The Wayhaven Chronicles Guide - Book One
The Wayhaven Chronicles Guide - Book One
The Wayhaven Chronicles Guide - Book One
Hello, and welcome to the Wayhaven Guide, Book One Edition! This is a fan-assembled and unofficial
guide that tracks stat changes, relationship points, and significant text variation! We put this together in
our free time and out of nothing more than a love for the series and a dedication to helping fellow fans, so
please forgive any typos you might see or errors in the guide, and don’t hesitate to contact us to make us
aware of them so we can implement the necessary corrections.
Here are just a few general notes and tips to start with, and some things to keep in mind as you make
your way through the guide:
1. This was designed and written with people who’ve already played the series in mind. It uses
shorthand for the love interests names that those following Mishka’s blog are familiar with [A for
Ava/Adam, N for Nat/Nate, M for Morgan/Mason, and F for Farah/Felix], and there are spoilers
[2.] We haven’t included any sort of text leading up to the choices at this time, as the guide is already
so long without it. Instead, the choices are labelled numerically. Therefore, this will be easiest to
use as you’re reading along so that you can find the corresponding choices more easily, rather
than looking for what a specific choiceschoice’s consequences will be independently. If there’s
demand for text leading up to the choices in the future, we will consider adding it at a later date.
2.[3.] As is the case in the game, some of the stats (those that denote the Detective’s Personality and
Traits) are paired together, so that an increase in one direction means the opposing stat is
lessened. For example, gaining points in Charming means your detective is less Intimidating, and
so on. For simplicity’s sake, these paired stats are referred to with just one “side” of the scale, all
of which are on the left/red side in the game’s Stats screen. This means that if you want a
Detective that predominantly uses the “Mind” trait, make sure to focus on choices that will yield a -
Heart% result, if you want a Detective that Bends The Rules, target -By the Book% options, etc.
We hope this has limited potential confusion with regards to the stat percentage changes, rather
than made it difficult to understand.
3.[4.] Rebecca has two different relationship stats, one of which corresponds to the Detective’s past
relationship with her, and the other that represents the current relationship. The past relationship
stat is referred to in this guide as “Mother” and the new relationship is called “Rebecca”. “Mother”
will not change regardless of your choices after it’s set during your first interaction with her,
whereas “Rebecca” can change as much or as little as you want it to, in either direction. At some
points, the relationship between these two stats can influence the narration, and that variation is
detailed in the guide where it occurs.
4.[5.] Similarly, Bobby can have two distinct relationship stats if their “path” is triggered in Chapter 9.
The first stat, which everyone will have, is denoted as “Bobby Relationship”; this stat is static and
does not change, and it influences the nature of certain interactions with Bobby and how the
Detective will react to them. The other, which is only present for players on the Bobby path, is
denoted as “Bobby New Relationship” and can increase with different choices made.
5.[6.] The game has a few hidden stats that relate to a Detective’s ability to accomplish certain
choices, but aren’t shown visibly in the Stats screen. One such example is the Energy stat, which
comes into play during the Detective’s final confrontation with Murphy. We’ve included these
hidden stats in the guide to show you which choices will impact them, but you may want to keep
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track of your own personal +/- record for them, as you won’t be able to reference where you’re at
with those points otherwise.
6.[7.] As a general rule for these types of games, the best strategy is always deciding what you want
your character to be stat-wise early on, and playing to your character’s strengths in its later
stages. Unless deliberately pursuing stat check fails in your playthrough, the best way to
guarantee you’ll pass stat checks is making sure you’re very strong in 1 or 2 categories. Any skill
can be useful, but diversifying your skills too much can end up hurting you in the long run.
7.[8.] The Book 2 Guide is currently under construction! Watch this space for updates within the next
few weeks.
Without further ado, welcome to the guide! We truly hope you feel that this guide is useful, and welcome
any suggestions you have to make in terms of the administration of it.
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Chapter 1
Choice 1
● …beep my horn at them.
○ Impulsive +10%
○ Easygoing -10%
● …park where I am.
○ Easygoing +10%
○ Impulsive -10%
● …lean out of the window and order them to move.
○ Charming -10%
○ Friendly +10%
● …lean out of the window and ask them to move.
○ Sarcastic -10%
○ Friendly +10%
Choice 2
● Determines the Detective’s Hair Color (Permanent)
Choice 3
● Determines the Detective’s Gender (Permanent)
● “Credentials please, miss.”
○ Play as a woman.
● “Credentials please, sir.”
○ Play as a man.
● “Credentials please.”
○ Play as a non-binary person.
Choice 4
● I didn’t even want the promotion; the captain forced it on me.
○ By the Book -16%
● I was so excited for the promotion, though I wasn’t expecting it.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Captain Relationship+2
● I wasn’t surprised by the promotion; I’ve worked hard to get it.
○ By the Book +16%
○ Captain Relationship+2
● I didn’t really want it, but I wasn’t going to turn it down when offered.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Captain Relationship+1
Choice 5
● Determines the Detective’s First Name and Surname (Permanent)
● There is a list of default names to choose from, and the option to write on your own.
● If you write in a name already contained within the story, you will get a message saying that
it might be confusing, and giving you an option to change it. You can either change it or
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Choice 6
● “Depends on how gruesome the murder is.”
○ Optimist -16%
● “I was hoping it would be quieter.”
○ Optimist +16%
● “I wish my career didn’t start with a death.”
○ Heart +16%
● “I’m pleased to be able to put my mind to something.”
○ Heart -16%
Choice 7
● “Not exactly something to be proud of, sir.”
○ Sarcastic +16%
○ Impulsive +16%
● “You’re a businessman, not a policeman, so please stay back.”
○ Charming -16%
○ Friendly -16%
● “Demands will get you nowhere.”
○ Easygoing +16%
○ Friendly -16%
● “I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t give out details at this time.”
○ Easygoing +16%
○ Friendly +16%
● Ignore him.
○ Impulsive -16%
○ Friendly -16%
Choice 8
● Determines the Detective’s Sexuality (Permanent)
○ If the Detective is only attracted to women, all four Romantic Interests will be
women, and Bobby will be a woman.
○ If the Detective is only attracted to men, all four Romantic Interests will be
men, and Bobby will be a man.
○ If the Detective is a woman and is attracted to men and women, two Romantic
Interests will be women (M and F), and two will be men (A and N), and Bobby
will be a man.
○ If the Detective is a man or non-binary and is attracted to men and women,
two Romantic Interests will be women (A and N), and two will be men (M and
F), and Bobby will be a man.
Choice 9
● Look closer at the body.
○ Science +10%
● “Do you know who the victim is?”
○ Deduction +10%
● “Can they be covered yet? Give them a little peace.”
○ People +10%
Choice 10
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Choice 11
● “Make sure ‘she’ is dead. She was a person, not just a body.”
○ People +6%
○ By the Book -10%
● “Hopefully it won’t take long to find out more about it.”
○ Deduction +6%
○ By the Book +10%
● “The quicker we can clear this up, the better.”*
○ By the Book +18%
● “At least we can move her out of the sight of that crowd.”
○ By the Book -10%
Choice 12
● Determines the Detective’s Relationship with Bobby
● …I’ve only met [them] a few times.
○ Bobby and the Detective are only acquaintances.
● …unfortunately, [they] also happen to be my ex.
○ Bobby and the Detective dated in college.
● …[they’re] an ex-friend.
○ Bobby and the Detective used to be friends.
○ Bobby Relationship+2
If Bobby is an ex, the Detective will shudder at the reminder of poor dating judgment in the past. If Bobby
is an ex-friend, the Detective will shudder at the reminder of poor taste in friends in the past.
Choice 14/15
● Determines the Detective’s usual drink (Permanent)
Choice 15/16
● Determines the Detective’s purpose joining the police force (Permanent)
● …I wanted to help people and make them feel safe.
○ People +30%
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ The Detective joined to help people.
● …it was the best career in Wayhaven that could put my mind to use.
○ Deduction +30%
○ Teamplayer -10%
○ The Detective joined to use their mind.
● …with my family so against the army, the police was the next best thing.
○ Combat +20%
○ Teamplayer +16%
○ The Detective joined because they couldn’t join the military.
● …nothing happens in Wayhaven; it seemed like an easy job.
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○ Teamplayer -16%
○ Deduction +8%
○ The Detective joined because it’d be easy.
● …it gave me a badge, and that badge gains me free stuff and favors.
○ Teamplayer -16%
○ By the Book -10%
○ The Detective joined to get the badge.
● …I like a job with structure and defined rules.
○ Deduction +10%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ The Detective joined because they wanted structure.
● …this job allows me to use my scientific skills. There were no other jobs like that in the city.
○ Science +30%
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ The Detective joined in order to use their science skills.
● …I had a rather rebellious youth. It was either the police force or jail time.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Teamplayer -16%
○ The Detective joined to avoid jail time.
Choice 16/17
● No one upsets the mayor, and I’m not foolish enough to do it either. Give Douglas back the
○ By the Book -8%
○ Mayor Relationship+1
○ The Detective gives Douglas back the phone.
● Mayor’s son or not, he still has to follow the rules. Take the phone.
○ By the Book +8%
○ The Detective keeps Douglas’s phone.
● I’m not going to parent the kid; that’s the mayor’s job. Let him have the phone.
○ By the Book -8%
○ The Detective gives Douglas back the phone.
● I need to be able to rely on my own people not to be distracted at work. Hold onto the
○ By the Book +8%
○ The Detective keeps Douglas’s phone.
Choice 17/18
● Throw it away.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Impulsive -8%
○ Easygoing +8%
● Keep hold of it.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Impulsive +8%
○ Easygoing -8%
If the Detective threw away their drink, they will spot Verda’s coffee and get upset. If the Detective kept
their drink, Verda will point out that they’re not supposed to have that in the room, and the Detective will
say that neither is he.
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Choice 18/19
● “We really need to find her identity so we can inform her family.”
○ Heart +10%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Verda Relationship+1
● “We really need to find her identity so I can find the killer.”
○ Heart -10%
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “I hope the rest of the people in Wayhaven are safe.”
○ Heart +10%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Verda Relationship+1
● “If I can solve this, my ccareerareer will be off to a good start.”
○ Heart -10%
○ Teamplayer -8%
Choice 19/20
● “I can sympathize. I don’t exactly get much of a social life in this job.”
○ Optimist -8%
○ Friendly -12%
● “Poor girl. She might have been less of a target if she hadn’t been so isolated.”
○ Optimist +8%
○ Charming +12%
● “I can’t blame her; being that sociable is overrated.”
○ Optimist -8%
○ Charming -12%
● “It’s strange to think there are some who wouldn’t want to go out more and know people.”
○ Optimist +8%
○ Friendly +12%
Choice 20/21
● “You worried about me, Verda?”
○ Charming +6%
● “I am the model of careful.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “Thanks for your concern, but I’ll be fine.”
○ Friendly +6%
● “It’s my job to do these things, safe or not.”
○ Friendly -6%
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Chapter 2
Choice 1
● I have good combat skills, so I can deal with whatever is ahead.
○ Combat +30%
● I have good combat skills, but I’d rather not use them.
○ Combat +30%
● I have decent combat skills; I hope it’s enough to deal with whatever might be ahead.
○ Combat +16%
● I have decent combat skills, but I’d rather not use them.
○ Combat +16%
● Combat isn’t my specialty; I’m much better at talking people down.
○ People +12%
● Combat isn’t my speciality; I much prefer to stick to the investigative side of things.
○ Deduction +16%
● I’m much more science-minded than combat-oriented.
○ Science +16%
Choice 2
● Check out the ground level.
○ The Detective searches the ground level.
○ The Detective will not see the figure.
● Check out the top level.
○ The Detective searches the top level.
● Check around outside.
○ The Detective searches outside.
Choice 3
● “Who are you? Identify yourself! I’m with the police.”
○ People +6%
○ By the Book +8%
○ Impulsive +8%
● Head further inside in silence and ready myself.
○ Combat +6%
○ By the Book -8%
○ Impulsive -8%
● Look for the figure in the darkness before entering further
○ Deduction +6%
○ By the Book +8%
○ Impulsive -8%
○ The Detective does see the figure.
If the Detective went to the upper floor and did not get a closer look at “the figure”, now they will turn back
and realize it had only been a shadow in the first place.
Choice 5
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Choice 6
● “Don’t leave me hanging, Verda.”
○ No effect.
● “Define ‘odd.’”
○ No effect.
● “Out with it!”
○ Friendly -10%
● “So odd it’s shocked you into silence?”
○ No effect.
● Wait for him to continue.
○ No effect.
Choice 7
● “I don’t understand.”
○ No effect.
● “Is it contagious? Like a disease?”
○ Science +8%
● “And I was hoping for a nice, normal murder.”
○ People +8%
● “I need more than that. Unknowns aren’t helpful.”
○ Deductions +8%
Choice 8
● Reach for my gun.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Combat +10%
○ If the Detective drew their gun earlier (Choice 4), they will not have it on them
and reach for an empty holster, only to see it a short distance away, and have
to dive for it. If the Detective did not draw their gun earlier, they will pull it out.
● Tell them to stay where they are.
○ By the Book +10%
○ People +10%
○ If the Detective drew their gun earlier (Choice 4), they will not have it on them
and reach for an empty holster, only to see it a short distance away, and will
take a few steps to pick it up. If the Detective did not draw their gun earlier,
they will pull it out.
● Try to get to the car.
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Choice 9
Choice 10
● I’ve never shot a gun at a live target; I don’t really want to start now.
○ Optimist +10%
○ Heart +4%
○ The Detective will not be fine with shooting.
● I’ve never shot a gun at a live target, but I might not have much choice.
○ Optimist -10%
○ Heart -4%
○ The Detective will not be fine with shooting.
● I’ve never shot a gun at a live target, but I have no issue doing it now.
○ Heart -4%
○ Optimist -10%
○ The Detective will not be fine with shooting.
● I’ve fired a gun when necessary, and now seems like it might be necessary too.”
○ Heart -4%
○ Optimist -10%
○ The Detective will be fine with shooting.
● I’ve fired a gun before, but I don’t really want to have to do it again.
○ Heart +4%
○ Optimist +10%
○ The Detective will not be fine with shooting.
● I’ve fired a gun before and have no issue doing it again.
○ Heart -4%
○ Optimist -10%
○ The Detective will be fine with shooting.
If the Detective is not fine with shooting, their voice will waver and the gun will suddenly feel heavy in their
hands. If the Detective is fine with shooting, they won’t waver.
Choice 11
● …and shoot.
● …demand they stay where they are.
● …ask what it is they want.
● …pepper spray them.
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Choice 12
If the Detective decided to shoot…
● “I warned you! Now come with me. All of you.”
○ Easygoing -14%
○ By the Book +6%
● “This isn’t my finest moment…”
○ Sarcastic +14%
○ By the Book -6%
● “Please, I don’t want to do it again. Just come with me to the station.”
○ Sarcastic -14%
○ By the Book +6%
● “And I’ll do it again if you won’t come with me now!”
○ Charming -14%
○ By the Book -8%
● “I’m sorry; you scared me.”
○ Friendly +14%
○ By the Book -8%
Choice 12
If the Detective demanded they stay still…
● “I wish that were possible, but I have to do my job.”
○ Easygoing +14%
○ By the Book +6%
● “This isn’t my finest moment, I admit…”
○ Sarcastic +14%
○ By the Book -6%
● “Fine, you win.”
○ Easygoing +14%
○ By the Book -8%
● “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”
○ Easygoing -14%
○ By the Book +8%
● “I can see I’m outnumbered. I’m not a fool.” Lower my gun.
○ Sarcastic -14%
○ By the Book -6%
Choice 12
If the Detective asked what they want…
● “I’m the police officer here, and I’m the one who has to catch them.”
○ Easygoing -14%
○ By the Book +8%
● “Letting you go would probably just make things worse for me.”
○ Charming +14%
○ By the Book +6%
● “I believe you, but I still can’t let the public deal with these matters.”
○ Sarcastic -14%
○ By the Book -8%
● “None of you are going anywhere.”
○ Easygoing -14%
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Choice 12
If the Detective used pepper spray…
● “That’s a warning! Next time I won’t be able to be so gentle. Now come with me. All of you.”
○ Impulsive +14%
○ By the Book +8%
● “I hoped it would have more effect than that…”
○ Sarcastic +14%
○ By the Book -6%
● “Please, I don’t want to have to do more than that. Just come with me to the station.”
○ Sarcastic -14%
○ By the Book +6%
● “I’ll use more force than that if I have to!”
○ Charming -14%
○ By the Book -6%
● “I’m sorry, but I had no choice.”
○ Sarcastic -14%
○ By the Book +6%
If the Detective did shoot, F will laugh hysterically at A being wounded, while N is concerned over the
injury. The woman they meet with will be concerned about the wound and ask what happened. A will grip
their wounded shoulder when finding out who they’re supposed to protect. The Detective will realize that
firing their gun and injuring one of them adds a whole new file of paperwork to complete.
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If the Detective did not shoot, F will joke about leaving a great impression on the local law enforcement.
The Detective will be thankful that not firing their gun saved them an hour of paperwork.
If the Detective used pepper spray, F will laugh hysterically at A being soaked with the substance and say
that they’re going to stink of it for a week, while A is irritated and embarrassed. The woman they meet
with will ask why A is wet. The Detective will be thankful that not firing their gun saved them an hour of
Choice 14
● Screw paperwork! If someone wants to know what happened, they can ask. I’ve got more
important stuff to do.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart +10%
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ If Captain Relationship is greater than 0, Captain Relationship -1
○ The Detective does not complete the paperwork.
● The sooner I finish this paperwork, the sooner it will be done.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Captain Relationship +1
○ The Detective completes the paperwork.
● I can’t just shirk my responsibilities.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Captain Relationship +1
○ The Detective completes the paperwork.
● I know paperwork is important, but there are other things I’d rather do first.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart +10%
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ If Captain Relationship is greater than 0, Captain Relationship -1
○ The Detective does not complete the paperwork.
● A bit of procrastination never hurt anyone…
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart +10%
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ If Captain Relationship is greater than 0, Captain Relationship -1
○ The Detective does not complete the paperwork.
● Give back the phone and try to bluff that I only kept it so long to teach him a lesson. [STAT
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +10%
○ If Charm is 55 or above, Douglas will believe the Detective’s bluff and be
sincerely apologetic. If Charm is 54 or less, Douglas won’t believe the
Detective’s bluff, and his gratitude will seem forced.
Choice 15
If the Detective didn’t keep Douglas’s phone…
● “Seriously, kid? I’m right here!”
○ Easygoing -10%
○ Teamplayer -10%
● “I’m gonna take that phone if you don’t put it away now!”
○ Easygoing -10%
○ Teamplayer -10%
● Let the kid have a little fun; it’s not that annoying.
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +10%
● Try to ignore him.
○ Easygoing +10%
○ Teamplayer +10%
Choice 16
If the Detective kept Douglas’s phone…
● Keep the phone to teach him a longer lesson.
○ Easygoing -10%
○ Teamplayer -10%
● Give back the phone and apologise for keeping hold of it so long.
○ Friendly +10%
○ Teamplayer +10%
● Give back the phone and try to bluff that I only kept it so long to teach him a lesson. [STAT
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +10%
● If Charm is 55 or above, Douglas will believe the Detective’s bluff and be sincerely
apologetic. If Charm is 54 or less, Douglas won’t believe the Detective’s bluff, and his
gratitude will seem forced.
Choice 16
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● “I don’t know. One barrelled into me ー the others seemed more interested in him than me.”
○ People +16%
● “There didn’t seem to be any evidence of a murder.”
○ Deduction +16%
● “I was pretty well prepared, but still, they got the jump on me.”
○ Combat +16%
● [If the Detective collected the blood sample] “I got this off of one of the strangers.” I show
the collected blood sample.
○ Science +16%
○ If the Detective decided to shoot the stranger, they will tell Tina about it and
she is surprised. If the Detective did not shoot them, they will tell Tina that one
of the strangers got into a pretty bad fight.
○ Tina will take the blood sample to Verda to have it tested.
● “It was a waste of time going up there.”
○ Optimist -10%
● [If the Detective collected the blood sample] “No, I didn’t find anything useful at all,” I lie.
○ Teamplayer -16%
○ The blood sample will not be tested.
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Chapter 3
If the Detective ordered coffee in the cafe previously, they will take a drink of coffee and spit it out.
Douglas will tell them the kettle is broken. If they ordered tea, they will take a drink of tea and spit it out.
Douglas will tell them the kettle is broken. If they ordered neither, the Detective will see Len take a drink
of coffee and spit it out. Douglas will say the kettle is broken.
Choice 1
● Try to fix it. I’m pretty confident with these kinds of things.
○ Science +16%
○ Impulsive +8%
○ Coffee machine is fixed.
● Hit it.
○ Impulsive +8%
○ Combat +4%
○ Coffee machine remains broken.
● Try to fix it. How hard can it be… for someone who’s never tried it before?
○ Science +6%
○ Sarcastic +8%
○ Coffee machine remains broken.
● Turn it off and back on.
○ Impulsive -8%
○ Deduction +6%
○ Coffee machine remains broken.
● Leave it alone.
○ Impulsive -8%
○ Deduction +6%
○ Coffee machine remains broken.
Choice 2
● Greet her with a hug. We’ve always been close, even with her job.
○ Optimist +8%
○ Rebecca +70%
○ Mother +4
● Smile at her. We’re close, even if we don’t manage to keep in contact as much as I’d like.
○ Optimist +8%
○ Rebecca +60%
○ Mother +3
● “I’m glad you’re here.” Even if we don’t meet often, I always enjoy seeing her.
○ Optimist +8%
○ Rebecca +48%
○ Mother +2
● “This is a surprise.” We Aren’t very close because of her absences, though I understand.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Rebecca +20%
○ Mother +1
● Shrug off her hand. We’ve always had a tense relationship due to her absences.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Rebecca +10%
○ Mother =0
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Choice 3
Choice 4
● “Does the mayor have that little faith in me?”
○ Optimist -6%
● “Oh…”
○ Optimist -6%
● “Well, any help you can give is appreciated.”
○ Teamplayer +6%
● “I can handle this on my own.”
○ Teamplayer -6%
If Mother is 1 or 0, the Detective will snap their hand away from her. If Mother is above 1, the Detective
will smile.
If the Detective is female and attracted only to men, four men will enter the station. If the Detective is
female and attracted only to women, four women will enter the station. If the Detective is female and
attracted to men and women, two men (Adam and Nate) and two women (Morgan and Farah) will
enter the station. If the Detective is male and attracted only to women, four women will enter the
station. If the Detective is male and attracted to men, four men will enter the station. If the Detective is
male and attracted to men and women, two men (Adam and Nate) and two women (Morgan and
Farah) will enter the station. If the Detective is non-binary and attracted only to women, four women
will enter the station. If the Detective is non-binary and attracted only to men, four men will enter the
station. If the Detective is non-binary and attracted to men and women, two men (Adam and Nate)
and two women (Morgan and Farah) will enter the station.
Choice 5
● “It’s nice to meet you all. I look forward to working with you.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Friendly +6%
● “This is my case, so it’s my rules.”
○ Charming -6%
○ Teamplayer -10%
● “Welcome to Wayhaven. I’m sure you’ll settle in fine here.”
○ Charming +6%
○ Teamplayer +10%
● “Do they have names, or do I just call them Thing 1 and Thing 2…?”
○ Sarcastic +6%
○ Teamplayer +10%
● Wait for them to make the first move.
○ Friendly -6%
○ Teamplayer -10%
Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
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If Charming is 45 or lower, or Easygoing is 45 or lower, the Detective will stare back at A’s icy green
gaze until they both look away. If Charming is higher than 45, and Easygoing is higher than 45, the
Detective is forced to look away from A’s gaze.
If Mother is 1 or 0, the Detective will lean away from Rebecca’s hug. If Mother is above 1, they will
return her hug.
Choice 9
● Explain about the victim.
○ People +10%
○ A will tell the Detective that the victim died of shock.
● Explain the nature of the crime.
○ Deduction +10%
● Explain what Verda discovered.
○ Science +10%
● Explain about the limited resources available.
○ Deduction +4%
○ Combat +6%
Choice 10
● “Then maybe you should go investigate those instead.”
○ Sarcastic +12%
○ Impulsive +6%
● “We have to work as a team—me included.”
○ Charming +12%
○ Impulsive -6%
● “Kills? Target? You are treating this like a mission instead of an investigation.”
○ Impulsive +6%
○ Easygoing -12%
● “I won’t let you railroad me into rushing through this.”
○ Easygoing -12%
○ Charming -6%
● “Please, can’t we just work together on this?”
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○ Friendly +12%
○ Impulsive -6%
Choice 11
● …it makes a knot tight in my stomach, I realise it really is guilt.
○ No effect.
● …it makes my hands ball into fists, I realise it’s annoyance.
○ No effect.
● …it makes my stomach flutter and knees slightly weak, I worry it’s something else entirely.
○ A Romance +1
● …it makes my skin heat, I know it’s something else entirely.
○ A Romance +1
● …it disappears, I realise I don’t have the energy to deal with [their] ego now.
Choice 12
Choice 13
Choice 14
● “Working with me is the only way you’ll catch him. I know this town. You don’t.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
● “Obviously not, seeing as you haven’t caught him yet.”
○ Teamplayer -10%
● “You may be the leader of this team, but I’m the leader of this station.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
● “This is an investigation, not a witch hunt.”
○ Teamplayer -10%
● “Let’s all just take a breather for a second…”
○ Teamplayer +10%
Choice 15
● Suggest going to talk to Verda
○ Go to Verda. N comes with you, while A, F, and M leave.
● Suggest going over the crime scene now that the techs are gone.
○ Go to the scene of the crime. F and N come with you, while A and M leave.
● Suggest talking to the witness Tina managed to find.
○ Go see the witness. M and N come with you, while A and F leave.
Choice 16
● “Don’t worry about it.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “I wasn’t exactly very professional in how I acted either…”
○ No effect.
● “It’s not you who needs to be sorry for [their] actions.”
○ No effect.
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Choice 17
● …suggest we head straight to the lab.
○ No effect.
● …find myself holding [their] gaze.
○ N Romance +1
● Thank [them] for helping to calm the situation.
○ N Friendship +1
Choice 18
● “Doctor Soloman Verda, this is Agent [Natalie/Nathaniel] Sewell.”
○ By the Book +12%
● “Verda, this is [Nat/Nate].”
○ By the Book -12%
● Let them introduce themselves.
○ Teamplayer -12%
If A told the Detective about the victim dying of shock, they roll their eyes and think A’s ego is already too
big. If the Detective didn’t learn that the victim died of shock earlier, N says that all of the other victims
died the same way.
The Detective learns about the blood transfusions.
Choice 19
● “You think that’s where the ‘odd’ blood came from?”
○ Science +10%
● “What does that have to do with the wounds?”
○ Combat +10%
● “How would a blood transfusion kill her?”
○ Deduction +10%
Choice 20
If the Detective had the blood sample from the warehouse tested, Verda will tell them that it is like the
strange blood found in the murder victim. N has an odd reaction, the colour draining from their skin.
Choice 21
If blood test…
● “At least it’s a lead. It can’t just be a coincidence.”
○ Impulsive +6%
● “Great, now I have zombies strolling about town.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “That seems somewhat unlikely, Verda. Are you sure the tests are right?”
○ Easygoing -6%
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Choice 21
If no blood test…
● “It’s too much of a coincidence that the murder happens, and then these strangers show
○ Deduction +6%
● “I think the strange blood needs to be looked at further, over anything else.”
○ Science +6%
● “It’s all so weird—I’m a bit stumped about where to begin solving this.”
○ People +6%
● Keep my thoughts to myself.
○ Teamplayer -6%
If the coffee machine is still broken, N will make the Detective tea. If it is fixed, and the Detective got
coffee at the cafe, they will drink coffee while N has tea. If the Detective chose water at the cafe, they will
have water while N has tea.
Choice 22
● “I am more than capable of going myself.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Good idea. I can go with you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. You’re new around here.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Are you sure? I don’t want to pawn my responsibilities off on you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “That’s a good idea; thank you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
Choice 23
● …making me nod and return and say, “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
○ No effect.
● …making me smile back and say, “It was good working with you too. See you tomorrow.”
○ N Friendship +1
● …making my stomach flutter a little. I can’t help but smile and say, “See you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
● …making me grin back and say, “I very much look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
○ No effect.
Choice 17
● …suggest we head straight to the crime scene.
○ No effect.
● …find myself holding [their] gaze.
○ N Romance +1
● …thank [them] for helping to calm the situation.
○ N Friendship +1
Choice 18
● “It may be a bit battered, but at least it’s mine.”
● Friendly +8%
● “In my work, I’m not given the luxury of government expenses.”
● Sarcastic +8%
● “The ride is less than ideal, I admit.”
● Easygoing +8%
● “It gets me from A to B. That’s all I care about.”
● Sarcastic -8%
● Ignore [their] comment.
● Friendly -8%
Choice 19
● “I’m pretty sure we’re safe enough.”
○ F Friendship +1
● “Do what you like.”
○ No effect.
● “I would like the help—if that’s okay?”
○ F Friendship +1
● “Please keep it professional, Agent.”
○ No effect.
● I blush. “I—well… we should get on with work.”
○ F Romance +1
● I return the smirk and say, “I’ll watch yours if you watch mine.”
○ F Romance +1
● “Why do you need to watch my back? There’s no one here.”
○ No effect.
● “It’s an obvious link between the victim and the strangers. How can that not be helpful?”
○ People +8%
Choice 20
If no blood test…
If the coffee machine is still broken, N will make the Detective and F tea. If it is fixed, and the Detective
got coffee at the cafe, they will drink coffee while N has tea, while F doesn’t want either. If the Detective
chose water at the cafe, they will have water while N has tea.
Choice 21
● “I am more than capable of going myself.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Good idea. I can go with you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. You’re new around here.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Are you sure? I don’t want to pawn my responsibilities off on you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “That’s a good idea; thank you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
Choice 22
● …making me nod and return and say, “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
○ No effect.
● …making me smile back and say, “It was good working with you too. See you tomorrow.”
○ N Friendship +1
● …making my stomach flutter a little. I can’t help but smile and say, “See you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
● …making me grin back and say, “I very much look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
Choice 16
● “Don’t worry about it.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “I wasn’t exactly very professional in how I acted either…”
○ No effect.
● “It’s not you who needs to be sorry for [their] actions.”
○ No effect.
● “Don’t worry… I’m pretty ashamed of how I acted too.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “I was expecting professionals from a government team.”
○ No effect.
Choice 17
● …suggest we head straight to the crime scene.
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○ No effect.
● …find myself holding [their] gaze.
○ N Romance +1
● …thank [them] for helping to calm the situation.
○ N Friendship +1
Choice 18
● “Maybe you should show a little compassion.”
○ Sarcastic -8%
● “True. I’ve been in some places rough enough to make this look like a blessing.”
○ Charming -8%
● “It’s nice to know you’re such an optimist.”
○ Sarcastic +8%
● Ignore the comment.
○ Friendly -8%
Choice 19
● “Hello, Mrs. Hudders. I’m Detective [Surname]. I hoped to ask you some questions.”
○ By the Book +12%
● “I’m with the police.”
○ By the Book -6%
● “My name is [Name][Surname], and I’m with the police department. May I come in?”
○ By the Book +12%
● “Pizza delivery.”
○ By the Book -12%
○ M Friendship +1
Choice 22
If no blood test…
If the coffee machine is still broken, N will make the Detective tea. If it is fixed, and the Detective got
coffee at the cafe, they will drink coffee while N has tea. If the Detective chose water at the cafe, they will
have water while N has tea.
Choice 23
● “I am more than capable of going myself.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Good idea. I can go with you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. You’re new around here.”
○ Teamplayer -8%
● “Are you sure? I don’t want to pawn my responsibilities off on you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
● “That’s a good idea; thank you.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
Choice 24
● …making me nod and return and say, “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
○ No effect.
● …making me smile back and say, “It was good working with you too. See you tomorrow.”
○ N Friendship +1
● …making my stomach flutter a little. I can’t help but smile and say, “See you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
● …making me grin back and say, “I very much look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
○ N Romance +1
Choice 25/24/26
● “I date all the time!”
○ Charming +6%
● “It’s just so much effort to do the dating scene.”
○ Easygoing -6%
● “I have enough in my life right now; I’m not sure I can handle more.”
○ Sarcastic -6%
● “So it’s been a while since I’ve had a date.. Or maybe a little longer than a while.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “I don’t open up easily, that’s all.”
○ Impulsive -6%
● “Can we not talk about this, please?”
○ Friendly -6%
○ Easygoing -8%
Chapter 4
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Choice 1
● Determines the Detective’s Outfit (Can change in Book 2)
○ All clothing options are available to all genders.
○ No effect beyond occasional mentions of choice in narration.
Choice 2
● “You’re all here early.”
○ Optimist +12%
● “The weather would suggest otherwise.”
○ Optimist -12%
● “I’m glad to see you’re all as eager as I am to solve this case.”
○ Optimist +12%
● “Good morning, everyone.”
○ Optimist +12%
● Simply nod and head to the desk.
○ Optimist -8%
Choice 3
● Good. At least that means I didn’t miss anything when I searched.
○ Easygoing +10%
● “Why are you lying?”
○ Easygoing -10%
● There’s definitely something not right here.
○ Easygoing -8%
● They don’t have any reason to lie. We’re all in this together, after all.
○ Easygoing +8%
● I’m glad I don’t have to go back to that creepy warehouse, at least.
○ Easygoing +8%
Choice 4
● …retreat a little.
○ No effect.
● …smile in a way which isn’t at all professional.
○ M Romance +1
● …swallow hard, hoping the tingling on my skin is not excitement.
○ M Romance +1
● …wonder if [they’re] even capable of more than two words in a sentence.
○ No effect.
● …glare back.
○ M Friendship +1
Choice 5
● “You think he was trying to mislead authorities by killing all over?”
○ People +8%
● “How did he afford to go all over the world? I can barely afford to put gas in my car.”
○ No effect.
● “Someone who goes to that extreme must have a reason.”
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○ Deduction +8%
● “Then maybe location really has nothing to do with it.”
○ Combat +8%
If N Romance is greater than 1, F will tease them about wanting to tell the Detective the truth. If N is a
man, F will say he wants the Detective to swoon into his arms like in vampire movies. If N is a woman, F
will say she wants the Detective to fawn over her like in the vampire movies.
Choice 6
● “Don’t jump to those kinds of conclusions.”
○ Optimist +10%
● “We need to get out there looking for him.”
○ Heart +10%
● “You know it’s too soon; we can’t do anything yet.”
○ By the Book +10%
● “I’m sure he just stayed with a friend and forgot to call.”
○ Optimist +10%
● “We’ll find him. Don’t worry.”
○ Heart +10%
● “…What exactly is it you hope I’ll do?”
○ Teamplayer -10%
If the Detective is a woman or non-binary, they’ll crash into A and stumble backwards. If the Detective is a
man, they’ll crash into A and both the Detective and A will stumble backwards.
Choice 7
Choice 8
Chapter 5
Choice 1
Choice 2
● “How am I supposed to protect people when I have no clue what’s going on?”
○ Heart +12%
● “I guess my hopes that the killer had skipped town are now thoroughly dashed.”
○ Optimist -8%
● “The victims are so different. None of this makes sense.”
○ Heart -12%
● “We better get on before the crowd rolls in.”
○ Heart -8%
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5
Choice 6
● It’s the first time I’ve delivered news like this. I’m not looking forward to it.
○ Heart +8%
● It’s the first time I’ve delivered news like this. But it’s part of the job.
○ Heart -8%
● Although I’ve delivered news like this before, I never wanted to do this again.
○ Heart +8%
● I’ve delivered news like this before, so I’m prepared for what will happen.
○ Heart -8%
Choice 7
● (If not picked before) “Had he been acting out of character at all?”
● (If not picked before) “Where was Garret supposed to be last night?”
● (If not picked before) “Was he having trouble with anyone?”
● “You know what? Don’t worry about questions.”
○ By the Book -8%
○ Heart +12%
Choice 10
Choice 11
Choice 6
Choice 7
○ Heart +10%
○ Friendly +10%
○ People +10%
● Wait until she’s calmed down before doing anything.
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Friendly -10%
○ People -10%
● Move her inside quickly.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Friendly -10%
○ People +10%
● Shift awkwardly. What am I supposed to do now?
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart +10%
○ Friendly -8%
○ People -10%
● (If not picked before) “Had he been acting out of character at all?”
● (If not picked before) “Where was Garret supposed to be last night?”
● (If not picked before) “Was he having trouble with anyone?”
● “You know what? Don’t worry about questions.”
○ By the Book -8%
○ Heart +12%
● (If more than 1 question chosen) “That’s enough questions.”
○ No effect.
Choice 10
Choice 11
Choice 12
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Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
○ Heart -10%
○ Friendly -10%
○ People -10%
● Move her inside quickly.
○ By the Book +10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Friendly +8%
○ People +8%
● Shift awkwardly. What am I supposed to do now?
○ By the Book -10%
○ Heart -10%
○ Friendly -8%
○ People -10%
Choice 10
Choice 11
Choice 12
Choice 6
● “I’ve not done this before either, and I’m not exactly looking forward to it.”
○ Heart +8%
● “I’ve not done this before either. But it’s part of the job.”
○ Heart -8%
● “I’ve done this before, but I never wanted to have to again.”
○ Heart +8%
● “I’ve done it before. It’s part of the job.”
○ Heart -8%
Choice 7
Choice 9
Choice 10
Choice 11
● “[A] should know. [They are] your team leader in these things.”
○ The Detective will tell A that F froze.
● [Their] touch sends an unexpected tingle over my skin. “Oh, uh… sure.”
○ The Detective will not tell A that F froze.
○ F Romance +1
● [Their] touch sends a heat over me, one I smile at. “Of course.”
○ The Detective will not tell A that F froze.
○ F Romance +1
● “Fine, but don’t let it happen again.”
○ The Detective will not tell A that F froze.
● [They’re] not part of my team, so not my problem.
○ The Detective will not tell A that F froze.
● “Don’t worry about it. No one is made of stone.”
○ The Detective will not tell A that F froze.
○ F Friendship +1
If the Detective told A that F froze and F remembers that the Detective froze, F will tell A and N that the
Detective didn’t do much better. No matter what, N will be sorry that F had to go at all. If the Detective
told A, F will glare over their shoulder at the Detective as they leave. If the Detective didn’t tell A, F will
smile as they leave.
Choice 6
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● It’s the first time I’ve delivered news like this. I’m not looking forward to it.
○ Heart +8%
● It’s the first time I’ve delivered news like this. But it’s part of the job.
○ Heart -8%
● Although I’ve delivered news like this before, I never wanted to do this again.
○ Heart +8%
● I’ve delivered news like this before, so I’m prepared for what will happen.
○ Heart -8%
Choice 7
Choice 9
Choice 10
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When the Detective arrives back to the station, N and A will already be waiting, but F enters shortly after
the Detective with a smile on their face, and nods to A.
● The thoughts don’t affect me much. I have to get on with the job.
○ Heart -8%
● I have to catch the killer, no matter what.
○ Heart +8%
● I take a ragged breath at the painful thoughts.
○ Heart +8%
If the Detective previously Verda with N, he will remark at meeting another agent, and say he enjoyed
meeting A’s colleague.
Choice 12/13/14
Choice 12/13/14
● “Doctor Solomon Verda, this is Commanding Agent [Ava/Adam] du Mortain and Agent
[Natalie/Nathaniel] Sewell.”
○ By the Book +14%
● “Verda, this is [Ava/Adam] and [Nat/Nate].”
○ By the Book -14%
● Let them introduce themselves.
○ By the Book -10%
If the Detective had the blood from the warehouse tested, Verda will tell them that the blood underneath
Garret’s fingernails matches both that sample and what was discovered in the first victim. If the blood
from the warehouse was not tested, Verda will tell the Detective that the blood underneath Garret’s
fingernails matches what was discovered in the first victim.
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If the Detective learned about the blood transfusion conducted on the first victim, Verda will tell the
Detective that if both murders have the same killer, they used a much different method this time around
as the second body shows no evidence of a blood transfusion, and in fact had very little blood at all. If the
Detective hadn’t learned about the blood transfusion before, Verda will inform them that it’s how the first
victim died and point out that if the killer is the same, the methods this time are much different.
Choice 13/14/15
If Science is at least 25, the Detective will tell A what dopamine is. If Science is lower than 25, N will
explain what dopamine is.
If the Detective went to see Verda with N earlier, they will ask if the hospital is still giving him trouble. If N
did not meet Verda earlier, N will ask when they can expect the lab results from the hospital, and the
Detective and Verda will explain the conflict between the police station and the hospital.
Choice 14/15/16
Choice 15/16/17
Choice 16/17/18
All options yield very little results or new leads. Each path progresses virtually the same, and it doesn’t
matter which you choose outside of what stat boosts you want.
If the Detective found the dock worker’s pin, Tina will find information about a group of dock workers who
protested a recall of the pins, and begins to try narrowing down the search further
If the Detective found out about the chanting, Tina discovers that residents living near the alley Garret
was killed in had also heard chanting, and the Detective has her pursue this lead further because they
remember Mrs. Hudders interview.
If the Detective found neither the dock worker’s pin nor the chanting, Tina will learn about the chanting
through interviewing residents living near the alley Garret was killed in, and the Detective will write this off
as local pub-goers making too much noise.
Choice 17/18/19
Choice 18/19/20
Choice 19/20/21
If the Detective chose to pursue the connection between the victims, Bobby’s headline will be about the
victims. If the Detective chose to pursue the oddities in the blood, Bobby’s headline will be about the
blood. If the Detective chose to look over existing evidence, Bobby’s headline will be about the evidence.
If the Detective chose to pursue occult leads, Bobby’s headline will be about the occult.
Choice 20/21/22
Choice 21/22/23
Choice 22/23/24
Choice 23/24/25
Chapter 6
Choice 1
Choice 2
● Listen to it.
○ Impulsive +6%
○ If Bobby is the Detective’s ex, they will start the voicemail with a nickname. If Bobby is the
Detective’s ex-friend, they will start the voicemail with the Detective’s first name. If Bobby
is the Detective’s acquaintance, they will start the voicemail with their title.
● Delete it.
○ Impulsive -8%
● Ignore it.
○ Impulsive -6%
Choice 2
If Bobby is the Detective’s ex, they will start the call with a nickname. If Bobby is the Detective’s ex-friend,
they will start the call with the Detective’s first name. If Bobby is the Detective’s acquaintance, they will
start the call with their title.
Choice 3
Choice 4
● …A.
● …N.
● …M.
● …F.
Choice 6
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Choice 7
If A is a woman, she will give the Detective her scarf. If A is a man, he will give the Detective his coat.
Choice 8
If the extended A Romance scene is not triggered, the chapter will end after the rest of UB catches up
with them, and the Detective separates from the group to go home.
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If the extended A Romance scene is triggered, A will realize that they pulled the Detective close to them
when giving them their coat/scarf, and the Detective’s skin will burn like a furnace against A’s over-
sensitive skin. A is surprised to have noticed signs of attraction the Detective displayed because they
usually do their best to ignore them, and they will feel reluctant to release the Detective from the embrace
they’re in. F will interrupt the moment.
If the Detective pepper sprayed A, F will make a joke about A “peppering” the Detective with affection. If
the Detective shot A, F will make a joke about A “shooting the breeze” with the Detective. A will be
annoyed at the reminder that they had to throw out their favorite T-shirt.
The Detective will realize the coat/scarf has begun to feel comfortable.
Choice 9
The Detective will notice A staring after them for a moment as they depart before disappearing into the
Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
If the extended N Romance scene is not triggered, the chapter will end after A catches up with N and the
Detective and A tells N that Rebecca wants to meet with them. The Detective decides to call it a night,
and leaves wondering whether or not they’ll get any sleep out of the night.
If the extended N Romance scene is triggered, N will remember how powerful attraction can be. Even
after the Detective takes a step back from N, they can still feel heat pulsing through them. After A
interrupts and they part ways with the Detective, the Detective will overhear A asking N what they think
they’re doing, to which N will respond “stop being such a stick in the mud.” As the Detective leaves, they
will see N smiling at them before A pulls them away.
Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
● “Yeah, I’m fine now—just a weird headache,” the detective replies, taking the offered hand.
○ Friendly +6%
● “Oh man, I’m in serious need of painkillers,” the detective replies, taking the offered hand.
○ Impulsive +6%
● “I’m fine. No thanks to you,” the detective replies, batting away the offered hand.
○ Charming -6%
● “Thanks for the concern,” the detective replies tartly, though taking [M]’s offered hand.
○ Sarcastic +6%
● The detective bats away the offered hand and gets up by [themself].
○ No effect.
Choice 9
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● ...the detective raises a brow and says, “Thanks, but you can let go now.”
○ No effect.
● … the detective laughs and says, “Thanks for saving me from that embarrassment.”
○ No effect.
● [If the Detective is female or non-binary]...the detective blushes, [their] pulse fluttering.
○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers extended M Romance scene
● [If the Detective is male]...heat radiates from the detective, [their] pulse fluttering.
○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers extended M Romance scene
● ...the detective smirks and says, “If you wanted to get close, you could have just asked.”
○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers extended M Romance scene
● ...the detective pushes away, their senses obviously fully regained.
○ No effect.
If the extended M Romance scene is not triggered, the Detective will wonder when the rest of the unit will
finally show up before F finds them. F will tell M that Rebecca wants to see them, and the Detective will
decide to go home, excited at the prospect of sleep.
If the extended M Romance scene is triggered, M will notice heat radiating off of the Detective’s skin, and
toss all thought of Rebecca or repercussions out the window. M will pull the Detective closer, and enjoy
the reactions it elicits from the Detective. This is the only part of humans M enjoys. F will then interrupt
them, and say that they’re glad they were the ones to find M and the Detective. M will push the Detective
away. As M and F leave, the Detective will overhear F tease M about getting to know the Detective, and
M will tell F not to read anything into it, as there’s only one part of them M would be interested in knowing,
and they can barely work up enough enthusiasm for that.
Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
● ...rolls [their] eyes and says, “Do you ever stop with the pickup lines?”
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○ No effect.
● ...has turned a bright red and is fumbling to respond.
○ F Romance +1
○ Triggers extended F Romance scene
● a slow smile and saunters a step closer. “What did you have in mind, Agent?”
○ F Romance +1
○ Triggers extended F Romance scene
● ...says, “Professionalism doesn’t count for much at the Agency, obviously.”
○ No effect.
● ...frowns in total confusion. “What exactly are we supposed to get up to?”
○ No effect.
● a chuckle, shaking [their] head. “You’re much more fun than I was expecting from an
○ F Friendship +1
If the extended F Romance scene is not triggered, M will come to tell F that Rebecca wants to see them.
The Detective parts ways with the agents, wondering if they will get any sleep after the long night.
If the extended F Romance scene is triggered, F will continue flirting with the Detective, wondering why
humans tend to be so against following their emotions openly. When M arrives, F will feel a pang of
disappointment at the Detective stepping away because of the interruption.
Chapter 7
Choice 1
Choice 2
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Choice 3
Choice 4
If the Detective went on patrol with A and did not trigger the extended A Romance scene, F will tease A
about how weird it must have been for the Detective to be adorned with A’s clothes. If the extended A
Romance scene was triggered, F will tease A by saying the Detective nearly melted into their arms while
covered in their clothes.
If the Detective went on patrol with N and did not trigger the extended N Romance scene, F will tease N
about how weird it must have been for the Detective to see N flailing their bloody hand about. If the
extended N Romance scene was triggered, F will tease N about the Detective coming to their rescue and
bandaging the wound with such affectionate care.
If the Detective went on patrol with M and did not trigger the extended M Romance scene, it’s revealed
that M still hasn’t told anyone about the effect their pheromones had on the Detective and that they have
no plans to divulge that information. If the extended M Romance scene was triggered, F will tease M
about them being surprisingly attentive to the Detective.
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If the Detective went on patrol with F and did not trigger the extended F Romance scene, F will be proud
of themself that their pheromones worked to cover the Detective’s scent. If the extended F Romance
scene was triggered, F will smile at the memory of the heated moment they shared with the Detective.l
Choice 5
Choice 6
Choice 7
Choice 8
● Call [F]
○ F Friendship +1
○ Team Unity +4%
○ Teamplayer +8%
● Call [N]
○ N Friendship +1
○ Team Unity +4%
○ Teamplayer +8%
● Call [M]
○ M Friendship +1
○ Team Unity +4%
○ Teamplayer +8%
● Call [A]
○ A Friendship +1
○ Team Unity +4%
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○ Teamplayer +8%
● Don’t call any of them.
○ Team Unity -6%
○ By the Book -10%
○ Teamplayer -16%
Choice 9
Choice 9
Choice 9
Choice 9
Choice 9/10
● “Oh yes, all those living patients I see you’re swamped with…”
○ Sarcastic +8%
● “I understand, but it has been a long time since we sent them over.”
○ Friendly +8%
● “Without the ‘results of the dead,’ you may have a lot fewer living.”
○ Charming -8%
● “The lives being taken are just as valuable.”
○ Sarcastic -8%
● “I’m sure a man in your position can help me out, right?”
○ Charming +8%
If the Detective called F, the voicemail will interrupt their musing on how quiet the office is without them
around. If the Detective triggered the extended F Romance scene, F will lick their top lip at the sound of
the Detective’s voice, and smile after the message plays.
If the Detective called N, the voicemail will interrupt their inner turmoil over arguing with their best friend.
They pick up the phone as if it might infect them, and it will take them several minutes to figure out how to
play the message. If the Detective triggered the extended N Romance scene, N will smile at the sound of
the Detective’s voice and be tempted to play the message again to hear it once more.
If the Detective called M, the voicemail will interrupt their enjoyment of the silence around the station, and
they delete the message after begrudgingly listening to it and rolling their eyes at the Detective’s voice. If
the Detective triggered the extended M Romance scene, M will shift in their chair upon hearing the
Detective’s voice, and won’t delete the message.
If the Detective called A, the voicemail will interrupt them reflecting on their argument with the Detective.
They pick up the phone without looking, and nearly crush it with their bare hands upon hearing that the
Detective ran off somewhere. If the Detective triggered the extended A Romance scene, A will be
disturbed at how relieved they feel to hear the Detective’s voice.
If the Detective didn’t call anyone, N will re-enter the station and see Tina, who says that she’d thought
they left with the Detective. Douglas will tell them that the Detective went to the hospital to check on the
blood test results. N will grimace, knowing A will react poorly to this information.
Choice 10/11
Chapter 8
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
If Charming is 55 or above, the Detective will internally criticize his lack of charm and professionalism. If
Charming is 54 or below, the Detective will be grateful they didn’t have to press him for the results,
otherwise they’d have to deal with the Captain berating them for poor treatment of colleagues.
If Sarcastic is 55 or above, the Detective will shudder and hope his slime washes off of them. If
Sarcastic is 54 or below, the Detective will be thankful that they got what Verda needed, and try to
make sure not to get blood on the results.
If Friendly is 55 or above, the Detective will try to convince themselves that perhaps he was a good
worker, even if he wasn’t very professional. If Friendly is 54 or below, the Detective will add him to the
list of people who have really pushed them.
If Deduction is 35 or above, or People is 35 or above, the Detective will wonder why he was so
reluctant to hand the results over and find it difficult to shake off the thought.
Chapter 9
Choice 1
● I’d introduced myself with enthusiasm, and the two of us hit it off straight away.
○ People +12%
○ Optimist +6%
○ Teamplayer +12%
○ Verda Relationship +3
● His obvious intelligence was… imposing, at first, but I eventually realised he’s a really laid-back
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○ Deduction +8%
○ Optimist -6%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Verda Relationship +2
● We were both focused on work, but got to know each other in time.
○ Deduction +12%
○ Optimist -8%
○ Teamplayer -12%
○ Verda Relationship +1
● Another science-minded colleague was just what I’d needed; we bonded over our shared interest.
○ Science +12%
○ Optimist +12%
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Verda Relationship +3
● We’re on good terms, though our relationship has always been more good colleagues than
○ Optimist -12%
○ Teamplayer -12%
Choice 2
Choice 3
If the Detective chose tea or coffee at the cafe, they will go to take a drink from their cup only to realize
the dregs have gone stale.
If the Detective chose water at the cafe, they will go to take a drink from their cup only to realize their
glass is empty.
Choice 4
Choice 5*If the Detective found the dock worker’s anchor pin
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● “Great…”
○ Impulsive -8%
● “I will keep them safe.”
○ Impulsive +8%
● “Nothing like the entire town relying on me to help with my stress levels.”
○ Sarcastic +8%
● “Maybe they should help themselves instead of just relying on me.”
○ Charming -8%
● “They’d better be mentioning my charming smile too.”
○ Charming +8%
● “I hope I can live up to their expectations…”
○ Sarcastic -8%
● Give a shrug. “Doesn’t bother me much what they think.”
○ Friendly -8%
● “Every time we get a step forward on this case, another thing stops us.”
○ Sarcastic -8%
● “Okay, yeah, this really did just get weirder.”
○ Impulsive +8%
● “We better keep this quiet. A normal murder’s bad enough—but this could cause another panic.”
○ Impulsive -8%
● “On the bright side, maybe we’ve discovered a new species! Or at least its blood…”
○ Sarcastic +8%
● “I wonder how I’ll charm the mayor, once he learns the case has stalled.”
○ Charming +8%
● “When the hell is this case ever going to get moving?”
○ Charming -8%
Choice 6
○ Heart +6%
○ Triggers the Douglas path
○ The Detective goes out for drinks
● “Yeah, you’re right. I deserve a good time during all of this!”
○ Heart +12%
○ Triggers the Douglas path
○ The Detective goes out for drinks
● “I suppose it would be good to get a sense of the mood of the people at the bar.”
○ Heart -8%
○ Triggers the Douglas path
○ The Detective goes out for drinks
● “I better not. I can’t imagine the mayor being too happy if he hears I went out during all of this.”
○ Heart -12%
○ Triggers the Bobby path
○ The Detective stays at the office
● “I would like to… but I can’t. I really need to finish these reports.”
○ Heart -10%
○ Triggers the Bobby path
○ The Detective stays at the office
● “No thanks. I’m too tired. I’m just gonna finish up here and then head home.”
○ Heart +8%
○ Triggers the Bobby path
○ The Detective stays at the office
● “I’m not really a ‘going out’ kind of [person], you know that.”
○ Heart -8%
○ Triggers the Bobby path
○ The Detective stays at the office
If the Douglas path is triggered, Douglas will be more integrated within the story, while Bobby’s role will
be limited. If the Bobby path is triggered, Bobby will be more integrated within the story, and Douglas’s
role will be limited.
○ If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will remind them,
pleading them to have at least one with her. If the Detective said they deserved a good
time, TIna will say that they haven’t even touched any. If the Detective said they were
going to get a sense of the people’s mood, Tina will say it’s a shame they haven’t had
even one to forget about work a bit.
● ...a bit tipsy. I’ve tried to pace myself.
○ Impulsive +6%
○ If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will tease them. If the
Detective said they deserved a good time, TIna will say they’ve barely had enough to
cover the outing. If the Detective said they were going to get a sense of the people’s
mood, Tina will ask if all the drinks have made them forget about work.
Choice 8
Choice 9
If the Detective had anything to drink, A will wrinkle their nose and say that they’re inebriated. If the
Detective hasn’t been drinking, A will ask if they were planning to become as inebriated as Tina.
Choice 10
Choice 11
Choice 12
Choice 13
● “That’s the point—to lose yourself for a few hours in the noise.”
○ Impulsive +6%
● “I agree. But not everyone is like us, always thinking about work.”
○ Sarcastic -6%
● “Life shouldn’t always be about work. You have to let loose sometimes.”
○ Easygoing +6%
● “Wow...I bet you’re a real blast at parties.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “Let them have a little fun. You might even enjoy it!”
○ Friendly +6%
● “I suppose you’re right. People in our line of work have more responsibility than most.”
○ Impulsive -6%
● “Work is important, but it doesn’t always need to happen in an office.”
○ Friendly +6%
Choice 14
● “Sorry. You get that one, and I can manage the rest.”
○ A Friendship +1
● Shiver at the sudden sparks which run over my skin at the touch. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
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○ A Romance +1
○ If the extended N Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or
more, they will catch N staring over at A and the Detective, frown, and then turn their
focus to the ground.
● Smile and move my fingers further over [theirs]. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ A Romance +1
○ If the extended N Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or
more, they will catch N staring over at A and the Detective, frown, and then turn their
focus to the ground.
● Pull hand back and reach for the other glass instead.
Choice 13
Choice 14
If M Romance is above 3, or if the extended M Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, M will call
the Detective a nickname. “Handsome” for male detectives, and “sweetheart” for female and non-binary
Choice 13
Choice 14
Choice 13
● “If I had enough money, I would never work again...that would certainly enliven my spirit.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “Work is work. It’s never going to be fun.”
○ Friendly -6%
Choice 14
● “Nice try, but you’re going to have to look for distraction from someone else.” Chuckle.
○ F Friendship +1
○ If F Friendship is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
● “Maybe I shouldn’t stay if I’m such a distraction…” Smirk back. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ F Romance +1
○ If F Romance is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
● I blush at the suggestive tone, though I can’t dampen the thrill it sends through me
○ F Romance +1
○ If F Romance is above 2, this opens up additional dialogue options where the Detective
can choose how they react to F offering their arm to escort them back to the table. None
of these options have any effect.
● “How? I’m your work colleague. Surely I would just remind you even more of work.”
○ If F Friendship is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
● “If you don’t move your gaze, you won’t be thinking of anything much longer.”
○ No effect
Choice 16
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Choice 17
Choice 18
If the Detective found out about the chanting, they will hear voices talking about finding them, not killing
them, bringing them.
If the Detective found the anchor pin, they will see the suspect Tina discovered, not looking much like
If the Detective found neither, they will run into a group of figures that block their path.
Choice 19
Choice 20
If the Detective had any drinks, they will have difficulty regaining their bearings during the fight.
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Choice 21
Choice 22
If A Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If N Romance is 4 or above, they will
run to catch the Detective. If M Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If F
Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective.
If the Romance points are below 4 with all of the Love Interests, N will be the one to catch the Detective.
Choice 8
● I’m going to need a drink to get me through this conversation. Pour drinks.
○ No effect
● Hell, why not?
○ No effect
● I suppose it’s the polite thing to do.
○ Bobby New Relationship +1
● “If you want one, you get it.” Don’t drink.
○ No effect
● “You’re not going to be here long enough for a drink.” Don’t drink.
○ No effect
● “Definitely not.” Don’t drink.
○ No effect
● “That’s probably not a good idea. Sorry.” Don’t drink.
○ Bobby New Relationship +1
Choice 9
Choice 10
Choice 11
Choice 12
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is 4 or above, the
Detective will think they caught A watching them stretch. If the extended N Romance scene was triggered
while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or above, the Detective notices N’s gaze flicker to them while they’re
stretching. If the extended F Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or F Romance is 3 or above,
the Detective will catch F’s gaze on them while they stretch and see them smirking. If the extended M
Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or M Romance is 3 or above, the Detective catches M
watching their motions closely as they stretch.
Choice 13
Choice 14
Choice 15
Choice 16
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If the Detective found out about the chanting, they will hear voices talking about finding them, not killing
them, bringing them.
If the Detective found the anchor pin, they will see the suspect Tina discovered, not looking much like
If the Detective found neither, they will see four unknown figures breaking through the windows of their
Choice 17
● …[A]
○ A Friendship+1
○ The Detective will help A
● …[N]
○ N Friendship+1
○ The Detective will help N
● …[F]
○ F Friendship+1
○ The Detective will help F
● …[M]
○ M Friendship+1
○ The Detective will help M
If A Romance is 4 or higher, A will snap their lips shut to stop themself from saying something
Choice 18
Choice 18
Choice 18
Choice 18
Choice 19
Choice 20
If A Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If N Romance is 4 or above, they will
run to catch the Detective. If M Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If F
Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective.
If the Romance points are below 4 with all of the Love Interests, N will be the one to catch the Detective.
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Chapter 10
If Mother is above 1, the Detective will call Rebecca “Mum” as they wake up. Otherwise, the Detective
will use her first name.
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think the facility is somewhat bland given the
supernatural presence. Otherwise, the Detective is very anxious while looking around.
○Accept her comfort. “Thanks—think I’m going to need some support to get through this.”
○ Rebecca +10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
● “Whoa…” Keep on staring inside.
○ Shrug her hands off. “A lot? I think it’s a bit more than that!” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca -10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Accept her comfort. “Yeah, it really is a lot!” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca’s expression will be pained before shifting into
a smile. If Mother is under 2, she will be surprised that the Detective didn’t pull
away, and then smile saying she’ll be here if they want her to be.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Shrug her hands off. “I can handle it.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca -8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “It’s just...yeah, a lot. But I can handle it.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile after frowning. If
Mother is below 2, surprise will line her face before she gives a smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Shrug her hands off. “I don’t need your comfort to deal with it.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca -6%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
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Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “Thanks. Having some support will definitely help me cope.”
○ Rebecca +10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
● Stare for a long moment in utter disbelief. “I can’t believe this is real…”
○ Shrug her hands off. “Upside down? My world’s been torn apart!” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca -10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Accept her comfort. “Upside down? That’s an understatement!” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca’s expression will be pained before shifting into
a smile. If Mother is under 2, she will be surprised that the Detective didn’t pull
away, and then smile saying she’ll be here if they want her to be.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Shrug off her hand. “Yeah, just a bit! But I can deal with time.” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca -8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “I don’t even know this world anymore...but I can learn about it.”
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile after initially looking
pained. If Mother is below 2, surprise will line her face before she gives a smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Shrug her hands off. “I don’t need your comfort to get through this.” [RELATIONSHIP
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○ Rebecca -6%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “Things would be a lot worse if I didn’t have your support.”
○ Rebecca +10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
● “That’s...seriously cool!” Edge forward in amazement.
○ Shrug off her hand. “Okay? Just because I think it’s impressive doesn’t mean I’m okay!”
○ Rebecca -10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Accept her comfort. “That guy’s moves may be cool, but I’m seriously not okay!”
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca’s expression will be pained before shifting into
a smile. If Mother is under 2, she will be surprised that the Detective didn’t pull
away, and then smile saying she’ll be here if they want her to be.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Shrug her hands off. “I’m not sure I am okay with this...not yet, anyway” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca -8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “To be honest, I’m not sure I am okay. But I’ll get there.”
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
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○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Shrug her hands off. “I don’t need your comfort to get through this.” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca -6%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “Things would be a lot worse if I didn’t have your support.”
○ Rebecca +10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
● Frown and quickly look away.
○ Shrug her hand off. “I don’t know what I’m seeing! How can I process it?”
○ Rebecca -10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Accept her comfort. “How am I supposed to process what’s theoretically not real?”
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca’s expression will be pained before shifting into
a smile. If Mother is under 2, she will be surprised that the Detective didn’t pull
away, and then say she can help them through this if they let her.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, they will become overwhelmed with
fear. If the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to
falter. If the Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will start to think it
might all be a bit much.
○ Shrug her hand off. “I don’t need your comfort to deal with this.” [RELATIONSHIP
○ Rebecca -8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
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Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort. “Thanks. Having some support will definitely help me cope”
○ Rebecca +10%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Say nothing, but shrug her hand off. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca -6%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, Rebecca will be surprised at the Detective pulling away
from her. If Mother is under 2, she will sigh, unsurprised due to their strained
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
○ Accept her comfort, but don’t reply. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Rebecca +8%
○ If Mother is 2 or above, she will offer an understanding smile. If Mother is below
2, surprise will line her face before she gives a bright smile.
○ If the Detective was scared about the reveal, their fear will have calmed a little. If
the Detective was in disbelief about the reveal, their doubt will begin to falter. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, they will think it’s suddenly a lot to take
Choice 6
If the Detective was confused or disbelieving about the reveal, M will say they doubt the rest will go down
well. If the Detective was scared about the reveal, M will say they bet they’ve already tried to run. If the
Detective was accepting about the reveal, M will say they’ve never seen a human accept it so easily
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If Science is 30 or above, or People is 45 or above, the Detective will know that the sugar in the hot
chocolate will help with the shock. Otherwise, Rebecca will tell them this.
Choice 7
Choice 8
Choice 9
● “This is...awful.”
○ Heart +8%
● “They have only themselves to blame if they break the laws.”
○ Heart -8%
● “Why does the punishment have to be so...extreme?”
○ Heart +8
● “No crime is deserving of this fate!”
○ Heart +8
● “You’re right—killing them would be a kindness.”
○ Heart +8%
● “Maybe we should use this in human prisons. I bet crime rates would plummet.”
○ Heart -8%
● “No wonder you keep all of this a secret.”
○ Heart -8%
● “I guess you have to keep supernaturals in line somehow.”
○ Heart -8%
● [If the Detective was confused or scared about the reveal] Fear tightens in my throat; I can’t
even say anything as I stare at the terrifying creatures.
Heart -12%
● Smile at her. “You have no reason to be sorry. This isn’t your fault. I understand.”
○ Rebecca +24%
○ The Detective will react well to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, Rebecca will say she hopes this will only bring the two of you
closer. If Mother is less than 3, she says she hopes they’ll be able to finally grow closer.
● “You should have told me about all of this from the start!”
○ Rebecca -20%
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○ The Detective will react badly to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will be shocked and hurt that Rebecca wasn’t
willing to break the rules for them. If Mother is below 3, they won’t be surprised that she
was unwilling to.
● “I guess learning late is better than never learning at all.”
○ Rebecca +12%
○ The Detective is neutral about Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will say that she’s always been there when they
needed her. If Mother is below 3, the Detective will say that her job has always come
before them.
● Pull her into a hug. “Thank you for trying to keep me out of all of this.”
○ Rebecca +24%
○ The Detective reacts well to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years.
○ If Mother is 3 or above, Rebecca will say she hopes this will only bring the two of you
closer. If Mother is less than 3, she says she hopes they’ll be able to finally grow closer.
● “How can I trust you after you kept this from me? My own mother!”
○ Rebecca -24%
○ The Detective reacts badly to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years.
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will be deeply hurt that she didn’t trust them with
this. If Mother is under 3, they’ll say that she has always chosen work over them.
● “Don’t apologise to me. Apologise to all the victims and their families!”
○ Rebecca -20%
○ The Detective reacts badly to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years.
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will point out that their job is to protect people and
they care about them. If Mother is below 3, the Detective will ask why she cares about
them more than others given she knows them just as well as strangers.
● “You work in a pretty amazing place. I’m glad I’m finally getting to see it.”
○ Rebecca +18%
○ The Detective reacts well to Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years.
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will feel as if they understand her more than ever
even despite how close they’ve been. If Mother is below 3, the Detective will think that
understanding doesn’t fix the years of tension, but it’s a start.
● “I suppose I now know why you’re away so much.”
○ Rebecca +12%
○ The Detective is neutral about Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, Rebecca will say she hopes this will bring them closer. If Mother
is below 3, the Detective will frown at the prospect of Rebecca’s suggestion to move
forward together.
● “I wish I didn’t know any of this! I wish you never told me!”
○ Rebecca -14%
○ The Detective will react badly about Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, the Detective will ask how knowing will help keep them safe. If
Mother is less than 3, the Detective will say that Rebecca has always done what’s
convenient when it comes to them.
● “I...I don’t even know what to say.”
○ The Detective is neutral about Rebecca keeping secrets for so many years
○ If Mother is 3 or above, Rebecca will say she hopes this will bring them even closer, and
explain some of her behavior. If Mother is below 3, Rebecca will say she hopes it finally
brings them closer.
If the Detective was disbelieving about the reveal, F will ask if they believe Unit Bravo yet. If the Detective
was confused about the reveal, F will ask if they’re still confused. If the Detective was accepting about the
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reveal, F will ask if they’re still feeling so accepting. If the Detective was scared about the reveal, F will
ask if they’re still scared they’re going to take a bite of them.
Choice 11
● “I love her too. I know she was just trying her best.”
○ N Friendship+1
● “I don’t blame my mother, but that doesn’t mean I’m completely all right with it.”
○ N Friendship+1
● “I don’t have to discuss my family with you.”
○ If N Friendship is greater than 0, N Friendship-1
● “It’ll be easier for me and her now that I know everything.”
○ N Friendship+1
● Ignore [them] and leave.
○ If N Friendship is greater than 0, N Friendship-1
Choice 13
● ...impossible. I was just too excited now that I know about all of this.
○ Optimist +12%
● ...impossible. There was so much to deal with.
○ Optimist -6%
● ...impossible. I was terrified to sleep with all those creatures out there.
○ Optimist -10%
● ...easy. I was exhausted after learning so much.
○ Optimist +16%
● ...easy. I was exhausted after the terrifying day.
○ Optimist -12%
● ...the same as usual.
○ Optimist +8%
Choice 14
If the Detective went on patrol with M, the Detective’s gaze will be caught by M shifting in their chair,
frowning, and turning slightly away.
Choice 15
Choice 16
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “Are you serious?”
○ Impulsive +6%
● “That psycho’s in for a surprise if he comes after me.”
○ Charming -6%
● “Because I wasn’t terrified enough before…”
○ Sarcastic -6%
● “Maybe that could work to our advantage.”
○ Friendly -6%
● “At least I might be able to do my job now that I know everything.”
○ Easygoing -6%
● “I hate all of this...I don’t want to know about any of it.”
○ Sarcastic -6%
Choice 17 [This choice has lasting consequences that extend into at least Book 2]
○ F Friendship +1
○ A Friendship +1
○ N Friendship +1
○ M Friendship +1
○ The Detective has the Agency blood tests done.
● Don’t do the tests—as interested as I am in the results, I can’t risk it.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Impulsive -16%
○ Science +16%
○ The Detective does not have the Agency blood tests done.
● Don’t do the tests—I can work this out without them.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Impulsive -16%
○ Deduction +16%
○ The Detective does not have the Agency blood tests done.
● Don’t do the tests—I can defend myself well enough without them.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Impulsive -16%
○ Combat +16%
○ The Detective does not have the Agency blood tests done.
● Don’t do the tests—I want to help, but I just don’t know the Agency.
○ Optimist -8%
○ Impulsive -16%
○ People +16%
○ The Detective does not have the Agency blood tests done.
0000000000000000000000000Chapter 11
If the Detective had the Agency blood tests done, they will spend a few days being poked and prodded by
lab technicians, and it begins to bother them even though they agreed to them. If the Detective did not
have the tests done, they will spend a few days being examined by doctors, and only see Rebecca
occasionally, who hints that the tests might have been useful, but is ultimately respectful of the
Detective’s choice.
Choice 1
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Choice 2
● It would be good to find out how the team is doing. And [them].
○ No effect
● I just can’t explain it…. It’s like I can’t help but want to see [them]. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ A Romance +1
○ If A Romance is 4 or higher, the Detective will think about their shared moments so far.
If A Romance is less than 4, the Detective will be surprised at the sudden onset of
● [They] may be egotistical and stubborn, but I can’t help it if [they’re] hot! [RELATIONSHIP
○ A Romance +1
○ If A Romance is 6 or higher, the Detective will feel certain that there have been hints of
something between them. If A Romance is less than 6, the Detective will simply half-
smile at the thought.
● Despite our differences, I respect [them]. It would be good to talk.
○ A Friendship +1
● What am I doing, stopping here?
○ No effect
If the Detective agreed to take the Agency tests, A will ask about the Detective being busy with them. If
the Detective didn’t agree to take the tests, A will say that they should, as then they might actually be of
some use.
Choice 3
Choice 4
almost say something before they’re interrupted. There will be a short scene from A’s
perspective after the Detective leaves.
○ If A Romance is less than 4, A will smile and say they should be appreciative of that,
given the way they’ve acted towards the Detective, and then they’ll be interrupted.
● “You need to relax. And I know a great way to do that…” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ A Romance +1
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
○ If A Romance is 4 or above, A will look regretful and say that it would be safer if the
Detective wasn’t so casual around them. They will grab the Detective’s arm and almost
say something before they’re interrupted. There will be a short scene from A’s perspective
after the Detective leaves.
○ If A Romance is less than 4, A will smile and say they should be appreciative of them
being so calm, given the way they’ve acted towards the Detective, and then they’ll be
● “...But you are monsters.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Team Unity -6%
○ If A Friendship is greater than 0, A Friendship -1
● “You really think that’s what I was going to say?”
○ No effect
○ Team Unity -6%
○ If A Friendship is greater than 0, A Friendship -1
● “You’re not a monster...well, your attitude kind of is.”
○ A Friendship +1
Choice 2
● “I just came to check how you and the team are doing.”
○ Team Unity +4%
○ N Friendship +1
● Realising I just wanted to see [them], I say, “I just came to talk…” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ N Romance +1
○ If N Romance is 4 or higher, they will confess that they’ve often wished to “talk” when
they’ve been near one another, but they’ve been interrupted so often.
○ If N Romance is less than 4, they will say that this is one of the few times they’ve had a
chance to talk, though they wish they’d had more opportunities.
○ Options:
○ Put my hand on [theirs]. “I wouldn’t want to leave” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
○ If N Romance is 4 or higher, there will be a short scene from N’s
perspective about their budding feelings for the Detective.
○ Step closer to [them]. “You’re glad I stayed?” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
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Choice 2
● “Good morning.”
○ Friendly +6%
● “How can you still be so cheerful in this boring place?”
○ Easygoing -6%
● “Hello there to you too.”
○ Easygoing +6%
● “I didn’t mean to disturb you…”
○ Sarcastic -6%
Choice 3
● It’s been a bit dull without [their] strange but fun attitude around.
○ F Friendship +1
● I thought maybe [they] could tell me how the team are doing.
○ Team Unity +4%
● has to be more than the fact that I just wanted to see [them]...right? I swallow hard.
○ F Romance +1
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If M Romance is 4 or higher, the Detective will blush thinking about how opposite of hostile they can be
at times. Otherwise, they will think M is always hostile with them compared to M being at least civil with
their team.
Choice 2
Choice 3
● “...Excuse me?”
○ No effect
● “Did you just tell me to shove off and proposition me at the same time?”
○ No effect
● “ don’t even like me?”
○ No effect
● “It depends…” Saunter closer. “How much time do you have?” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
○ If M Romance is 3 or higher, there will be a short scene from M’s perspective about their
feelings regarding the Detective.
● [If the Detective is female or non-binary] My eyes widen; I turn a deep crimson. The thought is
enticing… “What—no, of course not!” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
○ If M Romance is 3 or higher, there will be a short scene from M’s perspective about their
feelings regarding the Detective.
● [If the Detective is male] My ears turn red—the thought is rather enticing…”What—no, of course
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○ M Romance +1
○ Triggers a Romantic Moment
○ If M Romance is 3 or higher, there will be a short scene from M’s perspective about their
feelings regarding the Detective.
● Scoff at the thought. “As if!”
○ No effect
● “Does this kind of thing actually get people into bed with you?”
○ M Friendship +1
The Detective walks past all of their rooms, barely looking at the doors as they walk by.
Choice 2/4/5
the Detective smells “enticing.” If F Romance is 4 or higher, F will say the Detective smells
Otherwise, F will say they don’t know exactly, just that the Detective smells tastier than other humans.
Choice 3/4/5/6/7
● “You can command them, but you don’t command mALL DIALOGUE OPTIONS HAVE NO
● If A Romance is 5 or higher, A will say the Detective smells “overwhelming.” Ie.”
○ Teamplayer -10%
○ Easygoing -14%
● “Sounds like a sensible plan.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +14%
● “Work with vampires to catch a vampire. What could possibly go wrong?”
○ Teamplayer -10%
○ Easygoing +14
● “This should certainly be...interesting.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +14%
● “I’m glad we’ll be working together again.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +14%
● “I don’t need protection. I can do my own job by myself.”
○ Teamplayer -10%
○ Easygoing -14%
● “Because we were doing so well at working together before…”
○ Teamplayer -10%
○ Easygoing -14%
● “We can have each other’s backs, not just you guys having mine.”
○ Teamplayer +10%
○ Easygoing +10%
Choice 4/5/6/7/8
● ...look away from her with a frown. I’m not sure I can ever forgive her.
○ Rebecca -40%
● ...look away, frowning. I still need time to think on how I feel about her.
○ Rebecca -20%
● ...give a nod of gratitude, but that’s all. I can work with her as a professional.
○ Rebecca -10%
● ...give a nod of gratitude. Forgiveness will come. Eventually.
○ Rebecca +20%
● at her. I’m coming to understand that it’s not all her fault.
○ Rebecca +30%
● at her. I can’t completely forgive her, but she is my mother and I love her.
○ Rebecca +10%
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Choice 4/5/6/7/8
● ...look away from her with a frown. I’m not sure I can forgive her.
○ Rebecca -40%
● ...look away, frowning. I still need time to think on how I feel about her.
○ Rebecca -20%
● ...give a nod of gratitude, but that’s all. I can work with her as a professional.
○ Rebecca -10%
● ...give a nod of gratitude. I’m working on forgiving her, and she should know that.
○ Rebecca +20%
● at her. I still understand that it’s not all her fault.
○ Rebecca +30%
● at her. I can’t completely forgive her, but she is my mother and I love her.
○ Rebecca +10%
Choice 4/5/6/7/8
● ...look away from her with a frown. I’m not sure I can ever forgive her.
○ Rebecca -40%
● ...look away, frowning. I still need time to think on how I feel about her.
○ Rebecca -20%
● ...give a nod of gratitude, but that’s all. I can work with her as a professional.
○ Rebecca -10%
● ...give a nod of gratitude. Forgiveness will come eventually.
○ Rebecca +20%
● at her. I’m coming to understand it’s not all her fault.
○ Rebecca +30%
● at her. I can’t completely forgive her, but she is my mother and I love her.
○ Rebecca +10%
Choice 5/6/7/8/9 [Pick all that won’t immediately end chapter, if desired. Picking all of the options
gives added opportunities for Friendship and Team Unity boosts]
○ No effect
○ That’s enough questions
○ This choice ends the chapter
○ I have more questions
○ This choice allows the chapter to continue
● “How about garlic?”
○ “Guess you can still enjoy a nice Bolognese.”
○ N Friendship +1
○ A Friendship +1
○ F Friendship +1
○ “I should be allowed to know how to defend myself.”
○ M Friendship +1
○ “I wouldn’t use anything against you without reason.”
○ Team Unity +6%
○ “That’s enough questions.”
○ This choice ends the chapter
○ “I have other questions.”
○ This choice allows the chapter to continue
● “Do you burn at the sight of crosses? Holy water?”
○ “Where did that legend come from then?”
○ N Friendship +1
○ “Are any of you religious?”
○ Team Unity +4%
○ “No cross-wielding at Murphy. Got it.”
○ A Friendship +1
○ N Friendship +1
○ M Friendship +1
○ F Friendship +1
○ That’s enough questions.
○ This choice ends the chapter
○ I have more questions.
○ This choice allows the chapter to continue
● “So are stakes the only way to kill vampires?”
○ No effect
● “The boosted senses thing is true though, right?”
○ “I don’t want you reading me.”
○ No effect
○ “That sounds pretty useful.”
○ A Friendship +1
○ “I suppose I’ll have to watch myself from now on then.”
○ M Friendship +1
○ That’s enough questions.
○ This choice ends the chapter
○ I have more questions
○ This choice allows the chapter to continue
● “What exactly is it that these ‘pheromones’ do?”
○ No effect
● “Do you have reflections? In mirrors and things?”
○ “So, no coffins then either, I’m guessing?”
○ No effect
○ “Is there anything that the stories got right?”
○ No effect
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Chapter 12
● I let out a relieved sigh to see him all right after the encounter with the thralls.
○ Teamplayer +12%
● I smile at him, glad he seems no worse for the wear after the encounter with the thralls.
○ Teamplayer +8%
● After a quick inspection, I give a nod. He’s obviously fine. No need to make a big deal out of it.
○ Teamplayer -8%
● I only glance at him, just like I would on any other day.
○ Teamplayer -12%
Choice 2
● ...I agree with them. The public can’t handle knowing what might really be lurking out there.
○ Agency +1
● ...I agree with them. It’s kind of nice to be one of the few people in on the secret.
○ Agency +1
● ...I don’t agree with the Agency. The public should know what might be out there.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t agree with their methods. Secrets come out eventually.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t really have an opinion on this. It’s up to them how they handle it.
○ No effect
○ ...I think I’ll have to learn more before deciding if I agree with them on this.
○ No effect
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If the Detective is female, Douglas will develop a crush on her. If the Detective is non-binary or male,
Douglas will develop a hero-worship complex for them.
Choice 3
Choice 2
● ...I agree with them. The public can’t handle knowing what might really be lurking out there.
○ Agency +1
● ...I agree with them. It’s kind of nice to be one of the few people in on the secret.
○ Agency +1
● ...I don’t agree with the Agency. The public should know what might be out there.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t agree with their methods. Secrets come out eventually.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t really have an opinion on this. It’s up to them how they handle it.
○ No effect
○ Sarcastic -6%
● “Okay, that’s enough. Back to work, kid.”
○ Easygoing +6%
● Chuckle. “See you later, Douglas.”
○ Friendly +6%
● “I’m sure you’ll be able to replace your father soon, with such a talent at flattery.”
○ Sarcastic +6%
● “As much as I’m sure we all enjoy the praise...please stop.”
○ Charming +6%
● “Sucking up won’t get you anywhere. Hard work will.”
○ Charming -6%
Choice 2
● ...I agree with them. The public can’t handle knowing what might really be lurking out there.
○ Agency +1
● ...I agree with them. It’s kind of nice to be one of the few people in on the secret.
○ Agency +1
● ...I don’t agree with the Agency. The public should know what might be out there.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t agree with their methods. Secrets come out eventually.
○ If Agency is above 0, Agency -1
● ...I don’t really have an opinion on this. It’s up to them how they handle it.
○ No effect
● ...I think I’ll have to learn more before deciding if I agree with them on this.
○ No effect
Choice 3/4
Choice 4/5
Choice 5/6
● “If he’s still lurking around the hospital, then he’s dumber than we thought.”
○ N Friendship +1
Choice 5/6
If N Romance is 5 or above, F will tease N about liking the Detective, before telling N that they think the
Detective likes them back. In addition to this, if A Romance is 4 or above, N will catch A with an
uncertain frown on their face upon hearing this exchange between N and F. Otherwise, A will have a
disapproving stare.
If A Romance is 5 or above, F will tease A about being attracted to a human, before telling A that they
think the Detective likes them too.
If M Romance is 5 or above, F will tease M about fancying the Detective, and M will say they “fancy
taking [them] back to my room and—” before N cuts them off.
If F Romance is 5 or above, M will catch F watching the Detective leave and M will tease them about it.
Choice 8/9
Choice 9/10
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Choice 10/11
If F Romance is 5 or higher...
● “Actually yeah, I’m going to try and see what I can get off of this. Wanna help?”
○ F Friendship +1
● Clear my throat and try and keep my composure under [their] gaze. “Uh, sure.”
○ F Romance +1
● Turn and capture [their] attention. “What kind of help are you suggesting?”
○ F Romance +1
● “No, I can handle this on my own.”
○ No effect
Choice 9/10
Choice 10/11
If A Romance is 6 or above...
If Science is 35 or above, the Detective will be able to tell what’s on the computer, saying they look like
DNA results.
If A Romance is 5 or above, their hand will brush against the Detective’s when they come to look at the
computer monitor.
Choice 11/12
● “This may surprise you, but that doesn’t help me relax at all.”
○ F Friendship +1
● “I won’t let him get a chance to try it.”
○ No effect
● “Knowing even part of his motivation may help us with the case.”
○ A Friendship +1
● “Are you trying to help, or are you just here to make wisecracks?”
○ No effect
● Ignore [their] comment.
○ No effect
Choice 12/13
If F Romance is 5 or higher, F will tell the Detective that they’re especially pleased that they’re settling
into the team.
Choice 7/8
Choice 8/9
If M Romance is 4 or higher, M will use their nickname for the Detective when saying “in your dreams.”
Choice 9/10
Choice 8/9
Choice 10/11
● “Of course I do. I’m just not used to working with a team yet.”
○ No effect
● “I’m used to only relying on myself…”
○ M Friendship +1
● “You’re all vampires. That’s pretty amazing! And surprisingly useful for investigations.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “We’ll have to wait and see.”
○ No effect
● “Yes. It gives me confidence to be working with you all.”
○ N Friendship +1
○ M Friendship +1
● “Well. I think I can rely on some of you…”
○ No effect
● “Before all of this, I would have said yes. But now...I’m not so sure.”
○ No effect
● “You’re vampires, just like Murphy. That doesn’t help with my confidence.”
○ No effect
● Avoid answering and suggest heading out.
○ No effect
If N Romance is 5 or higher, the Detective and N will share a prolonged gaze. If M Romance is 6 or
higher, M will offer to stay with the Detective while N calls the Agency.
Chapter 13
Choice 1
If the Detective’s apartment is minimalist, F will ask why they don’t have any real stuff and A will call it a
perfectly acceptable accommodation. If the Detective’s apartment is cosy, F will think the apartment is
very nice and want to stay there more often before comparing it to a grandma’s cottage; N calls it a
wonderful home. If the Detective’s apartment is basic, F will call it bland and A will call it perfectly
acceptable. If the Detective is bright, F will like it and say they should stay there regularly, while M asks if
they can borrow A’s sunglasses so as to not get blinded, and N will think it’s wonderful. If the Detective’s
apartment is vintage, F will say it’s like stepping into the past, and N will say it’s wonderful. If the
Detective’s apartment is dark, F will say they’d think the Detective was a vampire, and M will say that
perhaps they like the Detective more than they thought. If the Detective’s apartment is high tech, F will
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say it’s like stepping into a tech store, and N will call it very modern while looking uncomfortable. If the
Detective’s apartment is messy, F will tease them freeabout it.
Choice 2
● “Wow, that must be nice. Imagine how much you could get done!”
○ No effect
● “Well, if you’re certain...”
○ No effect
● Let out a sigh. “That’s a relief. Don’t think I’d have room for you all.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ If M Romance is 5 or higher, they will say they could always bunk with the Detective
● “Must be a bit boring having to stay up all night.”
○ No effect
● Nod. “All right.”
○ No effect
Choice 4
Choice 4
● ...saying with a smile, “How could I not help but like you all?”
○ Team Unity +6%
○ F Friendship +1
● ...saying, “Yeah, I guess I’ve come to like you all in the end.”
○ Team Unity +6%
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○ F Friendship +1
● ...chuckling and saying, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
○ No effect
● ...saying, “I like you all find enough—I just don’t know how much I can trust you.”
○ No effect
● ...not answering. I quickly change the subject.
○ Team Unity -6%
Choice 5/6
Choice 6/7
Choice 7/8
○ F Friendship +1
● “Still figuring it all out, but I’ll get there.”
○ Optimist +6%
○ F Friendship +1
● “Me? Pfft! I’m the master of ignoring problems until I forget about them.”
○ Optimist +6%
○ F Friendship +1
○ “To be honest, I don’t think it’s all really sink in yet.”
○ Optimist -6%
○ F Friendship +1
● “I’m terrified! How would you feel, learning about monsters and finding out you’re a target?”
○ Optimist -6%
● “Undecided. Thrilled to know about vampires and the supernatural...but not keen on being a
○ Optimist +6%
○ F Friendship +1
● “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
○ Optimist +6%
○ F Friendship +1
● “Angry at the lies, annoyed I can’t do more, worried for the town. Not a good mix.”
○ Optimist -6%
● “Excited! A whole new world just opened up to me, more exciting than the human one.”
○ Optimist +6%
○ F Friendship +1
● “I’d rather not talk about it.”
○ Optimist -6%
○ Friendly -6%
○ Charming -6%
If Combat is 45 or higher, the Detective will have an easy time climbing down the fire escape.
Otherwise, they will get hurt trying to get down, which Bobby will point out when the Detective speaks
with them.
Choice 7/8/9
Choice 8/9/10
● “A fight? That’s what you thought it was? You know nothing exciting ever happens here.”
○ Charming +6%
● “ were worried about me?”
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● Clasp the duvet cover tighter and try to sleep through the fear.
○ No effect
● Call to the vampires through the door. “What other supernatural races exist?”
○ Team Unity +6%
● Try to put the interesting thought out of my mind and go to sleep.
○ No effect
Chapter 14
Choice 1
● “I’m grateful for your help with all of this, and for keeping me safe.”
○ N Friendship +1
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● “It’s not like I had much choice about any of this, is it?”
○ No effect
● “Don’t worry—I like having you all around.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “If you keep buying me food, then you can stay for as long as you want.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “I’ve enjoyed having a team to work with.”
○ N Friendship +1
● “It’s your job, right? You’re only seeing it through. I understand that.”
○ No effect
● “The team’s...growing on me.”
○ No effect
Choice 2
If F Romance is 5 or higher, Haley will get flustered talking to N. If F Romance is under 5, they will flirt
with Haley and she will get flustered.
If M Romance is 5 or higher, or M Friendship is 5 or higher, M will hold back a branch so it doesn’t hit
the Detective. Otherwise, they will let it swing back and hit the Detective.
Choice 3
If the Detective found out about the chanting, they will ask M about it and they’ll explain what it is.
Otherwise, M will bring it up.
Choice 4
If the Detective went out for drinks, Tina will tell them that Douglas has been very keen on them lately. If
the Detective stayed at the office, Tina will tell them that Bobby called wanting to check in on a chat they
Chapter 15
If Rebecca is 55 or higher, the Detective will say they’d like to think it was a social call, and Rebecca will
smile at the words. Otherwise, the Detective will say they doubt it’s just a social call, and Rebecca will
Choice 1
● “I just want my life back—I don’t want to be the target of some killer.”
○ No effect
● “I’m worried for the town. Murphy has no trouble hurting others to get what he wants.” [STAT
○ If Heart is 70 or higher, Rebecca will say that the Detective always thinks with their heart
in these matters, but that they should think logically too if only for their own safety. If
Heart is 30 or below, Rebecca will say it’s a heartfelt sentiment for someone who’s
normally so logical. If Heart is under 70 and above 30, Rebecca will say that they’re a
good person for putting others first.
● “How would you be doing if you were being hunted by some psychopathic vampire.”
○ No effect
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● “I’m going to get payback on the asshole who thought he could kill people in my town.”
○ No effect
● “How am I doing? Now that I know the supernatural is real—my life’s taken an upturn!”
○ No effect
● “I’m just trying to get through it all, day by day.”
○ No effect
● “Oh, I’m dandy. Vampires are real, the supernatural is real, and my town’s crawling with them.”
○ No effect
● “I’m doing pretty good, surprisingly.”
○ No effect
● “I’m focused on catching the killer. That’s all I want to think about right now.” [STAT CHECK]
○ If Heart is 60 or above, Rebecca will say it’s unusual for them to think without much
emotion. If Heart is 45 or below, Rebecca will say they’ve always preferred to logically
about things and it shouldn’t surprise her now. If Heart is between 60 and 45, Rebecca
will say it’s a sensible plan for now.
Choice 2
If A Romance is 6 or higher, the Detective’s mind will wander to them and they’ll think about the way
they’ve grown closer and how they’re drawn to the agent. In addition, if N Romance is 5 or higher, the
Detective will find their mind drifting to their connection with N.
If N Romance is 6 or higher, the Detective’s mind will wander to them and they’ll think about N’s
attractive sweetness and kindness. In addition, if A Romance is 5 or higher, the Detective will think
about the way they’re also drawn to A despite not being certain A feels the same.
If F Romance is 6 or higher, the Detective’s mind will wander to F and they’ll think about their charming
smile, and wanting to learn more about them.
If M Romance is 6 or higher, the Detective will think about M being brash and rude, and how they still
can’t seem to shift them out of their head.
If none of the romance thresholds are high enough, the Detective will think about how much closer
they’ve become to the whole team.
Choice 3
○ Choosing this will take you to a screen that asks you to confirm that you don’t want
romance, as it’s a romance-focused story and doing so will lead to considerably less
and/or altered content.
Choice 4
If A Romance is 5 or above, the Detective will think about how they’ve connected a few times, and
there’s something that pulls them towards the agent despite their brooding attitude.
Choice 5
Choice 5/6
Choice 6/7
If N Romance is 5 or above, the Detective will think about how they’ve had a few moments with N that
can’t be denied, but they will have doubts about their involvement with the Agency.
Choice 5
If F Romance is 5 or above, the Detective will think that the attraction between them can’t be denied,
and that it’s more than simple fun on their end, if not on F’s.
Choice 5
Choice 5/6
If M Romance is 5 or above, the Detective can’t help but be drawn towards M even though they can’t
figure out their feelings,
Choice 5
If N Romance is 5 or higher, the Detective will believe that there have been a few moments between
them that can’t be denied, and that there is definitely something beginning there. And yet, despite being
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completely opposite, the Detective can’t help but feel drawn to A, and it makes them feel like they’re
being pulled at from two sides.
Choice 5
Choice 5/6
Chapter 16
Choice 1
Choice 2
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
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● “Oh yeah? And what about your third wheels?” Gesture at the thralls.
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
If the Detective went on patrol with M, Murphy will laugh and say that it must have been M that he sensed
all that time ago. Otherwise, he will be a little surprised that M is so strong.
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5
Choice 1
Choice 2
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
● “Bit past good impressions, don’t you think?”
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
Choice 3
Choice 4
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● “You’re worried about me when you’re the one who’s badly hurt?”
○ F Friendship +1
● “I’m fine. Let’s just concentrate on getting out of here.”
○ No effect
● “Got to be honest, I’m kind of freaking out.”
○ No effect
● “I’ll be better when we’ve taken Murphy out.”
○ No effect
● “I’m better with you here.”
○ F Friendship +1
● “I’m scared. For you, for the team, for me.”
○ No effect
Choice 1
Choice 2
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Choice 3
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
● “Bit past good impressions, don’t you think?”
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
If the Detective went on patrol with A, Murphy will focus on them and realize that it was them he sensed
all that time ago, rather than some random vampire as he assumed.
Choice 4
Choice 5
Choice 1
Choice 2
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
● “Bit past good impressions, don’t you think?”
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
Choice 3
○ If Deduction is under 35 and People is below 40, N will get distracted, concerned at the
Detective moving away, and Murphy will see through the Detective’s plan easier.
● Hide!
○ No effect
Choice 4
Choice 5
○ Heart +6%
● “All right, if that’s what you think is best.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Heart -6%
○ Rebecca +6%
● Stare, completely confused, unable to say anything through the shock.
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ Heart +6%
Choice 2
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
● “Bit past good impressions, don’t you think?”
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
Choice 3
○ If Deduction is under 40 and People is below 40, N will get distracted, concerned at the
Detective moving away, and Murphy will see through the Detective’s plan easier.
● Hide!
○ No effect
Choice 4
Choice 5
Choice 1
○ Heart +6%
● “All right, if that’s what you think is best.”
○ Teamplayer +8%
○ Heart -6%
● Stare, completely confused, unable to say anything through the shock.
○ Teamplayer -8%
○ Heart +6%
Choice 2
● “I’m taking you in, Murphy. This is only going down one way!”
○ No effect
● “I don’t think I’m as special as you’re hoping. Maybe you should call all this off, hmm?” [STAT
○ If Charming is 65 or higher, Murphy will say that the Detective makes a tempting case.
Otherwise, he will laugh.
● “What do you want? Why are you doing this!”
○ No effect
● “Oh yeah? And what about your third wheels?” Gesture at the thralls.
○ No effect
● Swallow down the fear and take a stumbling step backwards.
○ No effect
● “You don’t have to do this, Murphy. I’m sure the Agency can help you.”
○ No effect
● “If you let my friends go unharmed...I’ll go with you.”
○ No effect
● “You bastard! You’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
○ No effect
● Stay silent and hold my ground.
○ No effect
Choice 3
Choice 4
Chapter 17
This chapter has no choices, and no narrative variations beyond what overall path was chosen. All
players who chose A will get the same chapter, all players who chose the love triangle will get the same
chapter, etc.
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Chapter 18
The Detective will wake up and remember what happened, with the final thought being of the love interest
that was hurt when they got captured.
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
○ No effect
● “Don’t you even care about the people you’ve killed?” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ People +6%
○ If Murphy is 2, Murphy will say that the Detective has been a better subject than
expected, and will try to keep the pain to a minimum. He’ll apologize for the pain that can’t
be avoided. Otherwise, he’ll wonder if the Detective will be more compliant after the pain.
● “Let’s just get this over with…” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ Murphy +1
○ If Murphy is 2 or above, Murphy will say that the Detective has been a better subject
than expected, and will try to keep the pain to a minimum. He’ll apologize for the pain that
can’t be avoided. Otherwise, he’ll wonder if the Detective will be more compliant after the
● “There’s still time to stop this, Murphy.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ If Murphy is 2 or above, Murphy will say that the Detective has been a better subject
than expected, and will try to keep the pain to a minimum. He’ll apologize for the pain that
can’t be avoided. Otherwise, he’ll wonder if the Detective will be more compliant after the
● “You know what happens to bad guys who reveal all of their plans, right?”
○ No effect
● “Touch me, and I swear to God…”
○ No effect
● “There are people looking for me.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
○ If Murphy is 2 or above, Murphy will say that the Detective has been a better subject
than expected, and will try to keep the pain to a minimum. He’ll apologize for the pain that
can’t be avoided. Otherwise, he’ll wonder if the Detective will be more compliant after the
○ If Murphy is 2 or above, Murphy will say that the Detective has been a better subject
than expected, and will try to keep the pain to a minimum. He’ll apologize for the pain that
can’t be avoided. Otherwise, he’ll wonder if the Detective will be so stoic after the pain.
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Chapter 19
Choice 1
Choice 2
● I have to keep going. I can do this! I have to keep going… [STAT CHECK]
○ Optimist +8%
○ If Optimist is 54 or higher, or Easygoing is 40 or lower, the Detective will manage to
pull themselves up and keep moving down the hallway.
○ If the stat check fails, the Detective won’t be able to pep talk themselves to keep going,
and Energy -1
● I can’t... I've tried, but I just can’t do this…
○ Optimist -12%
○ Energy +1
If the Detective’s escaped the room they were being held, the Detective will be found by their Love
Interest and share a moment with them before the rest of Unit Bravo also arrives. M is particularly
impressed that they managed to escape.
Choice 2
Choice 4
Choice 5
● There must be something around here that can help. [STAT CHECK]
○ If Deduction is 50 or higher
○ Team Unity +8%
○ The Detective will use a piece of scrap metal to spear through Murphy’s leg, and
A will use the DMB to take him down.
○ If Deduction is lower than 50
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If the Detective’s attack failed, Murphy will escape capture, fleeing at the sound of backup arriving at the
warehouse. Unit Bravo will talk briefly, before seeing the Detective unconscious in a pool of their own
blood. The Detective’s Love Interest will react to the sight.
If the Detective’s attack was successful, they will see their Love Interest smile briefly before the Detective
loses consciousness and passes out as a result of their injuries.
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Chapter 20
Choice 1
Choice 1
Choice 1
Choice 1
This scene is slightly altered from both A’s isolated romance and N’s isolated romance. All of Unit Bravo
will recoil away from the Detective’s body because their blood is so strong; it affects N most acutely. N
has the idea to use the rain to wash away the blood and its scent, and M throws something at the ceiling
so as to worsen the break up there and get more rain coming inside. N rushes to the Detective, not
seeing A also about to do the same.
Choice 1
Choice 2
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● The detective attempts a smile and says, “I guess we’ll just wait here then…”
○ No effect
● The detective looks between them both and says, “Thank you for coming for me.”
○ No effect
● The detective grits [their] teeth, unable to respond.
○ No effect
● The detective tries to chuckle, saying, “If I die here, tell people I did something heroic.”
○ No effect
● The detective looks between them, gaze lingering on [A], and says, “I’m glad you’re here.”
○ A Romance +1
● The detective looks between them, gaze then lingering on [N], and says, “I’m glad you’re here.”
○ N Romance +1
● The detective tries to look about and asks, “Is everyone all right?”
○ No effect
All of Unit Bravo will recoil away from the Detective’s body because their blood is so strong; it affects N
most acutely. N has the idea to use the rain to wash away the blood and its scent, and M throws
something at the ceiling so as to worsen the break up there and get more rain coming inside.
Choice 1
If Murphy was captured, F will tell Rebecca that the Detective saved them. If the Detective used
Deduction, N will say it was their quick thinking. If Science was used, N will say it was their ingenuity. If
the Detective used People, N will say the Detective provided a distraction. If the Detective used Combat,
N will say it was their intuitive combat skills.
Chapter 21
Choice 1
● “Good morning. Wow—nice to say that to someone other than a doctor or nurse!”
○ Rebecca +6%
● “It’s really good to see you. Please, come in.”
○ Rebecca +6%
● [If Rebecca is 45 or lower] “I suppose…”
○ No effect
● “You haven’t got any tablets to feed me or needles for prodding me, have you?”
○ No effect
● Just simply say, “Yes.”
○ No effect
● Give a shrug
○ No effect
If Murphy was captured, Rebecca will say that the Agency has him in their holding cells and that they’re
doing what they can to extract information from him. Otherwise, she will say that they’re dedicating
everything they can to finding him.
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5
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If the Detective had the Agency tests done, Rebecca will tell Unit Bravo that the theories they gained from
the tests are correct. If the Detective did not have the Agency tests done, she will say that their fears are
likely true, but they can’t be certain without the tests.
The Detective’s Love Interest will volunteer to debrief them. If on the Love Triangle path, both N and A
will go. If on the Friendship path, A will go.