Project Proposal Template
Project Proposal Template
Project Proposal Template
Sean Spencer
Candidate Name
In the first seven units of the course, I have learnt how to do all the research
necessary in order to get the best grade possible, and will put me in the best step
going forward in the units by doing this research. I also now know how to make a
detailed plan to help me to understand what I will do and so I ain’t confused when
the production process comes around. In the production part, I understand what I
am doing with everything that I do because I have the experience and composure
to do this. Finally, in the pre-production part, I understand how to edit well and to
write a detailed evaluation to help me go forward.
In summary, this is something that I am passionate about and with me having the
best resources possible to get the best grade possible. I will also be doing a front
cover, contents page and double page spread as it’s the main bits of a magazine
and has the most content on.
Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning do - including independent study including access to workshops
Week 1 24th April Starting my Pitch and finishing the Resources to the club - Camera for the
proposal - Pitch to Warrington Pitch - Phone to record the interview
Wolves Media and Marketing
Week 2 1st May Once my proposal has been Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
checked and amended, I will be at home to hammer through it
starting my Primary Research
Week 3 8th May When my primary research has Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
been checked, I will be hoping to at home to hammer through it
move on to the Secondary research
and hopefully move on to the
Week 4 15th May Finish the planning by the the start Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
of the week and move on to the at home to hammer through it
Week 5 22st May Over the easter break to try and Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
come in college and finish the at home to hammer through it and also
production, move on the going to the club and doing the
post-production when completed interviews
Week 6 29th May Finishing off the production and Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
post-production off, get it checked. at home to hammer through it
Week 7 5th June Do all the amendments that I need Doing it on college PC’s and also mine
to do before the deadline on the 9th at home to hammer through it