Trantys of The Moonsea Readme - Doc Walkthroughxp
Trantys of The Moonsea Readme - Doc Walkthroughxp
Trantys of The Moonsea Readme - Doc Walkthroughxp
-Expanded Edition -
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hand if your first attack is resisted. Take
Start chapter one with an elven character of the spell penetration feat as soon as
levels four to five. Choose the subrace possible.
“drow” to get the drow traits like
Darkness, Spellresistance and ability Your opponents are based on the same
bonuses. ruleset as your character. They will be
Rogues, Fighters, Wizards and many
Combine classes. Starting a Rogue gives combinations of the classes you can
you plenty of skillpoints and the sneak choose. They are equipped with magical
attack ability. At least one level Fighter items, too, and they will use potions. This
gives you martial weapon feats, armour means you will face powerful opponents
feats and many hitpoints. One level with good armour classes, attack rolls and
Sorcerer or Wizard gives you the ability to saving throws.
use many wands, rods and staves. The
“Use magical Device” skill has the same Prepare for this and use your mind to find
effect. their weakness. Spellcasting DC can be
increased by the use of Metamagic feats.
Keep an eye on your ability scores. Summon monsters and use them to shield
Wizards need very high intelligence for you against your opponents. Try to finish
spellcasting DC. Sorcerers need charisma. enemy spellcasters before they cast their
Strength and Endurace are important for powerful spells or try to intercept them.
fighters while characters using light
armour take advantage from high dexterity. Detailed information about the weaknesses
of your opponents will be given in the
Plan your feats before you get them. following chapters.<
Choose paths and walk them to the end.
For example a melee fighter doesn’t need
any ranged weapon feats. Wizards do best
with ranged weapons and spells. Specialize
in a school (e.g. Necromancy).
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A HUNT THROUGH THE DARK 4 Lieutenant Llomir guards the
CHAPTER 1 – THE HUNT BEGINS riverside. He will give you a short
briefing before you leave. One of his men,
Calulith, is willing to join you as your
henchman. It’s wise to pay his price. (200
gp after some negotiations)
3 4
11 9
5 12
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Follow the corridor to the east until holds the key to the prison. You can find
you reach a second large cavern. some of your own scouts – goblins, too –
This area is heavily trapped. Follow the in the prison.
marked path to bypass the traps and keep
an eye on your henchman. He might need 11 Now attack the main fireplace,
some healing. where the core of the goblin forces
is gathered. This battle will be tough – you
will face different groups of goblins who
will attack you simultaneously. Again
concentrate on shamans and elite warriors
first. Avoid the areas 12 and 13 in this
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15 The digging sounds are getting the cavern. He wields a magical greataxe
louder. Tell Rizzen to set the so be careful. One or two lucky blows can
defenses and take a rest. be fatal. His shaman fires Melf’s Acid
Arrows and Magical Missiles. Try to
The remaining goblin scouts managed separate them and again lure them into the
16 to escape into a cavern maze to the corridor.
north. Piwiewiem already sent a group of
drow after them but they are missing. Your The camp of the missing drow is deserted.
job is to follow them and to find and kill The fireplace is still warm but there is no
the goblins. Be sure to have enough trace of their whereabouts.
potions and some torches before you enter
the tunnel to the maze. 22 This cavern is an Aranea lair. It is a
trap. If you enter the center of the
room the spiders will gate in and attack
you from behind. Prepare yourself before
you enter their cavern. The dead bodies of
the missing drow are here. They still hold
26 many useful items and an interesting diary.
24 Rest at the camp and cross the bridge to the
21 west.
22 23 This is the site of a historical battle.
The drow call it Chalash Mortar. A
19 passage leads to the upper parts of the
18 Underdark, here. Advance carefully, the
dead are not at rest here.
This is the lair of Castando the
The tunnel collapses when you enter illusionist. He is an insane human
the maze. You will have to find and has retreated into the solemnity of the
another way back to the camp. Underdark. When you enter his cave he
will approach you in the form of Klauth,
Turn to the right and follow the the infamous ancient red dragon of the
corridor to the east. The tunnel fills Neverwinternights campaign. Talk to him
with grey smoke – vulcanic gases which and ask him some questions. He will soon
can have a blinding effect on you. get angry and reveal his true form. Go into
melee and kill the mage. A closer
Fight the fire beetles and make your examination of the divining pool will give
way into their lair. You will find you access to two secret areas. Expect
Ilmrym, the leader of the missing drow VERY heavy fighting there – entering is
there. He has some nice magical weapons not recommended.
and armour.
Go back to the collapsed tunnel and 25 You find the missing goblins here.
20 They try to convince you to let them
follow the corridor west. You will
find a lizardmen lair to the west. Try to go. It’s up to you to kill them or let them
lure them into the corridor and separate go. They have poor equipment and are
them into small groups. The lizardmen will weak but they have nothing left to loose so
fire poisoned crossbow bolts and use expect heavy resistance.
scimitars. Their leader has retreated into
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24 You are at the shore of the mage has some additional magical items in
underground river now. Again cross his inventory. Especially the “Earth
the eastern bridge and follow the river. Hammer” can be very helpful against the
You will find a shallow spot where you Elementals.
can enter the river.
You will face several groups of Svirfneblin
You let yourself drift back to the camp. fighters. They all wear heavy armour and
deal a good amount of damage with their
magical crossbows and warhammers. Like
drow they have some degee of spell
resistance depending on their experience
level and further more all Svirfneblin are
able to become invisible once per day.
Most of your Svirfneblin opponents are
dual classes fighter/rogues. So be prepared
26 for sneak attacks. Their reflex saves are
very good, as are their fortitude saves.
Svirfneblin standard combat procedures:
Prepare for heavy fighting. You will need 29 Finish the earth elemental and
all your fighting abilities to succeed. advance to the cleric. He may try to
Thriandir will offer you to restock your converse with you but your task is clear.
supplies one last time. Take this chance Get him into melee combat before he is
and buy all the potions you need. The able to cast his spells. Use potions of
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invisibility and speed to get the advantage Nevertheless you can choose your personal
on your side. Mages and clerics may relay lieutenant. Nelad is a seasoned rogue and
on summoned monsters to beat the cleric. has very good melee equipment. Al’kranal
Don’t try mind affecting Spells – he has is a sharpshooter and really hits the spot in
really strong wits. ranged combat situations.
When your task is done return to the drow Return to Piwiewien when you have made
camp and follow the eastern tunnel to the your decision and she will give you your
river. Piwiewien is already waiting for you. first assignment as scout commander. The
Report your success to her and prepare to Svirfneblin are far from defeated and a
leave the area. group of them is following you even into
the upper tunnels of the Night Below. Your
Congratulations – you have completed A task is to set an ambush and kill all
Hunt Through the Dark - Chapter 1. ¢ pursuing Svirfneblin forces.
3 4
1 5
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5 The Svirfneblin arrive after a short Return to Thriandir when you are ready for
period of waiting. Be patient and the maze. He tells you, that he needs
wait until the scouts continue their way magical crystals for enspelling and asks
ahead of the main forces. Use a fire globe you to search for them in the tunnels.
or spells like Ice Storm or Fireball to inflict
as much damage to as many opponents as
possible. The assassins will attack now. Be 8 Thriandir casts his spell and
careful with area affecting spells. You transports you into a system of mine
might hit your own men – a fatal mistake. tunnels. They are still in use, so there are
only few spots suitable for a rest. Be
Speak to one of your remaining assassins careful, avoid any contact to the miners.
when everything is over. Tell him to guard
the area and let your henchman take over
the command of the backlines. Then return
to the camp. 9
10 8
Report your success to Piwiewien. It 10 Follow the main tunnel to the west
turns out that the way to the surface is and enter the mine shaft downward.
blocked by a magical portal. One soldier
has tried to touch it – he was killed.
Thriandir claims that the magic of the 14
portal is too strong to be dispelled. He has
found a tunnel maze with a small entrace
near the ceiling of the cavern. Even tough
Piwieiwien has her doubts about this plan,
she agrees to send a single drow for 10 11 13
exploration – you.
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11 You find another mine shaft in the working at these tunnels. Expect a lot of
central room. This shaft leads to a miners here.
large mining complex.
16 This is the main melting pot of the
12 South of the central room is the mine. Expect a lot of miners and transports
kitchen. You are again facing to the storage area here.
Svirfneblin – and their chef is preparing a
meal at the moment. This is the secondary melting pot. It
is merely to avoid overcapacities and
13 The eastern tunnel leads to a large almost cold at the moment.
underground lake. This lake is the
source of the underground river you found 18 This is the mine storage area. Ore,
in chapter 1. mithral and goods are stored here
before transported to the outpost.
14 The northern tunnel leads to a crystal
cavern. Collect all crystals – 19 Don’t waste your time in the mine.
Thriandir will pay a good price for them. Follow the tracks to the north until
You may also rest here. you reach a large mine door. Pull the lever
in the wall opening. All mine levers are
Return to the central room when you are labelled in Svirfneblin. Take some notes to
done and enter the mine shaft. know what they open.
21 19
19 17
11 15
23 20
You have just entered the central mining You are standing on the crossroads, now.
complex of the Svirfneblin. This mine All mine doors are locked but only the
grew from an old outpost designed for doors of the mining area can be opened by
defense against the drow raids to the accessible levers.
surface. The Svirfneblin found rich mithral
ore and soon thereafter the purpose of the 22 The main control room of the mine
outpost had changed. The so called doors is behind the locked portcullis.
“outpost mine” is still one of the most You will have to find a way to open them.
profitable mines of Blingdenstone.
20 The southeastern tunnel leads to an
These tunnels are the youngest parts ore node. The Svirfneblin have
of the mine. The Svirfneblin are still trapped an “ore devourer” - a rustmonster
– in there. Be careful when you decide to
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fight it – it can easily destroy your arms Enter the main cavern of the Svirfneblin
and armour. Summon monsters or use outpost and avoid any contact. Use a
ranged weapons. This is a safe place for potion of invisibility or hide yourself in the
resting when it’s cleared. shadows. Follow the southern wall to the
west and try to avoid any guard by
21 The middle tunnel to the north leads summoning monsters to lure them away.
into another mining area with long
straight tunnels. Ignore the miners, make a 24 You see a door at the northern wall,
U-turn and kill the guards in front of the guarded by a group of Svirfneblin and
southern door. Pick the lock or bash the two earth elementals. This is the exit to the
door and enter the adjoining room. inner areas of the outpost. Leave it for now
and turn south. Avoid any contact until you
You are back in the main control reach the inner defence wall
room. Kill the guard and pull the two
northernmost levers. One of them opens The gate of the defence wall is
the portcullis, the other the way to the guarded by two Svirfneblin soldiers.
Svirfneblin outpost. Follow the Attack them and kill them. They use
southwestern tunnel and enter the outpost. standard Svirfneblin tactics and should be
no problem. Pull both levers. The first will
disarm the traps in front of the gate while
23 the second opens the inner gate.
The other way is to use stealth and sneak Thriandir opens the inner door – with his
past the guards. Potions of invisibility are typical complaints – and Piwiewien lets
very useful in this case. The way below is her forces attack the inner outpost area.
only one possibility. You may choose a
different one.
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“Inquisitor” – the high cleric of the
outpost. The Inquisitor is fascinated by the
drow and everything of their culture and
making. His study is located on first floor,
but there is a secret door in the torture
29 28 chamber.
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Agree to the deal and choose one of the the greater part of her forces to the
three as your part of the loot. gate. Follow them and open the gate.
The tunnel opens into another entrance
This level of the outpost is just a kind of area – the entrance from above.
barracks. Some of Llomir’s men are
looting this area but there is nothing of 39 Bindar, the leader of the outpost, has
importance to be found. Let them have made his last stand here. Advance into
their share and leave for the second floor. the entrance room and kill them all. Bindar
is a powerful wizard. He will retreat
behind his soldiers to cast spells.
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your normally dreamless regeneration Thriandir has left shortly after your arrival
blurs into a strange vision. to inspect the rear defenses. Talk to Nelad
and take him with you as your henchman.
You approach the goddess Lolth, queen of
spiders in her realm. Lolth questions you Go back to the fireplaces and finish your
about your journey, Piwiewien and rest if necessary. Inspect your new drow
Thriandir and finally grants you three abilities and prepare yourself.
blessings. Be decent and treat her with the
proper humility and respect. When this 5 Follow the eastern tunnel and talk to
conversation is over, your vision blurs the guard at the river. He tells you
again and you find yourself back at the about D’vaernon, one of the rear guards.
camp. He disappeared when he was checking the
cavern of luminous the east.
6 Enter this cavern, but follow your way
2 back and leave through the tunnel to the
4 1 5 As you follow your steps back you see
Thriandir standing in a small cavern. He
3 gets attacked and is killed by a lightning
bolt before you can help. Hurry to help
your remaining troops and kill the enemy
A soldier wakes you and tells you assassins and golbins.
that Piwiewien wants to see you.
Stand up and take a look around at the Thriandir is gone, obviously totally
camp. destroyed by the lightning. Ask the
remaining soldiers about the strange drow
Piwiewien is praying to Lolth as you attackers and take one of the drow
approach her. She begs for new life assassin’s hearts. Return to Piwiewien.
for your fallen comrades – and Lolth grants
her the powers to call one of them back Piwiewien is totally shocked when tell her
into life. The cleric takes a break as she of Thriandir’s death. The appearance of the
notices your arrival and asks you about enemy drow is alarming her even more and
your rest. It’s up to you to tell her about so she wants you to bring her one of their
your strange vision or not. Whatever you hearts. When you hand it to her she tries to
do, be careful with your words. You are divine the origin of the drow but her spell
walking a narrow path between blasphemy backfires in a blaze of lightning.
and politics. Piwiewien’s divination
powers are dwindling. She has no idea, Talk to Llomir about Thriandir’s death. He
which way to go and the old chronicles are is alarmed by the new course of action and
no help anymore. So your new orders are offers you his cooperation. You should
once again to explore the surrounding area accept this.
and to find the passage up to the surface.
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Talk to the “Nameless Leader” and he tells Umber hulks are subterranean monsters
you about their horrible life. Sywym that look like a cross between a great ape
Hun’nett, their leader seems to be and a beetle, Umber Hulks leave behind a
responsible for their lot. He fled the final wake of destruction wherever they go.
battle and left his men behind. The driders They often rely on their powerful sonic
are still yearning for revenge and they say attacks, stunning their opponents before
he didn’t leave the area, yet. They promise ripping them apart with their large tongs.
you great rewards for his head.
A good strategy to fight them is, to
6 Leave the Drider Lair and follow the advance slowly and attack them on sight
northern tunnel. This is the old with area effect spells like Fireball. They
Svirfneblin tradeway. always attack in hordes.
Umber Hulks have made their lair in this 5 Leave Hanxam when you are ready
area. They are predators, trapping all kinds and follow the tradeway back to the
of creatures who wander this area. Expect camp. Again follow the tunnel to the east
several attacks of those creatures. until you enter the cavern of luminous
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mushrooms. Search this area this time and things are getting rough and try to separate
pay close attention to the northern wall. his minions to kill them first. Yharasden
There is a small tunnel with two luminous will try to infiltrate your mind to render
mushrooms to the left and to the right. you helpless. Shield yourself against mind
Search the dead end of this tunnel and you affecting spells if possible.
will find a secret door. This is the entrance
to the Ilithid Lair. Pass through the door There is a chance that you are able to
and enter the portal – now you have found rescue D’vaernon. He will stop fighting
the mindflayer. after Yharasden is dead but he is still in
Yharasden the mindflayer is a scout for his danger because the other creatures won’t.
community. Mindflayers are linked to the Kill all enemies and search Yharasden’s
overmind in their hometown and they are belongings. He has a Wand of Winds. Take
always connected. They all have powerful it, cut out his brain and leave for Hanxam.
mental abilities and will try to dominate
the minds of weaker creatures to twist Hanxam is very pleased about your success
them to their will. Even more mindflayers and even tells you the information you
nourish from the brains of other creatures seek in advance. Don’t try to trick him by
and will suck them out of the living body keeping the Ilithid’s Brain for yourself.
of their poor victim. They are even more The Beholder is a valuable merchant. Let
feared than the drow and are incredibly him have his brain … for now.
evil and disgusting.
The exit to the surface is right in front of
Talk to Yharasden. He has captured your you. All you have to do is to find a way to
companion D’vaernon and made him his negate the toxic smoke south of the drow
slave. D’vaaernon’s mind is corrupted by camp. It seems somebody has magically
the Ilithid’s will and he obeys him with enhanced this smoke to create a
enthusiasm. Yharasden tries to intrude into unpenetratable barrier. Hanxam tells you
your mind, too. But he fails – Lolth’s that his main eye has no problems in
blessings protect you. He communicates dispelling the toxic components of the
telepathically and tries to persuade you smoke. Maybe a simple spell of dispelling
into killing his rival, Hanxam, the would do the same.
beholder. Don’t forget, your goal is to find
the way to the surface. You are not
supposed to help anybody in this area. But
whatever you do, pay attention to your
benefit from it.
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9 Leave Hanxam and follow the of “wild” undead. Follow the bridge to the
Svirfneblin tradeway north. The path southeast.
follows the shore of a large lake until it
starts descending down. 50 This is the lair of Sywym Hun’nett,
former archmage of Sorcere. Sywym
survived the defeat of the drow by turning
himself into a undead being – a lich. This
transformation bound him to this area but it
made him almost invulnerable. He was
able to defeat all attempts to destroy him
but he had to pay his price.
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Now attack the Phylactery. Mage may cast Return again to Piwiewien and tell her that
offensive spells like chain lightning while the passage is cleared. As Sywym told you,
fighters try to bash the pillar into pieces. the southern tunnel leads up into a spider
The lich attacks you now and sends his cavern. Prepare yourself well, rest and
minions against you. Ignore them and trade with Hanxam.
concentrate on the Phylactery. Finally the
Phylactery breaks, shattering into pieces Since you are leaving this area you may
and Sywym’s undead body is consumed in want to kill Hanxam. Beholders are very
a flash of lightning. But the battle is not tough opponents. They attack with their
over, yet. Now turn at Sywym’s minion. It small eyes, making gaze attacks like
may be wise to run to the northern corner Charm Person, Charm Monster, Slay
of the cavern to get room for casting spells. Living and Paralyze while their central eye
Don’t try to flee over the bridge – more is able to negate magic. Prepare yourself
Skeletal Warriors are waiting for you. well and protect yourself from death
magic. Improve your saving throws as far
This fight is very hard – but you are not as possible and try to finish the Beholder in
supposed to do it. When all enemies are melee combat. Best is to simply slay him
finally laid to rest take a look at Sywym’s in powerful strikes. Avoid the gaze of his
coffin. Don’t forget his skull and make central eye when you intent to use magic.
your way back to the driders.
3 If you are ready for the spiders talk to
The “Nameless Leader” is very pleased but Piwiewien again. She again sends
they have only few things to give as a you ahead to clear the way for the troops.
reward. You may choose between some
magical items, gold and information. You The spider cavern looks abandoned at first
can clearly feel the atmosphere cooling glimpse. But it is a trap. The spiders will
down after this. Leave the driders and jump at you when you try to advance into
return to the drow camp. their cavern. Take them in turns. Area
effect spells like Fireball and Ice Storm are
2 Talk to Piwiewien again and tell her very helpful.
about your findings. Now that
Thriandir is dead it’s up to you to find a 14 14
way to dispel the toxic smoke. Madame
keeps herself far from trouble – like
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Many of the drow think the group has lost 17 Somebody is coming your way. Hide
the favour of Lolth and they want answers. yourself and wait. It’s a group of
Piwiewien makes you responsible for the surface adventurers. They came through a
death of the spiders. You are the scapegoat cavern opening to the north but their tunnel
for all her failures and mismanagement. collapsed behind them. They are searching
All you can do is to agree in her “deicide” for an exit, too. Talk to them and persuade
– you must prove your innocence by them, to attack the bugbears. They will
clearing the remaining path to the surface. eagerly attack the heavily defended lair
Since you have been doing this for the and you will have easy play killing the
greater part of the path behind you, this is remaining opponents – whoever survives.
nothing new at all. Try to talk to Llomir. This is a great opportunity to get many
He is on your side this time – but magical items. Kill the surface dwellers
Piwiewien has her eyes on him so he won’t and don’t forget the bugbear treasury.
be a help. Cedric has the key.
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This level confronts you with a new form
of guardians – Battle Horrors. These
22 23 animated suits of armour hover on a
magical force field and attack you with
their powerful claymores and crossbows.
The basic idea in the design of this level is,
to defeat any intruders by the use of sheer
21 violence. Many guardians are posted in
niches – unreachable for melee weapons.
27 They will often attack from behind.
28 The great entrance chamber is trapped
26 25 heavily with incendiary clouds. Try to
dispel it or protect yourself and your
henchman against elemental damage.
20 The guardian of the first defense There is a pressure plate in the long
system is an Iron Golem. Those corridor. On entering it opens the
constructs are of magical origin and portecullis of the surrounding cells,
nothing more than an animated suit of releasing four Battle Horrors on the
armour. Nevertheless their strength is unfortunate intruder. There is no way to
superhuman and they deal heavy damage. avoid this example of masterwork dwarven
To make things even worse iron Golems stonemasonry. Prepare for heavy fighting
are immune to almost any magical attacks before entering this area.
including fire, ice and other offensive
magic. But they have one critical weakness 30 At the end of the bridge passage waits
– they are vulnerable to lightning. The another Iron Golem. Attack him with
door to the following rooms opens only ranged weapons and keep distance as long
when the golem is dead. as possible. He should be an easy target
after all. Open the portal as usual (picking,
22 You enter a maze of teleporters. This bashing etc.) and enter the next level.
a test of the mind. Tarnes already
told you that the solution is simple. Always
take the RIGHT teleporter. 30
30 27
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31 This level is again a test of the mind The Dire Bear will even remain after the
– and the eye. Avoid the invisible death of his master. Avoid melee combat
teleporters and make your way to the secret unless your armour is very good and kill
door in the western wall. Enter it and it him with ranged weapons and spells.
takes you straight to the exit to the Great Summoned creatures like Elementals can
Hall of the Fallen Heroes. It is time to take be easily dispatched by casting Dismissal.
a good rest and to prepare for the final
battle now. Use all protective magic you 32 With Tarnes’ death the way to the
have and again prepare for dealing a great surface is cleared. Step forward to
amount of damage in a short time. the final gate – and see the world blur as
you feel yourself drifting away …
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She seems to ignore your insults and leaves Agree with his proposals and leave the
for the surface. Most of the drow follow monument area to explore the area.
her – only Nelad stays with you in the hall.
Nelad starts powering himself up until all
drow have left the area. Then he attacks
you from behind and tries to kill you.
Avoid his blows and dispel his protective
enchantments if you can. He is still
vulnerable against magical attacks and a 3b 6
powerful fighter can still wound him.
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Now, this is a decisive situation. You may work”. Each kill results in getting evil. So
turn against the druid and kill him and his avoid the kills if you plan to be good or
pets for his insulting behaviour. You may neutral.
also try to give him some insights in your
own background. And you may even learn
about his philosophy and faith. Some
decent conversation may even convince the
druid to offer you the test of Mielikki. This
initiation ritual will change your alignment 19
to good and neutral. You will drop Lolth as
your goddess to become faithful to 21
15 14
The Test of Mielikki has two parts. The
first part is a test of the mind. Listen
carefully to the druids explanations before 16
you take the test. Your answers will have
great influence to your alignment and the 17 12
druid’s reactions. Mielikki teaches to live
in harmony with nature. But this does not
mean to turn away invention and Advance to the village center and
civilization. Old animals will die, the meet Piwiewien. She laughs at the
strong will survive. That’s the way of desperate attempts of villagers to defend
nature. People may built settlements and themselves and gives orders to search the
roads, but they should be a part of nature smaller buildings.
and nature should be a part of the
settlement. 16 to 20 Your new task is to enter
and secure the smaller
The second part of Mielikki’s test is a test houses and barns while Piwiewien enters
of your courage. Your task is to defend 3 the large main building of the village. This
stags against predators. If all three are task is quite easy. It’s up to you to protect
killed you have failed. Mielikki grants you some surviving villagers from your looting
a gift for every stag which survives. Your comrades or to kill them with your own
drow abilities will be lost forever. hands. The only threat is the village smith
but even he is no match for you.
Return to Piwiewien when you are done.
Llomir meets you in one of the houses and
Piwiewien starts her attack on the village. shares some of his thoughts about
Your part is to lead the right flank at the Piwiewien’s engagement on the surface
rivulet. Rest, prepare yourself and follow with you.
the rivulet north until you reach the village.
21 Advance to the large main building
12 Four drow soldiers meet you as you when you are done with the smaller
enter the village area. Piwiewien’s buildings. Piwiewien is questioning the
troops attack the southern village gate. local mayor at the moment. She does this
with her own mixture of ignorance and
14 Advance to the eastern gate and brutality with the result of the death of the
open it by picking or force. A mayor’s wife. The situation changes
handful village guards tries to defend but dramatically when Thriandir enters the
they have no chance against you. You may scene and takes over control. Everything
decide to let your troops do the “dirty was nothing but a big scheme. His death,
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the attacks of the unknown drow and the mage. Get him down quickly to prevent
disappearance of Calulith were all arranged him from casting.
to hide the truth. Thriandir has enough of
Piwiewien’s incompetence. Al’kranal Talk to Thriandir, when the defenses are
always was his man and he changes sides broken. The drow forces advance to the
now. Llomir refuses to help Piwiewien fortress, now.
anymore and now it’s up to you to help
Piwiewien once more … or to survive
within the ranks of Thriandir. Your only
chance is to declare yourself neutral as
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27 The attack on the fortress has failed Thriandir needs a special force to infiltrate
and to complete the terrible situation, the fortress, now. And you will be this
sawn is breaking on the horizon. Thriandir force. Restock your supplies, buy new
withdraws his remaining forces to the equipment if you like. Rest and prepare
monument – and you are ordered to protect yourself and leave to the day lit surface.
his retreat as a rear guard.
29 Follow the rivulet to the village, get
28 Fight your way down the hills and by and follow its further flow until
leave the overrun trail south into the you reach waterfalls. Enter the cavern and
forest. You will still have to fight your way climb the slope to enter a series of tunnels.
through the upcoming human forces but
finally you will make your way back to the
monument. 32
You can meet the armour smith Gario, the 31 This is the foundation area of the
rogue Lomilmar and the healer Delade at fortress well. Two ladders lead
the camp and purchase equipment and upwards to the well. They are old and worn
weapons from them. Thriandir himself will but you should be able to climb them.
sell spells and mage items to you when you
have completed his next mission. But stay at the pool and examine the
blocked door. Obviously somebody
They brought the captives from the village has tried to prevent entry to the area
to the monument and Thriandir is still beyond. This is the entrance to an ancient
trying to get his information about the elven tomb. Great treasure lies behind but
Mythallar and the fortress. Now it’s your great dangers, too.
turn to try the impossible. Go to the south-
western corner of the Great Hall and Those who dare to break the sealed doors
question the humans. Their leader Westin will find themselves in a small tomb with
will refuse to tell you anything. It’s up to an entrance area and three large caverns.
you to threaten him or to try with friendly The entrance is heavily trapped with all
words. He will not tell you anything. Talk kinds of deadly traps.
to Lilla. She knows nothing. Now talk
again to Westin. If you start threatening Leave Llomir at the stairs and be
him again, a little boy interferes and tells sure to be well prepared when you
you the secret entrance to the fortress. approach the door to the main chamber.
Return to Thriandir and tell him about your Use summoned creatures to trigger the
discovery. traps if you fail to disarm them. If need to
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trigger them by yourself prepare with all They are equipped with various enchanted
means of protection you have. bolts and will fire with good accuracy. Try
to separate the defenders. When they are
defeated climb the ladder to the fortress
33 The main chamber holds much
information about the life of Gilendil,
the elven leader who is buried in this place.
Approaching the western chamber will
awaken the guardians of the tomb and they
will not hesitate to attack. Those creatures
may have been elven warriors in life but Upon entering the main tower you
now they are nothing but spectres and they 35
will find yourself amidst a war camp
will not hesitate to feast upon your life of the human forces. Your mission was to
force. Prepare means of restoration or enter the main tower and then to call
protect yourself from life drain. Thriandir with his pipe. So it is your choice
to fight the human forces alone or to use
34 Gilendil awaits you in the southern the pipe to call Thriandir and his forces.
chamber. He has some magical Thriandir’s next orders are to follow
talents and his sword “El Bailo”, a dancing Al’kranal to the next floor of the tower to
sword, which is able to fight on its own, secure the area.
still serves at his side. Magic users may
find simple magic missiles effective The first floor of the tower serves as
against Gilendil while fighters may rely on 36
barracks. East and west of the central
brute force. It is wise to first concentrate hall are rooms for soldiers and officers and
attacks on Gilendil. Summoned minions four store rooms hold arms and armour.
may prove a valuable shield against
Gilendil’s hard blows. Don’t forget to Human forces attack as you enter the hall.
collect the dancing sword after defeating it Help Al’kranal defend against this assault
and take Gilendil’s possessions from his and talk to him when it is over. He reacts
coffin. Now proceed to the fortress well. hostile, trying to prove his superiority over
you, when a messenger arrives to call him
The fortress well is merely a large pool down to his master.
with a walkway around. Human forces are
deployed to guard this area and they will
attack on sight. Beware the sharpshooters.
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should rely on summoned minions to avoid
melee combat. Dispel magic works well
37 against Vicho’s support spells. Your
opponents are buffed well so be sure to
cast high level spells with high DC ratings.
Mind affecting spells will most likely have
no effect. Characters relying on melee
combat should boost their AC as high as
36 possible and keep healing potions at hand.
Separating Vicho’s troops will be difficult
but may help a lot.
Another wave of humans attacks right after 39 Another group of knights awaits you
his leave. Defend yourself again. Then in the chapel while the throne room
explore the area and don’t forget the four is deserted.
locked store rooms.
40 The exit to the top floor of the tower
37 Your orders are to stay and guard the is in the South and West corner of
area but since the area is cleared and this area. The final stage of this chapter has
any threats will only come from above, begun.
advance to the next floor.
You have entered the private chambers of
Baron Morningshade, the lord of this area.
He awaits the intruders in his bedroom.
Thriandir arrives with some drow forces
right in that moment, when you enter the
room. Al’kranal immediately tries to
38 discredit you for disobeying his orders. But
Thriandir tells him to be quiet and starts
questioning the baron. The following
conversation leads into an agreement
between the baron and the drow…
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of the outposts of ancient Myth Drannor.
After long hours of marching they finally 5
reach the river Duathamper. Thriandir is
getting impatient as the drow encounter an
4 3
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8 The westernmost entrance is nothing
6 You will find Baron Fredrick and his but a trap. Any adventurer entering
knights camping at the hillside and the chamber behind the door will fall into a
overhear their conversation with the elves. pit just to find himself facing Acererak’s
Unknowingly they told Thriandir the truth. minions in combat.
There is a Mythallar in this area – deep
down in an evil place in these hills. The 9 The eastern entrance leads to the
elven watchtower once was meant to Crystal of Wishes. This artefact is
control this place and prevent the evil from another object of Acererak’s perverted
spreading into the woods. sense humour. At the first glimpse the
crystal seems to be an artefact of boundless
7 Eager to seize the artefact for power granting the adventurer any wish.
yourself you decide to pay a visit to He may get piles of gold or powerful
that spoken place and leave the pass weapons. But it twists any wish to turn it
through the northern exit. into the contrary. You may get piles of
gold but this means loosing your
You are approaching the tomb of Acererak, equipment. You may get a powerful
an archmage from the ancient times of the weapon but you won’t be able to wield it.
Netherese Empire. You may wish to get to Acererak but the
crystal will only get you to a fake tomb.
The worst problem is that the crystal won’t
let you leave easily. Be careful with your
wish to get out. You may get out but the
crystal will choose your destination …
Acererak was specializing in the creation 14
of Mythallars. The Netherese used those
magically fused artefacts to protect their
outposts and installations and to power 12
11 15
their floating cities. The archmage
survived the fall of Netheril with the help 16
of his personal Mythallar and made further
use of its powers to prolong his life to the
current day. He built his lair far in the 11 You will enter through the corridor
depths of Cormanthor forest and developed of traps. There are two secret doors
a twisted sense of humour, using this in the eastern wall leading to the next area.
installation as a trap to catch adventurers Be careful with the traps when you make
for his own entertainment. your choice.
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18 The Maze of Doors is protected by another group of Servants and Warmasters
powerful Netherese golems. You there.
must fight them to get by. You will meet
another common threat of Acererak’s 16 A corridor leads to a series of doors
realm – the undead servants of Acererak. where Golathamor, the first of
There are three doors in this area. Only one Acererak’s pets waits for you. The Demon
is open at first. Prepare for heavy fighting Golathamor is trapped inside his cavern.
before you go through. He begs you to release him by destroying
the floor sign in the doorway. You have no
choice. Your way to Acererak leads
through the chamber of Golathamor. The
Demon will attack you as soon as the floor
sign is destroyed. But he will attack you
anyways when you enter his chamber. Be
prepared when you approach.
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Corridor to a room full of coffins.
Servants of Acererak and Warmasters will 26 Follow the adjoining footbridges
try to defend this room but they should be until you reach the Netherese
no match for you by now. Chapel. Your way back is blocked, now.
Enter the Chapel and watch Acererak’s
21 Now enter the portal in the South and creatures fight each others. It’s up to you to
East and take the skeleton key from wait for the victor or to kill them all. Pull
the pedestal. This key will unlock the door the lever at the southern wall and continue
at the Chain Rope. the corridor eastward and downstairs.
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Bxylymulamoth is waiting here for you.
29 This corridor seems a dead end at The dragon is probably the most dangerous
first glimpse. You will find a large of Acererak’s pets. Be sure to have your
group of hounds at its northern end and the mind protected against his aura of fear and
dryad’s containment urn is locked away in your skin against his fire breath.
a small closet. Bxylymulamoth has powerful claws and
teeth, too, but you can easily escape him if
31 Watch out for traps, finish the you retreat into the corridors in the North
hounds and make sure everything is of his lair. The dragon is too large to
cleared before you approach the southern follow you there. You have several options
door. Now it’s time to use all protective to get him down. Summon minions and let
magic you have. Wear Bondar’s helmet or them attack him. Retreat to the savety of
use a potion of clarity. Speed is essential so the corridors and fire missiles. Break his
make sure you are hasted before entering. spell resistance and then get him down
The following fight looks like the standard with your magic – or simply protect
encounter you had so many times before. yourself and bash him into pieces.
A large group of Servants of Acererak
attacks upon entering the room. But behind Take the dragon’s skull when he is dead
them lurks the next of Acererak’s pets, a and don’t forget to search his treasure. He
Undead Tyrant. Even though the Tyrant has a powerful sword which may come in
will not sustain many blows he will use his handy with Acererak.
eyes to kill you, disintegrate you, charm
you or simply paralyse you. Don’t tarry 33 Now process to the offering chamber
around with the servants when the Tyrant and put the Dragon Skull, the
enters combat. Try to get away or into Beholder Eye and the Balor Heart into the
direct confrontation to get him down as offering pool. Acererak accepts the items
quick as possible. and opens his wardstone chamber for you.
Put his wardstone (it is found in the
When your opponents are defeated go and chamber with Bondar and his companion)
search the body of the Tyrant. Take one of into the pedestal to open the final door to
his eyes and search the Tyrant’s lair for the portal. The way to Acererak is open
treasure. You will find the key to the urn. now.
Break it to free the dryad.
34 The final stage of your “hunt” lies
At first glimpse this may be a dead end before you. Take time to reorganize
here. Many adventurer would get bored your equipment, prepare healing potions
and would leave Acererak’s lair after some and ready your protections. Acererak is a
searching. archmage of powers beyond your
imagination. He had centuries to learn
But again there is a secret door to about magic. Rest, prepare yourself
Acererak’s domain. Search the western perfectly and enter the portal.
wall of the corridor near the small closet.
You should find it there, waiting for you. Acererak’s lair is deep below his tomb.
The door leads into two small chambers Over the centuries only his skull is left but
and another corridor in the Tomb Caverns. it contains more powers than any mortal
Search the chambers for more secret door could wield. Acererak has brought the dead
and you will finally reach another large bodies of his pets back into his lair and
hall. prepares them to be reanimated. This is the
reason why he wanted the remains of them
32 This is the Chamber of the Dragon. back. Your performance was very
Acererak’s third pet, the Dracolich entertaining for him, so he has decided to
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keep you as one of his pets as well. The
Demilich will tell you much about himself
and the Mythallar he uses to prolong his
life, but at the end he will surely try to kill
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