Iso 14469-2017
Iso 14469-2017
Iso 14469-2017
First edition
Reference number
ISO 14469:2017(E)
© ISO 2017
ISO 14469:2017(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General construction requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Nozzles ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6 Standard receptacle dimensions ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Standard receptacle dimensions Size 1 (B200, B250) .......................................................................................... 4
6.2 Standard receptacle dimensions size 2 (C200, C250) ........................................................................................... 7
7 Receptacles .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
8 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
9 Marking ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
10 Tests ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
10.1 General requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
10.2 User interface ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
10.3 Impact resistance ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
10.4 Receptacle protective caps......................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.5 Leakage at room temperature ................................................................................................................................................ 13
10.5.1 Nozzle ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.5.2 Receptacle ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.6 Valve operating handle .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
10.7 Abnormal loads ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
10.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
10.7.2 Test in the unpressurized condition ............................................................................................................ 15
10.7.3 Test in the pressurized condition ................................................................................................................... 15
10.8 Rocking/Twisting .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
10.9 Mounting hardware torque ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.10 Low and high temperatures ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.10.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.10.2 Leakage test....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.10.3 Operation test.................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1 0.1 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
D urab ility
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. www.iso .org/directives
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights. Details o f
any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received. www.iso .org/patents
Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to con formity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary in formation
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 41, Specific
aspects for gaseous fuels.
This first edition o f ISO 14469:2016 cancels and replaces the first edition o f ISO 14469-1:2004,
ISO 14469-2:2007 and ISO 14469-3:2006, which have been technically revised.
This document was developed to use in the examination, testing and certification o f newly produced
compressed natural (CNG) gas vehicle fuelling nozzles and receptacles and, as such, applies only to the
nozzles and receptacles used in CNG fuelling systems, and not to the system itsel f.
A nozzle certified to this International Standard will be functionally compatible from a sa fety and
per formance perspective with all listed receptacles o f compatible profile and system pressure. Similarly,
a certified receptacle will be functionally compatible from a sa fety and per formance perspective with
all listed nozzles o f compatible profile and system pressure.
As there may eventually be many di fferent kinds o f nozzles and receptacles available from a variety
o f manu facturers which, for sa fety reasons, have to be all compatible with one another, this document
specifies a series o f receptacle profiles. These standard profiles incorporate the design specifications
(mating materials, geometry and tolerances) which may be considered in the certification o f a submitted
nozzle or receptacle.
The construction and performance of nozzles and receptacles are based on the observation that three
main parameters a ffect user sa fety and system compatibility.
a) Service pressure
All nozzles and receptacles are designed to have a service pressure of either 20 MPa (200 bar) for B200
and C200 connectors or 25 MPa (250 Bar) for B250 and C250 connectors.
b) Design life
Frequency o f use is the second parameter to be considered. Since frequency o f use will di ffer with the
nozzle/receptacle application (i.e. public sector, fleet employee and residential), all receptacles will be
tested at 10 000 connect/disconnect cycles for compliance with this document. In addition, all nozzles
will be tested according to the following frequency use classifications, as applicable:
— Class A Nozzle, speci fying high frequency use, with a cycle li fe o f 100 000 cycles and equating to
approximately 100 fills per day for three years;
— Class B Nozzle, speci fying medium frequency use, with a cycle li fe o f 20 000 cycles and equating to
approximately 10 fills per day for five years.
c) Training
Operator training required is in accordance with national requirements.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively re ferenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated re ferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated
re ferences, the latest edition o f the re ferenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 188, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests
ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids
ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Salt spray tests
ISO 15500-2, Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Part 2:
Performance and general test methods
ISO 15501-1, Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems — Part 1: Safety requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes o f this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain
terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso .org/obp
dry air
air with moisture content such that the dew point of the air at the required test pressure is at least
11 °C below the ambient test temperature
hydrostatic pressure
pressure to which a component is taken to veri fy the structural strength o f the component
working pressure
maximum pressure that a CNG refuelling connector can be expected to withstand in actual service
service pressure
settled pressure of 20 MPa (200 bar) at a uniform gas temperature of 15 °C for B200 and C200
connectors or 25 MPa (250 Bar) for B250 and C250 connectors
positive locking means
feature which requires actuation of an interlocking mechanism to allow connection/disconnection of
the nozzle from the receptacle
CNG refuelling nozzle
device which permits quick connection and disconnection o f fuel supply hose to the CNG receptacle in a
safe manner, hereafter referred to as nozzle
CNG refuelling receptacle
device connected to a vehicle or storage system which receives the CNG re fuelling nozzle and permits
safe transfer of fuel, hereafter referred to as receptacle
CNG refuelling connector
joined assembly o f CNG re fuelling nozzle and receptacle, herea fter re ferred to as connector
4.1 Nozzles and receptacles manufactured in accordance with this document shall be designed in
accordance with reasonable concepts o f safety, durability and maintainability.
4.2 Nozzles and receptacles shall be well fitted and manufactured in accordance with good engineering
practice. All construction requirements may be met by either the construction specified in this document
or another construction that gives at least equivalent performance.
4.3 Nozzles and receptacles shall be
— designed to minimize the possibility o f incorrect assembly,
— designed to be secure against displacement, distortion, warping or other damage, and
— constructed to maintain operational integrity under normal and reasonable conditions o f handling
and usage.
4.4 Nozzles and receptacles shall be manufactured of materials suitable and compatible for use with
CNG at the pressure and the temperature ranges to which they will be subjected (see Clause 1).
The minimum temperature range shall be selected by the manu facturer between the following ranges:
— 40 °C to 85 °C or 120°C as applicable;
— 20 °C to 85°C or 120 °C as applicable.
NOTE 1 The lower temperature limit depends on whether the component is to be used for mild or cold weather
NOTE 2 The high temperature limit depends on whether the component will be installed inside the engine
compartment (120°C) or outside of the engine compartment (85°C).
4.5 Nozzles and receptacles constructed o f brass shall use brass alloys with a copper mass
content ≤70 %. This will ensure proper material compatibility with all the constituents o f natural gas.
4.6 Separate external three-way valves shall be constructed and marked so as to indicate clearly the
open, shut and vent positions.
4.7 Nozzles and receptacles shall be operated either to connect or disconnect without the use of tools.
4.8 The receptacle shall be mounted on the vehicle in accordance with ISO 15501-1.
4.9 Jointing components shall provide gas-tight sealing performance.
5 Nozzles
5.1 Nozzles shall be one o f the three types according to a), b) and c). See also Annex A.
a) Type 1 is a nozzle for use with dispensing hoses that remain fully pressurized at dispenser
The nozzle shall not allow gas to flow until a positive connection has been achieved. The nozzle shall be
equipped with an integral valve or valves, incorporating an operating mechanism which first stops the
supply o f gas and sa fely vents the trapped gas be fore allowing the disconnection o f the nozzle from the
receptacle. The operating mechanism shall ensure that the vent valve is in the open position before the
release mechanism can be operated and that the gas located between the nozzle shut-off valve and the
receptacle check valve is sa fely vented prior to nozzle disconnection (see 10.2).
b) Type 2 is a nozzle for use with dispensing hoses that remain fully pressurized at dispenser
shutdown. A separate three-way valve connected directly, or indirectly, to the inlet o f the nozzle is
required to sa fely vent trapped gas prior to nozzle disconnection. The nozzle shall not permit the
flow o f gas i f unconnected. Venting is required prior to disconnection o f the nozzle (see 10.2).
c) Type 3 is a nozzle for use with dispensing hoses which are automatically depressurized — 0,5 MPa
(5 bar) and below — at dispenser shutdown (see 10.2).
In addition, nozzles shall be classified in terms o f cycle li fe as follows:
— Class A, speci fying high frequency use, with a cycle li fe o f 100 000;
— Class B, speci fying low frequency use, with a cycle li fe o f 20 000.
5.2 Venting or de-pressurization o f all nozzle types is required prior to disconnection. Disconnection
of all nozzles shall be able to be accomplished in accordance with 10.2.
5.3 The method for attaching the nozzle to the fuel dispensing system hose shall not rely on the joint
threads between the male and female threads for sealing (e.g. conical threads).
5.4 The three-way valve exhaust port o f Type 1 and Type 2 nozzles shall be protected from the ingress
o f foreign particles and fluid which would hamper the operation o f the valve.
5.5 The portions o f a nozzle which are held by the user for connection or disconnection may be
thermally insulated.
5.6 A Type 1 nozzle shall bear a marking indicating the direction o f the open and shut operation i f it
contains a rotating actuation mechanism.
5.7 The interface surface of the nozzle shall be constructed of material having a hardness >75 Rockwell
B (HRB 75) and shall be non-sparking and conductive (see 10.11.5 and 10.15).
The exposed surfaces of the nozzles shall be made of non-sparking materials (see 10.11.5 and 10.15).
5.8 Nozzles shall comply with the performance requirements o f Clause 10 to ensure interchangeability.
Dimensions in millimetres
Ra 3,2 µm
S ur face ro ughnes s ≤
This area shall be kept free of all components
a Minimum length of the receptacle that is clear of provisions for attachment of the receptacle or
protective caps.
b Sealing surface equivalent to N°110 O-ring of dimensions:
— I nternal diameter: 9 , 1 9 ± 0 , 1 2 7 ; width: 2 , 6 2 ± 0 , 0 7 6;
Dimensions in millimetres
This area shall be kept free of all components
a Minimum length of the receptacle that is clear of provisions for attachment of the receptacle or protective caps.
b Sealing surface equivalent to N°110 O-ring of dimensions:
— I nternal diameter: 9 , 1 9 ± 0 , 1 2 7 ; width: 2 , 6 2 ± 0 , 0 7 6 ;
This area shall be kept free of all components
a Minimum length of the receptacle that is clear of provisions for attachment of the receptacle or protective caps.
b Sealing surface equivalent to N°208 O-ring of dimensions:
— I nternal diameter: 1 5 , 47 ± 0 , 2 3 ; width: 3 , 5 3 ± 0 , 1 ;
This area shall be kept free of all components
a Minimum length of the receptacle that is clear of provisions for attachment of the receptacle or protective caps.
b Sealing surface equivalent to N°208 O-ring of dimensions:
— I nternal diameter: 1 5 , 47 ± 0 , 2 3 ; width: 3 , 5 3 ± 0 , 1 ;
7 Receptacles
7.1 Receptacles shall be evaluated using at least two different test nozzles, each nozzle representing a
di fferent lo cking techno lo gy.
T he fai lure o f any te s t conduc ted with the re cep tacle and no z z le tes t s amples shal l con s titute a fai lu re of
the s ubmitte d re cep tacle, un les s the manu fac turer c an prove the problem was c aus e d by the tes t no z z le .
7.2 Recep tacle des igns which emp loy means , on the b ack Figure 5, to
diameter as s ho wn in
accommodate mounting, or for mounting accessories or marking purposes, shall not have such means
extend b eyo nd the b ack diameter dimens io ns of Figure 1 to Figure 4, as
the p ro file as s p ecified by
undercutting for marking, and threads for pressure-tight caps. Receptacle designs shall not compromise
Annex B.
the interchangeab ility requirements s p ecified in
1 back diameter
Figure 5 — Receptacle design
7.3 The receptacle shall be equipped with an internal check valve to prevent the escape of gas. The
check valve s hall b e o f the no n- co ntact typ e, o p ening by di fferential p res s ure o nly.
7.4 The metho d fo r attaching the recep tacle to the vehicle fuel sys tem s hall no t rely o n the j o int
between the male and female threads for sealing, such as conical threads.
7.5 The interfacing surface of the receptacle shall be constructed of material having a
hardness >75 Rockwell B (HRB 75) and shall be non-sparking and conductive (see 10.11.5 and 10.15).
The exposed surfaces of devices shall be made of non-sparking materials (see 10.11.5).
7.6 Recep tacles s hall have a means to p revent the ingres s o f fluids and fo reign matter.
7.7 The functio n s p ecified in 7.6 may als o b e met by either a p ro tective cap (s ee 10.4) or a pressure-
tight protective cap (see 10.16).
7.8 The recep tacle s hall have p rovis io ns to b e firmly attached to the vehicle and s hall co mp ly with
8 Instructions
8.1 I n fo rmatio n required under this claus e fo r ins tructio ns and p rovis io ns to b e s p ecified s hall b e
8.2 S p ecial to o ls required fo r co nnectio n o f recep tacles to tub ing and as s emb ly and dis as s emb ly o f
three- way valve p arts s hall b e clearly identified in the ins tructio ns .
8.3 The manu facturers o f recep tacles , no zzles and three- way valves s hall p rovide clear and co ncis e
p rinted ins tructio ns and diagrams in a fo rm that can b e eas ily unders to o d and adequate fo r
b) installation,
c) maintenance,
d) replacement of components as appropriate,
e) s a fe op eration b y a l l u s ers ,
9.1 Information required under this clause shall be clear and legible. Marking should be embossed,
engraved, cast, stamped or otherwise formed in the part. This includes markings baked into an enamelled
9.2 Nozzles and receptacles shall bear the following information:
a) ma nu fac turer ’s or de a ler ’s na me, trademark or s ymb ol;
b) mo del de s ignation;
c) B 2 0 0 or B 2 5 0 or C 2 0 0 or C 2 5 0 ;
device, on the package or on a notice placed inside the package in which the device is shipped.
10 Tests
Following this, the nozzle shall be capable of normal connection and disconnection to the receptacle. In
addition, the nozzle shall comply with all leakage tests specified in this document (see 10.5).
1 suitable support
2 refuelling hose (9,5 mm diameter)
3 nozzle
4 concrete floor
Figure 6 — Impact resistance test arrangement
Tests shall be conducted at 0,5 MPa (5 bar), then at 1,5 times the service pressure and then again at
0,5 MPa (5 bar).
The receptacle shall be connected to a pressure vessel capable o f sa fely accommodating the specified
test pressures. The receptacle and pressure vessel shall then be pressurized. Once the pressure
vessel has reached the specified test pressure, the upstream portion o f the receptacle shall be quickly
depressurized and the receptacle check valve checked for leakage.
10.6 Valve operating handle
If a nozzle is equipped with a valve operating handle, it shall be capable of withstanding double the
manu facturer’s specified operating torque or force, without damage to the operating handle or the
operating handle stops.
The test shall be performed with the torque or force applied in both the opening and closing directions
a) with the nozzle properly connected to a receptacle, and
b) with the nozzle intentionally misaligned relative to the receptacle.
10.7.1 General
The connected nozzle and receptacle shall be subjected to the following abnormal loads for a period o f
5 min in service. These tests are to be conducted separately:
a) pulls a along the longitudinal axis of the nozzle or receptacle;
b) moments b applied in a worst-case manner.
The nozzle and receptacle shall be able to withstand abnormal loads of a = 1 350 N and b = 120 N·m
without distortion or damage, and of a = 2 700 N and b = 240 N·m without becoming so damaged as to
leak. The load and moment arm shall be measured about a point 41 mm from the front of the receptacle
to the hose inlet of the nozzle (see Figure 6).
A fter completing these tests, the receptacle shall comply with 10.5.
1 receptacle
2 abnormal load reference
3 moment
4 nozzle
Figure 7 — Abnormal load test
The receptacle shall be mounted as a cantilever to a supporting member in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. For the purposes of this test, the supporting member shall be capable of
with s tand i ng the s p e ci fie d lo ad s without d i s pl acement or defle c tion .
T he lo ad s appl ie d a nd the device’s abi l ity to re s i s t damage sha l l be as s p e ci fie d in 10.7.1. After
comple tion o f the te s ts , the re cep tacle s ha l l comply with 10.5.
10.7.3 Test in the pressurized condition
T he re cep tacle te s t fi x ture and no z z le s ha l l b e pre s s u ri z e d 1 , 2 5 ti me s s er vice pre s s u re duri ng the
T he lo ad s appl ie d a nd the devices ’ abi l ity to re s i s t damage sha l l be as s p e ci fie d in 10.7.1. After
comple tion o f the te s ts , the re cep tacle s ha l l comply with 10.5.
10.8 Rocking/Twisting
T he re cep tacle a nd its mounti ng h ardwa re s ha l l no t b e lo o s ene d or da mage d when s ubj e c te d to the
following test.
Uti l i z i ng the re cep tacle mounti ng hardware s ubm itte d b y the manu fac tu rer, the re cep tacle s ha l l b e
mounted on a supporting member in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The supporting
memb er sh a l l b e c ap able o f with s tand i ng the s p e ci fie d lo ad s without d i s placement or defle c tion . T he
receptacle. An alternating 24 N·m moment shall be applied at a point on the nozzle furthest from the
receptacle for 2 500 times at a frequency not exceeding one cycle per second.
A torque o f 4 N·m shall then be applied 10 times to the receptacle in the direction most likely to loosen
the mounting hardware.
Following these tests, the receptacle shall comply with the room temperature leakage tests (see 10.5),
Following room temperature leakage tests, the receptacle shall comply with hydrostatic strength tests
(see 10.12)
10.9 Mounting hardware torque
The receptacle and mounting hardware shall withstand, without damage, a turning force equal to
150 % o f the manu facturer’s recommended mounting hardware fastening torque.
10.10.1 General
Prior to conditioning, the devices shall be purged with nitrogen and then sealed from the atmosphere
under a pressure o f 7 MPa (70 bar) nitrogen or dry air.
All tests shall be conducted while the devices continue to be exposed to the specified test temperatures.
The outlet of the device shall be plugged and the test pressure shall be applied to the inlet of the device.
The device shall be either bubble- free during the leak test for the specified time period or have a leak
rate of <20 cm3/h (normal).
10.10.2 Leakage test Preconditioning
At each test condition, as follows, the devices shall be maintained at the specified temperature for 2 h,
then tested in accordance with
a) the nozzle and receptacle coupled, conditioned at −40 °C (or −20°C as applicable) or lower and
pressurized at 0,5 MPa (5 bar) and 15 MPa (150 bar);
b) the nozzle and receptacle coupled, conditioned at 85 °C (or 120°C as applicable) or higher and
pressurized at 1 MPa (10 bar) and 1,5 times service pressure;
c) the receptacle uncoupled, conditioned at −40 °C (or −20°C as applicable) or lower and pressurized
at 0,5 MPa (5 bar) and 15 MPa (150 bar);
d) the receptacle uncoupled, conditioned at 85 °C (or 120°C as applicable) or higher and pressurized at
1 MPa (10 bar) and 1,5 times service pressure;
e) the nozzle uncoupled, conditioned at −40 °C (or −20°C as applicable) or lower and pressurized at
0,5 MPa (5 bar) and 15 MPa (150 bar);
f) the nozzle uncoupled, conditioned at 85 °C (or 120°C as applicable) or higher and pressurized at
1 MPa (10 bar) and 1,5 times service pressure; Test
Pressurized air or nitrogen shall be applied to the test components. The external body shall then be
checked for bubble-tight leakage using
a) at −40 °C (or −20°C as applicable), immersion in a 70 % glycol and 30 % water mixture for 2 min, and
b) at 85 °C, immersion in 85 °C water for 1 min.
16 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
ISO 14469:2017(E)
The nozzle shall be checked at 20 % intervals for compliance with 10.5 and 10.10.2. In addition, at these
intervals, the nozzle locking mechanism shall be checked at the normal disconnection pressure to
ensure it is properly engaged on the nozzle.
For a Type 1 nozzle, the vent valve operating mechanism shall be manually operated 10 times at both
high and low temperatures at each o f the cycle intervals prior to checking for leakage.
The test fixture shall be replaced a fter 10 000 cycles. The test fixture shall be selected from Table 2.
The worn test fixtures resulting from cycling the test nozzle shall not exhibit wear in excess o f patterns
shown in Figure 8 to Figure 11 . In addition, following completion of the required number of cycles,
the test nozzle shall comply with 10.5 and 10.12 when tested with the receptacle test piece of Figure 8
to Figure 11 . Failure to comply with any of the tests specified in this paragraph shall be deemed as a
failure o f the test nozzle. The replacement o f nozzle seals shall be acceptable at intervals o f 40 % o f the
total number cycles.
T a b l e 2 — Te s t fi x t u r e s e l e c t i o n f
o r n o z z l e d u r a b i l i t y
For Class A devices, the seal(s) may be replaced at 40 000 cycles and 80 000 cycles i f the manu facturer’s
instructions clearly state that this is recommended practice.
Dimensions in millimetres
Surface roughness ≤Ra 3,2 µm
F i g u r e 8 — B 2 0 0 - Wo r n r e c e p t a c l e t e s t fi x t u r e
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e 9 — B 2 5 0 - Wo r n r e c e p t a c l e t e s t fi x t u r e
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e 1 0 — C 2 0 0 - Wo r n r e c e p t a c l e t e s t fi x t u r e
F i g u r e 1 1 — C 2 5 0 - Wo r n r e c e p t a c l e t e s t fi x t u r e
of the receptacle check valve. Pressure on the downstream side of the receptacle check valve shall be
lowered to between 0 and a maximum o f 12,5 MPa (125 bar) prior to the next cycle.
Following 100 000 cycles o f operation, the receptacle check valve shall be subjected to 24 h o f flow at
the inlet/outlet flow conditions that cause the most severe chatter. The receptacle shall then be tested
for compliance with 10.5 and 10.10.2. Nozzle check valve test
Without being connected to the receptacle, the nozzle check valve (which prevents the flow o f gas unless
properly connected) shall be capable o f withstanding 500 cycles o f application o f 1,25 times service
pressure. Following this test, the nozzle check valve shall be bubble-free for 1 min during the leak test
when tested in accordance with 10.2, 10.5 and 10.10.2. Receptacle test
A receptacle shall be capable o f withstanding 10 000 cycles o f operation as follows. For the purposes o f
this test, one cycle o f operation shall comprise
a) properly connecting the nozzle to the receptacle,
b) pressurizing the devices to 1,25 times service pressure using dry, oil- free air or nitrogen,
c) depressurizing the devices, and
d) disconnecting the nozzle.
A fter every 100 cycles, a torque o f 20 N·m, shall be applied around the longitudinal axis o f the
pressurized nozzle, through a maximum rotation of 30°, after which the test shall continue as before.
Following this test, the receptacle shall pass the test according to 10.2, 10.5. and 10.10.2
1 0 . 1 1 . 1 . 5 Re c e p ta c l e f
u l l fl o w te s t
The receptacle shall be capable o f withstanding full flow condition, in the following test.
Connect the receptacle to a nozzle. The outlet of the receptacle shall be open to atmospheric pressure.
Connect the supply port o f the nozzle to a system that supplies su fficient compressed dry air or nitrogen.
Each receptacle shall be cycled for 30 cycles. Each cycle shall consist o f the full flow o f gas with the
supply pressure starting at 1,1 times service pressure . A cycle shall be 2 s in length and the supply
pressure shall not fall below 0,8 times service pressure at the end o f each cycle. The test system shall
not limit the flow during this test.
Following this test, the receptacle shall pass the test given in 10.5.
10.11.2 Oxygen ageing
Sealing materials shall be listed and rated by the manu facturer as being resistant to oxygen ageing.
Otherwise, the materials shall not crack or show visible evidence o f deterioration subsequent to oxygen
ageing as follows.
Samples shall be subjected to 96 h o f exposure at 70 °C ± 5° C and at 2,1 MPa ± 0,1 MPa (21 bar ± 1 bar).
This test shall be conducted in accordance with ISO 188.
10.11.3 Seal material compatibility
Sealing materials shall not show excessive volume change or loss of mass when tested as follows:
a) Representative sample(s) of seal materials shall be prepared, measured and weighed. The samples
shall then be immersed in natural gas at 1,25 times service pressure for a minimum of 70 h.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 23
ISO 14469:2017(E)
Following this time period, the test pressure shall be rapidly reduced to atmospheric pressure,
after which the test samples shall not exhibit evidence of shredding. In addition, the samples shall
not swell by more than 25 %, shrink by more than 1 % or incur a mass loss in excess o f 10 %. The
observations on the samples shall be made within one hour o f the finalization o f the test.
b) Non-metallic material used in a component that is likely to be exposed to ester-based or alpha-
olefin- based synthetic compressor oils, including non-synthetic compressor oils, shall not show
excessive change in volume or weight when tested in accordance with ISO 1817 or the following
procedure. Prepare, measure and weigh one or more representative samples of each non-metallic
material used in a component, then immerse the sample or samples at room temperature in holders,
each containing one o f the test fluids, for a minimum o f 70 h. Following this period o f immersion,
remove and measure the test samples, within 1 h. No sample shall exhibit swelling greater than
25 % or shrinkage greater than 1 %. The weight change shall not exceed 10 %.
10.11.4 Ten-day moist ammonia-air stress cracking
A fter being subjected to the following conditions, a brass part containing more than 15 % zinc shall
show no evidence o f cracking or delamination when examined using ×25 magnification.
Each test sample shall be subjected to the physical stresses normally imposed on or within a part as
the result o f assembly with other components. Such stresses shall be applied to the sample prior to,
and maintained during, the test. Samples with threads, intended to be used for installing the product
in the field, shall have the threads engaged and tightened to the torque specified by the manu facturer.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape or pipe compound shall not be used on the threads.
Three samples shall be degreased and then continuously exposed in a set position for 10 days to a moist
ammonia-air mixture maintained in a glass chamber o f approximately 3 l capacity and having a glass
cover, as follows.
Approximately 0,6 l o f aqueous ammonia having a specific gravity o f 0,94 shall be maintained at the
bottom of the glass chamber below the samples. The samples shall each be positioned 40 mm above
the aqueous ammonia solution and supported by an inert tray. The moist ammonia-air mixture in the
chamber shall be maintained at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of 34 °C ± 2 °C.
10.11.5 Electrical resistance
The electrical resistance o f the connected receptacle and nozzle shall not be greater than 10 Ω in the
pressurized and unpressurized states. Tests shall be conducted prior to, and a fter, durability cycling
(see 10.11.1).
10.12 Hydrostatic strength
CAUTION — Because the hydrostatic strength test is a terminal test, do not use the test samples
for any further testing.
An uncoupled nozzle, uncoupled receptacle and coupled nozzle and receptacle shall not rupture when
subjected to the following test.
Outlet openings of the uncoupled or coupled connector shall be plugged and valve seats or internal
blocks made to assume the open position. A hydrostatic pressure o f 2,5 times the working pressure
shall be applied to the inlet of the nozzle or outlet of the receptacle for a period of at least 3 min.
10.13 Corrosion resistance
Nozzles and receptacles shall not sustain corrosion or loss of protective coatings, and shall be capable
o f per forming sa fely subsequent to the following test.
Previously untested samples shall be used. Protective caps shall be in place. Vent holes shall not be
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ISO 14469:2017(E)
10.13.1 Nozzles
The devices shall be supported in a horizontal position. The devices shall be exposed for 96 h to a salt
spray in accordance with ISO 9227.
Throughout the test, the temperature within the test chamber shall be maintained at between 33 °C
and 36 °C. The salt spray solution shall consist o f 5 % sodium chloride and 95 % distilled water (mass
A pressure o f 0,5 MPa (5 bar) air shall also be continuously applied to the inlet o f the nozzle. The nozzle
shall be operated once an hour to dispense air to the atmosphere through a dummy receptacle during
the first 8 h test period.
A fter being rinsed and gently cleaned o f salt deposits, the nozzle shall then comply with room
temperature leakage tests (see 10.5).
10.13.2 Receptacles
The devices shall be subjected to the corrosion resistance test in accordance with ISO 15500-2 (see
Clause 10 ) except that the leakage and hydrostatic strength test shall be in accordance with 10.5
and 10.12.
10.14 Deformation
Connectors shall be capable o f withstanding a turning force o f 150 % o f the manu facturer’s
recommended assembly torque, without significant de formation, breakage or leakage.
A sample not previously tested to hydrostatic strength tests shall be used.
Straight-thread O-ring seals shall be lubricated with ISO 1817 oil No. 1. Connectors shall be connected
and assembled to the applicable torque specified above in a worst-case manner in accordance with good
assembly practices. While still connected and assembled, the assembly shall be in accordance with 10.5
and 10.10.2 and then pass the hydrostatic strength test according to 10.12.
10.15 Non-igniting evaluation
Materials which have been demonstrated to be non-sparking, shall be deemed as being non-igniting.
Otherwise, they shall be subjected to the following test.
Each sample material shall be held against a coarse emery grinding wheel (grit size 36) rotating with
a sur face speed o f approximately 26 m/s. Contact with the grinding wheel shall be maintained for 30 s
with a force o f 22,0 ± 4,4 N. The material removed from each sample by the grinding wheel shall be
directed onto a 1,5 cm × 1,5 cm × 0,4 cm pad o f cotton batting located directly beneath and within
1,5 cm of the point of contact between the sample and the grinding wheel. The fresh cotton pad shall
be saturated with gasoline immediately prior to each test. Each sample shall be tested with gasoline to
determine i f the material removed by the grinding wheel will cause ignition. This test shall be repeated
using a stoichiometric mixture of natural gas and air. The mixture shall be directed into the path of the
removed particles at the point most likely to cause ignition.
10.16.2 Leakage
A PTPC/receptacle assembly shall be bubble-tight for 5 min during the leakage tests over the range o f
test conditions specified in the following.
A new PTPC/receptacle sample shall be used for this test.
Nitrogen shall be used as the test gas and pressure source, except during room temperature tests,
where dry air may be used.
All leakage tests shall be conducted at both the manu facturer’s maximum and minimum specified
installation forces or torques.
The PTPC shall be attached to the test fixture receptacle.
This test shall be conducted under all o f the pressure and temperature conditions specified in Table 3.
The test sample shall be conditioned at the specified test temperature for at least 2 h. The PTPC shall be
removed and reinstalled using the manu facturer’s maximum specified installation torque. To minimize
temperature deviation, this removal/installation cycle shall be accomplished within 2 min following
removal of the device from the temperature chamber. The test sample shall be exposed to the pressure
and temperature conditions according to Table 3. The test sample shall not leak over the complete test
range measured during the first 5 min period o f each test.
The manu facturer has the option o f per forming this test once only, upon completion o f all the tests
given in 10.16.5.
Table 3 — Pressure and temperature test conditions
Pressure Temperatures
MPa (bar) −40 °C or −20°C as Room 85 °C or 120 °C as applicable
1 (10) X
1,5 times Service Pressure X X
0,5 (5) X X
15 (150) X
10.16.3 Durability cycling
A PTPC shall comply with 10 000 cycles o f durability testing as outlined in the following. A fter the
durability test, the test sample shall comply with 10.16.2 with an O-ring that has been cycled through
2 000 cycles o f durability.
The PTPC shall not be pressurized during this test. One cycle shall comprise
a) attaching the PTPC to a test fixture receptacle in accordance with the manu facturer’s specified
force or torque, and
b) removing the PTPC until it is fully disengaged.
This shall be repeated for 2 000 cycles. The temperature o f the PTPC shall be monitored during the
first 100 cycles to ensure that the frequency and frictional e ffects o f the test do not inter fere with the
integrity o f durability testing.
The above cycling operation shall be repeated in intervals o f 2 000 cycles for a total o f 10 000 cycles.
The room temperature leakage test shall be conducted a fter 2 000, 6 000 and 10 000 cycles as specified
in 10.5.1. O-ring seals in the PTPC shall be replaced according to manufacturer’s instructions after the
leakage tests following every 2 000 cycles.
Failure o f any leakage test during durability cycling, or failure o f the PTPC to operate at the
manu facturer’s specified forces, or the forces defined in 10.2, shall constitute a failure of the device.
10.16.4 Abuse
A PTPC shall be capable o f being sa fely removed from the receptacle in the event o f a leak in the
receptacle check valve under extreme load conditions.
The following test shall be conducted at pressures of 1,25 times service pressure and 12,5 MPa (125
bar). Test samples and O-rings previously cycled under the durability test shall be used.
Nitrogen shall be used as the test gas and pressure source.
The PTPC shall be attached using the maximum and minimum forces/torques in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The test fixture receptacle shall be connected to a vessel having an internal volume o f 27 ml.
The assembly shall be pressurized to 1,25 times service pressure. While the assembly remains
pressurized, the PTPC shall be vented in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The pressure
in the vessel shall drop to a maximum of 0,15 MPa (1,5 bar) within 3 s.
10.16.5 Impact resistance
A PTPC shall be capable of withstanding an impact as follows.
The PTPC test fixture receptacle assembly shall be rigidly mounted horizontally on a test bench. A solid
steel ball with a diameter of 50 mm shall be dropped from a height of 300 mm striking the PTPC. The
ball shall make impact at a point on the PTPC which is furthest from the receptacle.
Following one drop, a room temperature leak test in accordance with Table 3 shall be conducted to
confirm seal integrity.
If bubble-tight for 5 min, the receptacle shall be vented, and the PTPC removed and reattached in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and the leakage test repeated.
10.16.6 Corrosion resistance
A PTPC shall be capable of being attached and removed at an operating force/torque less than or equal
to the manu facturer’s maximum specified force/torque, a fter completion o f the following test.
A new PTPC/receptacle sample shall be used for this test.
The outlet of the test fixture receptacle shall be plugged using a suitable leak-proof device. The PTPC shall
be attached to the receptacle and tightened, using the manu facturer’s maximum specified force or torque.
The assembly shall be exposed to the corrosion resistance test in accordance with 10.13.2.
Upon completion, the assembly shall be cleaned o f all external salt deposits. Without loosening the
PTPC, the assembly shall comply with 10.16.2. The force or torque required to remove the PTPC shall
not cause the loosening o f the receptacle or receptacle housing body.
10.16.7 Hydrostatic strength
A PTPC/receptacle test fixture assembly shall be hydrostatically tested without a check valve. Su fficient
force or torque shall be applied to prevent leakage. The PTPC’s outlet openings and/or venting feature
shall be plugged and/or restricted to prevent leakage. A pressure of 2,5 times working pressure shall be
applied for a minimum of 3 min without rupture.
Annex A
Nozzle characteristics
Annex B
Re c e p ta c l e te x t fi x tu r e
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 1 — B 2 0 0 - “ L o o s e fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
Dimensions in millimetres
Dimensions in millimetres
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 4 — C 2 5 0 - “ L o o s e fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 5 — B 2 0 0 - “ T i g h t fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 6 — B 2 5 0 - “ T i g h t fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 7 — C 2 0 0 - “ T i g h t fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
Dimensions in millimetres
F i g u r e B . 8 — C 2 5 0 - “ T i g h t fi t ” t o l e r a n c e s
[1] ISO 15403-1, Natural gas — Natural gas for use as a compressed fuel for vehicles — Part 1:
Designation o f the quality
[2] ISO/TR 15403-2, Natural gas - Natural gas for use as a compressed fuel for vehicles — Part 2:
Specification o f the quality
ICS 43.060.40
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