Airport Layout Plan For Efficient Airport Design
Airport Layout Plan For Efficient Airport Design
Airport Layout Plan For Efficient Airport Design
Abstract: - Airport Engineering incorporates the design, II. AIRPORT DATA SHEET DRAWING
planning, and construction of runways, terminals, and
navigation assistance to provide an entrenched service for The Airport layout drawings are generated by the rules
passengers and freight service. Airport engineers design and established by Design and AC 150/5300-18 General Guidance
construct airports. They majorly consider the influences and and Specifications for Submission of Aeronautical Surveys to
demands of aircraft in their design of airport facilities. These NGS: Field Data Collection and Geographic Information
engineers must use the investigation of largest wind direction to System (GIS) Standard and the FAA Advisory Circular (AC)
design runway orientation, safety areas and to determine the size
150/5300-13 Airport. The discrete sheets of the airport layout
of the runway border, different wing tip to wing clearances for
all gates and must designate the clear zones in the entire port. In plan were resolute using the layout guidelines fan and in those
this literature a detailed view of airport layout planning is requirements contained in the FAA Region ALP checklist and
studied and also a simple designed airport layout for ports near AC 150/5070-6b Airport Master Plans Appendix F Airport
water bodies is presented. Layout Plan Drawing Set.
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540 Page 36
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540
The plan of the larger scale outlook drawing of prevailing and all the significantly affecting objects of Navigable Airspace.
buildings, hangars, parking lots, planned aprons, and other The airspace plan depicts the five “imaginary surfaces” that
landside facilities engrossed in the development of area under are stated in FAR Part 77.25 including the primary,
airport terminal. transitional, approach, horizontal and conical surfaces,
previously described later. Part 77 surfaces should be free to
V. FAR PART 77 AIRSPACE DRAWINGS build or terrain obstructions to a great extent possible.
The FAR Part 77 Airspace drawings are the protected airfield Objects that are FAR Part 77
defined for Runway in Federal Air Regulation (FAR) and for Page 37
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540
Surfaces may require an action of mark or removal depends • Runway Transitional Surface: The runway
on their severity, location and the feasibility of the action. The transitional surfaces are the ones that extend
characteristics of surfaces define the size of aircraft using the outward and upward from the outer edges of the
runway and the capabilities to land on the runway. Runway crucial surface. The transitional surfaces have a
commonly accommodates large aircraft (over 5670 kg) with slope of 7:1 and extend to an elevation 46 m above
precision instrument approaches capabilities on Runway and airfield elevation and connect to the runway
non-precision instrument approach capabilities on Runway. horizontal surface. This surface is required for
precision instrument approach surfaces.
Runway Profile Drawing • Horizontal Surface: The horizontal surface is drawn
The Runway is provided a depiction of the now and then from 3048 m radii that extend from both ends of the
Runway elevations. The plan presents the longitudinal grades primary surface to form an oval. The horizontal
for Runway. The Airport Airspace Drawing – The Airport surface is designed as a flat plane of airspace with an
Airfield Drawing is depicted using the rules in Part 77 of elevation 46 m above the airport elevation. The
Federal Aviation Regulations which include governing majority of obstructions identified in the horizontal
criterion and objects that are affecting Navigable Airspace. surface are trees located off airport property.
The main objective of Airport Airspace Drawing is to help the • Conical Surface: From the outer horizontal edge
local specialists in finding whether the planned growth of the surfaces at a slope of 20:1 for 1219 m extends the
airport is hazardous to the airport and will it block the path of conical surface. An area of terrain penetration is
the airplane in a runway. It is really important to coordinate identified in the northwest section of the conical
the plan with the local land users. surface.
Runway Approach Surface Profile Drawing VI. RUNWAY APPROACH SURFACE PLAN AND
The main use of this drawing is that it shows both the design
plan and the whole profile of the runway approach surface The Approach Surface drawings depict plan and profile views
based on the FAR part 77. It also gives a clear view of the of the runway approach surfaces depicted in FAR Part 77
extended ground lines that are constructed using composite. airspace plan. The drawings provide additional detail in
An appropriate amount of the Impediments and clearances identify obstructions, terrain and other physical features
using railroads are also shown. within the approach surfaces. The drawings include
obstruction data tables for items depicted on the drawing,
Inner Portion of the Approach Surface Drawings using the same numbering identifiers from the overall
Airspace Plan. The drawing for Runway also depicts the
Majority of the inside portions of Approach Surface Drawings
threshold sitting surface (TSS) that is used to mitigate
contains scaled down depictions of the runway safety area
obstructions to the approach surface. The appropriate
(RSA), obstacle-free zone (OFZ), object free area (OFA) and
applications, dimensions, and slope are defined in FAA
runway protection zone (RPZ) for every proposed runway.
Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-13A (paragraph 303,
The total design plan and the planned profile view of every
section b.).
distinct runway protection zone are shown to identify any
obstacles and obstructions that might present on the safety. VII. RUNWAY RPZ & INNER APPROACH SURFACE
For the necessity of identification and disposal of DRAWINGS
obstructions, a clear and detailed facility data info is also
shown. The runway protection zone (RPZ) and inner approach surface
drawings depict detailed plan views of these areas and a
On-Airport Land Use Drawing – It mainly depicts the land profile view of the approach surface and threshold sitting
use recommendations graphically. When it is time for the land surface (when used). The drawings include obstruction data
use of the proposed design it should take place according to tables for items depicted on the drawing, using the same
the land use area described in this plan. numbering identifiers from the overall Airspace Plan layout,
Profile drawings, and Approach runway Surface.
Property Map - It gives information about the acquisition and
helps in identifying all the land regions that are under the
airport control. All the future and already prevailing properties
that come under airport authority can be identified in Property
Map. Page 38
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540 Page 39
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540
proposed strength of 56700kg SWG. It will also have a Individual corporate hangars have been designed based on the
medium intensity runway lighting system and marked for aircraft storage in T-hangars. Hangar locations are designed to
visual operations and there will be a 2-box precision approach be constant with the current airport land use and current
with path indicator. hangar facilities. The location and size are only for planning
purposes and some of the distinct plans will be estimated on a
Taxiways described in the Layout case-by-case basis for the conformance to the Airport Layout
In this airport design, parallel taxiways are considered since it Plan.
is an important item for development and it is mainly XII. PLAN OF TERMINAL AREA
considered to efficiency enhancement and reduce the delay
but the only problem is they will be high cost. The designed General
airport will maintain a system of 16m width, a part will be
parallel and it will be of connecting taxiways types which The prevailing and planned layout of the terminal zones
easily gives access to both apron and building areas. containing features like buildings, aprons, parking are
graphically depicted in terminal area plan (TAP). The drawing
Runway AB-12 will be having a partial parallel taxiway. The represents the location and position of the general aviation
taxiway will be 16m wide, with asphalt paved surface. The facilities and commercial area and their allied growth.
phase I of the construction will be containing the complete
extension of the full parallel taxiway schedule. Terminal Area For commercial purpose
The Future Runway EF-56 is also planned to have a parallel The doorway to the municipal community is generally
taxiway of full-length as shown on Airport Layout Plan. The measured by the terminal building. The terminal building is
taxiway will be built in stages to match with runway one of the crucial building that imitates the appeal of the
maintenance works and will be of 11m wide, with a citizens as well as the community. It is highly recommended
composition of asphalt. to use a broadminded structural design and style, using local
flavors. It is highly important to have a proper layout plan and
Development of Commercial Aviation size of the terminal building for a well-organized airport
mission. In the airport layout plan, it is been projected that the
The crucial terminal building will be positioned on the upcoming terminal building eventually is about 8715-meter
Runway AB-12 southeast side. This location is chosen square and situated east of Runway AB-12. It is predicted that
because to provide reasonable access to airside and landside. the fresh terminal will help current and future demand through
In front of the new terminal building, there will be a place 2018.
where all commercial aircraft should be located. The apron Airside admission to the terminal would be through a planned
will be initially designed with an accommodation capacity for taxiway and apron. Firstlythe apron will be accommodating
aircraft like Boeing 737 with expansion capability. Till the nine Boeing 737 aircraft type at least with 18 parking
end of the year 2018, there is no requirement of more than positions expansion capability.
eight aircraft parking positions, although the airport layout
plan is estimated for up to 20 gate positions and five air cargo Parking for automobiles is proposed to give sufficient placed
positions for parking. for prevailing and forecasted demand. Every proposed public
parking will be accessibly situated in front of the terminal.
General Aviation Development Parking for rental vehicles will also be taken into account.
There is a steady increase of aviation operations based on Hangars described in the layout.
general aviation aircraft. The predictions by the aviation
industry antedate that this leaning will be continuing The type and number of hangars that are built mainly depend
throughout the study period. Hence, there should be a on the necessity and space of an airport. It should be
development in airport facilities that will meet the projected predictable that each building size and type will be carefully
demand. estimated before the beginning of the construction process.
The sizes shown are distinctive, however, the actual sizes of
The service of general aviation is designed to first serve by the the hangars may vary provisional to the planned use. The
east of Runway CD-34. It is expected that growth of general important aspect is to preserve the complete development
aviation development will be continuing in this area. The plan scheme defined in the plan.
also includes an expansion of the general aviation apron on
the north. This expansion is expected to be sufficient in the Many new T-hangar is shown on the ALP. These units will be
upcoming years. housing forecast and existing need in 2018. The hangars will
be established by necessity and will be built by the private
interests or by a city. The hangars have been planned for all Page 40
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540
phases and are predicted to meet future demand. Each hangar suggested that the airport tenancy these zones for building by
will be provided with good landside and airside access. It is individual operators as demand authorizations. Page 41
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540
taxiways. When the aircraft is in docking position, support [3]. Richard de Neufville, Dr. Amedeo R. Odoni, Dr. Peter P.
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should be added in the design. There should be a minimum
separation distance for the aircraft after landing and taxing [4]. Madison, Wisconsin. Airport Layout Plan, Truax field .
information should be provided as soon as possible after the
aircraft is landed. Huge aircrafts like Boeing 737-300and an
Airbus A380 requires an extra facilities and staffs in order for REFERENCES
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