SIM900 Firmware Release Note: Latest Version: 1137B13SIM900M64 - ST
SIM900 Firmware Release Note: Latest Version: 1137B13SIM900M64 - ST
SIM900 Firmware Release Note: Latest Version: 1137B13SIM900M64 - ST
General Notes
SIMCom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support applications and
engineering efforts that use SIMCom products. The information provided is based upon
requirements specifically provided to SIMCom by the customers. SIMCom has not undertaken
any independent search for additional relevant information, including any information that may be
in the customer’s possession. Furthermore, system validation of this SIMCom product within a
larger electronic system remains the responsibility of the customer or the customer system’s
integrator. All specifications supplied herein are subject to change.
This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of SIMCom
Limited., copying of this document and giving it to others and the using or communication of the
contents thereof, are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of
damages. All rights reserved in the event of grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model
or design. All specification supplied herein are subject to change without notice at any time.
SIM900_Firmware_RN_1137B13SIM900M64_ST 1 2013.08.21
Smart Machine Smart Decision
1 Preamble
This Release Note introduces SIM900 firmware versions and briefly describes the benefits over
preceding release. Also user can find differences compared to preceding release.
New Features: It lists features or AT commands which are newly developed compared to the
preceding version.
Improved Features: It lists features or parameters that have been changed or improved compared
to the preceding version.
2 Related documents
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Version: 1137B13SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added "AT+CLNWPLMN" command to lock the MCC and MNC number of a
specified mobile operator.
2. Added "AT+CELLFORBID" command to set more than four certain Arfcn, which is not
allowed to select. The command affects only after the module resets.
[Improved Features]
8. Modified the scope of parameter <T1> of CMUX command to “1-254”.
9. Modified FTPSCONT read command by adding a blank line before returned "OK".
10. Solved the problem that the +CSGS parameter will not be saved after the module resets
or powers off.
11. Solved the problem that when executing "AT+CEMNL=1", it always returns the URC
"operation is not allowed", even though CEMNL mode is enabled successfully.
12. Solved the problem that when setting the White List with a phone number which has
more than 40 characters time after time, the phone numbers may be saved wrong.
13. Solved the problem that when setting the White List, if a phone number has a prefix +86,
it will return error.
14. Solved the problem that, when executing "AT+CENG=2,2",it will return error, but it
also sends the URC report of network information incessantly, and can not stop after
executing the command "AT+CENG=2".
15. When processing "atd*988#", change the data service mode from gprs to ussd.
16. Changed the AT command "AT+CLDTMF" to support remote dtmf tone, the scope of
<basicdur> is extended to (40-500), the supported ascii chars add up
E(1400HZ),F(2300HZ),G(1000HZ), reference command is: +CLDTMF:
18. Solved the problem that, after some certain sms setting , +cscs, +csmp, the module will
reset if sending sms with more than 160 bytes.(e.g. AT+CSCS="UCS2"
19. Changed the AT command format AT*PSGPRS to AT+CGCS, you can query the
GPRS timeslot and Coding scheme in real time.
20. Solved the problem that, once it has just sent a long sms, the module will return error if
you type the first command "AT".
22. Solved the problem that, when executing the command "AT+CMSS" or "AT+CMGD"
after "AT+CMSS" command is executed, the module will be blocked.
23. Solved the problem that, after the module powered on, the first call cannot work in half
duplex mode.
24. When processing the command "AT+CGCS?", it doesn't return the result in a new line.
26. Changed the AT command "AT+CGCLASS?". if a SIM card is not detected, it will
return error when executing the command.
27. Solved the problem that the second parameter of "AT+STTONE" command can not be
28. Solved the problem that when playing STTONE, if executing the command
"AT+STTONE=0",it will return ERROR, and STTONE stops.
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Version: 1137B12SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
29. Added the support of network "460 20" in the query result of "AT+COPS?" command
for customer.
30. Added "AT+CSGS=0/1" command, if it is enabled, the netlight will be enter to 64ms
on/300ms off state in the connection of Email, TCP/IP, UDP/IP.
32. Supported the data rate of 4800 bps for CBST command.
35. Added "AT+HTTPSTATUS" command to require the state during data transmission
[Improved Features]
1. Resolved the problem that after "ATV0" was set to all channels in MUX mode, "ATV1"
command would be invalid for all channels except the first one.
2. Solved the problem that "AT+CGATT?" option was not allowed after
"AT+CGCLASS="CC" was set.
3. Solved the problem that the module would not report current state via "+GREG"
indication after "AT+CFUN=4" was set.
5. Solved the problem that no response returned from serial port if user writes a number to
the phonebook after the SIM card was pulled out.
6. Solved the problem that the value of parameter <SQ> of "EXUNSOL" command was
not saved after reset.
7. Solved the problem that "+CGREG" and "+CREG" reported error information after
"AT+CFUN=0" was set.
8. Resolved the problem that while an SMS is coming in, sending SMS might cause serial
port blocked in some special cases.
9. Solved the problem that if user input data during the period that the module is outputting
large amounts of data in TCP mode, it may cause data loss or some other problems.
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10. Solved the problem that the audio channel was relatively slow when user answered the
call by ATA command in some special condition.
11. Resolved the problem that in some server, error message will return when user execute
"AT+FTPSIZE" command.
12. Resolved the problem of restart when the module get and continuously read the data
from the URL to which large data was uploaded.
13. Resolved the problem that there was no response when user using HTTPGET to get
some URL.
14. Solved the problem in adaptive low rate that when user uses FTPGET to obtain data,
some URC will be inserted into the received data.
15. Solved the problem that when CGCLASS="CC" was set, "AT+CGATT?" command
could not be executed.
16. Solved the problem that the command "AT+CR99" cannot set "AT+CR99=12511". It
can be achieved by setting "AT+CR99=0/1", the read result required by "AT+CR99"
will be "0x12511/0x12510".
17. Solved the problem that CGREG state is still be 0 when the module attached GPRS
18. Solved the problem that after "ATV0" is set, a needless value "4" will be shown when
"ATD>1;" was executed.
20. Solved the problem that executing "CRSM" command will lead to data loss.
21. Extended the maximum length of FTPGETPATH and FTPPUTPATH command to 256
Version: 1137B11SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added "AT+CMGS=">index"" function to simplify short message sending operation.
function is enabled that the data received from network in transparent mode will be
partitioned into small blocks then sent to serial port by time sharing processing.
4. Added "AT+SRSPT" command to reduce the response time of SMS. It can be set as "0"
or "1". The default value is "0" which means not to enable this function. "1" means
enable this function.
[Improved Features]
1. Solved the problem that the voltage of 1.8v SIM card is still 3v after operating
"AT+CFUN=1" operation in some special cases.
2. Changed the initial return value of "*CELLLOCK" reading command from 255 to 0.
3. Solved the problem that no response would return from serial port when SHUTDOWN
the TCP/UDP connection immediately after it was established.
4. Solved the problem that the module will reset itself if customer sending the
"AT+CBAND="EGSM_DCS_MODE"" command quickly and repeatedly.
6. Solved the problem that after hanging up an unconnected call by HVOIC, ATDL
command will not work.
7. Solved the problem if the module was reset by key depression, the information "SIM
PUK2 required" will be shown when unlocking the pin after "AT+CFUN=1" operation.
9. Solved the problem that SMS process could not exit if the module enters into
transparent mode during its editing process, it would cause the serial port impassable.
10. Extend the function of "AT+CLDTMF" command that user can generate square-wave
by setting an extra optional parameter which is newly added to the end of the command.
11. Solved the problem of Ukrainian customer: Set up a call connection between SIM900
and mobile phone, and the mobile phone was set to call hold, then it reconnect this call,
after which user cannot make the microphone of SIM900 mute by setting
Version: 1137B10SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added a new function of GSMBUSY command. By setting "AT+GSMBUSY=2" user
can reject all the voice calls but allow CSD calls to access.
2. Added "AT+CR99" command to set the GPRS release number according to the user’s
operator. It can be set as 0 or 1. 1 means the default value 99, 0 means 97.
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4. Added a parameter of HTTPPARA that customer can set http timeout period.
5. Added a parameter of HTTPPARA command that customer can set http context type.
9. Added "AT+FTPSTATE" to read the state of FTP session.1 means in the FTP session, 0
means not in the FTP session
10. Added "AT+CWHITELIST" command to support white list function, only the calling
number from the white list is allowed to access, other numbers will be rejected directly
without incoming call ring and any hint. It can set 30 numbers at most.
[Improved Features]
1. Solved the problem that incoming call cannot be picked up automatically in transparent
mode and SMS editing mode.
2. Made the default value of time set by SS command equivalent to that set by
"AT+CCFC" command.
3. Solved the problem that user cannot write a SMS with the send number of 161 or 177
4. Solved the problem that DCD pin cannot recover to high level itself in some special
5. Fixed a bug that "MO CONNECT" cannot be reported in each Logic Channel.
6. Solved the problem that GPRS does not worked temporarily when ussd is sending IND
7. Solved the problem that the serial port would be blocked while using AT+HVOIC to
hang up a call.
8. Solved the problem that there is no response returned from serial port when active a call
with some card for Brazilian customer.
9. Optimized the network searching method to accelerate the speed of searching network in
some special cases.
11. Solved the problem of DNS crash while using “AT+CIPSHUT” in decrypting process
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12. Fixed a bug that SIM card cannot be recognized after read or delete SMS in "TIM" card.
14. Under the condition that the module is in sleep mode and the RF is closed, the module
will enter into super sleep mode, the net light will be turned off for decreasing the
decreasing the current consumption until the module exit the super sleep mode.
15. Solved the packet loss problem in MUX mode during the PPP dial process in LINUX
16. Solved the problem that the module would reset if user input "AT+COPS=?" command
continuously in some special case.
Version: 1137B09SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added a new AT command "AT+CIPTXISS" of TCP function. If it is set to 1 (enabled),
the module can not respond to AT commands when TCP is sending data to this port, the
default value is 0 (disabled). It has no effect in transparent mode when it is enabled.
[Improved Features]
1. Reduced errors which happened when previous redundant data affected next FTP
operation by adding the initialization of FTP control data.
2. Solved the problem that module reported overtime for some FTP server after it received
3. Solved the problem that sending data would be failed if user input the data immediately
after the ">" was shown.
4. Solved the porblem in Poland that the module would diconnect from the network after
registered successfully priviously because of its missing of some SIM card files.
6. Made the return value to be "ERROR" if user forwarded an inexistent SMS by executing
"AT+CMSS" command.
7. Solved the problem that failure would occur if user forwarded some SMS.
8. Solved the problem that sender number of SMS would not be changed if this SMS was
forward for several times.
9. Solved the problem that when "AT+CNMI=2,2" was set and user sent an empty SMS
there was neither "+CMT" nor "+CDS" reported.
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10. Solved the problem in MUX mode that when user closed a channel unconventionally,
the serial port might be blocked if user operated TCP command after that.
11. Solved the problem that user could not activate a call successfully which was caused by
Version: 1137B08SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added "AT+SLEDS" command to configure the flicker frequency of network lights in
the status of unregistered, registered or PPP.
[Improved Features]
1. Solved the problem of not reporting "NO ANSWER" in the case of calling the other
side who was busy when user set ATS7=15.
2. Solved the problem that voltage alarm urc was only reported in a logical serial port in
MUX mode.
4. Solved the reset problem when user input wrong value of parameter to change the
frequency band.
5. Added AT+CGAS command to increase the speed of GPRS attachment since it is not
necessary to re-attach each time.
6. Fixed the bug that executing ATA command can not pull RI to high level in MUX mode.
7. Solved the problem that USSD information reported was incorrect found by Indian
8. Fixed the bug that the local time converted by the time NITZ reported was wrong and
“CI” of operator’s name was wrong.
10. Solved the problem that it would take a long time for network indicator light to flash for
some SIM cards when user powered on the module in roaming status.
11. Solved the problem that unrecognizable code would be reported when user executed the
CLCC or CLIP command to get information of an incoming call whose name was saved
in the phonebook in UCS2 mode previously.
12. Solved the problem that there is no response returned from serial port if user executes
the following steps: 1. Plug out the SIM card and then dial emergency number. 2. Plug
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14. Fixed the bug of CLCC, CLIP, CMGR command that Chinese name and English name
could not display in UCS2 mode if user sets CSCS to UCS2 mode.
15. Modified the CPBW command when CSCS was set to HEX mode, the name could be
written up to 28 characters.
17. Modified the error response of AT command "AT+CSTA=", the error response should be
"ERROR" instead of "OK".
18. Solved the problem that the responses of reading empty record in phone book via CPBR
command were not consistent.
19. Modified the response of test command of EXUNSOL by adding the parameter value
20. Solved the problem that the module can not register to the network successfully with
SIM card of Orange operator when user sets "AT+CBAND="ALL_BAND""
22. Solved the problem that the calling record of some special number can not be saved in
recent call lists.
23. Solved the problem that the CSD connection can not be established successfully
anymore after user dials a number in call record list in CSD mode.
24. Solved the problem that "CALL READY" will not report in some special conditions
when URC presentation was enabled by executing CIURC command.
25. Solved the problem that no response would return from serial port if
"AT*PSENGMODE=0" is executed and modified the response format of test command
to "*PSENGMODE:(1)".
26. Solved the problem that CTS varied when user sent or received AT command with no
flow control.
27. Limited the scope of inputting parameter when executing HTTPREAD and HTTPDATA
command in writing mode.
28. Solved the problem that Shenzhen customer can not originate a phone call or send SMS
after a successful call.
29. Altered the RI pin status when the module reported "RING" of incoming CSD call. If
CRIPULSE is set to 1, it presents RI pulse otherwise it is continuously in high level.
30. Solved the problem that there was no ring back tone if user dialed a number of MAXIS
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31. Solved the problem which happened after user sent a sms via AT command accidentally
that the module would "freeze" for about 50 seconds before it replied, during that time,
the module did not respond to any commands.
32. Supported GPRS multislot class 2, user is allowed to set class 2 by executing
CGMSCLASS command.
34. Solved the problem that the module couldn’t attach to the GPRS network if it had
activated GPRS previously and then restarted manually.
35. Solved the problem raised by Shenzhen customer that some special SIM card could not
be recognized by the module.
Version: 1137B07SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added the buzzer function to AT command "AT+SPWM".
[Improved Features]
1. Solved the problem that module could crash when user sets the CLVL continuously.
2. Solved the SIM900 problem that the module will reset if user executes "AT+CFUN=0"
or changes the band rate by AT command "AT+CBAND" at module initiating time.
4. Fixed the problem that self adaptive baud rate was not precise which led to failure of
baud rate adaption.
5. Fixed the problem that the module would not receive any data which were sent
immediately after the connection was established successfully if it is set to be a server.
6. Fixed the problem that the module reported error information of incoming call when
user used "ATH" command to hang up before the "RING" was reported, and it would
ring continuously and keep connected.
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8. Fixed the bug that the record of a successful CSD call could not be saved in the
9. Fixed the bug that the out of range hints of dialing record 0 by "ATD>" command when
the current phonebook has no record were different from that when the current
phonebook has records.
11. Fixed the bug that short name display function was not implemented when user queried
the network list.
12. Fixed the problem that module could not search for the network if AT command
"AT+COPS" was set to short alphanumeric format, when executing
13. Fixed the response failure problem when user responds to the "get input" item of STK
with data in UCS2 format.
14. Solved the problem that it would fail easily when user activated GPRS context
immediately after executing the "AT+CIPSHUT" command.
15. Modified the VTS function not to return OK until implementation was executed
16. Fixed the problem that some of the CLCC and CLIP URC can not be reported normally
in MUX mode.
Version: 1137B06SIM900M64_ST_AM
[New Features]
1. Added the function to disable the sidetone algorithm.
4. Added query status function to command "AT+CIPSTATUS", it will be valid only when
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"CIPMUX=1", and it will report the status first, then return “OK”.
5. Added "AT+CAAS" command to enable or disable the function to switch audio channel
automatically and put a call through by hook key. But the headset detection function is
still reserved, when "AT+CEXTHS=1" is set, the status of headset plug in or out will be
7. Added "AT+FTPSCONT" command to save FTP parameters in flash and support flash
interface to save and load the value.
9. Added "AT+SAPBR" command to save SAPBR parameters in flash and support flash
interface to save and load the value.
10. Added "AT+GSMBUSY" command, if it is set to 1, all the incoming calls can be
rejected directly when there is no response from the module, this command is designed
for the user’s convenience in some special cases, such as simulating offhooking dialing
and no incoming call interruption during GPRS data transmission. This function is
disabled by default (0).
[Improved Features]
1. Modified the problem that the data received from a HTTP server in a poor network was
inconsistent with the HTTP data received from a better network.
3. Modified the problem that neither "+CMT" nor "+CDS" was reported when blank SMS
message was sent in the case of " AT+CNMI=2,2".
4. Fixed the bug that there was no message reported in case of SMS message incoming
when "AT+CNMI=2,0,0,0,0" and "AT+CSMP=17,167,0,240" are set.
5. Modified the problem that not all the call records can be queried for characters in UCS2
6. Fixed the bug that the value of the current frequency band was not consistent with the
value queried by the AT command.
7. Modified the problem that both CNUM and CPBR can not show the record written by
CPBW command when AT+CPBS="ON" is set and some special SIM cards with the
volume 1 are used.
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8. Modified the downstream mode of headset channel and set it to be non-VCM mode.
10. Fixed the problem that there is no RING message reported during a coming call if the
corresponding name in the phonebook is blank.
11. Modified the default mic value of "AT+AUTEST" to be 18, and added a function to use
"AT+AUTEST=0" separately to close headset channel loop, which is disabled in
SIM900 or SIM900A products.
12. Modified the problem that call cannot be set up when vivacom Sim card is used and
added the auto-reply function of remove menu.
13. Fixed the bug that wrong apn will lead to ppp dial exit failure in WINCE platform.
16. Fixed the bug that no message was reported during releasing PPP dial when
"AT+CGEREP=1,1" was set.
Version: 1137B06SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. Added HTTP and FTP functions.
[Improved Features]
1. Fixed the bug that CLCC will report error information when a CSD call is dialed after a
different CSD connection has already been established.
2. Modified the hands-free audio parameters by adding two additional settable parameters
of es and of ses respectively for "AT+ECHO".
3. Modified the character case sensitive problem by using "AT+CPBF" command to search
for phonebook entries.
4. Modified the problem that the module will not report error when some illegal characters
are entered as parameters of "AT+CLDTMF" command.
5. Fixed the bug of "AT+CPBR" command, that the display number of which was not
converted to the right format under UCS2 mode.
6. Fixed the bug of wrong name display format when "AT+CCVM?" command was
executed under UCS2 mode.
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7. Modified the problem that dial-up program can not be running successfully when
module is connected to LINUX platform.
9. Fixed the problem that DCD pin will not return to low level if CSD call is dropped by
pulling DTR to high level after "AT&D2" is set.
10. Modified the problem that module will take a long time to register to the network if
another SIM card which belongs to a different network operator is used.
11. Changed the return value of “ERROR” to “OK” when the command "AT+CMGR=1" is
executed if there is no SMS on index 1, which is compatible with SIM300.
12. Optimized AT+VTS command that "AT+VTS=1" can be used to generate DTMF tone
directly, which is compatible with SIM300.
13. Optimized the "ATH" function to make it possible to hang up a call by sending
consecutive "ATH" command when "COLP" is set to 1.
14. Discarded UDP data directly if its length exceeds 1460 bytes in a single package.
15. Improved the stability of reading SMS under low-speed baud rate.
16. Fixed the problem that "AT+HVOIC" command can not take effect under special cases.
Version: 1137B05SIM900M64_ST
[New Features]
1. "AT+ECHO" command is available now.
[Improved Features]
1. Extended the range of CMIC parameter.
2. Modified the "AT+CLTS" command by adding the network time acquirement function.
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Contact us:
Shanghai SIMCom wireless solutions Ltd.
Address: Building A, SIM Technology Building, No. 633 Jinzhong Road, Shanghai,
P. R. China 200335
Tel: +86 21 3252 3300
Fax: +86 21 3252 3020
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