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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

IoT-Based Smart Parking Management System

Carl Benedict G. Tan Carlos Dale G. Araracap
Department of Electronics Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Joshua Kyle B. Paragas Kent Jasper P. Majam

Department of Electronics Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Jan Ronin P. Lozano Cyrus Ken G. Tan

Department of Electronics Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Charles G. Juarizo Antonio C. Tee, Jr.

Department of Electronics Engineering Department of Electronics Engineering
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Abstract:- The study utilized IoT technology to improve needed. According to the Census and Economic Information
parking efficiency and user convenience. The system Center (CEIC, 2021) records, the number of cars has been
contained a device that can accurately detect the status of increasing steeply over the past decade, while parking spaces
parking slots. This includes when a slot is occupied, have yet to meet the demand of most big urban cities. The
vacant, or reserved. When an unauthorized vehicle Philippines' number of registered vehicles data is updated
occupies a reserved slot, the equipped alarm system is yearly, and according to the data, an average of 2,577,529
triggered. The system also features a mobile application units from December 1981 to 2021 are being produced
that provides real-time information on nearby parking annually. The data also reached an all-time high of 4,591,662
lots and their status. The application included reservation units in 2021. Illegally parked cars have also been a massive
and navigation features, supports secure payment headache for people and have been causing traffic to be more
options, and incorporates a smart redirection feature to congested. An article by Tiangco [1] (2020) shows that the
guide users to alternative parking lots when their chosen Manila city government clamped 827 cars and 33
option is full. The hardware device achieved 100% motorcycles in its large-scale clearing and clamping
accuracy in slot status detection. In all the trials operations on a specific date. This shows the severity of the
conducted, the alarm system succeeded in alerting illegal parking issue in this country, and it needs to be fixed.
unauthorized vehicles. The smart redirection feature Another article from Garcia [2] (2017) states that 38% of the
successfully navigated users to nearby available parking respondents that have been interviewed about car parking
lots when their initial choice was full. The findings experience noted that the waiting time for looking for parking
demonstrate the system's working functionality. The is 5 to 10 minutes, and 37% of the respondents claimed that
system passed in the conducted tests suggesting that it can an average of 20 minutes is being spent in finding or waiting
improve driver experience when looking for parking. parking slots to clear up. Considering this, an IoT Based
Smart Parking Management System was conceived.
Keywords:- IoT Technology, Real-Time Information, Smart
Redirection, Reservation, Mobile Application. According to a study by Parmar et al. [3] (2020),
psychological and parking characteristics play essential roles
I. INTRODUCTION in parking choices. A Parking policy should be integrated
with transport planning for sustainable growth, and parking
WITH the continuous innovation of technology, using should be part of urban city planning. This is because the
automobiles as a mode of transportation became necessary as demand for parking spaces is steadily increasing and will
it provided people with a sense of independence and freedom provide economic and environmental benefits. A study by
of mobility. As a result, the rapid increase in car ownership Mushtaq et al. [4] (2020) has brought reference to how the
caused a shortage of open parking areas worldwide. A better overview of the system works. The proprietors have used
parking management system to oversee this rapid increase is sensory circuits like RFID to detect and verify the vehicle

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
owner's information, like car model, year, registration, This study is essential to students, employees, and
registered owner, and if the specific party has reserved a tourists traveling by private vehicle to Intramuros because it
parking space. IoT also accessed and loaded the generated provides an application to help people quickly locate
data to the cloud remotely. This was done in a closed setting. available parking spaces. It will provide an application that
The RFID tag is an excellent device for verifying the owner's can help optimize parking in Intramuros and help minimize
information. However, in this research, it was decided by the illegal parking. It helps in being able to reserve a parking
proponents that the user's data would be collected through the space to ensure that users will have one. It will also confirm
app. IoT was also a good use as it will be great to collect data the parking spaces that are legal and give a sense of security
and access the system remotely compared to manually to users of the application.
collecting data. A study by Agarwal et al. [5] (2021)
integrated using E-payment methods in their work. The study The study focused on and covered only the coding,
has designed an app to aid in the management of the parking development, and testing of a smart parking management
area. The researchers also used RFID sensors to verify the car system. The prototype has been tested through two (2)
owner's details. IR sensors detected whether the parking spot private parking lots inside the walls of Intramuros, Manila.
was vacant or occupied. The E- payment system has been The remaining parking lots will be tested through a
integrated into the app for easy payment and parking simulation. The parking options present in the system only
convenience. The study by Chandran [6] (2019) has a similar include those that are private parking areas. The study does
approach to the previous research. IR sensors were also used, not expand on the exploration of an intrinsic alarm system.
but Arduino Raspberry Pi has been the primary system. Testing for the optimal power source for the prototype is also
Communication modules have also been used in this study to not included in the scope of the study. This study did not
keep track of the system's activity. A mobile application was include or cover the device's durability.
also designed. This is where the communication modules
send the data to have an update on the status of the systems. II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES
The study by Khanna et al. [7] (2016) used different devices;
Passive IR Sensors (PIR) and ultrasonic sensors have been A. Software Quality Assurance
implemented to detect whether the parking space is vacant or A study by Ajchariyavanich T. et al. [8] (2019) entitled
occupied. The system also has a confirmation feature of “Park King: IoT-based Smart Parking System.” The study has
whether the booked vehicle is in the correct spot. It will be set criteria for the effectiveness of the prototype. They have
displayed when the car has been parked correctly. According used a Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Test to justify the
to Parmar et al. [3] (2020), the gaps the researchers requirements that have been defined.
encountered are that it only analyzes the demand for parking.
Despite administering a survey for different factors that B. Parking Behavior
private vehicle owners prefer, it did not make any correlation. On Parking Behavior reference, a survey conducted by
It showed some sample solutions, but another author McGuckin and Murakami [9] (2002) found that the duration a
references them. The study is only a simple overview of driver spends in a parked vehicle before exiting varies from
parking in urban areas. In the Reservation-based smart 10 seconds to over 10 minutes. The research surveyed men's
parking system by Wang [12] (2011), the study focused and women's habits in a parking lot in a shopping mall.
solely on automation and reservation. The study has many Respondents ranged from single men/women to those who
gaps, such as invasive data collection, and it requires web had families. However, from all the collected data, the
servers and portals, which is not applicable in the Philippines. average time drivers spend in their parked vehicles is 36
Annand's IoT-based smart parking system [7] (2016) has seconds. It also showed that women spend more time in their
problems in the payment system as it can only be done parked cars before exiting them. A similar study regarding
electronically. The data is unreliable since it is only done in a Parking Behavior was conducted by Oyama and Fujii [13]
closed setting. Another IoT-based smart parking system (2013) titled "An observational study on the characteristics of
conducted by Agarwal et al. [5] (2021) also faced similar parked cars in a residential area," where it expounds parking
problems wherein the e-payment system is problematic since behavior by looking into the time drivers spend in parked
there is no reliable connectivity and the lack of proper IT vehicles in a residential area. The study used the mean of the
infrastructures in cities. The app and system require a duration of the stay. The study found that the duration was
significant learning curve for the citizens to utilize the app. It between 14 seconds to 6 minutes and 20 seconds. This,
also has concerns about security and updates. however, is also influenced by factors such as the driver's age,
the presence of passengers, and the time of day. The average
This study aims to design and develop an IoT-based time is 1 minute and 20 seconds. On the other hand, a study
smart parking management system. Specifically: (1) To by Strathman and Harker [10] (2005) entitled "The
develop a device using ultrasonic sensors that detect the relationship between parking location and the time that drivers
status of a parking slot, (2) To develop an application that spend in their parked vehicles" also discusses parking
displays the information on parking lots and enables remote behavior. The study concluded that drivers spend 10 to 125
reservation, (3) To integrate a smart feature that allows for seconds in their vehicles. The median time spent in a parked
redirection when a parking lot is full. car was 42 seconds. They also found that the duration was
affected by factors such as the driver's gender, the time of day,
and the distance from the parked vehicle to the destination.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Effect on Commuters C. Sensor System
Reference [3] & [11] elaborates how Parking
Management Systems affect the daily lives of commuters and
expands on the notion on why it is essential. The study shows
a typical survey that used different statistical analyses like
linear regression to see the relationship between factors that
affect parking. This study shows the increasing crisis of
congested traffic and lack of parking spaces with better
technology or conditions. It also says that urban planning
should play a big part in solving these problems. Proper
planning allows the roads and areas to be efficiently used
through the years. The literature suggests that the factors that
need attention are ease of access, walking time, parking
charges, parking guidance, and information system and
management. Open access parking systems can help reduce Fig 2 Block Diagram of the System Development
the problem of parking by allowing unused space in a lot to
be used by others depending on the time and building use. It The sensors on the device of each parking space were
says that organizations and institutions could give access to able to detect the o of the space. The detected status of the
other vehicle owners to maximize the parking space in an space is sent by the ESP32 microcontroller of the device to
area. the system's database. When the sensors do not detect the
presence of a vehicle, it is considered vacant. The green LED
III. METHODOLOGY indicator of the device lights up. When the presence of a
vehicle is detected, it is considered occupied. The red LED
A. Method of Research indicator of the device lights up. When a reservation is made,
The study is categorized as a developmental type of the orange LED indicator of the device lights up. When the
research. Developmental research is the methodological sensor on the reserved parking space detects a vehicle, a
study of creating, developing, and reviewing educational prompt to the user is sent for confirmation. When confirmed,
processes, products, and programs that must adhere to the red LED lights up. When not confirmed, the alarm is
internal consistency and effectiveness. A system displaying triggered.
information on available parking spaces was developed for
the study. The system was capable of reserving parking The ESP32 was connected to the ultrasonic sensors that
spaces and redirection to another space when the initial was allowed the system to detect a vehicle in front of it. The
full. The study seeks to aid private vehicle drivers in the system logic is that if the value of the ultrasonic sensor
navigation of parking spaces. returns as less than 30cm, the slot is occupied; else, the slot is
vacant. LED indicators were also installed to indicate the
B. Conceptual Framework status of the slot. Red showed that the slot was occupied,
green showed that the slot was vacant, and orange showed
that the slot was reserved. The status of the slot was
determined by cross-referencing the value stored in the
ESP32 and the cloud database. When the two values agree,
the LEDs show the stored status.

Fig 1 Conceptual Framework

The system is composed of a device, database, and

mobile application. Information on parking lots and spaces is
inserted into the database and displayed on the application.
The occupancy of the parking space is detected by the device
and is updated in the database. This occupancy is reflected in
the LED indicators on the device and the application. The
location and destination of the user are taken by the
application and updated in the database. When a reservation
is made, it is reflected in the device and the application.
Fig 3 Interfacing of the components

IJISRT23JUN1582 www.ijisrt.com 1639

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Alarm System When the application is launched, a login screen
An alarm system was installed in the system. The appears; once logged in, a map of the area and available
Arduino Uno and four speakers comprised this. One speaker parking lots are shown. A parking slot can be selected. Once
was installed per system. The Arduino Uno and the ESP32 a parking lot is selected, the available parking slots are
triggered the alarm—the microcontrollers communicated by displayed along with their available, vacant, or reserved
mode of software serial communication. The RX and TX status. The option to reserve a slot or proceed without the
pins of the Arduino uno were connected to the digital pins of reservation is presented. Once the parking slot is reserved, a
the ESP32. The alarm triggered when a reserved slot was payment prompt will appear with online or cash payment
occupied by an unauthorized vehicle. Once the reserved slot options. Once payment is settled, the device in the parking
is occupied, a prompt to confirm the identity of the detected slot will light up the orange LED indicating that the slot is
vehicle is issued. If the vehicle was confirmed to be the one reserved. Directions toward the selected parking lot are
that was reserved and yes was selected in the prompt, the displayed in the application as a static map. The dynamic app
alarm will not trigger. But suppose the vehicle was can be triggered by holding the map and clicking the "view
determined to be unauthorized, and no was selected in the on google maps" option. The google maps application is
prompt. In that case, the database will change the user's launched, and the dynamic view of the map is displayed.
confirmation to no. The ESP32 was alerted and was to send a Upon arrival in the parking slot and its detection by the
signal to the Arduino Uno to trigger the speaker of the system, the application displays a confirmation prompt
concerned parking slot. Once the slot is vacated and detected asking if the correct person occupied the slot. If no is
by the ultrasonic sensor, the ESP32 updates the database that selected, the alarm system is triggered. The red LED is on if
it is vacant, and the alarm is turned off. yes is selected and the slot status is occupied.

E. Mobile Application F. Smart Feature Integration

Fig 4 Block Diagram of Mobile Application Development

Fig 5 Block Diagram of the Redirection Feature
The application was developed with various software.
Angular 14 NX was the Integrated Development The general framework of the smart redirection feature
Environment (IDE) mainly used to develop the application. of the mobile application is shown. The application will find
The software allowed the compilation of the various files the nearest available parking lot when the user’s preferred
needed to make the application. Capacitor was the library parking lot is full. The mobile application will redirect the
used to ensure that the application was cross-platform user to the nearest parking lot.
capable. The application used for programming was Virtual
Studio Code (VS Code). The application was only available A user chooses a parking lot from the map shown in the
for Android; however, a web application was available. IOS mobile application. The mobile application will proceed to
applications had many permissions and processes that needed the booking screen when the user chooses an available
to be paid, configured, and approved for before they could be parking lot. When the user chooses a full parking lot, the
made. Android Studio was the software used to build the mobile application will find the nearest available parking lot
application's Android Package Kit (APK). for the user, and a prompt will appear. The mobile
application shows a prompt indicating that the parking lot
A static map was installed in the application. It chosen is full and recommends the nearest available parking
displayed the user's location and the route toward the parking lot from the map. If the user clicks on cancel, the mobile
lot. A dynamic map was shown when the map was held, and application displays the summary of the nearest available
the prompt expand or view in google maps was clicked; the parking lot and is highlighted on the map. If the user presses
google maps application was launched, and the dynamic view confirm, he’s redirected to the booking screen.
of the map was displayed. Two accounts are present in the
application, the admin account, and the user account. The
admin account was for the monitoring of the online payments
that have been made through reservations. The user account
was for using the application to check, monitor, and reserve
the parking slot.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2 shows the test to prove the accuracy of the
mobile application to detect and display the status of the
Tests were conducted to evaluate the functionality and device. As observed, the expected status is a match with the
achieve the objectives set by the proponents. mobile application status which means that the test was a
success, and the mobile application works properly. This also
Table 1 Accuracy of the system to detect and display the means that communication with the mobile application and
status of the device the device works properly.
Expected Device LED LED light Remark
Status Lit Meaning Table 3 Response time of the device to display the parking
Vacant Green Vacant Match slot’s status in seconds
Occupied Red Occupied Match Trial Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4
Reserved Orange Reserved Match 1 6.85 6.30 8.08 6.85
2 7.11 10.84 6.14 5.88
Table 1 shows the test to prove the accuracy of the 3 7.47 8.19 12.54 3.18
device to detect and display the status of the device. As
observed, the expected status is a match with the LED light Table 3 shows the response time of the device to display
meaning that the test was a success, and the device works the parking slot’s status in seconds. This is the data that has
properly. The LED lights up depending on the status of the been collected during testing. The response time recorded in
device. the table is very well set within the criteria that has been set
by the proponents. This is given a pass since the criteria of
Table 2 Accuracy of the mobile application to detect and less than 20 seconds has been met. This is also shown in the
display the status of the device SQA test below.
Expected Status Mobile application
status Remark
Vacant Vacant Match
Occupied Occupied Match
Reserved Reserved Match

Table 4 SQA Test of Response Time

Performance Objective Metric Success Criteria Result
Response time of the system to Seconds it took to update the
update the parking slot’s status prototype’s LED indicator <20 seconds PASSED
Response time of the database Seconds it took to change the
to update the parking slot’s “status” node of the database
status <10 seconds PASSED
Response time of the mobile Seconds it took to change the
application to update the status of the slot in the
parking slot’s status application. <10 seconds PASSED

Table 4 shows the SQA test conducted. [8] The criteria Table 6 Instances of users diverted to the nearest available
that have been set are shown here. As recalled from table 3, parking lots due to full lots
the data follows the set criteria of the SQA test and therefore Ful Fre Diverted to nearest parking lot?
has been given a pass. The criteria set here is based on the l e Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
related literature about parking behavior . [9], [10] & [13] lots lots
1 3 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
Table 5 Number of successful and failed reservations made s s s s s
through the mobile application 2 2 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
Reservations Succeeded Failed s s s s s
160 160 0 3 1 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
s s s s s
Table 5 shows the number of successful and failed
reservations made through the mobile application. As seen V. CONCLUSION
above, the number of reservations made matched the number
of successful reservations and there were 0 failed An IoT-based Smart Parking Management System is a
reservations. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mobile system with devices installed in parking lots. Its functionality
application’s reservation feature is working flawlessly. was to detect whether a specific parking slot was available,
occupied, or reserved. It also has a mobile application that
displays information about the available parking lots around

IJISRT23JUN1582 www.ijisrt.com 1641

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the area and allows users to reserve parking slots ahead of knowledge and helping us. Lastly, deepest thank you to the
time. It also had a smart feature that allowed the diversion of Lord for directing our path to the completion of this thesis.
the best possible parking lot within the chosen area.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT focusing on concentrated areas of multi-family housing
in Gongneung-dong, Seoul-. Architectural research.
The proponents would like to thank Engr. Charles G. Retrieved November 23, 2022.
Juarizo, Engr. Mary Joy Delos Reyes-Solis, Engr. Antonio C. [12]. Wang, Hongwei, "A Reservation-based Smart Parking
Tee Jr. Engr. Thaddeo S. Garcia, Engr. Eufemia A. Garcia, System" (2011). Computer Science and Engineering:
Dr. Carlos C. Sison, and Engr. Fernando Victor V. De Vera Theses, Dissertations, and Student Research. 29.
for the opportunity and guidance for this thesis. The [13]. Oyama, T., & Fujii, S. (2013). An observational study
proponents would also like to thank Kagawad Benjamin on the characteristics of parked cars in a residential
Baloja and Ms. Maricel M. Remis for allowing us to test in area. Journal of Urban Planning and Development,
their parking lots. To our mentor, thank you for giving us 139(3), 198-204.

IJISRT23JUN1582 www.ijisrt.com 1642

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