February Final
February Final
February Final
So Christ teaches us that it’s not enough to praise faith and Christ, WEDNESDAY BIBLE CLASS
but we also need to produce Christian fruit. For where these fruits 10:00 AM
aren’t evident, or where the opposite appears, Christ is certainly not
present. In that case, only a false name exists. That’s why we must
say to these types of people, “I hear that beautiful and glorious
name, which is noble and worthy of honor. But what about you?”
Similarly, the evil spirit said to the sons of Sceva, “I know Jesus, and
I’m acquainted with Paul, but who are you”? (Acts 19-15).
But some may object, “Doesn’t faith justify and save us without
works?” Yes, that’s true. But where’s your faith? How does it show
itself? Faith must never be useless, deaf, dead, or in a state of de-
cay. But it must be a living tree that bursts forth with fruit. That’s the
difference between genuine faith and false faith. Where there’s true
faith, it will show itself in a person’s life.
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“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world
you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
2 Corinthians 5:17