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Year 8 Task 3 2023-1

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Unity Grammar

Assessment Notification
Ms. Elhassan, Ms. Irshad &
Subject/Teacher: Year: 8
Ms Mahin
Assessment Mode: Reading, Writing & Speaking TOTAL: 20%
Date of Due
Week 4 Week 9: Monday, 11th September 2023
Distribution: Date:

Assessable Outcomes
EN4-1A Student responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure.
EN4-2A effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing texts in different
media and technologies
EN4-6C identifies and explains connections between and among texts.
EN4-7D Student demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world and their relationships within it.
EN4-9E uses, reflects on and assesses their individual and collaborative skills for learning
Nature of Task/ Assessment Criteria
Assessment Task 3-Fairy Tale Campaign
Driving Question: How can Fairy tales be made more relevant to today’s world?
This term you have been exploring the unit, Fairy Tales to Film. Through this unit you have examined how fairy tales
have been twisted in films to appeal to audiences in different contexts. Using your knowledge of values, film
devices and context, you will develop a campaign marketing your twisted fairy tale film. You will need to complete
all sections as part of your assessment. You will need to work in groups of no more than 4 people (minimum 2
 PART 1 – The Twisted Tale (20 marks)
o Choose ONE fairy tale (other than Cinderella & Aladdin) and compose a narrative with a twist on
the original text. This can be writing from another character’s point of view, modernising the text,
changing the ending etc.
o You only need to submit ONE narrative as a group (all group members will receive the same mark).
 PART 2 – Film Poster (10 Marks)
o Once you have chosen your twisted tale your group will design a film poster to advertise your
twisted tale. You will need to use your knowledge of visual literacy to achieve this.
o ONE poster will be submitted (all group members will receive the same mark).
 PART 3 – Trailer (15 Marks)
o As a group you will create a film trailer to advertise the film. Your film trailer will need to be a
minimum of 1:30mins and a maximum of 3mins.
 You will need to only submit ONE. Ensure that you are able to play the video in Canvas.
 PART 4 – Film Scene (15 Marks)
o You will need to film one potential scene of your film. Ensure you use a variety of film devices
including sound effects and music (if required). ALL members must participate in the scene (you are
allowed to include students from other groups but only the original group members will be marked
for this one scene i.e. Group A is working on Snow White and Group B is working on Rapunzel; a
member from Group A is asked to act in Group B’s scene. They will not be marked for being in
Group B’s scene, only for their original group. You DO NOT receive more marks for being in two
 You will need to only submit ONE video. Ensure that you are able to play the video in
 Your scene should range from 4-8mins.
 PART 5 – Speech (30 Marks)
o The Disney company has had a few box office flops and are looking to have a film to regain profits.
You are presenting your film ideas to the directors of Disney and explaining the rationale behind
your brand new film. Ensure you include the following details:
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Assessment Notification
 Play the trailer first
 What is your new film about? Why should your film be made?
 Explain the purpose and audience of the film
 What are the modern values you have targeted?
 What are the different film techniques you have included in your scene? Explain their
 How is the film relevant today?
o Your speech should be from 4-5mins (excluding the trailer) and should follow the conventions of
speeches (eye contact, body language, use of a visual aid etc). Your content will be marked as a
group but your delivery of the speech will be marked individually.
 PART 6 – Reflection (10 Marks)
o You are to write a reflection summarising the overall process. This will include: strengths,
weaknesses, purpose, how you worked as a group etc.
o All group members MUST submit an individual reflection (this is not to be written as a group) and
you will be marked individually. Your reflection should range from 350 – 450 words.
NOTE: All sections must be submitted by the due date, failure to submit one or more sections, will result in a 5%
deduction of your overall mark. If you are absent on the day, you will need to provide a medical certificate
indicating why you could not attend the assessment (see the academic policy).

Parent/ Caregiver Acknowledgement:

I acknowledge that my son/ daughter has received this assessment notification and must complete it to the best of
his/ her ability by the due date.
Parent/Caregiver Signature: Date: / / 2023
Unity Grammar
Assessment Notification
General Assessment Guidelines
Please ensure you review the following guidelines to ensure your assessments are completed correctly.

1. General Assessments
 General assessments must be completed by the due date.
 Penalties of x% will apply for each day the assessment is submitted late.

2. Examination Guidelines
General Equipment Checklist:
Students will be required to bring the following materials to the examination:

 Two blue pens  1 sharpener

 Two lead pencils  1 eraser

Subject-specific checklist:
The following is a list of materials to be taken alongside the general equipment list:

English Mathematics Science Technology HSIE

 1 black & blue  1 calculator  1 calculator  1 calculator  1 ruler
pen  1ruler  1 ruler
 1 geometry set

Student conduct:
Students are to conduct themselves in a responsible and ethical manner during the examination. They will not be
permitted to any of the following actions during the examination:

 Talk or be disruptive  Ask questions (after the reading time ends)

 Leave their seat  Borrow materials
 Go to the toilet 15 minutes after commencing  Go to the toilet 15 minutes before ending the
the exam exam

Students must sit in their allocated place for the duration of the examination period.
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Assessment Notification
Marking Criteria
Part 1: Narrative
Mark Criteria
A  Composes skilfully an engaging narrative that includes aspects of the original fairy tale
with an altered perspective.
17-20  Creates skilfully an engaging and original narrative with vivid imagery, outstanding
characterisation as well as appropriate settings.
 Demonstrates skilful control of language and structure appropriate to audience, purpose,
context and form.
B  Composes effectively an engaging narrative that includes aspects of the original fairy tale
with an altered perspective.
13-16  Creates effectively an engaging and original narrative with vivid imagery, characterisation
and appropriate settings.
 Demonstrates effective control of language and structure appropriate to audience,
purpose, context and form.
C  Composes a satisfactory narrative that includes aspects of the original fairy tale with a
9-12  Creates a satisfactory narrative with some imagery, characterisation and an appropriate
 Demonstrates skilful control of language and structure appropriate to audience, purpose,
context and form.
D  Composes a narrative that includes a twist.
 Creates a narrative with characterisation and a setting.
5-8  Demonstrates limited control of language and structure appropriate to audience, purpose,
context and form.
E  Attempts to compose a response.
 Demonstrates elementary control of language.
1- 4  No evidence of a twist in the story.

Part 2: Film Poster

Mark Criteria
A  Includes all the following: film title, cast of actors, director, studio name, film release date
and film tagline.
9-10  Illustrations are engaging and relevant – relates closely to an event or idea in the film
 Poster shows careful planning, intentional design and has been presented neatly. All
information is clear and easy to read.
 Poster is free from spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
 Poster is appropriate to context, purpose, audience and form.
B  Includes most of the following: film title, cast of actors, director, studio name, film release
date and film tagline.
7-8  Illustrations are engaging and relevant but the idea presented is vague.
 Poster shows some planning, design and has been presented neatly. Information is mostly
clear and easy to read.
 Spelling, punctuation and grammar are mostly correct.
 Poster is mostly appropriate to context, purpose, audience and form.
C  Includes some of the following: film title, cast of actors, director, studio name, film release
date and film tagline.
5-6  Illustrations are not relevant or too similar to existing film posters.
 Poster shows some design and has satisfactory presentation. Information is difficult to
 Spelling, punctuation and grammar are satisfactory.
 Poster is somewhat appropriate to context, purpose, audience and form.
D  Includes some of the following: film title, cast of actors, director, studio name, film release
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Assessment Notification
date and film tagline.
 Illustrations are not relevant or replicate existing film posters.
3-4  Poster shows limited design and information is difficult to read.
 Spelling, punctuation and grammar are limited.
 Poster attempts to address context, purpose, audience and form.
E  Missing most of the required information.
 Missing illustration
1- 2  Poster lacks design
 Numerous spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.

Part 3: Film Trailer

Mark Criteria
A  Trailer includes various types of audio (music and sound) and has varying clarity and pitch.
 Includes all the required information (film title, actors, director, studio name and release
13-15 date) as well as other relevant text.
 Video is within the required time frame, has a professional appearance and has excellent
 Various forms of media are integrated and strongly contributes to the overall work.
 Idea of film is clear and there are a variety of supporting information and scenes to
contribute to the film’s plot.
 The trailer includes motivating questions that provide the audience with a sense of the
main idea. Events and messages are presented in a logical order.
B  Trailer includes various types of audio (music and sound) and has varying clarity.
 Includes most of the required information (film title, actors, director, studio name and
10-12 release date) as well as other relevant text.
 Video is within the required time frame, has a professional appearance and has continuity.
 Various forms of media are integrated and contribute to the overall work.
 Idea of film is clear and there is supporting information and scenes to contribute to the
film’s plot.
 The trailer includes questions that provide the audience with a sense of the main idea.
Events and messages are presented in a logical order.
C  Trailer includes various types of audio (music and sound).
 Includes some of the required information (film title, actors, director, studio name and
7-9 release date).
 Video is mostly within the required time frame and has continuity.
 Various forms of media are integrated.
 Idea of film is clear and there is supporting information to contribute to the film’s plot.
 The trailer includes questions that provide the audience with a sense of the main idea.
D  Trailer includes some audio.
 Includes some information (film title, actors, director, studio name and release date).
4-6  Video is not within the required time frame.
 Idea of film is somewhat clear.
E  Missing most of the required information.
 Lacks required information.
1-3  Video lacks consideration of the time frame
 Idea of film is vague.

Part 4: Film Scene

Mark Criteria
A  Excellent use of cinematography. Camera movement is smooth, use of lighting is effective
and a variety of shots are included.
13-15  Film scene is compelling and contributes to the overall plot of the story.
 Audio is clear and skilfully assists in communicating the main idea. The audio editing
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Assessment Notification
enhances the storytelling and adds value to the film.
 Film scene shows evidence of imagination and creativity. There is thoughtfulness to the
style and mood that suits the film.
B  Skilful use of cinematography. Camera movement is smooth, use of lighting is effective and
a variety of shots are included.
10-12  Film scene contributes to the overall plot of the story.
 Audio is clear and effectively assists in communicating the main idea. The audio editing
contributes to the storytelling and adds value to the film.
 Film scene shows evidence of creativity. There is some thoughtfulness to the style and
mood that suits the film.
C  Adequate use of cinematography. Camera movement is somewhat smooth, lighting is
included and some shots are included.
7-9  Film scene mostly contributes to the overall plot of the story.
 Audio is satisfactorily clear and assists in communicating the main idea. The audio editing
contributes to the storytelling.
 Film scene shows evidence of creativity. There is some thoughtfulness to the style and
mood that suits the film.
D  Cinematography is limited. Camera movement and lighting are inconsistent.
 Film scene show a limited connection to the plot.
4-6  Audio lacks clarity and does not contribute to storytelling.
 Film scene shows limited creativity. There is limited thoughtfulness to the mood that suits
the film.
E  Cinematography is limited.
 Film scene lack a connection to the plot.
1-3  Film scene is not filmed or lack performance.

Part 5: Speech
Year 8 Speech Rubric
Criterion 0-1 2 3 4 5
Text Structure No evidence or Speech contains a few A detailed speech with Text contains an A coherent, controlled
minimal structure – components but are some developed introduction, body and and complete speech.
evidence of one weak. components. conclusion. Introduction has a clear
component only, i.e. position, ideas are
the introduction or explored and elaborated
conclusion. on throughout and the
conclusion reinforces the
main ideas.
Ideas Text focuses on one One idea with simple Ideas are supported with Ideas are elaborated and Ideas are generated,
idea OR ideas appear elaboration OR ideas some elaboration OR contribute effectively to selected and crafted to be
unrelated OR ideas are are few and related but many unelaborated ideas the writer’s position. highly persuasive.
unrelated to the not elaborated upon OR that relate plausibly to
speech topic. many simple ideas that the argument OR one
are related but not idea with more
elaborated upon. developed elaboration.
Persuasive No evidence or Uses statement or Uses three or more Uses some devices that Sustained and effective
devices/techniques insufficient evidence. statements of personal instances of persuasive persuade. Use is effective use of persuasive
opinion AND/OR uses devices but do not but not sustained. devices.
one or two instances of persuade the audience.
persuasive devices
(may be the same
Clarity of speech – vocal Speaks too quietly, Use of volume is Use of volume is mainly Volume and pace engage Volume of speaker is
variety and pace laughs and distracts limited. Pace is mainly consistent. Pace may the audience with only appropriate for audience.
the audience from the inconsistent. vary, but is mainly some minor Emphasis is used for key
speech content. appropriate. inconsistencies. words or phrases. Uses a
pace that is engaging and
Body language No eye contact used. Eye contact is only Eye contact is sometimes Eye contact is mostly Eye contact is maintained
Student’s stance may rarely used. Stance is used. Students may look maintained throughout throughout speech.
be awkward or appropriate at times. up every second but not speech. Students attempt Students use their stance,
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Assessment Notification
uncomfortable – they May move in a engage with anybody, like to use their stance, posture posture and gesticulation
rock or fidget. No distracted way that a reflex. and gesticulation to to further engage
gestures used. does not improve the further engage students. students.
student’s argument or
Use of time – how well
was it used? Did 1 2 3 4 5
students run overtime?

Total / 30

Part 6: Reflection

Mark Criteria
A  Skilfully reflects on the creative process including purpose, strengths and weaknesses
 Provides a comprehensive justification of the group’s collaborative methods
9-10  Demonstrates skilful control of language

B  Effectively reflects on the creative process including purpose, strengths and weaknesses
 Provides an effective justification of the group’s collaborative methods
7-8  Demonstrates effective control of language

C  Adequately reflects on the creative process including purpose, strengths and weaknesses
 Provides an adequate justification of the group’s collaborative methods
5-6  Demonstrates adequate control of language

D  Simply reflects on some aspects of the creative process

 Provides a simple justification of the group’s collaborative methods
3-4  Demonstrates a limited control of language

E  Provides some relevant information about the group’s task.

1- 2

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