Johann Bernhard Basedow
Johann Bernhard Basedow
Johann Bernhard Basedow
Contribution of Basedow
in Basedow,Established a school
called Philanthropinum, the
Physical Education. first school in modern Europe
that offered a program where
Basedow believed in state rather physical education was a part
Johann Bernhard Basedow than religious control of education of the curriculum.
and in a pragmatic approach to
teaching. He stressed modern rather
WHO IS BASEDOW than classical languages, teaching
them through conversation and
games. Physical education was an
He is influential German educational
important part of the curriculum.
reformer who advocated the use of
realistic teaching methods and the Further, in an age when many
introduction of nature study, physical schools were noted for their harsh
education, and manual training into the discipline, Basedow held that school
schools. He also called for an end to could be so pleasant and absorbing
physical punishment and to rote that punishment would be virtually
memorization in language learning. unnecessary.