Fabric Cutting
Fabric Cutting
Fabric Cutting
Fabric Cutting:
Cutting is the major operation of the cutting room, when the spread fabric is cut into garment
components. Of all the operations in the cutting room this is the ultimate step, because once the fabric
has been cut, very little can be done to rectify serious mistakes. Cutting can be done manually using
powered knives or by computer-controlled system.
c. Computerized technique:
1. The main parts of this machine are straight knife, electric motor, handle, grinder, base plate,
stand/ knife holder, lubricating unit, wheel etc.
2. Could be used to cut higher depth of fabric.
3. Knife height is 10 cm to 33 cm.
4. Knife stroke is 2.5 cm to 4.5 cm.
5. Motor rpm. is 3000 to 4000.
6. Auto grinder is used.
7. Auto lubricating unit works for this machine.
8. Different types of knife edge are used for cutting different objects. Such as, straight edge, wave
edge, sew edge & serrated edge.
9. A Handle for the cutter to direct the Knife.
10. Knife guard is attached to the front of the knife.
11. Sharp & heavy corners can be cut.
12. Maximum 70% of knife height is used for fabric lay.
13. Wheels are under the base plate to move the machine smoothly.
14. Machine weight is around 12-15 kg.
15. Knife cut the fabric very fast due to high speed of motor. That increases the risk of fabric damage.
1. A large number of fabric lays can be cut by the machine due to high length of knife & r.p.m. of
the motor. So, productivity is high.
2. Automatic grinding.
3. Automatically lubrication.
4. Comparatively cheap.
5. Can be moved easily by wheel.
6. Suitable for straight line & curve line.
7. Can be cut high curve line than round knife.
8. Fabric can be cut from any angle.
Disadvantages of Straight Knife Cutting Machine:
1. High speed of the machine causes high risk of damage.
2. Faulty knife could damage fabric layer.
3. Motor weight creates knife deflection which may be creates faulty pieces.
4. Risk is high for physical damage of operator.
5. Knife required to replace.
Computerized technique:
In this machine, cutting knife movement is controlled by a computer. Cutting table used for computer
controlled straight knife cutting machine is different from normal cutting table. The table top is
covered with a bed of nylon bristle. The nylon bristle bed is capable to support the fabric lay and also
allows the straight knife to pass through and move around the nylon bristle. Hence cutting of each and
every ply of fabric in the lay is confirmed. The nylon bristle bed also allows air suction through the
bed to make the lay compressed by vacuum pressure.
On the cutting table there are two rails on two sides, running length direction of the cutting table. A
cross beam moves length direction of the cutting table, situated on the rails. The cutting head is
situated on the cross beam and moves on the cross beam but the movement is in width direction of the
cutting table. The cutting knife is situated inside the cutting head. Due to the combined movement of
the cross beam, cutting head, and cutting knife, fabric cutting is done at any line, angle, and point
very accurately. The combined movement is controlled by three servo motors.
When fabric cutting command is given through computer, the cutting knife starts lay cutting from a
reference point starting in the computer memory of the marker. Notch point is made by the same
cutting knife. Drill mark is also produced by a separate drill situated in the cutting head. Speed of
cutting depends on lay height. For example, for a compressed lay of 7.5 cm height, cutting speed will
be 7.5 meter per minute. As the cutting proceeds, the vacuum pressure may drop into the lay.
To avoid the reduced vacuum pressure problem, another polythene sheet roll may be used to cover the
cut portion of the lay. Computerized straight knife cutting machine does not require any use of marker.
In some cases, marker may be used to identify the cut components.
Cutting ratio received from merchandiser
Marker making
Fabric received from the store
Fabric Checking
Fabric Spreading
Marker placing on to the lay
Cutting the fabric
Sorting and Bundling
Send to the sewing department
Difference between straight knife and round knife: (Self Study)