ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The study utilized IoT technology to improve needed. According to the Census and Economic Information
parking efficiency and user convenience. The system Center (CEIC, 2021) records, the number of cars has been
contained a device that can accurately detect the status of increasing steeply over the past decade, while parking spaces
parking slots. This includes when a slot is occupied, have yet to meet the demand of most big urban cities. The
vacant, or reserved. When an unauthorized vehicle Philippines' number of registered vehicles data is updated
occupies a reserved slot, the equipped alarm system is yearly, and according to the data, an average of 2,577,529
triggered. The system also features a mobile application units from December 1981 to 2021 are being produced
that provides real-time information on nearby parking annually. The data also reached an all-time high of 4,591,662
lots and their status. The application included reservation units in 2021. Illegally parked cars have also been a massive
and navigation features, supports secure payment headache for people and have been causing traffic to be more
options, and incorporates a smart redirection feature to congested. An article by Tiangco [1] (2020) shows that the
guide users to alternative parking lots when their chosen Manila city government clamped 827 cars and 33
option is full. The hardware device achieved 100% motorcycles in its large-scale clearing and clamping
accuracy in slot status detection. In all the trials operations on a specific date. This shows the severity of the
conducted, the alarm system succeeded in alerting illegal parking issue in this country, and it needs to be fixed.
unauthorized vehicles. The smart redirection feature Another article from Garcia [2] (2017) states that 38% of the
successfully navigated users to nearby available parking respondents that have been interviewed about car parking
lots when their initial choice was full. The findings experience noted that the waiting time for looking for parking
demonstrate the system's working functionality. The is 5 to 10 minutes, and 37% of the respondents claimed that
system passed in the conducted tests suggesting that it can an average of 20 minutes is being spent in finding or waiting
improve driver experience when looking for parking. parking slots to clear up. Considering this, an IoT Based
Smart Parking Management System was conceived.
Keywords:- IoT Technology, Real-Time Information, Smart
Redirection, Reservation, Mobile Application. According to a study by Parmar et al. [3] (2020),
psychological and parking characteristics play essential roles
I. INTRODUCTION in parking choices. A Parking policy should be integrated
with transport planning for sustainable growth, and parking
WITH the continuous innovation of technology, using should be part of urban city planning. This is because the
automobiles as a mode of transportation became necessary as demand for parking spaces is steadily increasing and will
it provided people with a sense of independence and freedom provide economic and environmental benefits. A study by
of mobility. As a result, the rapid increase in car ownership Mushtaq et al. [4] (2020) has brought reference to how the
caused a shortage of open parking areas worldwide. A better overview of the system works. The proprietors have used
parking management system to oversee this rapid increase is sensory circuits like RFID to detect and verify the vehicle
Table 4 shows the SQA test conducted. [8] The criteria Table 6 Instances of users diverted to the nearest available
that have been set are shown here. As recalled from table 3, parking lots due to full lots
the data follows the set criteria of the SQA test and therefore Ful Fre Diverted to nearest parking lot?
has been given a pass. The criteria set here is based on the l e Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
related literature about parking behavior . [9], [10] & [13] lots lots
1 3 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
Table 5 Number of successful and failed reservations made s s s s s
through the mobile application 2 2 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
Reservations Succeeded Failed s s s s s
160 160 0 3 1 Succes Succes Succes Succes Succes
s s s s s
Table 5 shows the number of successful and failed
reservations made through the mobile application. As seen V. CONCLUSION
above, the number of reservations made matched the number
of successful reservations and there were 0 failed An IoT-based Smart Parking Management System is a
reservations. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mobile system with devices installed in parking lots. Its functionality
application’s reservation feature is working flawlessly. was to detect whether a specific parking slot was available,
occupied, or reserved. It also has a mobile application that
displays information about the available parking lots around