and Kali, and focuses on weapon-based fighting using knives, bladed The Spanish forbade all forms of kali, including bladed weapons,
weapons, sticks, and improvised weapons. It also involves hand-to-hand because they were overly concerned about the potential of a revolt
combat, grappling, and methods for disarming weapons. Arnis was originally by the Filipinos.
devised by the indigenous peoples of the Philippines, who utilized a variety of
weapons for combat and self-defense.
Arnis, a shortened version of the word arnis, completely replaced
200 B.C. the name, kali.
The indigenous Filipinos had previously relied on sticks,
bows, and arrows for fighting; the migrating Malays were the Since then, the katipunero wielding the spear or bolo has come to
ones who first introduced the long-bladed weapon to them. represent the valiant struggle against Spanish colonial control in
After their first encounter, the Filipinos started using the long the Philippines. In his memoirs, Dr. Jose P. Rizal states that he
blades for both battle and cultivation. This developed knife taught the Dapitan youngsters arnis.
fighting technique was called kalis (later shortened to kali); it
was a combative art that specialized in all types of blade 1969
weapons. Mr. Remy A. Presas trained some teachers in Arnis' public and
private schools. He referred to his look as "Modern arnis."
Lapu-Lapu and his troops defeated Ferdinand Magellan in Nine of the seventeen regions of the Philippines participated in the
the storied battle of Mactan by using a native military events, which were held at Naga City, Bicol.
1564 Arnis has been declared the national sport and martial art of the
This time, the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines at Abuyog, Philippines by the Philippine government.
Leyte. The conquistadors, led by miguel lópez de legaspi,
anticipated carnage on a larger scale.