Ict 039
Ict 039
Ict 039
Jeff Bezos is the CEO of an online empire Zuckerberg became the world's youngest
Amazon. He built milestones in the billionaire and technopreneur at the age of
e-commerce world. He started by selling 23. He also faced criticism. So, he started
books online in the 1990s and led the basis working on what users want and providing
of online stores globally. Jeff's name comes them more privacy. He learned that what
on the list of the world's wealthiest really matters was user experience. He
technopreneurs. In the beginning, he worked entered the world's wealthiest people list and
in different fields at the walled street and is the youngest entrepreneur in the top 20
completed his graduation from Princeton billionaire list.
4. Bill Gates
2. Elon Musk
Bill Gates is known for creating software
Elon Musk invented Tesla Motors, which called Microsoft. He created software and
are fully electric sports cars. The most sold it to the first personal computer
famous technopreneur of present times. He company, and he became very successful.
was the one who made a fortune as an After this, he left the university and started
entrepreneur in the technology world. Musk working in Microsoft software along with
founded PayPal, the popular online payment his mate. Later, Gates was named as the
network. He invested $70 million in Tesla CEO of Microsoft.
and $80 million in SpaceX and doesn't have
that much money. He went through many Bill Gates is a very well-known
financial crises and took loans. Today he is technopreneur and the world's richest
the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla motors. person. He is an intelligent, self-made
individual who runs a business that has Joey has co-founded several other software
become the focus for everyone. including start-ups such as SPRING.ph. Joey served as
TV, press, and media. Entrepreneurs are role the Asia Pacific Regional Director for
models for many struggling individuals. He Microsoft Business Solutions, before he left
got the title of the world's richest person to form his own Gurango Software. He is
from 1995 to 2017. And presently, he is on currently the CEO of Gurango Software,
number second after Jeff Bezos. global provider of Human Capital
Management solutions. It is hailed as the
Successful Local Technopreneurs most successful Microsoft Dynamics partner
in the Philippines.
1. Diosdado "Dado" Banatao, Monstron
3. Orlando Vea
Dado Banatao is a popular name in Filipino
success stories and technopreneurs forum. Orlando was raised by civil servant (his
He was born in Cagayan Valley Province, a father) and retired school teacher (his
place where landscapes of farm is visible. mother). He graduated from the University
His father is a rice farmer and housekeeper. of the Philippines in 1970 with a degree in
A.B. Economics, cum laude.
He then went to Ateneo de Tuguegarao and
at an early age of 15 pursued college Orlando B. Vea was appointed Chief
education at Mapua Institute of Technology Wireless Advisor of SMART. Until his
where he graduated cum laude with an appointment, he was head of the PLDT
Electrical Engineering degree. Group's media and content businesses as
President and CEO of MediaQuest
After accomplishing a degree at Mapua Holdings, Inc, a wholly- owned subsidiary
Institute of Technology, Dado went to of the PLDT Beneficial Trust Fund,
United States and worked while enrolling in responsible for the Group's thrust into
a graduate study program at the University Mobile TV, Direct to Home TV and its
of Washington. He also pursued a Master of initiatives toward other major mass media
Science in Electrical Engineering and and new media platforms.
Computing Science at Stanford University.
Mr. Vea is not new to SMART. He founded
Dado was also fortunate for spending time the company in 1991 and was President and
with engineers and professors at Homebrew CEO until 2000. He led the company during
Computer Club, including the legendary that period from start-up to a leadership
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. position in the mobile telecommunications
2. Joey Gurango
4. Winston Damarillo
Winston was born in a small town in Bohol. the morning and the last to leave at night.
In an interview of GMA News, Winston Business hours are set at the convenience of
shared his family experience back then. He customers, not the desire of the owner.
came from well-off family and all of a
sudden loss everything. At age 19 and (d)Time involvement: Starting a small
schooling for De La Salle University, he business takes a lot of hard work. In fact, it
began to sell bulldozer parts. may consume most of your day in the first
few years.
Before his major entrepreneurial endeavors,
Winston went to the States to pursue his WEEK 2
dream of working for Microsoft, IBM or
Intel. He was among the highest performing Creativity
venture capital professionals at Intel.
Winston Damarillo is the chief executive Creativity
officer and co-founder of Morphlabs.
Winston is a proven serial entrepreneur with Creativity Process
a track record of building successful
technology start-ups. Creativity Techniques
- The pattern of the DO IT process They have the dare to fail attitude
emphasizes the need to Define problems,
Open yourself to many possible solutions, Failure for them is a learning curve. They
Identify the best solution and then learn from all the mistakes made and all
Transform it into action effectively. those mistakes actually stimulate a higher
sense of curiosity in them. They have an
Mind mapping open-mind view of things that there are
- was developed as an effective many other doors that would lead them
method for generating ideas by towards a solution they are looking for in
association. In order to create a mind facing current challenges. Elon Musk,
map, you usually start in the middle known for having to revolutionise every
of the page with the central theme/ industry he has touched (Paypal in electronic
main idea and from that point you cash, Tesla in automotive and SpaceX in
work outward in all directions to rocket technology) invested over $100
create a growing diagram composed million of his own money into SpaceX and
of keywords, phrases, concepts, facts experienced a series of rocket launch failure.
and figures. He kept pushing despite all the failures in
order to explore the possibilities of building
The nominal group technique human settlements in Mars by 2060.
- is a variation of brainstorming where
individuals come up with ideas on They are willing to be different
their own rather than as a group.
Once different ideas are established, In fact, they like to be different from the
they are evaluated, ranked, and masses. Remember how Mark Zuckerberg
agreed upon collectively. The has always been noticed wearing the almost
top-ranked ideas are selected as the identical round neck t-shirt nearly every
output of this process. day? And Steve Jobs with his turtlenecks?
Zuckerberg was reported having to explain
Characteristics of a Creative Individual that clothing is a 'silly' decision that he
doesn't want to spend too long making as he
They are risk takers wants to dedicate his energy on how best to
grow his business and help to serve the
Creative thinkers are risk takers. They just community. What people think of them is
love taking risk. In fact they would be very not really a matter of concern as they have a
eager and excited to take up a project with very clear objective in life.
high risk potential rather than going through
routine tasks they considered as mundane. They choose to become a divergent
They will do things that may challenge the The Importance of Innovation in Business
boundary of normal thinking and
perspective. They think outside the box (and Innovation, as a concept, refers to the
they really, really do think outside the box) process that an individual or organization
where they see opportunities and solutions undertakes to conceptualize brand new
from all sorts of angles that remained products, processes, and ideas, or to
unnoticed to many others. They are also approach existing products, processes, and
highly curious and inquisitive. Founder of ideas in new ways.
amazon.com, Jeff Bezos is one great
example of a divergent. They see the world In the world of business, there are many
as a laboratory and they continually seek to different types of innovation that a company
answer the 'what-if' questions as they search might pursue.
for new solutions. This often leads to the
birth of many innovators. These are often tied directly to individual
products, internal processes or workflows,
They are impulsive, fickle and change or business models. Some companies even
their mind quite often embrace all three in an effort to spearhead
growth while adapting to the ever- changing
Too often creative thinkers are being market.
exposed to new experiences, leading their
minds in constant mode of thinking. They Types of Innovation
gauge huge amount of thoughts and opinions
towards a problem they try to solve. This Incremental Innovation
then resulted into them revising their
understanding of a matter in an amazingly Incremental Innovation is the most common
fast cycle and often decisions too. They tend form of innovation. It utilizes your existing
to be fickle in many aspects of life as they technology and increases value to the
are deeply engaged in the creative thinking customer (features, design changes, etc.)
process. Adding to the result, they tend to within your existing market. Almost all
make impulsive decisions in accordance to companies engage in incremental innovation
their own ways of thinking, which is then in one form or another.
misunderstood by many and interpreted as
'not having a stand'. Disruptive Innovation
Creating new ideas for competitive -Let your employees know that you value
advantages their thoughts. It sounds simple, but
employees get used to feeling like part of the
- The whole process of entrepreneurship pack and can sometimes think it's better to
itself rooted in creation and exploration of
just keep up with their workload, blend in, ->Managerial Encouragement
and not become a squeaky wheel. -Support for Teamwork:
-Realistic Workload Pressures: Extreme time -> The average worker in an IP-intensive
pressures, unrealistic expectations for industry earned about 30% more than his
productivity, and distractions from creative counterpart in a non-IP industry
work are counterproductive when creating a
culture of Innovation. -> The average salary in IP-intensive
industries pay $50,576 per worker compared
Management Practices That Support to the national average of $38,768
Creating a Culture of Innovation
-> America's IP is worth $5.8 trillion, more
-Freedom: than the nominal GDP of any other country
->Challenging in the world.
-> IP-intensive industries account for over Innovative agricultural companies are
1/3-or 38% of total U.S. GDP creating new products to help farmers
produce more and better products for the
->These industries also have 72.5% higher world’s hungry while reducing the
output per worker than the national average, environmental impact of agriculture.
valued at $136,556 per worker.
IP accounts for 74% of all US exports- IPdriven discoveries in alternative energy
which amounts to nearly $1 trillion and green technologies will help improve
energy security and address climate
-> The direct and indirect economic impacts change.
of innovation are overwhelming, accounting
for more than 40% ous economic growth Intellectual Property Rights
and employment. Encourage Innovation and
Reward Entrepreneurs
Strong and Enforced Intellectual
Property Rights Protect Consumers and
Families Risk and occasional failure are the
lifeblood of the innovation
Strong IP nights help consumers make an economy. IP rights incentivize
educated choice about the safety, reliability, entrepreneurs to keep pushing for
and effectiveness of their purchases. new advances in the face of
Enforced IP rights ensure products are
authentic, and of the high-quality that IP rights facilitate the free flow of
consumers recognize and expect. information by sharing the protected
know-how critical to the original,
IP rights foster the confidence and ease of patented invention. In turn, this
mind that consumers demand and markets process leads to new innovations
rely on and improvements on existing ones
The factors that influence entrepreneurial Various government policies like the
venture. Economic policy, Taxation Policy,
Import-Export Policy, and Licensing Policy,
1. Aspiration and Attitude etc.
Every person acts and behaves according to Effect the development of entrepreneurship
his aspirations and attitude. or entrepreneurial
A person with high ambitions helps himself If the government provides basic
to become a big entrepreneur, Similarly, a infrastructural facilities, like electricity,
person has the attitude to work as an transport, banking, insurance,
entrepreneur, only then he can achieve communication, water, raw materials, and
success warehousing facilities, etc.
2. Personal Factors
It certainly results in the development of The government may create the conditions
entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial. of healthy competition by its policies and
various laws.
5. Social and Cultural Factors
8. Economic and Business Environment
Social organizations, traditions, level of
education, personal behavior, situational The economic and business environment of
circumstances, caste or class system, family the country also affects or entrepreneurial.
training and another ethical level of the development of entrepreneurship
society are such social and cultural
elements, which affect the devwaunant of Availability of basic infrastructural facilities,
antrepreneurship or entrepreneurial. industrial areas and estates, raw material,
labour, transport, communication, Insurance
In addition, the political environment of the and financial facilities, price level, trade
country also affects the development of cycles, economic stability, and investment
entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial. position in the country are such motivating
elements that influence the development of
6. Progeny and Traditions entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial
Education and training as an important role The dream of being an entrepreneur appeal
development of entrepreneurship to many people, but starting your own
business from the bottom up can be
The entrepreneurs are not born but daunting. Some arbimatives deliver many
developed as auch, by way of proper benefits of being a business paner while
education, training and counseling. avoiding some of the drawbacks to starting
a business.
In India also the prospective are educated
and trained through entrepreneur by By exploring alternatives, you may be able
entrepreneurship development program to find one that will give you the experience
various technical and management you are looking for while minimizing the
Institutions difficulties of entrepreneurship, if none of
them scratch that itch, maybe it is time to
These institutions provide details training roll up your sleeves and build a business
about feasibility reports, industrial project from the ground up.
reports, etc
Alternatives to Starting Your Own
12. Role of Banks and Financial Institutions Business
Banks and Financial Institutions also played Invest in Other People's Startups
an important role in the development of
entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial Although it may not carry the same
attraction, investing in startups and
If these institutions quickly approve the established businesses can be as profitable
projects submitted by the entrepreneurs as running them. Publicly traded venture
Business and Industrial Enterprise provides capital funds scout and invest in startups,
encouragement for the establishment of creating a portfolio of businesses that might
make it big. With a single investment, you
It also simplifies the policies and procedures can get access to a wide portfolio of
for providing loans and credit, and also businesses that have passed the venture
provides facilities for l restigation which capital firm's tests.
results in the development of
Buy an Existing Business franchise office imposes as far as creative
control. That said, franchises have a stronger
Buying a business that is already in support network and generally have a better
operation and profitable is another shortcut success rate compared with the vast majority
There are some obvious benefits, like less of start-ups
time spent in the planning and creation
stage, infrastructure such as supplies already Part 2
in place, and existing customers who
recognize the brand. Advantages and Disadvantages of
The major downside is that the cost of
acquiring a profitable business is usually Advantages Of Investing in Other People's
much higher than the start-up costs of The Startups
same type of business. This cost reflects the
efforts of the person who started it, plus an 1. Agility
additional premium charged for the business
having proven its viability. Startups are smaller and less structured.
They are also innovative and keep
If you choose this route, it is important to improving their business models, processes
performs due diligence, such as confirming and portfolio. These allow them to adapt to
all the revenue figures and finding out why disruptive technologies and changes in
ownership is selling a seemingly successful market conditions. Established competitors
Business lace vested interests, a historic path, and a
strong leum culture. This makes them
Buy a Franchise resistant to change.
You often need to invest a large amount up Franchises often have an established
front, and will also have to budget for reputation and image, proven management
professional fees for solicitors and and work practices, access to national
accountants, advertising and ongoing support.
The seller's personality and their established Bad performances by other franchisees may
relationships may be a major factor for the affect your franchise's reputation.
success of the business
Buying a franchise means ongoing sharing
Advantages of buying a franchise of profit 1 with the franchisor Franchisors
do not have to renew an agreement at the
end of the franchise term
Franchising is seen by many as a simple way
to go into business for the first time. But Importance of Financial Plan
franchising is no guarantee of success and
the same principles of good Financial planning is a step-by-step
management-such as informed approach to meet one's life goals. A
decision-making, hard work, time financial plan acts as a guide as you go
management, having enough money and through life's journey. Essentially, it helps
serving your customers well-still apply. you be in control of your income, expenses
and Investments such that you can manage
Be cautious when buying into a franchise if your money and achieve your goals.
you have to develop the market and the
brand in your designated area. Make sure Objectives of Financial Statements
your investment generates healthy returns
and a capital gain when you sell. To meet information needs of service
recipients and resource providers for
FINALS acocuntability and decision making
Review your Strategic plan. -The performance of the entity eg, meeting
service delivery and other operating and
Financial planning should start with your financial objectives
company's strategic plan. You should think
about what you want to accomplish at the -Managing ressources it is responsible for
start of a new year and ask yourself a Series
of questions -Complying with ingislative & other
Do I need to expand?
-Liquidity and salvancy
Do I need more equipment?
-Sustainability of service delivery and other
Do I need to hire more staff? Da i need other operations
new resources
-Capacity to adapt to changing
How will my plan affect my cash flow? Will circumstances
I need financing? If yes, how much?
Required Financial Statements
Then, determine the financial Impact in the
next 12 months, including spending on A complete set of financial statements
major projects. includes:
market size and potential growth? Does the
Statement of financial position plan identify the key characteristics of the
market relevant to the competitive
Stalement of financial performance positioning and how this opportunity will be
exploited? Does the plan effectively analyze
Statement of changes in net assets/equity the nature of competition within the market?
Does the plan identify the target customer
Cash flow statement. group?
• is the summary an effective synopsis of the • Does the plan effectively highlight the
overall business plan? Does the summary expertise of the individual(s) within the
pique the interest of the reader? Does the business and identify any human resource
summary provide an engaging vision of the 'gaps' and appropriate measures to resolve
company? these issues? Does the plan include a plan
for the production/delivery of the product or
2. Product or Service to be offered service? Does the plan address the issues of
operational complexity, resource
Does the plan effectively communicate the requirements and operational risks
features and benefits of the product or appropriately?
service brought to the market? Does the plan
effectively communicate the USP of the 6. Financials & Risks and Sensitivities
product/service and how this competitive
advantage will be maintained? • Does the plan explain key assumptions and
features of the financial model? Does the
3. Market Opportunity plan. include detailed income and
expenditure and cash flow forecasts! Does
Does the plan effectively describe the the plan detail the level of working capital
market in which the business intends to required to run the business? Does the plan
compete?. Does the plan identify the current
identify the nature of potential returns? Are
the financial forecasts realistic!
7. Clarity
8. Likelihood of obtaining
SMART:feasibility funding Is the SMART
Section completed? Is the proposal
technically innovative?