Drug Study MB
Drug Study MB
Drug Study MB
Generic Name: - It hinders the - Indicated - Severe - Less - Rare but - Monitor for side
orphenadrine citrate production of for the hepatic or common serious adverse effects, especially
prostaglandins, relief of renal side effects can drowsiness or
Brand Name/s: thereby musculoske impairment. effects encompass dizziness, and
diminishing pain,
Norgesic Forte letal pain - Known may severe allergic instruct the patient to
inflammation, and
fever; even leading
and hypersensitivit include reactions, avoid activities
Route/s: to the suppression discomfort. y to any blurred bleeding, and requiring mental
Oral of muscle tone and component of vision, gastrointestinal alertness until the
muscle spasms. In the drug. constipat ulcers. It can results of the drug are
Dosage: addition, it serves - Concomitant ion, also include known.
Oral: 1 tablet every 8 as a stimulant for use with urinary restlessness, - Inform the patient
to 12 hours. the central nervous MAO retention, dizziness, about potential drug
system, potentially inhibitors. and blurred vision, interactions and the
Therapeutic class: augmenting the - History of increased dry mouth, and importance of
- Analgesic pain-relieving bleeding heart nausea. disclosing all
impact of aspirin.
- Muscle disorders or rate. medications they are
relaxant active - Common taking.
combination gastrointestina side - Advise the patient
l ulcers. effects to take the
Pharmacologic class: - Glaucoma. may medication as
Orphenadrine include directed by a
functions as a dizziness healthcare
centrally acting , dry professional and not
muscle relaxant for mouth, to exceed the
the skeletal system, upset recommended
while aspirin is stomach, dosage.
categorized as a nausea, - Educate the patient
nonsteroidal anti- and about the risks of
inflammatory drug drowsine gastrointestinal
(NSAID) known for ss. bleeding and the
its analgesic and anti- importance of
inflammatory seeking medical
properties. attention if they
notice any signs of
bleeding, such as
black, tarry stools or
vomiting blood.
- Assess the patient's
medical history,
allergies, and current
medications to ensure
no contraindications
or potential drug
Generic Name: - The precise - - Concu - Typically Serious adverse - Monitor
paracetamol mechanism of Paracetamo rrent , effects are patients for
action of l is usage paraceta infrequent but any signs of
Brand Name/s: paracetamol prescribed of mol is could involve adverse
- Tylenol, remains not for the other well- severe skin effects,
- Panadol entirely manageme produc tolerated reactions, especially
- Calpol elucidated, though nt of mild ts when significant liver severe skin
- Crocin it is thought to to moderate contai used as damage (in reactions, and
- Dafalgan operate by pain, ning directed. instances of educate them
- Efferalgan diminishing the encompassi paracet - Infreque overdose), and to seek
- Acetaminophe production of ng amol, nt anaphylaxis (a immediate
n brain-based conditions as adverse severe allergic medical
- Paracip prostaglandins like overdo effects response). attention if
- Paramol that encourage headaches, sage might these occur.
- Anacin-3 pain and fever. It toothaches, can encompa - Assess the
- Febrol may have a and lead to ss skin patient's
- Tachipirin central effect in musculoske severe rashes or medical
- Sinutab the hypothalamus, letal pain. liver allergic history,
- Tempra lowering body - damag response allergies, and
temperature, and Additionall e. s. current
Route/s: also act y, it is - An - The risk medications
- Oral peripherally to employed establi of liver to ensure no
- Intravenous alleviate pain. to lower shed damage contraindicati
- Rectal fever in hypers is a ons or
situations ensitiv concern potential drug
Dosage: such as ity or primarily interactions.
- The usual infections allergy with Educate
adult dosage or to prolonge patients about
for following paracet d, high- the
paracetamol vaccination amol. dose importance of
from 500mg – . - Severe usage, not exceeding
1000mg, every . liver often the
4 - 6 hours as disease linked to recommended
necessary for or a misappli dose,
fever or pain. history cation or especially in
of overuse. cases of
alcoho chronic use,
Therapeutic class: l as it can lead
- Analgesic abuse. to liver
- Antipyretic damage.
Pharmacologic class:
- Non-opioid
analgesic antipyretic.
Generic Name: - Tramadol Tramadol - Concu - Tramado - Serious - Educate
tramadol alleviates pain by is rrent l may adverse patients about
acting on mu- prescribed use of also effects the potential
Brand Name/s: opioid receptors for the monoa cause may for opioid
- Ultram in the brain and treatment mine drowsine encompa dependence
- Ultracet simultaneously of pain oxidas ss, and ss and provide
- Tramacip blocking the ranging e patients seizures, instructions
- Tramal reuptake of from inhibit should respirato for gradual
- Tramaz norepinephrine moderate to ors be ry tapering when
- Ryzolt and serotonin. moderately (MAO advised depressio discontinuing
- Zydol This combination severe. Is) or to avoid n, and the
- Tramadol of actions within activities serotonin medication.
STADA contributes to its 14 requiring syndrom - Monitor for
- ConZip analgesic effects. days of mental e, signs of
- Tramundin discont alertness especiall opioid
inuing until they y when overdose,
Route/s: an know used in such as
- Oral MAOI. how the conjuncti extreme
- Injectable - Know medicati on with drowsiness,
(Intravenous, n on other slow or
Intramuscular) hypers affects serotoner irregular
ensitiv them. gic breathing, and
Dosage: ity to - Common medicati pinpoint
- Usual oral tramad side ons. pupils, and
adult dosage is ol or effects take
50-100mg, its may appropriate
every 4-6 compo include action if they
hours as nents. dizziness occur.
needed for - Histor , nausea, - Assess the
pain; however y of constipat patient's
maximum substa ion, and medical
dosage should nce headache history,
not exceed abuse, . allergies, and
400 mg per includi - Less current
day. ng common medications
alcoho side to ensure no
l and effects contraindicati
Therapeutic class: other can ons or
- Analgesic (Opioid) opioid include potential drug
s. dry interactions.
Pharmacologic class: - Severe mouth, - Caution
- Opioid agonist respira sweating, patients
tory and against
depres fatigue. consuming
sion, alcohol while
acute taking
or tramadol, as it
severe can increase
bronch the risk of
ial side effects.
, and
Generic Name: - Clonidine acts - Clonidine -A - Dry - In - Educate
clonidine by stimulating is mainly documented mouth, certain patients about
alpha-2 adrenergic prescribed hypersensitivit drowsine instances the potential
Brand Name/s: receptors in the for the y or allergic ss, , for
- Catapres brain, leading to a treatment response to dizziness clonidine drowsiness
- Kapvay reduction in of clonidine or , and may and dizziness
- Dixarit sympathetic hypertensio any of its constipat result in and advise
- Duraclon outflow. This, in n (high constituents. ion are a slow them to avoid
- Jenloga turn, leads to a blood - Severe among heart activities
decrease in pressure). bradycardia the rate, requiring
Route/s: peripheral Additionall (abnormally commonl cardiac mental
- Oral vascular y, it is slow heart y arrhythm alertness until
- Injectable resistance and employed rate), heart observed ias, and they know
heart rate, in the block, or side other how the
Dosage: ultimately manageme specific effects. cardiova medication
- The standard contributing to the nt of opioid cardiac - Less scular affects them.
clonidine lowering of blood withdrawal ailments. frequentl effects. - Monitor blood
dosage varies pressure. symptoms - A past y - Severe pressure
based on the and serves medical encounte adverse regularly and
formulation as an record of red side effects educate
and the adjunct cerebrovascul effects may patients about
specific therapy for ar disease, may encompa the
condition specific significant encompa ss importance of
being treated. conditions coronary ss rebound adhering to
Dosages can such as insufficiency, orthostati hyperten the prescribed
fall within the attention or a recent c sion if dosing
range of 0.1 deficit myocardial hypotens clonidine regimen.
mg to 0.3 mg hyperactivit infarction ion (a is - Assess the
when y disorder (heart attack). sudden suddenly patient's
administered (ADHD). decrease discontin medical
orally two to in blood ued. history,
three times pressure especially
daily, though upon regarding
this can vary changing cardiac
considerably. positions conditions
), and blood
Therapeutic class: headache pressure
- Antihypertensi , and levels, to
ve sedation. ensure no
- centrally contraindicati
acting alpha-2 ons or
adrenergic potential drug
agonist interactions.
- Patients
Pharmacologic class: should be
- Alpha-2 adrenergic advised not to
agonist discontinue
abruptly, as it
can lead to
Generic Name: - Carvedilol is a - - - Dizziness, - In severe - Advise patients not
carvedilol beta-blocker that Carvedilol Demonstrated fatigue, and cases, adverse to discontinue
also exhibits is primarily hypersensitivit diarrhea are effects may carvedilol abruptly,
Brand Name/s: alpha-blocking prescribed y or allergic among the involve as this can lead to
Ex: Coreg properties. Its for the reactions to commonly exacerbation of rebound hypertension
mechanism of manageme carvedilol or observed side heart failure, and worsening of
Route/s: action involves nt of any of its effects. cardiac heart conditions.
Oral (Tablets or the inhibition of hypertensio constituents. - Less frequently arrhythmias, and - In patients with
Extended-release specific natural n (high - encountered side bronchospasm heart failure, monitor
Capsules) substances in the blood Decompensate effects may in individuals for worsening
body, like pressure). d heart failure encompass with pre- symptoms and
Dosage: epinephrine, - necessitating bradycardia existing lung educate patients
The usual adult which affects the Additionall inotropic (abnormally conditions. about the need to
dosage for carvedilol heart and blood y, it finds agents or slow heart rate), report any changes
can range from 3.125 vessels. As a application individuals hypotension promptly.
mg up to 25 mg, to be result, it leads to in the with unstable (low blood - Assess the patient's
taken twice daily. decreased heart treatment and severe pressure), and medical history,
rate, lower blood of chronic heart failure worsening of especially regarding
Therapeutic class: pressure, and heart symptoms. heart failure cardiac and
- Antihypertensi reduced cardiac failure and - Individuals symptoms. respiratory
ve workload, in reducing with asthma conditions, to ensure
- Non-selective rendering it an the risk of or no contraindications
beta-blocker effective mortality bronchospasti or potential drug
therapeutic option following a c conditions interactions.
Pharmacologic class: for managing heart that may be - Monitor blood
- Non-selective beta- hypertension and attack. exacerbated pressure and heart
adrenergic antagonist heart-related by beta- rate regularly and
with alpha-blocking conditions. blockers, such educate patients
activity as carvedilol, about the importance
in certain of adhering to the
cases. prescribed dosing
Generic Name: The exact - - An - Common - Rare but - Patients and
levetiracetam mechanism of Levetiracet established side severe caregivers
action of am is hypersensitivit effects adverse should be
Brand Name/s: levetiracetam primarily y or allergic may effects aware of the
- Keppra remains not prescribed response to involve may potential for
- Roweepra entirely for levetiracetam dizziness encompa severe or
- Elepsia understood. managing or any of its , ss life- allergic skin
- Levipil Current partial- constituents is headache threateni reactions and
- Levilex understanding onset a , and ng seek
- Levin suggests that it seizures in contraindicati somnole allergic immediate
- Torleva operates by adults and on. nce reactions medical
- Epiterra influencing children (sleepine , severe attention if
- Kopodex neurotransmitter aged over ss). skin any of these
release, primarily one month. - Other reactions occur.
Route/s: through binding to It also potential , and - Monitor for
- Oral synaptic vesicle serves as an side psychiatr side effects,
- Intravenous protein 2A adjunct effects ic especially
(SV2A). This therapy in can symptom changes in
Dosage: action may the encompa s like mood or
- The usual contribute to the treatment ss mood hallucina behavior, and
initial dose of reduction of of changes, tions or report them to
levetiracetam abnormal myoclonic irritabilit suicidal the healthcare
for adults and electrical activity seizures y, and thoughts. provider.
adolescents in the brain, associated aggressio - Patients
over 12 years rendering it an with n. should be
of age is 500 effective juvenile educated
mg, antiepileptic myoclonic about the
administered agent. epilepsy. importance of
twice daily. adhering to
the prescribed
Therapeutic class: dosing
- Antiepileptic regimen and
- Anticonvulsan not
t discontinuing
Pharmacologic class: medication
- Pyrrolidine abruptly, as it
derivative may increase
the risk of
- Assess the
history and
history to
determine the
use of
Generic Name: - Disrupts - Chl - Hypers - Possible - Rare but - Educate
chlorhexidine microbial orhe ensitiv side severe patients on the
cell xidi ity or effects allergic correct use of
Brand Name/s: membrane ne allergy may reactions chlorhexidine
Peridex, Periogard, s by is to include , products.
Corsodyl, Curasept, binding to use chlorh minor including - Monitor for
Hibitane, Paroex their d exidin irritation rash, any signs of
negatively for e or itching, allergic
Route/s: charged the - Avoid staining swelling, reactions or
- Oral component prev contact of teeth, severe adverse
s, enti with tongue, dizziness effects.
Dosage: increasing on the or oral , and - Ensure
- Oral: varies on permeabili and eyes tissues difficulty patients are
the amount ty, and treat and with oral breathing not
needed; three causing men middle formulati (seek hypersensitive
times a day leakage of t of ear ons. immediat to the product.
cell vari - Not for - Skin e - Follow
Therapeutic class: contents, ous use as formulati medical aseptic
- Antiseptic and leading to infe a ons may attention techniques in
disinfectant microbial ctio system cause if these clinical and
death. It ns, ic skin occur). surgical
Pharmacologic class: has broad- incl treatm dryness settings when
Biguanide spectrum udin ent or using
antimicrob g irritation chlorhexidine.
ial activity oral in some - Be aware of
and is safe infe individua the specific
for use on ctio ls. product's
human ns, guidelines and
tissues skin dosage, as
when used infe they can vary
as ctio based on the
directed. ns, formulation.
Generic Name: - Salbutamo - This - Hypers - Common - Rare but - Educat
- salbutamol l com ensitiv side severe e
(Albuterol) (Albuterol bina ity or effects side patient
- ipratropium ) relaxes tion allergy may effects s on
bromide and dilates is to include may the
the airway use salbuta tremor, include proper
Brand Name/s: smooth d to mol, increased chest inhalat
- Combivent muscles by treat ipratro heart pain, ion
- DuoNeb stimulatin and pium, rate, dry arrhythm techni
g beta-2 man or any mouth, ias, que
adrenergic age of their cough, allergic when
Route/s: receptors, obst compo throat reactions using
- Inhalation via leading to ruct nents. irritation, , and a
nebulizer bronchodil ive - Avoid and difficulty nebuli
ation and airw use if headache breathing zer.
increased ay the . . Seek - Monit
Dosage: airflow. dise patient' immediat or
- Oral: - Ipratropiu ases s e patient
Inhalation 3x a m bromide , conditi medical s for
day whenever blocks suc on attention signs
needed muscarinic h as does if these of
receptors chro not occur. impro
Therapeutic class: in the nic warran vemen
- Bronchodilato airways, obst t t in
r (both reducing ruct bronch breathi
salbutamol bronchoco ive odilati ng and
and nstriction pul on potenti
ipratropium) and mucus mon therap al side
production ary y. effects
. dise .
Pharmacologic class: - ase - Assess
- Salbutamol (CO patient
(Albuterol): PD) s for
Beta-2 and hypers
Adrenergic asth ensitiv
Agonist ma, ity or
(Short-acting) to allergi
- Ipratropium relie es to
bromide: ve the
Anticholinergi bro compo
c (Muscarinic nch nents.
Antagonist) osp - Instruc
asm t
and patient
imp s to
rove use the
airfl medic
ow. ation
bed by
- Empha
nce to
Generic Name: - Mupirocin - Mu - Hypers - Common - Severe - Educat
- mupirocin inhibits piro ensitiv side allergic e
bacterial cin ity or effects reactions patient
protein oint allergy may are rare s on
Brand Name/s: synthesis men to include but the
- Bactroban by t is mupiro burning, possible. proper
- Centany selectively com cin or stinging, Seek applic
- Supirocin and mon any of itching, immediat ation
- Impetex reversibly ly its or rash at e techni
- Mupinase binding to use compo the medical que,
bacterial d to nents. applicati attention ensuri
isoleucyl- treat on site. if you ng a
Route/s: tRNA skin experien clean
- Topical synthetase. infe ce signs and
- Intranasal This ctio of a dry
disrupts ns, severe applic
the incl allergic ation
Dosage: production udin reaction, site.
- Topical: of g such as - Monit
Apply a small bacterial imp swelling, or for
amount of proteins, etig itching, signs
ointment to leading to o, severe of
the affected the folli rash, or impro
area 2-3 times inhibition culit difficulty vemen
daily, or as of is, breathing t in the
directed by a bacterial and . treated
healthcare growth cert skin
provider. and ain conditi
- Intranasal: For replication type on and
nasal use, . s of potenti
apply a small skin al side
amount inside absc effects
the nostrils as esse .
prescribed by s. It - Assess
a healthcare can patient
provider. also s for
be hypers
Therapeutic class: use ensitiv
- Antibacterial d to ity or
prev allergi
ent es to
Pharmacologic class: infe the
- Antibiotic ctio produc
(Specifically, n in t.
a topical min - Instruc
antibiotic) or t
cuts patient
, s to
wou use the
nds, medic
and ation
surg as
ical prescri
inci bed by
sion their
s. health
er and
for the
- Empha
nce to
n and
Generic Name: - Midazola - Mid - Hypers - Common - Rare but - Administer
- midazolam m acts by azol ensitiv side severe the correct
enhancing am ity or effects adverse dosage and
the effects is allergy may effects route of
Brand Name/s: of gamma- use to include may midazolam as
- Versed aminobuty d midaz drowsine include prescribed by
- Dormicum ric acid for olam ss, respirato the healthcare
- Hypnovel (GABA), vari or dizziness ry provider.
- Diazemuls an ous other , depressio - Monitor vital
- Midazolam inhibitory med benzod headache n, signs, level of
Hydrochloride neurotrans ical iazepin , and hypotens sedation, and
injection mitter in pur es. injection ion, respiratory
- Amidate the brain. pos - Avoid site pain paradoxi status during
It binds to es, in in the cal and after
GABA incl patient case of reactions administration
Route/s: receptors, udin s with IV or IM , and .
- Oral leading to g acute administr allergic - Educate
- Intravenous an seda narrow ation. reactions patients and
- Intramuscular increased tion -angle . caregivers
inhibitory befo glauco about
Dosage: effect in re ma. potential side
1. Oral: the central med - Use effects and
For anxiety or nervous ical with what to expect
sedation: The initial system, proc cautio during and
adult dosage might resulting edur n in after receiving
range from 2.5 mg to in es patient midazolam.
5 mg, to be taken 2 to sedation, or s with - Assess for
3 times per day as anxiolysis, surg a allergies and
needed. muscle ery, history potential drug
For preoperative relaxation, treat of interactions.
sedation: Adults and men substa - Emphasize
might receive 7.5 mg anterograd t of nce the
to 15 mg about 1 to 2 e amnesia. acut abuse importance of
hours before surgery. e or not using
seiz respira midazolam
2. Intravenous ures tory for extended
(IV): , disord periods
For conscious indu ers. without
sedation: Initial adult ctio medical
doses may range from n of guidance and
1 mg to 2.5 mg, given anes to avoid
slowly over 2 to 5 thes alcohol or
minutes. Additional ia, other central
doses may be and nervous
administered as man system
needed to achieve the age depressants
desired level of men while taking
sedation. t of the
anxi medication.
3. Intramuscular ety
(IM): or
For acute anxiety or inso
preoperative sedation: mni
Initial adult doses a in
may range from 2.5 spec
mg to 5 mg, given by ific
IM injection. Repeat situ
doses can be atio
administered as ns.
Therapeutic class:
- Midazolam
belongs to the
class of
es, specifically
and sedatives.
Pharmacologic class:
- Benzodiazepin
Generic Name: - Potassium - Pota - Hypers - Common - Severe - Administer
- Potassium is an ssiu ensitiv side adverse the correct
Chloride essential m ity or effects effects dosage and
electrolyte Chl allergy may related to route of
that plays orid to include potassiu potassium
Brand Name/s: a critical e is potassi stomach m chloride as
- K-Dur role in use um upset, chloride prescribed by
- Micro-K various d to chlorid nausea, are rare the healthcare
- Klor-Con physiologi treat e or vomiting but may provider.
- Slow-K cal or any of , and include - Monitor
- Kalium functions, prev its diarrhea. hyperkal electrolyte
- Kaochlor including ent compo emia, levels,
- Kaon-CL maintainin low nents. irregular particularly
g proper pota - Condit heartbeat potassium,
electrical ssiu ions s, and and adjust the
Route/s: activity in m associa muscle treatment as
- Oral the heart, leve ted weaknes needed.
- Intravenous muscle ls in with s. - Educate
contractio the hyperk Immedia patients about
Dosage: ns, and bod alemia te potential side
- Oral: Dosage nerve y, a (high medical effects,
varies based function. con potassi attention dietary
on the specific Potassium diti um is considerations
formulation Chloride on levels), required , and the
and the supplemen kno such as if these importance of
patient's ts wn kidney occur. taking
condition. It's replenish as proble potassium
typically potassium hyp ms or supplements
prescribed by levels in okal severe as directed.
a healthcare the body. emi tissue - Assess for any
provider. a. It damag drug
- Intravenous is e. interactions or
(IV): Dosage esse conditions
is determined ntial that may
by the for affect
healthcare pro potassium
provider and per levels.
administered nerv - Emphasize
in a controlled e the
medical and importance of
setting. mus adhering to
cle the prescribed
Therapeutic class: func treatment
- Electrolyte tion regimen and
Supplement and not exceeding
mai recommended
ntai dosages
Pharmacologic class: ning without
- Electrolyte a medical
regu guidance.
Generic Name: - Albumin is - Alb - Hypers - Common - Allergic - Administer
- albumin a natural umi ensitiv side reactions albumin as
protein n is ity or effects are rare prescribed by
found in use allergy are rare but the healthcare
Brand Name/s: blood d in to but can possible. provider.
- Albutein plasma. vari albumi include Seek - Monitor vital
- Albuminar When ous n or fever, immediat signs,
- Albunex administer med any of chills, e including
- Plasbumin ed ical its headache medical blood
- Flexbumin intravenou situ compo , and attention pressure and
- Kedbumin sly, it atio nents. nausea. if you heart rate,
- Venoglobulin- helps to ns experien during
I increase to ce signs administration
- Prolbumin and treat of a .
- Grifols maintain or severe - Educate
Albumin blood man allergic patients on the
- Octalbin volume. It age reaction, purpose of
also plays con such as albumin
Route/s: a crucial diti swelling, therapy and
- Intravenous role in ons itching, what to expect
(IV) maintainin that severe during and
administration g osmotic resu rash, or after the
is the primary pressure in lt in difficulty infusion.
route for the blood low breathing - Assess for
albumin. vessels, bloo . hypersensitivi
which can d ty or allergies
Dosage: help draw volu to the product.
- Dosage may fluid back me - Ensure proper
vary widely into the or storage and
depending on bloodstrea hyp handling of
the medical m from the oalb albumin
condition of surroundin umi products to
the patient. g tissues. nem maintain their
ia efficacy and
Therapeutic class: (lo safety.
- Colloid w
- Plasma leve
Volume ls of
Expander albu
Pharmacologic class: the
- Plasma protein bloo
Generic Name: - Amlodipin - Aml - Hypers - Common - Serious - Administer
- amlodipine e is a odip ensitiv side adverse the
calcium ine ity or effects effects medication as
channel is allergy may are rare prescribed by
Brand Name/s: blocker pri to include but may the healthcare
- Norvasc that works mar amlodi edema include provider.
- Istin by ily pine or (swelling severe - Monitor blood
- Amlodin inhibiting use other ), allergic pressure and
- Amloc the influx d to compo headache reactions heart rate
- Amlor of calcium treat nents , , very regularly, and
- Perivasc ions into high of the dizziness low document the
smooth bloo medica , and blood patient's
Route/s: muscle d tion. flushing. pressure, response.
- Oral cells of the pres - Avoid or heart - Educate
coronary sure use in rhythm patients about
Dosage: and (hy patient disturban the
- The typical peripheral pert s with ces. Seek importance of
starting dose arteries. ensi severe medical taking the
for adults with By doing on). hypote attention medication as
hypertension so, it It is nsion if any of directed and
is 5 mg once reduces also or these potential side
daily, which the pres signifi occur. effects.
can be workload crib cant - Instruct
adjusted by a of the ed aortic patients to rise
healthcare heart and to stenosi slowly from
provider as relaxes man s sitting or
needed. blood age withou lying down
vessels, angi t positions to
Therapeutic class: leading to na medica minimize the
- Antihypertensi decreased (che l risk of
ve (Calcium blood st superv dizziness.
Channel pressure pain ision. - Emphasize
Blocker) and ) the
increased and importance of
Pharmacologic class: oxygen in not stopping
- Calcium supply to som the
Channel the heart e medication
Blocker muscle. case abruptly, and
s, inform the
for patient about
cert potential drug
ain interactions
hear and dietary
t considerations
con .