WORKSHEET 2: Limits and Continuity: 3 2 2 X !2 3 2 X !0 2 3 4 X !1 X ! 1 2 2
WORKSHEET 2: Limits and Continuity: 3 2 2 X !2 3 2 X !0 2 3 4 X !1 X ! 1 2 2
WORKSHEET 2: Limits and Continuity: 3 2 2 X !2 3 2 X !0 2 3 4 X !1 X ! 1 2 2
1. (*)Calculate
p p
4x3 + 2x2 x x3 x2 x 2 2+x 2
a) lim b) lim c) lim
x!0 5x2 + 2x x!2 x 2 x!0 x
x2 x sinx x2 cosx + 1
d) lim p e) lim f) lim
x!1 x3 + 3x4 x!1 x x! 1 x2 + 1
9. (*)Check that the equations x4 11x + 7 = 0 and 2x 4x = 0 have at least two solutions.
10. (*)Prove that the equation x7 + 3x + 3 = 0 has a unique solution. Determine the integer part of that solution.
14. a) Prove using the Bolzano's theorem of zeroes, that the function f (x) = x3 5
has at least one xed point in the interval [0; n] ; for some n 2 N:
15. (*)Discuss in the following cases if the functions reach global and/or local extrema in the speci ed intervals:
a) f (x) = x2 x 2 [ 1; 1] b) f (x) = x3 x 2 [ 1; 1]
c) f (x) = sinx x 2 [0; ] d) f (x) = x3 x 2 [ 1; 1]
16. In the previous problem, replace the interval given by [0; 1) or by R in each one of the functions.
tg 2 x
17. Let f (x) = arctg ; f : [a; b] ! R. Discuss, depending on the values of a and b; when f reaches
1 + tg 4 x
maximun and minimun in [a; b] :
18. Explain why f (x) = tgx has a maximun in [0; =4], but not in [0; ].
3x2 + x
19. (*)a) Let C(x) = + 100, be the total cost of production function, supposing x 7.
x 1
Check if it has oblique asymptote when x ! 1.
C (x)
b) Consider the function Cm (x) = ; that is, the average cost of production.
Check that it has a horizontal asymptothe when x ! 1.
c) Is there any relationship between the oblique asymptote in part a) and the horizontal asymptote in part b?
20. (*)A banking entity o ers a current account with the following conditions: the 250.000 st euros non remu-
nerated, the rest by a 7% of annual interest. Consider the following function: i : [0; 1) ! IR de ned by
i(x)="interes obtained in % when depositing some capital x and mantaining it during a year".
i) Obtain i(x).
ii) Calculate lim i(x).
iii) Does any capital c exist such that i(c) = 7?.
iv) From what capital is obtained at least a 6% of interest?
v) Graph the function i.