3287-Article Text-8131-1-10-20240821
3287-Article Text-8131-1-10-20240821
3287-Article Text-8131-1-10-20240821
Review Article
Dr.Brock Chisholm, the World Health insights into the association between mental and
Organization's first Director-General, emphasized the physical health.
interrelationship of mental and physical health in In Ayurveda, personality is known as 'Prakriti,'
1954, emphasizing the essential role of mental well- and it refers to an individual's innate qualities that are
being for overall health.[1] Mental disorders currently defined by their genetically influenced physical and
account for a significant proportion of the worldwide mental constitution. Prakriti is determined by the
disease burden, necessitating the continuous prominent Doshas at the stage of conception and
contributions of clinical psychologists and within the uterus.[2] Ayurveda considers humans to be
psychiatrists.[2] Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical an integration of the body, senses, psyche, and soul,
system, emphasizes the importance of Manasika with ailments resulting from the interaction of these
Prakriti (psychological constitution) and offers unique aspects.[3] This holistic system is supported by three
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pillars: Sattva (psyche), Atma (soul), and Sharira
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(body) [4] Ayurveda also emphasizes Manasika Prakriti
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v12i7.3287 (psychological constitution), which is impacted by the
Published by Mahadev Publications (Regd.) balance of Trigunas (three mind energies): Satwika
publication licensed under a Creative Commons (purity), Rajasika (movement), and Tamasika (inertia),
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) all of which contribute to one's personality and well-
being.[5] Personality encompasses unique patterns of
behavior, thinking, and emotion, influenced by
physiological, psychological, and environmental
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