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Applied Soft Computing Journal 151 (2024) 111152

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Modified Mamdani-fuzzy inference system for predicting the cost overrun

of construction projects
Yaman Saeid Al-Nahhas a, 1, Laith A. Hadidi a, 2, Muhammad Saiful Islam b, *, 3,
Martin Skitmore c, 4, Ziyad Abunada d, 5
Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Project Management Discipline, School of Engineering and Technology, Central Queensland University, 120 Spencer Steet, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Robina, QLD 4226, Australia
College of Project Management, Built Environment, Asset & Maintenance Management, School of Engineering and Technology, Central Queensland University, 120
Spencer Steet, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia


• Robust Mamdani-type fuzzy inference model for predicting cost overrun amount.
• A small group of experts in a project can assess the cost overrun amount.
• The model can rank critical risks and predict cost overrun together.
• Only a factor’s occurrence probability is required as input predicting cost overrun.
• 40 factors are listed to comprehensively understand cost overruns in large projects.


Keywords: Cost overruns are a common worldwide problem in the construction industry; improved proactive risk man­
Cost overrun agement and cost control are much needed. Several models have been proposed, but all have weaknesses,
Prediction particularly in data demands and the severity of critical risks or uncertainties associated with expert judgment. In
Construction project
response, this study develops a new 3-part model based on the Mamdani-type fuzzy inference system (FIS) to
Expert judgment
Fuzzy logic
predict the cost overrun of construction projects. The first part assesses the weight of each expert, evaluating the
Risk severity severity of cost overrun factors. The second part contains a list of 40 in-built cost overrun factors and their degree
of severity, while the third part establishes the relationships of every factor’s occurrence probability and severity
to predict the cost overrun of a specific project. The severity of each factor is assessed based on a survey of 31
randomly selected experts in the Saudi Arabian construction industry. The model is demonstrated on two
completed projects in Saudi Arabia. For each project, this involves a group of project-based experts rating the
probability of occurrence of each factor on that project and applying this to the factor severity list to obtain a
predicted cost overrun (PCO) for the whole project. The model is validated for robustness by sensitivity analysis
comparing the predicted and actual whole project cost overrun and shown to be of practical value in assessing
critical risks and predicting the likely amount of cost overrun. The model is equally applicable in the early project

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y.S. Al-Nahhas), (L.A. Hadidi), (M.S. Islam),
au (M. Skitmore), (Z. Abunada).
ORCID: 0000–0001-5987–267X
ORCID: 0000–0003-4353–9156
ORCID: 0000–0002-6414–1211
ORCID: 0000–0001-7135–1201
ORCID: 0000-0002-4143-1603
Received 25 May 2023; Received in revised form 9 November 2023; Accepted 10 December 2023
Available online 14 December 2023
1568-4946/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

1. Introduction Plebankiewicz’s [29] Mamdani FIS model for predicting cost overruns
using complex fuzzy max-min relationships. This finds the cost overrun
The cost overrun of large-scale infrastructure projects that cost more probabilities of the most sensible activities regarding project cost
than USD 35 million to complete [1] is a worldwide issue [2,3]. Infra­ changes. However, it is limited by requiring very detailed activity-level
structure projects, regardless of geopolitical location and functions, cost and risk data, not distinguishing between the different knowledge
experienced an average of 60% or more final cost than their initially and experience of the experts involved, and not including critical cost
approved budgets [4–6]. Herrera et al. [7], for instance, find that con­ overrun factors as input variables nor their importance based on their
struction projects in such developed countries as the United States, severity. Moreover, the model needs rebuilding from the beginning each
Australia, Holland, and South Korea experience a 16–95% cost overrun, time as it is very much dependent on the unique characteristics of each
with some European infrastructure projects experiencing a 200% cost project.
overrun [8], while those in developing countries such as Saudi Arabia In response, the present study develops a new fuzzy-Mamdani
[9], Qatar [10], and Jordan [11] are from 70–200%. Frequent cost inference model by first analyzing 13 directly relevant academic arti­
overruns diminish the project’s viability by increasing production or cles to identify an in-built list of the 40 most critical factors influencing
service costs, forcing taxpayers to bear higher expenses for infrastruc­ cost overruns. Then, a questionnaire survey of 31 Saudi Arabian experts
ture services. It is essential to conduct a thorough risk analysis and is used to rate the severity of each factor based on the respondents’
assessment, develop risk management plans, and allocate contingency severity scores weighted by each’s knowledge and experience with large
funds to manage cost overruns effectively. projects, experience in risk management, and academic qualifications.
From the contractor’s perspective, avoiding cost overruns leverages In applying the list to a specific project, expert judgment is used to es­
a contractor’s competency and meets client/owner expectations, timate the probability of the occurrence of each listed factor, which is
creating a win-win scenario. On the other hand, experiencing a cost then combined with its associated severity value to predict the likely
overrun could jeopardize the company’s future [12]. Reducing cost overrun amount for the whole project. This is demonstrated and vali­
overruns reduces the number of changes in a project, claims, disputes, dated in the Saudi Arabian construction industry, which represents the
and abandoned projects, ultimately improving project quality and the broader Middle Eastern construction industries, where cost overruns are
country’s economy. Cost overrun reduction is a critical and challenging the norm [9,30,31].
issue that needs an advanced level of integrated risk and cost analysis The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 re­
during the preliminary phases of a project, when little information is views the literature relating to the critical causes of cost overruns and
available, to address the potential issues that may be encountered in the potential predictive models. Section 3 describes the approach used to
execution phases [5]. Thus, predicting cost overruns through the anal­ develop the in-built 40-factor severity list and data collection process for
ysis of critical risks and their associated cost impacts in similar prior part 1 of the model. Section 4 describes part 2 for predicting the overrun
projects is crucial during project cost estimation for having a realistic of a specific project. Section 5 demonstrates the model’s application to
contingency fund included in the bidding cost to handle unexpected predict cost overruns of two real construction projects and a sensitivity
costs during the execution phases [13–15]. analysis to test its robustness. Section 6 provides a discussion of the work
Many studies propose models for cost overrun risk assessment; and its major contributions. Finally, Section 7 delineates the conclusion
however, only a few are concerned with predicting cost overrun. Among and identifies the prospects for further studies.
others, Williams and Gong [16] proposed a data mining technique for
predicting cost overruns of large construction projects ̶ a technique that 2. Literature review
depends on quantitative data sets and has a low predictive accuracy.
Islam et al. [17] proposed an integrated genetic algorithm and Monte This section comprises two parts: identifying potential factors
Carlo simulation approach to predict cost overruns using expert judg­ contributing to the cost overruns of large-scale construction projects and
ment. They used a statistical averaging method to measure the severity an overview of cost overrun prediction models aimed at identifying
levels of cost overrun risks, which cannot address uncertainty in sub­ research gaps for further model development. To achieve this, several
jective data. Leu et al. [18] applied a dynamic Bayesian network and keywords, such as ‘risk assessment’, ‘risk and uncertainty modeling,
Markov method to predict the cost overrun of an ongoing project based ‘cost overrun prediction’, ‘large projects’, ‘fuzzy logic’, ‘fuzzy inference
on real-time cost trends and the interdependency of influencing factors. system’, and ‘expert judgment’, were utilized in searches conducted on
They did not assess critical risk factors and their influences in predicting Google Scholar, Web of Science, the ASCE Library, and the online li­
cost overrun at the early stage of a project for contingency cost planning. braries of the authors’ universities to retrieve the most relevant studies.
The main issue is that the risk assessment for cost overrun prediction The databases were filtered to include publications from 2001 to 2022,
at an early stage of projects mostly depends on a domain expert’s focusing exclusively on peer-reviewed journal articles, indexed confer­
judgment, which is qualitative, subjective, uncertain, and vague [6,19, ences limited to IEEE, Scopus, and ASCE, as well as published books.
20]. Fuzzy theory converts this imprecise, uncertain, and incomplete This approach was taken to ensure the quality of the retrieved
linguistic data into clear and precise predictions [21,22]. Several Fuzzy publications.
Inference Systems (FISs), including the Mamdani, Takagi–Sugeno–Kang
(TSK), Tsukamoto, and Singleton models, are utilized in diverse scien­ 2.1. Potential cost overrun factors
tific and technological domains to address expert judgment-based
problems. Each model differs in terms of how rules are aggregated and In the construction industry, all project parties need to minimize cost
defuzzified. For instance, the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang model requires the overruns. They can cause projects to default, negatively affecting con­
consequence of rules to be expressed as linear mathematical relation­ tractors by keeping them trapped with one project for a long time and
ships, while in the Mamdani model, they are represented in such lin­ losing their reputation. Client/owners may need help using the facility,
guistic terms as "high" or "medium.". and design and consultation fees could increase. Also, it can result in
Moreover, the Mamdani fuzzy system performs better with more claims and disputes between the contracted parties.
factors and when their relationships to predict outcomes are complex Different studies from different countries worldwide have been car­
and unclear [23,24]. Due to its capability to handle linguistic assessment ried out to find and analyze the reasons behind the occurrence of cost
terms and many factors (and their unclear relationships), the Mamdani overruns to improve their understanding and control. As Table 1 shows,
FIS model is typically favored over other models. It is the most the main influencing factors have been identified in many countries,
commonly used in various science and technological domains for risk including Saudi Arabia [32], Bahrain [33], Jordan [34], Palestine [35],
and uncertainty modeling [23–28]. The closest to what is needed is UAE [36], Vietnam [37], Egypt [38], and Malaysia [39]. Studies in

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al.
Table 1
Cost overrun factors obtained from the literature.
Factor (code) References Frequency

Abusafiya Alhomidan [34] Alghonamy Creedy El- Allahaim Forcael Mahamid Johnson Kamaruddeen [31] Vu
and Suliman [32] Al-Hazim [42] et al. Karim and Liu et al.[41] and Dmaidi and Babu et al.[39] Seddeeq et al.
[33] and [43] et al. [9] [35] [36] et al.[31] [37]
Abusalem [40] [38]

Poor communication X X - - X - - - X - - X - 5
between construction
parties (F1)
Disputes between parties X - X X - - - X - - X - 5
Contractor’s poor site X X - X - - X - X X X X X 9
management and
supervision skills (F3)
Inexperienced project X - - X - - - - - X X - X 5
manager for the owner
Poor consultant’s X - - X - - - - X - X X X 6
management skills (F5)
Poor productivity (F6) X - - X X X X X - X - 7
Lack of knowledge and X - - X X X - - - - - 3
experience for laborers
Market conditions X - X X X X X X - X - X 9
(availability and cost of
materials, equipment, and

labor) (F8)
Delays in material delivery X - - - X X X - - X X - - 6
Labor insurance, work - - - X - - - - X - - X - 3
security, or health
problems (F10)
Bid award for the lowest - X - X - - X - - - X X - 5
price (F11)
Frequent changes in design X X X X X X - X X - X - 9
Delays in progress payments X X X X X X X - X - - X X 10
Delays in decision making X X X - - - X - - X X X X 8
Undefined or change in the X X - X X X - - - X X 7
scope of the project (F15)
Unrealistic contract - X - X X X - X - - X X 7

Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

duration and
requirements imposed
Adoption of a fast-track - - - - - X - - - X - X 3
project delivery strategy
Many stakeholders (F18) - - - - - - - - - - - X 1
Poor planning and X X X X X X - - - - X X 9
scheduling (F19)
(continued on next page)
Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al.
Table 1 (continued )
Factor (code) References Frequency

Abusafiya Alhomidan [34] Alghonamy Creedy El- Allahaim Forcael Mahamid Johnson Kamaruddeen [31] Vu
and Suliman [32] Al-Hazim [42] et al. Karim and Liu et al.[41] and Dmaidi and Babu et al.[39] Seddeeq et al.
[33] and [43] et al. [9] [35] [36] et al.[31] [37]
Abusalem [40] [38]

Long period between design - - - X - - - - X - - - - 2

and time of
implementation (F20)
Inadequate experience and - - - - - - - - - X - X - 2
comprehension of the
scope of work and site
condition (F21)
Financial status of X X - X - - X X X X X 8
contractors or sub-
contractors (F22)
Delays in subcontractor’s X - - - - - - - - - - X - 2
work (F23)
Number of projects the X - - X X - - X - - - - 4
contractor is working on
at the same time (F24)
Design errors (F25) X X X X X X - - X - X - 8
Delays in supplying and X - - - - - X - - X X - X 5
approving drawings (F26)
Inadequate or changes in - - - X - - X - - - X X - 4
material specifications

and type (F27)

Poor quality control/ X X - - - - - - - - X - 3
assurance (F28)
Lack of consultant/designer - - - - X X - - X - - X 4
knowledge and experience
Deficiencies in cost X X X - X X - X X - X - 8
predictions (F30)
Obstacles from the X - X - X X - - - - X X 6
government (F31)
Project size and complexity - - - X X X - - - - - - 3
Inconvenient site access - X - X X - - - - - - 3
Limited construction area - X - X - - - - - - 2

Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Project location and terrain X X X - - - - - - 3
condition (F35)
Social and cultural impacts X X - X X - - - - - - 4
Inflation and taxes (F37) X X X X X X - - - - X - 7
Weather condition (F38) X X X X X X - - - - X - 7
High and inconsistent - X - X - X X - - - - - - 4
interest rates charged by
bankers on loans (F39)
Level and number of X - - X - - - - X - - - - 3
competitors (F40)
Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Australia [40] and Chile [41] also identify the critical factors involved in The potential of Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) has been demon­
different large construction projects. Table 1 lists the 40 most common strated by [46], for example, in predicting contingency costs to help
of these and their frequency of mention in the papers. manage the cost overrun risks encountered in different project phases.
Most studies in the Middle East region share common factors in that The input variables were costs shared in the percentage of different work
the construction industries in these countries have similar economic and items of a project. They simulated and aggregated the component costs
development statuses [9]. For instance, the factors “poor planning and of a project to find 25 possible total costs with corresponding confidence
scheduling” and “contractor’s poor site management and supervision levels. However, no critical risks or uncertainties were considered for
skills” are found in nine different studies because clients do not invest risk scenario development and cost overrun modeling. Similarly, [52]
sufficient funds in hiring qualified personnel for managerial positions proposed a powerful copula-based MCS model, accommodating
[31]. Similarly, the factor “market conditions (availability and cost of different types of distribution patterns of cost variables in a single
materials, equipment, and labor)” is also found in nine different studies. framework and predicting the outcome based on the best variable dis­
This could be attributed to such reasons as having an unstable economy, tribution pattern. While this overcomes the limitation of assuming cost
unstable political situations, and border closures (e.g., Johnson and variables to be randomly distributed, similar to other MCS models, it
Babu, 2020). Another common factor, “frequent changes in design,” is cannot appropriately address the uncertainties associated with humans
found in nine studies and identified as one of the most severe in Saudi [53].
Arabia, as most government agencies do not make precise plans for As a form of artificial intelligence, the artificial neural net (ANN)
future projects in terms of capacity, services, and location [9]. A model is a powerful machine learning tool that can accommodate many
maximum of ten studies point to “delays in progress payments,” which independent variables to predict a single outcome where there are
can be explained by owners not usually investing in the resources nonlinear input-output relationships. [47] found the best ANN model for
needed to evaluate the total cost and time-dependent cash flow suffi­ predicting cost overruns to be the principal component analysis-based
ciently well before undertaking a project (e.g., Abusafiya and Suliman, ANN algorithm. They first identified critical cost overrun factors and
2017). In addition, “financial status of contractor or sub-contractors” is measured the severity ranking of those factors using subjective judg­
critical, as discovered by eight studies, because contractors in the Middle ment, after which 15 critical factors were used to predict cost overruns
East do not utilize progress payments effectively to plan for the cash flow considering 56 project scenarios. They demonstrated the model in pre­
situation and manage their financial resources [30]. Also noteworthy is dicting cost overruns of highway projects, finding the basic limitation of
that consultant-related factors of “design error” and “deficiency in cost ANN models is its uncontrolled architectures of the neurons with the
predictions” are also found in eight studies and, therefore, constitute selection of the best number of hidden layers, which significantly in­
critical cost overrun factors. fluences the prediction accuracy.
[54] have demonstrated a data mining model consisting of a
2.2. Overview of cost overrun prediction models bootstrapping-ensemble in ANN for predicting cost overruns at pre­
liminary budgeting for construction projects with project cost data and
Many studies analyze the risks associated with construction cost associated information records from 1600 projects. Another data mining
overruns, and some develop associated prediction models. These can be tool called knowledge discovery in database (KDD) was applied by [48]
categorized into linear regression [44], probability distribution [45], to predict the cost overruns of construction projects. KDD is a powerful
simulation [46], artificial intelligence [47], data mining [48], and fuzzy tool to retrieve novel knowledge by analyzing historical data from
logic-based models [49]. Their applications and limitations are exam­ similar previous projects for cost overrun predictions. They collected
ined below to identify the research gaps and the need for further documents from 90 construction projects, finding baseline costs, actual
development. cost overruns, project specifications (project type, owner type, function,
[44] developed a linear regression model to predict the likelihood of etc.), scope changes, and change orders for cost overrun prediction
cost overruns, where they used data for ten variables collected from 321 under various project scenarios. The model’s accuracy could be better;
educational projects in Ghana. Unlike large projects, educational pro­ hence, its ability to predict the cost overrun of large projects in different
jects are homogeneous in their project-related characteristics and con­ company domains is questionable.
texts except for location, which enabled them to obtain sufficient The basic limitation of all these models is their dependence on nu­
empirical data for model development and validation. [50] developed a merical data collected from many real-life similar projects from a
multiple-regression model to quantify the anticipated project cost risk particular region/location, while construction industries in different
associated with change orders. They collected historical data for 140 parts of the world have poor data records, and access to the projects’ cost
projects of different types and sizes in Jordan. The model’s independent data sets is a challenge. Usually, the cost overrun risks and their corre­
variables comprised such project attributes as project types (buildings, sponding cost impacts are assessed by eliciting expert judgment, which
infrastructure, heavy construction, etc.), size, job type (civil, mechani­ is subjective, uncertain, incomplete, and biased [55]. As a result, many
cal, etc.), duration, and original project price. However, they did not studies have adopted fuzzy logic to improve risk assessment, as this can
conduct a comprehensive risk analysis, and the model demands cope with such limitations. For instance, [56] developed a modified
considerable quantitative cost data from similar projects. Fuzzy Group Decision Making Approach (FGDMA) to identify critical
Love et al. (2013) conducted an empirical study to find the best-fit risks in different phases of construction projects. In a further study, [57]
probabilistic distribution for predicting realistic cost overruns for con­ added the Bayesian belief network (BBN) theory (i.e., canonical model)
struction projects at the time of contract award. They collected numer­ with the FDGMA to address the causal relationships among the risks
ical cost overrun data from 276 Australian projects, justified the fit of producing cost overruns in different execution phases of a complex
some selected probability distributions using several non-parametric project. Later, a risk-induced contingency cost estimation model was
tests, and identified a three-parameter Fréchet probability function as proposed, combining fuzzy set theory and BBN theory [5]. As mentioned
the best-fit distribution. In another study, [48] found a log-logistic earlier, Plebankiewicz (2018) proposed a fuzzy-Mamdani inference
probability function to be the best-fit distribution for predicting the model for predicting cost overrun using complex fuzzy max-min re­
cost overruns of highway projects. Their study was also based on lationships but limited by the cost overrun risks not being directly given
intensive numerical data sets, where the cost overrun records of 49 as input variables, their severity importance disregarded, and not being
projects were examined. [51] demonstrated a probability model for generally applicable as contractors or consultants have to find a good
predicting the cost overrun of a construction project against its contin­ record of each work item’s cost as a percentage of a project’s total
gency values. He also collected numerical cost overrun data by budget.
reviewing 34 project documents from the U.S. Army Corps. To summarize, while each model has its advantages and

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

disadvantages, and there is no catch-all model to deal with all risks, the corresponding references. These are used to develop a questionnaire to
fuzzy logic model is found to be more suitable since it uses the human collect the required data for demonstrating the proposed model.
experience and assumptions to handle the complex problems associated
with construction projects [56]. In addition, previous studies mostly
3.2. Questionnaire survey
assess the potential and critical risks causing cost overruns. While some
developed and demonstrated cost overrun prediction models, they
A structured questionnaire was designed based on the Table 1 factors
mainly depend on quantitative data collected from extensive project
to measure the severity of each factor (Appendix 1) by an online survey
records. Thus, there is a need for a model that can use expert judgment for
of experts. This comprises two sections. Section 1 solicits the re­
risk assessment to predict cost overruns and can address uncertainty, bias,
spondents’ demographic information, such as their years of experience
and vagueness in expert judgment-based data sets. Therefore, the present
with large and other construction projects, experience in risk manage­
study aims to fulfill this need by developing a new Mamdani-type fuzzy
ment, and highest academic degree. Section 2 contains a 6-point scale
inference model in recognition of its potential to predict cost overruns.
for evaluating the severity of each cost overrun factor ranging from
0 (none) to 5 (very high) impact on project cost overruns.
3. Development of the model part 1: the factor severity list For the questionnaire survey, the exact population size of experts in
Saudi Arabian large-scale projects was unknown as no source confirmed
The study aims to develop and test a model on the Mamdani FIS their exact number. Consequently, three primary sources were utilized -
technique [29] to assist decision makers in obtaining the probability of the King Fahd University alumni list, the Saudi Contractor Authority
cost overruns for large-scale construction projects. This involves a new [58], and the Saudi Council of Engineers [59] to identify domain experts
2-part model, in which the first part contains an in-built list of 40 factors for the survey. A total of 52 experts from the Saudi Arabian construction
influencing cost overruns common for all projects and their degree of industry, including project directors, project managers, cost accoun­
severity, while the second part contains each factor’s probability of tants, project engineers, and designer/consultants, were randomly
occurrence for a specific project. The 40-factor severity list is built in two selected from the domain of large construction projects using those three
steps. The first comprises identifying the factors from 13 highly relevant sources and invited to participate in a structured questionnaire survey.
articles in the literature. The second then establishes the severity of each Initially, the experts were contacted via email and sent a consent letter.
factor based on a survey of 31 randomly selected experts in the Saudi Follow-up communication was carried out m over the telephone. Once
Arabian construction industry weighted using the Mamdani-fuzzy model their consent to participate in the questionnaire survey was obtained,
by each’s degree of knowledge/experience. they were emailed the questionnaire. Of the 52 experts invited, 31 valid
responses were received. It is worth noting that Fuzzy Inference Systems
3.1. Identifying cost overrun factors (FIS) offers the advantage of making inferences with a small sample size,
even fewer than 30. Many similar fuzzy models have been demonstrated
The 13 most relevant studies were used to find the potential and to provide highly accurate outcome predictions when the sample size is
critical factors concerning cost overruns. Table 1 lists the 40 found with close to 30 [24,60–62].

Fig. 1. Summary of respondent profiles.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 1 shows the respondents’ profiles, with their professional posi­ experts’ judgments are not consistent when evaluating a specific risk,
tions ranging from general manager, project manager, project engineer, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) suggests that they are consistent in
site engineer/supervisor, designer, and other engineering professions. their assessment of a specific risk. The significance level (α-value) is
Most hold a BSc Engineering degree with different years of experience in conventionally set at 0.05 for hypothesis testing. Therefore, if the
the Saudi construction industry. Having various respondents’ knowl­ α-value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected, indicating that
edge and experience reduces subjective bias by evaluating the risks the experts’ risk assessments are consistent. In this study, a chi-square
associated with complex projects [56]. test was conducted to assess the experts’ consistency in evaluating the
severity of cost overrun risks. Appendix A shows the test results, indi­
cating that the null hypothesis was rejected for 37 factors, with only
3.3. Data consistency analysis three exceptions.
Further investigation revealed that, for factor F10, the average
The consistency analysis reveals significant differences in risk eval­ evaluation score was 2.03, with two experts rating the factor as ’very
uation among domain experts’ responses. These variations in expert high’ (5). When these two responses were removed, the p-value becomes
judgments can be attributed to such factors as knowledge gaps, differing 0.0034, less than α (0.05), leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
judgment capabilities, biases, unclear comprehension of project uncer­ Thus, these two responses were considered outliers. Similarly, for F33,
tainty, and varying project contexts. In this case, the one-sample chi- the average score was 2.75, with one respondent providing a score of
square test was conducted, which is the most suitable test for the study zero for the factor, which, upon removal, provided a p-value of 0.0181,
as it deals with categorical or ordinal data. This data includes infor­ also less than α (0.05) − leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
mation collected from experts using linguistic variables to assess the Likewise, one respondent provided a score of zero for F36, and the p-
risks associated with cost overruns (Islam et al., 2019; Ke et al., 2010). value became 0.015 after removal. The revised data were used as inputs
In the Chi-Square test, the null hypothesis (H0) posits that the

Fig. 2. Mamdani 3-step conceptual FIS model.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

in the model to obtain more accurate results for assessing the severity of Expert weighting:
cost overrun factors.
IfE1 isa1 , E2 isa2 , …, andEn isak thenEWisbi (i = 1, 2, …k = 5) (1)
The following sections illustrate and validate the model.
where the expert’s attribute is denoted by E, type of attribute by n (=
4) is the, a1, 2, …, k denotes the degree of each attribute from 1 (very low)
3.4. 3-step fuzzy model using FIS to 5 (very high), and EW is the fuzzy output weight (bi) of the expert on
the same scale. The fuzzy EW is then defuzzified to give a value from
A Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is developed for deter­ zero to unity. Each expert’s defuzzified EW is further linguistically
mining the factor-severity list using MATLAB in-built codes. This in­ interpreted on the same 5-point scale (e.g., Islam et al., 2018).
volves fuzzy logic, which assesses someone’s "degree of belief (very high Severity weight:
to very low)” instead of “true (1) or false (0)” measured by computers If x1 is c0, x2 is c1, …, and xn is ck (k = 0, 1,., k), the corresponding
[63]. Fuzzy logic is used in many fields, including project management expert’s weighting is
for time and cost optimization, speech recognition, disease detection
(machine learning) processing, and interpreting domain experts’ vague EW1,2, …,k thenSWisdi (i = 0, 2, …, 5) (2)
linguistic judgments for informed decision making in an uncertain work
where the expert is denoted by x (n = 31) and c0, 1,…k denotes expert
environment [64]. Following [65], this is given by
x’s cost overrun factor’s severity level assessed on a 6-point scale
A = {(X, μA (X) ) |X ∈ A, μA (X), ϵ[0, 1] } (1) (Table 2) from 0 (none) to 5 (very high), EW denotes the weight of the
expert on the same 5-point scale as before, and SW is the severity weight
where the fuzzy set is denoted by A, discourseuniverse by X, and as the factor’s severity weight (di) output on a 6-point fuzzy scale as
membership function μA (X), for 0 ≤ X ≤ 1. above. Upon defuzzification, the severity levels of the factors are defined
There are four basic steps in a Mamdani FIS includes defining the such as 0 to < 0.025 (not significant enough to produce cost overruns),
inputs and outputs of the model, selecting the appropriate membership 0.025 to < 0.10 (very little effect on cost overruns), 0.10 to < 0.30 (little
function for the fuzzification of inputs, if-then rules, the FIS, and significance to cost overruns), 0.30 to < 0.50 (moderate significance to
defuzzification (factor ranking by converting fuzzy numbers to a crisp cost overruns), 0.5 to < 0.70 (highly significant to cost overruns), and
value) [28,66]. 0.7 to 1.0 (most significant to cost overruns) (e.g., Islam et al., 2018;
Fig. 2 illustrates the conceptual Mamdani 3-step FIS model adopted [24]).
from [24] to predict cost overruns. Inference system:
The model’s cost overrun prediction (i.e., the final output) is
3.4.1. Defining input and output variables significantly affected by the aggregation techniques chosen for different
First, all the model’s inputs and outputs are specified in the Mamdani fuzzy outputs. There are different aggregation techniques, with the most
FIS in MATLAB. The experts’ experience with large and other projects, widely used being the max-min formulation [24,69]. The mathematical
risk management, and academic qualifications are considered inputs in expression of the rule-based max-min Mamdani FIS fuzzy output (μA )
the first model, which has outputs of the experts’ weightings from 0 to 1. membership function is [24]:
The experts’ weightings and assessments of each factor’s severity are the [ [ ]]
μAk (Z) = max min μ1k (x1 ), μ2k (x2 ), ……μnk (xn ) , K = 1, 2, 3, r (3)
inputs of the second model, where outputs are aggregated severity of
each factor and factor ranking. The aggregated severity level of each where the input x1 ’s output membership function under rule k, and
factor and its probability of occurrence evaluated by the experts are the μAk (Z) is denoted by μ1k , meaning rule k’s output membership function,
inputs of the third model for predicting the probability of cost overrun. where inputs are x1 toxn . K represents all If-Then rules.

3.4.2. Defining the membership function 3.4.4. Defuzzification

The second step in the Mamdani FIS is selecting an appropriate fuzzy The defuzzification is the final step in the model development pro­
membership function (FMF) among different types, such as triangular, cess. In this step, fuzzy outcomes are transferred into a single value. The
rectangular, trapezoidal, and bell-shaped. The selected FMF converts the centroid of area (COA) method is used for defuzzification, where the
linguistic evaluation (none to very high) of an input variable to some weighted average of a fuzzy set is computed, and the final cost overrun is
mathematical values. It is important to select an appropriate fuzzy estimated. The COA is the most commonly used defuzzification method,
membership function, as varying outcomes can be desired depending on which produces the least error compared to other defuzzification
the project’s nature. The triangular and trapezoidal FMFs are most methods [63,70]. The mathematical expression of the COA defuzzifi­
common in terms of accuracy in outcomes. However, they sometimes do cation method is shown in Eq. 6:
not provide reasonable outcomes in the presence of extreme boundaries ∫
in data sets. A g-bell-shaped membership function (gbmf) is suitable as ZCOA = ∫ A
μ (Z)⋅ZdZ
uncertainty in expert judgments can be better accommodated [67][24]. μA (Z)dZ
Hence, the gbmf is used here since it has the advantage of being smooth
and nonzero at all points to address possibly a higher level of uncertainty where ZCOA is the final output (i.e., the predicted cost overrun) and μA (Z)
in data sets based on expert judgments [68]. is the sum of all the K rules’ membership functions computed by the

3.4.3. If-Then rules and the inference system

Table 2
In the Mamdani FIS model, the relationships among input variables Linguistic variables, defuzzification range, and descriptions.
are in If-Then statements and control the outcome accuracy. For
Level of risk Defuzzification Description
example, if an expert’s experience is high with large, other construction
projects and risk management, and they hold an M.Sc., then their weight is
Very high (5) 0.7 to 1.0 Most significant to cost overruns
“high”. An example for obtaining the severity of a factor severity is “If
High (4) 0.5 to < 0.70 Highly significant to cost overruns
the expert evaluates factor 1’s severity as high, and that respondent’s weight Medium (3) 0.30 to < 0.50 Moderate significance to cost overruns
is high, then it has a high severity weight.” Finally, the defuzzified scores of Low (2) 0.10 to < 0.30 Little significance to cost overruns
all factors are computed by their defuzzified severity weights and ranked Very low (1) 0.025 to < 0.10 Very little effect on cost overruns
accordingly. The following sub-sections present the basic fuzzy If-Then None (0) 0 to < 0.025 Not significant enough to produce cost
Mamdani FIS rules used.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

fuzzy aggregation approach using Eq. 3. 5), with the COA model (Eq. 6) used for defuzzification to provide the
expert weightings. The model’s estimated respondent weighting defuz­
zified output ranges from zero to unity. The inference system is illus­
3.5. Building the model trated in Fig. 5, along with the defuzzification process used to obtain the
respondents’ estimated weightings based on their academic and pro­
The model development process, including determining the re­ fessional profiles. All the 31 respondents’ weightings are obtained by
spondents’ knowledge/experience weights, factor severity weighting carrying out this process 31 times.
and ranking, and generating the predicted cost overrun (PCO), is dis­ The model’s output value (predicted respondent knowledge/expe­
cussed in the following. rience weight) ranges from zero to unity. The respondents are further
clustered based on their weightings into very low, low, medium, high,
3.5.1. Weighting experts and very high groups for 0–0.2, 0.2–0.4, 0.4–0.6, 0.6–0.8, and 0.8–1.0,
The first part of the questionnaire gathers personal profiles of the respectively, for input into the second step of the model (obtaining the
experts, including their experience in large-scale construction projects severity weighting of each factor). The 31 respondents’ ranks and
(i.e., a total cost of more than $50 million), experience in other con­ weights are shown in Table 3. A total of 3, 15, 12, and 2 respondents
struction projects, experience in risk management, and their highest have high (over 60%), medium, low, and very low weights, respectively,
academic degree. Each answer is assigned a 5-point score as before, with showing that. These values show the respondents to be high to moderate
experience levels of 0–5 years, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20, and over 20 years, experienced and academically diversified. It can be noticed from Table 3
with a significance rating of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The academic that the respondent ranked 31 has a poor profile score of 0.0939, which
qualification of an expert is accorded a knowledge/experience weight of means that in the next step, their opinion in ranking the cost overrun
1 when below higher secondary and 5 for a Ph.D. degree. Each expert’s factors will be less influential than respondent number 1’s score of
personal information is used as inputs. The gbmf defines the fuzzy 0.637.
membership functions. Fig. 3 shows each expert’s received inputs rep­
resented by the gbmf. Twenty rules are formed from four person-related 3.5.2. Severity weight and ranking cost overrun factors
factors, each with five possible answers [24]. All personal questions are The second step is ranking the most common cost overrun factors by
assumed to be equally important, and hence, all rules are assigned a severity weight. The severity level of each Table 1 cost overrun factor is
weighting of unity. A sample of the rules and assigned weightings are assessed by the Saudi construction industry experts. All experts rated
shown in Table 2. Following the Eq. 1 (sub-subsection 3.3.3) concept, each factor’s severity based on six potential answers on the 6-point
the If-Then rules are formed accordingly. These establish the expert none-very high scale. The answers are used as inputs, with a similar
weighting output (importance) and inputs (expert characteristics) re­ gbmf shown in Fig. 2 defining the membership functions to rank the cost
lationships. Fig. 4 provides an example of applying the fuzzy If-Then overrun factors. Hence, like Table 2, 186 (=31 ×6) If-Then rules with
rules to provide expert weightings as fuzzy scale outputs. The output their corresponding weights are used to describe the input variables’
fuzzy membership function is then found by applying Mamdani FIS (Eq.

Fig. 3. “Expert Weight” membership function.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 4. Example application of If-Then rules to obtain the fuzzy linguistic scale “Respondent weighting”.

relationships, i.e., six possible answers of each of the 31 respondents and 4. Development of the model part 2: generating the PCO
the output. Then, the fuzzy output was defuzzified by the COA model to
predict the severity of the required cost overrun factor, similar to the The occurrence probability of each cost overrun factor listed in
process shown earlier in Fig. 4. Based on the defuzzified severity weight, Table 4, assessed by decision makers for a specific project, is given as the
all the ranked factors are obtained. The final outcome generates the input in part 2 of the model to predict the cost overrun of the whole
ranking of the 40 cost overrun factors with their severity weights in project as a percentage of the initial budget. As with the severity level,
Table 4. The resulting “factor ranking” is used for weighting rules in the the occurrence probability is assessed using a 6-point scale ranging from
next step. The process of identifying the severity of the first cost overrun 0 to 5, indicating none to very high respectively. Similarly, following the
factor, “Poor communication between construction parties”, is summa­ preceding steps presented in Figs. 2–4, the gbmf defines the input and
rized in Fig. 6. It starts with inputting the first factor’s severity rates output membership functions. All potential correlations between the 40
collected from the 31 experts in the developed model. Then, the rules are input variables (occurrence probability of each factor) and the output
formed to describe how the experts’ (respondents) weights and the variable (i.e., the PCO) are represented by 40 × 6 = 240 rules since each
evaluation of the factor’s severity affect the output, “severity weight.” of the 40 factors has six possible outcomes (i.e., occurrence probability).
Then, the defuzzification process converts all the cumulated 31 fuzzy The “Factor’s severity weight” obtained in part 1 of the model is used to
inputs into a single value output representing the first factor’s overall weigh the 240 rules. Finally, the defuzzification process using the
severity weight. Fig. 7. “centroid of area” model is applied to predict the project’s likely cost
The predicted factor severity weight ranges from zero to unity to 1, overrun. Fig. 8 summarizes the procedure involved, starting with
which can be defined for understanding the severity level of each factor. inputting the factors’ occurrence probabilities assessed by the decision-
The factors are classified from the scale in Section 3.3.3, based on their maker/risk management team of a project. Then, the rules are developed
weighting, from 0 to < 0.17, 0.17 to < 0.30, 0.30 to < 0.50, 0.50 to to establish the relationship between the severity weight of each factor
< 0.70, and 0.7 to 1.0 as "very low", "low", "medium", "high", and "very and its occurrence probability to predict cost overrun. Finally, the
high" severity factors. Table 4 shows the severity ranking and level of the defuzzification process transforms the fuzzy outputs into a single value
factors identified, indicating 37 factors to be ‘high severe’ as they have output that represents the PCO of a specific construction project. The
severity weights ranging from 0.50 to 0.70. basic fuzzy If-then rule for the PCO is as follows:

IfF1 isO1 , F2 isO2 , …andFn isOk andtherespectivefactorweightisSW1, …,k successively, thenPCOisCi (i = 0, 2, …k = 6) (5)

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 5. “Respondent weighting” FIS and defuzzification.

where F is the cost overrun factor, n is the number of identified factors in model is fed with the occurrence probabilities of all cost overrun factors.
the model, O is the level of occurrence probability in a 6-point scale In that case, it will predict the project’s cost overrun considering the
ranging from none to very high, SW is the severity weight of a factor fuzzy If-Then rules developed in Part 2 (Section 4). Accordingly, a study
found from the first part of the model, the PCO is C in a fuzzy form of of two actual Saudi Arabian construction projects was carried out to
none to very high cost overruns. demonstrate the model’s capability of predicting cost overruns. The
experts were interviewed to rate the occurrence probability of each cost
5. Model demonstration and testing overrun factor considering a recently completed construction project.
Also, they were requested to apply traditional practices with their
The model is demonstrated by inputting the probability of cost experience to predict the cost overrun in the same project.
overrun risks in two real-life projects. Afterward, to check the internal The first project was a large-scale slaughterhouse (factory building)
consistency of the model’s outcomes, a sensitivity analysis is conducted. in Riyad, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, that has a capacity for hun­
The following sections briefly demonstrate the model predicting cost dreds of thousands of cattle. The project’s initial estimate was 470
overruns of two projects, followed by a sensitivity analysis. million SAR, and the actual cost of the project was 600 million SAR. This
means that the project has experienced a cost overrun of 27.7%. The
5.1. Cost overrun prediction of two projects project manager (contractor’s side), senior cost estimator (contractor),
and the senior design consultant were requested to evaluate the occur­
Once the individual respondent knowledge/experience weight and rence probability of selected 40 factors. That was a group interview, and
the severity weight of each factor are provided in the Mamdani-type FIS they evaluated the occurrence probability of each factor based on their
in MATLAB, then the model creates in-built weights of each factor in the consensus. The interviewed experts thought that the project would have
system. Now, the sole input to the model is the occurrence probability of a 35% to 50% chance of experiencing cost overrun, considering the
each cost overrun for a specific project the experts assess. Suppose the history of the Saudi construction industry. The information provided for

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Table 3 deemed the model’s cost overrun prediction acceptable as the project
Sample “Expert Weight” fuzzy rules. ended up experiencing a cost overrun of more than 21%. The resulting
Rule Inputs Output probability falls below the upper predicted limit. Therefore, the model
can predict the cost overrun of small-scale projects, too.
Antecedent Consequence

1 “Very high ”experience in large (mega) The respondent has a very high
5.2. Sensitivity analysis
and other construction projects and risk weighting
management is, with Ph.D.
2 “High” experience with large The respondent has a high The model was tested in six different scenarios to evaluate its per­
construction projects. weighting formance, sensitivity, and robustness. In the first scenario, where no cost
3 “Medium experience with construction The respondent has a medium overrun factor was expected, i.e., each factor’s severity weight was set at
projects. weighting
zero, the model produced a PCO of 8.1%, which is reasonable as it
4 ”Low” experience with construction The respondent has a low
projects. weighting assumed no difficulties in the project. In the second scenario, where all
5 “Very low” experience with The respondent has a very low factors were considered "very low" risk, the model predicted a cost
construction projects. weighting overrun of 21.1%, which is also logical. When the occurrence proba­
…… ………………………………. …………………………………
bility was set to "low," "medium," "high," and "very high" for different
…… ………………………………. …………………………………
16 Ph.D. degree The respondent has a very high
scenarios, the model generated PCOs of 40.3%, 59.7%, 78.9%, and
weighting 91.9%, respectively. These outcomes indicate that the model’s cost
17 Master’s degree The respondent has a high overrun predictions are consistent and logical with the cost overrun
weighting factors’ probability of occurrence.
18 Bachelor’s degree The respondent has a medium
For further analysis, the model was tested by changing membership
19 Higher secondary school certificate The respondent has a low functions and defuzzification methods. Table 6 presents the model’s
weighting outcome against different compositions (i.e., membership function and
20 Below higher secondary The respondent has a very low defuzzification method) of FIS. It shows a minor variation with the
change of a membership function. However, changing the defuzzifica­
tion method has a significant impact on the model’s PCOs. In particular,
the centroid method and last of maxima (LOM) provide very similar
Table 4 results compared to other methods. The small of maxima (SOM) pro­
Respondent rank and weight. vides a lower prediction outcome than the centroid (center of area), and
Rank Weight Rank Weight the PCO is constant for the mean of maxima (MOM) and Bisector
1 0.637 17 0.431
methods, with no variation in changing membership functions. Overall,
2 0.63 18 0.383 the centroid defuzzification is the best selection with any membership
3 0.617 19 0.363 functions in terms of PCO of the given data set. In fact, the centroid
4 0.515 20 0.363 method is the most frequently used defuzzification method in handling
5 0.5 21 0.363
expert judgment-based cost or risk modeling [71,72,65,73,74]. Centroid
6 0.5 22 0.328
7 0.5 23 0.328 defuzzification has several advantages: (1) the defuzzification process
8 0.5 24 0.328 tends to transition smoothly within the output fuzzy region, (2) the
9 0.5 25 0.328 output calculation is relatively easy, and (3) the method is applicable to
10 0.5 26 0.328
both fuzzy and singleton output set geometries [71,75,76].
11 0.5 27 0.328
12 0.5 28 0.328
13 0.5 29 0.328 6. Discussion and contributions
14 0.437 30 0.264
15 0.437 31 0.0939 This study provides an integrated model to the project’s principal
16 0.431 – –
contract officer (PCO) with an integrated list of severity-weighted fac­
tors influencing cost overruns and a project-specific probability of
the occurrence probability of each factor was input into the model, occurrence for each factor assessed by the project team.
which predicted a likely project cost overrun of 47.7%. Fig. 9 provides a The research adds to the body of knowledge by creating a fuzzy
screenshot of the defuzzification process involved. According to the model that ranks the severity of cost overrun factors and uses expert
experts, the model provides a reliable prediction of the cost overrun as judgment to forecast cost overruns in major construction projects.
its outcome is within the 35%− 50% expected limit set by the experts. Because experts have differing degrees of knowledge and experience in
Also, it is reasonable for a project that has ended up with a cost overrun unpredictable project environments, their opinions are inherently sub­
of 27.7%. Table 5 presents the experts’ answers for the occurrence jective, ambiguous, and uncertain. Expert opinions, therefore, offer a
probability of each cost overrun factor in the studied project. significant challenge in managing subjectivity and uncertainty. To
The second was a smaller-scale project to test the model’s reliability control the subjectivity and uncertainty surrounding expert opinions
with smaller construction projects. The project is called “Site Develop­ when applying fuzzy models, three fundamental strategies were used.
ment in Faculty Housing Area” within a public university campus in These are: (1) adding an expert weight in the risk evaluation; (2) using a
Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. It was a 3500 m2 (total building area) variety of factors when selecting experts (experience, position, and ac­
housing project. The predicted project cost was 14 million SR, while the ademic credentials); and (3) fuzzifying (using the membership function
actual cost at completion was 17 million SR, meaning that the project in place of a crisp value) the risk evaluation.
has a cost overrun of 21.4%. The project manager (contractor side), cost With reference to Fig. 1 in sub-Section 3.2, the experts were chosen
accountant, and risk manager were invited to participate in a group based on a range of factors, such as their professional role in projects,
interview to evaluate the probability of 40 cost overrun factors. Ac­ their academic background, their experience in risk management, and
cording to their experience, the experts assessed a 30%− 45% chance their involvement in large-scale and other projects [5,24,49]. To mini­
that the project would experience cost overrun. Based on their inputs, mize subjective biases in an equivalent cohort of experts, these expert
the model predicts a cost overrun of 44.2%. A screenshot from the selection criteria allow for varying degrees of input.
model’s defuzzification process is presented in Fig. 10. The experts To reduce subjectivity in expert judgment, a second method is to
include the expert’s weight in the fuzzy inference system. This entails

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 6. Summary of the model’s computation of the first respondent’s weight.

not assigning each expert the same weight because the study’s expert into a three-point (triangular MF), four-point (trapezoidal MF), or
selection criteria may impact their assessment. Academic knowledge continuous value from 0 to 5 (g-bell shape MF) [77-80]. Subsequently,
and experience have a significant impact on an employee’s learning the model employs numerous inference rules (186 in this instance) and
curve in engineering judgment [60,61]. Therefore, one limitation of an aggregation procedure to summate all the expert responses. A
some expert judgment-based studies is that they do not treat experts defuzzification technique is then used to generate an output or risk
equally. Following earlier research [47,59,62], the suggested fuzzy severity level [81,80,82].
model circumvents this restriction by including expert weights in the Furthermore, the field’s decision makers are aware that the result is a
factor’s severity ranking and cost overrun prediction. contextual scenario of a project rather than a precise value. A high-risk
When employing fuzzy logic, choosing the membership function is severity level, for example, of 0.549/F31, indicates that the risk’s most
crucial to account for the expert’s ambiguous and subjective assessment. likely outcome is high, with medium being the most favorable scenario
Experts assess the degree of risk severity that could result in project cost and very high being the worst. The project manager or risk management
overruns using their best judgment and frequently disagree on the team can then manage project risk and use their cost contingency budget
appropriate level. To account for the subjectivity and biases in expert to control cost overruns by keeping this result in mind.
judgments, the fuzzy membership function fuzzifies the crisp value (0, 1, Referring to Table 4, the ten most severe factors in large-scale Saudi
2, 3, 4, and 5) or corresponding linguistic (none to very high) evaluation construction projects are ‘frequent changes in design’, ‘delays in

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 7. The model’s process for obtaining the factor 1 severity weight.

Fig. 8. The flow diagram of the final model to predict the cost overrun.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 9. The model’s estimation for predicting the cost overrun of the “slaughterhouse” project.

progress payments’, ‘undefined or change in project scope’, ‘inexperi­ management, allocating contingency costs, and controlling cost over­
enced project manager for owner’, ‘poor quality control’, ‘delays in runs by providing deeper insights into the relevant and potentially sig­
supplying and approving drawings’, ‘contractor’s poor site manage­ nificant factors. Table 7 compares our model and related models from
ment’, ‘delays in decision making’, ‘financial status of contractor’, and the literature.
‘poor communication between the parties’. Given that these factors have In addition, this study provides specific contributions to both the
been mentioned in several earlier Saudi Arabian studies, this result is to current state of knowledge and professionals in the industry, including:
be expected. The most severe factor, "frequent changes in design," for
example, is associated with schedule overruns and raises the project’s • Potential and significant contributing factors to large-scale Saudi
ultimate cost. It typically arises from the owner’s lack of early Arabian construction project cost overruns have been identified. In
involvement or design errors [42]. Similarly, protracted approval and order to prevent cost overruns, this makes it easier for important
payment delays of some government agencies to associated parties ac­ project stakeholders—owners, consultants, and contractors—to un­
count for the second most serious factor, "delays in progress payments" derstand their responsibilities and create risk management plans
[9]. The third and fifth significant factors are "undefined or change in early on.
the project scope" and "poor quality control/assurance," which arise • Expert knowledge/experience weights are used to generate the PCO
from owners’ tendency to underinvest time and funds in choosing the to minimize subjective biases, factor severity weights, and proba­
best consultants in Saudi Arabia [31]. In contrast, inexperienced project bility of occurrence. When determining appropriate contingency
managers are common due to a lack of workshops and proper training amounts and management reserves for a project, the PCO works with
[32], which is a major contributor to inadequate time and cost moni­ cost estimators and management teams.
toring and management [31]. • A novel fuzzy-Mamdani model is created for evaluating the risk of
To evaluate the suggested model’s efficacy and applicability for cost overruns, and creating the PCO using the MATLAB fuzzy toolbox
different uses, it can be contrasted with other fuzzy models in the is a vital resource that Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern nations
literature. Few offer cost overrun prediction models; most end with with comparable characteristics can utilize immediately. Further­
identifying important cost overrun factors. Of those, although the model more, the developed fuzzy approach can be tailored to other global
developed by Islam et al. (2022) that combines a genetic algorithm with construction industries by modifying the MATLAB coding to incor­
Monte Carlo simulation is highly focused on predicting power plant porate additional risk factors and different assessments from various
project cost overruns, it neglects to address the subjectivity and uncer­ expert groups.
tainty that come with expert judgment. Similarly, the accuracy of [16]
data mining algorithm predicting cost overrun from quantitative cost The model can also provide a realistic solution to the field pro­
data sets is poor, and it does not assess risks. fessionals in the following ways:
In contrast, Plebankiewicz’s (2018) model only involves three fac­
tors and 27 inference rules to predict cost overruns using a fuzzy- • They can directly anticipate cost overruns and set aside enough
Mamdani inference system without the need for quantitative data sets money as a contingency for future projects.
from previous projects. As an illustration, our model generates 240 rules • Since the frequency of any risk usually becomes more apparent as the
for cost overrun prediction, 186 inference rules for severity weighting, project moves forward, the model can serve as a dynamic tool for
and 20 for expert weighting. As a result, our model helps project man­ modifying the cost contingency. This can provide an early warning of
agement teams make informed decisions about early risk planning and the project’s cost performance.

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Table 5 actions to control cost overruns during the execution phases of a project.
Rank and severity weight of cost overrun factors. However, for large projects, this usually depends on expert judgment-
Rank Factor (code) Severity Severity based linguistic data sets, which are uncertain, subjective, and vague
weight level in nature. Accordingly, fuzzy logic-based models are the most suitable
1 Frequent changes in design (F12) 0.652 High for addressing such issues in expert judgments. Of the many alternatives
2 Delays in progress payments (F13) 0.647 High available, the Mamdani-FIS is used to develop an integrated risk
3 Undefined or change in the scope of the 0.64 High assessment and cost overrun prediction model. It is the most frequently
project (F15) used method due to its simplicity and capability to aggregate linguistic
4 Inexperienced project manager for owner 0.635 High
assessments of many factors with unclear interrelationships to produce
5 Poor quality control/assurance (F28) 0.625 High realistic outcomes. Considering the number of factors and nature of
6 Delays in supplying and approving drawings 0.624 High linguistic data sets for PCO, the Mamdani-FIS theory was employed to
(F26) construct the model as it can produce the most precise and accurate
7 Contractor’s poor site management and 0.585 High
supervision skills (F3)
8 Delays in decision making (F14) 0.584 High This study develops and demonstrates a three-step fuzzy-Mamdani
9 The financial status of contractors or sub- 0.584 High model. Step 1 involves assigning weights to each expert, Step 2 com­
contractors (F22) putes and ranks the severity weight for each factor, and Step 3 predicts
10 Poor communication between construction 0.583 High the cost overrun using inputs from Steps 1 and 2, as well as the proba­
parties (F1)
11 Deficiencies in cost predictions (F30) 0.577 High
bility of each factor’s occurrence for a specific project. The model
12 Lack of knowledge and experience for 0.576 High comprises 20 rules for expert weighting, 186 rules for severity ranking,
laborers (F7) and 240 rules for predicting the cost overrun of any given project,
13 Poor planning and scheduling (F19) 0.576 High ensuring its comprehensiveness compared to previous cost overrun
14 Lack of knowledge and experience for 0.575 High
prediction models.
consultants/designers (F7)
15 Bid award for the lowest price (F11) 0.57 High In model building and demonstration, this study initially identified
16 Delays in subcontractor’s work (F23) 0.562 High 40 potential and critical cost overrun factors from the literature and
17 Poor productivity (F6) 0.561 High developed a structured questionnaire. Fifty-two experts from the Saudi
18 Inadequate experience and comprehension 0.56 High construction industry were invited to participate in the questionnaire
of the scope of work and site condition (F21)
survey, and 31 returned completed questionnaires. These experts
19 Design errors (F25) 0.559 High
20 Disputes between parties (F2) 0.555 High assessed the severity of each factor on a six-point scale, ranging from
21 Market conditions (availability and cost of 0.552 High ’none’ (0) to ’very high’ (5). The model calculated the expert weights for
materials, equipment, and labor) (F8) Step 1, considering their various characteristics, such as professional
22 Obstacles from government (F31) 0.549 High
position in the project, experience in large and other projects, risk
23 Unrealistic contract duration and 0.544 High
requirements imposed (F16) management experience, and academic level. In Step 2, the severity
24 Long period between design and time of 0.543 High weights of the 40 identified factors were measured and ranked using the
implementation (F20) inputs of each factor’s severity level (ranging from ’none’ to ’very high’)
25 Poor consultant’s management skills (F5) 0.533 High and the calculated expert weights from Step 1. In the third step, three
26 Delays in material delivery (F9) 0.531 High
inputs (i.e., expert weights, severity weights, and occurrence probabil­
27 Project size and complexity (F32) 0.531 High
28 High and inconsistent interest rates charged 0.531 High ities of each factor in each case study project) were used to predict cost
by bankers on loans (F39) overruns.
29 Number of projects the contractor works on 0.53 High The model was demonstrated using two case study projects from the
at the same time (F24)
Saudi Construction Industry (SCI). For each case project, a group
30 Level and number of competitors (F40) 0.53 High
31 Inflation and taxes (F37) 0.524 High
interview involving the project manager (contractor’s side), senior cost
32 Adoption of a fast-track project delivery 0.523 High estimator (contractor), and senior design consultant was conducted to
strategy (F17) rate the probability of occurrence of each cost overrun factor using a
33 Project location and terrain condition (F35) 0.522 High similar six-point scale to that used for severity evaluation.
34 Social and cultural impacts (F36) 0.516 High
A sensitivity analysis was conducted in two steps. Varying frequency
35 Many stakeholders (F18) 0.504 High
36 Inconvenient site access (F33) 0.502 High levels were input to test the consistency in the model’s PCO outcomes,
37 Inadequate or changes in material 0.501 High which yielded highly consistent results. Additionally, different combi­
specifications and type (F27) nations of membership functions and defuzzification methods were
38 Limited construction area (F34) 0.486 Medium
developed to demonstrate the model’s performance in PCO. The results
39 Weather condition (F38) 0.478 Medium
40 Laborers’ insurance, work security, or 0.44 Medium
show that selecting a defuzzification method significantly impacts the
health problems (F10) PCO, while a minor effect was observed when selecting the type of
membership function. Ultimately, the centroid method for defuzzifica­
tion and the generalized bell-shaped membership function proved to be
• If the project scenario changes, risks can be added or removed from an ideal combination for predicting realistic cost overruns in the case
the model; in this case, MATLAB’s model can be modified slightly. study projects. The severity analysis in Step 2 of the model reveals 37
• Assume a group of experts has a unique model. If the experts’ high-level factors contributing to cost overruns in the SCI. The top-
characteristics and risk severity assessment are provided, the pro­ ranked critical factors include frequent changes in design, delays in
posed fuzzy-Mamdani model can be used or adjusted to account for progress payments, undefined or changing project scope, inexperienced
this. The changes will then be incorporated into the final MATLAB (owner’s side) project managers, and poor quality control during the
cost overrun prediction model. The MATLAB codes attached as an project’s execution phase.
additional file greatly aid in the model’s adoption of a particular The model’s performance was demonstrated in two actual con­
project-based model. struction projects with cost overruns of 27.7% and 21.4%, where project
teams’ PCO probabilities were 35% to 50% and 30% to 45%, respec­
7. Conclusion tively. The model’s PCOs for these projects were 47.4% and 42.2%,
respectively, closely aligned with their PCOs. The project teams consider
Predicting cost overruns is an important step in taking proactive it a reliable tool as it allows them to estimate the expected range of

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Fig. 10. The model’s prediction of the cost overrun in the “Site development in faculty housing area” project.

expertise. Additionally, the number of participating experts was limited

Table 6
due to the study being conducted during the COVID-19 restrictions from
The model’s performance for different FIS compositions.
March 2021 to May 2021, which restricted access to domain experts.
Membership function Defuzzification method Furthermore, the model was developed and demonstrated on only two
COA MOM LOM SOM Bisector case projects within the Saudi construction industry. To generalize its
Gbmf 0.477 0.4 0.48 0.32 0.46 applications, it is recommended to validate the model further using
Gaussian 0.478 0.4 0.47 0.33 0.46 more case studies from various construction projects in Saudi Arabia.
Triangle 0.479 0.4 0.46 0.34 0.46 The model’s validation could also include data from diverse infra­
Trapezoidal 0.477 0.4 0.48 0.32 0.46 structure projects within different construction industry cultures
worldwide. Finally, the Mamdani-FIS model is used without comparing
profitability in these projects. With the model’s outcomes, contractors the outcomes with other fuzzy models. Therefore, it would be beneficial
can make more accurate bid estimates and allocate realistic contingency for future research to explore such alternative fuzzy methods as Sugeno
costs within their bid prices before submitting bids. and Tsukamoto to identify the most suitable prediction model for con­
The developed Mamdani-FIS model is superior to other models for struction cost overruns.
several reasons. Firstly, it encompasses a maximum of 240 rules within
the inference system, considers expert weights, utilizes a single input Data sharing
(specifically, the frequency of each factor) for PCO, achieves high pre­
diction accuracy, and accommodates many factors. Additionally, the The data used for this study can be obtained from the corresponding
model serves two distinct purposes: risk assessment and ranking, as well author for further academic purposes.
as cost overrun prediction, which sets it apart from many previous
studies. Within the developed model, only a single input, i.e., the CRediT authorship contribution statement
occurrence probability of cost overrun factors in a particular project, is
necessary to predict its cost overrun. Therefore, it provides an invaluable Yaman Saeid Al-Nahhas: Conception and design of study, Acqui­
tool for contractors involved in large-scale projects during the bid esti­ sition of data, Analysis and/or interpretation of data, Writing – original
mation phase of project procurement. draft, Writing – review & editing. Laith A. Hadidi: Conception and
Furthermore, this model can function as a dynamic risk management design of study, Analysis and/or interpretation of data, Writing – orig­
tool, aiding in the monitoring and managing of cost overrun risks and inal draft, Writing – review & editing. Muhammad Saiful Islam:
contingency costs during the project execution phases. The risk man­ Conception and design of study, Analysis and/or interpretation of data,
agement team has the flexibility to adjust the severity level of each Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Martin Skitmore:
factor as the project progresses in Step 2 (Severity Ranking Model). This Analysis and/or interpretation of data, Writing – review & editing.
allows them to assess the evolving risk scenarios more clearly during the Ziyad Abunada: Writing - a part of introduction and model validation
execution phases and anticipate the impacts on PCO, providing early sections.
warnings for effective project cost management.
The study is limited in relying heavily on expert judgment from
Declaration of Competing Interest
project personnel to evaluate each cost overrun factor’s probability of
occurrence, making the model’s predictions dependent on their
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al.
Table 7
Comparison of the proposed model with other models in the literature.
Comparison areas Our model Plebankiewicz[29] Islam et al.[24] Williams and El-Kholy[47] Leu et al.[18] Adoko et al.[83] Knight et al.[78] Bhargava et al. Idrus et al.
Gong[16] [84] [75]

Method/algorithm Mamdani-type Mamdani-type FIS Genetic Data mining Random forest Dynamic Logistic Fuzzy Set Theory Monte Carlo Mamdani-
FIS Programming and model- Ridor, K- regression, Bayesian regression Simulation type FIS
MCS Star, Radial Basis support vector network (BN)
neural network, regression and Markov
Support Vector method
No. of inference rules 240 rules Only three rules Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant No rule but 16 Not relevant 10 scenarios were Not relevant 25 rules
developed risk-propagation developed
Handling uncertainty Yes Yes No, risks were No subjective risk No, Likert scale- No, quantitative No Partially handle No Yes
in subjective assessed using the assessment data is based data were data was used for uncertainty, no
judgment averaging used. used and not model validation membership
technique fuzzified. function
Prediction accuracy Very good 80% Excellent (90% Poor (43.72% Poor (75%) 86% 60% (reliability) Varies from 85% to 88% (average) 80%
(expert’s actual confidence level in prediction 91%
prediction 35- cost overrun accuracy)
50%, model’s prediction)

Considered risks as 41 risk factors Only three factors Eight factors Many factors were 12 factors Nine factors Only five Eight risk factors Five cost Yes- 14 risk
inputs considered but not complexity variation factors
specified as cost factors factors
overrun risks
General applications Yes, there is an No No No- only for power No, specific to Adding extra Only for complex Yes, project No, only for Yes, option
of the developed option for plant projects building and risks and finding projects characteristics and specific for updating
model updating the engineering a huge risk factors can be projects risk factors
risk services costs probability data updated
probabilities or is a challenge
adding new
Data required for the 31 experts Very detailed Large data sets are Large data sets are 95 similar Four experts 66 projects’ data Seven experts were 15 projects’ Eight experts
model participated in activity-based cost required for required. building projects’ were were given as interviewed, 18 data were used participated
development the survey, but data required training and testing Bootstrapping is data were used to interviewed to inputs, a data- projects data were for model
a small group of the model (67 needed if small train and test the develop a intensive model given as inputs development
experts’ inputs projects’ data were data sets are model, a data- Bayesian
can predict PCO used) available. intensive model network, a huge

Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

amount of
probability data
was required
(continued on next page)
Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al.
Table 7 (continued )
Comparison areas Our model Plebankiewicz[29] Islam et al.[24] Williams and El-Kholy[47] Leu et al.[18] Adoko et al.[83] Knight et al.[78] Bhargava et al. Idrus et al.
Gong[16] [84] [75]

Applications in Throughout the It can be updated in Good for Good for Good for Possible. Need to Good for Only applicable for Planning Good for
project phases project period- execution phases preliminary preliminary preliminary develop phase- preliminary a project proposal phase, good for preliminary
cost estimation based on available budgeting budgeting budgeting based BN budgeting or development stage preliminary budgeting
and budgeting cost data developing cost budgeting
to execution baseline
and monitoring
User preference Easy- only Moderate- activity Moderate- High tech- High tech- Factors’ Only five User rates each A software Both risk
frequency of cost data is input simulation Machine learning Machine learning probabilities and complexity levels characteristic of a package was likelihood
each risk factor knowledge is skills and detailed skills are dependence are the inputs, project and risk developed, and risk
is the input required project reports are required, and relationships are easy to use factor from 0 to 1 easy to use severity are
required models are also inputs with 0.2 interval, inputs
data intensive easy to use
Limitation Two projects The model requires The model cannot Data-driven Large data sets are Six projects were Not very Only design fee cost Only cost data Three
were used for lengthy and complex handle subjective model. Only eight required, and used for model comprehensive to overruns were of a single projects were
the model calculations for judgment. Risks critical factors selected top validation address cost predicted, three project in used for the
validation large-size projects. A were scored and were considered factors can be overrun factors, project different model
limited number ranked using a for cost overrun varied with the data-driven characteristics were phases was validation

(three only) of simple Probability x prediction, cannot project context, model inputs for used for model
inference rules limit Impact method. handle subjective which can validation, could validation
its application in an Only eight risks bias significantly not properly handle
uncertain project were given as change the uncertainty
environment. inputs. model’s

Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Data availability
the work reported in this paper.
Data will be made available on request.

Appendix 1. Structured questionnaire to collect data

General statement: As a construction management professional, you are cordially invited to participate in this questionnaire survey assisting my
research on “identifying potential and critical factors affecting cost overruns in large construction projects” as a part of a postgraduation thesis called
“Predicting Cost Overruns in Large Construction Projects – A Fuzzy-Mamdani Approach”. You are allowed to accept or reject your participation in this
survey. If you are agreed, please answer the following:
Part A: Please provide information (√) about yourself based on the following three criteria:

Experience in large construction projects Experience in other construction projects Experience in risk management Academic
(years) (years) (years) qualification

0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 5 Ph.D.

5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10 M.Sc.

10 to 15 10 to 15 10 to 15 Bachelor

15 to 20 15 to 20 15 to 20 Higher secondary

over 20 over 20 over 20 Below higher secondary

Part B: Please evaluate (√) the severity of the listed factors affecting the cost overruns in large construction projects. Please evaluate each factor
based on the 6-point scale where 0 =none, 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = medium, 4 = high, and 5 = very high.

No. Factor (code) Severity

1 Poor communication between construction parties (F1) 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 Disputes between parties (F2)

3 Contractor’s poor site management and supervision skills (F3)

4 Inexperienced project manager for the owner (F4)

5 Poor consultant’s management skills (F5)

6 Poor productivity (F6)

7 Lack of knowledge and experience of laborers (F7)

8 Market conditions (availability and cost of materials, equipment, and labor) (F8)

9 Delays in material delivery (F9)

10 Labors’ insurance, work security, or health problems (F10)

11 Bid award for the lowest price (F11)

12 Frequent changes in design (F12)

13 Delays in progress payments (F13)

14 Delays in decision making (F14)

15 Undefined or change in the scope of the project (F15)

16 Unrealistic contract duration and requirements imposed (F16)

17 Adoption of a fast-track project delivery strategy (F17)

18 Many stakeholders (F18)

19 Poor planning and scheduling (F19)

20 Long period between design and time of implementation (F20)

21 Inadequate experience and comprehension of the scope of work and site condition (F21)

22 The financial status of contractors or sub-contractors (F22)

23 Delays in subcontractor’s work (F23)

24 Number of projects the contractor works on at the same time (F24)

25 Design errors (F25)

26 Delays in supplying and approving drawings (F26)

27 Inadequate or changes in material specifications and type (F27)

28 Poor quality control/assurance (F28)

(continued on next page)

Y.S. Al-Nahhas et al. Applied Soft Computing 151 (2024) 111152

(continued )
No. Factor (code) Severity

29 Lack of knowledge and experience for consultants/designers (F29)

30 Deficiencies in cost predictions (F30)

31 Obstacles from the government (F31)

32 Project size and complexity (F32)

33 Inconvenient site access (F33)

34 Limited construction area (F34)

35 Project location and terrain condition (F35)

36 Social and cultural impacts (F36)

37 Inflation and taxes (F37)

38 Weather condition (F38)

39 High and inconsistent interest rates charged by bankers on loans (F39)

40 Level and number of competitors (F40)

Appendix A. Chai-square test result for the severity analysis of 40 factors

Factor p-value Comment Factor p-value Comment

F1 0.0013 Rejected F21 0.0017 Rejected

F2 0.0002 Rejected F22 0.0004 Rejected

F3 0.0009 Rejected F23 0 Rejected

F4 0.0011 Rejected F24 0.0074 Rejected

F5 0.0011 Rejected F25 0.0024 Rejected

F6 0.0133 Rejected F26 0 Rejected

F7 0.001 Rejected F27 0.2085 Rejected

F8 0.0001 Rejected F28 0 Rejected

F9 0.002 Rejected F29 0.0001 Rejected

F10 0.1166 Retained F30 0.0001 Rejected

F11 0.0004 Rejected F31 0.045 Rejected

F12 0 Rejected F32 0 Rejected

F13 0 Rejected F33 0.072 Retained

F14 0 Rejected F34 0.0442 Rejected

F15 0 Rejected F35 0.028 Rejected

F16 0 Rejected F36 0.0515 Retained

F17 0.0014 Rejected F37 0.02 Rejected

F18 0.0157 Rejected F38 0.0366 Rejected

F19 0.0003 Rejected F39 0.0292 Rejected

F20 0.0001 Rejected F40 0.01 Rejected

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