Principles of Health Education
Principles of Health Education
Principles of Health Education
Health education brings together the art and science of medicine and the principles and practice
of general education.
• E.g –If a HE programme regrding control of COVID 19 outbreak is orgnised to aware common
people then without their paritcipation it will be totally failed.
• Aim of this programme is to aware people regarding the severity of the outbreak and adoption of
precautionary measures for its control.People can only able to disseminate precautionary
measures if they adopt and follow it properly.
• A HE must be successful if it will be evaluted time to time like- to control COVID 19 outbreak
does not invole only dissemination of precautionary measures but are the common people
actually follow it ? or if they face any problem during adoption of these measures ? these need to
be evaluated by health educator time to time.
• Precationary measures like importance of hand washing ,its duration, how it should be done by
everyone need to be explained by Heath Educator by practical demonstration which produce
greater impact compare to mere verbal instructions
• A Health educator cannot compel or force anyone during awreness programme rather provide
alternative choices e.g- cleaning of hands and use of mask is some precationary measure to
control the COVID 19 outbreak. But in rural and poor communities were there is a scarecity of
mask and sanitizers as well as low purchasing capacity ,health Educator must provide alternative
way like demonstration of home based mask prepartion and use of simple soap instead of costly
E.g- HE regrding control of COVID 19 outbreak must involve information about the
fatality of the virus.Health Educator disseminate simple advice related to its control like
use of hand - sanitizer ,soap and mask for prevention of this disease.
2.INTEREST:it is a psychological principle that people are unlikely to listen to those things
which are not to their interest.If the health education topic is of interest to the people,they will
listen to it.Health educator should identify the “felt needs”of the people and then prepare a
program that they can actively participate in to make it successful.
E.g- HE regrding control of COVID 19 outbreak if involve the scientific complex
mechanism and action of virus in our body then common people may loose interest ,rather
if Health Educator provide general information regardng preparation of home made mask
and sanitizer as he/she felt that there is a scarecity of it in local level then it may be more
3.PARTICIPATION: It is based on psychological principle of active learning,create a sense
of involvement,personal acceptance and decision making:provides maximum feedback.
Health education should aim at encouraging people to work actively with health workers and
others in identifying their own health problems and also in developing solutions and plans to
work them out.Health Educator should encourage people to participate in the programme.Once
the people are given a chance to take part in the programme it leads to their acceptance of the
programe.Methods like group discussion,panel discussion etc provide oppurtunities for people’s
E.g HE regrding prepartion of home made mask and sanitizer to control COVID 19 must
need participation of local people otherwise they cannot be able to make it for himself or
for their family on emergency basis .Method demonstration must invole participation of
people who dicuss,ineract and provide information regarding the availabilty of local raw
materials required for home made sanitizer and mask manufacture .
E.g-(1) A statement saying to make sanitizer use “99%percent alcohol” may not be
comprehensive to the common people. A better way of explaining would be “3/4th cup”
along with showing the size of the cup size.
(2) A statement saying to prevent COVID 19 “eat food items that are immunity booster”
and adopt “social distancing” may not be comprehensive to the common people.A better
way of explaining would be “take food stuffs that are come in various natural colours like
colorful fruits and vegetables,raw tea, low cost protein rich food like use of two pulses like
green gram and lentil in making khichri”, “keping safe distance of 1to 2meter in crowded
social environment like market”
E.g-(1) The method of home base sanitizer and mask prepartion need to be repeated
several times at regular intervals otherwise it is not possible for the people to learn this new
(2) Does and Don’ts regrding control of COVID 19 outbreak need to be repeated several
times at regular intervals and it helps people to understand new ideas or practice better
E.g-The difficulties faced by the people during home base sanitizer and mask prepartion
like scarecity of raw materials is needed to be reported to the Health educator to make the
programme successful.
E.g-Only verbal instruction of home made sanitizer preparation method may not provide
greater impact on common people as they forget it easily.If Health Educator demonstrate it
,50% of the audience can able to catch up the process ,wheras if they prepare it infront of
educator it is better instilled in their minds.
E.g-(1) A Health Education Programme with the aim of introducing a Mask and sanitizer
to a rural population will be better appreciated if the communicator start the programme
with “what are you using to clean your hands frequently or cover up your mouth in social
gathering at present” and then going in to details like “why are you using it now” and then
connecting it to the utility of Mask and sanitizer and then providing the details about their
mechanism of action and home based prepartion method.
10.GOOD HUMAN RELATIONS: This principle states that the health educator should have
good personal qualities and should be able to maintain friendly relations with the people.The
Health Educator should have a kind and sympathetic attitude towards the people and should
always be helpful to them in clarifying doubts or repeating what is not understood.