˈwɔrd/ (phrase)
interactive (adj) /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/
bench (n) /bɛntʃ/ misery (n) /ˈmɪzəri/
joy (n) /dʒɔɪ/
bestseller (n) /ˈbɛstˈsɛlər/ nickname (n) /ˈnɪkˌneɪm/
launch (v) /lɔntʃ/
blindness (n) /ˈblaɪndnɪs/ optimistic (adj) /ˌɒptəˈmɪstɪk/
limited (adj) /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/
blink (v) /blɪŋk/ partial (adj) /ˈpɑrʃəl/
neutral (adj) /ˈnutrəl/
cast (n) /kæst/ peer (v) /pɪər/
on behalf of (phr v) /ˌɒn bɪˈhæf əv/
category (n) /ˈkætɪˌɡɔri/ portion (n) /ˈpɔrʃən/
on the ground (phrase) /ˈɒn ðə ˈgraʊnd/
cell (n) /sɛl/ precisely (adv) /prɪˈsaɪsli/
overlook (v) /ˌoʊvərˈlʊk/
chance (n) /tʃæns/ prescribe (v) /prɪˈskraɪb/
panel (n) /ˈpænl/
cheer (v) /tʃɪər/ prescription (n) /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/
portrait (n) /ˈpɔrtrɪt/
chest (n) /tʃɛst/ procedure (n) /prəˈsidʒər/
precious (adj) /ˈprɛʃəs/
clarify (v) /ˈklærəˌfaɪ/ punishment (n) /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/
programmer (n) /ˈproʊɡræmər/
clear up (phr v) /ˈklɪər ˈʌp/ rapid (adj) /ˈræpɪd/
psychological (adj) / /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl
close down (v) /ˈcloʊz ˈdaʊn/ resistant (adj) /rɪˈzɪstənt/
realization (n) /ˌrɪələˈzeɪʃən/
combine (v) /kəmˈbaɪn/ respond (v) /rɪˈspɒnd/
reconstruction (n) /ˌrikənˈstrʌkʃən/
comfort zone (n) /ˈkʌmfərt ˌzoʊn / risk (n) /rɪsk/
recovery (n) /rɪˈkʌvəri/
concentration (n) /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən/ run away (v) /ˈrʌn əˈweɪ/
relief (n) /rɪˈlif/
consciousness (n) /ˈkɒnʃəsnɪs/ slam (v) /slæm/
reminder (n) /rɪˈmaɪndər/
considerable (adj) /kənˈsɪdərəbəl/ slide (v) /slaɪd/
remote (adj) /rɪˈmoʊt/
contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪbjut slow (v) /sloʊ/
representative (n) /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/
convert (v) /kənˈvɜrt/ stroke (n) /stroʊk/
restore (v) /rɪˈstɔr/
darkness (n) /ˈdɑrknɪs/ sweat (n) /swɛt/
right (n) /raɪt/
deadly (adj) /ˈdɛdli/ symptom (n) /ˈsɪmptəm/
rise (v) /raɪz/
dependent (adj) /dɪˈpɛndənt/ thankfully (adv) /ˈθæŋkfəli/
satellite (n) /ˈsætlˌaɪt/
design (v) /dɪˈzaɪn/ therapist (n) /ˈθɛrəpɪst/
scale (n) /skeɪl/
determined (adj) /dɪˈtɜrmɪnd/ therapy (n) /ˈθɛrəpi/
senior (adj) /ˈsinjər/
device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ think through (phr v) /ˈθɪŋk ˈθru/
shelter (n) /ˈʃɛltər/
devote (v) /dɪˈvoʊt/ threatening (adj) /ˈθrɛtnɪŋ/
shortage (n) /ˈʃɔrtɪdʒ/
diagnose (v) /ˈdaɪəɡˌnoʊs/ treat (v) /trit/
skip (v) /skɪp/
dictate (v) /ˈdɪkteɪt/ turn to (phr v) /ˈtɜrn tu/
staggering (adj) /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/
disgust (n) /dɪsˈɡʌst/ vision (n) /ˈvɪʒən/
strike a chord (phr v) /ˈstraɪk ə ˈkɔrd/
disturbing (adj) /dɪˈstɜrbɪŋ/ visual (adj) /ˈvɪʒuəl/
supply (n) /səˈplaɪ/
dose (n) /doʊs/ waist (n) /weɪst/
survivor (n) /sərˈvaɪvər/
drug (n) /drʌɡ/ ward (n) /wɔrd/
sustainable (n) /səˈsteɪnəbəl/
editor (n) /ˈɛdɪtər/ watch out (phr v) /ˈwɒʧ ˈaʊt/
the best (n) /ðə ˈbɛst/
efficiently (adv) /ɪˈfɪʃəntli/
the brave (n) /ðə ˈbreɪv/
Track 38 1 A: We’re meeting on Tuesday. B: Really? I thought you said we Track 41 1 A: As a shopkeeper, I’m in favor. These kids don’t actually spend
were meeting on Thursday! 2 A: I got a B on the science essay. B: Oh, that’s any real money with us and in fact we’ve lost a bit of stock recently, which
quite good! I thought you said you got a D! 3 A: I’m interested in seeing the I think might be their fault. As a parent of a teenager, I know they’re not all
new Star Wars film. B: Really? I’m sure you told me you weren’t interested! like that, but you know there are better places for them to go.
4 A: I’ll bring you all the stuff you need next week. B: You don’t have it? I 2 B: This is crazy. Just because you’re hanging out in a group, it doesn’t
thought you were bringing it today. 5 A: I’m going to my dance class later. mean you’re looking to cause trouble. The mall is relatively safe, you know,
B: I didn’t know you went dancing. How long have you been doing that? 6 there are security guards around and it’s out of the rain. I mean, where else
A: We have to leave at 11 o’clock. B: I thought we had to leave at 12 o’clock. are we supposed to go? Or are we just not supposed to hang out at all?
3 C: As someone who goes there quite a lot, I totally support the idea.
Track 39 A place to be During adolescence, teenagers start to form inde- They’re often loud and take up the whole place so you can’t walk around
pendent adult identities of their own, and for many young people around very easily. They don’t show respect. For an older person like me, I feel a bit
the world, this means experimenting with different social groups. Deciding scared. I don’t want to go there. 4 D: Speaking as a teacher, I just don’t get
to join a particular group or subculture offers young people the oppor- it. We see kids who aren’t independent. They spend all day at home – they
tunity to explore who they are and what they stand for. It allows them to rely on their parents for everything. This is sending the wrong message.
start defining themselves outside their immediate family circle, and can Just because one or two misbehave doesn’t mean they all do. I mean,
provide both a sense of identity and of belonging, too. In our increasingly adults shoplift and cause problems too, but we don’t ask adults to be ac-
interconnected world, membership of particular groups can mean contact companied by their parents - or their children! 5 E: OK . . . if I look at it from
not only with other like-minded people locally but also globally. However, my grandpa’s point of view, I can kind of understand it. He often complains
while being part of a group can be an extremely positive thing, it can also about kids in the mall. But I think it’s more about the media and all the
attract abuse and bullying, especially of those who insist on challenging negative stereotypes of teenagers. I’m not loud or disrespectful or causing
social norms. Here we look at four of the more remarkable youth cultures trouble. Banning us from the mall? Come on, give us a break!
out there.
Some claim that the roots of Goth can be found in such 19th century Track 42 The earthquake that struck the small Caribbean country of Haiti
literary classics as Dracula and Frankenstein, but the dyed black hair and on the evening of January 12th, 2010 measured a massive seven on the
black clothes, dark eyeliner and fingernails and intense dramatic post-punk Richter scale. The devastation which it caused was simply staggering,
music originated in England in the late 1970s. The style and sound have had hitting the capital city, Port-au-Prince, particularly hard. Over the next few
a long-lasting appeal and nowadays there are large communities of goths days, the country, which has long been one of the poorest in the world,
everywhere from Chile to China. Many goths resent being stereotyped as struggled to cope in the absence of any organized relief effort. Many of
sad or angry, and instead see themselves as romantic, creative, open-mind- those who had survived were left to fend for themselves. The city’s hospi-
ed and able to find beauty in what others may see as dark or ugly. tals had all been destroyed, roads in and out of the city remained blocked
The first step was to ask a question. So, here are some of the questions. So we said, we’ll get it reviewed. So I sent it to Dale Purves, who is at
I put them in small print so you wouldn’t bother reading it. Point is that the National Academy of Science, one of the leading neuroscientists
five of the questions that the kids came up with were actually the basis in the world, and he says, “This is the most original science paper I
of science publication in the last five to 15 years. Right? So they were have ever read and it certainly deserves wide exposure.” Larry Maloney,
asking questions that were significant to expert scientists. Now here, I expert in vision, says, “The paper is magnificent. The work would be
want to share the stage with someone quite special. Right? She was one publishable if done by adults.” So what did we do? We send it back
of the young people who was involved in this study, and she’s now one to the editor. They say no. So we asked Larry and Natalie Hempel to
of the youngest published scientists in the world. Right? First she’s going write a commentary situating the findings for scientists, right, putting
to tell you the question that they came up with. So go ahead, Amy. Amy in the references, and we submit it to Biology Letters. And there, it was
O’Toole: Thank you, Beau. We thought that it was easy to see the link reviewed by five independent referees, and it was published. Okay? It
between humans and apes in the way that we think, because we look took four months to do the science, two years to get it published. Typical
alike. But we wondered if there’s a possible link with other animals. It’d science, actually, right? So this makes Amy and her friends the youngest
be amazing if humans and bees thought similar, since they seem so published scientists in the world. What was the feedback like? Well, it
different from us. So we asked if humans and bees might solve complex was published two days before Christmas, downloaded 30,000 times in
problems in the same way. Really, we wanted to know if bees can also the first day, right? It was the Editors’ Choice in Science, which is a top
adapt themselves to new situations using previously learned rules and science magazine. It’s forever freely accessible by Biology Letters. It’s the
conditions. So what if bees can think like us? Well, it’d be amazing, since only paper that will ever be freely accessible by this journal. Last year,
we’re talking about an insect with only one million brain cells. But it it was the second-most downloaded paper by Biology Letters, and the
Unit 6 Latif Nasser: You have no idea where camels come from PART 2
PART 1 Now, when you hear the word ‘camel’, what may come to mind is one
of these–the Bactrian camel of East and Central Asia. But chances
Latif Nasser: So, this is a story about how we know what we know. It’s
are the postcard image you have in your brain is of one of these–the
a story about this woman, Natalia Rybczynski. She’s a paleobiologist,
dromedary–quintessential desert creature; hangs out in sandy, hot
which means she specializes in digging up really old dead stuff. Natalia
places like the Middle East and the Sahara; has a big old hump on its
Rybczynski: Yeah, I had someone call me ‘Dr. Dead Things’. LN: And I
back for storing water for those long desert treks; has big, broad feet
think she’s particularly interesting because of where she digs that stuff
to help it tromp over sand dunes. So how on earth would one of these
up, way above the Arctic Circle in the remote Canadian tundra. Now,
guys end up in the High Arctic? Well, scientists have known for a long
one summer day in 2006, she was at a dig site called the Fyles Leaf Bed,
time, turns out, even before Natalia’s discovery, that camels are actually
which is less than 10 degrees’ latitude away from the magnetic north
originally American. They started here. For nearly 40 of the 45 million
pole. NR: Really, it’s not going to sound very exciting, because it was
years that camels have been around, you could only find them in North
a day of walking with your backpack and your GPS and notebook and
America, around 20 different species, maybe more. If I, like, put them all
just picking up anything that might be a fossil. LN: And at some point,
in a lineup, would they look different? NR: Yeah, so you’re going to have
she noticed something. NR: Rusty, kind of rust-colored, about the size
different body sizes. You’re going to have some with really long necks,
of the palm of my hand. It was just lying on the surface. LN: And at
so they’re actually functionally like giraffes. LN: Some had snouts, like
first she thought it was just a splinter of wood, because that’s the sort
crocodiles. NR: The really primitive, early ones would have been really
of thing people had found at the Fyles Leaf Bed before–prehistoric
small, like, almost like rabbits. LN: What? Rabbit-sized camels? NR: The
plant parts. But that night, back at camp... NR: Then I get out the hand
earliest ones. So those ones you probably would not recognize. LN: Oh,
lens, maybe I’m looking a little bit more closely and realizing it doesn’t
my God, I want a pet rabbit-camel. NR: I know! Wouldn’t that be great?
quite look like this has tree rings. Maybe it’s a preservation thing, but it
LN: And then about three to seven million years ago, one branch of
looks really like... bone. LN: Huh. So, over the next four years, she went
camels went down to South America, where they became llamas and
to that spot over and over, and eventually collected 30 fragments of
alpacas and another branch crossed over the Bering Land Bridge into
that exact same bone, most of them really tiny. NR: It’s not a whole
Asia and Africa. And then, around the end of the last Ice Age, North
lot. It, you know, fits in a…fits in a small Ziploc bag. LN: And she tried
American camels went extinct. So, scientists knew all of that already, but
to piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle. But it was challenging.
it still doesn’t fully explain how Natalia found one so far north. Like, this
NR: It’s broken up into so many little tiny pieces, I’m trying to use sand
is, temperature-wise, the polar opposite of the Sahara. Now, to be fair,
and putty, and it’s like…it’s not looking good. So finally, we have…we
three and a half million years ago, it was on average 22 degrees Celsius
had a 3D surface scanner. LN: Ooh! NR: Yeah, right? LN: It turns out it
warmer than it is now. So it would have been boreal forest, so more like
was way easier to do it virtually. NR: It’s kind of magical when it all fits
the Yukon or Siberia today. But still, like, they would have six-month-
together. LN: How certain were you that you had it right, like, that you
long winters where the ponds would freeze over. You’d have blizzards.
had put it together in the right way, like? Was there a potential that
You’d have 24 hours a day of straight darkness. Like, how... How? How is
you’d put it together a different way and you’d have, like, a, you know,
it that one of these Saharan superstars ever have survived those arctic
a parakeet or something? NR: Um, no. No, we got this. LN: What she
conditions? Natalia and her colleagues think they have an answer. And
had, she discovered, was a tibia–a leg bone, and specifically, one that
it’s kind of brilliant. What if the very features that we imagine make the
belonged to a cloven-hoofed mammal, so something like a cow or a
camel so well-suited to places like the Sahara actually evolved to help it
sheep. But it couldn’t have been either of those. It was just too big. NR:
get through the winter? What if those broad feet were meant to tromp
The size of this thing, it was huge. It’s a really big animal. LN: So what
not over sand but over snow, like a pair of snowshoes? What if that
animal could it be? Having hit a wall, she showed one of the fragments
hump–which, huge news to me, does not contain water–it contains
to some colleagues of hers in Colorado, and they had an idea. NR: We
fat–was there to help the camel get through that six-month-long winter
took a saw, and we nicked just the edge of it, and there was this really
when food was scarce? And then, only later, long after it crossed over
interesting…um, there’s a smell that comes from it. LN: It smelled kind
the land bridge, did it retrofit those winter features for a hot desert
of like singed flesh. It was a smell that Natalia recognized from cutting
environment? Like, for instance, the hump may be helpful to camels in
The philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “When you let go of what you are,
you become what you might be.” I now know that it wasn’t until I let
go of who I thought I was that I was able to create a completely new
life. It wasn’t until I let go of the life I thought I should have that I was
able to embrace the life that was waiting for me. I now know that my
real strength never came from my body, and although my physical
capabilities have changed dramatically, who I am is unchanged. The
pilot light inside of me was still alight, just as it is in each and every one
of us. I know that I’m not my body, and I also know that you’re not yours.
And then it no longer matters what you look like, where you come from,
or what you do for a living. All that matters is that we continue to fan the
flame of humanity by living our lives as the ultimate creative expression
of who we really are. Thank you. Thank you.
Language Simple past, past continuous, past perfect simple, and Expansion
past perfect continuous; Vocabulary about travel and tourism • After students have told their stories, you could:
• ask them to discuss the similarities and differences between
Time Approximately 30 minutes
their stories.
Preparation A copy of one set of pictures for each pair, cut up • ask them to think of three more details their partners could
have added that would have made the story even more
Procedure interesting.
• Tell students they are going to come up with stories about a • put students with different partners and ask them to tell the
trip two young people recently went on, based on twelve story they just heard.
pictures. • Ask students to put the pictures together in a different way
• Put students in pairs or groups of three. Hand out one batch of and tell—or write for homework—the new story that they
twelve pictures to each pair or group. Tell them they have five come up with.
minutes to put the story in a logical (for them) order and to
start thinking about their story. Encourage them to use
vocabulary from Unit 1 in their Student’s Book and new
vocabulary. Allow them to use a dictionary or ask you if
• Next, students work together in pairs to write stories about the
trip as if it had happened to them. Tell them they have to use
the past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous at
least once in their story, so it can’t just be chronological. They
should also use connecting words such as when, while, and
then, because, etc. and as wide a range of vocabulary as they
can. Set a time limit of about ten minutes. Monitor and
provide help if necessary.
• At the end of the time limit, ask each pair or group to write
four comprehension questions about their story, similar to
questions they often answer after reading or listening to a
passage in class, e.g., How did the broken leg happen? Where did
we have to hitchhike and why? etc.
• Put each pair/group with another pair/group and ask them to
swap their lists of questions. Each pair/group takes a turn
telling their story as expressively as they can, answering the
comprehension questions, and asking extra questions when
listening to the other pair’s/group’s story. Check that students
are doing the task correctly and notice errors, difficulties, or
where they use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them
the English they need, and make a note of any language
points to go over with students.
Preparation One copy of the worksheet for each pair large knife, space blanket, basic cell phone, water container,
lighter, mini flashlight (LED), fishing line / dental floss,
Procedure 0.35mm clear plastic sheet (3x4m), $50 bill, water purification
• Put students in pairs and hand out the worksheets. Students tablets
look at the list of items and check they understand them
asking each other and using a dictionary. Circulate and provide
help, too. You may need to explain the following: Expansion
dental floss: string or thread to clean between teeth You can extend the discussion by asking students to do one or
tinder: something that very easily catches on fire, such as more of the following:
straw. You use it to start a fire from a spark. • Add four more items to their “group” survival kit.
compass: You use it to find where north is and go in the same • Discuss a different scenario, e.g., You are lost in the mountains. /
direction. You are lost in a large forest. / You are in a desert.
duct tape: very strong waterproof tape • Plan what they would do and who would do what during: a)
brim: flat part at the bottom edge of a hat the first three hours; b) the first day; c) the second day; d) the
• Tell students that they have crashed or have been left on a third day and beyond.
small tropical island. They can choose just six things to have
with them that they can wear or carry in pockets, a belt, or in
their hand. What would they want to have? Give students five
minutes to work individually, choose their items, and think of
reasons why they would need them. Give an example first: You
might need a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off your head
and face and stop you from getting sunstroke sick from the sun.
You could die without the shade.
• After five minutes, put students in pairs to debate and agree
on six items they would include in their “pair” survival kit.
Circulate and provide help as necessary.
Fast finishers
They decide on two more items to add to their survival kit.
• When students have agreed on at least four items, stop the
task and go through new language. Then tell students the
following rule of three:
In bad weather, you can die within three hours from lack of
You can die within three days from lack of water.
You can survive three weeks without any food.
Ask students to design a similar board using the same basic tasks, but
adapted to review language and topics in Units 1 and 2. Put students
in groups to look back at their notes and their Student’s Book for
ideas. When it is completed, you might need to check and correct
the ideas before groups swap their boards and play the game.
182 Communicative Activities: Teacher’s Notes
3.2 General knowledge quiz • Finally, give some feedback about new language that came
up, and get students to correct the errors you wrote on the
Aim To review and practice using comparatives and superlatives board.
• Rather than openly bidding against each other, the teams
could be asked to write down how much they want to bid for
each sentence on a piece of paper. Collect these and then read
them out to see who bid the most.
Fast finishers
They play the game again, especially if they haven’t used all the
picture cards.
• Ask students to do a variation where they deal out the
reporting verbs and then choose one of the pictures to write a
story about using all their verbs.
• Students act out a role-play based on one of the cards for
the whole class. The students listening make notes and
report what was said in the role-play, in groups using the
reporting verbs.
• Tell students they’re going to find out the degree to which
they share common cultural values. Hand out the worksheet
and allow a few minutes for students to read through the
statements. Tell them to mark each statement from 1–5,
depending on how strongly they agree. Give one or two
examples yourself to model the task, if necessary.
• While students are reading and ranking, you might want to
write some different ways of expressing agreement and
disagreement on the board, e.g., I couldn’t agree more; I totally
agree; I guess I agree up to a point, but …; I’m not really sure how
I feel about it, to be honest; I totally disagree with that.
• Put students in groups of four or five. Tell them to compare
their ideas and explain why they feel the way they do. Remind
students that to be effective in cross-cultural contexts, they
have to express their opinions in ways that respect difference
and the opinions of others. Ask them to note down an average
group score for each statement.
• Check that students are doing the task correctly and notice
errors, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by
correcting or giving them the English they need, and make a
note of any language points to go over with the class.
• At the end of the task, give some feedback about new
language that came up, and focus on errors to correct, which
you may have written on the board. You can also share some
interesting things you heard with the class.
• Next, change up the groups and ask students to compare their
average scores and to see how many of the groups had similar
opinions. Wrap up by trying to find which sentences there was
most or least agreement about.
• Optional Put students in pairs and ask them what conclusions
they can draw about “shared cultural values” from this activity.
Finish by getting ideas from students.
1 where 2 who / that 3 Nothing needed here
4 who / that 5 Nothing needed here
6 where 7 which / that 8 which / that; whose
9 who / that; which / that
10 Nothing needed here; which / that 11 who / that
12 Nothing needed here; whom 13 which / that
14 which / that 15 who / that; whose
• Ask students to look through the unit and find three more
words they learned which they can’t remember the meaning
of. They can ask these questions at the end of the quiz.
• Explain how knowing the extra information about the
vocabulary helps them to use the words. Ask students to work
in groups and:
1) compare how they record vocabulary in their notebooks.
2) discuss whose notebook is best and why.
3) discuss what they could all add to their notebooks to
improve them.
Student B
Complete the questions by putting the verbs in parentheses into the correct form. Add two more questions to ask
Student A using verb patterns -ing or infinitive with to.
1 Have you ever a sport? What happened? (hurt yourself / play)
2 When was the last time you ? Were they any good? (hear your parents / sing)
3 What do you for your birthday? And what do you ? (hope / get;
expect / get)
4 Have you ever someone but then not done it? (promise / help)
5 Have you ever ? Or has it happened to you? (catch someone / lie)
6 Have you ever you at something? (challenge someone / beat)
7 Do you to school for the first time? What do you remember? (remember / go)
8 How often are you during the week? Until what time? (allow / go out)
Listen to Student A’s questions and tell them if the verb patterns are correct or not. Tell them if the answer is correct. If
the answer is wrong, help them correct it!
1 Imagine you are taking part in a TV show called The Next Best Entrepreneur. These are the products you are going to
pitch to the presenters of the show. First, think of a name for each one.
• A healthy, luxury, dairy ice cream.
• A beach bag that you can take apart and then lay on your beach chair. It also allows you to hide all of your valuables
in its secret pockets.
• An app that allows customers to buy good food that is past its “sell-by” date at a huge discount.
2 Discuss how you would present each of your ideas/products. Explain how each one works, why it’s better than its
competitors, etc.
3 Think of the retail price and how much profit you would like to make on each one. Think about how much money
you want the presenters to invest and why. What stake of the company will you give them in exchange?
4 Present your products and ask for an investment. Negotiate if necessary.
1 Listen to the entrepreneurs’ presentations. Ask questions about the products, the market, how much they will be
earning in a year / two years / three years, etc.
2 If you like the product(s), offer to invest in their company. Negotiate what percentage of the company you want in
return and specify any other conditions.
Pair B
1 Imagine you are taking part in a TV show called The Next Best Entrepreneur. These are the products you are going to
pitch to the presenters of the show. First, think of a name for each one.
• A special brush that lets you brush your hair and remove knots without any pain.
• Socks that come in packs of three, rather than two.
• A simple tool designed to help builders and people who like DIY projects to easily mark where they want to drill holes.
2 Discuss how you would present each of your ideas/products. Explain how each one works, why it’s better than its
competitors, etc.
3 Think of the retail price and how much profit you would like to make on each one. Think about how much money
you want the presenters to invest and why. What stake of the company will you give them in exchange?
4 Present your products and ask for an investment. Negotiate if necessary.
1 Listen to the entrepreneurs’ presentations. Ask questions about the products, the market, how much they will be
earning in a year / two years / three years, etc.
2 If you like the product(s), offer to invest in their company. Negotiate what percentage of the company you want in
return and specify any other conditions.
2 15
Speak continuously CHALLENGE!
on the subject of: Who can write down
keeping fit or the most verbs
a game. associated with
Give six reasons it’s
the best: the place 14
you are living or Beginning to tire!
the time we are Miss a turn.
living in.
4 13
Write a single
complete sentence Speak continuously
of 20 words about: on a subject that
a sports person/team the other team
or a musician/band. chooses.
6 7 8 9 10 11 Write 8 comparative
You trip. sentences about: how
Go back one space. TEAM: Speak continuously CHALLENGE! Give six reasons Technological Write a single
your school or city has
Say ten ways a on the subject of Who can speak the to love or to hate Advance: complete sentence changed over the
person moves or my mom or my dad longest on the sports. Go forward of 20 words about: years.
ten ways a person (or other relative). subject of: my hero 3 spaces. a person or a film.
makes noise. or an accident.
4 How old is tree on Earth – around 800 years old; 1,500 years
old; 3,000 years old; or almost 10,000 years old? (old)
Using robots instead of soldiers will become normal within fifty years.
Instead of one global superpower, we’re going to see a handful of global powers.
The gap between the rich and the poor is going to become a huge issue.
Within twenty years, all sorts of different things will be sold in plain packages.
Within a hundred years, people are going to start living on other planets.
Matilda Award-winning musical based on the Roald Dahl book. City Theater. Sat 3 and 8 pm. $20–80.
Macbeth Shakespeare’s play reworked by the city’s leading amateur company. The Arts Center. Sat and Sun 8 pm. $5–20.
Guardians of the Galaxy Latest volume in the Marvel series. 3:00 (not Sun), 6:05, 8:50, 12:05 pm.
Parent and Baby Screening Screening of the classic Italian movie, Cinema Paradiso, with subtitles. Sun 3 pm.
Kids Club Beauty and the Beast. Sat 10 am. The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) Sun 8 pm.
Malevich Exhibition of Russian master’s painting including his famous black square. City Gallery. Open 9am–5pm. Entrance $10.
Green, Green Grass of Home Exhibition of regional landscape artists. West Arts Center. Open 10 am–4 pm. Free.
Decaying Man Controversial installation in Main Square. A two-meter replica of Michelangelo’s David made from fat and seed is
slowly being eaten by mice, birds, and bacteria. Free.
City-wide Food Festival All weekend, all the city’s cafes and restaurants will be offering 20% discount. Just take your pick! Reservations
recommended in the evening. Look out for pop-up street food in Main Square, St. Peter’s Park, and Westtown Shopping Mall.
Teddy Bear’s Picnic Fun for all the family. Bring a picnic and your teddy bear. Fairground rides, clowns, and other entertainment
throughout the day. Sat 11 am–6 pm. St. Peter’s Park. Entrance free.
Family Fun Run Run to raise money for the homeless. 10km, 5km, or 2km. Prizes for winners and costumes. Start Sun 10 am. Town
Hall, Main St. Entry fee: $5.
Paintball Pop-up paintball continues in the disused chocolate factory. 10 am–4 pm. daily. Prices from $8/person.
Natural History Museum Open daily 8 am–4 pm. Entrance free. Aquarium: $2.
City Museum Open daily 8 am–4 pm. Silk Road – special exhibition: $3.
Football Jets play in the first round of the playoffs. Sun 5 pm. $15.
Basketball The Nets take on the Vikings. Sat 6 pm. $10.
Tennis Junior regional finals. Lane’s Tennis Club. Sat and Sun. Final Sun 3 pm. Free.
Big Bake-Off Weekend cake baking and decorating course. Sat and Sun 9 am–1 pm. $40, $20 students and seniors.
Jewelry Making Learn to make necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Sun 9 am–4 pm. $30, $15 students and seniors.
204 Photocopiable Communicative Activities Worksheets
4.2 What’s going on? Role-play cards
Lost Found and Never done
a famous person
Lost Found and Never done
a famous person
Lost Found and Never done
a famous person
4 I’d do it all the time when I was younger, but I’m not sure I would now.
6 You should’ve told me. If I would’ve known, I’d have tried to help you.
8 You shouldn’t feel bad about it. It wouldn’t have made any difference.
11 When I was a kid, we’d often spent our vacations camping in the mountains.
15 Could we just stop talking about it? Otherwise, we’ll end up arguing.
Ewa imagines a large round tank of water that rolls on its side and can be pushed
like a lawnmower.
Svetlana suggests designing a large plastic container that has a handle on it.
Almir proposes they use a large plastic container, like the ones in water coolers.
People can carry it in their arms.
Mohammed decides that a backpack can be completely reinvented so that it can hold
water instead of other contents. This means drastically changing the materials and design
of the backpack.
Part B
Come up with as many different solutions to the five problems below as you can. In each case, decide which you feel is
the most creative approach.
1 Your school needs to cut its energy bills by thirty percent. How can it best do this?
2 Plan all the meals for a week for a family of four—on a very tight budget.
3 Three of your closest friends have been told they’re addicted to their smartphones. It’s having a negative effect on their
schoolwork and their relationships.
4 A new airport is going to be built near our town or city. Decide where it should go.
5 Your school is planning to create an app. The app needs to be realistic, but also to be of the most use to the highest number of
students. What should it do?
I wish there was a chip you could put inside your brain to translate languages.
Reporting cards
f Cheating is OK if you don’t get caught—and if it helps you get what you want.
g Human beings obviously have the right to control and use the natural world.
h Having different kinds of people in a group makes it harder for everyone to work together.
i It’s important to show respect to people who are older than you.
k People around the world are basically more similar than they are different.
m The best way to judge people is not by what they say, but by what they do.
2 What’s the word for someone offers to do work for no money, to help others?
3 What’s the word for something you decide is true after thinking about it carefully and looking at all the
4 What adjective would you use to describe officials do dishonest or illegal things to gain money or power?
5 What do you call that machine you use to copy a photo into a computer?
6 What do you call the part of the country the land meets the sea?
7 What do you call the system is used to measure the strength of earthquakes?
8 What’s the name of that organization was set up by the UN? You know, the one goal is to
provide humanitarian aid to children and mothers living in developing countries?
9 What’s the word for the person carries out operations improve the appearance of people’s
10 What’s the adjective to describe a song you remember as soon as you hear it and sticks in your
head, even if you don’t like it?
11 What’s the name of that girl from Pakistan was shot for insisting on her right to an education?
12 What’s the name of those Native American people we read about, most of live in the Arctic
Circle? Do you remember?
13 What do you call all the broken pieces are left when something big has been destroyed, especially by an
explosion or a natural disaster?
14 What do you call those small aircraft don’t have pilots and are controlled from the ground?
15 What do you call someone is very politically active and joins an organization aims are to bring
about social or political change?
2 Think about the words or information that’s being described in 1–15. Check with your classmates or ask for their help.
3 Think of five words, phrases, or information you’d like to find out. Write a question for each one. Then ask your
classmates to find out.
4 Work in new groups. Discuss new policies you would like to put forward in a political party. Choose
a name for your party.
→ (your party’s name)
Policy area Your suggested policies
Structure cards
3 Which is the odd one out: kidney, lung, wrist, liver, brain?
8 What’s the opposite of the infection cleared up? Why might each happen?
9 Why might you need to take a physical? Say two situations in which you will need one.
14 Say three things that a disabled person may use to help them.
17 What’s the opposite of a rare disease? Say two other adjectives that describe diseases.
8 4
1 excursion 2 secluded 3 availability 4 down time 5 wander 1 failure(s) 2 underprice 3 rate(s) 4 excursion(s) 5 atmosphere
6 overbooked 7 amenities 8 tourist traps 1C
Pronunciation Grammar
9 1
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 a 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 d 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b
Listening 1 my mother used to live on Kakkathuruthu
10 2 but she used to speak Malayalam
1 e 2 c, or g 3 f 4 a, or h 5 c, or g 6 a, or h 7 d 8 b 3 She used to paint pictures
11 4 used to love eating curries made with coconut and cinnamon
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 T 5 would wear beautiful saris
6 would light lamps and fish in the lagoons
1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 c 3
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a
1 tomb 2 white 3 population 4 darken 5 dust and soot 4
6 Parliament or parliament 7 propane 1 used to help 2 used to love 3 took 4 collected
5 would pull on 6 would go 7 we’d hang 8 would boil
Grammar 9 was 10 used to think 11 was
1 saw 2 wasn’t raining 3 correct 4 were staring or stared
5 was away 6 correct 7 were checking or checked
8 listened or were listening
2 2
1 to accept 2 to receive 3 corresponding 4 to spend 1 court 2 kick 3 pass 4 swing 5 diving
5 wasting 6 creating 7 to send 3
3 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 c
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c
Writing Listening
4 10
1 More than half 2 Just under two-thirds 3 Roughly a quarter 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 c
4 doubled 5 One in four 6 vast majority of 7 Almost 40 percent of
8 increased by
1 g 2 d 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 h 7 c 8 e 9 i
1 d 2 f 3 b 4 e 5 h 6 a 7 g 8 c
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a Grammar
1 will read 2 we are going 3 subscribe 4 going to watch
1 5 you will use 6 are going 7 going to deliver
1 f 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 h 6 g 7 c 8 b 8 will take 9 won’t use
2 14
1 medal 2 passion 3 record 4 score 5 captain 6 role 1 is attending 2 ‘ll be pretending 3 is performing
7 attitude 8 won 4 will be wearing 5 ‘m going to meet 6 finish
3 7 are going to order 8 are about to put
Possible answers: 15
1 x, a few, many, a lot of 2 the, a lot of 3 a, the 1 The lectures start on Friday evening.
4 x, a few, a lot of, many 5 a lot of, x, a few, many 6 many 2 Will the reporters be interviewing the singer after the concert?
4 3 We are about to watch the music video on his laptop.
1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 b 4 That young artist will certainly make an impression on the art world
5 when her show starts.
1 slightly bigger than 2 is not quite as cheap 3 isn’t as fast as 5 Will the musicians be working on their new song tomorrow?
4 quite a bit taller 5 weren’t quite as expensive as 6 isn’t as long 6 The art class is going to display their drawings in the hallway
next week.
7 I don’t think he will be ready on time.
4 Cultural Transformation 8 I will have enough short stories ready once I publish my first book. /I will
publish my first book once I have enough short stories ready.
Vocabulary 1 Do, know 2 will, be filming / film 3 Will, give 4 is, leaving
1 5 will, be doing 6 Is, dancing 7 is, to finish
1 production 2 art gallery 3 studio 4 lyrics 5 portrait
6 viewers 4B
2 Vocabulary Building
Art: mural, painting, portrait 1
Music: concert hall, lyrics, verse 1 diverse 2 strict 3 hard 4 innovative 5 low-
3 6 leading 7 driving 8 mixed
1 attracts 2 attend 3 boost 4 brings 5 holds 6 generates
1 on 2 on 3 for 4 in 5 on 6 in 2
1 g 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 e 6 f
1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 d 7 d 8 b 3
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 d
Possible answers: 4
1 b, c 2 a 3 d, e 4 d, f 5 c, f 6 d, e 7 b, c 8 b 1 F 2 T 3 NG 4 T 5 F
9 Lend a Helping Hand
Authentic Listening Skills 9A
1 Vocabulary
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 b 1
1 disastrous 2 level 3 flooded 4 rescued 5 shelter
6 impact 7 saved
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 T 8 F
2 3
1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b 1 h 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 f 6 g 7 a 8 e
3 4
a 4 b 6 c 1 d 3 e 7 f 5 g 2 Illness: bleeding, cancer, stroke
Treatment: antibiotics, operation, physical therapy
1 Today I want to speak to you 2 Now, I know what you might
1 waist 2 action 3 slam 4 up 5 spreads 6 made
be thinking 3 I’m obviously not going to deny that
7 infection 8 damage
4 it’s too late 5 what do you recommend 6 To begin with
7 On top of 8 Let’s not forget that 9 It’s also important to 6
10 final points you want to note 1 detect 2 think 3 action 4 intensive 5 wheelchair 6 cure
7 chest 8 spread
6 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 d 8 d
1 E 2 I 3 E 4 I 5 E 6 I
7 1 Heart attacks can cause disability.
1 d 2 f 3 g 4 h 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 e 2 The patient felt numbness in his legs.
8 3 He suffers from a range of medical conditions.
1 response 2 volunteers 3 apply 4 future 5 First 6 hospital 4 People start rehabilitation in the hospital.
7 regard 8 bring 9 suitable 10 experience 11 forward 5 Her speech became slurred.
1 T 2 T 3 T 4 NG 5 T 6 NG 7 T 8 F
1 am 2 has 3 was 4 haven’t 5 weren’t 6 is 7 have
8 has