THM03 MODULE 10 Tourism Promotion
THM03 MODULE 10 Tourism Promotion
THM03 MODULE 10 Tourism Promotion
This module was prepared to help you gain fundamentals and basic knowledge
about Tourism and Hospitality. This will be the source of Information for you to acquire
knowledge and skill in this particular trade independently and at your own pace, with
minimum supervision of help from your instructor.
Talk to your online facilitator and agree on how you will both organize the
Training of this unit. Read each through the module carefully. It is divided into
sections, which cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully
complete this module.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read Modules and complete self-check. Suggested references are included to
supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your facilitator will be your supervisor or manager. Your online
facilitator will support and correct you.
Your online facilitator will tell you about the important things you need consider
when you are completing activities and it is important that you listen and take
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the job.
Make sure you practice new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will
improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.
Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance.
Kindly the self-check questions at the LMS (EDMODO) to test your own progress.
When you are ready, ask your online facilitator to watch you online via Zoom or
Google Meet to perform the activities outlined in this module.
Ask your online facilitator work through the activities: ask for written feedback
on your progress. Your online facilitator keeps feedback/pre-assessment reports
for this reason. When you have successfully completed each element, ask the
facilitator to mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.
1. Meaning of Tourism Promotion
2. Promotion and Communication
3. Promotion and Travelers Buying Process
4. Promotion Mix
Assessment Method:
Promotion Planning
Promotion planning determines the objectives or goals the
organization should strive to accomplish and the plan of action to attain
these goals. According to Schmoll (1997), the following are the results
of the planning process:
Goals are important in developing promotional strategies. To be
effective, goals must be specific, quantifiable, measurable,
realistically attainable, and time-bound. They should be
quantitative so that they can be measured to determine if the outcome
is achieved. They should have a specific time period in which they are to
be completed. They should be written clearly and concisely and be as
specific as possible. Examples of goals are:
Market Targets
A common theme is necessary in establishing a market target.
Promotion would be useless if the plan assumed that all people have the
same travel inclinations. It is also important to understand that travel
companies cannot provide services for the whole population. It is
mandatory that a promotion plan recognizes both characteristics of
The Message
Advertising uses several forms to attract attention, arouse interest,
convey information, and encourage the potential tourist to act in a
specific manner. Some forms of advertising are newspapers, direct
mails, television, magazines, radio, yellow pages, outdoor advertising,
novelties, directories, and display materials such as posters, cardboard
stands, window displays, and dispensers for sales literature, and many
Brochures, leaflets, travel catalogs, and sales letters are often used
in direct mail. Brochures are smaller in size than a travel catalog but
offer more information than a leaflet or folder Brochures, especially for
cruise companies, can be very expensive and are used as sales tools by
travel agents since they provide detailed information about cabins,
prices, schedules, and other things Illustrated travel catalogs present a
complete travel program with lists of many destinations, services,
accommodations, activities, excursions, and information about the
destinations. They are also used as sales tools by travel agents although
not much for direct mail as they are expensive to publish Travel catalogs
for large companies are usually issued twice a year Some of them
contain two hundred pages
Sales Promotion
Sales promotions such as free tickets to special events, trade shows,
exhibits, and free trips have become very common at present. A
common sales promotion is the familiarization trip. This is used by
airlines, hotels, and destination areas to draw attention to their services
or the development of a new service.
The major form of public relations is news release. Other forms are
public appearance in radio and television talk shows. However, since the
publicity is not paid for, there is no guarantee that it will be carried in
the media or that it will be in the form that the company has requested
Print news releases are more acceptable to newspapers than magazines.
The principal costs in the budgeting process are the cost per
message, the cost per reader, and the cost of repeated messages.