Project-Miriam Updated 2nd Nov

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© 2018

I declare that this research project is my original work and has not been submitted for

examination in any other university or college.

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ………………………………



This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the appointed


Signature: …………………………………………………. Date: …………………………….

Dr. Simeo Okelo

Department of Business Administration

Maseno University

My sincere gratitude also goes to all the lecturers for their unrelenting commitment to duty and

the passionate manner in which they support our learning.

I would like to thank all persons whose influence on my life contributed to the writing of this

project. I am also deeply grateful to the various authors whose works have been cited in this


Special appreciation goes to my family for continual support and encouragement till to date. And

also to my fellow students for their cooperative spirit and encouragement.

You are all an integral part of this work. May God richly bless you all.

I would like to dedicate the project to Almighty God for the far he has brought me and to my

parents Mr. and Mrs. Nderi who have been a strong pillar and a source of inspiration in my life.

In Kenya, the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) account for 50% of the country‟s GDP and
have employed 80% of the country‟s work force. SME is a very important sector for the Kenyan
economy because it plays a very significant role in the provision of employment and wealth
creation opportunities. The crucial role of SMEs is considered in the Kenya‟s Vision 2030, a
blueprint which seeks to transform Kenya into a middle-income economy. Vision 2030
recognizes the need for capacity building and appropriate financial support to SMEs in order to
make the sector grow. Despite their significance, SMEs are faced with strategic challenges.
Studies show that three out of five SMEs businesses fail within the first few months of operation.
The purpose of this study therefore was to find out the strategic challenges affecting the growth
of SMEs in Kitengela Township, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific
objectives: assessing how lack of credit affects the growth of SMEs in Kitengela, finding out the
effects of technology in the growth of SMEs in Kitengela, finding out how the process of
registration and licensing affects the growth of SMEs in Kitengela. The study population was
120 SMEs who were doing different businesses in Kitengela Township, Kenya. A sample size of
92, which entailed SMEs owners or managers, was used. The study used descriptive research
design. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample from the population. A structured
questionnaire was used to collect data. The collected data was analyzed through the use of the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study used the descriptive statistics such
mean, median, mode, and standard deviation to explain the results. The findings of the study
were presented by the use of frequency tables, graphs, and pie charts. The study found out that
majority (55%) of SMEs raised capital from their own savings. It was also established that
collateral requirement by most of the lenders hindered SME growth. The findings of the study
further revealed that the cost of loan was high because of high bank application fees. The study
found out that there was a significant relationship (r = 0. 457, p = .000) between technology and
business growth. The study further found out that inefficiencies at the registration and licensing
agencies derailed the process of business registration. The study concluded that SME businesses
will grow very much if there is adoption of technology. SMEs should computerize all their
business activities and put in place appropriate systems to make the operation of their businesses
efficient. Lenders should levy reasonable charges on their loan products in order to make them
attractive to SMEs.


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………………i
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ x
ABBREVIATION AND ACROYNMS ........................................................................................ xi
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS .............................................................................. xii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background to the Study ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.1 Specific Objective .......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Research Questions ............................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Justification of the Study ....................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Scope of the Study................................................................................................................. 7
1.7 Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 9
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Theoretical Review ............................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Resource Based Theory ................................................................................................. 9
2.2.2 Pecking Order Theory .................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Schumpeter Theory of Innovation ............................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Technology Acceptance Theory .................................................................................. 13
2.2.5 Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) ..................................................................................... 13
2.3 Empirical Review ................................................................................................................ 15

2.3.1 Credit And Growth of SME ......................................................................................... 15
2.3.2 Technology and Growth of SME ................................................................................. 17
2.3.3 Registration and Licensing Impact on Growth of SMES ............................................ 18
2.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................... 20
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Research Design .................................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Area of Study ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Sampling Design ................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.1 Target Population ......................................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 Sample Size.................................................................................................................. 21
3.5 Data Collection .................................................................................................................... 21
3.5.1 Data Collection Instruments ........................................................................................ 21
3.5.2 Data Collection Procedure ........................................................................................... 22
3.5.3 Validity ........................................................................................................................ 22
3.5.4 Reliability..................................................................................................................... 22
3.6 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Ethical Consideration of the Study...................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 25
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 General Information ............................................................................................................ 25
4.2.1 Age of Respondents ..................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Gender of Respondents ................................................................................................ 26
4.2.3 Levels of Education ..................................................................................................... 26
4.2.4 Sector Classification .................................................................................................... 27
4.2.5 Business Experience .................................................................................................... 27
4.2.5 Sources of Capital ........................................................................................................ 28
4.2.6 Number of Employees ................................................................................................. 29
4.2.6 Business Performance .................................................................................................. 30
4.2.7 Technology in Business ............................................................................................... 31

4.2.8 Business Registration and Licensing ........................................................................... 32
4.3 Credit Facilities ................................................................................................................... 33
4.4 Technology .......................................................................................................................... 35
4.5 Business Registration and Licensing .................................................................................. 36
4.6 Growth of Business ............................................................................................................. 37
4.7 Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................................ 38
4.8 Regression Analysis ............................................................................................................ 39
RECOMMEDATIONS............................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Summary of Findings .............................................................................................................. 41
5.2 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 42
5.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 42
5.4 Limitations of the Study.......................................................................................................... 43
5.5 Suggestions for Further Study ................................................................................................ 43
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 44
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 49


Table 3.1 Correlation…………………………………………………….……….……………...22

Table 4.1 Age of Respondents .......................................................................................................24
Table 4.2 Level of Education .........................................................................................................25
Table 4.3 Sector Classification ......................................................................................................26
Table 4.4 Business Performance ....................................................................................................30
Table 4.5 Credit Facilities ..............................................................................................................33
Table 4.6 Technology ....................................................................................................................34
Table 4.7 Business Registration & Licensing ................................................................................35
Table 4.8 Growth of Business ........................................................................................................36
Table 4.9 Correlation Analysis ......................................................................................................37
Table 4.10 Regression Model Coefficients ....................................................................................38
Table 4.11 Model Summary ..........................................................................................................39

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................7

Figure 4.1: Gender of Respondents ...............................................................................................25

Figure 4.2: Experience in Business ................................................................................................27

Figure 4.3: Sources of Capital .......................................................................................................28

Figure 4.4: Number of Employees .................................................................................................29

Figure 4.5: Adoption of Technology .............................................................................................31

Figure 4.6: Business Registration & Licensing .............................................................................32


GDP Gross Domestic Product

KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
RBV Resource Based View
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises


Debt : Amount of money borrowed by one party to another to be repaid later with interest

Equity : It is the funds obtained by the business from investors in exchange of stock.

Growth : The process of improving the performance indicators (sales and profitability) of a

business enterprise.

Small and Medium Enterprises: In the Kenyan context, it means businesses whose number of

employees ranges between 10-99.

Strategy: A method applied towards achieving a certain goal in future

Strategic Challenge: These are hindrances or obstacles which make it difficult for the execution

of a business strategy.



This chapter gives a highlight on the background to the study whereby the conceptual and

contextual arguments are presented and the relationship between independent and dependent

variables is discussed. It also touches on the statement of the problem, objectives, research

hypothesis, significance of the study of the study, scope of the study, and the conceptual


1.1 Background to the Study

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are defined differently between countries and within

sectors. Definitions differ in the break points they employ, and also in the underlying basis used

for classification (Ayyagari, Beck and Demirguc-Kunt, 2003). Some of these definitions are

based on quantitative measures such as staffing levels and turnover or assets, while others

employ a qualitative approach (Meredith, 1994). Not only do the definitions of SME vary, but

there are wide-ranging views on the characteristics of SMEs. There have been many studies in

the literature that have attempted to define the characteristics of SMEs. Central to all of these

studies is the underlying realization that many of the processes and techniques that have been

successfully applied in large businesses do not necessarily provide similar outcomes when

applied to SMEs. This is perhaps best summed up by Barnet and Macknesss (1983) and

Westhead and Storey (1996) who state that SMEs are not 'small large businesses' but are a

separate and distinct group of organizations compared to large businesses.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are enterprises decided by the number of employees and

or revenues they have. Under the Kenya Micro and Small Enterprise Act of 2012, micro

enterprises have a maximum annual turnover of KES 500,000 and employ less than 10 people.

Small enterprises have between KES 500,000 and 5 million annual turnovers and employ 10-49

people. Medium enterprises are not covered under the act, but have been reported as comprising

of enterprises with a turnover of between KES 5 million and 800 million and employing 50-99

employees. In Kenya most of the SME‟s fall in the informal sector known as jua kali meaning

Hot sun. People working in Jua kali are known to be self-employed operating small scale

industries. It also implies to all enterprises employing 1-49 people. There is no comprehensive

record of SME‟s in Kenya. According to Sessional Paper No2 of 1992, the Kenyan enterprises

are categorized depending on the number of employees as follows: micro enterprises (1-9

employees), small enterprises (10-49 employees), medium enterprises (50-99 employees), and

large enterprises (more than 100 employees). In Kenya, SMEs are therefore businesses which

employee between 10-99 employees (KNBS, 2016).

According to World Bank report of January 2011 estimated that there are about eight million

SMEs in Kenya that account for nearly 50 per cent of GDP, and employing over 80 per cent of

the country‟s labor force. The role of small and medium enterprises cannot be underestimated in

the national economy as they are given a lot of policy attention recently. They are considered as

the engine of growth to most economies. Despite their significance, past statistics indicate that

three out of five businesses fail within the first few months of operation (Kenya National Bureau

of Statistics, 2007). There is a SMEs policy, and an Act of Parliament Number 55of 2012 is in

place to promote and regulate them, and since 2012 there is even a state corporation called Micro

& Small Enterprises Authority to boost.

It is sometimes argued that SME‟s expansion boost employment more than large firm growth

because SMEs are more labor intensive hence provision of subsidies can lead to SME being a

poverty eliminating tools. In Kenya, SMEs play a key role in economic development and job

creation. In 2014, 80% of jobs created were dominated by SMEs. A 2014 CNBC news report

puts SME contribution to Kenya‟s GDP at about 45%. KNBS (2016) found out that majority of

SMEs businesses closed down after attaining the age of 3.8 years because of shortage of

operating funds. In Kenya, SMEs are given credit facilities by banks on the basis of collateral;

this is a limitation to them because majorities start businesses without tangible collaterals

(KNBS, 2016).

According to Deloitte Kenya Economic Outlook 2016, Kenyan SMEs are hindered by

inadequate capital, limited market access, poor infrastructure, inadequate knowledge and skills

and rapid changes in technology. Corruption and an unfavorable regulatory environment are

other challenges.

Government attempts to address these problems include enforcing legislation on local content for

public projects, establishing „Buy Kenya, Build Kenya‟ policies in public procurement, research

and development support and increased contributions to funds such as the Uwezo. The Uwezo

fund aims to expand access to finances and promote women, youth and persons living with

disability. The Kenyan government is also promoting small and medium scale manufacturing

firms and plans to develop SME parks.

Despite the support government offers, there are some strategic challenges that hinder SME‟S

from growing and expanding, which may include inadequate business skills, challenges in

registrations and licensing. Lack of credit has also been identified as one of the most serious
constraints facing SMEs and hindering their development (Oketch, 2000; Tomecko & Dondo,

1992; Kiiru, 1991). Negative perception is another challenge facing SME‟s (Amyx, 2005), they

are perceived to lack quality services and are unable to satisfy more than one critical project


The focus on this study will be on Kitengela Township in Kajiado County. Kitengela is among

the fastest growing towns in Kenya which is located south of Nairobi and according to 2009

Kenya Population and Housing Census, the county has a population of 58197.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Kenya being one of the most developed countries in east Africa, it boast in Agriculture, forestry,

fishing and a big manufacturing sector representing 11% of the GDP. The Kenyan economy

advanced 4.4 percent year-on-year in the third quarter of 2017, slowing from a 5.6 percent

expansion in the same quarter of 2016. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS)

reported that inflation increased from 7.0% in January 2017 to 9.0% in February 2017 on

account of rising food and electricity prices.

SMEs are the main source of employment in developed and developing countries alike,

comprising over 90% of African business operations and contributing to over 50% of African

employment and GDP. It is estimated that today, Kenya‟s informal sector constitutes 98 percent

of all businesses in the country, absorbs annually up to 50 percent of new non-formal

employment seekers, has an employment growth rate of 12-14 percent and contributes 30 percent

of total employment.

This study will focus on Kajiado county more specifically Kitengela township which is a fast

growing town. Despite covering a large area we find a vast majority of people in the central

business district. In the course of this study we shall find the challenges the SME‟s in the area

face in trying to expand in the region despite having attracted a majority of people due to the area

infrastructural developments. Many new firm starts up each year but their survival is more

difficult. The first 3 years of a business are most critical with up to 50% ceasing to trade during

that time. This mostly applies to small firm rather at 6 times more than big firms. Failure is often

caused by SME‟s looking inwards and not focusing on the customer and market requirement,

limited management skills and the owners‟ belief that they can do it all.

SMEs constitute for a massive 99.7% of the enterprises worldwide. Since SMEs contribute

substantially to the economic and industrial development in most countries, it is crucial to

identify the strategic challenges that affect their growth. SME‟s have a challenge in accessing

credit from institutions like bank due to a few reason such as ; lack of economies of scale , lack

of credit reporting systems ,lack of eligible collaterals. Most of them rely on self-financing in

terms of retained earnings.

1.3 Objectives

The major objective of this study was to determine the strategic challenges facing growth and

expansion of small and medium enterprises in Kitengela Township.

1.3.1 Specific Objective

The specific objective includes

i) To assess how credit affects growth of SME‟s in Kitengela Township

ii) To find out the effects of technology on the growth of the SME‟S in Kitengela Township.
iii) To find out how the process of registration and licensing affects growth of SME‟s in

Kitengela Township.

1.4 Research Questions

i) To what extent does lack of credit affect the growth of SMEs in Kitengela Township?

ii) What are the effects of technology on the growth of SMEs in Kitengela Township?

iii) How does the process of registration and licensing affects the growth of SMEs in Kitengela


1.5 Justification of the Study

The importance of studying the strategic challenges facing the growth and expansion of SMEs is

yet to be established through scholarly research. This study sought to fill in this gap through

contributing to the already existing knowledge on SMEs, as well as helping unleash the

challenges which SMEs encounter when expanding. By providing a critical analysis of strategic

challenges towards SMEs, this study acted as a wakeup call for government, banking institutions

on the products that benefit SMEs as well as for SMEs in Planning and strategizing their growth.

This study will be of great importance to SME owners as it will identify some of the factors

which contribute to the SME‟s challenges in growth and help in recommending better ways to

deal with them. The study will further help to inform and build SME‟s in their quest to grow.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study was limited to finding out the strategic challenges facing the growth of

SMEs in Kitengela Township. The study was carried out in Kitengela Town, Kajiado County,

Kenya. The study was conducted between September and October 2018.

1.7 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 shows the conceptual framework for this study. The independent variables are the

strategic challenges faced by SMEs. These strategic challenges include credit facilities,

technology, and business registration and licensing. The dependent variable is the growth of

SMEs in Kitengela Township, Kenya. The growth of SMEs may be measured by annual sales,

annual profits, and the number of branches opened.

Independent Variables Dependent variable

Strategic Challenges Growth of SMEs

-Annual sales
 Credit Facilities
-Loan amount -Number of branches

-Number of loans -Annual profits

 Technology
-Computer literacy
 Business Registration
& Licensing
-Time taken to register
a business
-Cost of registration
-Number of licenses
-Cost of licensing and
ease of acquisition.
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Frameworks Source: (Researcher, 2018)



2.1 Introduction

Business growth can be measured in many ways such as sales turnover, profits, and number of

people employed and in market and technology domain (Marc, 2000). O‟Gormoma (2001) found

out that there is no one single measure of growth. Growth can be measured in many ways such as

turnover, profits, and number of people employed and in market and technology domain. He

asserts that none of these options presents itself as the most appropriate measure. The

performance of an enterprise, according to (Adler and Izareli, 1994), is a function of its ability to

reach and maintain equilibrium with its environment. They assert that an organization can adapt

to changes in its internal and external environment or maintain or enhance its performance levels

through innovation. According to Marry (2004), the growth of an enterprise is reflected in

increased sales, new and improved products and increased market share. O‟Gormoma (2001)

asserts that business performance is measured by investment in innovation that enables their

businesses to successfully enter into new product market domains and consequently enhance

their sales growth in the long run.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Resource Based Theory

Finance is required to support economic activities and makes a significant contribution to growth

(Levine and Dermiguc-Kunt, 2001). The role of finance in supporting any economic activity

cannot be over emphasized. We shall explore the role of credit or finance in fostering SME‟s

growth based on the resource based theory. The resource based theory (Barney, 1991) states that

firms specific resources are a corner stone of corporate performance and competitiveness. Firm

specific resources include finance and ability to attract finance.

According to the resource-based theory, which has its roots in economic theory (Penrose,

1959)and early strategy theory (Selznick, 1957; Ansoff,1965; Andrews, 1971), the long-term

competitiveness of a company depends on its endowment of resources that differentiate it from

its competitors, that are durable and, that are difficult to imitate and substitute (Grant, 1991;

Peteraf,1993; Collis and Montgomery, 1995; Mahoney and Pandian, 1992; Barney, 1991;

Prahalad and Hamel, 1990 and 1994; Stalk et al., 1992, Amitand Shoemaker, 1993; Porter,


Various definitions and classifications of resources have been proposed in the literature. The

most important in the context of this article are briefly described here;

A number of authors divide resources into homogeneous classes, such as, financial resources,

physical resources plant, machine, equipment, etc., human resources, technological resources,

reputation, and or organizational resources (e.g., control management system, organizational

climate, internal relationships) ( Grant, 1991; Azzone et al., 1996).

Others classify resources as tangible, such as human, financial or physical resources, and

intangible, such as reputation, organization, know-how or patents ( Hall, 1992; Zahara and Das,

1993; Collis and Montgomery, 1995)

In our study we find that capital is a resource that contributes to the competitiveness of a firm

and its growth.

However, the resource-based theory does not consider all resources possessed by a company, but

focuses rather only on critical (or strategic resources, i.e. those that are the basis of the

company‟s sustainable competitive advantage).

2.2.2 Pecking Order Theory

SME capital structure behavior is found typically to follow pecking order behavior whereby

business adhere to a hierarchy of financing sources and prefer internal financing followed by

debt financing and lastly equity financing. However, the theoretical underpinnings of the

pecking order theory are doubted in the case of SMEs as SME managers highly value financial

freedom, independence, and control while the pecking.

Order theory assumes firms desire financial wealth and suffer from severe adverse selection

costs in accessing external finance (Bell and Vos, 2009). Alternatively, the contentment

hypothesis of Vos, et al (2007) contends the reason SMEs exhibit pecking order behavior is the

aversion to loss of control to outside financiers and the preference for financial freedom.

Several studies have recognized that the SMEs founder ′s savings, as well as the assets of family

and friends, are often the foundation of seed capital (Roberts, 1991). While financing

requirements do vary by sector (Mason and Harrison, 1994), for the majority of SMEs internal

equity and profits alone are insufficient to meet the high capital requirements for development

and progression to the next growth stage. Therefore, while they are still in the very early stages

of development many SMEs are forced to seek external investment capital (Oakey, 1984). Not

surprisingly, the firms which seek external capital most vigorously tend to be growth-oriented

companies (Oakey, 1984).

2.2.3 Schumpeter Theory of Innovation
Schumpeter Theory of Innovation Schumpeter (1934) argued that entrepreneurs, who could be

independent inventors or Research and Development engineers in large corporations, created the

opportunity for new profits with their innovations. In turn, groups of imitators attracted by super-

profits would start a wave of investment that would erode the profit margin for the innovation.

Schumpeter (1934) emphasized the role of entrepreneurship and the seeking out of opportunities

for value generating activities which would expand and transform the circular flow of income,

but it did so with reference to a distinction between invention and discovery on one hand and

innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurship on the other. The separation of invention

and innovation marked out the typical nineteenth century institutional model of innovation, in

which independent inventors typically fed discoveries as potential inputs to entrepreneurial

firms. The author further saw innovations as perpetual gales of creative destruction that were

essential forces driving development in a capitalist system.

Schumpeter‟s thinking evolved over his lifetime to the extent that some scholars have

differentiated his early thinking where innovation was largely dependent on exceptional

individuals/entrepreneurs willing to take on exceptional hazards as an act of will

(Schumpeter, 1934).Schumpeter drew a clear distinction between the entrepreneurs whose

innovations create the conditions for profitable new enterprises and the bankers who create credit

to finance the construction of the new ventures (Schumpeter, 1939).He emphasized heavily that

the special role of credit-creation by bankers was „the monetary complement of innovations‟

(Schumpeter, 1939).As independent agents who have no proprietary interest in the new

enterprises they finance, bankers are the capitalists who bear all the risks (none is

borne by the entrepreneurs).That requires having the special ability to judge the potential for

success in financing entrepreneurial activities. Schumpeter emphasized that it is just as important

to deny credit to those lacking that potential as it is to supply credit to those having it

(Schumpeter, 1939)

2.2.4 Technology Acceptance Theory

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was advanced by Davis (1993) and focused on the

technological issues. The model relates the individuals‟ behavioral intentions and his/her

technology use. It is suggested that, the actual behavior of a person is determined by his

behavioral intention to use, which is in turn influenced by user‟s attitude toward and perceived

usefulness of the technology. However, attitude and perceived usefulness are both determined by

ease of use. From this model, usefulness and user friendliness affect users' attitudes towards any

service. Davis (1993), thus suggest that it is important to value user requirements based on

perceived Usefulness and the user friendliness of innovation rather than other objective measure.

Adopting the TAM model requires the understanding of end-users requirements regarding

usefulness and user friendliness (Pedersen, 2002).Wang et al. (2003), examines the effect of

computer self-efficacy on the intention to use internet banking. The results strongly support the

extended TAM in predicting the intention of users to adopt innovation. It also demonstrates the

significant effect of innovation on behavioral intention through perceived ease of use, perceived

usefulness, and perceived credibility (Wang et al., 2003).

2.2.5 Diffusion of Innovation (DOI)

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by Rogers in 1962, He synthesized research

from over 508 diffusion studies and came out with the „diffusion of innovation‟ theory for the

adoption of innovations among individuals and organization. The theory explicates “the process

by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members

of a social system” (Rogers, 1995, p. 5). It is one of the oldest social science theories. It

originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and

diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system.

The result of this diffusion is that people, as part of a social system, adopt a new idea, behavior,

or product. Adoption means that a person does something differently than what they had

previously. The key to adoption is that the person must perceive the idea, behavior, or product as

new or innovative. It is through this that diffusion is possible.

Innovations are not adopted by all individuals in a social system at the same time. Instead, they

tend to adopt in a time sequence, and can be classified into adopter categories based upon how

long it takes for them to begin using the new idea. Practically speaking, it's very useful for a

change agent to be able to identify which category certain individuals belong to, since the short-

term goal of most change agents is to facilitate the adoption of an innovation. Adoption of a new

idea is caused by human interaction through interpersonal networks. If the initial adopter of an

innovation discusses it with two members of a given social system, and these two become

adopters who pass the innovation along to two peers, and so on, the resulting distribution follows

a binomial expansion. Expect adopter distributions to follow a bell-shaped curve over time

(Rogers,1971). Nooteboom(1994) reviewed diffusion of innovations research and its application

to social marketing programs. One of the first points they make is that there are different types of

adopters in every target audience that, based on hundreds of different studies, usually are

represented in certain proportions and have unique motivations for adopting a new behavior.

These five adopter segments are innovator, early adapters, early majority, late majority, and

laggard. Studying how innovation occurs. Rogers (1995) also argued that it consists of four

stages: invention, diffusion, (or Communication) through the social system, time, and

consequences. The information flows through networks. The nature of networks and the roles
opinion leaders play in them determine the likelihood that the innovation will be adopted.

Innovation diffusion research has attempted to explain the variables that influence how and why

users adopt innovations. By analyzing Rogers (2003) diffusion of innovation theory through the

lens of the Dubin framework, some gaps in the theory emerge (Lundblad and Jennifer, 2003).

Organizations are described as a social system, but within organizations, departments or teams

can also serve as social systems. Yet the unique issues and elements of departments or teams

within a larger organizational context are not addressed in terms of how these boundaries affect

the adoption of innovation. In addition, boundaries are not addressed for instances when

diffusion of innovation occurs across organizations, such as between schools of a school district

or hospitals and clinics within a health care delivery system (Lundblad and Jennifer, 2003). For

diffusion of innovation theory in organizations, the only system state defined by the theory is

what type of decision-making process is in place for adopting and implementing innovations,

identified as optional, collective, authority and contingent innovation-decisions .This theory has

been used successfully in many fields including communication, agriculture, public health,

criminal justice, social work, and marketing

2.3 Empirical Review

2.3.1 Credit And Growth of SME

Literature dealing with lack of credit affecting growth and expansion of SME‟S is relatively rich.

The key to growth is focusing on firms strategies on sharing equity, identifying a particular

market niche, identifying new products, technological sophistication and devolution of decision

making (Feindt et al., 2002; storey, 1994). Fast growing business tends to be those that extend

business ownership to others in exchange of equity. In a number of countries scarcity of capital

resources inhibits growth hence it‟s not surprising that access to finance makes growth easier

(Berry et al., 2000; Bianchi, 2002; Storey, 1994)

SME access to capital to fund their growth and expansion is very limited and for most of SMEs

in developing countries represents a major obstacle. It is likely that SMEs do not have access to

loans issued by banks, or face extremely unfavorable conditions of loans. On the other hand

banks in developing countries have difficulties in lending activity as a result of imperfect or

complete lack of information. As a result there is shortage of a genuine capital market for SMEs

(Nichter & Goldmark, 2009).

Kaya and Alpkan (2012) reported that lack of financial information, poor experience of business

decision making among owner- managers, the underdevelopment of financial systems and the

environment, a lack of credit volume and the cost of credit are the main financial obstacles faced

by SMES in Turkey. However Seker and Correa (2010) indicate that SMEs in turkey are more

dependent on bank finance than other countries to fund their fixed assets. Bank funding for fixed

assets in turkey accounts for 47% of all loans, backed with collateral yet SMEs find it difficult to

secure loans for operating cash flow in particular for periods of financial crises. According to

Ernest Aryeetey and Ravi Kanbur (2017) high cost of financial intermediation has created a

persistent access to finance problem, particularly for small and medium enterprises. There

continues to be a reluctance on the part of banks to lend to SMEs , for reasons that include lack

of credit information on SMES, risk and cost of lending to SMEs, lack of business and financial

skills, lack of guarantees or collateral availability . These factors are also witnessed in Kenya

despite the government lowering the interest rates. The banking sector has raised the bar on

conditions of meeting the credit financing such as collateral requirements, long experience in

business, audited accounts etc.

2.3.2 Technology and Growth of SME

Information technology had a great impact in all aspects of life and the global economy is

currently undergoing fundamental transformation. Information technology has very real impact

in most of industries and in all aspects of economy, while businesses and enterprises continue to

undergo considerable changes. Usage of these technologies is revolutionizing the rules of

business, resulting in structural transformation of enterprises. Modern businesses are not possible

without help of information technology, which is having a significant impact on the operations of

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and it is claimed to be essential for the survival and

growth of economies in general.

Research points that most SMEs in Kenya are not innovative and this affects negatively on their

growth. The Kenyan Business system has not fully integrated innovation to enhance

competitiveness (Ministry of Science and Technology, 2008).

AccordingTucker (2008) argues that innovation is the best way for stimulating growth in a firm.

The most innovative firms realize higher turnover of products and services introduced within a

period of time. In order for firms to grow, then they have to adopt an innovative approach that

will enable them gain a competitive edge in the prevailing business environment. Freeman

(1982) says that to choose to be non- innovative is to choose death to an organization.

SMEs are generally more flexible, adapt themselves better, and are better placed to develop and

implement new ideas. The flexibility of SMEs, their simple organizational structure, their low

risk and receptivity are the essential features facilitating them to be innovative (Harrison and

Watson 1998).Through empirical research one can generate new and creative ideas about
products and processes. Some researchers observe that increasing profit of organization is

because of change in technology (Ruttan, 1997).

Initiatives to support indigenous technology should therefore aim to link SMEs with technology

specialists in order to generate an enabling environment that develops technology capacity. This

is likely to result in a great performance of SMEs as it provides differentiated products, services

and technical services in accordance with the resources available and the market needs in the

context of these SMEs. It is generally recognized that SMEs face unique challenges, which affect

their growth and profitability and hence, diminish their ability to contribute effectively to

sustainable development (Hill, 1987).

2.3.3 Registration and Licensing Impact on Growth of SMES

The legal and regulatory frameworks are a major hindrance to SME development. For instance,

many licenses are required for one to operate a single business (Mullei et al., 1999) largely

hostile to many small business operators. He also says that legal and regulatory constraints

hinder the development of the informal sector by inhibiting business competitiveness and that

besides imposing costs and inflexibilities that frustrate enterprises; they also hamper innovation,

deter investments and minimize opportunities for employment creation. The legal and regulatory

frameworks are in the form of trade licensing and registration of business names (Caps 497 and

499, Laws of Kenya) and Local Authority Licensing by-laws (Cap 265, Laws of Kenya).The

regulatory requirements contained in these frameworks have remained a hindrance to the

development of SMEs. This is because of the fact that they have costs whether an entrepreneur

complies with them or not (K‟Obonyo et al, 1999). Such costs may affect the establishment,

growth and competitiveness of SMEs, more so in the rural areas as opposed to the urban. In

addition to these costs, the person may incur some unofficial costs like bribes (K‟Obonyo et al,

1999). These costs may have a negative effect on the growth of SME since they could be

directed in expansion of the SME.

2.4 Summary
Several studies have been undertaken in regards to small and medium enterprises in Kenya.

According Kinyumu (2013) study on operational challenges in growth of SME in Kisumu

County found out the importance of efficient and effective organizational and operational factors

which have an effect on the growth of business in provision of services. He recommended that

management should ensure efficient location of facilities, efficient management structures and an

optimal capital base. He also made a recommendation of adoption of high technology systems

(such as total quality management system) of business processing and outsourcing which

contributes to higher revenue.

The chapter has compiled literature related to SMEs and strategic challenges affecting growth of

SMEs. Both theoretical and empirical literatures have been reviewed. Particularly, the chapter

discussed Theories related to SME growth, behavior of SMEs, innovativeness and registration


This study seeks to fill the gap left in analyzing our objectives on how the contribute to growth

of SMEs.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the methods which were used to conduct and analyze the research. This

chapter gives the information about research design, area of study, sampling design, data

collection, and data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

Ogula (2005) describes a research design as a plan, structure and strategy of investigation to

obtain answers to research questions. This study used a descriptive research design. Mugenda

and Mugenda (1999) opine that descriptive research design enables the researcher to obtain

pertinent and precise information concerning the topic under study.

3.3 Area of Study

The study was carried out in Kitengela Township in Kajiado County, Kenya.

3.4 Sampling Design

3.4.1 Target Population

The target population was the SMEs operating in Kitengela Township. The units of study were

either the SMEs owners or senior managers. According to the KNBS (2016), there are 120

registered SMEs in Kitengela Township.

3.4.2 Sample Size

The study used the Slovin‟s formula to determine the sample size for the SMEs operating in

Kitengela Township. This formula is suitable in instances where there is little information about

the behavior of the population and when the confidence interval is 95% (Slovin, 1960).

n = N÷ [1+N (e2)]


n= sample size

N= target population

e =marginal error (0.05)

By using the formula, the sample size becomes;

n=120/ [1+120(0.052) =92

3.5 Data Collection

3.5.1 Data Collection Instruments

The study used the questionnaire to collect primary data from the field. The questionnaire

included both open ended and closed ended structured questions. Closed ended questions were

used because they are easier to administer and analyze. On the same note, open ended questions

were used because they allowed the respondents to complete the questionnaires in their own

words and even give more details on the study. The questionnaires were distributed to SMEs

owners or managers for first-hand information.

3.5.2 Data Collection Procedure

The researcher was assisted by two research assistants to collect data. Data was collected at the

SMEs‟ areas of operation. Questionnaires were administered to all the respondents in one day,

and then collected after three days.

3.5.3 Validity
Validity implies that the research instruments obtain the data as per the researcher‟s anticipation

(Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003). The pilot study was used to identify those items that could be

misunderstood, and such items were modified accordingly, thus increasing the validity of the

instrument. The researcher made the questionnaire in close consultation with supervisor to

ensure that test items covers all the areas under investigation.

3.5.4 Reliability

Reliability refers to the measure of the degree to which a research instrument yields consistent

results or data after repeated trials (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). Test-retest method was used to

measure the reliability of the data collection instruments. Test-retest was done by administering

questionnaires to 10 people (10% of the sample) twice but at different intervals (one week). The

10 people were within the population but outside the sample. Mugenda and Mugenda assert that

10% of the sample is appropriate for test-retest reliability. The correlation from the two scores

obtained from same respondents at different times was found to be 0.7. According to Sekaran

(2003) a correlation coefficient of at least 0.5 is considered reliable for the study.

Table 3.1 Correlation

Week1 Score Week2 Score

Pearson Correlation 1 0.718**

week1 score Sig. (1-tailed) 0.000
N 10 10
Pearson Correlation 0.718** 1
week2 score Sig. (1-tailed) 0.000
N 10 10
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).

3.6 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of information

collected. It involves examining what has been collected and making deductions and inferences

Kombo and Tromp (2006). Data was analyzed by the use of the Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation were

used to explain the results. Also the inferential statistics e.g. correlation and regression analysis

were also used to generalize the findings to the study population. Regression analysis model was

used to predict the effect of strategic challenges on the growth of SMEs in Kitengela Township,


Regression Model
Y = β + β 1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3+ Ɛi,


Y = Growth of SMEs
X1 = Technology

X2 = Credit facilities
X3 = Business registration and licensing
Ɛi= random errors.
3.7 Ethical Consideration of the Study
The researcher acquired an authorization letter from Maseno University for data collection.

Permission to carry out the study was also sought from the respective SMEs owners or managers.

The researcher also assured confidentiality to the respondents and affirmed that the study was

meant for purposes of accomplishing academic goals.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the results and discussion of study findings on the strategic challenges

facing the growth of small and medium enterprises in Kitengela Township, Kenya. The study

was conducted on a sample of 120 respondents to which questionnaires were administered. A

total of 100 questionnaires were returned suitably filled in making a response rate of 83%.

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) argue that a response rate of at least 50% is adequate.

4.2 General Information

The study sought to establish the information on the respondents involved in the study regarding

their age, gender, level of education, sector classification, work experience, source of capital, and

number of employees. The following was established.

4.2.1 Age of Respondents

The respondents were asked to indicate their ages and Table 4.1 shows the results

Table 4.1 Age of Respondents

Frequency Percent
below 20 years 3 3.0
21-30 years 32 32.0
31-40 years 22 22.0
41-50 years 18 18.0
above 50 years 25 25.0
Total 100 100.0
Source: Research Data (2018)

The findings from Table 4.1 revealed that majority (32%) of the respondents were aged between
21-30 years, 22% were aged between 31-40 years, and 25% were above 50 years. This implies
the respondents comprised of the young people, who were employed as managers, and owners of
the businesses.
4.2.2 Gender of Respondents
The study established the gender of the respondents as shown in Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 Genders of the Respondents

Source: Research Data (2018)

From the findings (Figure 4.1), it was found that majority (51%) of the respondents were male

whereas the female represented 49%.

4.2.3 Levels of Education

The established the respondents‟ levels of education as shown in Table 4.2

Table 4.2 Levels of Education

Frequency Percent
Primary 3 3.0
Secondary 14 14.0
College 22 22.0
university 61 61.0
Total 100 100.0

Source: (Researcher, 2018)

The findings revealed that majority (61%) of the respondents had reached at the university level

in regard to education. The findings further confirmed that majority of the SME management

was composed of highly educated people and that was good for the administration of their


4.2.4 Sector Classification

The study found out the sector‟s classification as shown in Table 4.3. The results show that

majority (24%) of the SMEs in Kitengela Township are engaged in wholesale and retail trade.

Table 4.3 Sector Classification

Frequency Percent
Agriculture 13 13.0
Manufacturing 4 4.0
Wholesale & retail trade 24 24.0
Repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles 3 3.0
Accommodation and food services 6 6.0
Information and communication 19 19.0
Financial and insurance activities 4 4.0
Education 11 11.0
Arts, entertainment and recreation 16 16.0
Total 100 100.0
Source: Survey Data (2018)

4.2.5 Business Experience

The study revealed that majority (38%) of the respondents had business experience between 3-5

years. This implies that most of the SME owners/managers had operated their businesses for a

short period of timed and their enterprises were relatively new.

Figure 4.2 Experiences in Business

Source: (Researcher, 2018)

4.2.5 Sources of Capital

The study sought to find out the sources of capital for the SMEs and found out that

majority (55%) of the respondents raised their capital from their own savings and the

minority (13%) acquired capital from banks. This means that banks could have been

reluctant in advancing credit facilities to SMEs businesses.

Figure 4.3 Sources of Capital

Source: Research Data (2018)

4.2.6 Number of Employees

The study revealed that majority (40%) of the respondents had between 16-20 employees and 7%

had at least 26 employees. This is shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 Numbers of Employees

Source: Research Data (2018)

4.2.6 Business Performance

The respondents were asked to rate their business performance for the past one year as shown in

Table 4.4. Majority (58%) reported their businesses moderately performed. This could be

because they were not sufficiently funded by the financial institutions.

Table 4.4 Business Performance
Frequency Percent
Bad 6 6.0
moderate 58 58.0
good 36 36.0
Total 100 100.0

Source: Research Data (2018)

4.2.7 Technology in Business

Respondents were asked to indicate whether they had adopted any technology in their businesses

and it was revealed that 87% (Figure 4.5) had adopted technology in their businesses. This

means that most of the SMEs businesses have computers, printers, photocopiers, and information

systems to enhance the smooth operations of their businesses.

Figure 4.5 Adoption of Technology

Source: Researcher Data (2018)

4.2.8 Business Registration and Licensing

The study sought to know whether the SME businesses were registered and licensed. The

findings in Figure 4.6 show that 86% of the SME businesses were registered and licensed, 14 %

of were operating without either registration or licensing or both. Some of the businesses

without licenses revealed that they had applied and were waiting to be issued with the same.

Figure 4.6 Business Registrations and Licensing

Source: Research Data (2018)

4.3 Credit Facilities

The respondents were asked to indicate their nature of agreement with the statements relating to

credit facilities and the growth of SMEs. The respondents used the rating scale where 1=Strongly

Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree. Table 4.5 shows the results.

Table 4.5 Credit Facilities
Statements on Credit Facilities Mean Std.
Most lenders requires collateral in order to give loans and this
3.74 1.001
disqualifies the SMEs who lack it
Long business experience is a prerequisite for SME loan 3.41 .996
Loan amount offered by banks is very small hence it limits by
2.77 .709
business growth
The cost of loans in terms of application fees is too high 3.74 .760
Some of the conditions imposed by banks are unfavorable
3.45 1.048
conditions e.g. regular cash flows and record keeping

Aggregate Score 3.422 0.9028

Source: Research Data (2018)

The results (Table 4.5) indicated that the respondents agreed that most lenders required collateral

for loan and this was a hindrance since most of them lacked conventional securities. The current

study therefore concurs with Aryeetey and Ravi Kanbur (2017) argue that collateral requirement

by lenders hinders SMEs to access finance. Respondents also agreed that the cost of loans, in

terms of application fees, was too high for them. These findings are consistent with those of

Kaya and Alpkan (2012) who established that lack of credit volumes and the cost of credit were

the main obstacles faced by SMEs in Turkey. However, the respondents were neutral to the fact

that the loan amount offered by the banks was very small for their business growth. Further to

that, the respondents were also neutral that business experience and regular cash flows were

prerequisites for the SME loans.

4.4 Technology

The study sought to find out the nature of respondents‟ agreement concerning technology and the

growth of SMEs. They used the scale: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree

and 5=Strongly Agree.

Table 4.6 Technology

Statements on Technology Mean Std.
For the last three years, our firm has produced many new products and
3.06 .851
In general, our firm is very often the first to introduce new products
2.77 .827
and services
We always try to apply new production methods and technologies in
3.67 .533
the performance of our activities
Majority of our business activities are computerized 3.38 .885
Our firm always train staff on technology related issues to enhance
3.52 .785
their literacy levels
Our management actively seek new ways of doing things 4.03 .771

Aggregate Score 3.405 0.775

Source: Research Data (2018)

The study established that the respondents agreed that their respective management actively

sought new ways of doings things. The respondents also agreed to the fact that they always

applied new technologies in their activities and they trained their staff on technology related

issues. However, respondents were neutral that their firms had produced many new products in

the past three years. They were also neutral that their business activities were computerized and

that they were the first to introduce new products and services. The current study support the

views of Tucker (2008) who opines that innovation is the best way of stimulating growth in a

firm, and the most innovative firms realize higher turnover of products and services introduced
within a period of time. The current study further agrees with Freeman (1982) that to choose to

be non- innovative is to choose death to an organization. The study is consistent with Chibelushi

and Costello who found out that the adoption of technology was very critical for SME growth

and that the owner/manager‟s level of education determined the extent and the rate of adoption

4.5 Business Registration and Licensing

The respondents were asked to rate the extent of their agreement with the statements relating to

business registration, licensing, and the growth of SMEs. The respondents used the rating scale

where 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree.

Table 4.7 Business Registration and Licensing

Statements on Business Registration and Licensing Mean Std. Deviation
Multiple licenses are required and applying for them is
3.03 1.068
The cost of some licenses is very high and this hinders the
3.80 .682
growth of our business
Many requirements for the registration of businesses
3.41 .780
discourages us from opening new ventures
The business registration process is very long and tedious 3.24 .793
Inefficiencies at the registration and licensing agencies hinders
3.97 .846
or derail the registration process
Aggregate Score 3.49 0.834

Source: Research Data (2018)

The findings (Table 4.7) regarding the business registration and licensing revealed that a quite

number of respondents agreed to the fact that inefficiencies at the registration and licensing

agencies hindered and derailed the process. The results of the current study confirm the findings

of K‟Obonyo et al. (1999) who noted that unfair practices such as bribery made it inefficient and

costly for a business person to obtain the regulatory documents for his business. Respondents

also agreed that the cost of some licenses were very high and that it hindered the growth of their

businesses. On the other hand, the respondents were neutral that the registration process was long

and tedious. They were also neutral to the fact that multiple licenses were required and applying

for them was cumbersome. This finding was in disagreement with that of Mullei et al. (1999)

who found out that the requirement of many business licenses was hostile to small business

operators. The results of this study are consistent with Okpara (2011) who established that the

common constraints hindering SME growth in Nigeria were lack of financial support, poor

management, corruption, lack of training and experience.

4.6 Growth of Business

The study sought to establish the nature of the respondents‟ agreement to the statements

regarding the growth of SMEs. The respondents used the rating scale where 1=Strongly

Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree. Table 4.8 shows the results.

Table 4.8 Growth of Business

Statements on the Growth of Businesses Mean Std.
Our annual sales has been gradually increasing over the years 3.58 .713
We have been making remarkable improvements on profitability 4.00 .449
We have been opening branches in the recent years and we are
2.71 .913
intending to open more in the near future
Our investment has been increasing for the past five years 3.01 .859
The number of our staff has been growing over the years 3.65 .657
Aggregate 3.39 0.718

Source: (Researcher, 2018)

The study findings (Table 4.8) relating to the growth of business revealed that many respondents

agreed to the fact that they had been making remarkable improvements on profitability. They

also agreed to the facts that their annual sales and the number of staff had been gradually

increasing over the years. The current study agrees with the argument of Ruttan (1997) that an

organization increases its profits because of adoption and change in technology. However,

respondents were neutral to the facts that they had been opening branches and that their

investments had been increasing for the past five years.

4.7 Correlation Analysis

The study used Pearson correlation coefficient to examine presence or absence of correlation

between credit facilities, technology, and business as strategic challenges facing the growth of

SMEs in Kitengela Township, Kajiado County. Table 4.9 shows the correlation analysis.

Table 4.9 Correlation Analysis

Technology Credit Registration
facilities & licensing
Growth 1.000 .457 .207 .333
Technology .457 1.000 .070 .173
Credit facilities .207 .070 1.000 .145
Registration &
.333 .173 .145 1.000
Growth . .000 .020 .000
Technology .000 . .244 .043
Sig. (1-tailed) Credit facilities .020 .244 . .075
Registration &
.000 .043 .075 .
Growth 100 100 100 100
Technology 100 100 100 100
N Credit facilities 100 100 100 100
Registration &
100 100 100 100
Source: Researcher (2018)

From the findings (Table 4.9), it was noted that there was a non-significant weak positive

correlation between technology and credit facilities (r = 0. 070, p = .244). Also, there was a
significant positive relationship between technology and business registration and licensing (r =

0. 173, p = .043). Technology and business growth had the most significant positive relationship

(r = 0. 457, p = .000). This implied that an increase in technology led to an increase in business


4.8 Regression Analysis

Regression model was used during the study to predict the magnitude to which credit facilities,

technology, business registration and licensing strategic challenges affected the growth of SME

businesses in Kitengela Township, Kenya. Table 4.10 presents the results of the regression

model coefficients.

Table 4.10 Regression Model Coefficients

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .617 .141 4.365 .000
Technology .457 .090 .425 5.084 .000
.220 .065 .280 3.367 .001
.247 .069 .300 3.563 .001
& licensing
Source: Researcher (2018)

a. Dependent Variable: growth of business

By substituting the Unstandardized Beta Coefficients in the regression model (Y = β + β 1 X1 +

β2 X2 + β3 X3 + Ɛi,), the regression equation is derived as:

Y = .617 + .457 X1 + .220 X2 + .247 X3 + Ɛi,

From the Standardized Beta Coefficients (Table 4.10), the best predictor for business growth was

technology with a Beta Coefficient of .425. From the regression equation, it was noted that one

unit increase in technology led to 0.457 units increase in business growth, one unit increase in

credit facilities led to 0.220 units increase in business growth, and one unit increase in business

registration and licensing led to 0.247 units increase in business growth.

The regression analysis also produced the regression model summary (Table 4.11).

Table 4.11 Model Summaryb

Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square Square the Estimate
1 .723 .523 .531 .115

Source: (Researcher, 2018)

a. Predictors: (Constant), registration, credit facilities,

b. Dependent Variable: growth of business

The findings from the regression model summary (Table 4.11) revealed an R Square of 0.523

(52.3%). This implies that 52.3% of the variation in the dependent variable (business growth)

can be explained by the independent variables (credit facilities, technology, and business

registration and licensing). The remaining 47.7% of the variation in business growth is absorbed

by the error term or by the variables not introduced in the model. Therefore it shows that the

model is a good fit for prediction.



5.1 Summary of Findings

Respondents were in agreement that the requirement for collateral by lenders, to some extent,

hindered their business growth. Respondents also agreed that the cost loans in term of

application fees made it difficult for them to borrow. However, the respondents were neutral to

the fact that business experience and regular cash flows were prerequisites for the SME loans.

The respondents agreed to the fact that they always applied new technologies in their activities

and they trained their staff on technology related issues. Despite the adoption of those

technologies, the study found out that their firms had not produced many new products in the

past three years. The study further found out that not all SMEs‟ business activities were


The respondents agreed that inefficiencies at the business registration and licensing agencies

derailed the process and therefore slowed down the growth of business. They further agreed to

the fact that the cost of some licenses was very high and that was also a hindrance to business

growth. Respondents were neutral to the fact that multiple licenses were required and applying

for them was cumbersome. The study found out that the registration process was neither long nor

tedious, and it moderately affected SMEs‟ business growth.

5.2 Conclusions

The study found out that the growth of business was hindered by lack of access to credit

facilities. This access was made difficult because lenders required collaterals and the loan

application charges were very high for the SME sector.

Despite the adoption of new technologies by the SMEs, little was done in regard to the

production of new goods and services for the past three years. The study found out that not all

business activities were computerized and this therefore was a hindrance to efficiency and

growth of business.

The study revealed that inefficiencies at the business registration and licensing agencies derailed

the process and hindered business growth. The study further found out that cost of some licenses

was very high and that affected business growth.

5.3 Recommendations

In order to spur the growth of SMEs, lenders should be flexible on collateral requirements

because some SMEs may not be having conventional securities but they have business assets and

household goods. The loan application fees should be made affordable, regulated, and monitored

to enable SMEs to borrow.

SMEs should computerize all their business activities and put in place appropriate systems to

make the operation of their businesses efficient. Besides, SMEs should aspire to produce new

goods and services in order to remain relevant and competitive.

5.4 Limitations of the Study

Limitations were encountered during data collection. The exercise of collecting data was done by

two research assistant, and the cost was very high. Some respondents reluctantly completed the

questionnaires and didn‟t give complete information.

5.5 Suggestions for Further Study

A similar study should be carried out in other Counties in Kenya but the unit of analysis should

be the micro enterprises.

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The researcher is a post graduate student at Maseno University. The purpose of this
questionnaire is to collect data for the study entitled „strategic challenges facing the growth and
expansion of SME in Kitengela Township in Kajiado County.‟
Information collected will be treated with utmost confidentiality and used for purpose of study
Kindly give information in space provided and indicate with a tick where appropriate.
Please tick appropriately where possible
1. Age

r Up to 20 years R 21 -30 r 31-40 r 41-50 r above 50

e 2. Gender e e e
r e r r r
Male r Female
er r e e e
e e
3. Level of academic
e qualification
r r
re Primary r Secondary r College r University
e e select your sector
4. Kindly e e
classification. Please tick the appropriate box
r r r r
Sector Classification Please Tick
e e e e
Agriculture (livestock keeping, crop production etc.)
Wholesale & Retail Trade
Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food services activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Human health and social work activities

Arts, entertainment and recreation
Others (please specify)-------------------------------------------

5. How long have you been running your business?

r below 1 year r 1year to 3 years r 3yrs to 5 years r 5years to 7years r above 7
e e e e e
6. Whatr was your main r source of capital? r r r
r Savingse r family r microfinance
e institutions
e r Banks r eothers e
e 7. How manye employees
e do you have? e e
r r 10-15
r r 16-20
r r 21-25 r 26-30 r Above
r 30 r
e e e e e e e e e e
8. How
r do your rate yourr business
r growth rand performance in the last one year
e e e e e
r Bad r Moderate r Good r Very good
e e e e
9. What
r challenges
r do your get whenr borrowing funds for your business?
e e e e

10. Have you adopted any technology in your business

r Yes r No
e e
r If ryes kindly explain
e e

If No why

11. Is your business registered and Licensed in the county?

r Yes r No
e e
r r 50
e e
If yes, did you encounter any challenges during the process? Kindly explain if any

If No, Why?

12. Do you think the process of obtain business licenses and permits hinder your business



Please indicate your nature of agreement or otherwise with the following statements relating to
lack of credit and the growth of SMEs. Use the scale: 1=strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree,
3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=strongly agree


1 Most lenders requires collateral in order to give loans and this
disqualifies the SMEs who lack it
2 Long experience (at least 6 months) in business is a requirement
for loan and this becomes an hindrance for new SMEs to get
3 The loan amount offered by the financial institutions is very small
and cannot help me grow my business the way I want.
4 The cost of loans, in terms of interest rates and application

charges, is too high.
5 Some of the conditions (e.g. regular cash flows and record
keeping) imposed by the financial for loan access are unfavorable.

Please indicate your nature of agreement or otherwise with the following statements relating to
technology and the growth of SMEs. Use the scale: 1=strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree,
3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=strongly agree

1 For the last three years our firm has produced many new products
and services.
2 In general our firm is very often the first to introduce new
products and services.
3 We always try to apply new production methods and technologies
in the performance of our activities.
4 Majority of our business activities are computerized
5 Our firm regularly train the staffs on technology related issues to
enhance their literacy levels
6 Management actively seeks new ways of doing things


Please indicate your nature of agreement or otherwise with the following statements relating to
business registration and licensing and the growth of SMEs. Use the scale: 1=strongly Disagree,
2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=strongly agree
1 Many licenses are required for a single business and applying for
them at different government agencies is a bit cumbersome.
2 The cost of some licenses is very high and this hinders the growth
of our businesses
3 Many requirements for the registration of businesses discourages

us from opening new ventures
4 The business registration process is very long and tedious
5 Inefficiencies at the registration and licensing agencies hinders or
derail the processes of registration


Please indicate your nature of agreement or otherwise with the following statements relating to
the growth of your business. Use the scale: 1=strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral,
4=Agree, 5=strongly agree


1 Our annual sales has been gradually increasing over the years
2 We have been making remarkable improvements on profitability
3 We have been opening branches in the recent years and we are
intending to open more in the near future
4 Our investment has been increasing for the past five years
5 The number of our staff has been growing over the years

Thank you for your support


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