Normal Start Up Procedure

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U N I N T E R R U P T I B L E P O W E R S U P P LY ( U P S ) + L I G H T I N G F LO W D I M M E R S TA B I L I Z E R S + P O W E R S U P P LY + S TAT I C I N V E R T E R S + P H OTO V O LTA I C I N V E R T E R S + M I C R OT U R B I N E S + V O LTA G E S TA B I L I S E R S



Factory Normal Start-Up


1. Previous job 3. Starting Up the inverter

a. Make sure all Input, Bypass, Output, Battery Switches of a. INVERTER PHASE L1
the unit are open (OFF). 1. Connect two DC voltmeters to measure the two
b. Perform a visual inspection of the power components and semibuses + and – (keep them connected during
wiring. Inverter and PFC Start-up).
c. Make sure jumpers of the control PCB BM496 CN15, CN27, 2. Put the oscilloscope probe channel 1 in the output
CN42 and between pins 2-3 of CN43 are ON (put). capacitor of the L1 phase to be able to see the AC
d. Make sure that switches 2,3 and 4 of SW1 are ON, and output voltage during the start up ramp.
SW1-1 OFF. 3. In the channel 2 put a DC current probe in the in-
e. Make sure that switches 1,2,3 and 4 of SW2 are OFF. verter inductor of phase L1.
4. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.

2. Unit configuration 5. From the main screen press ↑to see the screen
6. Press → to see “PFC INPUT SETTING R:ON S:ON
a. Install an EPO switch in connector CN9 of the interface PCB
(access front of the unit).
7. Disable the three phases programming “OFF”.
b. Configure the unit in Test Mode (SW2-4 ON) in the control
PCB 8. Press → to see “INV. OUTPUT SETTING R:ON S:ON
c. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
9. Disable the L2 & L3 phases programming OFF and
d. From the main screen press ↓ until you reach the following
enable de L1 phase programming ON.
10. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF”
e. Set the Factory Password.
with the “R:OFF” text blinking.
f. Press → and select the model of the unit (5 to 200 kVA).
11. Press <ENT> to turn ON the PFC up to a DC voltage
The following parameters will be set accordingly to the
of a semibus about 230Vdc. Once this value is reached
model selected:
turn OFF the PFC pressing <ESC> (in the first line of
1. Nominal Output Current of the unit. this screen verify the two semibus voltages).
2. Used AC Current probes. 12. Then press → so you can see the text “INV:OFF”
3. Used DC Current probe. blinking. Turn ON the inverter by pressing <ENT>. A
4. Switching frequency. starting up AC voltage ramp in the phase L1 appears
in the scope.
5. Unit controllers type.
13. Discharge the two semibuses down to zero (by stop-
6. Battery Capacity.
ping and starting inverter several times).
7. Battery charging current.
14. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch.
8. Inverter peak current limit.
9. PFC and Inverter heatsink maximum temperatures.
1. Put the oscilloscope probe channel 1 in the output ca-
g. If the total capacity of the batteries is different to the pacitor of the L2 phase to be able to see the AC output
standard capacity, press → to see the screen “Battery voltage during the start up ramp.
Capacity”. Set the total capacity of the batteries. In doing
2. In the channel 2 put a DC current probe in the in-
so, the battery charging current value will be automati-
verter inductor of phase L2.
cally set according to 0.2xC, where C is the battery ca-
pacity. 3. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
h. Press → until you see the screen “UPS Serial Number” and 4. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen
enter the serial number of the unit. “START UP”.
i. Press → until you see the screen “Manufacturer Name” and 5. Press twice → and program “INV. OUTPUT SETTING
enter the name of the manufacturer of the unit. R:ON S:ON T:OFF”
j. Press → until you see the screen “Unit Name” and enter the 6. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF”
name of the unit. with the “R:OFF” text blinking and turn ON the PFC by
pressing <ENT> operation up to 230Vdc, turn OFF the
k. RESET the Control Board.
PFC. Then press → and turn ON the inverter. A starting
l. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch. up AC voltage ramp in the phase L2 appears in the scope.
7. Discharge the two semibuses down to zero.


8. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch. a. Precharge stage: the positive and negative
c. INVERTER PHASE L3 semibuses rise from 0V to a DC value between 200
and 300Vdc (on a 3x400V unit).
1. Put the oscilloscope probe channel 1 in the output
capacitor of the L3 phase to be able to see the AC b. Contactor stage: the input contactor closes,
output voltage during the start up ramp. and you will have on any split DC bus the input
voltage rectified and filtered. For 230V input
2. In the channel 2 put a DC current probe in the in-
mains, you will get around +/- 325Vdc.
verter inductor of phase L3.
c. Contactor test: an initial inverter ramp starts a few
3. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
seconds, and after it goes to zero.
4. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen
d. Rectifier start-up: rectifier IGBT’s start switching,
and positive and negative DC bus will rise in ramp
5. Press twice → and program “INV. OUTPUT SETTING from 325V up to 420V
7. In the oscilloscope, check that there is current
6. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF” through the inductor L1 of the PFC.
with the “R:OFF” text blinking and turn ON the PFC
8. Press → and turn ON the inverter: An inverter start
by pressing <ENT> operation up to 230Vdc, turn
up ramp appears on the scope from 0V to 230V,
OFF the PFC. Then press “ESC” and turn ON the in-
keeping this voltage permanently.
verter. A starting up AC voltage ramp in the phase L3
appears in the scope. 9. Verify that there is input current only in PFC input
phase L1.
7. Discharge the two semibuses down to zero.
10. Turn OFF the Inverter by pressing <ESC>.
8. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch.
11. Press ← and turn OFF the PFC by pressing <ESC>.
12. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch.
4. Starting Up the PFC
13. Discharge the DC bus.
a. Connect two voltmeters at the positive and negative DC Bus.
1. Plug a current clamp meter in channel 2 of the oscil-
b. Probe 1 of the oscilloscope in the output capacitor of the L1
loscope to check the current in inductor L2 of the PFC.
phase to be able to see the AC output voltage during the
contactor test. 2. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
c. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen “START UP” 3. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen
and then press ← until you see the screen “R:OFF | “START UP”.
INV:OFF” with the “R:OFF” text blinking. Below this text 4. Press → and program “PFC INPUT SETTING R:ON
you can see the DC bus voltage measurements (positive S:ON T:OFF”
and negative). 5. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF”
d. Turn ON the PFC by pressing <ENT> and when the DC bus with the “R:OFF” text blinking.
voltage reaches about 150 V press <ESC>. 6. Turn ON the PFC by pressing <ENT> and then verify
e. Comparethemeasurementsonthedisplay withthemeasure- the following:
ments in the voltmeters connected at DC Bus + and DC a. Precharge stage: the positive and negative
Bus -. They have to be nearly the same. semibuses rise from 0V to a DC value between 200
f. Discharge the two semibuses down to zero. and 300Vdc (on a 3x400V unit).
g. PFC PHASE L1 b. Contactor stage: the input contactor closes,
1. Plug a current clamp meter in channel 2 of the oscil- and you will have on any split DC bus the input
loscope to check the current in L1 inductor of the PFC. voltage rectified and filtered. For 230V input
mains, you will get around +/- 325Vdc.
2. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
c. Contactor test: an initial inverter ramp starts a few
3. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen
seconds, and after it goes to zero.
d. Rectifier start-up: rectifier IGBT’s start switching,
4. Press → and program “PFC INPUT SETTING R:ON
and positive and negative DC bus will rise in ramp
from 325V up to 420V.
5. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF”
7. In the oscilloscope, check that there is current
with the “R:OFF” text blinking.
through the inductor L2 of the PFC.
6. Turn ON the PFC by pressing <ENT> and then verify
8. Press → and turn ON the inverter: An inverter start
the following::
up ramp appears on the scope fron 0V to 230V,
keeping this voltage permanently.


9. Verify that there is input current only in PFC input 3. Switch ON the Input Power Switch.
phases L1 and L2. 4. Press → twice to verify that the firmware versions
10. Turn OFF the Inverter by pressing <ESC>. of micro controller and DSP are updated.
11. Press ← and turn OFF the PFC by pressing <ESC>. 5. Start Up the unit in automatic mode following the
12. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch. next instructions
13. Discharge the DC bus a. Press ↓ until you see “CONTROL AND STATUS
b. Press → to see “UPS ON STAND-BY”
1. Plug a current clamp meter in channel 2 of the oscil-
loscope to check the current in inductor L3 of the PFC. c. Press <ENT> to start
2. Switch ON the Input Power Switch. d. Press <ENT> to confirm
e. The UPS starts automatically: PFC and Inverter.
3. From the main screen press ↑ to see the screen
“START UP”. b. Go to the calibrations screen
4. Press → and program “PFC INPUT SETTING R:ON 1. From the main screen press ↓ until you reach the
S:ON T:ON” following screen: “CONFIGURATION”
5. Press → until you see the screen “R:OFF | INV:OFF” 2. Set the Factory or SST Password.
with the “R:OFF” text blinking. 3. Press ↓ until you reach the following screen : “CALI-
6. Turn ON the PFC by pressing <ENT> and then verify BRATIONS AND OFFSETS”
the following: c. Bus voltage calibrations
a. Precharge stage: the positive and negative 1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
semibuses rise from 0V to a DC value between 200 2. Press → until reaching the screen “POS. DC BUS
and 300Vdc (on a 3x400V unit). VOLTAGE +”
b. Contactor stage: the input contactor closes, 3. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the
and you will have on any split DC bus the input values of positive DC bus voltage from the LCD dis-
voltage rectified and filtered. For 230V input play and from external voltmeter. Only the measure
mains, you will get around +/- 325Vdc. from the voltmeter will change its value during the
c. Contactor test: an initial inverter ramp starts a few adjusting process.
seconds, and after it goes to zero. 4. Press → until you reach the screen “NEG. DC BUS
d. Rectifier start-up: rectifier IGBT’s start switching, VOLTAGE -”
and positive and negative DC bus will rise in ramp 5. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the
from 325V up to 420V. values of negative DC bus voltage from the LCD
7. In the oscilloscope, check that there is current display and from an external voltmeter. Only the
through the inductor L3 of the PFC. measure from the voltmeter will change its value
8. Press → and turn ON the inverter: An inverter start during the adjusting process.
up ramp appears on the scope fron 0V to 230V, 6. Shut down the unit by:
keeping this voltage permanently. a. Press ↓ until you see “CONTROL AND STATUS
9. Verify that there is input current in PFC input phases OF THE UNIT”
L1, L2 and L3. b. Press → to see “UPS RUNNING, <ESC> TO
10. At this point all 3 Inverter phases and all 3 Rectifier STOP”
phases are running normally. c. Press <ESC> to stop
11. Turn OFF the Inverter by pressing <ESC>. d. Press <ENT> to confirm
12. Press ← and turn OFF the PFC by pressing <ESC>. e. The UPS shuts down automatically Inverter and
13. Switch OFF the Input Power Switch. PFC
14. Discharge the DC bus. 7. Close the internal battery voltage measure fuse
d. Battery offset current calibration.
5. Calibrations
1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
2. Open the battery switch. If an alarm appears on the
a. Start Up
LCD display telling that the batteries are discon-
1. Open the internal battery voltage measure fuse holder. nected, ignore it.
2. Remove the “Test Mode” programming the switch 3. Press → until you reach the screen “PBAT. CHA.
SW2-4 of the control PCB to OFF position. CUR. OFFS”.


4. Adjust to measure 0A in the display with the bat- 7. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the AC
teries disconnected. currents from the LCD display and from an external
5. Press → until you reach the screen “PBAT. DIS. CUR. current meter. Both, display and current meter read-
OFFS”. ings could be modified.
6. Adjust to measure 0A in the display with the bat- 8. Same for the rest of phases L2 and L3.
teries disconnected. 9. When all the phases have been adjusted, the current
e. Battery voltage calibration. should be the same for all three.
1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3. h. Inverter voltage calibration.
2. Press ← until you reach the screen “NEG. BATTERY 1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
VOLTAGE”. 2. Press → until you reach the screen “INVERTER
3. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the VOLTAGE L1 N”.
values of negative battery voltage from the LCD dis- 3. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the AC
play and from an external voltmeter. voltage from the LCD display and from an external
4. Press ← to reach the screen “POS. BATTERY voltmeter looking at the instrument measure. Real
VOLTAGE” inverter voltage will be modified (meter readings
change but LCD measures don’t).
5. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the
values of positive battery voltage from the LCD dis- 4. Do the same for the rest of phases L2 and L3.
play and from an external voltmeter. 5. Press → until you reach the screen “L1 INV. VOLT.
f. AC voltages calibration OFFSET”.
1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3. 6. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, adjust in such
way that the offset voltage is zero.
2. Press → until you reach the screen “INPUT VOLTAGE
L1 N”. 7. Same for the rest of phases L2 and L3.
3. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the AC i. Output currents calibration
values from the LCD display and from an external 1. If necessary, repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
voltmeter 2. Press → until you reach “OUTPUT CURRENT L1”.
4. Do the same for all input, output and bypass AC volt- 3. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the AC
ages of the three phases. currents from the LCD display and from an external
5. Press → until you reach the screen “INPUT VOLTAGE current meter.
L1 L2”. 4. Same for the rest of phases L2 and L3.
6. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the AC j. Discharge battery current calibration
values phase-to-phase of the input from the LCD dis-
1. We need to connect batteries to the unit, following
play and from an external voltmeter.
next steps:
7. Do the same for the rest of AC phase to phase input
a. If the unit is working, go to “CONTROL & STATUS
voltages L1 L3 & L2 L3.
OF THE UNIT” and stop it.
g. Input currents calibration b. Open Input switch of the unit, and wait until
1. Start up the unit. power supply is completely OFF (LCD off).
2. Close the output switch. c. Make sure step 5.c.7 is accomplished (Battery
3. At some linear load (<50%) on all 3 phases of the measure connected).
unit. If the unit continues working normally, and there d. Close again Input Switch.
is no big difference between current real values and e. Go to “CONTROL & STATUS OF THE UNIT” and
LCD measurements, continue adding load (Input, In- start it.
verter and Output current measurements). f. Wait unit alarm message “BATT. SWITCH OPEN,
4. At this moment, add 3-phase linear load at the SWITCH IT ON” appears.
output between 75%-100% of the nominal active g. Close Battery Fuse-Holder (turn ON).
power . Keep this load connected for the rest of the
2. Repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
3. Press → until you see the screen “POS. DIS BAT
(Ex: for a 15kVA-12kW unit, add a load of about 3-4
kW per phase, total 9-12 kW).
4. Put a DC current clamp meter in the positive wire of
5. Repeat steps 5.b.1, 5.b.2, 5.b.3.
the batteries.
6. Press → until you reach the screen “INPUT CUR-
5. Open the Input Switch of the unit (the unit is in Back-
up mode).


6. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the DC

current from the LCD display and from an external
current meter.
k. Battery current calibration
1. When the job in section 5.j is done, leave the bat-
teries discharging for some minutes.
2. Re-connect the Input Switch, so the Rectifier starts
to work again, charging batteries.
3. Put a DC current clamp meter in the positive wire of
the batteries.
4. Press → until you reach the screen “POS. CHA BAT
5. Using the keys <ENT> ↑↓... <ENT>, match the DC
current from the LCD display and from an external
current meter. Only the current shown on the ex-
ternal meter will change

(*)The inverter voltage calibration, the input current calibra-
tions, the battery charging current, the bus voltage calibrations
and Inverter Voltage offsets adjustments are done looking at
the measure variation of the external instrument. The rest are
done looking at the LCD display measure variation.

U N I N T E R R U P T I B L E P O W E R S U P P LY ( U P S ) + L I G H T I N G F LO W D I M M E R S TA B I L I Z E R S + P O W E R S U P P LY + S TAT I C I N V E R T E R S + P H OTO V O LTA I C I N V E R T E R S + M I C R OT U R B I N E S + V O LTA G E S TA B I L I S E R S

Avda. de la Serra, 100

08460 Palautordera
Tel. +34 93 848 24 00
902 48 24 00
Fax. +34 94 848 11 51
Tel. (S.T.S.) 902 48 24 01
Fax. (S.T.S.) +34 848 22 05







Nota: Salicru can give other electronics solutions according to the application specifications or technical specifications.


Product Range
Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS
Lighting Flow Dimmer-Stabilizers
Power Supplies
Static Inverters
Photovoltaic Inverters
Voltage Stabilisers


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