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A Review on Design and Fabrication of Robotic Arm

Er. Gagandeep Singh Mavi, Yashpal Singh Chouhan, Tushar Thakur, Anmol
Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab.

This review sheds light on various aspects of robotic arms after reviewing several successful
research articles on search engine. Today, robot arm are used throughout industries to lessen
human blunders and boom the efficiency, productivity, and accuracy of ongoing operations.
One of the maximum vital blessings of introducing robot arm in industries is that it may
function beneathneath crucial situations consisting of excessive temperature, excessive
pressure, in which human beings are liable to working. Since a manipulator belongs to a bendy
automation mode, it may be without problems up to date and modified. We consulted some
experimentally tested studies papers to study the exclusive styles of controllers used and the
exclusive methodologies utilized by exclusive authors to determine the order of magnitude.
The freedom of the controller is used to choose an item and area it in a particular position. So,
the expertise received after referencing these types of articles will assist in designing the robotic
Keywords- Robotic Arm, Pick and Place Arm, Automation.

1. INTRODUCTION: complicated and certain tasks, small

sufficient to be held with one hand; or so
1.1 What is Robotic Arm? big that their span is big sufficient to
assemble a whole building. Original robotic
A robotic arm, is also called as an industrial
guns are designed to assist in mass
robot, is often described as a "mechanical"
manufacturing factories, maximum
arm. It is a device that functions like a
households in cars. They have additionally
human arm, with several joints that move
been applied to limit the hazard of damage
along an axis or can rotate in certain
for employees and carry out monotonous
directions. In fact, a few robot hands are
tasks, to launch people specializing in extra
anthropomorphized and try and mimic the
complicated manufacturing. These first
precise actions of a human arm. In
robotic hands are specifically used to adopt
maximum cases, they're programmable and
easy and repeated welding missions. When
used to carry out unique tasks, maximum
the era grows, mainly era imaginative and
normally for manufacturing,
prescient and robotic sensors, the function
manufacturing, and business applications.
of robotic guns changes. This article offers
They may be small gadgets that carry out
a short evaluate of robotic guns in
manufacturing. All designs of robotic hands it makes the robotic arm extra reliable. At
were created the usage of company first, all of the layout and layout levels from
paintings software. All designs include robotic to operator are carried out. Then all
exceptional elements together with base, of the segments are assembled, presenting
body, hands, forearms, and quit hose heads. proportional movement among the
To offer movement ratio amongst those segments the usage of a rotary hyperlink
elements, servo motor is used. Each a part through a servo motor. Finally, drawings
of the layout isn't always the same. To offer are generated to create sketches of the
a proportional movement amongst those portions in more than one configuration.
elements, Servomotor is used. Each a part
1.2 Types of robotic Arm:
of the layout has a exceptional size. For this
• Cartesian robot / Gantry robot:
layout, DC servo motor can be the ideal
Mainly Used for Pick and putting
preference over stress and pneumatic
job, sealing material application,
actuators because of much less electricity
assembly operations, machine
requirement and mild weight. The suitable
handling and arc fastening. it's a
variety of electrical automobiles in business
mechanism with arms with 3
robots calls for numerous elements to don't
prismatic joints, the axes of that
forget arm control, position, angular and
coincide with a mathematician
linear movement. The meeting of the
automated arm layout has to be prepared to
• Collaborative robot / Cobot:
do the job. There are 3 exceptional degrees
Cobot applications distinction with
for adjusting the robotic arm, together with
ancient industrial artificial
perception, observation, and execution. The
intelligence applications wherever
sensor offers facts approximately the
the mechanism is isolated from
hyperlinks and its finishing outcomes with
human contact. Cobot safety will be
the robotic arm, before, this statistics is
supported light-weight
ready for the controller and growing
construction, rounded edges and
affordable motor symptoms and symptoms
inherent limits on speed and force,
exactly. Large wide variety of robots we
or sensors and computer code that
use are specifically managed with the aid of
guarantee safe behavior.
using electric powered automobiles.
Accurate robotic hyperlinks have to be • Cylindrical robot: used for
managed, may be carried out to apply servo assembly operations, machine
motor. The servo motor is adjusted with the manipulation, spot fastening and die
aid of using pulse width modulation casting machine operations. it's a
statistics (PWM) supplied with the aid of mechanism whose axis forms a
using the automated controller to stimulate cylindrical reference.
robot arm hyperlinks. The servo • Spherical Robot / Polar Robot:
automobiles are geared up to create Used for machine handling, spot
sufficient torque to transport a short detail fastening, die casting, abrasive
from the closing location. By the way, servo machines, gas fastening and arc
motor is often utilized in cutting-edge fastening. it's a mechanism whose
mechanical era as an elite alternative for axes type a co-ordinate system.
stepper motor. Due to its unique movement,
• SCARA robot: used for job is managed through Programmable Logic
selecting and putting, sealing Controller (PLC).
material application, assembly
operations and machine handling.
This mechanism has 2 parallel
rotating joints to make sure a one-
plane match.
• Articulated Robot: Used for
assembly, die-casting, stamping,
gas fastening, arc fastening and
painting operations. it's a
mechanism with arms with a
minimum of 3 rotating joints.
• Parallel Robot: One use is that the
mobile platform that controls the
cockpit flight simulation. it's a
mechanism whose arms have
competitive prismatic or rotary
• Anthropomorphic robot: it's
formed sort of a human hand, has Fig. 1. 2-D model of Robotic Arm
freelance fingers and thumbs.

To design and fabricate a pick and Place
Robotic Arm System with the assist of a
Arduino. this device affords an automated
solution for commercial enterprise
requirements for determine and vicinity
operation. Robotic determine and vicinity
automation accelerate the approach of
selecting factors up and setting them in
new location, growing manufacturing rate.
at some point of this task, we will be
inclined to vicinity unit developing with
whole version of determine and vicinity
robot arm. the approach variables that Fig. 2. 3-D design of Robotic Arm
vicinity unit to be managed at some point
of this task vicinity unit motion of arm,
function of arm, etc. The task consists of
creating a version. the complete approach
2.1 Design Methodology: 3. LITRATURE REVIEW:

3.1. Design and Static Analysis of Robotic

Arm using Ansys by Anurag singh,
Rashmi Arora, Yashpal Singh Chouhan
in May 2020 [1]: In this paper, analysis
and exploration is finished of the
stresses and total deformation incited
for a selected payload of a mechanism.
A 5 degree of freedom (DOF)
mechanism arm has been electing for
stress and deformation analysis. the
planning and model of the 5 DOF
mechanism arm has been fancied by
Solid works and also the whole
structure analysis has been dead by
ANSYS computer code. In gift world,
robots square measure utilized in totally
different fields particularly wherever
accuracy is required. A model style
development methodology utilizes the
finite part analysis (FEA) for planning
the robotic arm. within the past few
2.2 Specification of Robotic Arm: - years, the modelling, construction, and
evolution of mechanism arm are terribly
dynamic analysis fields everywhere the
Specification Value
globe. during this paper, the simulation
of a robotic arm is finished with the
assistance of ANSYS computer code,
Degree of 5 D.O.F and plenty of general aspects of a
Freedom robotic arm square measure explored.
Total 525 mm the most purpose is that the evolution of
Horizontal a style that has the flexibility to idea the
Reach mechanism arm preciseness,
Total 600mm underneath definite arm postures and
Vertical most stress circumstances. Dissimilar
Reach nozzle weights square measure forced,
Drives 5 servo motors and final knowledge at varied things
Structure a) All the axes are Self- square measure equated to find the
governing feeble parts, thus more structure
b) we can control all the upgrading ought to be potential.
axes concurrently 3.2.Design and analysis of a robotic arm
under different loading conditions using
FEA simulation By Lingala Purandhara
Sai Santosh, Neeraj Mishra, Swadhin uncertainty and variable load of the
Sri Aurobindo Mahanta, robot arm. The proposed controller
Vasanthakumar Dharmarajan, Saripella design is based on engineering
Koushik Varma, Sumit Shoor in June techniques for planar humanoid robot
2021 [2]: Robotic Arms have become a arms with high-strength composite
crucial part of every industry, pass gears. The proposed controls consist of
packages from attachment or meeting of a PD control part and a robust control
assorted factors to works that contain part that maintain the dynamic
excessive precision. To alter little characteristics of the system and
industries to require benefit of AI and implement them based on errors.
automation, optimization of the glance Theoretical analysis shows that the
through evaluation is quite essential. It proposed controls can guarantee
conjointly reduces the fee of the uniform finiteness and uniform limit
products and could growth the lifestyles finiteness. Using a humanoid robotic
cycle. This observe consists of the arm, experimental validation is
layout and evaluation of a person`s arm performed on the proposed control and
type robot arm below completely compared to PID control. Numerical
exclusive loading situations simulations and experimental results
exploitation Finite factor Analysis show that the proposed controller can
(FEA) simulation. A minimalistic effectively cope with load changes and
method has been followed all through parameter uncertainties, and the robot's
the layout of the robot arm. at some trajectory tracking accuracy is
point of this paper, the computer-Aided significantly improved by the proposed
Design (CAD) version of the robot arm controller.
is advanced exploitation Creo steady pc 3.4. Review on Design and Development of
code and is exported to Ansys. From the Robotic Arm Generation-1 by Vaibhav
effects of this observe, it is outstanding Pawar, Sneha Bire, Shubham More,
that fabric homes play a crucial function Komal More, Reshma Mule in March
in numerous loading situations. Thus, 2018 [4]: This paper introduces the
optimization of favor is finished with design of robot arm Simulates the
the aid of using perceptive the effect of movement of a human hand to grasp
changing materials, the usage of Ansys object. The robot arm is a robot arm
Workbench. Finite factor technique controlled by Arduino. Therefore, it can
(FEM) affords a obvious study of be implemented in an analyzable robot
layout, optimization, failure evaluation Perform material handling in dangerous
and allows in saving fabric, time and locations. Uh When examining these
cost. torque characteristics, consider the
3.3. Robust control design for a planar model Simulates the typical lifting of a
humanoid robot arm with high strength humanoid robot arm Use the robot arm
composite gear and experimental to transfer tasks. Most of the current
validation By Kang Huang, Yuanjie robot's hands are not complete Cannot
Xian, Shengchao Zhen, Hao Sun in June be used as it replaces the function of the
2021 [3]: Non-linear control algorithms hand Environment intended for human
have been proposed to explain the
use hand. This paper concludes with student's work, I created virtual
some possible things Application of 4 software to control a manipulator
degrees of freedom robot arm consisting of 5d.o.f. This software is
mechanism based on the type of end used for educational purposes and to
effector attached to the robot arm. educate people about how robotic arms
3.5. Review on design and development of work. Among them is 5d.o.f. A robot
intelligent robotic arm By Netra arm consisting of servo motors for the
Barai, Swati Manekar in October 2015 functioning of joints and end actuators.
[5]: Industrial automation requires a This paper also described the
large number of machines to perform simulation results performed on the
the same number of actions repeatedly. robot arm. The results show that we
The main difficulties in designing such used map generation motion to
a system are complex programming and communicate between the controller
constant operating speed. Therefore, and the robot arm. As a result, the time
this can be overcome by designing and resolution for accurate arm positioning
developing a robot arm that operates in was 1μs, and a DC motor controller
real time. An industrial robot arm based was used to produce very smooth
on experience-based response learning motion.
technology. Based on the neurofuzzy 3.7.DEVELOPMENT OF A ROBOT
approach, various techniques have ARM: A REVIEW By Ibrahim
previously been developed to record Suleiman, Engr Salam, Yamajin
actions and convert them into Tanimu in January 2018 [7]: Global
engineering motion code and vice competition in the market requires
versa. This type of robot arm has a continuous automation and
variety of uses in industrial automation, modernization of production processes,
such as opening and closing especially in the automotive industry,
bottlenecks, cleaning specific surfaces, so the use of robots in the world
and selecting and placing specific continues to increase year by year.
objects. To achieve such a smart robot Robots are also used for medical,
arm, we can develop an algorithm that security and even social purposes. This
records the action when the user paper outlines the basic requirements
performs it during the "learning" phase, required to develop a robot arm. We
just as when the user performs the reviewed the published literature and
action for the first time. The robot runs. briefly listed the important definitions
You can use a prototype vehicle arm to and analyses of the mechanical
demonstrate and develop a system that structure of robot manipulators, their
controls a robot according to a sequence modelling, design, and control. This
of recorded motion codes. You can technique requires mathematical
install additional filters to add effects. modelling and simulation of debt,
3.6. Modelling and Simulation of 5 DOF which was briefly explained in this
Educational Robot By Mohammed review paper.
Abu Qassem, Iyad Abuhadrous, Hatem 3.8. A review of application industrial
Elaydi in June 2010 [6]: In this robotic design by Haider Abbas F.
Almurib, Haidar F. Al-Qrimli, Nandha
Kumar Thulasiraman in January 2012 designed structure in such a way that it
[8]: Robotics is at a barren technical can work in all kinds of conditions.
stage that pushes the usual technical The robot arm will mainly be used in
limits. Understanding robot problems machining processes like drilling and
and their applications requires boring etc. CATIA provides shape,
knowledge of electrical engineering, style, surface, and visualization
mechanical engineering, industrial workflow design solutions for creating,
engineering, and mathematics. New modifying, and validating complex
technological areas such as creative shapes, and provides users
manufacturing engineering are with capabilities of Sheet Metal Design
emerging to address the complexity of and Generated Surface Design.
robotics and factory automation. This 3.10. A Review on Design and
paper describes some of the world's Development of Pick and Place
industrial robot arms and shows the Robotic Arm by Prof. S.D Rajgure,
mechanism and components of robot Aakash D Chougale, Ajit N
arms. One of the sections presents a Bhatkande, Suraj A Bhamare, Swaroop
general classification of robotics to S Chougale in September 2020 [10]:
give you a better understanding of Modelling of pneumatic robotic arm
robotics, including: B. Actuator type, for automation in two machines, for
scope, and control method. The design material handling purpose.
aspects of building a robot arm are Automation is to be done between two
shown. B. Mobility, connectivity, machines namely extrusion and belt
redundancy, and frequency. Describes grinding machine. This is made as per
the characteristics of the hybrid robot forward and inverse kinematics of
arm structure and why it is necessary robot arm motion. It is necessary to
to use the hybrid structure. calculate the load carried by arm
3.9. Literature Review on Design and during its work time. It is commanded
Simulation of Industrial Robotic Arm to design the pneumatic arm to pick
using CAD/CAM Software by Munish and place the cylindrical object like
Baboria Munish Kaith in 2018 [9]: steel bars. There are many types of
Today, in today's fast-paced industrial robotic arms that operate on various
era, every company needs to produce power sources such as pneumatic
quickly to keep up with customer systems, hydraulic systems,
requirements. Every industrialist servomotors and include many basic
cannot afford to upgrade their manual mechanisms, it is more expensive to
equipment to semi-automatic or fully design a pneumatic arm, It requires
automatic because automation is not so several cylinders and pistons and its
cheap in India. The basic goal of my movement is achieved. using a
project is to develop an inexpensive compressed air supply. Robots are
and versatile robotic arm that can be invented in industry to perform
used in any industry to eliminate this repetitive tasks, reduce labour costs
problem. Such designed robotic arm and achieve the required quality
can be used in many applications by control of the process. For pick and
modifying the control program and place operations, the basic
requirements of the base arms are high 3.13. Design and Fabrication of
speed and reliability, and the robot Pneumatic Robotic Arm by Prof. S. N.
gripper should be the least expensive Teli, Akshay Bhalerao, Sagar Ingole in
and have a simple design. Basic March 2017 [13]: This mission
operation starts with a simple task of objectives to layout and fabricate the
grabbing, lifting, moving, placing, and pneumatic arm for select out and
releasing in a unique robotic arm location of cylindrical objects. They
system. finish that arm is managed with the aid
3.11. Design Concept and Validation of of using manually flaw manage and
Robotic Arm Inspired by the Octopus”, route manage valve. Arm rotation and
M. Cianchetti, A. Arienti, m. follador motion is carried out with the aid of
in August 2011[11]: They get using pneumatic cylinder the use of
stimulated via way of means of the helical slot mechanism. Total arm
Octopus to and make an exciting weight is 25 kg. The version is
version in robotics because of its predicted to raise at the least 10 kg
excessive dexterity, variable stiffness, weight.
and really complicated behaviour. In 3.14. Design and Implementation of
this test they observe the important Multi Handling Pick and Place Robotic
thing capabilities and styles of motion Arm by S. Premkumar, K. Surya
of Octopus arm and this capabilities Varman, R. Balamurugan in March
and styles, and styles of motion are this 2016 [14]: The objective of the test
is elongation, shortening, bending, and was to have the clamping mechanism
accomplishing etc. used for manual the and the vacuum mechanism operate in
motion of actuator. They finish that the a single pick and place a collaborative
idea proposed for the mechanism at the robotic arm. These robots can perform
bottom of the robot arm stimulated to tasks such as grasping, sucking, lifting,
the Octopus muscular hydrostat placing, and releasing in just one
wherein efficiently carried out on robotic arm. It will reduce cycle time,
mock-ups and the corresponding ideal time, operating cost, space
fashions were changed and validate. consumption. It is user-friendly and
3.12. Design and Implementation of Pick effectively used in glass processing
and Place Robotic Arm by Ravikumar system.
Mourya, Amit Shelke, Saurabh Satpute 3.15. Design and Manufacturing of a
in April 2015 [12]: The main goal of Prototype of a Lightweight Robot
the project is to design and implement Arm”, S. C. Gutierrez, R. Zotovic, M.
a robotic arm with four degrees of D. Navarro in June 2017 [15]: Their
freedom. They concluded that CAD work goal was to create a lightweight
tools such as Creo1.0 and Auto CAD robotic arm on a low-cost budget. They
were used to create the model for the concluded that to avoid a negative
desired operator. To determine the effect on the total weight of the arm, a
location and direction of the end fiber-reinforced plastic material was
effects, a theoretical inverse kinetic used, and a vacuum infusion process
analysis was performed. Ansys was used for production. Local
software was used for FE analysis. reinforcements must be included
during the construction of the arm wireless PS2 controller is used to
shell. Light helical gear reducers, control the pick and place operation.
harmonic transmission types are used, The development of this robot is based
but due to mismatch, the gear assembly on the Arduino Mega Platform.
must be disassembled to avoid these Analysis of the swing arm's speed,
soft couplings. distance, and lift load is performed to
3.16. Design, Actuation and Control of know its performance. This robot will
Anthropomorphic Robot Arm by overcome problems such as placing or
Gabrielle J. M., Tuijthof, Just L. picking up an object far away from the
Herder in August 1999 [16]: Existing user and picking up and placing a
robots are not safe to interact with dangerous object quickly and easily.
humans, especially for children, so a 3.19. Modeling Construction and
robotic arm with four degrees of Manufacture of A Lightweight Robot
freedom was developed. First, the joint Arm”, H. Hagenah, W. Bohm, T.
stiffness of the arm is reduced to zero, Breitsprecher in December 2013 [19]:
then the arm is provided with This paper will show how modern
pneumatic artificial muscles, and their materials such as cellular titanium and
stiffness can be adjusted by controlling nanocrystalline aluminum can be used
the open-loop stiffness. to build advanced and lightweight
3.17. A Method for Reducing the Energy robotic arms. This article will cover
Consumption of Pick and Place defining the product specification,
Industrial Robots by M. Pellicciari, G. defining the basic design, and
Berselli, F. Leali, A. Vergnano in April optimizing it through topology
2013 [17]: This article presents a optimization. This optimization
method to reduce the total power requires intelligent modeling that can
consumption of the pick and place study different initial settings and
robot arm. First, electromechanical boundary conditions. Various
models of the series and parallel innovative lightweight building
manipulators are generated, and then materials and corresponding
by constant time scaling, the optimal production technologies are developed
energy trajectories are calculated. We and analyzed.
find that it's not always possible to cut 3.20. Development Of Simple Structured
down on an activity as much as Pneumatic Robot Arm and Its Control
possible. Energy consumption of a Using A Low Cost Embedded
given operation as a function of task Controller”, Mohd Aliff, Shujiro
execution time. Future work includes Dohta, Tetsuya Akagi, Hui Li in
improving the engine model, December 2012 [20]: The aim of the
developing online programming research is to develop lightweight
algorithms. actuators and applications in a flexible
3.18. Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm”, robotic arm. In this article, flexible
Mohd Ashiq Kamaril, Yusoff, Reza altitude control of the Slavic master's
Ezuan Samin in December 2012 [18]: degree and trajectory control of the
This paper introduces the development robot arm is proposed. This robotic
of wireless mobile robot arm. The arm has 3DOF i.e., bends, expands and
contracts and will be applied in human programmable, useful manipulator,
wrist rehabilitation device. In this with many areas for the handling of
paper, the analytical model of the year labor items, tools or special devices.
with a flexible robotic arm is proposed By victimization trendy materials as
to control the altitude of a master slave cellular metal & nano crystalline
in orbital control. metallic element, a lightweight weight
3.21. Design and Structural Analysis of a robotic arm are often manufacture.
Robotic Arm by Gurudu Rishank
Reddy Venkata Krishna Prashanth 5. REFERENCES
Eranki in October 2016 [21]:
Automation is creating a revolution in
today's industrial sector, as it reduces [1]. Design and Static Analysis of Robotic
labour and production time. Our Arm using Ansys by Anurag singh,
project mainly involves cutting Rashmi Arora, Yashpal Singh Chouhan.
operations, where sheet metal is picked [2]. Design and analysis of a robotic arm
up by hand and placed on belts for under different loading conditions using
cutting, which involves an element of FEA simulation By Lingala Purandhara
risk. Our challenge was to design a Sai Santosh, Neeraj Mishra, Swadhin Sri
pick and place operator to transport the Aurobindo Mahanta, Vasanthakumar
plate from the stack and place it in the Dharmarajan, Saripella Koushik Varma,
cutter for feeding. We reviewed Sumit Shoor.
various literature, research articles and
observed cutting-edge technologies [3]. Robust control design for a planar
used in other industries for a similar humanoid robot arm with high strength
activity. After related research, we composite gear and experimental
realized the design of a 3-joint robotic validation By Kang Huang, Yuanjie Xian,
arm in which the base is fixed, and the Shengchao Zhen, Hao Sun:
remaining joints move in the vertical [4]. Review on Design and Development
and horizontal directions. The end of Robotic Arm Generation-1 by Vaibhav
effector is also designed in such a way Pawar, Sneha Bire, Shubham More,
to lift the plate, we use suction cups Komal More, Reshma Mule.
where the plate is lifted with some
pressure. Here we used Creo [5]. Review on design and development of
Parametric to design and Autodesk intelligent robotic arm By Netra
Inventor 2017 to simulate the designed Barai, Swati Manekar.
model. [6]. Modelling and Simulation of 5 DOF
Educational Robot By Mohammed Abu
4. CONCLUSION: Qassem, Iyad Abuhadrous, Hatem Elaydi.
Pick and place robotic arm will scale
ARM: A REVIEW By Ibrahim Suleiman,
back the human efforts by automatic
Engr Salam, Yamajin Tanimu.
handing of fabric, associate degree
automatic, servo controlled, freely
[8]. A review of application industrial [18]. Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm”,
robotic design by Haider Abbas F. Mohd Ashiq Kamaril, Yusoff, Reza Ezuan
Almurib, Haidar F. Al-Qrimli, Nandha Samin.
Kumar Thulasiraman.
[19]. Modeling Construction and
[9]. Literature Review on Design and Manufacture of A Lightweight Robot
Simulation of Industrial Robotic Arm Arm”, H. Hagenah, W. Bohm, T.
using CAD/CAM Software by Munish Breitsprecher.
Baboria Munish Kaith.
[20]. Development Of Simple Structured
[10]. A Review on Design and Pneumatic Robot Arm and Its Control
Development of Pick and Place Robotic Using A Low Cost Embedded Controller”,
Arm by Prof. S.D Rajgure, Aakash D Mohd Aliff, Shujiro Dohta, Tetsuya
Chougale, Ajit N Bhatkande, Suraj A Akagi, Hui Li.
Bhamare, Swaroop S Chougale.
[21]. Design and Structural Analysis of a
[11]. Design Concept and Validation of Robotic Arm by Gurudu Rishank Reddy
Robotic Arm Inspired by the Octopus”, M. Venkata Krishna Prashanth Eranki.
Cianchetti, A. Arienti, m. follador.
[12]. Design and Implementation of Pick
and Place Robotic Arm by Ravikumar
Mourya, Amit Shelke, Saurabh Satpute.
[13]. Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic
Robotic Arm by Prof. S. N. Teli, Akshay
Bhalerao, Sagar Ingole.
[14]. Design and Implementation of Multi
Handling Pick and Place Robotic Arm by
S. Premkumar, K. Surya Varman, R.
[15]. Design and Manufacturing of a
Prototype of a Lightweight Robot Arm”,
S. C. Gutierrez, R. Zotovic, M. D.
[16]. Design, Actuation and Control of
Anthropomorphic Robot Arm by Gabrielle
J. M., Tuijthof, Just L. Herder.
[17]. A Method for Reducing the Energy
Consumption of Pick and Place Industrial
Robots by M. Pellicciari, G. Berselli, F.
Leali, A. Vergnano.

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