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ISSN: 2455-3492 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/ijnnn

Received: 08 September, 2023

Review Article Accepted: 14 September, 2023
Published: 15 September, 2023

Recent advances in *Corresponding author: Mahendra Kumar Sahu,

Department of Pharmacology Columbia College of
Pharmacy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, India,

nanotechnology Tel: 8109794919;

E-mail: mahendrapharma0310@gmail.com

Mahendra Kumar Sahu1,2*, Rajni Yadav3 and ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1339-2408

Keywords: Nanoparticles; Nanotechnology; History;

Sandeep Prasad Tiwari3 Chemical engineering
Department of Pharmacology Columbia College of Pharmacy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492001, India Copyright License: © 2023 Sahu MK, et al. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kalinga University Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, India
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
Faculty of Pharmacy Kalinga University Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, India unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are


Introduction: Recent advances in nanotechnology have shown significant progress in various fields. Nanotechnology involves the manipulation and control of matter
at the nanoscale, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. This field has the potential to revolutionize industries such as electronics, medicine, energy, and materials
science. Nanotechnology has led to the development of smaller and more efficient devices in electronics. Nanoscale transistors and memory chips have increased
computing power and storage capacity. Additionally, nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes and graphene have shown promise in creating flexible and transparent

Method and materials: In medicine, nanotechnology has opened new possibilities for targeted drug delivery and imaging. Nanoparticles can be designed to
specifically target cancer cells, delivering drugs directly to the affected area while minimizing side effects. Nano-sensors can also be used for early detection of diseases
and monitoring of patient health. Energy is another area where nanotechnology has made significant advancements. Nanomaterials such as quantum dots and nanowires
have improved the efficiency of solar cells, making them more cost-effective and sustainable. Nanotechnology also plays a role in energy storage, with the development of
high-capacity batteries and supercapacitors. Materials science has also benefited from nanotechnology. Nanocomposites, which are materials with nanoscale fillers, have
enhanced mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. These materials find applications in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.

Conclusion: Overall, recent advances in nanotechnology have paved the way for exciting possibilities in various fields. Continued research and development in this
area hold the potential for further breakthroughs and advancements in the future.

Introduction field has opened up new possibilities for creating innovative

materials, devices, and systems with unprecedented precision
Nanotechnology is a cutting-edge field of science and and efficiency [2].
engineering that deals with materials and structures at the
nanoscale, typically between 1 to 100 nanometers in size. At The utilization of matter on an atomic, molecular, and
this tiny scale, unique properties and behaviors of materials supramolecular scale for industrial purposes is known as
emerge, enabling scientists and engineers to manipulate and nanotechnology [3]. The first and most popular definition
engineer them for various applications [1]. Nanotechnology of nanotechnology, currently known as molecular
has broad implications across multiple industries, including nanotechnology, focused on the specific technological
electronics, medicine, materials science, and energy, and objective of accurately manipulating atoms and molecules
it holds great potential for revolutionizing technology and for the creation of macroscale objects [4,5]. The National
addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges. This Nanotechnology Initiative later created a broader definition of


Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

nanotechnology, defining it as the manipulation of matter with manipulate individual atoms. The creators of the microscope,
at least one dimension scaled from 1 to 100 nanometers (nm) Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer at the IBM Zurich Research
[6]. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical Laboratory, were awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics
effects are significant at this quantum-realm scale, and as a [19]. A similar atomic force microscope was also created that
result, the definition changed from a specific technological aim year by Binnig, Quate, and Gerber. Second, the discovery
to a research category inclusive of all forms of research and of fullerenes in 1985 by Harry Kroto, Richard Smalley, and
technologies that deal with the unique challenges that arise in Robert Curl, who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry,
quantum mechanics [7]. is noteworthy. Nanotechnology was not first used to describe
C60; instead, it was used to refer to later research on closely
A size-based definition of nanotechnology encompasses similar carbon nanotubes (also known as graphene tubes
a variety of scientific disciplines, including surface science, or Bucky tubes), which showed possible uses for nanoscale
organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, electronics and gadgets [20]. Iijima was awarded the first Kavli
energy storage, engineering, microfabrication, and molecular Prize in Nanoscience in 2008 for his role in the discovery of
engineering [8]. The related research and applications include carbon nanotubes, which is widely credited to Sumio Iijima of
a wide range of topics, from modifications of traditional NEC in 1991 [21].
device physics to entirely novel strategies based on molecular
self-assembly, from creating novel materials with nanoscale Early in the new millennium, the field attracted more
dimensions to precise control of matter at the atomic level [9]. scientific, political, and commercial interest, which sparked
debate and promoted advancement. The Royal Society's
Scientists are currently debating how nanotechnology study on nanotechnology is an example of the debates that
will affect society in the future. Nanotechnology may be able have arisen around the definitions and potential effects of
to develop a wide variety of new items, including consumer nanotechnologies [22,23]. The public argument between
goods, nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, biomaterials, and Drexler and Smalley in 2001 and 2003 was the result of
energy generation [10,11]. On the other hand, nanotechnology issues being raised about the viability of the applications that
raises many of the same problems as any new technology, proponents of molecular nanotechnology had envisioned.
such as worries about the toxicity and environmental impact While this was going on, the commercialization of goods
of nanomaterials as well as their ability to have an impact based on developments in nanoscale technologies started to
on the world's economies and the speculative possibility emerge. These goods do not involve atomic manipulation of
of numerous apocalypse scenarios [12]. These worries have matter and are restricted to mass uses of nanomaterials [24].
sparked a discussion about the need for special regulation of Examples include the silver nano platform, which uses silver
nanotechnology among advocacy groups and governments [13]. nanoparticles as an antibacterial agent, transparent sunscreens
based on nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles used to reinforce
History carbon fiber, and carbon nanotubes used in stain-resistant
textiles [25].
In 1959, renowned physicist Richard Feynman first outlined
the ideas that would eventually give rise to nanotechnology The National Nanotechnology Initiative in the United States,
in his lecture There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. In this which formalized a size-based definition of nanotechnology
discussion, he described the prospect of synthesis by the direct and established funding for research on the nanoscale, and
manipulation of atoms [14,15]. Although it was not well known, the European Framework Programmers for Research and
Norio Taniguchi coined the phrase "nanotechnology" in 1974. Technological Development in Europe are two examples of
K. Eric Drexler coined the term "nanotechnology" in his 1986 how governments have taken action to promote and fund
book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, research into nanotechnology [26]. By the middle of the 2000s,
which put forth the concept of a nanoscale "assembler" new and significant scientific interest started to take off. The
capable of creating copies of itself and other objects of arbitrary creation of roadmaps for nanotechnology, which focus on the
complexity with atomic precision. Drexler was inspired by atomically precise manipulation of matter and outline current
Feynman's ideas [16]. To promote a better understanding of and projected capabilities, aims, and applications, has become
the concepts and implications of nanotechnology among the a priority [3].
general public, Drexler also co-founded The Foresight Institute
Recent advances in nanotechnology [27-30]
in 1986. He is no longer a part of this organization [16].
Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving field with continuous
Drexler's theoretical and public work, which created and
advances and breakthroughs. While it was not possible to
popularized a conceptual framework for nanotechnology,
provide information on developments that have occurred
came together with high-profile experimental developments
after that date, some recent trends and areas of interest
that increased public awareness of the potential for atomic
in nanotechnology can be mentioned up to that point. It
control of matter in the 1980s to give rise to nanotechnology
is important to check more recent sources for the latest
as a field [17,18]. Two significant discoveries in the 1980s were
advancements. Here are some notable areas of recent progress:
the catalyst for the development of nanotechnology in the
present era. First, in 1981, the scanning tunneling microscope Nanomedicine: Advances in targeted drug delivery systems
was created. It allowed for the first time an unmatched level of using nanoparticles to improve the precision and effectiveness
atom and bond viewing, and in 1989 it was successfully used to of cancer treatments.


Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

Development of nanoscale imaging agents for earlier and advancements. The field continues to evolve rapidly, with the
more accurate disease diagnosis. potential to transform various industries and address pressing
global challenges. To stay updated on the latest developments
Nanoelectronics: Continued efforts to push the limits of in nanotechnology, it's advisable to consult scientific journals,
Moore's Law by developing nanoscale transistors and memory news sources, and research institutions specializing in this
devices. field.

Research into new materials, like 2D materials (e.g., Advantages of nanotechnology [31-33]
graphene), for electronic components and interconnects.
Nanotechnology offers a wide range of benefits and has the
Quantum nanotechnology: Progress in quantum computing potential to impact numerous aspects of our lives. Some of the
and quantum communication using nanoscale quantum bits key benefits of nanotechnology include:
Improved medical treatments
Development of quantum sensors and detectors for
Targeted drug delivery: Nanoparticles can be designed to
applications in fields such as metrology and cryptography.
deliver drugs directly to specific cells or tissues, increasing
Energy applications: Advancements in nanomaterials for treatment efficacy and minimizing side effects.
more efficient solar cells, including perovskite solar cells.
Early disease detection: Nanoscale sensors and imaging
Research on nanomaterials for high-capacity and fast- agents enable the early detection of diseases, improving
diagnostic accuracy.
charging batteries and supercapacitors.
Regenerative medicine: Nanomaterials are used to create
Environmental remediation: Use of nanomaterials, such as
scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative therapies,
nanocatalysts, for efficient pollution control and wastewater
offering hope for organ and tissue replacement.
Enhanced electronics and computing
Development of nanomaterial-based filtration systems for
water purification. Faster and smaller devices: Nanoscale transistors enable the
development of smaller and more powerful electronic devices,
Nanotechnology in materials science: Creation of novel
driving advances in computing and telecommunications.
nanocomposites with enhanced properties, such as increased
strength and conductivity. Quantum computing: Nanotechnology plays a critical role
in the development of quantum computers, which have the
Advances in nanoscale fabrication techniques for potential to solve complex problems beyond the capabilities of
manufacturing miniaturized devices and components. classical computers.

Food and agriculture: Application of nanotechnology in Energy efficiency and renewable energy
food packaging to extend shelf life and reduce food waste.
Solar cells: Nanomaterials, like quantum dots, improve
Research into nanoscale delivery systems for precision the efficiency of solar cells, making renewable energy more
agriculture, including targeted pesticide and nutrient delivery. accessible.

Nanorobotics: Progress in the development of nanoscale Energy storage: Nanotechnology contributes to the
robots capable of performing tasks at the molecular level, development of high-capacity batteries and supercapacitors,
including potential applications in medicine and manufacturing. enhancing energy storage solutions.

Nano-ethics and safety: Growing attention to ethical Fuel cells: Nanomaterials are used to improve the efficiency
considerations, safety protocols, and responsible research of fuel cells, which can be an eco-friendly alternative to
practices in nanotechnology. conventional power sources.

Advanced nanoscale imaging techniques: Development Cleaner environment

of cutting-edge imaging technologies, such as cryo-electron
Water purification: Nanotechnology is employed in water
microscopy, for visualizing nanoscale structures and processes.
treatment processes, removing contaminants and providing
clean drinking water.
Nanotechnology in space exploration: Exploration of the
use of nanotechnology in spacecraft materials, propulsion Pollution control: Nano-catalysts facilitate more efficient
systems, and sensors for future space missions. conversion of pollutants into less harmful substances, aiding
in environmental cleanup.
Nanotechnology in clean energy: Research into
nanomaterials for improving energy conversion and storage Advanced materials
technologies, such as thermoelectric devices. These are just a
few areas where nanotechnology has seen significant recent Stronger and lightweight materials: Nanomaterials, like


Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

carbon nanotubes and graphene, offer exceptional strength Health concerns: There is ongoing research to understand
and lightness, leading to stronger and lighter materials for the the health effects of nanoparticles when inhaled, ingested,
aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. or absorbed through the skin. Some nanoparticles have been
linked to adverse health effects, raising questions about
Enhanced properties: Nanocomposites, created by occupational safety and consumer exposure.
incorporating nanomaterials into traditional materials, have
improved properties like increased strength, conductivity, and Regulatory and ethical issues: Nanotechnology presents
thermal stability. challenges for regulatory agencies in terms of establishing
safety standards and monitoring the release of nanomaterials
Precision manufacturing into the environment. Ethical concerns also arise regarding
the responsible use of nanotechnology, especially in areas like
Nanoscale fabrication: Nanotechnology enables the creation
human enhancement and surveillance.
of nanoscale components with high precision, improving
manufacturing processes and product quality. Unknown long-term effects: Due to the relatively recent
emergence of nanotechnology, the long-term effects of
Miniaturization: Nanoscale components allow for the exposure to nanoparticles, both in terms of human health and
miniaturization of devices and systems, leading to smaller and the environment, remain uncertain. Research is ongoing to
more efficient products. address these knowledge gaps.

Improved food and agriculture Cost and accessibility: The development and
implementation of nanotechnology can be expensive, which
Food Packaging: Nanotechnology is used to develop
may limit its accessibility to certain industries and regions.
innovative food packaging materials that can extend the shelf
Ensuring equitable access to nanotechnological advancements
life of products and reduce food waste.
is a challenge.

Crop Protection: Nanoparticles can be used for targeted Nanomaterial toxicity: Some nanomaterials may exhibit
delivery of pesticides and fertilizers, reducing environmental unexpected toxicity, and their behavior can change based on
impact and improving crop yields. size, shape, and surface chemistry. This variability makes it
challenging to assess their safety comprehensively.
Enhanced consumer products
Ethical dilemmas: Nanotechnology raises ethical questions
Stain-resistant fabrics: Nanocoatings can make fabrics
related to the potential for misuse, especially in areas like
stain-resistant, improving the durability and cleanliness of
surveillance, privacy invasion, and human enhancement.
Balancing innovation with ethical considerations is a complex
Scratch-resistant coatings: Nanotechnology is used to
create scratch-resistant coatings for eyeglasses, phone screens, Risk of nanoparticle release: During the production, use,
and other consumer products. and disposal of nanomaterial-containing products, there
is a risk of unintended release of nanoparticles into the
Scientific advancements
environment, potentially impacting ecosystems and human
Fundamental research: Nanotechnology provides tools and health.
insights that advance our understanding of the fundamental
Nano-ethics and governance: The ethical issues
principles of science, enabling discoveries.
surrounding nanotechnology require careful consideration and
While nanotechnology offers numerous benefits, it's governance. Establishing ethical guidelines and frameworks to
guide research and development is an ongoing concern.
essential to consider and address potential safety, ethical, and
environmental concerns associated with the field to ensure
Public perception and awareness: Many people may not
responsible and sustainable development. fully understand nanotechnology or its potential benefits and
risks. Effective communication and public education efforts are
Disadvantages of nanotechnology [34-36]
necessary to ensure informed decision-making and responsible
Nanotechnology offers numerous advantages, but it use of nanotechnology.
also comes with its share of disadvantages and challenges.
Security risks: The development of advanced nanomaterials
Some of the disadvantages and concerns associated with
and nanoscale devices may pose security risks if used
nanotechnology include:
inappropriately, such as in the development of new weapons or
Environmental impact: Nanoparticles can pose surveillance technologies.

environmental risks when they are released into ecosystems,

Intellectual property issues: Nanotechnology advancements
as their behavior and toxicity may differ from larger particles. often rely on innovative research and development. Intellectual
This raises concerns about potential harm to aquatic and property disputes can hinder progress and access to critical
terrestrial ecosystems. technologies.


Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

It's important to note that while nanotechnology presents molecules. Today, a large range of valuable compounds,
these disadvantages and concerns, ongoing research, including medicines and commercial polymers, are produced
regulations, and responsible practices are continuously using these techniques [46]. This raises the question of how
evolving to address these challenges and maximize the to take this level of control even further, looking for ways
benefits of nanotechnology while minimizing its risks. to put these single molecules together into supramolecular
Ethical considerations and careful assessment of potential assemblies, which are made up of many molecules arranged in
consequences are integral to the responsible advancement of a specific way [47,48].
These methods use a bottom-up approach to automatically
Fundamental concept arrange themselves into a useful conformation by utilizing
the ideas of molecular self-assembly and/or supramolecular
Engineering functional systems at the molecular level is
chemistry [48]. The idea of molecular recognition is
known as nanotechnology. This covers both the most recent
particularly crucial since molecules can be made to favor a
research and more complex ideas. In its original sense, the term
certain configuration or arrangement due to non-covalent
"nanotechnology" refers to the anticipated capacity to build
intermolecular forces. The Watson-Crick base-pairing rules,
things from the ground up utilizing currently being developed
the ability of an enzyme to focus on a particular substrate, or
methods and tools to create finished, high-performing
the precise way in which a protein folds are all directly related
products [37].
to this [49]. Therefore, it is possible to design two or more
One billionth of a meter, or 109, is a nanometer (nm). components so that they work well together and are attractive
Comparatively, a DNA double helix has a diameter of around 2 to one another, creating a more complicated and effective
nm, and average carbon-carbon bond lengths, or the spacing whole [50].
between these atoms in a molecule, are in the range of 0.12 -
Such bottom-up approaches could be overwhelmed as
0.15 nm [38]. The bacteria belonging to the genus Mycoplasma,
the size and complexity of the desired assembly develop, but
on the other hand, are the smallest known cellular life forms
they should be far less expensive and capable of generating
and measure about 200 nm in length. According to customs,
devices in parallel than top-down systems. Most practical
nanotechnology is understood to cover the size range of 1 to 100
structures need intricate and improbable thermodynamic atom
nm, as per the National Nanotechnology Initiative's definition
configurations [51,52]. Nevertheless, biology has a wealth of
in the US. Since nanotechnology must construct its gadgets
instances of self-assembly based on molecular recognition,
from atoms and molecules, the lower limit is set by the size
most notably Watson-Crick base-pairing and enzyme-
of atoms (hydrogen contains the smallest atoms, which are
substrate interactions. Is it possible to design new structures
around a quarter of a nanometer kinematic diameter) [39,40].
in addition to natural ones using these principles? This is the
The top limit is arbitrary, although it roughly corresponds to
problem for nanotechnology [53].
the size below which phenomena not seen in bigger structures
start to emerge and can be utilized in the nano device. These
A long-term perspective on molecular nanotechnology
novel phenomena set nanotechnology apart from devices that
are essentially scaled-down counterparts of a comparable Molecular nanotechnology, often known as molecular
macroscopic device; these larger-scale devices fall under the manufacturing, refers to molecular-scale machines that are
category of microtechnology [41]. engineered nano-systems. The molecular assembler, a device
that can create a desired structure or device atom-by-atom
To put that scale in another context, a marble's comparative
utilizing the concepts of chemosynthesis, is particularly
size to the size of the earth is the same as a nanometer's
connected with molecular nanotechnology [54,55]. The
relative size to a meter or to put it another way, a man's typical
conventional technologies used to create nanomaterials
beard grows one nanometer in the time it takes him to bring
like carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles are unrelated to
the razor to his face [42,43].
manufacturing in the context of productive nano-systems and
In nanotechnology, there are two main methods. In the should be segregated from them [56].
"bottom-up" method, materials and gadgets are constructed
The term "nanotechnology" originally referred to a future
from molecular building blocks that chemically assemble
manufacturing technology based on molecular machine
themselves according to molecular recognition principles [44].
systems when it was independently invented and popularized
The "top-down" method involves building nano-objects from
by Eric Drexler (who at the time was not aware of an earlier
larger things without using atomic-level control. Over the
usage by Norio Taniguchi) [56,57]. Because there are so many
past few decades, fields of physics like nanoelectronics, nano-
examples of complex, stochastically tuned biological machines
mechanics, nanophotonic, and nanoionics have developed to
in biology, it is known that molecular-scale biological parallels
provide a fundamental scientific foundation for nanotechnology
of conventional machine parts can show that molecular
machines are feasible [58].
A materials perspective of larger to smaller
It is envisaged that advancements in nanotechnology may
Today's synthetic chemistry has advanced to the point make it possible for their construction through a different
where practically any structure can be created for tiny method, possibly incorporating biomimetic principles. However,

Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

Drexler and other researchers have suggested that advanced To reduce the cost of conventional silicon solar cells,
nanotechnology, although it may be initially implemented nanoscale materials like nanopillars are occasionally employed
through biomimetic methods, ultimately could be based on in solar cells [68].
mechanical engineering principles, namely, a manufacturing
The creation of semiconductor nanoparticle-incorporating
technology based on the mechanical functionality of these
applications for usage in the upcoming generation of goods,
components (such as gears, bearings, motors, and structural
such as display technologies, lighting, solar cells, and biological
members), which would enable programmable, positional
imaging; see quantum dots [69].
assembly to atomic specification. In his book, Nano Systems:
Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation, Nanomaterials have recently been used in a variety
Drexler examined the physics and engineering performance of of biological applications, including tissue engineering,
exemplary designs [5,59,60]. medication transport, antibacterials, and biosensors [70].

Since atoms of the same size and stickiness must be Bottom-up strategies: These aim to assemble more
positioned on other atoms of similar size and stickiness, intricate assemblies out of fewer components.
it is often highly challenging to manufacture electronics
The precision of Watson-Crick base pairing is utilized in
on the atomic scale. Carlo Montemagno offers a different
DNA nanotechnology for constructing well-defined structures
perspective, arguing that future nano-systems would combine
out of DNA and other nucleic acids. In addition, "classical"
silicon technology with biological molecular machines [38].
chemical synthesis approaches, such as inorganic and organic
Richard Smalley stated that the challenges of mechanically
synthesis, also aim to build molecules with well-defined
manipulating individual molecules make chemosynthesis
shapes, such as bis-peptides [71].
impractical [40].
Moreover, molecular self-assembly employs the concepts of
This resulted in a correspondence that was published supramolecular chemistry, specifically molecular recognition,
in 2003's Chemical & Engineering News, an ACS magazine. to enable single-molecule components to spontaneously
Although molecular machine systems are demonstrably arrange themselves into useful conformations [72].
conceivable in biology, non-biological molecular machines are
still in their infancy [61]. Alex Zettl and his team at UC Berkeley In dip-pen nanolithography, atomic force microscope tips
and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are pioneers in can serve as a nanoscale "write head" to deposit chemicals in
the study of non-biological molecular machines. To regulate a desired pattern onto a surface. This technique is a part of the
the motion of at least three different molecular devices, they broader field of nanolithography [73].
have built nanotube nanomotors, molecular actuators, and
Top–down approaches: These aim to produce tiny devices
nanoelectromechanical relaxation oscillators. There are more
by assembling larger ones as a guide.
instances in the nanotube nanomotor [62].
The term "nanotechnology" refers to a variety of processes
Ho and Lee at Cornell University carried out a test that that evolved from standard solid-state silicon methods for
showed positional molecule assembly was feasible in 1999. making microprocessors and are now capable of producing
They moved a single carbon monoxide molecule (CO) to a single features smaller than 100 nm. This applies to existing giant
iron atom (Fe) resting on a flat silver crystal using a scanning magnetoresistance-based hard drives as well as Atomic
tunneling microscope, then utilized a voltage to chemically Layer Deposition (ALD) technologies. In recognition of their
bond the CO to the Fe [23,63,64]. contributions to the field of spintronics and the discovery of
giant magnetoresistance, Peter Grünberg and Albert Fert was
Current Research on nanotechnology [65] awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics [74].

Nanomaterials: The field of nanomaterials encompasses Devices known as nanoelectromechanical systems, or

subfields that create or research materials with features NEMS, which are linked to microelectromechanical systems,
brought on by their nanoscale dimensions [66]. or MEMS, can also be made using solid-state processes [75].

Many materials that may be beneficial in nanotechnology, When adequate precursor gases are delivered
including carbon nanotubes and other fullerenes, as well as simultaneously, focused ion beams can directly remove
other nanoparticles and nanorods, have been developed thanks material or even deposit material. For instance, this method
to interface and colloid science. Nanoionics and nanoelectronics is frequently used to produce sub-100 nm material slices for
are also connected to nanomaterials with rapid ion transport transmission electron microscopy investigation [76].
Atomic force microscope tips can act as a nanoscale "write
Most current commercial applications of nanotechnology head" to deposit a resist, which is then removed via a top-
are of this type, although nanoscale materials can also be used down etching procedure [77].
for bulk applications [41].
Functional approaches: These aim to create components
Utilizing these materials for medical purposes has with the desired functionality without regard for how they will
advanced; see Nanomedicine. be assembled.


Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

The magnetic assembly allows the synthesis of anisotropic Nanorobotics is on the horizon, offering the promise of
superparamagnetic materials such as magnetic nano chains, molecular-level precision in fields such as medicine and
which were recently described [78]. manufacturing. Ethical considerations and safety protocols
are receiving increasing attention to ensure responsible
The goal of molecular scale electronics is to create molecules development and use of nanotechnology. Furthermore, the
with useful electrical characteristics. These single-molecule field has expanded its horizons into space exploration, where
components might then be employed in a nano-electronic nanotechnology is being explored for various applications. In
device. Rotaxane is one example [79]. conclusion, nanotechnology's history is marked by visionary
thinkers, its scope is limitless, and its recent advances are
Synthetic chemical processes can also be utilized to make
shaping a future filled with innovation and transformative
synthetic molecular motors [80].
solutions to some of humanity's most pressing challenges. As
Biomimetic strategies: Bionics, also known as biomimicry, nanotechnology continues to evolve, it holds the potential to
is the study and creation of engineering systems and modern redefine industries, improve the quality of life, and address
technology using biological techniques and systems found complex global issues. Keeping an eye on ongoing research and
in nature. One of the systems explored is biomineralization developments in nanotechnology is essential to fully grasp the
[81,82]. extent of its impact on science, technology, and society.

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Citation: Sahu MK, Yadav R, Tiwari SP (2023) Recent advances in nanotechnology. Int J Nanomater Nanotechnol Nanomed 9(2): 015-023.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-3492.000053

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