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the valve ejector, the packing/wedges, the slider and it was reduced to 19mm at the core cavity
insert, and slider block was created. which can be seen in Fig 2a. Another dimension that
has been changed was the core cavity. The total
2.3.2 New Mould length of existing mould core cavity was 88.67mm
and was modified to 88mm for 15g preform. This
A new model of mould was created based on the modification can be seen as in Fig 2b.
modifications of PET parisan dimension. The first parts
that have been modified are the dimensions of insert
and core cavity. The existing PET preform size of 25g i ii
was modified into the new preform size of 15g,
followed by 20g and 30g.
Figure 2 Overall assembly view of injection moulding which Figure 4 The dimension comparison on PET preform for core
consists of male section consists of core plate. cavity of (i) the existing preform design (25g) and (ii) the
modified preform design (15g)
Figure 1 shows the existing mould that was used to
fabricate 25g PET preform (parisan). For the 15g PET Another size of PET preform that has been
preform, the outer dimension of insert is still the same investigated was 20g preform. Similar as 15g preform,
as the existing insert (25g PET preform). The only the insert dimension remain the same as the existing
dimension that has been changed was the size of insert. However, the insert cavity has to be changed
mould diameter of the preform in the insert cavity. because of the different size of PET preform. The inner
The diameters at the neck of preform were both diameter of insert cavity for a new 20g PET preform
25mm, but the length of preform cavity was modified was modified from 25mm to 20mm. The dimension of
from 70mm to 69.2mm. It can be seen that when the core cavity also needs to be changed according to
size of preform was changed, the design of the the size of preform. The total length of core cavity for
mould was also changed as well as the shape of the a new 20g PET preform was increased after the
preform cavity. The existing cavity has constant modification. Fig 3 shows the comparison on
diameter from neck to bottom, however for 15g dimension for 20g preform.
preform cavity, the diameter at the neck was 25mm,
118 Najiy Rizal Suriani Rizal et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 76:6 (2015) 115–119
the insert size. The cavity plate support and hold the
i ii insert in the female part. The size of cavity plate is
affected by the size of the insert. Once it is larger, the
cavity also needs to be modified to a larger size. Fig
4b shows the comparison between existing cavity
plate dimension and the new cavity plate of 30g PET
i ii
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