Patriot Day Bracelet

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atriot Day

Center Stitched Fishtail Bracelet

When you think about the word “patriot”, you probably
think of the colors red, white, and blue. This Patriot Day,
also known as 9/11, the day that so many lost their lives
in the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and
Flight 93, we are using different colors to honor those fallen
heroes and civilians.
The firefighters of New York City, in their gray and yellow,
remind us of the sacrifices, oversees and at home, that
have kept the USA free. If you lost someone on 9/11, or
value peace and freedom, make a Patriot Day bracelet to
show your support.
This bracelet uses 8-10 ft. of gunmetal gray #550 paracord
as well as 5 ft. of reflective neon yellow #95 paracord. A
type I fid needle is required for the stitching portion.

1. Form a cow hitch by

inserting the exact middle of
the #550 paracord through
the top of the metal buckle.
Fold the loop over the top of
the buckle and tighten.

2. Flip your project. Insert

both ends of the paracord

2. 3.
through the top of the other
piece of the buckle.
3. Put the buckle together
and cinch the bracelet
around your wrist. Leave
enough room for one finger
4. Detach the buckle and lay out

4. 5.
the bracelet at the appropriate
length with one cord on each
side of the bracelet. Make sure
that the portion between the two
buckle ends is untwisted.
5. Take the left cord and feed
it over the first core strand, and
underneath the second.

6. Cinch it tight against the

6. 7.
buckle. The even-ness of this
weave depends on how tight
you can make it. Each time you
change cords while weaving,
make sure that you start and end
on the left side.
7. Now, weaving with the right
side cord, put it over the top of
the cord that you first weaved.

8. Weave this right-side cord

8. 9.
into the bracelet. Pass it over the
right core strand and underneath
the left.
9. Bring it back again to the right
by going over the first cord and
under the second.

10.Make sure to grab the top

10. 11.
cord each time when weaving.
11. Again, over-under to the left,
over-under to the right. Cinch
12.Continue the pattern all the

12. 13.
way down the bracelet, always
starting and ending on the right.
Remember to always pull your
cords tight and squish the weave
13.Keep weaving until you can
no longer fit the paracord through
the middle of the core.

14.End by inserting both cords

14. 15.
down through the middle, side-
15.Cut the ends 1/4” from the
bracelet and melt them. Use the
side of the lighter to flatten the
melted ends against the bracelet.

16.At this point, you will need

16. 17.
to thread the 95 cord onto the
fid needle. Turn your bracelet
over so that the back faces up.
Thread the needle through the
last three loops of your fishtail.
17.Pull the 95 cord through until
the end is just out of sight. Don’t
pull too hard or it will fall out.

18.Poke the fid through the

18. 19.
middle of the bracelet, just
underneath the first wrap of your
19.Pull the excess cord through.
Again, don’t pull hard just yet.
20.Flip the bracelet over.

20. 21. 21.Count two stitches down on

the right side and hook the gray
cord loop from bottom to top with
the fid. Some tutorials will show
you how to stitch both the right
and left sides at the same time,
but this tutorial show how to go
down on the right and up on the

22.Pull the stitch tight. The end

22. 23.
of your 95 cord should be secure
by now and will not pull out.
23.Do the same thing again.
Count down two stitches from
where you last came up. Hook
underneath that cord and come
up right above it.

24.Continue to the end of the

24. 25.
bracelet. This is what your
stitching should look like. 95 cord
has a tendency to get twisted
and tangled. This is normal. You
will need to twist the cord back
to get it untangled before pulling
the excess through.
25.When you get to the end,
hook the loop of your beginning
cow hitch and come up on the
left side of the fishtail.
26.The left side will need to be

26. 27. stitched in reverse. Count up two

stitches and poke the needle
underneath that gray cord,
aiming down.
27.Pull tight. Notice that the
working end of your cord comes
up in the middle instead of on the
outer edge.
28.As you continue, on each

20. 21.
stitch the needle MUST be
threaded toward the inside of
the previous one. Notice how the
needle pokes out the middle of
the stitching.
29.When you get back to the
start, poke the needle through
the bracelet so that it comes out
on bottom.

30.Thread the needle through

22. 23.
the last three stitches of the
fishtail on the left side.
31.Pull the cord tight, cut the end
1/4” away from the bracelet, and
melt the end. Press the melted
end against the bracelet with the
side of your lighter.

“Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act “One of the worst days in America’s history saw some of the bravest acts
of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way in Americans’ history. We’ll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at
to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.” this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice.”
—Barak Obama —George W. Bush

All rights reserved © 2018 Paracord Planet

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