Solution For All The Fitnah Being Unleashed Against Us
Solution For All The Fitnah Being Unleashed Against Us
Solution For All The Fitnah Being Unleashed Against Us
About the Fitnah, Allah says in the holy Quran (2:109)"Many of the People of the Scripture wish they
could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the
truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah
is over all things competent.
And, in the next ayah (2:110), Allah provides the solution: And establish prayer and give zakah, and
whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do,
is Seeing.
Similarly, in another ayah (2:217), Allah describes the same fitnah: "......... Tumult and oppression (fitna)
are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they
can. ......."
And, in the next ayah (2:218), Allah provides the solution: "Those who believed and those who suffered
exile and fought (and strove and struggled) in the path of Allah,- they have the hope of the Mercy of
Allah: And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."
1. Establish Prayer: establishment of prayer is beyond just praying; it means establishing a complete
mechanism of prayer, like establishing masajid - we know that the moment the prophet (PBUH) arrived
in madinah, that was the first thing he did along with ansar & muhajireen. In every prayer, people would
look for every male of the community and would enquire about the welfare of any absentees. We can
derive from this that the main purpose of establishing prayer was to strengthen the bondage of
brotherhood, to evolve as a team of servants of Allah dedicated towards His cause.
2. Establish a system of zakat: The very first khalifa of Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A. established a system
in which all the collection of zakah would have to come from all around the world to the central treasury
in Madinah, then used for the welfare of the people of the islamic state (and supplemented by the jiziya
from non-muslims, to cover all the expenses of the govt).
*3. Strive and struggle in the path of Allah (Jahadu): This is also a join effort, effort of a team of strongly
bonded community/ nation/ state.
It is very clear that the primary motive of both establishing prayer as well as establishing zakah was to
bond together as a strong community, each member of which is like the limbs of one human body. Like
the body becomes weak with any limb, organ, or any single piece of the anatomy, the community
cannot become strong unless every member is bonded together in it strongly. For what? To strive and
struggle in the path of Allah, to seek the mercy of Allah. We need to ask the question to ourselves -
where are we?
In a society which restricts the masajid to just prayers, wherein even the jumah khutbah (which was
used to motivate, encourage, discuss the way forward for the community) talks of only the basic things
every passing week, doesn't talk of solutions for the fast increasing fitnah all around us, how to bond
together? That seems to be the biggest challenge which is not posed by our enemies who want us to
turn away from islam, but by our own unwillingness to bond together as a team that would strive and
struggle in the way of Allah and do enough to remove the pain and weaknesses of our weakest links in
the chain, equip all our unequipped members (masses) with knowledge of iman and the field in which
they have to use it, equip everyone with the latest tools and technologies, train them to become the
best in the world, equip sufficient members with the ability to develop new smarter tools and
technologies to gain an edge over all our enemies, and so on. We need to do enough to gain strength in
every aspect of life on this planet, become better than every other community, with full faith in Allah, to
defeat the fitnah around us, so that we become eligible to receive the mercy and help of Allah.
Let's discuss the ways and means to strengthen the weakest links in our chain, implement the ideas with
full faith in Allah,
Let's plan for long-term success, and work on it with confidence in Allah,
Let's try our best to become true servants of Allah, and genuine followers of Allah's prophet (PBUH).