10.1007@s42405 018 0134 Z
10.1007@s42405 018 0134 Z
10.1007@s42405 018 0134 Z
This study was carried out to explore the effect of bypass ratio on optimal fan outer pressure ratio and the performance of
turbofan engine with the same engine core. The member of Rolls-Royce Trent family, Trent-XWB, is chosen as the baseline
engine. Based on the published data, a model for the simulation of engine performance was set up. Then, a series of engine
models with different bypass ratios were established based on the same Trent-XWB engine core and the way to get optimal
fan outer pressure ratio was derived. It was concluded that for the fixed engine core, when the bypass ratio was chosen, there
would be one optimal outer pressure ratio existing which could make the thrust maximum and the specific fuel consumption
reach minimum. By comparing the performance of the turbofan engines with different bypass ratios, it shows that the increase
of bypass ratio results in higher thrust and lower specific fuel consumption. However, the additional cost like the increase of
both drag and weight needs to be taken into account at the preliminary design stage in practice.
Keywords Bypass ratio study · Optimal fan outer pressure ratio · Engine performance
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
ponent in performance simulation. The development of the component efficiencies of the core, are fixed. The fuel flow
model was done to achieve a deviation of 2% between the for all the series of the engines is the same as well. Therefore,
performances of the real engine and the results from engine any increase in net thrust is originated in the improvement of
performance simulation. A good matching of the engine in the SFC and vice versa.
terms of design-point performance has permitted the con- Suppose the BPR of the turbofan is μ, then the net thrust
sequent implementation for seeking the optimal fan outer of the engine can be represented in Eq. (1):
pressure ratio and studying the influence of bypass ratio on
engine performance. As most of the performance data was
at sea level static take-off conditions, the design point of the FN W (VC − V0 ) + μW (VB − V0 , (1)
model engine was established at this condition. The known
parameters, bypass ratio, inlet mass flow and overall pressure
where W is the air mass flow of the core, VC is the core
ratio, were kept consistent in the model. In addition, as the
jet velocity, V0 is the flight speed and VB is the bypass jet
data of Rolls-Royce Trent-XWB engine are not sufficient in
public documents, some input values of the parameters like
Then, the net thrust will be maximum when:
the component efficiencies and the air bleed for cooling were
reasonably estimated and assumed according to the newest
technology. Then, the pressure ratio distribution for the com- ∂ FN
0, (2)
pression system and the combustor outlet temperature were ∂ VB
varied in the reasonable ranges until the target thrust was
matched with the data from open domain.
so that
∂ VC
3 Method of Obtaining Optimum Fan Outer W + μ 0. (3)
∂ VB
Pressure Ratio
In general, the low pressure (LP) turbine was used to drive Consequently,
the bypass fan. Therefore, when the engine core and BPR are
fixed, there will be an optimal fan outer pressure ratio which ∂ VC
could lead the key parameters of the engine like net thrust −μ. (4)
∂ VB
reaching highest and SFC being lowest. This relation was
introduced in Ref. [7] and has been put into use for analysis
in Ref. [8]. The fixed engine core implies that the flow con- In addition, for a turbojet engine, the kinetic energy added
dition at the inlet of the core, as well as the OPR, COT and to the air system through the engine is,
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
1 fan and the core engine equals the transfer efficiency, ηtrans .
KE W (VJ2 − V02 , (5)
2 The equations above were first published in Ref. [9] and then
highlighted in Refs. [1] and [8]. For the turbofan engine,
where VJ is the velocity of the exhaust gas which is assumed when FOPR increases, VB increases, while VC decreases.
to be fully expanded in this study. So if a fan is added to the The derivation above shows that, for the fixed engine core
turbojet with a BPR of μ, then the added kinetic energy is and a given BPR, there must be a value of FOPR which gives
changed to: a particular velocity ratio that could obtain the maximum
1 2 1 thrust for the engine. This velocity ratio, which also equals
KE W VC − V02 + μW VB2 − V02 /ηtrans , (6) to the transfer efficiency showed in Eq. (9), is suggested to
2 2
be in the range of 0.75–0.82 in Ref. [8].
where ηtrans is the transfer efficiency, which represents the To obtain this optimal value, the shooting method is
efficiency of the kinetic energy being transferred from the employed to obtain the optimal FOPR value in this study.
core stream to the bypass stream, and it can be defined as: That is, by selecting different FOPR values within a certain
range, running engine performance simulation, and then the
ηtrans , (7) performance results of the net thrust and specific fuel con-
K E − K E C sumption are plotted against the variation of FOPR (the core
was fixed) in one graph. So, the FOPR value corresponding
where K E B means the kinetic energy added to the bypass
to the peak point of the thrust (or the lowest value of SFC) is
fan airstream and K E C is the kinetic energy added to the
the optimal value of the required solution. Taking the base-
line engine with BPR 9.3 as an example, Fig. 3 shows the
As the kinetic energy is constant and other parameters of
results of the performance simulation when FOPR is varied
core engine are fixed, take derivative of Eq. (6) with respect
from 1.4 to 1.6. In this figure, as in other figures to follow, a
to VB , and make it equal to zero:
dual set of vertical axes is used to allow both characteristics
∂KE 1 ∂ VC μ to appear on the same plot; net thrust is to be read from the
W 2VC +2 VB 0. (8) right side, and SFC from the left. The velocity ratio VB /VC
∂ VB 2 ∂ VB ηtrans
was also plotted in the same figure for checking as well. It
Then by taking Eq. (4) into Eq. (8), it could be obtained: can be seen that at the given set of engine parameters, SFC is
minimized (and net thrust maximized) at a single outer fan
VB ∂ VC −ηtrans −ηtrans pressure ratio. The optimal FOPR is about 1.6 and the corre-
× (−μ) × ηtrans . (9)
VC ∂ VB μ μ sponding velocity ratio VB /VC is about 0.78 at the point of
the optimum FOPR in this figure. This value matches well
This means that the engine will achieve the maximum
with the range 0.75–0.82 suggested above.
thrust when the ratio of the jet velocity between the bypass
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Table 2 Parameters of Rolls-Royce trent-XWB performance model Table 3 The isentropic efficiency and polytropic efficiency for different
(SLS ISA take-off) components
Parameter Value Parameter Value Component Isentropic efficiency Polytropic efficiency
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
engine into Eq. (12), the constant C is 0.67. Thus, the value
of FIPR at other bypass ratios could be expressed as:
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
BPR 9.3 12 15 20 25
W core (kg/s) 139.8
W (kg/s) 1440.0 1817.5 2236.9 2935.9 3635.0
FIPR (optimum) 1.40 1.31 1.25 1.18 1.15
FOPR 1.600 1.465 1.370 1.276 1.220
IPCPR 8.40 8.98 9.41 9.97 10.23
OPR 51.97 51.98 51.98 51.99 51.99
COT (K) 1881.74
F N (kN) 422.6 471.0 518.5 587.3 646.7
Fuel flow (kg/s) 3.325 3.324 3.323 3.322 3.321
SFC [g/(kN•s)] 7.869 7.057 6.409 5.656 5.135
V B /V C 0.774 0.793 0.795 0.803 0.812
lus shapes between fan and core. Therefore, extra length is 5 Conclusion
available consequently [8].
After the input parameters of the series of engines having In this study, Rolls-Royce Trent-XWB was selected as the
been obtained, the performance of each engine was computed baseline engine and a series of engine models were created.
and the major results are listed in Table 5. Detailed results for Based on the same engine core, the optimization of the fan
different sections of components are not presented here for outer pressure ratio was derived. It has been shown that the
brevity. The air mass flow of the cores is the same, while the optimal fan outer pressure ratio achieves the condition that
air mass flow of the engines varies with the BPR. Accord- the ratio of the jet velocity between the bypass fan and the
ingly, the FIPR as well as IPC pressure ratio was adjusted to core engine equals the transfer efficiency, namely, VB /VC
maintain the same OPR. The COT was kept constant to keep ηtrans . The performances of the engines at optimal FOPR
the same core performance as well. condition with different bypass ratios were studied. From
In addition, it can be seen that the fuel flow, which should the analysis of the performance results, it is concluded that
be constant for all the engines, is slightly different from each the engine with higher BPR could produce higher thrust and
other. This is due to the fact that the component efficien- lower SFC. However, other factors also need to be taken
cies were kept constant for each engine, while the pressure into account to measure the overall engine performance in
ratio distribution was changed. Similar differences can also practice.
be observed in some other parameters. Though the com-
ponent efficiencies were not altered to eliminate the small Funding This work has been supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 51706170) and China Postdoctoral
differences, most of the results were not influenced in this Science Foundation (Grant no. 2017M623185).
study. Meanwhile, with the increase of BPR, the SFC of the
engine decreases and the net thrust increases gradually. This
means that the performance of the engine will be enhanced Compliance with ethical standards
with higher BPR. However, the increase of BPR also leads
to larger front area which leads to the increase of the drag Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of inter-
as well. The additional length and weight are also impor- est.
tant factors that should be taken into account at conceptual
design stage. In addition, as more strict noise regulations are
required to satisfy at present, noise generation also needs to References
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