Bertha Kariuki Nyagaki Final Thesis

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AUGUST, 2022

This thesis is my original work and has not been submitted for a degree award in any


Signature ……………………. Date ………………………………



This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University


Signature ……………………. Date ………………………………

Dr. Susan Nzioki

School of Business and Economics

Kenya Methodist University

Signature ……………………. Date ………………………………

Jane Munga

School of Business and Economics

Kenya Methodist University


This work is dedicated to my husband and children.

First, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Almighty God for being gracious and

merciful toward me which made it possible for me to accomplish this task. Second, I

wish to express my sincere appreciation for the support I received from the entire body of

academic staff in the Kenya Methodist University School of Business. Very special

thanks go to my supervisor Dr. Susan Nzioki for distinctive guidance, patience, insight

and availability for consultation. I also wish to express my gratitude to Jane Munga for

her words of counsel. Finally, I wish to thank all persons, who although not mentioned by

name here, provided valuable support during the period of study. My prayer is that God

may bless you all in a very special way.

A key role of strategic management theory as well as research continues to be the
consistent improvement of institutional results. The idea and practices of strategic
management is therefore significant to privately-owned, public as well as community-
based organizations as all of them are formed to fulfill a certain need in the environment.
Government and its agencies the world continue to implement strategic management
practices with the ultimate intention of improving the success of service performance in
the delivery of public goods and services. The major intention for the Study was to
determine influence of strategic management practices on organizational performance, a
case study of commercial based parastatals in Kenya. More importantly the analysis deals
with the degree to which strategy evaluation impact organization performance; the level
to which environmental scanning influence organization performance; the level to which
strategy formulation influence organization performance; and analyzed the degree
strategy implementation influence organization performance in commercially based
parastatals in Kenya. The study may greatly contribute towards the running of
commercially based parastatals in Kenya. Terminations from the analysis aid them
towards the formulation as well as designing of effective plans for the identification and
tackling of concerns surrounding strategic management practices in order to realize
established desires and ensure relevancy in a dynamic and place commercially based
parastatals well towards better results going forward. The study was guided by a
descriptive research design. The target population was and targets 129 employees of
commercial based parastatals. Purposive sampling was adopted in this study; data was
collected using a closed ended questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS version 23.0) was used to run descriptive and inferential statistics. The result
indicated that, collectively environmental scanning has influences on organization
performance most, followed by strategy evaluation, strategy formulation and strategy
implementation. The study concludes that, predictors collectively influence organization
performance. The findings are to guide policy makers and managers in strategy
implementation. The study recommends that during strategy formulation the commercial
based parastatals should involve all stakeholders in the industry so as to create sense of
ownership. Commercial based parastatals should ensure involvement and participation of
all the levels of management in formulating strategies. Furthermore, the study proposes
future analyses on other external aspects such as the organizational setting and type of
industry to give a better aspect of these factors. This is because organization operations
are influenced by both internal and external environments.

DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ ii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study ...............................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement .......................................................................................................10
1.3 General Objective of the Study ....................................................................................12
1.4 Hypothesis of the Study ...............................................................................................12
1.5 Significance of the Study .............................................................................................13
1.6 Scope of the Study .......................................................................................................13
1.7 Limitations of the Study...............................................................................................14
1.8 Definition of Key Terms ..............................................................................................15
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................... 16
LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 16
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................16
2.2 Theoretical Review ......................................................................................................16
2.3 Empirical Review.........................................................................................................20
2.4 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................36
2.5 Research Gap ...............................................................................................................37
2.6 Operational Framework ...............................................................................................38
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................. 39
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 39
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................39
3.2. Research Design..........................................................................................................39
3.3. Target Population ........................................................................................................39

3.4 Sampling Procedure .....................................................................................................40
3.5. Data Collection Instruments and Procedures ..............................................................41
3.6. Data Analysis ..............................................................................................................42
3.7. Validity of Instruments ...............................................................................................42
3.8 Reliability of Instruments ............................................................................................43
3.9. Research Ethics ...........................................................................................................43
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................... 44
RESULTS AND ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 44
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................44
4.2. Response Rate .............................................................................................................44
4.3 Reliability Analysis ......................................................................................................44
4.4 General Information of the Respondents .....................................................................45
4.5 Descriptive Analysis ....................................................................................................48
4.6 Hypothesis Testing.......................................................................................................66
CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................... 72
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 72
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................72
5.2 Summary of the Findings .............................................................................................72
5.3 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................79
5.4 Recommendations ........................................................................................................80
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies.....................................................................................81
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 82
APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................. 91
APPENDIX III: RESEARCH PERMIT ........................................................................... 97
APPENDIX IV: RESEARCH LICENSE ......................................................................... 98


Table 3. 1:Target Population..............................................................................................40

Table 3. 2:Sample Size ......................................................................................................41

Table 4.1: Reliability Analysis ..........................................................................................45

Table 4.2:Gender of the Respondents ................................................................................46

Table 4.3:Age Brackets of the Respondents ......................................................................46

Table 4.4:Working Experience in the Parastatals ..............................................................47

Table 4.5:Education level ..................................................................................................48

Table 4.6:Descriptive Statistics for Organization Performance ........................................49

Table 4.7:Influence of Environmental Scanning on Organization Performance ...............51

Table 4.8:Influence of Strategy Formulation on Organization Performance ....................54

Table 4.9:Influence of Strategy Implementation on Organization Performance ...............58

Table 4.10:Influence of Strategy Evaluation on Organization Performance .....................63

Table 4.11:Relationship Between Independent Variables .................................................67

Table 4.12:Model Summary ..............................................................................................68

Table 4.13:Relationship between Independent Variables ..................................................69

Table 4.14:Coefficients of Environmental scanning, Strategy formulation, Strategy

implementation and Strategy evaluation ............................................................................70


Figure 2. 1:Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................20

Figure 2. 2:Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................36

Figure 2. 3:Operational Framework ...................................................................................38


ANOVA Analysis of Variance

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CSC Centre Star Company

DTB Diamond Trust Bank

HR Human Resource

IHLs Institutions of Higher Learning

KCB Kenya Commercial Bank

KEMU Kenya Methodist University

MNCs Multi National Company

PLC Public Limited Company

RBV Resource Based View

SCAC State Corporations Advisory Committee

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science

USA United States of America


1.1 Background of the Study

Strategy is an organization’s master plan embodying an institution’s knowledge on a

market’s competitive nature, effective reactions as well as the market dynamics (Pearce

& Robinson, 2011). Critically, it’s a set of programs identified towards resolving an

expected development affecting the attainment of the desired results or resolving a

problem. Since time, strategic management entails the creation, execution and assessment

of resolutions across departments in an institution enabling the attainment of institutional

goals. In its entirety, strategic management encompasses the establishment as well as

execution of plans.

Practices around strategic management involve a consistent process of organizing,

supervising, and evaluation conducted by institutions in order to realize their desired

intentions (Ansoff, et al.,2018). In an evolving world of creativity, upcoming and better

platforms as well as increased demands from clients, firms are compelled to react and

come up with plans making them competitive and successful going forward (Thompson,

et al.,2015). All these calls for the leadership to evaluate interrelated investment

determinations undertaken before implementation. The 3 organizations are therefore able

to allocate resources effectively and strengthen their core competencies thus gain

competitive advantage.

Strategic management remains to be an important endeavor settings institutions apart

Traditions around strategic management guide businesses and secure some business

advantage within a market. So as to improve on results, the crucial stimulators of market

advantage ought to be closely aligned to certain plans. This analysis looked into the

varied strategic management cultures like planning, collaborations, expansion plan, as

well as client relationship management. Activities around strategic planning deals with

processes of institutions identifying their plan, undertaking determinations and ensuring

allocation of utilities to realize established strategies.

As a principle, strategic management relates with securing choices and performing

remedying tasks with the aim of attaining both short and prolonged desires of an

institution. Its relevance in an institution may be found through the examination of the

connection among strategic management and the institutional results. Overall, strategic

management traditions promise better results in institutions. Strategic management is the

full set of tasks, commitments and processes a company needs to undertake regarding to

its plan to secure a competitive edge and sustainability in a healthy market (Wheelan&

Hunger, 2002).

Strategic planning has been observed to have a productive result on strategic

management. There is availability for a structure towards plan creation and adoption.

Based on analyses and practices, strategic planning remains a critical driver of

institutional effectiveness since a badly implemented plan could easily birth challenges.

According to Aosa(2011), in order for leaderships to be able to undertake effective

strategic planning, there is need for them to have a deeper understanding of intuitive-

anticipatory planning’s where there is application of intuitive as well as imaginative

thinking in order to develop plans for austerity and formal systematic planning. This is an

activity that calls for institutions to come up with goals properly, define plans for the

attainment of objectives, and later establishing advanced strategies aimed at ensuring the

implementation of strategies (Mathinji & Waithaka, 2019). Within the context of this

analysis, strategic planning was indicated in terms of scenario planning as well as

strategic goals of an institution.

The ideal profiling of strategic management continues to evade many (Mainardes, et

al.,2014). There has been detailed instances of clear misunderstanding with regard to the

definition of strategy as well as strategic management; this has further affected the

leadership overseeing institutional awareness activities since there is lack of mutual

knowledge concerning strategic management within the leadership. As a result, their

awareness must be ensured to secure proper decision making that is anchored on the same


According to Gica and Negrusa (2011) the relevance of having a strategic plan has gained

traction universally as a result of universalization, technological growth, reduced

regulations, and emergence of new economies, industrialization and markets

reorganization. Further, there has been an observation that strategic planners have

increased capability align with the immediate surroundings, show increased ability to

secure efficient human resource, exhibit increased job fulfillment levels and demonstrate

improved human labor retention. Strategic planning details the entire organization of

activities aimed at proper adoption of plans (Nedelea&Paun, 2009). Strategic planning is

the focal point of institutions; with profitability in firms in major economies being largely

impacted by worldwide economic meltdown, it leaves no chance for poor strategic

planning efforts (David &David 2016).

With regard to strategy formulation, this entails the creation of prolonged strategies for

better utilization of environmental opportunities as well as risks, paying attention to the

institution’s strong and weak points (Wheelen& Hunger, 2008). Its processes entails

profiling the institution’s mission, outlining the attainable goals, establishing plans and

putting in place a policy regulation framework. Strategy implementation involves rolling

out plans across the institution through the creation of short and prolonged goals and

additionally obtaining the operational ideas from the business plan. It’s an activity that

aids the leadership during the determination of certain reactions needed within the critical

organs for executing the business plan (Pearce & Robinson, 2008).

The Concept of Strategy Management Practices

Strategy in a general context is defined as a guide and coverage which enables an

organization attain a competitive edge over others within a dynamic setting through its

configuration of resources and competences intended to satisfy the ownership desires in a

prolonged period(Johnson & Scholes, 2003). Further, strategy is the blueprint the

leadership intends to utilize in placing the firm at an advantageous position within a

certain market and therefore able to compete with others, meeting clients demand and

therefore attaining positive business results, (Thompson & Strickland, 1999). It has also

been perceived to be identification of an institutions prolonged objectives, implementing

plans of action and further distributing utilities crucial in the attainment of positive


Practices around strategic management involve a consistent process of organizing,

supervising, and evaluation conducted by institutions in order to realize their desired

intentions. In an evolving world of creativity, upcoming and better platforms as well as

increased demands from clients, firms are compelled to react and come up with plans

making them competitive and successful going forward. All these calls for the leadership

to evaluate interrelated investment determinations undertaken before implementation.

The organizations are therefore able to allocate resources effectively and strengthen their

core competencies thus gain competitive advantage(Thompson & Strickland, 1999).

With regard to strategy formulation, this entails the creation of prolonged strategies for

better utilization of environmental opportunities as well as risks, paying attention to the

institution’s strong and weak points (Wheelen& Hunger, 2008). Its processes entails

profiling the institution’s mission, outlining the attainable goals, establishing plans and

putting in place a policy regulation framework. Strategy implementation involves rolling

out plans across the institution through the creation of short and prolonged goals and

additionally obtaining the operational ideas from the business plan. It’s an activity that

aids the leadership during the determination of certain reactions needed within the critical

organs for executing the business plan (Pearce & Robinson, 2008).Hill and Jones(2013)

observe strategy evaluation and control being an activity that compares practical results

versus the set target. Strategy evaluation entails putting in place regulatory mechanisms

to persistently analyze, assess and offer information pertaining to the executed plans to

identify whether the set targets are being attained as well as the need for adjustments if

need be.

Environmental conditions in which organizations usually operate are dynamic; hence

strategies have to be developed for businesses to gain competitive advantage over their

competitors. For this reason, performance is greatly viewed across many institutions

universally even for the nonprofit ones. Overtime, scholars and policy makers have made

efforts to study reasons on better performance of some institutions compared to others

(Ogollah, et al.,2011).

Strategic planning has been observed to have a productive result on strategic

management. There is availability for a structure towards plan creation and adoption.

Based on analyses and practices, strategic planning remains a critical driver of

institutional effectiveness since a badly implemented plan could easily birth challenges.

In order for leaderships to be able to undertake effective strategic planning, there is need

for them to have a deeper understanding of intuitive-anticipatory planning’s where there

is application of intuitive as well as imaginative thinking in order to develop plans for

austerity and formal systematic planning. This is an activity that calls for institutions to

come up with goals properly, define plans for the attainment of objectives, and later

establishing advanced strategies aimed at ensuring the implementation of strategies.

Within the context of this analysis, strategic planning was indicated in terms of scenario

planning as well as strategic goals of an institution(Ogollah, et al., 2011).

An analysis by Afonina (2015) reviewing the present utilization of strategic management

programs as well as approaches aimed at determining the impact of management tools

towards companies results across 91 firms in Czech Republic by use of a questionnaire

survey; it remains among the few analysis exploring the connection among programs as

well as approaches of strategic management and institutional results. Findings revealed

that application levels of strategic management programs as well as approaches impact

institutional results; therefore the existence of a positive and great connection was

identified among the application of strategic management prod rams and approaches

andthe institutional results.

An analysis by Jenster and Søilen (2013), examining a number of firms in china

established that strategic management positively impacted a number of major

institutional result indicators. A difference exists among the varied plans and institutional

results. Additionally, distinctions exists among the varied strategic management

processes and institutional results and processes connected to competitive intelligence;

and are averagely crucial when it comes to institutional results compared to other

planning processes. Equally, an analysis on Babcock University, examining the impacts

of strategic management towards institutional results and the manner if has affected the

success of leadership since strategic planning remains crucial in the management of

corporate institutions.

The corporate performance of five Nigerian brewing companies that carry out strategic

management was identified to be connected to their strategic management activities.

Effective strategic management was suggested to be pivotal to the performance of the

brewing companies and consequently organizations should focus more attention to

strategic management, and make an effort to choose appropriate strategies that matches

their strategic plans plan.

Kachali (2014) lists weak internal control as a cause of poor organizational performance.

Internal control is an element of strategic management. Outdated and highly ineffective

internal controls are slow in keeping up with the fast-paced modern corporate

environment and as such business risks’ prevention or mitigation becomes ineffective.

Substandard mechanisms modeling together with poor incorporation into the supply

chains remain components of strategic organizational factors that contributed to poor

organizational results (Tucker, et al.,2014).

A survey conducted within the University of Nairobi and the existent campuses and

targeting the top leadership running the institution established that strategic monetary

distribution, strategic growth and development, strategic associations and key

integrations impacted the attainment of results across local public universities within

Kenya. Consequently, a proposal was advanced that leadership within these institutions

ought to increase allocations both financial and nonmonetary towards strategic

management, implement better plans enabling strategic growth and development;

additionally, the universities must seek key association swith stakeholders to enhance

results and establish major partnerships to boost learners’ intake (Kinyanjui&Juma,


Profile of Parastatals in Kenya

The State Corporation Act is an Act of parliament to make provision for the

establishment of state corporations and for control and regulation of state corporations. A

state corporation has perpetual succession; in its corporate name is capable of suing and 3

being sued and is capable of holding and alienating movable and immovable property.

The Kenya government forms state corporations to meet both commercial and social

goals. They exist for various reasons including: to correct market failure, to exploit social

and political objectives, provide education, health, redistribute income or develop

marginal areas. According to the Guidelines on State Corporations from the Office of the

President, to date there are 176 operational State Corporations in Kenya. This study will

concentrate on the state corporations which are Commercial based.

According to Wamalwa, (2013), government parastatals were originally created by

colonialists so as to offer services not delivered by the privately-owned

businesses..additionally, Wamalwa advances that every parastatals remain to be public

institutions and are categorized based on income ability, capacity and the ministry it is

reporting to. Further, they are classified depending on if they are in the financial industry,

manufacturing industry, regulatory industry, educational sector, service firms (Handbook

for Civil Service Staff, 2016).

Employment and development in Kenya contained in session paper No.4 which suggest

that creation of parastatals through participation of the government to promote economic

activities was done after independence with a principal focus on economic growth.

However, the creation of these enterprises has changed. Commercial state co-operations

are business that performs entrepreneurial and social activities seamlessly in order to

achieve personal monetary gain by investors as well as sustainability.

The State Corporations Act states that the role of a Board within government parastatals

is to ensure effective leadership in the running of government proposals. From the

statutes, the board of a parastatals is therefore the main driver in the management of the

parastatals. Persons appointed to these positions therefore ought to demonstrate

competence, show accountability, be skilled with a leadership profile needed to oversee

the parastatals. The CEO (chief executive officer) of the parastatals the representative of

the board of directors to other key players.

Further the statute created an Inspector-General (Corporations) authority specifically to

offer advisory services to the national government on matters relating to government

proposals; brief the relevant ministry on the running of parastatals; monitor very data and

publications concerned with the activities of parastatals and their audits; and supervise

physical infrastructures of the parastatals. Together with the AG(Auditor-General) they

are responsible for over sighting these state parastatals.

Other department aside from Controller and Auditor-General, is the department of

Inspector-General (corporations) responsible for over sighting the state parastatals. The

Act further created a State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) responsible for

reviewing and conducting investigations into the running of government parastatals

(Atieno& Awuor,2009). With clause 27 and 28 offering a platform for restructuring or

termination of these parastatals depending on the resolution of the SCAC.

1.2 Problem Statement

Arasa and K’Obonyo (2012)explains every strategic management processes such as

profiling a company’s mission, examining the business setting, determining the

companies key plans, decision on policy and creation of execution, assessment

mechanisms are positively connected to the institutional results. Satisfactory financial

results by an organization remains essential since lack of profits and reduced financial

strength puts an organization’s commitment to its mission, prolonged objective and its

eventual sustainability at risk.

Robertson (2011), identifies the key strategic management barriers to be fears, lack of

utilities, reduced global interactions and reduced efficiency among the personnel. Some

of the reasons why strategic management may fail to take off also include reduced

engagement with key players, failure of briefing key external players, lack of

comprehensive evaluation and timely feedback on the achievement of the strategic plan,

insufficient resources for strategic management, and failure to base the employees’ salary

on contributions to enhancing the strategic plan (Mansor&Tayib, 2012; Lerner, 2015).

Provision of public services in numerous economies has been enabled by parastatals.

Parastatals perform varied services that encompass training, maritime, education and

research (Presidential Task Force on Parastatal Reforms Report, 2014). Parastatals are

required to serve industry needs in betterment of citizen participation and provision of

secure employment. However, performance of commercial State Corporation have

realized significant failures as well as mixed success (Republic of Kenya, 2013).

Irrespective of commercial state socio-economic gains in Kenya State Corporation are

characterized by poor provision of services and products as well as inefficiency (Mwangi

et al, 2020).

Previous empirical studies show the existence of a major positive connection between

organization performance and strategic management practices, however the extent to

which organization performance is influenced by strategic management practices remains

elusive, hence a matter of debate in empirical studies (Aldehayyat&Twaissi 2011).These

challenges have increased the need for empirical information on the missions and

objectives of companies which is essential for decision making in addressing issues that

are likely to enhance organizational performance. It is against this back drop that this

study sought to establish strategic management practices that influence organization

performance among commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

1.3 General Objective of the Study
The general objective of this study was to determine influence of strategic management

practices on organization performance among commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

Specific Objectives
i) To analyze the effect of environmental scanning on organization performance

among commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

ii) To analyze how strategy formulation influences organization performance among

commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

iii) To analyze the role of strategy implementation on organization performance

among commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

iv) To analyze the role of strategy evaluation on organization performance among

regulatory parastatals in Kenya.

1.4 Hypothesis of the Study

H01: There is no significant positive influence between environmental scanning and

organization performance.

H02: There is no significant positive influence between strategy formulation and

organization performance.

H03: There is no significant positive influence between strategy implementation and

organization performances.

H04: There is no significant positive influence between strategy formulation and

organization performance.

1.5 Significance of the Study
The analysis identifies further study areas that could be exploited and additionally

increase the knowledge content pertaining to strategic management practices and

interested areas. It will further aid scholars willing to conduct additional studies in similar

areas, acting as a reference point and guiding them in their work. The study findings may

be applied by the academia to advocate for workable strategic management practices. The

results of the study and recommendations assist the policy makers in developing policies

that better strategic management practices to enhance organization performance.

The proposals may be further utilized by administrations to create laws relevant to their

own strategic management practices in the commercial based parastatals, which guide

both individual employees, government establishments and various corporate bodies in

the country. The findings of this study are valuable to employees working in regulatory

parastatals in Kenya as it informs them of the significance of strategic management

practices and organization performance.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study focused on the influence of strategic management practices on

organization performance among commercial based parastatals in Kenya. The study

addressed organization performance challenges as a result of strategic management

practices among commercial based parastatals in Kenya. The target population is 33

commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

1.7Limitations of the Study
The participants have always shown the habit of being suspicious of the investigator, with

some participants raising concern on the scope of information needed and its


Due to Covid-19 pandemic, considering ministry of health protocols such as social

distancing and limitations of employees who report to the office. The study employed

online questionnaires in addition to physical questionnaires.

On the issue of confidentiality being an obstacle to the investigator; it was countered by

assuring the participants on non-disclosure on any given information and its role was

only for the purposes of the analysis.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms
Environmental In this study environmental scanning refers to activities
Scanning encompassing collection of information regarding
relationships and events in the external and internal
environment of an organization (Lerner, 2015)

Strategy Strategic implementation refers to the processes

Implementation conducted at the operational, investment and at the board
levels in an institution aimed at implementing a set policy
(Hill, et al., 2013).
Strategy Evaluation Strategy evaluation is the process that determines strategy
effectiveness in order to achieve objectives of an
organization by adoption of corrective measures when
needed (Pearce & Robinson 2011)

Strategic Management In this study strategic management is a set of action and

decisions that result in implementation and formulation of
plans with an aim of achieving an organization objectives

Strategic Management This is an analysis, decision and actions parastatals

Practices undertake so as to develop and maintain a market edge
(Dessler, et al., 2007).
Organization Is the achievement of an organization with respects to
Performance some criterion like quantified objectives or profitability .
Parastatals A company or agency owned or controlled wholly or
partly by the government.
Commercial based A semi-autonomous profit making State Corporation
parastatals Competitive strategies: Alternative strategies adopted by a
firm to compete in its industry, often in a combination.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents literature review, particularly theoretical framework and conceptual

framework in addition to theories supporting this study. Literature have been derived

from existing theoretical literature, critique existing literature about strategic management

practices, research gaps and literature summary is also presented.

2.2 Theoretical Review

The major aim of theories remains to elaborate a specific phenomenon and further

proposing ways to attain changes. They help explain and determine the reason for the

existence of a situation and foresee behaviors within specific conditions and offer

direction on the search for modifiable factors like knowledge and attitudes and guide the

development of interventions (Glanz et al., 2008). This study conforms to the following

theories Resource based Theory RBV (1959), Agency theory (1980), and Decision


Resource Based Theory

The theory was a brainchild of by Penrose in 1959. It proposes that resources form an

institution’s pool of assets, based on the fact that theory covers assets of an institution as

well as the competences. According to the principle, institutions possess ownership of

resources positioning them well in terms of having a competitive edge; securing good

results in an institution. A pool of the utilities enables institutions gain a competitive

edge as the competences enable an institution maintain the competitive edge over

prolonged periods. Therefore, it is possible to summarize that Strategic Management

provides a platform for creating and sustaining a competitive edge that cannot be

duplicated or substituted (Saqib& Rashid, 2013).

Organization performance and competitive advantage rely on resources that have been

accumulated over time (Barney 1995). Resources that are rare, non-substitutable,

valuable and not easily initiated should be built by the organization in order to promote

efficiency and effectiveness (Hunt & Morgan, 1995) performance catalysis and related

resources should be identified in the organizational programs. RBT suggests that creation

of value in an organization is the basis of formation of alliances and policy organization

resources together.

This theory is central to this study because the study focus objectives requires adequate

allocation of resources in order to be executed, to subsequently enhance organizational

performance. According to Hooley et al. (1996) this theory has been adopted in the

analysis of strategic management practices. Organizations can therefore gain greater and

betterment of organization performance. Improved performance can therefore be

measured through customer satisfaction metrics. The importance of this theory to the

present study is that strategy formulation, evaluation, implementation and control

requires organizational resource to permit efficient execution. If further helps in

measurement of performance metrics in this study that includes profitability, sales growth

and number of employees. Organizations that do have adequate dynamic capabilities

enjoy competitive advantage.

According to Mugera (2012) resource based theory has been continually used to explain

the significance of human resources in execution of strategic management practices.

This theory has been relevant in a long period and is one of the leading management

theory that explains performance of an organization. The theory advances that internal

institutional utility an institution directs possess the ability to be a source prolonged

competitive edge in case utilities remain unique, limited cannot be substituted.

This theory explain the strategic management practices that is the independent variable of

this study and requires utilization of the available organizational resources organizations

having the objective of accumulative of resources that are available to enhance

organizations competitive edge. In the present study is therefore crucial to explore the

impact of dependency on resource and strategic management practices.

Agency Theory

Agency theory begins with the relationship between the owners of an organization who

delegates work to an agent who performs the work, also referred to as the principal-

agency problem (Lindqvist&Mijovski, 2013). The agency theory develops from the

human element as the source of the company’s competitiveness by stressing the

fundamental important relationship between the shareholders or owners of the business

and the agents or managers in enhancing the success of the organization (Omari, et al.,

2011). The theory underlines the basic conflict between the self-interest of managers and

owners whereby the owners have the control of the organization but the managers put up

with most of the wealth effects.

According to Namazi (2012) the agency theory has been used in the past was also used to

attainment of the goal contingency. In managerial accounting it was used. The principle

is concerned with situations where an agent is engaged by a party (principal) to secure

decisions on their behalf at a certain cost.

This theory relates to this study because strategic management processes are

implemented by agents other than the principal. The theory therefore explains

relationship between the principal shareholders and the managers as agents and how their

relationship influences strategic management process and eventually organization’s


Decision Theory

The theory concerns the manner human design judgment and the subsequent effect on

determining their decisions. These could take the form of probability. activities within a

decision process includes; determining the problem, followed by mining for critical data

regarding the problem and then production of possible solutions to the problem. From

there the next step is evaluation of the solutions to see which one fits best, followed by

identification of a plan for results of the solution and lastly, adoption of a solution settled

for. Well informed decisions help companies to prepare well before implementing a

decision and hence organizations can prepare for risks. Well informed decisions also aid

organizations in proper allocation of their resources (Dabara, et al., 2014).

Decision theory aims at establishing broad principles of rationality to direct policy

makers in situations which involve risk or uncertainty (Joyce, 1995). North (1968),

advanced that this theory offers a coherent context for selecting among a variety of plans

even when the implications from these actions remain unknown (Parmigiani, 2009). In its

classical construct, the Decision theory is based on choices individuals make among the

available options, which characteristically are expected consequences subject to

uncertainty and at different points in the future.

Ahmed and Omotunde (2012), outline four types of decision theories. The Causal

decision theory is based on the principle of rational choice which suggests that the result

of your choice arises from your decision.. This theory relates to this study because

strategic management practices requires key decisions to be made by the strategic

decision makers and the selected decisions to be enacted.

Figure 2. 1

Theoretical Framework

Resource Based Theory

Agency Theory Organization


Decision Theory

Source: Author (2021)

2.3 Empirical Review

This section presents empirical studies on the dependent variables of the study which

includes Strategy Evaluation, Strategy Implementation, and Environmental Scanning and

Strategy Formulation.

Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance

A review by Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) examining strategic environmental scanning

and institutional results within market setting in Nigeria; that was done by use of

questionnaires and analysis/interpretation of data employing regression and coefficient of

correlation analysis: indicted the existence of a major connection among within an

institution productivity is as a result of variation in outside environmental factors,

denoting a positive influence in institutional results. Thus, utilization of strategic

environmental scanning in assessing outside environmental forces aids in securing

opportunities and eliminating risks, thereby promising better profit margins.

Cancellieret al. (2014) analyzed the connection among institutional strategy and settings

of medium firms within Brazil. The research adopted a quantitative approach,

complemented by the use of questionnaires. Data analysis was done by correlations and

ANOVA. Major findings from the analysis reveal prospector’s scanned information from

competition and technology, further accessing publications regularly compared to those

adopting a different manner of strategic conduct. In its entirety, scanning of data

promises results compared to strategy indicated by strategic behavior typology.

Asseret al. (2018) intended to determine the effect of dynamic environmental scan

traditions towards results of business-minded parastatals.A cross section survey research

design with the target population comprising of 55 of these parastatals; the final sample

consisted of 48parastatals (selected by stratified random sampling). Participants in the

analysis consisted of top leadership, finance Managers and human resource managers and

finance managers of every sampled parastatals. Findings from the analysis indicated

dynamic environmental scan traditions greatly and significant positively impacted results

and as a result parastatals responding to the changing and harsh settings possess a

competitive advantage and promise improved results. Pourmohammadi et al.(2020) a

mixed method was adopted in this study. Data collection was done using interview guide.

The study revealed that strategic analysis is influenced by environmental scanning.

Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) in a study on organizational performance vis-a-vis

Strategic Environmental Scanning within a Business Competitive Environment found a

proportional relation to environmental scanning. This is an indication that the utilization

of strategic environmental scanning in assessing the exterior environmental factors

(threats and opportunities) assists in taking advantage of available opportunities thus

avoiding threats hence leading to an organization’s profitability.

In Kenya, Ali and Wambua (2019) examined whether performance of Mandera County

Government is influenced by strategic management practices. A descriptive survey

design was adopted. The target population of the study constituted of 70 employees.

Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to establish the association between

organization performance and strategic management practices. The study concluded that

strategic management practices is influenced by organization performance.

In Palestine, Azahari, et al. (2021)sampled 268 respondents was derived from a

population of 881. The study revealed that management crisis is influenced by social

relation. However, this study revealed a weak relationship. The recommendation of the

study suggested that in the internal and external environment environmental scanning

must be conducted permanently to enable development of UNRWA strategic plans.

According to Rajasekar (2014) there is need for organizations to understand their

working environment to enable improvement in competitive advantage. The authors

suggested that assumptions, theories and traditions models are no longer valid. Central

ingredients of knowledge should be based on knowledge based theory of the firm. This is

because organization structure varies and no set of assumptions is valid in every situation.

According to a study conducted by Rintari and Moronge, (2014) on whether organization

performance is influenced by strategic planning among public institutions in Kenya, a

case study of public commission in Kenya. The study established a positive relationship

between organizational performance and environmental scanning. The study found that

higher growth rates are enhanced by environmental scanning.

Muthaka (2019) analyzed determinants of strategic partnership and performance of

TVET, in Nairobi County. A descriptive research design was adopted in this study.

Intervention and descriptive approaches were used to analyze data. Findings revealed that

competitive advantage is enhanced by strategic partnerships. Furthermore, customer

needs are adequately met through strategic partnerships.

Wanjiku (2016) conducted a study among commercial banks inured to determine whether

organization performance is influenced by strategic partnerships. All the 42 banks formed

the target population of the study. Questionnaires were used to explain the association

between prediction and criteria variables. The study established a positive relationship

between organization performance and strategic leadership.

Strategy Formulation and Organization Performance

Formulation of strategies is the process of making right choices concerning realizing

objectives and goals in an organization. Strategy formulation ensures production of

workable recommendations that buttress justification of objectives and misses that enable

accomplishment of organizational strategies (Santura et al., 2017). When formulating

strategies modification of strategies and objectives enables ensuring organizational


Globally, public sector organizations still rely on strategic plans in the strategy formation

process. However, there are drawbacks according to Yazici(2014)scholars have

concluded that strategic planning approaches have been embraced by public sector

organization (Bryson, et al, 2010) as a formalization concept. In the management of

public sector several studies have established relationship in organization performance.

Seven empirical studies were examined by Andrews et al. (2011) to a certain the impact

of strategic formulation on organization performance. Walker (2013) sought to establish

the associate between organizational performance and logical incrementalism. However,

the study established that organization performance is not influenced with internal


AlDhaheri et al. (2020) examined whether organizational operations is influenced by

strategy formulation. The study was carried in UAE to find out whether organizational

growth and learning is influenced by strategy formulation. Quantitative research

approach was adopted in the study. Primary data was collected from employees in the

UAE public sector, to a certain the influence of strategy from formulation.

In conclusion, the study revealed that organization performance is influenced by strategy

implementation. (human resource structure and strategy).

Chijioke, and Olatunji(2018) sought to establish the relationship between strategic

performance and strategy formulation. The study focused on the telecommunication

industry in Nigeria. Quantitative approaches was relied upon in the study. The study

established that strategic performance is influenced by drivers in strategy formulation.

Maroa and Muturi (2015) sought to establish whether performance of flowers and firms

is influenced by strategy formulate the conclusive revealed a positive relationship.

According to Katsvamutima, and Jeevananda(2014) suggest strategy formulation and

implementation influence competitive advantage, efficiency and profitability of an


A positive correlative between organization performance and strategy formulation in the

banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, Auka and Langat (2016) studied the

relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises and strategic planning.

However, there was a weak association. Empirical evidence, reveal that strategy

formulation influence organization performance.

Auka and Langat (2016) findings indicating strategic planning puts a positive impact

towards efficiency and system productivity interventions, although it does not impact on

efficiency, a negative impact by logical incrementalism exists. Despite this, carrying out

a key planning endeavor in a comprehensive structure of logical incremental decision-

making, positively impacts the efficiency as well as the system productivity measures. In

totality, the finding imply that on their own or integrated with logical incrementalism,

positively impacts components of results in relation to the transport sector.

Owich et al. (2018) conducted an analysis examining the effect of strategic formulation

towards institutional results on firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).

Upon data collection and analysis by suitable approaches; the research outcomes

indicated the institutional results being positively and greatly impacted by strategy

formulation. An analysis by Simple linear regression indicated this phenomenon.

Njeru (2018) intended to determine the effect of dynamic environmental scan traditions

towards results of business-minded parastatals. A cross section survey research design

with the target population comprising of 55 of these parastatals; the final sample

consisted of 48parastatals (selected by stratified random sampling). Participants in the

analysis consisted of top leadership, finance Managers and human resource managers and

finance managers of every sampled parastatals. Findings from the analysis indicated

dynamic environmental scan traditions greatly and significant positively impacted results

and as a result parastatal responding to the changing and harsh settings possess a

competitive advantage and promise improved results.

Nwachukwu, et al. (2019) summarized impact of strategy formulation drivers towards

strategic performance; with the main role of the analysis being advancing proposals to the

leadership of multinationals within the mobile telecommunication industry in Nigeria on

ways to improve and maintain strategic performance based on the assessment of

strategy formulation drivers. The analysis revealed strategy formulation drivers impact

strategic performance of mobile TELCOs within Nigeria. Focus on a firm’s goal together

with the prolonged intentions greatly and positively influence strategic performance.

Strategy Implementation and Organization Performance

An analysis by Mathore (2016) examining the impact of strategy implementation towards

institutional results; a study of DTB bank in Kenya, with use of interviewing guide and

analysis by content analysis revealed the existence of a positive connection among

strategic implementation and result at the bank. Findings showed that staff across

different departments have individual awareness on the execution processes; execution

factors may be barriers impeding the execution process; the distractions can be

overwhelmed incase the leadership are discerning to the institution's current situation.

Somi (2017) sought out to establish the effect of strategy implementation towards results

of government parastatals within Kenya. It adopted a descriptive survey research design,

comprising of a population of 42 government parastatal within Nairobi. Findingsrevealed

the existence of a major connection among strategic evaluation and the results of these

parastatals. Further revealing the existence of a major connection among reward structure

and results of the parastatals.

Mathore (2016) analyzed the impact of strategy evaluation towards institutional results: a

study on the Star limited company. Its main intention was to the identify the effect of

strategy evaluation towards institutional results. The analysis preferred a descriptive

research approach, with the study sample comprising of 200 employees within the Centre

Star Company across different departments; using a stratified random sampling manner

in selecting 60 out of the 200 workers to engage in the analysis. Findings from the survey

indicated strategy evaluation enables institutional guidance since it secures adherence to

their goal, align functions to certain targets and sets common traditions as well as cause.

Given the fact that there is ever increasing complex and uncertainty of political

circumstances globally. The context of implementation of strategic of policies has made

governments to establish performance standards and capacities. Implementation of

strategies entails potting strategies into practice, this includes delivering and planning of

services in order to develop effectiveness and efficiency in organizational design and

operations as well as culture and system evaluations.

According to Joyce and Drumaux (2014) is a concept that is universally accepted and

well investigated. However, there is a mismatch on the depth of strategic management

research. Another, objective of focusing is to access the effectiveness of an organization.

Strategic implementation decisions are considered central in achieving organizational


According to Boyne et al (2010) the delivery of public services depends on the

anticipated outcomes. Agencies in the public sector have adopted preparation of strategic

plans or documents to enable implementation of policies adequately. Adebisi (2011)

examining strategic environmental scanning and institutional results within market

setting in Nigeria; that was done by use of questionnaires and analysis/interpretation of

data employing regression and coefficient of correlation analysis: indicted the existence

of a major connection among within an institution productivity is as a result of variation

in outside environmental factors, denoting a positive influence in institutional results.

Thus, utilization of strategic environmental scanning in assessing outside environmental

forces aids in securing opportunities and eliminating risks, thereby promising better profit


In Turkey Chaimankong and Prasertsakul (2012) examined the relationship between

organization performance and strategy implementation. The study adopted a mixed

research design. The study collected data using 16 semi-structured; interviews and 134

survey responses. The data was analyzed using robust and moderated model of

regression. The qualitative data that was collected buttressed the quantitative data that

was collected. The study established a positive relationship between organization

performance and strategy implementation.

In Kenya, Magambo (2012) sought to analyze the challenges among public corporation

regarding strategy implementation. The study sought to establish these challenges as well

as suggest possible solutions to the challenges. A descriptive research design, was

adopted. The study sampled a sample of 189 respondents. The personnel in charge of

planning were targeted in this study. The study findings revealed that the major challenge

to strategy implementation is resistance to change.

Magambo (2012) studied the effect of strategy implementation towards institutional

results within IHLs in Kiambu. Results from the analysis pointed to the existence of a

great impact by strategic utility disbursement, supervision and regulation of plans,

strategic management and communication towards the results of IHLs. The conclusion

was that an institutional result was greatly impacted by supervision, regulation of plans,

utility distribution and communication. another finding was that strategic leadership had

little impact on the results of IHLs compared to the others.

Ouma(2016) analyzed association between expensive strategies and organization

performance of insurance industry in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine

whether penetration, divarication and product development strategy have effects of

insurance company performance. The study adopted a census technique. The study

revealed that organization performance of the insurance companies is influenced by

expansion strategy.

A study by Kyalo (2015) a case study of KCB group Ltd, sought to establish whether

expansion strategy influence organization performance. A case study design was adopted

in this study. An interviews guide was use to collect primary data. Content analysis was

adopted in the data analysis. The study revealed that the bottom up approach used by

KCB to implement the expansion strategy has contributed to organizational performance.

According to a study conducted by Gure and Karugu(2018) on the relationship between

organization performance and strategic management practices among SMEs in Nairobi

country. The study sought to establish the influence of cost leadership, focus and

differentiate strategy. A descriptive research design guided the study while questionnaires

were used in the data collection. Inferential and descriptive statistics was used in the data

analysis. The findings revealed that focus, cost leadership and differentiate strategy

influence organizational performance.

Kyalo (2015) sought to establish whether implementation of customer focus strategy is

influenced by the external environment. A sample of 54 staff was drawn from a target

population of 50 respondents. Primary data was relied upon in this study of which was

collected using questionnaires. Content analysis approach was used in the analysis of

qualitative data. The study findings revealed that implementation of customer focus

strategy is influenced by employee training. The study recommended that Equity Bank

Ltd should regularly conduct employee workshop to enhance implementation of customer

focus strategy.

Odhiambo (2015) assessed the association between organization performance and

strategy implementation among tea firms in Kericho. The study sample size comprised of

34 managers. The study findings revealed that organization performance is influenced by

all perspectives of strategy implementation that include quality performance, customer

satisfaction and employee productivity.

Mathore (2016) study findings revealed that organization performance is influenced by

strategy implementation. However, the interviews suggested that there is need to

formulate right strategies.

In another, case study of KCB group, Kyalo (2015) sought to establish the relationship

between organization performance and strategy implementation. An interview guide was

used to collect data from senior management of the Bank. Majority of the respondents

indicated that KCB performance is influenced by strategy implementation included

employee turnover, profitability, employee satisfaction, efficiency and product


Strategy Evaluation and Organization Performance

Abdalla (2015) analyzed the impact of strategy evaluation towards institutional results: a

study on the Star limited company. Its main intention was to the identify the effect of

strategy evaluation towards institutional results. The analysis preferred a descriptive

research approach, with the study sample comprising of 200 employees within the Centre

Star Company across different departments; using a stratified random sampling manner

in selecting 60 out of the 200workers to engage in the analysis. Findings from the survey

indicated strategy evaluation enables institutional guidance since it secures adherence to

their goal, align functions to certain targets and sets common traditions as well as cause.

Chepkwony (2016) results showed strategy implementation, evaluation and control

greatly impacted institutional results. some minimal impact towards institutional results

was noted in the ability to properly indicate, assess results and relate rewards to results,

create a performance based tradition and lastly on better transparency on performance.

Several organizations do not give usable and meaningful strategy evaluative because of

the disconnect between organizational level and strategic decision making. They argue

that evaluation and learning efforts inform the decision making practices of an

organization. There is a need of establishing a strategy that is comprehensive in the

evaluative of organizational effectiveness. Strategy control and evaluative informs

organizational management concerning reasons that lead to the failure of meeting certain

objectives and performance standards. In this regard strategy implementation and

formulate depends on strategic learning tool, this plays a significant role in strategy

implementation and formulate. However, there is no clear role in comprehensive of the

role contributed by strategy evaluative.

A publication by Nyariki (2016) suggest that strategic evaluative is a critical tool that can

be used to measure that strategic position of an organization. It enables an organization to

head to the right direction and adopt corrective actions that need to be taken. Therefore,

there is need for managers to continually access strategies on organization performance,

in order to respond to indicators of organizational failures.

Somi (2017) sought to determine the relationship of organization performance and

strategic implementation in state co-operations in Kenya. A descriptive survey regard was

adopted. The study had a population of 42 government owned entities. In order to select

42 managers purpose sampling was adopted. The study found a positive relationship

between performance governments owned entities and strategic evaluation.

Nyariki (2016) analyzed the effect of strategy evaluation approaches towards attainment

of results at KCB bank. The study goal was to identify the key evaluation styles preferred

by KCB bank and to establish the effect of strategic evaluation styles towards the results.

The analysis adopted an interviewing guide for collection of data; with the collected data

being analyzed by application of content analysis approach. findings from the review

indicated that the strategy evaluation traditions common with the bank included bench

marking, accounting audits, balanced score card, job evaluations, accreditations and

certifications, client fulfillment questionnaires and the adoption of ICT.

Hieu and Nwachukwu (2019) summarized the strategy evaluation process and strategic

performance connection. The former ensures companies regularly evaluate modern

traditions as well as their role towards strategy implementation. The analysis explored

strategy evaluation process and strategic performance of mobile TELCOs within the

Nigerian market. It offered new knowledge on the impact of strategy evaluation process

towards the results of TELCOs in a young economy such like that of Nigeria. The results

reveal that TELCOs embrace a systematic manner to strategy evaluation bearing a major

and positive influence towards strategic performance.

Njeru (2015) assessed the relationship between organization performance and strategic

management practices. The study examined the role of strategy evaluate on

organizational performance. A cross-section regard design was adopted in the study. The

study found that there is a significant evaluative and organizational performance.

However, the study considered SMEs, while present study focuses on state owned


Organizational Performance

Universally, performance is widely viewed as a manner of meeting a certain commitment

and that is further translated in terms of its success. Jenatabadi, (2015)observes

organizational performance to be a process an institution attains success in its

commitments in relation to the desired goals and set targets. It remains to be a critical

component of business strategy. There continues to be a debate on the exact meaning and

the dimensionality of it, without regard to its relevance as well as global utilization.

Existing publications from earlier reviews reveal the existence of several views

pertaining to organizational performance including: profitability, market growth, product

value, client fulfillment, worker fulfillment, environmental objective and social

commitment (Santos &Brito, 2009).

Traditions within organizational performance entail examining the performance of a firm

by comparing the desired results versus the real results. Dessler(2012) outlines

performance as a set of tasks, functional productivity and efficiency, their indication and

the resultant results achieved. Individual institutions craft suitable models for indicating

performance, creating a platform for assessing present as well as earlier results in relation

to the desired ones. The methodologies with respect to indicating performance align with

the manner the institution functions together with the key goals being desired (Akinyi,

2012). The area of focus in performance measurement, however, varies by organization

and time.

Institutions indicate performance applying various approaches like the approach Kaplan

and Norton (1993) indicates institutional results in monetary and nonmonetary

dimensions. The monetary component includes; profitability, returns on investment and

sales growth: while the non-monetary component includes; client indications, internal

business perspective and growth indicators. A common prevailing role of investment and

strategic management principle and analysis remains to be the enhancement of

institutional results

2.4 Conceptual Framework
Mugenda and Mugenda, (2006) advance that a conceptual framework is a hypothesized

design determining the item for analysis and the connection among the dependent

variable and the independent variables. In a study, it captures the connection among the

variables in a research and represents the connection structurally.

Figure 2. 2

Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables

Dependent Variable


Strategy Evaluation

Source: Author (2021)

2.5 Research Gap
Based on the literature review it is evident that numerous reviews have been done outside

Africa, particularly concerning about influence of strategic management practices on

organizational performance. It is also important to note that a lot of research in his area

has been conducted in United States of America and Brazil. Influence of strategic

management practices on organizational performance is significant study to enables

managers to understand which independent variables influence of strategic management

practices influence organizational performance.

The reviewed literature reveals that most of the studies that have focused on strategic

management practices and performance outcome have been carried out in developed


It is important to note that, recent studies about influence of strategic management

practices on organizational performance in Kenya have focused commercial banks but

profit making parastatals. There is no study that has been carried in profit making

parastatals Nairobi County in Kenya; this study sets to establish about influence of

strategic management practices on organizational performance.

2.6 Operational Framework

Figure 2. 3

Operational Framework
 Heterogeneity
Environmental  Dynamic environment
 Competitive intensity
 Hostile environment

Strategy  Mission and Vision

Formulation  Decision making
 Budget alignment
Organization  Business environment

 No. of Strategy  Financial Incentives

 No. of branches Implementation  Managerial Decisions
 Profitability  Employee Involvement
 Sales Growth  Departmental

Strategy  Internal Capabilities
Evaluation  External Environment
 Market Research
 Appropriate

Dependent Variable Independent Variable


Source: Author (2021)



3.1. Introduction
The present chapter explains the research method that was adopted in the study.

Specifically, it explains the study design, the study targets population and sample size;

sampling procedures; instrument reliability and validity data collection and analysis

approaches as well as research ethics that guided the study.

3.2. Research Design

A descriptive research design guided this study. It was a suitable research design in this

analysis, since it enables an investigator to gather information that is precise on the

phenomena, as it is devoid of manipulation. This research design also permits exploration

of different experiences, altitudes and opinions, from a large sample of respondents. The

generated findings would represent the entire opinion of the targeted population (Orodho,

2009).Its suitability in this study is buttressed by the fact that it reveals the respondents

true perceptions regarding the independent variables of the study.

3.3. Target Population

According to Orodho (2004) a target population is a large group of things, people and

events that are of interest to the researcher. The study targets 33 commercial based

parastatals in Kenya. Respondents for the study were selected from the following

management positions namely; CEO’s, finance managers and human resource managers

from the respective commercial based parastatals in Kenya.

Table 3. 1.

Target Population
Category Target population
CEOs 33
Human Resource Managers 33
Finance Managers 63

Total 129
Source: (HR Records, Regulatory Parastatals)

3.4 Sampling Procedure

According to Mugenda (2003) sampling the selection of persons to participated in a

study, events, documents that can be used in a survey from which a researcher can collect

data from. In this study purposive sampling was used to select commercial based

parastatals, departments and employees.

The sample size was determined based on the following Yamane’s’ formula.

n=𝟏+𝑵 𝒆 𝟐

Where by:

N is the population size, n is the sample size, and e is the level of precision.

At 95% confidence level at p = 0.05 and N = 129.

Sample size n = 129/ 1+ 129 (0.05) ²

Sample size n = 97.

Table 3. 2:

Sample Size
Target Population Sample Size
CEOs 33/129*97 25

Human Resource Managers 33/129*97 25

Finance Managers 63/129*97 47

Total 97

Source: Researcher (2021)

3.5. Data Collection Instruments and Procedures

This section presents data collection instruments as well as data collection procedures

that was employed in carrying out this study.

Primary Data

The research instrument to be used for data collection was closed ended questionnaires. It

is assumed that the selected organization officials are involved in strategy management

practices at the commercial based parastatals.

Pretesting of the data collection instruments was performed in order to ascertain both data

reliability and validity. Pre-testing enables the investigator evaluate the effectiveness and

clarity of the study instruments and subsequent ease in application (Mugenda &

Mugenda, 2003). In undertaking the pretest, the investigator must organize and then

administer close to 10 pilot testing questionnaires to the identified participants.

Participants involved in the pretest are required to peruse the draft questionnaire and

provide answers same as those of actual respondents; the investigator later seeks their

input pertaining to the nature of the questions and their relevance, using their feedback to

improve quality of the questionnaire for the study goal.

3.6. Data Analysis
Collected data rearranged and organized for scrutiny aimed at checking completion

awaiting the next phase of data entry. The questionnaires have codes, with each one

having a unique code to enable effective data entry. The data analysis was done by the

help of SPSS version 23. Data was analysed descriptively and presented applying

frequency tables.

Multiple linear regression analysis was also carried out using the following model.

𝒀 = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝑿𝟏 + 𝜷𝑿𝟐 + 𝜷𝑿𝟑 + 𝜷𝑿𝟒 + 𝜺


𝛽0 =is a constant term

𝑋1 = Environmental Scanning

𝑋2 = Strategy Formulation

𝑋3 = Strategy Implementation

𝑋4 = Strategy Evaluation

𝜀 = is the error term

3.7. Validity of Instruments

Mohajan, (2017) advances that validity refers to the capability of a study instrument to

gather information that remains essential, can be transferred and finally reliable.

According to Kimberlin and Winterstein (2008) the validity of a study tool is affirmed by

meeting the set specifications. Validity was assured by sourcing for qualified advisory

from the lecturers offering supervision on the degree to which the questionnaires can be

used to collect data. They reviewed the items and further propose methods of enhancing

them to ensure quality and relevant information is gathered (Matula, 2018).

3.8 Reliability of Instruments
According to Kothari (2012) for a researcher to achieve validity and reliability has to pre-

test or pilot test the questionnaire using a sample of the respondents who have

characteristics similar to the target population. The test internal consistency the

researcher used Cronbach’s Alpha, reliability values should exceed a threshold of 0.7.

3.9. Research Ethics

The study adhered to research ethical procedures. Firstly, authorization letters were

collected from KEMU and NACOSTI these are the relevant bodies to obtain research

authorization from. Secondly, acknowledgment of all sources of information was ensured

to avert plagiarism prior to the data collection exercise. The consent of respondents was

sought, only respondents who accented participated in the study. Confidentiality was

ensured by assuring respondents that the information they give is confidential. Thirdly,

the respondents were assured that the information gathered is strictly for academic use

the participants were also assured that the findings of the study would be made available

to them.


4.1 Introduction
The fourth chapter details deductions obtained from analysis of collected data.

Additionally it captures the features of the participants as well as their views with regards

to the influence of strategic management practices on organization performance within

profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. With regards to ensuring simplicity

during the presentation of data, the investigator opted for tables offering a summary of

the participants, responses.

4.2. Response Rate

The study population of this study was 33 commercial based parastatals in Nairobi

County, Kenya. The targeted respondents were CEO’s, human resource and finance

managers in the commercial based parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. 82 out of the 97

questionnaires administered (which is a representative of the pool the investigator intends

to draw responses from) were properly answered and submitted, giving it a desirable

score of 84.45% as the response rate.

4.3 Reliability Analysis

In determining reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha was applied since it accesses internal

consistency by ascertaining if specific instruments in a scale indicate a similar construct

validity. An ideal Alpha score ought to be 0.7, (Kothari, 2012). Based on illustrations

detailed below in table 4.1,reliability was ideal across the five scales since their scores

surpassed the desirable standard of 0.7 and above. Therefore, conclusion can be reached

that the instrument could be relied on.

Table 4.1

Reliability Analysis
Determinant No of items Cronbanch’s
. 824
Environmental scanning 6 Reliable

. 753
Strategy development 9 Reliable

. 801
Strategy adoption 9 Reliable

. 762
Strategy assessment 6 Reliable

. 779
Organizational Results 5 Reliable

Source: Research Data (2021)

From the detailed Cronbach’s Alpha scores, there was consistent performance of the

data collection tool since the figures exceeded the ideal score of 0.7 and above.

4.4 General Information of the Respondents

The analysis intended to obtain the basic details of the participants like; sex, age,

schooling levels, duration of work and job description within the commercial based

parastatals in Nairobi.

Gender Distribution of the Respondents

The investigator intended to assess the gender distribution of participants. Deductions are

detailed below in table 4.2.

Table 4.2:

Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 46 56.1

Female 36 43.9

Total 82 100

Source: Research Data (2021)

From the deductions, male participants were the majority with 56.1% and the female

formed the remaining 43.9%. it means that commercial based parastatals in Nairobi

County greatly empower women even though the males took a larger share of the


Age Brackets of the Respondents

The analysis intended to determine age distributions of the participants. Deductions are

detailed in table 4.3 below.

Table 4.3
Age Brackets of the Respondents
Age brackets Frequency Frequency

30 years and below 20 24.4

30-34 years 7 8.5

35-39 years 28 34.1

40-44 years 14 17.1

Above 45 years 13 15.9

Total 82 100

Source: Research Data (2021)

A significant percentage of the participants fell in the 35-39 age bracket (34.1%).

Participants 30 years and below formed 24.4% of the population, between 40-44 years

were 17.1%. Age bracket above 45 years were 15.9%. The implication is that the most of

the top roles within commercial based parastatals in Nairobi County are taken up by those

above thirty years.

Working Experience in the Company

Participants had to state their working durations at their current companies. Deductions

are detailed in table 4.4 below.

Table 4.4:
Working Experience in the Parastatals
Working Experience Frequency Frequency

Below 5 years 20 24.4

6-10 years 13 15.9

11-15 years 35 42.7

16-20 years 7 8.5

21 years and above 7 8.5

Total 82 100

Source: Research Data (2021)

Deductions from table 4.4 indicate 42.7% of the participants had been in their positions in

their respective institutions for between 11 to 15 years, 24.4% had served their

institutions for less than 5 years while 15.9% have worked for their respective parastatals

between11-15years, 8.5% had served their institutions between 16-20years same as above

21 years. From these deductions, it was clear that the participants had served their

institutions long enough, thus well informed on the impact of strategic management

practices on organization performance among commercial based parastatals in Nairobi

County, Kenya; in the end their insights could be highly regarded.

Education level

Study participants had to state personal highest schooling levels. Deductions are detailed

below in table 4.5

Table 4.5:

Education level
Education Level Frequency Frequency

Undergraduate 47 57.3

Masters 35 42.7

Total 82 100

Source: Research Data (2021)

From the deductions, 57.3% of the participants possessed a university degree, and 42.7%

had master’s degree. Thus, the conclusion is that the participants possessed more than

enough education for the interpretation and responses to the study goals extensively.

4.5 Descriptive Analysis

Focus here will be a presentation of descriptive analysis determinations with regard to the

independent (environmental scanning, strategy development, strategy adoption, strategy

assessment) and the dependent variables (Organizational results).

Organization Performance

Participants were required to state their affirmation levels based on the question with

regards to organizational performance. Deductions are detailed below in table 4.6

Table 4.6:
Descriptive Statistics for Organization Performance

N Mean Std. Deviation

The number of employees has increased over 82

4.51 .84
the last five years

Our organization has experienced an increase in 82

4.31 .75
number of branches over the last 5 years

Our organization has experienced increased 82

annual running expenditure over the last five 4.44 .80


Over the last five years your organization has 82

been able to achieve its goals in relation to 4.59 .64

organizational performance

Our organization has improved over the last 5 82

4.56 .66

Valid N (list wise) 82

Source: Research Data (2021)

Findings from table 4.7 indicate that the significant group that had the highest mean of

4.59 and a SD of 0.64affirmed that in our organization has experienced increased annual

running expenditure over the last five years. Second in line was those affirming that over

the last five years your organization has been able to achieve its goals in relation to

organizational performance a mean of (4.59) and a SD of (0.64). Futhermore resopndents

that the number of employees has increased over the last five years with a mean of (4.51)

and a standard deviation of (0.84).Our organization has experienced an increase in

number of branches over the last 5 years at a mean of (4.31) and a standard debviation of

(0.75), and our organization has improved in the past five 5 years mean (4.56) and a SD

of (0.66).

Influence of Environmental Scanning on Organization Performance

Participants were required to state their affirmation levels based on the question with

regards to the impact of environmental scanning on organization performance. Findings

are detailed in table 4.7 below.

Table 4.7

Influence of Environmental Scanning on Organization Performance

N Mean Standard
Dynamic environment affects commercial based parastatal 82
4.54 .83
Hostile environment affects commercial based state 82
4.29 1.08
parastatal performance
Competitive intensity affects commercial based state 82
4.68 .46
parastatal performance
The commercial based state parastatals takes into 82
4.58 .94
consideration dynamic environment
The commercial based state parastatal takes into 82
3.13 1.08
consideration of heterogeneity
In the dynamic environment prices of products and changes 82
3.09 1.32
in taxes
Source: Research Data (2021)

Environmental scanning continues to be recognized as a feature impacting organizational

performance in the commercial parastatals. The analysis intended to prove this position.

Deductions from the table 4.8 below indicate the a significant group shows that the

majority who scorscoring the highest mean score of (4.68) and a SD of

(0.46)affirmedthat competitive intensity affects commercial based state parastatal

performance. This was closely followed by the commercial based state parastatals takes

into consideration dynamic environment with a mean of (4.58) and a SD of (0.94).

additionally, resopndents affirmed that dynamic environment affects commercial based

parastatal performance with a mean score of (4.54) and a standard deviation of (0.83),

and Hostile environment affects commercial based state parastatal performance at a mean

score of (4.29) and a SD of (0.08).

The deductions concur with Cancellier, et al.(2014) analysis reveal prospectors take into

account scanned information from competition and technology, further accessing

publications regularly compared to those adopting a different manner of strategic

conduct. In its entirety, scanning of data promises results compared to strategy indicated

by strategic behavior typology. Asser et al. (2018) findings indicated dynamic

environmental scan traditions greatly and significant positively impacted results and as a

result parastatals responding to the changing and harsh settings possess a competitive

advantage and promise improved results.

A review by Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) examining strategic environmental scanning

and institutional results within a competitive market setting in Nigeria; that was done by

use of questionnaires and analysis/interpretation of data employing regression and

coefficient of correlation analysis within an institution productivity is as a result of

variation in outside environmental factors, denoting a positive influence in institutional

results. Thus, utilization of strategic environmental scanning in assessing outside

environmental forces aids in securing opportunities and eliminating risks, thereby

promising better profit margins.

Cancellieret al. (2014) analyzed the connection among institutional strategy and settings

of medium firms within Brazil and further intended to examine the link between the

scanning of environmental information, strategic behavior and results. The research

adopted a quantitative approach, complemented by the use of questionnaires. Major

findings from the analysis reveal that prospectors take into account scanned information

from competition and technology, further accessing publications regularly compared to

those adopting a different manner of strategic conduct. In its entirety, scanning of data

promises results compared to strategy indicated by strategic behavior typology.

Asser et al. (2018) intended to determine the effect of dynamic environmental scan

traditions towards results of business-minded parastatals in Kenya. It applied a

comprising of 55 of these parastatals; the final sample consisted of 48parastatals (selected

by stratified random sampling). Participants in the analysis consisted of top leadership.

Findings from the analysis indicated dynamic environmental scan traditions greatly and

significant positively impacted results and as a result parastatals responding to the

changing and harsh settings possess a competitive advantage and promise improved


Pourmohammadi et al. (2020) conducted comprehensive, strategic analysis and

environmental scanning in Iranian public hospitals. A mixed method was adopted in this

study. Data collection was done using interview guide. The study revealed that strategic

analysis is influenced by environmental scanning.

Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) in a study on organizational performance vis-a-vis

Strategic Environmental Scanning within a Business Competitive Environment found a

proportional relation environmental scanning. The study also established that the exterior

environmental forces. This is an indication that the utilization of strategic environmental

scanning in assessing the exterior environmental factors (threats and opportunities) assists

in taking advantage of available opportunities thus avoiding threats hence leading to an

organization’s profitability.

Influence of Strategy Formulation on Organization Performance

Participants were required to state their affirmation levels based on the question with

regards to the impact of strategy formulation on organization performance. Findings are

detailed in table 4.8 below

Table 4.8
Influence of Strategy Formulation on Organization Performance
N Mean Standard
The managers are actively involved in creating company 82
3.14 1.26
mission and vision
The managers act as change enabler or drivers in the 82
4.31 .91
The managers are actively involved in making major 82
4.39 1.39
decisions during the strategy formulation
Our organization uses an operating budget which 82
summarizes how managers are supposed to use company 4.36 .93
Our organization has aligned its budget with the company 82
strategy through good communication, enhanced 4.54 .94
responsibility, and improved feedback flows
Our organization always makes decisions that are based on 82
the budget 4.25 1.08

Our organization makes use of tools such as PESTEL, 82

Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT Matrix to analyze the
4.26 1.11
external and internal business environments.

The strategic decisions of this company are based on the 82

prevailing business environment context. 2.64 1.21

Our organization incorporates environment concerns while 82

making strategic decisions, evaluating strategic
3.26 1.49
development alternatives and issuing guiding principles

Source: Research Data (2021)

Strategy formulation continues to be recognised as a feature mimpacting the

organizational performance of commercial parastatals. This analysis intended to verify

this position.. Findings from table 4.8 indicate that a significant group scoring the

highest mean of (4.54) and a SD of (0.94)affirmed agreed that their organization has

aligned its budget with the company strategy through good communication, enhanced

responsibility, and improved feedback flows. This was closely followed by our

organization uses an operating budget which profiles the manner leaderships ought to

utilize an institution’s utilities with a mean score of (4.36) and a SD of (0.93).

Additionally, participants affirmed that the managers are actively involved in making

major decisions during the strategy formulation with a mean score of (4.39) and a SD of

(1.39), and the managers’ act as change enabler or drivers in the company at a mean score

of (4.31) and a SD of (0.91).

The determinations concur with Owich et al. (2018) conducted an analysis examining the

effect of strategic formulation towards institutional results. Upon data collection and

analysis by suitable approaches; the research outcomes indicated the institutional results

being positively and greatly impacted by strategy formulation. Nwachukwu, et al. (2019)

summarized effect of strategy development enablers towards strategic performance; with

the main role of the analysis being advancing proposals to the leadership of

multinationals within the telcos industry in Nigeria. Focus on a firm’s goal together with

the prolonged intentions greatly and positively influence strategic performance.

A review by Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) found that the variation within an institution

productivity is as a result of variation in outside environmental factors, denoting a

positive influence in institutional results. Thus, utilization of strategic environmental

scanning in assessing outside environmental forces aids in securing opportunities and

eliminating risks, thereby promising better profit margins.

Cancellieret al. (2014) major findings from the analysis reveal prospectors take into

account scanned information from competition and technology, further accessing

publications regularly compared to those adopting a different manner of strategic

conduct. In its entirety, scanning of data promises results compared to strategy indicated

by strategic behavior typology.

Formulation of strategies is the process of making right choices concerning realizing

objectives and goals in an organization. Strategy formulation ensures production of

workable recommendations that buttress justification of objectives and misses that enable

accomplishment of organizational strategies. When formulating strategies modification of

strategies and objectives enables ensuring organizational success.

A review by Babatunde and Adebisi (2012) examining strategic environmental scanning

and institutional results within a competitive market setting in Nigeria; that was done by

use of questionnaires and analysis/interpretation of data employing regression and

coefficient of correlation analysis: indicted the existence of a major connection among

within an institution productivity is as a result of variation in outside environmental

factors, denoting a positive influence in institutional results. Thus, utilization of strategic

environmental scanning in assessing outside environmental forces aids in securing

opportunities and eliminating risks, thereby promising better profit margins.

AlDhaheri et al (2020) examined whether organizational operations is influenced by

strategy formulation. The study was carried in UAE to find out whether organizational

growth and learning is influenced by strategy formulation. Quantitative research

approach was adopted in the study. Primary data was collected from employees in the

UAE public sector, to a certain the influence of strategy from formulation.

In conclusion, the study revealed that organization performance is influenced by strategy

implementation. (human resource structure and strategy).

Chijiokeet al. (2018)sought to establish the relationship between strategic performance

and strategy formulation. The study focused on the telecommunication industry in

Nigeria. Quantitative approaches was relied upon in the study. Simple random sampling

was used to select 128 managers. The study established that strategic performance is

influenced by drivers in strategy formulation.

Maroa and Muturi (2015) sought to establish whether performance of flowers and firms

is influenced by strategy formulate the conclusive revealed a positive relationship.

According to Katsvamutima and Jeevananda(2014) suggest strategy formulation and

implementation influence competitive advantage, efficiency and profitability of an


A positive correlative between organization performance and strategy formulation in the

banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, Auka and Langat (2016) studied the

relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises and strategic planning.

However, there was a weak association. Empirical evidence, reveal that strategy

formulation influence organization performance.

Influence of Strategy Implementation on Organization Performance

Participants were required to state their affirmation levels based on the question with

regards to the impact of strategy implementation on organization performance. Findings

are detailed in table 4.9 below.

Table 4.9

Influence of Strategy Implementation on Organization Performance

N Mean Standard
This company engages in a more democratic and 82
participative way of working by allowing employees to
2.85 1.32
offer views and involving employees more in making
organizational decisions
All employees in our organization align their regular tasks 82
2.92 1.56
with the overall company strategy
Departmental memos and managerial decisions are 82
communicated all through this company and to every 3.20 1.40
In this company, there is no ambiguity on who makes 82
3.60 1.07
particular decisions
Our organization structure is aligned with the new strategies 82
3.37 1.44
and with what the new strategies call for.
Our organization has proper communication channels, 82
monitoring and incentive systems, and performance 3.32 1.32
measuring systems
The company’s policy is properly communicated to the staff 82
3.98 1.15
and is clearly understood by employees
Our organization motivates its employees with both 82
monetary and non-monetary incentives to enhance their job 4.19 1.25
Employees in this company are emotionally attached to the 82
company and exhibit high levels of commitment to the 2.86 1.35
Source: Research Data (2021)

Strategy implementation continues to be recognized as a feature impacting organizational

performance of commercial parastatals. This analysis intended to prove this position.

Findings from table 4.9 indicate that a significant group scoring highest mean score of

(4.19) and a SD of (1.25) affirmed that our organization motivates its employees with

both monetary and non-monetary incentives to enhance their job performance. This was

closely followed by the company’s policy is properly communicated to the staff and is

clearly understood by employees with a mean score of (3.98) and a SD of (1.15).

Additionally, particip[ants affirmed that in this company, there is no ambiguity on who

makes particular decisions with a mean score of (3.60) and a SD of (1.07), and our

organization structure is aligned with the new strategies and with what the new strategies

call for. at a mean of (3.37) and a standard devaiation of (1.44)

The determinations concur with a study by Mathore (2016) examining the impact of

strategy implementation towards institutional results; a study of DTB bank in Kenya,

with use of interviewing guide and analysis by content analysis revealed the existence of

a positive association among strategic implementation and result at the bank. Findings

showed that staff across different departments have individual awareness on the

execution processes; execution factors may be barriers impeding the execution process;

the distractions can be overwhelmed incase the leadership are discerning to the

institution's current situation.

Somi (2017) sought out to establish the effect of strategy implementation towards results

of government parastatals within Kenya. It adopted a descriptive survey research design,

comprising of a population of 42 government parastatal within Nairobi. Findings

revealedthe existence of a major connection among strategic evaluation and the results of

these parastatals. Further revealing the existence of a major connection among reward

structure and results of the parastatals.

An analysis by Mathore (2016) examining the impact of strategy implementation towards

institutional results; a study of DTB bank in Kenya, with use of interviewing guide and

analysis by content analysis revealed the existence of a positive connection among

strategic implementation and result at the bank. Findings showed that staff across

different departments have individual awareness on the execution processes; execution

factors may be barriers impeding the execution process; the distractions can be

overwhelmed incase the leadership are discerning to the institution's current situation.

In Kenya, Ouma (2016) sought to analyze the challenges among public corporation

regarding strategy implementation. The study sought to establish these challenges as well

as suggest possible solutions to the challenges. A descriptive research design, was

adopted. The study sampled a sample of 189 respondents. The personnel in charge of

planning were targeted in this study. The study findings revealed that the major challenge

to strategy implementation is resistance to change.

Onserio (2018) studied the effect of strategy implementation towards institutional results

within IHLs in Kiambu. Results from the analysis pointed to the existence of a great

impact by strategic utility disbursement, supervision and regulation of plans, strategic

management and communication towards the results of IHLs. The conclusion was that an

institutional result was greatly impacted by supervision, regulation of plans, utility

distribution and communication. another finding was that strategic leadership had little

impact on the results of IHLs compared to the others.

Onserio (2018) analyzed association between expensive strategies and organization

performance of insurance industry in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine

whether penetration, divarication and product development strategy have effects of

insurance company performance. The study adopted a census technique. The study

revealed that organization performance of the insurance companies is influenced by

expansion strategy.

In another study by Ate (2018) a case study of KCB group Ltd, sought to establish

whether expansion strategy influence organization performance. The study revealed that

the bottom up approach used by KCB to implement the expansion strategy has

contributed to organizational performance. According to a study conducted by Gure and

Karugu(2018) on the relationship between organization performance and strategic

management practices among SMEs in Nairobi country. The findings revealed that focus,

cost leadership and differentiate strategy influence organizational performance.

Mbithe and Kilika(2017) sought to establish whether implementation of customer focus

strategy is influenced by the external environment. The study findings revealed that

implementation of customer focus strategy is influenced by employee training. The study

recommended that Equity Bank Ltd should regularly conduct employee workshop to

enhance implementation of customer focus strategy. Odhiambo (2015) assessed the

association between organization performance and strategy implementation among tea

firms in Kericho. The study findings revealed that organization performance is influenced

by all perspectives of strategy implementation that include quality performance, customer

satisfaction and employee productivity.

Influence of Strategy Evaluation on Organization Performance

Participants were required to state their affirmation levels based on the question with

regards to influence of strategy evaluation on organization performance. Deductions are

detailed in table 4.10 below.

Table 4.10

Influence of Strategy Evaluation on Organization Performance

N Mean Standard
Our organization regularly analyses its INTERNAL 82
capabilities to determine its strengths and weaknesses using
2.85 1.32
tools of analysis such as SWOT, PESTEL and Porter’s Five
Our organization regularly analyses its EXTERNAL 82
environment to determine its opportunities and threats using
2.92 1.56
tools of analysis such as SWOT, PESTEL and Porter’s Five
Our organization emphasizes on market research focused on 82
3.20 1.40
entering new markets
The managers of our organization make allowances for the 82
unpredictable future and dynamic business environment in 3.60 1.07
the strategic plan.
Our organization has in place strategies that are used to 82
3.37 1.44
cope with unforeseen circumstances in the business industry
Our organization has appropriate technology that helps 82
2.86 1.35
manage the changing business climates
Source: Research Data (2021)

Strategy evaluation continues globally to be recognized as a feature impacting the

organizational performance of commercial parastatals. This analysis intended to prove

this position. Findings from table 4.10 indicate that a significant group scoring the

highest mean score of (3.60) and a SD of (1.07)Affirmed that the managers of our

organization make allowances for the unpredictable future and dynamic business

environment in the strategic plan. This was closely followed by the our organization has

in place strategies that are used to cope with unforeseen circumstances in the business

industry with a mean score of (3.37) and a SD of (1.44). additionally, participants

affirmed that Our organization emphasizes on market research focused on entering new

markets at a mean score of (3.20) and a SD of (1.40).

The determinations are in tandem with Abdalla (2015) findings from the survey indicated

strategy evaluation enables institutional guidance since it secures adherence to their goal,

align functions to certain targets and sets common traditions as well as cause.

Chepkwony (2016) findings showed strategy implementation, evaluation and control

greatly impacted institutional results. some minimal impact towards institutional results

was noted in the ability to properly indicate, assess results and relate rewards to results,

create a performance based tradition and lastly on better transparency on performance.

Abdalla (2015) Findings indicated strategy evaluation enables institutional guidance

since it secures adherence to their goal, align functions to certain targets and sets

common traditions as well as cause. Chepkwony (2016) findings showed strategy

implementation, evaluation and control greatly impacted institutional results. some

minimal impact towards institutional results was noted in the ability to properly

indicate, assess results and relate rewards to results, create a performance based tradition

and lastly on better transparency on performance.

According to Preskill and mark (2013) several organizations do not give usable and

meaningful strategy evaluative because of the disconnect between organizational level

and strategic decision making. They argue that evaluation and learning efforts inform the

decision making practices of an organization. There is a need of establishing a strategy

that is comprehensive in the evaluative of organizational effectiveness.

A positive correlative between organization performance and strategy formulation in the

banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, Auka and Langat (2016) studied the

relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises and strategic planning.

However, there was a weak association. Empirical evidence, reveal that strategy

formulation influence organization performance.

Santura et al. (2017) strategy control and evaluative informs organizational management

concerning reasons that lead to the failure of meeting certain objectives and performance

standards. In this regard strategy implementation and formulate depends on strategic

learning tool, this plays a significant role in strategy implementation and formulate.

However, there is no clear role in comprehensive of the role contributed by strategy

evaluative. Strategic evaluative is a critical tool that can be used to measure that strategic

position of an organization. It enables an organization to head to the right direction and

adopt corrective actions that need to be taken. Therefore, there is need for managers to

continually access strategies on organization performance, in order to respond to

indicators of organizational failures.

Somi (2017) sought to determine the relationship of organization performance and

strategic implementation in state co-operations in Kenya. A descriptive survey regard was

adopted. The study had a population of 42 government owned entities. In order to select

42 managers purpose sampling was adopted. The study found a positive relationship

between performance governments owned entities and strategic evaluation.

Nyariki (2016) analyzed the effect of strategy evaluation approaches towards attainment

of results at KCB bank. The study goal was to identify the key evaluation styles preferred

by KCB bank and to establish the effect of strategic evaluation styles towards the results.

The analysis adopted an interviewing guide for collection of data; with the collected data

being analyzed by application of content analysis approach. findings from the review

indicated that the strategy evaluation traditions common with the bank included bench

marking, accounting audits, balanced score card, job evaluations, client fulfillment

questionnaires and the adoption of ICT.

4.6Hypothesis Testing
This area captures determinations on regression, ANOVA as well as co-efficient of


Relationship Between Independent Variables

Table 4.11

Relationship Between Independent Variables

n Environme Strategy
performanc ntal Strategy implementa Strategy
e scanning formulation tion evaluation
Organizat Pearson Correlation 1
ion Sig. (2-tailed)
performa N
nce 80
Environm Pearson Correlation .613** 1
ental Sig. (2-tailed) .000
scanning N 78 80
Strategy Pearson Correlation .423** .449** 1
formulati Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
on N 79 79 81
Strategy Pearson Correlation .081 .095 .083 1
implemen Sig. (2-tailed) .477 .400 .463
tation N 80 80 81 82
Strategy Pearson Correlation .172 -.017 -.164 -.156 1
evaluatio Sig. (2-tailed) .126 .878 .142 .161
N 80 80 81 82 82
Source: Research Data (2021)

Deductions from table 4.11 reveal the existence of a positive correlation among

environmental scanning and organizational results of commercial parastatals at

significant 0.05 level, the strength is average, at 61.3 %. Further, the deductions reveal

the existence of a positive correlation among strategydevelopment and organizational

performance in the commercial parastatals at significant 0.05 level, the strength is though

strong, at 42.3%. The findings continue to signify that there is a positive correlation

between strategy implementation and organization performance in the commercial

parastatals at significant 0.05 level, the strength is though average, at 47.7%. The findings

postulate that there is a strong positive correlation between strategy evaluation and

organization performance in the commercial parastatals at significant 0.05 level, the

strength is average at 17.2%.

Relationship between Organization Performance and Environmental scanning,

Strategy formulation, Strategy implementation and Strategy evaluation

Table 4.12
Model Summary
Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate

1 .623a .388 .356 .43323

a. Predictors: (Constant), Environmental scanning, Strategy formulation,

Strategy implementation, Strategy evaluation

b. Dependent Variable: Organization Performance.

Source: Research Data (2021)

Referring to table 4.12 the study establishes the R to be 0.388 implying that 38.8%, of

organization performance of commercial parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya is

explained by environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation,

strategy evaluation leaving (61.2%) unexplained.

Table 4.13
Relationship between Independent Variables

Sum of

Model Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 9.146 4 2.287 12.183 .000b

1 Residual 14.452 77 .188

Total 23.598 81

a. Dependent Variable: Organization Performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), Environmental scanning, Strategy formulation,

Strategy implementation, and Strategy evaluation

Source: Research Data (2021)

Table 4.84

Coefficients of Environmental scanning, Strategy formulation, Strategy

implementation and Strategy evaluation

Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) .040 .766 .052 .959

Environmental scanning .597 .132 .453 4.525 .000

1 Strategy formulation .185 .081 .232 2.292 .025

Strategy implementation .057 .100 .052 .577 .566

Strategy evaluation .258 .106 .223 2.438 .017

a. Dependent Variable: Organization Performance.

Source: Research Data (2021)

Specifically, Environmental scanning has the highest positive influence on Organization

Performance, followed by Strategy evaluation, Strategy formulation and Strategy

implementation. Individual significance of the predictor variables was tested using t-test.

The findings reveal that Environmental scanning, Strategy evaluation, and Strategy

formulation were individually statistically significantly related to organization

performance p-value<0.05.However, strategy implementation was not individually

statistically significant related to organization performance p-value>0.05.

Y = .040+ .597X1+ .185X2 + .258X3


Y= Organization performance .040= Constant term, .597X1= Environmental

scanning,.185X2= Strategy formulation,.258X3= Strategy evaluation.

The findings reveal that environmental scanning, strategy formulation and strategy

evaluation were individually statistically significantly related to organization

performance p-value<0.05.Hence all the three hypotheses were rejected.



5.1 Introduction
The fifth chapter offers a presentation of the review summary, the terminations and the

proposals desired based on the deductions reached at as well as translations to the study.

Further, the investigator offers possible areas that may be explored for future studies. The

tail end of the chapter details he effects of policies and practices realized from the study


5.2 Summary of the Findings

A major purpose of this review was the intention to establish the impact of strategic

management practices towards organizational results within profit making parastatals in

Nairobi County, Kenya. Ideally, the analysis concentrated on the impact of

environmental scanning towards organizational results; the impact strategy development

has towards organizational results; the impact strategy adoption has towards

organizational results within profit making parastatals; and lastly the impact strategy

assessment has towards organizational results of profit making parastatals in Nairobi

County, Kenya. Deductions from the analysis are detailed below:

Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance

with the first intention of the review being to establish he impact of environmental

scanning towards organizational results within profit making parastatals in Nairobi

County, Kenya; focus was on the critical contribution of processes seeking to develop

the working platform and blueprint of an institution. Findings from the analysis of

descriptive statistics affirmed that entirely the processes that indicated strategic purpose

were greatly viewed to be critical and thus embraced across profit making parastatals in

Nairobi County, Kenya. Additionally, from analysis of the collected, it was deduced that

strategic purpose positively affected the results of these profit making parastatals in

Nairobi County, Kenya.

Asser et al. (2018) intended to determine the effect of dynamic environmental scan

traditions towards results of business-minded parastatals in Kenya. comprising of 55 of

these parastatals; the final sample consisted of 48parastatals (selected by stratified

random sampling). Participants in the analysis consisted of top leadership, finance

Managers and human resource managers and finance managers of every sampled

parastatals. Findings from the analysis indicated dynamic environmental scan traditions

greatly and significant positively impacted results and as a result parastatals responding

tothe changing and harsh settings possess a competitive advantage and promise improved


According to Rajasekar (2014) there is need for organizations to understand their

working environment to enable improvement in competitive advantage. The authors

suggested that assumptions, theories and traditions models are no longer valid. Central

ingredients of knowledge should be based on knowledge based theory of the firm. This is

because organization structure varies and no set of assumptions is valid in every situation.

Rintari and Makori (2012) established a positive relationship between organizational

performance and environmental scanning. The study found that higher growth rates are

enhanced by environmental scanning. Muthaka and Maina (2019) analyzed determinants

of strategic partnership and performance of TVET, in Nairobi County. Findings revealed

that competitive advantage is enhanced by strategic partnerships. Furthermore, customer

needs are adequately met through strategic partnerships.

Strategy Formulation and Organization Performance

With the second objective setting out to explore the impact of strategy development

towards the organizational result of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya;

focus was on the significance of supervising both inside and outside aspects of the profit

making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya so as to enable proper decision making with

regards to the best strategic plans to adopt for improved results. from the descriptive

results of mean and standard deviation linked to strategy development, there was a

confirmation the desired pool of operational processes with regards to this variable are

being embraced in these profit making parastatals. there was demonstration from

statistical analysis showing that strategy development has a positive impact towards the

outcomes of these profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Asser et al (2018) concluded that participants in the analysis consisted of top leadership,

finance Managers and human resource managers and finance managers of every sampled

parastatal. Findings from the analysis indicated dynamic environmental scan traditions

greatly and significant positively impacted results and as a result parastatals responding

to the changing and harsh settings possess a competitive advantage and promise

improved results.

Ouma,(2016). Findings indicate strategic planning puts a positive impact towards

efficiency and system productivity interventions, although it doesn’t impact efficiency. a

negative impact by logical incrementalism exists. Despite this, carrying out a key

planning endeavor in a comprehensive structure of logical incremental decision-making,

positively impacts the efficiency as well as the system productivity measures. In totality,

the finding imply that on their own or integrated with logical incrementalism, positively

impacts components of results in relation to the transport sector.

Owichet al.(2018) conducted an analysis examining the effect of strategic formulation

towards institutional results on firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).

Upon data collection and analysis by suitable approaches; the research outcomes

indicated the institutional results being positively and greatly impacted by strategy

formulation. An analysis by Simple linear regression indicated this phenomenon.

A positive correlative between organization performance and strategy formulation in the

banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, Auka and Langat (2016) studied the

relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises and strategic planning.

However, there was a weak association. Empirical evidence, reveal that strategy

formulation influence organization performance.

Nwachukwu et al. (2019) summarized impact of strategy formulation drivers towards

strategic performance; with the main role of the analysis being advancing proposals to the

leadership of multinationals within the mobile telecommunication industry in Nigeria on

ways to improve and maintain strategic performance based on the assessment of strategy

formulation drivers. The analysis revealed strategy formulation drivers impact strategic

performance of mobile TELCOs within Nigeria. Focus on a firm’s goal together with the

prolonged intentions greatly and positively influence strategic performance.

Strategy Implementation and Organization Performance

The third objective setting out to explore the impact of strategy development towards the

organizational result of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya; focus was

on the processes of strategy formalization and implementation that are central to

fundamental for realizing positive results of a strategic plan within an institution. from

the mean and standard deviation scores, there was confirmation that entirely the

processes indicating strategy adoption were greatly viewed and further being embraced

and utilized by the profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. Additionally,

analysis of the collected data with regards to the variable showed strategy adoption

positively impacted the results of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Onserio (2018) studied the effect of strategy implementation towards institutional results

within IHLs in Kiambu. Results from the analysis pointed to the existence of a great

impact by strategic utility disbursement, supervision and regulation of plans, strategic

management and communication towards the results of IHLs. The conclusion was that an

institutional result was greatly impacted by supervision, regulation of plans, utility

distribution and communication. another finding was that strategic leadership had little

impact on the results of IHLs compared to the others.

Given the fact that there is ever increasing complex and uncertainty of political

circumstances globally. The context of implementation of strategic of policies has made

governments to establish performance standards and capacities. Implementation of

strategies entails potting strategies into practice, this includes delivering and planning of

services in order to develop effectiveness and efficiency in organizational design and

operations as well as culture and system evaluations.

According to Joyce and Drumaux (2014) is a concept that is universally accepted and

well investigated. However, there is a mismatch on the depth of strategic management

research. Another, objective of focusing is to access the effectiveness of an organization.

Strategic implementation decisions is considered central in achieving organizational

performance. According to Boyne et al (2010) the delivery of public services depends on

the anticipated outcomes. Agencies in the public sector have adopted preparation of

strategic plans or documents to enable implementation of policies adequately.

In Turkey Chaimankong and Prasertsakul (2012) examined the relationship between

organization performance and strategy implementation. The study adopted a mixed

research design. The study collected data using 16 semi-structured; interviews and 134

survey responses. The data was analyzed using robust and moderated model of

regression. The qualitative data that was collected buttressed the quantitative data that

was collected. The study established a positive relationship between organization

performance and strategy implementation.

5.2.4 Strategy Evaluation and Organization Performance.

with the third objective setting out to explore the impact of strategy development

towards the organizational result of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya;

focus was on the importance of inclusive target setting, desirable traditions, results

indication, review of feedback and necessary interventions so as to attain the strategic

purpose of the profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. From descriptive

analysis, mean and standard deviation scores for strategy control largely affirmed that the

processes utilized in measuring the variable were greatly viewed and thus embraced and

applied within the profit making parastatals. from the analysis of inferential statistical,

there was a demonstration that strategy control had a positive impact towards the results

of these institutions.

Nyariki (2016) findings from the indicated that the strategy evaluation traditions common

with the bank included, client fulfillment questionnaires and the adoption of ICT. Hieu

and Nwachukwu (2019) summarized the strategy evaluation process and strategic

performance connection. The former ensures companies regularly evaluate modern

traditions as well as their role towards strategy implementation. The analysis explored

strategy evaluation process and strategic performance of mobile TELCOs within the

Nigerian market. It offered new knowledge on the impact of strategy evaluation process

towards the results of TELCOs in a young economy such like that of Nigeria. The results

reveal that TELCOs embrace a systematic manner to strategy evaluation bearing a major

and positive influence towards strategic performance.

Hieu and Nwachukwu (2019) summarized the strategy evaluation process and strategic

performance connection. The former ensures companies regularly evaluate modern

traditions as well as their role towards strategy implementation. The analysis explored

strategy evaluation process and strategic performance of mobile TELCOs within the

Nigerian market. It offered new knowledge on the impact of strategy evaluation process

towards the results of TELCOs in a young economy such like that of Nigeria. The results

reveal that TELCOs embrace a systematic manner to strategy evaluation bearing a major

and positive influence towards strategic performance.

A positive correlative between organization performance and strategy formulation in the

banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, Auka and Langat (2016) studied the

relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises and strategic planning.

However, there was a weak association. Empirical evidence, reveal that strategy

formulation influence organization performance.

Njeru (2015) assessed the relationship between organization performance and strategic

management practices. The study examined the role of strategy evaluate on

organizational performance. A cross-section regard design was adopted in the study. The

study found that there is a significant evaluative and organizational performance.

However, the study considered SMEs, while present study focuses on state owned


5.3 Conclusions

Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance

with objective one setting out to explore the impact of environmental scanning towards

the organizational results of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya; the

termination was environmental scanning had a positive impact towards the results of

profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya.

5.3.2 Strategy Formulation and Organization Performance

The intention of the second objective was to establish the impact strategy development

has towards the organizational results of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County,

Kenya. Deductions from the analysis of data revealed strategy development impacted

results. Thus the investigator shows and comes to a conclusion that strategy development

had a positive influence towards the results of the profit making parastatals in Nairobi

County, Kenya.

Strategy Implementation and Organization Performance

The third objective intended to determine the impact strategy adoption has towards

organizational results of profit making parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. There was

significance in this as from publications there was evidence showing strategic

management failing mainly during the implementation stage. The finding from the

analysis of data indicated strategy adoption impacted institutional results of these

parastatals. Thus there was a termination from a statistical point that strategy adoption

had a positive impact towards the organizational performance of profit making

parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Strategy Evaluation and Organization Performance.

The intention of the last objective was to determine the impact of strategy

implementation towards the organizational performance profit making parastatals in

Nairobi County, Kenya. from analysis of the collected data, it was deduced that strategy

assessment positively influenced organizational results. Therefore, the termination was

that strategy assessments positively impacted the organizational performance of these

profit making parastatals.

5.4 Recommendations
From the review, there is a proposal that in the processes of strategy development, these

profit making parastatal sought to include every crucial player internally and externally in

order to develop some feeling of ownership in the determinations reached at. additionally,

these institutions ought to carry out assessment of institutional and frequent monitoring

of strategies through the establishment of planning units.

it is desirable that profit making parastatal establish sound and solid strategic master

plans properly articulated to the entire workforce. also, it is important that the workforce

is involved during the adoption process of strategies, enabling the institution secure long-

term preparedness and equally gain some edge over rivals in the sector.

it is also recommended that these profit making parastatal sought to utilize the feedback

from junior leaderships as well as heads of groups during the creation of strategy in order

to ensure the strategies report positive results and align with the entire goal of the


Lastly, there is a proposal that the profit making institutions ought to assess their strategic

management plans annually so as to monitor their consistency with the institutional

desires and that the assessment ought to be done regularly since it enables the setting of

standards and growth to be realized and supervised.

5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies

Even with the analysis determining that strategic management enhances institutional

results, it failed in coming up with the ideal level an institution ought to utilize them.

Equally, the review failed to develop a manner of integrating the varied dimensions of

strategic management enablers’ mix. based on the above profile, the study proposes

studies to determine the ideal level or the strategic management enablers’ index for the

profit making parastatals.


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The information provided will be only for academic purpose. Read carefully and give
appropriate answers by ticking or filling the blank spaces. The information will be
treated confident


1. Indicate your gender (Tick one) Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. By use of a tick ( ), please indicate the age category that applies for you.

a) Below 30 years [ ]

b) 30 – 34 years [ ]

c) 35 – 39 years [ ]
d) 40 – 44 years [ ]
e) 45 years and above [ ]

3. Working experience
5 years and below [ ]
6- 10 years [ ]
11-15 years [ ]
16- 20 years [ ]
21 years and over [ ]
4. Highest level of education
Diploma [ ]
Undergraduate [ ]
Masters [ ]
PHD [ ]


5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements on influence of

environmental scanning on organization performance. Key: 5 strongly agrees, 4 agree, 3
undecided, 2 disagree, 1 strongly disagree (please put an X as appropriate).

Environmental scanning 1 2 3 4 5
Dynamic environment affects commercial based parastatal performance
Hostile environment affects commercial based state parastatal
Competitive intensity affects commercial based state parastatal
The commercial based state parastatals takes into consideration
dynamic environment
The commercial based state parastatal takes into consideration of
In the dynamic environment prices of products and changes in taxes


6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements on influence of strategy
formulation on organization performance? Key: 5 strongly agrees, 4 agree, 3 undecided,
2 disagree, 1 strongly disagree (please put an X as appropriate).

Strategy formulation 1 2 3 4 5
The managers are actively involved in creating company mission and
The managers act as change enabler or drivers in the company
The managers are actively involved in making major decisions during
the strategy formulation
Our organization uses an operating budget which summarizes how
managers are supposed to use company resources
Our organization has aligned its budget with the company strategy
through good communication, enhanced responsibility, and improved
feedback flows
Our organization always makes decisions that are based on the budget

Our organization makes use of tools such as PESTEL, Porter’s Five

Forces, and SWOT Matrix to analyze the external and internal business

The strategic decisions of this company are based on the prevailing
business environment context

Our organization incorporates environment concerns while making

strategic decisions, evaluating strategic development alternatives and
issuing guiding principles


7. To what extent do you agree with the following influence of strategy implementation
on organization performance. Key: 5 strongly agrees, 4 agree, 3 undecided, 2 disagree, 1
strongly disagree (please put an X as appropriate).

Strategy Implementation 1 2 3 4 5
This company engages in a more democratic and participative way of
working by allowing employees to offer views and involving employees
more in making organizational decisions

All employees in our organization align their regular tasks with the overall
company strategy

Departmental memos and managerial decisions are communicated all

through this company and to every individual

In this company, there is no ambiguity on who makes particular decisions

Our organization structure is aligned with the new strategies and with
what the new strategies call for.
Our organization has proper communication channels, monitoring and
incentive systems, and performance measuring systems
The company’s policy is properly communicated to the staff and is clearly
understood by employees
Our organization motivates its employees with both financial and non-
financial incentives to enhance their job performance
Employees in this company are emotionally attached to the company and
exhibit high levels of commitment to the organization

5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements on influence of strategy
evaluation on organization performance. Key: 5 strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 undecided, 2
disagree, 1 strongly disagree (please put an X as appropriate).

Strategy evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
Our organization regularly analyses its INTERNAL capabilities to
determine its strengths and weaknesses using tools of analysis such as
SWOT, PESTEL and Porter’s Five Factor
Our organization regularly analyses its EXTERNAL environment to
determine its opportunities and threats using tools of analysis such as
SWOT, PESTEL and Porter’s Five Factor
Our organization emphasizes on market research focused on entering
new markets
The managers of our organization make allowances for the
unpredictable future and dynamic business environment in the strategic
Our organization has in place strategies that are used to cope with
unforeseen circumstances in the business industry
Our organization has appropriate technology that helps manage the
changing business climates


11. To what extent do you agree with the following statements on organization
performance? Key: 5 strongly agrees, 4 agree, 3 undecided, 2 disagree, 1 strongly
disagree (please put an X as appropriate).

Organization Performance 1 2 3 4 5
The number of employees has increased over the last five years

Our organization has experienced an increase in number of branches

over the last 5 years
Our organization has experienced increased annual running expenditure
over the last five years
Over the last five years your organization has been able to achieve its
goals in relation to organizational performance
Our organization has improved over the last 5 years

Thank you for your participation

1. New Kenya Co-operative Creameries

2. Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation

3. Kenya Railways Corporation

4. Kenya National Shipping Line

5. Kenya Power and Lighting Company

6. South Nyanza Sugar Company

7. Kenya Ports Authority

8. School Equipment Production Unit

9. Kenya Pipeline Company

10. Pyrethrum Board of Kenya

11. Kenya Literature Bureau

12. Postal Corporation of Kenya

13. Kenya Electricity Generating Company

14. Nzoia Sugar Company

15. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

16. Numerical Machining Complex

17. Kenya Airports Authority

18. Jomo Kenyatta Foundation

19. National Oil Corporation of Kenya

20. Kenya Postal Corporation of Kenya

21. National Housing Corporation

22. East African Portland Cement Company

23. National Cereals and Produce Board

24. Kenya Seed Company Limited

25. Kenyatta International Conference Centre

26. Kenya Meat Commission

27. Kenya Wine Agencies

28. Agrochemical and Food Company

29. School Equipment Production Unit

30. Telkom Kenya Limited

31. University of Nairobi enterprises and Services Limited

32. Kenya Electricity Transmission Company

33. Chemelil Sugar Company

Source: State Corporation Advisory Committee (2020)




The Grant of Research Licenses is Guided by the Science, Technology and Innovation (Research Licensing)
Regulations, 2014


1. The License is valid for the proposed research, location and specified period
2. The License any rights thereunder are non-transferable
3. The Licensee shall inform the relevant County Director of Education, County Commissioner and
County Governor before commencement of the research
4. Excavation, filming and collection of specimens are subject to further necessary clearence from relevant
Government Agencies
5. The License does not give authority to tranfer research materials
6. NACOSTI may monitor and evaluate the licensed research project
7. The Licensee shall submit one hard copy and upload a soft copy of their final report (thesis) within one year
of completion of the research
8. NACOSTI reserves the right to modify the conditions of the License including cancellation without prior

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