General Guidelines

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January 19, 2024

A Final Performance Task of Physical Education 3

General Guidelines:

1. Participation of each member in a group is very much required from practices to the final showdown,
attendance should strictly check by the section secretary.
2. Each group should submit their entry (including the names of dancers/performers) on or before Dec.
08, 2023 signed by the Team Manager or the Section President.
3. Each participating team will be given 60 tickets (as entrance fee of the audience) for them to sell and
the amount will be considered as their registration and that will be going to use by the committee for
the different expenses of the event, since the event is for a cause.
4. The deadline of the registration is on January 05, 2024.
5. Each group shall be composed of a minimum of 50 dancers. Dancers may appear only not more than
twice in their performance in every dance category.
6. All expenses in joining the competition shall be shouldered by participating groups as part of their
performance task in PE 3 but with a minimum cost only (not more than P200).
7. Each group will present/perform their Dance include the three category (Cheer Dance, HipHop /
Contemporary dance, and Creative Folk dance) in one dance productions.
8. A time limit of 10 minutes only in all the dance showdown performance will be enforced and 1
minute also given to the performers to prepare their productions before the showdown starts.
9. Each team will prepare a 1 minute video promoting their team with little story or introductions of
their performance and their beneficiary. (Submit the video on January 15, 2023)
10. All groups are given 1 minute to clear up the area with all the materials utilized after the
11. Corresponding one point from the judge’s total score shall be deducted in the event the time is
exceeded. The time of the performance starts after the 1 minute video presentation and
preparations given before the music will start.
12. All video and music must be submitted to the technical committee 1 day before the showdown to
avoid delays during the competition. (failure to do so is automatically disqualified)
13. All teams’ performers will be assigned numbers for the competition through drawing of lots 1 day
before the showdown.
14. Getting of choreographer is discourage to lessen the fee of each students
15. Practice and rehearsals must be done after dismissal but until 6pm only / or during P.E time only. NO
disruptions of classes allowed.
16. The committee reserves the right to amend this guidelines or refuse any entry on any grounds with
proper advice to the parties concerned.
17. Any complaints or recommendations for the disqualifications due to violations of the above
aforementioned guidelines should be expressed in written form and addressed to the committee.
Attached pertinent documents as proof.
18. Any inquiries should be addressed to the chairman of the Dance Showdown Committee.
The following are strictly observed and follow in the performance;

1. Costumes must be appropriate and decent.

2. The following are prohibited at any point of the routine: Liquid, flammable materials, powder, fire
crackers and any hard or heavy materials that may destroy the floor entry or exit.
3. All performers agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship throughout
the event.
4. All teams must be supervised during the practices and competition by their Section President with
the knowledge of the PE 3 teacher.


1. Each group shall be composed of 40 to 60 dancers.

2. Performance shall be composed of dance, cheers, yells, jumps, simple stunts, creativity and
3. The use of mini trampolines, springboards and other height-increasing apparatus is prohibited.
4. Costume and footwear must be decent and not prone to accident or danger. Use of sets and big
props is discouraged. Handled props and body movements are encouraged most.


1. Each group shall be composed of a minimum of 15 dancers and maximum of 25 dancers.

2. Performance should focus on any of the following theme: Comedy, environmental awareness, or any
street activities.


1. A minimum of 12 members to 16 members per competing group is needed. Male/female or a

combination of both is allowed.
2. The dance is open with a fiesta type of Philippine folk dance and the participating group is free to use
any Philippine folk dance music.
3. The team is allowed to combine a number of Philippine folk dance creatively.
4. Staging must be implemented and the team will be allowed to modify the dance steps, costumes
and music.


Choreography (including the complexity of Steps) - 30%

Concept (creativity, chemistry, story-telling element) - 15%

Originality - 5%

Mastery and Synchronization - 15%

Showmanship (ability to present in an attractive manner) - 10%

Execution (Style and Technical precision of movements) - 20%

Audience Impact (Tickets Sold an extra of 10pcs aside from 60) - 5%

TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100%


50% Performance (100)

Champion - 100

First Place - 98

Second Place - 96

Third Place - 94

Fourth Place - 92

Fifth Place - 90


30 pts. - Attendance (Participation & Cooperation from practices to the final showdown) C/0 Section
President & Secretary)

20 pts. - Assessment of Performance – peer rating.

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