Assessing Military Reform in Indonesia
Assessing Military Reform in Indonesia
Assessing Military Reform in Indonesia
To cite this article: Leonard C. Sebastian & Iis Gindarsah (2013) Assessing military reform in
Indonesia, Defense & Security Analysis, 29:4, 293-307, DOI: 10.1080/14751798.2013.842709
This article seeks to assess the magnitude of military reform in Indonesia and its impact in
establishing greater levels of professionalism within the armed forces. To this end, the
authors will offer some reflections on the studies of civil-military relations and military
transformation for inculcating a higher degree of military professionalism; analyse to what
extent the process of military reform in Indonesia has reshaped the institutional role of the
armed forces; and discern three major strategic gaps in Indonesia’s military reform, namely
the “legal loopholes and regulation vacuum,” the “shortcomings of democratic civilian
control,” and the “defence-economic gap.” This article asserts that military professionalism
will grow more substantially depending on the ability of civilian elites to exercise effective
control over the military and the capacity of the government to transform the military
establishment keeping pace with strategic challenges and operational requirements.
Keywords: Indonesian military; military professionalism; civil-military relations; military
reform; democratic civilian control
After the fall of the authoritarian regime in 1998, the process of military reform in Indonesia had
primarily produced new legal frameworks and institutional changes in the defence and military
realm. Having abolished the “dual-function” (dwi-fungsi) doctrine that legitimated military
engagement in socio-political affairs, the Indonesia’s National Defence Forces (TNI) leadership
has placed more emphasis on transforming its institutional profile and improving its human
rights record. The Indonesian military may no longer be the leading actor in national politics,
but has pragmatically incorporated a strategy enabling it to play a “behind the scenes” role.1
Some scholars, however, argue that the military reform in Indonesia has come to a standstill
despite notable institutional changes in civil-military relations.2 Further reform efforts to place the
TNI completely under the authority of a civilian-led Ministry of Defence remain difficult. Indonesia
will need more time to implement difficult changes in these areas due to the tentative nature of civil-
military relations in the country and limited resources in the defence realm. The mindset of the officer
corps also has not changed substantially.3 There remains a deep contempt for civilian rule and a belief
that only the TNI is capable of rising above the petty rivalries behaviour of civilian politicians.4
With this backdrop, this article argues that the level of military professionalism will grow
depending on the ability of civilian elites to exercise their effective control over the military,
and the capacity of the government to surge adequate resources for defence purposes. In that
regard, this article aims to provide an assessment of the military reform processes in Indonesia.
First, it will examine the theories relating to civil-military relations and military transformation
with their implications for deepening military professionalism. Second, the article will analyse
to what extent the process of military reform in Indonesia has reshaped the role and missions
of the armed forces. Third, it will highlight major strategic gaps in that process.
embark upon institutional innovation and adapt to emerging technological conditions and stra-
tegic challenges.23 Arguably, innovations in military affairs should eventually lead to the cessa-
tion or downgrading of the military’s traditional missions (including its involvement in the
political realm), and have a definitive impact on the military’s overall effectiveness to execute
tasks assigned by civilian authority.24
The best option for countries with on-going processes of democratic consolidation is to ensure
that the exercise of civilian control over the military is supported by a government willing to
provide adequate national resources to cover defence and military requirements. Without provid-
ing sufficient inducements to wean the military from its political interests and autonomous finan-
cial prerogatives, it will be virtually impossible for any democratically elected-civilian
government to effectively decide on national defence priorities and, more importantly, to raise
professional standards within the military establishment.
Indonesia’s experience of military reform over the last decade may have resulted in notable
legal and institutional improvements in civil-military relations; however, the authors argue that
substantial issues relating to military transformation remain untouched. Though civilian elites
and military officers aspire to achieve higher degrees of military professionalism, little progress
has been made in terms of doctrinal innovation, orders of battle or force structure development,
overhauling military education and training, defence resource management, and the development
of an indigenous defence industrial base. Without substantially moving to the next level of the
military reform, namely the military transformation phase, the reform agenda remains unfinished.
As a consequence, the development of the Indonesian-armed forces remains stunted; unable to
acquire a high degree of military effectiveness; and continues to remain entrenched in areas
beyond the scope of their military expertise.
defence.32 Consequently, at a time when the principles of good governance should have been
institutionalised in defence realm, the Indonesian government is still grappling with the problems
of establishing proper regulatory frameworks, while coping with the challenge to upgrade its mili-
tary capabilities.
In this context, there are three major strategic gaps which were left unaltered since military
reform was initiated in Indonesia: first, loopholes and regulation vacuum pertaining to the
legal framework on national defence; second, the prevalence of shortcomings of democratic civi-
lian control; and third, the critical gap between the TNI’s institutional role and its overall capa-
bilities, reflected in a defence-economic gap.
immediate enactment of the bill is imperative not only to remove the TNI’s image of “impunity,”
but also to build a professional ethos within the military.
Regulation vacuums are also evident in a number of provisions relating to Law No. 3/2002
requiring additional regulations or other laws without a definite timeline to have them completed.
Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, respectively, stipulate the enactment of the Reserve and Supporting
Defence Component Bills and the Military Conscript Bill. Despite the inclusion of these bills in
the current list of National Legislation Programme, there is still ambiguity whether they will be
enacted within the legislative period of 2009–2014. The speed of implementation is hampered by
three factors: first, the legislative and constituency commitments of parliament members; second,
their lack of adequate expertise on defence matters; and third, limited public pressure to sustain
the momentum of reform. Eight years since Law No. 3/2002 was passed, none of these regulations
have been implemented.
refurbishing military platforms that remain essential for routine missions; and third, acquisition of
communication equipments for command and control purpose.45
Maintaining the operational readiness of the current weapon systems becomes more com-
plicated due to the variety of weapon systems within the TNI’s arsenal. Currently, there are
173 variants of weapon systems supplied by 17 different countries (Figure 4). The multi-var-
iants of weapon systems not only complicate operational procedures for each weapon system
Figure 4. The number of weapon types and supplier countries of TNI’s Armaments.
Source: Data adapted from Andi Widjajanto and Makmur Keliat, Indonesia’s Defence Economy Reform
(Jakarta: INFID and Pacivis-UI, 2006), 21.
and undermine interoperability within the military, but also increase arms maintenance costs,
particularly in the case of ageing armaments. Unsurprisingly, with limited defence budget,
many TNI armaments are not regularly maintained and thus lack operational readiness and
302 L.C. Sebastian and I. Gindarsah
Acute dependence on foreign weapon suppliers has made Indonesia highly vulnerable to arms
embargoes. Figure 4 indicates that 77 military platforms (44%) of TNI’s weapon systems are sup-
plied by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries, while indigenous defence industries have
only a minor contribution providing nine platforms (5%). Moreover, overt dependence on foreign
suppliers is not merely confined to weapon systems, but also affects munitions supplies. PT.
PINDAD, for instance, may have been the main supplier of small-calibre ammunitions, but has
never supplied TNI with artillery shells or cannon projectiles.46 This fact highlights the limited
capacity of indigenous defence industries to manufacture large-scale ordnance.
Budget constraints also have undermined the Ministry of Defence’s ability to implement force
modernisation programmes, which is patently evident in the nature of defence spending. Figure 5
shows that in the period of 2002–2007, the annual defence budget provided only a small fraction
to cover the ministry’s spending to procure sophisticated weapon systems to boost the TNI’s mili-
tary capabilities. Much of the annual defence budget expended during that period constitutes per-
sonnel costs and salaries (44%), functional expenditure (22%), including maintenance of
armaments and military facilities, military education and training, and research and development;
while the proportion of defence procurements only amounted to 34% of total defence spending.
Both the Indonesian Parliament and the Ministry of Defence have a common understanding
on the need to address the issue of welfare by increasing soldiers’ salaries and renovating military
facilities not merely to improve their well-being, but also reduce their propensity to supplement
their meagre incomes with illicit economic activities. The large share of salaries and functional
expenses further underlines why attempts at force modernisation have to be put on hold. Since
the proportion of defence budget is decreasing in terms of either Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) or the national budget (Figure 6), the Ministry of Defence faces inherent difficulties to
increase the share of procurement expenditure without compromising the other components of
defence spending.
Under such constraints, the Indonesian government has little option but to look to foreign
loans as an alternative financial source for defence procurement. Figure 7 indicates the proportion
Figure 6. The percentage of Indonesia’s defence budget in GDP and national budget.
Source: Authors’ data set compiled from a number of academic publications and official documents.
of foreign loans and actual defence budget relating to annual procurement expenditures from 2005
to 2008. In late 2009, an international consortium provided credit amounting to US$278 million
to support the Ministry of Defence’s programmes, including arms acquisition.47
However, the use of foreign loans, especially export credit for defence procurement is not
without its complications. The disbursement of export credit for arms acquisitions not only
Figure 7. Budget components for defence procurement, 2001–2008. (in billion US$).
Source: Authors’ data set compiled from academic publications and official documents.
304 L.C. Sebastian and I. Gindarsah
involves cumbersome bureaucratic procedures and relatively high rates of interest, but also
depends on the whims of the creditor nation. In 2007, for example, the Russian government
agreed to provide Indonesia with US$1 billion worth-“state credit” for arms acquisition purposes.
The assistance, however, was deferred due to the difficulties faced by the Ministry of Defence in
finding financiers for the acquisition. State and private banks in European countries are reluctant
to provide loans partly because Russia is not a member of Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development, which limits export loans to civilian infrastructure projects
such as electricity and toll roads.48 Therefore, as seen from Figure 7, the Indonesian government
gradually reduced the allocation of export credit for its procurement expenditure.
The fact that national defence attracts limited national financial resources somehow has not
translated into an obligation to implement good governance principles in the management of
defence spending to overcome credit shortfalls. Based on two audit reports obtained, in
2009,49 the BPK discovered alarming financial deviations in budget disbursements covering
125 expenditures within the Ministry of Defence (US$2.57 million), Army Headquarters (US
$6.69 million), Navy Headquarters (US$1.7 million), and Air Force Headquarters (US$4.74
No serious penalties were meted out partly because the authority of BPK does not include law
enforcement, other than providing recommendations to the Indonesian parliament and authorities
within the Ministry of Defence and TNI Headquarters that disciplinary measures be undertaken.
Moreover, the scope of BPK’s audit activities seems to focus exclusively on functional expenses,
excluding major procurement expenditure, especially arms acquisitions. The lack of accountabil-
ity in the management of defence spending has its origins in the nature of military bureaucracy in
Indonesia. The current administration of budgetary matters within the Ministry of Defence and
TNI Headquarters still encompasses long cumbersome bureaucratic structures where the TNI’s
chain of command tends to be inherently structured like a financial management hierarchy.
This long, unwieldy bureaucratic structure has, in fact, caused “bureaucratic inertia” which in
reality contravenes the requirement of national defence, namely the mobility and flexibility of
the military.51
Amidst of financial constraints and the latent inefficiency of its defence spending patterns, the
law demands that the TNI’s force structure be developed based on a proper defence strategy and
taking into account Indonesia’s geostrategic reality as an archipelagic state. The small defence
budget may affect defence spending, but should not compromise strategic planning. Hence, if
budgets have become a major constraint thus leading to substantial changes in defence planning
thinking, there should have at least been some transformation of the TNI’s force structure since
military reform was initiated.
The TNI today is no doubt a different institution from its Suharto era incarnation. Over the last 12
years, it has adapted remarkably well to Indonesia’s new political and social climate. Although the
military’s political prerogatives have been reduced, significantly, the changes instituted have
allowed the military to regain some of its standing in the society and find a new role in defending
Indonesia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity against foreign and domestic threats. In the
interim, the civil–military relationship in Indonesia is still far from the democratic ideal
defined by the exercise of “objective control” over the military. With civilian institutions remain-
ing weak and TNI’s propagated self-image as the “guardian of the unitary state of Indonesia” still
intact, the fragmented nature of democratic politics can still undermine professional standards
within the military establishment.
Defense & Security Analysis 305
However, unless Indonesia chooses to abandon democracy for some other system of govern-
ance, it is unlikely that the TNI will completely regain the unchallenged power it enjoyed during
Suharto’s authoritarian regime. Civilian elites now have a taste of power and would be unwilling
to allow the military to resume a dominant political role. If the “deficiencies in democratic civilian
control” are overcome, it is not implausible that a productive civil–military relationship will
evolve leading to substantive discussions regarding the future of national defence priorities.
Therefore, woeful expertise demonstrated by Indonesia’s legislators on defence and military
affairs should be addressed and a short-term solution would be their need to develop their
know-how by deepening their engagement with experts based in think tanks and universities,
as well as civil-society advocates.
The availability of sufficient resources is essential for inculcating greater military profession-
alism. Without providing sufficient inducements to wean the military from its political interests
and autonomous financial prerogatives, it will be virtually impossible for any democratically
elected-civilian government to effectively decide on national defence priorities and, more impor-
tantly, to raise professional standards within the military establishment. The “defence-economic
gap” also underscores the immediate need to advance the agenda of military reform a step further
into the “military transformation” realm. This phase is critical to enhance the TNI’s military capa-
bilities and overall effectiveness when carrying out missions mandated by top civilian decision-
makers. President Yudhoyono’s recent initiative to significantly increase the allocation of the
defence budget up to 1.5% of Indonesia’s GDP is a useful starting point to provide the momentum
and the resources to initiate the defence transformation phase in Indonesia.
1. Leonard C. Sebastian, ‘Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his Generals’, Policy Brief 1, S. Rajaratnam
School of International Studies January 2007.
2. William Liddle, ‘Indonesia’s Army Remains a Closed Corporate Group’, The Jakarta Post, June 3,
2003; Marcus Mietzner, ‘The Politics of Military Reform,’ in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Elite Conflict,
Nationalism and Institutional Resistance (Washington, DC: East-West Center, 2006), 2–3.
3. Jun Honna, Military Politics and Democratization in Indonesia (New York: Routledge, 2005), 7.
4. Leonard C. Sebastian, Realpolitik Ideology: Indonesia’s Use of Military Force (Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 2006), 325–6.
5. Morris Janowitz, The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait (New York: The Free Press,
1960), 435.
6. Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1964), 80–5.
7. Muthiah Alagappa, ‘Military Professionalism: A Conceptual Perspective’, in Military Professionalism
in Asia: Conceptual and Empirical Perspectives, ed. Muthiah Alagappa (Honolulu: East-West Center,
2001), 8.
8. Aurel Croissant and David Kuehn, ‘Patterns of Civilian Control of the Military in East Asia’s New
Democracies’, Journal of East Asian Studies 9, no. 2 (2009): 187–217.
9. Adam N. Stulberg and Michael D. Solomon, Managing Defense Transformation: Agency, Culture, and
Service Change (Survey: Ashgate, 2007), 3.
10. See Stephen Peter Rosen, Winning the Next War: Innovation and the Modern Military (Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 1991).
11. See Elizabeth Kier, Imagining War: French and British Military Doctrine between the Wars (Prince-
ton: Princeton University Press, 1997).
12. See Barry R. Posen, The Sources of Military Doctrine: French, Britain, and Germany between the
World Wars (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984).
13. See Rosen, Winning the Next War.
14. See Harvey M. Sapolsky, Polaris System Development: Bureaucratic and Programmatic Success in
Government (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972).
15. See Kimberly Marten Zisk, Engaging the Enemy: Organization Theory and Soviet Military Inno-
vation, 1955–1991 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993).
306 L.C. Sebastian and I. Gindarsah
16. See Emily O. Goldman and Richard Andres, ‘Systemic Effects of Military Innovation and Diffusion’,
Security Studies 8, no. 4 (Summer 1999): 79–125.
17. See Keir A. Lieber, War and the Engineers: The Primacy of Politics over Technology (Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 2005).
18. See Lev S. Voronkov, John Grin, and Wim A. Smit, ‘Introduction: Military-Technological Innovation
in an Era of Change’, in Military Technological Innovation and Stability in a Changing World, ed. Lev
S. Voronkov, John Grin, and Wim A. Smit (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992), 1–13.
19. See John M. Treddenick, ‘Financing the RMA’, in Managing the Revolution in Military Affairs, ed.
Ron Matthews and John Treddenick (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2001), 97–115.
20. See Peter Dombrowski and Eugene Gholz, Buying Military Transformation: Technological Innovation
and the Defense Industry (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006).
21. See Deborah D. Avant, Political Institutions and Military Change: Lessons from Peripheral Wars
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994).
22. See Matthew Evangelista, Innovation and Arms Races: How the United States and the Soviet Union
Develop New Military Technologies (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988).
23. Evan A. Laksmana, ‘Defence and Leaders Transformation’, The Jakarta Post, May 12, 2010.
24. Stephen Peter Rosen, ‘New Ways of War: Understanding Military Innovation’, International Security
13, no. 1 (Summer 1998): 134–68; Michael McNerney, ‘Military Innovation During War: Paradox or
Paradigm’, Defense & Security Analysis 21, no. 2 (2005): 202.
25. See ‘Surveys Reveals ABRI’s Poor Public Image’, The Jakarta Post, September 29, 1998.
26. See Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters, ABRI Abad XXI: Redefinisi, Reposisi dan Reaktualisasi
Peran ABRI dalam Kehidupan Bangsa [21th Century ABRI: Redefinition, Re-position, and Reactua-
lization of ABRI’s role in the Nation’s Life] (Jakarta: Mabes ABRI, 1998).
27. Harold Crouch, Political Reform in Indonesia after Suharto (Singapore: ISEAS, 2010), 133.
28. See TNI Headquarters, TNI Abad XXI: Redefinisi, Reposisi dan Reaktualisasi Peran TNI dalam Kehi-
dupan Bangsa [21th Century TNI: Re-definition, Re-position, and Reactualization of TNI’s role in the
Nation’s Life] (Jakarta: Mabes TNI, 2001), 10–11.
29. See TNI Commander Decree No. 21/I/2007 on TNI Doctrine “Tri Dharma Eka Karma.”
30. See Ministry of Defence, Doktrin Pertahanan Negara [State Defence Doctrine] (Jakarta: Ministry of
Defence, 2007), 71.
31. ‘TNI Lakukan Efisiensi [TNI does Efficiency]’, Kompas, September 24, 2010; ‘Admiral Agus Suhar-
tono: We Must First Secure the Key Points’, Tempo, October 19, 2010.
32. Mohammed Ayoob, ‘The Security Problematic of the Third World’, World Politics 43, no. 2 (1991):
33. Articles 24 and 25 of Law No. 3/2002; Article 67 of Law No. 34/2004.
34. Articles 13 and 14 of Law No. 3/2002 on State Defence; Articles 17 and 18 of Law No. 34/2004.
35. Rizal Sukma, ‘Kajian Kritis terhadap Undang-Undang No. 3/2002 tentang Pertahanan Negara [A Criti-
cal Analysis to the Law No. 3/2002 about National Defence]’, in Penataan Kerangka Regulasi Kea-
manan Nasional [Ordering the Framework of National Security Regulation], ed. T. Hari Prihatono
(Jakarta: ProPatria Institute, 2006), 25.
36. Article 18, Sections 1 and 2 of Law No. 34/2004.
37. Article 19 of Law No. 34/2004.
38. Article 3, Sections 1 and 2 of Law No. 34/2004.
39. See the Explication of Article 3 of Law No. 34/2004.
40. Article 65 of Law No. 34/2004.
41. Kusnanto Anggoro, ‘Konsolidasi Tentara, Inkompetensi Sipil & Reformasi Pertahanan Keamanan
[Soldier’s Consolidation, Civil Incompetency & Defence Security Reformation]’ (paper presented at
ProPatria’s Focus Group Discussion in Jakarta, ProPatria Institute, February 21, 2002).
42. ProPatria’s Working Group, ‘Management and Control of Indonesia’s Defence Resources’, Mono-
graph 10, ProPatria Institute 2007, 28.
43. See International Institute of Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2010 (London: Routledge, 2010),
44. Juwono Sudarsono, ‘Real Military Reforms Depends on Civilians’, The Jakarta Post, June 23, 2004.
45. Andi Widjajanto and Makmur Keliat, Reformasi Ekonomi Pertahanan di Indonesia [Reforming
Defence Economics in Indonesia] (Jakarta: INFID and Pacivis-UI, 2006), 12.
46. See ‘Pemerintah Fokuskan Dalam Negeri [The Government focuses on Domestic Affairs]’, Kompas,
May 10, 2010.
Defense & Security Analysis 307
47. See ‘Kredit Rp. 2,785 Triliun untuk Operasional Dephan [Rp. 2,785 trillion credit for Ministry of
Defence’s operational]’, Kompas, November 19, 2009.
48. See ‘KE Alutsista Rusia Terkendala Kredit Ekspor [Export Credit(KE) for Russian Weapons con-
strained by Export Credit]’, Republika, February 7, 2006.
49. These reports were the result of a random audit on selected, but not all, bureaus within the Ministry of
Defence, Army Headquarters, Navy Headquarters and Air Force Headquarters structure.
50. See the State Audit Agency, Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester I Tahun 2009 [Summary of Exam-
ination Result of 1st Semester 2009] (Jakarta: BPK, 2009), 46; State Audit Agency, Ikhtisar Hasil
Pemeriksaan Semester II Tahun 2009 (Jakarta: BPK, 2010), 45.
51. Kusnanto Anggoro, ‘Birokrasi Militer dan Akuntabilitas Anggaran Pertahanan [Military Bureaucracy
and Defence Budget Accountability]’ (paper presented at ProPatria’s Focus Group Discussion in
Jakarta, ProPatria Institute, August 26, 2003); ProPatria’s Working Group, ‘Management and
Control of Indonesia’s Defence Resources Institute’, 21–2.