Act 1523
Act 1523
Act 1523
I assent
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Application of Act
4. Objectives of Act
5. General principles
6. Good governance
7. Administration of Act
8. Delegation of powers
9. Consultative Committee
10. Meetings of Consultative Committee
11. Secretary to Consultative Committee
454 Acts 2023
38. Prohibition of use of harmful fishing methods and sale of fish caught using such
39. Prohibition of interference with inspected fish and fish products
40. Prohibition to possess, trade and export in fish and fish products taken or obtained
in contravention with Act or international conservation and management measure
41. Prohibition to trade in fish and fish products taken or obtained in contravention
of relevant laws of another State
42. Prohibition in relation to listed vessels
43. Prohibition in relation to fishing vessels without nationality
44. Prohibition to fish during closed periods
45. Compliance with Act, registration, licence or authorisation
46. Reporting requirements
47. Requirements for vessels to report entry to, exit from and regularly while in
maritime zones
48. Gear stowage
49. Requirements for Mauritius nationals in areas beyond national jurisdiction
50. Requirements for compliance with labour conditions of personnel on board fishing
51. Prohibition to engage with transnational criminal group
52. Transhipment in the port of Mauritius, maritime zones and areas beyond national
53. Supply activities in maritime zones of Mauritius
Sub-Part A – Fisheries Access Agreement
54. Fisheries access agreement
55. Payment of fees under access agreement with regional economic integration
56. Other terms and conditions for fisheries access
57. Review of fisheries access
58. Preference for products of Mauritius
Sub-Part B – Joint Venture and Charter Agreements
59. Requirements for joint venture and charter agreements
60. Charter agreements to comply with applicable international conservation and
management measures
456 Acts 2023
An Act
To repeal the Fisheries and Marine Resources Act and replace it
by a more appropriate legislative framework following the
recommendations made by the Directorate-General
for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the
European Commission (DG MARE)
ENACTED by the Parliament of Mauritius, as follows –
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Fisheries Act 2023.
2. Interpretation
In this Act –
“abandoned state” –
(a) in relation to a fishing vessel, means a vessel, including a
wrecked vessel, which is moored, stranded, unattended,
in a dismantled condition, unoccupied or in any other way
abandoned; or
(b) in relation to a gear, an equipment or an implement used in
connection with fishing or fishing related activities, means an
equipment or implement, including a wrecked equipment or
implement, which is unattended, in a dismantled condition,
unoccupied or in any other way abandoned,
in such a way that it becomes an eyesore or an obstruction, a danger
or a hazard to navigation, the marine environment or to the public;
“agent” means a person in Mauritius who –
(a) is appointed by the operator of a fishing vessel holding a valid
and applicable licence or authorisation; and
(b) is authorised to receive, or is capable of responding to, any
legal action instituted in Mauritius against his principal;
Acts 2023 463
“aircraft” –
(a) means a craft which is capable of self-sustained movement
through the atmosphere; and
(b) includes a helicopter and a manned, an unmanned or a
remotely operated airborne device;
“allowable commercial catch” means that part of the total allowable
catch available annually for commercial fishing in accordance with
section 14;
“aquaculture” –
(a) means the cultivation, propagation or farming of freshwater
and saltwater fish and any other aquatic organism; and
(b) includes –
(i) fish farming;
(ii) the cultivation, propagation or farming from eggs,
spawn, spat or seed, or by rearing fish taken from the
wild or imported into Mauritius, or by other similar
(iii) the collecting and holding of live fish, under controlled
conditions for the purposes of trade, business or
research; and
(iv) both inland aquaculture and mariculture in the marine
“aquatic organism” –
(a) means any aquatic plant or animal, or other living organisms
in the marine or aquatic environment, including bacteria and
(b) includes any fish, crustacean, mollusc, coral, echinoderm, or
aquatic reptile or aquatic mammal and its shell, eggs, body
parts or other naturally occurring products; but
(c) does not include birds;
464 Acts 2023
“bank fisher” means a fisher who carries out fishing or fishing related
activities on the fishing banks of Mauritius;
“barachois” means a pond which is within or adjacent to the sea and
enclosed by a weir or dam through which the sea flows and reflows;
“bareboat charter” means a written agreement by virtue of which the
owner of a fishing vessel leases his vessel to a charterer for a fixed
period of time wherein the charterer shall –
(a) acquire control and possession of the vessel, including its
management and operational control;
(b) be responsible towards any third party as if he is the owner of
the vessel; and
(c) generally be substituted in all respects to the owner of the
vessel; but
(d) have no right to sell or mortgage the vessel;
“baseline” has the same meaning as in the Maritime Zones Act;
“basket trap” means a trap which has meshes of such size which
allows a cylinder measuring not less than 4 centimetres in diameter
to pass through;
“bioprospecting”, in relation to activities under this Act –
(a) means the systematic search for and development of new
sources of chemical compounds, genes, micro-organisms,
macro-organisms, and other valuable products from fish; and
(b) includes the search for economically valuable genetic and
biochemical resources from fish;
“bycatch” –
(a) means fish harvested in a fishery but which –
(i) are not the species of fish that are directly targeted or
appear to be directly targeted;
466 Acts 2023
“carlet net” means a net in the shape of a bag with meshes of any
size, the mouth of which is kept open by a hoop not exceeding
one metre in diameter, and is an unlicensed net used for fishing
crab carlet;
“cast net” means a conical net, with weights attached to the open
circumference of the base and having meshes measuring not less
than 9 centimetres when stretched diagonally and when the net
is wet;
“catch documentation scheme” means such scheme consistent with
conservation and management measures, established in accordance
with such relevant international obligations as the Ministry may
“chartered vessel” means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a
contracting party or cooperating non-contracting party of a relevant
regional fisheries management organisation and contracted for
a defined period of time by an operator in another member State
without the change of flag;
“chartering member” means a member State that holds the quota
allocation or fishing possibilities;
“chartering of vessel” means a charter agreement that meets the
requirements under section 60(2);
“company” means a company incorporated or registered under the
Companies Act;
“competent authority” means the division of the Ministry
responsible for the inspection and certification of any fish and fish
products intended for export;
“confidential information” means confidential information referred
to in section 93;
“demersal trawl net” means large nets that are pulled through the
water with the bottom edge of the net touching the seabed to target
bottom-dwelling species living on and near the seabed, and at
each edge the net is held open by metal trawl doors which act as
hydroplanes pulling the net mouth open;
468 Acts 2023
“port of Mauritius” –
(a) means the Port Louis Harbour as described in the Ports Act; and
(b) includes offshore terminals and other installations for
landing, transhipping, packaging, processing, refuelling or
“position fixing instrument” –
(a) means any device, instrument or equipment, placed on board
a fishing vessel which transmits automatically, independently
or in conjunction with other instruments, information relating,
inter alia, to the position, course and speed of the vessel; and
(b) includes a vessel monitoring system and automatic
identification system;
“purchase” includes –
(a) barter or attempt to barter;
(b) purchase or attempt to purchase;
(c) trade or attempt to trade;
(d) receive on account or consignment; or
(e) receive in order to send, forward or deliver for sale;
“receiving vessel” means any fishing vessel engaged in a transhipment
operation that receives any quantity of fish from another vessel;
“regional fisheries management organisation” means an
intergovernmental fisheries organisation or arrangement that has the
competence to establish conservation and management measures;
“registered fisher” means an artisanal fisher or a bank fisher
registered as such under section 120(1)(a);
“registered trainee fisher” means a trainee fisher registered as such
under section 120(1)(b);
“regulatory discards” means fish that are discarded because of
management regulations which may restrict landings by, inter alia,
minimum size or quota;
Acts 2023 479
4. Objectives of Act
(1) The general objective of this Act shall be to ensure the
long-term conservation, management and development of fisheries
and aquaculture in Mauritius while safeguarding the marine resources,
biodiversity, environment and ecosystems for the benefit of the people
of Mauritius.
(2) The management objectives of this Act shall, taking due account
of international fisheries instruments and international conservation and
management measures, be to –
(a) provide for the development and management of
sustainable fishing and aquaculture activities;
484 Acts 2023
(g) activities and measures taken under this Act shall aim
at protecting and enhancing biodiversity to eliminate or
minimise –
(i) waste, bycatch, discards, regulatory discards, economic
discards and catch by lost or abandoned gear;
(ii) catch of non-target species;
(iii) catch of critically endangered species; and
(iv) pollution;
(h) complete and accurate data and information in relation to
all activities and resources under this Act shall be required,
collected and, where appropriate, shared in a timely manner;
(i) development and use of selective, environmentally safe and
cost-effective gear and techniques shall be promoted;
(j) over-fishing and excess capacity shall be prevented or
eliminated and levels of fishing effort managed so they do not
exceed those commensurate with sustainable use of fisheries
(k) the interests of small-scale or artisanal fishers shall be taken
into account, including their participation in management of
their respective fisheries;
(l) the welfare of current and future generations shall be
safeguarded, including through the recognition of special
needs relating to gender equity and vulnerable groups;
(m) an understanding of and broad and accountable participation
by stakeholders in the conservation, management,
development and sustainable use of fisheries resources shall
be promoted to the extent practicable, including the principles
of visibility, transparency, participation and inclusivity in the
decision-making process as well as relevant environmental
awareness and capacity-building;
Acts 2023 487
(n) any action taken by the Ministry and by any person authorised
under this Act shall be consistent with the applicable gender
equity policies and any other enactment; and
(o) effective cooperation shall be pursued with other States and
regional and inter-governmental organisations in matters
under this Act.
6. Good governance
The Ministry shall establish and promote a system of collaboration,
participatory decision making, good governance and transparency in the
conservation, management and development of fisheries and aquaculture
in Mauritius.
7. Administration of Act
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the supervising officer shall be
responsible for the administration of this Act.
(2) The supervising officer may, for the administration of this
Act, delegate any of his powers under this Act to an officer of the Ministry.
8. Delegation of powers
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may delegate any of
his powers under this Act to the supervising officer.
(2) The supervising officer may, subject to the approval of the
Minister, delegate any powers conferred upon him by the Minister to an
officer of the Ministry.
9. Consultative Committee
(1) There shall be a Consultative Committee which shall be
responsible to –
(a) advise on matters of general policy; and
488 Acts 2023
and the sustainable use of its components, and where any fishing activity
includes marine bioprospecting, no registration, licence or authorisation
shall be granted or issued without the prior approval required pursuant
to the Maritime Zones Act for the exploration and exploitation of genetic
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall commit
an offence.
24. Marking and protection of vessels and their gear
(1) The operator of a fishing vessel in the maritime zones
of Mauritius or of a Mauritius fishing vessel in areas beyond national
jurisdiction shall ensure that the vessel and set gear are clearly marked in
accordance with such minimum standards and other requirements as –
(a) may be prescribed or as may be required by the
supervising officer, subject to an exemption of
any vessel or gear, or class of vessel or gear, as the
supervising officer may approve; or
(b) may be required by an applicable international
conservation and management measure or relevant
coastal State.
(2) No person shall falsify, delete, fail to affix or conceal the
Identification mark of a fishing vessel or gear referred to in subsection (1).
(3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall
commit an offence.
25. Fish aggregating devices
(1) The operator of –
(a) a fishing vessel shall not –
(i) have on board, deploy or maintain any fish
aggregating device in the maritime zones of
Acts 2023 503
47. Requirements for vessels to report entry to, exit from and
regularly while in maritime zones
(1) The operator of every Mauritius fishing vessel or foreign
fishing vessel shall, upon entry into and exit from the maritime zones, report
directly to the supervising officer through electronic means its position
by latitude and longitude, the time of entry and exit, speed, heading and
species on board by weight and such other information, as close as possible
to real time, in accordance with such requirements as may be prescribed or
as may be required by the supervising officer, or as may be required by a
relevant regional fisheries management organisation, and shall –
(a) make such report using an electronic reporting system
required by a relevant regional fisheries management
organisation, or where this is not possible, by email;
(b) where the vessel falls within requirements by the
International Maritime Organization to continuously
operate an automatic identification system, ensure that
such operation is effected;
(c) report continuously through a vessel monitoring system
at least every 4 hours at all times while in the maritime
zones directly to the Fisheries Monitoring Centre in
accordance with such requirements as prescribed;
(d) where the vessel does not hold a valid and applicable
licence for fishing or related activities in the maritime
zones, proceed expeditiously and continuously through
the maritime zones of Mauritius; and
(e) where the vessel holds a valid and applicable licence
for fishing in the maritime zones of Mauritius, prior
to departing from the maritime zones report the last
fishing area and weight by species of fish caught in the
maritime zones.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the operator of a fishing vessel
shall ensure that the transit report upon first entry is effected manually.
522 Acts 2023
(3) The operator of a foreign fishing vessel not holding a valid and
applicable licence shall ensure that the vessel does not engage in fishing or
fishing related activities in the maritime zones of Mauritius.
(4) Any operator who contravenes subsection (1), (2) or (3) shall
commit an offence.
48. Gear stowage
(1) The operator of a –
(a) fishing vessel in the maritime zones of Mauritius in
any place or at any time where it does not hold a valid
and applicable licence for fishing or fishing related
activities; or
(b) Mauritius fishing vessel in areas beyond national
jurisdiction which does not hold a valid and applicable
authorisation for fishing or related activities pursuant to
this Act,
shall ensure that all gears on board are at all times stowed or secured in
such a manner that it is not readily available for fishing.
(2) Any operator who contravenes subsection (1) shall commit
an offence.
49. Requirements for Mauritius nationals in areas beyond national
(1) No person shall use a Mauritius fishing vessel –
(a) in areas under the national jurisdiction of another State
except in accordance with the relevant laws of that
State; or
(b) to engage in any activity on the high seas or in areas of
national jurisdiction of another State that –
(i) does not comply with an applicable access
agreement; or
Acts 2023 523
(3) The Minister shall, pursuant to subsection (2) give the other
party reasonable notice of the termination or suspension to ensure the
prompt termination of fishing or fishing related activities.
(4) The Minister may suspend or otherwise limit an access
agreement –
(a) where continued fishing at current levels would pose a
risk to the sustainability of any fish stocks based on a
precautionary approach; or
(b) on such other grounds as may be specified in this Act.
(5) The suspension of an access agreement under subsection (2)
or (4) may be for such time or until such conditions as may be required
by the Minister are complied with.
(6) Where an access agreement is suspended or limited under
subsection (4)(a), such portion of the access fees as determined by the
Minister may be refunded on a pro rata basis for suspended fishing
58. Preference for products of Mauritius
(1) The holder of a registration, a licence, an authorisation, an
approval, a clearance or other permission granted or issued for purposes
of fisheries access pursuant to this Part shall, in the conduct of all relevant
activities and to the maximum extent possible, give preference to –
(a) materials and products made in Mauritius;
(b) service agencies located in Mauritius and owned by –
(i) a citizen of Mauritius;
(ii) a company; and
(iii) a statutory body.
(2) Any review of the performance of the holder of a registration,
a licence, an authorisation, an approval, a clearance or other permission
shall take into consideration whether, and the extent to which, preference
Acts 2023 531
(2) Every person who imports fish and fish products shall, at the
time of importation, pay to the Director-General of the Mauritius Revenue
Authority such fee as may be prescribed, either electronically through the
TradeNet or, in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances, in such other
manner as the supervising officer may determine.
(3) Where a fisheries control officer has reasonable grounds to
suspect that fish and fish products which have been imported are unfit
for human consumption, he may, after the supervising officer of the
Ministry responsible for the subject of health has obtained an order under
section 5(2)(b) of the Food Act, cause the fish and fish products to be
disposed of in accordance with the order.
(4) Notwithstanding any other enactment, the importer of fish
and fish products which are disposed of under this section shall not be
entitled to any compensation where the Ministry responsible for the
subject of health certifies that the fish and fish products are unfit for human
(5) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall commit
an offence.
84. Trusted Trader Certificate for importation of fish and fish
(1) No person shall import, during a specified period, specified
fish and fish products from a specified supplier in a specified country
without a valid Trusted Trader Certificate.
(2) A person who intends to import, during a specified period,
specified fish and fish products from a specified supplier in a specified
country shall, notwithstanding section 83(1)(a), apply to the supervising
officer, in such form and manner as he may approve, and in accordance
with such guidelines as issued under this Act, for a Trusted Trader
(3) Where the supervising officer is satisfied that an applicant
for a Trusted Trader Certificate meets such criteria as may be prescribed,
the supervising officer shall make recommendations to the Trusted Trader
Committee for the applicant to import the specified fish and fish products
from the specified supplier in the specified country during the specified
546 Acts 2023
(5) Where any of the conditions exist under subsection (4), the
supervising officer shall not approve a registration.
(6) Where the supervising officer registers an industrial fishing
vessel, he shall inform the Director of Shipping accordingly.
112. Suspension and cancellation of registration of Mauritius fishing
(1) The supervising officer may suspend or cancel the registration
of a Mauritius fishing vessel registered under this Act –
(a) on any of the grounds on which he would have been
entitled to reject an application for registration;
(b) where, in the case of an artisanal fishing vessel, the
owner ceases fishing or fishing related activities, passes
away or surrenders his fisher card;
(c) where, other than in the case of an artisanal fishing
vessel –
(i) the operator of the vessel ceases fishing or fishing
related activities;
(ii) the association that owns the vessel ceases to
exist; or
(iii) ownership of the vessel is transferred to another
(d) where he has reasonable grounds to suspect that the
fishing vessel has been used in contravention of this
Act or any international fisheries conservation and
management measure;
(e) where he has contravened any provision of the
Merchant Shipping Act; or
(f) on any other grounds specified in section 105.
(2) Where the registration of a Mauritius fishing vessel is
cancelled, the owner of the vessel shall, not later than 7 days of being
Acts 2023 573
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to a registered fisher who sells
fish at a fish landing station.
(1) No registered fisher shall land his catch at a place other than
at the fish landing station where the fishing vessel is registered, except in
case of force majeure.
(2) A fisher shall, for landing purposes, moor his fishing vessel in
a radius of not more than 50 metres from the fish landing station, or within
such other distance as the supervising officer may approve.
(3) A registered fisher who lands his catch at the fish landing station
shall, at the request of a fisheries enforcement officer, cause the fish to be
weighed and provide such particulars on the catch as the officer may require.
(4) A registered fisher shall, during each fishing trip and at the
time of landing, take all necessary measures to store his catch in such
manner and in such place as the supervising officer may approve.
(7) Any registered fisher who contravenes subsection (1), (2), (3),
(4) or (6) shall commit an offence.
(2) The holder of a valid and applicable licence under this section
shall –
(a) keep a register in which he shall enter particulars of
every purchase and sale of any gear manufactured or
imported by him, including –
(i) the name and address of the seller or purchaser
of the gear;
(ii) the description, measurements and number of
gears purchased and sold by him; and
(iii) the number and date of issue of the licence held
by the seller and purchaser;
(b) on demand, make available the register to a fisheries
enforcement officer; and
(c) not later than 14 days after any sale or purchase of any
gear, submit to the supervising officer, in writing, the
particulars specified in paragraph (a).
125. Gear licence required for bait gear, canard net, gill net, large
net, pocket net and shrimp net
(1) No person shall use or possess a bait gear, canard net, gill net,
large net, pocket net or shrimp net without a valid gear licence issued in
respect of the bait gear, canard net, gill net, large net, pocket net or shrimp net.
(2) No licence to concurrently use or possess a gill net and a large
net shall be issued to the same person.
(3) The holder of a gear licence shall not transfer his licence to
any other person.
(4) The supervising officer may cause to be affixed a seal or any
other identification mark on such type of gear as he may determine.
(5) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (3) or
tampers with a seal or an identification mark affixed to a gear pursuant to
subsection (4) shall commit an offence.
126. Duties of holder of gear licence
(1) The holder of a gear licence shall –
(a) on demand, produce his licence to a fisheries control
(b) on demand, produce any gear in his possession or
indicate its location to any fisheries control officer;
(c) report to the supervising officer any damage to the seal
or identification mark affixed under section 125(4);
(d) surrender licensed gear to the supervising officer on the
expiry or cancellation of his licence; and
(e) engage in fishing only within the limits specified in the
(2) Where the holder of a gear licence –
(a) surrenders his licence to the supervising officer;
(b) surrenders his gear to the supervising officer;
580 Acts 2023
(c) dies; or
(d) is, in the case of an association, wound up,
(2) The holder of a gear licence shall not replace any licensed gear
referred to in subsection (1) without a valid and applicable authorisation.
(4) The owner of any gear destroyed under subsection (3) shall
not be entitled to any compensation.
vessel and crew and the need for sufficient port services
to continuously maintain the vessel’s electricity, water
and other requirements and avoid the spoilage of fish or
fish products;
(b) remain in control of the vessel at the port of Mauritius
for such period as is reasonably necessary to enable a
fisheries control officer to exercise any other powers
under this Act, until the vessel is permitted to depart
from the port.
(2) The vessel shall be authorised to depart within such time
as it may take to expediently conduct a full inspection of the vessel and
all relevant evidence and consult with the relevant Government officials
and relevant regional fisheries management organisations, and the
supervising officer determines there are no reasonable grounds to suspect
a contravention as described in subsection (1).
(3) The operator of any vessel who obstructs a fisheries control
officer in the exercise of his powers under this section or departs or
attempts to depart from the port of Mauritius without authorisation given
under subsection (2) shall commit an offence.
140. Powers of seizure
(1) A fisheries enforcement officer may seize –
(a) any fishing vessel or other conveyance, gear, implement,
appliance, material, container, goods, equipment or
thing where he has reasonable grounds to suspect that
it is being, has been or is intended to be used in the
commission of an offence under this Act;
(b) fish or fish products, including any other fish with
which such fish may be intermixed, where he has
reasonable grounds to suspect that they are being or
have been taken, killed, transported, bought or sold
or have been found in the possession of any person in
contravention of this Act;
Acts 2023 591
Sub-Part B – Observers
(1) The operator of a foreign fishing vessel shall not enter or use
a port of Mauritius unless –
(a) the port has been designated and publicised in
accordance with section 159(a);
(b) in the case of –
(i) a vessel holding a valid and applicable licence
to fish in the maritime zones of Mauritius,
the operator has, at least 24 hours in advance,
requested entry into port and has provided such
information as may be prescribed or as may be
required by the supervising officer; or
(ii) any other vessel, the operator has, at least 72 hours
in advance, requested entry into port and has
provided such information as may be prescribed
or as may be required by the supervising officer;
(c) the supervising officer has authorised entry of such
fishing vessel into port and communicated such
authorisation to the master of the vessel and any agent
of the vessel in Mauritius; and
(d) upon the fishing vessel’s arrival at port, the master of
the vessel or the vessel’s representative has presented the
authorisation for entry into the port to a person authorised
to receive it on behalf of the supervising officer.
(2) The supervising officer may cause entry into, and use of, the
port of Mauritius to be denied to any fishing vessel that he has reasonable
grounds to suspect has contravened this Act and shall communicate such
decision to any person referred to in subsection (1)(c).
(3) Where the use of port has been denied pursuant to this Act,
the supervising officer shall –
(a) withdraw such denial in respect of a fishing vessel only
if there is sufficient proof that the grounds on which use
was denied were inadequate or erroneous or that such
grounds no longer apply; and
(b) promptly notify the withdrawal to each person that was
notified pursuant to this Act.
criminal liability or civil liability to the person from whom the fish was
seized, in the event of a decision is made not to prosecute the offence in
respect of the fish, or of the person being acquitted of the charge.
173. Failure to comply with conditions of bond or other security
Where a person to whom an item is released under this Act fails
to comply with the conditions of the bond or other security imposed for
release of that item –
(a) the item may be re-seized at any time; or
(b) the bond or security shall be automatically forfeited.
174. Disposal of forfeited item
(1) Any item or security forfeited under this Act shall become the
property of the Government.
(2) The Government may dispose of any forfeited item as it
thinks fit, and upon the application of the Government, the Court shall
make an order to dispose of any fishing vessel found or determined to
have contravened this Act, together with its gear, equipment or other
appurtenances as appropriate, by selling, destroying, otherwise disposing
of the vessel or transferring it to the Government.
(3) Where any forfeited item is sold or otherwise disposed of by
the Government or the supervising officer, the operator or other person
associated with any fishing vessel, fish, fish products or other item forfeited,
shall be prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing or possessing
or otherwise dealing with the item at any time during or after the sale,
including through any subsequent re-sale, transfer or other transaction.
175. Jurisdiction
(1) Notwithstanding –
(a) section 114 of the Courts Act; and
626 Acts 2023
Sub-Part B – Liabilities
177. Liability of associations and officers of associations
(1) Where an offence is committed under this Act by –
(a) an employee, officer or agent of an association, the
(b) an association, every person who, at the time of the
commission of the offence, was concerned in the
management of the association or was purporting to act
in that capacity,
shall also commit the like offence, unless it or he proves that the offence
was committed without its or his knowledge or consent and that it or he
took all reasonable steps to prevent the commission of the offence.
Acts 2023 627
(1) Where a person has committed an offence under this Act, the
Administrative Sanctions Commission shall promptly notify the person
of the offence and shall request the person, within 7 working days of
receiving such notification, to either consent to, or refuse, administrative
(1) Where in any proceedings under this Act the place or area
in which a fishing vessel is alleged to have been at a particular date and
time or during a particular period of time is material to the prosecution
of an offence charged, the place or area stated in a certificate produced in
section 185 shall be prima facie evidence, unless the contrary is proved, of
the place or area in which the vessel was at the date and time or during the
period of time stated.
634 Acts 2023
(4) Where in any legal proceedings for an offence under this Act –
(a) a fisheries control officer gives evidence that any fish
to which the charge relates were taken by the use of
driftnets; and
(b) the Court considers that, having regard to the evidence,
the grounds are reasonable,
all the fish shall be presumed to have been so taken, unless the contrary is
(5) Where any information is given in respect of any fishing or
fishing related activities of a fishing vessel, it shall be presumed to have
been given by the operator of the vessel concerned, unless it is proved that
it was not given or authorised to be given by him.
(6) Any entry in writing or other mark in or on a logbook, chart or
other document required to be maintained under this Act or used to record
the activities of a fishing vessel shall be deemed to be that of the operator
of the vessel.
(7) Any position fixing instrument on board a fishing vessel or
an aircraft used for the enforcement of this Act shall be presumed to be
192. Interfering with evidence
(1) No person shall interfere with any evidence which may be
related to an offence under this Act.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), no person –
(a) being on board any fishing vessel being pursued, about
to be boarded, being boarded or notified that it will be
boarded by a fisheries control officer, whether within
or beyond the maritime zones of Mauritius, shall throw
overboard or destroy any fish, fish product, equipment,
document, explosive, noxious substance or other thing
with intent to avoid its seizure or the detection of any
offence under this Act;
640 Acts 2023
(b) shall remove from custody any fishing vessel, fish, fish
product, equipment or other item held in custody under
this Act, or act or omit to act so that the vessel, fish, fish
product, equipment or other item held in custody under
this Act may be removed from custody, whether or not
he knew that the vessel, fish, fish products, equipment
or other item was being held in custody;
(c) shall destroy, damage, render inoperative or otherwise
interfere with any premises or facilities licensed under
this Act; or
(d) shall, where a mobile transceiver unit is required under
this Act, whether within or beyond the maritime zones
of Mauritius, destroy, damage, render inoperative
or otherwise interfere with any part of such mobile
transceiver unit aboard a fishing vessel, or feed or input
into a mobile transceiver unit or an applicable fishing
vessel monitoring system information or data which is
not officially required or is meaningless.
(3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall
commit an offence.
Sub-Part A – Offences and Fines
192. Offences
(1) Any person who –
(a) contravenes any section specified in the second column
of Part I of the Fourth Schedule shall commit an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to the level of fine
as specified in the corresponding fourth column of that
(b) otherwise contravenes any provision of this Act for
which no specific penalty is provided for shall commit
an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding 10 million rupees and to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 5 years.
Acts 2023 641
(2) The level of fine shall be the maximum amount of fine and
imprisonment as specified in Part II of the Fourth Schedule.
(3) Any fine imposed by the Court may be paid in its equivalent
US dollars.
(4) Where an offence under this Act has been committed in the
maritime zones of Mauritius by a person who is a national of a foreign State,
the person shall, notwithstanding any other enactment, not be sentenced
to a term of imprisonment unless there is an agreement to the contrary
between Mauritius and the State of which that person is a national.
(5) Section 153 of the Criminal Procedure Act shall not apply to
a conviction for an offence under this Act.
194. Guidelines for determination of fines
(1) The determination of any fine to be imposed for an offence
under this Act shall be adequate in severity to be effective in securing
compliance and to discourage violations wherever they occur and shall
deprive offenders of the benefits accruing from their illegal activities.
(2) In determining any fine to be imposed for an offence under
this Act, the Court shall, in particular, take the following into account –
(a) the seriousness of the offence, taking into consideration
the –
(i) maximum amount of fine;
(ii) international and national requirements and
best practices in relation to serious offences,
including their definition in international
fisheries instruments;
(iii) degree of impact of the offence on the fisheries
resources, the environment and the economic
and social well-being of citizens of Mauritius;
(iv) scope of the offence;
(v) duration of the offence;
642 Acts 2023
the offence shall require the person to elect whether to accept a Fixed
Penalty Notice (FPN) or for the offence to be reported with a view to
proceedings being taken against him before a Court.
(3) The fisheries enforcement officer who detects the offence shall –
(a) forward one copy of the FPN to the supervising officer
and the Commissioner of Police;
(b) forward one copy to the appropriate District Court; and
(c) retain the fourth copy.
[Section 2]
(a) which have not been reported, or have been misreported, to the
relevant national authority, in contravention of national laws and
regulations; or
(b) undertaken in the area of competence of a relevant regional fisheries
management organisation which have not been reported or have
been misreported, in contravention of the reporting procedures of
that organisation.
Acts 2023 653
[Section 33(2)(c)]
[Section 67]
[Section 193]
Level 1 10 million --
[Section 202(1) and (2)]
[Section 202(2)]
……………………………… ……………………………………
Signature of offender Name of District Court Officer
…………………………………… .........……………………………
Signature of District Court Officer Office stamp
Delete as appropriate