Concept of Manas (Psyche) in Ayurveda
Concept of Manas (Psyche) in Ayurveda
Concept of Manas (Psyche) in Ayurveda
Reprints request
- Assistant Director (Ay), A.R. Unit (CCRAS), NIMHANS, Bangalore-560 029, India.
B S Ventkataram, - Res. Officer (Ay), A.R. Unit (CCRAS), NIMHANS, Bangalore-560 029, India.
According to Indian thoughts, manas (mind) is one of the major operational concepts in the process
of learning and the cause of bandha (entanglement/attachement). Manas has dimension which is anu
(beyond atom in its minutest aspect), and is capable of remaining atindriya (beyond sensory
An attempt has been made to focus on various aspects like concept of atma, evolution and
constituents of man, location of manas, dimension and qualities of manas and process of Jnanotpatti
Key words -
Constituents of man,
Sitting amidst a mountain of wealth and prosperity man lives a life of worry, anxiety and discontentment, which is a sad
paradox. This state can be overcome by understanding manas which is mainly responsible for pleasure-pain perceptions.
Therefore, ayurveda, the ancient wisdom of life, which aims at the blissful state of man, lays emphasis on the need of
overcoming the impediments like, Kama (desire) and Krodha (anger) which are reflected in the form of psychological,
social and physical illnesses, and prescribes methods to ward them off effectively.
Charaka defines ayu (life) as the combined state of shareea (body), indriya (senses), satwa (psyche) and atma (soul) [1].
The first two are grosser entities and easy to understand. The latter two are subtler and beyond sensory experience, hence
difficult to understand. The need for understanding manas assumes greater importance for it is the yoking principle
between shareera and atma.
Atma in Ayurveda
Being an evolute of Vedas, it is natural that ayurveda has accepted some of the imoprtant philosophical
postulates like the theory of punarjanma (rebirth), karmaphala (results of actions from one birth to
another), karanashareera (body of causality), sookshma shareera (subtle or etheral body), to mention a
few, in order to solve the problems of chikitsapurusha (treatable man) and bestow him the blissful
state. It is said that after ones death the results of the right or wrong acts of the individual are carried
along with sookshma shareera, causing birth in the womb of different species [2]. Atma (jeevatma) is
given greater importance while explaining punarjanma since all the other concepts are ultimately
linked with it.
Atma is called 'kharta' (doer) and 'bhokta' (experiencer) [3]. Icha, dwesha, sukha (pleasure), duhkha
(pain), prayatna (initiation), dhriti (control), chetana (life), buddhi (decision), smriti (memory)
ahankara (ego) are some of the attributes of atma [4]. Among these, icha (desire), dwesha (hatred),
prayatna (effort) and budhi (decision) denote 'kartrtwa' and sukha and duhkha denote 'bhoktrtwa' of
atma. But the fact is that manas is always associated with atma [5] and only during this association atma
will be either karta or bhokta or both. In other words, atma will be the 'knower' and manas will be the
'doer' representing atma.
Atma is said to exert its influence in the emergence of ayu (life span), manas (psyche), indriya (senses),
prana (inspiration), apana (exopiration), prerana (induction), akrta (shape), swara (voice), varna
(complexion), sukha (pleasure), duhkha (pain), icha (desire) dwesha (hatred), chetana (consciousness),
dhriti, budhi, smriti (memory), ahankara (ego) etc., of the foetus in embryonic state itself [6].
Thus the knowledge about atma is essential for a better understabnding of chikitsapurusha.
Location of manas
1. Although there are five sense organs with the corresponding objects of theirs, there is only one faculty viz, th
2. The place between shiras (head) and talu (hard palate) is said to be the seat of manas according to Bhelasamh
3. Like Charaka, Bhela also considers that citta which is the cause of all activities, feeling and judgement, is loc
[24]. According to Sushruta when manas is tired and clouded with inaction, karmatma withdraws
from vishayas (subjects) and this results in the man getting sleep [25]. According to Astangasangraha
also, heart is the seat of satwa.
4. While describing the functions of some of the different moities of the tridoshas viz., pranavayu, udanavayu, v
It is interesting to note that even at the time of Charaka, head was considered as one of the three major
marmas (vital spots) of the body where in the senses, and the vital centres of living being are situated
[27]. Causation of mental dearrangement due to head injury was also known at the time [28].
By going through these textual descriptions, it is possible to crystallise the ayurvedic aproach on the
functions of manas vedic approach on the functions of manas into two categories viz.,
(1) activities related to indriyas and
(2) activities related to the emotions.
The activities of the indriyas are related with brain while the activities of the emotions are connected
with heart.