Greater Mumbai Road Boq

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Name of the work:- W - 361: "Improvement of various roads in cement concrete / cement concrete passage and junctions in
mastic asphalt in H / East ward of Western Suburbs".

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

(a) To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to
existing co-ordinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary bench mark from permanent bench mark,
marking centre line of the road by nails, carrying out detailed
1 R2-RW-7-37 levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at 20 mtr. 11.00 20182.50 upto 500 mtr. ₹ 2,22,007.50
intervals with levels at every 4 mtr. cross distance, preparing
drawings on Auto cad to the scale of 1:500 and supplying 2 hard
copies and 1 soft copy in C.D. form.. etc. complete upto 18.3
mtr wide road.

To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to

existing coordinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary bench mark from permanent bench mark,
marking centre line of the road by nails, carrying out detailed
levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at 20 mtr.
2 R2-RW-7-38 20.20 3900.00 /100 Mtr. ₹ 78,780.00
intervals with levels at every 4 mtr. cross distance,preparing
drawings on Auto cad to the scale of 1:500 and supplying 2 hard
copies and 1 soft copy in C.D. form.. etc. complete upto 18.3
mtr wide road. ,Extra over and above for every 100 mtrs. And
part thereof.
To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to
existing co-ordinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary bench mark from permanent bench mark,
marking centre line of the road by nails, carrying out detailed
3 R2-RW-7-39 levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at 20 mtr. 0.00 21190.00 Upto 500 Mtr. ₹ 0.00
intervals with levels at every 4 mtr. cross distance,preparing
drawings on Auto cad to the scale of 1:500 and supplying 2 hard
copies and 1 soft copy in C.D. form.. etc. complete 18.30 to
27.45 mtr. wide road.
To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to
existing co-or dinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary chmark from permanen t
benchmark,marking centreline of the road by nails,carrying out
detailed levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at
4 R2-RW-7-40 0.00 4238.00 /100 Mtr. ₹ 0.00
10mtr. intervals with levels at every 2mtr.cross
distance,preparing drawings on Autocad to the scale of 1:500
and supplying 2hard copies and1 soft copy inC.D.form..etc.
complete from 18.30 to 27.45 mtr.wideroad-Extraover and
above forevery100mtrs.Andpartthereof
To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to
existing coordinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary bench mark from permanent bench mark,
marking centre line of the road by nails, carrying out detailed
5 R2-RW-7-43 levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at 10 mtr. 0.00 25220.00 Upto 500 Mtr. ₹ 0.00
intervals with levels at every 2 mtr. cross distance, preparing
drawings on Auto cad to the scale of 1:500 and supplying 2 hard
copies and 1 soft copy in C.D. form.. etc. complete for roads
wider than 36.6 mtr
To carry out total station survey of the road with reference to
existing coordinate system by establishing control stations by
establishing temporary bench mark from permanent bench mark,
marking centre line of the road by nails, carrying out detailed
levelling, plotting cross sections longitudinally at 10 mtr.
6 R2-RW-7-44 0.00 5044.00 /100 Mtr. ₹ 0.00
intervals with levels at every 2 mtr. cross distance,preparing
drawings on Auto cad to the scale of 1:500 and Supplying 2
hard copies and 1 soft copy in C.D. form.. etc. complete for
roads wider than 36.6 mtr., Extra over and above for every 100
mtrs. And part thereof.

Combine BOQ Page 1 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Excavation for foundation, substructures, basements, tanks,

sumps, walls, chambers, manholes, trenches, poles,
pits&general building works in soft/disintegrated rock,
sandstone, stiff clay, gravel, cobblestone, hardlaterite, water
bound macadam, wet mix macadam, asphalt mix carpet of any
type, pitching, soling, paths and hardcore, lime concrete, plain
cement concrete, stone masonry and all types of brick/block
masonry below ground level, rock boulders, etc. for depths/lifts
upto 1.5M measured from the ground level, including
dressing/trimming the sides, leveling of bottoms, manual
7 R2-CS-EW-3 dewatering, removing rank vegetation, back filling in layers not 36000.00 500.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,80,00,000.00
more than 200 mm thickness, watering, consolidating,
compacting to achieve not less then 97% Modified Proctor
density conforming to relevant IS, stacking in measurable heaps
for future use within owners space or disposing within an initial
lead of 150 m as directed, loading, unloading, leveling
excluding shoring, strutting etc. complete as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge.Note: 1)The rate includes the
handling/supporting the existing utilities such as
cables,drains,pipes, water mains etc. 2) It also includes the
royalty and other taxes if any.
Extra over the items CS-EW-03 to CS-EW-06 for lift from 1.5m
8 R2-CS-EW-7-a 5020.00 127.00 Cu.m ₹ 6,37,540.00
to 3.0m.
Supplying and providing Blue trap stones of approved quality
and laying hand set dry rubble packing 25 cm. thick to required
level and grade, camber including filling in the interstices with
9 R2-RW-2-02 19470.00 352.00 Sq.m ₹ 68,53,440.00
60 mm. metal and small stone chips, etc. and thoroughly
rammed, consolidated, specified & as directed by
P/L ready mix cement concrete M-15 cc having avg
compressive strength 18.5 Mpa for Foundation/ encasement/
pavement/ cradle including form of mixing in batch ing
plant,compacting by interna l&surface
10 R2-RW-10-26 2640.00 6893.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,81,97,520.00
uringetc.&willnotbepaidseparatelyforit.(MINIMUM CEMENT
CONTENT 240 Kg/m³.)
P/L R.M.C. M-20C.C .having avg. compressive strength 24Mpa
procured from M.C.G.M. approved R.M.C. plant including use
of approved makes plasticizer/retarder & transported by transit
mixer & placing at work site, compacting, finishing curing etc.
11 R2-RW-10-29 1270.00 7055.00 Cu.m ₹ 89,59,850.00
by contractor's water & tarring the sides off romwork with hot
bitumen as specified & directed by the Engineer. (MINIMUM

Providing and fixing in position Steel bars reinforcement of

various diameters for R.C.C. pile, pile caps,
footings,raft,retaining wall,shear wall, lift wall,foundations,
slabs, beams, columns, canopies,staircases, newels, chajjas,
R2-CS-CW-35- lintels, pardies,coping, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed
12 858.00 76770.00 MT ₹ 6,58,68,660.00
c designs,drawings and bar bending schedules,including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with
wires or tack welding, supporting as required etc. all complete
at all levels. Thermo-Mechanically Treated steel bars. (Fe 500
Centering and shuttering of steel plates with M.S. Angles
R2-CS-CW-30- including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for :Walls
13 32690.00 558.00 Sq.m ₹ 1,82,41,020.00
b (any thickness) including attached butteresses, ,retaining wall,
shear wall, diaphragm wall etc.
Centering and shuttering of steel plates with M.S. Angles
14 including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : 10020.00 483.00 Sq.m ₹ 48,39,660.00
Stairs (waist slab), folded slab, inclined slab.

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 600mm x 600mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 186 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
15 RW-13-1 0.00 6900.00 MTR ₹ 0.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling OR PCC of 150mm thick.

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 750mm x 750mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 187 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
16 RW-13-2 0.00 10600.00 MTR ₹ 0.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling OR PCC of 150mm thick.

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 900mm x 900mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 188 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
17 RW-13-3 1520.00 12800.00 MTR ₹ 1,94,56,000.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling OR PCC of 150mm thick.

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 1200mm x 1200mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 189 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
18 RW-13-4 0.00 22572.00 MTR ₹ 0.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling/ PCC of 150mm thick.

Combine BOQ Page 3 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 1500mm x 1200mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 190 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
19 RW-13-5 0.00 25600.00 MTR ₹ 0.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling OR PCC of 150mm thick.

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast U shaped drain (Inside Dimensions-
W x H= 1500mm x 1500mm) as approved in MCGM drawing
DMC Infra 191 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40
grade concrete including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD
Wire of IS432 Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface
finish shall be smooth finish. The drain shall have grooves for
20 RW-13-6 160.00 30300.00 MTR ₹ 48,48,000.00
jointing at the edge, curing arrangements, special in built insert,
sleeves at appropriate location as specified in drawing for
fixing, lifting including mechanical means, loading,
transportation at site including all leads, lifts. All joints to be
specified joint filling compound material. The rate includes
supply and placing of Soling OR PCC of 150mm thick.

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast drain cover slab, for drain width of
600mm wide (Inside Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x
732mm x 145mm) as approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra
192 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete
including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS:432
21 RW-13-8 0.00 2400.00 NOS ₹ 0.00
Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be
smooth finish, with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate
location as specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including
mechanical means, loading, transportation at site including all
leads, lifts. The slab cover is designed to withstand Class AA
vehicular loading.
Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made
steam cured R.C.C Precast drain cover slab, for drain width of
750mm wide (Inside Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x
910mm x 150mm) as approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra
193 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete
including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS:432
22 RW-13-9 0.00 2850.00 NOS ₹ 0.00
Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be
smooth finish, with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate
location as specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including
mechanical means, loading, transportation at site including all
leads, lifts. The slab cover is designed to withstand Class AA
vehicular loading.
Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made
steam cured R.C.C Precast drain cover slab, for drain width of
900mm wide (Inside Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x
1052mm x 150mm) as approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra
194 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete
including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS:432
23 RW-13-10 2980.00 3300.00 NOS ₹ 98,34,000.00
Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be
smooth finish, with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate
location as specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including
mechanical means, loading, transportation at site including all
leads, lifts. The slab cover is designed to withstand Class AA
vehicular loading.

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made

steam cured R.C.C Precast drain cover slab, for drain width of
1200mm wide (Inside Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x
1350mm x 150mm) as approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra
195 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete
including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS:432
24 RW-13-11 0.00 6467.00 NOS ₹ 0.00
Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be
smooth finish, with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate
location as specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including
mechanical means, loading, transportation at site including all
leads, lifts. The slab cover is designed to withstand Class AA
vehicular loading.
Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made
steam cured R.C.C Precast drain cover slab, for drain width of
1500mm wide (Inside Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x
1650mm x 150mm) as approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra
196 dated 08.05.2020. The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete
including reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS:432
25 RW-13-12 0.00 7150.00 NOS ₹ 0.00
Part II, OPC 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be
smooth finish, with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate
location as specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including
mechanical means, loading, transportation at site including all
leads, lifts. The slab cover is designed to withstand Class AA
vehicular loading.
Providing, Supplying, Loading, Unloading on site Factory made
steam cured R.C.C Precast Water Entrances/ catch Pits, (Inside
Dimensions-L x B X H = 500mm x 600mm x 600mm) as
approved in MCGM drawing DMC Infra 197 dated 08.05.2020.
The drain shall be of M40 grade concrete including
reinforcement Fe500 Grade or HD Wire of IS: 432 Part II, OPC
26 RW-13-7 53 Grade Cement. The surface finish shall be smooth finish, 18.00 22700.00 NOS ₹ 4,08,600.00
with special in built insert, sleeves at appropriate location as
specified in drawing for fixing, lifting including mechanical
means, loading, transportation at site including all leads, lifts.
The water entrance shall have a hinged FRP grating which can
withstand of 25 tonnes. The rate includes placing of Soling or
PCC M10 of 150mm thick.
Providing and placing in position, levelling, fixing M 25 Grade
R.C.C. pre-cast frame of size 1150 x 1150 x 150 mm and cover
27 R2-RW-7-32 (2 Nos) of size 1000mm x 500mm x 75mm in line, level over 2020.00 2896.00 SET ₹ 58,49,920.00
storm water drain as per design procured from approved
manufacturer etc. complete
Providing and fixing of Water Dished Channel size: 600 x 300 x
80 mm, M-40 grade manufactured in vacuum wet press
technology plant with excellent finish and sharp edges inclusive
of excavation in any soil except rock, laying of leveling course
28 R2-RW-10-51 of M15 grade RMC 100 mm thick or required slope, (inclusive 40.00 799.00 meter ₹ 31,960.00
of form work) jointing in 1:2 cement mortar proportion flush to
concrete surfaces as directed.
(Water tables shall be procured from MCGM registered
P/L 250 mm dia. R.C.C. humepipes, NP2 class, jointing,
filletting in1:1C.M.,including plugging of both
29 R2-RW-8-02 4180.00 640.00 R.M ₹ 26,75,200.00

Combine BOQ Page 5 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Supplying and fixing 0.90m x 0.60m internal size of rectangular

C.I. air-tight cover and frame weighing minimum 270 of
material grade of min. FG 150 conforming to IS 210:2009 and
specification no SP-SWD3 with the grade designation of HD 20
conforming to IS 1726:1991including testing as per CL 10 and
30 R2-SWD-148 49.00 31371.00 Each ₹ 15,37,179.00
inspection as per CL.11 of IS 1726:1991, as per specification as
per Standard Specification no SP-SWD-3, etc. complete, as
specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Supplying and fixing 1.20m x 0.90m internal size of rectangular

C.I. air-tight cover and frame weighing minimum 910 kg of
material grade of min. FG 150 conforming to IS 210:2009 and
specification no SP-SWD3 with the grade designation of HD 20
conforming to IS 1726:1991.including testing as per CL 10 and
31 R2-SWD-146 161.00 94200.00 E.A. ₹ 1,51,66,200.00
inspection as per CL.11 of IS 1726:1991, as per specification as
per Standard Specification no SP-SWD-3, etc. complete, as
specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Excavation over areas for basements, roads, land/plot

developement in soft/ disintegrated rock, sand stone, stiff clay,
gravel, cobblestone, hard laterite, water bound macadam, wet
mix macadam, pitching, soling, paths and hardcore, lime
concrete, plain cement concrete, stone masonry and all types of
brick/ block masonry below ground level, rock boulders, etc. for
all depths/lifts including manual dewatering, filling the selected
excavated earth at the locations as directed, in layers not more
than 200mm thickness, watering, consolidating, compacting to
achieve not less then 97% Modified Proctor density conforming
32 R2-CS-EW-16 to relevant IS, stacking the selected material in measurable 44930.00 343.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,54,10,990.00
heaps for future use within owners space or disposing within an
initial lead of 150m as directed, loading, unloading, leveling
excluding shoring, strutting etc. complete as directed by
1) The rate includes the handling/supporting the existing utilities
such as
cables, drains, pipes, water mains etc.
2) It also includes the royalty and other taxes if any.
33 R2-RW-1-13 58600.00 9.83 sqm ₹ 5,76,038.00
MCGM specifications for Roadworks.
Providing & laying, spreading & compacting specified crushed
stone in granular subbase course including premixing the
material in mechanical mixer (pugmill or approved type),
spreading of mixed material in uniform layer of 100 mm to
75mm (compacted thickness each) with motor grader or paver
34 R2-RW-2-21 on prepared murum surface & compacting with 10 tonne 8650.00 2547.00 Cu.m ₹ 2,20,31,550.00
vibratory roller to achieve desired density including all material
,labour ,machinery ,lighing barricating to all lifts & lead
maintenance of diversion etc. complete (metal gradation from 75
mm to 75 mm micron as per MCGM Road Specifications clause

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing & laying, spreading & compacting graded crushed

stone agreegate to wet mix macadam satisfaction including
premixing the material with water to OMC in mechanical mix
(pugmill) carriage of mix material by tipper to site laying in
uniform layer of 75 mm to 100 mm (compacted thickness each)
with sensor paver finisheron prepared subbase & compacting
35 R2-RW-2-20 10040.00 2937.00 Cu.m. ₹ 2,94,87,480.00
with vibratory roller (10tonne) to achieve desired density
including lighing, guarding barricating & maintenance of
diversion etc. as directed by the Engineer, (Rebate for not using
sensor paver should be taken, (metal gradation from 53 mm to
75 mm micron as per MCGM Road Specifications clause
Providing and laying Dry Lean Concrete base including
providing coarse and fine aggregate to the specified gradation
using minimum cement content 150kg/ cum of concrete with
OPC43 grade cement, mixing of concerete as per approved
design mixusing mechanised batchmixplant of appropriate
capacity, transporting and laying with selfpropelled paver with
electronic sensor device and compacting with vibratory roller of
36 R2-RW-10-32 mimumum 80-100KN static weight to give desired compacted 5590.00 4481.00 Cu.m. ₹ 2,50,48,790.00
density and average
r with electronic sensor device.
Providing & laying M-40 C.C. avg. compressive strength
45MPa andavg.flexturalstrengthof5.0MPa(AsperIRC15-
37 R2-RW-10-33 18150.00 7968.00 Cu.m ₹ 14,46,19,200.00
parately.)(MINIMUMCEMENTCONTENT 350 kg/m³)

Extra & over for providing and using special admixtures/

plasticizers to achieve required crushing & average flexural
strength 5.0 Mpa of M40 grade concrete in 7 days. NOTE :THIS
38 R2-RW-10-39 ADMIXTURES ITEMS SUCH AS ELKEM MICROSILICA, 16310.00 1067.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,74,02,770.00
P/L R.M.C. M-10 C.C. having avg. compressive strength 13.5
Mpa in foundation/ encasement/ pavement with or without
chequered design including formwork, mixing in batching plant,
placing, vibrating with plate or needle vibrator, curing etc.
39 R2-RW-10-27 2280.00 6452.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,47,10,560.00
complete as directed by the Engineer. Contractors has to make
his own arrangement of water for curing with Hessian cloth etc.
& will not be paid separately. (MINIMUM CEMENT
CONTENT 220 Kg/m³.)

Combine BOQ Page 7 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing and applying PRIME COAT with CATIONIC

BITUMEN EMULSION (SS) @ 7 to 12Kg. of 10 Sqmt. over
prepared surface to receive bituminous mix by applying
PRIMER with mechanical spray bitumen, including cleaning of
road surface etc. completed, as directed For Low Porosity
40 R2-RW-5-20 surface & the primed surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 1650.00 57.00 sq.m. ₹ 94,050.00
24hours or any other higher period, as is found to be necessary
to allowall the moisture or volatiles to evaporate before any
subsequent bituminous surface treatment or mixi slaid(As per
New Road Specifications Clause No. 313, curing as per 313.5)-

Providing and applying TACK COAT with CATIONIC

BITUMEN EMULSION (RS) @ 0.2 to 0.25Kg. of
over prepared surface to receive bituminous mix by applying
TACK COAT with mechanical spray bitumen, including
cleaning of road surface etc. completed, as directed For
41 R2-RW-5-23 NORMAL BITUMINOUS SURFACES & the tack coat shall be 1650.00 33.00 sq.m. ₹ 54,450.00
left to cure until all the volatile shave evaporated before any
subsequent construction is started, which is indicated by change
in colour from brown to black (As per New Road Specifications
Clause No.314,curingas per 314.3.4)-

Providing and applying TACK COAT with CATIONIC

BITUMEN EMULSION (RS) @ 0.25 to 0.30 Kg. of
over prepared surface to receive bituminous mix by applying
42 R2-RW-5-25 TACK COAT with mechanical spray bitumen, including 1650.00 35.00 sq.m. ₹ 57,750.00
cleaning of road surface etc. completed, as directed For DRY &
Specifications Clause No. 314)-
P/L hot PremixDense bituminous macadam with 4.50%bitumen
content of grade VG-40 to the required line,level,and camber
rolling with 10/12 M.T.power ,vibratory roller & sensor
paveretc. complete as specified and as directed with
43 R2-RW-5-46 165.00 9008.00 CUM ₹ 14,86,320.00
antistripping agent at 1%by weight of bitumen using grading II
of "MORTH"(per prevailing MCGM specification for
Roadworks clause no.354)

P/L premix hot mix Bituminous concrete with 6.00% of VG-30

bitumen content by weight of mix surface coat to compacted to
required thickness using new material to the required grade,
level and camber rolling with power, vibratory roller pneumatic
44 R2-RW-5-51 roller & sensor paver etc. complete as specified and as directed 18.00 10974.00 CUM ₹ 1,97,532.00
with addition of lime filler 2% and anti stripping agent @ 1% by
weight of bitumen etc.(As per prevailing MCGM specifications
for Roadworks clause no. 364)

P/L, mastic asphalt 40mm thick with 10/20 grade bitumen

including producing the same at computerised batch mix plant,
transporting the same to site by means of mastic cookers, laying
the same with mastic paver and including all necessary tools,
labours & barricading, spreading of aggregates as antiskid
45 R2-RW-5-64 1650.00 1571.00 Sq M ₹ 25,92,150.00
measures by means over newly laid mastic asphalt as per
prevailing MCGM specification clause no. 365 of 'Roadworks'
as directed by Engineer in charge (Note: The material
specifications / gradation & content shall be as specified in the
relevant I.S. Codes.)

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

P/L, mastic asphalt 25mm thick with 10/20 grade bitumen

including producing the same at computerised batch mix plant,
transporting the same to site by means of mastic cookers, laying
the same with mastic paver and including all necessary tools,
labours & barricading, spreading of aggregates as antiskid
46 R2-RW-5-65 450.00 1079.00 Sq M ₹ 4,85,550.00
measures by means over newly laid mastic asphalt as per
prevailing MCGM specification clause no. 365 of 'Roadworks'
as directed by Engineer in charge (Note: The material
specifications / gradation & content shall be as specified in the
relevant I.S. Codes.)
Raising or lowering circular manholes to the required level upto
20cm. Including all material, form work etc.with 16cm.thick
47 R2-RW-6-03 cement concrete M-15 (1:2:4) c.c. coping under frame and cover 152.00 1151.00 Each ₹ 1,74,952.00
of manhole, including curing etc. complete as specified and as
Raising or lowering water entrances ,hydrant key
box/sluicebox/gully trap chambers to the required
48 R2-RW-6-04 140.00 801.00 Each ₹ 1,12,140.00
level,upto20cm.including all materials,curingetc. complete as
specified and as directed.
Raising or lowering rectangular manholes to the required level
upto 30cm. Including all materials, form work, brick work and
49 R2-RW-6-05 with 16 cm.thick M-15 C.C. coping under frame & cover of 142.00 2297.00 Each ₹ 3,26,174.00
manhole including curring etc.complete, as specified and as
Removing the old C.I. curicular frame & cover & delivering the
50 R2-RW-6-06 129.00 147.00 Each ₹ 18,963.00
same to any Municipal depot or worshop, as directed.
Removing & refixing traffic regulatory boards/bus stop
51 R2-RW-7-01 boards/street name boards etc. in M-100 cement concrete, 38.00 881.00 Each ₹ 33,478.00
complete as directed.
Excavation and dismantling of structures on roadway, shifting
and relocating of essential utilities, street poles, signals road
sign boards including taking necessary permission from the
52 R2-RW-7-29 67.00 1229.00 Nos ₹ 82,343.00
service providers/authorities including payment of necessary
deposits and supervision charges,shifting charges etc.complete
as directed by Engineer-in-charge. a) Street Poles
Excavation and dismantling of structures on roadway, shifting
and relocating of essential utilities, street poles, signals road
sign boards including taking necessary permission from the
53 R2-RW-7-31 86.00 327.00 Nos ₹ 28,122.00
service providers/authorities including payment of necessary
deposits and supervision charges,shifting charges etc.complete
as directed by Engineer-in-charge.c) Road Sign Boards
Providing & laying stoneware pipes of SP2 class including
54 R2-SE-5-1-b jointing with CM(1:1), filleting etc. complete as specified & 3650.00 1113.00 RM. ₹ 40,62,450.00
directed. 230mm
P/L 150 mm dia. R.C.C. humepipes, NP2 class, jointing,
filletting in1:1C.M.,including pluggingof boththe ends with
55 R2-RW-8-01 gunny bags,brick 460.00 454.00 RM. ₹ 2,08,840.00
Providing and laying 300 mm dia. R.C.C. Hume pipes, NP2
class, jointing, filleting in 1:1 C.M., including plugging of both
56 R2-RW-8-03 the ends with gunny bags, brick masonry in C.M. 1:4 with 1770.00 796.00 meter ₹ 14,08,920.00
plaster in C.M. 1:4 and curing etc. complete, as specified as
Providing & fixing in position M- 20 cement concrete
precastslab, 50cmx50cm.&8cm. Thick with the word "DUCT"
57 R2-RW-8-04 0.00 326.00 No. ₹ 0.00
inscribed over it including making good,the damaged
surrounding surface etc. complete.

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing and fixing pre-cast Central Median divider Type-I of

R.M.C. in M-20 C.C. on Road as per drawing, finished neatly,
compacting, curing, with formwork, etc, including bedding of
R.M.C. of M-10 C.C, 15cm thick, filling of joints in C.M.1:2 &
painting the exposed surface with 3coat of roadmarking paint,
Grade-I of approved colour and quality including required
58 R2-RW-10-46 2865.00 1685.00 RMT ₹ 48,27,525.00
excavation in C.C. , asphalt etc, and removing the same
anywhere in City & Sublimit, levelling the same as specified
and as directed by the Engineer. (Note:-Every 10 dividers shall
have 40mm. dia. hole along the centerline of divider at
formation level of road to drain off rain water / excess water.)

Providing&laying R.C.C. Running beam in M-40 cement

concrete including required form work mixing, compacting &
curing, etc. complete reinforced with 12mm dia. (Minimum 4
Nos.) M.S. main bars & 6mm Dia M.S. rings at 15cm c/c to be
anchored in slipper slab properly with M.S. reinforcement as per
59 R2-RW-10-05 10010.00 805.00 RMT ₹ 80,58,050.00
drawing etc. complete as specified (Steel will not be paid
separately). Contract or has to make his own arrangement for
portable water for construction/curing with hessian cloth,etc. &
will not be paid separately. Beam Size a) 23cm x 27.50cm.

Cutting of construction & dummy joints of M-35 C.C. & above

slab by mechanical means with in 10to16hrs. Of casting of
60 R2-RW-10-11 bay/slab as directed. A)transverse dummy joints 100mm 34180.00 59.00 RM. ₹ 20,16,620.00
deep/1/3 thickness of concrete pavement &6mm wide.

Cutting of construction & dummy/joints of M-35 C.C. & above

slab by mechanical means within 10 to 16hrs. of casting of
61 R2-RW-10-12 36270.00 59.00 RM. ₹ 21,39,930.00
bay/slab as directed.B)Longitudinal construction joints 100 mm
deep/1/3rd thickness of slab & 6mm wide
Providing & fixing in position premoulded Asphalt filler
12mm thick confirming to I.S. 1838 of 1983 for placing of the
62 R2-RW-10-13 expansion joint, around manholes & water entrances, etc put to 3610.00 352.00 sq.m. ₹ 12,70,720.00
the required depth & 25 mm below the camber,etc. complete as
Providing & placing 5mm thick thermocole in dummy &
construction joint simmediately after cutting of joints &
63 R2-RW-10-14 7070.00 76.00 Sq M ₹ 5,37,320.00
removing the same before dressing of dummy & construction
joints etc. complete , as directed.
Providing & fixing high density polythene pipe of approved
quality to fit around the dowel bars of 32 mm dia at the end of
64 R2-RW-10-15 expansion joints, fully greased inside, cotton waste the pipe 4535.00 31.00 No. ₹ 1,40,585.00
around the dowel bars & the pipe duly capped at the end as
directed. (H.D.P.pipe shall be 30cm in length)
Providing & fixing in position mild steel tie bars of 12 mm dia
55 cm long & 45 cm C/C whenever directed including handling,
65 R2-RW-10-16 36.00 63226.00 M.T. ₹ 22,76,136.00
wrapping with paper for half length, fixing, straightening,
wastage etc. complete in all respect as directed.
Providing & fixing in position M.S. dowel bars of 32mm dia 55
cm long & 30 cm C/C whenever directed including handling,
66 R2-RW-10-17 31.00 62904.00 M.T. ₹ 19,50,024.00
fixing, etc. complete(no extra payment will be made for
applying bitumen & grease to dowel bars).
Providing & constructing cement vatas in CM (1:10) at 0.6m
*0.6m c/c/admeasuring 0.09m at bottom,0.04m at top & 0.075m
67 R2-RW-10-19 74475.00 78.00 Sq.m ₹ 58,09,050.00
deep & maintaining the same throughout 14 days curing &
removing the same thereafter as directed.

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Dressing of M35 & above new C.C. pavement, dummy,

transverse, longitudinal & expansion joints with hot rubberised
sealing compound confirming to IS1834 -1984 after proper
cleaning with compressed air, applying required primer &
68 R2-RW-10-23 34180.00 92.00 RM. ₹ 31,44,560.00
providing a layer of lime powder over hot sealing compound etc.
complete as directed. A)Sealing 6 mm wide dummy/transverse
joints with a depth of 100mm/ 1/3rd thickness of concrete
Dressing of M-35 & above new C.C. pavement,
dummy,transverse,longitudinal&expansion joints with hot
rubber is edsealing compound confirming to IS 1834-1984 after
proper cleaning with compressed air, applying required primer
69 R2-RW-10-24 36270.00 92.00 RM. ₹ 33,36,840.00
& providing a layer of lime powder over hotsealing compound
etc.complete as directed. B)Sealingof 6mm wide longitudinal

70 R2-HE-7-2-a ---Do--------20 mm dia. 1550.00 168.00 R.M ₹ 2,60,400.00

71 R2-HE-7-2-b ---Do--------20 mm dia. 1500.00 174.00 R.M ₹ 2,61,000.00
72 R2-HE-7-2-c ---Do--------25 mm dia. 960.00 265.00 R.M ₹ 2,54,400.00
73 R2-HE-7-2-d ---Do--------32 mm dia. 760.00 316.00 R.M ₹ 2,40,160.00
74 R2-HE-7-2-e ---Do--------40 mm dia. 730.00 388.00 R.M ₹ 2,83,240.00
75 R2-HE-7-2-f ---Do--------50 mm dia. 580.00 481.00 R.M ₹ 2,78,980.00
Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings
76 R2-CS-PS-90-a 460.00 199.00 RM. ₹ 91,540.00
including trenching and refilling etc 15 mm dia
Providing and applying hot applied thermoplastic road marking
material with glass beads extremely high skid resistance 2.5mm
thick with primer coat ( tack coat) on asphalt road surface. All
labour materials with special aggregates etc, as specified in B.S.
part-I & II 1989 and carrying out the marking on any road on
center line and other lane marking continuous for intermittent
77 R2-RT-16-32 3930.00 727.00 Sq M ₹ 28,57,110.00
10cm or 15cm width and also pedestrian crossings stripes as
well as spraying further quality of glass beads of type II
uniformly into a mono layer on to the hot paint line in quick
succession of the paint spraying operation @ 250gms per
area as directed and as per B.S./M.O.S.T. specification in White
/Yellow colour.
Arrow marking for Route direction straight or right or left or
straight & right or straight or left & lettering as per design in
78 R2-RT-16-07 21.00 1241.00 NOS ₹ 26,061.00
white or traffic yellow as specified and directed for speed limit
upto 50 km/hrs.
Street Name Board without sign board: Providing, fabricating
and erecting on site Street Name Board (of type 2S-A-1) as per
the design incorporated in the catalogue of street Furniture
(Volume-II) Published by M.C.G.M. Vertical pole shall be M.S.
Square pipe of size 75mm x 75mm x 3.5mm thk. Signage
plaque (box) shall be of size 900mm x 600mm made of M.S.
angle frame of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm thick covered with
3mm thk aluminum sheet / F.R.P. Sheet on both sides. The
signage plaque assembly shall be fixed to the vertical pole with
40mm x 10mm thk size MS support plate. The traffic signboard
of size 600mm dia shall be supported on M.S. support pipe of
79 R2-RT-16-08 size 50mm x50mm x 3mm. Traffic sign board shall be made of 24.00 22712.00 Nos ₹ 5,45,088.00
25mm x 25mm x 3mm thick M.S. Sq. pipes covered with 3mm
thk. Aluminum sheet / F.R.P. sheet on both sides as shown in
the figure. The top open end of the vertical pole shall be closed
with M.S. plate of size 75mm x 75mm x 3.5mm thick. Both the
boxes shall be pasted with HIGH INTENSITY GRADE retro
reflective base sheets on both sides conforming to I.R.C. 67
CODE. Letters or signages to be pasted on these boxes shall
also be of HIGH INTENSITY GRADE (upto 50% of basic area)
conforming to I.R.C. 67

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Junction Name Board : Providing, fixing and erecting on site

Junction Name Board / Chowk (of type 2S-D), as per the design
incorporated in the catalogue of street Furniture published by
M.C.G.M., Vertical pole shall be M.S. Square pipe of size
100mm x 100mm x 3.5mm thick. Signage plaque (box) shall be
of size 900mm x 900mm made of M.S.L angle frame of size
75mm x 75mm x 6mm thick covered with 3mm thick aluminum
sheet / F.R.P. Sheet on both sides, the box assembly; shall be
fixed to the vertical pole with 40mm x 10mm thick size MS
support plate. The top open end of the vertical pole shall be
80 R2-RT-16-15 closed with MS Plate of size 100mm x 100mm x 3.5mm thick. 23.00 35459.00 Nos ₹ 8,15,557.00
The box shall be pasted with HIGH INTENSITY GRADE retro
reflective base sheets on both sides conforming to I.R.C. 67
CODE. Letters or signages to be pasted on this box shall also be
of HIGH INTENSITY GRADE (up to 50% of basic area)
conforming to I.R.C. 67 CODE. The reflective of sheet shall
have guarantee of 7 years. The refection count shall not be less
than 90% of its original reflection after 7 years. The foundation
shall either be with base plate of 200 x 200 x 6mm thick 16 mm
dia J Bolts or embedding pipe in foundation by providing

Direction – Board – Providing, Fabricating, Erecting on site

Direction Board (of type 3SA2)( small-2) As per the design
incorporated in the catalogue of street Furniture published by
M.C.G.M., Vertical pole shall be ISMC-350. Signage plaque
(box) shall be of size 1200mm x 2400mm made of ISMC
100mm and bracing of MS angle 50mm x 50mm x 6mm,
covered with 3 mm aluminum sheet / F.R.P. Sheet on both sides,
the box assembly; shall be fixed to the vertical pole. The box
shall be pasted with HIGH INTENSITY GRADE retro
reflective base sheets on both sides conforming to I.R.C. 67
81 R2-RT-16-18 CODE. Letters or signages to be pasted on this box shall also be 23.00 37751.00 Nos ₹ 8,68,273.00
of HIGH INTENSITY GRADE (up to 50% of basic area)
conforming to I.R.C. 67 CODE. The reflectivity of sheet shall
have guarantee of 7 years. The reflection count shall not be less
than 90% of its original reflection after 7 years. The vertical
poles shall be provided with 20 mm dia 6 nos. hold fasts
embedded in 1:2:4 CC foundation of size 1500 mm x 1500mm
as shown in drawing (3F-A1.1). The assembly shall be treated
with RustIcide solution of approved company and applied with
Polyurethane primer and Paint to resist rusting of material (the
treatment shall be given as per
Mandatory & Cautionary Board – Providing, Fabricating,
Erecting on site Mandatory & Cautionary Boards (of type 1S-A-
1). As per the design incorporated in Street Furniture catalogue
volume–II published by M.C.G.M., Vertical poles shall be M.S.
Square pipe of size 50mm x 50mm x 3.5mm thick. Signage
plaque (box) shall be of size 600mm dia. The box shall be made
of MS Square pipe of size 25mm x 25mm x3mm thick covered
with 3 mm thick aluminum sheet / F.R.P. Sheet on both sides,
The box assembly; shall be fixed to the vertical pole. The box
shall be pasted with HIGH INTENSITY GRADE retro
82 R2-RT-16-25 reflective base sheets on both sides conforming to I.R.C. 67 21.00 6469.00 Nos ₹ 1,35,849.00
CODE. Letters or signages to be pasted on this box shall also be
of HIGH INTENSITY GRADE (up to 50% of basic area)
conforming to I.R.C. 67 CODE. The reflectivity of sheet shall
have guarantee of 7 years. The refection count shall not be less
than 90% of its original reflection after 7 years. The foundation
shall either be with base shall either be with base plate of M.S.
of size 200 x 200 x 6mm thick, 16 dia J Bolts or embedding the
pole in foundation with 12mm dia x 6 nos. hold fasts embedded
in 1:2:4 concrete as shown in drawing (ISA

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

TRIANGULAR BOARD – Providing, Fabricating, Erecting on

site Mandatory Boards (of type 1S-A-1.1). As per the design
incorporated in Street Furniture catalogue volume–II published
by M.C.G.M., Vertical poles shall be M.S. Square pipe of size
50mm x 50mm x 3.5mm thick. Signage plaque (box) shall be of
size 900mm dia. The box shall be made of MS Square pipe of
size 50mm x 50mm x3mm thick covered with 3 mm thick
aluminum sheet / F.R.P. Sheet on both sides, The box assembly;
shall be fixed to the vertical pole. The box shall be pasted with
HIGH INTENSITY GRADE retro reflective base sheets on both
83 R2-RT-16-27 sides conforming to I.R.C. 67 CODE. Letters or signages to be 21.00 12031.00 Nos ₹ 2,52,651.00
pasted on this box shall also be of HIGH INTENSITY GRADE
(up to 50% of basic area) conforming to I.R.C. 67 CODE. The
reflectivity of sheet shall have guarantee of 7 years. The
reflection count shall not be less than 90% of its original
reflection after 7 years. The foundation shall either be with base
shall wither be with base plate of M.S. of size 200 x 200 x 6mm
thick, 16 dia J Bolts or embedding the pole in foundation with
12mm dia x 6 nos. hold fasts embedded in 1:2:4 concrete as
shown in drawing (IS-A.1).

Providing & Fixing 0.60m X 0.50m clear internal size of M.S.

Galvanised hinged type grating and frame (weighing minimum
71 kg) with minimum 75 microns zinc coating by hot dipped
galvanising the MS grating and frame as per IS 2629. (The
contractor shall furnish the certificate of galvanising from the
84 R2-SWD-169 Galvaniser.) incuding testing ,inspection of material sample and 60.00 9441.00 EA ₹ 5,66,460.00
finished product in presence of M.C.G.M. Engineers (3 nos.) at
Manufacturers works, as per Standard Specification no SP-
SWD-3 and as per drawing (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-03), etc complete as specified & as directed
by Engineer in Charge.
Supply and Spreading of Red Hill Earth Red hill earth free from
graass, stones, rubbles redish in colour pass through 5 mm sieve
85 R2-GW-7-11 16.50 1283.00 CuM. ₹ 21,169.50
and spreading of red hill earth at site location/ plot and rolling
as directed by site incharge
Supplying and fixing 0.56 M dia C.I. Circular extra heavy duty
86 R2-SE-10-3 (EHD) air tight frame and cover weighing minimum 230kg 55.00 29935.00 E.A. ₹ 16,46,425.00
fixed complete to manholes.
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:2
including neat cement rendering with approved water proofing
87 R2-SWD-57 compound (with a proportion as specified by the manufacturer 22.00 271.00 Sqr. Mtr. ₹ 5,962.00
per bag of cement) as specified & as directed by Engineer in
Providing 20 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:2
including neat cement rendering (without water proofing
88 R2-SWD-58 770.00 376.00 Sqr. Mtr. ₹ 2,89,520.00
compound ) as specified & as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Providing & Fixing 100 mm. dia PVC. Pipes of approved

89 R2-SWD-154 quality as weep holes in nalla/retaining walls etc.complete as 110.00 355.00 R.M. ₹ 39,050.00
directed by Engineer in Charge.
Transplantation of existing trees of girth of all dia. including
uprooting and shifting of the tree and placing in pits of suitable
size and after transplanting, removal of excavated earth to
desired location, filling the pit with red earth, manure, watering
90 R2-RW-7-19 11.00 5526.00 nos ₹ 60,786.00
etc. complete with all leads, lifts, including maintenance for 3
years. The item also includes back filling of the trench taken for
exposing the root system of the tree proposed to be transplanted
etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Cutting down of tree having diameter above 50 mm & Upto 150
91 R2-RW-7-20 11.00 446.00 nos ₹ 4,906.00
Cutting down of tree having diameter above 150 mm & Upto
92 R2-RW-7-21 11.00 3146.00 nos ₹ 34,606.00
300 mm

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Cutting down of tree having diameter above 300 mm & Upto

93 R2-RW-7-22 11.00 5997.00 nos ₹ 65,967.00
450 mm
Cutting down of tree having diameter above 450 mm & Upto
94 R2-RW-7-23 11.00 8355.00 nos ₹ 91,905.00
600 mm
Cutting down of tree having diameter above 600 mm & Upto
95 R2-RW-7-24 11.00 11892.00 nos ₹ 1,30,812.00
900 mm
5 Cutting down of tree having diameter above 900 mm & Upto
96 R2-RW-7-25 11.00 15532.00 nos ₹ 1,70,852.00
1200 mm
Supply & filling sand metal, GRAVELLY SAND, corresponded
97 R2-RW-10-28 MCGM road specifications for roadworks in trenches upto 2805.00 1905.00 cum ₹ 53,43,525.00
required depth & watering, ramming etc. complete as directed.

Cutting down existing cement / lime concrete works by any

means in pavement, bedding below foundation, coping, walls
98 R2-SWD-35 arches, stone, brick pavement coping etc. of any thickness of 2880.00 1314.00 CUM ₹ 37,84,320.00
any height / depth above or below ground level etc.complete, as
specified & as directed by Engineer in Charge.
Cutting down completely RCC slab, walls, beams , columns,
arches, piles, pile caps of any thickness and or size of any height
/ depth by any means below or above ground level including
99 R2-SWD-36 5620.00 1588.00 CUM ₹ 89,24,560.00
cutting down steel reinforcement, removing and stacking them
properly as directed etc.complete, as specified & as directed by
Engineer in Charge.
Providing & laying water proof paper of 40 GSM including
100 R2-RW-10-18 overlap (to be not less than 10cm)etc. complete as specified as 58695.00 11.00 Sqm ₹ 6,45,645.00
Extra Over item of marble chip finish above M-20 in footpath
Providing, applying and finishing the top surface of M 20
concrete with natural coloured or plain marble chips of any
colour, texture, pattern of average size ranging from 12 mm to
18 mm and free from dust including cleaning of surface with
101 R2-RW-10-64 0.00 163.00 Sqm ₹ 0.00
water and cutting of finished concrete. Coverage of marble chips
should range between 75% to 85% of the area to be treated
including cost of skilled manpower, cutting machine and all
tools tackles for all activities: Complete finish/ polishing etc as
per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.
ExtraOveritemofstencilconcreteaboveM-20 in footpath
Providing, applying and finishing the top surface of M-20
concrete with stamp/ stencil of approved pattern and colour, in
accordance with manufacturer's specification of any approved
brand of colour hardener @ of 3.5 kgs/m2; including floating of
colour hardened over concrete surface with different types of
floaters; including application of release agent @ of 0.15
kgs/m2, stamping over the concrete surface with stamping tools;
102 R2-RW-10-63 including cleaning of surface with water and cutting of finished 18750.00 436.00 Sqm ₹ 81,75,000.00
concrete; including application of two coats of acrylic based
sealer for finishing. Colour hardener and release agent shall be
tested for abrasion resistance for a depth of wear, should not be
more than 0.025 mm. Coverage of sealer should not be more
than 6.5 sq.m per one litre coat; including cost of skilled
manpower, cutting machine, sprayer and all tools tackles for all
activities; complete smooth & finish as per direction of Engineer-
103 R2-RW-7-17 ldsurfaceofkerbstonewithbrushingbywirebrushasperrelevantI.S. 10015.00 50.00 Rmt ₹ 5,00,750.00
codes to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge etc. complete.

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Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Desilting underground storm water drains of any size and shape

for all depths by any means without human entry inside the
closed drains, manholes etc including pumping out liquid waste
or sewage / plugging or diverting the flow in the drain if
necessary, sprinkling approved disinfectant on the removed silt
to avoid bad smell as directed within a radius of 300m, Stacking
104 R2-SWD-1 0.00 569.00 CUM ₹ 0.00
the same for transportation purpose including taking
precautionary & safety measures such as test for gases, use of
safety belts, dry cell torches for lighting inside the manholes and
drains etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (for
payment purpose 30% will be deducted for voids in silt and 40%
for stones and boulders.)
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:2
including neat cement rendering with approved water proofing
105 R2-SWD-57 compound (with a proportion as specified by the manufacturer 0.00 271.00 Sqm ₹ 0.00
per bag of cement) as specified & as directed by Engineer in
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of
specified grade cement with trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal
mixing in concrete mixer including bailing out water,
106 R2-CS-CW-1-c compacting, finishing surface, curing and including the cost of 0.00 6236.00 Cum ₹ 0.00
centering and shuttering at all level :
Nominal Mix of 1:3:6 (1 Cement OPC: 3 coarse sand : 6
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of
specified grade cement with trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal
mixing in concrete mixer including bailing out water,
107 R2-CS-CW-1-a compacting, finishing surface, curing and including the cost of 0.00 7062.00 Cum ₹ 0.00
centering and shuttering at all level :
Nominal Mix of 1:1.5:3 (1 cement OPC: 1.5 coarse sand : 3
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
Brick work with common burnt clay modular bricks of class
108 designation 3.5 and above in foundation and plinth in: Cement 0.00 5368.00 Cum ₹ 0.00
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
Providing and fixing MS frame and cover with its complete
assembly including supply and fixing of the same etc complete
for sluice valve, butterfly valves and kinetic air valves chambers
as directed and as specified by Engineer In charge. The MS
plate used for the cover shall be 20 mm thick. The new MS
cover shall have anti skid arrangement. The anti skid
arrangement shall be provided of 4mm thick MS flats of
specified mm width and 300 mm center to center by continuous
lap welding. \Following are the Standard weights of MS frame
109 R2-HE-2-16 and cover with its complete assembly with anti skid 0.00 78.00 Rs./Kg ₹ 0.00
arrangement. NOTE: Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned
standard weights acceptable.
300x300 mm = 23Kg
300x600 mm = 47 Kg
600x900 mm = 138 Kg
600x1200 mm = 186 Kg
900x1200 mm = 281 Kg
1200x1500 mm = 465 Kg
1500x1800 mm = 694 Kg

Combine BOQ Page 15 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Removing of existing MS frame and cover and replacing it with

new MS frame and cover with its complete assembly including
supply and fixing of the same etc complete as directed and
specified by Engineer In charge. The MS plate used for the
cover shall be 20 mm thick. The new MS cover shall have anti
skid arrangement. The anti skid arrangement shall be provided
by welding 4mm thick MS flats of specified width and 300 mm
center to center.
300x300 mm = 23Kg
110 R2-HE-2-17 300x600 mm = 47 Kg 0.00 59.00 Rs./Kg ₹ 0.00
600x900 mm = 138 Kg
600x1200 mm = 186 Kg
900x1200 mm = 281 Kg
1200x1500 mm = 465 Kg
1500x1800 mm = 694 Kg
Note : (1) Rebate for old removed MS frame and cover is
considered in this item. (2) Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned
standard weights shall be acceptable.
Providing and laying 200 mm thick hand sets dry rubble soling
including filling the interstices with small chips, ramming etc.
111 R2-HE-8-4 complete for foundations of pedestals, chairs, thrust blocks, etc. 0.00 332.00 Sqm ₹ 0.00
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge.

112 R2-HE-1-9-c 150 mm 0.00 469.00 Each ₹ 0.00

113 R2-HE-1-9-d 250 mm 0.00 581.00 Each ₹ 0.00
114 R2-HE-1-9-e 300 mm. 0.00 743.00 Each ₹ 0.00
115 R2-HE-1-9-f 450 mm. 0.00 1046.00 Each ₹ 0.00
116 R2-HE-1-9-i 900 mm. 0.00 2677.00 Each ₹ 0.00
117 R2-HE-1-6-c 150 mm 0.00 1689.00 Rmt ₹ 0.00
118 R2-HE-1-6-d 250 mm 0.00 3103.00 Rmt ₹ 0.00
119 R2-HE-1-6-e 300 mm. 0.00 3679.00 Rmt ₹ 0.00
450 mm.
120 R2-HE-1-6-a-f 0.00 6825.00 Rmt ₹ 0.00
121 R2-HE-1-6-a-i 900 mm 0.00 19894.00 Rmt ₹ 0.00
150 mm dia.
122 R2-HE-6-1A-c 0.00 5693.00 Each ₹ 0.00
250 mm dia.
123 R2-HE-6-1A-e 0.00 10091.00 Each ₹ 0.00
124 R2-HE-6-1A-f
300 mm dia. 0.00 13671.00 Each ₹ 0.00
125 R2-HE-6-1A-i
450 mm dia. 0.00 21948.00 Each ₹ 0.00
126 R2-HE-10-1-a
150 mm 0.00 16183.00 Each ₹ 0.00
127 R2-HE-10-1-b
250 mm 0.00 25040.00 Each ₹ 0.00
128 R2-HE-10-1-c
300 mm 0.00 32185.00 Each ₹ 0.00
129 R2-HE-10-1-d
450 mm 0.00 49054.00 Each ₹ 0.00
130 R2-HE-10-1-g
900 mm 0.00 142215.00 Each ₹ 0.00
Providing & fixing in the foothpath Concrete Paving Slabs
(Flagstone) 400 X400 X60 mm thick or any approved size in
grey or any specified colour with shot blasted texture or any
approved texture on top surface of approved pattern/ shape and
colour having average crushing strength not less than 40 N/mm²
as per technical specifications and IS CODE 15658:2006;
manufactured in double layer precast concrete Paving Slabs
(Flagstone) 12 to 15 mm thick and consisting of cubical shape
131 R2-RW-3-27 Quartz stone aggregate 8 mm sieve 100% passing and retained 0.00 1213.00 Sq M ₹ 0.00
on 4.75 mm size sieve, silica sand .The bottom layer should be
45 to 48 mm thick in grey cement having 12 mm sieve 100%
passing aggregates as per technical specifications, rested on
average compacted thickness of 25 mm well graded sand
cushioning uniformly compacted with proper capacity
mechanical compactor with required level, grade and camber
etc. complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer.

Combine BOQ Page 16 of 17

Combined B. O. Q. for tender no. W - 361

Sr. Schedule
No. Item No. Combined
Rate Unit Amount
Total Qty

Providing and placing in position controlled cement Ready Mix

Concrete of M-25 grade in raft slab by using ordinary Portland
132 R2-SWD-25 cement including curing by any means, as specified & as 2055.00 6979.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,43,41,845.00
directed by Engineer in Charge. (Reinforcement and form work
will be paid separately).
Providing and placing in position controlled Ready Mix
Concrete of M-25 grade in walls, deck slab above or below
ground level at any height/depth by using ordinary Portland
133 R2-SWD-30 6480.00 8735.00 Cu.m ₹ 5,66,02,800.00
cement including curing by any means, as specified & as
directed by Engineer in Charge. (Reinforcement and form work
will be paid separately).
Providing & placing in position controlled Ready Mix Concrete
of grade M- 40 in raft slab by using Ordinary Portland Cement
including transportation to site anywhere in Mumbai including
134 R2-SWD-178 430.00 7777.00 Cu.m ₹ 33,44,110.00
curing by any means etc. complete as directed by Engineer in
Charge. (Reinforcement & Formwork shall be paid separately).

Providing & placing in position controlled Ready Mix Concrete

of grade M- 40 in walls and deck slab above or below ground
level at any height / depth by using Ordinary Portland Cement
135 R2-SWD-179 including Transportation anywhere in Mumbai including curing 1265.00 9569.00 Cu.m ₹ 1,21,04,785.00
by any means etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge.
(Reinforcement & Formwork shall be paid separately).

Providing & Fixing 1.20m X 0.60m clear internal size of M.S.

Galvanised hinged type grating and frame (weighing minimum
130 kg) of grade HD20, with minimum 75 microns zinc coating
by hot dipped galvanising the MS grating and frame as per IS
2629. (The contractor shall furnish the certificate of galvanising
136 from the Galvaniser.) incuding testing ,inspection of material 316.00 17084.00 Each ₹ 53,98,544.00
sample and finished product as per IS standards and as per
Standard Specification no SP-SWD-3 and as per standard
drawing , etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer in

137 R2-RW-2-22 8650.00 -93.00 Cum -₹ 8,04,450.00
e in R2-RW-2.21.
Rebate for not using SENSOR PAVER INSTEAD OF
138 R2-RW-5-71 ORDINARY PAVER USED for Laying of BITUMINOUS 10040.00 -7.00 SQm -₹ 70,280.00

Grand Total Amount= ₹ 64,65,14,342.00

Say ₹ 64,65,14,342.00

Combine BOQ Page 17 of 17

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