Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment: September 2022
Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment: September 2022
Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment: September 2022
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vishnu Kiran Manam on 27 September 2022.
Edited by
Dr. Vishnu Kiran Manam
Dr. Aruna Kumari Nakkella
Prof. Dr. Jayesh R.Gujarathi
Bharti Publications
New Delhi- 110002 (INDIA)
Copyright © Editors
The increase in the global population demands new technologies in energy
consumption and environmental changes. The energy and environment
are the crucial factors for the evolvement of the human life. The advent and
recent trends in nanotechnology offers promising approach in fulfilling the
demands of human life. Nanotechnology is an emerging branch of science
and technology which acts as a key role in environmental monitoring and
energy conversion, distribution, and storage. The applications of nanoscale
materials and nanoparticles in energy and environment enhance and simplify
the process flow with cost-effectiveness as well as eco-friendly approach over
the current conventional methods. The applications of nanotechnology are
versatile in various domains such as bioremediation, waste management,
green technology, environmental monitoring, emission control, electricity
production and transmission loss, solar power, etc.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Environment, Energy, Applications.
Nanotechnology is the branch of science and technology of objects
at nanoscale levels with working on the specific applications with
biomolecules on nanoscale or cellular engineering. This chapter covers and
highlights on the applications and role of nanotechnology with respect
scale power stations and industrial plants a hundred times faster than
conventional methods; similarly nanostructured membranes with small
pores are used to separate methane or Co2 from the exhaust.
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10 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
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Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment 11
A human hair
50,000-100,000 nm wide
Water molecule
10-10 nm
Nanotechnology in Physics
The use of smaller materials in nanotechnology allows for fine-tuning of
molecules and substances at the nanoscale, which can improve material
mechanical qualities or provide access to previously inaccessible parts
of the body. Nanotechnology is the key to making space travel more
feasible. Lightweight solar sails and a cable for the space elevator are now
achievable because to advances in nanomaterials. It minimises the amount
of rocket fuel used greatly. The cost of reaching orbit and travelling in
space has decreased as a result of these advancements. Spaceships,
spacesuits, and equipment required to explore planets could benefit from
new materials paired with nanosensors and nanorobots. It’s employed in
Nanophotonics, (Goldhaber-Gordon, 1997 & Whitesides, 2005) which is the
study of light’s behaviour at the nanoscale size and how nanometerscale
objects interact with light. Surface plasmons, metal optics, near field optics
and metamaterials are used to squeeze light down to the nanoscale scale.
Nanophotonics allows for more integration; lower noise dissipates less
energy, occupies less space, and requires a smaller input signal, which is
likely to rely on self-assembly. It’s employed in solar cells as well as high-
density data storage and photonic devices as a band gap material.
Nanotechnology in Chemistry:
Sensors based on nanotechnology (Wang & Wang, 2014) can detect very
minute volumes of chemical vapors. In nanotechnology-based sensors,
several types of detecting elements, such as carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide
nanowires, or palladium nanoparticles, can be employed. Nanotechnology
also provides the chemical sector with at least six distinct advantages:
¾¾ Research Tools: The prime factor is that the nanomachinery and tools
play a vital role in research. The market for “nanoscience instruments”
is expanding.
¾¾ Novel Materials: Materials will be a crucial class of nanostructures
for business. Polymers, particles, and composites with structural and
electrically/magnetically/optically functional properties are used in
a variety of applications such as bar codes, organic chemistry and
painting. Chemistry and chemical-process technologies will very
certainly be critical in commercializing the technology’s value in these
16 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
The authors declare that the work described in the paper is original and
no part of it is copied or taken from other sources without permission. The
authors also declare that the work was unpublished elsewhere.
One of the authors Dr. Sarva Santhisudha expresses her sincere thanks
to DST, New Delhi, India, for providing financial support through the
Woman Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A) (F. no.: SR/WOS-A/CS-104/2018,
Dated: 14-09-2020
1. Basavaprabhu, G.; Sheeparamatt, R.B.; Sheeparamatti, J.S.; Kadadevaramath
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3. Behgounia, F.; Zohuri, B. (2020). Artificial intelligence integration with
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5. Harper, D. (2014). Science Online Etymology Dictionary.
6. Patil, M.; Mehta, D. M.; Guvva, S. (2008). Future impact of nanotechnology on
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7. Pear, E.N. (2018). Nanotechnology and nanoscience: a blueprint for chemistry
revolution Open Access Journal of Chemistry, 2(1), 1-8.
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11. Whitesides, G. M. (2005). Nanoscience nanotechnology and chemistry, Small,
1(2), 172-179.
Carbon Nanotubes
Dr. N. Padmaja*
This article gives an overview of carbon nanotubes. It explains what carbon
nanotubes are, their classification, structural features, special properties, and
their applications in different fields of modern world
Keywords: Carbon Nanotubes, SWNT, MWNT, Fuel Cells, Sensors
Contemporary chemistry demonstrates a trend of transition from
carrying out experiments under ordinary conditions (300K,1atm, normal
concentrations), to conducting syntheses at super high energies, super
low temperatures, super high pressures, super high vacuum, super low
concentrations and with participation of super small- or small-scale
Though the term Nano chemistry appeared at the end of 1990’s,
Contemporary Nano Chemistry is a new actively developing scientific
direction. It has its own subjects, objects for studying, experimental
methods and analysis. Carbon nanotubes are a significant part of Nano
chemistry and studying about them gives a perfect picture about Nano
Chemistry, Nano technology and their applications for the modern world.
Carbon nanotube is a tube-shaped material, made of carbon, having a
diameter measuring on the nano metric scale. Nano tubes are members
of the fullerene structural family. Their name is derived from their long
hallow structures with the Wall formed by atom thick sheets of carbon
called graphene. The ends of nanotubes are usually closed by five or six
membered carbon cycles
CNT’s are classified into1
1) Single walled nanotubes (SWNT or SNT)
2) Multi walled nanotubes (MWNT or MNT)
1) Single walled nanotubes: Some characteristics of SNTs are as follows
¾¾ Have a single atom
¾¾ Thickness layer of graphene sheet rolls into seamless cylinder.
¾¾ The tube diameter is ~1 nanometer while length can be millions of times
¾¾ Display metallic or semi conducting behavior
¾¾ Important for their electrical properties
2) Multi walled nanotubes: These are formed by multiple rolled layers
of graphene with inter layer distance of about 3.4 A°. MWNTs can be
different types
a) Russian doll model: Graphene sheets are arranged in concentric
b) Parchment model: A single sheet of graphene is rolled around itself,
like rolled newspaper. Other types of carbon nanotubes are Torous,
Nano bud, Pepod and composite or fillers loaded nanotubes.
Carbon Nanotubes 21
Nano tubes can be synthesized in many ways.2 Example, SWNTs can be
synthesized by arc discharge evaporation of graphite in an inert glass
flow. MWNTs can be synthesized by pyrolysis of an aerosol prepared
from a benzene and ferrocene solution at 800 – 950 °c in the presence of
hydrocarbon solution catalysts.
Nano tubes are formed with all sp2 bonds, stronger than the sp3 bonds
formed in diamond. Tubes show unique strength. They naturally align
themselves into ropes held together by vandarwalls forces.
The inner diameter of CNTs can vary from 0.4 to several nano meters.
Length to diameter ratio can be 132,000,000:1. Foreign substances can enter
their inner spaces. Nano tubes have greater inner volumes. CNTs can be
filled with fillers, example additives like boron which prevent closing of
tube channel. Tubes can be filled with C 60 and C 70 fullerenes as composite
material, sometimes inner spaced can be filled with liquids. Substances
also can be incorporated into carbon nano tubes.
On the walls of carbon nano tubes various functional groups can be planted
by long term treatment of tubes in acids. (Protonation, Hydroxylation,
fluorination, Chlorination etc.). The absorption of gases can take place on
both external and internal walls and also in the intra tube space.
The above mentioned different structural features make CNTs have
novel properties that make them potentially useful in wide variety of
applications. They exhibit extraordinary strength, unique electrical and
mechanical properties. They are good conductors of heat and electricity
22 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Electrical Properties: CNT’s, because of symmetry and unique electronic
structure of graphene sheet tubes have very high current carrying capacity.
Metallic nanotubes can carry electrical current density equivalent to 4×109
amp per cm2 - which is about 1000 times greater than metals such as copper.
Thermal Properties: All nanotubes are excellent thermal conductors along
the tube. The temperature stability of CNTs is estimated to be about 2800
° c in vacuum and about 750 °c in air. But CNTs are good insulators lateral
to the tube axis.
Mechanical Properties: CNTs are the strongest and stiffest in terms of
tensile strength and elastic modulus. They are extremely flexible materials.
The sp2 bonds between the carbons of the graphene layer are the strongest
possible and lead to the hardness of CNTs being greater than diamond. The
hardness of compressed SWNT is 460 to 545 Gpa which is more than the
value of Diamond with 420 Gpa. CNTs are not stronger when compressed
due to their hallow structure.
Tube structure of CNTs affects it’s chemical, electronic, and mechanical
Applications of Carbon Nanotubes: CNTs with their novel and unique
properties have applications in multiple fields
Fuel cells: CNTs are used in a variety of fuel cell components. They have
high surface area and thermal conductivity which makes them suitable
as electro catalyst support in PEM fuel cells. They are also used in gas
diffusion layers and current collectors. CNTs due to their high strength
and toughness properties when used as composite components in fuel
cells increase their durability which is highly needed in the transportation
CNTs are also used in lithium-ion batteries. In fuel cells, as a catalyst
support, they reduce ‘Pt’ usage. Doped tubes do not require platinum. A
complex, mixture of carbon Nano tubes and carbon bulky balls are also
used in solar cells, which increases the energy conversion efficiency.
Sensors: CNT sensors are characterized by short response times, high
sensitivity, and selectivity. When compared with conventional oxide
sensors the selectivity of CNT sensors is several times more. CNTs are
used as sensors for gases and for liquids e.g., Presence of 0.02 % NO2
increases the conductivity by three orders of magnitude in 10 seconds.
While the introduction of 1 % NH3 decrease the conductivity by two orders
of magnitude in 2 minutes.
NO2 by increasing holes and NH3 by decreasing holes change conductivity.
In the form of microarrays, they are used for DNA and protein detection.
CNT sensors are used for gas and toxin detection in food industry, army,
and environmental applications.
Carbon Nanotubes 23
Nanotube based sensor materials are miniatured, relatively cheap and can
be used at room temperature. The functionalization of CNTs makes them
selective towards specific analytes. For e.g., researchers have developed
flexible hydrogen sensors using single walled carbon nanotubes decorated
with Palladium Nano particles3
Anti cancer activity of nanoparticles is a growing field of research of nuclear
medicine and radioimmunotargetting. Currently radiobioconjugate targetting
involves radiobioconjugate scintigraphy for diagnosis and imaging of cancer
tumour as well as radiobioconjugate therapy for necrosis of cancer cells. There
are three principal methods of treating cancer viz. surgery, chemotherapy
and external radiation therapy. Each of these has its limitations. There is
much interest today in the development of a new mode of therapy viz. the
administration of nano radio labelled bioconjugates in nuclear medicine for
the selective delivery of radiation to the cancer cells while sparing the normal
cells. Safety issues in radiobioconjuate targetting involve consideration of both
radiation hazards as well as biohazards. Radiation hazards are relevant for the
administration team but not for the patient who is benefiting from the therapy
on the other hand Biohazards are important specially for the patient.
Nanotechnology is a new approach of science and engineering that
helping human being in various aspects. Nanotechnology uses materials
sized between 1 and 100 nanometers. The meaning of word “nanos” in
Greek is dwarf. Nanotechnology can be defined as “the art and science
of development, synthesis, characterization, and application of materials
and devices by the nanoscale.” At nanoscale materials and particles have a
unique property and potentiality [1, 2, 3].
Cancer is one of the leading diseases affecting human health. Its impact
worldwide is significant in all the levels of human society and there are
several projections emphasizing the increasing dimensions of the problem
with both the developed and developing human population. Cancer
in INDIA is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. It is
a multifactorial, multifaceted and multimechanistic disease requiring a
corresponding multidimensional approach for its treatment, control and
prevention [4, 5].
Normally in nuclear medicine radionuclide / radioisotopes are used
for imaging and therapy purposes. Applications of nano radionuclide
in nuclear medicine can be found in areas of diagnostics, therapeutics,
theranostics, and regenerative medicine. Nanomaterials can improve
diagnostic imaging techniques and therapy efficiency even at the level of
single cells [6, 7, 8].
Currently radioimmunotargetting involves radiobioconjugate scintigraphy
for diagnosis and imaging of cancer tumour as well as radiobioconjugate
therapy for necrosis of cancer cells. There are three principal methods
of treating cancer viz. surgery, chemotherapy and external radiation
therapy. Each of these has its limitations. There is much interest today
in the development of a new mode of therapy viz. the administration of
radio labelled bioconjugates in nuclear medicine for the selective delivery
of radiation to the cancer cells while sparing the normal cells [9, 10, 11].
In nano radioisotopes labelled bioconjugate scintigraphy for all diagnostic
imaging gamma, or sometimes X- Radiation of suitable energy is
required. I131, I123 and Tcm99 radioisotopes have been used for this purpose.
The specific demonstration of tumour cells by nano radiobioconjugate
targeted scintigraphy is the main advantage of this technique over X-ray,
Computerized Tomography, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI]. RIS can differentiate between tumour recurrent cells and other
lesions such as Fibrosis or Haematoma during the follow-up of the patient
after therapy. Radiobioconjugate therapy is analogous to radio war-head
being carried by a guided missile or smart bomb (the bioconjugates) which
selectively homes in the cancer cell by specific recognition of molecules on
the cancer cell surface [11, 12].
Anti cancer activity of nanoparticles is a growing field of research
of nuclear medicine and radioimmunotargetting. Applications of
nanotechnology in nuclear medicine can be found in areas of diagnostics,
imaging and therapeutics. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles of Radio
isotopes are ecofriendly approaches using flavonoid containing plant
extract (polyphenolic components). Recently, green synthesized silver
nanoparticles were exposed to various cancer cell lines to assess their
anticancer potentials [13, 14, 15 16].
26 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest related to this
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Nanotechnology and Safety Issues in Radioimmunotargetting 31
Nanotechnology is the study and management at Nano scale i.e. between
1-100 nm. It is the use of matter at an atomic molecular scale for industrial
purpose (Bayda, 2020). The bulk properties of materials at Nano scale
are possible by the use of nanotechnology. By taking advantage of this
property wide range of Nano scale products are developed that are used
in medicine (Siwach, 2019), electronics, military, computing, space, science
and many other applications. The branch of engineering that deals with
nanotechnology is called Nano engineering. Nano engineering is the
control of nanomaterials into practical and active materials, structures
and devices/components. Nano engineering deals with the design,
fabrication and manufacture of the components like engines, machines
and devices in the range of Nano scale. The terms that are most often used
in nanotechnology are nanofabrication and Nano manufacturing where
nanofabrication imply mostly on the research activity like design the
components with different materials and finding the new materials that
can be used for fabricating. Nano manufacturing deals with the industrial
production of the devices. Synthesizing Nano scale devices are very
complicated as they are very small size to see and handle, therefore Nano
engineers have implemented various techniques and methods to fabricate
Nano scale devices. Nano engineering deals with these techniques involved
in fabricating Nano components.
* Center for Nanotechnology, SENSE School, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
(Corresponding Author)
** Center for Nanotechnology, SENSE School, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
Nano Technology in Engineering 33
In Nanotechnology, two approaches are used top-down approach and
bottom up approach. In top-down approach bulk objects/materials from
macro size are reduced to form into micro scale. When the materials are
reduced to nano scale they exhibit more advanced properties than in macro
scale. In bottom up approach, the micro sized objects are made larger. The
materials are themselves by some chemical mechanisms (Balzani, 2005).
The assumption is that the characteristics of the materials will change
when their size is reduced. For example, ceramics are breakable but when
their size is reduced they become deformable/elastic. Insoluble materials
like gold will become soluble. Opaque substances like copper becomes
transparent. These properties of materials are utilized when they are scaled
down to nano range. This is the basic idea of developing nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is very useful in developing advanced techniques and
study of hydration of cement particles and incorporation of different
additives like alumina, silica and other nanoparticles (Zhu et al, 2004) With
the embodiment of nanotechnology cement is made more tenacious glass
is made more self-cleanable, steel is made much harder and paints are
made more water dispersing and more insulating. In particular two Nano
sized particles are extraordinary with their application in construction
materials. They are titanium dioxide (TiO2) and CNT. TiO2 is more useful
as it has the ability to remove dirt and pollution from the concrete to glass
and they allow them to wash with rain water and CNTs are used to make
the concrete strong and for monitoring the properties of the concrete.
Fatigue is a drawback while using the steel that leads to structural failure
of steel while load is applied. This is due to the stress. This can be avoided
by adding copper nanoparticles to steel that will minimize the surface
unevenness of steel and reduce the stress and the fatigue cracking.
A clean intumescent layer is placed between glass panels that are created
using fumed silica nanoparticles. They will be formed as a strong and
opaque five shield when heated and thus they act as fine protective
glass. This is one of the applications of nanotechnology in this field. In
construction the glass used in the exterior of the buildings such as window
must stop heat and excess light (Srivastava, 2011). For this purpose thermo
chromic technologies are used that avoid temperature and provide thermal
Nanotechnology is greatly useful in the field of manufacturing and
mechanical engineering (Kumarasmy & Ganesan, 2015). Nanotechnology
to a great extent is useful in increasing the life span of automobile parts.
The nanomaterial’s used in fabrication or the components have exclusive
34 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Research in the discipline of semiconductor nanowires has led to the
construction of atomic-scale structures as well as a unique thinking
at the nanometer scale in recent years. The length and diameter of this
nanostructure are both restricted to tens of nanometers or less. At these
scales, quantum mechanical effects are substantial, resulting in the
formation of quantum wires. The nanowires contain carbon nanotubes
and also have a lower resistance, resulting in decreased transmission
power losses. These are anticipated to play a huge part in the future world
electronics. When compared to epilayers, which have a strictly planar
geometry, this phenomenon is advantageous and increases the critical
width of lattice-mismatched nanowire crystals.
The transformer, that is used to transfer electrical energy between circuits,
is one of the most basic components of power. A malfunction in any
element of the component can cause the power system to be disrupted.
Dielectric fluids are included in transformers, and they have two purposes:
insulating and cooling. Nanofluids are made by mixing nanoparticles
with carrier fluids directly. The transformer’s fluids are analogous to
blood in the human body. Cloud computing is becoming more popular
as the number of servers increases, leading to increased energy usage.
The cooling mechanism has now been moved to liquid rather than air in
order to create a more energy-efficient data center. As compared to water
alone, the ability of colloid to transfer heat is improved by 10 to 40% if
fluids with nanoparticles such as zinc oxide and copper oxide are used.
Heat dissipation is significant in insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
38 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
1. Balzani, V. (2005). Nanoscience and nanotechnology: a personal view of a
chemist. Small 1(3), 278-283.
2. Bayda, S.; Adeel, M.; Tuccinardi, T.; Cordani, M.; Rizzolio, F.; Baeza, A. (2020).
The History of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: From Chemical–Physical
Applications to Nanomedicine Molecules. 25(1), 112.
3. Kumarasmy, Y & Ganesan, K. (2015). The applications of nanotechnology
in mechanical engineering. International Conference on Modeling & Simulation
(ICMS’15) at Astra University, Thanjavur.
4. Payal & Parijat Pandey. (2021). Role of nanotechnology in electronics: a review
of recent developments and patents. Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, (Article
in Press, DOI: 10.2174/1872210515666210120114504).
5. Pugazhenthi, P.N.; Selvaperumal, S.; Parthiban, P.G.; Nagarajan, R.;
Naganathan, G. S. (2021). Nanotechnology applied for improving research
in electrical domain - a survey Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Materials Today: Proceedings (Article in Press, DOI: https://doi.
6. Selvaraj, D. E.; Sugumar, C. P.; Ganesan, J.; Raj Kumar, M. (2014). Nano filler
mixed enamel coated single phase capacitor run induction motor. Glob. J. Res.
Eng. F Electric. Electron. Eng. 14(6), 1-9.
7. Siwach, R.; Pandey, P.; Chawla, V.; Dureja, H. (2019). Role of nanotechnology
in diabetic management. Recent Pat Nanotechnol 13(1): 28-37.
8. Srivastava,A. (2011). Nanotechnology in civil engineering and construction: a
review on state of the art and future prospects. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical
Conference. (Paper No.R-024)
9. Zhu, W.; Bartos, P. J .M.; Porro, A. (2004). Application of nanotechnology
in construction Summary of a state-of-the-art report, RILEM TC 197- NCM:
‘Nanotechnology in construction materials’ 37, 649-658.
Green Synthesis ofZinc Oxide Nanaoparticles
from Medicinal Plants: Review
Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) are a well-known metal oxide nanoparticle
with numerous applications in many industries and research institutions. In
order to meet the high demand for zinc oxide nanoparticles, various synthesis
methods have been used. The environmental and economic challenges associated
with the majority of the methods of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesis have
resulted in a search for other alternatives with environmental and economic
benefits. Interestingly, due to its numerous health, environmental, economic,
and medicinal benefits, the biological method of synthesis using plant sources
has been found to be appropriate for the production of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
This review offers the summary of the recent advances in the synthesis,
characterization techniques, and biomedical applications of biosynthesized zinc
oxide nanoparticles.
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Metal nanoparticles, Crude extracts, Biomedical
applications, SEM, XRD, Green synthesis.
Nanotechnology is one of the most common tools used in translational
research. The eco friendly development of metallic nanoparticles using
biological materials has attracted a lot of attention. Nanotechnology is
concerned with particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 nm, as well as their
synthesis strategy and manipulation. For the formulation of nanostructures,
this knowledge domain naturally combines all fields of natural sciences,
as well as chemistry, physics, biological sciences, engineering, materials
science, and computational sciences. Progress in this field has opened up
new avenues in nanoscience, particularly in drug delivery, gene delivery,
nanomedicine, biosensing, and other fields [15, 38]. The high surface-to-
volume ratio of nanoparticles is one of their distinguishing characteristics.
Nanomaterials are particles with nanoscale dimensions, whereas
nanoparticles are extremely small particles with enhanced catalytic
reactivity, thermal conductivity, non-linear optical performance, and
chemical stability due to their large surface area to volume ratio. For the
synthesis of nanoparticles, two approaches have been proposed: Bottom-up
and top-down approaches is used. Milling or attrition of large macroscopic
particles is used in the top–down approach. It begins with the creation of
large-scale patterns and then reduces them to the nanoscale level through
plastic deformation. Because it is a costly and time-consuming process,
this technique cannot be used for large-scale production of nanoparticles
Physical, chemical, and biological approaches are used to make these
nanoparticles. The nanoparticles production via the green synthesis
process is found to be cost-effective, non-toxic, and biodegradable in
nature. Natural resources including leaves, roots, and flower extracts, as
well as microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and algae, are used in this
eco-friendly synthesis approach, which reduces the use of toxic chemicals.
Recent research indicates the importance of green synthesis of metal oxide
nanoparticles, especially for metal oxides such as zinc, gold, copper, silver,
nickel, and others. Plants are the most preferred source of nanoparticles
synthesis (Figure 1) because they allow for large-scale production as well
as the production of stable nanoparticles with a variety of shapes and sizes
The phytochemicals in the plant extract can act as reducing agents,
allowing metal precursors to be converted into metal nanoparticles.
Phytochemicals can act as both reducing and stabilizing agents because
they are antioxidants and toxic-free compounds [34]. Metal ions or metal
oxides are reduced to 0 valence metal nanoparticles using phytochemicals
such as polysaccharides, polyphenolic compounds, vitamins, amino
42 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Green methods of synthesizing ZnO-NPs using plant extracts have
received a lot of attention in recent years because of the environmental
benefits, lack of toxicity, and low cost. The morphology of ZnO-NPs is
dependent on plant species, precursors, reaction time, pH value, and
calcination temperature, as evidenced by a review of the literature
presented here. In terms of preparation conditions, the plant species is the
most important factor affecting nanoparticles morphology, while other
factors are associated with it, such as precursor concentration, which is
the most important factor affecting their morphology. The current review
summarized recent progress in their synthesis over the last few years, as
well as their prospects for applications in various ailments.
Table 1: Size, Morphological assessment techniques and Biological applications of 44
biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles from medicinal plants.
Techniques for
Name of the plant & Size
S. No Salt/Precursor morphological Shape Biological activity References
Parts used (nm)
01 Calotropis gigantea (L.) Zinc acetate UV-V, DLS, XRD, 5 - 40 Spherical Nil [33]
Dryand. Ex W.T. Aiton FTIR, SEM, EDAX
(Leaves) & AFM
02 Aloe vera (Leaves) Zinc nitrate XRD & SEM 100 Rod Antibacterial activity [12]
03 Corriandrum sativum Zinc acetate XRD, SEM, FTIR & 100-190 Hexagonal - [9]
(Leaves) EDAX
Frontiers in Nanotechnology
04 Citrus paradisi (Peels) Zinc sulfate UV-V, TEM, DLS & 12 - 72 Crystalline Photocatlytic [18]
FTIR degradation and
Antioxidant activity
05 Morinda pubescens J. E. Zinc nitrate UV-Vis - - - [32]
Smith (Leaves, stem, hexahydrate
stem bark, dried bark
of stem, roots, flower
petals, immature and
ripened fruits)
06 Polygala tenuifolia (Root) Zinc nitrate UV-V, FTIR, TGA, 33.03 - - Antioxidant & [25]
TEM, SEM & EDX 73.48 Antiinflammatory
07 Limonia acidissima L. Zinc nitrate UV-V, AFM & HR- 12 - 53 Spherical Antituberculosis [28]
(Leaves) TEM, EDAX activity
08 Amaranthus caudatus Zinc acetate SEM-EDX &,FTIR - Spherical Antibacterial [14]
09 Costus pictus (Leaves) Zinc nitrate XRD,TEM,SEM, & 29 - 80 Hexagonal Antimicrobial and [36]
EDAX Anticancer activity
10 Cassia alata (Leaves) Zinc acetate UV,SEM,EDAX & 30 – 50 Rod shape Antidermatophytic [35]
AFM activity
11 Nigella sativa L. (Seeds) Zinc nitrate XRD, SEM 20 - - [4]
12 Ochradenus baccatus Zinc nitrate UV, FTIR, TEM, > 100 S p h e r i c a l / Toxicity and [31]
(Leaves) SEM & EDAX Oval Antioxidant activity
13 Cassia alata (L.) (Leaves) Zinc acetate SEM, FTIR, XRD, 60-80 Spherical Bactericidal activity [10]
Roxb. EDAX & AFM
14 Viola canescens Wall. ex, Zinc nitrate XRD, SEM, FTIR - Rod shape Antibacterial activity [17]
Roxb. (Callus) hexahydrate
15 Prosopis farcta L. (Fruit) Zinc sulfate UV–V, PXRD, 40-80 Hexagonal Antifungal, Cytotoxic [22]
16 Brassica oleracea L. var. Zinc chloride UV-V, FTIR, XRD, 14-17 S m a l l Photocatalytic [13]
italic (Leaves) EDAX crystallite activity
17 Geranium wallichianum Zinc nitrate UV-V, XRD, FTIR, ~18 Hexagonal Antimicrobial, [1]
(Leaves) EDS,SEM, TEM & Antileishmanial,
Raman spectroscopy Cytotoxicity,
α-amylase & protein
kinases inhibition
Green Synthesis of Zinc oxide nanaoparticles from Medicinal plants: Review
18 Hyssops officinalis (Dry Zinc acetate TEM, FESEM, XRD 20 - 40 Spherical Anti-angiogenesis, [23]
powder) & FTIR Anti-inflammatory
and Cytotoxicity
19 Berberis aristata (Leaves) Zinc acetate UV-V, XRD, SEM, 96 Needle like Antibacterial activity [39] 46
EDX & DLS shape
20 Albizia lebbeck (Stem Zinc nitrate UV-V, FTIR, SEM, 66.25- Spherical Antimicrobial, [37]
bark) EDS 112.87 Antioxidant, and
Cytotoxic activity
21 Ocimum americanum Zinc nitrate UV–V, DLS, FT-IR, - Spherical Antioxidant & [26]
(Leaves) hexahydrate XRD, SEM Antimicrobial
22 Kalanchoe pinnata Zinc acetate UV-V, XRD, EDAX, 24 Hexagonal Antioxidant and [2]
(Leaves) SEM, TEM, FTIR & Spherical Antiinflammatory
23 Scutellaria baicalensis Zinc nitrate UV-V , FTIR, EDX, 360 Sphere like Photocatalysis [7]
Frontiers in Nanotechnology
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M. 2018. Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Nigella sativa L.
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8. Dhandapani, KV., Devipriya Anbumani, Gandhi, AD., Annamalai, P., Bala
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Electrical Study
Spectroscopic and
Characterization of PVdF based Silver
Conducting Gel Polymer Electrolyte System
for Applications in Batteries
G. Sunita Sundari*
An examination is done on a novel gel polymer electrolyte framework comprising
of poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVdF) as a host polymer, silver perchlorate
(AgClO4) as salt. Gel polymer electrolyte films were set up by solution-casting
procedure and characterized by utilizing XRD, IR, DSC, AC conductivity and
transference number investigations. XRD and IR examines uncovered that
the complexation of the polymer poly(vinylidene fluoride) with AgClO4. DSC
was utilized to decide the liquefying temperatures of the unadulterated and
complexed films. Highest ionic conductivity for 60:40 PVdF+AgClO4 polymer
electrolyte framework was discovered to be 4.20x10-5 S/cm at 298K at RT.
Transference number information proposes that the charge transport in this
polymer electrolyte framework is primarily because of ions. Electrochemical cells
were manufactured with the design of Ag/(PVdF+AgClO4)//(I2+C+electrolyte)
and discharge characteristics were examined under a constant load. Different
cell boundaries, for example, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, power
density and energy density were determined.
Keywords: Gel Polymer electrolyte, AC conductivity, IR, Transference
number, Electrochemical cell, Current-Voltage characteristics
Gel polymeric electrolytes has unique hybrid structure, it has cohesive
properties of solids and diffusive properties of liquids all the while. The
solvent or salt solution is held in gel polymeric electrolyte helps in ionic
conduction process, though the host polymer lattice gives applications as
electrolytes/separators in rechargeable batteries, solar cells, sensors, super
capacitors, fuel cells and other electro-chemical devices [1-4].
Researchers have revealed different polymer electrolytes considering
lithium, magnesium and zinc salts to realize respective battery systems.
Particularly, the Li based batteries, which are generally revealed in
literature, has some safety limitations [5,6]. So, in alternatives magnesium,
zinc and sodium batteries are accounted for, albeit these are not widely
contemplated [7-9]. Development of silver rechargeable batteries would be
an interesting study as silver may be considered as an option in contrast to
lithium as a negative electrode (anode) because of its natural abundance,
non-toxicity, low atomic mass and high electrochemical reduction potential
Along these lines, it is important to create high silver ion conducting gel
polymer electrolytes suitable for the fabrication of rechargeable silver
batteries. The development of silver ion conducting gel polymer electrolytes
should be preferred in view of its higher conductivity values (comparable
to liquid electrolytes), mechanical and electrochemical properties.
Today it is seen that there is a fast advancement in size, thickness decrease
of electronic gadgets, so demand has been expanded to create small sized
portable gadgets for the improvement of multimedia ventures as of late,
it is generally acknowledged that such blend of size and thickness must
be obtained by utilizing electrodes and electrolyte materials and that the
most encouraging choices are those dependent on storage devices. In view
of the current circumstance, endeavors have been made in poly (ethylene
oxide) (PEO) based polymer electrolytes to arrive at an appreciable
electrical conductivity at ambient temperature [13-15].
By and large, gel polymer electrolytes possess many advantages, like
high ionic conductivity, light and easy possibility, high specific energy,
electrochemical stability. Conductivity generally depends upon glass
transition temperature, Tg inter-linking of the polymer chain. The selected
polymer PVdF has semi crystalline nature, furthermore, when it is utilized
in the preparation of the electrolytes, it is expected to have high anodic
stabilities and due to strong electron withdrawing functional groups and
furthermore they have high permittivity, moderately low dissemination
factor and high dielectric constant it goes about as a superior electrolyte
for any salt combination.
In the current examination, structural, thermal and AC conductivity
studies have been performed on PVdF based polymer electrolytes with
ElectricalstudyandSpectroscopicCharacterizationofPVdFbasedsilverConductingGelPolymerelectrolytesystemforapplicationsinBatteries 53
AgClO4 as salt. The authors report gel ion conducting polymer electrolyte
dependent on PVdF framework. A few analytical methods, for example,
XRD, IR and DSC examines, composition dependent AC conductivity
and transport number measurements were performed to portray these
polymer electrolytes. In view of these electrolytes, an electro-chemical cell
was created with the arrangement anode//polymer electrolyte//cathode.
The discharge attributes of the cell have been learned at a steady load. The
aftereffects of these examinations are accounted for in this current paper.
Pure PVdF (Aldrich, M.W ≈ 4.4 × 105) complexed with a fine powder of
silver perchlorate were prepared in the stoichiometric ratios (60:40),
(70:30) and (80:20) by a solution-cast technique using dimithyl formide
(DMF) as solvent. PVdF: polymer, AgClO4 : Salt was added accordingly.
The mixture of these arrangements was stirred for 18 h to acquire a
homogeneous solution. The solution was then filled the polypropylene
dishes and evaporated gradually at room temperature under vacuum. The
polymer electrolyte films were then, at that point moved into a desiccator
for additional drying before the test.
X-ray diffraction studies of these films are completed with the help of
PHILIPS PW 3710 X-ray diffractometer in the range 100- 700. The infrared
(IR) spectrum in these films has been captured with the help of JASCO IT/
IR-5300 spectrophotometer in the range of 400-4000 cm-1. The differential
scanning calorimetry pattern of pure PVdF and PVdF complexed with
AgClO4 for the (80:20), (70:30) and (60:40) compositions were considered
using DSC (model TA 2010). The AC conductivity has been estimated
utilizing the HP Complex Impedance spectra with computer-controlled
setup in the temperature range 298-373 K. The ionic and electronic transport
numbers (tion and tele) were assessed through Wagner’s dc polarization
procedure [16a].
An electrochemical cell was created with the configura- tion Ag//(PVdF +
AgClO4)/(I2 + C + electrolyte). The discharge characteristic investigations
of these electrochemical cells were monitored at a steady load of 100 KΩ.
XRD is used to find complete structure of GPE films, crystalline ones show
well demarcated peaks and the amorphous possess broad peaks Fig.1
shows (a) pure PVdF, (b) PVdF + AgClO4 (80:20), (c) PVdF + AgClO4 (70:30)
and (d) PVdF + AgClO4 (60:40) in pure PVA sample at 20.9° sharp peak
confirms semi-crystalline nature of the sample. Same observation was
found when PVdF is doped with AgClO4 with different wt% ratios (80:20,
70:30 and 60:40). It is seen that as the salt concentration increments the
peak intensity decreases suggesting semi-crystalline or amorphous nature
of the sample. No sharp peak was observed, indicating that dominate
54 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Impedance spectroscopy is a relatively new and powerful strategy for
characterizing many of the electrical properties of electrolyte materials and
their interfaces with electronically conducting electrodes.
An Impedance (plot between the real and the imaginary parts of
impedance) for PVdF:AgClO4 gel polymer edifices with various weight
percent proportions are appeared in Fig. 4.
The plots comprise of a high-frequency expanded semicircle because of
a frequency-dependent capacitor (Cg) corresponding parallel to the bulk
resistor. Where the semicircle intersects the real axis, gives the value of the
bulk resistance (Rb).
By calculating the bulk resistance (Rb) along with the dimensions of the
sample, one can figure the conductivity of the sample by utilizing the
σ = t/RbA (1)
where A and t are the area and the thickness of the polymer electrolyte
samples, respectively.
The variation of AC conductivity (σ) as a function of AgClO4 composition in
PVdF at room temperature (298 K) and other different temperatures are given in
Table 3 and also composition wt% v s σ ac plot shows that 60:40 w% has
the highest conductivity as shown in Fig.5.
58 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Conductivity (
Gel Polymer electrolyte
298 K 328 K 358 K 373 K
PVdF 1.09´10-10 1.06´10-10 2.16´10-10 1.58´10-7
Total ionic transference number of gel polymer electrolyte has been
estimated by Wagner’s DC polarization method [16], which is utilized to
decide the ionic contribution to the absolute charge transport by estimating
the residual electronic current going through the electrolytes.
Three cells of Wagner polarization i.e., Ag//Polymer electrolyte//
(I2+C+electrolyte) were prepared by coating silver paste as blocking
electrode on to the faces of PVdF+AgClO4 based composition gel polymer
electrolyte systems.
A fixed little dc potential (1.5 V) has been applied across the blocking
terminals and the current going through the cells is estimated as a function
of time for one hour to allow the samples to become fully polarized are
shown in Fig. 6.
60 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Transference number
Polymer electrolyte system
tion tele
Pure PVdF - -
PVdF + AgClO4 (80:20) 0.849 0.105
PVdF + AgClO4 (70:30) 0.93 0.07
PVdF + AgClO4 (60:40) 0.961 0.038
nitial total current (IT) which is the amount of ionic (Ii) and electronic
(Ie) flows (IT = Ii + Ie) and final current after polarization which is just
the electronic current (Ie) whaich are estimated. The ionic transference
number (tion) is determined utilizing the equation
ion = Ii/IT = (IT-Ie)/IT (2)
The ionic transference number for all the compositions of the (PVdF +
AgClO4) electrolyte system was shown in Table-4. The values of the ionic
transaction numbers (tI) are in the range 0.849-0.961 propose that the
charge transport in these polymer electrolyte frameworks is mainly ionic
joined by mass electronic and transport contribution to the total current is
The discharge characteristics are studied for every one of the cells at RT
with a steady load of 100 KΩ and are shown in Fig. 7. The thickness and
area of the electrolyte here are respectively 1.33 cm2 and 100 mm. The initial
ElectricalstudyandSpectroscopicCharacterizationofPVdFbasedsilverConductingGelPolymerelectrolytesystemforapplicationsinBatteries 61
sharp drop in the voltage could be due to the polarization effects/or the
formation of a thin layer of silver salt at the electrode-electrolyte interface
[23-26]. The open circuit (O.C.) voltage and short circuit (S.C.) current for
these cells are found to be 0.375V and 0.655 mA respectively. The other cell
parameters for these cells are evaluated and summarized in Table-5.
0.40 PVdF+AgClO4(80:20)
0.35 PVdF+AgClO4(60:40)
voltage in volts
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time in sec
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14. P.S. Anantha and K. Hariharan, Solid State Ionics, 176, 155 (2005).
15. B.K. Choi and Y.W. Kim, Electrochim. Acta, 49, 2307 (2004).
16. a. J.B. Wagner and C. Wagner, J. Chem. Phys., 26, 1597 (1957).
b. P. Anji Reddy and Ranveer Kumar, International J. polymeric materials,
2013, vol.62, pages 76-80.
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19. S. Rajendran, P.S. Kumar and R.S. Babu, Bull. Mater. Sci., 29, 673 (2006).
20. F.M. Gray, Polymer Electrolytes, Royal Society of Chemistry (1987).
21. J.R. Mac Callum and C.A. Vincent, Polymer Electrolyte Reviews, Elsevier,
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22. S. Chandra, S.S. Rao, K.V.S. Rao and MD. Shareefuddin, Solid State Ionics, 67,
331 (1993).
23. J. Ramesh Babu, K. Ravindhranath, K. Vijaya Kumar, Preparation and
characterization of nano-Dy2O3-Doped PVA + Na3C6H5O7 polymer
electrolyte films for battery applications, Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng. (2018) 1–9.
24. Ramesh Babu, K. Ravindhranath, K. Vijaya Kumar, Nano-Pr2O3 doped PVA
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Applications of Nanotechnology in
Delivery of Pharmaceuticals
Nanoparticles are one-dimensional particles with a size ranging from 1 to 100nm.
In the nanometric scale, nanoparticles are divided into organic, inorganic, and
carbon-based particles, which have better qualities than bigger sizes of respective
materials. Because of their small size, nanoparticles have increased qualities
such as solubility and bioavailability, reducing toxicity, enhancing the release
of drugs. For research and commercial purposes, nanoparticles are synthesized
using a variety of technologies that are divided into three categories: physical,
chemical, and mechanical processes, all of which have improved dramatically
over time. This study provides an overview of applications of nanotechnology
in drugs and medications, dentistry, gene therapy, chemotherapy, diagnosis,
biomedical ways, cosmetics etc.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Nano particles, Chemotherapy, Gene therapy.
Nanotechnology became a barrier of organic and biological sciences by
virtue of nanostructures, nano based drug delivery systems, nanomedicine
and nanophases at numerous fields of science [Liu Z, Tabakman et al ,2009,
Orive G et al, 2004, Razzacki SZ et al, 2004]. The word ‘nano’ is derived from
Latin word, which means dwarf. Nanomaterials described as a material
with particles ranging from and 100 nm in size, are made up of carbon,
metal, metal oxides or organic matter [Hasan S, 2015] which impacts the
frontiers of nanomedicine beginning from biosensors, microfluidics, drug
delivery, and microarray checks to tissue engineering [Arayne MS et al,
2007, Patra JK et al 2015, Joseph RR,et al, 2017]. Nanotechnology employs
healing agents at the nanoscale stage to broaden nanomedicines. The field
of biomedicine comprising nanobiotechnology, drug delivery, biosensors,
and tissue engineering has been powered through nanoparticles [Mirza AZ
et al, 2014]. Nano medicine has the characteristic of directing substances,
enhancing bioavailability, decreasing toxicity, further to modulating the
kinetics profile of the energetic principle. [Dourado D, 2020]
The important applications in pharmacy of nanotechnology is because of
size reduction. The major objectives of introducing nanotechnology are
improving solubility and bioavailability, reducing toxicity, enhancing
the release of drugs. Nanoparticles (NPs) found applications in delivery
of pharmaceuticals and medicine. Figure 1 illustrates applications of
At the single cell and molecular level, nanotechnologies can help clinicians
diagnose [Hulla, J. E., et al , 2015]. Silver nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles,
and quantum dots are the most commonly used nanoparticles. Other
nanotechnological gadgets for nanoscale manipulation, such as nanobio-
sensors, are potentially useful for prospective clinical applications [Jain,
K. K., 2004].
Furthermore, nanotechnologies will push the boundaries of current
molecular diagnostics and aid in point-of-care diagnostics, diagnostic-
therapeutic combinations, and the development of personalised medicine
[Bawa, R.,et al, 2016, Jain, K. K., 2004]. Even though the number of potential
diagnostic applications is not restricted, biomarker discovery, early cancer
diagnosis, and the detection of infectious germs are expected to be the
most important present applications [Jain, K. K., 2004, Brown, E. M. B.,
The traditional UV protection sunscreen does not have long-term stability
when used. Sunscreen using nanoparticles, such as titanium dioxide, has
a number of benefits. Titanium oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles’ UV
protection properties, which include being transparent to visible light
while both absorbing and reflecting UV rays, have led to their use in
some sunscreens. Iron oxide nanoparticles are used as a pigment in some
lipsticks [ Wiechers J W, et al, 2010].
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Nanoparticle in Anticorrosion Activity
Various methodologies are basically used to control corrosion. Corrosion
generally takes place with metals, alloys, polymers, woods, glass and ceramic
due to interaction of material with pollutants, industrial waste, municipal
waste, sea water, acid rains, chemicals, sunlight and heat. Coatings are the
most widely used to protect metals against corrosion. Nanomaterials have
higher corrosion inhibition properties because its surface to volume ratio has
increased. Methods are applied for corrosion control like surface treatment
techniques, nanocomposite thin film coating, top layer coating and thermal
barrier coating.
Keywords: Corrosion, Nanoparticles, Coating, Acid rain, Nanocomposite
Corrosion has been a prominent study topic for almost 150 years, as it
is recognized as an issue that causes corrosion, failure, and catastrophic
accidents and dangers in many industrial processes and home systems
(Buchanan, 2000 and Baena, 2012). Corrosion is the corrosion of metals
caused by a corrosive element such as chlorine, fluorine, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, or other corrosive elements.
Nanomaterials have recently been presented as an excellent corrosion-
reduction technology. Nanomaterials are materials with at least one of their
morphological properties, such as grain size, particle size, structure size,
and so on, at the nanoscale (less than 100 nm) (Saji, 2012). They might be
of zero dimension (nanoparticles), one dimension (nanotubes, nanowires,
and nanorods), or two dimensions (nanotubes, nanowires, and nanorods)
(nanoplatelet, nanosheets, and nanofilms). Nanomaterials have better
thermal, mechanical, physical, chemical, magnetic, electrical, and optical
characteristics than traditional materials. Nanomaterials are thought to
have promise for lowering the corrosion rate of metal substrates by surface
modification using nanocrystalline coatings (Bashir and Li , 2015).
A nanocoating is an ultrafine microstructure in which all elements are
smaller than 100 nm in size. As a result, nanostructured coatings have
distinct qualities than larger-grained, traditional coatings, allowing them
to overcome their counterparts’ mechanical and corrosion properties.
The component materials of nanocoatings, such as metallic and ceramic
nanocoatings, can be used to classify them. They can also be made up of
two or more nanoscale materials, as in nanocomposite coatings (Yousaf et
al., 2015).
Because of the very thin sizes of the particles employed in this nanocoating,
filling the voids and preventing corrosive elements from diffusing through
the surface of the substrate will be more efficient. Furthermore, the high de
78 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
directly, lowering the rate of corrosion of the treated substrate (Ding et al.,
According to some studies, the use of MSN as smart nanocarriers may
not provide a significant benefit over the use of free inhibitor during early
stages of exposure to corrosive conditions due to sluggish inhibitor release
(Ding et al., 2017). Nonetheless, MSN exhibits a considerable advantage
in corrosion protection over time, indicating that the active coating is
more durable. MSN also acts as a barrier for the loaded molecules from
UV rays. For example, (Castaldo et al., 2020) showed that using MSN as
smart nanocarriers for corrosion inhibitors can extend the life of metal
protective coatings while also preventing the corrosion inhibitors from
Nanocoating techniques protect metallic substrates from corrosion by a
barrier, inhibitive, or anodically active metal action (Müler et al., 2017).
The Zn-based nanocoating’s protective mechanism is a galvanic action, in
which it is corroded sacrificially by oxygen and moisture from the coating
surface, forming ZnO as a corrosion product. This corrosion product has a
barrier effect that protects against corrosion.
Ramezanza et al. (2011) recently reported varying proportions of ZnO
nanoparticles (0, 2, 3.5, 5, and 6.5 wt percent) in the epoxy-polyamide
coating. In compared to the blank epoxy coating, the physical contact
between the nanoparticles and coatings resulted in better resistance to
hydrolytic degradation, according to the findings. Due to the increased
crosslinking density of the coating and the generation of corrosion product,
the barrier characteristics of the coating were greatly enhanced when ZnO
nanoparticles were added. When creating a ZnO-based nanocoating, the
size of the ZnO particles has a significant impact on the anticorrosion
capabilities of the nanocoating (Yang et al., 2005).
Nano-ZnO in the coating might increase its UV resistance as well as
its anticorrosion capabilities. There were many fractures and pinholes
on the surface of the alkyd-based water-borne coating after 110 hours
of UV exposure, but there were none on the surface of the ZnO-based
nanocoating (Dhoke et al., 2009). Nano-ZnO particles, which are generally
between 20 and 40 nm in size, may scatter UV radiation between 200
and 400 nm, giving the coating system strong UV blocking properties
without interacting with the UV light. It’s worth noting that the size of the
nanoparticles has a significant impact on UV resistance. Using modified
nano-ZnO particles in the coating as a superhydrophobic coating is
a simple and economical method (Das et al., 2018). Pure nano-ZnO has
traditionally been hydrophilic due to the presence of numerous hydroxyl
groups on its surface (Qing et al., 2015).
Nanoparticle in Anticorrosion Activity 83
was gleaming and devoid of oxide. However, after one month, the surface
began to tarnish unevenly in small places, eventually leading to significant
oxide levels after five months. After 18 months, there was a lot of oxidation
across almost the whole surface. Stress and splitting of the oxidation layer
are commonly caused by non-uniform oxidation or flaws in graphene,
which offers a new path for corrosion.
Furthermore, monolayer graphene frequently displayed wetting
transparency (Hu et al., 2014). As a result of these qualities, monolayer
graphene has poor protective properties. Multi-layered graphene or
nanocomposite, such as a combination with epoxy, were utilised to solve
this issue, and they exhibited strong protective performance (Rafiee et al.,
2012; Tang et al., 2013). (Yang et al 2017) investigated an epoxy coating
on a copper substrate modified with a fluorographene nanosheet, which
demonstrated superhydrophobicity with a WCA of up to 154°. (Yang
et al., 2017). The uneven microstructure created by randomly layered
fluorographene was attributed to the superhydrophobicity of this
nanocoating (Fig.4).
Allotropes of graphene, such as carbon nanotubes, have been employed in
coatings to improve anti-oxidation and corrosion resistance. According to
recent research, CNT-based nanocoatings perform similarly to graphene-
based nanocoatings in terms of protection (Janas and Koziol, 2013). In
many circumstances, carbon nanotubes not only operate as a physical
barrier to corrosion, but they also increase electrochemical anti-oxidation
capabilities (Ates, 2016). Frankel’s group reported on epoxy composite
coatings loaded with various multiwalled CNT contents, indicating that
multiwalled CNT can increase coating performance such as adhesion
strength, wear resistance, and overall impedance augmentation (Khun et
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Nano Technology in Agriculture
Dr. B Gayathri*
Before entering the topic, let’s have a look at “What is nano technology?”
Nano technology is nothing but the use of matter on an atomic, molecular
and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes i.e., application of
extremely small things that can be used across all the other science fields,
such as chemistry, biology, physics, material science and engineering.
Now it is also emerging in the field of agriculture.
Now let’s get into our topic, Nano Technology in Agriculture.
Fig:1.1: Nano-Sensor
1.2. In Tillage
¾¾ Mechanical tillage practice improves soil structure and increases
porosity which leads to better distribution of soil aggregates.
¾¾ Nano-materials usage increases soil PH and soil structure.
¾¾ It also reduces mobility, availability and toxicity pf heavy metals
besides reducing soil erosion.
1.5. In Fertilizers
¾¾ Fertilizers have playes a pivatol role in enhancing the food grain
production in India.
¾¾ Eventhough there is a great success in grain yeild, more crops have
been facing an imbalanced fertilization and decline in organic matter
content of soils.
¾¾ Nano materials can increase crop yeild by increasing fertilizer nutrient
availability in soil and nutrient uptake by plants.
1.6. In Plant Protection
¾¾ Nano encapsulation comprises, nano-sized particles of the active
ingredients being sealed by a thin-walled sac or shell (protective
¾¾ Nano encapsulation of insecticides, fungicides or nematicides will
help in producing a formulation which offers effective control of pests
while preventing accumulation of residues in soil.
1.7. In Weed Management
¾¾ Weeds are unwanted plants that grows with crops. Weeds are not
good for the crops because they compete the nutrients, sunlight,etc..
¾¾ Using nanotechnology in weed managements, would boost potency,
increase solubility and diminish the amount of product used and
toxicity of herbicide or pesticides treatments.
2.8. Nanofertilizers
Scientists have used nanotechnology to design a smart delivery system that
would release nutrients in a slow and controlled manner to the targeted
slide to tackle nutrient deficiencyin plants.Nanofertilizers increase crop
productivity by enhancing the avilability of essential nutrients to the plant.
Nano Technology in Agriculture 103
2.9. Nanobiosensors
Nanobiosensors are highly senstive and specific when compared to
conventional biosensors. These devices convert biological responses to
electrical responses via a microprocessor.
Nanobiosensorvsoffer a real-time signal monitoring and are invloved
in direct or indirect detection of pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotic
resistance, pesticides, toxin, and heavy metal contaminants. This
technology is also used to monitor crop stress, soil health, plant, growth,
nutrient content and food quality.
Agriculture is an environmentally costly technology. A growing population
and adverse climate conditions increases the need to use fertilizers
and pesticides. These however, tend to be very inefficient, resulting in
potentially toxic substances being released into the environment in large
amounts. The principle is simple: because nanomaterials are so small, they
can release the desired substance locally, thus reducing waste.
Although advances in science and applications are crucial for the
development of nanotechnology, it is also essential to assess how exactly
the use of nanomaterials is going to provide advantages with respect to
other approaches. We can now be more confident that if properly designed,
nanoparticles can really provide solutions to challenges in agriculture.
106 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
1. Use of Nanotechnology in Agriculture:
content/uploads/2020/05/L16-Use -of-Nanotechnology-in-Agriculture-PPT.
2. Nanoparticles used in the agriculture: By DR. Priyom Bose, Ph.D. Feb 8 2021|
3. Techniques used in Nanotechnology in Agriculture: By Will Soutter, MSc.
Green Chemistry. Jan2 2013|
4. Future Prospects of Agricultural Nanotechnology: By Dr. Priyom Bose, Ph.D.
Feb 8 2021|
Structural, Optical & Thermal
Characteristics of Ca2MgSi2O7: Ce3+ Phosphor
In present study, violet-blue emission Ca2MgSi2O7: Ce3+ phosphor were
synthesized via conventional solid-state reaction. The XRD pattern of this
phosphor revealed that its tetragonal, akermanite structure with a space group
P¯421m. The average crystallite size (D) is calculated as 27.79nm and lattice
strain as 0.28. PL characteristics and CIE chromaticity diagram have been
displayed violet-blue light emission. In TL spectra, the optimum TL intensity
obtained at 109.190C temperature with single TL glow peak. On the basis of
TL glow curve, it can be suggested that Ca2MgSi2O7: Ce3+ phosphor is a better
TL phosphor and can be used for dosimerty application. In our study, we have
focused on the XRD, PL and TL properties.
Keywords: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Ca2MgSi2O7: Ce3+, Ca2MgSi2O7 (CMS)
Photoluminescence (PL), CIE chromaticity Diagram and Thermo-luminescence
Mellite are a large group of compounds which characterized through the
common structure formula M2T1T22O7, [where M= Barium (Ba), Strontium
(Sr), Calcium (Ca); T1= Magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu),
Manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Co); T2 = Germanium (Ge), Silicon (Si)], have
been extensively studied in the form of optical materials [1, 2]. Silicates
have been broadly studied because of their high thermal, excellent water
Where Tm is the optimum peak temperature, T1 and T2 are temperatures
at half intensity on the ascending and descending parts of the glow peak,
114 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Table: 3 For general order kinetics, the values of
the Cα and bα (α = τ, δ, ω)
Where k is Boltzmann constant, E is activation energy, b is an order of
kinetics, Tm is a temperature of peak position, and β is the heating rate. In
the present work β = 50Cs −1 [20, 21].
Table: 4 Kinetic Parameters
The effect of 15min UV exposure on the CMS: Ce3+ phosphor and its
different TL parameters are calculated [Table no. 4]. In our TL experimental
case, geometric shape factor (µg) is calculated as 0.53, which signs that it
Structural, Optical & Thermal Characteristics of Ca2MgSi2o7: Ce3+ Phosphor 115
is a case of second order kinetics. Due to, it is responsible for deeper trap
depth [22].
In summary, CMS: Ce3+ phosphor was successfully synthesized via a high–
temperature solid-state reaction route. The analysis of XRD patterns reveals
that the identified phase structure was tetragonal, akermanite with a space
group P¯421m. The average crystallite size (D) is calculated as 27.79nm and
lattice strain as 0.28. PL spectra displayed this phosphor is emitting light
in the violet-blue region and it is confirmed by CIE chromaticity diagram,
and hence it may be utilized as blue LED phosphor. Thus, we can say
that in practice the cerium cation increases strong absorption in the near
ultra-violet [UV] region, which helps to preserve the charge carrier at trap
depth. The TL glow curve peak was allocated at 109.19oC temperature
respectively. This phosphor may be a good TL phosphor and can also be
used for dosimerty application.
Authors are also thankful to kind support for the facility of XRD analysis
Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, NIT Raipur (C.G.) and Dept of
physics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) for providing
us the facility of TL and PL analysis. We are also heartily grateful to Dept.
of physics, Dr. Radha Bai, Govt. Navin Girls College Mathpara Raipur
(C.G.), providing the facility of muffle furnace and other essential research
116 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
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An Approach of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier
for Promising Transdermal Drug Delivery
The application of the drug to the skin is a type of drug administration. As the skin
is the largest prominent organ, it attracts considerable interest in the research
fraternity to choose it as an alternative route of drug administration. This route
is the most suitable path for local as well as systemic delivery of the drug. As skin
acts as a barrier for entry of many drugs, thus it opens the need for research for
drug carriers which must be safe as well as to produce a therapeutic response of
drug is the area of concern for researchers. So, the Nanostructured lipid carrier
(NLC) system is one step ahead in this regard. This carrier system is composed
of solid & liquid lipid as a physiologically compatible core matrix. Because of its
good advantages like solubility enhancement, increase permeability, improving
stability factor, better bioavailability, and having target delivery, it acts as a
promising novel carrier system for drug delivery. The present topic focused
on the discussion of areas such as NLC need, information on different lipids
as part of the formulation, methods of preparation & characterization, skin
penetration which will make updates to the learners for easy understanding &
its application in the formulation.
Keywords: Nanostructured Lipid carrier, Skin penetration, Target delivery,
Solid lipid and Liquid lipid
Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) is a drug delivery system consisting
of a mixture of solid along with liquid lipids, to form a lipid core matrix
that is stabilized by using surfactants of particle size in the range of 10-
1000 nm. [Khurana S et al., 2012; Mangesh B R et al., 2016]. The use of
liquid lipids to the matrix of solid lipid can make high imperfections to
the crystal lattice and ultimately improve the capacity of drug loading
and decrease drug expulsion while storing it[Muller R H et al., 2000]. The
primary principle involved in the selection of lipid for the manufacture of
Nanostructured lipid carriers is drug solubility study in a different type of
lipids, drug partitioning behavior in solid as well as liquid lipid & study of
the compatibility of different lipid mixtures [Patel Dilip et al., 2012].
Topical drug delivery is a promising area for NLC: since a long year back
drugs used by a topical route, but many limitations are observed such
as low uptake & low absorption into the systemic circulation. So, many
researchers put their effort to find out suitable carriers like solid lipid
nanocarrier and Nanostructured lipid carriers. From the above-mentioned
carriers, NLC was reported that as an effective carrier in the field of
pharmaceuticals & topical cosmetics also. The nanosized particles improve
contact with the upper layer of skin results in better penetration of drug
molecules. One more thing the researcher reported is that the occlusive
effect of nanoparticles leads to hydration of the skin which is required for
drug penetration.[ Muller R H et al 2002]
NLC is a promising vehicle for dermal delivery of drug: In the recent era
technology of nanoparticles are the rapidly growing trend for drug delivery
by the transdermal route. Many drug formulations with nanocarrier are
successfully delivered by dermal application. The lipid nanocarriers are
having many more advantages as compared with conventional topical
dosage forms like the use of non-irritant and biodegradable lipid. Because
of nanosize (10-500nm) carrier, it has more ability to contact with lipid
layer of stratum corneum and penetrates to the deeper layer of skin. Nano-
formulations of lipid can improve the dispersion of BCS class-II drugs and
enhance the drug dissolution rate [Montenegro L et al., 2016, Wissing AS et
al.,2003, . Jaiswal P et al.,2003].
Need of NLC:[ Patel Dilip K et al., 2013, Purohit DK et al 2016]
120 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
The Nanostructured Lipid carrier (NLC) has always been potential carrier
system with good therapeutic applications. The purpose of this work was
to highlight the role of NLCs as a novel drug delivery system for various
categories of drugs. They are the new generation, smart, flexible systems
offering for enhanced drug loading, modulation of release, and improved
performance in producing final dosage forms. They are easy to scale up
and can be modulated to achieve the desired particle size and release
profile, improved drug loading, and higher stability of the therapeutics.
126 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
1. Khurana S, Jain NK, Bedi PM.(2012) Development of nanostructured lipid
carriers for controlled delivery of mefenamic acid. Int J Biomed Nanosci
Nanotechnol.2: 232-50.
2. Mangesh B R., Prashant U, Ashwini M.(2016) Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
Incorporated Transdermal Patch for Improving the Permeation of Piroxicam.
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3. Muller R H, Mader K, Gohla S.(2000) ,Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for
controlled drug delivery—a review of the state of the art. Eur. J. Pharm.
4. Patel Dilip, Sandipan dasgupta et al.(2012) Nanostructured Lipid Carriers
(NLC)-Based Gel for the Topical Delivery of Aceclofenac: Preparation,
Characterization, and In Vivo Evaluation, Sci Pharm.80: 749–764
5. Muller R H, Radtke M, Wissing S A.(2002) Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)
and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) in cosmetic and dermatological
preparations, Adv Drug Deliv Rev.54(1):131- 55.
6. Montenegro L, Lai F, Offera A, Sarpietro MG, Micicche L, Maccioni AM, et
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development in dermal delivery of drugs and cosmetics. J Drug Deliv Sci
7. Wissing AS, Müller RH.(2003) Cosmetic applications for solid lipid
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8. . Jaiswal P, Gidwani B, Vyas A (2016) Nanostructured lipid carriers and their
current application in targeted drug delivery. Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol
44: 1-14.
9. Patel Dilip K, Tripathy S, Nair S, Kesharwani R,(2013) Nanostructured Lipid
Carrier (NLC) A Modern Approach For Topical Delivery: A Review, World
Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences.2(3), 921-938
10. . Purohit DK, Nandgude TD, Poddar SS (2016) Nano-lipid carriers for topical
application: Current scenario. Asian J Pharm 10: 1-9.
11. Sharma A, Baldi A (2018) Nanostructured Lipid Carriers: A Review. J Develop
Drugs 7: 191.
12. . Shah R, Eldridge D, Palombo E, Harding I (2015) Lipid Nanoparticles:
Production, Characterization and Stability. Briefs Pharm Sci Drug Dev 1: 11-
13. Radtke M, Müller RH (1991) Nanostructured Lipid Carriers: A novel generation
of solid lipid drug drug Carriers. Pharmaceutical Technology Europe 17: 1-4
14. Soni K, Kukereja BK, Kapur M, Kohli K (2015) Lipid nanoparticles: future of
oral drug delivery and their current trends and regulatory issues. Int J Curr
Pharm Rev Res 7: 1-18.
15. Kiran Kumari, Anupam Kr. Sachan and Saurabh Singh, (2019)nanostructured
lipid carriers, methods of preparation and applications, ejpmr.6(7), 250-257
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Developing Drugs. 7:2
AnApproachofNanostructuredLipidCarrierforPromisingTransdermalDrugDelivery 127
Vermicompost is emerging as a simple, easily adoptable and effective technique
for recycling wide ranges of organic wastes for agricultural production.
Lantana aculeate species is widely naturalized in native America, also in
some other parts of the world including western and eastern Australia. The
bioconversion of Lantana aculeate and it mediated nanomaterial to study the
growth of Solanum lycopersicum (PKM). Degradation of noxious compound
was also investigated through spectroscopic analysis like FTIR and GCMS
analysis. Zn/MgO Nanocomposite were synthesized using aqueous extract of
Lantana aculeate leaf and characterized by UV-vis, FT-IR, XRD, and SEM.
The spectroscopic study revealed that plant mediated Zn/MgO NMs are
spherical shape without aggregation. Green synthesized nanocomposite and
vermicompost were carried out to study the biochemical profile on Solanum
lycopercicum (PKM) by soaking method. Based on the biochemical profile,
vermicompost act as best fertilizer for the growth of Solanum lycopersicum.
Keywords: Vermicompost, Lantana aculeate, Zinc, Magnesium, Plant growth.
Lantana aculeate is one of the most noxious weeds in the world. It is
toxic to animals and vegetative crop. All lantana aculeate are treated as
poisonous stock. Red, white, pink flowered varieties are highly toxic.
Children can also easily affect by eating poisonous berries but symptoms
differ in livestock. There are three variety of Lantana aculeate have been
reported from India are Lantana aculeate Var. Aucleata Moldenke, lantana
aculeate Var. Mista Bailey and Lantana aculeate Var. Nivea Bailey. Among
these diverse varieties and types of Lantana aculeate are found but they
are difficult to differentiate on the basis of morphological features. Some
reports suggest that Lantana aculeate is used to treat cancer, chicken pox,
measles, asthma, ulcers, swelling, eczema, tumors, high blood pressure,
bilious fever, tetanus and malaria (Ghisalverti2000; Day et al 2003). Lantana
aculeate leaves are highly poisonous to animals and humans.
Lantana aculeate is a species from the family verbinaceae that was first
introduced in India as an ornamental flowering plant and has spread
most worldly ecosystems including forests, wet lands (Ghisalberti, 2000).
Lantana aculeate is an evergreen, usually 2-4-meter height (Patel, 2011). The
Lantana weeds are spread are very fast and occupy large areas. Lantana
has many injurious on forest ecosystems, and loss of native biodiversity,
negative impact of forest regeneration. (Mellow et al.,2005; Sharma,
Deshmukhe et al.,2011). Lantana is also used for production of methane
gas as it contains large amounts of holocellulose that can serve as the low-
cast bioethanol production (Ganesh et al.,2008). Lantana as substrate for
vermicomposting using Eisenia fetida (Savigny,) and find the appropriate
ratio of the substrate and cowdung for vermicomposting. Composting
is one of the simple and oldest means of converting organic waste into
profitable substances.
Today vermicompost is an important component of organic farming
systems, because it is easy to prepare, has excellent properties and is
harmless to plants. Destruction of agricultural ecosphere is due to massive
use of organic and livestock manure. Henceforth, it is necessary to dispose
manure safely by transposing manure into valuable compost. Conventional
composting requires time consuming with considerable nutrient losses.
Vermicompost has become an elemental factor for organic forming systems
because of is easy to prepare, efficiency and harmless to plants. (Ramnarain
et al.2019). Vermicomposting will aid formers and with an eco-friendly
environment also boost agricultural sector towards a environmentally
pristine future (1). It is a natural resource of plant growth and improves
the physical condition of environment. Such high nutrients and other
beneficial properties of vermicompost help in production of healthier
crops. Vermicomposting is a simple, easily adoptable for recycling ranges
of organic wastes for agricultural production. Vermicompost persistently
130 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
promote the biological activity, which can increase germination, and yields
of various greenhouse crops. (Buckerfield et al; Atiyeh et al, b).
The organic manure is getting in improving the soil organic matter and
nutrient contents of soil. The soil productivity can be improved by the
organic manure specially compost and vermicompost. The vermicompost
was prepared by using the earthworm variety Eisenia foetida. Compost
produced by earthworm movement will have higher level of nutrients
(macro and micro) that the normal organic matters. Vermicompost is a
biological process which may be a future technology for the management
of animal wastes. To achieve the objectives, two vermicomposting
units containing cow dung (CD), and plant slurry (Lantana camara)
were established inoculated with Eisenia fetida species of earthworm
allowed to be vermicomposted for 3 months. The vermicompost also
have been reported to contain biologically energetic substrates such as
plant growth. (GrappelliTomatiet al.1985). Eisenia fetida known under
various common names such as redworm, brandling worm, panfish
worm, trout worm, tiger worm, red wiggler worm, etc., is a species
of earthworm adapted to decaying organic material. E. fetida worms are
used for vermicomposting of both domestic and industrial organic waste.
Vermicomposting is one of the easiest ways to maintain soil. Vermicompost
was prepared by mixing lantana Aculeata with cow dung slurry.
Vermicomposting with earthworms produces manure products which are
nutrient rich and possess great fertilizer value at a less efficient time. Thus,
vermicomposting is considered to be suitable and an efficient technology
to convert organic waste into voluble resources. This objective of this
review study the potential use of lantana camara.The present study proved
feasibility of utilization of lantana camara in vermicompost method. Among
all the treatments 60%+40% (compost + cow dung) containing treatments
were the best concentration of provide ideal physico-chemical conditions
for the growth Eisenia fetida and which exhibits rich plant nutritional
level and no toxin (sesquiterpene alcohol).Effect of vermicompost on
biochemical parameter of solanum lycopersicum. The biochemical parameter
of vermicompost treated with Solanum lycopersicum were assessed using
standard procedures such as protein, carbohydrates, chlorophyll and
reducing sugars analysis.
Nanotechnology is an emerging field of science which deals with the
particle size ranging from 1-100nm. Nanotechnology also deals with
synthesis, characterization and manipulation of metals at nanoscale.
The nanoparticles are precisely used due to its smaller size, physical
properties etc. Which has shown the change of any other materials which
are in contact with these tiny particles. The nanoparticles exhibit novel
properties which depend on their morphology, which enable animals and
microbes. Nanoparticles have acquired increasing importance because of
their novel properties. Nanoparticles are molecular aggregates with one
ImpactofLantanaAculeateMediatedNanomaterialandCermicompost:AccessingitsGrowthofSolanumLycopersicum(PKM) 131
dimension from 1-100nm. The nanoparticles are used for growth of plants
and control the plant diseases. The nanomaterials can be synthesized by
different methods including physical, chemical, and biological methods.
The biologically synthesized nanoparticles have been widely using the
field of medicine. Zinc has been designed as an imperative micronutrient
for metabolic activities in plants and animals including humans. The
synthesis of nanoparticles by standard physical and chemical methods has
some unfavourable effects like critical condition of temperature, pressure,
toxic chemicals and toxic by-products. When contrast to physical and
chemical method, green synthesis of nanoparticles makes use of eco-
friendly, non-toxic and safe reagents. Doping is an important tool for the
moderation of physiochemical properties of metal oxide nanoparticles.
The current study is devoted to doping Zn in MgO nanoparticles. Doped
metal oxide nanoparticles are useful in a wide variety of applications such
as optoelectronics, photodetectors.
It should wide application spectrum in many disciplines like agricultural,
medicine, biology, physics, chemistry and environment. In this technology
we study nanometre (1-100nm) size materials and their applications
(Chhippa and Joshi 2016). Different types of nanoparticles such as Zn, Ag,
Fe and their oxides. And nanoformations of traditional agricultural inputs
like Phosphorous, Urea, Sulphur, have converted into nano pesticide and
nano fertilizer form (Taha et al.2016, Tarun et al.2014; Pradhan et al .2013;
Ghafariyan et al.2013; Mahajan et al.2011; Nekrasova et al.2011). This
nanoparticles has shown assuring results within optimum concentration
on seed germination, plant growth and production. Similarly, nano
pesticides also exhibit positive impact on control of plant pest and disease
(Kashyap et al.2015; Parisi et al.2014; Delfani et al.2014). Nanotechnology
is great hope for sustainable agriculture practice and habitual farming
practice into precision farming; It is the used for crop yield improvement
by observe environment variables and applying controlled forget action
in each situation (Chen and yada 2011). Nano fertilizer are responsible for
providing one or more types of nutrients to growing to the plants, and
support their growth and improve production (Liu and Lal 2015). The
plant nutrients divided into following categories (A) macro, (B) micro
nano fertilizer, (C) nano particulate fertilizer.
Tomato is one of the most important horticultural crops in the world; the
effect of grafting has also been widely studied. The results revealed that
the response of tomato to nanoscale Zn/MgO was highly significant. The
tomato occupies an important position in global vegetable production.
Nanoparticles with small size and large surface area are expected to be
the ideal material as in plants. Currently use of nanomaterials has been
132 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
and cow slurry was mixed appropriately for 4 feet and exposed to sun light
for 20 days to remove the toxicity and harmful organisms. Healthy and
young earthworm was collected from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
(TNAU), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
The experiment on composting was performed by mixing earthworm in the
container consisting Lantana aculeate with cow dung slurry for 45 days. The
inoculum was prepared by mixing Lantana aculeate cow dung at different
ratios (w/w). Lantana aculeate (without cow dung) were taken for this
study. The treatment details are shown in Table 1. Each mixture consisted
of different ratio of compost and cow dung. T1 (20% compost+80% cow
dung),T2 (40% compost+60% cow dung), T3 (60% compost+40% cow
dung), T4 (80% compost+20% cow dung), T5 (100% compost), T6 (100%
Lantana aculeate) Represent the percentage of initial substrate material cow
dung, compost, plant extract.
Table 1. Treatment details of compost and cow dung
T1 20% compost+80% cow dung
T2 40% compost+60% cow dung
T3 60% compost+40% cow dung
T4 80% compost+20% cow dung
T5 100% compost
T6 100% Lantana aculeate
Figure 1: FT-IR analysis of vermicompost T1(a), T2(b), T3(c), T4(d), T5(e), T6(f).
GC-MS analysis of vermicompost
There are 21 peaks (Fig 2) obtained from GC-MS analysis of plant sample
(Lantana aculeate) are represented. The major compounds of plant extract
are1,2-Bis (trimethylsilyl) benzene (28.52%), 1,2-Bis (trimethylsilyl)
benzene (19.43%), 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3-amine(17.97%), 1,2-Benzisothiazol-
3-amine (8.43%), 5-Methyl-2-phenylindolizine (10.24%). GC-MS analysis
of vermicompost obtained 18 peaks (Fig3) are represented. The major
peak area is depicted as shown by Dodecanoic acid (Total percentage)
Amino acetic acid (9.34%), Lauric anhydride(Total percentage).In the
obtained compounds the occurrence of Gincenol (28.52%, 19.435)and
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3-amine (17.97%) has been found in higher percentage.
GC-MS analysis of vermicompost (80% compost+20%cow dung). The
major peak area is depicted as shown by Dodecanoic acid. The analysis
of GCMS were reduction of toxic chemicals. These many of the toxins
(Sesquiterpene lactones and phenols). The vermicompost mixture is rich
in ester, aliphatic compounds which may play role in maintaining the
nutritional level in vermicompost.
The synthesized ZnO NPs were observed the band at 603.72 cm -1 represent
the C – Br stretch and the presence of Alkyl halides functional group. The
observed band at 1083.99 cm -1represent the C – N stretch and the presence
of aliphatic amines functional group. Whereas, the band at 3481.5 cm -1
represent the O – H stretching and the presence of alcohol and phenol
functional group (Narendhran et al). The synthesized NPs were observed
the polymer compounds using FTIR analysis band absorbed at 1247.73
represent the C – N stretching and confirm the presence of aliphatic amines
functional group.
Protein Carbohydrate
S1 0.09±0.0.20 0.18±0.02
S2 0.16±0.03 0.29±0.02
Standard S3 0.16±0.03 0.37±0.02
S4 0.26±0.03 0.43±0.005
30th DAS
S5 0.35±0.04 0.52±0.25
T₁₀₀ 0.18±0.02 0.79±0.02
T₂₀₀ 0.46±0.01 1.76±0.12
T₃₀₀ 1.68±0.005 0.92±0.11
T₄₀₀ 0.26±0.02 0.94±0.02
Control C 0.21±0.06 0.32±0.09
TABLE 4 Chlorophyll and reducing sugar profile of Solanum lycopersicum
treated with different concentration of vermicompost
In the case of nanomaterial, The higher level of protein (at 30th day)
content was obtained in Zn/MgO NMs 0.11±0.10 and control 0.21±0.06 at
the concentration of 400mg. The carbohydrate content of Zn/MgO NMs
treated plant showed that the level of 0.12±0.02 at the concentration of
300mg. Chlorophyll results were noticed in the Solanum lycopersicumwith
the increased concentration at the 400mg of NMs 0.15±0.00. The drop
of the sample was analysed the reducing sugar content in the Zn/MgO
NMs. The reducing sugar level of 0.13±0.02 at the concentration of 400mg.
The protein, carbohydrate, chlorophyll and reducing sugar content of
the experiment plants at higher doses for the toxic level of NMs causing
ensuing downturn in plant growth. (Agnihotri et al.2014; Wasmi et al.2014;
Garavand et al.2012).
ImpactofLantanaAculeateMediatedNanomaterialandCermicompost:AccessingitsGrowthofSolanumLycopersicum(PKM) 145
Protein Carbohydrate
S1 0.02±0.005 0.10±0.005
S2 0.03±0.005 0.12±0.01
Standard S3 0.07±0.01 0.15±0.005
S4 0.12±0.00 0.20±0.00
30th DAS S5 0.10±0.00 0.09±0.005
T₁₀₀ 0.02±0.005 0.05±0.005
T₂₀₀ 0.04±0.01 0.09±0.01
T₃₀₀ 0.07±0.01 0.12±0.02
T₄₀₀ 0.11±0.10 0.02±0.005
Control C 0.21±0.06 0.32±0.09
This study clearly demonstrates that the conversion of different types of
wastes into vermicompost may not only reduce the burden of synthetic
fertilizer but may also act as good nutrients when compared to compost.
The present study proved feasibility of utilization of lantana aculeate in
vermicompost method. Among all the treatments 60%+40% (compost +
cow dung) containing treatments were the best concentration of provide
ideal physico-chemical conditions for the growth of Eisenia fetida and
which exhibits rich plant nutritional level and no toxin (ssesquiterpene
alcohol).It has been observed that there is no significant difference on
applying higher doses of vermicompost and lowest dose is as effective as
higher doses. Biological synthesis of Zn/MgO nanomaterials from Lantana
aculeate is a green approach, eco-friendly method. All characterization
techniques reveal that the Zn/MgO nanomaterials were spherical in
shape. Lantana aculeate mediated NMs enhancing the growth of Solanum
146 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
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compost versus parthenium mediated vermicompost a comparative study of
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22. Noctor, G. & Foyer, C. H. Ascorbate and glutathione: keeping active oxygen under
control. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 49, 249–279 (1998).
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Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Current
Status and Future Perspectives
Anil Kumar*
Nanotechnology plays a significant role in promoting agriculture and
agricultural products. Agriculture and food industry aims for the sustainability
and the protection of agricultural products, including crops for human and
livestock. Nanotechnology aids in the development of novel agrochemicals
and delivery systems that improve agricultural productivity while reducing
pesticide consumption. In agriculture, nanotechnology also helps to increase
agricultural productivity. The formulation of Nano based pesticides and
fertilizers for increased crop production is one of the major contribution of
nanotechnology in the field of agriculture. Nanotechnology has enormous
promise because of its applications in industries such as agriculture and the food
system, which can improve people’s quality of life. It has become the future of
any nation all around the planet. Precise farming techniques can promote crop
production without damaging soil and water, reducing losses due to leaching
of nitrogen and enhancing long lasting incorporation of nutrients by micro-
organisms present in the soil. Another notable success in nanotechnology for
agriculture is the generation of insect-resistant varieties using DNA transfer
in plants or nanoparticle-mediated gene transfer. Nanotechnology is expected
to speed up the manufacturing of biofuel from biomass. Researchers and
producers must show that the use of nanotechnologies has no negative impact
on the environment, as opposed to the anomaly based on a tiny quantity of
toxicological studies and concerns about nanomaterial safety.
Keywords: Nanotechnology; Nanoagriuclture; Nanoparticles; Agrochemicals;
Agriculture, usually known as “farming,” is the practice of producing
plants and cattle to generate food, feed, fibre and a variety of other items.
Agriculture is backbone of the most developing countries, providing food
directly and indirectly to mankind. Food and water supplies are under
unprecedented stress as a result of climate change, resource and energy
limits, and a rapid growth in population, therefore agricultural processes
are frequently observed in the public eye. Agriculture is becoming
increasingly vital as a food source in the face of resource depletion and
global population expansion. Modern agricultural and food science
technologies, such as nanotechnology and Nano-biotechnology, are
required to keep up with the world’s population growth.
Agriculture and associated disciplines, such as aquaculture and fisheries,
have the potential to be transformed by nanotechnology. Nano-agriculture
is now focused on target farming, which necessitates the use of nanoparticles
with unique features in order to boost crop yields and livestock output.
Nanotechnology is being used to protect plants, monitor plant growth,
identify diseases affecting plants and animals, boost overall food output,
improve food quality, and reduce “sustainable intensification” of waste.
One of the most important applications of nanotechnology is food and
agricultural production.
There is no doubt that nanotechnology is having a significant impact
on the global economy, industry, and the lives of everyday people.
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics at the nanoscale (1–100
nm) are examined and their impact on human health is discussed. Table
1 lists the sizes of various organisms and bio substances. Particles with at
least one dimension of approximately 1–100 nanometers are considered
nanomaterials by the US EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency).
Innovative and novel properties have been developed that can be used to
address a variety of technical and social issues as a result of this ability to
control and/or manufacture matter at this scale. “Nanotechnology-based
delivery of agricultural chemicals is expected to be used in the field within
the next five to ten years by developing countries like China. Their success,
however, is dependent on a variety of factors, including market demand,
profit margin, environmental benefits, risk assessment and management
policies, in the context of other competing technologies.”
Above 60% of world’s population depends on agriculture for
their livelihood as it is the backbone of most emerging countries.
Nanotechnology is regarded as a revolutionary technology in agriculture
150 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology which has evolved during the last few decades is a
multidisciplinary field that showed a significant influence in the fields of
environment, industry, agriculture, pharmacy and medicine. Infections account
for a large portion of the worldwide illness burden. Lower respiratory infections,
diarrhea, tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,
and malaria infection are all linked to high mortality rates. Nanomedicine
which has been evolved as a result of the integration of nanotechnology and
biotechnology, has led to the breakthrough in the treatment of a variety of
ailments and disorders, medication delivery methods, and disease detection
and treatment. The usage of nanoparticles in health and medicine is however
currently limited. In this chapter we discuss the the therapeutic efficiency of
nanomaterials in the biomedical field and their potential against infectious
Through the discovery of revolutionary therapeutics like antibiotics,
antitoxins, antiviral, antifungals, and vaccines, medical research has
improved our understanding of microorganisms and, as a result, led to
better prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Among these
discoveries, the development of vaccines was a significant step forward
in the management of infectious diseases because it prevented disease
spread rather than treating disease after infection. The abolition of small
pox exemplifies the success of vaccination. Several therapeutic strategies
have recently been developed to treat previously difficult-to-treat bacterial
and viral infections.
The term nanotechnology was fist defined by Professor Norio Taniguchi
of Tokyo Science University in the year 1974 as the creation and
exploration of materials with a sizes ranging from 1-100nm (Nanoscale
range). This definition was later adopted by committees like Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) and International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (1)and was made official. Nanotechnology
is an interdisciplinary subject involved in the research and development
of various fields of science like physics, chemistry and biology. The
nanomaterials can be created using several materials of which the most
common are the silicates, non-oxide ceramics, and metal oxides. These
nanomaterials have distinct properties when compared to their bulk
chemical counterparts, such as a high surface area to volume ratio and
versatility, which may increase their influence on a specific microorganism
or other diseases. The upside of these nanomaterial formulations over
traditional systems is that they can improve treatment efficacy while
reducing side effects due to their precise targeting mode of action. In
this sense, nanomedicine includes the use of nanoparticles as therapeutic
agents, drug delivery systems, and diagnosis systems, as well as the use of
nanomaterials in medical devices.
The evolving global health system has contributed significantly to the
protection and promotion of human health. However, long-standing,
emerging, and reemerging infectious disease threats continue to plague
the world. The severity and probability of these threats vary greatly.
They also have varying effects on morbidity and mortality, as well as a
diverse range of social and economic outcomes. They are also amenable
to alternative responses to varying degrees, ranging from clean water
provision to regulation to biomedical countermeasures. Recent outbreaks
of Ebola, Zika, dengue, Middle East respiratory syndrome, severe acute
respiratory syndrome, and influenza, as well as the looming threat of
rising antimicrobial resistance, have called into question the global health
system’s ability to provide effective protection against a dynamic array of
infectious disease threats. Rapid population growth in areas with weak
Nano Technology as a Therapeutic ToolAgainst Infectious Microbial Diseases 157
Nanotechnology has sparked a surge of interest in medicine because it promises
to address a number of issues with traditional therapeutic agents, such as poor
water solubility, lack of targeting capability, non-specific distribution, systemic
toxicity, and low therapeutic index. Over the last few decades, significant
progress has been achieved in the development and deployment of engineered
nanoparticles for effective treatment of various diseases including cancer.
To boost the drug solubility, enhancing the circulation half-life, improve
biodistribution, and minimize immunogenicity the therapeutic drugs have
been combined with the nanoparticles fabricated with optimum sizes, shapes,
and surface qualities. Nanoparticles provide a novel way to deliver various
drugs by serving as a carrier molecule that targets the conjugated drug towards
the damaged site. Targeted drug delivery system provides various benefits over
conventional drug administration methods. Since, a drug needs to be transported
to the site of action conjugating it with nanocarriers enhances the influence on
vital tissues thereby reducing undesirable side effects. As the concentration of
the therapeutic drug in the target location is enhanced the dosage of the drug
might be reduced. This rapidly expanding sector requires multidisciplinary
research and other chances to design and build multifunctional devices that
could target, diagnose, and treat various diseases.
Nanotechnology is a newly emerged science branch that focuses on
development of molecular-scale functional systems. It is a potential
approach for drug delivery. Nanotechnology could be defined as the
science that controls, manipulates, studies, and manufactures miniatured
structures and devices (Hobson, 2011). Apart from drug delivery
nanotechnology has a wide range of applications in disease diagnosis,
prevention and even mimic biological processes such as infections, tissue
engineering, metabolisms etc. Because of their property to serve as a bridge
between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures nanoparticles
have been shown utmost scientific interest (Rane et al., 2018). Regardless
to their size nanoparticles have constant physiochemical and biological
properties. However, at nano-scale size-dependent properties are more
likely to be observed (Bhatia, 2016).
While treating various diseases there occurs a very common problem to
deliver the therapeutic compound to the target site. Unfortunately, most
of the therapeutic drugs have side effects such as nausea, diarrhoea,
headache, etc. These limitations could be overcome by practicing targeted
drug delivery which focuses to deliver the drug to the infected tissues
thereby limiting the undesirable side effects caused by these medications
(Rawat et al., 2006). Additionally, targeted drug delivery also reduces rapid
degradation of the drug and enhances the drug concentration in target doses
which results in minimising the drug dosage (Bhatia, 2016). Surprisingly,
the targeted drug delivery uses the knowledge of nanotechnology by
using nanoparticles. Nanoparticles could be defined as the minute
particles whose size ranges between 1-100nm (Wilczewska et al., 2012).
Nanocarriers are the vehicles synthesized from the nanoparticles that are
used to carry the drug molecules into the targeted tissues. Some examples
of the nanocarriers used in targeted drug delivery are liposomes, solid lipid
nanoparticles, dendrimers, polymers, silicone or carbon materials, and
magnetic nanoparticles (Suri et al., 2007). However, nanocarriers if used
in medical fields should be able to integrate with the biological system
without eliciting any kind of immune response and should be nontoxic to
the given biological system (Biazar et al., 2011). Hydrodynamic size, shape,
amount, surface chemistry, the route of administration, and residence time
of the nanocarriers in the blood stream would affect the stability of the
nanoparticle to act as the nanocarrier in targeted drug delivery system
(Biazar et al., 2011; Mishra et al., 2014).
Depending upon their characteristics and applications nanoparticles have
been categorised into various types. The carbon nanotubes are the two-
dimensional nanoparticles whose size ranges between 0.5-3nm diameter
and 20-100nm in length. These are further classified into single-walled
166 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Figure.1: Types of nanoparticles that are being used in drug delivery systems.
Following are various types of nanoparticles that are majorly used to
delivery potent therapeutic drugs to the targeted site in the organism so
as to minimise the side effects caused by the drugs as well as to lower the
drug dosage.
170 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
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Application of Nanotechnology for Energy
One of the most important challenges for mankind in this era is to ensure
an extended-term energy supply for sustainable global development
[1]. Now a days fuel problem is one of the significant issues. We’re
increasingly depending on fossil fuels [2]. Fossil fuel is majorly used as
a source of power in internal combustion engines and automobiles [3].
Mineral fuels, hydroelectric and nuclear sources are also very much
familiar with the fossil fuels for different kinds of human’s activity [4].
They are extremely harmful to the environment as they are responsible for
ozone layer depletion, global warming, ecological devastation, biosphere
and geosphere destruction. Consequently, real energy production can be
described as a harmful industry both in terms of environmental impact and
pollution production since the industrial revolution of the 18th century
[5-7]. Furthermore, the combustion of those fuels causes environmental
degradation through air pollution and global warming. As it is a non-
renewable source, the supply of fuel is gradually getting reduced day by
day. So, It’s time to think about renewable sources of energy that will be
available in plenty [8]. Though it can take some decades to meet with a
truly sustainable energy system, intensive research is being conducted to
search out solutions to (1) increase efficiency in transmission, production,
and utilization of the remaining fossil fuels, (2) reduce the negative
impacts to the ecosystem and environment, and (3) develop technologies
for the smooth transition to the renewable energy sources (e.g., solar
energy, biofuels, etc.) [9] Nanotechnology, that controls the phenomena
of the materials in the region of 1 to 100 nm, holds the vital key to lots of
the technological advancements in the energy sector [10]. It involves the
miniaturization in addition to manipulation of the atoms to molecules to
regulate their properties, which are quite different from the bulk properties
at this scale. As an illustration, a particle of 100 nm has lower than 0.2% of
atoms at the surface, while a particle of 10 nm has approximately 10% at the
surface and a 2 particle of nm has 90% of its atoms at the surface. As these
surface atoms may have more than one dangling bond, they are extremely
active and have a tendency to form bonds with adjacent molecules to get
more stability. This results in more chemical activity, higher solubility and
lower melting point. [11]. Nanomaterials are being studied for various
renewable energy applications. This chapter focuses on the utilization of
nanotechnology for sustainable energy sources (Fuel cells, Biofuels, Solar
cells etc.)
buildings and even for industrial purposes and to meet the demand for
Photovoltaic cells, or conventional solar cells, are formed by the
semiconducting material, commonly silicon. The absorption of energy
occurs when light is irradiated on the solar cell. This absorbed energy
causes electrons in silicon to be knocked out, allowing them to flow.
Adding other impurities to Si, such as phosphorus or boron, can create an
electric field. The electric field operates as a diode because electrons move
in only one direction. As a result, solar energy is turned to electricity. [23]
Traditional solar cells have two major flaws: first, their efficiency, and
second, their exorbitant cost. Because the first disadvantage is based on
the band gap energy, most popular silicon cells are unable to overcome it.
Photons with less energy than the band gap energy will pass through. The
excess energy will be squandered as heat if it is higher. When radiation is
bombarded on a solar cell, about 70% of the energy is lost.
Nanoparticles have a vast surface area that can regulate the interaction
nature of nanoparticles with photons due to their small size. As a result,
we may modify the properties of nanomaterials by varying the size of
nanoparticles. Multiple layers of nanomaterials on solar cells in their
thin form boost efficiency in three ways. To begin with, the absorption
of photons of radiant energy is substantially greater than the thickness
of the silicon sheet. Second, nanotechnology generates a thin layer on
the solar cell (about 150 nm), which prevents recombination by reducing
the distance travelled by excited electrons. Finally, the various sizes of
nanoparticles enable us to fine-tune the band gap energy of the various
layers of solar cells. Furthermore, because the thin layer uses less material
on the solar cell, it is a cost-effective method.
4. Titanium has been created to make solar cells cheaper due to its
features of light absorption and stability.
5. This nano wire has been tuned to absorb photons so that it can be
utilised even in indoor lighting while consuming the least amount of
Despite some doubts about the use of nanomaterials in commercially
produced battery devices, there are several examples where nanotechnology
has made progress in performance in energy sector, such as in the case of
silicon-carbon nano-composite material anodes, metal-cluster-sensitized
solar cells (MCSC). Such research suggests that the technology could be
capable of producing high-energy products and its long-lasting energy-
saving devices. Studies over the past few decades have shown that
nanostructuring increases the life span of a device and that it can be used as
a sustainable energy. The widespread use of nanotechnology in fuel cells,
especially bio fuel nanoparticles, metal graphine nanocatalysts, proton
exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and the use of nanotechnology in
hydrogen storage could lead to new directions in energy production and
storage. The use of nanotechnologies in the field of energy will reduce the
use of so-called conventional energy such as petrol, diesel or coal. Increased
confidence in energy prices and safety (especially health, environmental
and operational) and will open the door to extensive implementation of
nanomaterials in energy saving technologies. Moreover, nanotechnology
has made groundbreaking advances in the field of solar cells, such as the
development of hybrid solar cell devices using semiconductors, organic
molecules and halogen compounds, which are very important in the
research of solar energy. Also, the use of Quantum Dot nanotechnologies
for high-powered solar cells could be a milestone in future energy
production research.
1. Alonso, D. M.; Wettstein, S. G.; Dumesic, J. A. Bimetallic catalysts for upgrading
of biomass to fuels and chemicals. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2012, 41 (24), 8075−8098
2. EG&G Services Inc. Fuel Cell Handbook, 5th ed., U.S. Department of
Energy Office of Fossil Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Inc.: Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, 2000. Available at: http://www. ustible.pdf.
3. W.R. Grove, On voltaic series and the combination of gases by platinum,
Mag. J. Sci. 16 (1839) 127–130.
182 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Cancer causes the second highest number of deaths worldwide today.
Cancer is a complex condition and there can be several different causes
for the development of tumors. This complexity affects the efficiency of
chemotherapeutic treatments. Tumors are known to develop resistance
to most treatments which further increases the complexity of cancer
treatments. Most therapeutic agents used in modern chemotherapy are
known to be highly toxic to the human body. The use of these therapies is
limited by their toxicity, their nonspecific nature, low selectivity and the
possibility of developing resistance to them. Research shows that these
adverse side effects of conventional cancer treatments can be overcome by
the use of nanotechnology-based tools.
Nanomedicine is a nascent field that is trying to merge the benefits
of nanomaterials with medicine. Materials in the nano range (1-100
nm) when used in the design, application and regulation of drugs or
devices for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes are referred to as medical
nanotechnology or nanopharmacology. Several areas of medicine are
already being shown to benefit from the use of medical nanotechnology.
These areas include infectious diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative
diseases, orthopedic ailments and blood disorders.
Medical nanotechnology can be used in the development of next generation
tools for the detection of cancer at early stages and more effective
therapeutic anticancer agents. Nano drugs have several advantages over
traditional chemotherapy agents. For example, nanodrugs can overcome
the limitation of solubility and chemical resistance faced by traditional
anticancer drugs. Poor water solubility severely limits the bioavailability of
several cancer drugs and limits their clinical usage. This can be overcome
by simply placing the drug inside of a more soluble carrier nano particle.
Nanomaterials offer several new properties and advantages over
traditional therapeutics. Nanoparticles have increased chemical and
biological stability. Nanoparticles can be designed in ways that increase
the selectivity with which they target tumor cells and improve the
penetration of the drugs into cells. Nano drugs can also be designed to
increase the circulation time of the compound and can be programmed to
release the drug in response to certain stimuli. These design changes can
lead to a decrease in the drug resistance of tumor cells.1 Most commonly
used chemotherapeutics are non-specific for cancer cells and are toxic to
healthy cells in the proximity of the tumor. Nanodrugs can be localized to
the tumor site thus decreasing the adverse effects commonly associated
with chemotherapy.
186 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Fullerenes (C60) have been shown to have several different applications.
Conjugation of drugs with fullerenes makes then less cytotoxic and more
hydrophilic. Fullerenes conjugated with paclitaxel12 13and with doxorubicin
(DOX)14 increased their therapeutic effects. Fullerenes can activate immune
cells by acting as immunomodulators and generating reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and can kill cancer cells15clinical applications of DOX are
restricted, largely due to the fact that its action disturbs the pro/antioxidant
balance in both cancerous and non-cancerous cells. The aim of this study
was to investigate the influence of fullerene (C60.Fullerenes conjugated
with anticancer drugs promote ROS production by phagocytes. This can
be used as a novel strategy to combat cancer16.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) offer unique properties when compared to other
nanoparticles. The offer high surface area and the possibility to incorporate
therapeutic agents either on their surface or in their inner cavity. Carbon
nanotubes can be used as good contrast agents in medical imaging8
the visuality and veracity of ultrasound imaging for the diagnosis and
prognostic prediction of PCa remains poor at present. In this study, we
developed a new nanoultrasound contrast agent by modifying multi-
walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs18. CNTs were shown to effectively
deliver drugs to the target site. They also increased blood circulation at the
site after successful uptake by cancer cells19. On the basis of their structure
and diameter they can be further divided into two categories – single
walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi walled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNTs). SWCNTs consist of a single sheet of graphene that is shaped
into a tube with a diameter of 0.4-3 nms. MWCNTs consist of a few layers
of graphene with an inner diameter of 1-3 nms and an outer diameter of
2-100 nms.
SWCNTs can be used to deliver siRNA into target cells20. SWCNTs were
conjugated with the anticancer drug Paclitaxel (PTX). They effectively
suppressed tumors without causing toxicity to other organs21. This
shows that nanotube-based drug delivery is favorable for cancer therapy.
MWCNTs can be used to deliver DNA and siRNA into microglia for brain
cancer therapy22.
MWCNTs were used to develop magnetic nanocarrier using iron oxide
NPs. These MWCNTs displayed dual targeted delivery23.
Nanodiamonds are colloidal suspensions of diamond particles.
Nanodiamonds also exhibit fluorescence and even lower toxicity when
compared to quantum dots. This makes them excellent candidates for
Nanotechnology in Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics 189
Nano Drug Loaded Drug Cancer Approval References
The authors would like to declare that this piece of work is original and
has not been submitted anywhere for publication.
1. Sharma H, Mondal S. Functionalized graphene oxide for chemotherapeutic
drug delivery and cancer treatment: A promising material in nanomedicine.
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2. Klochkov SG, Neganova ME, Nikolenko VN, et al. Implications of
nanotechnology for the treatment of cancer: Recent advances. Semin Cancer
Biol. 2021;69(June):190-199. doi:10.1016/j.semcancer.2019.08.028
3. He J, Ning C, Wang Y, et al. Natural plant flavonoid apigenin directly disrupts
Hsp90/Cdc37 complex and inhibits pancreatic cancer cell growth and
migration. J Funct Foods. 2015;18:10-21. doi:10.1016/j.jff.2015.06.052
4. Jiang Q, Liu L, Li Q, et al. NIR-laser-triggered gadolinium-doped carbon dots
for magnetic resonance imaging, drug delivery and combined photothermal
chemotherapy for triple negative breast cancer. J Nanobiotechnology.
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5. Pardo J, Peng Z, Leblanc RM. Cancer targeting and drug delivery using
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6. Jia Q, Zhao Z, Liang K, et al. Recent advances and prospects of carbon dots
in cancer nanotheranostics. Mater Chem Front. 2020;4(2):449-471. doi:10.1039/
7. Su W, Guo R, Yuan F, et al. Red-Emissive Carbon Quantum Dots for Nuclear
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8. Gao Y. Carbon nano-allotrope/magnetic nanoparticle hybrid nanomaterials
as T2 contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging applications. J Funct
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11. Kadian S, Sethi SK, Manik G. Recent advancements in synthesis and property
control of graphene quantum dots for biomedical and optoelectronic
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pH-sensitive co-adsorption/release of doxorubicin and paclitaxel by
carbon nanotube, fullerene, and graphene oxide in combination with
N-isopropylacrylamide: A molecular dynamics study. Biomolecules.
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13. Liu W, Wei J, Chen Y. Electrospun poly(l-lactide) nanofibers loaded with
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14. Maleki R, Khoshoei A, Ghasemy E, Rashidi A. Molecular insight into the smart
functionalized TMC-Fullerene nanocarrier in the pH-responsive adsorption
and release of anti-cancer drugs. J Mol Graph Model. 2020;100:107660.
15. Kepinska M, Kizek R, Milnerowicz H. Metallothionein and superoxide
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16. Skivka LM, Prylutska S V., Rudyk MP, et al. C60 fullerene and its nanocomplexes
with anticancer drugs modulate circulating phagocyte functions and
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17. Gu F, Hu C, Xia Q, Gong C, Gao S, Chen Z. Aptamer-conjugated multi-
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18. Zhang J, Liu Z, Zhou S, Teng Y, Zhang X, Li J. Novel Span-PEG Multifunctional
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21. Hashemzadeh H, Raissi H. The functionalization of carbon nanotubes to
enhance the efficacy of the anticancer drug paclitaxel: a molecular dynamics
simulation study. J Mol Model. 2017;23(8):1-10. doi:10.1007/s00894-017-3391-z
22. Xiang C, Zhang Y, Guo W, Liang XJ. Biomimetic carbon nanotubes for
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23. Boncel S, Pluta A, Skonieczna M, et al. Hybrids of Iron-Filled Multiwall Carbon
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24. Wei S, Li L, Du X, Li Y. OFF-ON nanodiamond drug platform for targeted
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25. Perevedentseva E, Lin YC, Cheng CL. A review of recent advances in
nanodiamond-mediated drug delivery in cancer. Expert Opin Drug Deliv.
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sarcoma tumor xenografted on mice, using hydrogenated detonation
nanodiamonds: Treatment efficacy and tissue distribution. Nanomaterials.
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194 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) also
known as Apo-2 Ligand (Apo-2L) is a type II transmembrane protein that
induces apoptosis by binding its death receptors, DR4 and DR5 in two
pathways, extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. Administration of TRAIL-receptor
(TRAIL-R) agonists or recombinant human TRAIL (rhTRAIL) preferentially
induces apoptosis in cancer cells over normal cells and has been in clinical
trials. But drug resistance, short half-life, off-target toxicities and limited
efficacy of rhTRAIL led to many problems. Nanoparticles serve as excellent
drug and gene delivery systems due to improved stability and biocompatibility,
enhanced permeability and retention effect, and precise targeting. Different
nanoparticle-based formulations for TRAIL drug and gene delivery like
TRAIL-based SWCNTs, nanogold-TRAIL complexes, magnetic ferric oxide
nanoparticles conjugated TRAIL, artificial liposomes with sTRAILcombined
with double-edged lipid nanoparticles,co-delivery of doxorubicin (DOX) and
TRAIL with human serum albumin (HSA), chitosan magnetic nanoparticles,
secretable trimeric tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand
(stTRAIL) gene with polyethyleneimine
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)
also known as Apo-2 Ligand (Apo-2L) is a type II transmembrane protein
of the TNF superfamily of ligands. TRAIL can bind to four membrane
receptors, TRAIL-Receptor 1/Death Receptor 4 (TRAIL-R1/DR4), TRAIL-
Receptor 2/Death Receptor 5 (TRAIL-R2/DR5), TRAIL-Receptor 3/Decoy
Receptor 1 (TRAIL-R3/DcR1), and TRAIL-Receptor 4/Decoy Receptor
2 (TRAIL-R4/DcR2), and one soluble receptor called osteoprotegerin
(OPG). TRAIL induces apoptosis in cancerous cells in two ways, extrinsic
(receptor-mediated) and intrinsic (mitochondrial-mediated) pathways in
a very selective manner [23]. Apoptosis is an ordered and orchestrated
cellular process that occurs in physiological and pathological conditions
for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. In the extrinsic pathway
of apoptosis, trimerization and subsequent activation of the receptors
occur upon binding of TRAIL to its respective death receptors, DR4 and
DR5 that eventually lead to the formation of Death Inducing Signalling
Complex (DISC) [34]. The intrinsic pathway involves mitochondrial outer
membrane permeabilization (MOMP) and apoptosome formation [15, 28].
Death receptors, DR4 and DR5 are surface receptors consisting of the
cytoplasmic death domain (DD). In the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis,
TRAIL binds to its death receptors that result in the recruitment of adaptor
protein, Fas-associated death domain (FADD) to their intracellular death
domains through homotypic interactions. FADD recruits initiator caspases,
caspase-8, and caspase-10 to its death effector domain (DED) region
forming a multiprotein complex, Death Inducing Signalling Complex
(DISC). The activation of caspases-8 and -10 occurs in the DISC. Activated
caspase-8 then cleaves and activates effector caspases, such as caspases-3,
-6, and -7 resulting in cell death [18, 30].
Several factors like DNA damage, loss of survival factors, cell cycle
checkpoint defects, etc. lead to the activation of the intrinsic apoptotic
pathway. However, the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways are interrelated.
The intrinsic pathway of apoptosis involves the cleavage of BH3-
interacting domain death agonist (Bid) to truncated Bid (tBid) that occurs
Trail of the Nanoparticles: Cues to Better Cancer Therapy 197
their effects on apoptosis, tumor volume and survival rate as well as the
observation of rhodamine-labeled NPs and U251 glioma cell-derived
xenografts resulted in the presence of NP-TRAIL molecules at the tumor
site and also a significant increase in glioma cell apoptosis that was
indicated by a decrease in tumor volume and increased survival [19].
The generation of artificial liposomes with sTRAIL anchored on their
surface and its combination with double-edged lipid nanoparticles showed
greater cytotoxicity both in vitro and in vivo when compared to sTRAIL
against distinct hematologic and epithelial carcinoma cells. Further
advancements were made in the delivery of TRAIL. LUV-TRAIL loaded
with doxorubicin (DOX) in its liposomal lumen known as LUVDOX-
TRAIL improved cytotoxic potential in two processes, one being caspase-8
activation that was excited by liposomal TRAIL. Also, greater cytotoxicity
was observed in the tumor xenograft model [7].
A new formulation for co-delivery of doxorubicin (Dox) and TRAIL with
human serum albumin (HSA) was developed to treat colon cancer. Inhibition
of HCT116 colon cancer cells when treated with TRAIL/Dox HSA NPs was
observed with 6 times higher inhibition when compared to cells treated
with Dox HSA NPs [24].
In mouse melanoma cell line B16F10, magnetic nanoparticles containing
the TRAIL gene and chitosan constructed with ionic gelation method is
used as an excellent nanosystem for magnetofection. Systemic delivery
and activation of the TRAIL gene with chitosan magnetic nanoparticles
in the tail vein of mice at the lungs induced TRAIL-protein expression in
vitro with a significant increase in apoptosis in tumoral cells and inhibition
of growth in melanoma B16F10 in the lungs [1].
The combination of secretable trimeric tumor necrosis factor-related
apoptosis-inducing ligand (stTRAIL) gene with polyethyleneimine (PEI)
capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) enhanced the inhibition of cell
proliferation and promoted apoptosis in heat-shocked hepatoma cells
with an increase in the levels of mRNA and protein of stTRAIL, caspase-8
and caspase-3 [14].
TRAIL gene in combination with the magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
(poly-MAG-1000) coated with PEI induced apoptosis in MCF-7 breast
cancer cells [35].
Poly(beta-amino ester) (PBAE) nanoparticles (NPs), engineered with a
cDNA sequence encoding a secretable TRAIL (sTRAIL) protein initiated
apoptosis with a 40-fold increase in cell death in HepG2 cancer cells.
enabled reprogramming of liver cancer cells to secrete TRAIL protein [32].
Glioblastoma or Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most
aggressive types of brain cancer. The effective delivery of plasmid DNA
Trail of the Nanoparticles: Cues to Better Cancer Therapy 205
Nanoparticle Type Cancer Type Reference
Single walled carbon TRAIL protein Colon [31]
nanotubes adenocarcinoma,
squamous non-small
cell lung cancer,
Nano-gold particles TRAIL protein Non-small cell lung [32]
Gold NPs rhTRAIL protein Non-small cell lung [33]
Nanoparticles are an excellent source of drug and gene delivery systems.
They have been in clinical trials at all stages due to their improved efficacy.
TRAIL-based nanoparticles work efficiently in delivering TRAIL with
the help of various other molecules. They are able to treat several types
of cancers including breast, lungs, liver, brain and colon. Nanoparticles
conjugated with different materials like chitosan, polyethyleneimine along
with drugs like doxorubicin, chlorotoxin etc. showed significant results
when tested both in vitro and in vivo. Nanoparticles as drug and gene
delivery systems in targeting different cancers need further assessment for
the successful developments in delivering several drugs.
Funding from the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India
(DST-SERB-TARE) and the University Grants Commission (UGC-BSR) to
Dr. SVG is greatly acknowledged.
The authors would like to declare that this piece of work is original and
has not been submitted anywhere for publication
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A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology
In Marine Viruses
Marine viruses are one of the major pathogenic viruses in fisheries and
aquaculture sectors. Several attempts to eliminate the virus in the shell and
fin fishes have been addressed without achieving a long-term effectiveness.
Nanotechnology have now begun to play a significant role in viral discovery,
and improving the detection limit, operational effortlessness, and lucrative of
viral diagnosis. Naomaterials are progressively more being used in innovative
products and strategy with a immense impact on diverse fields from sensoristics
to biomedicine. In this chapter provides an overview of the use of different
nanoparticles systems for the delivery of marine shrimp and fish vaccines and
compares the potential of these delivery systems for the development of new
functional nanometerials have been actively investigated to improve detection
ability and rapidly of diagnostic assays in against different novel pathogenic
DNA and RNA based marine viruses. The utilize of nonoparticle has afforded
a incredible opportunity to intend vaccine delivery systems that are competent
in targeted delivery, providing constancy to antigens, and act as proficient
adjuvant. Many of the nanoparticles are able to go into the antigen presenting
cells by dissimilar pathways and comprise suitable immune responses to the
Gold nonoparticles (AuNPs) have been widely studied for their optical properties
arising from their exterior Plasmon response, which is responsible for their large
absorption and scattering properties. These unique properties are four to orders
of magnitude great than those of conventional dyes and can be controlled by
varying their sizes, shapes and compositions. Moreover, AuNPs can be simply
synthesized and functionalized with different biomolecules, including marine
viral pathogen-specific oligonucleotides or antibodies. The single dose of a slight
amount of silver nonoparticles was competent to augment response of shrimp
immune system devoid of toxic efficient in healthy shrimps. These responses
could be enhanced by direction of other doses and might symbolize a significant
alternate for the treatment of a disease that has immobile no cure, in overall
marine viral disease. A number of diverse nanoparticles are used in fish vaccine
delivery, which includes biodegradable polymers, nonoliposomes, carbon
nonotubes, calcium phosphate, immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs) and
lateral flow biosensors (LFBs), amongst which poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) and
chitosan are the most studied form of nanoparticles to date. Hence, the use and
function of other forms of naonoparticles necessitate to be discovered.
Keywords: Marine viruses, Nanotechnology, Vaccine delivery, Gold
nonoparticles, Silver nonoparticles and Oligonucleotides
Nanotechnology has a tremendous potential to revolutionize agriculture
and allied fields including aquaculture and fisheries. It can provide new
tools for aquaculture, fish biotechnology, fish genetics, fish reproduction
and aquatic health etc. Nanotechnology tools like nanomaterials,
nanosensors, DNA nanovaccines, Gene delivery and smart drug delivery
etc. have the potential to solve many puzzles related to animal health,
production, reproduction, prevention and treatment of diseases. It is
sensible to presume that in the upcoming years, nanotechnology research
will reform the science and technology and will help boost livestock
production. Nanotechnology applications in the fish processing industry
can be utilized to detect bacteria in packaging, produce stronger flavors,
colour quality, and safety by increasing the barrier properties. This paper
presents the review of nanotechnology and its applications in aquaculture
and fisheries. (Rather, et al, 2011)
Since the identification of viruses at the start of the 20th century, detecting
their presence has presented great challenges. In the past two decades,
there has been significant progress in viral detection methods for clinical
diagnosis and environmental monitoring. The earliest advances were in
molecular biology and imaging techniques. Advances in microfabrication
and nanotechnology have now begun to play an important role in viral
detection, and improving the detection limit, operational simplicity, and
cost-effectiveness of viral diagnostics. In recent decades, aquaculture has
212 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
played a significant role in fulfilling the vast demand for animal protein
requirements and consequently in food security. However, environmental
contamination and disease prevalence are considered essential challenges
for the sector.
Nanoscale engineering is revolutionizing the way we prevent, detect, and
treat diseases. Viruses have played a special role in these developments
because they can function as prefabricated nanoscaffolds that have unique
properties and are easily modified. The interiors of virus particles can
encapsulate and protect sensitive compounds, while the exteriors can be
altered to display large and small molecules in precisely defined arrays.
These properties of viruses, along with their innate biocompatibility,
have led to their development as actively targeted drug delivery systems
that expand on and improve current pharmaceutical options. Viruses
are naturally immunogenic, and antigens displayed on their surface
have been used to create vaccines against pathogens and to break self-
tolerance to initiate an immune response to dysfunctional proteins.
Densely and specifically aligned imaging agents on viruses have allowed
for high-resolution and noninvasive visualization tools to detect and treat
diseases earlier than previously possible. These and future applications of
viruses have created an exciting new field within the disciplines of both
nanotechnology and medicine. (Kristopher J. Koudelka, et al., 2015)
Nanotechnology a multidisciplinary field involves the design and
production of functional systems at the molecular level. In aquaculture, the
application of nanotechnology it’s still at infant stage and it potent enough
to solve many issues related to nutrition, animal production, reproduction,
disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Metal nanoparticles have
received great attention from researchers across the world because of
a plethora of applications in agriculture and the biomedical field as
antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds. Over the past few years,
green nanotechnology has emerged as a significant approach for the
synthesis and fabrication of metal nanoparticles. This green route employs
various reducing and stabilizing agents from biological resources for the
synthesis of nanoparticles. The present article aims to review the progress
made in recent years on nanoparticle biosynthesis by microbes. These
microbial resources include bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae and viruses.
This review mainly focuses on the biosynthesis of the most commonly
studied metal and metal salt nanoparticles such as silver, gold, platinum,
palladium, copper, cadmium, titanium oxide, zinc oxide and cadmium
sulphide. These nanoparticles can be used in pharmaceutical products
as antimicrobial and anti-biofilm agents, targeted delivery of anticancer
drugs, water electrolysis, waste water treatment, biosensors, biocatalysis,
crop protection against pathogens, degradation of dyes etc. (Geeta
Gahlawat and Anirban Roy Choudhury, 2019)
A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology In Marine Viruses 213
et al., 2010,. Tiwari, et al., 2008 and Mohanpuria, et al., 208). Although
physical and chemical methods are more popular in the synthesis of
nanoparticles, the use of toxic chemicals greatly limits their biomedical
applications, in particular in clinical fields. Therefore, development of
reliable, nontoxic, and eco-friendly methods for synthesis of nanoparticles
is of utmost importance to expand their biomedical applications. One of
the options to achieve this goal is to use microorganisms to synthesize
Nanoparticles produced by a biogenic enzymatic process are far superior,
in several ways, to those particles produced by chemical methods.
Despite that the latter methods are able to produce large quantities of
nanoparticles with a defined size and shape in a relatively short time, they
are complicated, outdated, costly, and inefficient and produce hazardous
toxic wastes that are harmful, not only to the environment but also to
human health. With an enzymatic process, the use of expensive chemicals
is eliminated, and the more acceptable “green” route is not as energy
intensive as the chemical method and is also environment friendly. The
“biogenic” approach is further supported by the fact that the majority
of the bacteria inhabit ambient conditions of varying temperature, pH,
and pressure. The particles generated by these processes have higher
catalytic reactivity, greater specific surface area, and an improved contact
between the enzyme and metal salt in question due to the bacterial
carrier matrix (Bhattacharya and Mukherjee, 2008; Simkiss and Wilbur,
1989). Nanoparticles are biosynthesized when the microorganisms grab
target ions from their environment and then turn the metal ions into the
element metal through enzymes. It can be classified into intracellular and
extracellular synthesis according to the location where nanoparticles are
formed (Simkiss and Wilbur, 1989; Mann, 2001). The intracellular method
consists of transporting ions into the microbial cell to form nanoparticles
in the presence of enzymes. The extracellular synthesis of nanoparticles
involves trapping the metal ions on the surface of the cells and reducing
ions in the presence of enzymes (Zhang, et al., 2011). The biosynthesized
nanoparticles have been used in a variety of applications including drug
carriers for targeted delivery, cancer treatment, gene therapy and DNA
analysis, antibacterial agents, biosensors, enhancing reaction rates,
separation science, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Worldwide, during the last decade though shrimp culture has been one of
the most prevalent practices in marine industry and it has been threatened
by viral diseases frequently. Among various shrimp viral pathogens, white
spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is exceedingly pathogenic and conscientious
for huge economic loss in shrimp culture industry. In this chapter, the
application of nanotechnology in diagnosis and management of WSSV
in aquaculture is discussed and provide an overview of recent advances,
focusing especially on advances in simple, device-based approaches for
viral detection.
A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology In Marine Viruses 215
maintain the cold chain, and the ability to actively target (Gheibi Hayat
and Darroudi 2019). Nanovaccine is more beneficial and suitable for
disease prevention compared with other types of medicines and vaccines.
The use of nanoparticles to vaccinate farmed fish is a unique technique. In
drug administration, nanoparticles have multi-faceted advantages such as
vaccine delivery and thus carry promises to enhance the safety of farmed
fish against diseases caused by pathogens. There is concern however
that the benefits of the delivery of nanoparticles may also be followed by
environmental and health risks (Walker 2004).
Innate immunity Macrophages and monocytes are cells that are
strongly heterologous that spread throughout the body. Macrophages
process and display antigens to produce an adaptive immune response.
Macrophages can be easily targeted by surface-engineered NPs due
to their intrinsic phagocytic nature, in which cognate ligands agonist
to macrophage receptors and can be conjugated on the NP surface. In
order to facilitate interactions between NPs and macrophage receptors,
many physicochemical parameters of NPs such as thickness, surface
load, hydrophobicity, surface topography, and material structure can
be optimized (Nel et al. 2009). Adaptive immunity T- and B-cells of the
adaptive immune system display a receptor set for the identification
of a variety of antigens. T-cell immune activation or suppression may
determine the fate of a disease. A variety of therapeutic strategies based
on NP have been developed to control activity of T-cells against viral,
bacterial, or fungal infections (Fang et al. 2018). Through B-cell receptors,
B-cells can recognize and react to microbial surface antigens (Kim et
al. 2006; Kim et al. 2014). Antigen-specific B-cells were activated and
clonally expanded using engineered NPs for the production of vaccines
against various diseases. The immunity of Nile tilapia and Streptococcus
pyogenes resistance by creation of antibodies based on the use of selenium
nanoparticles, adjuvants, and nanovaccine (dead bacteria) lead to lower
mortality rates and attain the greatest survival rate to maximize economic
profit (Wang and Li 2011).
Infectious diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, with
viruses in particular making global impact on healthcare and socioeconomic
development. In addition, the rapid development of drug resistance to
currently available therapies and adverse side effects due to prolonged
use is a serious public health concern. The development of novel treatment
strategies is therefore required. The interaction of nanostructures with
microorganisms is fast-revolutionizing the biomedical field by offering
A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology In Marine Viruses 219
unique properties are four to five orders of magnitude larger than those
of conventional dyes and can be controlled by varying their sizes, shapes,
and compositions. Moreover, AuNPs can be easily synthesized and
functionalized with different biomolecules, including pathogen-specific
oligonucleotides or antibodies.
Marine viruses are ubiquitous, extremely diverse, and outnumber
any form of life in the sea. Despite their ecological importance, viruses
in marine environments have been largely ignored by the academic
community, and only those that have caused substantial economic losses
have received more attention. Fortunately, our current understanding
on marine viruses has advanced considerably during the last decades.
These advances have opened new and exciting research opportunities
as several unique structural and genetic characteristics of marine viruses
have shown to possess an immense potential for various biotechnological
applications. Nanotechnology for sure contributes a significant role in the
development and sustainability of aquaculture. So far, different kinds of
nanotechnology-based systems have been employed to strengthen the
important pillars of aquaculture and fishery. However, there is a growing
concern about the toxicity of NPs, excessive antibiotics and other synthetic
compounds usage in this discipline. Therefore, applications of safe and
eco-friendly approaches are inevitable. In this regard, recently natural
bioactive compounds have attracted much attention, particularly curcumin
which has shown a potent role in fishery.
This chapter provides a brief overview of the current research activities
that center on the role of nonotechnology in marine viruses dealing
with biological synthesis of metallic nanoparticles, oxide nanoparticles,
sulfide nanoparticles, and other types of nanoparticles. This is followed
by discussions of the particle biosynthesis mechanisms and the conditions
to control the size/shape and monodispersity of particles. Next, current
applications of biosynthesized nanoparticles in the nanomedicine and
biological fields are presented. The chapter concludes with discussions
on the current limitations and prospects of nanoparticle synthesis by
microorganisms. Nowadays, nanovaccination is a new attempt to enhance
the immunogenicity of vaccines using nanoparticles as carriers and/or
adjuvants. The immune system can be well activated due to the similar scale
(size) between the nanoparticles and the pathogens, resulting in triggered
cellular and humoral immunity responses. Thus, using nanotechnology in
aquaculture has become a comprehensive tool for solving a lot of problems,
not only disease diagnosis and treatment but also water quality control,
fish nutrition, environmental management, etc. This chapter also sheds
light on the role of selenium nanoparticles as a novel efficient element in
A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology In Marine Viruses 223
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A Short Review on Role of Nanotechnology In Marine Viruses 227
In the era of industrial revaluation, almost 90% of all chemical manufacturing
is based heavily on catalytic process. Today the ‘Metal Supported Nano-
Catalysts’ are considered as the promising technology for many organic
transformations such as selective oxidation of alcohols, epoxidation of olefins,
hydrogenation of C=C & C≡C bonds, C–C bond formation, VOCs removal,
photo-catalysis and many more. Any catalytic process is driven by catalyst
with latest advancement in terms of stability, product selectivity and yield.
With this, nanotechnology opens-up a new avenue for the design of novel low-
dimension materials eventually called nanoparticle (NPs). Particle morphology,
surface composition, oxidation state, nature of support etc. plays vital role not
only in the synthesis and stabilization of nanoparticles but can also determine
the accessibility of specific active sites, and selectivity of desirable products.
This chapter reviews the methodologies that have been widely adopted for the
synthesis of efficient nano-catalysts, possessing highest efficiency and novel
Catalyst is the heart of any catalytic process. Considering other
fundamental peculiarities, such as biocompatibility, availability, higher
E-factor, and easy recovery– elements used in supported metallic nano-
catalysts are actually very limited to group VIII and IB of the periodic
table (Fig. 1). The intrinsic catalytic capabilities of group VIII metals can
be ascribed to the optimum degree of d-band vacancy. Cu and Ag yield
d-band vacancies by losing electrons due to its relatively low ionization
potentials. Re-hybridization of the s-p-d valence orbitals occurs in AuNPs.1
Characteristics of support by means of morphology, functional groups,
acid-base properties, electrical conductivity etc. play a vital role in
nanoparticles synthesis, metal dispersion, particle morphology and metal-
support interaction.2 Numerous reports have demonstrated various metal
oxides (like MgO, MgCO3, TiO2, Fe2O3, CeO2), silicious material (like SiO2,
SBA-15, TS-1), porous activated carbons, and several hybrid materials like
LDH, MOF, zeolite etc. are found very attractive support for nano-catalysts
Fig. 1: Periodic positions of gold and other transition metals used as active
metal for catalysis.
Nanoparticles having dimensions in the range of 1-100 nm possesses a
large surface-area-to-volume ratio, quantized energy level, high surface
energy etc. raise scientific interest on potential technological applications.4
Coupling of a nanometre or sub-nanometre scale metal surface with oxide
support to form a metal-oxide hybrid material is the emerging phenomena
of low-dimensional materials.5,6 Supported nanoparticles with particular
shape and size yield different atomic domains, likely– (a) Interfacial atoms
Nano Catalysts: Recent Development in Preparation Methodologies 231
(b) Internal atoms (c) Surface layer atoms: (d) Corner atoms (Fig. 2).7,8 Edge
and corner atoms are normally exhibit the highest affinity to form bonds
to adsorbate molecules.9 Shekhar et al.10 proposed a model that relates the
reaction rate (r) per total mole of metal NPs to be a sum of turnover rates
(with respect to product) of the corner sites, perimeter sites, and surface
Fig. 2: Typical AuNPS enclosed by (111) and (100) planes. Atomic schemes
illustrate various kind of atoms in a nanoparticle.8
There is a huge potential for new nano-catalytic systems that can efficiently
produce bulk and specialty chemicals with remarkable selecwtivity,
lower energy requirements and without using hazardous reagents.
Molecular factors including catalyst surface composition, oxidation state,
reaction intermediates etc. and experimental parameters like pressure,
temperature, time etc. are the two major controlling factors those can
influence selectivity and produce desired product.11 Both size12 and
shape13 of the nanoparticles have profound effect on catalytic activity. A
paramount effort to synthesise various shaped inorganic/organic hybrid
nanomaterials includes nanosphere, nanowire, nanocube, nanocage,
nanorod, nanofiber, nanotube, nanocoil, and many more. In this chapter
we mainly focus on the methodologies developed for the synthesis of
supported metal nano-catalyst.
The conventional methods for preparation of catalytically active
nanoparticles are diverse in nature. Currently these include deposition-
precipitation14, impregnation15, sol-gel16, co-precipitation17, chemical
vapour deposition18, adsorption19, sonochemical20, microemulsion21, laser
ablation22, electrochemical23, cross-linking24, and solid-grinding25 method.
Size can be control over adopting various synthesis statigies and shape
can be fine tuned by controlling over different synthesis parameter like
type of metal precursor, solvent, structure directing agents, reducing
232 Frontiers in Nanotechnology
found very unique that it can deposit AuNPs on almost all kinds of supports
because of chemical interaction with –OH groups of metal oxide surfaces
with oxygen atoms in the acetylacetonate ring. Metal oxide support is
usually evacuated at elevated temperature before introducing the vapour
of organic gold complex. Usually, CVD took longer time for the complete
vaporization of gold precursor [Me2Au(acac)]. Wohlfart et al.49 reported
that gold was deposited by exposing the dithiol functionalized substrate
to a vapor pressure of maximum 2.0×10−2 mbar of (Me3P)AuCH3 at 70°C in
a vacuum sealed reactor chamber. Chemical vapor deposition of gold from
dimethyl-2,4-pentandionato gold (III) on SiO2 at temperatures of 200-300
°C formed high purity gold films over the support.46 Esken et al.50 used
microporous ZIF-8 as a support on which metal loading was achieved via
gas phase infiltration of [Au(CO)Cl] followed by thermal hydrogenation.
2.5. Sol-immobilization
Sol-immobilization is well established method to impregnate surface
protected gold colloidal solution over activated carbon.51 Various capping
agents like PVP, PVA, 3-thiol propyl triethoxy silane etc. were used to
stabilize AuNPs and helps to get uniform size of the nanoparticles. Au/C
(carbon lampblack)52 and bimetallic Au60-Pd40/AC52 were prepared by sol-
immobilization method with the help of PVA. Du et al.53 prepared flower-
like hierarchical Au/NiAl-LDH catalysts by sol-immobilization method.
Rösler et al.1618 demonstrated synthesis of in-situ Au@ZIF-8 by dissolving
as-synthesized PVP-stabilized Au-sol in methanol followed by addition
of 2-methylimidazole and [Zn(NO3)2.6H2O]. Surfactant assisted bimetallic
Au-PdNPs was prepared by using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) under the
ultrasonic irradiation of argon-saturated aqueous solution of NaAuCl4 and
To establish control over the size and shape of nanoparticles it requires
a detailed understanding of the mechanism and kinetics of precursor
reduction and particle growth. LaMer model proposed formation of nuclei
(seeds) which proceeds via reduction of metal ions.55 Nucleation is the very
first process whereby nuclei (seeds) act as a template for crystal growth.
Kinetics of particle growth is influenced by reaction temperature as well as
critical concentration of metal precursor. Koerner et al.56 emphasized the
nanoparticle growth rate depends on precursor/reductant ratio and the
molecular structure of capping agent (passivant). Yao et al.57 has showed
PVP helps to slow-down the nucleation of metallic gold nanocrystals
(AuNCs) upon reduction of AuCl4- with citric acid in aqueous solution by
its bulkier nature (steric hindrance). Polte et al.58 interpreted a four-step
mechanism for nucleation and growth of AuNPs, which starts with a rapid
formation of nuclei in the first step followed by coalescence of the nuclei
Nano Catalysts: Recent Development in Preparation Methodologies 235
into bigger particles in the second step (Fig. 3). A constant reduction of
gold occurs within the solution where self-sharpening growth take place.
The third step comprises a slow diffusion growth of particles sustained
by on-going reduction of gold precursor as well as a further coalescence.
Finally, particles grow rapidly to their final size, which is imposed by
complete consumption of gold salt left in solution.
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