Mol. Biol. Cell-2011-Chi-2875-85
Mol. Biol. Cell-2011-Chi-2875-85
Mol. Biol. Cell-2011-Chi-2875-85
ABSTRACT Posttranscriptional mechanisms are crucial to regulate spermatogenesis. Accu- Monitoring Editor
rate protein synthesis during germ cell development relies on RNA binding proteins that A. Gregory Matera
University of North Carolina
control the storage, stability, and translation of mRNAs in a tightly and temporally regulated
manner. Here, we focused on the RNA binding protein Embryonic Lethal Abnormal Vision Received: Mar 11, 2011
(ELAV) L1/Human antigen R (HuR) known to be a key regulator of posttranscriptional regula- Revised: May 16, 2011
tion in somatic cells but the function of which during gametogenesis has never been investi- Accepted: Jun 20, 2011
gated. In this study, we have used conditional loss- and gain-of-function approaches to ad-
dress this issue in mice. We show that targeted deletion of HuR specifically in germ cells leads
to male but not female sterility. Mutant males are azoospermic because of the extensive
death of spermatocytes at meiotic divisions and failure of spermatid elongation. The latter
defect is also observed upon HuR overexpression. To elucidate further the molecular mecha-
nisms underlying spermatogenesis defects in HuR-deleted and -overexpressing testes, we
undertook a target gene approach and discovered that heat shock protein (HSP)A2/HSP70-2,
a crucial regulator of spermatogenesis, was down-regulated in both situations. HuR specifi-
cally binds hspa2 mRNA and controls its expression at the translational level in germ cells.
Our study provides the first genetic evidence of HuR involvement during spermatogenesis
and reveals Hspa2 as a target for HuR.
Spermatogenesis is a highly regulated and complex process through successive divisions, into haploid round spermatids. Subsequently,
which spermatozoa are produced. It involves the differentiation of dramatic morphological changes take place in those postmeiotic
diploid spermatogonia into spermatocytes and then, through two haploid germ cells that undergo an elongation phase during sper-
miogenesis, transforming them into mature spermatozoa. In partic-
This article was published online ahead of print in MBoC in Press (http://www ular, the chromatin progressively compacts while the spermatid dif- on July 7, 2011. ferentiates, leading to transcriptional silencing before differentiation
Address correspondence to: Dominique Morello ( is completed (Kimmins and Sassone-Corsi, 2005). Thus the synthe-
Abbreviations used: ARE, AU-rich element; CB, chromatoid body; ELAV, Embry-
onic Lethal Abnormal Vision; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; HSP, heat shock pro-
sis of proteins required for spermatozoa assembly and function is
tein; HuR, Human antigen R; IHC, immunohistochemistry; IP, immunoprecipitation; thought to rely on the appropriate storage and translational control
mRNP, messenger ribonucloeprotein complex; PGC, primordial germ cell; of mRNAs that have been transcribed at earlier meiotic or postmei-
qRT-PCR, quantitative RT-PCR; RBP, RNA-binding protein; RNP, ribonucleoprotein;
WT, wild type. otic steps (Steger, 1999, 2001). This hypothesis is strengthened by a
© 2011 Chi et al. This article is distributed by The American Society for Cell Biol- study showing that many mRNAs that are silent during early steps of
ogy under license from the author(s). Two months after publication it is available differentiation are stored in ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and later on
to the public under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Creative Commons License (
shift into polysomes where they are actively translated (Iguchi et al.,
“ASCB®,“ “The American Society for Cell Biology®,” and “Molecular Biology of 2006). The factors controlling mRNA fate during spermiogenesis are
the Cell®” are registered trademarks of The American Society of Cell Biology. beginning to be identified and include RNA-binding proteins (RBPs)
nase was not active. Comparative histologi-
cal analysis of sectioned epididymides from
Elavl1fl H H HH
fl/- WT, Elavl1+/−, and Elavl1−/– mutant mice re-
Vasa-Cre; Elavl1 (tail) vealed a complete loss of spermatozoa in
X Vasa-Cre mutant epididymides (Figure 1D).
Elavl1 - H H
Vasa-Cre; Elavl1 -/- (testis) Interestingly, the Vasa-Cre; Elavl1fl/–
female we obtained showed no overt ovar-
B ian abnormalities (unpublished data); its fe-
cundity was comparable to that of control
(Elavl1fl/−) females, and deliveries were still
observed at the age of 12 mo (unpublished
data). In addition, upon successive mating
with WT males, none of the progeny carried
an Elavl1fl allele but were all heterozygous
(+/–). Even though only one Vasa-Cre;
Elavl1fl/– female was obtained, these results
clearly show that the Elavl1fl allele has effi-
ciently been recombined in each oocyte.
Thus HuR depletion in PGCs induces male
sterility but does not seem to compromise
female fertility.
Volume 22 August 15, 2011 Crucial role of HuR for spermatogenesis | 2877
Control Elavl1 -/- their respective localization in a schematic tubule section), dramatic
spermatogenic defects were observed in the testes of the two adult
A B mutant males (Figure 2, B and D, and Supplemental Figure S1). Nu-
merous vacuoles were observed in seminiferous tubules that con-
tained essentially spermatocytes but lacked spermatids (Figure 2, D
vs. C). Spermatocytes progressed until meiotic divisions, but mei-
otic divisions were compromised, and massive cell death was visible
in stage XII tubules where meiotic divisions normally take place
(Figure 2, B and D). At 4 wk of age, in the WT testes, all tubule cross-
sections showed at least round spermatids and, in many tubules,
C D elongating spermatids were already present as the most advanced
II Scytes type of germ cells (Figure 2E). By contrast, in the third remaining
HuR-KO male that was killed at P29, approximately half of the tu-
bules contained numerous vacuoles and showed a nearly complete
P* block of spermatogenic maturation at the spermatocyte stage
(Figure 2F) and numerous dead or dying cells (Figure 2H), akin to
Stage XII Stage XII what was observed in mutant adult testes. The remaining tubules
contained spermatids, as expected, but their differentiation was de-
E RS F V S layed (see later in the text; Figure 2F).
All together, these results suggest that HuR is initially required
4 weeks
Elavl1 fl/- (control)
Pachytene Diplotene Late Diplotene
Elavl1 -/-
STAGE Control (n=130) Elavl1 -/- (n=102)
Leptotene 3 1
Zygotene 4 2
Pachytene 15 27
Diplotene 11 1
Diakinesis 2 0
FIGURE 3: HuR expression in meiotic and postmeiotic stages. (A and C) Sections from adult (9-wk-old) control (Elavl1fl/−)
(A) or mutant (Elavl1fl/−; Vasa-cre) (C) testis were immunostained with anti-HuR (green) and anti-γH2AX (red) and
analyzed under a confocal microscope. Neither leptotene spermatocytes (L, large arrows) nor elongated spermatids
(S, dashed arrows) express HuR, whereas pachytene spermatocytes (P, thin arrows) do express HuR in the control testis.
γH2AX-stained sex bodies are normally observed in mutant pachytene spermatocytes (C). All nuclei are labeled with
Topro. (B, D, and E) Expression of HuR during germ cell differentiation was analyzed by confocal immunofluorescence
using surface-spread germ cells prepared from control (B) or mutant (D) 9-wk-old testes. In control germ cells, a
combination of anti-HuR and anti-Sycp3 (SCP3) or anti-Sycp3 and anti-γH2AX antibodies reveals the dynamism of HuR
expression during prophase I. In postmeiotic stages, HuR concentrates in round spermatids (RS), but its expression is
lost in elongating spermatids (ES) (B). Inactivation of HuR does not compromise early meiotic events as observed using
a combination of anti-Sycp3 (red) and anti-γH2AX (green) antibodies (D). Cells in meiotic divisions, however, are rarely
observed as revealed by counting cells labeled with a combination of anti-Sycp3 and -γH2AX antibodies: A significant
increase in the number of pachytene spermatocytes and a strong reduction of meiotic cells (diplotene or diakinesis
stage) are observed in mutant cells (E).
successfully completed their meiotic divisions, giving rise to round adult HuR mutant testes, meiotic divisions were rarely successful, only
spermatids (Figure 2F). These spermatids failed, however, to elongate occasionally giving rise to round spermatids that failed to begin elon-
at the appropriate stage. Indeed, elongated spermatids appeared gation (Supplemental Figure S2). Therefore spermatogenic defects in
much later in the epithelial cycle and were malformed (Figure 4A). In HuR mutant testes occurred in a majority of spermatocytes that did
Volume 22 August 15, 2011 Crucial role of HuR for spermatogenesis | 2879
A ended with a restricted list of genes and fo-
Step XI cused on Hsp70-2/Hspa2 not only because
the meiotic arrest observed in HuR-deficient
Control Elavl1 germ cells resembles the one described in
HSPA2 mutant germ cells (Dix et al., 1996),
but also because of increasing evidence for
a role of HSPA2 in spermiogenesis (Govin
et al., 2006). HSPA2 is a member of the
HSP70 family that is expressed exclusively in
male germ cells (reviewed in Eddy, 1999). Its
depletion induces male but not female in-
fertility, spermatogenic cell development
being arrested in prophase of meiosis I at
the G2-M-phase (Eddy, 1999).
60Mm To test whether Hspa2 was involved in
the phenotype observed in Elavl1-mutant
B germ cells, we studied the expression pat-
Step VI Step XI tern of HSPA2 protein in Elavl1−/– testes.
HuR tg WT HuR tg Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a
global decrease compared with control
* testes (Figure 5, 4 wk). Noticeably, HSPA2
was located primarily in the nuclei of mu-
tant pachytene spermatocytes, whereas in
control testes it was abundant both in their
nucleus and cytoplasm, as previously re-
ported (Dix et al., 1996). We observed
similar results in mutant adult testes (un-
wt tg published data). In addition, round sper-
matids present in some juvenile mutant tu-
bules poorly expressed HSPA2 (Figure 5).
FIGURE 4: Delayed elongation of spermatids in Elav1−/– and HuRtg testes. (A and B) Sections Therefore Hspa2 is misregulated in HuR-
from 4-wk-old WT, mutant (Elavl1−/–) or HuRtg testis were stained with periodic acid–Schiff deficient germ cells.
reagent. (A) Pictures were taken at stage XI to illustrate the spermiogenic defects. Whereas
numerous elongated spermatids were observed in WT testis, elongation of round spermatids HuR overexpression impairs spermatid
was delayed in HuR mutant testis. Insets show that mutant elongating spermatids are at steps differentiation
9–10, but they should be at approximately step 14, as shown in WT. (B) Pictures were taken at
The scarcity of Elavl1-KO males compro-
step VI and XI of spermatid differentiation to illustrate the spermiogenic defects observed at all
mises the study of the molecular mechanisms
stages from step VI. In step VI, as expected, the B mitotic spermatogonia are present (arrow) as
well as midpachytene spermatocytes (asterisk). No elongating spermatids are present, however. underlying HuR-mediated Hspa2 misregula-
In addition, the number of round spermatids is reduced, and those present show a tion. To overcome this difficulty, we switched
developmental delay, as their acrosome is more typical of stage V (zoom in the inset) than stage to an HuR-overexpression system using
VI (inset showing WT step 6 spermatid). At step XI, spermatocytes in zygotene (arrow) and transgenic mice that express a Myc-tagged
diplotene (asterisk) phases of the meiotic prophase are present. Spermatids have initiated HuR transgene specifically in their germ cells
elongation, but show delay compared with age-matched WT. They appear much more like step and do not produce fully competent trans-
IX (see inset). genic gametes (Levadoux-Martin et al.,
2003). To further characterize the spermato-
not complete meiotic divisions or in the round spermatids derived genic defects, we compared the morphology and histology of WT
from the remaining spermatocytes the differentiation of which was and transgenic testes at various ages. We observed the first defects
blocked before the completion of elongation. at P28, when the transition between round and elongating sperma-
tids takes place (Supplemental Figure S4, D and I). Spermatid differ-
HSPA2 is down-regulated in HuR-deleted germ cells entiation started to be impaired at stage VI: The number of round
Because HuR is an RBP known to regulate the expression of numer- spermatids was reduced, and their acrosome development was de-
ous but specific genes, we searched for HuR targets the misexpres- layed, being typical of stage 5 (Figure 4B). A similar delay of sperma-
sion of which could be responsible for meiotic and postmeiotic de- tid differentiation was observed in tubules from stage VII to XI. As
fects observed in Elavl1-deleted germ cells and carefully analyzed exemplified in Figure 4B, at stage XI, spermatids from transgenic
the list of 443 genes recently published the mutations or deletions testes have initiated elongation, but were typical of step 9, whereas
of which cause reproductive defects (Matzuk and Lamb, 2008). In in WT testes they were fully elongated. Thus HuR overexpression
this list, we selected the genes the mutation of which produces a promotes a delay in the development of round spermatids, a pheno-
reproductive phenotype according to the following four criteria: type reminiscent of the one observed in Elavl1-deficient spermatids.
1) defects are selectively observed in males but not in females; 2) the
mutation triggers impairments at late-prophase I or meiotic division Mislocalization of Myc-HuR in transgenic spermatids
stage; 3) the cellular defects are similar to those observed in Elavl1- We previously reported that HuR subcellular localization was dy-
KO testis; and 4) the mutation leads to complete infertility. We thus namic during WT spermatid differentiation: HuR first accumulates in
Volume 22 August 15, 2011 Crucial role of HuR for spermatogenesis | 2881
A B end of prophase I stages, does not affect
the normal progression of meiotic prophase,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 indicating that HuR most probably does not
control expression of genes involved in
S6 chromosome pairing, double-strand breaks,
HuR and/or DNA repair the mutations of which
provoke a halt during the meiotic prophase I
required for the completion of meiosis. In
* contrast, HuRtg spermatocytes divide cor-
WT rectly, most probably because HuRtg is not
* *** ** HuR
tg highly overexpressed in these cells. Indeed,
we estimated that the amount of HuR mRNA
(endogenous plus transgenic) in transgenic
spermatocytes was only fivefold higher than
in WT spermatocytes, whereas transgenic
postmeiotic cells that exhibit differentiation
defects (see below) express nearly 20-fold
D Step 1 to 3
E Step 6 to 8
more HuR than the WT ones (Supplemental
Figure S3).
HuR MVH Merge HuR MVH Merge
HuR is required for spermiogenesis
In adults, despite a nearly complete failure
of germ cells to progress through meiotic
Myc- Myc- divisions, some spermatocytes manage to
divide and give rise to round spermatids that
HSPA2 / Tubulin
two AUUUA pentamers and four U-rich se-
myc-HuR * quences that are conserved in mammals
(Supplemental Figure S7A), and represent
HSPA2 potential binding sites for HuR (Mukherjee et
al., 2009). The association of Hspa2 mRNA
Tubulin with translating ribosomes was decreased in
HuRtg germ cells, leading to a reduced level
ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 of HSPA2 protein, particularly in elongating
spermatids. Decreased Hspa2 mRNA trans-
lation was correlated with a strong associa-
B WT HuRtg tion of Myc-HuR with mRNPs and a concom-
itant failure to accumulate in polysomes, a
behavior that sharply contrasts with HuR in a
WT context, suggesting that the transgenic
protein behaves as a dominant- negative
2 months
Volume 22 August 15, 2011 Crucial role of HuR for spermatogenesis | 2883
Collection of tissues, purification of
WT testes HuR tg testes Elavl1 -/- testes
spermatogenic cells, tubule squashes, in
prophase I meiotic prophase I meiotic prophase I meiotic situ hybridization on tubule squashes, and
division division division sucrose density fractionation were per-
round elongated round elongated round elongated formed as described previously (Nguyen
spermatid spermatid spermatid spermatid spermatid spermatid Chi et al., 2009) with the following antibod-
ies: rabbit anti-SYCP3 and anti-γH2AX
myc- (Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO), anti-
HuR HuR HuR MVH (Abcam, Cambridge, MA), anti-HuR
mRNPs myc- (19F12; Clonegene, Hartford, CT), Myc
HuR Hspa2 mRNA
(Chromatoid body) HuR (9E10; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa
Hspa2 mRNA
Cruz, CA). Anti-HSPA2 antibody was
mRNPs mRNPs provided by E.M. Eddy (NIEHS, NIH).
HuR (Chromatoid body) (Chromatoid body) Nuclei were labeled with TO-PRO3 or DAPI
(Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). Polyade-
pa polysomes polysomes
2 mRNA nylated mRNAs were detected by in situ
hybridization on tubule squash prepara-
tions, using a biotinylated DNA oligo(dT)
probe, as described (Nguyen Chi et al.,
Hspa2 translation Hspa2 translation Hspa2 translation
2009). Images were obtained with a Leica
SP2 or SP5 confocal microscope equipped
FIGURE 8: A model for the role of HuR in the translational control of its Hspa 2 target mRNA in
with helium-neon lasers and appropriate
WT or HuR-overexpressing or -deficient germ cells. Effects of manipulating HuR level of
filter combinations.
expression on spermatogenesis progression are shown. Absence of HuR leads to meiotic
defects whereas mild HuR overexpression does not alter early spermatogenesis. In
spermiogenesis, both HuR deletion and strong overexpression result in spermatid differentiation Histological and IHC analyses. Testes and
arrest. The cytoplasm of spermatids has been schematically divided into two compartments, epididymides were stored in aqueous
mRNPs (including the CB) corresponding to untranslating mRNAs, and polysomes, where the Bouin’s solution for 48 h and in ethanol 70%
translation is active. In WT spermatids, HuR binds to Hspa2 mRNAs in mRNPs and polysomes, before embedding in paraffin wax. Sections
ensuring their regulated translation. In HuRtg spermatids, HuR overexpression results in the (5 μm thick) were stained with either
nearly complete loss of HuR association to polysomes, leading to translational inhibition of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or by the
Hspa2 mRNA, a situation similar to the one observed in Elav1−/– germ cells. periodic acid–Schiff technique. Analysis of
HSPA2 on testis sections was performed by
further studies are required to characterize all the mRNAs the trans- IHC as described (Dix et al., 1997). Sections were counterstained
lation of which is impaired following HuR deletion and to reinforce with hematoxylin.
the conclusions we have drawn from the limited number of animals.
A first step toward this challenging goal relies on Cre-expressing RNA-IP experiment. Briefly, tunica albuginea was removed from
lines that should fulfill two requirements: 1) the recombination 10 to 20 P17 testes that were subsequently minced in phosphate-
should be fully efficient in all germ cells to avoid HuR trafficking buffered saline. Cells were collected without debris after sedimentation
through cytoplasmic bridges from cells in which recombination has (5 min, 4°C) and centrifuged for 5 min at 4°C and 1500 rpm. Germ
not taken place to Elavl1− cells; and 2) the Cre recombinase should cell suspension preparation for P28 old testes and the IP experiment
not be active during embryonic development because HuR activity were performed as described previously (Nguyen Chi et al., 2009).
is essential for life (Ghosh et al., 2009; Katsanou et al., 2009). Total RNA from cytoplasmic extracts or immunoprecipitated materials
To conclude, we have shown that manipulating HuR expression was extracted with TRIzol reagent, reverse transcribed, and qRT-PCR
results in dramatic spermatogenic defects leading to male infertility. amplified using a Bio-Rad (MyiQ; Hercules, CA) instrument and
Our study provides the first genetic evidence that HuR is crucial for Hspa2 primers (forward: CAG-TCA-GGA-TGT-CTG-CCC-GCG;
spermatogenesis and highlights the key role of RBPs in controlling reverse: GTC-GCC-GAT-GAG-ACG-CTC-GG) and 18S rRNA primers
this process. (forward: GTA-ACC-CGT-TGA-ACC-CCA-TT; reverse: CCA-TCC-
AAT-CGG-TAG-TAG-CG) to normalize RNA levels.
Production of HuR-deleted or -overexpressing mice Statistical analyses. mRNA was extracted from the testes of three
Mice were maintained in accordance with institutional guidelines P28 WT and three HuRtg mice. Transcript expression analysis was
(French National Center for Scientific Research; CNRS). Their use performed using Affymetrix microarrays. Hspa2 mRNA expression
followed the French laws and was in accordance with the Euro- was normalized using the GC-RMA algorithm. Mean and standard
pean Directive (86/609/EEC). The transgenic mice overexpress- errors of the mean were determined with at least three independent
ing HuR were produced and genotyped as described previously experiments. Values of p were calculated using the two-tailed
(Gouble et al., 2002). The strategy to generate and genotype unpaired t test.
Elavl1fl/fl, Elavl1fl/–, or Elavl1+/– mice has been described (Kat-
sanou et al., 2009). The different strains expressing the Cre re- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
combinase were first mated with Elavl1+/– mice to produce We thank V. Vallet-Erdtmann for her priceless help with histological
Elavl1+/–. Cre males were then crossed with Elavl1fl/fl following analysis of HuRtg transgenic mice and M. Fawal for his expertise with
the scheme described in Figure 1A to obtain HuR-deleted germ sucrose gradients. We deeply thank F. Le Masson for his suggestion
cells. to consider HSPA2 as a potential HuR target mRNA and E.M. Eddy
Volume 22 August 15, 2011 Crucial role of HuR for spermatogenesis | 2885