Discovering Your Procrastination Style
Discovering Your Procrastination Style
Discovering Your Procrastination Style
1. Complete each of the six quizzes as follows:
a. After considering each question as honestly as you can, circle the answer that best reflects your own
b. After completing all of the questions in a single quiz, count the number of times you circled ‘frequently’,
multiply this number by 2, and enter the total in the space marked ‘SUBTOTAL Fx2’.
c. Count the number of times you circled ‘sometimes’ and enter this total in the space marked ‘SUBTOTAL S’.
d. Add the two SUBTOTALS and enter the total in the space marked ‘TOTAL SCORE”.
2. After completing all six quizzes, complete the section entitled ‘My Major and Minor Procrastination
Styles’ as follows:
a. In the column marked ‘Total Score’, enter the total score for each quiz.
b. In the column marked ‘Major’, enter a check mark next to any style for which your total score is 10 or above.
c. In the column marked ‘Minor’, enter a check for any style you scored 5-9.
d. In the column marked ‘Rank’, enter the appropriate rank as follows: 1=highest total score, 2=next highest and
so on. If two or more styles have the same total score, then give them the same rank.