Q3 Science 3 10 Bow Sy 2023 2024

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QUARTER 3: GRADE 3 to 10

Grade 3 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of motion of objects

Performance Standard The learners should be able to observe, describe, and investigate the position and movement of things
around them

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the position of a S3FE-IIIa-b-1 Lesson 1: Describing Quarter 3 Module 1 Pair of Bar Magnets
person or an object in the Position of an
Week 1 Lesson 1: The Plastic Ruler
relation to a reference Object Relative to
Reference Point of
point such as chair, door, another Object
an Object or Person
another person
Lesson 2: Describing Toy Car (non-friction,
the position of an non-battery)
object after it has Quarter 3 Module 1
moved Week 2 Lesson 2: Position
of an Object
Relative to Another

Lesson 3: Describing Quarter 3 Module 1

Ways of Moving Week 3 Lesson 3: Ways to
Move Objects

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of sources and uses of light, sound, heat, and electricity

Performance Standard The learners should be able to apply the knowledge of the sources and uses of light, sound, heat, and

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the different uses Lesson 4: Sources and Week 4 Connecting wires and
of light, sound, heat, and Uses of Light Bulb-Socket
electricity in everyday life Assembly
Lesson 5: Sources and Week 5
Uses of Heat a. 250 mm long with
crocodile clips, red
Lesson 6: Sources and Week 6
Uses of Sound b. bulb and socket
Lesson 7: Sources and Week 7
Uses of Electricity Dry Cell Holder, 1
chamber, for size D
dry cell
3. Flashlight with
Incandescent Bulb
Grade 4 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how the force that can change the shape, size or
movement of objects.

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain the effects of force S4FE-IIIa-1 Lesson 1: Effects of Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Magnetic Compass
when applied to an object Force on the Shape 1: Effects of Force
Pair of Bar Magnets
and Size of Objects on Objects

Lesson 2: Effects of Week 2 Lesson 1: Effects of

Force on the Force when Applied
Movement of Objects to an Object

Characterize magnetic S4FE-IIId-e-3 Lesson 3: The Magnet Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module

force 2: Magnetic Force

Lesson 1: Magnetic

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how light, heat and sound travel using various

Performance Standard The learners should be able to demonstrate conceptual understanding of properties/characteristics of
light, heat, and sound

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe how light, sound S4FE-IIIf-g-4 Lesson 4: Heat Week 4 Quarter 3 – Module
and heat travel Transfer in Materials 3: Light, Sound and
Heat Travel
Lesson 1: How Light

Lesson 5: How does Week 5 Quarter 3 – Module Heat conduction

Light and Sound 3: Light, Sound and apparatus
Travel? Heat Travel
Alcohol lamp
Lesson 2: How
Sound Travels

Lesson 3: How Heat


Investigate properties and S4FE-IIIh-5 Lesson 6: Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module Plane Mirrors
Characteristics and 4: Properties and
characteristics of light and
Properties of Light Characteristics of
Light and Sound

Lesson 1: Properties
of Light

Lesson 7: Week 7 Quarter 3 – Module

Characteristics and 4: Properties and
Properties of Sound Characteristics of
Light and Sound

Lesson 2: Properties
of Sound

Grade 5 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of motion in terms of distance and time

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the motion of an S5FE-IIIa-1 Lesson 1: Describing Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Meter stick
object by tracing and Motion 1: Measuring
Plastic Ruler
measuring its change in Motion in Terms
position (distance Stopwatch
of Distance and
travelled) over a period of
Lesson 1: Motion
Lesson 2: Distance

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how different objects interact with light and
sound, heat; the effects of heat and electricity, light and sound on people and objects

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Discuss why some S5FE-IIIc-3 Lesson 2: Conductors of Week 2 Quarter 3 – Module Aluminum rod
materials are good Heat and Electricity 2: Conductors of
conductors of heat and Heat and Electricity
electricity Copper rod
Lesson 1:
Conductors and Heat Conduction
Insulators Apparatus (with 5
different metals)
Lesson 2:
Properties of Good Plastic rod
Steel rod
Relate the ability of the S5FE-IIIe-5 Lesson 3: Materials that Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module
material to block, absorb block, absorb, and 3: Interaction of Stirring rod
or transmit light to its use transmit light Light on Different
Test Tube Holder
Test Tube Rack
Lesson 1: How
Light Interacts with Tripod
Different Materials Wire Gauze
Lesson 2: Wood rod
and Opaque

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between
electricity and magnetism in electromagnets

Performance Standard The learners should be able to propose device using electromagnet that is useful for home school or

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Infer the conditions S5FE-IIIf-6 Lesson 4: Closed and Week 4 Quarter 3 – Module Bulb and bulb socket
necessary to make a bulb Open Circuits 4: Electric Circuit
Connecting wires
light up
Lesson 1: Parts of a
Dry cell holders
Simple DC Electric
Lesson 2: Open and
Closed Circuit
Lesson 3: Electrical
Safety Measures

Determine the effects of S5FE-IIIg-7 Lesson 5: Series and Week 5 Quarter 3 – Module Electricity and
changing the number or Parallel Circuits 5: Series and Magnetism Kit:
type of components in a Parallel Circuits
2 pcs – size D dry cell
Lesson 1: Series holder
2 pcs – dry cell, size
Lesson 2: Parallel D
6 pcs blue
connecting wires
with alligator clip
and banana plug
1 pc – knife switch
3 assembles – socket
with bulb, terminal
100 g – magnet wire
1 pc – iron core rod
(10-12 mm Ø x

Design an experiment to S5FE-IIIi-j-9 Lesson 6: Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module #22 single wire
determine the factors that Electromagnets 6: Factors Affecting (solid)/ magnet wire
affect the strength of the the Strength of an
Lesson 7: Factors Week 7 Connecting wires
electromagnet Electromagnet
affecting the strength of
Dry cell holder
an Electromagnet Lesson 1: Factors
Affecting the Iron rod/nail core
Strength of an Knife switch
Electromagnet Electromagnetism Kit

Grade 6 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how gravity and friction affect movement of objects

Performance Standard The learners should be able to produce an advertisement demonstrates road safety

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Infer how friction and S6FE-IIIa-c-1 Lesson 1: Friction Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Friction Apparatus,
gravity affect movements 1: Friction Hooked Masses,
of different objects Lesson 1: Describe Spring Balances
Lesson 2: How
Friction Affects
Movements of

Lesson 2: Gravity Week 2 Quarter 3 – Module

1A: Gravity
Lesson 1:
Describing Gravity
Lesson 2: How
Gravity Affects
Movement of

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how energy is transformed in simple machines

Performance Standard The learners should be able to create a marketing strategy for a new product on electrical or
light efficiency

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Demonstrate how sound, S6FE-IIId-f-2 Lesson 3: Potential and Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module Alcohol Lamp, glass,
heat, light and electricity Kinetic Energy 2: Energy 150 ml. Capacity
can be transformed Transformation
Lesson 4: Forms of Week 4 Electricity and
Energy Lesson 1: Forms of Magnetism Kit:
a. 2 pcs – size D dry
Lesson 5: Energy Week 5 Quarter 3 – Module cell holder
Transformation 2: Energy
b. 2 pcs – dry cell,
size D
Lesson 2: Energy
c. 6 pcs blue
connecting wires
with alligator clip
and banana plug
d. 1 pc – knife switch
e. 3 assembles –
socket with bulb,
terminal binding
f. 100 g – magnet
wire #20
g. 1 pc – iron core
rod (10-12 mm Ø x

Manipulate simple S6FE-IIIg-i-3 Lesson 6: Simple Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module

machines to describe their Machines: Lever, 3: Characteristics
characteristics and uses Inclined Plane, and and Uses of Simple
Wedge Machines

Lesson 7: Simple Week 7 Pulley set

Machines: Pulley, Wheel
a. 1 pc – double
and Axle, and Screw
b. 1 pc – single pulley
Grade 7 – Force, Motion, and Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of motion in one dimension

Performance Standard The learners should be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the motion of an S7FE-IIIa-1 Lesson 1: Describing Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Meterstick
object in terms of distance Motion 1: Let’s Do The
or displacement, speed or Motion
velocity, and acceleration
Lesson 1: Distance
and Displacement
Lesson 2: Speed,
Velocity and

Create and interpret visual S7FE-IIIb-3 Lesson 2: Describing Week 2 Quarter 3 - Module
representation of the motion using visual 2 Motion in Graphs
motion of objects such as representations and Dots
tape charts and motion
Lesson 1: Motion
Lesson 2: Ticker
Tape Diagrams

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of waves as a carriers of energy

Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Infer that waves carry S7FE-IIIc-4 Lesson 3: Waves Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module Slinky
energy Around You 3 The Waves
Lesson 1: Types of

Describe the S7FE-IIId-7 Lesson 4: Sound Week 4 Quarter 3 – Module

characteristics of sound 4 It’s Nice to HEAR
using the concepts of You!
wavelength, velocity, and
Lesson 1:
Characteristics of

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of light

Performance Standard The learners should be able to suggest proper lighting in various activities

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain color and Lesson 5: Light Week 5 Quarter 3 – Module Flashlight

intensity of light in terms 5 Your Light is My
of its wave characteristics Life!
Lesson 1: Nature
and Sources of
Lesson 2:
Characteristics of

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how heat is transferred

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Infer the conditions S7FE-IIIh-i- Lesson 6: Heat Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module Alcohol thermometer
necessary for heat transfer 12 6 It’s Getting Hot In
to occur Here!
Lesson 1: Heat’s

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of charges and the different charging processes
Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the different S7FE-IIIj-13 Lesson 7: Electricity Week 7 Quarter 3 – Module

types of charging 7.1: Be in Charge!
processes Be Electrifying!
Lesson 1: Charging
by Friction
Lesson 2: Charging
by Induction

Quarter 3 – Module
Be in Charge! Be
Lesson 1: Charging
by Conduction
Grade 8 – Matter

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the particle nature of matter as basis for
explaining properties, physical changes, and structure of substances and mixtures

Performance Standard The learners should be able to present how water behaves in its different
states within the water cycle

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain the properties of S8MT-IIIa-b- Lesson 1: Particulate Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Analytical Balance
solids, liquids, and gases 8 Nature of Matter 1: The Particle
based on the particle Nature of Matter
nature of matter Graduated cylinder
Lesson 2: The Particle
Week 2
Models of the Three
States of Matter

Explain physical changes S8MT-IIIc-d- Lesson 3: Changes Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module Beaker
in terms of the 9 between a Liquid and 2: The Phase
Erlenmeyer flask
arrangement and motion a Gas Change
of atoms and molecules Watch glass
Lesson 1: The
Phase Change Tripod
Lesson 4: Changes
between a Solid and a Week 4 Wire gauze
Alcohol lamp

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the identity of a substance according to its atomic

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Determine the number of S8MT-IIIe-f- Lesson 5: Atom and Week 5 Quarter 3 - Module
protons, neutrons, and 10 it’s Nature 3: Atoms - Inside
electrons in a particular Out
Lesson 1: Properties
of Subatomic
Lesson 2: The
Number of
Subatomic Particles
in Atoms, Ions and

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the periodic table of elements as an organizing
tool to determine the chemical properties of elements

Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Use the periodic table to Lesson 6: Periodic Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module

predict the chemical Table of Elements 4: Periodic Table of
behavior of an element. Elements
Lesson 1:
Lesson 7: Reactivity of
Week 7 Arrangement of

Lesson 2: Reactive
and Nonreactive

Grade 9 – Earth and Space

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the volcanoes found in the Philippines

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Describe the different Lesson 1: What is a Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module

types of volcanoes and Volcano? 1: Different Types of
volcanic eruption Volcanoes
Lesson 1: Earth and
Space: Different
Types of Volcanoes

Explain what happens S9ES -IIIb-28 Lesson 2: Volcanic Week 2 Quarter 3 – Module
when volcanoes erupt Eruption 2: Volcanic
Lesson 1: Volcanic

Illustrate how energy from S9ES –IIIc-d- Lesson 3: Energy from Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module
volcanoes may be tapped 29 a Volcano 3: Geothermal
for human use Energy
Lesson 1:
Geothermal Energy

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the factors that affect climate, and the effects of
changing climate and how to adapt accordingly

Performance Standard The learners should be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of climate

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and
Explain how different S9ES-IIIe-30 Lesson 4: Factors Week 4 Quarter 3 – Module
factors affect the climate Affecting Climate (Part 4: Factors Affecting
of an area 1) Climate

Lesson 5: Factors
Affecting Climate (Part
Week 5

Describe certain climatic S9ES-IIIf-31 Lesson 6: Climate Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module

phenomena that occur on Change 5: Climatic
a global level Phenomena
Occurring on a
Global Level

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the visible constellations in the
sky and Earth’s position along its orbit

Performance Standard The learners should be able to discuss whether or not popular beliefs and practices with regard to
constellations and astrology have scientific basis

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Show which constellations Lesson 7: Week 7 Quarter 3 – Module

may be observed at Constellations 6: Constellations at
different times of the year Different Times of
using models the Year
Grade 10 – Living Things and their Environment

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of:

1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and
endocrine systems
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and

Performance Standard

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Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain the role of S10LT-IIIb- Lesson 1: Roles of Week 1 Quarter 3 – Module Human Torso
hormones involved in the 34 Hormones in Female 1: The Endocrine
female and male and Male Reproductive System:
reproductive systems Systems
Glands and Their

Describe the feedback S10LT-IIIc-35 Lesson 2: Feedback Quarter 3 – Module Reproductive System
mechanisms involved in Mechanism on 2: The Female
regulating processes in the Menstrual Cycle Reproductive Models
female reproductive
System and The
system (e.g., menstrual
Menstrual Cycle

Describe how the nervous S10LT-IIIc-36 Lesson 3: The Nervous Week 2 Quarter 3 – Module Human Torso
system coordinates and System 3: Nervous System:
regulates these feedback The Control System
mechanisms to maintain of the Body

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of:

1. the information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins
2. how changes in a DNA molecule may cause changes in its product
3. mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable

Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain how protein is S10LT-IIId- Lesson 4: Making Week 3 Quarter 3 – Module DNA Model
made using information 37 Proteins from DNA 4: Protein Synthesis
from DNA

Explain how mutations S10LT-IIIe-38 Lesson 5: Mutation Week 4 Quarter 3 – Module

may cause changes in the 5: Mutation
structure and function of
a protein

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding how evolution through natural selection can result in

Performance Standard The learners should be able to write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for
the survival of a species

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain how fossil records, S10LT-IIIf-39 Lesson 6: Evidence of Week 5 Quarter 3 – Module
comparative anatomy, and Evolution 6: Evidence of
genetic information Evolution
provide evidence for

Explain the occurrence of S10LT-IIIg-40 Lesson 7: Occurrence Week 6 Quarter 3 – Module

evolution of Evolution 7: Occurrence of
Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of:
1. the influence of biodiversity on the stability of ecosystems
2. an ecosystem as being capable of supporting a limited number of organisms

Performance Standard The learners should be able to write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for
the survival of a species

Most Essential Learning Code Content Inclusive Self-Learning Science Learning

Competencies (MELCs) Dates Modules Available Tools and

Explain how species S10LT-IIIh- Lesson 8: Biodiversity Week 7 Quarter 3 – Module

diversity increases the 41 8: Biodiversity and
probability of adaptation Stability
and survival of organisms
in changing environments

Explain the relationship S10LT-IIIi-42 Lesson 9: Population Quarter 3 – Module

between population Growth and Carrying 9: Population
growth and carrying Capacity Growth and
capacity Biodiversity

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