2021 June Update

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Road & Bridge Design Publications

Monthly Update – June 2021

Revisions for the month of June are listed and displayed below and will be included in
projects submitted for the October letting.

E-mail road related questions to MDOT-Road-Design-Standards@michigan.gov.

E-mail bridge related questions to MDOT-Bridge-Design-Standards@michigan.gov.

Special Details
R-80-F: Granular Blanket, Underdrains, Outlet Endings for Underdrains, & Sewer Bulkheads:
Revised the details on sheet five for applicability to widened slabs and current practice.
Eliminated details using PDS underdrain. Revised the “Plan Showing Outlets for
Underdrains” detail and added a “Plan Showing Underdrains Tapped into Catch Basins”
detail, along with a separate catch basin detail. Eliminated rodent screens. Revised a note on
the note sheet regarding PVC pipe and steel end sections. Added a note regarding crushed
Portland cement concrete not being an acceptable backfill material.

R-110-B: Pavement Safety Edge: For new construction/reconstruction (sheet 2), extended
the length of the aggregate base 12” beyond the edge of the shoulder pavement.

Road Design Manual

1.02.01 F: Consultant Identification on Title Sheet: Eliminated the requirement for sub-
consultant’s e-signatures on the project signature sheet.

3.11.03G: Safety Considerations for Guardrail & Concrete Barrier: Eliminated an outdated
sentence (the first paragraph) regarding runout lengths.

5.01: References: Eliminated an outdated reference. (OI 8503.01: Acquisition of ROW from
or for Railroads)

6.01.01: References: Added a reference and revised the name of another.

6.01.06: Pavement Design & Selection Policy: In section A, revised the pavement design
process. In section B, revised the “Pavement Selection Manual” title and expanded the types
of projects qualifying as “Major Rehabilitation”.

6.01.07: Alternate Pavement Bidding (APB): In criteria #7, expanded the number of projects
which qualify for APB status and revised the title of the “Pavement Selection Manual”.

6.02.06 B: Typical Cross Sections: Revised the length and thickness of OGDC for typicals.
Road & Bridge Design Publications
Monthly Update – June 2021
6.03.08 B: Minimum Structural Requirements: Revised a reference from the “Pavement
Design & Selection Manual” to the “Michigan DOT User Guide for Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design.

6.03.08 C: Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Revised the “Pavement Selection Manual” title.

6.04.02: Glossary of Terms: Added definition for a “widened slab”.

6.04.04 F: Longitudinal Joints: Added criteria to the section regarding “widened slabs”,
including a new subsection (6).

6.04.08 A: Concrete Base Course: Revised the title of a referenced section.

6.04.09: Widening of Existing Concrete: Revised title of section.

6.04.11 D: Whitetopping: Added a paragraph which defines and discusses the section topic.

6.05.06: Selection of Shoulder Surface Type: Revised the term “Rural freeway shoulders” to
“Freeway shoulders”.

6.08.05 C10: Measurement and Payment of Curb Ramps: Updated description of “ramp run”
in the illustration.

Appendix 6A: Freeway Typicals: Updated the typicals to current practice and for widened
concrete slabs.

7.01.19: Suggested Runout Lengths for Barrier Design: Added a sentence regarding
interpolating from the table.

14.68: Design Errors Process: Modified the threshold limits for the design error process
using a tiered approach.

14.70: Plan Revisions & 14.71: Contract Modifications: Provided procedural updates and
clarifications to the Plan Revision and Contract Modification processes to coincide with the
current ProjectWise trunkline folder structure.
Road & Bridge Design Publications
Monthly Update – June 2021
Bridge Design Manual
7.01.03 (LFD & LRFD), 7.03.05 (LFD & LRFD), 7.06.04 C.2.b. (LFD & LRFD), 12.04 &
12.04.06 B: Updated concrete stresses designation according to 2020 Standard Specifications.
Added a few other materials and stresses to 7.01.03, which were contained within other
sections of the manual and Chapter 7.

8.07.06. G: Updated note as fracture critical members are now covered in 2020 Standard

Updates to the MDOT Cell Library, Sample Plans, and other automated tools may be required
in tandem with some of this month's updates. Until such updates can be made, it is the
designer's/detailer's responsibility to manually incorporate any necessary revisions to notes
and plan details to reflect these revisions.
Index to Special Details
6-28-2021 


R-15-G 3 COVER K 7-26-19
R-60-J 17 GUARDRAIL TYPES A, B, BD, T, TD, MGS-8, & MGS-8D 8-6-20
* Denotes New or Revised Special Detail to be included in projects for
(beginning with) the October letting.

Notes: Former Standard Plans IV-87, IV-89, IV-90, and IV-91 Series, used for building
cast-in-place concrete head walls for elliptical and circular pipe culverts, are now being
replaced with plans that detail each specific size. The Bureau of Bridges & Structures,
Structure Design Section, Special Structures Unit will provide special details for inclusion
in construction plans for MDOT jobs. To assure prompt delivery, requests must be made
in advance. Contact: MDOT-TriezenbergSquad@michigan.gov

Former Standard Plans IV-93 and IV-94 series have been replaced with precast concrete
box & three-sided culverts as per the 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction.



1.01 1.01.03 (revised 12-28-2020)

DEVELOPMENT METHODS Survey and Mapping Methods

The choice between a ground survey, an

1.01.01 (revised 11-28-2011) aerial survey, a laser scanning survey
(LiDAR), or a combination depends in part on
References the type and length of project, the information
required, and the time schedule.
A. Geometric Design Guides - Design
Division Some projects may not require a survey or
may require only a minor pick up survey. Old
B. Guidelines for Plan Preparation – Design plans are valuable sources of information on
Division these projects.

C. Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Refer to Chapter 14, Procedures for Plan
Control Devices, Current Edition Preparation, for more information on surveys
and mapping.
D. Standard Plans and Special Details –
Design Division 1.02
E. Standard Specifications for
Construction, Current Edition PLAN SHEETS

Existing plans for a recent project, similar in 1.02.01 (revised 6-28-2021)

nature to the proposed project, are an
excellent reference. Title Sheet

1.01.02 (revised 11-28-2011) The location map shown on the title sheet will
generally be obtained from either county or
General city maps which are available in ProjectWise
in the Reference Documents. For a particular
This chapter provides the information and project, a suitable map or section of one is
details necessary to prepare a set of plans. chosen and incorporated on a standard title
The plans should contain all the information sheet cell. Because first impressions often
essential for bidding and constructing the sell the product, the title sheet should be neat
project. Although innovation and creativity are in appearance and layout
encouraged in the preparation of plans, the
importance of general uniformity must be
emphasized. Plans should be adaptable to
the diverse requirements of the Design
Division and Construction Field Services
Division. At the same time the plans should
be a functional reference, familiar to the users.
A general format should be followed by all

1.02.01 (continued) 1.02.01 (continued)

Title Sheet F. Consultant Identification

D. Length and Type of Work If plans are being prepared by a consulting

firm (prime consultant), their company logo
The length of the project, in hundredths of a and professional engineer’s electronic
mile, and the type of work should be shown in signature (seal format) should be placed per
the bottom of the approval block. the instructions tab of the digital project
signature sheet. Sub-consultants must also
Example: have their logo on the plan sheets they are
responsible for.

If plans are being designed primarily by

MDOT, but with some consultant inclusions,
the consultant must list the applicable sheets
they are responsible for, on the designated
block of the project signature sheet as
described in the instructions tab of the digital
project signature sheet. They must also
provide their corresponding company logo and
electronic signature seal on the project
signature sheet in the designated block
area(s) for their applicable sheets.
E. Project Signature and Plan Sign Off

In supplement to the title sheet data, plan sign

off must also be coordinated between all
applicable parties involved both internally and
with Consultant involvement. Project
managers must utilize the latest version of the
Project Signature sheet to implement digital
signature approvals of plans and process.

The instructions tab of the Project Signature

sheet overviews the steps required to
implement digital signatures denoting
completion of plans. Failure to collect the
necessary signatures via the Project
Signature sheet may move back the target
letting, as the plans would not be considered

Once all signatures are obtained, the final

Project Signature sheet must be placed in
Folder 6 in Projectwise along with the
corresponding project plans (if applicable) and

3.11.03 (revised 6-28-2021) 3.11.03 (continued)

Safety Considerations D. Sight Distances

A. Section Deleted Vertical and horizontal sight distances along

the mainline and within the entire interchange
B. Ramp Geometrics and Taper Lengths area, including ramp terminals, should be
reviewed for conformance with current
When existing acceleration lanes, AASHTO guides. See MDOT Sight Distance
deceleration lanes and tapers are shorter than Guidelines for more detailed discussion on
those shown in current MDOT guides, they sight distances.
should be lengthened to conform with the
latest Geometric Design Guides. For 4R E. Crown Location/Pavement Cross Slope
work, if these distances cannot be achieved,
design variances are required (See Section Where resurfacing is less than 4", the crown
3.08.01E). For 3R work, the existing length is point will be retained in its existing location,
assumed to be compliant per the geometric but the 2.0% cross slope should be
requirements for 3R work on freeway projects. established or maintained.
No design variance is required. Normally, it is
more cost effective to use the parallel design
Where resurfacing is 4" or more, the crown
for on and off ramps. The need for additional
lanes on the off ramp terminals should be point should be moved to meet current
analyzed for capacity improvements. Radii standards by shifting it to the left edge of the
should be checked for adequacy. Gore areas outside lane. The 2.0% cross slope should be
should be flattened where desirable. attained with the total yield kept close to
440 lbs/syd for 4", 550 lbs/syd for 5", etc. by
C. Vertical Curbs reducing thickness on the median lane.
However, this concept of relocating the
Vertical curb should be entirely removed on crownline may not be feasible when the entire
freeway mainlines, high speed turning pavement is sloped in one direction. The
roadways and collector distributor roads. It desirable roll-over or algebraic difference
should also be removed on other ramps for a between the pavement and shoulder cross
minimum distance of 200 feet from the slopes is six percent or less. A design
bifurcation or ramp nose. exception or variance is required when an
existing parabolic crown is retained. Also, see
Section 6.03.04B(1) “Crown and
Superelevation Modification.”

F. Superelevation

Current Standard Plan R-107-Series should

be used to upgrade rural freeway projects,
when feasible. When it is not possible to use
the current Standard Plan R-107-Series, the
straight line method may be considered on a
curve by curve basis as needed. See
Superelevation Using A Straight Line Method
in Section 3.04.03. A design exception or
variance is required if neither of these options
can be met.

3.11.03 (continued) 3.11.03G (continued)

Safety Considerations The need for median barrier will be reviewed

with the Geometric Design Unit.
G. Guardrail and Concrete Barrier
The elimination of guardrail should be
Piers and other obstacles near the center of considered when economically feasible to
medians, that are 70'-0" or less in width (edge flatten slopes, or where fixed objects can be
to edge), will always be shielded from both removed or relocated outside the clear zone.
sides, see Standard Plan R-56-Series.
Obstacles in the median, near the edge of H. Attenuation
pavements, will be shielded from the near
side. Shielding the far side will be determined Where physical conditions prohibit the use of
on a project-by-project basis. barriers, but shielding is needed, attenuation
devices should be used. Contact the
When it is not possible to maintain current Geometric Design Unit for attenuation design.
guardrail offsets and still retain the 2'-0"
distance from shoulder hinge line to the front I. Shoulder Cross Slopes
face of guardrail post, it is generally more
desirable to provide the additional offset See Section 6.05.05.
between the guardrail and pavement edge
than it is to reduce the offset in order to J. Section Deleted
maintain the 2'-0" distance. The shoulder
width can be maximized by using longer posts Underclearance information in this section
and relocating the guardrail to the shoulder was moved to Section 3.12.
hinge line. See Section 7.01.41D.

When entire runs of guardrail are replaced,

the types of rails for upgrading freeways are
the same as those specified in Section
7.01.12F for new freeways. The term
"freeway" includes ramps. However, Type T
guardrail on ramps should be transitioned to
Type B when near a ramp terminal to avoid
obstructing sight distance. See Section



5.01 (revised 6-28-2021) 5.02 (continued)

REFERENCES Condemnation - The process by which

property is acquired for transportation and
Deleted public purposes through legal proceedings
under power of eminent domain.
5.02 (revised 9-28-2020)
Condemnation Trial - A step in the
GLOSSARY OF TERMS condemnation procedure, conducted by a
judge in a court of law, in which the
Abandonment - Legally, cessation of use of Department is represented by the Attorney
R.O.W. or activity thereon with no intention to General, where the amount of just
reclaim or use again. Sometimes erroneously compensation to be paid to a property owner
called "vacation". Divisional usage: is determined.
relinquishment of control to a subordinate
governmental unit, e.g., county. Consents

Acquisition or Taking - The process of Consent to Construct Temporary Drive -

obtaining R.O.W. The right to enter and to construct a
temporary drive upon a specific area of land,
Appraisal - A professional estimate or opinion which right will expire at the completion of the
of value. construction of the described project. Said
temporary drive is to be removed at the end of
Award - The determination rendered by a said construction and the underlying lands
judge, jury, or commission upon a controversy returned as nearly as possible to their former
submitted to them, such as value of real condition.
property or damage thereto.
Consent to Grade - The right to enter upon a
Clear Vision Corner - A corner of an at grade specific area of land for the purpose of
intersection from which all obstructions have grading, including the right to grade and/or
been removed and on which no construction alter the underlying lands, which right will
or growth is allowed that will interfere with a expire at the completion of the construction of
line of sight established according to the described project, or upon a specified
principles of safety. Generally, requires date.
property beyond the normal R.O.W., triangular
in shape with the longer leg along the major Control of Access - The condition where the
highway. Clear vision corner R.O.W. is right of owners or occupants of abutting land
generally limited access. or other persons to access, light, air, or view
in connection with a highway is fully or
partially controlled by public authority.



6.04.01 History of Concrete Paving in Michigan

6.04.02 Glossary of Terms

6.04.03 Characteristics of Concrete Pavement

6.04.04 Concrete Pavement

A. General
B. Thickness
C. Deleted
D. Load Transfer
E. Transverse Joints
1. JRCP Joint Spacing
2. JPCP Joint Spacing
3. Expansion Joints
4. Contraction Joints
5. Joint Sealants
6. Measurement and Payment
7. Concrete Intersection Joint Layout
F. Longitudinal Joints
1. Joint Spacing
2. Lane Ties
3. “L” Joints
4. External Longitudinal Pavement Joint
5. Longitudinal Joint Sealant
6. Widened Slab
G. Joints in Latex Concrete Bridge Approaches
H. Miscellaneous Concrete Pavement
I. Construction Considerations
1. Pavers
2. Forms
J. Gaps in Concrete Pavement

6.04.05 Ride Quality

6.04.06 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

A. Background
B. Principles of CRCP
1. Anchor Lugs
2. Wide-flanged Beam Terminal Joint
3. Expansion Joints
C. CRCP Repair

6.04.07 Plain Concrete Pavement

A. Guideline for Use of Plain Pavement
B. Joint Type and Spacing
C. Temporary Concrete Pavement


6.04.08 Concrete Base Course

A. Criteria for Use
B. Reinforcement
C. Texture and Joints

6.04.09 Widening of Existing Concrete

A. Criteria for Use of Lane Ties in Longitudinal Bulkhead Joints
B. Deleted
C. Flush Surfaces
D. Standard Plans

6.04.10 Concrete Tapers

6.04.11 Concrete Pavement Overlays

A. Bonded Overlay
B. Concrete Cap
C. Unbonded Overlay
D. Whitetopping

6.04.12 Concrete Pavement Patching

A. References
B. General
C. Distances Between Concrete Patches
D. Expansion Space to be Provided
E. Patching Pay Items
1. Pavt Repr, Rem
2. Saw Cut, Intermediate
3. Pavt Repr, Reinf Conc and Pavt Repr, Nonreinf Conc
4. Lane Tie, Epoxy Anchored
5. Joint Types
6. Cement
7. Non-Chloride Accelerator
F. Typical Joint Layouts for Concrete Repairs
G. Reinforcement
H. Doweled Repairs
I. Replacing Previously Undoweled Patches
J. Adjusting Drainage Structure Covers in Patches
K. Longitudinal Joints
L. Patching Utility Trenches
M. Patching Pavements Having a Concrete Cap
N. Other Pavement Repairs
O. Causes of Joint Deterioration
P. Provision for Pressure Relief Joints



6.01 6.01.03


Legal truck weights in Michigan, for vehicles

6.01.01 (revised 6-28-2021) exceeding 80,000 lbs. gross weight, are
18,000 lbs. per single axle and 13,000 lbs. per
References axle in tandem groups, with one 32,000 lbs.
tandem pair permitted, provided certain
A. Truck Operators’ Map, MDOT, issued minimum axle spacings are met. For vehicles
annually (available from the Utility less than 80,000 lbs. gross weight, maximum
Coordination and Permits Section of the weights of 20,000 lbs. per single axle and
Development Services Division) 34,000 lbs. per tandem axle are permitted.
Routes where these loads are permitted,
B. Pavement Selection Manual, MDOT, regardless of the season, are shown in green
Current Edition on the Truck Operators’ Map, published by
the Department.
C. Standard Specifications for
Construction, MDOT, Current Edition The maximum gross load is 164,000 lbs. on
11 axles legally spaced. Overweight vehicles
D. Michigan DOT User Guide for may be issued a permit for a specified trip or
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement move.
Design, MDOT, Current Edition
6.01.02 AASHTO Interim Guide
Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) In the middle 1950's, AASHO conducted the
most extensive road test ever on a specially
Recognizing that automobile traffic has little constructed track near Ottawa, Illinois.
deleterious effect on the load-carrying Utilizing a part of what is now I-80 and military
capacity of a pavement, the Department has personnel driving loaded trucks 24 hours per
adopted the concept of 18-kip (18,000 lbs.) day for two years, this provided the data that
axle load repetitions or ESAL as a meaningful led to the publication of the “AASHTO Interim
unit of traffic measurement. (While there is no Guide for Design of Pavement Structures
hard data available, some consider that it 1972". The AASHTO design method is an
requires something on the order of 5,000 empirically developed method which is used
passenger cars to equal one 18-kip axle load. across the country by many public agencies.
A General Accounting Office study has
estimated that one 80,000 lb. truck causes
wear equal to 9,600 cars.) The Bureau of
Transportation Planning, in determining future
traffic volumes for design purposes, is able to
convert average daily commercial vehicles
counts into ESAL repetitions. ESALs are
available from the Project Planning Division.
6.01.05 (revised 10-23-2017) 6.01.06 (revised 6-28-2021)

Choice between Aggregate, Hot Mix Pavement Design and Selection Policy
Asphalt and Concrete (Approved by EOC 2-9-2012)

It is the general practice of the Department to A. Design

not leave aggregate as a driving surface on a
roadway. Therefore, at minimum, a new or Pavement design is performed using a
existing aggregate road will generally be combination of the AASHTO 1993 and
paved with a single course of hot mix asphalt Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) design methods.
material, regardless of how little traffic it The AASHTO 1993 design method is
serves. conducted using the "AASHTO Guide for
Design of Pavement Structures", 1993 and
Michigan differs from many of the states in the software “DARWin Version 3.1”. The ME
having a wide range of soil types, varying from design method is conducted using the
well drained sands to heavy clays, to rock AASHTO “Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement
outcroppings. Concrete has the advantage of Design Guide” and the software “Pavement
rigidity and high strength relative to thickness ME Design.” Further details can be found in
and requires less elaborate mixing facilities at the Michigan DOT User Guide for
the plant. Hot mix asphalt is flexible, easier to Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design.
repair, and it requires less time to open to
traffic, needing only to cool. The Department B. Selection
tries to utilize the advantages of each material
when selecting a pavement type. Pavement selection will be determined using
the life cycle cost analysis method when the
Ramps will usually have the same type of project pavement costs exceed the $1.5
surfacing as is used on the freeway. One million threshold as described in the
exception would be when the mainline is Pavement Selection Manual. Pavement
overlaid utilizing a different wearing surface costs are determined by separately calculating
material than the existing ramp. In this case, the cost of paving with both HMA and
the new mainline surface material may extend concrete. When the cost of either the HMA or
up the ramps part-way depending on the concrete exceeds $1.5 million, a life cycle cost
condition of the ramps. analysis is required. For such projects,
Pavement Operations of the Construction
Similarly, utility trench replacement is typically Field Services Division will conduct the
the same type of pavement material as pavement design and life cycle cost analysis
surrounds it. Refer to section 9.04.01 for
in accordance with the Pavement Selection
design of pavement cross-section
Manual. MDOT staff and industry
replacement due to utility trench work.
organizations will be provided an opportunity
for review and comment, with final approvals
by the Engineering Operations Committee. In
accordance with state law, the low cost
alternative will be selected.

Pavement designs and the life cycle cost

analysis will be done by Pavement Operations
for the following project categories.
6.01.06B (continued) 6.01.07 (revised 6-28-2021)

Pavement Design and Selection Policy Alternate Pavement Bidding

a. All new/reconstruction projects with At times during pavement selection, the life-
pavement costs greater than $1.5 million cycle cost between the two alternatives may
be relatively close and all other design
considerations relatively equal. Under these
b. Major rehabilitation projects (unbonded
circumstances, bidding the project with
concrete overlays, rubblized concrete with alternate pavement options can allow market
HMA surfacing, HMA over crush & shaped competition to determine best value.
HMA, multi-course HMA overlays, thin
concrete overlays, and multi-course HMA On September 1, 2011 the Engineering
over an Asphalt Stabilized Crack Relief Operations Committee approved a process for
Layer) with pavement costs greater than the identification and development of alternate
$1.5 million. pavement bid (APB) candidate projects.

Certain fixes known under a different name Candidate selection criteria includes;
(e.g. ‘inlay’) may still require a life cycle cost
analysis, regardless of whether it is a 3R or 1. Only freeway projects will be eligible.
4R project. Questions should be directed to
2. The project fix type must be either a
Pavement Operations. Assistance will be
complete reconstruction or a major
given to the Regions for other projects on an rehabilitation (separated concrete overlay
as-needed basis or HMA over rubblized concrete).
Life cycle cost analysis will include the cost of 3. Estimated construction costs must exceed
initial pavement construction costs as well as $10,000,000 dollars.
maintenance costs over the service life. It will
also include calculation of user costs for both 4. Each pavement alternate must be
initial construction and all future maintenance expected to have similar environmental,
shown in the maintenance schedules. User right of way, drainage, and utility impacts.
costs will be calculated using the software
titled “Construction Congestion Cost.” 5. Maintaining traffic concepts must be
similar for both pavement alternates.
Informational life cycle cost analyses may be 6. Paving must be the controlling operation
conducted for a variety of reasons prior to for the construction schedule.
processing of an official analysis. In addition,
some circumstances will require re-analysis, 7. If the project meets all the above criteria,
such as scope changes or scheduling delays. the TSC will request an informational
Projects must be monitored during project LCCA. The proposed pavement designs
development to ensure that a valid life cycle will be developed using the MDOT
cost analysis is in place prior to Pavement Selection Manual. The life
advertisement, and that the correct pavement cycle costs of the two pavement design
type has been specified in the plans. The alternates must be within 10% to be
Pavement Selection Manual contains details considered for alternate bid on Design-
of these and many other aspects of the Bid-Build projects. A Design-Build project
will be identified as APB if the project
meets the above Selection Criteria,
regardless of the LCCA EUAC percentage
6.02.05 6.02.06 (continued)

Subbase Stabilization B. Typical Cross Section

E. Criteria for Use The OGDC is usually shown on the typical

cross-section extending 1 ft. beyond the edge
Aggregate base is typically used under all of shoulder. Typically, its thickness is 6
HMA and some concrete pavements placed inches or 16 inches in the Metro Region with
on subbase material. Aggregate base may either a geotextile separator or a dense
also be used as a construction platform aggregate separator course placed between
directly on subgrade when recommended at the OGDC and the subbase.
the Plan Review Meeting.
C. Usage
6.02.06 (revised 6-28-2021)
The Engineering Operations Committee, on
September 9, 1987, decided that OGDC
Open Graded Drainage Course
should be used under all full lane width
concrete pavements that are one-half mile or
A. Purpose
more in length. Exceptions may be made.
Contractor equipment, other than spreading
Research has concluded that open graded
and trimming equipment, should not drive
bases provided the most suitable method for
directly on the Open Graded Drainage
removing water from the roadway section.
Course. These traffic loadings, directly on the
Materials for OGDC are specifically designed
OGDC, cause infiltration of the subbase
to allow water to drain freely and still provide a
material into the OGDC layer. This inhibits the
suitable paving platform. The OGDC is
drainability of the OGDC.
drained by an open graded underdrain that is
located under the shoulder in a geotextile
wrapped trench. The trench is backfilled with The designer should review the project with
an open graded material. the Construction Field Services Division to
determine if construction equipment may run
OGDC gradations initially required 0-15% on the open graded base. The designer
passing the 4.75 mm sieve (ASTM No. 4) and should check with the Pavement Design
100% passing the 37.5 mm sieve (1½”). In Engineer (Construction Field Service Division)
some instances contractors reported difficulty for recommendations, if a different base is
paving over this material because of lesser required.
stability than traditional dense graded bases.
For this reason this gradation is no longer
used. Current OGDC gradations provide
improved drainability and stability.

The department has revised the specified

gradation several times since the early 1980's.
The perceived instability of OGDC continues
to be an issue. National studies continue to
show the benefits of open graded bases.
However, gradations continue to be studied
that will maintain drainability and increase
stability. Drainability of OGDC is on the order
of 300 to 500 ft. horizontally per day. The
lateral drainage path, to the nearest
underdrain, should be no more than 30 ft.

6.03.07 6.03.08 (revised 6-28-2021)

Hot-Mix Recycling Matching the Treatment to the Project

D. Factors to Consider Relative to Determining the treatment to use in

Recycling rehabilitating a particular segment of highway
is mostly a matter of engineering judgement.
There are some pavements that cannot be Progress has been made in terms of trying to
recycled using current technology. quantify certain intangibles, matching
Pavements containing tars or liquid asphalts structural numbers with proposed traffic
high in solvents are poor candidates for volumes, and calculating cost/benefit
recycling because of the attendant air analyses, but the major factor remains -
pollution problem in connection with drum engineering judgement on the part of the
mixer plants. Sealcoats are not recycled. designer.
Tar-bound macadams, which may contain
rocks as large as 5" to 6", are not recyclable A. Alternatives to Consider
because of both the tar and the size of the
aggregates. The decision as to whether or 1. Overlaly
not to recycle, however, should be made by 2. Pulverize/Rubblize the existing pavement
Construction Field Services Division. and resurface
3. Mill the existing pavement and recycle
When the use of milled material is allowed back as hot-mix
back on the project as recycled mix, the 4. Combination of #2 and #3
hot-mix prices will generally be lower than that
for virgin hot-mix. Variables affecting this B. Minimum Structural Requirements
price reduction are: the size of the project, the
total amount of RAP available for use back on Ensure that for each alternative the minimum
the project, and the location of the project structural requirements for the design life are
relative to a permanent asphalt plant. The met. See the Michigan DOT User Guide for
contractor will normally choose the most Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design.
economical alternative suited to his operation,
which, of course, must be competitive with the C. Life Cycle Cost Analysis
operations of other competing contractors.
Recycling will reduce the additional required Reference the Pavement Selection Manual
asphalt by about one percentage point. This for Life Cycle Cost Analysis.
is where the contractor saves money, not in
the aggregate saved. (While aggregate costs
may be roughly equal, it remains that
recycling conserves aggregates.)

6.04 6.04.02 (continued)

CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION “Black and white job" - A non-technical term

referring to a roadway having both HMA
surfaced and concrete surfaced lanes.
Blow-up - The upheaval and sometimes
History of Concrete Paving in Michigan spectacular shattering of a concrete pavement
caused by hot weather expansion in
The first mile of rural concrete pavement in combination with loss of room for expansion,
the nation was located on Woodward Avenue infiltration of incompressibles, and loss of
between 6 and 7 Mile Roads. The 17'-8" wide cross-section in the lower portion of the joint,
pavement was built by the Wayne County with consequential reduction of compressive
Road Commission and completed in 1909. stability and compressive strength. Usually
occurring at a joint, it may commence in the
The beginning of the state trunkline system period when the pavement is 8 to 18 years
can be traced to a law enacted in 1913. At old.
the time, road building was largely HMA and
water-bound macadam on the "Class A" roads Bonded overlay - A concrete overlay of an
close to cities; gravel and earth predominated existing pavement that is encouraged to
everywhere else. Although records are chemically and physically bond to the
sketchy, it appears that the first concrete underlying pavement surface. The existing
paving project, let for contract by the state, surface must be thoroughly cleaned by milling,
was on Dixie Highway just north of Monroe, in grinding, or sand or water blasting prior to
1918. The circumstances of this project are resurfacing.
peculiar in that it appears that the original
contract was let by the Monroe County Road Bulkhead joint - The formed joint, either
Commission. The original contractor went longitudinal or transverse, between two
bankrupt so the project was taken over by the adjacent concrete slabs, created when one
Department, which let a new concrete paving slab is cast up against another already
contract. hardened slab.
6.04.02 (revised 6-28-2021) Cold joint - The division between two
concrete pours, one of which has begun to set
Glossary of Terms before the other is cast against it. This
disparity prevents the mixture from forming a
Aggregate interlock - Load transfer that continuous uniformly consolidated mass and
occurs across a concrete fracture by virtue of may lead to separation of the concrete along
the irregular nature of the fracture surfaces this same line of division at sometime in the
due to cracking around, rather than through, future.
the aggregate particles. The faces must be
held in close proximity to one another in order Composite pavement - A portland cement
to develop aggregate interlock. concrete pavement with an HMA overlay

Base plate - The galvanized metal base of

joint dowel baskets that last appeared on
Standard Plan E-4-A-130E (October 1963)
and on E-4-A-138. Its purpose was to prevent
sand from working up into the joint (It was
used prior to subbase stabilization).

6.04.02 (continued) 6.04.02 (continued)

Glossary of Terms Unbonded overlay – A concrete overlay of

an existing pavement that is discouraged from
Return - That part of a street intersection bonding both chemically and physically to the
consisting of the fillets and the curved portion underlying pavement surface. This is usually
of any curb and gutter. When considering a accomplished by using an HMA separation
mainline, the return would be that part of the course.
sidestreet approach around to the springpoint.
Widened Slab – When the outside slab (truck
Shapefactor - The ratio of the width to the lane) width between longitudinal joints is
depth of the joint sealer in a pavement joint. greater than or equal to 13-feet, instead of the
standard 12-foot width. Typically, widened
Slab - A term used to describe a length of slabs are 14-foot width.
concrete pavement between consecutive
joints. (See “Panel”) Working crack - A random transverse crack
in the pavement that accommodates
Sleeper slab - A concrete slab placed at a expansion and contraction of the adjacent
depth such that the pavement surfacing slab slabs. For this to happen the pavement
can rest upon it. May accommodate reinforcement must first have fractured.
movement of the surfacing slab by means of a Often, an adjacent pavement joint will have
bond-breaker between the two slabs. Usually "frozen" so that it becomes a non-working
used at bridge approaches. joint.

Springpoint - The point in a paved or curbed The following term is defined in the Standard
intersection where the edge on tangent meets Specifications for Construction:
the curved portion of the return radius.
Square – An abbreviation of "square yard”.

Transverse Joint – A joint that runs

perpendicular to the centerline of the roadway.

Trg Joint (Tied-Reinforced-Grouted) – A tied Characteristics of Concrete Pavement

joint between an existing concrete pavement
and a full depth concrete pavement repair. The The concrete used in pavement has a
existing pavement is drilled and tied to the coefficient of thermal expansion of
pavement repair with grouted epoxy coated 0.0000055 in/in/F. Considering a pavement
deformed bars. with a 27’ joint spacing, a contraction of just
greater than 1/16” would occur at each end of
the slab, because of a 90° decrease in
temperature from its original casting
temperature. It can be seen that a potential
contraction of about ⅛” must be
accommodated in each slab. There is also
shrinkage during the curing of the concrete,
and this increases with the amount of water in
the mix.

6.04.03 (continued) 6.04.04 (revised 6-28-2021)

Characteristics of Concrete Pavement Concrete Pavement

Concrete pavement has a tendency to curl A. General

upward when saturated by moisture on the
underside or when the temperature of the top Michigan has constructed three types of
surface is lower than that at the bottom. This concrete pavement in past years. These are:
tendency is most evident at night and is Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
manifested in greater pavement edge (JRCP), Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement
deflection due to curl. (JPCP) and Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement (CRCP). JRCP and
Concrete pavement has a tendency to lose its JPCP have been widely used while CRCP has
ability to accommodate expansion over the been used in the past.
years, which is evidenced by open joints that
don't close up when warmer temperatures B. Thickness
return. This is usually the result of dirt and
incompressibles entering joints and cracks Conventional thicknesses of concrete
and effectively filling up any available pavement range from 8” to 12” uniform. Many
expansion space, or from actual expansion of Metro area freeways were built utilizing 10”
the concrete due to alkali-silica or thickness and there are many rural trunklines
alkali-carbonate reactions and/or freeze-thaw 8” thick.
deterioration. This phenomenon can have
serious consequences when, for example, it Some older pavements placed prior to 1950
results in excessive expansion pressures on were constructed with variable thicknesses.
the backwall of a bridge, or causes blow-ups For example, a 9”-7”-9” pavement is 9” thick at
at weakened pavement joints. each outside edge, tapering to 7” thickness 3’
in from the edges. When rehabilitating a
Admixtures can change the characteristics of concrete pavement of this era, the designer
portland cement concrete, particularly during should be aware of this possible design.
the casting and setting stages. Plasticizers Pavement cores can confirm or deny this
can increase the slump, and thus the situation if old plans do not exist.
workability, without changing the
water-cement ratio. Calcium chloride will Pavement thicknesses greater than 9” are
increase the heat of hydration, important in usually required only on the freeway system.
the winter time to allow the mix to set up The Pavement Designer will make the
without freezing. It is also used to accelerate thickness determination.
the setting, therefore resulting in obtaining
higher strength faster and allowing the C. Section Deleted
roadway to be opened to traffic sooner.
However, chlorides cause corrosion of
reinforcement, so this material should not be
used in heavily reinforced structures or those
where corrosion will excessively reduce the
life of the pavement. Extra cement and/or
alternate non-chloride chemical additives can
be used for fast strength gain when needed
for reinforced concrete.

6.04.04 (continued) 6.04.04F(1) (continued)

Concrete Pavement Thinner slabs should have longitudinal

joints at closer spacing, e.g., an 8” thick,
F. Longitudinal Joints 16’ wide ramp should instead have the
longitudinal joint offset 12’ from one edge
Longitudinal joints are used to prevent and 4’ from the other edge.
irregular longitudinal cracks within the slab.
Such cracks normally result from the 2. Lane Ties
combined effects of load, base weakness and
restrained warping under traffic. Rapidly Lane ties are used to hold adjacent
dropping air temperatures during the first night concrete pavement structures in close
after paving may induce longitudinal cracking relationship to one another. As a general
due to subgrade frictional restraint. Typically, principle, the more lanes that must be tied
sawing of longitudinal joints occurs within 24 together, the closer the required spacing
hours of casting the concrete. of the lane ties. The closest spacing is
needed farthest from the free edge. (See
Longitudinal joints should coincide with the the table on Standard Plan R-41-Series.)
location of proposed painted lane lines, unless
widened slab is specified (see Section With form paving, bulkhead joints are
6.04.04F(6), "Widened Slab"). When the created at the edges where the forms are
pavement geometry is such that the location used. Deformed bars are used as lane
of lane lines are not readily evident, the plans ties across these joints. With slip-form
should include a joint layout diagram for the paving, several techniques have been
area in question. tried, including inserting a straight bar into
the plastic concrete immediately behind
See Geometric Design Guide GEO-370-Series the slip-form. Currently, most contractors
for details of longitudinal joint lines at a utilize equipment that inserts a bar bent at
T-ramp intersection with a crossroad. 90 degrees such that they do not interfere
with the paver tracks. After the concrete
See Standard Plan R-41-Series, "Longitudinal has set, the bar is bent perpendicular to
Pavement Joints.” the edge of pavement.

1. Joint Spacing 3. “L” joints

Standard longitudinal joint spacing is the "L" and "L1" joints are no longer used.
same as the specified lane width, which is The hook bolts used in these joints have
typically 12’. When a widened slab is been replaced with epoxy anchored lane
specified, longitudinal joint spacing ties when a future widening is made. The
matches the specified lane widths, except epoxy anchored lane tie is referred to as
for the outermost travel through lane an "L2" joint and is specified on Standard
(truck lane), which will be 14’ wide. See Plan R-41-Series.
Section 6.04.04F(6), "Widened Slab" for
further details and guidance.

Maximum width of a concrete pavement

slab without a longitudinal joint is 16’. A
30’ wide concrete service road should
have one longitudinal joint at the

6.04.04F (continued) 6.04.04F (continued)

4. External Longitudinal Pavement Joint 6. Widened Slab

Sawing and sealing of longitudinal If appropriate, MDOT may use a 14-foot

pavement joints is included in the payment widened outside slab (truck lane). The
for the concrete pavement. This includes widened slab is intended to reduce
the exterior longitudinal joint between the stresses and deflections at the outside
concrete pavement and a concrete longitudinal concrete pavement edge
shoulder, concrete curb and gutter, or caused by vehicle tires running on or near
concrete valley gutter. the edge. Widened slabs may also
reduce the amount of shoulder
The external longitudinal joint between maintenance. While widened concrete
concrete pavement and Detail E (straight) slabs can be beneficial, they may also be
curb, between concrete pavement and susceptible to longitudinal cracking if the
concrete dividers, and between HMA pavement thickness is too thin. Therefore,
surfaced concrete base course and MDOT recommends using a 14-foot
curbings are not required to be sawed and widened concrete slab when the roadway
sealed. (The axle protrusion of the saw has all of the following attributes:
prohibits sawing a joint adjacent to a
vertical face of any appreciable height,  Is a new/reconstruct project.
and our standards do not provide for  Is a freeway.
either sawing and sealing of joints in base  Allowable width for widening (ie. not
course.) constrained by curb or right-of-way).
 Additional outer lanes are not currently
5. Longitudinal Joint Sealant planned.
 Significant length of auxiliary lanes
Longitudinal concrete pavement joints are adjacent to the truck lane are not
generally sealed with hot poured rubber. present or planned.
 The concrete pavement thickness is
9.5” or greater.
o If the pavement thickness is
less than 9.5”, but a hot mix
asphalt shoulder is planned,
then consider widening with a
slab width of 13’.

6.04.07 6.04.08A (continued)

Plain Concrete Pavement A decline in the use of concrete base course

in recent years is attributable to the realization
C. Temporary Concrete Pavement that HMA surfacing is not waterproof.
Depending on the HMA mixture, a certain
Plain concrete pavement for a temporary amount of moisture can usually be expected
road, should have transverse joints at a 16’ to reach the interface between the asphalt and
spacing (symbol W, Standard Plan the concrete. In winter this may be salt brine
R-39-Series, except that final width shall be that contributes to deterioration of the
⅛”), unsealed and not skewed. The concrete and loosening of the HMA surfacing.
longitudinal joint may be omitted. If the Reflective cracks also form in the overlay
pavement will lay over a winter or longer, a directly above the joints, allowing penetration
longitudinal joint (⅛” relief cut one third the of water and incompressible materials.
pavement thickness specified for symbol D on
Standard Plan R-41-Series, except that final By current practice, concrete base course is
width shall be ⅛”), unsealed, should be used. limited to widening of existing pavements and
Lane ties should also be provided. If a patching, and not for full-width new
longitudinal joint and lane ties are desired in construction. Preferably, it should be further
temporary concrete pavement, they must be limited to widenings of less than a lane width.
called for in the plans or proposal. For example, a 30’ asphalt-surfaced
pavement being widened to five 12’ lanes
In the event that the "temporary" road will be (60’) should probably have a 3’ base course
in service for 4 or 5 years, sealing of joints, widening and a 12’ (perhaps monolithic) lane
mesh reinforcement, load transfer, etc., of concrete pavement on each side.
should be considered on a case-by-case (Full-depth HMA construction is an
basis. alternative.)

6.04.08 (revised 6-28-2021) See Section 6.04.09, "Widening of Existing

Concrete Base Course
B. Reinforcement
A. Criteria for Use
Concrete base course will not contain mesh
By definition, concrete base course is reinforcement unless it has been specifically
intended for imminent HMA surfacing. Its use recommended for the project.
is generally dictated by a desire to maintain
the same pavement coloring in a widening as C. Texture and Joints
on the original pavement or to differentiate
between lanes. For many years expressway (See Standard Plan R-39-Series.) Texturing of
ramps and speed change lanes in Detroit concrete base course consists of a
were uniformly paved with concrete base longitudinal burlap drag. This roughness,
course and HMA to make them readily combined with a clean, non-oily surface,
distinguishable to motorists by their contrast enables a single-course HMA surface to bond
with the concrete pavement of the through to concrete base course in contrast to a
lanes. This policy is no longer in effect. requirement for a two-course HMA resurfacing
over an older concrete pavement previously
polished by traffic.

Joints in concrete base course are not sealed.


6.04.09 6.04.09 (continued)

Widening of Existing Concrete B. Deleted

A. Criteria for Use of Lane Ties in C. Flush Surfaces

Longitudinal Bulkhead Joints
At one time it was customary to cast concrete
The question of whether or not to use drilled base course widening at an elevation such
and grouted epoxy anchored lane ties arises that a minimum one-course surfacing of HMA
on every concrete widening project. This would achieve plan grade. In the event that
question must be answered by investigating the existing pavement was to receive a thicker
the soundness of the existing concrete that, in resurfacing, the inner edge of the concrete
turn, is an indication of the expected life of the widening would be higher than the old
old pavement and the cost effectiveness of pavement. Not only does this method create
epoxy anchored lane ties. This must be problems in forming the inner edge of the
determined by a field investigation by widening, but worse, the inner pavement has
Region/TSC personnel prior to the Plan no transverse drainage during construction.
Review Meeting Condition, rather than age,
should be the deciding factor. When both the existing pavement and the
widening must be surfaced with HMA material,
If the existing pavement is sound, epoxy the widening should be cast flush with the
anchored lane ties should be used for edge of the existing pavement. This means, of
widenings, even if there will be curb and gutter course, that the thickness of resurfacing
at the outside edge. Epoxy anchored lane ties needed over the old pavement will determine
should also be used when tying a proposed that to be used over the widening. The use of
concrete curb and gutter to an existing HMA over new concrete is discouraged,
pavement edge. Concrete curb and gutter in however, unless there are compelling reasons
this situation should be paid as the detail type for using it. New HMA over new concrete is a
omitting lane tie bars. source of added expense, and performance of
the pavement section is less than ideal. See
Designers are cautioned against committing Section 6.04.08A.
the error of calling for a 'D' joint where
widening abuts the existing pavement.
Obviously, this is an impossibility because the
lane tie for a 'D' joint must be embedded in
plastic concrete on both sides of the joint.
While this might appear to be a minor error, if
not caught in time it requires that Construction
negotiate either an extra for epoxy anchored
lane ties or a rebate for deleted lane ties.

6.04.11 (revised 6-28-2021) 6.04.11 (continued)

Concrete Pavement Overlays A. Bonded Overlay

Concrete overlays can be roughly divided into While the Department has not constructed a
four categories: bonded concrete resurfacing, the designer
should be aware of what it is, and some of the
1. Bonded overlays of an existing concrete parameters affecting the design. A reason for
pavement. This is basically a thinner using a thin concrete overlay would be to
concrete pavement (typically less than 6”) "beef up" a pavement, in good condition and
poured directly on the existing concrete. with many years of expected life, to handle
Care must be taken to place joints in the increased loads. (Such as might occur if a
overlay within 1” of existing joints and new heavy manufacturing plant were
cracks. To date, the Department has not proposed in a previously low traffic area.)
constructed such a concrete overlay. Potholes should be filled with a ready-mixed
Technically, an exception might be the 3” flowable fill. The thin overlay should be
thick, steel fiber reinforced, overlay on 8 unreinforced, and have transverse joints, both
Mile Rd. in the early seventies. This contraction and expansion, matching similar
project failed because of breakup caused joints in the underlying pavement. Both
by extreme warping, and the pavement longitudinal and transverse joints should be
has since been replaced. sawed to ⅓ the overlay thickness. Bond
between the old and the new concrete must
2. A concrete cap on the order of 4” to 6” be carefully provided for. If such a project is
thick, either bonded or partially bonded, assigned, the designer will be furnished
probably containing reinforcement and design details by the Construction Field
load transfer. Services Division.

3. An unbonded overlay of an existing B. Concrete Cap

concrete pavement. Typically, these are
thicker than 6” and are separated from the The Department constructed about 30
existing pavement by a bond breaker concrete cap projects in the period between
layer. This bond breaker layer is normally 1932 and 1954, with thicknesses varying
a 1” layer of HMA. While technically there between 4” and 6”. While they were
will be some bonding taking place, the moderately successful, it is unlikely this type
term unbonded is commonly used. of construction will be utilized in the
foreseeable future.
4. Whitetopping, which is a concrete overlay
of an existing flexible pavement. Typical
thicknesses are greater than 4”. When it
is less than 4” thick, the term ultra-thin
whitetopping is used.

6.04.11 (continued) 6.04.11 (continued)

Concrete Pavement Overlays D. Whitetopping

C. Unbonded Overlay Whitetopping is a concrete overlay that is

bonded to an existing asphalt pavement. In
This method of pavement rehabilitation general, whitetoppings are best suited over
provides a new pavement while making use of existing pavements that do not exhibit
the old as base and basically involves significant structural distresses, other than
constructing a new pavement atop the old. where rutting may be present. To reduce
The Department completed many such curling stresses in the overlay and shear
projects since 1984. stresses at the asphalt interface, the bonded
overlay panels are typically 6 ft by 6 ft. It is
While the designer can expect to be furnished important that saw cutting occurs as soon as
details of such construction if a project is ever possible. Dowel bars are not used in
assigned, it should be noted that, on an I-96 whitetoppings, but lane tie bars are
project, from M-66 easterly to the Grand River recommended along the longitudinal joint.
at Portland, the underlying CRC pavement Fibers may be considered to control shrinkage
was sawed into 100’ long slabs, 7” deep cracking. The existing asphalt after milling
sawcut to cut the lowest steel. An 80 lbs/syd should be greater than or equal to 4". It is
(minimum) HMA separation course was used recommended that the existing asphalt
between existing pavement and the overlay. pavement be milled to improve bond and
The overlay pavement was 7” thick, which reduce rutting.
necessitated a modified transverse joint
design and modified load transfer assemblies. In 1999, the Department constructed it’s first
The transverse joints were staggered to keep whitetopping project on M-46 from just east of
them at least 3’ away from joints or open Carsonville to M-25 in Port Sanilac. It
cracks in the underlying pavement. contained two 6” sections, one with fiber
reinforcement and one without, a small 5”
Some of the obvious disadvantages of a thick transition section, and a 3” ultra-thin section in
concrete pavement overlay are that it raises Port Sanilac. The intersection of M-54 and
the level of the pavement sufficiently to render M-83 near Birch Run was also whitetopped in
existing guardrail too low, it steepens the 2000.
foreslope for a few feet beyond the shoulder
hinge point, and it usually cannot be used
under bridges because of underclearance

6.05.05 (continued) 6.05.06 (revised 6-28-2021)

Shoulder Slopes Selection of Shoulder Surface Type

E. Graded Berm For guidance as to the type of HMA shoulder

surfacing to provide for a project, see the table
(See Section 6.05.04I) Normal slope of a in the HMA Selection Guidelines, Section
graded berm, whether of normal shoulder 6.03.09.
width or wider, is 6%.
Freeway shoulders typically employ the same
In a cut section, the berm will slope toward the material as the mainline pavement. See
curb, for drainage. Appendix 6A.

In a fill section, the berm may slope either Shoulder type on any local roads, constructed
toward the curb or away from it. Customarily, or reconstructed as part of the project, will be
it will slope toward the curb if there is the determined on a location-by-location basis,
possibility of a sidewalk or bicycle path with input from the local agencies involved.
eventually being built on it. Sloping toward
the curb is also preferable from the standpoint
of drainage, as it reduces the amount of runoff
that may be directed onto adjacent property.
Sloping down and away from the curb is
usually done when none of these other factors
are significant, or where R.O.W. may be

6.08.02 (revised 5-27-2020) 6.08.05 (revised 6-28-2021)

Thickness Curb Ramps

Concrete sidewalks are normally 4” thick. Curb ramps are mandated by Act 8, P.A. of
When part of a driveway, it should be 1973 (amended by Act 35 in 1998), as was
constructed to the same thickness as the the issuance of Standard Plan R-28-Series,
driveway approach, as detailed on Standard “Curb Ramp and Detectable Warning Details".
Plan R-29-Series. See Section 12.08.03D. FHWA guidance indicates that ramps be
constructed whenever construction involves
When it is determined at the Plan Review curb or sidewalk. On May 8, 1973, the
Meeting that there is evidence of trucks Department extended this requirement, by
encroaching on curb returns at short-radius policy to include resurfacing projects that did
intersections or where the potential for
not ordinarily require the replacement of
encroachment will exist after project
completion, the designer should call for 6” existing curb or sidewalk.
thick concrete for sidewalk and curb ramps
within the return. This thickness can be Federal mandates followed this State law in
increased if there is potential for very heavy conjunction with the Americans with
trucks to encroach on the return. Disabilities Act of 1990. The United States
Access Board published the Americans with
6.08.03 Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
(ADAAG) in 1991 and subsequently extended
Reinforcement its application to Public Rights of Way in 1994.
The Access Board later published the Public
Sidewalks are usually not reinforced. Rights of Way Accessibility Guideline
Occasionally, a municipality will request the (PROWAG) to address accessibility issues
Department to reinforce sidewalk within its specific to public rights of way.
limits. If such reinforcing of sidewalk is
standard municipal policy elsewhere, the It should be emphasized that there is little
sidewalk may be reinforced at project cost. permitted reason for failure to place or
upgrade a curb ramp on a road construction
The plans should note that 6” x 6” mesh project if a sidewalk meets a curb in an
should be used, with either No. 10 wire obvious crosswalk situation. An "obvious
weighing 21 pounds per 100 sft or No. 6 wire crosswalk situation" would be where a
weighing, 42 pounds per 100 sft, whichever is sidewalk intersects with the roadway, whether
the municipal standard. or not there are painted crosswalk lines or a
traffic signal present.
Earth Excavation for Sidewalk

Any earth excavation and backfilling required

for construction of sidewalk is included in the
pay item for sidewalk.

6.08.05C (continued)

Curb Ramps

Curb Ramp Measurement and Payment Illustration


(revised 6-28-2021)





7.01.19 (revised 6-28-2021)

Suggested Runout Lengths for Barrier Design

Runout length is the distance from the object being shielded to the point the vehicle is assumed to
depart from the roadway. Interpolation between runout length values is recommended when dealing
with intermediate design speeds.

Traffic Volume (ADT) veh/day

Over 10,000 1000-5000 Under 1000
Design Speed Runout Length Runout Length Runout Length Runout Length
(mph) LR (ft) LR (ft) LR (ft) LR (ft)
80 470 430 380 330
70 360 330 290 250
60 300 250 210 200
50 230 190 160 150
40 160 130 110 100
30 110 90 80 70

7.01.20 (revised 7-18-2016) 7.01.20 (continued)

Guardrail Deflection It should be noted that the recommended
offset distances should not be treated as
Being flexible barriers, both steel beam absolute values, since guardrail deflection
guardrail and cable barriers are expected to may vary for different impact conditions, soil
deflect under impact. This deflection is a types and moisture contents, thawed or
frozen ground, different types of posts,
result of deformation of the beam element or
different types of anchorages, and differing
stretching of the steel cable, fracturing of the lengths of installation. Therefore, the
post (if wood) or bending of the post (if steel), recommended offset distances should be
and lateral displacement of the post in the soil. treated as minimums, and larger offset
It is therefore necessary that room for distances between the back of the rail system
deflection be provided between the back of (e.g., back of posts) and the object or area
the rail system (e.g. back of posts) and the being shielded should be provided where
object or area being shielded. For design feasible. In general and, where feasible, the
purposes, use the chart at the end of this offset should be increased by 12 inches or
section for the recommended minimum design more beyond the recommended minimum
value. If specific site conditions are such that
offset distances of the various guardrail
it is predictable that greater deflection values
systems. Refer to Section 7.01.55C, “Cable may occur, and space for deflection is
Barrier”, for expected deflections and offset restricted, then shorter post spacing or
recommends of cable barrier systems. deeper embedment of posts should be
considered. Shorter post spacing is only
effective, however, if the full effect of proper
post embedment is realized. See Section
7.01.41D, "Guardrail Posts at or near the
Shoulder Hinge Line". See also Section
5.5.2, 2011 AASHTO Roadside Design

14.68 (revised 6-28-2021) 14.68 (continued)

DESIGN ERRORS PROCESS The TSC Manager is required to communicate

all design errors exceeding the previously
The following process was developed in defined impact or cost thresholds, to the
compliance with State Transportation Associate Region Engineer - Development,
Commission (STC) policy. It outlines the Quality Assurance Engineer, the Engineer of
identification, responsibilities, and resolution Design, and Chief Structure Design Engineer
of design errors. (for bridge projects) for reporting. Information
provided shall include: Region, Contract ID,
If the TSC Construction Engineer identifies a Job Number, Consultant (if applicable), Issue
potential design issue, and the construction Description, Impact to Construction (cost and
contract value/correction cost combination time), Issue Resolution (how resolved), and
meets the criteria below, or the impact of the any suggestions on how this could have been
issue is significant to the project, further addressed during design. This information will
investigation will be needed. also include lessons learned and possible
process change considerations to be shared
as needed. The Quality Assurance Engineer
Construction Contract Value Correction Cost will assemble and retain this information for
quarterly reporting to the Statewide Design
≤ $3 million ≥ $30,000
Alignment Team (SDAT).
≥ 1% of
$3 million to $10 million Construction
Contract Value

> $10 million ≥ $100,000

The TSC Construction Engineer will

coordinate and work collaboratively with the
Design Project Manager/Project Designer
(Engineer of Record, EOR) and the TSC
Manager to evaluate the issue.
Considerations to include among others, are
the information available during development,
the process documentation, and any
assumptions made. The TSC Manager will
determine if the issue is a design error. A
design error must be reported if the project, or
a portion of the project, cannot be practically
built as designed due to omissions or errors.

Additional consideration and dialogue will be

conducted to determine if there are associated
premium costs as defined in the Construction
Manual. Documentation of the evaluation,
assessment, and determination must be
retained in the construction files.

14.69 (revised 12-17-2018) 14.70 (continued)

DESIGN PROJECT RECORD  The use of revised plan sheets should be

avoided whenever possible. If the
As soon as a project has been assigned, the changes can be described easily and
Project Manager should begin to compile a adequately on the Revision of Plans
Design Project Record. This is done by (Form 0291), revised plan sheets do not
maintaining a chronological record of any need to be included in the distribution.
events affecting plan development which: However, if the changes are complex
and/or extensive, revised plan sheets
1. Affect the cost of design or construction of should accompany the Revision of Plans
the project distribution.
2. Change the scheduled dates (plan  When revised plan sheets include
completion, ROW or letting). changes to dimensions or quantities,
3. Deviate from standard design practices cross out the corrected values, leaving
via Design Exceptions, Design Variances, them still legible, and place the new
or Performance Based Practical Design values above or adjacent to the old
decisions. (crossed out) values.
 Plan revisions involving FHWA Oversight
14.70 (revised 6-28-2021) projects must be reviewed and approved
by the FHWA Area Engineer prior to
revision distribution. A note stating FHWA
PLAN REVISIONS concurrence (and by whom) should be
included on the Revision of Plans (Form
Occasionally plans must be revised after a 0291).
contract is let and, in extreme instances, after  Plan revisions are numbered in ascending
construction has begun. Changes issued by order with a letter prefix for the section
design teams are documented on a Revision issuing the revision (R-Road, B-Bridge,
of Plans (Form 0291). A Plan Revision U-Utilities). The first plan revision
Distribution (Form 0211) should accompany distribution by Road Design would be R-1,
the Revision of Plans (Form 0291). No other the next R-2, and so on.
letters of transmittal are required.
 Quantities should be exact. If exact
quantities cannot be determined until after
Plan revisions should contain a concise and the work is completed, they should be
accurate description of the work involved so
estimated as accurately as possible.
as to be understood by anyone not associated
 Do not revise the quantity sheet. This will
with the project. The following are some
be corrected with a Contract Modification
guidelines for preparing a plan revision:
submitted by the project office.
 If most of the plan sheets are affected, the
complete set should be reissued to avoid
possible confusion.
 If the RID files need to be changed submit
the revised files consistent with the Design
Submittal Requirements outlined in the
MDOT Development Guide.

14.70.01 (revised 6-28-2021) 14.71 (continued)

Procedure The Design Project Manager (PM)/Cost and

Scheduling Engineer is included in the email
The following general procedure should be distribution for all Contract Modifications which
TSC Managers approve in ProjectWise. This
used when preparing and distributing plan
email includes the ProjectWise link to the
revisions: Contract Modification as well as any
comments the TSC manager added to the
1. Revise the plan sheet(s) affected (if body of the message.
2. Complete Revision of Plans (Form 0291) Once the email is received, it is recommended
and Plan Revision Distribution (Form that the Design PM does the following:
1. Review the file in ProjectWise to become
3. Discuss the proposed changes with the familiar with the changes.
FHWA Area Engineer (FHWA Oversight). 2. Take note of items that can be addressed
4. Gather the following signatures: as plan improvements for future projects.
a. Project Manager/Cost and Scheduling 3. Share changes and information with other
Engineer/Development Engineer internal designers and external design
b. Resident/Delivery Engineer consultants involved in the plan design for
5. Combine completed Forms 0211 and future considerations to avoid similar
0291 with the revised sheets in PDF revisions outwardly.
format and name the file PLANREV1.pdf
(or subsequent numerical naming if As Design PMs receive contract modification
multiple). Send an email (including the approval emails from various projects, they
ProjectWise Project folder link) to MDOT- are asked to take notice of repetitive or similar
ProjectWise@michigan.gov requesting a modifications that can be identified as
“Plan Revisions” folder be created in opportunities for future plan improvements,
ProjectWise under the “7 - As Builts and cost savings and innovations. Patterns should
also be shared with applicable Development
Revisions” folder. The responding folder
teams and/or applicable external design
creation email will contain a ProjectWise consultants.
link to the “Plan Revisions“ folder. Save
the combined plan revision file in the "Plan The Design PM is highly recommended to
Revisions” folder. take a proactive stance, keep lines of
6. Distribute electronic copies per the communication open with construction, and
instructions on each form. Copies must become familiar with the modifications being
also be sent to any affected agencies made to the project during construction
and/or the FHWA Area Engineer (FHWA activities. This enables the Design PM to
Oversight). become more informed and be better
prepared to engage in productive discussions
during the post-construction review meetings,
14.71 (revised 6-28-2021) as well as maintain accurate records for future
design considerations, maintenance
CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS strategies, and fixes.
Contract modifications are the formal process For specific details regarding the Construction
by which revisions to the contract are formally Contract Modification Process refer to
authorized, approved and incorporated into http://mdotwiki.state.mi.us/construction/index.
the construction contract. Contract php/103.02_Contract_Revisions of the MDOT
modifications are processed for any revisions Construction Wiki website.
to the contract that alters the nature, scope,
cost and/or schedule of the project.





Design Specifications

In general, bridges in Michigan carrying

vehicular traffic are designed according to the
current edition of the Standard Specifications
for the Design of Highway Bridges published
by the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The
exceptions to changes in AASHTO
requirements are presented in this Design

The AASHTO specifications are also applied

in the design of pedestrian bridges and major
structures such as retaining walls and
pumphouses. LRFD Guide Specifications for
the Design of Pedestrian Bridges and Guide
for the Development of Bicycle Facilities will
aid in the design of other modes of
transportation. (12-16-2019)

Bridges carrying railroads are designed

according to the current specifications of the
American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association
Specifications (AREMA).

Design Method

In general, elastomeric pad designs, as well

as footing pressure and pile load
determinations, are done by the Allowable
Stress Method. All other elements of the
structure are designed by the Load Factor
Method. (12-5-2005)
Design Stresses (6-28-2021)

Concrete: Grade 3500, 3500HP* f'c = 3000 psi

Concrete: Grade 4000 f'c = 3500 psi
Concrete: Grade 4500, 4500HP* f'c = 4000 psi
Steel Reinforcement fy = 60,000 psi
Steel Reinforcement:
Stirrups for
Prestressed Beams fy = 60,000 psi
Stirrups for
17” & 21” Box Beams fy = 40,000 psi
Structural Steel:
Grade 36 Fy = 36,000 psi
Structural Steel (including H-Piles, splices and
pile points):
Grade 50 Fy = 50,000 psi
Grade 50W Fy = 50,000 psi
Structural Steel Pins:
UNS Designation
S20161 or S21800 Fy = 50,000 psi
Temp Support Hanger Rods:
ASTM A193 Grade B7 (AISI 4140)
2 ½” and under Fu =125,000psi
Fy =105,000 psi
Over 2 ½” to 4” Fu =115,000psi
Fy = 95,000 psi
Over 4” to 7” Fu =100,000psi
Fy = 75,000 psi
Prestressed Concrete ** f'c = 5000 - 8000 psi
Prestressed Concrete Compressive
Strength at Release f'ci = 7000 psi (max)
Prestressing Strands fpu = 270,000 psi
Foundation Piling (Steel Shells):
Grade 3 Fy = 45,000 psi
Grade 3 Modified Fy = 50,000 psi
Foundation Piling (Timber) FCO = 900 psi
High Strength Bolts:***
Organic zinc rich primer (Class B)
(Type 4 coating system) Fs = 32,000 psi

* Use Grade 3500HP and 4500HP in all

trunkline projects in Metro, University,
Grand, Bay, Southwest and North
Regions. Use Grade 3500 and 4500 in
Superior Region and on non-trunkline
** See Subsection 7.02.03.
*** Value of Fs is Design Slip Resistance for
Slip-Critical Connections with faying
surfaces coated.





Design Specifications (8-20-2009)

In general, bridges in Michigan carrying

vehicular traffic are designed according to the
current edition of the LRFD Bridge Design
Specification published by the American
Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The
exceptions to changes in AASHTO
requirements are presented in this Design

The AASHTO specifications are also applied in

the design of pedestrian bridges and major
structures such as retaining walls and
pumphouses. LRFD Guide Specifications for
the Design of Pedestrian Bridges and Guide for
the Development of Bicycle Facilities will aid in
the design of other modes of transportation.

Bridges carrying railroads are designed

according to the current specifications of the
American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association
Specifications (AREMA).

Design Method (8-20-2009)

The design of all structural elements shall

satisfy Service Limit State and/or Strength
Limit State requirements of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications.

Design Stresses (6-28-2021)

Concrete: Grade 3500, 3500 HP * f'c = 3000 psi

Concrete: Grade 4000 f'c = 3500 psi
Concrete: Grade 4500, 4500HP * f'c = 4000 psi
Steel Reinforcement fy = 60,000 psi
Steel Reinforcement:
Stirrups for Prestressed Beams
fy = 60,000 psi
Stirrups for 17” & 21” Box Beams
fy = 40,000 psi
Structural Steel:
Grade 36 Fy = 36,000 psi
Structural Steel (including H-Piles, splices and
pile points):
Grade 50 Fy = 50,000 psi
Grade 50W Fy = 50,000 psi
Structural Steel Pins:
UNS Designation
S20161 or S21800 Fy = 50,000 psi
Temp Support Hanger Rods:
ASTM A193 Grade B7 (AISI 4140)
2 ½” and under Fu =125,000psi
Fy =105,000 psi
Over 2 ½” to 4” Fu =115,000psi
Fy = 95,000 psi
Over 4” to 7” Fu =100,000psi
Fy = 75,000 psi
Prestressed Concrete ** f'c = 5000 - 8000 psi
Prestressed Concrete Compressive
Strength at Release f'ci = 7000 psi (max)
Prestressing Strands fpu = 270,000 psi
Foundation Piling (Steel Shells):
Grade 3 Fy = 45,000 psi
Grade 3 Modified Fy = 50,000 psi
Foundation Piling (Timber) FCO = 900 psi
High Strength Bolts:***
Organic zinc rich primer (Class B)
(Type 4 coating system) Fs = 32,000 psi

* Use Grade 3500HP and 4500HP in all

trunkline projects in Metro, University,
Grand, Bay, Southwest and North Regions.
Use Grade 3500 and 4500 in Superior
Region and on non-trunkline projects.
** See Subsection 7.02.03.
*** Value of Fs is Design Slip Resistance for
Slip-Critical Connections with faying
surfaces coated.

7.03.04 7.03.05
Cofferdams (8-6-92) Subfootings

Cofferdams shall be used on all substructure Subfootings are only to be used under
units where tremie concrete is required for footings placed in streams, rivers, or below
water control. When shallow water is present; the ground water table. Subfootings are to
i.e., less than 2'-0", other methods of water extend 1'-3” outside of footing lines and
control that allow the contractor maximum normally are to be 3½” thick; where water
flexibility may be appropriate. The and/or soil conditions are such that unsuitable
Geotechnical Services Section should be conditions might arise, subfootings may be
contacted in this case to determine if a 5½” thick. Foundation excavation limits are
cofferdam is required. (2-26-2018) still to be only 1'-6" outside of footings.
Concrete for subfootings is to be bid
The driving line for cofferdam sheet piling separately as "Conc, Grade 3500, Subfooting”
shall be 1'-6” outside the footing outline or at and has the material properties of Concrete,
the edge of the tremie concrete. Deep Grade 3500. (6-28-2021)
excavations may use driving line greater than
1’-6” outside the footing outline to allow for 7.03.06
more efficient bracing schemes. Consult with
Geotechnical Services Section. Tremie Seal Design
Generally, tremie seals should be called for on
Since a cofferdam is generally a sheeted all structures where it is expected that
enclosure, the plans should show and note difficulty will be encountered in pumping the
the limits of the enclosure. The contractor water down below the bottom of footing. Do
must know if he will be required to completely not include weight of tremie when computing
enclose the excavation or whether sheeting pile loads except when the estimated scour
on three sides will suffice. depth is below the bottom of tremie. (5-6-99)

Often, a portion of a sheet pile cofferdam is to A. Design

remain in place. On these projects, there will
be two bid items. “Steel Sheet Piling, The tremie seal shall be designed to resist the
Temporary, Left in Place" will be measured hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the
and paid for in the specified manner. The tremie by a combination of its weight, plus the
remainder of the enclosure along with bond on the cofferdam and piles. The
dewatering, etc., will be paid for as allowable bond stress is 10 psi on the piles
"Cofferdams." This division of pay items and 5 psi on the cofferdam, providing the piles
should be clarified by a plan note. and the sheeting have sufficient resistance
from dead weight and soil friction to resist the
When cofferdams are not used on structures load thereby induced. Where shells are used
crossing streams or encroaching on water or permitted as an option, the total resistance
courses, Plan Note 8.05 L shall be used. available will be the weight of the shell plus
soil friction less any buoyancy force exerted
Where a sheet piling enclosure is required for on the shell. Allowable tension in bending on
lateral soil support but not for the exclusion of the tremie seal is 30 psi.
water, “Steel Sheet Piling, Temporary" should
be called for. B. Hydrostatic Head

For additional information see Subsection Hydrostatic head should be figured from
7.01.10. bottom of tremie seal to ordinary water
surface elevation. Include note 8.05 M on
plans. (5-6-99)

7.03.04 7.03.05
Cofferdams (8-6-92) Subfootings

Cofferdams shall be used on all substructure Subfootings are only to be used under footings
units where tremie concrete is required for placed in streams, rivers, or below the ground
water control. When shallow water is present; water table. Subfootings are to extend 1'-3”
i.e., less than 2'-0", other methods of water outside of footing lines and normally are to be
control that allow the contractor maximum 3½” thick; where water and/or soil conditions
flexibility may be appropriate. The are such that unsuitable conditions might arise,
Geotechnical Services Section should be subfootings may be 5½” thick. Foundation
contacted in this case to determine if a excavation limits are still to be only 1'-6"
cofferdam is required. (2-26-2018) outside of footings. Concrete for subfootings is
to be bid separately as "Conc, Grade 3500,
The driving line for cofferdam sheet piling shall Subfooting” and has the material properties of
be 1'-6” outside the footing outline or at the Concrete, Grade 3500. (6-28-2021)
edge of the tremie concrete. Deep excavations
may use driving line greater than 1’-6” outside 7.03.06
the footing outline to allow for more efficient
bracing schemes. Consult with Geotechnical Tremie Seal Design
Services Section.
(8-20-2009) Generally, tremie seals should be called for on
all structures where it is expected that difficulty
Since a cofferdam is generally a sheeted will be encountered in pumping the water down
enclosure, the plans should show and note the below the bottom of footing. Do not include
limits of the enclosure. The contractor must weight of tremie when computing pile loads
know if he will be required to completely except when the estimated scour depth is
enclose the excavation or whether sheeting on below the bottom of tremie. (5-6-99)
three sides will suffice.
A. Design
Often, a portion of a sheet pile cofferdam is to
remain in place. On these projects, there will The tremie seal shall be designed to resist the
be two bid items. “Steel Sheet Piling, hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the tremie
Temporary, Left in Place" will be measured and by a combination of its weight, plus the bond on
paid for in the specified manner. The the cofferdam and piles. The allowable bond
remainder of the enclosure along with stress is 10 psi on the piles and 5 psi on the
dewatering, etc., will be paid for as cofferdam, providing the piles and the sheeting
"Cofferdams." This division of pay items have sufficient resistance from dead weight
should be clarified by a plan note. and soil friction to resist the load thereby
induced. Where shells are used or permitted
When cofferdams are not used on structures as an option, the total resistance available will
crossing streams or encroaching on water be the weight of the shell plus soil friction less
courses, Plan Note 8.05 L shall be used. any buoyancy force exerted on the shell.
Allowable tension in bending on the tremie seal
Where a sheet piling enclosure is required for is 30 psi.
lateral soil support but not for the exclusion of
water, “Steel Sheet Piling, Temporary" should B. Hydrostatic Head
be called for.
Hydrostatic head should be figured from
For additional information see Subsection bottom of tremie seal to ordinary water surface
7.01.10. elevation. Include note 8.05 M on plans. (5-6-

7.06.04 (continued) 7.06.04 (continued)

Hanger Assembly Replacement and 5. Jack Base Plate Design
Temporary Support Guidelines for
Redundant Bridges a. Design as plate fixed on three sides,
free on one side. (See Young, W.C.,
2. Materials (5-6-99) Roark’s Formulas for Stress and
Strain, pg. 469. Available in MDOT
a. Use AASHTO M270 steel, Library. See Appendix 7.06.04 for
fy = 36,000 psi. (Do not mix steel excerpt.) (5-6-99)
types used for temporary support.)
b. Use equivalent rectangular uniform
b. Use Concrete Grade 3500, load from jack bearing area.
f'c= 3000 psi. (6-28-2021)
c. For uniform load 2/3 of plate width,
c. Use Structural Grade Timber, use fb = 60 q/t2 (see item a above, q
Fb = 1200 psi. = load per unit area in psi and t =
Fv (horiz.) = 100 psi. plate thickness in inches).

3. Column Design d. For uniform load 1/3 of plate width,

use fb = 17 q/t2 (see item a above, q
a. Size for axial load plus bending in = load per unit area).
both perpendicular directions.
e. Linear interpolate for uniform load
b. Use 0.1 x flange width and 0.1 x between 1/3 and 2/3 of plate width.
beam depth rounded up to nearest
½” for assumed eccentricity. f. Use Fb = 0.75 Fy in psi.

c. Use pinned-pinned end condition g. Weld to column.

(restraint at base plate small).
Effective length factor, K = 1.0. 6. Channel Shims Design (two per support)

d. Check lateral loading on column a. Size for axial load plus bending
from thermal movement of bridge. perpendicular to web.
Use 75°F temperature variation.
Combine thermal load with b. Use 0.1 x flange width rounded up to
(DL+LL+I). nearest ⅛” for assumed eccentricity.

4. Column Base Plate Design c. Weld to jack base plate.

a. Avoid use of stiffeners (high welding


b. Size for axial load plus bending. Use

eccentricity assumed in column

c. Do not attach base plate to footing.

d. Use Fb = 0.75 Fy.

7.06.04 (continued) 7.06.04 (continued)
Hanger Assembly Replacement and 5. Jack Base Plate Design
Temporary Support Guidelines for
Redundant Bridges a. Design as plate fixed on three sides,
free on one side. (See Young, W.C.,
2. Materials (5-6-99) Roark’s Formulas for Stress and
Strain, pg. 469. Available in MDOT
a. Use AASHTO M270 steel, Library. See Appendix 7.06.04 for
fy = 36,000 psi. (Do not mix steel excerpt.) (5-6-99)
types used for temporary support.)
b. Use equivalent rectangular uniform
b. Use Concrete Grade 3500, load from jack bearing area.
f'c= 3000 psi. (6-28-2021)
c. For uniform load 2/3 of plate width,
c. Use Structural Grade Timber, use fb = 60 q/t2 (see item a above, q
Fb = 1200 psi. = load per unit area in psi and t =
Fv (horiz.) = 100 psi. plate thickness in inches).

3. Column Design d. For uniform load 1/3 of plate width,

use fb = 17 q/t2 (see item a above, q
a. Size for axial load plus bending in = load per unit area).
both perpendicular directions.
e. Linear interpolate for uniform load
b. Use 0.1 x flange width and 0.1 x between 1/3 and 2/3 of plate width.
beam depth rounded up to nearest
½” for assumed eccentricity. f. Use Fb = 0.75 Fy in psi.

c. Use pinned-pinned end condition g. Weld to column.

(restraint at base plate small).
Effective length factor, K = 1.0. 6. Channel Shims Design (two per support)

d. Check lateral loading on column from a. Size for axial load plus bending
thermal movement of bridge. Use perpendicular to web.
75°F temperature variation.
Combine thermal load with b. Use 0.1 x flange width rounded up to
(DL+LL+I). nearest ⅛” for assumed eccentricity.

4. Column Base Plate Design c. Weld to jack base plate.

a. Avoid use of stiffeners (high welding


b. Size for axial load plus bending. Use

eccentricity assumed in column

c. Do not attach base plate to footing.

d. Use Fb = 0.75 Fy.

8.07.06 8.07.06 (continued)
Structural Steel Notes H. Field drill and bolt end diaphragms to the
existing beams prior to pouring the deck.
A. Elastomeric bearing pads (1/8") used Field drill and bolt intermediate
under steel masonry plates are included in diaphragms to the existing beams after
the quantity for Structural Steel. pouring the deck. [Use when widening
(9-2-2003) structural steel bridge with diaphragms.]
B. Anchor bolt lengths shown are minimum.
Bolts longer than those shown may be I. The plate surfaces of the main girder
furnished at no additional cost. splices, and all other bolted connections
are considered Slip Critical Connections
C. Coat structural steel according to Section unless noted otherwise. (8-20-2009)
716 of the Standard Specifications. Use
light gray urethane protective coat,
AMS-STD-595 color number 16440. [Use 8.07.07
with shop or field coating. Check with
Roadside Development Unit if other color Treatment of Epoxy-Coated Bars
is desired.] (12-26-2017)
A. Shop cut reinforcement as shown. Repair
D. Provide structural steel conforming to the epoxy coating according to Subsection
AASHTO M270, Grade 50, or AASHTO 706.03.E.8 of the Standard Specifications.
M270, Grade 50W. (AASHTO M270, [Place near cutting diagrams.] (8-6-1992)
Grade 36, steel may be used in lieu of
these steels for bearings, diaphragms,
and cross frames.) (9-18-1998)

E. Use steel for cross frames meeting the

impact test requirements for main
structural members shown in Subsection
906.04 of the Standard Specifications.
[Use when bridge has horizontally curved

F. Field splice(s) , if used, is (are)

optional and will not be paid for.

G. The following steel bridge members and

member components have been
designated as fracture critical, regardless
of the direction of stress: ___*. Steel and
fabrication procedures and requirements
are according to the Standard
Specifications. [*Identify component] [Use
for structures that have fracture critical
members other than pins and link plates.]

12.04 12.04.01

STRUCTURE RESURFACING(9-2-2003) Origin of Projects

Where the scope of work indicates an overlay, Resurfacing projects usually originate from the
it will be for one of the following types: bridge maintenance programs of the
Region/TSC. They may also originate from a
Shallow concrete overlay road resurfacing project, since the FHWA
Deep concrete overlay requires all structures within the limits of such
Hot mix asphalt (HMA) wearing course projects be considered for upgrading if there is
a need.
Shallow concrete overlays are either latex or
silica fume. Use this option when additional 12.04.02
deck work is anticipated in 10 to 15 years.
Bridges Within Road Project Limits
Deep overlays are silica fume modified mixes
or Grade 4500 concrete with slag cement (9-2-2003) Concrete decks that are in good
replacement. Use this option where the condition and that have no existing hot mix
underside of the deck is sound and additional asphalt (HMA) overlay will be gapped out of
deck work is not anticipated for 25 to 30 road resurfacing projects. If the deck
years. See Section 12.04.06 B. (6-28-2021) condition is poor or there is an HMA overlay,
they shall be treated as follows:
Use an HMA wearing course on a
waterproofing barrier - where additional deck A. If the deck is scheduled for a concrete
work is anticipated within 5 to 10 years. overlay, it shall be included in the project
(12-5-2005) as a concrete overlay.

With all types of overlays, an existing thrie B. If the deck is scheduled for replacement
beam retrofit height of 34” to top of rail shall within two years, the deck may be
be maintained. (12-5-2005) overlaid with HMA. Any existing HMA
shall be removed.
See the Bridge Deck Preservation Matrix C. Gapping out the HMA overlay is not cost
(Section 12.09.02) for further clarification. effective for very short structures. For
these structures, the HMA overlay will be
See section 7.02.19 G when superelevations continued across the structure after
and parabolic crowns are encountered on an placing a waterproofing barrier.
overlay project. (12-5-2005) (3-26-2012)
If feasible overlays should be done to a 2 %
cross slope, otherwise a 1.5 % slope is Concrete Removal
acceptable. A check of the structural
adequacy of the superstructure shall be done (5-1-2000) Decks which are to be overlaid
with a concrete surfacing mixture will be
and composite action of shallow and deep
prepared by scarification followed by two
concrete overlays according to AASHTO passes of hydrodemolition.
Bridge Specifications shall also be
considered. (8-20-2009)

12.04 (continued) 12.04.06 B. (continued)

12.04.06 For decks 7½" or less in thickness, the

deck is scarified ¼” and hydrodemolished
Concrete Overlays (5-1-2000) 2¾” or to ¾” below the top mat of steel,
whichever is less. The overlay is a
MDOT uses the following two strategies for minimum of 3" in thickness. (10-24-2001)
concrete overlays (also see Section 12.09.02
and the Bridge Deck Preservation Matrix): For decks greater than 7½" in thickness,
the deck is scarified ¼” and
A. Shallow Overlays hydrodemolished 3¾” or to ¾” below the
top mat of steel, whichever is less. The
Shallow overlays are a medium term fix. standard concrete overlay should use
They are designed to last approximately silica fume modified concrete with a
10 to 15 years. minimum thickness of 4".
(10-24-2001) (1-20-2015)
Shallow overlays consist of a latex
modified, or silica fume modified concrete Deep overlays for which 2/3 or more of
overlay mixture placed a minimum of 1½” the deck will be greater than 4“ in
in thickness. This is placed after the thickness should use a Grade 4500
existing deck has been scarified (¼”) and concrete that replaces 25 to 40 percent
hydrodemolished (¾”). of the required cement content with slag
cement. These overlays shall not
B. Deep Overlays become shallower than 2”. Additional
chipping at the gutter line (toe of barrier
Deep overlays are a long term fix. They or curb) may be detailed to
are designed to last 20 to 30 years accommodate this requirement. See the
depending on the condition of the Special Provision for Deep Concrete
existing deck. Bridge Deck Overlays. (6-28-2021)
Deep overlays consist of a concrete
overlay made of either silica fume
modified concrete or Grade 4500 12.04.07
concrete with slag cement replacement.
It is placed on the existing deck after it Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlays and Caps
has been scarified and hydrodemolished. (12-5-2005)
In general, an HMA overlay or cap is not a
It is desirable to completely encapsulate preferred treatment for bridge decks. Where a
the top mat of reinforcing steel in the bridge is scheduled for a deck replacement
deep overlay. However, it is difficult to within two years, an HMA cap is an
know the precise location of the mat acceptable means of obtaining rideability.
before hydrodemolishing the deck. In
addition, the thickness of the existing Where HMA is used for a longer term overlay
deck will influence the amount of (five years or more) the designer must
concrete removed. incorporate a waterproofing membrane in the
design (see the Standard Specifications).
The deep overlay thickness and Also see Section 12.04.
procedures varies depending on the
thickness of the existing bridge deck Where an HMA mix has not been specified as
(excluding any existing overlay). part of a road project, the project manager
should consult the Construction Field Services
Bituminous Pavement Unit for an acceptable
HMA. (3-26-2012)

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