IUMSS Parra 2021
IUMSS Parra 2021
IUMSS Parra 2021
Methodological application:
the integrated use of management
system standards for the
integration of management
Paula Alejandra Moreno Parra**
Byron Restrepo Benavidez***
Paola Alejandra Sánchez Martín****
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Various methodologies have been developed since the nineties for the integration of
(ISO) has developed its own integration methodology that allows different
requirements and address specific ones. The objective of the research was to
and safety system and NTC ISO 13485:2016 quality management systems for medical
devices; making use of the manual through a qualitative and analytical description.
Finally, the validation of the methodology for integrating the standards was carried
out through the Régnier abacus method, concluding that the manual is a
redundancies and closing gaps between the requirements of integrated ISO standards
Various methodologies have been developed since the 1990s for
integrating multiple management systems in all types of organizations.
However, at present it is little known that the International Standard
Organization (ISO) has developed its own integration methodology that
allows aligning different normative perspectives in a single management.
The Manual The Integrated Use of Management System Standard
(IUMSS) sets out a four main stage method (preparation, connection,
incorporation and maintenance) wherein the high-level structure serves as
a guide to integrate common requirements, counterparts and to
address the specific ones. The research objective was to establish a
methodology for the integration of the following standards: NTC ISO
14001: 2015 environmental management system, NTC ISO 45001: 2018
occupational health and safety system and NTC ISO 13485: 2016 quality
management systems for medical devices; by using the manual through a
qualitative and analytical description. Finally, the standards integration
methodology was validated through Régnier's abacus method,
concluding that the manual is a robust tool aimed at reducing excess
redundancies and closing gaps between the integrated ISO standards and
an organization's processes requirements.
needs and demands of all interested parties (Pullés and Bataller Venta, 2016), (Cabrera
et ál., 2015).
implementing various management systems, several investigations have been carried out.
made on the way in which they should be integrated and for this reason
Progressively each year, studies are carried out on the subject (Bernardo
et al., 2017). On the one hand, the advantages and difficulties have been described
et al., 2015); and, on the other hand, facilitating methodologies are proposed that
are based on successful cases of various companies and sectors that, through their
through the optimization of the use of resources, increase the capacity to satisfy the
needs of the
by Wilkinson and Dale (1999); and Karapetrovic and Jonker (2003). In their
generic or applicable to any type of organization that allows grouping the common
PHVA and systemic approaches. Furthermore, it must be taken into account that, if other
so that they become synergistic with the functions that have been
for the organization that is interested in starting an integration process. In the article
carried out between 1997 and 2006 on the elements that should be
addressed at the time of carrying out said process; However, they point out that
taking into account that each process is individual and must be adjusted to the
organizational environment.
In response to the problem raised, the ISO has published in the year
base that seeks to integrate the requirements of different standards into a single
any sector.
The manual was developed at the request of the ISO technical management board
the purpose of being able to adapt to ISO standards and also those standards
Integration begins with the translation and interpretation of the manual, with the aim
of understanding its structure to subsequently develop the integration proposal.
Consecutively, the analysis of the manual was carried out and it was evident that its
design and structure are given in three chapters. Chapter 1 describes the
fundamentals of a management system and how it is implemented.
relate the strategies, plans and processes of an organization; in it
Finally, the validation of the methodology for integrating the standards was carried
out through the Régnier abacus method, which aims to question experts on
a specific topic and treat their responses.
in real time or remotely from a color scale. As
all methods composed by experts, these are intended to reduce the
uncertainty, confront a group point of view and, at the same time, take
awareness of the greater or lesser variety of opinions (Blogs, 2013). For
apply this methodology, four stages were established, which are
described in table 1, below:
Validation Tool
List of experts.
3 Integration plan.
Stage 1: preparation
to the achievement of the planned results. For the ISO 13485 standard, oriented
towards quality management for medical devices, this structure is not yet defined,
although section 5.1 “management commitment” covers the leadership that senior
management must assume from its quality management system, which will contribute to
the integration process strategies such as decision making, considering the needs of
Once senior management has made the decision to integrate, they must assume
scope in the integration process, taking into account the times and
expected impacts. The scope of each organization will depend on the number
the organization.
• Regulations: compliance with demands, legislative or
Once the scope is established, the integration must be planned taking into
account the related risks and opportunities. For this, it is proposed to carry
out an integration plan that will allow us to start in a more
effective and efficient integration process, as shown in the table
4, described below:
Trained personnel, adequate facilities, systems, information,
support equipment.
• Define the management system model that will adapt to the scope of
the integration.
• Configure standards requirements to integrate into the system
There are other activities that, in the same way, will be explained in detail in stage 3
(incorporation), substages 7, 8 and 9, which must also be defined from the integration
plan and refer to:
Finally, other activities are proposed that will also be addressed in stage 4
(maintenance), substages 10 and 11, which must also be defined from the
integration plan and refer to:
Stage 2: connection
The first step in linking standards requirements with the management system in
an organization is to consider the relationships between different
processes, resources and objectives. This involves understanding the
connection of the processes carried out during the manufacture of
products or the provision of a service with the other supporting processes and, in
the same way, with the needs of the interested parties. By
For this reason, it is known that organizations manage their activities,
resources and objectives through the process management approach.
To comply with this substage of the integration methodology, it was carried out
a comparison between the three standards to be integrated through a matrix
which is partially shown in table 5. In it all the
applicable requirements of each standard and the common points (similar
requirements that allow integration), homologues (requirements that have
similar points only in two of the three regulatory schemes) and specific
(requirements directly related to a specific one) were identified.
particular standard). The latter must be harmonized within the
integrated management system (see table 5).
5.2 * *
Customer focus. Specific.
Roles, responsibilities and authorities. 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 5.3 5.3 Common.
* * 5.4
Participatory consultation of workers. Specific.
Planning changes. 5.4.2 and 7.3.9 6.1.2, 7.4.2 and 8.1 8.1.3 Counterpart.
According to the manual (ISO, 2018), mapping is the way value is generated,
because the requirements of the standards confront the processes, resources
and objectives that are stipulated in the management system. This
This way it is a useful task to minimize redundancies and
Maximize organizational synergy.
• How are these requirements met in the processes when reviewing the
norms that have points in common?
• Taking into account the previous question, what processes would be
affected by reviewing the specific requirements of a standard?
• What process would be affected by reviewing the specific requirements of
a norm?
Finally, all those requirements that have an impact on the processes were
marked with an approved symbol and their unification with the management
system is indicated. Additionally, this substage allowed:
Compression of the sector Leadership
Processes requirements and Customer focus
and its context and commitment
Logistics and
Operation management
and health
management in the
Quality assurement
Requirement Considerations
Similar requirements that allow integration taking into account the application of the three
management systems.
Requirements directly related to the requirements of the particular standard and that must be
harmonized with the integrated management system.
Requirements that have similar points in only two of the three integrated management systems.
Does not apply
Stage 3: incorporation
The objective of this substage is to identify and understand the scope of the
established in the standards, by verifying whether the processes that have been defined
in the organization comply and to what extent with the requirements, as long as
once the requirements have been incorporated into the organization. Such gaps can
be able to harmonize the flow of information for each process according to the
standards requirements. However, even if the integration process has not been applied
in an organization and well-documented processes are required for this work, this
analysis will be carried out in accordance with what is described in the IUMSS , taking
(focus on the organization's processes) and that follows the steps that are
• Compare the information of the management system with the requirements and
evidence of compliance.
• Identify opportunities for integration, overlaps and
synergies through:
As you can see, the gap analysis is a detailed report of substages 5 and 6 that may
• People interviewed.
In the same matrix where the requirements mapping was carried out (see table 8),
They will be able to identify with a color scale the processes that, after
Context Leadership
Integrated management
ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ
Environmental management. ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ
Quality and
Health and safety
management ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ
management at work.
Quality management
ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ
medical devices.
ÿ Not applicable
ÿ Complies
ÿ Partial Compliance
Once the report has been prepared that describes in detail the gaps
regulatory requirement and, to this end, it will be necessary to identify what type
function-specific policies.
Lack of Opportunities
for improvement
with requirements requirements
in integration
Determine necessary and responsible Each breach must have an owner in the process where the breach
actions occurred with the applicable requirement.
Review all components of the Check that there are no adverse effects on other
management system components of the integration carried out.
• Knowledge management.
• Resistance to change.
• Competencies.
• Differences in professional skills.
• Better relate the requirements with the demands of the parties
ISO and the guiding principles determined by Nunhes et al., (2019). They analyzed 28
common elements identified throughout the most referenced literature between 2006 and
• Systemic management.
• Standardization.
• Continuous improvement.
They turn out to be the pillars in the development and maintenance of systems
As stated in Table 1, the validation methodology was carried out through four
stages that allowed us to obtain the following
Stage 2: introduction
Then the description of the instructions was explained step by step, making
emphasis on evaluation criteria according to the matrix and
color convention, under which the most adjustable option is selected
the opinion of each expert (Martínez Narváez, 2018).
Stage 3: contextualization
For stage four, each expert was asked to evaluate each of the
five statements raised, taking into account the relevance of each
one of the components of the proposals made for the deliverable.
For items 1 and 2, which resulted in the experts rating as favorable and very
favorable, it is stated that the IUMSS integration tool, implemented for the integration
proposal, will allow achieving the strategic objectives, will avoid
the expense in times of duplication of processes and non-compliance with
requirements, optimizing the efficient use of resources.
It is evident that, although NTC ISO 13485:2016 does not have a defined high-
level structure, as in NTC ISO 14001:2015 and NTC
ISO 45001:2018, the integration could be carried out without complications, since
that the standard related to medical devices is associated
The IUMSS manual turns out to be a pedagogical tool that could be widely used
in teaching management systems, due to the clear and structured language that
would make it easier for teachers to understand key concepts in their
It was possible to translate and interpret the IUMSS manual for its application in
any economic sector, taking into account that Colombia is not a
bilingual country and that said manual is only for sale in the English language.
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