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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION high expression, but this declined during the course of ICM
outgrowths so that ultimately only about 50% (7/14) of individual
Analysis of Individual ICM Outgrowth Cells ESCs retained Bmp4 expression (Ct = 25–40). This is compatible
First, we analyzed the three key pluripotency genes during the with the fact that maintenance of ESCs can be achieved by the
course of blastocyst culture and the formation of outgrowths addition of exogenous Bmp4 or serum, which contains Bmp4
(Figure 1). At each stage, we chose between 10 and 26 single (Ying et al., 2003).
cells for analysis. We generated cDNAs by whole transcriptome During the course of ICM outgrowth toward ESCs, we found
amplification (WTA) of these individual cells (see Experimental clear upregulation of several genes, including Tcf15, Prdm5,
Procedures for details). All ICM cells (22/22) tested showed Zic3, Ifitm1, Nodal, and Bex1, indicating that they may potentially
high expression of Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog. However, among be important during the transition to ESCs and/or for their subse-
cells from day 3 outgrowths that had high Oct4 expression, quent maintenance (Figure 2D). Indeed, Nodal is a known regu-
about 39% (7/18) had already lost expression of Nanog and/or lator of self-renewal but is not essential for the pluripotency of
Sox2, indicating that they might be losing pluripotency. By ESCs (see below). By contrast, there was clear downregulation
contrast, most of the cells from day 5 outgrowths (11/13) that of some genes during ICM outgrowth, such as Gata4, Gata6,
had high Oct4 expression also showed high expression of both Pramel7, Tbx3, Bmi1, Bcl2l14, Nr5a2, and Amhr2, which poten-
Sox2 and Nanog, suggesting that these may represent the tially have ICM specific development-related functions (Figure 2E).
earliest population that had acquired or were likely on course For example, ICM has the potential to develop into primitive endo-
to acquire the ESC-like fate with the potential for self-renewal. derm cells, for which Gata4 and Gata6 are crucial regulators
We were also able to establish an ESC line from a single cell iso- (Fujikura et al., 2002; Koutsourakis et al., 1999; Morrisey et al.,
lated from a day 5 outgrowth (data not shown). As expected, all 1998). Thus, repression of these genes may allow ICM cells to
the ESCs (23/23) had high expression of these three pluripotency exit from their inherent developmental program as they acquire
genes. the ability for self-renewal while retaining pluripotency as ESCs.
Expression Dynamics of 385 Genes in 74 Single Cells Molecular Changes during the Transition
from ICM to ESCs from ICM to ESCs
Next, we chose 385 pluripotency and early differentiation related To understand the dynamic nature of gene expression in indi-
genes to monitor their expression in cells from the ICM, as well as vidual cells at the whole-genome scale, we randomly selected
from day 3 and day 5 outgrowths, and from ESCs at single-cell 12 individual ESCs and generated their digital transcriptome
resolution (Table S1). All 14 ESCs analyzed had high expression profile (Figure 3A, Figure S2, and Tables S2 and S3) (Tang
(Ct = 19–28) of Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Dppa4, Dppa5, Sall4, Utf1, et al., 2009). Indeed, all of the 12 ESCs analyzed had high
Rex2, and Rif1, indicating their pluripotent character (Figure 2A expression of Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Rex1 (also known as Zfp42),
and Figure S1). By contrast, we detected little or no expression Dppa5, and Utf1, which indicates that all of them are in an undif-
(Ct = 40) of all 23 early differentiation marker genes (ectoderm ferentiated state and are pluripotent. To confirm the reliability of
markers: Pax6, Otx1, Neurod1, Nes, Lhx5, and Hoxb1; meso- our single-cell RNA-Seq approach, we compared our data with
derm markers: Tbx2, T, Nkx2-5, Myod1, Myf5, Mesdc1, Mesdc2, that obtained from bulk analysis of ESCs (Cloonan et al., 2008).
Kdr, Isl1, Hand1, and Eomes; endoderm markers: Onecut1, We found that on average, an individual ESC expresses 10,815
Gata4, Gata5, and Gata6; extraembryonic markers: Cdx2 and genes (RPM > 0.1), which means that we captured expression
Tpbpa) (see Table S1). Similarly, all 14 cells isolated and of at least 94.6% of the genes in a single cell of those detected
analyzed from ICM showed high expression of the nine pluripo- by deep sequencing in bulk assays of ESCs (Cloonan et al.,
tency-specific genes. However, expression of some genes, for 2008). Overall, 65.8% (13,326 out of 20,259) of known genes
example, c-Myc, which was shown to be an important reprog- were expressed in 12 single ESCs, which shows that our
ramming factor for pluripotency (Takahashi and Yamanaka, RNA-Seq data represent an accurate reflection of the entire
2006), was highly heterogeneous in cells from the ICM transcriptome in ESCs at single-cell resolution.
(Ct = 24–40); this variability was progressively reduced until, To understand the relationship between ESCs and the ICM/
finally, all ESCs consistently expressed c-Myc (Figure 2B). Inter- Epiblast cells from which they were derived, we compared the
estingly, we found that Tet1 and Tet2 (Table S1), which were single-cell RNA-Seq transcriptomes of these cells (Figure S2)
recently shown to mediate DNA demethylation in ESCs, were to determine the extent to which ESCs resemble E3.5 ICM or
highly expressed in both ICM and ESCs, but their expression E4.5 Epiblast cells (Nichols et al., 2009). We found that the
only decreased in Oct4-negative cells present in the ICM molecular signature of all undifferentiated ESCs maintained
outgrowths. Thus, our observations support their importance under our culture conditions are clearly different from both ICM
for pluripotency (Tahiliani et al., 2009). and epiblast cells based on the principal component analysis
Since ESCs can also be maintained in an undifferentiated state of their transcriptomes. This means that at the molecular level,
by LIF and BMP4 (Ying et al., 2003), we investigated the expres- ESCs are distinct from E3.5 ICM or E4.5 Epiblast (Figure 3A).
sion of a key receptor, Bmpr1a, and found it to be heterogeneous We detected a large set of genes, which show clear differential
in the ICM (Ct = 27–40). However during the ICM outgrowth, expression between ICM/Epiblast and ESCs. (Table S2 and Fig-
Bmpr1a expression was detected more consistently until, finally, ure S3. Note 2,475 genes with fold change, FC[ESC/ICM] > 4,
all ESCs (14/14) showed strong expression. This suggests that p < 0.01, and 2,362 genes with FC[ESC/ICM] < 0.25, p < 0.01;
all ESCs have the potential to respond to Bmp4 signaling 2,110 genes with FC[ESC/Epiblast] > 4, p < 0.01 and 1,170 genes
(Figure 2C). Conversely, for Bmp4, all ICM cells (14/14) showed with FC[ESC/Epiblast] < 0.25, p < 0.01).
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We found that genes expressed at the mid levels (read per related processes, such as DNA-dependent regulation of
million reads, 1 < RPM < 10), showed higher cell-to-cell varia- transcription (enrichment > 1.5, p < 2.5 3 1014), transcription
tions than the ones expressed at high levels (RPM > 10, Figure 4), factor activity (enrichment > 1.45, p < 2.6 3 1011), transcription
which indicates that the former set of genes have a higher regulator activity (enrichment > 1.51, p < 4.2 3 109), positive
propensity for a more dynamic regulation of expression among regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
individual cells of the same type. These genes include Hoxd13, (enrichment > 1.51, p < 2.0 3 107), and transcription repressor
Hoxb3, Hoxb5, and Ddx3y that showed highly variable expres- activity (enrichment > 1.4, p < 1.8 3 105, Table S4). For
sion in ESCs, whereas Gm364, Tmem80, Hdx, Trpm3, Enox2, example, 29 out of the 34 genes of the nucleic acid metabolism
Ilvbl, Has3, Pygm, and Fbxw13 showed a great variation in pathway and 25 out of the 32 genes of lipid metabolism pathway
expression within ICM cells. Some genes, such as Tnk1, Myof, showed dramatic changes in their expression between ICM and
Adamts9, Tspan12, Rhox6, Epha7, Dhrs3, Fam189a1, and ESCs (Figures S5A and S5B). We also found clear enrichment of
Nudt18, showed highly variable expression in both ESCs and cell-fate-related pathways, such as cellular development (24 out
ICM (Table S2). These variations are probably not because of 31 genes), organismal development (27 out of 33 genes), and
technical reasons because genes expressed at low levels cellular assembly and organization (32 out of 35 genes), indi-
(RPM < 1) showed less cell-to-cell variation compared to genes cating a shift in the developmental potential from ICM to ESCs.
expressed at mid levels. For these genes with large coefficient of On the other hand, we found significant similarities in sig-
variations (CV > 1) between cells of ESCs and ICM, Gene naling-related processes (including signal transduction, signal
Ontology (GO) analysis showed that the genes involved in transducer activity, receptor activity, G protein coupled receptor
cellular growth, cellular assembly, amino acid metabolism, and activity, and G protein coupled receptor protein signaling
lipid metabolism were significantly enriched (p < 0.0001). pathway), indicating that their expression is relatively compa-
Next, we wanted to establish what general trends exist in gene rable in ICM and ESCs (Table S4). However, ESCs have the
expression changes during the transition from ICM to ESCs. GO ability to self-renew, whereas ICM does not. Thus, the 4,837
analysis showed that for genes that changed dramatically in genes differentially expressed between ICM and ESCs might
their expression from ICM to ESCs (FC[ESC/ICM] > 4, or < 0.25, provide insights into genes that regulate self-renewal ability
p < 0.01), we found strong enrichment of genes for transcription- and unique metabolism in ESCs. To confirm the reliability of
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is probably important for the maintenance and propagation of The first cluster of genes is upregulated during ICM outgrowth,
their undifferentiated pluripotent state while retaining the such as Nodal, Eras, Lin28, Smad1, Zic3, Id1, Id2, Tcf3, Kit (also
capacity for infinite self-renewal. known as c-Kit), Kitl (also known as Scf), Prdm5, Prdm16, Klf12,
Zfp41, Sox3, Ifitm3 (also known as Fragilis), Pim2, Cdh3 (also
Correlation between Gene Expression, Pluripotency, known as P-cadherin), and Nr0b1 (also known as Dax1); these
Cell Differentiation, and Cell Fate genes correlate positively with the capacity for self-renewal
Next, we examined in greater detail changes in gene expression exhibited by ESCs. Indeed, this trend is confirmed by the anal-
to further assess the differences between ICM and ESCs ysis of cells in day 5 ICM outgrowths that have ceased to express
(Figure S2). Whereas ESCs and ICM are both pluripotent, the pluripotency genes, where this first cluster of genes is downre-
phenotype of ESCs is relatively constant as they undergo self- gulated (Figure S6A). While some of the genes in this cluster
renewal, while ICM cells cannot do so in vivo because they are were shown to be important for pluripotency, we suggest that
poised to undergo further changes according to their develop- at least some of them are probably also important for self-
mental program (Smith, 2006; Niwa, 2007). From this analysis, renewal. In fact, Eras and Nodal that were recovered in this
we found four clusters of interesting genes related to pluripo- cluster are two known regulators that are crucial for the self-
tency and self-renewal (Figure S6). renewal of ESCs but are not essential for pluripotency (Takahashi
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et al., 2003; Ogawa et al., 2007). For example, interference with et al., 2006). We found a good correlation between our data and
the Nodal signaling has a strong effect on the self-renewal and that reported previously with respect to 200 genes that were
proliferation of ESCs, but there is little effect on their pluripotency downregulated in both instances (Figure S6E). It is likely that
(Ogawa et al., 2007). The loss of Eras has a similar effect on the our assay captured the earliest responding pluripotency genes,
properties of ESCs (Takahashi et al., 2003). because we compared pluripotent cells and the corresponding
The second cluster of genes is downregulated during ICM earliest differentiated cells cultured under the same conditions.
outgrowth, such as Gata3, Gata4, Gata6, Cdx1, Cdx2, Pramel5, Next, we asked if it is possible to determine the downstream
Pramel6, Pramel7, Sox17, Bmp15, Dppa1, Tbx3, Tbx20, Gdf9, targets of key pluripotency genes by analyzing genes that were
Hoxd8, Gsc, and Klf17. Some of these are developmental genes, downregulated in the day 5 outgrowth that had just ceased to
including Cdx2 and Gata6, which are required for development be pluripotent. We compared our data with the reported effects
of the extraembryonic cells, trophectoderm and primary endo- of knockdown of Nanog, Sox2, Oct4, or Esrrb—genes described
derm, respectively (Ralston and Rossant, 2008; Johnson et al., previously (Ivanova et al., 2006). We found clear overrepresenta-
2006; Koutsourakis et al., 1999), but they are apparently not tion of downregulated genes detected following loss of Nanog
essential for the self-renewal of ESCs (Figure S6B). (p = 2.2 3 1016), Oct4 (p = 2.2 3 1016), Sox2 (p = 2.2 3
The third cluster of genes is highly expressed during ICM 1016), or Esrrb (p = 1.6 3 107) (Figure S6F). Furthermore, there
outgrowth, except in those neighboring cells that cease to be was also strong overrepresentation of upregulated genes
pluripotent as judged by the loss of expression of Oct4, Sox2 following knockdown of Nanog (p = 2.0 3 108), Oct4 (p = 2.5 3
and Nanog, as well as Esrrb, Cdh1 (also known as E-cadherin), 1010), or Sox2 (p = 2.2 3 1016) (Figure S6G). This shows that
Pecam1, Pim1, Pim3, Notch1, Notch4, Fzd9, Frz10, Dazl, our analysis serves as a good indicator of targets of pluripotency
Prdm14, Bmp8b, and Dppa4, demonstrating a positive correla- genes. Moreover, detection of these probable target genes that
tion with the pluripotency of ICM and ESCs (Figure S6C). Indeed, are regulated by corresponding pluripotency genes is cell-
Esrrb, E-cadherin, Pim1, Pim3, and Prdm14 have been shown autonomous as seen by RNA-Seq within an individual cell, which
to be important for pluripotency of ESCs (Ivanova et al., 2006; excludes possible variable responses in individual cells analyzed
Chou et al., 2008; Aksoy et al., 2007; Tsuneyoshi et al., 2008). in bulk cultures.
The fourth cluster of genes is confined to cells that have To gain insight into the gene network underlying pluripotency,
ceased to be pluripotent as evident by the loss of expression we aligned our data to the known gene network for Oct4 associ-
of the Oct4-DPE-GFP reporter. This cluster of genes include ated with embryonic stem cell pluripotency (Loh et al., 2006,
Hoxd8, Bmp1, Bmp2, Tgfbr2, Tgfbr3, Jak2, Fgf3, Fgf10, Fgfr3, 2008; Sharov et al., 2008). We found that this network is enriched
Fgfr4, Sox7, Sox9, Sox17, Nanos1, Cdh5 (also known as VE-cad- in genes whose expression changed as judged by the compar-
herin), and Nkx6.2, showing a negative correlation with the pluri- ison of pluripotent and neighboring nonpluripotent cells present
potency of ESCs (Figure S6D). This cluster represents the within day 5 outgrowths. In fact, 22 out of the 45 Oct4 network
earliest set of differentiation genes that are activated when the genes changed their expression significantly by more than
cells have just ceased to be pluripotent. For example, Fgf 4-fold. Of these 22 genes, only two genes, namely Rb1 and
signaling has been shown to promote differentiation of ESCs Foxa2, were not directly regulated by Oct4 (Figure 6; Table S4).
(Kunath et al., 2007; Stavridis et al., 2007). Similarly, Sox7 and This suggests that through single-cell digital transcriptome
Sox17 also drive ESC differentiation (Séguin et al., 2008). approach, we captured a large proportion of genes that are
We also examined expression of primordial germ cell-specific directly regulated by Oct4 in the network (p = 4.02 3 106)
genes during the course of blastocyst outgrowths (Zwaka and (Loh et al., 2006; Sharov et al., 2008). To our knowledge, this
Thomson, 2005). We looked at the expression dynamics of early is the first time that the Oct4 gene network is validated in an
PGC markers during this process (Figure 3B; Table S2). We individual cell, proving the cell-autonomous regulation of the
detected upregulation of Ifitm3 (also known as Fragilis), network, which is an essential prerequisite for direct interactions
Prdm14, Ddx4 (also known as Vasa) and Nanos3, but Dppa3 within the gene network. Furthermore, we also aligned our data
(also known as stella) was downregulated. We also found upre- to the known gene network for human embryonic stem cell
gulation of Prdm1 (also known as Blimp1), but later in ESCs, pluripotency and found a similar enrichment pattern. Forty-five
and the levels were highly variable in individual cells (Table S2). out of the 137 human ESC network genes significantly changed
However, all these genes were repressed in the Oct4 negative their expression (p = 2.18 3 104, Figure S5C), suggesting
outgrowth cells that had lost pluripotency. Further studies are conservation of the core aspects of the gene network of pluripo-
required to assess the significance of these observations, if tency between mouse and human, despite some known differ-
any, for the derivation and properties of ESCs. ences between them.
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Figure 6. Gene Network Analysis of Oct4 in Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency Pathway
The 22 genes (including Oct4) up/downregulated for more than 4-fold when the pluripotent cells lose pluripotency (FC[day 5 Oct4+/day 5 Oct4] > 4 or < 0.25,
p < 0.01) were shown in red. The gray colored genes have FC[day 5 Oct4+/day 5 Oct4] < 4 and FC[day 5 Oct4+/day 5 Oct4] > 0.25 (Table S4). The p value was
estimated using Ingenuity systems software (http://www.ingenuity.com). FC, fold change.
were reduced between 4- and 12-fold in ESCs compared to ICM, preferably target the ESC-specific pluripotency genes
which is reflected in the reduced levels of let-7 expression (FC[ESC/ICM] > 4) (miR-669b, -298, -692, -204, -28, -149,
required for the self-renewal and maintenance of undifferenti- -34a, -182, [-129-5p, -133a, -320; the target enrichment is
ated cancer stem cells (Yu et al., 2007). Correspondingly, we 1.6-fold, p < 1.3 3 108). As a control, the targets of these eleven
found 5-fold upregulation of Lin28, which is the suppressor of miRNAs show no enrichment (p > 0.03) in ICM-specific genes
let-7 family miRNAs (Viswanathan et al., 2008). Recently, Card (FC[ESC/ICM] < 0.25). The loss of this class of miRNAs may
et al. (2008) reported that miR-302 cluster in human ESC is contribute to the phenotype of resistance to differentiation
actively regulated by Oct4 and Sox2, while miR-302a targets when Dicer or DGCR8, two key components of the miRNA
cell-cycle regulators and promotes an ESC-like cell cycle. Our processing pathway, are knocked out in established ESCs
miRNA profiling indicated that two members of miR-302 cluster, (Kanellopoulou et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007). Taken together,
miR-302c and miR-367, increased 5- and 33-fold, respectively, miRNAs may contribute to ESC’s ability to maintain the balance
from ICM to ESCs, which may contribute to the capacity for between pluripotency and the potential for rapid differentiation,
self-renewal of ESCs. through one set of miRNAs targeting genes that drive differenti-
To explore the potential roles of miRNAs in regulating ESCs, ation, while a separate set of miRNAs target ESC-specific pluri-
we used the target prediction algorithms of PicTar, Miranda, or potency genes.
TargetScan (Krek et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 2005; Enright et al.,
2003). To reduce possible ‘‘prediction noise,’’ we considered Conclusion
only those targets that are predicted by at least two algorithms. Our study provides insight into the dynamic molecular changes
For the miRNAs highly expressed in both ICM and ESCs, there that accompany cell-fate changes. During the conversion of
are two classes: the first class of miRNAs preferably target early ICM cells to ESCs, there is an evident arrest of a normal develop-
differentiation genes (FC[Day5 Oct4+/Oct4] < 0.25, r < 0.6, mental program, which is subverted in vitro in favor of a potential
Table S6 and S7) (miR-19b, -19a, -106a, -20b, -106b, -9, -103, for unrestricted self-renewal while retaining the ability to undergo
-107, -124a, -145; the target enrichment is 2.0-fold, p < 3.8 3 differentiation into all the diverse cell types. We demonstrate
106). As a control, the targets of these ten miRNAs show no how both the retention of expression of key genes allows inher-
enrichment (p > 0.02) for pluripotency-related genes (FC[Day5 itance of a fundamental property of the ICM, namely pluripo-
Oct4+/Oct4] > 4, r > 0.6). The loss of this class of miRNAs tency, while other changes in the transcriptome permit exit
may contribute to the phenotype of loss of pluripotent Oct4- from a normal developmental program and confer a key property
positive epiblast cells when Dicer is knocked out in early of self-renewal. Changes in epigenetic regulators apparently
embryos (Bernstein et al., 2003). The second class of miRNAs allow for the stability of the newly acquired epigenotype, which
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