Epptle - W1 - Ict
Epptle - W1 - Ict
Epptle - W1 - Ict
Content Standards Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge
skills that will lead to one skills that will lead to one skills that will lead to one skills that will lead to one and skills that will lead to
becoming an ideal entrepreneur. becoming an ideal entrepreneur. becoming an ideal entrepreneur. becoming an ideal one becoming an ideal
entrepreneur. entrepreneur.
Performance Standards Sells products based on needs Sells products based on needs Sells products based on needs Sells products based on needs Sells products based on
and demands and demands and demands and demands needs and demands
Most Essential Learning Identify the sellers and buyers. Identify the sellers and buyers Produce simple products
Competencies TLEIE6-0a-2
1. Define entrepreneurs
2. Discuss the qualities of an
ideal entrepreneur
Subject Matter HOLIDAY THE IDEAL ENTREPRENEUR Identifying the Buyer Produce Simple
and the Seller Products
Learning Resources
TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC pp. TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC
TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC pp. 407 TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC pp. 407
407 pp. 407
a. Reviewing Let’s Think! Let’s think! Let’s think Based on our discussion,
Previous Lesson or do you think that business
Presenting the New Have you family own a Do you think you have What are the best products or is easy? Why? Or Why
Lesson business? Or relative? characteristic of an services that you already not?
What kind of business they entrepreneur? What kind of encounter? It can be food, toy,
have? characteristic is it? or any purchases.
c. Presenting Do you want to be like them? From above, let us now know A product is something that is
example/instances of the Then let us learn what the best more about the seller and the manufactured following a
new lesson characteristic of a good buyer. process, or grown and
entrepreneur are. nurtured in order to be sold for
What do you think you are? Are a profit.
you the seller or the buyer?
d. Discussing new This means an entrepreneur is Starting your own business An ideal entrepreneur desires
concepts someone who is willing to put up entails serious hard work. It to establish business that will Read and answer the
the capital needed to set up a involves, be able to produce simple following questions
business fully aware of the risks among others, activities such as products. Starting your own below.
involved. He research, planning, testing, business entails serious hard 1. What business can you
or she plans, organizes, and developing, work. It involves, among create out of the things you
manages the business, hires the marketing, and the like. others, such as activities as enjoy doing?
people to What type of business do you research, planning, testing, Name at least three.
help run it, and ensures that the want to get into? A business developing, marketing, and the
product or service being offered involves like. 2. Do you think people
is sold selling a product or service or Hints to help one decide need the product or service
at a reasonable price in order to both. what type of business to get that these
earn. A product is something that is into: businesses offer? Why?
manufactured following a
● Start with a hobby or
Entrepreneurs play a key role in process, 3. Do you think people are
any economy, using the skills in order tobe sold for a profit. interest. willing to buy these
and initiatives necessary to A service is a facility supplying ● Produce something products or services?
anticipate needs and bring good a public or market needed or Why?
that you can offer or
new ideas to demand. Some examples are
sell to your friends
market. hair salons offering hair care
and school mates.
and hair
styling services; bus companies, ● Products that are
offering transport services; and always in demand are
spas and food items.
wellness centers offering
● Start small before you
massage services, skin care
treatments, and the think of producing
like. bigger quantities.
● Do some research
and investigation.
● Observe people and
their food
● Check existing
products in the local
f. Developing Instruction: Complete the cloud Below are the duties of a seller: After your activity on your
Mastery map. Give a simple example of 1.Make business fairly with bond paper. Share it to the
the given characteristic. buyers class.
2.Deliver on time, with proper
care and place of delivery
3.Provide warranty for the
product sold to the buyer.
h. Making Who can be an ideal Differentiate buyers from sellers. What are the things to
generalizations and entrepreneur? remember when putting up a
abstractions about the Based on your point of view or business?
lesson What are the characteristics and experiences, discuss the
values that help individuals important roles of buyers and
become successful sellers in business.
i. Evaluating
Additional Activities
for application or
a. Number of learners
who earned 80% of the
b. Number of learners
who require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
e. Number of learners
who continue to require
f. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other