Disaster Nursing Care Plan

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Anabela Santos, RN
NUR 401
Community Heath Nursing/Population Focused Care
Sandra Maldonado, EdD, RN, CNM, NP
March 16, 2015
This is a disaster management care plan for a work area located at: 1071 Bordentown

Avenue Parlin, NJ 08859. Municipal Lot #3 and Building # 442.19 measures irregularly at

143x95. This is a bi-level house that is zoned for mixed commercial and residential use and

includes a 10 car parking lot. The work area is in a room located towards the right upper level of

the house and measures 10x12. Work area is designated as private office space for the sole use

of a UnitedHealthcare® telecommuter. Employee title: Multilingual Senior Clinical

Administration Nurse for the UnitedHealthcare® Community and State auditing team (NLT).


Nursing Diagnosis (definition):

-Deficient knowledge.

-Readiness for enhanced knowledge.

Employee Goals (planning):

-Employee will design a plan that will increase awareness and minimize the effects of a


-Employee will report at least 3 specific probable disasters related to area of employment.

Nursing Interventions (implementation):

-Assess knowledge of disaster mitigation.

-Read chapter in textbook regarding disaster mitigation.

-Assess work space environment for hazards.

-Assess environment outside of work space for possible disaster hazards.

-Use internet resources to assess the risks this community location holds for a specific



-Upon assessment of knowledge, employee could not list all applicable steps for disaster

prevention. Therefore, this care plan was created to assist employee in becoming aware

of readiness for disaster prevention.

-Employee acknowledges that due to multiple electronics and electrical wires (3

computers, 1 fax, 1 printer, 2 modems, and 1 Wi-Fi tower), there is at risk for fire and

burns with a possible disaster of house and nearby residential houses engulfing in fire.

-Employee acknowledges that a railway disaster may occur since industrial railroad track

is about 100 yards from work space.

-Employee acknowledges that due to proximity to New York City, work area is

vulnerable to terrorism specifically bioterrorism.

-Employee acknowledges the potential for natural disaster, mostly hurricanes and their


Nursing Diagnosis (definition):

-Risk for ineffective activity planning.

-Readiness for enhanced self-help management.

Employee Goals (planning):

-Work area will be free of fire hazards.

-Employee will design an exit and evacuation plan.

-Employee will design a plan for bioterrorism threat.

Nursing Interventions:

-Assess knowledge of preparedness.

-Read chapter in textbook regarding disaster preparedness.

-Use surge protection power outlets.

-Consider keeping a fire extinguisher within reach.

-Create exit plan for evacuation.

-Keep face masks within easy reach.

-Purchase first aid kit and supplies for emergency.

-Practice emergency drills for exit and evacuation.


-Employee located a safe exit through front door of house when the need to immediately

evacuate arises (car is outside front door). Furthermore, employee may take stairs to

lower level for choice of two doors to safely exit a burning building (would not take if

train disaster since rails are behind the house). Lower level exits into parking lot and

street where neighbors may need assistance or be of assistance.

-Evacuation plan: Grab car keys, mobile phone and go straight out of office door, pass 2

rooms on the right and make left onto foyer staircase (kitchen will be on right). Take one

flight of stairs down to exit by front door. Car will be parked outside. If continuing to

lower level, take one more flight of stairs from foyer down to lower level. Make a left

and proceed to exit door. Alternately may make a right and then a left to proceed to

another exit door.

-Employee gathered supplies and created emergency kit. Kit includes: First aid package

(face mask, gauze, Band-Aids, cleansing wipes, alcohol pads, tape, tongue depressor,

tweezers, Q-tips, antibiotic cream, Tylenol, Motrin, sunblock, and survival wrap for heat

loss/exposure) , list of emergency numbers, safety light stick, batteries, flashlight,

compact radio, water (in gallon bottles), blankets, toothbrush with paste, can opener, and

canned goods.

-Employee reports confidence in using fire extinguisher.

-Employee reports confidence in recognizing bio-terrorism due to nursing knowledge of


-Employee reports work area is free from fire hazard.

-Employee did not have an exit and evacuation plan in place. Employee reports increase

in confidence on how to respond to a disaster now that there is a plan in place.


Nursing Diagnosis (definition):

-Risk for injury.

-Risk for trauma.

-Risk for contamination.

-Readiness for enhanced self-help management.

Employee Goals (planning):

-Employee will remain safe and free of injury.

-Employee will remain safe and free of trauma.

-Employee will remain safe and free of contamination.

-Employee will report effective self-management during emergency/disaster.

Nursing Interventions:

-Assess employee knowledge of response to a disaster.

-Read chapter in textbook regarding disaster response.

-Activate emergency response system (911).

-Use exit and/or evacuation plan.

-Assess/triage for signs and/or symptoms of injury.

-Assess/triage for signs and/or symptoms of trauma.

-Assess/triage for signs and/or symptoms of contamination.

-If able to, treat injuries using emergency kit.

-Transfer to acute care facility/shelter for assistance if needed.

-Use fire extinguisher to contain fire.

-Stay at designated family home if needed.

- If shelter is needed, contact Sayreville Disaster Assistance Recovery Center at:

Sayreville Senior Center, 423 Main St. Sayreville, NJ 08872 and/or FEMA Individual
Assistance at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362).


-Post emergency/disaster review and reports show employee has effective management.

-Employee expresses confidence in how to respond to a disaster.

-Employee is free from injury, trauma, and contamination.


Nursing Diagnosis (definition):

-Risk for post trauma syndrome.

-Readiness for enhanced coping.


Employee Goals (planning):

-Employee will report readiness to return to normal daily functions.

-Employee will report readiness to return to work.

-Restored work space.

Nursing Interventions:

-Assess readiness for recovery.

-Read chapter in textbook regarding disaster recovery.

-Allow verbalization of concerns and fears regarding experience.

-Follow up with mental health practitioner if needed.

-Use employer and/or other resources for assistance in recovery.

-Contact insurance companies for assistance in recovery.

-Contact FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers at: Sayreville Senior Center at 423 Main St.
Sayreville, NJ 08872 or Woodbridge Health Center2 at George Frederick Plaza
Woodbridge, NJ 07095 or call: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362).


-Employee acknowledges signs of readiness to return to normal daily functions.

-Employee acknowledges signs of readiness to return to work.

-Employee reports a decrease in feelings of anxiety and fear.

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