Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Rise of Nationalism in Europe
that is
that is
Seeding- The seeding of the spirit of nationalism had already taken place
in Europe since the Renaissance period (between 14th and 17th century).
But with the French Revolution of 1789, it appeared in an advanced form.
The French Revolution took politics out of the elite (class of the highest
people, which included landlords, nawabs, moneylenders and nobles)
environment and made it a matter of newspapers, streets and common
napoleon's reign
Another class was added in between. Which was called middle class .
Result : Charles _
This revolution not only ended the old system but Italy, Germany, Austria,
Holland, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, Poland, Ireland and England were
Unification of Italy
Mazzini :
Victor Emmanuel:
Count Cavour:
Garibaldi :
unification of germany